Devlin's StoryChapter 7 free porn video

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Devlin smiled as the last customer left. She locked the doors, turned down the lights, and turned the sign in the door to Closed. She didn't show it, but after she stepped in back she slumped against the wall. It had been a busy night and she was beat. She took a deep breath and slowly let it out. Before her mother came by she had to finish restocking, close out the cash register and balance the receipts, clean up the fitting rooms and send off the special orders.

She started the cash register on its totaling while she cleaned up the fitting rooms. Restocking was a snap. She'd found if she kept up with it during the evening it went fast. The special orders took longer. But she finally got everything sent off and carefully copied all that information into the log. She gave the showroom floor a quick sweep and tidied up around the counter and display cabinets. These were the easy things. She took the cash register drawer and the tape and sat down in back to make sure everything came out even. This was such a pain, but she knew it was the most important part of it. She always saved it for last, that way if she had any problems her mother could help her count it, or, as she had once, leave it for Emma in the morning along with a note about the discrepancies. This time, though, it all came out right. The checks, credit card receipts, gift certificates and cash all matched what was on the register tape. She had to be getting better at this.

She was surprised to see it was not quite 11 when she had everything locked up. She gave the store one last check to make sure everything was set for the next morning, then put on her coat. It had been a busy night with quite a few customers, most of whom she'd had to help with their fitting. The first few times she'd done that she'd felt nervous and tried not to stare at these women's breasts. Then she'd laughed it off; she'd seen enough bare breasts at Emma's parties, why should she be self-conscious about it now? Because you know all those women, she reminded herself. And at the party all the gals are trying to show off their boobs. That sure isn't the case here. This is more like gym class.

She got her sweater and books together. She'd gotten most of her homework done during the dinner hour. The first hour after Emma left was the quietest one, and that was when she studied and had a snack. She'd do a little reading ahead tonight in the restaurant. There were three weeks left till graduation, three weeks left till summer. There were kids who were all excited about it; they were going to work right after school. She figured it was just going to be a pause for her, college was coming up.

Jeff was waiting for her at the front door. She stopped in surprise and then opened the door. They'd had those two dances and a picnic, and then, because she was working weeknights, they'd only had one Saturday night date. She'd missed him. Missed him? Nuts, she'd even missed Danny. There was almost no time between getting home from school and heading off to work.

"How've you been?" he asked, smiling.

"Pretty good. It's been, what, a few hours?"

"Something like that. Care for a lift home?"

"Why sure. Let me call my mother and tell her not to stop by to pick me up." She made a beeline for the phone beneath the counter while he looked around the store. She thought it was funny how uncomfortable he was looking at the racks of bras hanging up on display. He seemed a lot more comfortable when they left and she locked the door behind them. Guys were so embarrassed about things like that. She wondered, did Sabrina see guys react like that when she was at her nudist camp?

"Er, want to get a coke or something?" Jeff asked.

"Sure," she said. "That'd be nice."

The only place that was open was the all-night restaurant she normally went to. She thought of getting a booth, but she saw the look in his eye and got everything to go. Obviously he had something else in mind than sitting in a booth, talking.

He started driving, but after getting on to the freeway, he got off on the Cedar Point exit. She wondered where he was going.

"Didn't feel like taking the freeway all the way back," he said.

"So we're taking the back way?"

"The state highway," he said.

"You know," she said as an opening gambit. "I was missing the way we used to get to be alone for a while."

"I did, too," he said abruptly. He was staring straight ahead, his knuckles white. "Would you... uh..."

He wants to get laid, she realized, and he doesn't know how to suggest it. She wanted to, too, and she didn't know how to suggest it, either. Since starting this job she hadn't been with either Jeff or Danny. Sabrina was right, going cold-turkey was just too hard on her. She'd already gone through half a dozen batteries on that vibrator. Sure, she climaxed with it, and it was a very deep, very intense climax. But it wasn't the same as doing it with your arms and legs wrapped around a guy. She loved climaxing. But climaxing with the vibrator wasn't sex, and she realized, now, that it was the sex she missed, and everything that went with it, the foreplay, the kissing, the fondling, the touching, the smells, the tastes, the feel of the guy, everything, not just the climax.

Of course, she thought, how do you bring up the whole idea? You didn't just say, "Hey, let's pull off the road and screw", did you? Of course if the rest of the world was like a swinger's party, you could. I'd just say, "Hey, Jeff, let's pull off somewhere and we can get laid." But on the other hand, why not?

"There's a turn-off up ahead on the left," she said.

He looked at her and she could almost read his mind. "It's the back way to the lake. We used to ride our bikes that way to avoid the main highway."

"On the left?" He slowed down and began looking for it.

"Not this one," she said as she saw where they were. "It's about a mile farther."

He nodded, speeding up. "This one?" he asked a minute later.

She recognized the sign and the trees. "This is the one," she said. "If you go about two miles and turn south you'll be in town after about a mile."

"Oh, I know where we are," he said. He slowed, looking at the roads. After one in particular he pulled off. "This leads..."

"... to the creek," she finished. "I remember going swimming there. This should be a good spot."

He pulled well off the road, parking behind a screen of trees and brush. He hesitated, looking uncomfortable.

"You know," she said, "I've heard tell the sheriff cruises through here looking for cars parked like this. Do you have a blanket?"


"Let's take the blanket down by the creek. We should be alone there."

He almost fumbled in his eagerness to get the blanket. She slipped her hand into his as they walked down near the creek. He led them along a path they could only dimly see until they were well out of sight of the car. When she saw the small grassy clearing she nodded her head. "This will do," she said softly.

He shook the blanket out. She sat on it and pulled him down beside her. After waiting for him to initiate something she shrugged mentally. Good thing I'm used to being the aggressive one.

She lay back and pulled him half down on top of her. She waited, and this time she was rewarded. He kissed her hesitantly. After a moment he put his arms on both sides of her and tried it again. She pressed back, encouraging him.

