TimeChapter 9 free porn video

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My selection went into a cart, and then I went shopping for a stethoscope. The pharmacist came out from behind his counter and asked, "Could I help you, young man?"

"Thank you. I am looking a double diaphragm stethoscope for respiratory auscultation. Some units have three additional bells for cardiac auscultation on infants, children and adults. Do you happen to have any unit like that? Your display case makes it difficult for those of us who are vertically impaired or challenged."

The man looked through his selection and handed me two. I selected the one I thought superior, and put it into my basket.

"Do you carry sphygmomanometers?"

"Yes we do, they are behind the counter. Do you care to see them?"

"Yes, I am looking for a lightweight unit."

I was shown the common Aneroid-Tyco's blood pressure units, and it took only a moment to get the unit I thought best.

"Do you stock surgical instrument sets?"

"I am sorry, I don't. You will have to go to a supply house for that."

I picked out two clinical thermometers, some triangular bandages, alcohol, and tincture of iodine, gauze dressings, adhesive tape, hydrogen peroxide, ammonia inhalant ampoules, latex gloves, and standard adhesive bandages. I wanted the surgical set with all the basic instruments, all in a nice case.

"Do you have some silk and catgut sutures, or do I have to go to a supply house for that, too?"

"We do have some. Again, they are behind the counter."

I took three sizes of silk and one of catgut that were all in twelve packs. Nearby were some haemostats that would be in the surgery kit, and I took a straight and a curved model, in case it took a while to get the kit. From another shelf I took a prep razor.

"Tongue depressors?"

"I'll show you."

After I picked these out the man said, "Anything else?"

"A good pen flashlight, a Cramer splint, Taylor hammer, bandage scissors, aspirin, safety glasses, and earplugs."

The flashlight was not good, and I left it. The safety glasses looked poor compared to what I had known, but took a dozen pair, which happened to be all of his stock. The earplugs were mainly for swimmers instead of for noise. I took a dozen different varieties to check them out. The hammer and splint were not stocked.

The pharmacist took me to the counter and I think he was amazed that I could actually pay for everything I wanted. He said, "You look young to be a doctor."

"I will be the youngest doctor when I graduate. This is just a first aid kit."

The man just laughed and I took it to be that he was laughing at me. "My name is Alex Kramer. I would like you to remember this day and our conversation. Perhaps your levity will have changed sometime in the future."

When the money was paid, I made sure I got a receipt for income tax purposes. I took the loose paper out of the bag and filled it with my other purchases. The man took the paper and I nodded my head to him as I left the building.

There was a new Canadian Tire store nearby. I left my bag at courtesy and found a better selection of flashlights, but the batteries were all carbon zinc that could leak acid.

Doctor Smiles was next on my agenda.

I entered the waiting room, and Janice welcomed me warmly and looked at the bag. "Practising already?"

"Basically, just a trauma kit. I just need some instruments. Would you order me some; the pharmacy does not stock much in that line?"

"I certainly could. The salesman is due any day now."

I listed what I wanted in the kit and added some of the other things that would not be found in a pharmacy. A small light changed on the desk and Janice said, "Let's see the doc."

Doctor Smiles was happy to see me and looked through my bag to see my purchases. I could have bought better from his supply house, but this way I would have them now and not at some future date.

"You have started with some of the equipment, now you need to get at the books. Janice and I are leaving next week for Europe and the other doctors are shouldering our patients. I would like to loan you a key to the office, so you can get to the library."

"That would be great. I think that I will like to specialize in pediatrics instead of being a general practitioner."

"Good choice. The rewards are great, but so are the failures," he said sadly. We talked a bit longer and Janice gave me a key. I thanked each of them and left for home.

When I got home, Mom and grandma had left for the mine and Helen was there to greet me. She did so, more like a bride than a sister. She could feel my erection and pushed herself against me. She came up for air and kissed me again. She must have been thinking about this all day.

My own hands stole around her and massaged her ass. One hand went higher to rub her back and pull her close. She pulled back and said, "I missed you, Alex."

"That was a great way to greet me. You do that much more and we will have burnt food." She didn't understand right away, but got me seated at the table. As she served me the food her face changed as she finally caught on.

"You mean we..."

"We certainly would, but we have to have our talk first. This is a very complicated subject."

Aron was called down and ate with us. It seemed like a family again, but this time with a wife and a son. My wife had given me two children whom I loved. Somehow I felt that Helen would be different.

All three of us did the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen. We worked together on the kitchen table doing homework and helping each other with problems. We never told Aron the answers to questions, but the occasional hint helped or the problem would just be restated.

Aron went upstairs to read, and I decided it was time to have 'the talk'. I sat on the couch and called Helen. She came into the room drying her hands on a small towel. "You feel like having a talk with me now?"

She sat down primly, with the rag still clutched in her hands. Her eyes were fixed on mine and I could see the worry. The cause of the apprehension could be anything and I decided to just start.

"Did Mom talk to you about the visions I had?"

"She talked a bit. She said I would be sick if I did not watch out for infection."

"That is basically right, though you would get sick very fast. Many people die if this happens to them. You could be one of them. That is one of the reasons I am so interested in medicine. I would loose so much, if I lost you."

She saw my concern now and said, "I am ok now, Alex."

"You probably are, and I want to make sure you stay that way, too. Now, some of the other things I saw have to do with inventions. You already know about my seeing the location of the gold. Some inventions are simple toys, while others are much more complicated. They are so intricate that I cannot even describe them to you except in broad terms. Some deal in electronics that use the transistor that was invented not too long ago. They can be used to make machines that can do millions of simple things one right after the other and never make a mistake. Other things have to do with new vaccines and antibiotics."

"Is all that useful, I mean other than the medicine?"

"They will disrupt the entire planet."

She looked at me stunned. "How?"

"The transistors make simple controls for machines that allow one man to operate many machines and do everything very fast. That means that fewer men will be working. The other men who did that job need to look for a new job. This happens over and over again; to such an extent that very few people do not get affected."

