B J Jones the Story of My LifeChapter 478
- 2 years ago
- 47
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We returned home a bit past her bedtime, but Ellen needed a shower. She stunk.
I was reading April a bedtime story when Ellen came in from the shower. Ellen fell asleep almost as soon as she sat on April’s bed. I got April tucked in and then carried Ellen to her bed.
After midnight, I headed to bed to find Vicky in my bed wearing only panties that were barely big enough not to call them a thong.
“Can I sleep with you tonight?” Vicky asked.
“Sure. I’m going to get a quick shower and pull on some biking shorts,” I said.
Vicky was asleep when I walked out of the bathroom naked to find shorts. When I got in bed, she woke up enough to get me spooned behind her with my hand holding her tit.
The alarm on her phone went off around six.
“Thank you so much, David. I needed a guy to hold me. I can’t do that with my brothers anymore. They are both big enough to get in me from behind, making a mess. I don’t want to risk getting pregnant,” Vicky told me. “You’ve been the best friend my brothers, and I could ever have met. We are so thankful you took us into your home during the week. It would have been tiring, but we would have done what our grandmother suggested and commute daily.”
She skipped off happily to get dressed for school.
I walked the kids to school today, wandering by the various homes Molly had under construction, and headed home. I hadn’t exactly forgotten about the data being decrypted and unzipped, but it wasn’t something high on my list of things to do either. Not having anything on the list, I headed to the hidden computer room.
My implant connected automatically to the computer, and I started checking the process. I found that it had finished over a week ago and waited for me to read through it.
The information I found isn’t what I had expected, and I’m pissed.
There was a lot of data on a lot of people in the world. That included people like Steve and me, Amelia, seekers, that woman trapped in lava, Judith, and her daughter, Jude.
It had details of every experiment performed at the location that Judith turned into obsidian after rescuing her mother.
It infuriated me when I found the information on the woman who was only part of a head and brain. All this data was collected and provided to the group that split away from the elites long ago.
It listed Chrissy’s mom as one of the recipients of the reports.
The only thing that kept me from tracking her down and making Chrissy not see her mother for a very long time was that it didn’t have data about the testing done in any of Steve’s labs in the reports. They had details on Steve, Anna, Jane, and others but nothing about the power testing. I know that Chrissy’s mom knew about it.
At the very end, I found a note to me that said, “David, if you are reading this, then we need to talk urgently. No one should have been able to see what you have viewed.”
Chrissy’s mom was home, so I made my way over. She was surprised to see me and a bit frightened.
“I got your note,” I told her and watched her go pale. “You said we needed to talk, so talk.”
After a few stiff drinks, she told me, “I feared that Christopher, the one you call the man-in-the-machine, would one day crack your skull and augment you in a way he should not have. It does explain your curious absence where no one knew of your location. I easily located Ellen because we knew how to watch for her. Jasmine and Amelia were scared of Ellen back then. Now that Molly has gotten into ensuring puberty doesn’t dull Ellen’s skills, both women fear her so much more. The aunt who killed Ellen’s father and was hunted like an animal by her nine-year-old niece hasn’t stopped looking over her shoulder since she learned that you adopted Ellen. I haven’t been able to talk with you about that matter. Now seems as good a time as any. Ellen’s aunt is living just outside of town. You scare her more than Ellen. She came here out of self-preservation when she learned Ellen had hit puberty. The woman has watched over her niece for signs that Ellen isn’t as strong as their family believes Ellen to be. She does wish to meet with you. That isn’t what you came here to discuss.”
