Devlin's StoryChapter 9 free porn video

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"What does the rest of your day look like?" Danny asked as Devlin got off the bed and started collecting her clothes. The rain was drumming against the window of the hotel room and Devlin could hear the hissing sound of tires on the street below. Danny was lying on the bed, still nude.

Devlin paused, watching the raindrops run down the window. "I have class in an hour," she said. She could feel the coolness radiating from the window and it made her shiver slightly. "English composition followed by math, advanced algebra. What about you? Another business meeting?" That was his excuse for getting out of the office today.

"No, just more of what I've been doing for the last two weeks," Danny said. "I've got several loan applications to review." He studied her profile. "Is something bothering you?"

"Oh, nothing."

"Want to talk about it?"

Devlin put down her underwear and sat on the chair next to the window, still staring at the rain. From time to time she could see bits of snow hitting the window. The forecast tonight was for falling temperatures with the possibility of snow. Even if it didn't snow there were going to be plenty of icy roads in the morning.

"This last weekend Jeff and I were going to go to the football game with some friends of his from his engineering classes. I was looking forward to it, just a couple of hours where we could be together with friends."

"But... ?"

"His Church called, said they needed him to help run a Youth Camp that weekend. They called him Friday morning." She looked at Danny helplessly. "No advanced warning, no notice, just bam, out of the blue. They do this every weekend, Danny, and it's always something different: Youth Camp, Prayer Meetings, Missionary Calls, the list is endless. He's gone from Friday afternoon to late Sunday evening. He's so busy with Church activities that he never has time to study on the weekends."

"He never has time on the weekend for the two of you, does he," Danny said quietly. "They don't let him."

"No." Devlin started crying, wiping furiously at her tears. "Its like they don't want us to be together."

Danny got off the bed and gathered her into his arms, holding her as she cried. "Why?" she whispered. "We're great together, and I don't mean in bed, either. Can't they see it? Why don't they want us to be together?"

"They probably don't want him seeing anyone outside of the Church," Danny said after a bit. "Some religious sects are like that. For them the Church is the center of social life, not just the center of religious life."

"I met with a couple of the elders," Devlin said. She pushed Danny away and stared at her clothes. "I met with them a couple of weeks ago, just before Halloween. I'm not wild about the idea of joining that Church, but I will if I have to."

"Are you sure about that, Devlin? Are you sure you want to throw away your life like that?"

She looked at him in surprise. "What do you mean throw away my life?"

"In the last 10 years the Bank has loaned that Church a lot of money, mostly construction loans so they can build a new church and do some serious remodeling. They've repaid the loans, too, every penny. But because I'm a senior officer in the loan department I've had a chance to study them. Most of the women in that Church, with the exception of a few elders, stay home and raise kids. Most girls in that Church get married soon after graduating from high school and have their first babies nine months later. They have another one a year later, and so on. The average family has 5 or 6 kids. Tell me, how many sisters does Jeff have?"

"Four." Devlin snuffled her nose, then reached for a tissue. "Jeff has four sisters; three of them are married, and the other is engaged."

"How many nieces and nephews does he have?"

"Three... oh." She seemed to slump as she saw where he was going. "His oldest sister, Sarah, has two kids. Miriam has one, and Ruth is expecting. She's due in March, which will be ten months after she got married. I think Sarah or Miriam has another one on the way."

"My point exactly. Now this is just my observations, but personally? I don't like that Church one bit. It goes beyond that. I don't trust them, either. The elders are into some sort of power thing. They control everyone's lives, and I think they like doing that. They have some scriptural verse that supposedly justifies it, but that's a lot of hogwash. You can find justification for anything if you look hard enough in the Bible and twist the verses in the right way."


"My honest opinion, Devlin," he said, holding up his hand. "My honest opinion is that if you join that Church, everything you've wanted to do, everything you've hoped and dreamed for, will fly right out the window. You'll stay at home and make babies. That's all they'll let you do."

"Ruth went to a business school for a year after high school."

