Violated Heroine
- 1 year ago
- 31
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Slowly Suzanne opened her eyes and gazed around her bedroom. She stretched her arms above her head and yawned. The early morning light filtered through the blinds, casting a soft glow around her. For a split second she began to smile, looking forward to another day; then the memory of the experiences with Donald and Ted came flooding back, swamping out the happy anticipation and replacing it with a tide of renewed horror.
With great care, she lowered her hands to her crotch and felt her mound, probing inside with her fingers where the still-tender folds of flesh told her it had not been a dream. Her finger touched her clitoris, and a hot sea of sensuality swept over her, reminding her of Ted's penis as it penetrated her. She touched her clitoris again, and once more the feeling gushed through her loins. She really wasn't hurt, she told herself.
With a sigh, she relaxed, letting her fingers coax her sexuality into a rising wave of ecstasy. Slowly she gripped the shaft of her clitoris, massaging the end with her fingers while her passions rose, and she began moving her hips slowly, her mind filled with the memory of Ted's swollen organ plunging in and out of her vagina.
With her other hand she caressed her stomach, sliding up to her breasts and tweaking the nipples gently, bringing them to a state of erection, their hard little nubs so sensitive as her fingers brushed over them. She drew saliva from her mouth and rubbed around her nipples, making them slick and reminding her of the hungry mouth that had enclosed them and the ravenous tongue that flicked back and forth, exciting her beyond words.
In her mind she recalled the heavy breathing, the excited hiss of his words as he muttered obscene comments on their union, and with each "Fuck me, fuck me," she found her loins quivering with additional eroticism as her finger rubbed quicker and quicker around her clitoris. Her hips were moving faster now up and down, just the way they had when she finally began getting with it and knew that Ted's massive phallus was the first thing that had really brought her knowledge of true satisfaction, a mind-blasting experience that shattered all her previous ideas of ultimate ecstasy. Yes, she thought, it is good, this is what I've always wanted; I've wanted to be taken, to be ravished, to feel a man on top of me, doing whatever he wanted with my body, giving himself all the sensations he could get from her hot, snapping cunt that clung greedily around that magnificent shaft as it slid into her, fitting so perfectly all the way into her vagina, its flat, wide head titillating the opening of her womb.
Her fingers pinched harder at her nipples, and her fingers pushed deeper into her canal, and in her mind it was Ted's organ there, propelling her faster and faster towards her own climax. She felt her insides begin to convulse, and her body was no longer heaving but trembling, shaking from head to toe, and she stifled the urge to scream out at the top of her voice, "Fuck me, you big- cocked stud, give it all to me, every goddamn inch of that big thick wonderful thing, jam it right up my cunt as far as you can and shoot your jism into me!"
She saw Ted's face above hers, and heard once more the giggling of his brother, his face glued between her legs, watching every movement while his hand manipulated his own throbbing cock. She could almost swear she could smell his earthy, male odor around her, filling her nostrils with extra stimulation. Then she felt her vagina quiver with its final orgasm, and her finger seized her clitoris as her other hand squeezed her breast and she felt her juices flowing and she cried out softly, moaning and twisting on the bed as she felt herself being lifted high up on a cloud of heavenly ecstasy. Then, just as she felt she had reached the peak of her climax, she heard a voice, "Suzanne... please... please..." and in her mind she saw the outline of a penis in the dim moonlight, and it was Sam's voice ringing in her brain. Her mouth opened and she screamed out, "Sam... Sam." Then all images disappeared from her imagination, and she opened her eyes to see the sun streaming through the venetian blinds, striping the carpet with a bright glare. She withdrew her hand from beneath the sheet and stared at her fingers, still slick with the juices from her vagina. With a shudder she threw back the covers and walked quickly to the bathroom, turning on the shower and stepping into the stinging spray even before it had warmed up. She closed her eyes and stood, her skin flinching beneath the chilly stream, and only opened her eyes again as the warm water began. In the distance she heard the clatter of heels on the stairs, and from below on the street the scream of tires mingled with the blast from a car horn. As she stepped out of the shower and began toweling herself, she bit her lip and once again pictured Sam's face before her. "Oh, Sam," she whispered, "Where are you, where are you?"