A few more drinks later, she told me, “David, you have the body of a god because you are one, as far as humans and other beings are concerned. I know you must be getting tired of hearing that by now. Those I work with aren’t the ones who provide you with aircraft that send you to deliver pizza and do odd jobs at the ISS. As you have discovered, my group of families knows a lot about people of great interest, such as yourself, but we cannot find your aircraft or weapons source. Christopher’s inability to do so is of great concern to many of my associates, but not me. You, and only you, could have remade Paula on a cellular level. No one can prove it, but there was a presence in the area not far from where you rescued Amelia and her team. Some were immune to whatever it did to those who lived in that town. It has existed deep in the Earth for longer than any can recall, then it was just gone as if it never existed. Someone matching your description was found in that area and seen with what the person described as elves, not little cookie elves, but the Elves described by Tolkien and brought to life in the movies based on his works. I, and I alone, received disturbing data from analyzing a bow and arrows found with the person in question. It can’t exist, and yet it does.”
She took some time to collect her thoughts as she looked through the thousands of books that hadn’t been in her office the last time I was here. Chrissy’s mom placed a stack of them on the table beside me. The books themselves weren’t ancient, but the languages inside them were. Most of these languages died out thousands of years ago when those who once knew it got forced to learn a different language. There weren’t more than fifty pages in any of the books. The writing inside was copied from scrolls found during excavations of ancient civilizations.
“Those are some which no one has been able to find common patterns even to attempt to decipher them into something resembling a language, and yet you read them as if they were nothing but another book to you. These are only a few thousand languages found in scrolls or carved into stone. From the ones humans have translated, they tell of a boy that came to their villages or towns who never ages, gets sick, injured, or dies. This boy learned how to speak their language. If they had a written language, he learned that too. Legends exist about a large man, a giant to some, who came to learn their fighting styles. This man moved like the wind and never aged. He mastered the ways to incapacitate, paralyze, and kill another. This man became legendary because he would not kill, and no one could kill him,” Chrissy’s mom said. “I did not create the information you found encrypted and hidden away in people’s brains, David, but I am the one who convinced the others that it became too dangerous to exist and placed all of our lives in danger. I know about Jude. Many geniuses and data analysts didn’t see something right there in front of them. You are the father of one of Jude’s many children. Specifically, a little girl who vanished from inside a secured vehicle traveling a convoy. Using Becky’s children as an approximation, the match worked out perfectly for when Jude was at your school seeking out those like you, and each time she conceived shortly after a visit. Judith’s facility turned into obsidian shortly after Jude went missing was not a coincidence. You sent away a being that had been on Earth for millions of years back to where it originated. We received a picture of Jude with a little girl who looked the right age for the one that vanished without a trace. That was the catalyst I needed to remove all traces of the data collected at labs and stop all the barbaric things done to those people. You can understand that the lives lost to generate that information were too expensive to destroy, so it was compressed and encrypted using multiple algorithms and techniques, as you found out. Those I work with were not pleased to find that someone erased data fragments deep within children’s and adults’ minds. They soon discovered that two of the girls programmed with a piece of the information were in one of your orphanage hospitals at the same time as you when it happened.”
Stay quiet and listen to see what else she has to say.
She invited me to join her for lunch. In the kitchen, we only talked about mundane things and our daughters.
She waited until we were back in her office before asking, “We cannot reconstruct that data without all the parts. I do not care why the people, who programmed their assigned data block into the adults and children, died. As far as my group is concerned, that data is now lost. So the question is, what will you do with that information? Christopher can’t take it because it will cause him to begin analyzing it and become unable to stop processing it, leaving himself and all of his projects at risk.”
That isn’t the answer I was seeking or the question I expected her to ask.
“I don’t know what I am going to do with it. These doctors and scientists did horrible things to other human beings, making all of Hitler’s work look like an investigation into bread mold to fight bacteria. Hundreds of thousands got dissected alive, with the scientists trying to figure out what made them different. All these scientists have to show for their work are detailed descriptions of the pain and suffering their investigations caused. I understand why they did it, but not how they could continue to do it when learning nothing more over the decades. I did the data processing. I’m not exaggerating when I say that all of their findings will fit on less than fifty printed pages. Jude and Judith would take up half of those pages,” I told her. “See for yourself.”
I connected my implant to her computer and downloaded the combined data from the decrypted and uncompressed petabytes, much of which is fluff or part of the multiple redundancies.
