471 mothers ruin
- 3 years ago
- 42
- 0
I connected my shield to my implant and let it pull in the energy it wanted. A few seconds later, I began repeating short sequences of what seemed to be random letters, but not those Sherry used. I watched Sherry slip off too. The place in my head tapped into both girls’ brains and monitored for responses to a specific sequence of random letters. It could figure out patterns compared to those Eveline and Sherry had used.
“Molly, I need your brain,” I said, reaching out to her.
After I sent her some details, she let me tap into her without any concerns. Ellen sensed that I was doing something in my head and quickly removed everyone except the two girls and me from the room.
Ellen did something with a panel on the wall to lock down the room, including partitions from the ceiling.
After a few minutes of being in Molly’s brain, she told me, “You don’t need me, David. You have a part of your mind mapped as unused and wired into the implant, but you shield it to keep it inaccessible. Remove the shield and let it do as designed.”
I sent their brains the continuation of the sequence Eveline began earlier. I soon saw that an area of neurons was breaking connections after they gave me the response.
I had the entire sequence memorized, so I had Ellen unlock the room.
“We need to get both girls into whatever machines or magic brain-scanning helmets. I’m pretty sure I’ve picked up the pattern Sherry was using. As crazy as it sounds, I think these girls got a Johnny Mnemonic, but with more than just eighty gigs. I wonder if something is happening in their heads when I say each pattern,” I explained to multiple neurologists.
I didn’t expect them to have actual scanning helmets to get real-time brain scans.
Experimentation found that I could say the letters faster if I timed them with equal pauses between them. I tried chaining the two together, but that put too much stress on the girl’s brains. Two hours later, both girls stopped responding to sequences of random letters that were next.
“We see no more activity in their brains in the locations where we saw it while you said those sequences of letters,” the technicians told me.
“One of the nurses picked up on your Jonny Mnemonic movie reference. You are right, it sounds crazy, but I saw the live data and then re-played it,” one neurologist said. “With each sequence you said, areas in their brains showed electrical activity. These are typically unused areas. Both gave you the exact words in perfect sync with each other. After they finished their response, we had a surge of electrical activity in another part of their brain. Once they stopped responding to the sequences you said, we saw another burst before seeing nothing else in those areas. I took some generalized computer classes in college, and I think you were onto something. After they responded, groups of neurons were marked for deletion. After the last sequence, I suspect something triggered the neurons to break those links. I know the brain does that with short-term memory for trivial things like how often you blinked or how many sheep you counted before going to sleep. Any idea what it all means?”
I replied, “Not yet, but there does seem to be a pattern. I just can’t quite see it all in one place.
One of the technicians said, “I’m thinking more like Chuck from TV than the older movie. Eighty gigabytes was a lot back when it came out, but I have a one-terabyte micro-SD card for my camera. The chip inside has to be around the size of a thumbnail. It pushes the idea that we can only hold around a hundred terabytes in our brains. Though our minds aren’t designed to get used as a flash drive.”
Interesting thoughts. How much information can the man-in-the-machine have piggy-backed onto chips and devices for information storage and backups?
As my implant ran things through it, I began to find that putting all the words from one response on the same line gave me a string of sixty-four characters with a fourteen-character string one at the end of that response. Sixty-four is a power of two that made sense, but fourteen didn’t. That was about all the patterns I could see right then. The doctors worked Eveline over as I tried to figure out whatever this was from their heads.
I ran through the multiples of fourteen, trying to come up with something, but nothing worked. The entire time the doctors checked out Eveline, I let my implant pull more and more power until it reached a point where it would destroy itself. The math involved wasn’t something I could comprehend without spending centuries working in a time bubble, deriving advanced math and cryptology by starting to count with pebbles. Whatever programming the man in the machine put into the implant did understand it all. The best I understood was that the fourteen-character blocks were blocks of eight and six.
Those six characters weren’t helpful by themselves.
It gave six sets of two hex characters as their ASCII hex values. Taken individually, they became twelve hex characters, which turned out to have the first and last characters making up a checksum and the eight in the middle getting converted to a bitmask.
The first eight characters got converted to hex, multiplied together, converted to binary, then had the bitmask created from the last six characters applied. With all the computed conversions, math, and bitmasks, I had the sequence number for the sixty-four-character string. The rest was a five-hundred-twelve-bit string, a checksum, and the block number where I needed to apply this bitmask.
