Devlin's StoryChapter 9 free porn video

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"What does the rest of your day look like?" Danny asked as Devlin got off the bed and started collecting her clothes. The rain was drumming against the window of the hotel room and Devlin could hear the hissing sound of tires on the street below. Danny was lying on the bed, still nude.

Devlin paused, watching the raindrops run down the window. "I have class in an hour," she said. She could feel the coolness radiating from the window and it made her shiver slightly. "English composition followed by math, advanced algebra. What about you? Another business meeting?" That was his excuse for getting out of the office today.

"No, just more of what I've been doing for the last two weeks," Danny said. "I've got several loan applications to review." He studied her profile. "Is something bothering you?"

"Oh, nothing."

"Want to talk about it?"

Devlin put down her underwear and sat on the chair next to the window, still staring at the rain. From time to time she could see bits of snow hitting the window. The forecast tonight was for falling temperatures with the possibility of snow. Even if it didn't snow there were going to be plenty of icy roads in the morning.

"This last weekend Jeff and I were going to go to the football game with some friends of his from his engineering classes. I was looking forward to it, just a couple of hours where we could be together with friends."

"But... ?"

"His Church called, said they needed him to help run a Youth Camp that weekend. They called him Friday morning." She looked at Danny helplessly. "No advanced warning, no notice, just bam, out of the blue. They do this every weekend, Danny, and it's always something different: Youth Camp, Prayer Meetings, Missionary Calls, the list is endless. He's gone from Friday afternoon to late Sunday evening. He's so busy with Church activities that he never has time to study on the weekends."

"He never has time on the weekend for the two of you, does he," Danny said quietly. "They don't let him."

"No." Devlin started crying, wiping furiously at her tears. "Its like they don't want us to be together."

Danny got off the bed and gathered her into his arms, holding her as she cried. "Why?" she whispered. "We're great together, and I don't mean in bed, either. Can't they see it? Why don't they want us to be together?"

"They probably don't want him seeing anyone outside of the Church," Danny said after a bit. "Some religious sects are like that. For them the Church is the center of social life, not just the center of religious life."

"I met with a couple of the elders," Devlin said. She pushed Danny away and stared at her clothes. "I met with them a couple of weeks ago, just before Halloween. I'm not wild about the idea of joining that Church, but I will if I have to."

"Are you sure about that, Devlin? Are you sure you want to throw away your life like that?"

She looked at him in surprise. "What do you mean throw away my life?"

"In the last 10 years the Bank has loaned that Church a lot of money, mostly construction loans so they can build a new church and do some serious remodeling. They've repaid the loans, too, every penny. But because I'm a senior officer in the loan department I've had a chance to study them. Most of the women in that Church, with the exception of a few elders, stay home and raise kids. Most girls in that Church get married soon after graduating from high school and have their first babies nine months later. They have another one a year later, and so on. The average family has 5 or 6 kids. Tell me, how many sisters does Jeff have?"

"Four." Devlin snuffled her nose, then reached for a tissue. "Jeff has four sisters; three of them are married, and the other is engaged."

"How many nieces and nephews does he have?"

"Three... oh." She seemed to slump as she saw where he was going. "His oldest sister, Sarah, has two kids. Miriam has one, and Ruth is expecting. She's due in March, which will be ten months after she got married. I think Sarah or Miriam has another one on the way."

"My point exactly. Now this is just my observations, but personally? I don't like that Church one bit. It goes beyond that. I don't trust them, either. The elders are into some sort of power thing. They control everyone's lives, and I think they like doing that. They have some scriptural verse that supposedly justifies it, but that's a lot of hogwash. You can find justification for anything if you look hard enough in the Bible and twist the verses in the right way."


"My honest opinion, Devlin," he said, holding up his hand. "My honest opinion is that if you join that Church, everything you've wanted to do, everything you've hoped and dreamed for, will fly right out the window. You'll stay at home and make babies. That's all they'll let you do."

"Ruth went to a business school for a year after high school."

"Yeah, right, big deal. Imagine yourself as her. They might let you go to a business school, but they might not. Suppose they do? You'll end up as a secretary or a file clerk or something, if that. Oh, and you'd be pregnant nearly all of the time. You'd be so busy raising kids you wouldn't have time for yourself."

