WinterbornChapter 2 free porn video

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Friday morning Dillon was late reporting to Tom at the marshal's office, he didn't get there until 8:30. He yawned as he walked through the door. Tom looked up from his desk and laughed.

"You look like you been rode hard and put away wet, Dillon."

"Sorry about being late Tom; I overslept. It won't happen again."

"Don't worry about it," Tom replied. "When I get home Juanita wants me to start painting the house. All and all I'd rather sit here in my office." He laughed a little and added, "I was sorta hoping I'd have to ride out to investigate something so I didn't have to go home."

Dillon returned his smile as he got a cup of coffee. "Sorry Boss, I guess you'll have to go home now."

"Couple of things to talk to you about before I leave. Tom lit a cigar and leaned back in his chair. "Just got a telegram from my deputy, Bill Moore. Guess I should say my ex-deputy; he's not coming back from Shreveport. Sez he has to stay for family reasons. Personally I think he got tired of having to brace those rowdy cow hands." Tom got up to get coffee and sat on the edge of his desk.

"The other thing is related; your three months will be up in two weeks. I know you only agreed to stay for that period but I'd appreciate it if you could give me another month. By that time there won't be many cattle drives coming through; it'll be getting too late in the season what with winter coming on. Maybe I can find another deputy by then; if not you'll be free to go, I won't try to get you to stay and no hard feelings."

Tom watched his deputy for his reaction to the request. "Think about it for a day or two and let me know."

Dillon took a sip of his coffee and sat down in the chair in front of the desk. He looked back at Tom for almost a half a minute before replying.

"Don't need to think about it, I've already made up my mind. I was gonna talk to you today," Dillon stopped, chuckled and then continued. "Before I was late coming in that is. I'd like to stick around a while if it's okay with you. I've become very fond of this little town and the people in it."

"Sure it not just one special person in town that you've become fond of; maybe a certain widow that runs a boarding house?" Tom saw by the flush that came over Dillon's face that he'd hit close to the truth with his teasing.

Dillon got up and refilled Tom's cup and his own, trying to hide his feelings. He ignored Tom's comment about Emma and said, "I feel at peace here; it's the first time I've felt that way since before the war. You're a good boss Tom and a better friend. You and Juanita have taken me into your home and made me feel welcome."

Tom smiled at what to him was good news. He liked Dillon and respected him for the job he'd been doing. The young man seemed to know just when to push and when to take it easy facing down drunken cowhands. He was fair but didn't allow much leeway from the laws of the town. Most importantly, Dillon didn't have a god complex just because he wore a badge.

"I'm sure glad to hear that Dillon. You're welcome to stay as long as you've a mind too." Tom paused for a few seconds and said, "Sorry about teasing you."

Dillon realized he'd given his feelings away and replied, "Its okay Tom. I know you didn't mean anything by it. How'd you know anyway?"

"It helps to be able to read people in this job. Besides sometimes things just stand out when you look at them the right way. Why don't you take today off?"

"Don't want you to have to work another shift," Dillon responded.

"You can work for me tonight instead. Go get some sleep or do the errands you didn't do yesterday."

"How'd you know I didn't do the things I normally do on my day off?"

Tom grinned at his deputy and replied, "I saw you and Emma ride off yesterday. It's one of those things that stand out that I talked about. Now get, see you this evening."

Dillon left the office, surprised that Tom knew about him and Emma. He didn't want to go back to the boarding house right away; he didn't want Emma to think the only reason he came back was for another romp in the bedroom. Dillon wasn't sure if last night was a onetime thing or the beginning of something more. He smiled and thought either way last night was probably the best night of my life.

Running late, Dillon had missed breakfast so he went to the café first. After eating, he wandered over to the general mercantile to see if the shirts and trousers he'd ordered had arrived. Leaving that store he went to the laundry run by a woman and her two daughters.

Dillon had started to dress a bit nicer since becoming a deputy marshal. He began to wear whipcord or wool pants, collared shirts with a string tie, and sometimes a mid thigh length frock coat. Each week the girls at the laundry washed and pressed his clothes; it cost him twenty five cents a week. It was an expense he hadn't had before but it sure beat doing his own things. Besides, he liked the way he looked and felt wearing cleaned and pressed clothes.

His next stop was Sam Jordan's, the gun smith. Dillon only had to fire his pistol a few times since becoming the deputy; he depended mostly on the scattergun he now carried.

Dillon's Remington .44 had been recently converted to using the new metallic cartridges. He made a point of increasing his supply every month after getting paid. As Dillon walked to the gun smith's he smiled and thought about the advice he'd gotten from his Grandpa Flynn. Grandpa always said, "You could get by without food for quite a while and even get by without water for a bit but if you needed it you couldn't get by without ammunition. Always remember that Dillon."