"Yeah, right, big deal. Imagine yourself as her. They might let you go to a business school, but they might not. Suppose they do? You'll end up as a secretary or a file clerk or something, if that. Oh, and you'd be pregnant nearly all of the time. You'd be so busy raising kids you wouldn't have time for yourself."

Devlin glanced at the clock and started dressing. "I want to have a few years before I start having kids," she said in a low voice. "At the very least I want to be out of college."

"They'd make you drop out of college." Danny crossed the room and collected his clothes from where he had dropped them. "My opinion, again, but that would be a terrible waste."

"But what can I do?" She resettled her bra and stared at the traffic on the street below. "I want to be with Jeff, but if his Church won't let me..."

"That's it, isn't it. They're forcing the situation, and you'll have to make a choice, either Jeff and the Church, or no Jeff."

"That can't be it."

"No? That's what it looks like to me."

"But Jeff doesn't go along with a lot of what they believe."

Danny started to reply, and saw her face. "You need to talk this out," he said at last. "Eventually things are going to come to a head and if you haven't come to a decision, if you haven't talked it out with someone, you'll burst."

"I suppose."

"Don't give me that tone, young lady." Danny put a finger under chin and raised her face. "Listen. You can always ask me for advice. And Sue is there for you, too. We owe you, and we're here to help. If you need help we'll give it to you. If you need advice, we'll offer it, and it will be honest and unvarnished and what we think will be in your best interests. You know that.

"Now, other than that, how's the rest of life treating you? You haven't said much these last few weeks. How are you doing in school? Didn't you just have mid-terms?"

"I think I'm doing all right." Devlin buttoned up her blouse and pulled on a sweater. "I did all right on my tests, but other than that it's hard to tell. I'm so busy I hardly have any time to myself."

"Oh?" He grinned. "I remember my freshman year. I take it things are stacking up."

Devlin rolled her eyes. "Tell me about it. Between studying and classes, my sales presentations, and you and Jeff I barely have time for laundry and food and all of the other things I have to do."

"I thought you looked a little thinner. Have you been eating properly?"

"I'm on the famous 'no time for anything diet," she said. She pulled on her thick wool socks and then slipped into her black dress slacks. "I may have lost one or two pounds, but..."

"One or two pounds?" Danny shook his head. "I think you've lost more than that. Your boobs look bigger, and I don't think it's because you're still growing there. Your tummy and butt are flatter and-"

"What?" Devlin jumped up and stood in front of the mirror, inspecting herself. "I don't have much of a butt to lose and..." She turned, looking at her bottom. "My God, I'm almost flat back there."

"And you're certainly not flat up on top." Danny paused to run his hands down her front, stopping to lift her breasts slightly. "It wasn't the light, they do look bigger."

"Of course they'll look bigger if you do that."

"Devlin," he said in a quiet voice. "You have to make time for yourself. You need to find time to eat better and relax a little; you need to learn to pace yourself. College can be very busy, but you have to watch your health, too."

"I watch what I eat. I'm exercising regularly in my dance class and I'm-"

"Have you weighed yourself? Your cheekbones really stand out, and I don't think your pale complexion is entirely from make-up."

Devlin pushed her hands against her face. Now that he mentioned it she did look thin, and pale, too. Right now her cheeks were flushed, but that was from the two hard climaxes she'd just had, not any make-up. Was she really neglecting herself that much?

"I don't know," she said at last. "There's never enough time to do everything."

"Then you'll have to cut something out, or budget your time better."

"How? I'm not sure I have any time to spare."

"Do you have a couple of minutes? I don't have to be back just yet."

Devlin glanced at her watch. "A few. What did you have in mind?"

"Let's draw out your schedule. Let's do it in graph form. I think that'll help."

Devlin nodded. Jeff had drawn out his schedule using engineering paper. She kept a few sheets with her because the small blue squares were kind of cool looking, and they did seem to make her math homework easier to follow.

