Walter's Huge MistakeChapter 23 free porn video

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I was sitting at home, it was the next Saturday, trying to think of how I wanted to proceed with hiring and training two more samplers. Ellen had slacked off from her first day sales results, selling about twenty units per day for the next three days. She and I hadn't fooled around any more since that one time, although she continued bringing a change of clothing with her every day to work. She had purchased several new outfits for herself, and asked me if it would be okay to leave them in the closet in the front of the office at the warehouse. She had also gotten her hair cut and styled, and now looked about five years younger than before. On Friday morning, she had prepaid for twelve sausages, and took fifteen, along with a case of jerky jars. She told me that she would pay for the rest of her product on Monday morning, because she had somewhere she needed to be Friday afternoon, and wouldn't be back for the check in and settling up at five thirty.

It was about nine thirty that Saturday morning when Walter showed up at the house with little Walter. He hadn't told anyone that he was coming back, or about little Walter being with him. He introduced the boy to our mom and dad, and to me, telling us that Carla had agreed to let him watch the boy on Saturday's, when she had to work. It was pretty funny watching Walter as he took his son up to his bedroom and showed him all of his stuff from when he was a boy. Walter set up his old electric train set, and the two of them played with it on the floor of Walter's bedroom. At about three thirty, Walter got the two of them ready, and drove back over to Carla's apartment. When he got back home again, he was pretty quiet, taking his train set apart and putting everything carefully away. After he had spent an hour or so in his room, he came over to my bedroom.

"You were right Barry, about Carla and the money for little Walter. She's been having a tough time making ends meet with her job, and trying to raise him all by herself. I told her that I can give her three hundred a month from now on."

"He looks like a pretty neat kid Walter. So, are you going to be getting him every Saturday?"

"Only when Carla's working, which is every other Saturday. I figured that I'd wait until she gets more comfortable with me being around little Walter, and then maybe ask if I could take him to some places on Sunday's too. Just to the movies and the park, stuff like that."

"Are you making any progress with Carla and you?"

"No, I don't think that's going to be happening. I tried to say something, but she got mad and cut me off. I'll wait until things are more settled with little Walter and I before I talk to her about things like that again."

"You know Carla, Walter. She's always had this thing for you. If you stay in touch with her, she'll come around. The problem is, if she does come around, will the two of you make it this time, or will the same thing happen like the last time?"

"You're right. I've been thinking about that too. Right now, standing here, I think I could be faithful, but I don't know how I'd feel if I got a chance to bang another girl. I don't think that I'm the type of guy who can ever be faithful for a long time."

"Maybe Carla has the same problem. She seems to enjoy a little variety in her life too. Maybe you should have an open relationship, where both of you can screw around if you want to."

"I don't want a wife who sleeps around on me."

"Carla probably doesn't want a husband who fucks other girls either. I was just saying that, if you both have this problem with staying faithful, that might be a solution for you."

"I don't want to talk about that anymore Barry. What did you think of little Walter? He's pretty smart for three years old. I told Carla that she should put him in preschool next year, to give him a leg up on kindergarten."

"It couldn't hurt. How much does it cost?"

"That's a good point, I have no idea. I'll check into that. If it isn't too expensive, maybe I'll just offer to pay for it. You know something Barry? You have a good head for stuff like this, always thinking about things that normal people don't think of. I think I'm going to use you for a sounding board, so that I don't screw things up with Carla and little Walter."

"Yeah, like I'm so successful in my own relationships." I went back to my own room, maybe a little bit jealous of Walter and Carla. I knew that Carla was really trying to get back with Walter. I figured that maybe I could help Walter to not screw things up so fast this time. I was doing it for little Walter more than either of his parents.

I spent a good part of the afternoon thinking about Audrey, wondering how she was doing, wondering whether she was even still in town. That was how I started thinking about Cindy, and about knowing where she worked, or used to work at least. I had tried Audrey's old phone number on Tuesday, but a man had answered and told me that he'd had that number for the past three years. I made up my mind to sell sausages in Cindy's work area on Monday. If she was still working there, I'd find her. She would certainly know where Audrey was. I figured that was my best chance, and felt good that I'd remembered where Cindy worked. On Sunday, I went to the mall and bought myself some new clothes for work. I needed casual, but nice.

