Unlikely Partners
- 2 years ago
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They continued on toward the hills and their eventual destination. As they did they questioned the folk they met about the Badger People. Some knew of them, but not many. Very little information was forthcoming until they had crossed the hills and entered the area where they were supposed to live. At last they had a breakthrough. They were trading with some new tribesmen and asking if any knew of the Badger People when one of them says "Yes I know them. What is it you want of them?"
"We wish to trade with them. I understand they have a young woman with them. She is a relative of a friend, and he asked me to see if I could return her to him." replied Paul.
"Huh." He grunted "You're welcome to her, cock burner that one. Don't know why Rolof is still keeping her. Says he loves her. Stupid prick! You want a woman you can fuck and give you children. All she does is eat and moan. She's very pretty, but what use is that if all you can do is look? As I said you need a woman you can fuck, and one that can fuck well."
"Could you take us to her, perhaps we could trade for some furs, and maybe even for her?" asked Paul.
"Well I could," he replied "but I have these furs to trade, can't go back until I get what I need for them"
Paul smiled "Okay what do they call you, and what do you need?"
"Well" the man replied, "They call me Joric. I could do with a bow like you've got. Don't suppose you want to trade it do you?"
Paul laughed, "No I'm afraid not, it would take a lot more furs than you have here for a bow like this. I have got this bow here though" he said pulling a bow from his pack.
Paul saw Joric's eyes light up. The bow was worth more than all his furs, but Paul suspected that he needed other thing as well. "So you like the bow do you?" he asked
"Well, it's alright I suppose" he replied, almost drooling with anticipation. "But I have other things I need to see us through winter; my woman needs new pots, spices, clothes and other things"
Paul felt sorry for him. He was unable to hide the disappointment from his voice. He was no different from the rest of us; his wife had sent him shopping, he had his list, now he had spotted a shiny new toy, but he just could not afford it. His wife and kids came first. He put their need before his own. "Tell you what, you get the things you need, and if you show us the way and help persuade Rolof to let us take her home with us I'll give you the bow as a reward. What do you say?" Paul asked him.
"Okay, you've got a deal" He said unable to contain the excitement in his voice. "Wait here, I won't be long"
"Its okay, we'll come with you, make sure you get the best deal." said Tom
Paul looked at him questioningly "It's very simple" Tom told him "If we get the women on our side by providing what they need, then we'll get the men on our side. His wife can't be the only woman who wants spices, fine silks and linens. You're not married are you? Trust me, if we get the women on board, then the men will follow."
"Okay" said Paul "If you think it will work, then we've nothing to lose."
They followed Joric around the caravan, haggling with the traders and getting the best deals they could for both Joric and themselves. After they had bought all they needed it was time to leave. They said goodbye to Ahmed, Gavin and to many others who had become friends on their journey. After a final meal together they set off towards the Badger People.
They left with a baggage train of their own consisting of six packhorses loaded down with as much as they could carry.
Joric led them through the twisting pathways that passed for roads in this area. They were in deep woodland and surrounded by the sounds and smells of the forest.
"I'll tell you what," said Tom to Paul when they stopped for a break. "I prefer the smells here to that of most of the towns. They really do stink!"
Paul laughed, "Yes, I know what you mean. This is virgin forest; they only hunt here, there is no logging or farming carried out here. This must be how most of Britain looked before man came along and cut down all the trees."
They continued to travel well into the evening until at last they came upon a village. In the clearing were about ten circular huts with pens for animals and gardens full of various vegetables close by. In small areas close by were fields of what looked like wheat or barley. All in all it did not look what you would call prosperous.
The headman and most of the village came out to greet Joric and his new friends. "Welcome back Joric. Tell me, who are your friends?"
"These are Tom and Paul. They are travelling with the trading caravan. They want the cock burner and are willing to trade for her." Joric told them.
"Better send for Rolof then. He's claimed her for his woman, much use it's done him. But while we wait for him let me introduce myself. I'm Ganlan, leader of the Badger People. Come let us sit and talk." Turning to two of the women he said "Flora, Diana, take care of their animals." And with that he led the two men into his hut.
They entered a large smoky hut. "Please, sit" Ganlan urged them. "I understand that you are here to rescue the cock burner." He looked at the surprised look on the two men's faces. "Oh not all of us are completely ignorant out here. I know she doesn't belong here. But the problem is Rolof. He is completely smitten by her and refuses to see reason. He's not a bad man, but love and lust do make a man stupid. It just seems he looks at her and his brains fly away."
