Dee Saves The ProgramChapter 26 free porn video

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When the class marched forth to the strains of Elgar's "Pomp and Circumstance" the valedictorian, salutatorian, some Very Important People and me proceeded to the temporary stage on the football field's fifty yard line. My classmates took to the folding chairs on the field to receive inspirational words from on high, while I was stuck rubbing shoulders with the stuffed shirts.

Oh, except for Valedictorian Meredith Witherspoon and Salutatorian Dennis O'Brien, on stage to deliver their addresses, of course.

I'd been shanghaied by Mrs. Devers at the virtual last minute, for reasons known only to her, separated from my classmates.

Rather than offer my naked fanny as a burnt offering I spread my towel double-thickness on the sun-baked chair.

Yeah, I was naked. Perhaps it was retribution for my suggestion we graduate naked.

After all, I'd pointed out, we were the first class in Central High history to have 100% Program participation. The idea was swiftly shot down. Sacrifice wearing those cool scarlet and gold caps and gowns? You gotta be kidding!

So now I was a splotch of pink at the far end of the line of speakers and I had no idea what I was expected to say. When Mrs. Devers had pulled me aside at the last minute and divested me of my golden robe -- leaving me in only my mortarboard and flats -- she'd told me they wanted me on the stage to represent The Program, so it was only appropriate I be naked.

Oh, yeah. I'd been naked under the robe. What else would you expect?

I asked her what I should say and all she said was, "Oh I'm sure you'll think of something."

What goes around comes around. As freshman chair of SACNISP at the dedication of the Spirit of Central High statue I'd ad libbed my speech. I should have known that would eventually bite me in the butt. Now, here I was again, naked among the clothed, with not an idea in my head.

At least I found some comfort in the number of naked bodies scattered among the spectators in the stands. Infiltrating local churches and speaking at civic meetings had spread the news of The Program's benefits, opening peoples' minds, while our uninhibited outreach had gotten the public acclimatized to naked teenage skin, be it on the streets, in fast-food joints, shops or at the movies.

Of course some opponents are still with us. It's like athlete's foot. We just deal with it.

I wondered if public nudity might eventually become so common that the whole Naked in School Program became obsolete. I really hope not, because adolescence is such a special time for us to learn to live with our bodies, and school offers the supervised environment that's really needed.

Anyway, I'd prefer to be down with my classmates rather than rubbing shoulders with the stuffed shirts. Meredith and Dennis clutched carefully crafted speeches in sweating hands. They had worked hard to earn a spot up here. Someone -- probably Devers -- had decided to thrust greatness upon me. A late addition, my name was not on the program, so I assumed I was the subject of Mrs. Devers's Special Presentation, to be delivered after the diplomas are handed out.

How badly will I be embarrassed?

The Methodist church's carillon chiming over the chattering crowd was the signal to open the proceedings. As the single deep BONG of 1 PM died away, Pastor Jeff stepped up to the podium and stood there in the sun, just stood there, still and calm. He's only about five-foot-eight, good-looking but not imposing, soft-spoken.

Even so, that's all it took. Without him uttering a word the crowd went silent. In moments the loudest sounds were the crying of a baby, the scolding of a jay. Since the Church of Christ the Teacher had risen from the metaphorical ashes of The Restored Temple of the Holy Redeemer Reformed Evangelical One True Church, Pastor Jeff's quiet preaching had earned more respect than Pistor Paul's ranting had ever gotten. Adoration? Yes, Paul had sucked that out of his flock along with their money, and other things, but not true respect.

"Listen," Pastor Jeff said softly, letting the PA system float that single word out across the field. He has a nice voice.

The class had asked Pastor Jeff to say a few words because we were sure he would be non-sectarian enough to avoid giving offense. The Supreme Court had put an end to invocations back in the 1990s. This was an Introduction.

A rose by any other name, I thought. I'd be surprised if god, big G or small, was mentioned.

"Listen," he repeated after letting the silence speak for itself.

We listened. A single shout of "Kill the Program" broke the silence. It was probably the same moron who yelled "Get in the hole!" every time Tiger swung a club.

"Don't shout," Pastor Jeff gently scolded. "If you're shouting you're not listening.

"Listen, and in the quietude you may just hear the voice of God, while others will stand in awe of the vastness of the universe."