In between kisses she reached up and stroked his face. He felt so good pressing against her. There was something so hard and firm about a man's body, especially Jeff's. She pulled off his glasses and they kissed again. He was breathing a little harder when he broke the kiss.

He kissed her cheek, her neck, kissed her at the hollow at the base of her neck. She made a noise of pleasure at this. He was such a quick learner.

She kissed him back, kissing the skin at the base of his neck, inhaling the warm masculine scent of him. She was getting warm. She smiled to herself when she felt his groin getting hard and lumpy. As he continued to kiss her she decided it was time she took things in hand, literally.

"We both know what we want," she murmured. She pushed him onto his back and attacked his belt. With his help she got his pants down, followed by his shorts. His cock practically leaped up, enjoying its freedom. She wrapped her hand around it. "Hi, there," she said to it.

She licked its underside, and felt him shiver. She grinned towards his face, lost in the darkness, then popped its head in her mouth and sucked. His cock, already stiff, was suddenly as hard as a bar of steel. Umm-hmm, she thought, this was exactly what he was after.

She cupped his balls as she continued sucking. His hips began to flex as he instinctively sought to bury his length in her. She leaned back slightly, jacking him with her hand. He felt longer and harder than before. Remembering something she'd seen Gloria do at one of Emma's parties, she leaned forward and began sucking and teasing his balls with her lips. He groaned. She sucked each ball individually, playing with them with her tongue. As she did so her hand was a blur, jacking his length.

Finally she leaned back to see what happened. Sure enough she felt his cock swell, and then he came, shooting his jism at least a foot into the air. She leaned over to catch the second spurt, feeling the warm fluid spatter her face with its force. Then she sank her lips onto the head of his cock and began sucking and swallowing.

It was like he started cumming all over again. He groaned, his hips flexed upwards, driving his cock to the back of her mouth, and then he filled her mouth with his jism, time after time.

Eventually - it seemed like it took forever - he relaxed. His spurts slowed, then stopped, and his cock softened. She let it go. It flopped down across his belly, suddenly looking much smaller and wrinkled.

She leaned back, looking at him. "Feel better?" she asked softly, wiping the last of his cum from her mouth.

He made some unintelligible noise before stirring. "Uh," was all he said.

Devlin began unbuttoning her blouse. Blowing him had excited her, she could feel the wetness on her thighs. She folded her blouse up neatly and laid it on a bush, then began working on her skirt. Fine time to wear a tight skirt, she thought as she struggled with it. Jeff should be helping her, but he was just lying there, staring up at the stars as if he'd been stunned, which was probably a good description of what had just happened.

She couldn't get the stupid zipper down. She could get it down about an inch, and that was it. And if she couldn't get the zipper down she couldn't get it off. She knew this skirt, and it was tight enough it would take forever to get out of it, and almost as long to get back into it.

She had a sudden thought. She pulled her skirt up, and began trying to work it the other way. She got it nearly to the top of her thighs, almost far enough. And then how do I get my damned panties off? she wondered as she continued her struggle. This was getting ridiculous. She could almost open her legs far enough, she could almost touch herself.

She had an idea. She bent over and began licking his cock. It stiffened immediately. Jeff moaned. She rubbed it against her breasts, then put it between them and moved back and forth. The last guy she'd tried this with had cum all over her boobs, but she didn't think that was going to happen tonight. He was getting harder, though. He was stretched out to almost his full length.

Reaching down between her legs she pulled the crotch of her panties to one side. She rubbed the blunt head of his cock against her. He felt as large as a fist down there, but she finally had it positioned right and began trying to impale herself on it.

God, this was like trying to sit on a log. She hadn't had sex with Jeff in nearly two weeks, she wasn't sure she could open wide enough to take him. She kept moving him around, trying to fit him into her. She felt herself open a bit more, and he slipped a little ways in. She closed her eyes. It felt good, but, God, it felt like she was dry as a bone down there, like she had no lubrication.

She climbed off him and lavishly coated the head of his cock with her saliva, then swung her leg over and tried it again. He got a little farther in her, maybe an inch or so. She lifted slightly and bore down again; and there it stuck. She couldn't seem to open enough to take him.

"You're going to have to help out on this," she said, getting off him.

"Maybe if you could get your legs farther apart that would help."

"If I could get my damned skirt off I could get my legs farther apart," she said. "But that's not happening. And I'm not sure I could get it back on after we're done."

"What do you suggest?"

"Hmm, let's try this," she said. She got on her hands and knees. "Try it this way."

He looked at her, and she could see his brow wrinkling in the darkness. "Okay, just how do I do this?"

She bit back a word. How was he to know? He was barely past being a virgin, and he obviously hadn't thought of things like this. "Get behind me, slide your dick up between my legs and see if you can slip it in that way." She spread her ankles as far apart as she could and hoped that would help.

He knelt behind her, his hands on her hips. She could feel his cock rubbing against the inside of her leg. "Your pantyhose will get in the way," he said.

"I'm not wearing pantyhose," she said.

His cock nudged almost at her entrance. She could feel her panties push against her. "What's this?"

I'm never going to get this, she thought. She reached between her legs and pulled her panties aside. "Try it again," she said.

He pushed again, rubbing the head of his cock deliciously against her. She closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling. Yes, this was almost it. She guided him to her entrance, and he pushed forward just as she pushed back onto him. She felt herself opening a bit more as the head of his cock slipped into her. God, he was big.

He backed off and pushed again. He got a little more in her, more than she got when she was on top. Another try, and he got maybe half of his length in her.

"God, you're so hot down there," he muttered. "And you're so tight."

He tried again, out, in, and she felt his tummy bump against her bottom. Another try, but that was all the further he was going. He paused, then started up his rhythmic thrusting. It wasn't perfect, but it was hot. He was so big, and this was all of him she could take right now. And from the angle, coming up under her skirt, he wasn't able to thrust at the right angle to sheathe himself all the way in her. But that didn't matter much, she could feel him sliding, stretching, filling her.

