2 Clan Amir Falcon ChickChapter 06
- 4 years ago
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In November, 2009, Gerry travels to Europe on behalf of the Berant King. He’s there as a Special Envoy to resolve some trade issues with the United Kingdom, France, and Germany. He’ll also be sorting out some matters for his own and clan businesses in the United Kingdom, France, Spain, and Belgium. Travelling with him is a senior member of the Berant Department of Trade, Pierre de Darnet. His ancestors include the last two French governors of Berant from the time when it was a French colony. It’s hoped his French heritage and government links will help alleviate some of the strong animosity the French bureaucrats still feel about being kicked out of Berant sixty years ago.
Berant has good arrangements with the European Union, but it also has some minor issues with the three individual governments mentioned. The personal business items are to select senior executives from several local candidates and to realign activities with new trade agreements. The local concerns are about the effect Berant import goods will have on local businesses. The biggest actual trade problems are with the United Kingdom so Gerry and Pierre start their work there, and the worst political problems are with France so they’ll finish the trip there to have more time to deal with the concerns of the touchy French bureaucracy.
A Special Envoy is expected to sit down and discuss issues with the senior politicians and bureaucrats of the government being visited, but that’s not how things are being done this time. The relevant Berant Ambassadors will still be responsible for the negotiations, the signing of all of the documents, and public relations. Gerry and Pierre are there to evaluate the situation and to amend Berant policy if they need to, which is something the Ambassadors don’t have the authority to do but Gerry does. Gerry and Pierre spend their time speaking to local businessmen and lower level bureaucrats instead of the senior ones.
United KingdomThe problems in the UK are due to the direct competition by two Berant manufacturers of technical equipment and how it’ll impact on the local businesses. Like France and Germany the UK stands to lose a lot of jobs through the loss of local and export trade because they currently supply much of Europe with the same high technology goods. The Berant goods are a higher quality at a much lower price, despite being imported. This is due to a better design and quality control process during the manufacture with less staff which results in a much lower wastage and reduced production costs to end in lower prices for the goods.
The argument being made by the UK Government is the same as those of the French and Germany Governments about concerns for the local business operations. Investigations show the local businesses in all three are very inefficient, are using out of date manufacturing systems, and are over staffed. The governments are more concerned with the overall net effect on their own Balance of Trade figures and the potential loss of jobs. The Ambassadors haven’t been able to get anywhere with these issues.
One lucky aspect is the Berant companies concerned are owned by Gerry, so any loss in potential revenue for them will affect his pocket. He won’t be abused by others if he changes policy that reduces the export income. The bulk of the benefit of the new trade agreement with the European Union will be in other industries and companies, thus not getting the trade from these two companies won’t have any real effect on Berant as it’ll just mean the two companies won’t be spending any money on expansion in Berant.
After a week’s investigations and discussions Gerry proposes a deal for the UK Government. Berant won’t import and sell the high tech products of those two companies in the UK if the UK Government will approve the establishment of two new Berant controlled subsidiary companies to construct manufacturing plants to produce the goods locally as per their methods.
The owners of the existing companies aren’t happy with this deal because it won’t ensure their continued operations. The UK Government is very happy with the deal because it will keep the Balance of Trade figures stable and minimise the job losses. They realise there’ll be some since the Berant manufacturing process uses less staff. The cost of constructing local plants and using local labour will increase the local retail price of the Berant goods, but they’ll still be lower than that of their competitors. An added benefit for the UK Government is the offer of the Berant companies to establish their new plants in areas of high unemployment and to train the local people to do the work. The special agreement is soon signed. Copies are also sent to the Ambassadors in Germany and France.
Gerry takes time to organise the establishment of the new companies, and he selects suitable local managers from the pool of local people he’s checking for promotion to higher managerial roles. The just promoted staff are left to finalise the organisation of the new companies and to construct the new plants.
Gerry and Pierre leave the UK for Belgium, and Gerry spends a few days attending to his businesses there while Pierre confers with the local Embassy staff. They arrive in Germany to be handed a new signed agreement exactly like the one signed by the UK Government. Because their work here is greatly reduced they have a little extra time to take in the local sights. Gerry sets about organising local managerial staff while Pierre confers with Embassy staff on other trade matters.
