The Keyholder Pt 4
- 4 years ago
- 33
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Kennedy snapped her locker shut and turned to head off to American Lit and the start of a new school day. Juan Baptiste was leaning against the corridor wall, behind her locker door.
"Chica, you have a second?"
She inclined her head and walked over to him, ignoring the others in the bustling hallway.
"That cop, Harrison, came to me a coupla days ago, tol' me about what you did. That it was you that got Dwight sent away, that I should thank my lucky stars because if I kept on, Dwight would have fucked me even worse than he did Nita."
"This isn't news to me, Juan Baptiste," Kennedy told him evenly. "You made yourself very clear the last time. I've been a good little girl. You should try being a good little boy."
"Someone saying he was Dwight called Nita's old man, night before last, told him what he'd done to his daughter. Laughed at him, told him that his grandfather was protecting him." Juan Baptiste's expression turned grim. "Nita's little brother told me, 'cause he knew about us. He pretty much knows what happened to his sister. If I didn't make it, he'd have taken a shot. Now, well ... Nita's parents put her in a convent yesterday."
Kennedy turned pale. "That's ... awful."
"Yeah, 'cause those sisters don't give a rat fuck about why you got screwed, just that you did. You're fallen, a sinner forever more. She'll spend a year on her knees, saying her rosary, then she'll be sent someplace like Africa or South America to teach the heathen."
"Gosh, Juan Baptiste! I don't know what I can do, but I'll sure try!"
"It's bad," he agreed. "It really bites. I know where she is. Me and some friends, we're getting her out this weekend. Fuck 'em!"
"If you need a hand, let me know."
"Well, I do. Nita's old man is an asshole, her uncles are assholes, her older brother is an asshole. But that doesn't mean they don't think they're helping Nita. They're going to that man's restaurant in New York tonight. They're going to kill him."
Kennedy laughed. "Juan Baptiste, surely someone told them who he is? Surely they know they'll never get close to him?"
"They don't care. This is machismo -- being a man. Nita's blood was spilled, her honor taken. It's do or die for them. Talk isn't going to do anything, just blood will talk."
Kennedy sighed. "And you'd like me to do what?"
"Look, you talked to that guy once already. Do it again. They're assholes, yeah. But they don't deserve to die. Nita would be upset."
"You just said they wouldn't be satisfied unless blood was shed?"
"Yeah, well, you're good with your mouth. Convince them they're at the wrong door."
"Then they'd find the right door. Juan Baptiste, the old man's giving Dwight another chance. He's not going to be happy if Nita's father and other male relatives come calling. Even if they get to Dwight, that will bring about retaliation."
"You always seem to think of something."
Kennedy sighed. "I'm not a crutch, Juan Baptiste. People have to stand on their own two feet, fight their own battles."
His face fell. "It's gonna kill Nita if her old man, her brother and uncles get whacked."
"Darwin in action," she told him roughly. He spat at her feet, turned and stalked away.
She sighed again then, instead of heading to English, she turned for the office. Mr. Dunbar was standing in the outer office talking to two boys and she waved at him and went over to him.
"Sorry, guys, but I'm in kind of a rush. How much trouble do I get in if I cut a day of classes?"
He smiled at her. "You want the truth or the bullshit?"
"The truth works best for me."
"Your teachers mark you absent. Tomorrow morning, your parents get a recorded call saying you were absent today."
Kennedy blinked in astonishment. The odds of either one of her parents ever hearing about such a call was zero. Mr. Glastonbury would hear, she was sure. He was someone she could deal with.
"Well, mark me absent for the rest of the day."
"Miss Kennedy..." she'd turned away. Hearing her name, she turned back.
"Do you have an excuse?"
"Someone called Nita's father and told him about what happened to his daughter and gave them an address. That person said his name was Dwight. Call it prophylaxis."
"Can you spell the last word?"
"R-U-B-B-E-R," she came right back.
He laughed and waved for her to go. "Be careful. I assume you think you can do something?"
"I can try."
She contemplated life, liberty, school and Watchers. It wasn't a very long bus ride to the train station. She had money, she had the time, a little while later she was on the way into the City.
She got off near Madison Square Garden and walked the few blocks to the Italian restaurant. It was barely ten in the morning and the front door was locked. She could hear faint sounds coming from within, so she went looking for the back door.