Danny finished dressing while she drew. "That's just your class schedule," he said when she showed it to him. "Now put in things like when you get up, your morning dance class, your study sessions, and everything else that takes time."

"Including these little get-togethers?"

"Including these get-togethers." When she was finished he shook his head. "That's a pretty full schedule. That's almost too much. Look, one of the secrets to college is leaving yourself enough time during the day for other things. One of the things I learned was to leave time during the day to do my homework. It looks like the only day you do that is on Tuesdays."

"Yeah, that is pretty light, well, except for the study group I have that night."

"Freshmen always crowd their schedule. By the time you're a sophomore you know better. The only time I see you have for yourself is Wednesday and Friday nights."

"And the dorm always tries to have something on Friday nights."

"Have you started looking at what you'll be taking next term?"

"A little, well, some. The next semester doesn't start until January, and I have a few weeks left before registration."

"We'll have to work on it and see if we can make life a little easier for you." He looked at his watch. "Now if you want to get to your class you'd better hurry."

Devlin gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and ran for the lobby. This hotel was only three blocks from campus and her English class was in the first building she'd come to. She slid into her seat in English just as the bell rang.

The dorm held a mixer every Friday night in the dorm. Devlin didn't feel like meeting new guys that she'd ignore, and Connie was visiting her folks this weekend so she had plenty of time to sit in her room alone and think. Danny was right, her life was a lot more crowded than she had expected, and she needed to do something about it before things got completely out of control. She was doing so many things, was there anything she could change?

There wasn't much she could do about her class schedule. She was stuck with that for the rest of the term, but what about the other things in her life? She couldn't give up her sales meetings, she needed the income, and she needed the study sessions with the other business majors. She sat there tapping her pencil against the copy of her schedule. As far as she could tell there wasn't anything she could change about the way things were going.

Well, as Jeff had told her when he was working on his engineering homework, if the problem looked insoluble, that only meant you were approaching it from the wrong direction. All problems had solutions - though he had also told her that you had to learn when the costs of a solution were unacceptable.

What she needed was a brand new approach. She needed to wipe the slate and start over. What did she have to absolutely have to have on her schedule? She took out a fresh piece of paper and started a new list.

First, the sleepovers with Jeff, though on Sunday night all they did was study and sleep. Thursday nights were different, his Church hadn't intervened to take those away from them, not yet. But they spent most of Thursday night studying. It was only later, after they went to bed that they made love. She wished it was more often, but there just wasn't the time.

Second, her times with Danny; that was for Sue, but, she had to admit, it was for herself as well. There was nothing like it, even when she was with Jeff. Of course Danny knew her so much better than Jeff. He knew what turned her on, what didn't, and how to bring her to that absolute mind-blowing moment of total release that she'd only had a couple of times with Jeff.

Third, classes, of course, and she had to do a better job of finding time to study. That meant that next term she needed to pick and choose her classes a little better.

Fourth... She looked at the list and realized it was leading her right back to where she was at the moment. She'd have to start over and reassess everything.

One of the girls on her floor had said that the first two years of college were for experimenting. A girl should try different things, things she would never do in high school, things that she would or wouldn't do when she was older; after all, a girl had to find out what she liked and didn't like. Her first two years of college was when she could really learn about herself.

Devlin looked at her reflection in the mirror, wondering if there were things she could try out. She wasn't that interested in alcohol; she'd already tasted wine and beer and didn't care for the way beer tasted. Wine was all right, but she wasn't sure she liked the idea of getting drunk and losing control, especially around guys. She'd lost control a couple of times at Emma's - she'd never had a drink there, but it amounted to the same thing, and it just didn't fit the image she had of herself. Other things, though...

Remembering a discussion she'd had with Sabrina she got a small bowl of warm water. After finding her razor and scissors she undressed and looked at her sex. She'd always trimmed her pubic hair, more just to keep it trimmed back from her bikini line than anything else. She'd never done more because she'd worried about what the other girls would say. But in P.E. she'd seen girls who'd trimmed their deltas down to almost nothing, and nobody had said anything about it. Of course she only saw most of those girls during P.E. It wasn't like in high school where you knew everybody and everybody knew you and you were around them all of the time.

