KinksChapter 6 free porn video

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The following day was the first day back at school for the second half of the autumn term. I was, for once, actually glad to be back at school. Even if it was a double period of General Studies first thing. Ugh! And games last thing. Double ugh.

I was very disappointed when Mrs Clarke wasn’t in maths. As were a number of the others. Particularly the males. To my slight surprise, and worry, Bondy wasn’t in either. I did start to wonder whether he’d been collected, and taken Mrs Clarke with him. But that didn’t make a lot of sense because Talulah had been in GS that morning and I didn’t think Mrs Clarke would just abandon her.

Talulah and Sandra, along with Higgis and Blish joined me for lunch. Higgis had been in maths, and Blish was in my form group, so in the same GS as Talulah and myself. We speculated idly about both Bondy and Mrs Clarke being absent, but came to no sensible conclusions.

“What do you folks do in games?” Blish asked.

“Rugby,” I grumbled. “I’d far rather do cross-country or swimming.”

“I wish I was doing rugby,” Blish said. “I’m doing hockey and I’ve been hit in the face already by a hockey ball.”

“And nearly in the balls by a hockey stick,” laughed Higgis.

“You doing hockey as well then?” I asked him.

He nodded. “Love it. No good at it.”

We all chuckled.

Both Sandra and Talulah were doing netball and both were perfectly happy.

“Anybody know what Bondy does?” I enquired. “It’s not rugby.”

“Footy,” Talulah said. “He’s actually quite good at it and he’s got into the school second team. He found out just before the hols.”

“Ah nice. I don’t actually like football. Can’t even stand watching it, but I’d rather play that than Rugby.”

“You hate rugby as well?”

I shook my head. “I love watching it. As long as it’s union, not league. But don’t want to play it.”

I found out then that Higgis and his family were from Yorkshire. “Nah,” he said. “League’s far better. More running. Less stoppages,”

“Except,” I butted in, “for those silly restarts every six seconds. You know, the ones after those mock tackles.” I grinned at him. “That’s just plain boring. Silly little scrums with what, just three players? Nah. You need a full eight-man scrum plus line outs, rucks and mauls to make it more interesting. League is more like tag rugby.”

The pair of us argued for about fifteen minutes, all, well mostly, in good humour, about the relative merits of the two versions of rugby. Union was the older code, and had initially been entirely amateur. League had been a fully professional game right from the start, but it had mostly been limited to Lancashire and Yorkshire. Over time some of the union players had defected to league, attracted by the salaries. Anyone who transferred to league, was instantly banned forever from playing union, but with the serious amounts of money floating around, and something which the press called shamateurism, in the mid 1990’s the international board decided to make union an open game. In other words, they allowed professionals.

The two games were actually very different, and it was not very common for players to transfer between the codes. I preferred watching Rugby Union, the fifteen-man game, but I could certainly see the attraction in the thirteen-man Rugby League game. It just wasn’t as interesting to me. Higgis thought differently.

We were actually playing rugby sevens, which was a seven-a-side version of the fifteen-man game. To my amusement Higgis actually thought it a brilliant game. “Even if it is based on Union it has more akin to League. And you do know,” he added slightly pompously, “that American football is based on Rugby League. Their ten yards in four downs bit is very loosely based on our six plays.”

I was actually under the impression American football was a bit older than that, and more based on a modified version of Rugby Union, and that League had got their ideas from that. I told him this and our friendly discussion once again evolved into an only marginally less friendly argument.

“Rugby for wimps,” Blish muttered into Sandra’s ear, referring to American football.

We all heard and laughed. “Yeah. They need to wear battle armour,” Sandra whispered through her laughter. “At least we don’t.”

“That’s because they cheat. They’re allowed to tackle a man without the ball.” That was a definite no-no in both rugby codes. This comparison was a lot hampered simply by the fact that none of us knew a great deal about the American game. Despite this however, we all decided that rugby, in whatever form, was far superior.

Lunch break was over shortly afterwards, and Blish and I headed off to physics, while the others went to whatever they were doing next. “Have you heard from Bondy?”

Blish shook his head and joined the group of students he normally sat and worked with. I joined my group and we chatted about the holidays while we waited for the teacher.

Bondy was in school the following morning, with his left hand in a cast. We all crowded around him before first class to find out what he had done, but at one point, when he had accidentally got shoved and cried out in pain, Talulah, who had been standing next to him, turned on everyone.

“Piss off the lot of you,” she said angrily. “You’ll all find out when he’s good and ready to tell you.” She saw me and grabbed my arm. “You stay.”