Devlin glanced at the clock and started dressing. "I want to have a few years before I start having kids," she said in a low voice. "At the very least I want to be out of college."

"They'd make you drop out of college." Danny crossed the room and collected his clothes from where he had dropped them. "My opinion, again, but that would be a terrible waste."

"But what can I do?" She resettled her bra and stared at the traffic on the street below. "I want to be with Jeff, but if his Church won't let me..."

"That's it, isn't it. They're forcing the situation, and you'll have to make a choice, either Jeff and the Church, or no Jeff."

"That can't be it."

"No? That's what it looks like to me."

"But Jeff doesn't go along with a lot of what they believe."

Danny started to reply, and saw her face. "You need to talk this out," he said at last. "Eventually things are going to come to a head and if you haven't come to a decision, if you haven't talked it out with someone, you'll burst."

"I suppose."

"Don't give me that tone, young lady." Danny put a finger under chin and raised her face. "Listen. You can always ask me for advice. And Sue is there for you, too. We owe you, and we're here to help. If you need help we'll give it to you. If you need advice, we'll offer it, and it will be honest and unvarnished and what we think will be in your best interests. You know that.

"Now, other than that, how's the rest of life treating you? You haven't said much these last few weeks. How are you doing in school? Didn't you just have mid-terms?"

"I think I'm doing all right." Devlin buttoned up her blouse and pulled on a sweater. "I did all right on my tests, but other than that it's hard to tell. I'm so busy I hardly have any time to myself."

"Oh?" He grinned. "I remember my freshman year. I take it things are stacking up."

Devlin rolled her eyes. "Tell me about it. Between studying and classes, my sales presentations, and you and Jeff I barely have time for laundry and food and all of the other things I have to do."

"I thought you looked a little thinner. Have you been eating properly?"

"I'm on the famous 'no time for anything diet," she said. She pulled on her thick wool socks and then slipped into her black dress slacks. "I may have lost one or two pounds, but..."

"One or two pounds?" Danny shook his head. "I think you've lost more than that. Your boobs look bigger, and I don't think it's because you're still growing there. Your tummy and butt are flatter and-"

"What?" Devlin jumped up and stood in front of the mirror, inspecting herself. "I don't have much of a butt to lose and..." She turned, looking at her bottom. "My God, I'm almost flat back there."

"And you're certainly not flat up on top." Danny paused to run his hands down her front, stopping to lift her breasts slightly. "It wasn't the light, they do look bigger."

"Of course they'll look bigger if you do that."

"Devlin," he said in a quiet voice. "You have to make time for yourself. You need to find time to eat better and relax a little; you need to learn to pace yourself. College can be very busy, but you have to watch your health, too."

"I watch what I eat. I'm exercising regularly in my dance class and I'm-"

"Have you weighed yourself? Your cheekbones really stand out, and I don't think your pale complexion is entirely from make-up."

Devlin pushed her hands against her face. Now that he mentioned it she did look thin, and pale, too. Right now her cheeks were flushed, but that was from the two hard climaxes she'd just had, not any make-up. Was she really neglecting herself that much?

"I don't know," she said at last. "There's never enough time to do everything."

"Then you'll have to cut something out, or budget your time better."

"How? I'm not sure I have any time to spare."

"Do you have a couple of minutes? I don't have to be back just yet."

Devlin glanced at her watch. "A few. What did you have in mind?"

"Let's draw out your schedule. Let's do it in graph form. I think that'll help."

Devlin nodded. Jeff had drawn out his schedule using engineering paper. She kept a few sheets with her because the small blue squares were kind of cool looking, and they did seem to make her math homework easier to follow.

Danny finished dressing while she drew. "That's just your class schedule," he said when she showed it to him. "Now put in things like when you get up, your morning dance class, your study sessions, and everything else that takes time."

"Including these little get-togethers?"

"Including these get-togethers." When she was finished he shook his head. "That's a pretty full schedule. That's almost too much. Look, one of the secrets to college is leaving yourself enough time during the day for other things. One of the things I learned was to leave time during the day to do my homework. It looks like the only day you do that is on Tuesdays."