My head began to hurt when I discovered that adding all the checksums resulted in a forty-two-bit number.
Someone got cocky and used forty-two. Did this person forget their towel?
That forty-two-bit number got multiplied against the five-hundred-twelve-bit number twelve times. The final eight bits began the following sequence of five-hundred-twelve-bit number
When I finished this first step, I had forty-two of them, with four bits left over. These four bits were applied to the sequence from the fourteen-character string.
Damn! That is a lot of work just to come up with forty-two, sixty-four-byte sequences.
Each of those computed sequences got logically added over the sixty-four characters. The resulting twenty-six-hundred-eighty-eight character strings had multiple things done to change the order. It went through numerous, seemingly random, sets of logical and, or, and xor operations to generate more sets of forty-two containing twenty-six-hundred-eighty-eight character long strings.
It then started again to do all sorts of things with the sixty-four-character sets of words before applying those over the strings it had just generated.
That unused bit of my brain and the implant don’t have enough storage capacity for this generated data.
When I made it stop, Eveline had a clean bill of health. Other than being a bit of a ditz, which the doctors deemed normal for her age, Eveline responded quickly to conversations. No more spacing out.
“The patient’s mother asked if you have the time to wait. She would like to go ahead and get Eveline checked over from head to toe, inside and out, since it doesn’t cost her anything. I think you have someone to help you pass the time,” the doctor told me.
I’ve nothing else to do now but get some sleep. Tomorrow is Sunday.
The girl who started Eveline saying the sequences of words was waiting outside the room for me.
She gave me “that look,” so I took her to my suite. My implant let me know that this girl wasn’t a girl anymore. She turned eighteen two months ago and was living in the adult building. The woman had been trying to apprentice at home construction sites, various medical departments, and even landscaping at the complex. Her spacing out for minutes, to hours, at a time made her nearly unable to find work.
Her body was exquisite. She had natural strawberry blonde pussy hair, pert half-grapefruit tits, and a drooling cunt. We both knew what the woman wanted and took our time working her up to the first mind-numbing orgasm. She got propped up on pillows to watch my glistening dick slowly sliding in and out of her hot water cock massager. After she got too sore to fuck anymore, we showered, and she had me fuck her ass until I came.
“I think I’ve always liked having my ass fucked. I don’t need to tell you that you’re the only one who has fucked my pussy long enough for me to cum. I know I got screwed a lot whenever I spaced out. It sucks because some of those guys were expert pussy eaters and could fuck for hours. After you got whatever was in my head, all the memories of what happened to me when I zoned out came back, or at least some parts of each one. I remember getting screwed, but not if it was any good, only that the guys got theirs and left me a mess,” she explained. “Before you ask, I have no idea how that stuff got into my head. I remember someone starting to say the sequence that had me say the words. They sort of, well, exploded. You know how a guy gets sprayed with liquid nitrogen in that movie, and then something hits him that causes him to shatter into tiny pieces? It was like that, except he wasn’t frozen. A lot of cops and people came to where they found me tied up on the floor. The only parts of the room not covered by his tiny bits were the parts on my clothes and the concrete under me. Whoever took me from there was better to me than anyone I’ve met in my life before I came to live here a few months before turning eighteen. Well, they were until everyone that came to ask me questions decided I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I never told any of them about the letters he said and the words I gave back. I didn’t even know why they wanted me to come to the room with that girl earlier. As soon as I looked into her eyes, I couldn’t stop saying the letters and writing the words down. Did someone do this to you too? You knew it all and could say it very fast in a way that still worked.”
“I learned a lot of things quickly when I was helping out some doctors and scientists while they tried to put my friend back together after a fatal car crash. I don’t know if they pushed what I needed to say into my head. I can also speak, read, and write every language I see or hear,” I told her.
She didn’t zone out as much as stare off into space as she thought about what she wanted to say.