Suzanne found it difficult to concentrate on her classes that day. Mechanically she went through the motions of greeting her friends, of taking notes, of listening to her instructors, and eating a steerburger and a Coke at Verne's for lunch. Yvonne was in the bar, playing pool with Jeff, a young medical student whose youth and virile appeal had given him quite a reputation around town as being a ladies' man. Suzanne watched them both as they pranced around the pool table, Jeff exhibiting a boyish enthusiasm for his prowess and Yvonne doing her best Bette Davis impersonation as she studied each shot before lowering her practiced eye to the pool cue and sent the ball lazily across the green felt. Suzanne watched, thinking how their way of playing matched their personalities. Jeff took a few seconds to decide, then shot fast and hard, and usually made the pocket he aimed for; he probably picked his sleeping partners the same way, Suzanne thought. Yvonne took her time, considered all the angles, and then played slow and safe, her ball usually trickling across the table and dropping in the pocket almost as its momentum ran out. But then Yvonne was probably quite a bit older than Jeff; or would it be better to say Jeff was quite a bit younger than Yvonne? What difference did it make? It's not the age of your men, Yvonne had said once, but how well they can age you. Suzanne wondered how many years Jeff had put on Yvonne since they had met. She knew they had been going together, at least that's what the campus gossip had said. But then Jeff went with just about anyone; rumor had it he had donated his penis to the Smithsonian Institute upon his death to be enshrined as a national monument. After all, there were still quite a number who hadn't seen it, let alone had the pleasure of its company. Penis... cock... Suzanne shook her head and tried to finish her steerburger, but found herself chewing without enjoyment; tasting without taste. She pushed the plate away in disgust, staring at the meat between the bun and again remembering another piece of meat she had chewed on, a hard, throbbing member with a broad flat head, and again Ted's obscene words rang in her ears.
Yvonne's husky guffaw echoed through the bar, and Jeff threw the pool cue on the floor. His explosive "Shit!" caused several customers to turn, look and grin. The regulars at Verne's were well used to Yvonne's prowess at the pool table; her feigned concentration and naive approach concealed a pool shark from way back. She picked up her glass of beer and sashayed up to Suzanne.
"Well, darling, did you see, did you see?" she gloated, and then as Jeff walked up behind her, his handsome face frowning, she added, "You're really not mad at me, are you, baby?"
Jeff grinned at Suzanne, and slumped into a chair, sucking his teeth. "Mad? At you?" He grunted, and winked at Suzanne. "It'll take more than a pool game to get me mad."
Yvonne laughed loudly again, drained her glass, and rummaged in her oversized purse for a cigarette.
"Well, you two be good," she said. "I have to run. See you later."
Suzanne sat, toying with her glass of Coke, conscious that Jeff's eyes were fastened on her. Finally she looked at him almost defiantly.
"Well, what?" he countered.
"I know you've been staring at me."
"Sure. I always stare at groovy chicks."
Suzanne flushed.
"I am not a groovy chick," she snapped, sorry for her words the moment she uttered them; she knew she sounded pompous and puritanical.
Jeff laughed and stood up.
"You said it," he murmured, and wandered off back into the pool table area of the bar.
Suzanne bit her lip and wanted to burst into tears. She knew how idiotic she must have sounded; but she couldn't help it. She was conscious of his sexuality across the table; she was aware of his reputation, and something in her responded. She knew that she wanted him, she wanted to find out if those rumors about his penis size were true, she wanted him to fuck her. Fuck... Fuck... yes, she wanted that. She wanted him to...
With a toss of her head, she rose and made her way quickly out of the bar, knowing that if she stayed she might either burst into tears or spend the afternoon, get drunk and go home with Jeff and...
Her mind was a mixture of frustration and self-loathing as she walked up Woodward Avenue and turned down Forest Avenue to the campus, suddenly realizing that unless she hurried she would be late for her sociology class. Damn. What was wrong with her today? She knew what was wrong, and the slight tenderness in her crotch reminded her with every step she took. Oh, God, what if those little bastards came back?
