Violated VirginChapter 4 free porn video

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Suzanne sat in the bathroom for almost an hour, trying to compose herself and wondering what to do, where to go and how she should plan her future. She knew she couldn't stay in the neighborhood; that was out of the question, she reasoned. And yet, if those boys wanted to find her, they had only to call her home anonymously and find her new address and then the whole horrible scene would start all over again.

Finally, she realized she was getting chilly, and reached for her robe, tied it around her and lay down on the couch, her hand over her eyes. Her body was still throbbing painfully, and she eased herself against the cushions, trying to relieve the ache.

Suddenly her nerves jangled with alarm as she heard the clatter of footsteps on the stairs, and a moment later a loud knock on the door, and Yvonne's throaty voice came filtering through.

"Hey, anyone home?"

"Come in, Yvonne," Suzanne called out thankfully, and as her friend walked in the door Suzanne felt the tears well up. Yvonne took one look and hurried over to her.

"Oh, baby, what's the matter?"

Suzanne reached for the other woman, buried her face in her shoulder, and sobbed hysterically. Yvonne remained silent, rocking the girl quietly in her arms until the crying spell had passed.

"Okay, you want to talk about it? Is it Sam?"

Suzanne wiped her eyes, and shook her head.

"No. No, it's not Sam. It's..." Her voice broke, and a fresh flood of tears cascaded down her cheeks. Her robe fell open, and Yvonne's eyes strayed down to her breasts.

"Good God, what's happened to you?" Instinctively the older woman put her hand out and touched the scratches and bruises on the smooth, firm white breasts. Then her face blanched. "Oh, no, don't tell me. Who was it?"

Suzanne looked away, flushing, her mind filled with confused thoughts.

"Come on, I know something's happened, and you look like you were raped by a regiment. Who was it, goddammit?"

Suzanne looked at Yvonne, and her lip trembled.

"It... it was that kid, Donald, you know. He and his brother and a colored boy. They all... they all..."

"Jesus Christ!"

Yvonne stood up and reached in her pocket for a cigarette, lit one and stood back, observing Suzanne. The cigarette trembled in her fingers, and her dark eyes were filled with anger.

"You want to talk about it?"

Suzanne nodded, sat up, and carefully related her experiences of the past two days, making sure to leave out nothing. When she had finished, Yvonne, who had walked to the window and was looking out, listening, turned to her and ground her cigarette in the ashtray.

"Well, there's not much you can do, I guess, except get the hell out of here," she said. "Those little bastards'll be back again, you know that. One thing: you're not staying here tonight. You come to our apartment. You can stay with me and Carole. You'll probably feel better with some decent company around."

She took Suzanne's hand and lifted her up. Suzanne rose and put her arms around Yvonne.

"Oh, Yvonne, I feel so dirty," she murmured. "They were so horrible, so mean."

"Oh, dear, I've just thought of something," said Yvonne. "Have you had a hot bath, and douched?"

Suzanne shook her head. "I just sat in the bathroom, trying to think," she replied. "I haven't done anything."

"Okay: first thing, you go lie in the bath for an hour, and douche real good. You sure as hell don't want to get pregnant at this stage of the game. You say they did come in you?"

Suzanne nodded. "Yes, they did. I could feel it shooting inside me and running out."

"You're not on the pill, I gather?"

Suzanne shook her head. "Why should I be? I've never done that with a guy before. I wanted to save myself for Sam. And now, oh, Yvonne, it's horrible."

"Yes, yes, I know, dear. Listen, perhaps you'd better come to our place now. You can use our bathroom, and I have a douche can which gets lots of use, let me assure you."

"No, I'll come down later," said Suzanne. "I'll bathe up here."

"Look, dumdum, they might just as easily come back now," Yvonne said. "Come on, come down right this minute. Lock your door behind you, and turn the lights out."

"All right. Are you sure Carole won't mind?"

Yvonne laughed loudly. "Of course not. Would you believe Carole started living with me after something similar happened to her, about a year ago? We both lived in a building over on Cass, and I figured it was safe enough, but I guess you never can tell. Carole was raped by a guy one night, and came running to me for help. She spent the night, and the next day she moved in. We've been sharing a place ever since. And believe me, there've been no more episodes like that in her life." Yvonne's face softened from its usual cynical demeanor. "You poor kid. Come on."