“I did find that your information on succubi lacking, and what you knew about weather witches was just wrong. I updated that for you and your group as a show of good faith,” I told her. “You and they will now owe me a debt you can never seek to repay, and with that, I am fine. I provided you all of the information I pulled from the mind of the woman trapped in lava. Those fearing her lured her into a place where she would kill another to take an ability from a person nearly as powerful as her own. Her lust for more power blinded her to the point that they were able to trap her in lava and then harden it around her. They believed she had died. I suspected then but know now that she was never a danger to me, and she was the most powerful human, or what was once human until I removed that power from her.”
“I do not have it, but the group has extensive information about her,” Chrissy’s mom countered.
With an all-knowing smile, I said, “Oh, yeah, about that. You see, that wasn’t this woman at all. What you have information on is one of many from the bloodlines her father created. That girl was merely a mimic able to solidly imprint what she wanted them to believe they observed on a human’s brain. She had them see the results she wanted them to find. The scientists, doctors, and people watching her would all remember the same and alter any data which disagreed. I haven’t met any ghosts or what people believe are ghosts, but people like this girl do something similar. It takes a lot of energy to make people not see someone right before them. Sometimes they falter briefly, and the human mind has to develop a way to explain what they believe can’t be possible. The people, like that girl, have thrived on that fact and use it to get what they desire.”
That is fucking with your head, isn’t it?
“Read what I have provided. It is the story from the woman’s memories,” I told Chrissy’s mom. “I gave it to you and your group so they can learn that people like me and the seekers are not who they should fear. There are humans and beings from fairy tales that ensure nothing becomes that powerful again. I suspect that my accidents weren’t accidents but were meant to kill me. Well, all but when struck by lightning. That didn’t have ties to them at all. It was a mistake by someone who didn’t know what they were doing. She tried using the lightning to kill herself, but it hit me.”
“Yes, David, you have always been pure of heart. Even during your darkest periods, you didn’t waver. Now you have become what you are because of that. You are correct in that we can no longer contain you, for you have it within you to suck the energy of all that is into yourself, and it will cease to be. You will be taking the life energy from everything, including humans. Doing so would get against your very being, and you would implode, releasing the energy which will cause all to begin anew. My kind has long believed that the Big Bang was precisely that. One such as yourself imploded, and all existence starts over again,” an elderly elf, much older than the ones I met before, explained. “My kind appears immortal to humans, but it is because we heal rapidly and age slowly. You show only eighteen human years, but you have lived many times longer than I have in places that are out of time. Those like this human female have good intentions in how they try to protect the human race. While misguided, they have no desire to harm those they have hurt in their pursuit of knowledge. There is no blood-lust. It is what separates them from monsters like Hitler, in your time, and many before him, even when both groups simultaneously pursue the same knowledge.”
“Hi, look like a long-haired, very old man from storybooks and movies,” April said as she appeared from behind the Elf. “It is not good to say only small truths to make them not a lie. You get a time out.”
With a scream of terror, what looked to be an elf turned out to be a tall, almost emaciated, nude tween girl. She had tiny buds forming on her chest to show that she was no longer a little girl. April had the girl unable to move, so I went to get two apples from the refrigerator that I cut into slices. I filled a clear water bottle with milk and headed back into Chrissy’s mom’s office. I looked the girl over to see that April had stopped the girl from using energy to make herself appear to be an old male elf.
“Day-id,” April said. “She needs a spanking.”
That’s what this little girl got, too.
The imposter had a hard time sitting in the chair that I put her in after I tore into her bare butt.
“Eat your apple slices and drink your milk, then you can tell us why you almost killed yourself trying to appear as something you are not,” I told her.
“April, I’ve got this. You need to go back home before you get sick again. The cook told you not to eat that raw, and you did anyway. Sorry, but that is your body teaching you that the cook was right,” I told her.
April walked behind Chrissy’s mom’s desk and was gone.