Oops! I don't think that was in his original script. Oh well.

Somewhere a horn honked.

"And some will just be annoyed by the traffic," he added wryly, triggering a laugh.

"Listen to yourself," he went on, regaining his stride. "Listen to each other. Listen to the world."

A few birds twittered, a crow cawed. We listened.

"Listen not only with your ears but with your mind and with your heart."

The whole world seemed to be listening, but I had the feeling he was talking mainly to us soon-to-be graduates.

"Listen, and who knows what you may hear."

I heard my own pulse.

"Listen, for the answers are within you."

Instead of herding us into a chute to be fleeced, Pastor Jeff was opening the stockade gate, offering us all possible paths to choose from.

"As you go forward from here, remember to listen, and let what you hear in the silence guide your thoughts and your steps.

"Listen," he concluded before he stepped away.

A sigh went through the crowd as we began to breathe again.

Hard as I tried not to I squirmed. Sitting there in full view was a strain. I couldn't pick my nose, and being naked decorum demanded that I be careful arranging my long legs. Adding to my discomfort, I was clueless of what was expected of me.

Ah me. Four years of sweat and strain comes down to this and I'm still making stuff up as I go along.

After some words of welcome by our Principal, Mrs. Devers took over as Master of Ceremonies. Meredith and Dennis, after thanking everyone but their hairdressers, gave stirring calls to action mixed with self-conscious anecdotes.

They looked smashing in their robes! Without mine I probably look smashed.

Following them the various dignitaries exhorted us to face the future boldly. They looked hot in their suits and ties. Only the football coach had an open collar and no jacket as he gave his pep talk. His shirt was sweaty.

Naturally my mind wandered. I scanned the gathering before me, picking out the faces of my friends and acquaintances. There was Fran, big, bold, brassy Fran, heart as gold as the robe she wore; Inez, about to set off on her pre-med pursuit; and dear, sweet Missy, my former lover and forever friend. We'll have one last summer together and then I will miss her desperately. She's grown, matured into a beautiful young woman, the image of her mother, without the sharp edges.

But then, events have worn away Mrs. Wilson's sharp edges. Missy's mom seems more comfortable in her skin now -- and no, I don't mean she's naked. She hasn't loosened up that much, though she and Missy certainly get along better. As an active member of The Church of Christ the Teacher Mrs. Wilson organizes the Sunday School, runs the soup kitchen and chairs the Family Support committee.

Busy hands are happy hands.

There was Peggy Hughes, who I'd held in my arms and comforted in her bath as she fought her way back from her nightmare encounter with the Worm. Even after years of counseling she still shies away from physical contact.

"The evil that men do lives after them," I murmured to myself.

Huh? The Stick asked, roused by my sub-vocalization.

Oh, you're awake are you? It's from Shakespeare. Mark Antony says it in his eulogy to Julius Caesar. Did it ever occur to you that Antony was referring to the damage that Caesar had left behind?

What brought that on?

I was thinking of the Worm, not that he was any Caesar, but the damage he did to some people will last a lifetime.

The good is oft interred with their bones, so let it be with Worthington, I concluded.

I'll be damned.

You probably will be if we don't come up with some talking points for me.

Okay, okay. I'll work on it. But it's kinda hard, not knowing what The Devil's going to say.

If you're referring to Devers, please don't call her that. She's one of the people I love, remember.

One of many!

Don't be snide. You seem to feel the same way.

Well after all, we are of one body.

But obviously of two minds. Keep thinking.

I scanned the families and friends further back. There was Heather McKenzie with Matt Mozilla beside her, the odd couple of Central High. Nice of them to come to see us off. We'd only been lowly frosh the year they graduated. They were both home from their respective colleges, Matt's at Harvard, of course, while Heather's at state. She's another recovering victim of our late, unlamented former NiS Program Coordinator.

There were other victims in the crowd, some I knew of, others nobody knew of, who'll carry their pain to their graves. That perv had done an amazing amount of damage in the short time he'd been Program Coordinator.

At least there was some justice in the world, the Worm having met his sorry fate in prison, allegedly a suicide. When I heard the news I tried to muster some sympathy, maybe a touch of guilt for having put him there, but I wasn't very successful. I admit I have a vengeful streak, but thanks to Ms. Andrews -- also among the spectators --I've learned to control it.