"Yeah, that is pretty light, well, except for the study group I have that night."

"Freshmen always crowd their schedule. By the time you're a sophomore you know better. The only time I see you have for yourself is Wednesday and Friday nights."

"And the dorm always tries to have something on Friday nights."

"Have you started looking at what you'll be taking next term?"

"A little, well, some. The next semester doesn't start until January, and I have a few weeks left before registration."

"We'll have to work on it and see if we can make life a little easier for you." He looked at his watch. "Now if you want to get to your class you'd better hurry."

Devlin gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and ran for the lobby. This hotel was only three blocks from campus and her English class was in the first building she'd come to. She slid into her seat in English just as the bell rang.

The dorm held a mixer every Friday night in the dorm. Devlin didn't feel like meeting new guys that she'd ignore, and Connie was visiting her folks this weekend so she had plenty of time to sit in her room alone and think. Danny was right, her life was a lot more crowded than she had expected, and she needed to do something about it before things got completely out of control. She was doing so many things, was there anything she could change?

There wasn't much she could do about her class schedule. She was stuck with that for the rest of the term, but what about the other things in her life? She couldn't give up her sales meetings, she needed the income, and she needed the study sessions with the other business majors. She sat there tapping her pencil against the copy of her schedule. As far as she could tell there wasn't anything she could change about the way things were going.

Well, as Jeff had told her when he was working on his engineering homework, if the problem looked insoluble, that only meant you were approaching it from the wrong direction. All problems had solutions - though he had also told her that you had to learn when the costs of a solution were unacceptable.

What she needed was a brand new approach. She needed to wipe the slate and start over. What did she have to absolutely have to have on her schedule? She took out a fresh piece of paper and started a new list.

First, the sleepovers with Jeff, though on Sunday night all they did was study and sleep. Thursday nights were different, his Church hadn't intervened to take those away from them, not yet. But they spent most of Thursday night studying. It was only later, after they went to bed that they made love. She wished it was more often, but there just wasn't the time.

Second, her times with Danny; that was for Sue, but, she had to admit, it was for herself as well. There was nothing like it, even when she was with Jeff. Of course Danny knew her so much better than Jeff. He knew what turned her on, what didn't, and how to bring her to that absolute mind-blowing moment of total release that she'd only had a couple of times with Jeff.

Third, classes, of course, and she had to do a better job of finding time to study. That meant that next term she needed to pick and choose her classes a little better.

Fourth... She looked at the list and realized it was leading her right back to where she was at the moment. She'd have to start over and reassess everything.

One of the girls on her floor had said that the first two years of college were for experimenting. A girl should try different things, things she would never do in high school, things that she would or wouldn't do when she was older; after all, a girl had to find out what she liked and didn't like. Her first two years of college was when she could really learn about herself.

Devlin looked at her reflection in the mirror, wondering if there were things she could try out. She wasn't that interested in alcohol; she'd already tasted wine and beer and didn't care for the way beer tasted. Wine was all right, but she wasn't sure she liked the idea of getting drunk and losing control, especially around guys. She'd lost control a couple of times at Emma's - she'd never had a drink there, but it amounted to the same thing, and it just didn't fit the image she had of herself. Other things, though...

Remembering a discussion she'd had with Sabrina she got a small bowl of warm water. After finding her razor and scissors she undressed and looked at her sex. She'd always trimmed her pubic hair, more just to keep it trimmed back from her bikini line than anything else. She'd never done more because she'd worried about what the other girls would say. But in P.E. she'd seen girls who'd trimmed their deltas down to almost nothing, and nobody had said anything about it. Of course she only saw most of those girls during P.E. It wasn't like in high school where you knew everybody and everybody knew you and you were around them all of the time.

She took most of the hair off with her scissors, and then got busy with her razor. Most of the stubble came off easily, but she had to use a mirror and go slowly when she shaved around her labia - the last thing she wanted to do was cut herself. Fortunately most of her hair grew on her tummy, not down on her sex lips. She kept going over the stubble from one direction after another. Eventually she could run a nylon stocking over her sex and not feel it catch on anything.