She rested her head on the blanket. All of her strength was draining out of her arms. Her nipples were rubbing back and forth against the blanket, a delicious friction that sparked all through her.

Suddenly he began to thrust harder. He tightened his hands on her hips and she felt him thrust as deep as he could. She could feel him cumming, actually feel the spurts of his cum inside her. Then he was breathing hard, but going soft.

"Damn, damn, damn," she muttered.

Jeff sort of fell backwards, still holding on to her, pulling her back with him. She could feel his cock losing its strength. This was grossly unfair. Girls were still wet after they came, sometimes wetter if the guy she was with had cum, but guys got soft and useless after they were done.

She slipped a finger between her legs, trying to rub her clit, but it was no use. It was over. She couldn't get him in her, and she definitely wasn't going to get to cum. She started to say something and stopped. From where they were she could see the bridge over the creek, and she could dimly see a sheriff's car driving slowly across the bridge.

Listening intently, she could hear it slow or stop. Over the trees she could see a faint red glow, as from taillights. And then she heard the engine speed up as it drove away. Wouldn't that just be wonderful, she thought. If the sheriff found them like this there could be absolutely no doubt about what they'd been doing.

She felt cold, suddenly. She rubbed her arms, feeling the goose pimples. Reluctantly she climbed off Jeff and began looking around for her clothes. It looked like another night with her vibrator. She was getting real friendly with that thing, too friendly. But she didn't seem to have any other choice.

Her skirt fought being pushed back down just as hard as it had fought being pulled up. She couldn't get it all the way back down, but she got it far enough for decency's sake. She started to put on her bra, and stopped. She could feel the cold clammy wetness of something on her breasts - she tasted it, it was his jism. She sighed. This seemed to be a real winner, tonight. She needed to wear her bra, but for how long? She sighed again and tossed it on the blanket. Reluctantly she slipped on her blouse and began hunting around for her shoes.

Jeff was stirring, slowly getting himself put back together. He finished dressing about the same time she did.

"You ready?" she asked.

"All set," he said, his voice still shaky. He collected the blanket as she slipped her shoes on. Walking on broken ground in the dark wearing heels wasn't the smartest thing to do, but she didn't want to ruin her nylons, either. She felt something chafing against her legs. After a moment she realized it had to be her panties. They were probably still all twisted up and half-hanging down.

Nobody was around the car. Jeff pulled out onto the county road. Devlin slipped her sweater on and folded her arms beneath her boobs. She felt like every car or person who saw them could see she wasn't wearing a bra. Well, once she got home it wouldn't matter. Speaking of which...

She pulled down the visor and began checking things out. She had some jism on her face and more in her hair. She got as much of that cleaned out as she could, but ran out of tissues.

"What time is it?" she asked as she dug through her purse.

Jeff glanced at his watch. "About a quarter till midnight."

"Can we stop at the mini-mart and get more Kleenex?" she asked. "They don't close until midnight."

"Sure," Jeff said. He drove through town to the mini-mart.

"Batteries, too," Devlin added, thinking of her vibrator. She dug a $5 out of her wallet. "Here, this should cover everything."

"Are you coming in?" he asked.

"Looking like this?" She shook her head. "I'll wait here."

She carefully brushed her hair, getting most of his cum out by the time he got back. The tissue took care of the rest. She gave herself one last inspection. That would have to do.

Jeff drove them back to Danny and Sue's in silence. "You could pick me up from work tomorrow night," she said. "I could wear slacks so we wouldn't have the problem we had tonight."

"You look nicer in a skirt," he said. "And I can't tomorrow night, we have church Wednesday nights."

"I thought you didn't have church on Wednesdays."

"Well, that's changed."


"Thursdays... Thursdays I can do. I don't have any church activities on Thursdays."

"What other days of the week could you pick me up?"

"Only Tuesdays and Thursdays."

"Why so few?"

"Well, Sunday night we have evening service. On Monday night I have Youth Prayer Group. On Wednesday night now I have Family Church until 11. On Friday night I have Young Adult Service and I help with the kids Church Basketball League. And Saturday night is Penitence Night when we pray for forgiveness for any sins we've committed during the week."

"That's an awful lot of Church."

"Is it? I thought that was how often everybody went."

Devlin swallowed anything she was going to say. Her mother had never been particularly religious, and she hadn't been raised as very religious. She knew there were Holy Rollers in Illinois, they were as thick as hairs on dogs in some of the Midwestern states. Why next door in Indiana they had all sorts of religious nuts running around telling people what to do.

She missed what Jeff said and had to have him repeat it. "I just said you should probably meet my folks. They want to meet you."

"How much have you told them about us?" She could feel a cold finger walking up her back.

"Just that we're dating. But my folks want to meet you. And so do the Elders in the Church."

"Between school and work I don't have time to meet people," Devlin said.

"You could come on a Sunday," he said.

"That's about the only time my mother and I have together," she replied. "And then we visit other family, too, my aunt and uncle and my grandmother."

"Well, family is important," he said slowly. "It's the bedrock of faith. I'll tell them you can't come to church on Sunday because you spend the day with your family." He smiled. "They'll like that."

He pulled to a stop in front of Danny and Sue's. The lights were out. She gave Jeff a quick kiss on the cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow in school."

"Bye." He gave her his boyish grin.

She waved and headed around the house towards the side entrance. She waited until he drove off, then ran around the house and let herself in the back door of her own. She glanced at the clock. She figured she had about 20 minutes before her mother got home. She was headed upstairs when she heard the garage door start opening, and realized that was wrong.

She ducked into the bathroom and gave herself a last inspection. Hair - seemed to be okay. Blouse - damn, her mother would notice no bra. She ducked into her room and grabbed the first one she found in her drawer. She could hear her mother opening the door from the garage as she closed the door to the bathroom. Oh, great, she thought as she got herself pushed into her bra. This is the small one, the one that pinches. This was the one that she'd meant to throw out, the C cup with the underwire that poked through the fabric. Oh well, she was only going to be wearing it for a few minutes.