She sat through class hardly hearing a word, her mind filled with the memory of the night before. Ted's words again rang in her ears: "You're a good lay. Good enough for a second helping." Did he mean that, or was he just trying to scare her? She finally decided he was only trying to frighten her enough to keep her mouth shut; obviously they wouldn't be back. It had been one of those rare opportunities, and even they would realize that she wouldn't even open the door to them again. So it was just an experience; and even though her ravenous mounting sexuality kept hinting that it had been wonderful, that she had felt it was something she would want again and again, she deeply regretted that it hadn't been Sam who bad been the first. She had always wanted to go to her marriage bed a virgin; now it was impossible. She'd have to make up some story for Sam; maybe she could tell him she'd done a lot of horseback riding and broken her hymen that way. Or maybe at gym class, or riding a bicycle. No, he'd never believe that. Or would he? She knew Sam loved her; at least, she felt he did. Oh, please, let him love me. I need him so much. Sam... Sam...
"Suzanne, is something wrong?"
She looked up to see her instructor standing next to her, a look of concern on his kindly face. She started, and then realized the class was empty, and she had been sitting there, tears streaming down her face, unaware that the others had left. Embarrassedly she wiped her cheeks, tried to smile, and stumbled to her feet.
"No, no, nothing," she said quietly. "I'm all right. Honest. I was just..." She paused, and then fled from the room.
She hurried back to the apartment, and climbed the stairs with her pulse racing. She knew Donald and Ted would be waiting outside her door; she knew it. She stared as she turned the top of the stairs and saw the empty hallway. With a sigh of relief, she unlocked the door, entered, and locked it behind her; then she collapsed into a chair and sobbed for ten minutes.
She finally composed herself, went to the bathroom and washed her face. She stared at herself in the mirror and tried to smile. She was being ridiculous, she knew; nothing could change what had happened, and she was just thankful that she had not suffered any grievous harm. She remembered reading of rape cases where the woman was beaten, her face scarred and her body slashed; at least all they did was have their way sexually, and looking back, she knew it hadn't been as bad as she had thought at the time. She knew she had enjoyed it, really and truly enjoyed the act; but then she knew that was only normal. After all, what girl wouldn't enjoy having intercourse with a young man as well endowed as Ted? Any young man, for that matter.
She patted her face dry, put on some lipstick, combed her hair, and decided that she was feeling much better. She went into the living room, got out her notes, and began studying.
She had her writings about the family she had been studying, Donald's family, Ted's family; oh, God, how could she possibly continue on that subject? Every time she thought about it, she would remember. Maybe the best thing would be to destroy that project and start another. There were plenty of families in the area that she could investigate without being plagued with unpleasant memories.
She was just about to rip the pages into pieces and put them in the wastebasket when she heard the sound of footsteps on the stairs and her heart jumped. She knew those footsteps; they had the youthful ring of a young boy, and she knew it could only be Donald. Petrified, she froze at the desk, waiting.
The footsteps grew louder, and then stopped outside her door. A second later, the gentle knock sounded like a thunderclap to her ears. She dropped her pencil and whirled around in her chair, facing the door. Her heart was beating unnaturally loud, and her hands began to tremble. She knew if she remained quiet, he would probably go away; but what if he had been watching the building and had seen her come in? What if he knew she was there? He might continue banging on her door and there might be a scene, and he might say something which... Oh, God.
"Who is it?" Her voice was nervous and quavering.
There was a second of silence, and then she heard Donald's voice.
"It's me, Donald. I want to talk to you."
"Go away."
"Please, Suzanne. I have to talk to you. It's important."
What on earth could there be so important to this boy? She knew it was a trick to get her to open the door.
"Donald, you go away and leave me alone or I'll call the police."
She heard him laugh softly.
"You wouldn't do that; you know that. Come on, I mean it, Suzanne. I got something to tell you."
She rose from the desk and walked over to the door, pausing a moment, her handle on the knob. She could hear his heavy breathing on the other side.
"What is it? You can tell me from there."
"No, I want to come in and talk to you. I want to tell you how sorry I am about what happened."
There was a note of contrition in his voice, and she pictured his fresh, youthful face, his large innocent eyes. Maybe he did want to talk; maybe he was sorry.
"All right, Donald, but if there's any trouble, I'm going to call the police. I mean it."
There was a click as she unlocked the door, turned the handle and pulled. Donald was standing outside, and as their eyes met, she saw that he must be sorry; there was an expression of abject sorrow on his young face.
"Come in."
Slowly he walked in; she shut the door, and stood staring at him, somewhat defiantly. He shifted from one foot to the other awkwardly, and grinned at her.
