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They did that better than I could, and Mandy will have an actual house that her dad earned with his own hands and brain in a few months. I better get my butt to work before I’m late.
Mandy squealed, giggled, and skipped happily to school as her mom told her all about what had happened this morning. When I got all the kids to walk to school, Mandy had plenty of girl talk with her mom about what happened last night. Her mom also told her about some fabrics causing Mandy to get soaked quickly and cum when they rubbed over her budding breasts. I did hear my name mentioned more than a few times but ignored it.
Now that we were on the regular schedule, I found I had the high school girl’s gym class first. The second was the freshman honors language class. My third period was the AP language class. Fourth lunch and a planning period. Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh periods were the sixth, seventh, and eighth-grade girls’ gym classes.
Marissa and I were in the office as the girls came in, found they had baskets with their gym clothes, including underwear, had changed, and got upstairs in the gym for us to take roll.
“ARRGH!” a very frustrated girl screamed out. “I can’t get this dang thing on. Why can’t I wear a sports bra like yesterday?”
I looked into the locker room to see a girl fighting a front-clasp bra with a unique design. When I hit up my implant, I found out why.
“It has a sliding clasp in the front,” I said as I held her fingers while showing her how to pull back the pins that locked it closed, lift one cup slightly, and then slide the cups apart. “I can get you a sports bra if you want to spend tonight in the hospital again trying to breathe while feeling like you have an elephant sitting on your chest with a spiked dildo in front and back between your legs.”
“No, please! I will go without a bra before going through that again,” she said in horror.
I moved her to a mirror to show her how to get the bra on and off a dozen times.
I told her, “Get used to this style and take care of them as the label says. These are the only kind you will wear for the rest of your life. Your body can’t handle having your breast compressed against your chest because it forces your spine out of alignment. The bra you’ve been wearing causes your shoulder muscles not to allow your spine to realign after taking off the sports bra. As much as you may want to go braless, you are a c-cup, so you have no choice. As you now feel, this design holds them firmly. The straps over your back keep the parts on your sides in the right position. You will get a bit more bounce than a sports bra, but less than the ones you have worn since you needed one. Now finish getting dressed before Coach Kimber marks you absent.”
“I didn’t even know something like that existed,” Marissa told me.
I laughed as I said, “I didn’t either. It came with instructions that the girl didn’t even look at.”
Not that I read them.
I found that the boy’s gym classes lined up against the wall in the hallway outside their locker room. They were outside stretching and then playing flag football. The girls were in the gym to stretch and get a baseline for sit-ups, pushups, jumping jacks, and a few other things Marissa had on a checklist. We did that today and tomorrow. The boys had the last two days of the gym while the girls played flag football.
It’s good to see that they aren’t discriminating on gender for the various sports.
Marissa had a knowing smile as she walked down the girls’ line, taking on the role and putting faces to the names.
When we started the girls stretching, I quickly found out why. About half the girls, including Mandy, hadn’t worn bras, only the thin Lycra gym shirt. Marissa whispered to me that the girls were supposed to wear another gym shirt over top of that, but none of them did. I found that only the girls having their period and very shy ones wore panties or biking shorts. As soon as they sweat a bit, the thin tops become transparent. Their shorts kept moving to one side when stretching, and their wet pussies spread open to show the glistening pink treasures. By the time they started to do sit-ups, both modest girls had pulled their panties to the side to show me their lightly fuzzed, tightly closed, non-aroused plump mounds. Each blushed when I looked at their faces and stopped trying to give a show.
“I see the girls are hot for the teacher, but I’m not sure if it is for me or you,” she whispered while the girls did jumping jacks.
I replied, “I’m not sure they even know. Mandy is just doing it because the other girls are.”