"Devlin? I'm home."

"Just a minute," Devlin said. Skirt - a little high. Nylons - a little askew but otherwise acceptable, especially if her mother saw she was getting out of them. Make-up - a little smudged from where she'd been wiping her face. She started the sink and began removing her make-up. She heard her mother's footsteps in the hall. There, now make-up wasn't a problem, and that should take care of her hair, too.

"I got to leave early," her mother said. She walked back down the hall from her room. "So, where did you two go?"

"We got something to eat," Devlin said. She stood in the hall toweling her face off. "Or, rather, I did."

"Did you have a good time?" Her mother followed her into her room.

"Sort of." She began trying to unzip her skirt. The zipper was still stuck. "Jeff's family is awfully religious."

Her mother was silent for a bit. "Does it bother you that we don't go to church on Sundays?"

"No," Devlin said, "not really. I know a lot of kids seem to spend most of Sundays in church, but I've never understood what it is they saw there. But Jeff's family is really extreme. He wanted me to meet with his Church Elders, not just his folks."

"How well do you like him?" her mother asked after a bit.

She finally got the zipper to slide down. Finally! Why couldn't that have happened an hour ago? "I like him," Devlin said. "He's kind of cute, and he's smart. He's shy, but really nice."

As she sat down to take off her nylons she noticed her mother was looking at something between Devlin's legs. Devlin didn't want to be obvious and bend over and look. But as she unrolled the stockings she heard her mother sigh.

"Something bothering you?"

"Are... are..." Her mother stopped and cleared her throat. "Are you two sleeping together?" she got out in a rush. "Are you two, you know, are you two... intimate?"

Her mother must have seen something that made her think that, and she wasn't going to lie to her mother. "Yes," Devlin said.

Her mother sighed again. "Well, that's why I paid for your birth control prescription. You are taking it, aren't you?"

"Every morning," Devlin said. "And, yes, I'm careful."

Her mother sighed and sat on the bed. "I knew this day was coming," she said. "My little girl is growing up." She looked at Devlin. "Oh, it isn't the way you're body is growing. That's just cosmetic in a way - they work the same regardless of how big they get. It just makes me feel, I don't know, it makes me realize that you aren't the cute 5-year old I remember. I think mothers never want their babies to grow up, especially little girls. And you just proved to me that you're grown up."

"Mother, I'm nearly 18 years old."

"When you're 18 you might not be grown up, when you lie with a man, you're grown up, whether you want to be or not. I know you've been mature for your age since you were 12 or 13. I was always amazed at your self-confidence. You might have been a young teenager in age, but you were a lot older in your views of life. You were a lot more mature than I was at your age."

"So what made you think I was sleeping with Jeff?"

"Your clothes," her mother said. "Your panties are all askew and wet between your legs. I saw that and it told me what you two were doing this evening. I could only hope you were being careful. I'm not ready to be a grandmother."

"And I don't want to be a mother, not until I'm older," Devlin said. "We were careful."

Her mother stared at something only she could see and sighed again. "You'll want to clean up," she said. "And when you do, why don't you come on downstairs. We can have hot cocoa and stuff and talk."

"I'll be down in a couple of minutes," Devlin said.


"So what did she want to talk about?" Sabrina asked the next day as they got ready for gym class.

"Oh, stuff, men, guys, things like that." Devlin opened her locker to put away her books and get out her gym clothes.

"Did you tell her about Danny?" Sabrina opened her own locker and began undressing.

Devlin gave her an exasperated look. "Of course not," she said in a low voice. "It's bad enough she knows I'm having sex with Jeff. She'd flip out if she knew about Danny. She'd probably have him arrested or something."

"Imagine what she'd do if she found out about those parties you went to." She pulled a pair of panties out of her purse and slipped them on before removing her dress.

"Yeah, well, she's not going to find out, okay?" What had been eating her all day finally came out. "Jeff hangs out with a pretty religious group."

"You finally noticed?" Sabrina looked around to make sure they weren't overheard, before leaning closer. "I admit he's never struck me as the Holy Roller type," she said in a low voice, "but, well, you never know. Some of them are pretty sneaky."

"I wonder how much he really believes that stuff," Devlin said. She began changing, too. "He was talking about me meeting some Church Elders or something."

"I've heard about them," Sabrina said. She pulled on her gym shorts and tied her shoes. "There was somebody out at the camp last weekend who was talking about stuff like that. She was saying that in some of these churches everyone is controlled by these Elders."

Devlin finished changing and they started towards the gym. "Everything?"

"Who marries who, where you live, what you do for a living, everything like that. They get pretty intense."

"That sounds Communist or something," Devlin said. She frowned at the thought of those unseen Elders telling Jeff to stay away from her. "Everything?"

"Even when to have kids," Sabrina said. "Of course they can't tell you what kind of kids to have, but they probably would if they thought they could."

Devlin shook her head. "That's stupid. Why do people put up with that?"

"Who knows," Sabrina said. "Oh, good," she said when she saw the gym equipment lying against the wall. "It looks like we're playing basketball today."

After gym, after a long shower under the hottest water she could stand, Devlin leaned over to Sabrina as they were leaving the locker room. "You want to know what's worse?" she asked quietly. "When we were doing it last night, he came twice and I didn't cum at all."

"Not at all?" Sabrina was surprised. "Girl, I didn't think you had that kind of problem."

"It is when he cums too quickly for me to climax," Devlin said. They stepped into the hall, and she shut up. She saw Jeff talking with two other boys dressed just like he was, white shirt buttoned to the neck, black slacks, black dress shoes. She hadn't realized it till now, but it looked like a uniform.

"It does, doesn't it," Sabrina agreed when Devlin mentioned it. "Well, there are Believers and there are believers. And I'd say he isn't as firm a believer as a couple of people we know." She nodded at two girls standing in the corner talking. Both were wearing denim dresses over white blouses. Neither had any make-up on, and their hair was pulled back in severe buns.