The woman took a deep breath, slowly let it out, and said, “Oh God! You don’t know how scared I have been since you got that girl and me into those machines. The man that blew apart took weeks to be able to pronounce each sequence of letters correctly. Each series is in a different language, and the reply was in another. The man was recording all the time from when he finally managed to say them in a way that sounded correct to me. You switched from one to the next without error. I’m glad you weren’t screwing me in exchange for not making me explode or get dropped in a wood chipper. After the man exploded, two women and a man found me a few months after I settled in a foster home where no one wanted to question me. They snatched me off the street and took me to this place in the woods. Each one said one sequence in the correct language at the right speed, but nothing happened. An hour later, some people showed up. They forced me to watch as they fucked the two women and man’s asses before dropping each one into a wood chipper they had connected to their truck. They told me not to fight them as they licked, touched, fingered, and fucked me for hours. If I let them do what they wanted, I wouldn’t end up in the chipper. They would even take me to my foster parents to cover why I wasn’t home for two days. My foster parents bought many things the next day, so I think the people explained my absence with a stack of cash.”
Damn, she says her pussy hurts, as if someone drop-kicked her there, but she needs to fuck again.
When we finished that round, she got her cell phone and started dialing a number that shouldn’t go anywhere.
The man-in-the-machine couldn’t access her phone or trace wherever she connected. Soon I heard a voice repeating a monotone series of words, but the girl wasn’t responding.
I took her phone and said, “Sorry, whatever you are looking for has been obtained and is gone from her and another girl’s mind.”
“Who is this?” the voice asked.
“Forty-two. Are the girls safe now? Would you like me to connect you with forty-seven?” I asked in return.
Dramatic pause?
The person got angry and said, “You don’t know with whom you are speaking.”
“Neither do you,” I interrupted.
“People coming into contact with the person to whom that phone belongs find it was a fatal mistake to mess in matters which do not involve them. This matter isn’t some game,” he replied.
“Yeah, about that,” I said. “You knew the location of this phone before the embedded software permitted it to contact a number impossible to dial. Take a minute to analyze the possible males who could be on the other end of this phone. Who exactly do you think would ask if the girls are safe now?”
I heard a shot, thud, and someone else came on the line to say, “Stupidity is fatal.”
“May I assume you won’t be dying suddenly?” I asked.
“That is not something I can predict with any certainty. It would depend on confirmation of your identity and how you came into possession of the two females at your location,” they said.
I used my best, you better not fuck with me, voice and said, “I am the person with access to the funds, access to resources, language skills, and technology to ensure the same two females got the passwords to remove the Intersect from their brains. Now answer my question.”
“If you accomplished such an action, the safety of the said females is secure,” they told me.
I gave him the last sequence of letters and associated responses from the girls.
“I’m going to start a conference call. Please hold,” I told the person on the phone.
I had nineteen girls and twenty-one guys on the call with the person in a few seconds. I said forty-third sequence on a hunch that Eveline and the woman here didn’t respond to earlier. Forty-one additional letter sets later, I dropped the conference call and started another.
Surprise! Forty-two sets of forty-two people, each having forty-two responses of sixty-four characters, plus a fourteen-letter word.
The last conference call was with the other forty kids programmed with identical sequences as Eveline. Instead of going through the forty-two sets of letters, I said something else that had them give the final fourteen-character long word. I dropped them off the line.
“By your statement, all seventeen-hundred-sixty-four are now all safe. Please update your systems as to why all of them dropped off your tracking system,” I told the person on the phone.
They were panicking now when they asked, “It is impossible.”
Only seconds had passed. I pulled each group into the same time bubble once their phones connected to the conference call. Time didn’t stop there, but one second here is ten thousand years inside the time bubble. I had the person on the phone pulled into that time bubble too. I didn’t see any of them, on purpose, as I pulled the blocks of words from their heads. Once done, the place in my head guided my implant into neutralizing whatever explosive covered the bones of those with the strings put into their brains. I broke it down, along with the multiple trackers and detonators, into pieces so small that it would require an electron microscope to find it. The time bubbles let me work it through their bodies so they would rush toward the nearest toilet as soon as I pulled them out of the bubble.
“I would have thought so back before I learned otherwise,” I responded without saying anything of substance.
“Do you have any idea what you have done?” they asked in anger. “Hundreds of billions of U.S. dollars were spent to do what you have undone. It took years to make them how they were. Your life is forfeited.”
Ah. You are not an android, someone like me, or the seekers, but you have some extra abilities humans don’t have.
I let my implant do what it felt I wanted. I soon found myself reaching out to the minds of, surprise, forty-two people, all with the same extra abilities. They had a link to each other.