The Worm was only the first I sent to jail for his peccadilloes, and incidentally he was a lone abuser. No connection was ever established between him and the pedo-cooperative that Pastor Paul had run out of his church. The Pistor is now doing his preaching behind bars. If there's any justice he may yet wind up as the Worm has.

The aftershocks from the collapse of his Restored Temple of the Holy Redeemer Reformed Evangelical One True Church are still being felt. The cases against the syndicate that used the church as a front for their own larcenous dealings are slowly working their way through the Federal court system, where justice grinds more slowly. Something to do with mountains of motions filed by lawyers earning six-figure incomes.

And no, I have not been within miles of any courtroom where any of those cases are being heard. I may not know what I'm going to be when I grow up but I know it's not a lawyer.

When you grow up? You're already six-foot-two! Isn't that enough?

Wise ass! I'm thinking metaphorically again. You getting anywhere with my remarks? There's only two more speakers before they start handing out diplomas!

Working on it, so shut up, you're distracting me.

Shutting up, I responded, thinking that was a first. Usually I was trying to shut her up.

I had no trouble picking Lance out of the crowd, of course, and that reminded me of the Graduation Balls coming up tomorrow. Yum!

The district's high schools graduate on consecutive days so no one has to choose between this graduation and that, but all the Graduation Balls are held the following Saturday, with shuttle buses for cross-pollination while minimizing the DWI rate. Lance and I will split our time between our two dances, doubling the pleasure and the fun. Then Stephanie is hosting an invitation-only all-night party, a joint mini-reunion/graduation celebration. Considering that Carl and Beth will be there, with Kathy and Steph, and others, including undergraduates, who knows what may happen.

Lance's eyes were on me, so I gave him a grin and a quick flash of my honey pot, just a flash, opening and closing my legs, feeling myself get all hot and gooey inside as I did. As much as I've been naked over the last four years I still get a thrill out of it. The sun is warm on my flesh, the gentle breeze sucks at my nipples, the thought of the party combined with that little flash I'd given made me ooze.

In the distance was the media, corralled in an effort to maintain an air of dignity to the proceedings. I could feel the telephoto lenses on me. No way would they miss my display. Even with all the photo ops, The Program offers new shots of adolescent skin that still boost ratings and readership.

Of my first real boyfriend there's no sign. My diving debacle had sent Greg off to train for the Olympics without me, his family trailing in his wake, drawn by seductive promises of medals and glory. I'd felt badly when he missed the Olympic team on his first try. The latest report said he was going to go to U of Michigan to try to catch the brass ring on the next go-around. I wished him well, and wondered how his little sister Drindy is doing, if she's still experimenting with her hair colors, that she's not getting left in the dust of his pursuit of glory. I hoped wherever she was they had a good NiS Program and that she was taking advantage of it.

I'd gained a new perspective on my brother's seemingly unsympathetic reaction to my diving accident. Painful as it had been, physically and romantically, given Greg's challenges I was lucky it had happened.

I wouldn't have met Lance, for example.

Perhaps things would have turned out differently if Greg and I had stayed a couple, trained together, but in spite of what the agents and coaches said there are no guarantees of fame and stardom. Even if we both had made the Olympics -- and the odds of that weren't great -- what were the chances we'd have medalled? As it is I have a much broader future ahead of me this way than I'd have spending my prime learning years as an Olympian in training.

Hey, let's pay attention. They're finally passing out the diplomas.

It's alphabetical, so we still have a little time.

I could use a little help here.

So my alter ego and I tossed ideas back and forth as the sheepskins were handed out -- and no, you PETA people, that's a metaphor, no sheep were sacrificed in service to the ceremony -- interrupted by bursts of applause, hoots, squeals and cheers in spite of the request in the program that demonstrations be held to the end.

By the time they got up to the Ts The Stick and I had hitched enough ideas together to provide a decent train of thought. I was about to attach the caboose when my turn drew close so I mentally parked everything on a siding. Being already on stage I assumed I'd simply slip into the line of grads when the Registrar called my name. Missy even paused to leave me a gap.

Then Mrs. Devers's hand on my shoulder pinned me to my seat. I hadn't noticed her coming up behind me and almost jumped out of my skin. A reassuring squeeze to my deltoid kept me from a full-bore-linear panic.