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Cheryl goes undercover...and gets uncovered. The Undercover Paralegal by Deputy Duffy The sound of shuffling papers and dragging chairs signified the end of anotherFriday meeting. Cheryl Thomas sat nervously tapping her pencil on the mahoganytable and glancing up at Mr. Griswald, the firm's senior partner. He had askedher to remain after the meeting so they could "talk." Her head wasswirling as to what he might have meant by that, surprised he even knew hername. She had fidgeted throughout...

3 years ago
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Bang Bang Out Went the Lights

Ever think about words and their meaning? I do, sometimes. Cliche is one of my favorites. In most dictionaries the standard definition is: "A phrase dulled in meaning by repetition". In my case the cliche was a cheating spouse. I know, I know, the cliche of cliches. An occurrence so common in marriages we seem to have a whole section of the judicial system dedicated to it. Even that has become cliche. It's no longer an infrequent event, allowing the system to become jaded, bandying around...

4 years ago
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The Drama ClubChapter 8

The week went quickly. For Nancy, Tommy, Hugh and Lance kept her jumping. For Lilian, Hugh, Lance and her old friend Billy kept her humping. The sex was fine but Nancy had not forgotten Mr. Chan. Her continued search of the book cases in Hugh’s room netted her some more documents. It included a list of the women sent overseas and in most cases a photo was attached. Also an interesting book containing the accounts of the Chan Trading Company. Her family line had gotten him top dollar from the...

2 years ago
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A Fresh StartChapter 29 Polar Bears and Baby Seals

I talked to Marilyn on the phone Sunday afternoon, and a couple of times more during the week. She was an excellent way to take my mind off classes. I was beginning to doubt the wisdom of what I was attempting to do. Being a genius is all well and good, but twenty-four credits is still a shitload of credits and hours! This semester I was taking mostly junior level courses with a few senior classes tossed in. By the end of the semester, assuming I didn’t crack up and start drooling, I would...

1 year ago
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My secretary 3 home

Home You can tell John is angry the moment you come in through the living room door. 'You're late', he snaps, barely glancing at me over his glass of whiskey. He is wearing the baggy corduroys which allow his cock to stand fully erect without restriction. 'I'm sorry ...', You tell him, throwing off your coat. 'Gerry let me finish some dictation' 'Don't lie to me! ... is staring at you now, and his eyes are hard. You feel your nipples stiffen against the silk of your blouse. 'Gerry is the...

1 year ago
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Incest in Sicily

Donna broke out in a thick sweat from the exertion, but after a few paces she didn"t notice it in the least, because she felt her son"s growing erection against her chest wall, cradling him in her arms as she was. The boy seemed hardly to notice himself, and quite casually squirmed in her hands and reached a small hand into his bathing suit and straightened himself out. A few paces farther along she paused to catch her breath in the shade of a giant olive tree. The boy"s erection had grown...

2 years ago
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High School Again Ugh Ch 04

Author’s note: Sorry it took so long to get back to this story. Life got in the way. Also, I had a bit of a problem writing it. You see, I know where I want this story to go, but sometimes the story takes over when you’re writing it. I finished my first draft of this chapter and liked it. The only problem was that it took a right turn from where I wanted the story to go. So after much thought (and rewrites), I was able to save the part I liked and get the story back on track. I’ll make an...

2 years ago
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Adams Dominatrix Encounter 2

This is the sequel to Adam’s Story in which a 19 year old male becomes ensnared in a dominatrix’s web The day my stupid twin brother Adam became embroiled with Mistress Jasmine would dramatically change our well ordered and sheltered lives forever and turn us into the sexual playthings of a sadistic mistress and her followers. Adam was always submissive and from an early age sought out inappropriate web sites on the internet, that is where he discovered Mistress Jasmine. He must have...

3 years ago
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Waiting for a girl like Laura

In recent years I’ve rediscovered going to live music gigs. Where I live in the West Midlands, there is a thriving tribute band circuit. You can see many good outfits playing the music of groups who have either died or grown too rich and lazy to play anymore. You know the ones I mean. I prefer 1970’s and 1980’s rock bands and my wife likes pop acts and we usually take turns in choosing who to see. In this story, it was my turn and I booked for a 1980’s soft rock group. You can probably guess...

2 years ago
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my first back seat fuck

so there i was all alone one night hitch hikeing home one drunkn night,,i had got into a fight with my girl friend in which it ended up that i left her place since she picked me up at the bar,,,iwas flirting with danger with her best friend and her other friend,, there names were Candy and Sheri, and my god was she ever so sweet, her friend Sheri was alright as well, so like i said she picked me up cause like a dumbass i need her ass,,,but she had caught me flirting with her two friends,, i had...

2 years ago
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TommyChapter 15

Still Mimi’s turn: Woke up in the morning to the throbbing of my ankle. Stirring, wincing, Tommy woke up. “Mornin’, pretty girl...” “Good morning, husband of a klutz,” I said. “Hardly a klutz.” “Hurt myself on my honeymoon. Trust me. Klutz.” “Love you, graceful or not.” “Love you right back. Wanna help me out of bed?” “Sure,” he said. Winter cabins in the mountains are COLD, a fact that I announced to him. “I’ll get us something on the stove and get a fire going again,” he said. He...

3 years ago
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Older Man With ED Has Not Lost His Libido

Stephan is a seventy-nine-year-old Widower who suffers from serious ED issues, and has not been able to achieve a rock-hard erection for almost three years.However, his libido had not waned all that much. He still craves and desires sexual release. In the past few years, he has sought relief by watching porn on the internet and masturbating. What else was a lonely old geezer to do?His internet searches amaze him in what is out there. At first, his choice of porn was straight sex between men and...

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Girls only costume party

"This Halloween we will be hosting the first ever "All Whores Eve." No one will be admitted to the party unless they come in their best sexy, slutty, costume. The cover is only $20 which gets you in the door, entered in the costume contest, and see a special live performance by pop sensation Gwen Stefani starting at 8 pm, and she has promised to join the party after the show in a rare opportunity for fans to meet her in person with her lovely Harajuku girls. All drinks served in our special...