"Yes we are here for her. You know that she has to go home and has no future here. Is there anything or anyone who can persuade Rolof to let her go? We have come a very long way and cannot leave without her." said Paul.
"Alas I cannot make him, however I will do what I can. Now whilst we wait, why don't you tell me of your journey here, I'm sure it will make an interesting tale." he asked them.
They told him of all their adventures since arriving on Chaos, and he asked some very probing questions regarding the slavers and how many there were and their location.
Tom suddenly asked him "Okay, you seem very interested in the slavers. Have you had a problem with slavers here then?"
Ganlan smiled at him. "You are very astute. Yes we have, last month we had three women stolen from this village alone, but throughout the neighbouring tribes up to twenty women have gone missing. One of them was Rolof's sister. I'm sure if you could help get them back then he would be only too happy to let you take her home."
"Yes, but if you can't find them with your tracking and hunting skills, then what chance would we have?" Paul asked him "After all your people are the most renowned trackers in the area."
"Thank you," Ganlan said "But tracking them isn't the problem. There are over twenty of them, very well organised and well armed. We don't have a problem tracking over forty people travelling through our forest; the problem is taking them on. You see each tribe considers themselves better than the others, and therefore will not take orders from anyone else."
"I see," said Tom. "What you need is a general. Someone not from here that all the tribes will take orders from." He looked across at Paul who nodded at him "Very well. We'll do it. Send word to all the tribes that you have a war leader who will lead your people in freeing your women. Tell them to send their best hunters and trackers. How long will it take do you think to assemble enough men?"
"We could have thirty men by tomorrow night. More within three days." he answered.
"Get as many as you can, we leave in the following morning." said Tom "In the meantime would it be possible to see Leila and tell her we're here and what our plans are."
"Certainly, follow me." with that Ganlan lead them to a smaller hut at the edge of the village.
They went inside and saw a beautiful young woman tending the fire.
"Leila, I have someone to see you." said Ganlan
She looked up looking at them "Yes? Who are you?"
"We've reached a crossroads," said Paul.
A look of puzzlement, and then realization crossed her face. She squealed and ran to him throwing her arms around him. "My hero!" she exclaimed "Come on, I'll get my things together and we can go. What have you done to Rolof, he's nice I hope you haven't had to kill him," she said without stopping for breath.
Paul smiled. "Slow down. We're not leaving yet. Rolof's fine. Now sit down and I'll tell you what's happening."
He then went on to explain what Ganlan had told them and what they had agreed to do. As he finished Rolof arrived and they had to explain it all again. He was not happy, but they could tell that deep down he knew they were right. Then Tom had an idea.
"Listen Rolof, we intend to free all the women captured by these men, surely amongst one of them there must be one who you would willing to take for a wife, and, if you were to be able to provide her a good supply of herbs, spices and silks, then what woman could refuse such a brave and resourceful man as yourself?"
Rolof looked at him. "That's all very well, but where am I going to get spices and silks? Herbs I can get in the forest, but silks and spices?"
"You'll be surprised what a resourceful man like yourself can trade for the freedom of this woman," said Tom.
Rolof smiled "Silk, spices and herbs? What about good iron pots? Got any of those?"
"We have" said Tom, "but just remember; if you ever upset her those things can hurt."
"Yes, see what you mean, might just stick to pottery ones then" Rolof replied
Both Paul and Ganlan had to step out of the hut then, their shoulders shaking with silent laughter.
As they walked away Ganlan said to Paul "How does he do that, I haven't seen anything that funny for years. He managed not only to agree to release Leila but has managed to get him to refuse iron pots!"
"How valuable are those thing here?" asked Paul intrigued
"Very" Ganlan replied "If a man had say three or four of them he would be considered one of the richest men around. Iron is very scarce and therefore very valuable. If you hadn't noticed, hardly anything here is made of metal. We simply don't have any. You are carrying more iron than most men could dream of owning. Take care; there may be some here who would like to relieve you of some if not all of it."
"Thanks for the warning; it does however give me an idea. Look at this arrow" he took one of his arrows and showed it to Ganlan "this is called a bodkin arrow, see how fine the point is, and how sharp. It's designed to punch through armour, steel plate, chain mail, boiled leather; this will go through everything. It's not barbed so it can be easily removed, so not so good for hunting, but against the slavers it will give us an unexpected advantage. Let me see your arrows," he asked taking one of Ganlan's. "You see yours are fire hardened plain tips or are like this one, tipped with stone. They just don't have the penetrating power. Those slavers are in for a shock. We have several hundred of these, so we'll be able to give some to all those who accompany us." Paul told him.