"Hey Barry, fancy meeting you here." It was Kiki Elder. She had put on a few pounds, and her boobs had filled out some. She looked pretty good.

"Kiki, my little love Goddess. Still coming to the mall to find your excitement?"

"Only because it still works. Where have you been? I haven't seen you in about five years."

"I went into the Air Force after high school, and I didn't make it back here too often. I'm back now though. Are you still a carpet muncher? Or, did you switch sides again?" Kiki laughed.

"I'm not too particular Barry. I guess you could say that I'm open to any opportunity. I haven't seen Dana since she ran off with that homecoming queen three years ago. You heard about that, right?" I hadn't spoken to anybody in a long time, Especially about local gossip. I told her that I hadn't heard. She asked me to buy her lunch and she'd tell me the whole story. I took her over to the food court and told her to get whatever she wanted. I had two slices of pizza and a Coke. Kiki bought Chinese food with a root beer. "It was three years ago. Dana and I were both through with school, of course, but we still hung out together some. We both saw other people, but we still fooled around together from time to time. She was simply the best muncher of them all."

"I know she was. The first time I saw her in action, I couldn't believe it. She really ate pussy. I was surprised there wasn't blood when she got done."

"Tell me about it. Anyway, there was this really cute junior at the high school, she was the Homecoming Queen, that came into the dress shop where Dana was working. She came into the store to buy her homecoming dance dress. Dana waited on her, helping her to find the dress, then helping her to try it on. It was right there in the fitting room that Dana went to town on that poor girl. No one knows how she got the girl to let her, but the two of them went at it right in the dressing room. There was so much screaming from that girl that Dana's boss came in and caught the two of them. She fired Dana right on the spot, and threatened to phone the police because the other girl was a minor, only about sixteen years old. That was the last anyone saw of the two of them. I still miss Dana. Just thinking about her right now has got my motor running."

"So, what are you doing to make money now Kiki? I figured that you'd be a librarian, or else work in a bookstore. I remember how you always liked to spend time reading in the library."

"I work at my dad's hardware store. I hate it, but he lets me come in late and doesn't get too pissed off if I call in sick. The pay really sucks though. I'm still living at home, can you believe it?"

"Ha, I'm still at home too, and so is Walter. Where else can you live so cheaply, and still get your food and laundry taken care of? I'm going to get my own apartment soon though. Walter likes living at home. He might never move out."

"I remember Walter, especially that last time. I never did get to fuck him that day. You still owe me a Walter fuck Barry."

"I can probably arrange something for you Kiki. Of course, there will be the usual charge."

"I already paid you the last time."

"Yes, but you are the one who left without getting fucked by Walter. You didn't want to let Dana out of your sight, remember?"

"I was just teasing Barry. I'd do you again."

"Now, getting back to business. How much do you make working with your father? The reason that I'm asking, is that I have a job that you'd be good at, and it would give you a chance to get out and meet people and have a good time."

"What is it? Amway? Insurance? Prostitution?"

"How much is your father paying you?"

"A hundred and fifty dollars a week."

"I bet you'd make that much a day, on some days. Kiki, with your personality, and your natural friendliness, you can't miss at the job I have for you."

"Tell me about the job Barry."

"I can't tell you, I have to show you. Can you take a day off from your father Kiki?"

"Sure, but I'll lose my pay if I do."

"I guarantee you at least fifty dollars for the day, plus a nice lunch, and I'll take you to a nice motel and fuck your socks off right after lunch and then again after five thirty."

"I don't like fucking on a full stomach Barry. It's uncomfortable."

"We'll have a nice fuck first then, and then we'll go out to lunch. After work, we'll have another, and then I'll take you to dinner too. That is all included, along with the fifty buck guarantee."

"If you just want to fuck me, I'd rather not have any money changing hands Barry. I still consider myself an amateur, and I wouldn't want to give that up."