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Carl would describe himself as completely happy. His job was secure, partly because he liked it and partly because he was good at it.He and his wife Tammy were not rich, they were however comfortable. Most important was the fact that they both enjoyed being with each other, the sex life was just a bonus.Not one time did Tammy ever have a headache, or show any sign at all of being not in the mood, in fact, she quite often was the one to reach out and offer him encouragement.The results of that...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Janice Griffith Persuasive Beauty

Blonde bombshell Janice Griffith is bent on seduction with her super skinny body clad in a sheer pink bra and barely-there thong. When she struts up to Johnny Castle in her high heels, he knows that it’s time to stop getting ready for work and to start pleasuring the willing woman in his bed. Starting with a series of lusty kisses, Johnny gradually works his way down Janice’s body. Her bra is soon pulled down as Johnny unveils her full boobs. When he pulls Janice’s thong aside...

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An Officer and a GentlemanChapter 15 February Valentines Surprise

School started in January with the students and teachers entering with the same reluctance; no one seemed to want the holiday and vacation to end, especially Tory. The atmosphere at the school changed quickly, however. Before the first period of that dreary "first day back after vacation" was over, the school was abuzz with the news of Tory's engagement. Everyone was happy for her and gave their well-wishes, but that continued to remind Tory of how much she was going to miss Mitch. When...

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Reddit DadWouldBeProud, aka r/DadWouldBeProud! Have you ever seen a hot chick in action, doing what women are supposed to do, and just thought to yourself, “Her daddy must be proud!”? Well, I am not talking about actual fathers, I am talking about the daddy figure and lots of slutty girls fulfilling their duties. Well, if that is something that makes your dick hard, you are more than welcome to check out r/DadWouldBeProud/.I think the name speaks for itself, and with so much naughty content...

Reddit NSFW List
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The Contest

It was a big deal for the family. Every five years the entire clan got together and had a huge party. There were almost two hundred people there. Every year someone had to set up a special game for everyone to play. After fifteen years of marriage the chore finally fell to me and I had to provide the entertainment. I did not want to play, I hated the gatherings and the fucking games. But my wife and her family were not to be denied. My wife had six sisters. They were always close and because...

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Jacinta part 10

"...Wow," Lauren breathes as Ophelia and I step out of her bedroom, dressed in our elaborate costumes. "Sure you're wearing enough make-up?" Katie teases. "Is it ever possible to wear too much make-up?" I ask as I preen and playfully flick my hair away from my face, which has been smeared in a bright white foundation and 'enhanced' with thick black eyeshadow, long (and heavy) fake eyelashes and thick black lipstick. "Think you're missing the words 'at Halloween' from the end of...

1 year ago
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Curious Catherine

Jorea is based on the country of Korea and the hanbok is the traditional dress of Korean women. Please visit ?Tales of the Veils? for images of the outfits in this story. ThanksPart 1To Irene,It happened 3 days into the trip. I always thought Jin’s family was very liberal. I mean I didn’t have to wear the traditional women's hanbok, I didn’t have to bow every time I see a male of the house, and perhaps most importantly I didn’t have to wear the rigid mutemask when I leave the house. However I...

4 years ago
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Sexy Wife of My Boss

I have been reading stories for the past few years. So this is my 1st experience which I want to share with you and I would love to receive your comments mail me about me 25 years Single from Chandigarh. I am going to tell you how I made love with my boss wife. If any aunt or women from Chandigarh, Panchkula or Mohali (I love aunties from 30 to 45 the most) want to have sex with me can mail me on I stay alone, after completed my studies I start in a private company. My boss is in a nice man....

2 years ago
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My horny old biddies

Well school had finally let out, but unfortunately, my plans to go to university had fallen apart due to lack of funds. I’d saved every penny I could get my hands on plus, my mom and dad had promised to help, that is until failing health forced my father into early retirement, which left them comfortable but in no position to ante up thousands of dollars for my education. At a loss, I thought my career as an engineer had ended before it had gotten off the ground; that is until my Gran came up...

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One Last Kiss

Years ago, before I was married the first time, I had a great respect for the institution of marriage. I searched far and wide for the one woman I could bind myself to for life, but with little success. Ironically, about the time I turned thirty,I became acquainted with a woman who thought I was just the One for her, but for whom I felt little attraction in return.Cindy was not a beauty. She was about 5'7" or so, with rather wide shoulders, for a girl, smallish breasts and a developing spare...

1 year ago
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My Male CumSlut

Amanda just woke up from one of the kinkiest dreams she’d ever had. She sighed and said, “Wow, what a dream, it either means I need to go shopping for a hot pink bra, matching panty, garter belt, hose and heels. On the other hand, Skip, my new friend (who is a cross dresser) needs to buy one for our hot intimate cam-chats. Better yet, buy us both a matching set. When she first met him online, she said to herself, “Oh shit, not another guy who loves to wear woman’s clothing. He is probably an...

4 years ago
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Sweet Dreams

In this story, you will be able to take the role of the main character August who finds himself in the world of one of the many TV shows, video games, and movies out there, either as himself or in the shoes of one of the main characters. Could be based around certain episodes or details, the show/movie/game entirely, or just completely made up from scratch! There are a lot of different worlds to be explored before August wakes up... (Side note: I'd highly recommend starting the game in 'Score'...

4 years ago
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Editing Reailty Book 2 Chapter 2 Midnight Surprise

Book Two: Sultry Fantasies Unleashed Chapter Five: Midnight Surprise By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Steve Davies My wife quivered beside me as the app had its three charges back. I had things to take care of. After enjoying Yumiko Itou with my wife in the nurse's office, I had vowed to help the pregnant girl. Her parents would not be thrilled that their daughter was pregnant. They were a conservative family, like many who sent their children to Rainier Christian College. The world...