With a sympathetic smile and shrug Missy stepped up and the line moved on.

I'd been left out!


No diploma?

W.T.F! The Stick wailed.

You got me!

I wanna graduate! I wanna graduate!

She was practically throwing a tantrum! We'd been working toward this for four years, after all.

STUFF IT! I told her sternly. I'm sure we will. We've fulfilled all the requirements, and then some!

I shot a look in my Moms' direction, but they looked as baffled as I felt.

So I was left sitting there like a fool while the rest of my class filed past, accepting diplomas and handshakes and words of congratulation before returning to their seats. Alone at stage left I stuck out even more than I had. I was like a sore thumb, a naked pink sore thumb, a very tall naked pink sore thumb.

It was as naked as I'd ever felt in my life.

At that moment I wanted to melt down into a steaming puddle. My carefully assembled extemporaneous speech was a train wreck.

With a comforting touch Mrs. Devers moved to take over at the podium. The rest of the dignitaries were still on their feet, obviously in on the plot, probably enjoying my predicament in view of our often contentious relationship. I got the feeling that everyone was in on this but me.

"Ladies and gentlemen, as you're presumably aware, the last four years at Central High have been remarkably eventful with respect to The Naked in School Program. It came to our attention that The Program itself demands recognition as an important facet of Central High's curriculum, as much so as athletics, artistry, musicianship or academics.

"So this year we're inaugurating a new award, to be given to the graduating senior who, in our opinion, has had the greatest influence on The Program over the course of his or her time here.

Uh oh. Here it comes.

Do tell!

"It will be bestowed only when, in the unanimous opinion of the faculty, an individual's actions have earned that recognition.

"There was absolutely no question in our minds as to who should be the first to receive this award. As the administrator who knows her best I am honored to have the opportunity to make this presentation.

"This young woman really stands out -- other than because of her height -- for her initiative, courage and activism in support of the Naked in School Program. Her energetic efforts and leadership have made the Naked in School Program an integral part of student, faculty, and staff life in Central High, while gaining solid support for it from the community at large. It is those efforts we are happy to recognize today."

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Dee cuckolds Ben

“What would you think if I invited a guy round to have sex with me? I’d let you watch.”I was astounded; I didn’t know what to say. Why an earth should Dee suddenly come out with something like that. OK, we had been watching Poldark and Dee certain has a thing about HIM. But, we have such a good sex life and neither of us has ever suggested anything like that.I sat for a minute to let it sink in. I must admit that I have enjoyed watching Dee with other men, but that has always been on equal...

3 years ago
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Dees revenge

We had gone out for lunch for my birthday, a special treat and I knew she was feeling horny. We were going to go on to a local footpath where Dee had promised to do a bit of posing. But first we sat at this small restaurant, there was only us and another couple at a table fairly close by.“You see that guy over there Ben? He’s sitting with a woman that isn’t his wife. I know him through work. When he comes into my office he always has a grope with my bum. He’s a dirty sod, I think I’m going to...

3 years ago
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Dee abused in public

We had finished our lunch, paid and tipped the young waiter, we left, leaving the woman’s boyfriend, he sat on his own. He was on the phone, arguing, probably trying to make it up with his girlfriend. We took the short walk to The George. A nice little town pub with panelled walls and the doors at the rear open and a delicious breeze ran through the rooms. Dee sat down in the corner and I went to the bar to get the drinks. As I stood waiting, the front door opened and the woman’s head peered...

3 years ago
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Dee and Ben fuck Polly with Woody and friends

So the afternoon arrived and we turned up at Woody’s front door and rang the bell. A man opened the door and introduced himself as Woody.“Come on in, most of the guys have turned up already, there are a couple more to come and we can get started. Glad to see that you have come along too Dee. Are you going to join in?”“I hope so, I thought you guys might need me to fluff, keep you all entertained whilst Polly gets her abuse.” Dee smiled as she grabbed Woody’s crotch and squeezed him gently.We...

1 year ago
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Dee plays pool with the lads at the Working Men0

We were down the local working men’s club, where we were taking part in a game of pool. Dee was useless, but enjoyed the banter from the lads around her. The games were being played for drinks, the loser’s would buy the them so as you can imagine I was paying out every time we went on the table. Dee meanwhile was having drinks bought her at almost every game. I guess it was her little mini that she was wearing and she would make a point of leaning over the table to make shots. She would bend...

