Road Warrior Barcelona
- 4 years ago
- 26
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Time to move on.
The flight to Barcelona took longer than expected due to bad weather and air traffic delays. We still made it to the hotel in time to get lunch and change into lighter-weight clothes than we had in Belgium.
“Can we go see a bullfight,” one of the kids asked.
In Basque, one of the staff came over to say, “I’m sorry, but Barcelona banned bullfighting back in twenty-ten. Even when the ruling was overturned, we didn’t resume the practice. There is a lot more to see in Spain than bullfighting. You should make sure to go tour Sagrada Família and Casa Batlló. I know most children aren’t interested in architecture. These are places you will never forget seeing. They are two of the many buildings Gaudí built or influenced their design by others.”
We went to see those since the small shops we wanted to visit closed for two hours after lunch, though not for a siesta as the kids and adults thought. Around five, we did stop in one of the local parts of the area where tourists didn’t go to get a snack.
“This will be a treat for you, Americans,” one of the companions said. “We are in a part of Barcelona where they tolerate outsiders speaking Spanish and English. It is not something you can see, but visitors are encouraged to move along.”
She went to some women talking outside one of the restaurants and told them, “These Americans are visiting Barcelona, and I brought them here because they want to show you that they are worthy of your time.”
Yeah, right. I can see the disgust on the woman’s face.
April decided she would break the tension and asked the women in Basque if she could use their bathroom. Some girls also needed to go too. The women gladly welcomed the girls inside. We started talking with the different companions about suggestions for something light to eat since dinner was usually ten at night.
One of the women listened to us before coming to the companion and asking, “Where are the Americans you said you brought here? I don’t hear any English or Spanish.”
“They are part of those here in front of you. All those girls who requested to use the bathroom are part of the American’s visiting,” he explained. “The teacher of a high school class taught his students three languages. Irish, Dutch, and Basque, at least to how a ten-year-old around here talks. He did it in under three months. This trip was their reward. The families that came with them learned the three languages in under a month, but they can’t read or write them.”
Before the woman could respond, April came out with two little girls and a little boy singing Row-Row-Row Your Boat in Irish. None of them could be older than four. That shocked their mom more than anything because she couldn’t understand them. The kids knew the song because the kids had learned it recently. That got the kids in the class singing along too. When April started it in Basque, the kids on the trip began to sing in Basque.
“Hi, I’m David Jones,” I said, introducing myself to the women. “That is my daughter teaching your kids how to sing that in Irish. She likes how it sounds better than Dutch. The song they are singing is the first one I used to teach my students how to do in Basque, Dutch, and Irish. You already see how easy it was to teach those words to little children.”
It took a bit longer to explain it differently, but they finally understood how and why it worked. My brother and sister played patty-cake with April’s new friends when I finished how my way worked. The words were a mishmash of all three languages, but the kids didn’t seem to care. Some kids in my class looked at newspapers and pointed out different things they found interesting or funny.
One of the men walked out of a shop to see what was causing all the activity. He got an explanation and how Americans ate dinner earlier than is done around here, so we were looking to get a snack. The woman pointed him over to me.
Once we made the introductions, he said, “I have heard of a man by the name David Jones who is the new owner of a large hotel in the town’s center. When they said he was a large man, who just turned eighteen this year, I expected a fat man, not one who is all muscles.”
“My brother lives in Toledo, and he mentioned a big man who owns an estate with a bed and breakfast nearby. The man can swing a hammer well enough to make swords worthy of carrying a maker’s mark from an old sword-making family. I believe he mentioned that it was a boy named David Jones,” another man said. “He also said he tried to find this boy because my nieces are past marrying age, and he was looking for that David. As far as my brother is concerned, any boy who can learn to make swords well in a short time could provide for a wife and children.”
I replied to them both, saying, “I am the same David Jones in both cases. Your brother would have been disappointed if he had come to me with your niece to ask me to be a prospective husband. I didn’t have any job prospects to pay someone under eighteen enough to care for a wife, much less children. I got the hotel as payment for a debt owed to a guy I met a few times who died expectedly.”
“Money wouldn’t have been the problem, son. You can’t keep your dick in your pants,” dad joked, causing the men to laugh along with us.
“It is hard to keep it in my pants when I somehow attract girls and women who want my sperm inside them,” I retorted. “I have some money now, but no women or girls have come to ask for child support. Can I help it that I’m a chick magnet for fertile women?”
They called bullshit on me, and dad told them I wasn’t talking out of my ass.
