- 3 years ago
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At the end of the first week of December Devlin gave up her morning dance class. There just wasn't 60 minutes in the morning, not unless she was going to change her major to Classical Dance. And that wasn't going to happen any time soon, not without breast reduction surgery and a whole lot of other changes in her life.
Ironically it was something her Business professor said that made her drop the morning class. They were discussing the Cost of Doing Business, and he mentioned how you had to identify all of the costs of a product. For example, you had a widget that you could buy for 50 cents. Your market research suggests people wouldn't pay more than $1.00 for the product. That seems reasonable, but the special display case costs $500, the lighting costs $300, the special training for the employees cost $2,000, and the minimum you can buy is 1,000 units. By the time you add up all of the costs you realize that you'll lose money if you don't sell it for at least $2.50, and preferably $3.00.
He gave other examples, and she was surprised to learn that on one of the more popular Ford cars the company lost $500 on every sale. "So why did they keep selling it?" one of the boys in the class asked.
"Because Ford executives learned that 75% of the people who bought that first car would buy a Ford as their next car, and that, when viewed across their entire product line, that low end car was a winner."
Devlin applied the same logic to her schedule. Dance class only took 60 minutes, but she got up 45 minutes earlier on those mornings to get dressed and get over to the rehearsal hall. And then she needed another 45 minutes to shower, change and get to her first class. Those 60 minutes quickly grew into 2 1⁄2 hours out of the morning. The 'Cost of Doing Business' for her Dance class was 2.5 times what she thought it was and she couldn't afford the time.
She wasn't sure what she would do for exercise, she didn't think the swimming class she took as part of her P.E. requirement really gave her the exercise she wanted. Fortunately she ran into Dee Andrews, a junior who lived on the second floor of Haynie. Dee had organized a dancercize class in the morning, 30 minutes of modern dance in the basement. Devlin decided it would have to be enough, especially when she realized she was gaining nearly 90 minutes of time.
The second thing that happened - the first was that her feet stopped hurting from going up on point every morning - was that she gained about five pounds because with the extra time she was now eating breakfast, even if it was only yogurt, fruit and coffee. Right away she felt better, and Danny noticed the change.
"I wouldn't think a handful of pounds would be so noticeable," she told him when he commented on it. They were in the Extended Stay Suites on the west side of town. The management here didn't seem to question what went on in their rooms.
He ran his finger up her ribs, smiling as he circled her breast. "Well, not everybody gets the perspective I do, but your ribs are less visible." She was straddling him with his cock firmly planted in her middle. He cupped her breasts, squeezing them gently. "I like how your nipples look when I do this, sort of like a berry on top of a mound of ice cream."
"Well, that's the first time I've heard a girl's breasts compared to ice cream."
He sucked her nipples, nibbling at them with his lips before pulling back, stretching them out into dark red nubs. "You should browse through the older literature and see what men have compared women's breasts to." He kissed them again. "And not just men, either. Women have written some pretty steamy things about their own anatomy."
"Lesbian literature." She made a face. "I never cared for it. I suppose guys do."
"Some guys do, some don't. Guys are fascinated by watching two women together, you saw that at Emma's."
"Yeah, and I never really understood why. Most of those women weren't bi-sexual."
"Most of the women who get together with other women at a swinger's party do it only to turn on the guys around them."
"I can see that. Know what turns me on?" She squeezed her tummy muscles, smiling at the look on his face.
"How about this?" Danny gave a little hitch, sliding a little deeper into her.
"Ah, yes, I like that, too." She began rocking back and forth, repeatedly driving herself onto his hardness. He'd been playing with her breasts ever since she had impaled herself on his length. Now she leaned back. She saw his eyes drop to where their bodies were joining. She wished that she could actually see his cock sliding into her, but that wasn't to be, she couldn't bend enough. Instead she'd just have to settle for how incredible it felt to be taking his hardness.