Suzanne looked at her friend, and smiled for the first time since the boys left the apartment.

"Thanks. I do appreciate this."


Yvonne put her arm around the girl's waist and they walked to the door. Suzanne took the key off the nail where she usually hung it and locked the door behind her. In silence they walked to Yvonne's apartment. As they entered, Carole was seated on the couch, reading.

"Hi." Then she saw the expression on their faces. "Oh, wow, what's wrong?"

"You remember one night something that happened to you?" said Yvonne, and Carole nodded, her face becoming grim, "Well, it happened to Suzanne. Not one, but three, all at the same time. One black, two white. Now that's what I call carrying integration too far." She tried to smile, but Carole's face remained impassive.

"Jesus. You going to call the police?"

Suzanne shook her head.

"That will only mean scandal, and it would be their word against mine. What can you do, really?" She sat down, and stared vaguely around the apartment. Carole whistled softly, and looked up at Yvonne.

"Men," Her voice spat out the word. "Who needs 'em?"

Yvonne nodded. "They're all animals, beasts," she agreed, "Thank God I can live without 'em."

Suzanne frowned, and stared up at Yvonne.

The sincerity and hate in the woman's voice was unmistakable.

"Yvonne, you... you..."

Yvonne grinned, reading her mind. "Oh, don't you believe all you hear, dear," she said lightly, some of her usual flipness returning. "I put on a good front, but believe me, the only cock I admire is the one on my father's farm in Upper Michigan, and all he does is make a lot of noise every morning. Which is what I do about men, just to keep them at arm's length."

Suzanne frowned, and decided not to pursue the matter further. She suddenly felt extremely weary, and the idea of a hot bath appealed to her.

"I'd like that bath now," she said. "Then I think I'd just as soon lie down. I'm worn out."

"Fucked out, you mean, dear," said Yvonne bluntly. "But don't worry. You'll be all right tomorrow, take it from me."

Suzanne stood up and slowly walked to the bathroom. Yvonne followed her in, and pointed to a towel behind the door. "You can use that towel," she said, "and the douche can's in the cupboard there. Make it nice 'n hot, and put a tablespoon of this in the water. The douche water, I mean." She reached for a box and handed it over. Suzanne looked at it. "Don't look so confused," said Yvonne, grinning. "It's plain old douche powder, but it'll kill anything that shouldn't be up that little twat of yours. It'll also soothe those tender spots, and they can get very tender, I know. I've had my share. Years ago, you understand." She laughed, and Suzanne smiled at her.

"You're a good friend," she said warmly. "Thanks."

Yvonne left, and Suzanne closed the door and began running the water into the tub. She mixed the douche powder and inserted the nozzle, feeling the hot water gushing into her vagina, reminding her of the penis that had been up there, that enormous, black cock which had given her such pleasure. What was she thinking? Pleasure? Yes, her mind echoed, yes, it did. It made you feel better than any sex you've ever had. You've ever had? You've only had sex since yesterday, and before then it was your finger doing the walking through that cavern of yours. Well, it was better than Ted, better than Donald, she admitted to herself. And there was such a perversity about it, especially considering her innate feelings about the blacks. Not that she was anti- Negro; she just didn't ever desire to have relations with one. The rest of him she didn't particularly like. But his penis was undoubtedly the best: long, thick, rigid, able to probe her very depths and give her satisfaction like she never dreamed possible. What was his name again? Clayton; that was it, Clayton with the big cock.

She lay back in the tub, letting the hot water lap around her neck, covering her completely and easing the soreness in her limbs, especially her thighs and her neck. Yes, those would be the places that ached the most. Her thighs from all the action with her legs, wrapping them around those sweating, fucking bodies and having those pricks ramming in and out of her. Carefully she put her finger down to her vulva and probed inside. It was tender, but not so bad as she thought it would be. Hell, why should it be? she reasoned. Nothing sharp had been put in there, only a soft tongue or a hard, smooth cock. But even too much of that can cause redness, soreness, swelling... swelling, oh God, she prayed she wasn't pregnant. But she remembered somewhere reading that a good hot bath and a douche will take care of any unwanted pregnancy. She had done that last night, and now again tonight. She was all right; she knew she was. She prayed she was.

