Shirley Gets A Fucking From Steve
- 4 years ago
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The following day we cleaned up the house and put away our presents. Dad and Mom had given us each a pair of snowmobile boots, which are very good for snowy climates. Ryan had given us perfume, and Travis had added three books to our library.
The days between Christmas and the New Year were dull and dreary. It wasn't snowing, but the sky was overcast and gray and the wind was blowing. There was little activity for us and no reason to be outside. Even the crooks were taking a break from the weather.
New Year's Eve fell on a Friday, and by prior arrangement we took the Thursday off. Lois and Amy had covered for us over Christmas, and we would cover for them in return.
We let ourselves into the dungeon Friday morning about 7:00 am. I turned on the lights while Connie made a pot of coffee. The computers were running, requiring only the slight move of a mouse to make them come alive.
We spent the morning and most of the afternoon using the computers to confirm the paper files. It was dull, boring work, and by three o'clock I'd had enough.
Connie must have thought the same, because she said, "Let's go somewhere. This place is giving me the creeps."
We ate at Denny's, fortifying ourselves for the night to come. After checking with Dispatch over the phone, we decided to cruise the streets.
By nine-thirty that evening, we'd been on every street in town. The neighborhoods were quiet, with very few people out and about. We got one call about a possible homeless teen, but after searching the area for him for over an hour, we gave up. There were simply too many places for him to hide.
About ten, Connie asked, "You wanna get a beer? We could go to Sulli's and watch all the drunks dance."
I laughed. "I'd rather have hot chocolate or coffee."
"Done," she said, and did a U-turn, heading for Sulli's.
We sat in the corner by the end of the bar, sipping hot chocolate and eyeing the crowd. Most were younger and well on their way to a good hangover by morning. The music was loud, the crowd was happy and all was right with the world. Me, I wanted some more sleep.
I nudged Connie, pointing to the other side of the room, and said, "There's Clarissa, near the dance floor. "
"Mmm. Wonder what she wants?"
It didn't take us long to find out. Clarissa saw Connie and made a beeline straight for us.
"Hello, Connie. Long time no see," Clarissa said.
I hated the woman's voice; imagine syrup poured over brimstone, with a hint of fingernails on a chalkboard. Loathsome. Hard on the ears, too.
"Hi, Clarissa. What brings you out in this weather?" Connie asked.
She leaned closer and said, "We're having a party tonight. D'you want to come?"
Connie said, "I'm sure Sue appreciates you stealing all her customers."
Clarissa smirked and laughed. "She'll never know unless you tell her, dearie."
"We have to stay in the city tonight, but thanks anyway," Connie said.
"Okay then, ta-ta!" Clarissa exclaimed. "Time is short. Gotta run!"
After she left with a small crowd of people following her, Connie said, "Looks like the old bat is going to get some young pussy tonight."
"Yeah, she might," I replied.
The rest of the evening was uneventful. We watched the ball drop on TV and shared a kiss. I wanted something else, but we were in public. The crowd thinned out, and about 1:00 am we headed home.
Saturday and Sunday we stayed home, sober and ready for a call. We made a few of our own, just to make sure the phones were working, but received nothing. I made hamburgers and cole slaw for supper, and we ate the last of the leftover turkey. We called it a night about ten and went to bed. I thought of it as the most boring New Year's Eve I'd ever experienced.
Monday morning about nine, the boredom lifted. Terri called us into her office and had us take a seat. Lois was in the corner with a thick folder in her hand.
Terri said, "We've got some new information on David Prentice. Lois, why don't you start?"
Lois opened the folder and began reading. "Here's what we know so far. David and his wife registered with Social Services as a foster-care couple about four years ago. They've fostered nine kids for short periods, ranging from two months to a year. They currently have two; Sarah Burnes, aged twelve, and Donna Sorensen, aged thirteen."
"We know about Sarah," I said, "and she's told us a little bit about Donna."
Lois continued, "His bank records show he makes good money, but he's got very little to show for it. The house he lives in was appraised at just over seventy thousand, and all his vehicles are at least four years old. All his credit cards are maxed out, and he owes a bank in Grand Forks almost a hundred thousand dollars."
Connie asked, "Materials and tools, maybe? Or did one of his contracts go belly-up?"
Lois replied, "Not that I can find. His utilities have been turned off for non-payment three times in the last three years; electricity once and his phone twice."
"What is it, then? I asked.
"I suspect gambling, but I can't be sure. There are regular deposits in thousands of dollars, but a few days later it's gone. I can't trace it as payments to a credit card or mortgage. His balance in Grand Forks hasn't changed a cent in the last six months."