"Kiki, the job is what you'd be paid for. The fucking, and the meals, that wouldn't affect your amateur status at all. Tell you what, I'll get a bottle of booze for the room and we'll make a night of it. Ask your dad for two days off, and tell him that you'll be going out of town for a job interview. We'll go over to Indiana, where no one knows us. Some people get nervous their first time. We'll have to come back to my warehouse Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning though."

"You have to tell me what it is Barry. I'm not going through all this trouble without knowing what you want me to do."

"Kiki, it's something that I do myself. You have to see it. If I try to describe it, you aren't going to understand it any better than you do right now. You are perfect for this, and you'll love doing it. I make more than a hundred dollars a day doing it, and you'll probably do better than I do. If you're that happy working with your father for thirty bucks a day though, I understand."

"Monday and Tuesday, and you'll guarantee me fifty dollars a day, plus feed me and pay for the motel?"

"Plus, fuck your socks off too. Don't forget that part."

"Okay, I'll trust you. If I hate it though, I'm coming home on Monday, all right?" I gave her the address of the warehouse, and told her about coming around to the back. I asked her to meet me there at nine o'clock. I got her phone number again, and gave her mine, in case something came up.

The next day, Ellen was there before nine and went in and changed into another outfit. She settled up with me for Friday, and took out thirty sausages and two cases of jerky and one case of pepperoni. I told her that I'd see her at five thirty, back at the warehouse. She left right before Kiki pulled up in her car. I had brought thirty sausages, eighteen jerky jars, and twelve pepperoni stick cannisters. We hopped into my car, and I drove us the forty minute drive over to Indiana. All the time we were driving, Kiki kept trying to get me to tell her what we would be doing. I finally had to tell her that she was going to stand behind me and watch as I went around talking to people. That was all that I'd say.

We got to a big town and I drove around until I got to a big industrial park. We parked, and I got out the blue bag and put three jerky jars and three pepperoni stick cannisters in it, and put it over Kiki's shoulder. I got ten sausages loaded up and cut one in half. I cut off a small slice and offered it to Kiki. She peeled off the casing and popped the whole thing into her mouth and started chewing.

"What do you think?"

"It's good. Kind of like Hickory Farms, but sweeter."

They are $14.95 for a three pound sausage. Take a look at the jerky and pepperoni. They are $14.95 too. We sample the sausage and show the jerky and the pepperoni to people. Here, in this kind of park, the people we're talking to are usually young guys. They are mechanics and clerks, but they all like flirting with young pretty girls. I'll do all of the sampling, you just show them the jerky and the pepperoni, smile, and let them try to flirt with you. Listen to what I say, watch what I do. This afternoon, you'll be sampling and I'll be showing the jerky and the pepperoni."

"Barry, I never sold anything before."

"Kiki, the products sell themselves. All you have to do is give away the samples, and make change when they buy things. You have to talk with them, but you would do that anyway, because you're a friendly person. Let's get started. You follow me, and just watch until I tell you to hold up the jerky and pepperoni."

We started out with a sale right away. Kiki was a little embarrassed at first, and wasn't smiling or relaxed. I told her to pretend that she was someone else and not to worry about what these people thought because we'd probably never see them again anyway. By eleven, I'd sold about eight sausages and Kiki was moving around showing the jerky and having little conversations with guys who were hitting on her. Twice, she sold product, once a jerky jar, and the second time, a jerky and a pepperoni. I had to make change for her. By twelve, she was relaxed and having a good time. We finished at one and I told her that we could either get a room or go to lunch. She chose lunch because she had a lot of questions she wanted to ask me. She was having a problem containing her excitement. To her, this was like having a good excuse to walk around meeting guys. That was the one part of working for her father that she enjoyed, that a lot of guys came in and tried to flirt with her.

"So, how did we do?"

"Well, I sold sixteen sausages, five jerky jars and one pepperoni. You sold three jerky jars and a pepperoni. We've used up half a stick of sausage in samples. The important thing is that we gave away so many samples. The next time that someone comes through here, people will remember how good our products are and they'll tell others, and we'll sell even more."

"When will someone else come through here?"

"I don't know. People ask, and we tell them not for six weeks. It might be that nobody ever comes back here. Do you think you can do the sampling now? I'll be right behind you with the jerky and pepperoni."