"These are fantastic!" Ganlan cried. "Now we can get our women back!"
The next day they made their preparations for the upcoming battle. As the men arrived they were shown the new arrows. All those who wished to come were given ten arrows each. Tactics were discussed and ideas were banded about. In the end it was Tom who was chosen as leader. This was because being older the tribesmen were more willing to listen and take orders from him. Food and other supplies were packed and weapons sharpened. After a restless night they were ready to leave.
The journey was not difficult. The slavers had left an easy path to follow and it was clear they thought that
no-one would dare oppose them. It took three days to catch up with the slavers and they then made their plans to attack.
It was decided to attack just before dawn, just as the guards were at their sleepiest. It had been noticed that the prisoners were all tied together and kept in the centre of the camp next to the wagon. The slavers were around the perimeter. They crept through the forest, right up to the edge of the camp. Tom gave the signal and thirty arrows were loosed at their targets. Most of the slavers never knew what hit them and died in their sleep. Several had survived the first volley but as they struggled to rise more arrows found their targets. The tribesmen then charged forward brandishing their weapons; swords, clubs, anything that they could use. It was all over in minutes. They moved quickly towards the prisoners, checking on the bodies of the slavers to make sure they were dead. The cries of the wounded were soon silenced.
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I grew up in a small town in Arkansas - I’d tell you the name but I really don’t think anyone outside of it has ever even heard of it. That and the fact that it’s small enough that someone could easily figure out who I was after reading this. My story started with my twenty-second birthday. Hitting twenty-two felt like a strange milestone for me. I’m not sure why - nothing special happens at twenty-two. Maybe that was just it. I was done with the big birthdays. Sixteen means you can drive;...
Group SexThe night was dark and the wind howled as we made our way through the dark streets carefully and slowly to avoid detection. There were still German patrols that made their rounds through the town streets, even at this hour. Dreng froze as he saw a German sentry light a cigarette and he pushed me into an alleyway where we huddled until the Germans passed by on the main street to our left. Cautiously we made our way north out of town. As we walked on the side of the road, close to the tree...
Jennifer, Jason, and the backseat of a car.Erotic CouplingsJason sat in the back of his black 2004 Toyota Camry, kissing his girlfriend Jennifer softly on the lips. It was 11:00pm, and his car was situated innocently under a tree in the empty school parking lot. He looked into her eyes and smiled. "Baby, I love you," he whispered into Jennifer's ear.She smiled back at him, and replied "I love you too Jason," before kissing him passionately, sucking on his tongue slightly. Jason had been going...
A week or so after Dee’s second visit, she came to his house late one night after he’d already retired and had fallen asleep. She’d been over at a friend’s party, and it was well past midnight when she decided she wanted to pay him a visit. Knowing that he kept a side door to his house open she managed to sneak in quietly, removing her clothes in the living room, before heading down the hall to his bedroom. He was a fairly sound sleeper, so she easily made it all the way to his bed before...
Saturday started out with a large-scale breakfast next door. Lana and Beck came to fetch us before we really wanted to face the day, but we reluctantly got out of bed and started to get dressed without bothering to kick them out. They were friendly to Hanna and to Zoe whom they’d only met a couple of times. I was pleased that things were getting back to normal and soon we were climbing the stairs and headed next door. Patty greeted us with a smile and gave me a hug and a kiss on the lips...
My Cum SlutPart 1I come home from work and tell you that I have plans for you tonight. I ask you if you’re hungry for cum, a lot of cum. Your eyes get big, and you say, “Oh yes! I love cum. I always want cum, you know your cum is the best.” You come close to me, breasts rubbing my chest as you cup my big balls and then slowly stroke my large cock. I laugh and tell you that I know that and that you’re the best Cum Slut any man could want. I rake my hand through your hair and pull your full lips...
Marnie and Morgan announced their arrival at my front door in the usual way with Morgan singing out, "Grampa, we're home." I smiled from my easy chair, turning to look at the identically dressed best buddies. Morgan attempted to disappear, leaving Marnie and me alone."Hold on their, Kitten," I said. "Why don't you stick around. Stay with us. I know you're going to watch us anyway. You might as well sit here and have a front row seat."Morgan blushed, realizing that I had seen her yesterday as...
TabooI arrive at the hotel room a few minutes late. The scheduled time was at 5pm and I was to be prompt and specifically dressed in my best suit, worthy of gaining fraternity status. The pledge-master opened the door and inspects me from feet to head. I'm wearing polished my black loafers, sheer dark blue socks, and my neatly pressed charcoal 3-button Calvin Klein suit. Under my buttoned-up suit, I am wearing my neatly pressed white Brooks brother's oxford shirt, and silk baby blue tie. A thin...