Terri asked, "What does he get from the state for the kids?"
"A little over two hundred dollars a month for each child. On his salary, that's a drop in the bucket," Lois said.
A thoughtful silence ensued. Foster parents had to provide for a certain level of care for their charges; food, clothing, adequate shelter and medical care. Prospective foster parents had to prove they were capable of providing such care, or their certification would be denied. Major Medical Insurance in case of injury or catastrophic disease was handled by the State. David and Malva Prentice had been certified; had somebody made a big mistake? It wouldn't be the first time.
Terri spread her hands on her desk and said, "Okay. We have suspicions, but no proof. Lois, please continue with the money trail. For all we know, he's got medical bills from the past. Connie, you and Shirley keep an eye on him; drop in at a job site or something. I'll have Social Services make an unannounced visit to the home and see what we can find."
As we went back to our desks, Lois handed Connie a sheet of paper. "There was one payment two months ago that might be worth learning more about. $9500.00 went to a church called the Apostolic Brethren. It's on the south side of town, near the trailer court."
Connie took the paper and said, "We'll check it out."
That afternoon we took two kids to the shelter. The live-in boyfriend decided he'd be better off without a job, and the girlfriend ragged on him a little. He beat the hell out of her, breaking several bones in her face and elsewhere. Since he was on probation for the very same thing—with the very same woman—the cops took him to jail and we took the kids. She would be in the hospital for the foreseeable future.
We also checked out the Church of the Apostolic Brethren. It was located in a dingy strip mall down on South 16th Street, near the Salvation Army soup kitchen. Pastor Brimley was a smarmy sort, unwilling or unable to answer any questions about his parishioners. He dressed like a used-car salesman, and looked about as trustworthy. I didn't like him, and I let it show. He provided no usable information at all.
Toward the end of the week, it started to snow. Temperatures hovered near 25º F, and the snow kept falling. On Saturday, the wind started up and driving conditions became impossible. By Sunday evening, the drifts next to the house were ten to twelve feet deep, and my Blazer was invisible. Interstate 94 was closed from Bismarck to Fargo, and hourly weather bulletins advised no travel except in extreme emergency. It got down to—19º F, with winds of up to sixty and seventy miles an hour. I don't even want to guess at the wind chill.
Some lines went down somewhere, and we lost power. We built a fire in the fireplace and lit a propane lantern for light. Huddled in blankets and warm sweaters, we did crosswords by the hour. We warmed cans of soup and chili on a Coleman stove out in the garage, and I attempted hamburgers once. The rest of our diet was crackers, cookies, chips and all things sweet and tasty. We attempted to eat the food in the fridge before it went bad. I think I gained five pounds.
Lovemaking was put on temporary hold; it's awfully hard to kiss someone when your teeth are chattering. We did light the burners of the stove, but without electricity the oven wouldn't work. It had electronic ignition, an energy-saving feature. The furnace wouldn't work either; it also had electronic ignition. Ain't technology wonderful?
We could flush the toilet—we had city water—but without electricity, the water heater was just another useless lump of metal in the house. The phones were the only things that kept us sane. Charging batteries for the cell phones was an annoyance; we had to open the side door of the garage and start the car, then plug them into the cigarette lighter. We ran out of beer early on and had to switch to soda. When that was gone, we tried cowboy coffee. We didn't own a regular coffeepot, so we boiled water in a two-quart Dutch oven and threw in a handful of grounds. It took me a week to get the residue out of my teeth.
Late in the week it stopped snowing, and a few hours later a Sno-Cat—that's a four-ton snowmobile with a 12-cylinder diesel engine and tracks like a bulldozer— came by and gave us emergency supplies. I was never so glad to see a carton of milk in my life!
My wife and I live in a quiet neighborhood in the suburbs. It was one of those small neighborhoods where everyone knew each other. We lived across the street from a nice old man named Arthur who had recently passed away leaving the house to his son Andy. Shirley and I had met Andy a couple of years ago when we moved into the neighborhood ourselves. He had been renting an apartment near by and we would see Andy every now and then when he came around to visit his dad. After Arthur passed away...
Hi guys , this is Steve back again reporting here with the last part of my current series.. It has been almost 8 months since I published the first part of “Shirley- My Lovely Sister “ series. Ever since I started the series it has been one among the favorites of readers who have been patting my back for my efforts and encouraging me to bring more of fun and entertainment.. A lot of e-mails have also told me how people have got connected to the story as such or even the smallest elements in my...