She could feel the tension preceding her orgasm, and she silently rode that feeling into a wave of pleasure that left her gasping for breath. Danny rolled her over and started thrusting as hard and as fast as he could. She wrapped her legs around him, one hand on his bottom, the other on his shoulders. Danny's face was a mask of lust as he drove her out of her mind. She came in a wild wave of heat that left her screaming soundlessly from the sheer intensity of it. As she came down he sped up, finally plunging deep and holding himself there as he moaned through his own completion.
In the silence of the room she could hear the sound of snow against the window, the squeaking sound of the wheels of the cart of the maid making up the neighboring rooms, she could even hear the changes in sound of the heater as it automatically clicked to a higher setting.
Danny woke up enough to kiss her. She kissed him back, content to drift secure in his arms for the rest of their time here. Eventually they had to part. As they were getting dressed she looked at her reflection in the mirror.
"Maybe I have put on a couple of pounds," she said, pressing her hand against her tummy.
"Your clothes fit better," he said.
"Think so?" She turned again. "Um, maybe." She was wearing a knee-length black skirt, her white turtleneck sweater and her black leather boots. "It's hard to tell with this."
"Don't ask me, most guys don't past your chest."
"I've noticed."
"Your face doesn't have that gaunt look of imminent starvation."
"Think so?" She pushed her fingers against her cheeks. Then she saw the time. "Oops, gotta run. English class won't wait."
She didn't feel as rushed as she had earlier in the term. She was still doing as many things, but she didn't feel like she was falling behind. So when the semester ended just before Christmas she actually felt comfortable driving back to Toluca. She took books for each of her next classes; she'd learned to read ahead over Thanksgiving. She hadn't, and discovered that the professors assumed she had.
She didn't see Jeff the entire Christmas break. She and Danny did manage to get together a couple of times, but between visiting relatives and dashing off to see relatives and family they had to be more discrete than usual. It was almost a relief to get back to regular classes in the middle of January.
"What did the tutor say?" she asked Jeff when she saw him. The new term had started just a few days before. Her own grades had been pretty good; not Dean's List, but in the upper third of her class. Jeff's had been pretty good, too. Not spectacular, but somewhere in the middle of his class.
"He was satisfied with my grades, but he thinks I'll need to work with him through the first few weeks of this term."
Devlin grimaced. Jeff and his tutor met three times a week in the evening. Thursday evenings were the only time they had together now. She wasn't sure how she'd feel if this continued much longer.
There was more bad news; when she had completed her paper for her Business class she realized that she was barely breaking even. None of the hotels would sign a long-term contract and room fees were killing her profits. The only time she really made money was when she gave her presentation in someone's home.
At the end of January, when she was well into her Business Economics class and had to reanalyze her paper in light of what she'd just learned, she showed the paper to Danny. He looked it over with a practiced eye. "I can't fault your conclusions," he said at last. "I think your analysis is correct."
"That's what my professor said."
"And I think you've identified your biggest cost." He stared out the window at the snow-covered cityscape, thinking. "Let me look around. I might be able to find something."
"See if you can find something other than these hotel rooms for us," she said. "They're nice, but, well, I don't know, somehow it feels cheap."
He nodded. "We may have another reason to move, too. The city is going to start cracking down on prostitution, especially in the hotel rooms. That's not for public consumption, by the way."
"How did you hear about it?"
"A memo came through the other day. For the next few weeks we're supposed to be careful when booking hotel rooms. Apparently prostitutes have been using fake businesses to rent the rooms."
"Ah, yeah, I can see that. They'd probably think we're up to the same thing."
"The difference is they do it for pay." Danny stroked his chin thoughtfully. "I'll look around, there's bound to be something I can find."
He called her a few days later. A storm had swept in across the plains, blowing snow all over campus, giving her a good excuse to curl up with her books and hot cocoa and ignore the outside world.
"How much do you know about the Athletic Club?" Danny asked.