A quick trip to Spain for similar work, and then onto France. They achieve a lot in their short visits in each country.
French FootworkThey arrive in Paris to be informed by the Ambassador the majority of the French bureaucrats and politicians are ready to approve and sign an agreement like the UK one, but a few are being very stubborn about it. Some because they’ve connections with the local businesses that will suffer once the Berant operations come on line, and some because they still harbour a grudge about being kicked out of Berant.
Since they’ve plenty of time to deal with this, and no other places to visit, they change their meeting agenda. The Ambassador is left to deal with the French Government on the trade issue while Pierre confers with local staff on other matters and Gerry attends to his personal business matters. After a few days Pierre is finished with his other work so he assists the Ambassador with his. The French continue to play games, and they keep asking for the rights to have their existing companies make the Berant products under licence. Something they’ve already been told won’t ever happen. The existing companies’ quality checking process leaves a great deal to be desired and Gerry won’t risk the reputations of his companies with such slack workers.
The discussions drag on, and they look like they may never end. At one point Gerry has the head offices of his two companies send official notice to the French Government they’ll never allow the manufacture of their goods out of their control. They’ll employ locals to manufacture, but will never approve other companies to do so. The Berant companies are quite happy not to manufacture in France or export direct to France, but they will manufacture in and / or export to the other European countries, regardless of the French position. The choices are simple, either approve the Berant companies to expand operations into France or expect their own market to pay more by having to purchase through middle level suppliers in the neighbouring countries. The Berant goods will still be cheaper than the French ones, and be of a better quality too. The French hold outs aren’t happy with this, but there’s nothing they can do if it all goes that way because they won’t modify their position.
School SurprisesDuring the second week of their visit to Paris Gerry and Pierre are scheduled to address the seniors at a local school for the children of diplomats and embassy staff to tell them all about Berant. This is part of a school program to give the seniors a better understanding of life in other countries and cultures. Some similar talks have been arranged for a few other private schools in and around Paris.
They arrive at the school at 9:00 a.m. on the Thursday morning to address thirty-seven seniors in a lecture room at 9:30 a.m. They spend the intervening time meeting and talking with staff while Gerry’s security detail, a sergeant and ten Shields, check out the school as they set up security for the school and lecture room. The official security detail is small because the French Government complained about the affront to their ability to protect visiting dignitaries, but they’d only assigned six gendarmes as the official security detail. The French don’t see Berant diplomats as being high risk targets. The talk starts at 9:30 a.m. with the introduction of the guest speakers. Pierre will talk for an hour followed by a fifteen minute question time. Then Gerry will talk for an hour followed by a short question time. They’ll then gather in another room for a buffet luncheon and an hour or so of general discussion.
At 10:15 a.m. Sergeant Banners is checking the perimeter from the building’s roof when he notices three large trucks pull up in the streets around the school: two near the front entrance to the Senior’s Block and one near its back entrance. The school takes up half of a small block. It has two buildings, the smaller Seniors’ Block is on the end with streets on three sides. The main building is between the Seniors’ Block and the other businesses in the streets. The original fence separates the Seniors’ Block from the main building because the Seniors’ Block used to be owned by another company when they were the offices for a small marketing and training business.
ContactSergeant Banners brings his binoculars into focus on the trucks. He watches while the backs open and armed men jump out, lots of armed men. He activates his radio and says, “Viper, Viper, Cutlass Three declaring Viper Black diplo school. Stand to and repulse boarders.”
At the Embassy the radio alert is received, and it causes instant action. The radio operator hits the alert button as he passes the word to the commander of the Embassy security detachment. The rest of the two platoons of Shields who’d accompanied the party are soon getting ready for combat, so are the rest of the Embassy’s security detachment; five platoons are readying for detached combat deployment.
The small security detail at the school are already responding to the attackers who eliminate the six gendarmes in the opening seconds of the attack. The Shields don’t have all of their usual weapons as the French were also extremely difficult about what they’d allow them to carry. They’ve machine pistols and pistols, but no grenades or heavy weapons.