When I moved them to do pushups, Marissa told me, “It is why the boys are outside, and girls are inside today and tomorrow, as this happens yearly. They try to see what they can get away with before going too far. Please don’t say a word to any of them about it. If you look at their shorts, these aren’t the ones they had yesterday. The crotch in them isn’t a clean seam and is very rough by design. When they finish the last three exercises, they will have bare spots where hairs got pulled out. From their butt cracks to right above, their pubic bone will be raw for the girls not wearing panties. I have a spray I used on their shorts that mixes with their juices that will smell so much that they have to shower to get rid of it. They all have liquid medicated powder in their baskets. It will provide them with some initial relief, but about ten minutes into their next class, they will start to feel the medicated part start doing its job to heal them. No going command for them. I don’t know how it works, but airing things out causes the menthol to activate. Wearing panties somehow stops the reaction, or maybe just slows it.”
I helped a girl with a muscle cramp in her calf right after starting the exercise, which Marissa said began plucking hairs, especially those on the sides of their mounds. I saw girls pulling at their shorts, trying to make it stop. The girl I was helping had her tits and rock-hard nipples on full display. She wanted to show me her pussy up close. I arranged her with her knee over her other leg.
The cramp in her leg hurt her a lot, and I worked it out. I occasionally pushed a bit harder on the area cramping to make her scream out in pain. At the same time, I would look her in the eyes as I flipped her cum trigger. She had a noticeable puddle of juices under her when I managed to massage out the cramp in her leg enough that she could get to walk on it.
As I helped her, I whispered sternly, “If you ever come to class without a bra, your biking shorts, or both, I will make you squirt and fart. I’m a grandmaster at martial arts. I can make you cum or feel the worst pain in your life by touching you with a finger.”
To prove my point, I made her scream out in pain when she put weight on the leg that had cramped and then cum hard enough to squirt out a few drops along with a fart.
“I won’t ever do it again, I promise. The other girls can call me all the bad things they want,” this girl whispered as I helped her walk around the gym to be sure her leg was better. “Though I can put in a pad if you ever want to pull my finger again.”
With a bit of a smile, she let out a fart.
I made myself busy in the office organizing things, looking over information about each girl’s physical exam for this school year, and other things that kept me where I wasn’t looking into the locker room. One time, I walked to help the girl with the custom bra to find the place she needed to get it open. She came right outside the office to have me make sure she was doing it right in the clean one she took from her basket.
It was a slightly different design.
Marissa and I ignored the girls cussing while washing their now raw, and I found out bald on both sides, pussies, before getting dressed. I did look up when one of the girls screamed out, threw her basket down on the floor, and then started to cry. She had a full black bush that now had bald spots in it. The girls on the rag had no sympathy for her or the other girls.
One of the modest girls screamed out right after the unmistakable sound of the wet tip of a towel smacking bare skin.
“Oh, cut it out already. You can hop on Mr. Jones’s desk, pull yourself open, and finger yourself in front of Mr. Jones. He isn’t interested. My sister said he doesn’t do it with anyone under eighteen anymore. Do you know that new girl in town? Bambi?”
“Bart’s sister?” the girl asked back.
“Yeah. Bambi’s older sister just had Mr. Jones’ triplets this past spring. She got pregnant on purpose. I’m not sure if he jacked him off like that one girl or if he had sex with her,” the first girl told the one that got her butt popped with the towel.
I stepped out into the hall and said, “Girls, you have less than ten minutes to get to your next class. I suggest you gossip at lunch or after school.”
That got them moving. Wonder what the punishment is for being tardy?
Marissa closed and locked the office door.
“You can’t miss that I’m a lesbian. I know you are the dick of choice in town for rug munchers. I asked around. My girlfriends told me it wouldn’t get weird between us if you gave me a good hard, quick fuck. I don’t want to find some guy in a bar. They aren’t up to the task most of the time,” Marissa begged.
Let me see. I have seven minutes before the second bell. If I give you a little push, I can get to my other office and get to my class a few minutes later.
She had all nine inches inside her when she came so hard I had to clean her up and dress her. I knew Marissa didn’t have gym classes this period, so I put her on the couch in the office and locked the door behind me. I walked into the classroom right after the bell.
“Ok, class,” I said. “Time to see who did their homework.”
Some of them refused even to try to participate at first. Others hadn’t done the homework.