She looked herself over in the mirror. It wasn't quite what she'd expected. She did look like Barbie; her boobs were certainly as big as the doll's. She didn't feel any different down there. Right now it felt a little cool, and she was certainly more aware of her sex than she normally was - she remembered having a discussion with Butch when she had just turned 14.

They were in his room recovering from their first time of the afternoon. She'd looked at his cock as it shrank back to normal size and asked what it was like walking around with one.

"You don't really notice it," he said. He touched her sex. "I don't suppose you really notice your pussy."

She shrugged. "No, not really. It's just a place on my body where my legs come together."

"Not even when we're, you know, when we're doing it?"

"Well, that's different. It feels..." She paused, thinking. "I'm aware of an, I don't know, an emptiness. It's hard to explain. Normally it's just..." She shrugged again. "It feels different when we're doing it, I can definitely feel that, but normally I don't... Look, I'm more aware of my boobs than I am of my sex."

"I can see where you would be." He caressed her breasts. "I see what you mean. I'm not aware of my chest, but my chest is flat. Yours isn't. You can't feel what you don't have, especially if you've never had it."

"That's it." She nodded. "That's it exactly. I can remember not having breasts; it wasn't that long ago after all."

"And wearing a bra probably helps."

"Some." She laughed. "The first time you try to run without a bra you are very aware of your breasts. It can actually hurt."

"Yeah, I bet. I can run without a jock strap or even shorts, but it feels a little sore down there afterwards. It's certainly not something guys would do very often." He ran his fingers over her sex. "A girl doesn't have anything to support down there, so I bet she'd never feel the difference."

Devlin smiled at the memory of Butch's touch. What would have happened if he hadn't moved away when she was 14? Well, she and Danny wouldn't have gotten together, and there wouldn't have been any parties at Emma's. It was too bad she and Butch had only liked the sex with each other, she hadn't been interested in him other than that.

She looked at the bare lips of her sex. She wondered if she'd notice any difference in the next few days.

Jeff didn't notice, but he was so tired when he got home Sunday evening that after some studying he went to sleep right away. Danny, of course, did notice.

"So you thought you'd try being a smoothie," he said as he gazed at her sex. "How do you like it?"

"It's... different," she said slowly. "There was this one gal at Emma's who said that if I tried it I should shave it every day. I have, every morning in the shower, but I'm not sure if I want to keep it up. It seems like a lot of bother."

Danny rested his chin on her tummy, smiling at her. She had her legs draped over his shoulders - they'd done this often enough she was comfortable with it, though she wasn't sure she would be if it was any guy other than Danny.

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Mera naam Mini hai. Meri umar 19 saal ki hai aur main bahut hi khoobsurat hoon. Meri do saheliyan hain jiska naam Nisha aur Usha hai. Wo dono mere saath hi college mein padhti thi. Hum teeno hi bahut hi sexy the. College mein hi hamara dher saare ladko se sambandh tha. Hum teeno hi unse khoob chudwate the. Usha chudwane mein sabse jyada tej thi. Usha hamehsa hi khoob lambe aur mote lund ki talash mein rahti thi. Nisha ko kayi ladko se ek saath chudwane mein jyada maza aata tha lekin use jyada...

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Prom Ch 12 Team Player Pt 02

Authors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head. Further, the stories are...

2 years ago
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dirty back roads

Once upon a time, in a small town near you, there lived a little girl. Not just any little girl… no, she was a special little girl. She knew she was special because her daddy told her so. Thats also how she knew her daddy loved her. She knew a few other things, but for the most part, her youth prevented her from grasping most other than the most basic truths. Her youth also afforded her a beautiful imagination, and she would spend hours alone, amusing herself with most anything. Sometimes she...

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Fuck the Disney girls

All of a sudden, you wake up, and you're in a large circular room. You clear your head, and blink your eyes, but you seem to be awake. You look at your surroundings, and there are many doors around you, all of which have different names of Disney movies.

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Game Of Thrones In Chennai

Hi this is Varun from Chennai, i am here to share one of my erotic experience in recent time. I am very tall, brownish with a good dick size. Coming to the story i am working in a reputed MNC in Chennai. The story is all about the experience i shared wit my friend Priyanka(Name Changed) , She is tall, lean wit good boobs and ass. her sizes should be somewhere around 32-28-34. she is very fair, she is not from Chennai so she is staying in a room along with her friends. i know her since i joined...