Her fingers massaged her neck, the muscles on each side that had been given such a workout with sucking all that cock. She wondered how whores managed, doing it every night. Maybe they got used to it, or maybe there was a knack to sucking a penis without getting sore muscles in the neck.

She lay back, letting her arms float, and closed her eyes. The memory of the three boys was still vivid, and the more she relived those moments of horror, the more she admitted that there had been a satisfaction about it. After all, they weren't doing anything that she wouldn't have been doing with Sam, once they had been married; but then wasn't that being just old fashioned? She heard her mother's voice, telling her not once but many times that nice girls don't let boys have their way, not until after marriage. "Yes, my dear," Mrs. Delacorte had said. "All this talk today of sleeping around may sound very modern and clever, but let me tell you, getting pregnant isn't any fun. I remember when I was carrying you, how often I'd get sick in the mornings, and then when you arrived, let me tell you, having a baby is just about the worst experience any woman can endure. I've often thought the Lord might have thought up an easier way. Maybe one day science will provide the answer with incubators and computers. It certainly will save a lot of inconvenience, don't you think?"

Yes, maybe so, Suzanne had thought; but now she had experienced sex, she wondered if the good Lord didn't have the right idea after all. It was a wonderful feeling, and whether it had been Ted, or Donald, or Clayton, her body had responded, and she trembled again at the thought of their organs penetrating her and sending those exquisite feelings through her, and her orgasm had been something she could scarcely believe. Oh, how wonderful she had felt! Yet why couldn't it have been someone nice, a boy like Sam who loved her, and who treated her with tenderness and was gentle with sex, instead of that violence, with its ugly words, its revolting bestial overtones, like she was an animal there to be fucked and nothing more? Yet she had to admit she enjoyed it. There was something perverse in her nature, she decided, that wanted to be treated roughly, to be physically manhandled and taken bodily without regard to her sensitivities. In some ways, she wouldn't mind having sex again with those boys, but not in the same way, perhaps. Suzanne sat bolt upright in the tub, her eyes wide open at the thoughts; good grief, she thought, I'm sick, thinking things like that. Any self-respecting girl would never want that again; but then, how really self-respecting was she? Was it that perhaps she needed that type of sex to truly satisfy her, something loathsome to her previous ideas, something so different from what she had dreamed of...

"You all right in there?" Yvonne's voice came ringing through the door.

"Yes. Fine."

The door opened, and Yvonne peeked around at her.

"We're fixing supper," she said. "How long'll you be?"

"I'm ready to get out now," replied Suzanne, smiling. "And would you believe, I'm starving."

Yvonne sniffed in her best Eve Arden manner. "I know what you mean," she said cynically. "Nothing like a good fuck to work up an appetite."


The door closed, and Suzanne smiled to herself. Yvonne was a nut, but a good friend, a sincere and true person.

She climbed out of the tub and stood, drying herself carefully, paying special attention to her crotch and her breasts. The marks had faded slightly, but her nipples were still very sore and tender. She slipped her robe on again and walked out into the living room. There was a smell of stew, and the small table in the kitchen was set for three. Carole was standing over the stove, stirring a large pot. Yvonne was opening three Cokes and pouring them into glasses.

"Well, feel better?"

Suzanne nodded. "Much. I still ache, though, and my breasts are sore."

Yvonne chuckled. "Yeah, yeah. Sounds like they really gave you a working over."

"They did."

"The bastards."

Carole tossed her long blonde hair over her shoulder and turned, grinning. "Yvonne and I both know about the kids in this neighborhood. They look like sweet innocent little things, but they've been fucking their sisters since they could get a hard-on. And the girls are no better. I caught one the other day in the alley, blowing some man for a quarter."

Suzanne's eyes opened wide.

"Don't look so shocked. That's nothing to what really goes on around here." Carole laughed. "I've done a little research myself. I'm also taking sociology, remember."