“Look, kids, if I can learn over a hundred languages in around six months, you can learn four up the level of a ten-year-old that speaks it by Thanksgiving. Decide if we should do this the hard way or have fun. I can get textbooks for each language, assign you lists of verbs to conjugate, make you write out essays, and all that. At the end of the year, I could fly you to Ireland, Barcelona, or Belgium, and the best you will be able to do is sound like an American who did work from a textbook,” I told them. “I think that is a complete waste of our time, but we can do that if that is what you want. The other option is you decide right now to do the homework. Do it my way, and I will take you all to each of those three countries over the Thanksgiving break to let you see how it feels to watch the faces of those who live there as you speak it as well as kids in elementary school there. India and Pakistan are a bit too dicey to take a group of school kids, but if you work your butts off, I can invite families I know from there that speak and write Sanskrit.”
“Yeah, right, Mr. Jones,” a girl said. “Like you would take us off around the world for a week. You could not get tickets and reservations at places for us and our chaperones to stay. It took a year to get the French and Honor’s AP class to France for a week over the summer.”
“So, you didn’t do the homework or pay attention in class yesterday,” I told her in my best attempt at a teacher’s voice. “I keep my word. It is no problem getting rooms when you own five-star resorts and hotels worldwide. If I don’t have a property there, I have a friend whose dad does. Getting there is the easy part. You think I fly commercial unless I want to?”
You keep saying dumb things. I will make you feel stupid.
After letting them decide how they wanted to learn four languages at once, they decided to try it my way. When the bell rang, I had the class split into three groups. We started the first group singing Row Row Row Your Boat in Irish, then Basque, and they were singing in Dutch when the third group started singing in Irish. They didn’t know we had an audience of teachers and students trying to figure out what they heard. I had to stop them so they could get to their next class on time.
One of the kids in the room asked, “That sounded like Row, Row, Row Your Boat, but I couldn’t understand any of them. It wasn’t because some shouldn’t even sing in the shower.”
“See, class, I told you that everyone knows that song,” I said, watching them realize what they had already learned in just thirty minutes.
“They learned how to sing it in Irish, Basque, and Dutch today. Each group changed the language they were singing in with each verse,” I said to the kid who asked the question. “You are right on. I never said I was a music teacher. I know they all sound better than I do when I try to sing.”
When I got to the AP Honors Class, I told them, “You’ve spent at least two years studying Egyptian, Portuguese, Japanese, and Greek from books. Now you get to show me if I have to start from scratch or not. We will begin with Egyptian. Sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.”
Which one is going to be brave enough to speak up?
“This is a joke, right? You can’t be serious,” a guy finally said. “That is a little kid’s song.”
I smiled as I said, “Yep. Two years of Egyptian, I expect you could at least recite it, even if you can’t sing it. I can have my three-year-old brother and sisters singing it in all four languages you should know, and Irish, Dutch, and Basque by tomorrow.”
“Anyone for Portuguese, Japanese, or Greek?” I asked.
One girl did it in Japanese, so we started there. I would say a verse in Japanese, and then they would repeat it. I knew these kids knew how to speak a bit in each language, so I randomly changed one verse to one of the other three they had studied. Five minutes before the bell, they sang it in whichever language they had started saying it the first time.
“Your homework for tomorrow is Little Miss Muffet, Humpty Dumpty, Jack and Jill. If you want to impress me, you can try One, Two, Freddy’s Coming For You.”
One girl asked, “You mean, One, Two, Buckle My Shoe.”
“No. I mean One, Two, Freddy’s Coming For You. Either variant. Look it up. It is creepy in English. If done in Egyptian or Japanese, with the right inflection, you will have people giving you concerned looks and moving a few steps back.”
For effect, I recited it in German and Russian.
At least some of the kids snuck out their phones to look it up. I heard one group trying to do it in Portuguese and another in Greek. The girl who spoke Japanese at home gave me a mischievous grin as she started singing it close to the sound of the girls singing it in the movie. She got two girls and one boy getting the words down. As I went into my office to put my grade book down, I heard them singing that going down the hall. It wasn’t hard when the other kids in the hallway stopped talking as they tried to figure out what those four were singing that sounded so creepy.