4 years ago
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This is an original work by Zeb_Carter and is protected under copyright by U.S. copyright law.[center]---- Dee ----[/center]Her name was Darlene, but I called her Dee. For our whole life she was Dee to me, except for the time she was married to that guy whose last name was Davis, then she was Dee Dee, until the divorce when she took her maiden name back. Dee was my cousin. First cousin. We were close. Very close. Dee was six months older than me. We did everything together when we were...

4 years ago
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Dees first dogging experience

So this guy Pete had set it all up for us. We arrive in our metallic yellow Fiat 500, park underneath the country park sign, flash our lights twice, wait for the light of the other cars to be turned on, then open the passenger door window and wait for the crowd to turn up. Pete would be waiting for us to film everything and although it wouldn’t be too dark at around eight there would be a good audience between 15 and 20 people.He said the videos and photos would be for his own private...

3 years ago
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Dees first dogging experience

So this guy Pete had set it all up for us. We arrive in our metallic yellow Fiat 500, park underneath the country park sign, flash our lights twice, wait for the light of the other cars to be turned on, then open the passenger door window and wait for the crowd to turn up. Pete would be waiting for us to film everything and although it wouldn’t be too dark at around eight there would be a good audience between 15 and 20 people.He said the videos and photos would be for his own private...

2 years ago
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Dee lets Ben choose a special partner

So tonight things were going to change. Rather than Dee calling all the shots, I had done a little research for myself and searched through my hamster friends to find someone to join me for the night. Dee was happy to go along with it all, I had thought about another couple but we’d done that. I fancied a sissy, but they had to be fairly convincing and I thought that Alicia fitted the bill. We had talked on hamster for a while, sharing pictures and had once had a c2c with me coming very quickly...

3 years ago
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Dee and Frank Just This Once

Back in the day my wife and I moved out to the country during the hippy back to the land movement. We built a house and raised our k**s. We had a large pond on our land and several of our neighbors were also hippies. We would have skinny dipping parties several times a year at our place. It was all good clean fun. Nice to look at other cunts and tits, but my wife and I were very committed and we never fucked around. The other couples weren't into fucking around either.One of the neighbors...

3 years ago
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Dee My friends slut wife

Dee…My friends slut wife.This is a true story, with many more to follow, for the purpose of writing, my name is Micky. This all started in the 80’s I was 23, playing in a house band and loving all the pussy I was getting. “Chicks dig singers” I had a friend from high school, Jay, who was a long distance truck driver, gone for two weeks at a time. He had very boldly hinted that he wanted to have a 3 sum with me and his wife Dee. I was very straight back then and was a little worried about...

2 years ago
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Dee and Claire have more fun by the river

Claire and Dee finished off the photo shoot sitting on a bench near to where all the action had taken place earlier. Traces of cum had dried across their bodies as they now posed naked in front of me. Their back’s to the bridge behind them was in clear view and people were walking over it. Occasionally someone would spy that they might be naked and stop to look over the pa****t. If I saw them I would indicate to the girls that someone was watching and they would turn and wave, giving them a...

3 years ago
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DeehellipMy friends slut wife

This is a true story, with many more to follow, for the purpose of writing, my name is Micky. This all started in the 80’s I was 23, playing in a house band and loving all the pussy I was getting. “Chicks dig singers” I had a friend from high school, Jay, who was a long distance truck driver, gone for two weeks at a time. He had very boldly hinted that he wanted to have a 3 sum with me and his wife Dee. I was very straight back then and was a little worried about “Crossing swords” and kept...

4 years ago
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Dees first BBC and cuckolds Ben

Dee had told me to come home now, but before I came in I should look through the bedroom window. I made my excuses to leave early, got in the car and headed home. I arrived home and parked on the road outside the house. I stepped out of the car and looked up to the bedroom window. Dee had recognised the sound of my car and was now standing at the window, naked. She cupped her tits at me and tweaked her nipples between her fingers, she then rab her hands down across her tummy and down to her...