"Not much. Why?" She could vaguely remember the building. It was a couple of blocks off campus and was supposed to be an historic example of the architecture of the 1920's. As far as she was concerned it was an historic example of ugly architecture.
"Your company might want to get a room there."
"Oh? Why? We're not really into athletics."
"A lot of people use meeting rooms there for sales presentations or to put up people who are in town for an extended period. It's private, they cater lunches, they sign long-term contracts, lots of reasons."
"Hmm. How much?" He quoted a price. "It beats hotel rooms," he added.
"I should think so," she said, thinking about the prices. "I pay twice that for a hotel room. How can they afford it?"
"Well, first they charge membership fees besides the book rates, so you'll have to join the Athletic Club. Second, they're fully amortized. Hotels are still paying off their construction loans, the Athletic Club did that back in the 1930's. By the way, the bank is just down the street."
She smiled when she realized where he was going. "You said it's private?"
"Very. They assure that to their clientele."
"Why don't I check it out and get back to you," she said after some more thought. "I don't suppose they could wire the place for online access, too."
"They may already have that," Danny said. "Let me know what room you get."
"I will." She laughed to herself. "I'll let you know."
The woman in the Manager's Office of the Athletic Club was quite accommodating. "Intimate apparel," she said, eyeing the catalog Devlin had brought. None of the bras were at all "racy".
"I need a place for my customers to try them on," Devlin said. "And I need some place that can cater either a Continental Breakfast or a light lunch. A friend told me about the Athletic Club."
"I can see why you'd want privacy," the woman said, nodding. "Have you had any trouble finding a place?"
"So far it's been hotels, even when I'm out of town. Most of the hotels aren't convenient to the University Hospital, and I get a lot of customers from there. Well, there and the dorms."
The woman had nodded and pulled out a standard rental agreement. "You'll want your company lawyers to review this," she said as she slid it across her desk. "After they do, bring it back and we'll set things up."
Devlin smiled her thanks, left the catalog for the woman to look at, she was a potential customer, after all, and headed for the cubicle she rented in a nearby building as her "office". It was really just one cubicle in a large room with a woman to sort the mail and answer the phones, but it had complete business services and kept her from cluttering her dorm room with all of that.
Two days later Devlin was back with the signed contract. An hour later she was on the phone to Danny.
"Room 632. There are vacant rooms on both sides of it. The only down side is that the Athletic Club isn't wired for internet access just yet. Well, they are, but only in the Manager's Office."
"That'll change," Danny said. An hour later he was back on the phone to her. "Did you know there's a door between 632 and 634?"
"I don't have a key."
"That's not a problem. I'll see you there tomorrow afternoon after your last class."
The next afternoon he showed her what he meant. He took several long, slender rods out of his pocket and used them to unlock the door. It creaked horribly when he pulled it open. Devlin looked a little alarmed.
"Do you think someone could have heard that?"
"Why don't you oil the hinges," was all he said. While she applied WD-40 to the hinges he unscrewed the plate on the latch, reached inside and pulled out the entire lock mechanism.
"I'll be back in about an hour," he said, putting the lock in his pocket. When he came back he had a pair of small door handles. "Put this in your purse," he said, handing her one. "I'll keep the other."
"How does it work?"
"Watch." He reassembled the lock and shut the door. "Go ahead, try it."
She did so, and the door didn't budge.
"Okay." He took the door handle from his pocket. Inserting it in the hole, he pushed a button and turned the handle. The door opened soundlessly.
"Very good," she said. She took her door handle and did the same thing. She smiled as she gave him an anticipatory look. "You just had this made, didn't you."
"I spent four years in the Army to help pay for college. It's amazing what the Army will teach you. Don't let people know about this."
"I wouldn't dream of it."
"It's a little late to do anything today. What are you doing for lunch the day after tomorrow?"
She gave him a saucy smile. "I know what I'd like to be doing."
He leaned back, smiling. "Why don't we plan on it?"
"If it works," she said, closing the door behind them, "who knows? It might turn out to be something regular."