“I’m impressed, and a bit freaked out at the same time. I don’t know what language those kids were singing it in, but that song gave me nightmares for years after I binged all the Nightmare on Elm Street movies at a friend’s house when we were in middle school,” a woman teacher told me.
I laughed and then said, “Wait until tomorrow then. Egyptian, spoken properly, with a bit of attitude, gets people’s attention. I expect the entire class to be saying it in Egyptian and Greek. I wonder if I should try to get the boys to it as a Gregorian Chant in Greek.”
“That I would like to see,” one of the male teachers said. “Though I have to ask, what is the point?”
“Two years of Egyptian, Japanese, Portuguese, and Greek. Only one girl, who speaks some Japanese at home, could recite Twinkle Twinkle Little Star in Japanese. They were doing it, willingly, in all four languages by the end of class,” I explained. “What is the point in learning a foreign language if all you can do is conjugate verbs and say a few things like bed, chair, and car? They learned these nursery rhymes as toddlers before knowing what some words even meant. I’m teaching them the same thing, just in different languages. That is how I learned over a hundred languages in six months, but I’m a natural linguist, so it was easier for me. Plus, they can find all of them, in all four languages, online with the lyrics highlighting the word.”
Another of the teachers asked, “Did you tell the freshman that you would take them on a field trip over Thanksgiving Break? Won’t that be expensive?”
“Yes and no,” I explained. “It depends on how much the kids spend on souvenirs. I’m sure I have hotels and restaurants in all three parts of those countries we will visit, or I know someone who does. So, no cost for room and board. The US Military has certified me to fly all of its aircraft.”
I paused to check my phone and found that I had guessed correctly. I now have my FAA Commercial Pilot’s License.
“I wasn’t sure, so I had to check. Once I turned eighteen, the FAA issued me my commercial pilot’s license. I already had a private pilot’s license and the required flight hours. The only cost there is fuel. Since I need to check on all those businesses anyway, that is a business expense,” I said. “Expedited passports aren’t around two hundred dollars for kids that don’t already have them. I can get cold-weather clothes in bulk in the same colors with school logos. You know, scratch that. I’m going to send a message to someone to get cold-weather gear, including long underwear and tights, for all the students. It doesn’t get as cold in Ireland and Belgium, but more kids are coming here with limited means than I knew. Some of them have to walk to school. Dang, I need to start a list of things to do.”
“Ah, the worries of a trillionaire,” one teacher said bitterly.
I’m going to fix this right now. The woman did this to herself.
I went to her, sat on the edge of her desk, and said, “Trishia, you, of all people, don’t have any right to give me that attitude. You think I’m some muscle-bound rich boy going all over, throwing money at everyone. I’ve heard what you’ve been saying about me, and I don’t care. I know you have nine children, two with special needs that require twenty-four-hour care and two more with mobility issues. Your husband got into a bad car wreck and can’t work, so it is all upon your head and has been for over a year. If you pull your head out of your stubborn ass and accept the job, I will have your family moved in before dinner, except for your husband and two children who need surgery to fix their problems. You are damn good at getting through to the hard-headed kids you’ve been teaching at this school. I have hundreds of them at my foster care complex that need you to get through to them.”
“Bullshit,” she hissed. “You don’t even have the first idea about me.”
I’m not going to take that bait and show you what I know about you in front of everyone.
I asked her to have a private conference with me in the staff room with windows without any way to cover them.
This one is compliments of RabbiRabbit If you have children over the age of three you already know this: For those who have children this age ... this is not so funny For those who have children nearing this age ... this is a warning For those who have not yet had children ... this is birth control Things I've learned from my children... (honest and no kidding!) 1. A king size waterbed holds enough water to fill a 2000 square foot house 4 inches deep. 2. If you spray hair spray on...
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Hello indian sex stories dot net Readers, I received 19 emails after the Reshma story, so thanks! After a hiatus of about 4 months, I’m back with my latest real-life incident. I’ve always said that I’ve been lucky with women all my life. This incident happened recently …… It was a hot and humid Wednesday morning and I was getting ready for work. The phone rang and I noticed that it was my ex-School landline. Wondering what the school wanted with me I took the call. It was the principal’s...