Shortly after Dillon became the deputy marshal, Sam Jordan and Dillon became good friends. A drunken cowhand decided he wanted to trade in his old pistol for a newer model. The problem was that he wanted to trade even. When Sam refused the conditions of the deal, the cowboy got belligerent and pulled his pistol on Sam; demanding that Sam make the trade.

Dillon had entered the gun smith's just as things were about to get out of hand. "I don't believe Mr. Jordan cares to do business with you. Holster your gun before I have to explain in more detail," Dillon ordered.

The hand turned to see a double barrel shotgun pointed at him by a Deputy Marshal with a determined look on his face. The man was drunk but he wasn't a fool; he put his gun back in his holster and raised his hands. Dillon walked over took the man's pistol and stuck it in his belt. "You want to press charges Mr. Jordan?"

Sam shook his head no. "He's just drunk. I was about to give him the gun he wanted. Then this afternoon or tomorrow I would have asked you or the Marshal to ride out to his camp and talked to the range boss. Most of the cattlemen don't want trouble with the towns they stop at so he would have gotten my gun back for me."

Dillon turned back to the cow hand and told him, "Mr. Jordan is giving you a break; y'all get back to camp. I don't want to see you in town again until your herd moves out. You can pick up your gun at the Marshal's office when you leave." He carefully lowered the hammers on the scattergun as the man went outside and rode out of town. "Sorry for the trouble Mr. Jordan."

"Sam's good enough between friends Deputy." He started to chuckle and motioned toward Dillon's shotgun. "I see you followed Tom's example. Ain't it amazing the effect a double barrel shotgun has on people when it's pointed at them? Makes em real docile, real quick."

Dillon laughed too, "That's the same thing Marshal Ryan told me."

Today Sam greeted Dillon warmly as he entered the store. "What can I help you with today, Deputy? The usual thing?"

"Yes sir. Cartridges for the Remington and shells for the big Colt here," Dillon replied holding up his shot gun.

"Not that I'm complaining about the business but why buy so much ammunition"? Dillon told him about his Grandpa Flynn's advice. "You're Grandpa was a smart man," Sam responded.

Dillon's final chore was to stop by the saloon and pay his monthly tab. He didn't drink much but sometimes he would have lunch there. He also would go into the saloon for a beer when there was a cattle drive passing through. Dillon or Tom's presence in the place would let the cow hands know that the law was nearby in case of trouble.

He found Charley, the barkeep, just opening up. Normally the saloon didn't open for business until midday, but Charley always opened up a little early to make sure the place was cleaned up. Dillon paid his bill and stepped back into the street.

No more putting it off, he told himself. I'll have to go back to the boarding house if I want to get some rest before work tonight. Damn, I hope Emma doesn't get the wrong idea bout me coming back. He stepped into the boarding house and started toward his room. Randal and Jacobs, the only other full time guests, were at work so it was very quiet.

"Who's there?" Dillon heard from the kitchen. Emma came to the entryway to see who had opened her door. "Oh Dillon, I didn't expect you. Come into the kitchen and I'll make you some lunch. You're probably hungry; you left without breakfast this morning."

Dillon didn't say anything and before he could move toward the kitchen, Emma stepped close to him and put her arms around his neck. Wearing a playful frown and a small smile she said, "Don't leave again without saying good bye." Emma leaned in, kissed him, took his hand, and led him to the kitchen.

Following Emma Dillon thought, well I guess I don't have to worry about how Emma feels about last night.

They didn't spend every night together but more nights with than without. They settled into an easy relationship that made both of their lives better and Dillon was glad he decided to stay in Wichita Falls for a while. There were no illusions about them spending the rest of their lives together, but it was good for right now and that was good enough.

Dillon and Emma didn't flaunt their relationship publicly. The only time they went out together in town was shopping at the mercantile or other businesses for the boarding house. He made a point of not holding her hand or taking her arm; other than to help her up or down off the wooden sidewalks or into a wagon. Dillon was sort of the draft horse, carrying the packages back for Emma.

The two "friends" took rides out into the surrounding country side several times; sometimes on horses and sometimes in a surrey. Other than at night after the other boarders had gone to bed it was the only time they were alone together. Three months after he and Emma rode out to her husband's grave and the beginning of their relationship, Dillon found out that they hadn't been as secretive as he thought.

Juanita Ryan insisted that Dillon come to Sunday supper at least once a month. She felt it was the least she could do for the man that had probably saved her husband's life. Although she was about the same age as Dillon, she mothered him like a lost child.