"You don't have to tell anybody and then this won't happen."

"It will still happen, but it will just take a few years longer and others will have to come up with the answers. If I do it, then I can try to harness the power it gives me and make it easier on those who are disrupted by the inventions."

"Schools may be the most important tool. We can start to teach about the changes, and then I can sell the products we invent slowly. This should give some warning that we are moving in a particular direction and let people start to get out of the way."

"In October of 1957, the Soviets will launch a rocket that will send a package into space. It will orbit our planet for a while, and months later it will come crashing down. That starts a great contest for space. Small radios that are in space will carry your voice to any place on the planet with the right telephone, but it will have no wires."

"I will be the one to make these radios and then make the rockets to launch them."

"Some of my companies will be making the electronic components. We will use some for ourselves and some will be sold. A patent lets me keep my ideas protected for 17 years. People will still try to steal from me, but my companies will take all those to court. I think I will have hundreds of court cases going all the time."

"This is what I see relating to things. I see other things relating to me. When I get older, I will be different from most men. The attitude I have now will go on. I will be a very famous builder, inventor and industrialist. My own body, though, will help me do this. There is a male hormone in my body that affects how we think and act, as well as how we grow. I will get hair like dad, but more of it. I will grow between my legs, and then I'll want to use it all the time. This is where the trouble is."

"How, Alex?"

"I will fight very hard, almost like a cave man, when I do business. After the business is done, I will want women. One woman will not be enough. One woman would think I am a sex maniac, because of the gratification I need. With two or more women, they can share the burden and enjoy the attention. I will have a compulsion to control, which helps me in business, but will make some women uncomfortable. I see all this happening and I have not yet started to make the seed a man does in his body."

"You are smart, Alex, and I don't mind doing what you say. Mom does what dad says most of the time."

"I will be able to work within those bounds, but in coming years women will get much more power and take on many more jobs that only a man does now. This will allow a woman to look a man in the eye and not be subservient. I want this to happen to the world in general, but I would not be able to handle that in my family. I would try even harder to keep you like Mom is now."

"I can do that, Alex. Mom is happy and I would be happy too."

"That is easy to say now, when you do not have many people all around you giving subtle hints to change to the way they are. You do not know the amount of temptation they would put upon you. If you change a bit, you will want more, and soon you would leave. You would not want me telling you what to do."

Helen started to cry, "Alex, I can do that. Just give me a try. I will do everything you want."

"We can try. I do not demand that you act like a slave, just that you obey my orders if I give them, just like dad does. I have loved you a long time and would not hurt you for the world. If you trust me enough to hold your life in my palm, at least for a while, then we can try an experiment. This is an unfair test, because I know you will enjoy it, but it is a first step."

"I will do it, Alex."

"Good, go upstairs and have a bath. Then go to bed, and I will come to you."

"You... you want to..."

"No, not yet, but soon. This is where you get some fun. Now, go have your bath."

Helen only had time to blink a few times, and then she ran off to the bathroom.

I walked upstairs to my bedroom and saw Aron on his bed reading. "Hey, little brother, have a minute to talk to your big brother?"

"Yes, Alex. What is it?"

"I have to explain some things to you so you will not get upset later. First, I am your big brother for ever. Your sister, though, is not really my sister. She is an older girl who looks very nice and one day will have babies. Since she is not my sister, I want to make love to her."

"You want to do the things dad does to Mom?"

"Yes, that and even more. Dad is old-fashioned and does not do all he can. I want to do many things to your sister because I love her. When she gets older, she will have some of my babies. Soon now, I am going into your sister's room and sleeping there tonight. You will hear a lot of funny sounds. Helen may scream, but it will be because she is very happy, not hurt. Do you understand me so far?"

"Sorta... Why would she scream?"

"A man can get between her legs and suck on a small bump called a clit. It is the same as the end of your dick. You are still young, but soon you will find it is fun to play with the little man between your legs. One day something besides piss will come out. If your dick goes into a girl, and you go back and forth, then that substance will go into a girl. If the girl is old enough, and it is at the right time, she could get pregnant. I can give you a better talk later. Now I have to get ready, myself."

"Alex, can I watch?"

I thought about his request. I had to have him on my side, and I was not a prude. I also did not think it would be bad for the boy. "Open the door five minutes after I go into your sister's room, but only a bit. Do not come in this time, but you can watch."

The boy was excited now and said, "Oh, thanks, Alex. You are the bestest brother ever!"

Soon I heard feet running to Helen's room and I went to the only bath and washed as quickly as I could. When I was dry, I combed my hair. I wore just my pyjamas. I knocked on Helen's room and said, "May I come in?"

A "Yes" came to me, but it sounded very tentative.

I opened the door to see Helen in her own sleepwear, sitting in bed with the sheet and blanket pulled up to her neck. She routinely wore this garment around the house, but now she was shy. I closed the door, but not all the way.

I walked to the far side of the bed close to Helen before sitting at the side of her bed. "Today I wanted to start with just exploring each others bodies. In years to come I will know each square inch of you better than you do. There is no pain involved and there is nothing for you to fear."

"Now come over here and take my pyjama top off. Fold it neatly, and then put it on a chair." She came slowly and sat on the edge of the bed to do as I asked. When she had the second button undone I said, "Kiss my chest, my love." She did smile then, and did as I asked.

"Feel my chest and nipples, Helen. They are like what yours used to be like."

She started to feel my shoulders. Her fingertips trailed down, and that sent a shiver through me. Her mouth came closer and she kissed my chest, again unasked. When the top was off, she started to run her tongue over me and across my nipples.

"You are learning very quickly. You should always take your time to seduce your man. I may have worked hard, as you might have, and both of us will need this sort of thing." The kisses went all over, and then she went to my neck and jaw. I held her head gently and kissed her lips, as if they were the most delicate things imaginable.