The girl swallowed the bite she had taken and said, “My name is Elf, as in Elf on the Shelf. I am not the reason for that story, but it is a little that I can remember from before. You, David, I understand what you are, even if I doubt I will ever comprehend it. What is that little girl?”
“Who? April?” I asked.
She nodded.
“Let me think,” I started. “April is the first of those who became nine identical clones to the woman whose womb they developed inside because I made them that way. Unknowingly, I changed April back into what she was and is. April is the daughter destined for me to make inside her mother one day. It appears she is much better at keeping herself hidden than you. So, are you full of shit, or did you just play on what you overheard?”
Yeah. At least those tears are real, not like the ones from my spanking your butt.
Yes, it does hurt, but that didn’t make you cry.
I waited for her to dry her eyes and then asked, “Do you have to keep yourself invisible and undetectable, or only do that because you enjoy it?”
“I don’t know. I’ve not been able to have anyone see me as anything other than a fleeting image, as those people’s minds cannot perceive me. You started releasing some energy I could store long enough to make myself appear as I did in front of you today. It was easier than letting you see me how I am, a naked, scared girl with a sore bottom,” Elf told me. “I can tell I am how I was, but April did something that stopped it from making me not able to eat, or sit, or touch. I don’t want to be that way anymore. There are scary things that do something to me that makes me feel yucky. It is not the same way naughty men touch little girls.”
I had to ask, “How long have you been like this? Do you remember anything about what happened?”
“I think I am eleven or twelve, and this is the first time I’ve eaten anything I can remember. There is no food in the place where things do yucky stuff to me,” Elf told me. “I know I can read and write because I write things sometimes in mirrors or with lipstick because it is funny. I tried to put on clothes because girls aren’t supposed to go around naked, even if the girls you know go without clothes often at your house.”
I had to get her some graham crackers and more milk. Elf was very hungry.
When I returned to Chrissy’s mom’s office, I took a picture of her face and sent it to the man-in-the-machine, whose real name is not likely to be Christopher. I got an almost instant response. It was a missing child sign with a picture of a dead ringer for Elf. This girl was twelve and vanished from inside her family’s car when it stopped at a stop sign. The girl’s car door was left open, and there was no sign of her. She was on the way home from school and going to her twelfth birthday party. They found all her clothes in a pile on the girl’s seat in the car.
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Hii guys this is Akhil from Hyderabad. I am a regular reader of Indian sex stories.The story is about how I fucked and lost my virginity to my neighbour and my aunt deepthi. Coming to the heroine of the story her name is deepthi she is so hot that every one would love to fuck her at the first site itself…Her assets are 34-26-36 any one would die for them. All this happened was a month back I am studying my b.Tech in Tamil Nadu I went to a home for Holi holidays then I met my lady who is...
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Hello everyone. I hope you’ve liked the first two parts of the story and this is the third part and second day of Deepika’s stay in Hyderabad. Thanks for your feedback and your messages on Kik. I did have sex with a couple of women after this incident and I will surely write about those incidents too. Coming back to the story. After reaching the hotel, we slept properly and I woke up only to her blowjob. It was late in the morning by then, around 11 am and Deepika was giving me a sexy morning...
Hello readers, this is my first story here and in fact a true on which happened just a week back. I work for an MNC and my team is a 3 member team. Me the project head, a new trainee who just joined our company a month back and my team leader Deepika. This is a new team and we were looking after a new project. Since the 3rd member is a trainee for official client meetings, me and Deepika had to attend. Every time the client discussion will be through video conferencing and this time the client...
Hello everyone, I am Shravan,23 year old guy, a student, living in Mangalore and Bangalore, Karnataka….I am a great fan of ISS. Thank you guys for sharing your awesome experiences. It really turns me on. I would like to know u all out here. I am open to friendship and any relationship with ladies. Please do mail me at my Email id. secrecy and Good relationship is promised. Waiting to hear from u all. Please mail me your response to my mail id, don’t forget—> I can remember the day about six...