Tom, Juanita, and Dillon were sitting at the dining room table drinking coffee after supper. Juanita looked at Dillon and remarked, "Now don't you just clean up fine. I've never mentioned it but you look like a real gentleman Dillon."

He grinned and fingered his tie; he was 'dressed' for two reasons. Dillon felt he should be presentable when he went to his friends the Ryan's and he had to go to work after supper. "A gentleman should always dress for dinner with a fine lady," Dillon bowed to Juanita. "And those cowhands just naturally respect a man that's better dressed and don't have cow dung on their boots."

"Wouldn't be a certain widow that you get dressed up for, now would it Dillon?" Juanita smile and then laughed at Dillon when he blushed.

"I ... eh ... I don't know what you mean," Dillon stuttered.

Tom laughed and said, "That dog won't hunt son. Everybody in town knows about you and Emma."

"Well, hell ... sorry Juanita. That's just what Emma needs is a bunch of people talking behind her back," Dillon replied.

"Don't worry about it Dillon," Juanita said. "Most folks are glad to see her in good spirits. She laughs and jokes and talks with people just like she did before her husband was killed. Emma's sort of a town pet."

Tom nodded his head in agreement and added, "Bout the only ones not happy with you two is some of those bible thumpers over at the church. They want everybody to be as unhappy as they are so I wouldn't pay them no mind."

Dillon left shortly to go to work. I'll have to talk to Emma tomorrow about all this, he thought. I hope she's not too upset.

The next evening as he ate the late supper Emma had left for him he got his chance to talk to her. She poured him a fresh cup of coffee and joined him at the table. "It makes a woman feel good to see her man eat her cooking," she said with a little smile reaching out to touch his hand.

"Emma, I'm sorry," Dillon said. "I thought we were keeping things quiet but according to Juanita most of the town knows about us." He took her hand and continued, "I didn't mean for your standing in the town to suffer because of me."

She chuckled and then laughed out loud. "I know all about it. Some of the lady's and I have talked about you and I. Do you really think I care what the town thinks? One thing that Jamie taught me in our years together is do what you want. If it doesn't hurt anybody, do just what you want."

Emma paused and took Dillon's hand again, "We're not hurting anybody and you're what I want. Okay?"

Dillon couldn't help smiling. He grabbed Emma and pulled her onto his lap. "Other than Tom and Juanita and maybe a couple of others, I don't care what any of them think. It's my job to help protect them but I don't have to care what they think."

From that evening on, Dillon and Emma were seen more often around the town. Juanita saw them coming out of the mercantile holding hands and smiled. Things are out in the open now, she thought. They're good for each other.

On one of Dillon's days off he was confronted by the pastor of one of the local churches and three female church members as he came out of the general store. He tipped his hat to the ladies and started to walk around them. The oldest woman stepped back in front of him.

"Mr. Gallagher, you do realize that you and that woman are living in sin don't you?" The two women with her nodded their heads in agreement.

"Yes em, I guess some would see it that way."

"What do you plan to do about your whoring ways?"

Dillon's blue eyes turned icy and his ears seemed to flatten against his head like a big cat getting ready to attack. "Ma'am if you were a man I'd make you pay for those words. Excuse me." He stepped around them to leave. Before he got more than two or three steps, the pastor spoke up.

"Deputy you have to stop what you're doing with that woman," he said. "She's a Jezebel."

"Pastor, I won't extend the same consideration to you that I did to the ladies. If you insult Mrs. Boudreaux again I'll have to overlook you being a man of the cloth." Dillon's stare caused the pastor to step back and hang his head.

"My life and actions are no concern of yours," Dillon told them. He turned and took two steps, but stopped turning back to the church members. "Tell you what Pastor, you have the God you believe in have a talk with the God I believe in. When they get done jawing have one of them get back to me." As Dillon walked away he was so angry his hands were shaking.

The next Sunday evening as Tom Ryan was leaving his office he turned to Dillon and said, "Understand you had a run in with Pastor Jennings. He was in here complaining that you threatened him."

"Guess I did." Dillon explained the confrontation with the pastor and his flock.

"Thanks," Tom said with a big smile. "I'm glad you didn't beat the hell out of him, even though he probably deserved it. It'd be tough to explain that to the town council."

Late Sunday evening Dillon was making his rounds; inspecting the town to make sure everything was okay. He heard a shot and then three more coming from near the church. As he rounded the corner of the last building he saw three cow hands facing the people who'd been at the evening services.

One of the men had his gun pointed at Pastor Jennings. The other two of them held pistols on the men that had stepped forward to help the pastor.