"Well, what do you want to talk about, Donald?"
He moved over to the couch and looked at her.
"You mind if I sit down?"
She shook her head and walked over to the large chair and slowly sat down, staring at him curiously.
"I want to say I'm sorry about yesterday," Donald began, looking down at the floor, and playing with his hands. "It was Ted, you know that, don't you? He's a real horny one, and once he gets going, nothing stops him."
Suzanne sniffed. "Obviously you've been with him before when he's..." She paused, not wanting to say the words.
He nodded. "Sure. We've screwed girls together before, but he always starts it. He's been around longer'n I have, and I really don't think about it as much as he does. He told me that's all he likes to do: fuck girls. I guess he does it every day."
"And what about you?"
Donald grinned. "I do it now and then, when I can."
"When you can," Suzanne repeated the words, her voice dripping sarcasm. "Why don't you admit you screw around just as much as your brother? I've heard stories, and I think they're true. All you kids in this neighborhood do is screw. No wonder there are so many little bastards running around."
She amazed herself at the venom in her voice. But she felt if she showed him she was still angry, he might not try anything; or did she really want him to try something again?
Donald looked up at her and smiled.
"I know you're mad, and I don't blame you. But I did want you to know I still like you a lot, and I'm sorry. Can we still be friends? Can I still come up and help you sometimes?"
Suzanne's eyes widened.
"Still be friends? What do you mean? You're goddamn lucky I haven't called the police and had you and you brother thrown in jail. No, Donald, I think you'd better leave now, and don't bother to come back."
Donald's eyebrows rose slightly, and his mouth curled into a sneer.
"Don't be that way, Suzanne. I said I was sorry."
"Well, saying you're sorry doesn't help any. And I know if you keep coming around, maybe your brother will, too, and then..." Suzanne's words trailed off, and she became conscious of Donald's gaze, shifting from her face down to her breasts and over her body. She could sense the aura of desire in his manner, and she recognized the look on his face. "Donald, I mean it. I want you to go now."
His eyes came back and fastened on hers, very steadily. It was a most mature look for a young boy, and a very knowing look.
"You don't want me to go, you know that, Suzanne. And I don't want to. I want to stay here with you." He rose quickly and came across, kneeling in front of her, and staring up at her earnestly. "Please, Suzanne, I like you a lot, I really do. I don't want you to think I'm real bad or anything." He put out his hand and touched hers.
Suzanne felt a prickle of apprehension, but at the same time she felt a demanding warmth flood her groin. The boy's closeness, his sexuality, his earnestness, all combined to arouse her and bring back the memory of the day before, not with shame or fear, but with perverse desire. She remembered his penis, jutting out from his pants, almost as large as his brother's.
"Donald." Her voice was weak, and she began trembling. "Donald, please go. Now."
His hand gripped hers more strongly, and his other hand came up on her knee.
"Suzanne, I don't want to go. Please let me stay here."
With a sudden movement, he raised up, brought his head forward, and kissed her on the lips before she could move away. The softness of his skin against hers, his male animal smell, his forceful approach, all this and much more swept the final vestige of resistance away. She didn't have to say anything; the boy knew.
Still on his knees, he put his arms around her shoulders and pulled her to him, embracing her and kissing her passionately, his tongue forcing itself between her lips. She felt the sensuous warmth of his chest against her breasts and his hands gripping her tightly. His mouth rubbed back and forth over her own, and she felt her passions rising to fever pitch. Desperately, she broke away.
"No, Donald, no. This is ridiculous."
He looked at her for a moment, his mouth quivering.
"Ridiculous? Ain't nothin' ridiculous about me wanting you. I want some of the same stuff Ted got yesterday." His eyes flamed, and he bent his head down to hers, forcing his mouth against her lips and pushing her head back violently while his hands held her tightly. Suzanne felt a wave of nausea rise, to be quickly replaced by her bubbling desire, the slow surge of wetness in her vagina and the trembling in her loins. Oh, God, it was going to happen again; she mustn't let it. She mustn't. But stronger than that, her sexuality screamed out: Yes, yes, I want it, I want this boy with his strong, pulsating cock pushed right up into me. I want it.