"When can you get over here?"
She knelt in front of him and unzipped his pants. "Oh, around noon." She fished inside, then pulled out his cock and licked its head. "My last morning class is over at 11:30, and I don't have another class till 2:30."
"Ummph." His cock stiffened quickly. "You don't have to do this. Not right now."
She looked at his cock a little closer and then sucked just the head. "Consider it a reward for a job well done."
She licked his balls. They were already tight against his body. He groaned slightly. She shifted back to his cock, jacking her hand back and forth on it. He must have been wound up already; it had been nearly a week since they had gotten together. He began moving slightly, that meant he was close. She concentrated on the head of his cock where most of the nerves were. She reached out with her lips and gently sucked his balls into her mouth. He gave another groan, and his hips flexed convulsively.
She leaned back just in time to watch him shoot a long stream of white cum a good foot in the air. It seemed to hang there, glistening in the light of the room, before falling across her face and hair. A second stream, and a third, it felt like warm sticky rain landing on her. He finally relaxed, and she kissed the head of his cock a thank-you.
"You look a mess," he said when he opened his eyes. He took a deep, shuddering breath. "You need to clean up."
"Ordinarily you should complement the girl, or thank her."
"Okay, you're a sexy mess," he said, and kissed her.
"I owe it all to you," she said, and kissed him back.
He cradled her breast with his hand, then his hand slid down her tummy and into her slacks. He slipped his finger beneath the elastic of her panties, sliding through the folds of her sex to find her clit. When he found it he gently began rubbing her, just a light touch that barely brushed the sensitive head.
She ran her hands up over his shoulders and back, feeling the strong muscles there. He was so solid, so strong, so male. She wanted to engulf him within her. She wanted to join with him until each was lost in the other, but they really didn't have time. It was late enough as it was. They would have to let it go with this.
He rolled her on to her back, pulling her slacks and panties down far enough he could gain access to her core. She cradled his head with her hands as he kissed and tongued his way deep into her sex. He knew exactly what she liked and what he needed to do to please her. His tongue swiped through her, teased her entrance, finally settling at the hottest point. She gave herself over to his marvelous tongue. All she could do was lie there as he probed her most intimate places, licking, sucking, touching, teasing. She moaned her appreciation as he worked. She was totally taken with him, the smell of his sweat, the exciting smell of his cum, the salty taste of his skin. She could feel the rising sensation, that aching longing for her release. He kept licking, kept exciting her, kept pushing her higher and higher. She clung to him as her will crumbled. She clung to him as she balanced on the precipice. She clung to him as the world came down to his hot, strong, hard tongue and the way it was driving her out of her mind. And then... and then there was no time for thought as the urgency of the moment spun her away in one wild burst of feeling that blotted out everything else.
Two days later Devlin paused in the lobby of the Athletic Club. It was 11:45, it was raining heavily outside and she felt soaked. Luckily she'd worn her boots - her shoes would have been ruined by the rain. She shook out her umbrella and unbuttoned her raincoat as she approached the front desk.
"Quite a downpour, ma'am," the desk clerk said.
Devlin felt her hair, making sure that was still dry. "It's pretty bad out there," she agreed. "I was supposed to have some boxes delivered here today. Could you check on that? The name is Devlin McCabe, Custom Apparel Enterprises."
The clerk dug through some papers. "Ah, yes, Ms. McCabe. They came in late yesterday afternoon." He pointed at a man in a gray uniform at the end of the counter. "Ralph can help you with them."
"Thank you." She went down to the man at the end of the counter. "Hi," she said. "I'm Devlin McCabe, and the clerk said there are some boxes for me."
Ralph was an older man with an oval face and gray hair combed over his bald spot. "Yes, ma'am," he said. "I have them in back." He eyed her critically. "They're a bit heavy. If you would tell me what room you want them delivered to, I can bring them right up."
Devlin smiled her thanks. "Room 632."
The man nodded politely. "I'll get them right up, ma'am."