IncestThis is a story of a married couple where the husband sacrifices his masculinity and dignity to allow his wife to get sexually satisfied by other men. Something, because of a medical problem, he could no longer do, based on a true story. It is also the tale of two horny teenage girls, who take advantage of the situation. Shirley Talking: John and I had had another frustrating night. I really don't know why we continue having sex. Let me explain John has a sexual problem that has only...
This is a story of a married couple where the husband sacrifices his masculinity and dignity to allow his wife to get sexually satisfied by other men. Something, because of a medical problem, he could no longer do, based on a true story. It is also the tale of two horny teenage girls, who take advantage of the situation. Shirley Talking: John and I had had another frustrating night. I really don't know why we continue having sex. Let me explain John has a sexual problem that has only...
Hello readers, this is Steve.. I know that you have been eagerly waiting for my 9th part of the story series ”SHIRLEY-MY LOVELY SISTER”…First of all I would like to thank all my readers for their comments and suggestions on my story.. for the new readers starting with this part, I m providing the below links to read them to get full idea of the plot although each story in itself will make you orgasm.. any ladies/ divorced/widowed women who would like to have secret sex chat/ fantasy sex/ wild...
IncestHello readers, I know that you have been eagerly waiting for my 7th part of the story series SHIRLEY-MY LOVELY SISTER. First of all I would like to thank all my readers for their comments and suggestions on my story.. for the new readers starting with this part, I m providing the below links to read them to get full idea of the plot although each story in itself ll make you orgasm.. any ladies/ divorced/widowed women who would like to have secret sex chat/ fantasy sex/ wild sex/ or a normal...
IncestHello readers, I know that you have been eagerly waiting for my 6th part of the story series SHIRLEY-MY LOVELY SISTER. First of all I would like to thank all my readers for their comments and suggestions on my story.. for the new readers starting with this part, I m providing the below links to read them to get full idea of the plot although each story in itself ll make you orgasm.. any ladies/ divorced/widowed women who would like to have secret sex chat/ fantasy sex/ wild sex/ or a normal...
IncestThis is the continuing story of a married couple where the husband sacrifices his masculinity and dignity to allow his wife to get sexually satisfied by other men. Something, because of a medical problem, he could no longer do, based on a true story. . Chapter Two .... Matt took charge Matt: Both of you girls get on the other bed. You are not to talk or say anything. You are here to watch and learn. Shirley: What am I doing? This whole thing was intended to have me sexually satisfied;...
Hi this is Steve back again with the 12Th part of my story series.. First of all I would like to apologize to my readers about the delay that has happened in posting my current part. The reason for this I have described at the end of my part..In fact I couldn’t find time to pen down even this part but due to increasing pressure from my readers,i have managed to chalk up a limited part purely for the sake of my beloved readers.. Though it might not be as long as my usual stories, I hope that it...
IncestAt this point in my life I was pretty naive, actual sexual encounters had been limited to 'fumbles' with girls in not very conducive situations.Frustratingly I always knew that I was up for anything, from viewing porn that was available and just by instinct.During our time together Shirley showed me that she enjoyed every fuck pleasure AND enabled me to experience them.She was an attentive lover and was always understanding of what I needed at any given time.The first thing I learned from her...
Hello, how are you today ma’am,?I am Officer Baxter and this is my partner, Officer Sullivan. We are with the Metro Police Department. We are looking for Shirley.Oh, you’re Shirley?Shirley is a nice looking lady for being 65. She is about 5’4” tall and weighs about 125 lbs. She has short gray hair, and her tits are huge and she has a nice plump ass.We are going to have to take you down to the precinct for questioning.It is procedure that we handcuff you for our protection, so please turn...
Some years ago, when I was in my 30's, I worked as a travelling salesman for a European food importer. I used to visit different supermarkets and restaurants in a territory which extended to about 150 miles from home. One time. I was calling on a regular client in a smaller town about a half hour from home base. I had concluded my business and was leaving the store when I noticed a 'demo lady' set up in the store, giving out samples of snack items. I wandered over to have a taste and chatted up...
Hello readers, this is steve. I know that you have been eagerly waiting for my 5th part of the story series ”shirley-my lovely sister”…first of all i would like to thank all my readers for their comments and suggestions on my story.. For the new readers starting with this part, i m providing the below links to read them to get full idea of the plot although each story in itself ll make you orgasm.. Any ladies/ divorced/widowed women who would like to have secret sex chat/ fantasy sex/ wild sex/...
IncestHello readers, this is steve. I know that you have been eagerly waiting for my 4 th part of the story series”SHIRLEY- MY LOVELY SISTER”.. First of all I would like to thank all my readers for their comments and suggestions on my story..for the new readers starting with this part, I m providing the below links to read them to get full idea of the plot although each story in itself ll make you orgasm.. any ladies/ divorced/widowed women who would like to have secret sex chat/ fantasy sex/ wild...