She took most of the hair off with her scissors, and then got busy with her razor. Most of the stubble came off easily, but she had to use a mirror and go slowly when she shaved around her labia - the last thing she wanted to do was cut herself. Fortunately most of her hair grew on her tummy, not down on her sex lips. She kept going over the stubble from one direction after another. Eventually she could run a nylon stocking over her sex and not feel it catch on anything.

She looked herself over in the mirror. It wasn't quite what she'd expected. She did look like Barbie; her boobs were certainly as big as the doll's. She didn't feel any different down there. Right now it felt a little cool, and she was certainly more aware of her sex than she normally was - she remembered having a discussion with Butch when she had just turned 14.

They were in his room recovering from their first time of the afternoon. She'd looked at his cock as it shrank back to normal size and asked what it was like walking around with one.

"You don't really notice it," he said. He touched her sex. "I don't suppose you really notice your pussy."

She shrugged. "No, not really. It's just a place on my body where my legs come together."

"Not even when we're, you know, when we're doing it?"

"Well, that's different. It feels..." She paused, thinking. "I'm aware of an, I don't know, an emptiness. It's hard to explain. Normally it's just..." She shrugged again. "It feels different when we're doing it, I can definitely feel that, but normally I don't... Look, I'm more aware of my boobs than I am of my sex."

"I can see where you would be." He caressed her breasts. "I see what you mean. I'm not aware of my chest, but my chest is flat. Yours isn't. You can't feel what you don't have, especially if you've never had it."

"That's it." She nodded. "That's it exactly. I can remember not having breasts; it wasn't that long ago after all."

"And wearing a bra probably helps."

"Some." She laughed. "The first time you try to run without a bra you are very aware of your breasts. It can actually hurt."

"Yeah, I bet. I can run without a jock strap or even shorts, but it feels a little sore down there afterwards. It's certainly not something guys would do very often." He ran his fingers over her sex. "A girl doesn't have anything to support down there, so I bet she'd never feel the difference."

Devlin smiled at the memory of Butch's touch. What would have happened if he hadn't moved away when she was 14? Well, she and Danny wouldn't have gotten together, and there wouldn't have been any parties at Emma's. It was too bad she and Butch had only liked the sex with each other, she hadn't been interested in him other than that.

She looked at the bare lips of her sex. She wondered if she'd notice any difference in the next few days.

Jeff didn't notice, but he was so tired when he got home Sunday evening that after some studying he went to sleep right away. Danny, of course, did notice.

"So you thought you'd try being a smoothie," he said as he gazed at her sex. "How do you like it?"

"It's... different," she said slowly. "There was this one gal at Emma's who said that if I tried it I should shave it every day. I have, every morning in the shower, but I'm not sure if I want to keep it up. It seems like a lot of bother."

Danny rested his chin on her tummy, smiling at her. She had her legs draped over his shoulders - they'd done this often enough she was comfortable with it, though she wasn't sure she would be if it was any guy other than Danny.

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Mathubana Kadaiyil Udaluravu

Vanakam nanbargale enathu peyar Jai, enathu vaazvil oru nigazhvu nadanthathu athum velli kizhamai aandru nadanthathu. Athu vaara kadaisi naan appozhuthu single, naan oru nalla vishayam pannuven athu ennavendraal barku senru saraku addipen. Nan andru angu sendru oru beer order seithen enathu ethiril oru sexyana pen ammarthu irunthaal. Naan beer kudichathil boothai thalaiku eeri enathu vellai stress ellam kuraithathu naan romba nithanamanen pinbu enathu ennangal ellam nandraga irunthathu. Pinbu...

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A Maids Tale Part 4

On my fourth week in this strange house I saw my first sissy boy!I was about to go in and clean Joeys room but as I got closer I heard giggling and talking. I recognise the twin’s voices but not the third. The door was open wide enough for me to see Joeys large wall mirror, I couldn’t believe what I was looking at in the mirror there where the girls Cecily on one side and Shelly on the other and there was Joey dressed in purple ballerina leotard and tutu. His long blonde hair tied in a bun. The...