Dillon stepped softly until he got into position. Pointing his scattergun at man facing the pastor he said, "I think we've had about as much fun here as we need too. Don't you boys?"

The three turned and saw the shotgun pointed at the leader. "Put your guns on the ground and step back, DO IT NOW," Dillon ordered.

One of the men started to turn toward Dillon. Before he could Dillon said, "Mister I'll shoot you where you stand if you keep moving. I just cleaned this gun; don't make me dirty it up killing you. I'll say it one more time; drop your guns on the ground and step back."

The man in the sights of Dillon's shotgun looked at his two friends and said, "Do what he said. That scattergun's pointed at my belly."

All three cowboys dropped their weapons and stepped back. "Now that's better boys. Maybe I won't have to get my shotgun dirty after all." Dillon looked at the group from the church. "Charley, pick up their guns will you? Sam I've got three tie ropes hooked to my belt, come get them and truss these fellars up."

Pastor Jennings was trembling but was beginning to get some color back on his face. He was obviously shaken. Dillon went over to Jennings and asked, "What happened Pastor?"

Pastor Jennings tried to talk but couldn't. Charley came over and explained. "These men said they saw the pastor and some others carryin temperance signs against drinkin and the saloon being open on Sunday. Those three came into the church and said they were gonna make the pastor change his tune." Charley stopped to chuckle.

"What were the shots?" Dillon asked.

"I guess they decided that the pastor needed to learn how to dance. The one shot at the pastor's feet. I know it's not really funny, but it was funny," Charley added.

Sam had the three men tied and helped Dillon get them headed in the right direction. "C'mon boys, let's head over to the jail. I'll let Marshal Ryan decided what to do with y'all tomorrow."

"If you hold us till morning, we'll miss the herd. They're leaving at first light," one of the men said.

"You shouldn't have shown your displeasure with Pastor Jennings and his temperance signs I guess," Dillon replied.

After locking up the three men, Dillon wandered over to the saloon that the men had been drinking in. He stepped inside and looked around. There were six or seven hands standing at the bar and a man that had to be the range boss sitting at a table. He was watching his men as they drank and shaking his head.

Dillon walked over to the table, "I'm Deputy Gallagher; I just locked up three of your men, Mister."

The range boss looked up, "I'm Carl Jones. How long before I can get them out? The herds leaving at first light and I'll need those boys."

"That's up to Marshal Ryan. Normally I'd just let them sober up and send them back to camp. They got a little too rambunctious so the Marshal will decide what to do with them." Dillon went on to explain why he arrested them.

Jones shook his head in disbelief. "The only thing dumber than cattle are some of the hands that drive them. Anyway can I get them out in time to leave with us? If we don't get to San Antonio in time the prices might change."

Dillon felt sorry for Jones. He remembered what Tom had told him that sometimes the cattlemen lost their bet. He thought for a minute; since no one was actually hurt he came up with an idea. Dillon knew that Tom tried to help the men driving the herds when possible. It really wouldn't do anyone any good to keep the hands in jail. Dillon told Jones to wait for him in the saloon.

He went back to the church to talk to Pastor Jennings. The pastor was sitting in the front pew of the church; he still looked a little shaken. "How're you feeling Pastor? Want me to send for the doctor?"

Jennings looked up at Dillon. "No, I'll be okay." He hesitated and said, "I didn't act very Christian toward you earlier this week, did I Deputy? I'm sorry and thank you for saving me tonight."

"Pastor Jennings, I need a favor. Those men are part of a herd heading to San Antonio and their boss, Carl Jones, really needs them to help drive the herd. Jones is just a rancher trying to make a living for his family," Dillon explained. "If you don't press charges against them, I can get the Marshal to let them leave with the herd."

Dillon saw that the pastor didn't like the idea of letting the men go. "Those drunkards should be punished for what they did," Jennings said.

"Maybe so Pastor but they're not outlaws or hard cases; they're just young and foolish and drunk ... Didn't Jesus say something about turning the other cheek Pastor?" Dillon smiled and Jennings nodded. "And didn't he say you should pray for those that mistreat you?"

"Your knowledge of the Scriptures surprises me Mr. Gallagher," Jennings answered nodding again.

"My mother made me go to bible class every Wednesday evening until I left for college," Dillon explained. "I guess some it stuck in my hard head."

He hesitated and asked, "Would letting them go make you feel better Deputy?"

"Yes sir. I don't especially care about them but Mr. Jones has a lot riding on getting his herd to market. He doesn't deserve to lose everything because of a couple of drunks."

Jennings looked at Dillon for a bit and replied, "Tell the marshal that I'm not going to press charges and let the men go."