"Take off my bottoms now, Sweetheart. Don't be afraid if a massive piece of flesh springs at you."

She did as I asked, and I stepped out of my bottoms and stood before her again. "Feel my penis. It is hard and soft at the same time. You have to watch out for the bag underneath. The two testes will one day make your children, if you wish." Her hand was too gentle, but I didn't comment.

"The head at the end has many nerve endings like the little button you have between your legs. There is a tube underneath that carries urine when I pee, or, one day, fluid with millions of cells in it to make a child. Give me a kiss on the head you hold."

Helen was almost hypnotized and just leaned forward and did as I asked. She did more than kiss, though, for one kiss led to another, and then she took it into her mouth.

In the doorway Aron was watching with his mouth forming a large 'O'.

My hands went to her head and I gently thrust into her and came back to let her know how to move. I didn't even try to hold back, and in a minute I had a dry orgasm shoot through my system and I held Helen's head tight to keep her in place.

I pulled her head off and looked down into her deep brown eyes and said, "That was beautiful my Love. Thank you for doing this for me. Now stand up; I want to take your nightie off."

I moved her as I wanted, slipped the clothing over her head and placed the garment on my pyjamas. I kissed her lips now, and used my tongue to gently work my way into her mouth. She resisted at first, but probably found the sensation not that unpleasant. When I moved to her ear lobe, I found eight-year-old Aron watching with his right hand in his pyjama bottoms.

Helen was groaning continuously, and her hands went up and down my back, because she didn't know what to do with them. She was rubbing me with her chest and her nipples almost scratched their way across my chest.

I held her shoulders and pushed myself away. "Sit on the very edge of the bed, my Love." She looked around dazed and did as I asked. She sat slowly, not knowing where she was in relation to the bed and I helped guide her. The bed sagged. Her eyes looked up to me with many emotions. Lust was probably the strongest, but there must have been uncertainty too. I held her wrists and said, "Lay back."

Helen swallowed, and slowly laid back on the bed with her arms held out in mine. Her breasts were still young and did not change shape much from her old position. "This time I am going to go quick. You are worried about the unknown for no reason. You are mine, and I will not hurt you. Now, pull up one leg and hold your knee to your chest."

She did this, but the knee would not come all the way. "Pick up your other knee now, and hold them to your shoulders."

The last leg came up and she was now completely exposed to my view. I looked down to the fine, brown hair on her mons, "You are beautiful everywhere."

I kneeled as if at mass, and ran my hands over her thighs. She shivered at my touch, but was now quiet. Leaning forward, I kissed the back of her thighs and her legs came together instinctively. I licked and sucked portions of flesh and her legs opened once more.

Her pink opening was shining with her lubrication. Her clit was still hiding, as if unsure whether to come out or not. All I saw was a darker red within the folds of skin. Her respiration was rapid and shallow, and I decided to end her waiting. It was difficult for me, though. There is only once that you get to see your mate this way: for the first time.

My face came down quickly and my lips made a large circle around her now captured clit. Helen's legs came closed very abruptly on the sides of my head. I felt her abdomen contract and her weight shift. My hands were holding tight, for I knew that this would happen.

I waited for her to relax, and in a minute she was laying back down and there was less pressure on my head. I was also able to breathe now. My tongue started to circle my prey very slowly. When I brought my tongue back into my mouth, I could taste Helen. She was as good as I had hoped she would be, for I had wondered about this for most of my adult life.

The smell was slightly different and must have been due to the soap she used. When I finally attacked, Helen's hands came down and locked in my long hair. I did not know whether she was going to keep me away from her clit or to keep me from leaving. As I continued to brush her clit with my tongue, she started to move her body in a rocking motion.

I had to twist my neck painfully against the pulling of my hair to get some breath. I saw her white abdomen strain and eventually relax as I eased up on my licking. I forced her legs further apart and moved lower to her opening. My tongue went around the small, virginal opening many times before the tip started its journey inside.

Her hands had never left my head, but had relaxed some. They now contracted again, and new pain shot through my scalp. I could now hear her gasps, though, as I kept her legs apart. My tongue extended as far as it could. Helen thrust her hips to meet me each time. Her voice gained volume, and she started to mumble my name again and again.

Her legs started to shake with uncontrolled emphasis. When the gyrations seemed to peak, I moved to her clit and sucked as hard as I could, and even though her legs covered my ears, I heard her scream and her body contracted violently. The spasms lasted a long time and then started to diminish, till even her hands released my hair. I continued to lick her, but stayed away from her clit and went progressively slower.

I looked up and took her legs and brought them back toward the floor. Then I crawled across her sweating body and kissed her lips. She responded slowly, and then more avidly, as she came back from that place she had gone. Her arms came around my head to keep me from leaving. When she came up for air she said, "Oh Alex, that was the most wonderful thing that ever happened to me. I felt as if I were going to die, then I could feel you still touching me, and I wanted you there for ever."

"You taste and smell so good; I want to go back for more. Do you want to try one more time?"

"Can we?"

"Anything for my woman." I got off of her and saw the doorway empty. I moved her body around, so she was comfortable and then crawled on top of her in a 69 position. "Take me in your mouth, Helen, but keep your teeth away from me when you get excited, or you will never be able to have any of my children."

Helen held me tight and had my small piece of flesh in her mouth, while I went back to the area I had left not long ago.

Much later I took her hand and walked her naked to the bathroom, sat her on the toilet and washed her face like a child, then did my own in the sink. "Pee, and we will go to bed. I am sleeping with you tonight."

The urine started to flow and Helen said, "Yes, Alex."

Part way through the night I saw Aron standing on my side of the bed. He must have been lonely, and I just moved closer to Helen and pulled back the sheet. He climbed into bed and was soon asleep.

The next morning I woke up early. I felt hot even in the cool morning air. Aron was on one side and Helen on the other. She was on her back, and I just bent over and started very slowly to suck her nipple, while my hand played with her mons.