Over one hundred attackers are pouring through the gates when the outer screen opens fire. The attackers expect a few bodyguards for the Berant diplomats, but they’re expected to grab their people and fight a running withdrawal. They aren’t expecting the Berant security to launch a counter attack, but that’s exactly what Second Squad is doing. The squad commander, Corporal Mathers, knows he has no decent defensive points available. So the best he can do is to rip the attackers apart while they’re in the open. Yelling their battle cry of, “For the people,” the squad erupts from the front entrance with their machine pistols on maximum fire rate. The five Shields spread out to give the attackers more targets while they cut the attackers down with sweeping bursts of fire. About thirty attackers die in the opening bursts of fire from the defenders.
Some of the leading attackers drop to the ground to provide steady fire at the Shields. Sergeant Banners opens fire on the attackers at maximum rate as well, he’s shooting at them where they’re bunched to enter the gates. He’s on his third magazine before they realise he’s up there. A few stop to aim up at him, so he takes several rounds on his armour before one incoming burst hits his helmet and knocks him off balance. He’s knocked over, falls, hits the roof hard, and his head strikes the roof edge; he’s knocked unconscious, so he just lies there.
With just one minute into the raid Second Squad is down, all dead or dying. But so are nearly seventy of the attackers. The raid leader is on his radio calling in his reserves while what’s left of his force enters the building. He’s very upset because this raid to capture the students is the culmination of seven months of preparation, and they chose today to include the special diplomat in the bag. They intend to demand the ending of sanctions against their birth country as the payment for the release of the students and diplomat. The planners expected total losses for the operation to be about fifteen to twenty men, but they’ve already lost most of the main force, and they haven’t got any of the hostages yet. Diverting the other trucks here means the cancellation of the two diversionary attacks. He’ll make someone pay for this, but later, when he has control of the school. He follows his attack team into the school.
Gerry is listening on his radio, so he knows they have major problems. No outside guards are responding. He knows, from Sergeant Banners’ first reports, the building’s back door is covered by attackers and they’re coming in the front. The windows have security grills, so no escape there. On his radio he says, “Corporal Jacks, do your best, we’ve no way out and there’s too many of them. I’m going off the air.”
The Corporal says, “Yes, Sir, good luck. The best we can do is reduce their numbers to make it easier for the rescue team.”
Taking his radio out of his ear Gerry takes the main unit out of his pocket. He places the unit in an empty cigarette packet he has and he puts it back in his pocket. Going to another part of the room he slips one pistol under a cupboard and his other under the podium. He returns to his seat in the audience. Most watch him when he moves about while they wonder what he’s up to, because they can all hear the shooting outside and they realise they’re in big trouble.
Out in the hallway Corporal Jacks splits his team up as he sends three men to the other end of the hallway with specific instructions. His plan is to kill as many as he can, instead of a defence of the room. He turns over a heavy desk to block the hall near the door to the lecture room. He and one private kneel down behind the desk, ready to hold the line.
The attackers encounter no resistance after entering the building, so the lead troops figure all of the guards were at the entrance. They charge down the hallways toward their target room where the hostages are. Running flat out the raiders reach the cross corridor for the lecture room and turn down it. The front nine die in their tracks when the defenders, Corporal Jacks and Private Little, open up on them, five more run into their fire before the rest can slow down enough to stop short of the intersection.
Grenades bounce around the corner and explode, then a wave of raiders follows. Seeing the grenades the defenders duck behind the desk and wait for the explosions before they pop up again, opening fire before they make target acquisition. They don’t need to aim because the hallway is full of attackers, so their first shots take the leaders in the chests. Another dozen attackers die before those near the back can lob grenades behind the desk. Both dying Shields keep their fingers on the triggers with their guns pointed at the attackers until their magazines are empty. They don’t live much longer, either. They paid their ferryman’s fee because thirty-four dead attackers lie in the hallway. The leader of the attackers is shocked - of his initial assault unit of one hundred and twenty men he’s lost one hundred and six, and they don’t have the hostages. This was supposed to be a cakewalk. He can hear his reserve forces entering the building as they report arriving on site via their radio. The leader directs the last nine men from his initial main force down the corridor and he follows them. Hearing a noise behind him he turns in time to see three Guards open fire. He’s killed with the opening burst, and the last of the initial team inside the building survive him by only seconds. The remaining Shields of First Squad are starting to move down the hall when the new group of attackers comes around the corner. The three Shields drop to their knees and open fire. The air is soon thick with bullets travelling in both directions. In less than a minute the firing stops when all of First Squad are dead, as well as fourteen of the fifty extra raiders called in.