Suzanne sat down and pursed her lips. "You know, I truly feel that if these people didn't live in such degraded surroundings, they'd have the chance to develop better, to have a more uplifting outlook on life. And sex," she added.

Yvonne snorted. "People are people," she snapped. "Just because the income's low and the area a slum doesn't necessarily mean people have to indulge in behavior like they do. It's not the finances or the neighborhood. It's what makes them tick inside. Take it from me. I've known lots of people from Grosse Pointe who do just the same, only perhaps with a little more finesse."

Suzanne nodded.

"I know. I've heard about the orgies they have, but at least there isn't the rough raw..." She groped for words, "... the bestial type of approach. Those kids handled me like I was just some object they could do what they pleased with. There was no hint of love, affection, or anything like that. It was pure animal sex, and nothing more. It's frightening."

Yvonne sat down and nodded. "Yup. I know. Would you believe when I was ten, I was gang-banged by four kids at school. They walked home with me; we lived quite a ways from school. This was up in that stinking little town in Upper Michigan where I was born. Anyway, the one guy, his name was Hank. I'll never forget him. He must've been around fourteen, real good-looking, and he had been paying me a lot of attention. He said I was the prettiest girl in school. I knew it was just because I sassed him back when he talked to me. I was pretty mature for my age, I guess. And I knew all about the birds and the bees, so I knew what he was hinting at all the time, but I wasn't giving them any chances. Hank even asked me once if I wanted to come home with him and play with his prick. He said it was the biggest in class. He wasn't lying about that, by the way. Jesus! I told him to quit talking like that or I'd report him to the teacher.

"Well, this afternoon, I'll never forget it, he walked me home, and these other three kids joined him. They were all about thirteen or fourteen, I guess. Hank started talking dirty, and then suddenly, just as we were passing old man Johnson's barn, they grabbed me, and whipped me inside before I could scream or shit or go blind or anything. They had my clothes off and were having at it before five minutes had passed. Two of them held me down while the others had their fun. I've never been so scared in my life. I bled like crazy, but that didn't stop them. They all got their rocks off, and then ran like hell, leaving me there.

"I kinda cleaned myself up as best I could, and limped home. I could hardly walk, my cunt was so sore. When I got home, I went to the bathroom and sat in a tub for hours, it seemed. When mother got home from work, I told her what had happened. She went to the principal of the school, and the boys were hauled up and all hell broke loose. Of course, they all denied it, and it was four of them against me. And that's where it ended. I was too young to get pregnant, thank God, and none of them had the clap, so after a few days, apart from a tender cunt, I was back to normal. But I've never forgotten that. Which is why I feel the way I do about men right now, I guess."

There was a silence. Throughout Yvonne's story, Carole had been watching her, her eyes filled with compassion. Suzanne gasped when Yvonne ended.

"You mean... nothing was done?"

Yvonne gave a short laugh. "Like I said, was their word against mine. Just like you and those bastards. If you go to the police, it will only mean scandal, and you couldn't prove anything. And they'd get their families to provide an alibi. No, little one, chalk it up to experience, just hope you haven't been knocked up, or got the clap or something, and let it go. Of course, if any of them come knocking at your door again, call the police first and don't open the door whatever you do. Better still, stick your head out the window and scream bloody murder. That'll scare 'em off."

Suzanne thought a moment.

"I guess I'd better get checked out by a doctor, just in case."

Yvonne shrugged. "If you want to. I'd wait a few days, though. You'll know if anything's wrong in that department. As for being pregnant, I don't have to tell you how to know about that." Her tone softened, and her hand came out and squeezed Suzanne's arm. "You poor kid. It's rough to go through something like that when you've been protected all your young life."

Suzanne grinned. "Well, we live and learn."

Carole brought over the food from the stove and placed it in the middle of the table.

"Okay, enough of this talk," she said lightly. "Time to eat. Dig in."

Thankfully, Suzanne helped herself to the stew, and began eating ravenously. For some reason, the horror of her experience had faded and she felt a warm glow, surrounded by her friends in a pleasant atmosphere where she knew she was safe. At least for the moment. But what about tomorrow?