At some time she came awake and started to respond to me. Her body started to shake, till the motion got very violent then she screamed at the top of her voice. Quieter exclamations followed and she eventually collapsed.

I took my finger from her and lay back. I was about to put it in my mouth when I felt Aron move. I turned to him and found him wide eyed and his hands in his bottoms again. I took my finger that had just been inside his sister, and I put it under his nose. His eyes opened wide then I rubbed it gently on his lips. His tongue came out and I cleaned most of the secretions off.

I turned back to Helen and watched her awake more fully. "Sweetheart, you better turn off your alarm and get up out of bed. We have school to go to, and some chores to do."

"Yes, Alex." She got up naked and reached out her hand to me then she saw her brother staring at her. She clutched the sheet to her and tried to hide.

I pulled the sheet aside and stood in front of her. "Helen, stop and think. You are my woman now, if that is what you want. This is my little brother behind me, who needs a big brother. You made enough noise last night to wake the neighbours. Aron knows everything, and I really don't like secrets like this inside the family."

Taking her head in two hands I kissed her lips. "Do you want me?"

"Oh yes, Alex, now more than ever."

"You are mine then. As my woman I want to show you to my brother." Her eyes opened wide and I moved to one side so Aron could see.

"Aron, this is my woman. She is also your sister. One day this here," as I touched her abdomen, "will have my children." I moved my hand to Helen's breast and said, "These will feed my children. But, Aron, you have to remember she is mine, you will have to get your own girlfriend, and it won't be Laura, either. She belongs to me, too."

Aron's eyes left his sisters body and said, "You have two?"

"I will have more than two, but I think only a few will be with me for the rest of our lives. Now, watch my woman's bum as we go for a bath." I turned Helen around and pulled her with me to the bathroom.

In the bathroom, Helen said, "Why did you do that?"

"We are in a small house and cannot hide all the time. Aron will know and keep quiet. Besides, I like to show people how beautiful my woman is. You are not going to go shy on me are you? You just said that you were mine."

"Ahh... it is just strange, that's all. You won't show me to others, will you?"

"Sure I will show you off. I may dress you in a blouse and you will not have a bra. People will see your breasts through the cloth. Your blouse could be large, too, and many buttons undone. When you bend over, men and women will look down your chest and see the breasts that belong to me now. I may not let you wear panties, and then make you bend over to pick things up. They will see your most private parts that all belong to me, too. What do you think of that?"

Helen was breathing deeply and I could see that she enjoyed the new idea. "You wouldn't do that to me?"

"You belong to me, woman, and I will show you off all the time. Men will see us and want you, but they can't have you. They will see your breasts and want to suck them as I did this morning. They will see you beautiful legs and want to see where they join. They will want to take you and give you children, but they can't. You are mine."

She was glassy eyed, and her mind must have been seeing the visions I told her of. I pushed her shoulders down, and she kneeled in front of me. I pushed my little member to her lips. She opened them and started to suck furiously on me. Her hands came up and held the cheeks of my ass, as if this were her last meal, ever. I didn't hold back, and in a few minutes felt the shivering pass through my body. She continued after the feeling passed, and I pulled away from her.

With her chin cupped in my hand I said, "You are definitely worth keeping. Now, run the bath and we will get in. You are going to be so juicy all day that everyone will smell you and get horny themselves."

On the way to school I talked to Aron. "Aron, what happens in our house has to remain only with us. You know more about girls now than anybody else in your school. If you start talking about sex, then they will wonder where you learned all this. You have to play dumb."

"I wouldn't tell anybody Alex."

When Aron left for his school, Helen said, "Did you really mean that about me having your children?"

"Yes, I did, Sweetheart. Laura will have some, too. I like family, and perhaps it will work better this time if there is company to keep each of you from getting lonely."

"This time?"

"Ah... I was going to marry a woman who gave me two children. I was too busy, and she got the idea that she should go out and have fun with other men. I didn't tell her everything she should do; I acted much like dad. She just started to chaff, when I said what had to be done that day. How she did it, or when, was not important, and some of the jobs could be done the next day. She would divorce me and leave. The children were grown up and stayed with me."

"You talk as if this happened."

"It is what could happen. It is not a real bad thing, just a loss when I would get old. Having a wife for all those years would mean that I invested a lot of love into our relationship and it was all gone."

We managed a parting kiss before Rita came to greet me. Helen, this time, looked at her differently now, as if the girl had no chance to get what she got. Helen left for her friends with a wiggle in her step now, and I wondered what subconscious signals she was giving out.

Rita brought me to her friends and we talked a while, especially about my domestication plan. The girls also asked me about their clothes and I gave my opinion, if I could think of a way to improve them. I talked about acne and other related problems and what could be done to combat the situation.

By the time the bell rang, I was telling them how to get individual boys to notice them. I promised to talk the next day about other problems they might have or possibly get into.

Just before lunch we had draughting and we all went outside to see the construction taking place. There were a lot of students and men working on the project. All the trades were represented, except automotive and machine shop, and those were working on the other project of mine. Mr. Clark talked to a few of the men, and we got a look at what was being done. In the class we had talked about architectural drawings, and now he could show the students how it was actually put together.

Plywood was being nailed to some of the external walls. Trusses had been manufactured the way I wanted, and the halves would eventually be joined to make the unit stronger.

Same as Time
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Red-hot real redhead shy stunner sexuality submits to an erotically experienced beautiful blonde sexy SisterRedhead Rebecca, is she really ready for her intimate inspection and initiation by the beautiful blonde Bianca and her awesome assistant dark-haired Dorothea? Together these two break Rebecca's resistance, shown in the video below."Teens", "First Time" and "Lesbian" are the top-three searches on sex sites. These are the three main items of the tasty video clips, which gave birth to the...