The man in charge of the extra raiders is shocked. Their leader and his initial assault force of one hundred and twenty men are dead, except for the five men watching the back door. Six gendarmes and ten security guards have killed one hundred and thirty of their best freedom fighters. He has only forty-one men left to secure the hostages and the building. He left five men to secure the front door, and with the five securing the back door he has thirty-one to secure the hostages. That’s all he can do for now. He’s only fifth in their European leadership and he wasn’t fully briefed on this mission as his job is to bring the extra men to where their leader needs them. No one thought he’d need to act on his own at all.
PrisonersThe new raider leader takes his men to the lecture room, and they enter it to find a middle aged man telling a group of high-school seniors to stay in their seats and be calm. The new raid leader walks up to the podium as he waves the man back from it. The man carefully moves away from the podium. The attackers spread around the room.
The new raid leader tells them they’re now his prisoners and they’ll be released unharmed once the reasonable demands of their liberation Army are met by the western imperialists. They’re to stay seated.
One student raises his hand and asks, “Which western government has taken control of your country as part of their imperial expansion?” The raider leader just snarls at him and tells him to shut up.
One by one the students are motioned forward and are checked for weapons before being sent back to their seats. Pierre is directed to sit with the students after he’s been searched for weapons as well. Fifteen armed gunmen are left spread around the room to keep an eye on the students. The other sixteen attackers spread out through the building while they check every room for other hostages.
Within a few minutes they hustle three more staff members into the room with the main hostages. They’ll do for object lessons when the time comes for such lessons.
ResponseWhen the alert sounds the Berant Embassy readies troops and sends them to the school. The Embassy security commander, Captain Thomas, rings the French authorities to tell them what’s happening. The school is in the same section of Paris as the majority of the embassies so the Berant troops are first to arrive. Following Standing Orders they stop short of their objective and they advance on foot while they check everything out when they move forward. Noticing the armed raiders at the two entrances they make no effort to enter the grounds, but they set up a cordon around it. Also, some troops go to every nearby building to inform the occupants of what’s happening. By the time the French authorities arrive the surrounding buildings are empty of innocent bystanders and the area is secure. The senior combat officer of the French forces is grateful for the help, but his politically motivated boss is extremely upset by the presence of the Berant forces when he arrives, especially when they refuse to leave the area to let the French forces handle it.
The French officer in charge is expounding on the capabilities of the French forces and how they can easily handle this when the officer in charge of the Shields, Senior Lieutenant Chesway, simply points to the six dead gendarmes and the dead attackers. There are no dead attackers near the gendarmes and, more telling, their weapons are still slung on their backs. It’s obvious they died before they got a shot off. And it’s just as clear the five dead Shields near the front entrance are responsible for all of the dead attackers. No words are said, but the images say a lot about comparative combat capabilities of the forces. Not another word is said. However, much is being said on telephones between the embassies and the French authorities.
In the buildings surrounding the school sniper trained Swords are setting up to eliminate all of the known and visible attackers when the word is given. They know it’ll come, regardless of French approval or disapproval. The Shields prepare for a fast hostage rescue assault, light weapons without much penetration capability, just in case a hostage is hit by accident. They’ll rely on speed, armour, and accurate shooting.
Things aren’t going well for the French authorities because the hostages include children from all of the big embassies and the Berant Ambassador lets the other Ambassadors know he has troops from the Protector’s Own, ones extremely well-trained in hostage rescue work. The foreign Ambassadors know the quality of the French troops aren’t as high as the Protector’s Own, so all of them are pushing to have the Shields do the rescue. They all agree they can’t give into the demands from the terrorists so they have to mount an operation soon, before the terrorists recover fully from their heavy initial losses in the attack.