Hello deston ye meri real story hai mera naam manish hai main 26 saal ka hun meri sis ka naam deepa hai wo 25 saal ki hai deepa dekhne main bhut mast lagti hai usse dekh ke har kisi ke maan main usse bas chodne ka khyal hi ataa hoga.Deepa ki bra ka size 32 hai uski navel bahut suckable hai uske boobs uski chut sab bhut mast hai uske nange jism dekh ke aisa lagta hai jaise koi gadrai barson ki payasi jawani hai jo machal rahi hai, aur ye sab main kaise janta hun ye hi batana chahhta hun.Main aur...
IncestThis is a fictional story about family foursome porn sessions. It is based on my fantasies about a show I watch in my language. All the characters are fictional and strictly above 19. I prefer stories with a plot that gets us involved in the story and leads to sex rather than stories with just wild sex. My stories are a bit lengthy and usually have everything like gay sex, lesbianism, threesomes, group sex, and mainly incest. Enjoy the story. You can give me feedback at . If you haven’t read...
Hello everybody. I am Sujith, want to pen down my experience with Deepa aunt. I am using simple Indian spoken language so as to reach maximum number of readers you can mail me your opinions on my experience to I am 5.8 height handsome, well maintained going regularly to Gym. I am fetish about voluptuous women especially aunties in the mid age with massive ass, because most of them will be neglected at this age. I believe that for love or lust age has no bar. I like women wearing sari and...
Hi friends, I am Alvin from Mumbai. I am 21 years old, studying in engineering college. Please mail me on I would really like to hear from you. Thank you for your responses on previous stories, which encouraged me to write another story. This is my sex third story. Ye story meri aur mere baju wali bhabhi k bich ki hain. Unka naam hain dipti. Log unhe pyaar se deepa bhabhi bulaate the. Unke umar hain 33 saal. Unka rang gora hain and figure 38-34-36 hain. Unke 2 baache hain, fir bhi vo bohot...
Hi, indian sex stories dot net friends. Hope you all will be enjoying your life to fullest. First of all, I want to say thanks to all the readers for their wonderful compliments. This really has encouraged me to write my experience further. For all those who have not read my previous experience they can read it This is infact continuation of that part only. So dear friends, I am again going to cherish my memory of life. So after I released my cum shot in her hands, we both became silent for...
Na peru surya age 23 height 5.4 average boy.Nenu iss telugu sex stories stories ki pedda fan.Indulo maa pakkintlo unde deepatho naa first sex experience chebuthanu. Madi oka marumula gramam . Ma inti pakkane oka family undedi , andulo husband naku varusaku thatha avuthadu, wife rajitha and oka ammayi deepa. Inka kathaloki velithe naaku 8th class nundi sex mida interest perigindi.Nenu inter 2nd year lo unnapudu okaroju nenu college nundi madhyahnam (afternoon) intiki vaccha. Maa intiki kontha...
Hi ISS readers, it’s a pleasure reading the real life experiences posted here. Am here to post my real life experience where I had sex with my fiancée before our wedding. My name is Veera name changed and my native is Andhra, but currently residing at Chennai. This is the incident that happened during my college days. I was in a relationship with a cute petite girl Deepika during college. I found that she was cheating on me. Like double dating another guy from the next department initially I...
This is a fictional story about a man’s lust for his brother’s wife. It is based on my fantasies about a show I watch in my language. All the characters are fictional and strictly above 19. I prefer stories with a plot that gets us involved in the story and leads to sex rather than stories with just wild sex. My stories are a bit lengthy and usually have everything like gay sex, lesbianism, threesomes, group sex, and mainly incest. Enjoy the story. You can give me feedback at . If you haven’t...
IncestAs I had said in part 1,my hostel maid had become my fuckbuddy and my sex life was very satisfactory,as I was fucking deepa during weekdays and then for the weekends would go home to pune to have sex with my mom and sister.i would come from college by 3 after bunking my last lecture and would have sex with her from 3 to 5.well I wouldn’t have sex everyday but at least 3-4 time in 5 days.it had been 4 months to our relation and there was more 3 months left for my first year to get over.i had...