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I took off my clothes as I walked into my room, stripping to my underwear before I turned off the light. I always liked the feeling of going to sleep naked, even in the winter - i loved the feeling of my own cool smooth skin, even if I had a bunch of heavy blankets on. As I slipped into bed, I flicked away some of my brown hair. My parents had never allowed me to do anything like having a boyfriend, but I had always had my little fantasies. I thought of how in this first year of living away...

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Violating mummy

The next morning, I was determined to put an end to what had happened. I showered, got dressed in my usual waitress atire, put on my nametag, and then went to wake up Dillon. I stormed right into his room, shaking him angrily."Up! Wake up!""Huh? Oh, hey, Mom. Time for a quickie?"I scowled. "Take a shower and then come have breakfast. We need to talk.""Uh-oh. Grounded again?""You wish."I stormed off and went into the kitchen, making a couple of fried eggs and throwing them on a plate with some...

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Violation of Taylor Swift

I was walking down the hall when I saw the room I wanted. ‘Yup, this is her room’. It was 2 in the afternoon and I saw her go into her room earlier. I reached back and kicked in the door and was greeted with a scream. Yup, Taylor Swift was standing in front of me. She had on a little black tank top with a black skirt that was just above her knees. I closed the door and locked it as she came running over towards me. I reached into my pocket and pulled out the gun I was carrying and pointed it at...

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I have been home from work for over an hour; I lift my head from the brief that I have been reading by the light of a desk-lamp. The room is full of shadows. I look at the antique clock on the mantle and see it is approaching eight o'clock and I look over at the window; it is dark out. I close the file on my desk and then close the curtains in the study. I go from room to room closing all of the curtains, double checking to make sure there isn't a chink or breach in any of the curtains that...

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He popped the window, open as he had thought. Sliding slowly thru he felt his knife catch on the window sill, He reached back and un hooked him self, he was now inside of the house. So many nice thing he could steal if that was his goal, but he wasn't here for theft. There was a fire in his pants that only a warm pussy could cure. He walked through the house and found the one bed room. The door wide open. He peered in and saw a pretty young women asleep in her bed, little did she realize the...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess3e4 Carolyn 50 journalist from London

Series 3, Episode 4: Carolyn Kings Place, London. The large, modern home of The Guardian newspaper – arguably the UK’s most balanced news publication. We’re not going inside, our next subject has asked to meet us just along York Way at Pret-A-Manger for a vegetarian wrap (or two) and an organic coffee. She’s a curvy, middle-aged woman with long wavy dark hair flowing down over her shoulders. You might call her fat, but not obese. Her face is dominated by a huge smile that indicates she is...

1 year ago
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Staying With Erin Chapter 6

The next three days were absolute torture. The sweetest, most devastating torture one could think up. Erin had somehow changed the dress code, and I was suddenly the only one running around buck naked all day long. This gave her and Bridget the opportunity to fondle any part of me that they desired. And they did that a lot. When I wasn’t sleeping, the longest I went untouched by them was perhaps half an hour. Everywhere I went, everything I did, the one thing I could be sure about was the...

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Girls Night Out ndash messages in the sand

Another season came to an end for Annie’s hockey team. As usual, they had played harder off the field than on it. In fact, I always said they played their best games in the pub after the matches!But that was fine with me. Annie really enjoyed getting back into a team sport after many years as a house mum. She now had a whole new bunch of friends, some of whom were seasoned players. And when I say ‘players’, I mean that in the broadest sense. Especially Sue, a married woman in her early 40s who...

4 years ago
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Met Sexy Doctor For My Motherrsquos Illness ndash Pt 2

My hands were on her shoulders. She was in kind of arrest in my hands. I was wishing to start kissing her but I didn’t want to spoil the moment also. This went on a few minutes.She- Please leave my arms. I have to make fries.I left her arms. She started taking fries out of the pan. To prolong the game, I said.Me- Make some more. I am hungryShe- I know who is hungry.She poured some more fries in the pan. As she made some gap between her arms and belly, I made my hands there. I slowly moved my...