Pressure is mounting to hand the operation over to the Berant forces, and the French authorities don’t like it, not at all. It doesn’t help them to be reminded if they’d let the normal security team travel with Gerry all of the attackers would be dead with no hostages taken.
Settling InWith all the rooms checked the raid leader decides he hasn’t enough men to control the whole building, so he’ll move the hostages to a large room on the upper floor. He has his men check the room for anything that can be used as a weapon. They check the path the hostages will take, removing fire extinguishers, etc. from the walls.
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In late August, 2004, Senior Sergeant Gordon ‘Gerry’ Mannheim is in command of 1st Platoon, D Company, 5th Claymore on Military Police Patrol in the city of Dareena. The patrol is split into two units of two squads with his senior corporal leading one unit while Gerry leads the other. They’re patrolling the ‘entertainment’ area of the city because it’s well known for its cheap drinking establishments, strip clubs, prostitutes, gambling, and the related criminal types. Many of the off duty...
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The year 2006 is a year of many diverse challenges and changes in Gerry’s life. In December, 2005, he passes his final exams to obtain a degree in law and is accepted by the relevant bodies as entitled to practice law. In February, 2006, he becomes a qualified lawyer entitled to appear in court and be paid to represent someone. A month later he’s appointed by the Amiri Tribal Council as the Amur Elder because the previous Amur Elder is retiring. The Amur Elder is the tribe’s senior judge as...
In mid June, 2006, Senior Captain, acting Major, Gordon Mannheim is on loan to the Green Orcas, the 2nd Royal Sea Guards, with Lieutenant Angelson and a platoon of the 3rd Claymore under Senior Sergeant Chektar. There’s always been a bit of piracy in the region, usually fast small boats involved in smuggling or raiding small coastal cargo ships. Of late there’s been some talk about slavers in the region, and the rate of missing children has risen very sharply. The chances of smuggling...
In 2003 the eleven year old Gerry wants to build a couple of yachts. One for practical reasons and a luxury cruiser for himself. He decides to build one hull able to do both tasks with different fit-outs. The luxury yacht will be the first built to prove the design. He knows what he wants and how it should look. The experts say it can’t be done. He studies and qualifies as a maritime designer, maritime engineer, and chemist. Doing all of the studies by distance education and condensed short...
In mid March, 2007, Major Gordon Mannheim is an acting Lieutenant Colonel in charge of the 3rd Claymore, The Rocks, on a mountain climbing exercise in the Darunch Mountains. Colonel Phillips, the Rocks’ regular commander, is to evaluate Gerry’s performance. Technically, the Colonel is outside of the command chain during the evaluation and until they return to the barracks, but he’s able to take back command if he sees the need to. The weather is hot and very dry as it’s been an unusually hot...
By the end of 2007 Gordon ‘Gerry’ Mannheim has proven he knows how to control and manage troops in the barracks and in the field. He’s proven his combat tactical skills at various levels, and his courage. He’s excelled at the combat strategic theory and he’s shown he can handle all of the command administrative aspects. However, he still needs to prove his ability to deal with high level combat strategic and tactical matters in a changing combat situation the way it happens in real life....
Bullying is not an accepted behaviour amongst the tribes as the elders go to a lot of trouble to see it doesn’t occur, so do the clan and family leaders. The few cases of bullying that do occur in the tribes are quickly and thoroughly dealt with, so repetition isn’t a problem. Oh, some boys and girls are very bossy and very pushy, but abusive bullying (either physical or mental) is very quickly stopped by the adults. Stopped in a way that makes those responsible to never want to do it...
In December, 1999, Gordie is in Carmel shopping with his sister, Danielle who is known as Dani-girl. They’re after a few Christmas presents for family members that are hard to shop for, so they’re checking out the wider range of shops in Carmel. They normally shop in View Port because the clan residence is built into the headland between the two towns with its front entrance being closer to View Port, but the tourist resort town of Carmel has a much wider range of goods for sale, though at...
In February, 2001, Gordie is asked by his sister Dani to see if he can help an old friend of hers from school, Marcella Barrington, find a new job around the View Port / Carmel area. Her parents aren’t well and she’d like to move closer to them in View Port. She’s a well-regarded business manager with an MBA and a good work record in Berana, the capital city. However, there’s not much demand for MBAs outside of the capital city. Gordie passes her resume around all of the local businesses, but...