The crowd did disperse, no one wanted to be on the wrong side of Talulah, and soon it was just Talulah and Sandra, Bondy and myself. Even Blish and Higgis had vanished, though I was sure I had seen Blish in the crowd.

“So go on, give us the official version, and we’ll make sure that’s what gets around,” Talulah said imperiously. There was an impish glint of humour in her eyes.

“There is no ‘official’ version,” Bondy gasped, still a little grey from the pain of the shoving.

“You should go home,” Sandra told him, her eyes narrowing as she frowned at him, looking intently at him.

“I can’t. I have to be here today, or in hospital. Things happening at home. I might stay home tomorrow if I can.”

“Have you got any pain killers?”

“I’ve got co-codamol, but I’ve already had one dose today so I can’t have any more until lunch time.”

“What lessons do you have today?”

“He’s in phys prac with me now,” I told them.

“After that?” Sandra asked.

“Er. Double German after break,” Bondy told us, “then after lunch French, PE and maths.” I remembered now. Bondy had a mostly similar timetable as me, just substituting German for tech drawing, and French for chemistry. We had the same PE, general studies, maths and physics.

“So what happened?” I asked.

“I was riding pillion on Dad’s motor bike. Some arse came out of a side road and almost took us out, but in the process Dad had to swerve. I fell off because I wasn’t ready for it. I landed on the bonnet of the other car and tore a tendon in my wrist when I fell off.”

“Oh shit. Your dad okay?”

“The bike never got touched, and if I hadn’t come off I suspect the car driver wouldn’t have even realised he’d nearly hit us.”

“When was this?”

“Sunday evening, I didn’t get out of hospital until four Monday morning and Mum and Dad both said I could stay home yesterday.”

“Don’t blame you mate. What’s happening to the car driver?”

“He’s claiming it’s all Dad’s fault because he never touched us and only his car got damaged.”

“But if he pulled out of a side street and caused your dad to have to swerve, then surely it’s his fault?”

“Yeah, but he reckons that’s not what happened, and his passengers back him up.”

“What are they saying?”

“Not sure exactly, but they are saying it’s all our fault, and if we don’t pay up they’ll come and sort us out.”

“Did the police get involved?” asked Talulah.

“They should have been called because I was hurt, but when Dad tried to call them they just threatened us.”

“Shit, so what happened then?”

“Well someone else called an ambulance, and I suspect the ambulance service notified the police because it was an RTI.”

“RTI?” asked Sandra.

“Road Traffic Incident,” Bondy told her.

We all nodded. “So the police did turn up?”

“Yeah. Eventually. After the ambulance. The car driver and his mates were threatening the paramedics as well, but Dad still manages to look fairly fierce when he’s in his leathers and helmet, so he, sort of, kept them from doing something too stupid. When the police finally did show up most of the car passengers made themselves scarce.”

“Probably wanted by the police,” I said.

Bondy just nodded, but said nothing.

Although it was a physics practical lesson first, and a double lesson at that, Bondy had no problems as he was right-handed and it was his left hand in plaster. We did no practical that day, just theory, so sitting and listening and writing as the teacher gave out information.

The four of us met up again at lunch time. I couldn’t help looking at Sandra as she fussed a little around Bondy, making sure he was okay and got his food. That’s when I noticed just how pretty she really was. She wasn’t as pretty as Talulah was, I suppose, but then Talulah was, to a certain extent, brash about her looks, and extremely outgoing. Sandra on the other hand was far more introverted, had a much more understated beauty. One that, now I looked, I realised was, in its own way, at least as beautiful as Talulah. I genuinely wondered how many people had noticed. By staying in Talulah’s shadow so much, plus with her dark goth makeup and spiky hair, people rarely actually looked at her. Her makeup and dress-style hid some of her beauty. Now I was looking, and I saw and was quietly impressed.

Mrs Clarke wasn’t seen all week, and the rumours and myths did the rounds. We all knew about the Confederacy collections, and everyone assumed she had been taken. On Thursday however, the teacher taking us for maths first thing told us Mrs Clarke would be back in on the following Monday. Naturally the rumours all changed, but still, amongst the boys at least, some of those rumours were well into the gutter.

I had worn a different pair of knickers every night, plus during the day on Wednesday and Friday, the only days I didn’t do either games or PE. By Wednesday lunchtime I had to take that pair off and go commando for the rest of the day. From that day on, if I was to be going out wearing a ‘new’ pair of knickers I wasn’t sure about, I made sure that I could actually wear it without pain first.