IncestHello readers.. this is steve here back again with the third part of the series “SHIRLEY-MY LOVELY SISTER”.. I would suggest to the new readers of my series to read the first two episodes of this series from the below links to get into the plot and enjoy the story to full extent.. Also i would like to thank all the visitors and my previous readers for their comments and suggestions ..Please keep it coming because it ll encourage me to write more stories for your enjoyment.. Now coming back to...
IncestHi readers .. this is Steve again with 8th part of the story.. I have been receiving lot of feedback n very recently from female readers who are impressed with my writing style.. thanks to all of you guys and it’s been a pleasure writing .. also to those readers who have urged me to write your stories and post it here , you just need to be patient for a while as I’ll be starting to post your stories as soon as I finish writing them from your short summaries.. Any ladies wanting a casual/sex...
IncestShirleyI had been doing occasional little jobs for Shirley for a few months now, nothing major move this shrub, cut this down etc, and one autumn day things changed, she had been out for lunch with a friend and arrived home about 2pm just as I was packing up, just before I left, she invited me in for a drink, as it was the end of the week, who was I to say no. Shirley was in her late 60s or early 70s and had been widowed 3 years before, after we finished the first glass, she topped it up and...
HELLO TO ALL THE READERS, this is story based on incest between brother and sister, so I suggest whoever would be offended by this to not to read any further… I intend to write this story in parts so as to narrate in detail the real experience with little fantasy, so as to not make it an unnecessarily very long story lest the readers might lose interest.. HI, I m steve.., 26 years, from Bangalore.. I am of muscular build, and maintaining my body in good shape by regularly hitting gym.. my...
IncestI tapped the alarm clock into silence shortly after noon and slowly came awake. The house was quiet and all seemed normal. I put on my robe and walked to the kitchen. Connie was sitting in one of the chairs, cautiously sipping coffee. I got my own cup and sat down across from her. "Hi," I said. "I'm Shirley Jean. My friends call me Jean." She produced a wan smile and said, "I'm Connie." Softly I asked, "How do you feel?" "Okay, I guess." "Do you want some breakfast?" "I...
The hug lasted for quite some time; it was full dark by the time we set out for my house. I was contented and very self-confident. I'd taken a woman to bed and pleased her, and I thought our relationship was starting to grow. Not bad for a week's work, huh? The evening at Sulli's went very well. We said our hellos to several mutual friends and got their silent approval of our togetherness. On the small dance floor, we kissed and touched the previously forbidden spots with abandon,...
Hi, this is steve again back here.. in this part I ll continue the story from my sisters narration.. please send your comments suggestions to ladies, widowed/divorced women may contact me at the same mail id for safe and secure romantic/sex chat or massage or sex.. SHIRLEYS NARRATION: As I was hugging him I was still sobbing, but I slowly noticed that his dick had begun to erect again after it had become small due to my slap.. My bro was 5′ 11 in height and as I was only 5′ 6 my head came up...
IncestIt was a typical day in the mobile home park. I was outside with my daughter when Tom our next door neighbor came over. He said he had heard that I had a birthday coming up. I said yes, getting old. Lol Tom is a giant of a man, he is around 6' 4" and probably weighs close to 250 pounds. He has muscles on muscles. He also had numerous tattoos. He was attractive in a rough sort of way. I am 5' 4" and weigh about 100 pounds. I am very petite with a slender body. If you must know my...
Chapter 1 - I Got A Job My name is Shirley. I am 34 years old and have been married to John for 16 years. I have a 15-year-old daughter Betty, who has a best friend Susan who stays with us often. Susan is also 15. We are basically a happy family, but debit is beginning to wear us down. About a year ago we bought a rather large mobile home and put it in an expensive mobile home community. We also bought an extra car for me since my husband worked long hours. I was looking for work, but since I...
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It snowed off and on throughout December, and the weather turned cold. I allowed Donna a generous freedom of movement, providing her grades stayed high. Her friends, usually Libby or Yvonne, would pick her up and take her shopping or to a movie. Window-shopping at the Sunset Mall was one of their favorite pastimes. Donna's allowance was $10.00 a week, which I didn't think excessive. Some of the other kids were getting $25.00 or more. We bought her make-up, which she used very sparingly,...
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In early April, I was outside preparing my garden for planting when Donna came home from school. It was way too cool to be nude, but I was wearing shorts and tank top, barefoot and braless. Connie was napping after sex as she usually did. Donna put down her backpack and said, "Can I invite someone for supper? Her mom is gone and she's alone." "Sure, honey," I said. "Anybody I know?" "Her name is Chloe. They moved into Harper's old house." "Connie's taking a nap, just be sure...