"How much do you make with every sale?"

"For each unit, you make five bucks, but you have to pay for your own samples yourself."

"You made a hundred dollars already?"

"Yes, plus you've made twenty bucks yourself, and haven't even started sampling yet."

"Is it like this everyday?"

"It has been for me. I do better with women than men, but having you along with me helps my sales. Guys buy the sausage hoping that it will impress you. You should see it sometime when there's about eight or ten guys all trying to make an impression."

"The way some of those guys were acting, you'd think I was something special. I don't get that kind of attention from guys usually."

"That's partly because they aren't used to having a girl come to their work. If you weren't young and good looking though, you wouldn't get so much attention."

We had a long, leisurely lunch, and went right back to that industrial complex afterwards. We ran out of sausages at four thirty. We had sold ten jerky jars and five pepperoni Cannisters too. We called it a day and drove back to the warehouse. We got there at five twenty, and Ellen was already waiting there for me. I checked her leftovers back in and settled up for what she had sold. She had sold fifteen units, but admitted that she had only really worked for about three hours, and had been shopping the rest of the time. I introduced her to Kiki, and they talked for a few minutes while I got things straightened out, and put the sausages back in a carton to take over to the meat market for storage. Ellen went inside the office for a few minutes and came back changed into the outfit that she'd changed out of that morning.

I filled out a deposit slip and put it in an envelope and put it through the night depository at the bank, and then drove over to the butcher shop and dropped off the sausages. Kiki and I drove over to a nice motel, and I went in and registered and paid for the room. It was after six thirty, and Kiki and I were both hungry, so we went out and had a nice spaghetti dinner at this Italian restaurant that we both liked.

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begging for a huge hard black cock

Begging for a hard huge black dickHome alone again; my loving husband on a business trip, a long one…Then I was sitting there, masturbating with my huge toys and finally I knew I had enough. I decided to get up, get dressed, and find someone to fuck... I really needed someone’s big cock driving into my pussy. I chose sexy black lingerie; a black rope halter top, a short black flounced mini skirt and some black fishnets with a red stripe up the back. I looked in the mirror and couldn’t believe...

2 years ago
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Huge Boobs Lady From Chennai

Hi, guys, this is raj again with my another experience. After my threesome experience, I posted a story and I got so many emails from ladies and gents. Mostly from ladies and specially 2ladies from Chennai a lady named Laxmi name changed. And Geetha name changed they both emailed me for my service. In this story, I’m going to narrate the story between me and Laxmi how I fucked and satisfied to the core. Any unsatisfied women, divorced women, girls, and lonely needed sex please feel free to...

4 years ago
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A huge Moroccan cock at home

My wife’s girlfriend Camilla had been fucking a huge Moroccan man after her divorce. The bitch loved huge black cocks and this lucky bastard apparently had a very massive thick one. Ana had told me she had met this man at Camilla’s home and I was sure my slutty babe would want to try such a big black cock…My sexy wife told that one day at lunch time, this man had visited Camilla at their office and, when her girlfriend went out for a second, the Moroccan told my wife he wanted to fuck her with...

1 year ago
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Huge Hangers

To all the fans of huge bouncy tits, do I have a subreddit for you! It is called r/HugeHangers/, and it is literally just that, a subreddit dedicated to all the lovely women with huge tits who would love to share their naughty images. You have all kinds of cuties and all kinds of pictures, and the beauties here really love to get down and dirty and post the dirtiest shit.So, if you are in the mood for women with huge tits, then you will love this subreddit. The best thing about all of this is...

Reddit NSFW List
2 years ago
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Damn my sons cock is huge

Chapter 1 "Damn Kyle, how do you live in the same house with those two without sporting a hardon all day" Jeremy asks as he watches Kyle's sister Tera and his Mom walk to the edge of the beach in their Bikini's? "That's my mom and sister dumbass, it ain't like I'd ever think of them that way", Kyle replied. Kyle was lying because he did think of them that way every day but he wasn't going to broadcast it to the world. He keeps his gaze from the two of them because he knows...