The kitchen was quite busy and to her surprise, she recognized one of the men standing next to the door. "Fatso! How are they hanging?"
He glanced at her, frowned, and without hesitation, lifted a walkie-talkie to his ear and started talking into it. A few minutes later number six came into the kitchen and walked up to her.
"Leave, Miss Kennedy. You wore out your welcome the last time. This is no place for a danger junkie."
"I have a piece of news for your boss. Intelligence, if you will. Forewarned is forearmed and all that."
"Where is your friend?"
"In ignorant bliss, back home. I'm here on a peace-making mission this time. No violence, I promise."
He started to walk away and she spoke up. "Say, I know Fatso's nickname. What's yours?"
"Pipes," he replied, without really stopping or even looking back.
He too talked into a walkie-talkie, then gestured for her to come along. Kennedy fell into step next to him, as he led her through the kitchen. "That's because of the voice, right?" she asked.
"I didn't think it was a description of..." she waved at his groin.
He laughed. "You like to live dangerously, girl."
"How about you and me? A little arm wrestling?"
"Girl, I cheat."
"Drat! I cheat, too! Chess?"
"Sure! Stakes?"
"Strip poker?"
Kennedy laughed. "Dream on! Nickel, dime, quarter."
"Five card draw and stud, seven card stud. No wild cards."
"Sounds like fun. When's good for you?"
"We play every afternoon at one."
"Sounds good. I got fifty bucks on me, I hope that's enough because I guess asking for a marker would be a bad idea."
"Very bad. Fifty will get you in the game."
In a few minutes, she was ushered into the old man's presence.
"I told you never to come back."
"You did and normally I'm pretty obedient. However, I have some intelligence for you. Something you'll want to hear."
He made a come-along gesture.
"Someone, claiming he was Dwight, called one of the abused girls' fathers night before last and told him about what he'd done to the man's daughter; graphic detail I imagine. Laughed, he did, then told them you're protecting him and gave him this address. Today that girl is in a convent and the father, older son and two of the girl's uncles have said that before the end of the day, you'll bleed for what Dwight did."
The old man grinned sardonically. "That wouldn't be a problem, with or without a warning."
"With a warning, I was rather hoping you might be willing to temper your obviously justified response."
He paused, then spoke deliberately. "You don't seem stupid. Do you understand that if it became known that I let men who intend me harm to come here, into my place of business, if I let them go away unharmed, it would be taken as carte blanche by a lot of my enemies? That I would have to spend months, perhaps years, to disabuse people of the notion that they could come here with impunity?"
"I won't pretend to tell you how to run your affairs, sir. I just know that the other day you and I talked, and while there were some hard feelings, regardless, we worked out our issues and came to what I thought was a workable agreement.
"Sir, the girl had a very bad time. I realize it's not your responsibility, sir, but the fact remains that she didn't deserve what happened to her then or since. She doesn't deserve to have her father, brother and uncles set up like clay pigeons in a shooting gallery."
Pipes spoke up. "There's a call for the girl."
Kennedy glanced at him, seeing the earpiece only at the last moment when she focused on his ear.
The old man reached over to a phone, pushed some buttons. "You're on the speaker, Miss Kennedy."
"This is Kennedy."
"Kennedy, this is Harrison. I have some news."
"If you know where to find me, I can imagine what it is."
He ignored her. "A bird whispered in Dunbar's ear this morning about Nita's father and brother. What happened to her. He called us and we went to their place, but they were already gone. Dunbar said you'd come to see him earlier, so I took a chance."
"You understand you're on a speaker," Kennedy said evenly, eyeing the old man as she spoke. The old man shrugged.
"I could tell," the detective told her. "I went to my lieutenant and he told me to back off. The captain said the same thing. My hands are tied, you understand."
"I understand."
"I was impressed about Larkin; that was well done. Your stepfather has what appears to be completely clean hands."
"He had nothing to do with it. You don't even want to go there, detective. The people who did the deed have been fighting people like you for a long time."
He laughed. "Which is like drawing a glaring neon arrow at who it was. You're a piece of work, girl!"
"You won't find anything there, either."
"Girl, something like ten guys were beating on that man at the end. Two of them had met Larkin before in the course of his professional duties. Clearly no involvement of anyone, anywhere, in that untimely death. Just jail yard revenge."