This is a fictional story about a threesome relationship. It is based on my fantasies about a show I watch in my language. All the characters are fictional and strictly above 19. I prefer stories with a plot that gets us involved in the story and leads to sex rather than stories with just wild sex. My stories are a bit lengthy and usually have everything like gay sex, lesbianism, threesomes, group sex, and mainly incest. Enjoy the story. You can give me feedback at . If you haven’t read the...
Hello, readers, my name is Rustamjaani () As I mentioned briefly in my first Submission ( titled cuckolding my beautiful wife), and a huge response, lots of emails urging me on to write about my affair with the wife of my colleague namely Deepika while I was stationed in Mumbai India by my company. I am 35 years and work in London for a big British MNC as a manager. I am told I am very good looking, 5.11ft tall , fit as well as sporty. My company had taken over medium size Indian company with...
Hi guys, I am MGR here, I am very happy from your feedbacks about my previous encounter. So I came here with my new encounter. Friends this one little lengthy so please forgive me and if any mistake in my narration please don’t scold me. As I said in my last encounter “Memorable sex with beautiful sanjana”, deepa found us (I and sanjana) in the hugging position with naked body. At that time she didn’t speak any words and went silent to hall. After some time we both get dressed and went to hall,...
Sabhi pyare dosto ko mera dono hath jod kar namshkar. Mera naam Yogesh Kumar hai. Meri umar 55 saal ho gyi hai, meri height 5’7 inch hai. Mera weight 121 kg hai. Main kafi acha hatta katta ek mard hoon. Main ek mast mola mard hoon. Jo aaj bhi apni wife ko roj chodta hai. Meri wife ki umar 52 saal hai. Hum dono ke do bache hai, ek ladka aur ek ladki. Mere bete ki umar 27 saal hai aur meri beti ki umar 24 saal hai. Un dono ki shadi ho chuki hai. Main apne ghar ke pass ek govt. school me ek...
By : Vijay Hello friends I am a Vijay and main dehradun ka rahne wala hoon aur mba karke Chandigarh main job kar raha hoon meri age 24 saal hai aur average body hai meri dick ki length 5,”6″ hai. Aur ye sari baat real hai is site par maine bahut si kahania paddhi hai to socha ki ek ghatna jo meri real life hui hai use v ap logon se sayer karun main is site ka bahut bara fain hoon jo sabhi ko apni bat kahne ka mauka deta hai ab main apni stori par aa jata hoon agar apko (mainly girls) pasand aa...
Hi! Dosto mera naam Raj hai, aur mai 24 saal ka ek gabru jawan ladka hoo aur main Delhi se belong karta hoo. Mai ISS ko pichle 4 saal se pad raha hoo, aur mujhe iske sare stories pasand aate hai, khaskar incest stories jisme bhai-behan ke pyaar/choodne ke bare me bataya gaya hai. Meri ye story meri cousin sister Deepika ke bare me hai, aur ye koi story nahi hai balki meri life ka ek real insident hai jo ki mai share karne ja raha hu. Khair mai apna insident batatahu jo ki mai story ke taur pe...
Hello readers and this is the second part of my story. That night after the first round of love making, we slept hugging each other for some 2 hours. I woke up to a sweet kiss of Deepika on my lips. Our room had a French window type on one side and a balcony on the other sides. Deepika was standing near the window looking outside and our room was on the top floor so the view outside was so romantic. I went and stood behind her and hugged her from behind. My face was on her right shoulder and...
Hi, readers, this is Rustamjaani () with the second part of the story about me and my colleague’s wife Deepika. Please read part 1 to familiarize your self with the story. I took a taxi to Deepika house, as I didn’t want any one to get suspicious about me being there. I got dropped off a bit early before her house and rang her on her cell. I told her if it was ok for me to come over, She said yes as she had sent the maid home early and she was alone at home but be careful. I asked what she was...