Due to my build, my coat fit over my arms. That made it have room in the front. It was ok with me because I could open it to get a kid in there who needed me to carry them and still zip it back up. I had seen the girl moving carefully to keep someone from bumping into or touching her. I also noticed that all she had on was a thin short-sleeved dress. When she got closer, I saw she wore a nightshirt with elastic in the waist that made it pull in like a dress. A quick check with my implant showed me that she was sixteen, even if she looked closer to twenty. The temp had been in the mid-sixties earlier, but here it was almost dark and now in the low fifties. Her lips were starting to turn a bit blue, her teeth were chattering, and she was shivering.
“Well, come on already,” I told her as I unzipped my coat and held my arms open.
She ran over and jumped up to put her arm around my neck and legs around my waist. I had an arm under her butt, with my jacket around us. The other was behind her back. I let my hand rub over her bare butt as I reached down to get my jacked zipped up with her clinging to me, trying to warm up.
Dad looked at the shocked look on the girl’s father’s face and said, “Oh, then there is that. I have no idea how it works, but I’m guessing she hasn’t let anyone hold her since she was big enough to squirm free and scream when someone tried?”
They couldn’t see what she was doing with the girl inside my jacket, including her head. She worked up my shirt and then hers to have as much skin-on-skin contact as possible. She tried to pull her nightshirt off, but I cleared my throat, and she got the hint. It remained bunched up on her shoulders. When I unzipped the top of my jacket, she panicked a bit and got her arms back inside it.
“I don’t want you suffocating in there. Time to pop your head out to get some air,” I told her.
She tried to French kiss me, but I shifted her around so she could put her head on my shoulder. I couldn’t see if she had a smile on her face or not. I know she had to bury her face in my shoulder when she got off with just a few light strums of her curly-stringed instrument.
Her dad was still speechless, but two women had gotten girls from a restaurant and a bar to start bringing out some water. Not long after, tapas began to go on plates in the middle of the tables. He kept watching the girl and me, so when she came the fourth time, he heard her heavy sigh right before her legs dropped out from under my jacket as she went limp. I shifted her a bit to have her butt more centered on my arm to hold her better.
“She was pretty cold. I think she is slowly warming back up. Do you mind if I keep holding her until she wakes back up? She doesn’t weigh anything, and I’m used to a kid sleeping against me, even big kids,” I asked.
I laughed, making the girl shake awake, start shaking in fear and begin struggling to get loose.
“Hey,” I said soothingly. “You’re safe. No one is going to hurt you. Go back to sleep.”
“Ok. I’m sleepy,” the girl said, kissed me on the cheek, rubbed off another quick one, and went limp again.
A woman came up from behind me, moved around to kiss the girl on the cheek, and said, “Her name is Lucia. We’ve not met before, but you must be the David I read about in the support groups for children like her. They mention this magic man that is like a magnet that pulls them to him. Those posting there say not to worry if our child tries to get you and themselves naked to have as much skin-on-skin contact. It isn’t sexual, even if our children pleasure themselves frequently while in your embrace or close to you. It won’t affect you like other boys and men. There is supposedly a boy in an almost empty town who has the same effect on kids like her, but he is hard to find.”
“David only realized in the last four years that he has pretty much had that effect on Autistic and other special-needs kids. I would guess that she doesn’t sleep all that much and only for short periods once exhausted,” mom whispered as she guided us away from the crowd. “I am guessing she is already nude under his jacket with his shirt pulled up.”
I gave her a stern look and said, “Really, mom? She still had her arms in her thin nightshirt when she jumped into my arms with her teeth chattering.”
“You don’t know how much it means to me that you made sure to hold her tight to you when she rubbed herself in her happy place enough times to make her pass out. That doesn’t happen as much as when she was little because now she is afraid someone will rape her while she is unconscious. I didn’t understand what she said when unlocking all the locks on her door before running down the stairs. I got her to stop enough to get a nightshirt. You probably already know that she goes naked most of the time due to not liking clothes touching her but hasn’t let anyone but me see her naked since she was five,” Lucia’s mom said. “Her twin, Lidia, tested on the Autism spectrum too, but only if you know she has it can you tell. She can get through to Lucia when Lucia is having a terrible day, but it tears her up that she can’t hold her twin sister.”
Mom told me to go on. She and dad would see me back at the hotel in the morning, if not before.
I followed the woman up the stairs to where they lived over her husband’s shop. Inside I saw Lucia’s room. Her mom helped me out of my jacket to put Lucia in her bed after taking off the dress she wore as a sleep shirt. She woke up long enough to pull me into a hot kiss as she reached between her legs to play with her pussy again. I took her hand away and put my mouth over her pussy. I licked and finger-banged into her tight, but not blocked, pussy. I kept it up, and Lucia didn’t pass out.