Introduction: the girls need to improve their grades Hello once again faithful readers It is I, Charity Jones, your humble narrator and relater of sexual escapades. When we last left you we were still following my journey throughout the 11th grade so many years ago. This will continue that journey, with my cohorts Faith OReilly and Hope Jenkins. After my incredible breakthrough with my boyfriend, Chet , local teen heart-throb, captain of the football team and my secret cuckold, it was time to...
It is I, Charity Jones, your humble narrator and relater of sexual escapades. When we last left you we were still following my journey throughout the 11th grade so many years ago. This will continue that journey, with my cohorts Faith O’Reilly and Hope Jenkins. After my incredible breakthrough with my boyfriend, Chet ; local teen heart-throb, captain of the football team and my secret cuckold, it was time to get back to what truly mattered to me most; getting laid. And for the first few...
Yes, I’m THAT teacher. The one you fantasized about. The one in the old Van Halen “Hot for Teacher” video. The one that inspires the comment: “I wish my teachers looked like that when I was in high school.” That teacher. I know all the schoolboy fantasies you harbored when you were sixteen: Private after-school detentions where I draw the blinds and ride your cock on top of the lab table. Stolen moments in my closet while the rest of the class has gone to lunch. Maybe I’ll wank you until...
TabooHello everyone. I am David from Hyderabad. I have been regular reader and a big fan of ISS. I am very thankful to ISS for providing such a wonderful platform to express stories of our real life. This is my 1st story in ISS and i hope u people will like it. Comments and suggestions are welcomed. This actually motivates me to write more and girls/women in Hyderbad are also welcomed for personal chats. Give me feedback on I am 22 year old, with good height, have a athletic figure and working in a...
Introduction: She was the coolest gym teacher ever and on this day i found out how hot she could be. I was just 16. Crazy, horny, and a sexual addict to a certain extent. Earlier the same year during the summer i had fucked my preachers wife, which you can also read about on here. Once i got back to school i had been with about three girls. It was a few days after halloween which was an amazing weekend. I was at school in my last period of the day. We were basically just waiting for the bell to...
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When I was in college, my Math teacher was one of the hottest little teases you could imagine. She was about 5’5″ with true black hair, well that we find out about later, nice tits and an ass that could stop the world. She had to be no more than 23. Her name was Ms. Megha Patel. Ms. Patel knew she was hot and did everything she could to drive all the horny 18 year old studs in her classes absolutely wild. She wore little skirts with thigh high stockings and those little black rimmed glasses...
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I spotted her across the crowded, open courtyard outside the Champagne bar on a barmy, summer evening. I would have recognised her anywhere with her auburn hair curled and bouncing on her extraordinary, voluptuous breasts, and her radiant and inviting smile. Her eyes were clear green and mischievous, just as I remembered them the first time I ever saw her.It sounds quite romantic, but at 16-years-old, repeating a school year because I'd been excluded so many times from other places, I got an...
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I am 18 years old and now i’ am in school giving my 12th exam. In school, i was always fascinated by my history teacher. She was just wonderful, 28 years old and having the perfect figure of a teenage. Let me introduce myself. My name is craig and my history teacher’s name is vineeta ekka. She was teaching us history since std:8 and was very cooperative. Always cool-minded, never trying to scold us. She would always enter the class with a smile on her face. As i had taken up arts in 11 she was...
Alan hurried to his first-period physics class and made it through the door just as the bell rang. As he sat down, he complimented himself that he'd gotten away with yet more outrageous behavior on the school grounds, and no one was the wiser. But the instant he sat in his seat, a sense of horror ran through him that something was dreadfully wrong. He could feel wetness on the backs of his upper thighs where they touched the seat, and his forearms on the desk were soaking in something both...
My English Lit teacher is blonde, twenty-nine, married, with a two year old child and hot. Every male in the school over puberty lusts after her, staff and pupils. She wore two types of skirts both short, that showed off her long slim legs to perfection, the first was really short and tight hugging hers hips and barely covering her bum, the other type which I preferred was slightly longer but more flouncy and soft that moved and swayed when she walked. Also tight fitting low cut tops that had...