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I texted this guy I had found online and asked him if he was available. He said yes and that I could head over anytime. His door was unlocked and he was ready. I was so horny as I grabbed my things and headed over. I haven't fucked a guy in so long I couldn't wait. I was just ready to fuck him til I couldn't anymore. He told me he would be in his room, lights dimmed down, and all I had to do was go in there and he'd be all mine. That I could do whatever I wanted to him. The pictures he had...

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Second ChanceChapter 12

The days dragged by without my family. My heart was with them, but my body was hard at work changing, or attempting to change the way the US government agencies communicated among themselves. At time I thought I was wasting my life, trying to make them understand the reasons for cooperation, and common ground. At other times I felt like they got it ... at least a little. "Mr. Vice President, I so appreciate you organizing this golf outing, so that I could spend some time with the head of...

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Alien Sex

Introduction: Akemi was just one, but her experience mimics that of the others. She plays a victim, but that is her strategy. Something about it satisfies her lust, her inner craving, one that ultimately changes lives and quite possibly the footprint of the human race on this planet. He forced his way onto her, blindly prodding her with his depraved cock. He had no care other than to get it in. For Akemi, there was no escape, two men pinned her arms and head down while two more grappled with...

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Old Doris plays my girdle fantasy

As promised, Doris contacted me a few weeks later and asked me to meet her outside out local Cineplex at 3.00 pm the following day and instructed me not to wear any pants and to let her do all the talking! I arrived at the allotted time, and saw her standing there looking like a very dowdy OAP. Not the sexy granny I had seen previously. She came over to me and said: ‘ I’m sorry to trouble young man but my friend has let me down would it be okay if I could sit with you as some strangers can take...

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StepDaddy CHAPTER 2

Had he dreamt it all? He looked over at Sandra who was still asleep, snoring loudly. In the morning lit room he could see her mouth hanging open and an exposed nipple peeking out through the middle of her bra. Even still, Sandra was beautiful. Kevin smiled at her and looked over at the clock. Damn it was almost noon. He hopped up and used the bathroom to wash up and shave. He had an important engagement with contractors at 1:30 and traffic was always terrible. Today he dressed in a casual grey...

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This Little Piggy Went to

This little piggy went to.........well, somewhere dark! Whilst looking at the newly posted pictures of your friend Davina on Fetlife you notice a side banner advertising a fetish rubber suit website. Clicking the link you arrive at the strangest rubber suit you have ever seen. It is a pink pig suit complete with ten inflatable teats and a curly tail. The price is rather high so even though it peaks your interest you know you can't afford it. Just as you are about to go back to Fetlife...

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Hands free self facial with a shemale

I was out at a little casino in Reno talking to this black girl. Her body was smoking and she was showing it off proudly in this tiny outfit and knee high boots. She was about 5'8" she had about a C cup. She was thick in all the right places. Sexy thick thighs. She was almost considered fat or a BBW. We talked, flirted, and had drinks for about an hour. After a while I asked if she was hungry. We got up and when she was getting she put her hand on my shoulder, I took a chance and leaned in...

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BadDaddyPOV Kinsley Karter Needs A Daddy Of Her Own

Kinsley Karter is over at her friends house. She is a young all natural ebony girl with big natural tits. The boys at school always give her a lot of attention because of the size of her boobs. She is a highly desired young girl. None of that matter today. Kinsley Karter is sad. The rest of her friends went out, but she stayed back. Kinsley is taking some time for her self in her BFF’s bedroom. She is feeling sad. Her best friends dad comes in and catches her alone. Something is obviously...

4 years ago
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My life Pt 1

It all started March 15 1992 the day i was born i no one new it at the time but i was very special so very special. I was the last of 3 kids my parents died my father he died just 3 days after i was conceived. Talk about being special but that wasn't why i was ill tell you later about that. My oldest sister Jen is 2 years older then me and the other Sara was born 9 months before me so we were pretty close and youngest sister was in my grade she missed the cut off...