As the morning sky lightened, the surviving defenders were setting in the main kitchen drinking coffee and hot chocolate, and reviewing the lessons of the night. Carla was forcing comfort food on them. "Here, try a little strudel. It'll make you feel better." Sally, Gunny, Sasha, and Booboo were all sitting at a round table. "Sally, do you have enough coco?" Sally nodded as Sasha held a comforting arm around her. The full impact of what she had done was just setting in, and she started...
Hi guys I am Abhay and I am going to narrate the true incident of life, on how I lost my virginity to my sexy cousin sister. Let’s be done with introduction first. I am 22 years old and I am 6 feet tall with average body. I have a 6-inch cock which is normal I guess and I am from Delhi. My email is I was 18 when the incident occurred. It was summer and my cousin sister was at home during vacation. Due to constraints in rooms with AC, we both used to sleep in same room. Her name is Ishita and...
Incest© 2002 I had bought a small cottage that overlooked the cove, waves pounded the beach, while gulls screamed in pleasure as they dipped and wheeled across the sky. The cottage was reached by driving 2 miles down a deep rutted, rough track; it snuggled into the side of a hill, protected from prying eyes by a small wood of tall oak, beach and sycamore. When I first saw the cottage it seemed to call to me and within a month I had moved in. The nearest village was 5 miles away, the nearest...
I started a new job going to people’s houses to show them carpets samples and furniture catalogues, yes boring your thinking, well so did l till the second week when l was sent to a Mr and Mrs Wilson’s to show them samples of carpets. Mr Wilson (Colin) answered the door and invited me in. The house looked lived in, but clean, Mrs Wilson (Sally) was sat on the settee she patted the cushion beside her and l sat down putting the samples on the floor in front of me. They were a nice couple and...
hi ppl i m rohit….i m 16 yrs old and i live in delhi…i love to crossdress when i m all alone. i hv been doing this sicne i was 13 yrs old.i used to wear my mom’s clothes n gaze myself at mirror. though i was not a gay but i wanted to try gay sex once by turning to a women. it was in d month of june when my parents had to go to noida for some work and i was left all alone at home for a week. one evening i thought i should try crossdressing and go out to enjoy in public n tease some ppl.i...
Gay Male"Do you mind me playing with your breasts, your tits Lynn?" They lay side-by-side on the bed at the end of the row that they now considered 'theirs'. The others in the group and the officers, sat watching the lunchtime news on TV and Karen, ensconced in her little office, typed her report of the morning's session. Lunch that day was a quiet affair. The chairs, comfortable enough in normal circumstances, felt very hard on their tortured bottoms and the group returned to their room as...
June 4, 1989, Chicago, Illinois I parked at Midway Airport, walked across Cicero Avenue and into the terminal building. I found the Delta arrival listing and walked to the correct gate to wait for Abbie’s plane. I was a bit early, so I sat down in a chair to read the latest edition of The Economist. Events in China were unfolding so fast that the week-old news had already been overtaken by the military crackdown in Tiananmen Square which had begun very early in the morning Chicago time. The...
"Mount up, babydoll!" he said. At last understanding, Christine squealed and leapt to her feet. She pulled up her skirt and wiggled her hungry red beaver at him. She needed a trim. With a wish, all her pubes fell out, then an arrow-shaped landing strip grew in their place. "Are you really going to fuck me Mr. Phillips?" she asked eagerly. "You bet your sweet ass I'm going to fuck you, Christine!' he exclaimed, reaching around to grab said ass. "It really is your only hope of...
I had come over to her house and when no one was there, I was overjoyed. I couldn't have been happier. Immediately I kissed Carrie. There wasn't a lot to do at their house though. We sat down and started to watch a movie. We watched a romantic movie. I wasn't much into it, but anything was fun with Carrie. It was a little boring, but it was something to do. Whether or not it was planned, I don't know, but it seemed like my girlfriend didn't realize that the movie she picked was rated r....
I sat down at my desk and sighed angrily as the person I had just finished interviewing left. They would not be getting the job. This set of interviews was turning out to be a right pain in the ass. I looked at my list of names and saw that I had one left for the day, and I wasn't holding out hope that this person would shine or be any better than the others I had interviewed. I looked at the name on the sheet; Gabrielle Davidson. It seemed vaguely familiar to me, but I paid this no attention....