She had brought her signs and graphics boards over the day before. The boxes contained her sales brochures, display racks and fabric samples. She unlocked the room and was sorting through things when Ralph showed up with a large flat bed cart.
"Where do you want these, ma'am?"
"Put them on the floor," Devlin said. "I'll be a while unpacking and sorting things."
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Hi hw r u all story readers.vaise mein v ek story readers hu roj padta hu aur muth v marta hu kyon k ab meri koi g.f to hai nahi.kyon k abhi thodi rest karna chahta hu thak gaya hu chudai kar kar k ok mein jyada bor na karte huye ab mein apni introduction aur story suru karta hu.mera name jai hai aur mein chandigarh punjab se hu.vaise mujhe bachpan se hi sex ka bahut shonk hai.yeh story meri aur meri ek g.f jiska name reet tha uski hai. Baat un dino ki hai jab mein 22 year ka tha.mere najdeek...
Contact: You may contact the author through this site or via ya-hoo IM as aprincelyfrog. Please do NOT add me as a friend as I get so many IM's its impossible for me to keep up with everyone so my friends list is for family only. On to the story... What she needed It had been a long week at the office and the new guy wasn’t making things any easier. It wasn’t that he was demanding or piling work on Misha’s desk, it was the way he looked at her. As if he could tell every one of her...
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xmoviesforyouYeah, I've run out of things to do. This is what, day 19 by myself? Amazing that I found things to do down here for so long. I'm feeling like I can accept this. This is what my life is, and this is how it will end. But maybe it's best, for you people who have been reading my story, to not be forced to see the ugly end? Meghan
"Time to get up, Sunshine," Zoe told Richard, zapping him awake with the shock collar around his neck. He stood up and his Little Miss Sunshine outfit was the only bright thing in the room; everything else was dark. "Let's see what we've got for you today," his sister said, rooting through his nearly pitch-black closet. "One of these, a couple of these, one of these, and one of these." She jammed a corset over him, and the flesh that was on his midsection went immediately to his breasts...
As I wrote in Part 1 of this story, Julia had some long legs that were ready to for a lot of fucking action.Julia was a beauty and she knew it, her body was very proportionate and had a great ass. She had beautiful medium length blond hair and green eyes that belong in a bedroom. Like I said in part 1, Julia was a conservative woman that never wanted to do anything sexual other than traditional sex with her husband. I was bound and determined to change that and make her a whore for any guy to...
I awoke to a sunny morning, rolled over and open my eyes to see my beautiful wife Janet looking at me with a half grin on her face, Good morning, honey! she says, Oooh, is that a little erection you have there? What were you thinking about? or should I say dreaming about? Her face hadn't even come into full focus yet, she continued, I've been laying here for an hour listening to you talk in your sleep and boy! what ever was going on in that head of yours I wish I could have been there. Now I'm...
Hello friends,I am Ajay .. ye kahaani hai meri aur kaise main eek ladki ko train pata kr uske aur uski bhen k sth hotel room me rat bhar chudai ki….. phle mai apne bare me bta du mai Agra ka rhne wala hu aj kal delhi me rhta hu job k karn. Height 5’8” fair in complexion aur ladkiyon ko mere baal bht psnd hai…I dont know why but I usually get compliment for that…. Agr girl and bhabhi wants to get satisfied thy cn cntct me on my mail id So mai ab story pe ata hu. Ye bat sept 2015 ki hai mai...
Part 1I had always been friendly to the young girl who lived across the road, chatting to her when I saw her around, and she had always taken the time to chat to me too. Her name was Julie and she was 18 years old, which made it surprising that she had made time to chat to me, since most girls her age would not have given the time of day to a man my age, but I suspected that she enjoyed and preferred more adult company than k**s her own age. She came knocking on my door one day after getting...