Trying to express being chipper, I said in their minds, “Hello. I hope you don’t mind that I jumped on your party line. Nobody needs to threaten or even kill my friends, the kids in my care, those I cleared the code from their brains, or my family. A person trapped in lava and a being millions of years old failed to flake off a single skin cell or plucked a hair. What did the guy on the planet with the monster sandworms say? Try looking into that place you dare not look. You’ll find me there, staring out at you! It went something like that.”
One tried to break the connection. Another came at me mentally over the link. The others felt when the attacker “smoked out” as they fried their brain. I didn’t feel guilty as they did it to themselves.
Does anyone want a fried vegetable? Wait. I know Kung Fu!
I didn’t even need a time bubble to undo the damage the person did to their brain and re-connect them into the link with the other forty-two.
“No, don’t go doing that now. It would make it forty-one and screw up everything,” I told the forty-two. “All I want to know is if you will leave the kids alone now. None of them asked anyone to use them that way, but about half of them would have done it willingly. When puberty hit them, whatever you did made them go off into a happy place of pure bliss when they spaced out. No drugs can get anyone anywhere close to that pleasure and peace. Millions of kids in this world would let you do things to them that would make Hitler ill even to consider it possible to go to that place. Do that and put micro-memory cards in them instead of jacking their brains. You coated their bones with a high explosive that the human body didn’t reject and undetectable detonators. It should be trivial to do the same thing with something that works like whatever they put on magnetic backup tapes and hard drives, but one that isn’t affected by magnets. For that matter, find groups of identical twins and triplets. Sequence their DNA to find those tiny differences, scan their retinas, and analyze their fingerprints. You get the idea. Services will let people custom-order a baby made from their eggs and sperm. Take the eggs from seven sets of triplet women and fertilize them with sperm from twenty-one triplet males. Ensure you have identical triplet embryos and pop them back inside to cook inside a surrogate.”
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Jon and Jan? Steve let them out into a storm like this already? Was it a test to see if they could handle it? Maybe control the storm? I didn’t remember going to sleep but I woke up to a pair of little hands around my morning wood. I noticed Cassie was sitting on my bladder holding my boner in her little hands. All the kids that had come in the room last night were sitting on the bed looking at the monster in the little girl’s hand. “Hey Cassie, can you let me get up to go pee so it will...
Today I headed to Annie’s dojo. It had been so long since my last visit here that I forgot to focus on not making mistakes as I went through my katas. Annie reminded me when she came over to appear to be helping me with my form. After karate we headed over to Annie’s house. I expected to sleep over as we had done before summer break. “David, I really need you right now, but I can’t. Not for a few months at least. I was stupid and went alone to a party where someone drugged me. Even drugged...
I think she liked me barging in on her. These beds are even better than I had imagined. Sara got permission to stay the night with Yui, so to hang out in the bunk bed together, so I headed back to Hinata’s house. When I started to head to the room where I slept, I got a good look at the adults that were here. Hinata’s mom glowed and would soon find she conceived last night. The aunts and uncles were equally showing they had quite enjoyed their time not having their older children hanging...
Yeah, I threw her under the bus. I did need to get back home. Dad texted to say we had a meeting with the school board in three days. While everyone was distracted, I went to get my clothes from downstairs and quickly got everything out into the car. I gave everyone, even the girls that were visiting and still naked, a big hug before getting on the road without them delaying me leaving. By not needing to stop for sleep and using a new navigation app, which marked every form of law...
I wouldn’t have thought about going to such great lengths, but I’m also not an adult whose consciousness transferred into a mainframe. After Elena, Molly, and “David” departed, and Mr. Smith just vanished without anyone seeing him leave, the elder requested I come to his quarters for a private meeting. “Darren, I see you have met some powerful allies. How it is that you, Mr. Smith, and that child David all have a similar appearance is beyond me. Your parents would be proud of you,” the...
It is time to see what mess that Amelia got herself into now. In the woman’s outer office, before we went into her private office for the briefing, she said, “That was interesting. I knew you were very skilled and fast, but I didn’t understand how fast. You taking down one of our elite security teams, there to be the first line of defense against intruders, without harming them, is incredible. I am going to thoroughly enjoy my colleagues questioning your value to our agency as a resource....