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Il mondo di Hollywoodr

Sei l'uomo più ricco del mondo e controlli tutte le celebrità più importanti di Hollywood ma la cosa più importante di questo lavoro è che ogni ragazza è disposta a tutto per avere una minima parte per diventare famosa. Sono le prime ore del mattino e ricevi una chiamata...

3 years ago
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Rock Singer gets raped by two fans

Malomar was dripping with sweat at the end of their set. It was a small room, but the audience was enthusiastic. Word was starting to get out that Shaboom! was pure rock and roll–and pure sex. Malomar didnt wear very much, her usual attire consisted of torn fishnets under a leather mini so short, her ass cheeks played peek-a-boo with an audience mostly made up of 20-somethings wearing a lot of leather, tattoos, and piercings. Her ample bosom was barely contained by a lace push-up bra. During...

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StepSiblingsCaught Leana Lovings August 2022 Flavor Of The Month Leana Lovings

Leana Lovings has decided that it is national disobedience day, so she decides it’s time to act out. She is getting ready to go tout with her friends when her stepbrother, Codey Steele, comes to see if Leana is ready to go to her mom’s party, Leana announces that that’s not happening and takes off. Later, she’s sitting on the couch in a bikini when Codey comes downstairs to ask if she’s heading to the pool. Today, though, Leana announces that it’s national...

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FilthyFamily Alina Belle Binky Beaz Step Sibling Threesome

Binky and Alina are planning a family party. Their stepbrother, Tyler, is supposed to be helping them plan it, but he’s nowhere to be found. They think he’s taking a nap so Binky offers to wake him up with a blowjob. Alina is taken back by that. Thats their stepbrother…EW! Tyler comes downstairs and while they all plan it Binky starts to suck his dick behind the kitchen counter so Alina can’t see it. They eventually go into the bathroom and get caught. Alina feels left...

3 years ago
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The Sales Lady

It was the day after Thanksgiving and I needed an oil change on my car. I dropped it off at a dealer located just a few blocks from my office. I needed the walk and I had things to catch up on. Nobody was there of course, so I started to clear off my desk. It was nice not to be disturbed. After an hour or so, I heard the door open and close, but paid it no mind and continued to work. At one point I thought I heard a noise out in the outer office. Then I heard it again. It sounded like a...

1 year ago
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New Years Eve Party

December 31st. New Year’s Eve. The day to look back at the year full of mistakes and to look into the future feor success. But tonight wasn’t about that for me. It was about throwing the most lavish New Year’s party there ever was. It was going to be a night to remember honestly. My name is Jordan Alexander Thompson. I’m the owner of the biggest clothing brand in the world; King Alexander. I have a store in every major city and country across the globe. With the opening of King Alexander, I...

Straight Sex
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First older woman

Like most guys my age I had always fantasised about being with an older woman and I wasn't exactly having the best of luck finding a willing woman in day to day life, so I decided to join a dating site.After weeks and weeks of messing about I finally found a woman who seemed to be willing. We began talking online with the usual small talk, and me, being quite a straight shooter expressed my desire to be with an older woman. We continued talking until, one night, out of the blue she invited me...

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The Beast Within Two Souls Part 12

I am a 17 year old man. Scratch that, a boy. I am only as much as the world thinks of me, and as of this moment, I am a boy. A boy who has a fiery passion in his heart for the thrill of love. But, I digress. The main reason I am where I am right now is because my heart belongs to a girl named Samantha. She is the reason I breath, the reason I do anything I do. We have been going out for almost two years now. But what confused me the most is that she did not want to have sex. Why? I will never...

1 year ago
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Life Changing Mistake 8211 Part 2

This is my second part of my series. I hope you all enjoyed the first part. The first part is all about me a fresher gets horny in an empty office and naughty stuff. Let’s go into the second part where worse is about to begin. So getting into the story. After an intensive orgasm for the first time in office, I reached home had a good shower and was watching tv. Suddenly office thoughts struck while going to sleep. I got a little doubt about Ashok’s presence. I was almost 1 hour alone in the...

4 years ago
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There Can Be Only One Chapter 3 Cathy and Vicky

There Can Be Only One Chapter 3 Cathy and VickyWhen I got to my room I jumped on the bed, the girls right behind me. “I can’t believe you made mum suck your cock” Cathy squealed. I pulled Vicky to me and kissed her hard on the lips, my tongue pushing its way between them only to find her tongue eager to play with mine. I felt a hand gingerly touch my now flaccid cock which I knew would not respond having cum for the third time in as many hours, but what the hell…the hand felt good and even...

3 years ago
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The Book Shop

I was in the book shop, browsing a few titles. It was only really by accident that I ever found something interesting or good to read these days and today I felt luckier than usual. I found two books, obscure enough choices to improve me in some chosen field I hoped.As I walked up to the counter I noticed between the walls of books below, behind, and all around, a blonde lady of around fifty. She was tall and toned, with proud cheeks and short blonde hair, and I grew increasingly attracted to...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Christie Stevens Jessie Saint Daya Knight Ebony Goddess Mystique Our Overbearing Parents

Two friends, Jessie Saint and Daya Knight, are chatting about their lesbian stepmoms, Christie Stevens and Ebony Goddess Mystique (who are also friends). Christie and Ebony have always been disappointed that their stepdaughters turned out straight, and Jessie and Daya are sick of the pressure. Since they’ll all be having dinner together later, Jessie suggests to Daya that they can pretend that they’ve started dating each other, so their stepmoms will finally back off. However, Daya...

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PureTaboo Charly Summer The Big Game A Charly Summer Story

THE BIG GAME: A CHARLY SUMMER STORY Jessica (Charly Summer) wants nothing more than to get attention from her stepfather, Ryan (Seth Gamble). He’s confident, cool, and stable… everything that she wants in a parent figure. But Ryan is a typical alpha male when it comes to all things football, meaning that whenever the game’s on, no women are allowed in his man cave, not even Jessica… But no matter how much Ryan pushes her away, Jessica does everything she can to try and...