The first thing that I noticed about Josie was her beautiful smile.When people describe a smile as being able to light a room, then Josies smile was just that.I drive a medium size camper van and had driven into a car-park. I was aware of someone in the next car. I glanced over and saw a woman eating a pasty.Our eyes met and she gave me that amazing smile. It was warm, inviting, a genuinely happy smile.I felt that I had to speak to her, at least make contact in some way. I wound down the window...
Hi Guys and Ladies,Just shared part of this story with a guy and thought others might like it.Arranged to meet a guy from a dating site a few years back. He was local and hung and I was as always honry.So we met in a busy layby a few miles from me he got in my car had a chat etc. Asked to see my cunt and fingered me there and then i wanted a look at his meat so out it came a good 9" and growing gave it a suck and hey presto fully hard and 10" as he had claimed.So as it was summer off to local...
Caleb thought about it some more and realized that his thoughts of abandoning Susan Wright were just sour grapes. The more he thought about her, the more he wanted her! Sober reflection revealed that he really did love her. He reasoned that she had been tricked into marrying Jethro Peevy, so he couldn't hold that against her. Shit, furthermore, he was no virgin, so he couldn't hold that against her, either. The trick was figuring out how to get rid of Jethro. He could easily murder Jethro,...
Braylin Bailey is my younger stepsister, a cute little blonde thing. She is over helping with some chores while my wife is out. Sweet girl, she is doing our laundry for us. Her ass looks so incredi… ugh, stop it! I’ve got to get her out of here before I do something I’ll regret.. I (Tyler Steel) tell her I’ll finish up & she is good to go home and she starts questioning me. She figures out that I think she’s hot and admits she’s into me too. This is so...
xmoviesforyouHello friends, mera naam ajit hai, mai Iss bahot dino se padhata aaya hun aaj maine socha agar mai padh sakta hun to likh kyon nahi sakta isliye mai apni yeh true story bata raha hun,phir aap log ise sach samjhe ya jhoot, agar aap logo ko meri story achhi lagi to please mujhe reply kare on my id Ab mai apko intejar na karwate story ki taraf badhta hun aur mera introduction deta hun. Mai basically Nanded se hun aur meri higher studies ke liye mai pune aaya hun mai ek normal ladka hun dikhne me...
Chapter 21- Hello, Kitty Katie lay very still as consciousness came upon her. Early morning sunlight wasn’t penetrating her eyelids yet, so it was probably still early. Then she felt the nudge of an erection against her arse; that must have been what had woken her. It took her a moment to remember that it should be Charlie’s. His arms were wrapped around her possessively, and she was sweaty where her back rested against his hairy chest. Her back, arse, and legs were sore and somewhat...
While I spent the next 31 days working on the boat and learning how much I didn’t know ... the girls spent. Every day they came in exhausted ... sore footed and sunburned, having been hiking the shops in the mornings and exploring the beaches in the afternoons. I was expecting an enormous card payment ... but ... no. Zoe was buying deepwater safety gear while Cyn was buying ... dental floss and gun patches and referring to them as bathing attire. When we finally dipped the hull and reset the...
“Your parents still aren’t here?” “No, I think they finally decided to abandon me for sure.” “Haha I doubt it! Did you call them?” “Yeah, but they won’t get here for another hour. They’re still on their way back from Alabama.” “Well if you want, I can drive you to my house and you can just spend the night.” “For real? That would be sick! Let me just call them.” “Sure, go ahead.” I immediately dialed my dad and anxiously waited for him to answer. “Hola?” “Hey dad, Davis offered to let...
One Saturday afternoon I decided to go over to my mate Max's place. His parents always go to the races on Saturdays so thought I would catch up and maybe turn the music up.As usual their door is always open so I walked in and down the hall to his room, but he wasn't there then I heard some giggles from across the hall from his sister's bedroom. I put my head around the door and saw his sister Linda and her friend Immy in the single bed together with a sheet thrown over them.I noticed Immy...