3 years ago
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Fulfilling The Sexual Desires Of My Married Neighbor

Hi, this is Raj from Vijayawada again with a beautiful story that happened. I am 25 years old 5.9 feet tall guy with an athletic body, friendly guy with 6.5-inch cock. This sex story is about how I and my neighbor got into a lustful relationship. College girls, school girls, girls of any age, ladies of any age can share your views and comment. We can have chat, sex chat, and even good and secret sex. Connect me at  Be free to contact me, think of me as your friend. Every girl like and wants to...

2 years ago
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Friends LoversChapter 2

Breakfast was a joke. Jen and I were both hung over and preoccupied. Josh ended up eating most of it and tossing the rest in the trash. "All right you two, spit it out. What's wrong?" Josh looked at us expectantly, one eyebrow raised. Jen and I exchanged a look and shrugged. "Are we all still friends?" Another look passed between us. We both nodded yes. "Do either of you regret what happened last night?" Jen raised her eyebrows at me in question and I shook my head no. So did...

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Broken WingsChapter 13

James and Mitch were drinking ouzo under the hot Greek sun talking about Angela. James was really glad for the chance to delve deeper into her past and Mitch was an endless source of information. The old man didn't actually look that old. If it weren't for his white hair and a few wrinkles on his face nobody would think he was a day older than forty. James thought it was very easy to like him. After all, they had in common their genuine interest in Angela and the fact that they loved...

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I am Amrithavalli, a Tamil lady of 42 years of age, wife of railway signal man in south central railways. I am working as a fulltime servant maid with a telungu group of families in Guntur. I do sweeping of the house, cleaning the vessels in the dishwashers, washing the clothes in washing machine, miscellaneous works. Four families in the surroundings have planned for an excursion to the hilly place in Dehradun in north. Everybody is rich except me. I was asked to accompany them for servant...

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my flatmate clare

The doorbell rang and i went to get it. my boyfriend was stood there, looking extremely happy to see me, but he was early and i wasnt ready. i kissed him full on the lips, knowing that all of the neighours could see, and quickly stuck my hands down his trousers and gave his cock a squeeze. i pulled it out and whispered 'go and wait in my room,' and he did as he was told. i ran upstairs after him and went into the bathroom. i took off what i was wearing and cursed at the unattracitve undearwear...

Group Sex
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I Miss You

I miss you. Do you remember how we were always together? When you were with me, we were both happy and free, liberated, enjoying life fully. You used to buy me things; remember? Last summer I got a nice white boatneck top with freshwater perals for the trimming. And white crop pants. Shoes, of course! White espadrilles, with a stacked heel, but not crazy high because I don't like that kind. Then last fall, you got me a raspberry crochet top. The fit was great! (Do you know...

4 years ago
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The Sweetest Thing 2

The Sweetest Thing By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter 2 "Hey, I'm here," said Alex, calling her as he arrived at her house. "You gonna come down and let me in." "Nope," teased Kayla. "I'm not." "Seriously, come on," laughed Alex. "So I just ran here for nothing, then you better at least get down here and drive me home. I just ran 3 miles." "Nope," teased Kayla. "Maybe later. I'm kinda busy." "Oh boy! Someone is in one of those moods," laughed Alex, shaking...

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New Hire The Night Is Still Young

“Turn around and close you eyes” she said as she fiddled with the bag. I herd her rustling around with the items in the bag as some fell out and hit the floor. “Ooh, try this” she said as the sound of a bottle top being unscrewed met my ear. “Here, take it” she said as she tapped my arm. I popped one eye open to see what it was. I was a plastic cup, halfway full of a purple drink. I held it to my nose, it smelled like grape. I could tell by the way it moved that it was thicker than your...

4 years ago
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The Deception of Choice Episode Five

The Deception of Choice. Episode Five, comprising Chapters 12, 13, & 14. Preamble Such hard work learning to be a girl. So lucky that everyone wants to help. So many things to remember though. Even Grace de Messembry is moved to propose a useful intervention as an aide memoire. Not that David is at all grateful. Such a pity that his trivial, oh-so-futile, gestures asserting masculinity should be viewed so seriously. Chapter 12 Silence lay heavy, almost tangible,...

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Part 5 Clare And Me

Clare and me Where to start as you know Clare helped mum bring me up from a young age . And as I grew up with then we started going out walking as I always loved been out in the open and me and Clare bit a lot of waking in the hills .  I was 12 and we where walking up around pennhill one summers day you could see for miles . And we spotted to have something to eat and as we where eating Clare asked it I new about sex I said no ( I couldn't tell her about me and mum could I ) she asked if I had...

2 years ago
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Bhabhi Ki Chudai 8211 Part II

Hello friends…Mai shekhar apni real and pehli story bhabhi ki chudai part1 k age ki story apko sab ko batane ja rha hu…Aap sab ne meri story bhabhi ki chudai padhi aur ap sbne uska bht hi achha response diya mujhe…Ab mai jada time na lagate huye story start karta hu…Abhi ladies and girls apni choot me ungliya daal le aur apne boobs ko hath me le le…Aur abhi gents apne apne lund ko hath me pakad le…Lund khada to story padhte waqt apne aap ho jaega…Aur fir muth maar lena… Mai apni story apne...

2 years ago
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Some might think

Guys always say that it's easy for a woman to get some dick. Maybe that's true but then, what kind of dick is she gonna get ? Tonight, alone, k**s gone to their dad's, making some calls to some guys, but no one is answering their cell. Call up my Jamaican friend, n/a, call up my African friend, n/a, call up my American friend who's in S.A. and he says he'll call me back, but then, no news. Oh ! almost forgot, I called up two different Haitian guys, but N/A !! lolSo, I figure, I'm gonna smoke...

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One Took Over The Cuckolds Bed Part V

It took about twenty minutes to get Villamoura where his yacht was moored. I knew very little about boats. Our experience of them was limited to cross channel ferries and I am sure that like me, Sue, considered them as status symbols for the rich and powerful. Driving around the marina area only confirmed that point. There were some magnificent vessels but they were of no interest to me at all.Sue sat with Paolo in the back of the taxi once again for the journey, while I sat in front. Paulo was...