"Well, I'm going to see if I can cadge some cookies and milk here. There's a poker game later..." she paused dramatically, "for chips of course."
"Of course," the detective replied drolly. "Aren't poker games always for chips?"
"Yes. I'm hoping to learn a few things about filling an inside straight."
"I can tell you about that: hope springs eternal, but the odds are better doing almost anything else."
"Cool! I'll try to remember that. Sorry, got to go, cookie and milk time!"
She waved and the old man cut the connection.
"I don't suppose," Kennedy said, "I could get a doughnut and a glass of milk?"
"We have coffee, if you want," he told her.
Kennedy shuddered. "Caffeine, sir! Ick! Throws my timing all off! Cookies and milk, doughnuts and milk ... that's for me. I figured you were more likely to have doughnuts."
"Well, you're right." He waved at the phone. "Larkin? That was the FBI agent who has been bothering you?"
"That's the one. He died in prison last week."
"A man with a moronic attorney. The fool actually petitioned the court to have him removed from solitary, where there was some slight chance he might live. He was and he didn't."
"You seem to be right current with current events, sir!" Kennedy said brightly.
"Girl, sarcasm is amusing for a little while. Then it gets old."
"Sir, threatening to kill everyone isn't amusing, and it's old the first time you hear it."
"Miss Kennedy, I have a personal question for you," he asked.
"Whatever, I don't promise to answer those."
"Like your stepfather, I'm not totally ignorant. We discussed you, when we both realized that we knew the nature of who you are and what you do. It's not something I get involved in, you understand?"
"Of course. Good deeds? You probably flunked that class in first grade and haven't taken it since."
"Let's just say that it's hard to get good help these days, particularly when it comes to special assignments like that. Pipes here, he faced some of those once. He put forty-five rounds into one of them with an AK-47. Pissed it off, something fierce."
"Bullets do that," Kennedy agreed with him, "piss them off."
Pipes spoke up. "It's a little hard to take, when you see someone shrug off that many rounds, kill two men on your crew and keep coming for you. Still, I had my job to do, and I did it."
Kennedy parsed that. Evidently his job hadn't been to hang around or to kill vampires.
"I've fought them," Kennedy told him. "Once it was a short little guy, a midget, I think. Even though I was pretty sure what it was, it still ambushed me from behind. I got lucky."
"A little guy?" Pipes said.
Kennedy wasn't stupid. She saw his eyes narrow, his whole body tauten, his gaze focus on her.
"Yeah. He cut my neck with his fangs, but I did a flip and landed midget-side-down. Then, well -- wooden stakes work a lot better than AK-47s."
"Crunchy," Pipes whispered. "I wondered where he went. He wasn't one of the bodies we found the next day."
"The consensus was that he'd pissed off a vampire someplace," Kennedy said the word without hesitation, "because someone as short as he was would have a hard time feeding on an adult."
"Crunchy was a dwarf, who wore a crucifix around his neck. I heard someone scream, over in his direction, but afterwards, I thought it was him, not someone else. One of the other guys who got out said he thought Crunchy stuck his silver crucifix down one of their throats."
Kennedy grimaced. Way too much information! "That might work," she agreed. And would have really pissed off the vamp with the sore throat, to be sure.
"And you killed him?" Pipes said, his voice low and hard.
"I killed it, not him," Kennedy said, trying to remind him. "It wasn't human any more, he had no more soul than a TV set. It's called 'dusting.' Stick one with a wooden stake in the heart and they turn to a fine dust."
"This is all nice," the old man told her, "but not the issue. Some stupid pacos are the issue." He pointed at Kennedy. "You think you are so smart, so good! Well, it will all be on your shoulders. Talk, tap dance, perform whatever miracles you want. Convince them not to bother me. The first time I'm bothered, threatened, hassled ... or if any of my people are, I'll step on them. Cops or no cops."
He grinned at Kennedy. "Mi casa is mi casa, you understand? Nobody comes into my house and messes with me and mine!"
"I understand."
"So, do you have a plan?" Pipes asked.
"Of course. I'll check out the situation and come up with something that works, once I have a better idea what they're up to."
She smiled at them. "Now, can we get back to the subject of food? I'm a growing girl and need sustenance."
The old man waved at Pipes. "You see to it. Keep her in the restaurant. I have things to do."