1 year ago
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Magic Is Gross 2 DevilChapter 6

“Hello handsome,” Leanne swung her hips alongside David. He raised his head, visibly illuminating to see her. “Hello beautiful,” He grinned. He gestured to the Shannon siblings next to him. Curtis showboated and Victoria frowned, “We were just heading to my car.” “Oh, how’d you get gas money?” Leanne had heard the story about David and his mom’s old Mazda on the way home after the movie. She walked a little closer, rubbing their shoulders together. “Avery hates the bus that much,” Victoria...

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The Visitor Chapter 1

He felt nervous, probably more nervous than he had ever felt before. He knew he was stupid to have ever let it go as far as this, but somehow he just hadn't been able to stop himself. He'd placed the chair in the centre of the lounge as he'd been told and now he sat on the settee looking at it, waiting. Waiting for the text message that he feared would come, yet still somehow in a madly excited anticipation, fuelling that growing fear that was gnawing inside his stomach. He sat there,...

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I wish

John kommt gerade von einem erfolglosen Bewerbungsgespräch. Das dritte diese Woche. Niedergeschlagen läuft er durch die Straße als im eine alte Flasche auffält. Er hebt sie auf und reibt an ihr, um den Schmutz zu entfernen. Es strömt Rauch hinaus und ein miesgelaunter Genie erscheint. "Du hast mich befreit, du hast einen Wunsch frei. Yey. Beeil dich damit ich weiterschlafen kann" sagt der Genie genervt. "Gibt es Regeln die ich beachten muss?" "Nur dass du dich beeilst!" John überlegt eine Weile...

Mind Control
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The sexy hitch hiker

Howdy all, my name is Carol Lynn Pearce from Southern Texas. I am twenty nine years old and live in a small town near Houston. I lived on my own with a couple of cats and liked it that way. I worked five days a week down at the beauty parlor as a beautician, I made pretty good money. But some day I’m going to be rich, filthy rich and live in a mansion. One hot, summer’s day in late July, I had just picked up some groceries from the local store and was heading home in my car when I noticed a...

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ExxxtraSmall Jayden Black Left Behind

Blonde teen Jayden Black is in a state of despair – she just can’t believe her family didn’t let her go on vacation with them. This is going to be the worst Christmas ever, she thinks. But when her dad’s best friend shows up to babysit the petite cutie, Jayden figures out how to make this bad situation a little more exciting. She unzips her pink onesie pajamas, exposing her perky tits for the hesitant guy. Then, she takes his huge cock deep inside her wet pussy, backing her ass up as he pummels...

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Bettina und ihr Lover 1 Teil

Ich bin der Phillip, bin 18 Jahre und gehe noch zur Schule. Wohne also noch bei meinen Eltern. Bislang hatte ich mit dem anderen Geschlecht noch keine Erfahrungen gemacht gehabt, bis sich folgendes letzten Herbst ereignete:Wie so oft war ich bei meinem Besten Kumpel bis spät abends um an der PS4 zu zocken. Irgendwann drückte aber doch die Blase und ging auf's Klo. Mein Kumpel war noch mitten drin am Zocken, während mein Char im Kugelhagel abgeknallt worden war. Während ich mich erleichterte...

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Corsets and Cutlasses Part II Captured

Corsets and Cutlasses, Part II: Captured In which Marcus, now Madeline, loses Elizabeth, and is found by his enemies. Captured, what will be the consequences if the pirates discover his true sex? Author's note. This is the second part in the swashbuckling tale called Corsets and Cutlasses. Thanks so much for the feedback on the first episode of this story, and many apologies that this second episode has been so long coming. I designated that tale 'SIBC', but I have been...