Desperately she beat on his back with her fists, and then realized how strong he was. His muscular arms held her firmly, and his chest was pushing against her breasts, rubbing her nipples into hardness. Finally he released her and stared into her eyes with a mixture of warmth and defiance.
"Okay, who's kidding who?" he said softly, taking her hand and pulling it down to his crotch where his rising hardness told her he was almost ready; and within her heart, she knew she was never more ready.
His fingers caressed her breast, and she sat immobile, hardly believing what was happening, and numbly aware that her own desires were screaming out for the same thing he was after.
"You gonna get undressed so we can do it proper?"
The impact of his words brought her plummeting back to reality. She stared at him for a second, and then quickly pushed him backwards and rose to her feet, making a rush for the front door. Her hand was on the handle when she felt his fingers close around her ankle and jerk her backwards viciously. She tripped and fell, breaking her fall with her arm. A stab of pain shot through her, and she whimpered.
He was on top of her in a flash, and his weight pinned her down. His mouth began biting her neck and her ears while his hips ground his hardening sex into her. Through their clothes she could feel its demanding pressure against her vulva.
"Donald, please, please, oh, God, no, not again."
He laughed softly and then rolled off her, staring into her eyes with an expression which she took to be a marginal glimmer of tenderness.
"You know you want it, baby, just like I do. Quit horsing around. We don't have time for all that shit."
"What do you mean, we don't have time?"
There was something in his tone that made her instantly suspicious.
"We don't have time. I have to get home."
"Well, go, then. Go now, and leave me alone."
His hand shot out and slid up the inside of her thigh, and his fingers poked through her underwear into her canal. Electric tingles suffused her body, and she shuddered.
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This story took place the summer that I turned 18. I had been a cheerleader for the last three years of high school. My body was toned and I always would lay out in my tiny bikini and tan. I have blonde hair and emerald green eyes. My 34b breasts are very perky and my nipples have a mind of their own, getting hard for no apparent reason. The girls on my cheerleading squad nicknamed me RT. I think that my best attribute is my firm little behind. It has a nice little wiggle to it as I walk and it...
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My name is Michael. I am an athletic, 42 year-old, divorced father who has sole custody of my 13 year-old son, Ryan. I also was blessed with a 12 inch cock! My wife ran out on me, about two years ago, leaving me with a pile of unpaid bills, a huge mortgage, an unsatisfied sex drive and a very unhealthy attitude about women. Last night I went to my son's middle-school for a parent/teacher conference. It seems my son is failing english and his english teacher wanted to meet with me about it. I...
BDSMI took off my clothes as I walked into my room, stripping to my underwear before I turned off the light. I always liked the feeling of going to sleep naked, even in the winter - i loved the feeling of my own cool smooth skin, even if I had a bunch of heavy blankets on. As I slipped into bed, I flicked away some of my brown hair. My parents had never allowed me to do anything like having a boyfriend, but I had always had my little fantasies. I thought of how in this first year of living away...
FantasyThe next morning, I was determined to put an end to what had happened. I showered, got dressed in my usual waitress atire, put on my nametag, and then went to wake up Dillon. I stormed right into his room, shaking him angrily."Up! Wake up!""Huh? Oh, hey, Mom. Time for a quickie?"I scowled. "Take a shower and then come have breakfast. We need to talk.""Uh-oh. Grounded again?""You wish."I stormed off and went into the kitchen, making a couple of fried eggs and throwing them on a plate with some...
I was walking down the hall when I saw the room I wanted. ‘Yup, this is her room’. It was 2 in the afternoon and I saw her go into her room earlier. I reached back and kicked in the door and was greeted with a scream. Yup, Taylor Swift was standing in front of me. She had on a little black tank top with a black skirt that was just above her knees. I closed the door and locked it as she came running over towards me. I reached into my pocket and pulled out the gun I was carrying and pointed it at...
I have been home from work for over an hour; I lift my head from the brief that I have been reading by the light of a desk-lamp. The room is full of shadows. I look at the antique clock on the mantle and see it is approaching eight o'clock and I look over at the window; it is dark out. I close the file on my desk and then close the curtains in the study. I go from room to room closing all of the curtains, double checking to make sure there isn't a chink or breach in any of the curtains that...