1 year ago
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A huge black cock in Anas asshole

My sweet wife Ana and I had met some interesting people when we lived for some months at Jacksonville.A couple of weeks after we moved there, one of our neighbors had a holiday party and we were invited. It was always a real nice evening with good meal and alcohol.We mingled together for the first hour, then our host wanted to show the men some new electronics he had purchased and Anita went over to talk with some other ladies.My wife was no doubt the sexiest woman at the party that night,...

4 years ago
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His Fucking Cock was Huge PT2

John's dick stood before my face, tall and thick. I had thought it would be a plentiful seven or eight inches, but now I could see that it was probably closer to ten. What was even more impressive was the sheer mass of his dick. My fingers at the base barely fit around it, and this thickness was maintained all the way to the tip. The head was enormous, almost appearing to my eyes as big as a doorknob. The large bulging vein through its center was well defined, tracing the entire length of...

4 years ago
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About six years after we moved in, the neighbors next to us moved out, and a retired man moved in. We met our new neighbor, Kirby, while working in the front yard shortly after he moved in. He seemed like a nice guy, although he seemed to spend an awful lot of time eyeing my tits and ass. I get it …… I have a nice rack. For a 35 yr old woman, I was in really good shape, with natural, 36F tits, a narrow waist, and a pert ass. With my long, blonde hair and green eyes I tended to attract...

3 years ago
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Dick a real very huge black dick

An old mate from a former work invited Anita and I for a weekend at his cabin to swim and fish at the lake.When we arrived on Saturday, I was glad to see some other former buddies.The cabin was huge and had four bedrooms and two bathrooms. The lake view was great and the weather was warm and nice. We knew each other and we were there seven; four guys and three ladies, including my sensual little wife.Our host was Aaron; a huge black guy very nice, who I had met years ago, when we worked...

3 years ago
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My Sons Huge Cock Ch 05

I left Mike handcuffed up while I went to the bathroom and took a shower. When I came out I walked past my bedroom door. Mike had fallen back off to sleep, his arms still tied over his head, he was butt naked with his limp cock resting on him.I went into my closet and got a t-shirt and some shorts out, after getting dressed I went downstairs and tided the kitchen.About 11 o'clock I went back upstairs to check on Mike. He was awake but laying silently."Hey big boy," I said as I walked over to...

1 year ago
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My Mothers Huge Breasts

My Mothers huge breasts Became My Obsession When I was 18 I became aware of all the noises that would come from my parents bedroom at night. Not every night. Maybe once a week. I could hear slaps and moans and squeals occasionally. My curiosity finally got the best of me and one night during this noise fest, I quietly cracked their bedroom door and looked in. What I saw was my mother on her knees at the end of the bed with her arms behind her head, totally naked. My father was standing in front...

3 years ago
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71 yo huge dick grandpa fucks me

In 2016 there was a time in my life when I just wasn't horny at all, I didn't have sex for over 4 months. Grandpas and grandmas would ask me for sex and I would just reject them. I am usually very horny and have sex daily but at this time I just wasn't... There was a 70 year old grandpa that I met at the bar in 2015, he told me that he wanted to fuck me, but I couldn't have sex with him at this time because my grandpa was staying at my house for a couple days, he was just vising me. We couldn't...

2 years ago
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Ana enjoying another huge black dick

Ana enjoying another huge black cockFriday night I had gone with my sweet Ana to a local bar in the neighborhood. Soon Ana had met a big muscled black guy and she had introduced him to me as Jordan.When the bartender announced he was closing the place; Ana asked me if we could continue the party at home… with Jordan, of course…Once we got to the house, Anita took Jordan into the living room while I got beverages for everybody. When I got to the living room I found my lovely wife on her knees in...

1 year ago
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Sexually owned by a huge cock

*DISCLAIMER: NAMES WERE ALTERNATED TO MAINTAIN PRIVACY OF THE INVOLVED.*Ok, this one is a very important milestone at my sex life.That's from mid 2010. I was living in Sao Paulo at time, sharing an apartment with a friend of mine, his name is Rick. We weren't old friends, we actually met when we started to share the apartment. It was a single man apartment, living room, small kitchen, one bathroom and one bedroom.So privacy was pretty much inexistent there, then we had this had this heads up...