It was another cold winter afternoon and again I found it extremely hard to concentrate in my English 10 class. This was because I found it hard to think about anything other than what I would do to my teacher Mrs. Lawson if I had the chance. I wasn’t the only one either; I go to school at an all boy’s academy and we’ve all been mighty distracted by our sexy English teacher. Mrs. Lawson is beyond beautiful. She is 21 and this is her first year teaching. She has silky blonde hair that falls down...
Two days after, a considerable crowd was assembled, towards ten o'clock in the morning, around the door of M. de Villefort's house, and a long file of mourning-coaches and private carriages extended along the Faubourg Saint-Honore and the Rue de la Pepiniere. Among them was one of a very singular form, which appeared to have come from a distance. It was a kind of covered wagon, painted black, and was one of the first to arrive. Inquiry was made, and it was ascertained that, by a strange...
Kevin climbed over the wooden fence behind his house and landed between some shrubs. Zig zagging around some trees, he looked everywhere for his baseball. Finally, he spotted it laying next to a giant swimming pool, he ran straight for it. Kevin had no idea that the house, behind his own, had such a big backyard and a swimming pool. He felt a twang of jealousy but ignored it and kept his eye on the prize. The sun was out and it was a super nice day, the heat of the afternoon...
I sat in my desk watching her come into the room and sit at her desk. Then class started and she stood up and introduced herself. Her name was Mrs. Wilson. She was about 5'7'' with long black hair. Her body was something to stare at. You could tell she was or used to be athletic by her shape. Her legs were the perfect combination of muscle and body fat. They were silky smoothe and covered with panty hose topped of with a pair of high heels. They went all the way up and turned into a...
Going on four weeks in the semester, I am enrolled in a Multicultural Studies Course. I am a student with a 3.7 GPA, I work hard for my grades. I work over 60 hours a week with being a highly requested phone lady helping clientele with phone sex. I LOVE MY FUCKINGJOB!!! I also am crushing hard over my teaching assistant professor not knowing how I am going to approach him with, "Hi, I am majoring in English...your course is part of my degree...shall we get well acquainted in each others'...
TabooMichelle was a young early thirties blonde school teacher. She taught French and she enjoyed her work, although she was less satisfied in her personal life. You see she was still single. She was engaged several years ago, but that ended rather abruptly and she hasn’t been on a date since. She wanted to be happy. She wanted to be with a man, with a family, everything. It seemed as if this would never happen. That was until one rainy Friday. It was a rainy spring morning. Nothing particularly out...
The Disgraced TeacherSynopsis- This story is about Elizabeth, a Maths teacher who joined a very reputated and wealthy school to nourish her family conditions but found that there were a very different culture being followed within it. One girl, Eves was also sent to this pervert and bizarre school to become sex slave of her only brother.This is my second effort of writing a BDSM story for the BDSM stories lovers. My first story was " BDSM SCHOOL" and has been posted on this website so you can...
But I should tell you about myself. I was 5foot 9inches tall and weighed about 8 stone. I wasn't too muscly but I had a slight six pack forming and broad shoulders. Nothing like those idiots who spend all their time working out and get obsessed, I just didn't think it was worth it. Most girls I spoke to thought it was actually quite unattractive so I was happy how I was. I had had only one serious girlfriend previously but she moved away, and a few others but it didn't last very long, or...
Hello friends ye meri pahli story hai ye bat us samay ki hai jab me 12th me padhta tha aur mr meri teacher ko passand karta tha kyuki wo utni sundar jo thi me unhe hamesha dekhta tha wo hame hindi padhati thi aor me class me kavel unko hi dekhata tha wo ye baat janti thi ab me apne bar me kuch Batata hu mera name vinod hai meri age 22 hai pyar se sab mujhe vini bulate hai aur ajj kal me jablpur me service kar raha hu jab ye baat hue meri age 18 saal thi aur teacher ki 24 saal wo marride thi...