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We'd agreed to meet in the hotel reception. She came in carrying a small travel bag. We'd never actually met before but we knew each other very well. The internet had its uses."Hey there.. at last!""Hi, how are you"?"great.. want to get a drink or drop your bag off upstairs"?Our eyes met, a tingle of excitement or lust passed through my body.. and i knew she was thinking the same.."This bag is killing me.. let's drop it off" followed by smiles all round.The lift took an age. My hand moved and...
I first met Sarah in a thrift shop about two years ago. I had noticed a beautiful dress in the window and decided to go inside and see what else they had on sale. I went over to a rail that had some skirts hanging and examined them. Two in particular stood out and I took them of the rail. From the sizes on the labels I knew that they would fit and I was sure that they would look good on me. Trying them on was not an option or so I though because at the time I was still living as my male...
Andy just stood there and stared at me after he managed to get the words out. Tears started to run down both cheeks. "Www ... What am I... [sniffle] going to ... do?" I stood up and pulled Andy over to the bed and sat him down. I put my hands on his shoulders and said, "Look at me, Andy." He sniffled and stared into my eyes. "We'll work everything out. Tell me what you know." "Crystal missed her period ... How can this... [sniffle] be happening ... to me?" "How long ago should...
Lori couldn't believe it when she saw her mother follow Coach into the bathroom. Bobby gasped as well. Both of them had watched as they saw their mother's hand being placed on what was obviously Coach's hard dick. And both had seen her hand squeeze that lump. And then there had been the kiss and some whispering. Bobby, who had always had a letch for his mother anyway, felt his prick harden. Lori, who knew that part of the attraction Bobby had to her was that she was her mother's daughter,...
It had been a hard day at work!I was fucked and had a long journey ahead of me to go and see mt family in Scotland.As I waited on the Platform for the train to pull in,little did I know that that was not the only way I was going to be fucked that day.About an hour into the journey I was aimlessly staring out the window,watching the countryside go bye,quite pretty but I had seen it a hundred times before.We pulled into a station and I fumbled in my bag for a fag.I got up as the train pulled...
"Granny" by Littlejo When I moved in with my grandmother and her sister Elenore during the summer after graduating high school (in order to live closer - and rent free - to the college I'd be attending), Grandma immediately laid down the law. She was not very pleased about my academic performance during High School. I guess you could say I majored in partying and boys. Within five minutes of getting unpacked, Grandma called a family conference. She let me know in no uncertain...
Well, that didn't go as well as I thought. I erroneously assumed Mom would go along with the plan I'd formulated for the last year. She eventually did calm down and saw the rationale of proceeding this way. She insisted that she wasn't ready, but I convinced her she was. She took the day off from work on Tuesday and spent the morning cramming. I told her that cramming was useless, but she couldn't be convinced. It was finally time to go. I offered to drive her over there to help steady...
January-February 1978 The following Monday, I tried to keep the conversations away from sex and relationships. I was largely successful, though Kellie clearly wanted another date. I was pretty sure Mary was entertained by the situation, though Jennifer was not. I had the feeling that things were worse than I’d thought. I had to talk to someone and I decided I would co-opt the tutoring session again. I was coming to a crossroads. I had no idea if I would turn right or left or go straight....
“Daniel ... I want to go home,” she sighed. She shivered feeling cold while her ass burned as if on fire. “We will but, but first I must insist that you never, ever go in that basement again, agreed?” “Agreed,” she tried to caress him. “And second, we’re taking you to the hospital and get you examined. I heard about some of the stuff you were made to swallow and I shudder at the thought. Who knows what kind of pills and booze was poured down your mouth. You’ve likely been poisoned and have...
After reading some erotic stories from men who enjoy eating their own cum, I was very aroused, though I've never been much into that. I never even like kissing my wife after she gave me head. For some reason I just couldn't shake these thoughts.One day after reading some very hot stories, I needed to jerk off. In one of the stories a man sucked his woman's pussy after she had just been fucked by 2 other guys. This got me wondering again if maybe I was missing something, so I decided to try...
First experience part 2 Anal experienceI'm a transvestite but my body is a man.It is a story about breaking anal chastity at a young age.Of course, it is such a sex between men, but it is not gay, it is a transvestite vs. a male act.It started with a kiss, of course, a kiss that put in the tongue.I did not know how to proceed.I just had to adapt to his movement.Eventually his hand began to touch my crotchFrom above the pantyhose and panties, he was petted to be rubbed with his hands.My genitals...