You don’t even know that I sense them now, and I’m not going to tell you. I knew now why Elena decided we needed to take the long walk around the perimeter now. All three sets of triplets were together in the big nursery with the other toddlers and young children. Paula was here too, playing with the children in the play area like a child without any siblings. When we finally made it to the resort building with the nursery, Elena didn’t get to tell me that my nonuplets were here. April beat...
I liked the food and services here, but it is less stressful at home. After running the bionic twins around the perimeter of the resort, until they were on their backup batteries, I speed fucked their pussies raw, got a shower, grabbed my bags, and went to get April and my siblings. All three conked out before I made it onto the main road going to the interstate. When we got home, they were well-rested. After lunch and a change, Molly, Dolly, and Chrissie took them into the pool to swim. I...
It looks like you got it wrong. Can we afford to have mental health staff that assumes something a patient said, no matter how incredible or unbelievable, didn’t happen? The person “talking” with Molly came out and asked me to speak with him privately. “Use the app. It is on my phone, and I will be in your contacts on your device. I’m sure Molly put me there the first time she sent you a message over her app,” I told him. I see that answers one question you have. “I saw the popup message...
That was a cold shower for him. I need to go find Bart anyway. This guy’s sister got off his lap, and I saw him being dragged from the restaurant by a group of girls that looked like they were sisters or cousins. More than one of his brothers and cousins sighed in relief. “David,” one of the boys in his family whispered to me. “If only you would let me, I would suck your dick. I think most of the boys and men in my large family would too. Girls in our family don’t get raped, but the guys...
Staff meeting. “April, sweety, go on over to one of the other pools. Don’t take your suit off unless you need to potty or aren’t going to swim anymore today. Go swimming at the pool in front of my building with Bart, his new girlfriend, Bambi, Tee, and Dee. I’m busy right now, ok,” I told her. April said, “Bye, Day-id. Tee and Dee want to play with me.” I went to the side of the pool to tell the women, “Get what used to be your suits, wrap up in a towel, and come back over where everyone...
Who is this arriving like they are looking to make a quick deal and flee before I notice I’ve gotten screwed? A Mercedes SUV pulled up like they owned the place. Out came a woman and man in their thirties. It took a few tries for them to get directed to me. Paula figured out who they were, so she stepped back off to the side with Molly. “Mr. Jones,” the woman said. “We are adjusters sent on behalf of your insurance company. If you permit us to enter, we will survey the damage and cut you a...
“Good afternoon, David. I hear that you want to save the city the trouble of placing a lien on your property to cover our costs to find the skeletons in your closet,” an older, soft-spoken man said. “A transaction of this nature is highly unusual, which is why Janet got us involved. You not being eighteen drastically complicates matters. One block from your property, we have a three-story building that the city took possession of when they failed to pay three years of back taxes. By state...
Time for a surprise party. Janey had given me a key to her house, so when I went up to her room, I saw her trying on different outfits plus some mix and match. If I let her keep doing this, we are going to be late for dinner. “Well, put something casual, but not school or hang around the house, on. We have dinner reservations. I’m driving your car. I want to see how it handles compared to the Lotus,” I told her. She didn’t mind that I fixed her hair up to highlight the earrings and...
This just can’t be. It can’t, can it? I got a surge of information from my implant that was too damn incredible to believe. Records the man-in-the-machine had buried deep in archives were accessed and pulled back into his hot data stores. He didn’t do it. I did. Oh, piss off! You are the one that let me interface to your network without filters or restrictions when I was learning how to recreate Paula. Jude didn’t seem to mind me driving in silence because she couldn’t stop watching...
Bumpy doesn’t bother me, but the two kids next to me are finding it bothering them. The first few bumps jostled the boy and girl enough that they both moaned out in pain. I looked at the girl’s face as she started squeezing my hand as the bumps rocked the transport around. I could see her body tensing up and then watched her eyes roll back in her head. I would have gotten worried if I hadn’t seen her butt jiggling away in a way that didn’t follow the bouncing caused by the road. I heard her...
When I got out of the Rolls Royce, they ignored me. When I came onto the porch, the boy’s eyes looked at me like a piece of meat. Two of the three blew their wads in their pants when I flexed my muscles. “David,” Trudy said. “You have a go-bag in the trunk of the Rolls Royce. I know you don’t care if you ruin your new clothes, but you should change anyway.” Tate invited me inside and showed me where I could change clothes. I found a pair of biking shorts, a t-shirt, sneakers, and socks. It...