Kennedy smiled and thanked him, then sat with Pipes, Fatso and one of the others known as "Pistol" in the restaurant while she had cookies and milk. The cookies were unfamiliar, but tasty. The milk was refreshing.
A little before eleven, they opened the front door of the restaurant and a couple of people came in. They seemed to be well known to the staff and vice-versa, and after a second, Kennedy ignored them.
One of the big guys from the back came up to Pipes and leaned over and whispered in his ear. Pipes nodded, and waved towards the office. "Get the others."
The man nodded and left.
Pipes turned to Kennedy. "Four men of Hispanic appearance are coming down the street, carrying baseball bats."
Kennedy perked up. "Bats? Good! I learned how to play softball this summer. I really don't know much about team sports and I'm always looking to expand my education."
"So, do you have a plan now?" Pipes said, sounding sarcastic.
"Oh yes, baseball bats! Piece of cake! A simple discussion of choices. One from column A, that's me. Six from column B, that's you and yours, all to find out what's behind door number one. No problem!"
She gestured towards the back, where the other four big guys were now visible. "You go over there and I'll work the door."
"This isn't funny," Pipes said. "You make it sound like a joke."
"It's not a joke. I know that," Kennedy told him. "It's brainless, you see? I can say it, but I'm not distracted."
"Well, if nothing else, you can always talk people to death."
Kennedy got up and faced the door. "You see, that's the problem. I can't hurt people, not really. Talk is all I have."
She walked forward and timed it pretty good, standing where the hostess would normally stand. The hostess was at the cash register, without any expression on her face. No doubt remembering the tap on her butt. Kennedy grinned at her. The woman had a cute butt.
The door opened and the four men came in. Three older men, and it was easy to see which was Nita's father. The fourth was a younger man, who had to be Nita's older brother.
"Good morning," Kennedy said cheerfully. "I'd like to talk to you, sir, about your daughter Juanita."
"Get out of the way, girl," he said, hefting his bat. "We have business here."
"You think you have business here. You're wrong about that. I'd like to sit down and talk; maybe you guys would like some coffee? We'll talk about your daughter."
He took a step forward, but Kennedy didn't move. He was now less than a foot away from her. "Move out of the way, girl!"
Kennedy held up her hands. "Are you just brain dead stupid or what? Just what do you expect to find here, eh? You have me and these," she wiggled her hands. "Or those gents, back there," she pointed at Pipes and the others, standing quietly, lined up, silently waiting for events to unfold.
"Those guys each have a 9mm pistol, and if I remember my teacher right, each of those have like fifteen or sixteen bullets in the clip, plus another up the spout. That's like 22 shots at each of you. Now please, let's be sensible. Talk to me. What do you want?"
"A man named Febreeze," Nita's father said.
Kennedy frowned. "Say what?"
"Febreeze. I got a call this guy is protecting the bastard that raped my daughter."
"Sir, do you realize that you were set up? The caller expected you to walk in here, just like you did, and confront Mr. Febreeze. Except, sir, Febreeze is a kind of laundry detergent, not someone's name. The man whose place this is has a totally different name."
She paused for effect. "An Italian name, sir. Think stereotypical Italian."
"If he's the guy protecting the bastard who raped my daughter, he's a dead man."
Kennedy sighed in exasperation. "Sir, you really need to think. Before you get to that man, you'll have to go through me and these." Once more she wiggled her empty hands. "If you get through me, you'll face those rather large gentlemen in the back with the automatic pistols.
"Look, lose the bats. Sit down and we'll talk. If, at the end, you're still upset, you can still get yourself killed, if that's what you want."
He moved, putting the bat on his shoulder. "Get out of the way, girl. We're not here for you."
"Yes, you are. Last warning, sir: use the bat or lose it."
He laughed nastily. The laugh was cut off short when Kennedy punched with her open palm, slamming into the heel of the bat. It shot out of the man's hand and slapped into a drapery, inches from a window.
One of the two uncles started to swing his bat at Kennedy, but the swing was from a bad position and he wasn't swinging very hard. She caught the bulk of the bat with both her hands, twisted and it came free. There was plenty of time for her to use it to meet the second uncle's swing.