Hi friends, this is Zoonaid (name changed). I am 23 yrs old graduate. I am 5’10” tall with 6” tool. I did my graduation from a reputed college in a metro city. Last year in June, I shifted to Pune for job. Here I live alone in one room kitchen. I don’t have much stuff at my room not even a bed I put ‘gadda’ on floor to sleep. One of my friends from my grad college, Deepa, got job in that metro city only. She lived in hostel during graduation, now was living in apartment on rent. Her parents...
Hello all, this is Danish again with another story about a hot fuck with my cousin. I must first thank all of you for the overwhelming response to my earlier story. Many readers have been mailing me for the next part of the story. But I could not complete the story earlier due to lack of time. For those who do not have the background of the story, please read the earlier parts to enjoy this one. When I woke the next morning, Deepti was not in the room. She had already gone out to take care of...
IncestHello all, this is Danish again with another story about a hot fuck with my cousin. I must first thank all of you for the overwhelming response to my earlier story. Many readers have been mailing me for the next part of the story. But I could not complete the story earlier due to lack of time. For those who do not have the background of the story, please read the earlier parts to enjoy this one. When I woke the next morning, Deepti was not in the room. She had already gone out to take care of...
IncestHello friends, I am Varun and I am from Hyderabad. I am currently pursuing my UG from a local college. I am in my final year so I made a good amount of friends who were really cool but unfortunately, I couldn’t make a girlfriend. But there were hot friends who were very close to me. This incident is the only sex experience in my life to date. It was also the first sexual interaction in her life too. So, let’s start. We were going on a trip to Vizag. We were a group of 5 and we were really...
My cock did not rest till I was able to complete my story which and i am sure wont let your cocks and cunts rest in peace during and after reading it. I dedicate this story to all my brothers who want to fuck their sisters and my sisters who love their brothers’ cocks.Let all my sisters email me their comments and so should my horny brothers at Deepa, my elder sister had come back to my house when her husband Ravi had gone to UAE for a month. My Jijju’s friends were saying that Ravi goes to...
IncestDear reader of ISS.net. My name is Dev. I am a young boy age of 26. I live in Bangalore. This story began at 3 year back. When I finished my higher education and I went to stay in Bangalore. The day is very nice and I have a really enjoying my daily life here in Bangalore. I just enjoying watching movies and chatting on Internet. One day when I was alone in home the phone bell” rings”. When I pick the phone it was my Aunt from the place. She told me that she is coming to Bangalore to meet her...
IncestHi all, this is Karthik from the city of destiny. As this is my first story I am sorry for any grammatical mistakes.Any girl from vizag want to hang up kindly contact my mail and discretion is absolutely guaranteed. Guys this is a romantic and a soft-core story so dont expect big things at the initial story itself and I am sure this story will make u cum. Now coming back to the story this is about Deepthi whom I met on facebook.I was a regular use of facebook I saw her on db fb and I gave her...
Guys n girls please do mail me if u find any mistakes in my story, my email id is-rambo.star18 @yahoo.com so that I can improve myself in the next one. Any girls or ladies from Hyderabad can also mail me to experience unforgettable sex of your life. Well it all started in my summer vacation when my cousin Deepthi who was 21 came to our place to enjoy the vacation n as well to search a job for her, I forgot to tell u about her she is 5’3 height, 34 32 34 which any man would die for and her...
IncestHi, i am john from b’lore. This story is about how i fucked deepthi.. She is 5.7h and a fig of 34.28.34 and age 21.. Im 5.8h and age 19 with a 6 inch.. Deepthi used to come to our house every weekends as she was staying in hostel.. I dint have any sexual desire on her as i thought tat she was good and was not interested in such things.. One Friday as usual she had come to our house.. We chatted for some time and later i went to my room and closed the door.. My mother at that time went top to...