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Daddys Little GirlChapter 4

Billy jumped out of the truck and walked around it heading for the entrance. As he came around the front of the truck, he stopped short. There in front of him was the biggest woman he had ever seen. Gail was dressed in a pair of jeans, a tee-shirt, a denim jacket and western boots, and her brown hair was tied in a ponytail. She saw the look of shock wash over his face; then she saw something else: lust. This teenager had it exceedingly bad. His hormones must really be working overtime, she...

1 year ago
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A House of Incest

My parents were divorced when I was a young child and I lived with my paternal grandparents and father on a farm. I was my mother’s favorite child. I’d cry at night and beg my father to allow me to live with her. Later, when my mother refused to reconcile with my father, he committed suicide. I was 18 years old. Since I was such a delinquent child, my grandparents asked my mother if she’d be willing to take me. Being her favorite child, she readily agreed. I didn’t get to see a lot of...

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OpportunityChapter 1 – As Luck Would Have It        It was a hot dreary Wednesday with a light drizzle falling in the area for the last few days but the temperatures had not dropped out of the mid-90's the entire time and John Franks had expected to have the forest to himself for a nice ride on Brecan, his large black Friesian stallion, but he was shocked to crest a hill and see two heads bobbing down in the valley. John pulled a pair of binoculars from his pommel bag and looked downwards, the...

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Ritu didi bhag 2

Doosre din main kareeb 2.30 baje ritu didi ke ghar pahuncha.pahunch kar maine call bell bajaaee. Ritu didi ki aawaaz sunaaee di”kaun hai”. Main ne kaha vijay. Unhon ne aakar darwaza khola. Aaj to voh bahut hi sundar aur sexy lag rahin thin. Aaj unhein dekh ke lagta tha ki unhon ne khas make up kiya hai. Unke baal khule hue the aur rubber band se peechhe ki or baandh liye the.aankhon mein kaajal cheek bones par rouge aur honthon mein gulabi lipstick lagaye huein thin. Dress mein voh mini skirt...

1 year ago
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Dominate Me Spank Me Then Make Me Scream

Everything is just a little fuzzy as I gently start to open my eyes. I turn to look ahead at myself in the mirror and I catch a glimpse of you staring at me. You gather my hair and hold it piled on top of my head. My throat and neck are covered in a ring of bruises. A reminder of only a few hours ago when you fucked me so hard, so very hard and so down deep inside that there was a moment I didn't think I could let you go. You kiss my tender neck carefully, as you look at my reflection. Our...

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SweetheartVideo Alexis Fawx Sabina Rouge You Make Me Crazy Horny

Alexis Fawx’ is so confused by her lust for younger girls…or really girls in general, so she visits her therapist, who is helping her get to the heart of her desires. Alexis thinks it has to do with a neighbor girl named Sabina Rouge who made her feel a certain way when she caught her in the bath, and the passion that ignited…Alexis finds red-headed, petite teen Sabina Rouge in her bathtub. Alexis advances towards her, mesmerized by the young girl’s appeal. Both embrace,...

2 years ago
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Fate an unexpected ally Chapter Three

Chapter Three We did indeed receive the blessing of the family when we visited the following day, after which we went to sign the lease on the new flat. I didn’t know beforehand, but the new flat turned out to be a duplex penthouse unit and the owners were retiring to the east coast. As Mr. and Mrs. Gresham explained to us, they were in no need of money and we could purchase the unit at a very reasonable price if we wished. My sister and I didn’t need to think too hard and we agreed to buy it....

3 years ago
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Caribbean VacationChapter 8

Barbara was ready for anything with a penis. Raphael was quick to take control of the situation. He guided her toward the shadows in back while the limbo still ran in the front. He bent her over with her face mere inches from her husband 's penis disappearing and reappearing in the font of the young island girl. She could see her expression of ecstasy as her husband pound in and out. Then she felt a shaft enter her loins and it was a nice relief from her turmoil. Now she could relax and...

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My step mother the Anal Slut

"No we can't Tommy. " My step mother protested as I put my hand between her legs as she sunbathed by the pool. She rolled on to her back towards me. Stupid slut. I had her between my legs I sat behind her pulling the strings loose on her bikini bottoms with one hand as the other wrapped around her midriff kept her pinned. "No Tommy stop. We can't do this again" her protests turning to a whimper as my fingers rubbed her pussy and the other hand teased a nipple her face nuzzled in to my...

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Swingers Diary 4

2010 July 8 – Yesterday Night was one of the wildest in my life. Asu went on a visit to audit the performances of the area under his supervision. But he left me badly feeling horny. But as usual I went to the office and resumed my duty. As you know, I am an object of desire for every male colleague in my office, one of them, Vikram Kapoor, is my closest friend in the office. (even closer now than yesterday) He has an average build and height, good looking and fair. Also he is one of the finest...

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Scandalous StewardessChapter 8

Davie had flung herself across the bed and was sobbing as the scheming, incestuous brother of her so-called "friend" kneeled beside her on the floor, a comforting hand on her back. "That's right, Davie, let it all out. Just cry away--everything you saw going on in that room. Let that whole scene between my sister and your dad wash right out of your eyes," he told her tenderly, cunningly. The distraught young girl cried even harder, her pitiful sobs filling the darkened bedroom. She...

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The List Chapter 1

Wayside High School may seem like your typical high school. Band geeks to athletes. Cheerleaders to dancers. So many in between. However, the one thing that set Wayside apart was a list. A mysterious list that became not-so-mysterious, evolved and evolved over three years that showed off Wayside’s sexiest. It evolved so much that it became a book. Then an actual event. This isn’t your run-of-the-mill pageant. This is the story of The List.“Yo, she’s fine!” A freshman said.“I bet she’s going to...