He popped the window, open as he had thought. Sliding slowly thru he felt his knife catch on the window sill, He reached back and un hooked him self, he was now inside of the house. So many nice thing he could steal if that was his goal, but he wasn't here for theft. There was a fire in his pants that only a warm pussy could cure. He walked through the house and found the one bed room. The door wide open. He peered in and saw a pretty young women asleep in her bed, little did she realize the...
I’ve just had the best weekend away in the caravan and I ended up fucking another club member when I was there, she was with her husband in their motor home and both of them were retired.I arrived at the rugby field at Ambleside in the Lake District just after the weekend rally had started and with being a Thursday, I had the pick of the field. I was by myself as the wife could not get time off work and pitched the caravan so the awning was next to the hedge for privacy, it wasn’t long before a...
bisexual threesome – mfm – suck husband's cock – woman loves bisexual men – multiple orgasms – sharing semen – sensuous bi seduction – bi couple seduces – bisexual initiationAn open-minded young man is introduced to bisexuality by a sensuous couple I was 29, and still recovering from my fiancée's breaking up with me. I hadn't dated in many months and found it difficult to motivate myself to get out of the house, so when I saw an ad for a weekend seminar on personal goal-setting, it sounded like...
Please give me the support of your vote. * Ginny takes Jerry home to Boston At 7:45 pm Ginny proceeded to walk down Clarendon Street from the YWCA to Newbury Street in the heart of the Back Bay of Boston. Even though Boston was a big city, the city felt small. She walked half the length of Clarendon Street nearly from the South End to three blocks within the Charles River. Within sight of the Western Hotel and the Copley Square library on her left, she walked by the Copley Square Hotel and...
Wanting more and never being satisfied,I began exploring other avenues to achieve orgasmic pleasure. One day I came across a paperback book, "Pretty boys in panties." I had never been so aroused. The more I read, the more stiff my little prick became. At one point,all I did was touch myself and I erupted in my shorts. I had to find some panties of my own. Living with my Grandparents and my sister,I searched the hamper and found two pairs, one satin the other white cotton with little pink...
"I hate you," she hissed."Liar," he growled, nipping her ear. "The soaked panties in my pocket indicate otherwise. The same panties that, may I remind you, you willingly handed over. Besides, you know you want me just as badly as I want you.""Willingly?" she snorted. "I don't recall having much of a choice.""There's always a choice, my dear.""Fuck you!""That can be arranged, but only after I've thoroughly fucked you, Bella.""I've asked you not to call me that. I'm not your...
ReluctanceBY Docker5000 Carol Newport was just leaving her office to go home, when she got a telephone call from her sister Tricia. Tricia told her that her husband’s mother; had been rushed into hospital and they were on their way to go and see how she was. Because they did not know how bad she was they did not want to take Jonathan their son with them and could he please stay with her for the weekend and they would pick him up if everything went to plan Monday morning. Carol was a little...
Javon's parents sold a company that they had started and built for years. They are now wealthy, but still want to live a normal life. He is their only child who was born later in their lives. Although spoiled as a child, his parents raised him to be a responsible adult. He and his family moved to Miami to escape the cold Chicago winters. Javon's first week was spent at a hotel right across the street from South Beach.Javon's first sexual experience was with a woman named Josie and her...
MILFBy : Shabab Dear readers this is my first story in ISS. If there any mistake please pardon me.This is a true story of my life.This incident happened two months ago with one of my paternal cousin who is also my sister in law iImean she is one of my cousin’s wife.Her name is beena.I am Shabab 25 years old and studying in MBA.Beena is 27 years old and She is married for the last 3 years and still take no child yet. My cousins I mean beena’s husband name is Saiful and have a business of export and...
She walked slowly into the room as she placed her collar around her neck, her heart beating fast, knowing that he was waiting for her. "You're late," he snapped. "I'm sorry, I lost track of time," she stammered. A long moment of silence passed before he finally spoke. "So not only are you late, you no longer know how to address me either?" She looked away as she realized her error. "I'm sorry, Master." she said quietly. "You seem to be saying alot of that lately," he responded. She stayed...
Hi all I am a regular reader of ISS, after reading the stories on ISS, I always regretted of not getting chance to have some sex experience and sex partner and always waited for some encounter to occur so that I could share it with all lovely readers… This true incident occurred just last month when my mil gave me her beautiful body to me as a birthday gift. readers this is my 1st story on ISS. I just got married last year and I have a very gorgeous mil with height 5’6”, fair, long brown hairs...