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Female Orgasms 101

Orgasms 101It is surprising that later in life, a man may still not be sure if and when a woman orgasms. Thus, the reason for this story. Men don't feel bad. Women aren't expected to know when or how a man orgasms. He just stops momentum and displays the obvious (excluding a cumless climax). Orgasms are about life and not just sex. Orgasms sure do keep a woman happy. As a woman loses her inhibitions about sex, the easier it is for a woman to orgasm. I'm going to explain to you when you are...

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Celeste Spring Break

It was a year after I graduated, and spring was coming around. I had friends who lived in New Orleans. They had always told me it was a big party town. So I flew down there for a couple of weeks. When I got there, all we did was hit the beaches and got trashed every night. I didn’t have to work. I didn’t have to do anything but have some fun. I won’t remember the night I had the most fun. My girlfriends and I had gone to this rave. It was . There were hunks and hot chicks every getting down and...

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Banging Hot Curvy Doctor Of Gurgaon

Hi I am Manish working in a MNC situated in Gurgaon, I am an average look guy but damn romantic. Contact me on Its my first story about how i banged a girl whom I met in pub later on I came to know she is doctor in reputed hospital of Gurgaon. Now coming straight on the story Characters: (All name changed due to privacy concern except mine) Dr Anjali : age between 27-29 years, vitals stats 34-30-32, height 5.4 feet – 5.6 feet, fair complexion with great assets. Sikha: anjali’s...

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Prison Bitch

Prison bitch Johnny had never been so terrified in all his life, the guard led him down the wing, men were shouting at him, blowing kisses! He was a guy for fucks sake! He had a regular girl outside away from this crazy place. He almost vomited when he saw the boy masturbating, reaching out to him! He looked to the guard. "What the fuck!" the guard shrugged. "Overcrowding not enough cells so the weak ones sleep in the corridors, you're lucky because of your age the Governor has...

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53 Miles West of VenusChapter 8 Afterward

“Why didn’t you call me when you heard the news about Phylicity?” I yelled at Liam Roberts, CEO and President of Roberts Electronics. Next to Ted Brooks III, Liam is perhaps one of my closer acquaintances ... almost nearly even a friend, although he’s technically my boss and I’m about five years older than he is. He’s still on the friendlier side of thirty, barely. Not that this gets him laid very often. He’s also really much better looking than Ted is and standing next to homely old me, he...

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LoveHerFeet Lily Larimar Delilah Day Feet Loving Besties

When the cat’s away, the mice will play. This idiom perfectly describes what Delilah Day and Lily Larimar do when the former’s parents are not at home. The girls have the whole house for themselves. They decide to take each other’s photos in the backyard for their individual IG. The two gorgeous all-natural blondes innocently pose against the nature-inspired backyard. Their little outdoor fun takes a sudden turn for the better when they start snapping photos of each...

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Two Wives Two Lives

It's my thirtieth anniversary. I'm sitting here, typing, trying to find a way to relate what this anniversary is all about. My wife is upstairs sleeping, snoring that charming little singsong snore she produces when we've just made love. I can't be sure whether it's her third or fourth orgasm that turns on the snore button. Gretchen has been my wife for eighteen years. And it's my thirtieth anniversary. Life has been just grand for us. She's a very attractive woman, in a plain way,...

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Hair Restorer

The Hair Restorer by Jimbo It was a real trying day at the office. All the girls were giving me a hard time about how old I looked. I did look a little older than I am. You se I am going bald real fast. But the weird thing is I am growing hair on the rest of my body like I was just coming out of puberty. My name is Max Parker and I am a slim man of about 22 years of age. I am almost completely bald already and no cure in sight for me. The baldness comes with the family. I...

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Dentist Aunt And My Adventure

Doctor Aunty. Hi Everyone my name is Akshay Bhosale I am from pune. This is My first story and I thought I should share this experience with you all. I am a big fan of Indian sex stories and have been reading stories since 4 years and got a lot of ideas of seducing from this place. I m an athletic body guy with dick more than 6’ I haven’t measured it and stamina to fuck whole night (and that’s money back gurantee …lol). Now coming to the story this is about my experience with my cousin aunt who...