“You know what you have to do, Lucia, if you want to go back to sleep,” I told her so only she could hear me.
Finally, she used her feet to push me away, went to her mom, hugged her, and said clearly, “I love you so much, mommy. I wish I weren’t this way, but I am. I try so hard. I hide in my room because I know how much it hurts you to see me cry, and I can’t have you hold me.” I caught her as that was as much as she could do before burning through what energy she had right now to stay awake.
I felt Lidia, and I was instantly furious.
“I know this is your house, but I need to do something between Lidia, Lucia, and me. It isn’t sex. Will you please get everyone else out of the apartment?” I asked.
After giving me a hug and kiss, she rushed through to get her other kids down to help get food and play with the kids in my group outside.
Fuck all of you who keep removing it from my mind. If you get involved, I will find you and show you what it is like to fuck with the wrong person.
I felt a massive surge of fear from somewhere, and then I knew what I needed.
Before Lidia could breathe to scream, I pulled her into a pocket out of time.
“You fucking insidious cunt. Weather witches and a timeless abomination locked away in lava, those I let live, even something from another dimension or universe. While you, too, will survive, you will choose to escape whatever passes for existence wherever you exist right now,” I told whatever the fuck it was inside Lidia’s brain.
This thing had been in Lidia since birth. Lucia felt it, and that caused her to get revolted by getting anywhere near her twin. When Lidia managed to fight her way through this thing, it blasted out over the twin link. That caused Lucia to appear to have a meltdown as she screamed out and kept this thing from her mind. It couldn’t ever get in, but that didn’t mean it couldn’t cause her to freak out until Lidia stopped fighting the thing. They had a few minutes together while Lucia recovered, then she was revolted again.
“Oh, don’t try to sneak out or escape. You can’t leave until I decide I’m tired of finding ways to torture you for millennia. Ensure you warn the others because now I know how to seek you. I will hunt you down. I control time,” I told it as I tracked it back to wherever it existed, jerking it from Lidia
I pulled Lucia in here too. Both girls got to observe all the hell I rained down on this entity. They gave many creative suggestions I would never have considered. We spent two millennia finding new and excruciating ways to make this thing suffer. When that finally got old, I took them out of this time bubble. I put them into another where they would now have those sixteen years back before moving to Lucia’s bed, stripping, and cuddling up, skin to skin, before going to sleep. In the real world, only sixteen seconds would have passed.
“Ok, whatever the fuck you are, now you get to come along as I find the others of you in the minds of other humans,” I told it as I sought them all out.
I didn’t expect to find any of these entities whose influence moderated or halted the human horrors that made Hitler and Hannibal look like a toddler getting poop from their diaper before crawling into their parent’s laps to wipe it on their parent’s faces.
I contacted those to thank them for what they inflicted on those people. It was a million times better than what those people would do otherwise.
The rest, they spent three millennia sharing the worst fears, pain, and something that a human mind can’t describe. Then something from there peacefully reached out to me, showing me that I had only been tickling these entities. I locked them into that time bubble and stepped outside it while I took a piss and checked on the girls. When I went back into it, two-hundred-fifteen-million years had passed with these things suffering what turned out to be a fitting punishment for their crimes in whatever dimension they existed within.
I felt a link from there inviting me to connect with them, knowing that it couldn’t get through my shield. We communicated beyond what humans other than I can do.
Am I even a human?
“You are human and not the first to exist, but so far, the most powerful. Your power comes from your mercy and respect for what equates to life in all forms. Where I am, we perceive time differently. Being who you are, you have punished those violating laws meant to prevent what you have found around your world. You did it in ways that we could not. My kind found that we aren’t as all-powerful as we believed and that there is one that equates to the god that human stories say created everything from a dark emptiness. No one will seek to experience that which those who violated our laws received as punishment. For all life where I exist, I thank you for not swatting us like a mosquito sucking blood on your arm,” it told me.
I hope that gets the word out.
I prevented whoever would remove the knowledge from making time bubbles from my mind for a while longer.
“Come upstairs with me,” I said to their mom. “Please don’t ask questions and do what you can to use me as an excuse that you need to explain to your family why Lucia and Lidia can hold each other skin-on-skin. They are twins and now know how to help each other cope with their different forms of Autism. Just take this on faith that it is a miracle, blessing, or whatever you choose.”