IncestCord Bannister had a surprise for America. While the nation went crazy with the buying and selling of robots and using them in more mechanical jobs, his research went off in a slightly different direction. Cord was the son of a famous biologist at Harvard-West, and when he brought his project to Nelson Harper, Nelson listened. The Smart Suit idea, like the robot idea, was a project whose time had come - which meant that it should've been invented years ago if most corporations weren't so...
Plunged into darkness, Christian felt greatly out of sorts when suddenly the warmth of the sun played across his face and arms. It was a gentle touch, quite unexpected as moments before he had been sitting in the basement of Philip parent's home. However, a blood-curdling scream shattered those pleasant but somewhat muddled thoughts. "Oh my God! What happened to me?" an obviously female voice screamed once more, followed by loud sobbing. In his wildest imagination, what Christian...
I had my arms wrapped around his corded thighs, my nose buried in his tightly coiled pubes, gazing up him as I sucked his cock. He palmed my head like a basketball with his huge chocolate colored hand, treating me like I was one of his pit bull pups as his breathing quickened. A throaty grunt was all the warning he gave me as several bursts of thick cum filled hit the back of my throat. I swallowed it all down, my eyes never leaving his face, enjoying the slack look that was all he could manage...
Group SexI put all the boys in the rubber jock and told Juicy, Bunny and Greedy to fill theirs. None of them had any problem with the instruction - in fact they all seemed pleased with the idea. I told the rest of the boys to use Hunk, Juicy, Bunny and Greedy for relief. I wanted all four pre-loaded since I knew they were scheduled for overnight. I beat my own record, and fucked at the boys at least once before lunch. None were long fucks - just quick bangs in corners or a few group moments back in...
You know my friends used to say I was a real bad ass in high school. Probably cause of all the times I used to fight any one who crossed me or cause of the way I’d always smart off to the teachers. I tell you that so you can get a better understanding of the story I’m bout to tell you. It was my Senior Year. And I was flunkin’ only one class (surprisingly). It was English. Ms. Hannah was the teacher. And man, she was a blonde bomb shell. She musta stood at least 5 foot 9. She was 36 years...
I was born into an affluent family, one of 3 sons and 2 daughters to the CEO of one of the oldest and largest British Columbia based oil companies, a position he’d inherited from his father who had inherited it from his father before and so on. We lived in a mansion on the North Shore on one of the most exclusive streets on the Lower Mainland and attended the most prestigious school in Vancouver. After high school I attended medical school at Harvard in the US before returning to Vancouver,...
I'm about 6'2", 225, graying hair, fair looks and my cock is an even seven inches when hard.My step sister Jessica, a buxom girl (36C), is maybe around 130, which is not bad. She had light brown hair to her shoulder blades, very busty and she was really cute. To be honest, she slightly resembled Traci Lords in the face and hair department.We ended up alone one Saturday night when our Dad went away on a fishing trip, and Mom decided to spend the night with our Grandma. I remember it was a stormy...
TabooIn the 90s I had 2 close friends that attended different high schools. Bobby went to my school and Lee went to a school across town. It seemed like every week on of them would come over the the other the following day or night. My step dad worked out of town and my mom work an evening shift so we would have the house to ourselves most of the time. They liked coming to my place because my step dad had a huge collection of porn mags and VHS. We would watch porn or flip thru the mags then...
I couldn’t believe that my affair with Alison was going to happen. It really wasn’t an affair. It was sex. Here was a deep voiced, blue eyed, beautiful, prim and proper yet athletic Southern Belle willing to spread her legs for me. How did we go from normal neighbors with kids and spouses to planning a secret primal rendezvous? The night after our talk when she agreed to go through with it was difficult. Or I should say it was hard. She agreed to have illicit sex in a hotel. My mind was in...
CheatingJennie walked into the alcove just as Arlene sat in her father's lap. When the kiss was over, the young wife stood, her eyes locked with Jeff's. "There's a suite right there," she said, pointing vaguely. Diana came to her feet. "I think that's a wonderful idea." Jeff grinned as he stood, "Well, it's not as if I'm going to complain." The Queen walked behind, a smile on her face, as Jeff, with Jennie on one side and Arlene on the other, their arms around the Prime, started for...