By : Jamesh8080 Hi friend’s what can I do? I get half filled story which excites me I think it will be completed but its doesnt get completed by the real author. Anyway this too I am sending is not mine, It Belongs to one Deepa Patil as per what she chatted with me. I like it as it’s a first insect story that I liked, I hope you too will like the same. Next morning, my cunt was sore. I felt a little discomfort while walking. However, as the day progressed the pain was replaced by a gentle...
Hey, it’s Vishwajeet (not my real name). I am 5’8″ tall with a dark complexion. I am always seen with a beard. Adding to the sexiness, I have an average built body and motherfucking veins on my arms, chest and forehead. This is about the time when I was in 12th standard. I had a crush on my junior, her name was Deepika. She had big eyes, a wide smile, the best lips and brown skin. Her body was a sight to see; 34-24-36, I guess. A nicely shaped butt is my weakness. I can’t keep my eyes of a...
Hi, this is Abhilash from Kolkata and this story is based on real true events that happened to me last week. This story contains female domination, humiliation, spit, toilet slavery. If this isn’t your cup of tea, then please leave immediately. I completed my college and after receiving the fashion design degree I wanted to visit my bua ji, who stayed with her husband and her son in Mumbai. My train was scheduled at 08:15 pm from Howrah station to Mumbai terminal. I reached Mumbai the next day...
Hi readers this is Ashok writing my first story. I am an aunty fan and the most tempting thing for me is aunty navel, especially when aunty removes pallu. Our family moved to an apartment when I was on ninth standard. I am the only son of my parents; father is a businessman, and my mother a housewife. Our neighbours were Telugu people a widow and her son named Suresh. After some time Suresh married Deepa, a Telugu native from Chennai. Deepa is my crush and heroine of the story and myself...
This is a fictional story about family affairs. It is based on my fantasies about a show I watch in my language. All the characters are fictional and strictly above 19. I prefer stories with a plot that gets us involved in the story and leads to sex rather than stories with just wild sex. My stories are a bit lengthy and usually have everything like gay sex, lesbianism, threesomes, group sex, and mainly incest. Enjoy the story. You can give me feedback at . If you haven’t read the previous...
IncestHi guys, this is schmuk once again coming to you with a maid sex encounter. I have a fantasy with maids, which now is the heart of my sex life. I have experienced sex plenty of times by now since my teenage, but it is with my maids padma (How i finally attained my maid, part 1 and part 2) and gowri (cook became my meal and maid to taste) that i have felt maximum pleasure. Their sexy indian dusky skin color, their toned bodies, supple stomach, tight vaginas, cushion like ass and fleshy thighs...
Deepika perfect Milf part 5 Hi, readers (). Apologies for so many parts as the whole story would not upload. Thank you for your patience Story continues. “ What”. I needed confirmation “Spank me” “ Are you sure?” I asked her “ Spank my ass” she screamed with frustration in her voice. I proceeded to slap her both buttocks gently. “ Harder my darling lover, soon to be conqueror of my pussy and all of me” “ Deepika I want to conquer not just your body but your heart too” “ Time will tell,” she...
Hi all readers of iss, this is Vikas, I am writing my second sexperience, let me remind u my first story ” sweet sex with maid”, here I am coming back with my real encounter with my cousin Deepika in 2010 on the way to Hyderabad to Bangalore. After transferring from Hyderabad to Bangalore, life got bit more spiced up with new colleagues and friends, I was looking forward for someone to hang out with and have serious fun and sex, myself, I am medium built height 5’9″ and weighs around 75...
IncestThis is Ashok back again, I earlier submitted a story deepa aunty in blue saree. This story narrates what happened after that. As in the end of first part I was seeing the sex video I shot in my handy cam. I got two more sleeping pills from my fathers drawer for today and went to deepa aunty house. She had come already from shopping. After lunch she went to sleep,may be tired due to my fucking sessions yesterday. I had same plan make her sleep at night and fuck. I felt bored and started seeing...