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The last thing I remember the fuckers have me tied down and hooked to an electric fence so the evil people could shock me as leverage to make Paula spill the beans. As I awoke, I found myself restrained. No longer filtering out the light, I couldn’t even open my eyes. I don’t even have the energy reserves to filter out the light. I may be naked and strapped down, but at least I am not I a hospital, again. Taking a deep breath, I concentrated hard on the place in my head. It was off now, and...
When someone came around to wake me up, I was still able to see the girl like me just by finding the egg I fertilized growing inside her. One thing I found about having this thing in my head was that I always felt full of energy and ready to go even if I just went to sleep. We could not have been asleep very long. When I found my jeans and boxers, they were still really wet, so I just got on my shorts. Even though everyone worried about bugs and sunburn, many of us decided we would risk it...
"So are you going to swim some more or do you want to go hang out together in the teen lounge," I asked a girl that I just remembered had been there with me a lot when I was off in one of my hiding places. She had pulled me down to the girl's locker rooms at least twice a week after gym class to shower near her. I think it was more to give her comfort to have someone else not showing any development there when the other girls teased her still having a little girl's body. She blushed and...
Polly was leading me quickly from the restaurant where I had eaten her as well as an omelet made to appear as a portrait of myself arriving at the resort. “Spectacular performance in handling that volatile situation with Ruth. It was about to end badly. She is an exceptionally good agent, but still way too green to pull off a mission such as this. The CIA really needs to spend more time finding young looking agents that can properly get into their cover identities. She just blew seven years...
As the girl with the huge tits tapped her way out of my room, I headed off to get something to eat. In the cafeteria I could hear a few kids in here eating, but it wasn’t as many I would have suspected if my floor had a group counselling session soon. I stuffed myself again and still no one had come to tell me to come back to the go to the session. When I was almost back to where I would have to surrender my pajamas, if I got them dirty, a nurse came to get me to take me to see a...
“David I don’t believe in destiny, but I’m sure that we were meant to meet,” Trudy said as she slowly slid off my piss hard-on when we woke up in the morning. “You are a really great friend David. I knew you would do everything I asked of you without complaint or demands anyone else would have made. In a strange way you feel like a brother to me. I never expected that at all when you dropped down in the seat next to me on the bus for our first day of high school together.” A hand reached...
Dad got his own full version of everything that happened at Trudy’s today as soon as he got home. I gave up on mom having time to fix dinner so I used my phone to dig up what everyone liked on their pizzas and how much they normally ate. I didn’t even need to put the payment details into the pizza ordering app, it was already there when I placed the order. Nelly asked me when we normally ate because she has been starving for hours. I got a big kiss on the cheek and a hug when I told her pizza...
Now what am I walking in to? “Come on David, hurry up,” Suzie told me. “Most of my friends have to be back in their cabins by two at the latest. For some it is midnight if they don’t want to get caught. All our parents are having an adult’s night out. My sister thinks they are going off to have a massive orgy, but they aren’t. When I snuck over last there summer I found they were sitting around drinking, watching movies and playing cards as they bitched about their kids. It really is only a...
Is there a plan here? What exactly are we doing with Ariel anyway? After double-checking that Molly was buckled well into her five point harness I got on the I-95. We had about an hour before sunrise and Molly shot me a message that there were no police scheduled to be on the interstate between here and Fayetteville due to shift change. We have about three hours before we would see any cops. We should put as much distance behind us as we could in that time. I started wondering if there was...
I guess there is a good side to screwing a girl so much she is too sore to have sex. Well that is if they come cuddle up like you are the most important person in the world, or at least in the room. Shawna had dozed back off by the time Sue came out of the bedroom. As soon as she saw all the stuff from her house her eyes went wide. She looked over at me and then really started to panic since I was still dressed from when her parents had come to the door. “I have no idea which of the girls...
So, with this herbal pill Molly gave me I will feel good, but I won’t cum or get hard. Will that actually still stop me from attracting girls who might be interested in having sex with me? After packing up we checked out before hearing from the airbase toward the Budweiser Brewery. Molly wanted to do the tour before we got back on the road. I was surprised when they didn’t bat an eye at us taking the tour without any adults chaperoning us. They even offered us small samples of the various...
Jon and Jan? Steve let them out into a storm like this already? Was it a test to see if they could handle it? Maybe control the storm? I didn’t remember going to sleep but I woke up to a pair of little hands around my morning wood. I noticed Cassie was sitting on my bladder holding my boner in her little hands. All the kids that had come in the room last night were sitting on the bed looking at the monster in the little girl’s hand. “Hey Cassie, can you let me get up to go pee so it will...