4 years ago
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Dee Doesnt Remember

‘You will pay attention for a time, and soon your thoughts shall all be mine. Watch the pretty coin of gold, and you will do what you are told.’ Snap. Dee awoke and stared straight ahead while her eyes adjusted to the bright lights. She had never had such a rejuvenating nap before, and it left her in a state of complete relaxation. Dee remained completely still as she took in the view ahead of her: the beautiful golden pendulum danced in front of her, occasionally allowing her a glimpse of...

3 years ago
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Dee came to visit chapter1

It was Saturday morning when I was sitting at the table sipping my coffee when the doorbell rang. I wasn’t really up for company but after whoever continued to ring it I went and answered it. I was ready to give whoever it was hell until I opened the door, being greeted by a cheerful voice. The arms of my younger sister (Dee)quickly wrapped around my waist and held me tight. A little bit about Dee, she is really my step sister . She is 31;,5’ 1 ,has brown hair and eyes ,She has a thin...

2 years ago
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Dee and I had some fun

After a sex filled evening Greg left us naked and used , thankfully he covered us up before taking his camera and left the room.I slightly remember some time in the night he returned urging Dee to come with him.But as Gina moved closer to me I paid little attention to Dee leaving .Some how some time later she ended up back in bed with us. Gina woke up first stretching and woke me up with her movements as I was snuggled against her breasts.As we stared at each other with glassy eyes she rolled...

2 years ago
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Dees Big Boobed Mom the prelude

One Friday night Dee and I partied with her sister Paula and her boyfriend, Tom. We played strip poker and Dee took Tom into her bedroom and Paula and I stayed in the living room. 4 hours later Tom and Dee came back in the living room, Paula and I had smiles on our faces, and we were all totally satisfied. Tom had to leave early the next day, Dee and Paula went shopping, and I hung around for a while before heading back to my place. I was ready to jump in the shower when I heard a knock at the...

3 years ago
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Ever since Google released their Atlantis smartphone, my 18-year-old daughter has been pestering me to buy her one. This particular phone has a feature where a hologram of the person you're chatting with pops up just above the display. Normally, I'd get her whatever she wanted so long as it was reasonably priced but this phone way too expensive, especially for a teen. Anyway, when I flat out refused, I expected Dee to stomp her foot or pout but surprisingly, she did neither. My daughter...

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Dee Saves the ProgramChapter 12

It's Sunday night. Lance is presumably sleeping the sleep of a sated male in his own bed, while I'm in my bed, in the dark, rummaging through my memories, trying to see if there are any clues in my past that might help me chart my future. I'm adrift in a sea of fog compared to people I know well. My brother knew that he'd be a scientist from the time he'd taken apart his first alarm clock to find out what made it tick. Of course it was a very old alarm clock. I wonder what kids learn...

3 years ago
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Dee 4

I'm now called Dee Ch. 04 Work wise nothing really changed, although I identified and talked more with the other women. One day as I headed to the toilets, I was so engrossed in talking with Pamela and Christine and it wasn't till we were all in the Ladies that we realised my mistake. I started to splutter an apology and the two of them giggling playfully pushing me back, Pamela's hand landing on my 'breast'. She faltered, the look on her face changing just briefly, then carried on as...

3 years ago
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Dee Maple The Principal Daughter A

“Principle Jerroti will receive you know” looking sternly at me Rebecca the secretary pointed to the mahogany door with a opaque square window in the center, the initials G.M.Jerroti where inscribed on top. Gordon Mathew Jerroti was our dear principal and for some reason he arrange a meeting with me. I was curious and scared, in 6 months we will graduate from and move on and this meeting was unexpected. I slowly opened the door “close it behind you” said Rebecca - Ok bitch i will i thought,...

2 years ago
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Dee 6

I'm now called Dee Ch. 06 In work on the Monday after our night out clubbing, I could barely look at Craig, especially when he started bragging about giving 'some lesbo an orgasm.' I wanted to say something and defend a person's sexual choices, but didn't have the courage and didn't want his attention drawn to me. I sought Pamela out, asking if she would go to lunch with me as I had something I wished to discuss in private. Pamela realising it had to be important, suggested picking...