I hated going home each evening. I couldn’t tell anyone about my home life: I was under eighteen and I suspected I would be ‘taken into care’ if the social services found out. Dumped with some foster parent? Not a chance. I wanted to stay in my own home. But I missed my parents. I slept in Mum and Dad’s bed Thursday night, but their scent had mostly gone by now. I missed them dreadfully.

At lunch on Friday I was sitting next to Sandra. Bondy hadn’t been in Wednesday or Thursday so it had been just the two girls, Blish and Higgis, and myself. Come Friday however, Bondy was back, still in plaster, but looking far more normal. I was chatting with Sandra as Bondy was chatting with Talulah. Blish and Higgis were not with us.

“Will you go out with me tomorrow?” I asked her softly.

She looked at me in surprise for a moment, then her face softened. She gave me a small smile that just lit up her face and took my breath away. “Maybe.”

“But,” I started.

“I’ll tell you at afternoon break,” she said softly.

“Thank you,” I whispered.

“I haven’t said yes yet.”

“But you also didn’t say no straight away. That alone is worth a thank you.”

Her smile got a little wider. “I like you,” she said. “You and Bondy have been really good for Tee.” Amongst her very closest friends, Talulah was known as Tee.

“Thank you,” I said. “She needed to know she’s, erm, well, safe? I’m glad she’s had you as a friend anyway.”

“I don’t really know how to help her, I just muddled through.”

“I think you did everything exactly right. You stayed her close friend. You stayed a true friend. You did tell Mrs Clarke, and she’s trying to put plans in motion to save both her and her sister.” I shrugged. “You accepted us. We got to show her, I hope, that most males are not monsters.”

Sandra’s smile went a bit sad. Oh shit, I thought. I frowned. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah. I’m okay.” She looked at me intently for a few moments. “Yeah, alright, I’ll go out with you.”

I grinned in delight. “Thank you. Shall I come and pick you up? I don’t drive or anything.”

She shook her head. “It’d be better if I meet you in town somewhere.”

“Where’s best for you?”

She grinned. “Where do you want to take me?”

I shrugged. “I don’t really know. Is there anything on at the pics you fancy?”

She shook her head. “Not going to the cinema,” she said flatly. “There’s an art gallery just around the corner from there that I love going into.”

I nodded. I knew of it but I’d never been in. “Okay. What time?”


“Sure.” I smiled at her. “Thank you.”

The really bizarre thing was that I had not planned on asking her out, it had just happened. Now it had I was happier than I had been for a little while. I put my hand out to take hers but she gave a tiny shake of the head and pulled her hand away. “Not now,” she whispered.

“Oh, okay.”

Friday afternoon was one of the harder times of the week, with chemistry, then maths and finally physics. Yet even this couldn’t totally dampen my happiness.

I was up reasonably early on Saturday morning. The first thing I did, after showering and dressing - a pair of Pauline Lipp’s knickers, was to quickly get a wash load on. Mum normally did two during the week, and two at weekends, plus sometimes another odd one or two depending on what was happening. I hadn’t done any during the week, so I was still a long way behind on the clothes that should be going to charity, as well as on my own stuff.

I met Sandra and we had a lovely afternoon together. She was nowhere near as heavily made up as she usually was at school, and looked totally different. Even her clothes were toned down somewhat. She was wearing trainers and jeans instead of the boots, skirts and sometimes leggings she normally wore. It really softened her down and made her look so much more feminine. Yet I still liked how she dressed and made herself up for school. It was a lovely contrast. After wandering around the art gallery for about an hour, we left and went and sat in a local coffee bar. Not one of the big chains. “My parents think I’m with a couple of girlfriends,” Sandra told me as we sat down with a couple of americano’s. “They won’t let me go out with a boy at the moment.”


She shrugged. “Various reasons I guess. Boys taking advantage. You know.”

I didn’t really ‘know’ but I did sort of understand. “Okay.”

“What do your parents think you’re doing?”

I looked down at the table and wondered what they were doing. “Dunno,” I said shrugging. “I didn’t tell them I was going out and meeting someone.”

“They think you’re on your own?”

“Haven’t told them anything. They don’t know where I am. Doubt they’re even thinking about me.” I didn’t know that, though I suspected both my parents were thinking about me, and worrying somewhat, but not often and only when they got the chance.

“That’s not good. You should tell them.”

“I know. I will if I get the chance.” I tried to change the subject. “Do you and Talulah manage to go out much?”