She couldn't do much more than push the other bat offline, but like Batsman Number Two, he hadn't swung very hard. Nita's father stepped forward and Kennedy jabbed him in the solar plexus with the heel of the bat, but not very hard. She let the last of the momentum of the move allow her hands to slide along the bat, so she could get a grip at the sweet spot on the bat handle.
Uncle Number Two had wound up for another swing and this time she met power with power. There was a shattering crash as both bats exploded, sending a shower of wooden splinters in all directions. All four men flinched, which let Kennedy turn to Nita's brother.
"Lose the bat." Each word was said with deliberate force, separated by a second or so. When he didn't move right away, Kennedy snapped a kick out, the heel of her boot landing on the small of the bat handle, still hanging limply at the young man's side. It shot out of his hand and ended up inches from his father's.
"Sit!" Kennedy commanded.
Inwardly, she cursed being a woman for the first time, because uncle number one was stepping forward, trying to grapple with her. She dumped him on his ass, then she was behind the three still standing. Two quick punches into the back of the knees put the father and uncle number two on the ground. She stood up and glared at the Nita's brother.
"Maybe you all want to take a few seconds down there on the floor to think," she told them. "I mean, I'm comfortable sitting on the floor, if that's what you want, but most people find chairs a better option."
"What do you want?" growled the patriarch.
"To talk. Are you really as stupid as you seem? I took the four of you. A couple of weeks ago, I got just one of those six guys. Wise up!"
A minute later, she was sitting facing Nita's father. "So, talk!" he said, obviously furious.
"Two things for you to contemplate. Where is your daughter today?"
"She has lost her honor! She's with the church. She will find redemption in Jesus Christ."
"She lost her virginity, sir. A guy leaped out of the bushes and beat her bloody and raped her. He didn't attack her honor -- he attacked her. He didn't hurt her honor -- he hurt her. And you, you stupid moron, what do you think someone being put away like that thinks you've done to them? Do you think she's cheering? Do you think she's happy? Do you seriously think a church is more effective than a loving, caring family of living people to support you?
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The following is the 2nd part of Eye of the Beholder. I have had some very positive feedback on part 1. I hope you enjoy this as much. Please let me know by leaving a review or email me at [email protected] Part 3 will follow shortly. Eye of the Beholder - Part 2 - by: Tanya Grant Consequences: I woke a few hours later, the smell of coffee wafted into the room, as well as toast and eggs. I realised I was starving hungry. I looked around for something to wear, and saw...
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"What a neat little doll, Ashley!", Corrina exclaimed."Where'd you pick it up?" Corrina turned the odd little dollaround into the light to get a better look at it.Ruffling a page in her magazine, Ashley snuffled. "Oh, **that**old thing? I picked it up in Rhodes, on vacation with myfolks. Its older than dinosaur shit, I've been told"."Lemme see it", requested Zenobia, reaching out her hand forthe little statuette. Corrina passed it to her. "It doeslook kinda old", she commented. Ashley's little...
Sex StoryMy boyfriend Ray J had kept in contact with several of his college buddies over the years and they would meet on weekends to do things together. Over the years they began to get pretty competitive with their activities and to add money to their quests. At first it did not concern me as he would loose $25.00 over a weekend or come home a winner with several hundred dollars that he always used to pamper me. However, as their competitiveness continued to increase the losses starting...
91 AVIS AND HER LADYFRIENDS My friend Carol called me up one morning and asked if I would like to meet for some shopping and lunch. Since Jon and I would have the day to ourselves, I agreed and we met at the local mall. Carol approached me and unexpectedly kissed me there in the entrance way to the mall. "Good morning" she said as I looked back in mild shock. "Did I shock you?" she asked. I said I was a bit surprised, but then let it go and off we went shopping. Around noon we stopped at...
This is a story of how CC and H got started. My company had an announcement to make to all the employees and wanted to do it with a picnic. H and I somehow got nominated to put this all together. A few had past and I was really busy again and H was kind of stuck doing most of it . So I decided to talk CC into helping. She is a great planner. H is our office manager and had all of that to deal with to plus she was going through a rough divorce . CC and I have both been down that...
Hello friends my self sanjubaba. I am 23 years old. This is my first story on Indian Sex Stories. For feedback and any girl or aunty wants to have fun mail me at secrecy is guaranteed. About my self I’m 23 year old single guy who enjoys and obsessed to sex.i can satisfy a girls and aunties with my 6.5 inch tool. I live in ahmedabad. Girls and aunties from ahmedabad as well as from other city can contact me for sexual fun. so coming to story during my college time i had many friends who were...