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Le Belle Donne Ch01b

After waving goodbye, Alberto and Adriana walked quietly along the trail for a bit before saying anything. They were both a bit nervous about being alone together.“Ehm, so… how was the lake?” Alberto looked over at the girl he was so in love with and asked. He so wished that he had the courage to tell her how he felt.“Oh, it was so refreshing.” Adriana could still feel a bit of the cooling water on her skin. She was so thankful that they had the lake nearby, otherwise, the heat would almost be...

2 years ago
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My S1sterrsquos Gangbang Chapter One

My S1ster’s Gangbang - Chapter OneMy name is Mark. I am 22 years old and I live in a big house uptown with my two s!sters. Our parents died in an accident two years ago, leaving me in charge of the f*mily. Our uncles offered to let us move in with them, but we refused to leave our home. My s!sters and I were very close even before the accident and now more than ever. I am a couple years older than Tracy and Kelly is the youngest. Both girls are very pretty and sexy. I admit that in the last few...

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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 3

Dad and Deana came back just after noon, and by that time we had everything fully cleaned up. The girls were helping me move the last of my things into the garage, labeling all of the boxes and printing out sheets on the computer with an inventory of what was inside each one. Dad came and I showed him how I had organized it all, and he was impressed. “This way, if I need to get something or you need to send me something, it should be easy to find. There will be a folder on top with all of...

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A great family trip

Thanks a lot for your responses during the last few months – sorry that I could not post anything because I did not have any experiences as to be posted. But don’t worry; here is one I had during my last month trip to native. Anyhow please don’t forget to let me know ur comments About this lady she is as beautiful as any actress wheatish complexion, clear skin, a good set of beautiful teeth (she smiles beautifully), clear face. As poets sing he face is like full moon surrounded by black clouds...

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My Intimate Experience with a Woman

I was feeling excited at the thought of touching and being touched by a woman for the first time. I had been looking forward to this so much and it turned me on knowing we were going to be watched by my partner. I wanted him to see me being touched in an intimate way by a woman. It was not just any woman either. Emma was one of my closest friends. We had both been curious about what it would be like to have a woman touch us and it was her who suggested she would like to be touched by me and not...

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Becoming PerfectionChapter 1

Emma groans as she hears the sound of her alarm going off. She reaches over and uses the palm of her hand to hit the snooze button but when her hand comes down on it, rather than just hitting the button the entire clock smashes beneath her hand. She doesn’t even notice the clock as she sits up and goes to throw off her sheets but there are none. So she swings her legs over the side of the bed thinking about the dream she had last night. Vaguely she remembers her dream and just real if...

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GFE With Stepmom

She’s exotic, one of a kind. I had to stretch my imagination even to make love to her in my dreams. I dreamed of an amazing GFE (girlfriend experience). After completing college’s second year in Dubai, I was eagerly waiting for my exchange to Atlanta, where I’d graduate in another 2 years. If I did well, I could land a $50k job in America. I’m Baban (pronounced Bbn with both a’s silent). If you didn’t guess from my name already, I’m of Goan descent. My height is considered average here, only 5...

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Big Time SwitchChapter 6

After my wonderful visit with my oldest brother Joe, I spent about two weeks with Kat and Steven. I also limited the sex to help me iron out the details of how I was going to seduce my dad Tom. This was the time of the year I usually spent at their place on the weekdays and most weekends. However, the first day back I told them I was going to need a few days with my other family because I was feeling homesick for them after visiting Joe. But after a day of being at the Tanner household, I...

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iXXX Blowjob

Porn tubes have been the main driving force of online smut since the mid-2000s, when companies officially had the money and resources to start hosting videos for free viewing. Believe it or not, it wasn’t too long ago when streaming video was literally a dream that seemed unattainable. Then time did its thing, and streaming video became a standard for pornography, and the people loved it. Watching videos online is probably the number 1 method of enjoying porn today. Even though you can download...