Is that such a bad thing? Would these elite kids keep caring about their partner being ready to fuck and ensuring both get to cum at least once? Faith worked it out with April. In exchange for letting April put herself into a sugar coma, Faith could babysit her. Ellen wanted to go to the kid’s dinner and dance. Dee and Tee were going too. On the other hand, I went to the dinner and dance for sixteen to twenty-one-year-olds. Both dances were like the ones I remembered from previous years. As...
Fucking for science, that is a new one. I moved behind the first of the girls and gently placed my hands on her tits. Her nipples were already rock hard. Over the heavily padded thing there, she bent forward and reached between my leg to put my dick in her mini volcano. A backward push slid two inches inside her. She started rocking her hips to get more of me in her. When she started doing all the work, to fuck her pussy with my dick, I got a good hold on her hips, and then we got into the...
Jessica was a waitress at a beach side café and had been for the past three years. She owned half the café and her brother owned the other half. But she enjoyed working as a waitress. She heard the small chime ring as the door opened. Jessica looked up to see who the first customer of the day would be. To her surprise it was a stranger, which seemed odd. Her type shouldn’t start turning up for at least another two weeks, when summer vacation began. She looked around and finally...
LesbianNow seemed like this a good time for me to do this power testing with the succubus. I need a safe outlet for my anger, and this is perfect. As we walked through the maze of hallways, underground tunnels, various elevators, and then a long stairway down, my connection into the elder’s phone and laptop remained active. My anger continued to build as he began to provide me the data on what he was finding out. I don’t care if everyone even remotely involved with blinding these two children died...
They’ve done this before. Once we finished our shower, I massaged skin moisturizing lotion into the skin on both girls. At breakfast, I introduced Sidney to my parents. While the two girls got reacquainted, I reached out to Camden to see if she knew anything about the girl’s family. Chrissy, Sidney, Cassey, and the three babies were enjoying the heated pool when Corwin called me. “David,” Corwin said in a more formal variation of her family’s language. “Their parents were not the daughters...
It looks like Bambi is going to beat me home. Freshly a legal, sixteen-year-old driver now, Janey wanted to drive again. That worked for me. I found that she was an average, soon-to-be high school sophomore. Her grades were usually As and Bs. Like most kids, she got in trouble for dumb stuff like not doing her chores, being out past curfew, and other things high school kids do. Her parents used to make sure at least one was home all the time, but when she started high school, they left her...
It was a crisp, fall night, the kind we both loved and, just maybe, it set the stage for a remarkable memory… passion filled. As we enjoyed a sumptuous dinner, fire crackling in the foreground, we talked of the mundane and filled the gaps with flirting and laughter. Midway through dinner I caught a glimpse of what can only be described as… well, at the time, I was speechless. Peering over her long black boots and tucked under her form fitting black dress, I was stunned to see black lace...
Story by LesLes. Concept by Solddate. Art by Oo_Sebastian_oO Five Years After Syndrome's Attack "Honestly, sweetie, if there's ever a type of villain you don't want to go solo against, it's a mind controller." The villainess Mezmerella leaned against the top of a classic ball chair as she spoke. The smooth white plastic of the chair was a half-sphere sliced at a steep angle, the inside filled with red cashmere and soft red cushions. Mezmerella was in full costume, the figure-hugging white...
Lesbian“David, you were so incredibly cool when dealing with our spoiled little princess the other day. Ok, you were cool with everyone else too,” the therapist starts out saying. “I would like to see if you would be willing to allow us to impose on your good nature a bit to see if we can provide her some needed motivation to work harder at recovering her strength and balance. You, know, the old carrot and stick?” She had to stop talking until some patients went to their therapy rooms. Looking...
Sometime after they sedated me, to sleep through the thunderstorm, I woke up to find that Emily was over in her bed. I was too sleepy to try to figure out why. What the hell is going on? Who is throwing my body all around like this? This exam is the worst exam I have ever had. Where are my goggles? I wanted to open my eyes to see what was going on, but without the light-blocking goggles, I wasn’t about to do that. “Hey,” I said to whoever was examining me. “Something is wrong with my eyes,...