Sandra smiled slightly, acknowledging my change of subject. “Sometimes, and only after her dad has checked with mine that there are no boys involved.”

“Your dad isn’t.” I started, but Sandra interrupted me before I had got very far.

“God no. Nothing like that. My dad’s really nice. And my mum. No they’re just worried for me after something happened to my older sister.”

I hadn’t even realised she had an older sister. “Oh?”

Sandra just shook her head, a look of infinite sadness on her face.

“Was she raped or something?” I asked very softly.

Sandra shook her head and looked down at the table. I took her hand. “I’m sorry,” I said. “Forget I asked. It’s none of my business.”

Sandra looked up. “Georgie was being bullied at school because she was a real swot. She was clever, but she wasn’t really good looking. Not like Tee.”

“Or you,” I whispered.

She ignored me. “Because of that she didn’t have many friends. Some of the boys were really cruel to her. I mean really cruel. Said she was ugly. She committed suicide when she was fourteen.”

“Oh hell fire,” I whispered softly. “I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have asked. How old were you?”

“I was eleven and I loved her. I really looked up to her. She was so good, so lovely. So clever.”

“Oh no. Does anyone else know?”

Sandra shrugged. “It’s not a real secret. Most people at school know.”

“I didn’t. I’m sure Bondy doesn’t.”

“Tee does.”

“But you have to be strong for her. Who’s strong for you?”

“Tee helps me at least as much as I help her.”

“Let me be strong for you,” I said softly, still holding her hand. She looked up at me, studying me. We were sitting on opposite sides of the table but she suddenly moved round next to me and hugged me.

“Thank you.” She looked around, then at her watch. “Come on, let’s go for a walk.”

It was early November with bonfire night a couple of days away. Most people would have theirs tonight, but for once I wouldn’t. It was sunny but cold and we held hands as we wandered slowly up the high street. We didn’t talk much; I just enjoyed being in her company.

We eventually made our way back to the bus station and went into the attached coffee shop to wait for our respective buses. It wasn’t as nice as the first one we had been in.

“Thank you for a lovely day,” I told her.

“No, thank you,” she said, and gave me another hug. To my surprise she even gave me a kiss on the cheek. I smiled softly and picked up her hand and kissed it. She blushed a little.

“Are you free tomorrow?”

She looked surprised. “Are you sure?”

“I’ve never been more sure of anything.”

Her surprise turned to pleasure and happiness, but that quickly changed to regret.

“I can’t. I’m doing family stuff with my parents tomorrow.”

“Okay,” I said, very disappointed.

“I want to come out with you more than anything, but,” she shrugged.

I nodded. “I know. I’ll see you Monday anyway.” I paused. “Do you have a mobile?”

She nodded and rattled off the number. I laughed and took my phone out of my pocket. She took it off me and quickly typed in her number. Her own phone rang moments later. “Now I have your number as well. Text me first though. Especially if you know, or think, I might be with my mum or dad.”

I nodded. “No worries. Except when we’re at school, you can text me anytime.”

“Won’t your parents mind?”

“I don’t know. They might if we’re all sitting down to a meal, but when that happens, I’ll just ignore you until I can respond later.” I hadn’t told a lie. Not directly. I just didn’t want to tell her I was on my own at home.

She nodded then looked up as another bus swept into the small area. “This is mine.”

“That’s mine right behind yours,” I said as a second bus came in, slightly slower.

She laughed and reached up and gave me a peck on the lips. I was shocked, but her soft lips on mine, even for that fraction of a second, had felt wonderful.

When I got home there was a strange car parked on the drive. I didn’t recognise it and approached slowly.

The door opened and I started to back away, until I saw it was Mrs Clarke.

“Toby” she said, relief very evident in her face. “Where’ve you been? I’m so sorry. I didn’t find out until this morning.”


“Invite me in. Please?”

“Uh. Sure.” I unlocked the door and took her straight into the living room. The dining room had a pile of knickers in while I hadn’t done any washing up this week so the kitchen was a mess also. The living room however I had kept spotlessly tidy. It had just seemed the right thing to do.”

“I’m sorry, my parents,”

She interrupted me. “It’s okay Toby. I know what’s happened to your parents and to your sister. Your father phoned me, but I wasn’t home so he left a message on my answerphone.” She looked sad. What was it with sad women at the moment. My three favourite women on Earth, Talulah, Sandra and now Mrs Clarke were all sad.