3 years ago
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Huge BBW sister in Law Fantasy

Huge. Her ass is just huge. Dont get me wrong, she has giant breasts but her booty is just HUGE and I love it. I headed off to work and could feel my dick growing in my pants. The new guy at work was a girl! She made me rock hard. She is 5'9 or 10", and around 150 pounds. A Blond BBW goddess. And guess who I was working with? I fantasized she was an Blue Eyed Amazon. The lost tribe of large, powerful, warrior women. We were working together in a closet! It was close quarters. All the walls had...

2 years ago
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Child Brings Huge Property

I am 34. Married for eight years to a big business man who loves to live in suitcases, sleep in flights and just make money. There was no dearth of gold and diamond with me. Had big house. But I had no life. In eight years only my upper and lower body has put on flesh but nothing in between. No baby bump. I was coming to conclusion that adopting a baby is the only option left and was persuading my husband. One day suddenly my hubby told that his father if in ICU and he has to rush to Bengaluru...

4 years ago
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The Plumbers Huge Tool

  My name is Shela. I'm married to a very successful business man named Jerry, that travels a lot. I'm 36 years old, very petite 5'1” tall weigh only115 pounds. Nearly everything about my body is very small except my boobs. I'm a generous D cup, my boobs look very large on my otherwise small body. My sexual appetite is best described as voracious! My husband is a good lover and we always enjoy sex when we are together, however he travels a lot and is frequently gone for a week or more at a...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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My wife got fucked by two huge cocks

My name is Joe and I have been married to my beautiful wife for twenty years, her name is Carol and she is a stunning forty year old woman and mother to our three children. Married life has treated us well, we both have successful jobs and work hard at making our family a happy and secure.About six weeks ago my wife dropped a bombshell that I was not expecting, we got talking late one night about sex and fantasies, we both had quite alot to drink and obviously this must of relaxed my wife...

1 year ago
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My Grandmas Huge Ass

Note : This story is completely fictional! It's was summer time when I gotten released from jail, I've been down close to 5 years and man do it feels good to be finally free. My grandma use to write me all the time and send me pictures. I've been away from women so long I started lusting after my grandma's pictures. My grandma was a 67 years old shapely woman with a huge round ass. She came to pick me up from prison, she had on a knee high green skirt with a white top. She got out the car to...

3 years ago
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My Wife Wants a Huge Cock

My name is Paula. I am a very conservative and quiet person. I am in my mid thirties, happily married to John and have a sex life that is disappointing to both of us, despite John not being particularly well endowed. I thought I was sexually satisfied until I stumbled across a web site on the computer that showed a guy with a huge cock. It was so large I didn't think it could be genuine. It just had to be electronically enlarged - didn't it? However I couldn't get the image out of my mind. When...

1 year ago
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Jerrys Huge Cock pt2

Well Jerry got laid off at work to my disappointment so I could no longer see him strut his huge cock in the showers.I was not sure if he would ever get called back so I went over to his house to console him and try to up his spirits! When I got there he was already pretty drunk and was walking around in his underwear showing a huge basket. I said dude you look huge in those have seen my cock he said you know how big I am, can you believe my wife is leaving me for a guy with a 6...

4 years ago
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Looking for a huge black cock at a bar

My loving hubby had come that evening from one of his boring business trips. Victor was a bit tired after dinner; but he accepted to go with me at a local bar for some drinks and music…As we were sitting there, I noticed a very handsome guy was checking me out. He was a young man and I imagined he would be also very nice well hung… We made eye contact and I smiled a couple times at him, while I was staring at his full body. He was a huge guy…I let know it to Victor; he smiled, saying the whole...

3 years ago
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Its fucking Huge Wife Cheats Blacken

At fifty years of age, I was married, had two grown up k**s, a beautiful home, and a loving husband Ian, who provided for my every wish. Yet here I was being fucked senseless by a youth almost half my age, not only that but I loved it, the sex, the excitement, fearing the possibility of being caught, yet I couldn't stop myself.Ian, my husband and I had built a successful family construction company, and we had just moved into the international market. This in itself created the problem I now...