Today I headed to Annie’s dojo. It had been so long since my last visit here that I forgot to focus on not making mistakes as I went through my katas. Annie reminded me when she came over to appear to be helping me with my form. After karate we headed over to Annie’s house. I expected to sleep over as we had done before summer break. “David, I really need you right now, but I can’t. Not for a few months at least. I was stupid and went alone to a party where someone drugged me. Even drugged...
I think she liked me barging in on her. These beds are even better than I had imagined. Sara got permission to stay the night with Yui, so to hang out in the bunk bed together, so I headed back to Hinata’s house. When I started to head to the room where I slept, I got a good look at the adults that were here. Hinata’s mom glowed and would soon find she conceived last night. The aunts and uncles were equally showing they had quite enjoyed their time not having their older children hanging...
Yeah, I threw her under the bus. I did need to get back home. Dad texted to say we had a meeting with the school board in three days. While everyone was distracted, I went to get my clothes from downstairs and quickly got everything out into the car. I gave everyone, even the girls that were visiting and still naked, a big hug before getting on the road without them delaying me leaving. By not needing to stop for sleep and using a new navigation app, which marked every form of law...
I wouldn’t have thought about going to such great lengths, but I’m also not an adult whose consciousness transferred into a mainframe. After Elena, Molly, and “David” departed, and Mr. Smith just vanished without anyone seeing him leave, the elder requested I come to his quarters for a private meeting. “Darren, I see you have met some powerful allies. How it is that you, Mr. Smith, and that child David all have a similar appearance is beyond me. Your parents would be proud of you,” the...
It is time to see what mess that Amelia got herself into now. In the woman’s outer office, before we went into her private office for the briefing, she said, “That was interesting. I knew you were very skilled and fast, but I didn’t understand how fast. You taking down one of our elite security teams, there to be the first line of defense against intruders, without harming them, is incredible. I am going to thoroughly enjoy my colleagues questioning your value to our agency as a resource....
You don’t even know that I sense them now, and I’m not going to tell you. I knew now why Elena decided we needed to take the long walk around the perimeter now. All three sets of triplets were together in the big nursery with the other toddlers and young children. Paula was here too, playing with the children in the play area like a child without any siblings. When we finally made it to the resort building with the nursery, Elena didn’t get to tell me that my nonuplets were here. April beat...
I liked the food and services here, but it is less stressful at home. After running the bionic twins around the perimeter of the resort, until they were on their backup batteries, I speed fucked their pussies raw, got a shower, grabbed my bags, and went to get April and my siblings. All three conked out before I made it onto the main road going to the interstate. When we got home, they were well-rested. After lunch and a change, Molly, Dolly, and Chrissie took them into the pool to swim. I...
It looks like you got it wrong. Can we afford to have mental health staff that assumes something a patient said, no matter how incredible or unbelievable, didn’t happen? The person “talking” with Molly came out and asked me to speak with him privately. “Use the app. It is on my phone, and I will be in your contacts on your device. I’m sure Molly put me there the first time she sent you a message over her app,” I told him. I see that answers one question you have. “I saw the popup message...
That was a cold shower for him. I need to go find Bart anyway. This guy’s sister got off his lap, and I saw him being dragged from the restaurant by a group of girls that looked like they were sisters or cousins. More than one of his brothers and cousins sighed in relief. “David,” one of the boys in his family whispered to me. “If only you would let me, I would suck your dick. I think most of the boys and men in my large family would too. Girls in our family don’t get raped, but the guys...
Staff meeting. “April, sweety, go on over to one of the other pools. Don’t take your suit off unless you need to potty or aren’t going to swim anymore today. Go swimming at the pool in front of my building with Bart, his new girlfriend, Bambi, Tee, and Dee. I’m busy right now, ok,” I told her. April said, “Bye, Day-id. Tee and Dee want to play with me.” I went to the side of the pool to tell the women, “Get what used to be your suits, wrap up in a towel, and come back over where everyone...
Who is this arriving like they are looking to make a quick deal and flee before I notice I’ve gotten screwed? A Mercedes SUV pulled up like they owned the place. Out came a woman and man in their thirties. It took a few tries for them to get directed to me. Paula figured out who they were, so she stepped back off to the side with Molly. “Mr. Jones,” the woman said. “We are adjusters sent on behalf of your insurance company. If you permit us to enter, we will survey the damage and cut you a...
“Good afternoon, David. I hear that you want to save the city the trouble of placing a lien on your property to cover our costs to find the skeletons in your closet,” an older, soft-spoken man said. “A transaction of this nature is highly unusual, which is why Janet got us involved. You not being eighteen drastically complicates matters. One block from your property, we have a three-story building that the city took possession of when they failed to pay three years of back taxes. By state...