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Muleskinner BluesChapter 23

I woke up shortly after first light snuggled tightly against Carol in the chilly line shack. My arm was draped over her and my big hand was full of her even bigger breast. My morning erection was pressed firmly against her large shapely derriere. I hated the idea, but I needed to answer Mother Nature's call. I reluctantly released Carol's breast, quietly arose from our pallet and wandered outside to take care of my necessaries. As I approached the outhouse that sat behind the rough hewn...

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A Morning Delight

A female masturbation story written in the first person. I hope you all enjoy! With an abrupt jolt I am awoken from my dream. Instantly forgetting what the dream had been about but just as quickly sad to have left its warm embrace, I register the neighbour’s car, coughing and spluttering in the driveway. So that's what is depriving me of my sleep! Gazing at the alarm clock I see it is 7.45, an hour earlier than I had planned to wake up. In a haze I roll onto my back, my head settling into the...

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Two Sexy Girlfriends 8211 Part 2

Now she removed her bra and threw it at me. But Raghu is dancing with her so I couldn’t see her completely. I told him to move aside as I couldn’t see her boobs. He moved to a side now I could see her boobs clearly and her nipples were poking hard. He went behind her started kissing her neck and took his hands to her boobs. Then. Me – “Dude, move aside. I can’t see her.” Then Pranathi pushed him aside and came near me. She kneeled in front of me and kept looking at the tent in my pants and into...

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Birthday Treat 2

This is a continuation of my story “Birthday Treat” posted on 19 January. Readers may find it helpful to remind themselves of the events which, for the first time in my life, drew me into a world which previously had only ever existed for me in my darkest fantasies.By the time I had composed myself after being mauled under my husband’s nose in the restaurant I was ready to go home despite the attempts to persuade Ken and I to stay the night there.And so it was that, after managing to drag him...

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My Little Sisters 13th Birthday Remastered

Please note that this is a work of fiction and I do not condone child abuse in the slightest, this story is just meant to titillate the reader This is a remastered version of the original with a little more detail added to give it a little more depth please let me know what you think. INTRO Chris, Are you going to come then? My mum was nagging me to come to my little sisters birthday party, She had just turned 13 and was having a big party with all her friends. OK mum, Sure I will come but I...

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After we switched partners we did something for the ladies

A couple months ago, my best friend, Pat, and I switched partners for one night. We fucked each others' wives, and everyone loved it. We didn't expect to see our wives take a liking to each other. Our wives eating each other out entered our vision, and we both shot our loads when we saw it. After that night, efforts were put in to get them to do it again for us. They agreed, but wanted something in return.  As one couple sat on one couch, and the other on the other couch, the women told us just...

Wife Lovers
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Philosophers Toolkit

This is the chronicle of a very unusual set of supernatural objects and the people who are exposed to them. They cause mutations to very fundamental, abstract, or philosophical aspects of the world. Their mechanisms and effects are often difficult to pin down or define, but with practice and careful application you'll get the hang of it.

Mind Control
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A Weekend With GeorgeChapter 17

The truck sped off with Nancy driving. She was definitely pushing things beyond her skill level, but she hadn't killed them, yet, so she was doing fine. The cops rushed to join the parade, and they were soon pressing close to the truck. The cops were in sedans, so the only people who could shoot were those riding shotgun. Those women in the back seats couldn't shoot because there was too much danger of hitting their companions. George, on the other hand, did not have this problem. He lay...

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Interlude With A VampireChapter 4

Kim was surprised as she almost walked into another woman as she stepped out of the elevator. Stumbling back slipped and fell to the floor. The tall woman hurried over to see if Kim was all right. "Oh! I'm so sorry, are you OK?" The she paused for a moment, "Kim? Kim Simpson?" The woman was wearing a heavy leather bomber jacket, making her look somewhat heavy, tight blue jeans, and a pair of big black shoes. She had clear blue eyes and wore a ratty old baseball cap with her brown hair...

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