VISIT on to see more top rated stories like theseHI I am Mayank. I am great fan of human digest stories, for many a days I was thinking of sharing my real life experience but was bit hesitant. But today I just want to share my experience so that other readers can get the fun and enjoyment out of it which I got.The incident is about my wife Nyati, she is 24 age perfect figure and nice handful boobs,nice height and can drive any guy crazy by her looks. We are being married 2 yrs...
I sat in class Friday afternoon waiting for the bell to ring. It was sooo boring just sitting here in my last period. I just wanted to get out of there so I could meet up with my two best friends. My best friends names were Daniel and Rachel. Mine is Jason. I had known them since I was 8. I was now 17. Rachel and Daniel were 16. We always hung out with each other after school and I expected today to be just like any other day. Finally the bell rang! I immediately grabbed my books, dashed out...
First TimeReddit FunWithFriends, aka r/FunWithFriends! Is there any sex that’s better than with friends? I’m not talking about the weird sex that ends friendships because the bitch couldn’t compartmentalize and, ‘accept what this was.’ I’m referring to the kind of sex where friends want nothing more than to fuck one another’s brains out, clean up, then go out and grab a beer before going home, taking a giant whiskey dump, then going to sleep. The kind of friend sex where everyone fucks because they want...
Reddit NSFW ListHe called me at around 7:30 PM that night, nothing unusual we had sleep overs quite often. We have been going to high school together for our whole lives, robert and I were the best of friends. We referred to each other as brothers from another mother. We bonded on many levels, especially our crazed teenage hormones. We both were incredibly horny for the most part and jacked off to porn sites 2-3 times a day. We enjoyed talking about fucking the girls in our class or our teachers, anyone who...
IncestIt is the annual alumni reunion event at the Lauderton High School, which they hold in the large gymnasium in the main school building. The events in these stories take place at various times during the evening, and to different characters; they are not chapters of the same story, but a series of separate takes. We are the invisible camera, panning around the scene and then zooming in for a close-up ... TAKE SIX Catherine Rankine had a preoccupied air as she exchanged small talk...
A new story by Tanya Grant - Copyright Tanya Grant 2002. The first part in a new mystery story, look out for parts 2-5, coming soon. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder ? by: Tanya Grant "Blues in Blue" "Ward, get your sorry arse in here!" the Superintendent's bellow echoed around the station. I got up from my desk and shuffled with my head down towards the Super's office. Even without looking I could tell that my fellow officers didn't care a damn what happened to me,...
--- Chapter 1: eyes of the beholder --- Stomp. Stomp. Stomp. The paws echoed over the hardwood floor. Slowly and surely the creature moved towards the wall where a woman dressed in jungle clothing stood still. Watching the creature as it moved itself towards her. Her face appeared to be conflicted with emotions, the curves on her mouth subtle moved in a smile, but her eyes revealed some kind of fear while her eyebrows and cheeks conveyed some form of impression. She lowered...
Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder - Part 4 This is the continuation of Alex Wards undercover operation. Please read parts 1, 2 and 3 first if you are unfamiliar with the story. You will find them on here by searching for stories by Tanya Grant, which was my previous name. This story and it's constituent parts are copyright Penny Gee/Tanya Grant and no reproduction or use outside of those sites given permission to carry is implied or allowed. Please contact [email protected] if...
A couple days ago, my key holder came over for my weekly inspection. I was strung up from hooks in the ceiling. My hands restrained above my head and my legs were spread wide. My key holder expressed her displeasure with me as she picked up a rather large ball gag and forced it deep in my mouth. Then she removed her blouse and bra which then w=exposed the key that was hanging between her luscious breasts. She got down on her knees and unlocked and removed the chastity cage from my manhood.At...
Ok this big nick on a different profile so the older women I walk in to her house and went in to the room were all the noise was coming from and it was her beautiful young daughter playing with a big sexy toy one of the biggest toys I have seen smoking a cigarette the older women walk in and said sorry nick that my daughter Emma she had big tits and was playing with that toy beautiful pussy my dick was hard i want so much to put it in her the older women said come on nick to my room with that...