1 year ago
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Green DoomChapter 11 Captured

Their first impression as they rode into StarVillage was of crowded, bustling activity. Tents were pitched in open spaces between sod and timber huts. Women and children were everywhere underfoot. Groups of armed men rode by on urgent errands, giving the village the feeling of an armed camp. "All right, off your ponies," their guard ordered. "You can walk the rest of the way. Your animals and weapons will be waiting for you. If you still need them, that is." The press of humanity grew...

3 years ago
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2008 Ch 02

[This is chapter Two of at least ten chapters. Somewhere in those chapters you will find betrayal, a bit of honesty, Dom/sub relationship, oral sex, anal sex, coitus, a three-some, a four-some, yoga, the death of one of the characters, new beginnings, and a possible surprise or two. I tell you all that so you can decide now if any of those things would be a deal breaker for you. As always I encourage feedback and votes.] * * * * At 4:30 Kaye and a cop arrived. I met them in the driveway....

2 years ago
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Rag Doll

I didn't like the town any more and I hadn't really wanted to go back there. But then the plan was that I'd only be in that place for a couple of hours at the outside. My employer -- being aware that I'd lived there previously and also that I had once been an employee of the prospective client -- had it figured that I would be the best man for the job. Had it not been for possibility of a socking great commission cheque, I'd have refused to go, right from the get go. I was somewhat...

1 year ago
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Lori Learns a Lesson

Lori Learns her LessonIt was towards the beginning of the Northern Californian school year, as Lori was tidying up the classroom after the children had left for the day.  She taught the very youngest children, and today, being the first day of the school year, had been hectic. The last of the children, and some mothers, had departed. She was looking forward to going home to her bachelor pad, kicking off her shoes, putting her feet up and  downing a cool beer. Just then, a female face appeared...

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Pancing Isteri Dengan Tukang Urut

Seperti yang sudah-sudah, Sham rutin menggunakan jasa tukang urut. Pak Man nama si tukang urut itu. Sham terkesan dengan kemampuan Pak Man dalam mengurut kerana dia sangat ahli dan bisa menghilangkan kepenatan Sham yang sehari-hari bekerja sebagai seorang sopir di perusahaannya tempat bekerja.Kejadian diawali saat satu hari di hari Minggu. Sham menawari Nisa istrinya untuk mencuba urutan Pak Man. Mulanya Nisa menolak, kerana merasa risih diurut oleh seorang tukang urut lelaki. Namun kerana Sham...

1 year ago
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Night on the WardsChapter 16

As Kathy suddenly let out a bloodcurdling scream and leapt at me, her face a twisted mask of hatred and her fingers extended towards my face like claws, I took a step back and threw up my hands to defend myself from this surprise attack. More by instinct than anything else, I managed to avoid her initial rush but she still had enough of an advantage to grab hold of me and to try drag me to the ground. I slapped her in the face and as she recoiled I attempted to twist away again but as I...

2 years ago
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Eve in the Marital Garden

Weeds in the Marital GardenWhen Eve returned from John’s condo, she and Tim hugged and cried and then spread out the spring rolls and Kung Pao chicken she’d brought. They talked openly about the secrets of his sex life. She was shocked to learn Tim masturbated daily and he’d had more orgasms with himself over the ten years of their marriage than he did with her. She fully expected he masturbated with the same frequency she did. Perhaps a couple of times a month.“Be honest with me. Why are you...

Wife Lovers
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Frankie Sandford Rachel Stevens Having Fun

Back in the 2002 S Club Juniors were supporting S Club 7 on their UK Tour. Working as camera man for thier behind-the-scenes tour DVD wasnt the best job id ever had. The girls in S Club 7 were all hot, and being the behind-the-scenes camera man meant i spent a lot of time in their dressing room. Obviously i never got to see any of them nude but plenty of times they were in thier underwear. Rachel Stevens was my favourite, she was 24 in 2002 and absolutely stunning. All of the guys working on...

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The Work Colleague Part 2 Her POV

The same storyline/situation as 'The Work Colleague', but from her perspective this time. Feel free to read them side-by-side!I was still pretty new to the place, but I'd been there long enough to know that there was a cute guy working in the office adjacent to mine. I'd caught the odd glimpse of him through the window, and I thought I'd seen him looking at me too but couldn't be sure. From where I was he seemed like a fairly handsome guy, about 6ft tall and slim, not overly muscular or...