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The girls shuffled into the locker room after what had been a brutal hour of gym class. For some unknown reason old lady Stiller had gotten up on the wrong side of the bed and taken it out on her third period group of senior girls. “Judas priest,” Matti sighed while slumping down on the bench in front of her locker, “what the fuck was that all about!?!” “I dunno,” Ricki replied while peeling off her dripping wet shorts and tee shirt, “I don’t know if I can make it to my next class!” Everyone in...

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The Calling

“A quest has been issued.” A soft feminine voice chimes in your head. You start at the sound and look around, wondering if anyone else had heard. You don’t see any people similarly startled, but you do notice a floating window hovering in the center of your field of vision. What the fuck? You think as you begin to read the words laid out before you. “Invalid response. A quest has been issued. Will you accept it?” The voice responds to your unvoiced thought. Answer the Call A quest has been...

2 years ago
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Isabels Slave Part One

I am Isabel’s slave. I never started out being a slave, but one day, it just happened. The funny thing is, I get paid for being a slave, in a round-about way that is.  My name is Melissa, I am in my mid-twenty’s and have jet black hair and nice perky tits; not large but not small either. I am slim with nice long legs. I like my body and I am comfortable with the way I look. I am also comfortable with who I am. Well, I am now. I started working for Isabel as a live in maid. She has quite a...

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HornetChapter 5

In case you are wondering, Dad made his living off the stock market and any number of private investments that he had made. Thus, he was able to spend as much time as he wished in his office at home. That's why I was almost always able to find him when I needed him. Dad took the time off to make a set of the brass bar armor for Tom. He also took Tom to get a chain mail shirt. Tom was much luckier than I had been because the man had a shirt in stock that would work for Tom with no...

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Jonathon And Jackie Naked In SchoolChapter 14 Jackie

I was about half asleep and enjoying the feeling of having JR next to me. The door to the bedroom opened and I saw my mom standing in the opening. I blinked a few times to help my eyes adjust. When I was finally awake, I began to panic. Mom put her finger to her lips and then smiled at me. She came to the bed, leaned over, and whispered, "I'm leaving in a few minutes. I checked your room but found it empty. Is everything going as well as it looks?" I grinned and nodded. Mom kissed my...

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Lana Gets Blacken

Lana walked to her back yard and sat in her lounge chair, she wore a bikini and was determined to get a nice suntan, and it was a beautiful summer day. The brown haired twenty-year-old girl squinted her blue eyes at the bright sun but did not want to wear sunglasses and ruin her tan. The 5'1" thin girl thought how much she liked her new home but wished that they had a swimming pool. Lana had been married a year and a half and moved from their apartment last month to this new house. With the...

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“I hate to say it but I think I’m done for the night.” I sat back against the leather seat in the booth we were occupying and gazed out at the crowd packed into the club. Shouts and laughter competed with the bass pumping from the speakers, and people were downing shots at the bar. We’d been amongst the chaos on the dance floor earlier, but the heat and crush of bodies had become too much so we’d moved to a quieter corner away from the flashing lights. “Whose idea was it to come here anyway?”...

1 year ago
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The Best of Friends

My eyes wandered around the airport, watching as the passengers got off from the plane coming from England. I glanced at my watch, noticing that she was supposed to be here 10 minutes ago, paced around a couple of times, before deciding to head to the bathroom for a second. "Hey Eden!" Margo exclaimed, giving me a big hug from behind. I almost screamed, but immediately recognized her dirty blonde hair,tan skin, and 32C breasts against my back. "It's so good to see you again. It's been years...

4 years ago
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Let There Be Light And there was Light

My great grandfather Noah Silverman is the founder of our family business. From humble beginnings, we are now a worldwide corporation with factories in seventeen countries. Noah arrived in the east end of London at the time that Jack the ripper was stalking the streets by night. No women were safe, especially the many prostitutes.He managed to rent a small somewhat dilapidated building in a backstreet. All around him was abject poverty. What struck him most of all was that very few of the...

2 years ago
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Lucy the sexy student neighbour

She's rapidly typing away at it, sending messages or something. All of a sudden she giggles and looks up to where you're standing. You can tell she knew you were there before but now you get a bit embarrassed. Lucy looks back at the phone and then starts to rub some sun lotion gently into her heaving breasts. Now this would be very innocent if she weren't looking into your eyes the whole time she's doing it. Your cock begins to grow as Lucy slides her hand under the tiny bikini top, rubbing...