It's been a while since I've written a new story about my sex life. My ex-girlfriend, Sara, was the inspiration for my previous stories and since then I have started a new relationship with a girl named Megan. She's 27-years-old, with light brown hair, has an extremely cute smile, a perfect body with natural D cup breasts and an ass that is a perfect heart shape. You’ll have to watch the video on my profile to see what I mean. This story is one hundred percent real except for the names.The...
Wife LoversLast fall, when I was starting my graduate studies at NYU film school, I found myself sexually frustrated and unhappy with the guys I was meeting. The sex was OK, but nothing really special. I think that's kind of understandable because, after all, we were mostly all in our early 20s and not very experienced. Plus, if I was to be really honest, the guys I met (and I include myself here) were kind of immature and unworldly. We barely knew who we were, let alone capable of thoughtful, meaningful...
(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Two: Older Sister's Punishment By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Carmelita Campo Such rage surged through me at my little sister. That fucking dyke-slut thought she could set me up. That she could get that asshole Clint and his skanks to film me, make it look like I was raping my sister instead of putting the little lesbian-whore in her place. I knew she wanted to lick my pussy. Like all the other...
You ask me how I became the sex slave of a much older woman? Honestly, I think you're asking the wrong question, if you don't mind me saying? What you should be asking me is how it took so long?Because some things are more of an inevitability than a random occurrence. Like water flowing downhill or a meteorite falling to earth, the path that I found myself walking during that endless, warm summer was one that had only one destination, only one outcome. I knew it as soon as I started down that...
After I lost my virginity, I thought I knew it all, as far as sex was concerned, but I was wrong. I still really didn't have a clue about sex until I made it with the older woman. She wasn't older like, a lot, lot older, she was only three years older than I, but in terms of knowing about sex and how to really enjoy it, she was light years ahead of me. But, yes, I was eager, very eager, to learn from her and yes, she was a wonderful teacher. It might be hard to call a woman thats only three...
(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter One: Little Sis Pays the Price By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Clint Elliston I had my queen and my concubine perched on my naked thighs, both girls nude, their pussies hot and juicy on my flesh as they squirmed, their arms around my neck, and their breasts thrust right into my face. Both of their nipples were hard and beading with that creamy treat—breast milk. They were the first mothers of my...
There have been stories in the news recently about the importance of kids having stable homes with loving mothers and fathers. I was blessed with just such a home, except that my parents are both very busy with their careers and related social events with other adults and had little time for me. I know that I'm loved, but not enough for them to pay much attention to my personal life.My name is Tori, and I was sixteen years old when my parents moved to Portland, Oregon so they could accept their...
TeenFictional story. I'm from germany, please take that into account while reading my english story ;-)So this would be the place where I would have sex with a man for the first time I thought, while entering the weekend house of Frank, the old man, who I met on the internet…But let’s start from the beginning. I am a 25 year old student who loves girls, especially when I see a hot girl on the street I instantly think about what I would do with her. But for a while, I think about having sexual...
I’ve always been a big fan of older women big time. Lovely curvy, attractive, sexy older women I don’t know but it’s something about the way some of them walk and carry themselves. I can’t take my eyes off them, I’ve worked in offices with older women and it often drives me crazy with desire. It still does to this day. A few weeks my company had a get together party. Soon I started talking to a woman that I’d never seen before. She was friendly and chatty and was easy to get along with. Her...
This is a story of how I began my first affair with an older man when I was eighteen years old and how I came to find myself attracted to older men instead of boys my own age. My name is Cecilia and I was born in Okinawa, Japan but adopted by a white American couple from Charleston, South Carolina when I was seven months old. My adoptive parents are great. My mother could never have children so they adopted me and I could not have wished for better parents. I grew up rather privileged, not...
MatureTitle: Me And My Older Brother Please note if you want fiction then look elsewhere... I have been sexually active since a very young age. I have so many stories the only limit is time to get them typed up to submit. Very few of my actions can be called NON perverted. One thing is I have never forced anyone to do anything they did not want. I on the other hand have been coerced into doing things. Nothing I ever regretted for sure. I was 14 my brother was 2 years older than me. Up until now...