She was born Danielle Annette Nancy Isobelle Amiri on December 16th, 1975, two days before her cousin Daniel Albert Nathan Imara. Neither set of parents knew what the other named their child until the Imara family moved back to live with the clan in View Port. The Imara family had been living in the Dareed Region due to Mr Imara’s work. The children first meet when they’re five years old and both are about to start school together at View Port, both are usually called Dani / Danny. This...
For the first few weeks after the Ruiz incident Gordie stays at home under constant supervision, and having counselling sessions with a psychologist. Because of his medical training Gordie knows why this is needed so he works with the counsellor to help sort out his mental processes to get a good handle on them again. By the time the doctors declare him fit for the world again there’s only a week before the mid-semester break. Gordie talks his parents into letting him go on a camping trip in...
Gordon Mannheim was never an average boy. However, in many ways, especially emotionally, he was like an average boy of his age. He was never truly innocent in the full dictionary meaning of the word, it wasn’t possible in his environment. But in many ways he could have been accurately described as an innocent boy at the start of 2002. Yes, an unusual boy who was legally an adult; one who had already faced and bettered many dangers; one who owns and runs a very successful business. However,...
‘Grandpa, Grandpa! Look at the bird!’ exclaimed little Tanya. Her grandfather, Michele or simply ‘Pa’ to the children, cocked his head turning his black eyes skyward. Tanya looked upwards and marveled at the snow white hair and snowy white mustache of the world’s most intelligent man – at least in this child’s mind. ‘That’s a falcon, Tanya. They’re like hawks but smaller, quicker, and I think more beautiful. Watch him sail and hunt in the air’. ‘Gee, he’s pretty Pa. Does he have a family?’ ...
November, 2001, Gerry Mannheim sets up his first business, View Port Internet (VPI), and it’s a runaway success. Over the next few years he pours most of his profits back into the business to expand it across the country. He’s operating as a private company well within the law, so he has no need to inform the government of what he’s doing and he sees no reason to do so. He quietly buys the right of way to bury fibre optic cable across the country while only dealing with private land owners...
In early January, 2013, Lord Robert visits the US on a diplomatic trip to last a few weeks. He’s accompanied by some university students as interns because many of the students are studying political science or public relations, and some members of the group are businessmen there to help develop closer economic and political ties between the two countries. The trip is triggered by difficulties between Berant Ambassador Shumra and the US Secretary of State on a major bi-national trade...
The rebellion hasn’t gone as well as planned. The Rebels control most of Shumeer and the main highways. The Royalists control most of the mountains, all of the coast, and the area behind the coast for about thirty kilometres. All of the Shukra Navy is loyal and is still operating because the few naval Rebels were soon killed. According to their plan, by now the Rebels should have control of all of the country except the mountains. All support for the Rebels has to be flown in or driven in...
The battle has been raging for nearly an hour. The Guards and the US Marines are running seriously short of ammunition, but neither are attempting to conserve ammunition. Any reduction in fire power is an invitation to be overrun. Even the better defensive position hasn’t saved the Marines because several have died and half of them are wounded, but they’re still fighting with all they have. Most of C Company are dead or wounded. The line would’ve broken, except for the militia and retired...
All is in readiness by 5:00 p.m. with Major Pargrew’s force ready to go in the front door and windows while Captain Daneer’s force is in the tunnel on the way to the cellar of the Palace apartments. Reaching the hidden door Gerry stops the Captain from opening it for the moment. They’re about five metres ahead of the rest of this force, just Gerry, Lillian, and the Captain. Gerry takes a deep breath to calm himself and he extends his empathetic ability while he tunes out those with...
Born Gerald Herbert Mannheim on March 1st, 1942, the son of a US construction engineer working for a French company in Berana and a Berant woman of the Ber Clan (pronounced bear). Gerald grows up on the tales of his clan and tribal heritage. His mother is the only daughter of the Ber Clan Father, the clan for whom the country Berant is named. The Ber had been kings for several centuries, until two despotic kings ruled in succession in such a way as to push the Amir Clan too far. Civil war...