1 year ago
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Girle Parts 5 and 6

Girl-e by Paul1954 Part 1. Man On A Mission! Part 2. A Wolf In Ewe's Clothing Part 3. From Haven To Hell Part 4. A Voice From The Past Part 5. A Sheep in Sheep's Clothing Part 6. Fools Rush In Part 7. Where Angels Fear To Tread * * * * * * * (continued from Part 4) Part 5. A Sheep in Sheep's Clothing "Hiding in plain sight - what do you mean?" I answered her, not liking the look on her face at all. "Well, it seems obvious to me that you can't stay with...

1 year ago
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Ma Attha Ni Tempt Chayadaniki Naku

Hey My dear ISS readers how you all are I am fine Nenu na attha na paru Tinku ma attha paru Swathi nenu Hyderbad lo untuna ma attha valu orilo unday valu nenu summer lo matramay vayli akda spend chasay vani ohhhhh sorry nenu ma attha size chapadam maricipoya kadha ma attha dup anushka ala untundhi size itay enka asalu oka sari chustay mana janmalo marchipolayamu 36 28 34 e size lo untundhi tanu okay My dear friends coming to story andaru aamailu me puku lo chai mari abailu me sulli chaytilo...

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Die Auszubildende

Karina Gottfeld ist Auszubildende zur Speditionskauffrau. Erstes Lehrjahr, bei einem angesehenen Logistikbetrieb. Die Arbeit gefällt ihr gut! Besser als Schule zumindest. Karina brütete gerade über diesem dämlichen Buchungsprogramm, als Frau Müller quer durch das grosse Büro krähte: " Karina! Du solltest doch noch....

2 years ago
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Being indoctrinated and enslaved in boarding schoo

Being indoctrinated and enslaved on my very day in Boarding schoolI recall, I was 16 years old and starting Grade eight however there was no high school in our town which necessitated me attending boarding school which was 250 Kilometers away from home.My dad was all “chipper” about it and stated that it would make a man out of me as he was of the opinion that I was a real “Mommy`s” boy as I did not like playing rugby or cricket etc. I preferred to stay in my room and read books!I must state...

3 years ago
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Couple8217s sex games lead to SM gangbang

My husband Ron and I like to play sexual games. One game that we sometimes play is Forfeits, this is where I am given some task to fulfil and if I fail I have to take a note from the Lucky Dip jar and act out whatever is written on it. These have ranged from relatively mild things, such as leaving off my panties and flashing my nakedness in a pub, to very severe things like inviting a strange Master from a sex contact mag, to come and beat me. Even though I find some of these forfeits...

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Fifteen Forever Girls from Outer SpaceChapter 3 A Plan

Mo watched Grace approach, looking excited. ‘Cute’ would be a massive understatement. “What is it?” the little beauty gasped breathlessly, “what have you found out?” “I had to do a bit of burglary,” a touch of exaggeration wouldn’t hurt, to keep that rapt expression fixed on him, “then I used Call History, and the time I overheard him, to track it down. And the guy was in his Contacts so I’ve got his name and even his email. No address though, it wasn’t there.” “So who is he? Where does he...

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Every journey has a starting point, but sometimes it’s difficult to tell if there is a destination. Sometimes you just start rolling and you end up someplace you never imagined. That’s true of any journey. Even an innocent bike ride on a warm summer morning. The starting point. A middle-aged man with a wife and kids, not entirely happy but not entirely unhappy either. Happy with most things except between the sheets. It happens to a lot of marriages, after the kids come along. After the partner...

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Kyles ordeal

Kyle's ordeal By Lucille Trish had never thought that shopping for lingerie could be so interesting, but it was. November was almost finished and she took a break from Christmas shopping. She was shopping for herself now. Walking though the aisles of different style bras at Victoria's Secret had sparked a wicked idea in her head. She never wore very sexy styles of lingerie but looking at the bright pink padded cups and purple, blue, imported silk and elaborately embroidered styles...

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Episode 141 Fathers Day

"Happy Father's Day, papa bear - I've brought you breakfast in bed".Debbie, my gorgeous blonde teenage step-daughter stood at the side of the bed, utterly naked except for the 13th birthday present silver charm bracelet.She briefly slipped each of the heart shaped charms into her mouth, all the while watching my mounting erection lifting the thin summer quilt."Where's breakfast" I tried to ask innocently."I am silly. You said we could have sex when my pubic hair started growing - and here it...

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Eight Hundred Nerve Endings

Fiona opened her eyes and drank in her surroundings.Hot sunlight radiated through the windows of Cuppa Joe’s, where it mingled with the noisy effusion of the espresso machines, and gave the café a confined, sultry feel. There was a defined bustle of other patrons, and the air seemed crowded with conversation. She and Mark were fortunate to even find a table today. As the chattering continued, Fiona raised the cup before her and took a sip of her steaming soya mocha, enjoying the slight burning...