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Being a smart-arse can be a real burden in life and on this subject, I am somewhat of an expert. I could write a book about the number of times my smart mouth got me into trouble. At home, I was frequently grounded as a result of this, and at school I regularly got detention. I also have to admit, that the odd bloody nose and swollen lip also often resulted. It wasn’t as if I deliberately sought to piss people off, but at times the distance between my brain and mouth appeared to diminish to...

Gay Male
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sleep Tight

The night was passing and he realised that he had been focused for too long on the computer screen in front of him. The work was absorbing and required a focused attention to detail to ensure that it was completed to the high standard needed.He stretched and pushed himself up from his desk. Turning, he headed for the kitchen looking for a drink of water before heading off to bed. Passing through the lounge he realised that Tessa had already headed off for bed. Groaning he turned for the...

1 year ago
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Blindfolds Can Bring a lot of New Surprises

I was so glad it was finally Friday! All my kids, still young school age, and very energetic, were going to friends' houses for the night. I was making my husband take me out to eat a meal that I didn't have to cook myself. He wouldn't be home for an hour, but I needed to get in the shower now so he could shower while I was getting ready. I want to get him a little buzzed tonight because I love drunk sex, it's way more brave and uninhibited. We change things up in bed a lot and he makes me cum...

Group Sex
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The Photo Studio

The studio was full. Everywhere you looked there was photography. Rows and rows of photos in various frames adorned the wall, stacks of photo albums some neatly arranged others in just that specific way to suggest tidiness but not disuse, a colourful farm of instruments, cameras, and then turning to one side an open brown space, inhabited by a few light stands, and curiously a large sot and comfortable looking bed What a gap between them! You stand there smiling, high tight leather miniskirt...

1 year ago
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Dragon Age

Your name is, Gareth, you wakes up, and it is the day that you are to be sent to the tower. You slowly gets dressed and looks at your family photo as you are the eldest of eight children which are six boys. You pass the library and notice that Duncan, your younger brother is throwing a book at one of the tutors. You can hear them trying to mold your younger brother to become future king. You remember, that it was just two years ago, you were being molded as the next king and now you are just...

3 years ago
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Space DerelictsChapter 3

The next few days were spent in checking out various ships of the fleet. In no case did we find any more living people. The Ichiro Massimoto, a ship of educators at the university level, was completely empty. There was not even a body to be found in the cryogenic cells. On the other hand, we did find a woman still alive in a cryogenic cell in the Manuella Sanchez. She was a teacher at the elementary level, and was going to be a real boon in a few years when our family started producing...

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Crescent City 2 Irresistible

Crescent City 2 - Irresistible By The Professor "Nice ass!" I sighed. I was in no mood to be hit upon by Rodney Jackson again. It was the third time this week. Somehow, I had missed him on my walk from my car just off the Tulane campus to Dinwiddie Hall where my two o'clock Theory of Magic course met. If I had spotted the beefy linebacker instead of thinking about my readings for my class, I might have been able to dodge him. "You look fine, Mama!" his deep voice boomed, and...

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The Man From Eagle CreekChapter 3

With the events of this day, a new legend was born in the Dakotas. The story spread like prairie fire across the plains and people from hundreds of miles away made the pilgrimage to Eagle Creek Trading Post. They wanted to hear from Mr. Raif and his woman first hand about the day the heavens opened up and Good fought Evil above the plains as their son was delivered to them by a giant eagle, sent from heaven directly to the Dakotas. The Sioux came by the hundreds to give homage to the Sky...

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JulesJordan Honey Gold Gets Her Mocha Pussy FrenchPressed With Manuel8217s Cock

Honey Gold is an up and coming superstar that’s decided to take her talents to JJV! This Cali-born hottie is taking the industry by storm and fucking everyone that’s put in front of her. She’s paired up today with veteran cocksman Manuel Ferrara, and does not disappoint. Honey shows off her toned body in red thigh high stocks with yellow lace lingerie barely covering her tits. It’s not long until the clothes come off and Honey gets down to business, attempting to fit all...

4 years ago
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Quite a Pair

Modern living has advantages and disadvantages, and sometimes, one gets a bit of spice from the aforementioned advantages. The crowding of houses close enough to touch created townhomes and condos, and some advantages. I live in a townhouse and the neighbor's across the walkway moved out recently, and I was hoping that someone interesting would move in. I didn't have to wait too long, as a week later, Michelle and her friend, Jackie moved in. Their place is a small two bedroom, two bath...

3 years ago
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Gender Fluid part 3

Gender Fluid - part 3 Walter Ego -1- "So do you have that memorized yet?" "So many changes in the last year. Tell me that you are happy." "Yes I am happy. A little scared, but very happy." I look back to stare again at the sonogram picture that my OB/GYN has just handed us. "I'm happy too Zach, but I can hardly believe it." I look up at my handsome husband, the father of my developing child, and play the last year over in my mind. Believe it or not it started when...

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A BOY Can DreamCant SHE Part 1

This is a work of adult fiction and any resemblance to actual persons, places, or events is not intended. Readers who have reached legal age of consent in their jurisdictions are welcome. I am not responsible for those who choose to ignore the above and read this story. This story may not be reproduced or posted on another site without the express permission of the author. [email protected] A BOY Can Dream...Can't SHE? - Part 1 By: Simonne Danielle ©...

2 years ago
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Instructor Mikes Academy Part 2 Now I Understand

multipart series involving White Daddy / south asian teen raceplay, crossdressing, and more. If you are not over 18 and/or find the notion of White Cock superiority to be offensive, then please do not read on. Instructor Mike’s Academy - Part 2 - Now I Understand I did some yoga to chill me out and then went to bed. I knew I'd need a good night's sleep for what was to come. Class actually took my mind off of things until the final bell when it all came crashing down in my mind. I...