Chapter 3It’s usually pretty easy to tell how a pitch is going once you start. Sometimes you know how it’s going to go just based on how the clients greet you and what room they put you in. If they’ve come into the meeting with a preexisting idea of their agency of choice, the pitch doesn’t even really matter. And that can be really fucking maddening.This is one of those cases where it’s obvious how it’s going. The moment we walked into the lobby of the building, a young, 20-something woman...
LesbianHi all, This is Sanjeev here again after a long time submitting new experiences. Like I mentioned earlier I am a 50 year male from Punjab who is well endowed and likes to meet ladies for some fun. I live in Chandigarh and if any Ladies want to enjoy, please send your emails at and I will reply immediately. Swapping has been going on in India for a long time, first, it was in the upper class and then it slowly came to the middle class and now it is rampant all over the country. Most of you...
At the request of a fan … “Are you ready to go?” Evan looked up from his desk to see his assistant standing in the doorway of his office. She was leaning against the door and smiling at him. “I am ready,” he answered. “Just let me send this email to our idiot client and then we can go.” “Maybe I’ll just stand here until you finish. I know that you tend to stress over messages to him,” she said. “Less than five minutes. I promise,” he offered as he turned to his keyboard, but he noticed...
"Hey, I've got a great idea," Steve said, after Steve watched Fran rub his cum into her breasts and imitate his sister's masturbatory moans. He jumped up from the bed and moved to the window where the cameras were still set up and ready to go. Fran stopped her breast rubbing and moaning and turned toward Steve with a questioning look. "You go down to the patio and do yourself on the lounge and I'll film it on the same tape with Carla." "Well..." "Hey, it's ok," Steve assured...
I always had a sick cum fetish but I really wasn't gay so I went to a place were no one knew me and that was I Queens new york I had heard about gay black guys fucking in toilets so I thought I would try it. After a few hours of driving I reach Queens and I head for a place next to the basketball court. "Hey, sorry bra but were is the public toilet?" "ther' toilet is right' there' white boy!" "Okay thank you. " I park my car and head for the toilet, I enter the cubical with holes on each side...
GayHi dears..Hope you people enjoyed my first sex exp posted in COUPLES category (search with keyword Ld69). Here am again with my second sexual experience that made me find out am a Bisexual too. My neighbor uncle is the hero in this experience .He’s around 48-50,little chubby , with less body hair and with little man boobs. He now moved to another place. This happened just after few months from my first sex experience. We were very close. He took vrs from his service for some personal reason. He...
Gay MaleThis story is one from years back that I’ve been meaning to tell. It’s primarily about this fiery lass named Erin that I met after moving to a new apartment. I was inside unpacking boxes last Friday night when I heard the familiar rumble of a Harley roar up. I briskly walked out front, figuring one of my buddies had driven an hour to check out the new place, but had to glance around when I found the street empty. In the driveway across the street was parked a beautiful Harley-Davidson Fatboy,...
Straight SexJessica was excited to go to The Hellfire Club tonight. She knew she must look perfect to please Sir her Master. He liked it when she was completely soft and smooth.After her shower, she ran her hands over her body to make sure her Brazilian wax session hadn't left any stray stubble. She then rubbed on his favorite lavender scented lotion spreading it across her body, over her belly to her breasts making sure she cared for each one before moving up to her neck. She felt the arousal as she...
BDSMI had planted the seed by suggesting she get a massage. I convinced her that I could watch what a masseuse did so I could do it in the future. My real plan was to have her seduced into a lesbian encounter like on the videos we had watched. I had found a website with personal services. I then locate a woman offering “special” massages. Oil and body to body massage. I rang her and said my wife wanted a massage and I wanted to watch. She said fine, she often did that. She gave me her address and...
As I swam toward consciousness I glanced at the bedside clock. Three – Twenty – Four A.M... Not a good omen. The phone was ringing on the bedside table in the cabin at Camp David, where I stayed when attending one of Charles' agenda retreats. The last thing I remembered was Charles saying he was headed back to the White House so he'd be fresh and rested for a cabinet meeting that I wasn't attending because of a prior commitment. I fumbled with the phone and grabbed my reading glasses...