3 years ago
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A huge black cock under the shower

My girlfriends Laura and Camilla had invited me to a new aqua club pool that warm afternoon.We enjoyed sunning ourselves at the poolside and having some nice drinks at the bar. Later we went sliding down the tube and having fun in the wave poolI was waiting in line without my friends being separated from the group, as I went back in the wave pool.After a huge wave I ended in the arms of a huge black man.''Do not worry, babe… here I got you…'' He said, as he helped me to take the next wave. I...

3 years ago
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Milking my exwife Angeliques huge tit

Milking my fat ass wife Angelique’s huge tits...Using a real cow milking machine..... Angelique really tried like hell to please me from the day we met in anyway she could just to show me just how much she thought she loved me and wanted to stay with me, cause I was the best thing that ever happened to her fat ass and she damn well knew it. Hell she would do any damn thing I told her to do, no matter how wild, fucked up or i*****l it was. I explained to her the first time we ever went out,...

3 years ago
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Huge cock takes her virgin pussy

So this time I’m not sharing a story about one of my (many) experiences with BIG BLACK COCK; instead, I’m sharing a VERY hot story from a young man whom I finally had lunch with. Since I know why you are reading this, I’ll spare you all the details leading up to the lunch. I recorded the whole thing (with his permission of course), so I’ll be able to quote him where I need to, but this won’t be a transcript or anything…Scott (we’ll call him that) is a very slight young man, and shy and quiet to...

2 years ago
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Huge 7 Chris Goes to College

Chris felt something warm and wet slip over the head of his cock. He smiled even though he was still half asleep. He felt a familiar weight settle on his groin. The tight wetness began to slide around on his cock. His breathing quickened and his eyes opened into the early morning gloom of his bedroom. "Mom," he said as he glanced at the clock on his nightstand, "what are you doing? It's like four in the morning." His mother, Heather, braced her arms on either side of his broad...

1 year ago
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Huge Dicks Tiny Chicks

I’m a sucker for small chicks. If you manage to find a petite babe for me who wants to fuck, I will never turn down that offer. In fact, as long as she doesn’t look like garbage, she doesn’t even have to have a huge ass or nice tits. I like it when they have a cute face, and that’s about it. The reason why I like tiny chicks so much is that my huge cock is such a contrast to them. And if you’re the type of dude who likes punishing small girls with your huge dick, then you’re going to love...

Reddit NSFW List
1 year ago
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I had been married for about fourteen years when I finally got divorced, and I immediately felt a tremendous release to get a little wild and try new things ....which, for me, meant constantly looking for the next big dick. In my mid-thirties, I was still a very attractive woman, with long blonde hair, light blue eyes, and a very shapely body. But my most noticeable characteristic was definitely my soft, bouncy 34DD tits that always captured the attention of every man...and several...

4 years ago
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Huge Tits A different pair for each night of the

Newly single at 32, I went on a big tits rampage. I’d spent years with a set of D cups but throughout the relationship I’d harboured an increasing desire to get hold of some really big ones. By the time I moved away from my ex, this had become a need. Once I was living alone again, the idea was simple: to search out the biggest, heaviest juggs I could find. Age, race, or body size never mattered to me. I didn’t care how fat the woman in question was, only the amount of titmeat she had hanging...

2 years ago
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Hi, I’m Sarah, married to Ted who has posted several Tales of our exploits, with my permission of course, however with me having lots of time on my hands, due to the current situation, I thought I would start telling a few of my own and compile a “Sarah’s Story” series. Obviously these will be written with Ted’s permission and a little help. Enjoy!!xSo Ted and I got into the whole playing with others thing in our early fifties and the first couple of guys I had fun with were very well endowed,...

1 year ago
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Ana rides a huge black piece

Ana rides a huge dark piece Victor was out of town for the weekend and that Friday evening I was at the gym, trying to get rid of my bad mood…I was running in a tread mill, when a tall handsome black man came into and started running on next to me. He was in great shape with a muscular build, a nice dark skin. After jogging for a few minutes the man removed his sweat T-shirt.I did my best to keep my eyes forward, but I could not do it. I glanced over and saw his muscular chest glistening as the...

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