3 years ago
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Twincest Sabrina and Katrinas Story Part 3

Beep beep beep...Bree woke to the sound of her alarm clock beeping its god awful sound from across the room. It read 7:05. She had actually woke up right at the start. I guess an earth shattering orgasm is just the ticket for a good night's sleep she thought. She walked across the room and although her mood was surprisingly bright she still slammed her fist down on the hated alarm clock. She then heard a soft knock at her door. Bree threw on a robe and went over to open it. Trina stood there...

1 year ago
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Black Safari for Sophie Chapter 2

A couple of hours had passed and Janet's daughter had still not arrived at the falls. Janet became concerned and questioned the two Africans with her. "Not to worry, miss Janet. Sometimes the elephants do not come into view right away. I'm sure they are okay." "Well, since I'm paying for this safari, I demand that you drive me to the location so I can see for myself." "Very well, madam. Go ahead and get into the van while I gather up some things." The African did not want to take her because he...

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Mamas Boy

She dated, mostly to find a father for me I think. I don’t remember most of them, but one of the last ones I recall, she came home from a date and I was still awake in my room. I heard her tell the babysitter goodnight and then there were some voices, hers and a man’s. The talking died down and then it was silent. I laid there wondering why she hadn’t come in to check on me, so I got out of bed and walked into the living room where I saw her kneeling in front of a man who was sitting on the...

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Manali Ko Naye Dost Se Chudwaya 8211 Part I

Manali bohut cute ladki hai,sab uspe fida the.Wo bohut slim aur sexy bhi hai,par wo bohut conservative thi.usne mere sath bhi kabhi sex,yeha tak kiss bhi nahin kiya.Mai usse bohut pyar karta tha,mai bhi bohut conservative tha.mai kabhi usko kisi or ke sath sex karwane ki baat kabhi sapno mein bhi soch nehin sak ta tha.yeh tak usse sex karne ki khayal kabhi mere demag mein aaya nehin.Humare bech kabhi sex ko leke baat tak bhi nahin hoti thi.Par ekdin jab mai cricket practice se ghar wapas aa...

4 years ago
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Runaway Pt 01

If only Josh could pass out. Or finish himself off already. I have to keep my breathing relaxed. Keep my eyes closed. Keep still in this obscene position he’s put me. Keep pretending I’m asleep. Ignore the shaking of the bed. Ignore his animalistic grunts. Ignore the sound of those fucking ice cubes, clinging against his empty glass to the rhythm of his jerking motions. I hope he doesn’t touch me tonight. I hope he doesn’t fuck me tonight. If only he could pass out. Or finish himself off...

2 years ago
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The Long Hot Day

It was a Friday morning, already heading towards the 100 degree mark, and it was just too hot and too nice of a day to be cooped up in an office; or anywhere else for that matter. I called into work and played the act that I was sick and would schedule a dr appt to check and see what was wrong. The only thought on my mind was finding a nice cool water spot and enjoying the day. I packed a light lunch of leftover chicken and some fruit from the fridge, and slipped on my favorite kakki shorts and...

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Mom Dominating Her Loving Children 8211 Part 2

The family suddenly discovered the joys of incest one evening. Aunt Sulabha had been hoping for it after all her children had returned to live together in their large home just last week. She had been lonely for a long time and was tired of just watching her large collection of blue movies or reading up the pornographic books and then indulging in desperate auto-eroticism night after night. She now profusely thanked the angels of lust or specifically Kamdev as she clasped her younger son in her...

1 year ago
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Steve and ChuckChapter 15

Saturday As I sipped my first cup of coffee on the still dark patio, I contemplated the state of the company and whether starting an adult toy company during a major recession was sane. S&S LSA was definitely a toy company, but had the potential to make a splash. If we can build a ready to fly light sport aircraft and sell it for about fifty thousand, we will have more orders than we can handle, even during a recession. The total startup investment won't be too bad as we were planning...