2 years ago
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The TG PA Chapter 1 I was single, looking for friendship, hopefully more. I was doing what I usually did - hanging out at bars and clubs. It was one of those nights when I couldn't seem to pull anyone when I saw him. I couldn't see what it was about him but I knew from that moment that I wanted to be with him. I was taken aback by my reaction - I wasn't gay, I had always been looking for a girlfriend, so why all of a sudden, this change. I noticed him sitting at another table,...

1 year ago
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BangbrosClips Carolina Abril College Slut Carolina Gets two Ds in her double penetration oral exam

Carolina came home from school today, she had just passed her College ESOL exam, and wanted to celebrate by fucking her boyfriend when she got home. To her delight Alberto was home on the couch texting his study buddy Martin. Carolina grabbed Alberto’s cock. Alberto being a medical student himself, tried to tell her that Martin was coming over to help him with his DRE quiz. She didn’t care and wanted dick. So Carolina pulled out Alberto’s dick and started to suck it hard and let him face fuck...

2 years ago
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Nirvana on FireChapter 8

Mandy was sitting in the living room on the sofa watching some old movie when Traci finally returned. Traci was still all smiles and bubbly. Mandy had changed into her nightie and a robe. "Boy, you sure left in a hurry, Mandy," Traci said. "Jonny was really disappointed." "I'm sorry, Traci. But it was all just too much." "What? Peter?" "Well, that too. Jonny sure looks a lot like Peter would have. But it is more than that. Its really complicated, Traci. I need more time to sort...

2 years ago
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My night with Meghan A dream I had

The story could be better, and there could be more dialogue. Let me know what you think. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My name is Will. I'm a fairly average looking bisexual hispanic guy. though the girls probably don't agree. I'm 25 years old, 5' 7", and i have an olive complexion. Now that you know about me, let me tell you about my friend Meghan I'm not sure where to begin? She's maybe 5' 6-7", with a...

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Wife Trains Me to Suck Cock

I love it when my wife makes me suck her boyfriend (whom ever it is that night) until he's hard and ready Then I guide his cock into her, after licking her till she's wet, which she usually is after watching me suck "a real cock". Then after he has fucked her for a while she let's me suck his cock off. I never knew I would lick it until the first time a guy with a really big cock stuck his cock in my mouth and started to fuck it. She told him I was in need of a lesson in how a man was supposed...

3 years ago
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My Sister My Sex Guru 8211 Part 3 8211 Cousin8217s Wet Pussy

Hello people of ISS, thank you for reading my and giving me great feedback. I am Kishan from Bengaluru and this is my story. Following the events of my previous story, we came back to Bengaluru but got busy with our works that I and my cousin sister Amrutha couldn’t meet for over a month. Although we used to plan to meet in the evenings, we couldn’t as we stay bit far. Then one day she told me that they’re moving into a new house to an area in Bengaluru which is very near to my house. So I...

1 year ago
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Making It Work Ch 02

So maybe I should have explained things in the first chapter, sorry about that. MIT is fashioned after a script (the first time I’ve ever done something like this). There won’t be too many descriptions because I want the conversation and the emotions between the two characters to be the main focus of the story. Therefore, I leave clues in brackets to let you know what short-term actions have been done. If however the brackets continue to pose a problem, send me a message telling me whether or...

1 year ago
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My Life Part 18 Return to the Bunker

I rang the bell and waited. Eventually Mounika peeked out the window and saw it was me. She hurried to the door and opened it. "I didn't know you were coming! Oh my god, this is exciting. Five weeks was too long, whatever you were doing I hope it doesn't happen again because I hate being away from you!" She threw her arms around me and kissed me. "Priya, Daddy is here!" she called. Priya came running out and gave me a hug. I paused to kiss her. "I'm in class right though so I...

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Life at Honnouji Academy

Your day begins the same as it always does; you wake up, brush your teeth, throw on your school uniform, and toss a piece of toast in your mouth as you scurry out the front door. You quickly make your way around the corners and through the alleys of your beat up little town and come upon a cable car stationed at the foot of a hill. As usual, the struggle to get through the doors is an arduous one, but you manage to squeeze your way past the other students wiggling their way on before you get...

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Part 1 I was slowly driving in the center of town — the traffic was always dense at this time of the day. All of a sudden my passenger door was opened, all the news reports of car jacking came into my mind as a bullet in the shape of a young girl entered the car and crouched down, closing the door behind her. “Don’t stop!” She hissed at me. “Look I’m the one driving, and I can’t go any faster.” I retorted wondering why I did not demand that she get out of my car? Looking in my mirror I...

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You Should LeaveChapter 1 Strike 1

After our brief honeymoon, we settled into married life. We were very active sexually and, like during our honeymoon, extremely experimental. We enjoyed sexy games and amassed quite a collection of toys and naughty equipment. We loved to role play and to talk dirty, acting out kinky little scenes, often involving costumes and sex toys. We explored many ways to make each other cum and experience pleasure together. We also read a lot of erotic fiction and watched porn frequently. Everything we...

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A Night at the 40Watt

A story from Robert: My girlfriend Jesse and I were sitting at the bar in the 40Watt Club. The band we had come to hear had just ended and the night was getting late. My name is Robert and I’ll assume that if you’re reading this story, you may have already read Jesse’s two other submissions. So I won’t go into detail on what she looks like or me, for that matter, since our photos are posted on our profile. Anyway, the 40Watt is a venue in our college town that hosts live music. And here we...

Group Sex
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Melissa Wont Let Go Chapter 4 Eliza

Melissa Won't Let Go. By Tanya H. -4- ELIZA. My dreams came horribly full of men and cocks. I spread my legs, my mouth, my tits eagerly for them, hitched my skirts, pulled aside my panties; I made it easy for them to take me and fill me even as I hated what I did, what I lusted for. A passenger in my own humiliation. Awareness came back slowly - grey light of dawn or dusk, a weight of bedclothes on my body, a warning of peeing. Fear rode me too; that I'd open my eyes to some...

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