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Dee Saves the ProgramChapter 18

It began with a very short, eerie whistle, more a chirp, which cut off with a THWOCK! The archery butt shuddered from the impact, an arrow suddenly blossoming like a weed from the target. If I hadn't moved when I did I would have been pinned there like a bug on display. Dropping facedown on the grass I scrambled behind the butt. On my back I studied the half of the arrow sticking out on this side. It was tipped with a hunting head designed to drop a moose in its tracks. Shit! Why would...

4 years ago
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Dee Saves the ProgramChapter 6

What had I gotten myself into? I was a14-year-old high school freshman -- granted, I hadn't been a virgin for quite some time, but what has that to do with anything? -- and I was flat on my back in the near darkness of my bedroom, looking up at handcuffs, waiting for Police Detective Maria Sanchez to "adjust" my attitude. I hadn't been surprised when she'd picked the shackles up from my bedside table. I wasn't surprised when she latched the first cuff around my right wrist. I fully...

3 years ago
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Dees Big Boobed Mom

I knew fucking my girlfriend’s Mom may not have been the best thing to do, but I couldn’t resist those big freaking tits of Maryann’s when she came on to me in the bathroom like she did. Dee caught us. She told me to get the fuck out of her apartment and never come back. Paula, Dee’s sister, gave her Mom the nth degree. Something must have happened in the past that I didn’t know about. I was so full of remorse that I had just lost Dee over a moment of weakness to lust. I went back to my place...

1 year ago
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Dee 5

I'm now called Dee Ch. 05 Saturday night came at last, we were going out clubbing to a gay bar. We'd both showered, shaved, moisturised and generally pampered and preened ourselves. Put on our sexiest lingerie and our new glam dresses, hiding my Adam's apple with a choker. I also had sling back shoes, new matching clutch bag, into which I'd put certain feminine items including some feminine wipes. We were both hoping to hook up with a partner. Kate and I wanted to live our...

3 years ago
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Dee Maple My hot coach training session

It was my last year in high school, the magical summer was over, I still spend some time at casper house and especially enjoying my anal romance with ram who kept delivering amazing orgasms, feeling me up with his greasy cum and humping me day in day out when the family was out, he was doing my biding and i liked it, but still i needed someone to dominate me and make me feel like a true whore, an anal slut, a dirty cum filled bitch. As it happened a new coach was hired and we saw him during...

4 years ago
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Dee Ko Whtsapp Par Seduce Kiya Or Choda

Hello frnds my name is Lucky from new Delhi, i love to do sex regularly ..My age is 25 yrs .So seeda story par aate hai …Mai Delhi mei rehta hoo or meri cousin sister hai jo ki Punjab mei rehti hai uska naam Neeta hai jo ki married hai, mujhe wo shuru se pasand thi pichle dino unke bacho ki holidays par vo ghar aayi iss bar mera attraction unki taraf jaada tha mai bas unke touch karta rehta or unki pix apne saath lene ke bhaane chipkta vo samajh gyi thi ki mai unse mje le rha hoo ek din hum pix...

3 years ago
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Dee 7

I'm Now Called Dee Ch. 07 Coming out to Kate's parents had been easier than either of us thought, I wasn't so sure about my parents. I knew the days, weeks and months ahead were going to be difficult. They would turn out to be a rollercoaster of ups and downs and of emotions. As expected my parents weren't over the moon when I introduced them to Dee. My father stormed out saying, "Don't speak to me until you get this nonsense out of your head. MAN UP!" Mum, looking crushed and...

3 years ago
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Dee Saves the ProgramChapter 23

It wasn't easy, but I kept my promise to Mom and Elaine and Detective Maria Sanchez that Sunday. Even though I had a miserable cold I went to that service for information and evidence, and while I didn't realize it at the time I came out with more than I expected. Well that and some big concerns. But the only reason there hadn't been a murder at the Restored Temple of the Holy Redeemer Reformed Evangelical One True Church that day was thanks to my BFF Missy Wilson. I also have to give...

2 years ago
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Dee Saves the ProgramChapter 27

I was dozing, lulled by the steady roar of the plane's engines, trying not to think of the next five hours in a coach class seat. Folded like a grasshopper in a too-small box I let my mind drift to a more comfortable time, at the mall, in the front window of Alphonse's Minute Spa, not all scrunched up but sprawling in a chair more appropriate for a gynecologist's examination room than a display window. It was the Saturday after graduation, variously known as "Primp Day" or "Makeover...

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