At 8:30 a.m. Major Pargrew leads a dozen vehicles up the slope to the ridge overlooking the battlefield. The three regional governors plus several media people disembark and look at the valley. The visitors can easily see the destroyed vehicles with many dead and parts of the dead still lying around, as well as the mass graves dug nearby with the busy Swords carrying the enemy dead to the graves. The film crews start their cameras when they alight. Now many turn them off because this sight is...
The Royal party arrives on the northern outskirts of Amarant at 9:15 a.m. The schools are on the city’s edge, just off the second major road from Berana. The surrounding hills are under broad-acre development for a housing estate. Being early they all look over the new primary school. At 9:35 a.m. King Herbert is talking to the parents and teachers while King Edward’s party is walking the two hundred and forty metres to the high school. The parties are only fifty metres apart when the radios...
By 12:00 noon all combat has ceased, all attack forces have been defeated and are dead or surrendered. Gerry turns to Carly while saying, “I think it’s over, the attackers used about forty thousand people, all of them are now captured or dead. No need to give any other figures. Please tell our people and thank our troops. I’ve got to go to Amarant to deal with the prisoners there.” Carly nods yes, because she knows no one has told him about Amarayah yet. She glances at Isobelle, and she nods...
At 8:30 a.m. Janice knocks on Gerry’s door to wake him up. It’s the first time he’s slept this late for many years. She has a breakfast tray with her and strict orders to make him eat its contents. After knocking a second time she lets herself into his bedroom. He’s still asleep, and he clearly didn’t have a good night. Much as she’d like to let him sleep on he’s needed at Highcliff. He’s the government until Harold is out of the hospital because all of the others who had the proper training...
Jo b aunty mere se satisfaction chahti hain pe muje mail kar sakti hain.. Acha to mai story pe ata hu k kaise maine ek amir ghar ki aunty ko apni rakhel banaya.. Yeh kahani hai 6 mahine pehle ki jab maine aur ek kahani iss pe post ki thi, to wo kahani padhne k bad ek aunty ne muje msg kiya.. Wo ek big shot rich businessman ki biwi hai jisko apne husband se rahat nahi milti hai.. Usne muje msg kiya aur bat karne lagi to pata chala k wo b wahi ki rehne wali hai, bas isi se mai khush ho gaya k...
Hi I am Anurag, ( name changed) from gujarat – ahmedabad. Agar gujarat ki kisi bhi lady ya girl ko chudai karvani ho mujhse to mujhe contact karna.Aapki koi identity disclose nahi hogi chahee aap kitne bhi high fi kyu na ho because mein bhi ek acche family se belong karta hu. Sab kuch secret aur safe rahega. Mein body massage bhi kar k deta hu. Gujarati aunty aur sister contact me on amir aunty mujhe bulati hai massage k liye aur chudai k liye. To bat kuch month pehle ki hai mein airport par...
You can call me hunter mail id aur mai ahmedabad ka rehne wala hun agar koi lady gal ya aunty ko mei company chaiye ho to can mail me too to yeh incident tabka hai jab mai ek raat sg highway Ahmadabad par ek raat aise hi tehel raha tha to maine dekha waha kafi cars ake mere age slow hojati and koi mirror se jhank k chala jati.To mai wahi khada hogya and achanak se ek black sedan car mere age ake khadi hogyi. By the way I forgot to tell I look.Handsome as I height of 6ft fair skin and muscular...
Kaire did not really have the same types of crime as the humans. At least not until we learned more about them. We have had peacekeepers for a millennium but mostly they were to settle clan disputes. Now they were more like the human constables or peace officers and had learned to cope with the new crimes. I was sixteen and unmated and a cadet officer in my clan. What that meant was any arrests had to be reviewed by a clan member that was a full peacekeeper. Not that I had ever made a mistake...
5004, OTT Outside the bitter cold winds of Longnight howled around the thick Duro-Crete walls of the Burg; but here in my mother’s drawing room it was warm and cozy. The soak-stones glowed warm with Tyranno Oil fire in the oven. I always thought her room was just a bit warmer than all the other rooms and halls. Here in her chambers the gray and drab Duro-Crete walls were mostly covered with velvet curtains and antique tapestries depicting the first settlers, the gods, scenes of great clan...