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Always Faithful Chapter TwentyThree

Chapter Twenty-Three - Laura with Dan, Plus Artsy Dan answered the telephone in the middle of the third ring: Hi Baby, I am just calling to confirm my travel plans . . . Yes, I am still on the red eye . . . I will see you Thursday morning before you go to work . . . I love you too, Baby. Save a kiss for me and maybe a little bit more. Bye bye. The red eye flight that carried Laura home from San Francisco left on time and benefited from a tail wind. Hers was the first plane to...

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aion Day 4

I awoke with a jerk, and quickly looked around. I was no longer tied upand was free to move around. The girls were not in the room, and I gotup and started to look for them. They were no where around! Not in thehouse or outside it! Linda's car was also gone, but Cathy's van wasstill there but no keys. Not knowing just what to do, I returned tothe house, and went into the kitchen to eat. On the counter next to afull pot of coffee, was a note....."Dearest Master,You were sleeping so quietly,...

1 year ago
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Panty Pictures

Panty Pictures For my birthday my daughter gave me a hand painted rock that could serve as a paperweight on my desk at work. She gave me a kiss and then she whispered in my ear, “I put a camera disc in your suite coat pocket. Don’t let Mommy see it.” Then I got another kiss. I checked my pocket on the way to work and sure enough there was an envelope in there. I waited until after my first break to look in the envelope. There was a note in there that read: “Hi Daddy. I have heard...

4 years ago
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An Unexpected adventure with Robin and Olivia Chapters 89

Life went back to normal with work and home. I had more time to visit Robin and Olivia. Babysitting duties had ended when Olivia turned eighteen. Olivia proved she could be trusted and so she stayed home by herself or told her mom when she went out with friends. And Robin said Olivia always was home by a reasonable hour. We had not had time or the opportunity for another payment. But, the next step started to form. Olivia opened the door when I arrived. She was working on dinner since...

2 years ago
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In the mall sissy femdom story Part 7

Part 7We didn't drive very far. It didn't really matter anyway, as I couldn't havegotten out, even if I had wanted to, and I didn't know the town well enough tofigure out where we were. The driver continued to chuckle as he glanced intothe mirror and noted my discomfort. When we stopped we appeared to be in afairly affluent part of town. The homes were all quite nice and sat on spaciouslots. We pulled up to the door of a large home that appeared to be divided intoa number of large...

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It All Started Long Ago

Chapter 1: Sis is Missing! Mary looked at herself in the mirror. 'Not too bad for a mother of three.' She stared critically at her nude body facing her in the mirror. Her breasts didn't sag. Her belly didn't show the stretch marks that most women had after even one birth. Only an internal examination could testify to her having had three children. A fourth had miscarried of which even she had no knowledge. 'Maybe I can really pull this off.' Her eyebrows were crinkled and a slight...

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Journal of an AgentChapter 5 Christina Aguilera

Life was good. In my two months since taking over the talent agency from my father, not only had I fooled around with some of the hottest women in Hollywood, but the accountants told me that the firm was bringing in records amounts of money. And of course there was Alyssa Milano, my current girlfriend and who I felt was my soul mate. I couldn't think of anything else to make life better. I was truly at a plateau of bliss. However, when things can no longer go up, the only direction they tend...

2 years ago
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Monday Morning Blues 8211 Part I

Hello friends. I am Casanova, back with yet another sex incident that happened just this monday i.e 11 June. I received a very good response to my previous two stories http://indiansexstories2.net/stories/Virgin/my_girlfriend_virgin_fucking_118853.html and http://indiansexstories2.net/stories/Virgin/i_screwed_her_deeply_122676.html . I really appreciate the feedback, and through those feedbacks I met two gorgeous girls and made sweet love to them. Now, without wasting any more of your time, I...

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Taming Mom

As our entire family had brunch, I was feeling irritated by mom's apparently unrelenting pursuit of making fun of everyone else. She was sitting to my right. I pulled back and looked under the table, taking in the details of the way mom was sitting. Then I sat ordinarily picking on my food, using my left hand as I rested my right hand on my thigh. Dad was talking when I swiftly moved my right hand, pulled the hem of mom's dress and placed my palm over the crotch of her panties all in a...

3 years ago
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SandcastlesChapter 48

Still standing in the dungeon, Nicole glanced at Sally. They seemed to come to some sort of unspoken agreement, because as if one, the two were standing nude before me. "Master?" "Yes, Sally." "Uh, if you're not too tired and since we're all here and, well, would you do that to us, too?" "You would dare ask your Master for a punishment?" I asked her darkly. Quickly backtracking, she stuttered and stammered, "Uh, well, uh, no, uh, well, not exactly, M-m-master. We, uh, we...

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Im Sorry Daddy

Kailee knew she shouldn’t be here. He warned her of what would happen if she came into his space alone again. Shane, her father in-law was a good man, but he liked things his way. He wanted everything run his way. When Kailee and his son had to move back in with him and his wife while their place was being finished, the rules had been simple. Stay out of his office. Last week Kailee had been wandering around the large house, bored and looking for something to do. She walked down the hall and...

3 years ago
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First time with friends

My wife is a gorgeous 32 yr old 5'4 100 lbs with 34b breast and a hairless pussy through laser removal.She is sex hungry and loves to tease when she gets to drinking wine. We normally go out on thursday nights with friends to our favorite resturant. One of the couples Jerry and Sandra is pretty much like us as far as the teasing goes. I love to get teased by Sandra and wife teases Jerry. They never go to far teasing just a little panty flash titty flash and just enough dirty talk to get us hard...

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Ellies night out in Blackpool

In December I had been out as Ellie for the very first time. I had gone out with two t-girls that I had met over the Internet, Julia and Marie. It was such a buzz - I had to do it again. I will never forget the cold blast of air as Ellie nervously went outside for the first time. In January I'd had this email from Marie: Please note the following partying opportunity: Blackpool, 13 March. (Buckets & spades optional) Those of us who took part in the last one had a fabby...

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