Blowjob Porn Sites
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Starbucks Reverie

I am sitting in a random Starbucks in Orange County, found with my trusty smart phone app. I"m not really reading the report I'm supposed to be finishing, just looking around at the people here. A few cute women smile at me when they catch me looking, but so far nobody seems that interested in sharing my table. Then I notice you: pretty honey-colored hair, shoulder length, wearing sunglasses indoors, like you're trying not to be recognized. You're softly singing the melody to "Stardust", but it...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 378

A fleeing Taliban terrorist, desperate for water, was plodding through the Afghan desert when he saw something far off in the distance. Hoping to find water, he hurried toward the mirage, only to find a very frail little Jewish man standing at a small makeshift display rack selling ties. The Taliban terrorist asked, "Do you have water?" The old man replied, "I have no water. Would like to buy a tie? They are only $5." The Taliban shouted hysterically, "Idiot Infidel! I do not need...

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Peeking Sister

Driving home through the hot hazy July afternoon, raven- haired June Wright felt a returning wave of nausea sweep over her and was f****d to pull over to the side of the road to rest for a moment. As she sat there alone in the peace and quiet of the gently rolling Maryland farmlands, breathing in the familiar scents of sun-baked fields and dry hay mixed with the heavy sweet aroma of honeysuckle that grew wild along both sides of the narrow winding country road, she reassured herself for the...

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A weekend with my best mates wife

I've never told this story to anyone except my wife. It happened before we met and I don't know if those involved are still around. We lost contact some years ago, so to be on the safe side, I've changed their names.I was twenty and had gone off to join the Army. At the end of basic training and before the start of trade training my squad was given a long weekend leave pass. I caught the train on the Thursday evening to Bristol with a bag of laundry hoping my mother would wash it for me. Friday...

3 years ago
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For my Pet

Crack my whip went across his fingers. "I told you to do what I said. If you break the rules you will be punished." We were at the movies and I brought my slave. I told her that she would get a treat today, half way through the movie. I put her collar on and her leash, I made her hike up her denim mini skirt it barely covered her shaved pussy. Her 36DD chest was bulging out of her tight shirt; she had no bra on either. I began to play with her pussy. I saw the guy in front of us look back. I...

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The Sex Toy party

Jo-Anne was a playful girl and to accommodate her sexual lustings she organised an Ann Summers party for a few of her friends. The party was on Friday and Andy me and Jon were told we weren’t allowed anywhere near the party (something to do with it being against Ann Summers rules) we had to go down the pub. We sat in the pub imagining what was going on back at the house so we went through a couple of scenes and tried to imagine the most kinky things we could like Jo-Anne licking out her best...

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A collective effort to get mausi pregnant 8211 Part 2

Hello readers. Let me tell you the remaining story. Mom and Arbaz saw mausi crying. Mom asked her, “What is the matter, Garima? Why are you crying?” Mausi said something which shook us up and made us reassess the whole situation. Mausi: I could not get pregnant because I never had sex in the first place. (She continued to sob and recite the rest of her misery) My husband (Mausa ji) has chronic erectile dysfunction. He is impotent, so we never had sex. He tried lots of times and took certain...

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Married with Children0

He bought the house, in a suburb outside Chicago, when he took the job as a salesman for a major pharmaceutical company. At the time, Richard was a young man, only 24 years old. His job has been a successful one, as he went from a salesman to manager of their research and development department, over the years of his employment. Everything has worked out great for him, except for his house and property increasing in value; as he had expected it to. The lack of increasing property...

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Within walls so thin

When I left home and went to the university in the city, I understood that losing a large part of my privacy was intevitable. I spent my first year at the dormitories, where it was often hard to get ten minutes alone. It felt really crowded over there. Even though, on the other hand, the girls were plentiful and beautiful. I had my share of adventures at the dormitories, but I'll save that for another story.Anyway, after my first year, I was looking for a different kind of accomodation....

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LimitsChapter 45 Family Business

Brianna Wright wandered home in a daze. Wearing little more than a backpack and a pair of shoes that did not belong to her, Michael's sister was not sure what had just happened to her since Meredith Simmons surprised her with an embrace as she walked to class that morning. Meredith, a freshman she barely knew – cute, a little flat-chested, nice ass – stopped her in her tracks with a glance. Before she could even speak a word of protest, Meredith had her in a bear hug, hand slipping under...