I was a human protector and a good one. I glanced at the Kaire teenager following me and shook my head. Why had she insisted on coming here and why had her father allowed it? He was a major clan leader and she was only a daughter and one from a later litter. Kathera or Kat as she asked me to call her was golden with black strips. That was not a uncommon coloring for her people so she did not stand out. We were on a vague and very distant world once called Aur where some of the Kaire were wild...
Barbara watched in anticipation as the computer attempted to recover the data from the transmitter, fearful that the computer would give her some sort of error and she’d have to basically start from scratch in finding her friend and fellow vigilante, fellow Batgirl. Each minute that passed made Barbara a little bit more sick. FILE TRANSFER SUCCESFULLY “Yes!” Barabara went to work sifting through all the data immediately. More specifically, Barbara was looking for the audio logs...
Just after midnight Force Apache makes contact with Rebel troops patrolling the border area. Coming up very fast from behind them 4th Platoon, C Company, 2nd Royal Armoured Guards opens up on them when they start to pass by. Ninety seconds of fierce fighting while they drive by results in five Rebel vehicles burning on the side of the road with forty dead troops lying in and around them. The Lieutenant in charge of the Raptors is upset because he missed most of it. He was knocked unconscious...
In April, 2013, spies inform Gerry of a series of meetings between U MAMA executives and senior members of a major South American drug cartel. Efforts are spent to find out what’s going on. After two months of dedicated work by some very good agents the picture forms. U MAMA are offering their resources to the drug cartel to smuggle their drugs into the USA if the cartel will supply U MAMA with trained troops. They’ve an operation planned that needs twenty thousand mercenaries and U MAMA...
Just before 6:30 a.m. spies inform King Ahdeed the Rebels will strike today. He relays the information to his loyal field commanders and the Shuken Clan Father. Mardrik passes the information onto his people, and thus to the public at large. The remaining palace retainers grab their things and they immediately leave the Palace for places of safety. With the remaining Dragon’s Teeth of B Company for protection Princess Opal leads the people out of the Palace. They go through a secret tunnel...
Patrick, Gina, and Shauna are very surprised to be walking up the stairs to the White House. Inside they’re formally announced, Gina is surprised to hear them announced as ‘General Mannheim and Miss Gina.’ Because no family name is given their announcement gets them much more attention. All there stop to stare at Gina in her new gown, very heady events for a sixteen year old girl. Shauna’s new gown isn’t quite as fancy, but she fits in well and she’s just as overcome by the situation. The...
The dinner is just as boring and full of politics as can be expected of such affairs. Many of the senior diplomats are upset about their junior advisers having been invited, and invited in a manner to make refusal seem rude. Instead of being the long sit down dinner with speeches most expect it’s a buffet style meal with soft dance music. Those who want to can dance, which many of the younger ones do. Or they can gather in groups and talk, which many of the serious lobbyists do. The Berant...
Gerry’s extra staff start arriving with Wendy Paul as the first to arrive at 10:00 a.m., followed around 10:30 a.m. by Daniel Jackson and Anna, his sixteen year old sister is going with him. 11:15 a.m. sees the arrival of Felicity and Brenda Waters with Albert Jones ten minutes later. Gerry greets them when they arrive and he introduces them to everyone. He has his ‘Gopher Gang,’ as he calls it, set up in the Port Hull cabins. Each has their own cabin. Patrick and Shauna have the two rooms...
Gerry provides the Gophers with the very best, and latest, of the computer hardware and software, often before it’s officially available to the public. They also have access to the fastest Internet services, often by cut-outs as well as directly into the backbones in several countries, thus making their external access of company computer systems very difficult to trace back to them. They develop programs to install on systems for the systems to report back log in IDs and passwords. They...
They’ve been some changes in the Royal Guards in the last couple of years. Most are changes in their equipment and a new unit is raised. The Shields, the Protector’s Own, is a regiment of troops who give their oath of loyalty direct to the Royal Protector and the crown, not the King or Parliament. They’re usually recruited from amongst the Guards and are given extra training. The King gives the Guards a personal release from their original oath before they’re appointed to the Shields. These...