He pushes her up against the wall, encircling her stomach with his strong hands which slowly stretches up toward her breasts. She lets out an involuntary moan and he pushes his manhood against her. His warm lips float down her neck, leaving a trail of goose bumps. Not being able to bear any more of this sweet torture, he grabs her butt and lifts her to the bedroom. But they don’t make it there. With all their frantic kissing and touching the best bet was the kitchen counter. Laying her...
It’s been a couple weeks since Judy and I initially hooked up. Things between us have been good. There hasn’t been any extra sexual tension, nor has there been any weirdness. We’ve both handled our time together, both alone and with other people, extremely well. That’s not to say there haven’t been thoughts, because I know there have been plenty of times I’ve seen her since our initial hook up where I have thought only dirty thoughts but I have been able to keep my composure and she has too. As...
MatureMy wife and I have been married now for thirty one wonderful years. My story will take us back thirty of those years, to the first year of our marriage. Debbie, my wife, is a beautiful, blue eyed blond, who stands five feet, nine inches tall in her bare feet. She had a very modest upbringing which, I suppose, contributed to her very modest personality. Her parents were very traditional, conservative people, who wanted the very best for their little girl. Then I entered her life and serenity...
Wife LoversHello people! This is SK here, a newcomer as an author to this site. I am a student. Height 5’7′, fair skin and dick nearly 6.5 inches (to be honest). This story starts with a slight flashback. I’d met this girl for the first time in my high school as a classmate. She was a very simple girl. Great in studies, straight forward and very sweet in nature. We used to talk a lot but we didn’t have any kind of intentions initially. Although we sat together, ate together, sometimes even studied...
Hello Friends, My Name is Amit, 31yrs, married guy from Mumbai. I would like to share my real life incident that happened to me recently where I fucked a stranger to both our satisfaction. I am a fair and good looking guy who has always enjoyed the female attention. Also, me, by nature, being a private person helps as women friends always share their secrets and fantasies with me and I ensure that I keep all of this a secret. The story is about (Asha), slim, fair, in excellent shape, good...
VICKIE THREE Victoria Jean was my sister Beckie's best friend from 6th grade through high school and college, and I never met her. Amazing! Actually, I probably did, but who pays attention to girl cooties. Vickie Jean. Kurt wrote a song about her, he combined music from the Beach Boys and Buddy Holly to come up with: Vicky Jean. She's real mean, Dumbest dumb blond I ever seen. Oh Vickie, my Vickie Jean. I hate that girl, she's my cross eyed Vickie Jean. Went to a dance, looking...
It is a quiet night, but for the wind. The Santa Anas' have begun blowing, fanning the inevitable brush fires, leaving the air scented with smoke and desert sage. The last glow of sunlight is fading away and the half moon is already bright in its rising arc. In the broad alley, an elegant Asian woman is enjoying a leisurely evening stroll, her dogs leading the way.She would normally have continued up the crossing street to the main road, but the walks are littered with fallen debris already, so...
LesbianPrefaceIt all began on a typical summer day. As I did most days, I spent much of it lying in the sun in the backyard and reading one of my romance novels. My brother left earlier to play ball with his friends in a park near our suburban home. Mom and Dad both worked.I turned eighteen a week before. My brother would be nineteen in a month. Glen and I graduated from high school a few weeks earlier. We were in the same grade because my brother failed the fifth grade. Then he buckled down...
IncestThe Reverend James J Gillis was mulling over whether yesterday's sermon really made a difference to anyone. He'd given the congregation an old fashioned hellfire and damnation address that spoke of God's rage at those who transgressed and Jesus' forgiving nature. Sins of the flesh and Mary Magdalene were prominently referred to in a message that was guiding the congregation to forgive the people involved in the apparent sex scandal. JJ's intent was to blunt the harsh criticism he'd...
**I haven’t editied this, so sorry for spelling mistakes etc. Please comment, let me know what you think…** I love beach holidays. I like this one place, where it’s really quiet during most days, and maybe just one dog walker or so at night. A small row of shops, couple of public toilet cubicles, huge cliffs, plenty of rocks on the beach and fairly mild temperatures. It’s just the place where a person could take a like-minded person (and a camera) and have some fun… The toilets are the...