4 years ago
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07 Home 2Chapter 69

Present – Ben - leaving the cabin It is good to be on the move again - spending time at the cabin and connecting to Jens are some of the hardest things I have ever done. It reminds me of what should have been until Hussein fucked it up: Jens and I living out the rest of our lives at the cabin, surrounded by children and later grandchildren. To leave the cabin was to permanently leave that part of my life behind me and move on to other things. One part of leaving that part behind me is making...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 316

After my fun with the senior Customs official, we all were treated to a coming home dinner in one of the large meeting rooms at the airport – catered by the Morton Field restaurant. All the hi-dollar tables were covered by silk table cloths stacked with the best foods they could serve. I was seated at the head the head table with the girls minus Ching Lee. Mom, Dad, Jake, Mindy, Vance, and his wife, Josh and his girl friend, Bob and Linda Jackson finished out the table. Other tables were...

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Sister and I take a break

*** 100% Fiction Last summer holiday my sister and I decided to go and visit the countryside as we were getting bored at home with not much to do. We both packed our bags and decided to head south, taking the train from the city centre. After heavy delays, we reached the south and decided to check into a motel as we were both in need of a shower. The hot summer’s day and the walking around from one station to another had taken its toll on both of us. The receptionist took my name down and...

4 years ago
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Her First Black Cock

Mary was a very attractive but shy 18 year old who was born and raised in Iowa. Mary was about 5 feet 4 inches tall and weighted in at about 100 pounds even. She had wavy blonde hair and beautiful light blue eyes. She had had a sheltered life and she knew it. In her high school graduation class there were only 6 black students.Mary was always raised to be friends with everyone, but only close friends with people like herself. It would have been a scandal in her family if she would have ever...

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Carries last fling as a single girl

Carrie showed a lot of promise as a teen girl. She was filled out nicely and kept getting better as she leaned out. But what really set her apart was the bubbly aura about her. You couldn’t help being happy she was around, and even if she was too young a guy went out of his way to be close to her. Or maybe it was just me. The fact is, she had a poor image of herself and she never got the attention of boys her age that I thought she should have got. The up side was, when she was almost eighteen...

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Knightly Affections VI

Standing in his tunic the Prince examined the ring. It was truly a work of art. He remembered when he first saw the completed ring, before knighting John. It was a breathtaking masterpiece: a thick silver band with scrollwork; a faceted square ruby clutch set into 4 prongs. He remembered taking John's hand and slipping the ring onto his finger as the soon-to-be-knight knelt before him.“Rise, Knight,” he had said to John. “Rise and be known from here on as Sir John.”John had stood, flushed...

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Getting Caught

This is just a short story that I've had for some time about a little cheating and forgiveness. It has a standard format for a plot and I don't expect a very favorable response from the reader but some might enjoy it ... I think its why most affairs are initiated and what the outcome would and should be considering the circumstances. It was getting dark as I drove into the motel parking lot and pulled up in front of the room indicated to me by my passenger. His name was Charles Parker and he...

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A Wifes Seduction

My husband has submitted a few of our stories to this site already but I thought I would share one with you from a female perspective. My name is Tina and I am happily married to my husband Jay. We enjoy “the lifestyle”. I am 44 and Jay is 48. I like to think that I am attractive although Jay says I am the complete MILF. I like to keep in shape but I am not a gym junkie. I would say that I have a reasonable figure. I have mousy blonde hair, big brown eyes and 36 d breasts with sensitive...

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Yvette Plays at Home Part 3 Growing the Family Business

“Sweetie,” said Yvette. “Can you go over to Kate’s place this afternoon?” “Why Mum?” replied Steve. He had satisfied himself with his mother’s body, and was now looking for his clothes so he could get dressed and go to university. “I need someone to pick up some things for a meeting I’ve got tomorrow. I’m busy this afternoon.” Yvette paused and kissed him firmly on the lips. “It’ll be worth your while.” She kissed him again. “Mum, we’re already screwing. What else do you have to...

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Surprise Melody Flintkote Part TwoChapter 13

The judge looked over the paperwork ... examined ... and I mean HARD. The safe had survived the crushing ... and the suspicious fire. “Gentlemen. Approach the bench.” Voices were raised. He said ... he said ... they said. Louder, louder. Seated at the plaintiffs bench they were loud enough to hurt my ears. A couple of bangs with the gavel ... and a couple more. The judge shouted, “Y’all shut up ... next mouth gets 30 days.” Instant silence. “There is no way I can refuse her suit. The...