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Matt and Natalie

It was a cold, breezy Friday night. You could see your breath as you exhaled. On the middle floor of a stylish hotel in the heart of the city, a young woman was waiting for a phonecall.. the phonecall. Natalie is a curvy, sensuous and seductive girl in her early twenties. Long, flowy red hair, big green eyes and tonight has an insatiable appetite for one man.. and he's coming.Matt is a guy from a far away place.. well.. London. He's nearly in his mid twenties, dark haired, handsome and wears a...

Oral Sex
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le tour du monde capitre 0

J'entame mon premier voyage en solitaire , oui plus exactement je vais voyager en trains et je part de parie en direction de mon premier pays la Belgique ou il parle français alors je décide de partite du coter flamand ,donc le vieux train commence a partir clique des roue sur les rails juste mon sac a dos ,je vois les paysage par la vitre de ce vieux train les montagne , les campagne , les ville , les rivière les gens qui font signe de la main pour dire bonjour ,je me suis fait sortir de ma...

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Thirteen Steps

"Oh shit!" my lover gasped, as he heard the footsteps coming up the steps. "I thought you said your husband was out of town!" I collapsed, laughing. His huge cock that I was so fond of shrank instantly. It almost looked like my husbands' like that. Unlike his though, it would grow quite a bit bigger, with the right encouragement. Nine and a half inches at full mast. I know, because I measured it. My husband wasn't lacking, but his not quite seven inches just couldn't compete. "Don't...

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OK THIS ISNT MY STORY BUT VERY HOT , i HOPE THE ORIGINAL WRITTER DOESNT MINDI recently had the pleasure of taking a leisurely trip by train, across this great nation of ours. It was three nights on the train and the experience proved to be much more interesting than I had anticipated. It was the morning of the second day when we were stopped in Saskatoon and I opened my eyes. I realized what I had done.I had my own cabin and although it was small, it was large enough to accommodate a fold down...

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Oh Canada

July 1st. Molly Malone's Irish pub, Helsinki. I was there with someone I had met on msn - we were (are) both in our (then early) 40s. We met at 5p.m. on Dubliner's terrace in Kaivopiha after having been chatting for a few weeks on the 'net. Although sex hadn't been mentioned during our conversations it felt like both of us knew exactly what we wanted without even saying it. By the time the band started its last set at about 1a.m. we were trying to swallow one another's...

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Sold For SexA Females Fantasy

Tina was bored with the party, bored with her friends, and frankly, with her life. Her job was at a relative dead end and the men she dated were almost all classified in her own mind as losers or just nobody she could really fall for. She had no difficulty attracting lovers; she was attractive by anyone's standards. But when they left her apartment after a night of post-dinner sex, she was always relieved to see them go since their pitiful attempts to please her sexually only left her...

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Slut Camp

Note: though I do refer to some of the characters as "children," all of the characters in this story are over 18. "Goddammit Sam! Can you stop that!" Paul Archer has had enough. Every time he or his wife Claudia needs to find one of their children, they always wind up walking in on them masturbating. Whether it's Jeremy jerking off into his sock, or Joanna writhing under the covers. It never ends. And it's not just at home either: All four of the Archer children have been sent home from school...

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Lost and Found Part 3

Chapter 13 Daisy and Claire left on a high note as Daisy beamed with pride over hearing she could consider Claire, Patrick, and David's father as her own father even if he wasn't actually alive to have met her. To the little girl, it was more meaningful than anything else she had learned about the family. It was a dad that she could be proud to call her father instead of the constant reminder that she was the daughter of an imprisoned drug dealer and attempted kidnapper. Sheila saw...

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The Theater

The evening was a typically hot, sticky summer night, with the temperature in the mid-nineties and humidity to match. Cathy mopped her forehead with a wet washcloth, then squeezed it, causingsome of the cold water to run down her face, over her chin, and into the dark valley formed by her voluptuous breasts. At 28, she had a great body, due to her disciplined devotion to working out regularly. Her long legs were muscular but sexy, and her firm stomach and tight ass helped compliment her...

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