Did you know Thotsbay has a forum? It isn’t uncommon for a free porn site to have a message board, but it isn’t all that common for those message boards to be hopping places. The one on Thotsbay is different in part because there’s actually something going on in there. In fact, it’s arguably a cornerstone of the website, where you can see and crank off to a lot of the material before it even hits the front page.I already wrote an extensive, lengthy review of Thotsbay.com, so I will focus on the...
Free OnlyFans Leak SitesAll characters are 18+ Years Old. This story contains sex between 5 Black teenage students and their racist teacher. The teenagers dominates the teacher. The N-word will be used fairly often but in context, as the main protagonist is a racist teacher member of the KKK, also the students will often address each other using the N-word. Keep in mind though that Black people in this story are actually the dominant party. This story is not promoting racism in any way, it's just a piece of...
(Gay, Twinks/Males, Submission/Domination, Interracial, School)All characters are 18+ Years Old. This story contains sex between 5 Black teenage students and their racist teacher. The teenagers dominates the teacher. The N-word will be used fairly often but in context, as the main protagonist is a racist teacher member of the KKK, also the students will often address each other using the N-word.Keep in mind though that Black people in this story are actually the dominant party. This story is...
Hey, guys, this is deep from Bangalore. I’m back with another sensual and erotic sex story which happened to me when I started my graduation. I hope you guys enjoy my sex story and just giving my small intro, I have quite a good physique. Am 21 and 5’7 tall, good looking and fun loving guy with 6-inch shaft ;). Any ladies or girls who wanna have fun can contact me without any hesitation through Gmail. My Gmail id is so please do contact me and give me feedback’s for my stories. Neha Sharma,...
Yithu mattoru anubhavam: yithil ayalvasi aaya thankachi teacher aanu nammude nayika. Bahrainil ninnu orikkal naattil vannappol undaaya anubhavamanu, 2 varshathil naattilundaaya maattanghal, adhil onnayirunnu jhanghalude yellam priyankaran aayirunna monachan chettante dhaaruna maya maranam. 28 vayas aayirunnu praayam, co-operative bankil secretary aayirunnu, naattil yellavarkum veantapetavan, upakari, 1.1/2 varsham munpu vivaahithanaayi, vadhu naattukariyum jhangalude school le teacher...
This story is about how a teacher ends up in a situation that makes her reputation less than reputable. I am Vedayana, and 42 years old teacher in one of the topmost colleges in the country. I teach English in junior college. And my son studies in the same college. This story happened a year back. In the college during a break: Varun: Shit yaar, Vedayana mam is a hot sexy cunt. Dude, just look at her. She’s dressed like a fucking hot model. Sahil: Dude, she makes my cock so fucking hard. I...
Hello friends, en peyar Ganesh vayathu 19 aagugirathu, naan kalluriku sernthu muthalaam aandu padithu varugiren. Enaku oru teacher paadam edupaargal avargal engalin pazha kadaiku juice kudika varuvaargal, teacher vayathu 38 irukum. Teacher aninthu irukum aadaiyil mulai pilavu sexiyaaga therinthu kondu irukum, teacher intha vayathilum sexiyaaga aadai aninthu kondu irupaargal. Nandraaga sirithu pesuvaargal, naan kalluri sendru veetirku vanthu pazha kadaiyil thaan velai seithu kondu irupen....
Peter O’Malley was sulking in the dimly lit parking lot. The loud music blasting from the club continued to remind him of the fun he could be having if only…. “What a stupid law,” he fumed. “I can vote. I can be drafted into the army. But at 18 I can’t go into a place where they serve alcohol. What’s so special about being 21? What a stupid, fuckin’ law!” Peter had tried using his fake id, but the bouncer at the door spotted it right away....
Ms. Porcher's body seemed to wrap around me as she bounced on top of my lap, my slick erection slipping in and out of the warm and wonderful hole between her legs. Her hair was in my mouth, her heavy breath hot in my ear as we fucked in the back seat of my parents car. The dim lights of the school parking lot did not penetrate the tinted windows of the Bonneville, providing cover for us behind the temporary buildings beside the football field. It was after 10pm on a Tuesday night, no one was...