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BigTitsRoundAsses Bridgette B Bridgette B Serves A Pair Of Huge Tits

Bridgette B started running her very own food truck, and everything was going well until she accidentally spilled ketchup all over one of her customers. She felt super bad about it, so she invited him to come inside so she could clean him off. After attempting to remove the ketchup stains from his shirt she decided to polish his cock instead. This way he wouldn’t give her food truck a bad review. She sucked and choked on his cock, then demanded his dick inside of her. She got slammed in her own...

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Sex Related Terms

1. Pearl NecklaceWhen a guy ejaculates sperm on a woman’s neck, it is called giving a ‘pearl necklace’.2. BarebackingHaving sex without any condoms is called barebacking.3. FurballWhen a guy goes down on a bushy girl and her pubic hair get stuck in his mouth, it is known as a furball.4. Golden Shower >This term is used for urinating on someone (with their consent of course).5. Rimming >Performing oral sex on someone’s anus is called Rimming. ATM is another term for it (Ass to Mouth).6....

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Neighbor Pete cont

My ass quivered several mins. after Pete pulled out.Finally steady enough,I stepped out of my shorts and made my way inside.Squatting in my tub, I gingerly washed my abused little opening.That man must shot a quart of cum up me as I was coated in it.Needing some down time,I slipped into a G-string,got some jack and went out to sun.Face down on my lounge,a hot sun beating down,I thought of the hot sex.Previously I'de caught Pete leering at me sunning.Wanting more I glanced over to see nothing,so...

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Girlhood by Mistress-X Author's Note: Hey everybody, been a long time. So I got it into my head to start writing again, and I had a story so here we are. It turned into the longest thing I've ever written. It's more of a slice of life, stream of consciousness, sort of thing than a single rigid plot which might explain how it got away from me. It is set in a world I have written in before, but never published, so I might have gone a little overboard with...

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Disaster ReliefChapter 12

She stopped by her room to get a robe, came to my room, and closed the door. She leaned back against it and dropped the robe on a chair. She made a kiss with her lips and I went to her to feel her full body press against me. I didn't mind that she could feel my hardness against her belly. She untied my tie and slipped it out of my collar. I unzipped the side of her dress and let it slip over her shoulders as she unbuttoned my shirt. We continued our kiss during the disrobing exercise. I...

3 years ago
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Alternate Reality at Last

Brief info: I always wished I had been born a girl This is the story of where that wish is granted. It’s an alternate reality wherein I retain all prior memories of being a boy, plus new memories of my life as a girl. Everyone else always knew me as a girl, and my possessions changed into girl stuff. (It’s not an exact science, there will be issues, just go with it) Not 10 minutes ago I had been an 18 year old, horny, confused boy. Now here I was standing, a 16 year old, (still horny) girl. I...

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Tea and Empathy

Closing the apartment door with his foot, he sloughed off the tuxedo jacket and snatched the bow tie from around his neck. Another evening wasted listening to VIPs bitch and moan about how they can’t afford yacht marina fees, how expensive it is to buy their kids through ivy league prep schools, how slutty their mistresses are dressing. Blah blah blah. He leaned casually against the wall and slipped off his patent leather dress shoes, then fell heavily into the black leather chair with a deep...

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29The punishment

29.The punishment Notes from Dawn written up by Ed Having done a lot of spanking and the occasional slipper or paddle, on one visit master, Ray, decided it was time to up the stakes and use a cane, he also decided that it should be in front of Andy to demonstrate my submissiveness. Just as I was about to leave the masters house, he told me that he had decided this was to happen the following weekend. I drove home with my heart racing at the thought of what Andy my husband would...

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AllGirlMassage Ana Foxxx Violet Starr Skye Blue Bolster For Two

In a peaceful private room, the adorable masseuse Skye Blue finishes setting up two massage tables side-by-side, each with a bolster on it. She then welcomes her newest clients, the beautiful Ana Foxxx and lovely Violet Starr. Ana and Violet, a married couple, are there for a couple’s massage for their anniversary. They have specially requested a double-bolster massage from Skye, who – despite being unfamiliar with bolsters – has set it up. When Skye sees the nude wives with...


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