Introduction: The Thai girl find new love and friendship from 3 fat older men. The Fat Older Men Change The life is so terribly for Nun, the 29 year old Thai girl whos living in Great Britain. Last year she worked in a Thai restaurant and met the young black stud who said he loved her with a true heart and promised many things to her. Everything looked so perfect at that time. Now shes jobless, and thats not the worst part, when she got back to her BFs flat from job seeking she found him...
That afternoon I came back home early from work and found my sweet wife was not there yet. I called Ana and she sounded tired as she told me that she was still at her office. Ana had just returned that same morning from a quick business trip and her computer and luggage were still in the living room.I was having a snack at the kitchen and needed to check my mail; but instead of going upstairs to my computer, I just opened Ana's. I opened up the internet browser and it resumed Ana's last...
I am 58 years old married with a very good sex life. Well I think I have a very good sex life and getting better all the time. My wife whom I love dearly gave me the green light to fuck around as long as I am careful, don't get caught by friends or relatives and don't fuck with anyone she knows. She to has the green light and fucks a friend at work but he doesn't know that I know he fucks her. She tells me how open she gets with him and does thinks that she could never do with me, like pee...
Thousands of times a week my eyes fall on the picture I have of you on my wall. You are such a precious person to me. Your beauty is far more than skin deep. Each time I activate my cell phone, your smiling face greets me and I feel better, no matter what problems I may be facing. I close my eyes and can visualize you naked. Your body excites me like no other. You have fulfilled my wishes for happiness and I long for you to again quench the fire of my lust that rages within my soul. Fire...
As a college student at the time living on my own for the first time i was enjoying my new freedom and exploring my sexual side freely for the first time. I had rented out a guest house fro the shool year for a very kind man. He was a widower in his late 60’s. My rent was cheap and if i ever had a problem he was right there to help me out. Many nights when i had nothing to do we would have dinner together and enjoy conversation. One night after dinner and drinks durning conversation he made the...
Introduction: Hazel meets her OlderMaster Once upon a time in a small little town lived a petite little girl who had just turned 18. Blonde golden locks with a strawberry tint, light green eyes, standing barely 5 foot and only 100 pounds, Hazel was a nerdy awkward girl that didnt realize how hot she was. Living with her grandparents because her parents never learned to grow up and partied very hard. Hazel at a young age was exposed to everything under the sun will her grandparents came in at 15...
The morning after it happened, I got up, went to class, went to the gym, had lunch, went to class again. It was a completely normal day. It wasn’t until I was halfway through my studio class later that afternoon that I heard the little voice in my head....what the hell did I do last night?I pushed the voice aside and focused on my painting. My edges were coming together, but I still wasn’t happy with the red. Too bright, too lively, too…...I’m not the kind of girl that does things like that...I...
MasturbationJosh Ruben was a man who liked to dally with women, particularly married women. He was not a man for a long term serious relationship, he like variety in his sexual encounter and he like women who already knew what they were doing in bed, and did not expect him to marry them, at least most of the time. They knew how to fuck, how to suck, and how to make themselves cum. Josh enjoyed making other men cuckolds, he like to fuck their wives, and he liked it even better when they knew it and could...
Hi Honey, This needs to be short cuz I need meet him soon.This morning I woke up with feeling horny and sexy. I look at my lover besides me who is sleeping well. He shorter than you and couple inches taller of me and is older and has not much hair. But he is so nice and strong in sex too. We fit good together on bed. I remove his blanket and go down to tease his sleeping dick. He notices that I am caressing his dick so he moans then spread his legs widely commanding me to continue what I...
We left the park and drove to his house which was very nice.I knew he was wealth when he picked up due to his car was new jag. He fixed me drink and we sat on his couch and kissed and made out an heavy petting.He kissed my neck driveing me nuts as he did I rubbed his cock thru his pants which was hard.He asked me if he had gone to far I said to him if you did I would have stopped him. I asked him how far did he want to go and he said it was up to me.I looked at him an gave him kiss an asked...
It was just a normal friday day so I went to the store to buy some food for the week.I wore a jean mini skirt and pink t-shirt and tan pantyhose with my 3"heels and make up and all. As I made my way down thru the ailse I notice a older tall gray haired slim man following me.Well I gave him a couple bending over shots and eye contact.I made my way to the check out an seen him in other line.I finshed checking out when I got outside to load my bags in my car he was parked next to me.He spoke to me...