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A roll of the die Part Two

((continued from part one here, )) Karen managed not to laugh and kept her tongue slipping up and down Lisa’s pussy. Lisa shifted and Karen looked up to see Lisa turn her head to the side and stuff Jeremy’s long hard cock into her mouth. Karen felt Dave’s fingers smoothing the edges of her pussy and she purred her delight into Lisa’s. It was official, she thought. It had become an orgy. The pleasure his fingers sent into her depths fed the alcohol coursing through her veins and Karen...

Group Sex
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The Road or an RathadChapter 14

When I returned to the house, Cormac was eating a sandwich. He looked uncomfortable sitting, while his Queen (my Mom) was on her feet. Mom and Brenda were both looking at me anxiously. No doubt, they were waiting for me to give them some kind of indication of what I had decided. "I need to sleep on this," I told them. There was little doubt that both of them guessed what that meant. Mom had only found out today that I had been visiting dreamtime but she would quickly see that a visit to...

2 years ago
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An old friend fucked my husbands ex girlfriend bac

I was cleaning up the house a bit late one afternoon when my sister-in-law stopped by to visit. I grabbed a couple glasses of wine as the two of us sat in the living room and chit chatted for a while. As we were talking, she told me that while she was out a few days earlier, she ran into a couple of old friends of ours that we had gone to school with. I asked her who they were and she said that it was an old boyfriend of hers whose name was Mario and his best friend Sean, who we used to hang...

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Dominique Ch 06

After the weekend, Andrew gave me some space to get my head together, which was good. To be honest, I was 'on autopilot' all week, and hardly able to concentrate. I was glad work hadn't noticed. The experience at Dean's tilted my world on its axis, and I started to wonder about all kinds of things. Going up there was a good idea, I decided, even if it was only to open my eyes to the possibilities. I learned some good lessons there. Probably the best one was that if my head was in the right...

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My Morning Routine at the Mansion of Misstress Cassandra

My eyes open with the gentle humming of my small alarm clock. I quickly shut it off so as not to disturb anyone else in the room. Its 4:30am, well before light creeps into the day and the room is now pitch black. Very quietly I rise up on my hands and knees and crawl off of the small doggy bed on the floor next to the big bed. It's embroidered with my name "Heather" in pink because it's my bed and I'm the pet of Mistress Cassandra.. I'm silent when I move because I have done this so...

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Experimentation to please

One afternoon Sherene decides to go surprise Kirk in his apartment so she dresses up in her shorts and sexy top and walks down the road to go see her lover. However wanting to surprise him she looks into his window of his flat apartment room. About to shout at him to scare him she stops. She gets turned on by what she sees. Kirk is naked lying on the bed, with his eyes closed he is masturbating. Sherene watches as her boyfriend touches his huge, hard dick and drives it up and down, up and down,...

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The Summer Bloom Part 1

I live in a small country town in rural Australia. I think it is a beautiful area as it is nestled in a National Park so I am surrounded by the wonders of nature. It is a peaceful place, tourist buses stop here a couple of times a week and there always seems to be a few holidaymakers in the caravan park all year round. But this all changes around Christmas. For several weeks every summer my small town explodes into a hive of tourism. The caravan park is booked out, usually many months in...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 2120 World Disorder

That’s how it happened that on Tuesday morning, I was in the kitchen and had decided I’d turn on the television to watch the new hostess on The Homemakers’ Hour at nine o’clock. What I saw instead were images of the Twin Towers in New York City. Smoke was pouring out of one of the buildings and I couldn’t figure out exactly what was happening. Then an airplane came straight at the other tower and crashed into it. The World Trade Center. The brokerage where Heaven was waiting for the market...

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Entering College

I was preparing to move into my college freshman dorm at the University of Oregon. I was super excited to be living on my own. It's not that my parents were overbearing or anything, I just wanted to be alone, away from them. Though I was ditching my parents, I was unfortunately going to be stuck with a roommate.

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She Brought A Friend for us

She joined me at the bar, we had a couple of drinks and then went back to my room--I undressed her, kissed her, and we took out her toys--we started playing with them, I inserted one in her pussy while my tongue was busy on her clit, I pushed my fingers into her ass, and then I took the dildo and put it back into her pussy, told her to play with her clit, put some lubrication on my cock and turned her on her side--I put my fingers into her ass, withdrew them and put my cock at the entrance...

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