Hi friends mera name Sameer hai or I’m ISS ka last 1 year se regular reader hu isilie aaj m bhi apna ek unforgettable or memorable sex experience share kar rha hu ye khani hai meri economics ki teacher k bare me. Mera name sameer hai or m panipat hry ka rehne wala hu abhi m Gurgaon me ek MNC me as a HR manager job kar rha hu meri age 25 saal hai or height 5:10 feet h skin color fair h maine apne school or college ki cricket team ko represent kia h islie mera physic bhi athletic h.so bina time...
I was adopted by a loving couple and raised in a small town in Northeast Ohio. When I was 18 years old in high school, I developed a strong interest in math mainly because I had a very good teacher, Mrs. Pauline Rogers, who also was an attractive lady: about 5'2" and 120 lb, blonde, firm boobs, and slim legs. When ever I was close to her, I tried to inhale her intoxicating perfume. I worked hard to please her, who I guessed was about 35 years old. In turn, she was glad to have one male student...
Main uttar pradesh rampur me rehta hu.Dosto me aap ko jo story batana chahta hu usne mujhe pehla aur pyara ahsas diya hai.meri Story bata ta hu To dosto suno ab aap ka bhi khara ho jayega agar acchi lage. Me 23 saal ka hu 2 saal pehle ki true khani bata raha hu.main jab bhi us din ko yaad karta hu to dil chahta hai kaash wo din lout kar ajaye. Jab me b.com 2nd year main tha meri pyari teacher computer subject sikha ti thi teacher ki age 24 thi wo itni pyari thi ke un par se meri nigah nahi...
A boy John, regularly went to his teacher for lessons.They had a student-teacher relationship.The teacher was newly married and the boy was single as well as handsome. Once the teacher's husband went out of station for a few days.And the teacher was felling uncomfortable without a cock. One evening, while watching a sex scene in a movie she lost her mind and started fingering her pussy.Suddenly,John knocked at the door.She immediately stopped her business and opened the door.John noticed that...
EroticIntroduction: White teacher submissive is seduced by black dominant parent. Straight White Girls: A Pet Teacher Summary: White teacher submissive is seduced by black dominant parent. Note 1: Thanks to goamz86 and Robert for editing this story. Straight White Girls: A Pet Teacher Jasmines last parent-teacher interview was scheduled for nine at night, a full hour after the evening was supposed to end. Janet Jones, the mother of Bethany Jones, couldnt make it until this late time because of...
I'm Brad, and I'm an twenty-three-year-old college student. I have brown hair and eyes, and I have a drop dead gorgeous English teacher. I personally think that everything you are required to learn in English class is just useless information. Although, lucky for me it was taught by Miss Good. She was twenty-eight, and looked like a supermodel. She had C-cup tits, and always gave me a hard on when I saw her. I would have thought she would have had a giant rock on her finger, but she was single....
Reluctance“Welcome everyone!” she announced. “This class is Sex 101”. The kids in the classroom giggled a little bit. “There are 3 things you must know in this class: #1) No condoms allowed. #2) You must follow the rules. #3) You do not want to break the rules. If you do you will be punished. Robert flinched. What kind of rules are those? You must follow the rules and you do not want to break the rules? What are the rules you do not want to break? His thoughts were interrupted by the...
Yes, I’m THAT teacher. The one you fantasized about. The one in the old Van Halen “Hot for Teacher” video. The one that inspires the comment: “I wish my teachers looked like that when I was in high school.” That teacher. I know all the schoolboy fantasies you harbored when you were sixteen: Private after-school detentions where I draw the blinds and ride your cock on top of the lab table. Stolen moments in my closet while the rest of the class has gone to lunch. Maybe I’ll wank you until...
The teacher! Hi, this is writing this story. Your comments and feedbacks are welcome. This is the story of a teacher initiating a student into sex for one and only one time to satisfy her urges. It is rarely that our village side school gets a chance to participate in the state youth festival. And this year we had a small group of artists including me, who were raring to participate in an event in the competition. But we had a problem. It was my parents. They are not letting me go with the...