Personal narrative of BABU 25-year old Arabian assistant to CARLOTTA who is in charge of training in the Stables of Quireme.The new girl brought over from the Harem to be trained as a Pony was quite some beauty. If she’d been a few inches longer in the thigh, she might one day won a top honor from Princess Karina. As it was, when she settled down, I reckoned she would make up into a very nice sort of filly. Aged 22. She was five foot eight inches in height, thirty eight inches at bust and hips,...
Two new pretty things for Mistresses . Expensive red shoes & a slavegirl. I finished off my makeup in the mirror, by applying a final touch of lip gloss & just the tiniest extra hint of mascara to the tips my lashes. I had spent over 2 hours in the process, in? the bath & waxing my body all over & especially intimately. Painting my toenails & primping myself. I slipped out of my lace baby doll nightie. & pulled on my most expensive sheer silk pantie & bra set. A matching garter belt for my...
My Aunt JoAnne was almost 25 years older than me, at 53. She and my uncle had divorced five years earlier and she still didn't have a lot of money. To take a vacation, she would normally go to visit family so she wouldn't have to pay for a hotel. I had moved to a little house by the beach 6 months ago and she had called one month later, asking if she could come visit that summer. I picked her up at the airport Saturday morning. She looked a little tired from the five hour flight."You look...
“You`re sure madam? We can really fuck her?” Madame De Voillet stood in her drawing room before the semi-circle of seated guests and smiled. “Yes, Sir Edgar. She is 20 years old and the daughter of one of my most valued friends. And might I add, one of the most licentious. The girl that will shortly stand before you, is the result of an overprotective father. A man who knows nothing of his wife`s wanton ways.” A chuckle of delight rippled around the room. “And do we get to fuck the mother...
For several minutes Alice studied the advert. 'I wonder what they mean by adult entertainment', she asked herself. 'I bet it has nothing to do with a knitting or cooking class, if the term adult entertainment is registering as I think it means, it means Sex and plenty of it'. She pondered for a bit longer and then picked up her mobile and dialled the number. There were a few rings before a female voice answered. She said that she was enquiring about the advert for 'adult entertainers'....
"Omigod!" she whispered. "Omigod, I came so hard!" Bonnie released her nipple and straightened. Leanne sucked for a moment longer, then she, too, backed away. Jim's thumb stayed in Myra's cunt, and she startled herself by squirming gently on the embedded digit. "Unh! I didn't mean to do that!" she exclaimed with a sense of wonder. "What the hell's wrong with me?" Rocky came around where she could see him. "Puss, you're grade A!" he told her feelingly. "Christ! We've never...
Search for Crazy Ladies for Part 1Crazy Ladies:Ada Pt. 2 ...Most men will say that the worst blowjob they ever had was still pretty damn good... So we carried on like that for about a week. She kept wanting to know what comes next. Several times I almost told her but kept from it. This seems to heighten her excitement, how far I did not know. I then made her start guessing. Each night during that week I'd have her strip naked for supper to get used to her body. After supper I'd lick her pussy...
It was a few months before I got the chance to return to Rob's place. In the interim we continued to have erotic exchanges by internet and phone. We were finally able to identify a morning when we could get together. It had featured in some of our cyber sex that we would hook up after I had been in the gym. This had obviously stuck in Rob's mind as he had a request as to what I should wear. He wanted me in my sweat pants and a t-shirt as if I had just come from a workout. So I set off for his...
By : Buttdivya Message: I was a house wife early married to a widower with a 20 yrs old son. It was 2 yrs after my marriage and my husband had fucked me nearly once a day like an animal. My step son was like my husband in behavior and also physically. I think that he was a young boy with black hair and he was old man with little white hair. The boy was studying 3rd year degree. I knew that he was not a good boy as he was peeping when we were in sex, I observed him so many times myself. On...