"Thanks Pastor. I'll go take care of it right now." Dillon stood and offered his hand to Jennings.

When Dillon got back to the saloon he had the three men with him. "Here you go Mr. Jones. Get them out of town before I change my mind," Dillon suggested.

Jones shook hands with Dillon and turned to his men. "Get yourselves back to camp." He yelled at the rest of his crew, "Y'all go with them. I want you to be able to sit a horse tomorrow morning." Turning back to Dillon he added, "It was real nice of the pastor to let them off. I'll see that they don't get off too easy, you have my word on it."

Dillon smiled, "I got a feeling they're gonna wish they had stayed in jail."

Reaching into his coat pocket, Jones pulled out a draw string bag. He took some gold coins out and handed them to Dillon. "See that the pastor gets this. It's a donation for his church, and thanks for your help Deputy." He followed his men out the door.

Dillon went back to the church hoping to catch Pastor Jennings still there. The pastor was cleaning the front of the church where the cowboys had made a mess.

"Pastor, I've got another question about the Bible," Dillon said with a smile. Jennings nodded and waited for Dillon's question.

"Isn't there something in the Bible about 'Cast your bread upon the waters, for thou shall find it after many days'. Is that right?"

"Again you surprise me Deputy. Yes the quote is from Ecclesiastes," Jennings answered.

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The first time I set eyes on this woman (whom I will call Nancy) I was quite surprised, to put it mildly. She was gorgeous! She was tall, with shoulder-length hair and never-ending legs she was around 35 years, I knew she had been married briefly and then divorced. I had just joined a new company in Bangalore and Nancy was my Boss, I had heard that she was a tough, no-nonsense woman, though I had yet to see or meet her one day I stared at her through one of the windows that surrounded her outer...

4 years ago
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Socialite Wife

The limousine drove slowly up Times Square until it merged with Broadway then it pulled to the curb at 1535 which was the Marriott Marquis Hotel in downtown New York City. The front door opened and a handsome chauffeur got out and walked around to the curbside and opened the rear door and the gaggle of paparazzi, cameras flashing, moved closer to see who was inside. Inside the rear of the vehicle sat Mrs. J. Burdock Williamson, or CeCe, as she was known to all of her friends, who slowly slid...

2 years ago
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The Watch Dog

Chapter 1 The squad car's wailing siren cut through the stillness of the summer night like the sound of someone screaming in the throes of a nightmare. From far off it came, ever rising and falling pitch bringing it closer to the Valley Farms home of Kate and Lucy Barrett. It was eleven past four in the morning when the call came in from Mrs. Barrett, according to the precinct records, and twenty-two past when the patrol car screeched to a halt in front of their rambling...

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Screwing My Maid

Hello all user on this site first I would like to tell you about myself I am new to this site and my first story so please regret if any mistake, hi let me introduce myself I am a working guy in a good company and I live my life with full luckier. I am 5.10″ tall with good physics and look like a hunk and rest all on request so now starting with my story let me introduce to my maid which works for long time in our house And have a good shape she is 5.3 tall with a figure of 32.30.28 she is fair...

3 years ago
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Solutions IncorporatedChapter 6

Claudia openly stared at the elderly woman who had just entered the office. She was the poster child of misery. She had a split lip, a black eye, an arm in a sling, and walked holding her body to one side. It hurt just to look at her. Dismayed, Claudia asked, “What happened to you?” “I was attacked,” the woman answered. It was a more than an attack. She had been sexually assaulted after getting mugged. Claudia pointed to the door and said, “Go right in. Magus will take care of you.” The...

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Master PC The ProtectorChapter 63 Surviving Disasters

I immediately got on the phone to Chaos and passed on the info needed to help with the kidnap victims. Between her and Law they got all the women corrected before the medics arrived. For all the women that acted as her entourage, I cleared out the code that had been entered and updated them. My four, Mandy, Alexandria, Carrie and Tanya, had the same short code from binding with me and just like the others it couldn't be removed. I also pulled up Agent Joan Davis after she left. I removed...

1 year ago
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Home Discipline

Home DisciplineThe highway department had chosen well when they built the "scenic overlook". Looking out from the parking lot at night, the lights of the city spread out like white jewels on a black velvet background.The beauty of view was invisible to Daphne and Sol, who where in the lone care in the parking lot. The windows had steamed up a couple of hours ago. Even if they could have seen the view through the glass, it would have meant nothing to them. Their thoughts were only for each...

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knapped by an Alien Chapter 1

This is an experimental story because I use for the first time real persons as protagonists and for the first time I play myself in the story. However, a little bit ‘out of my style’, normally I prefer more the submissive part, not the dominant part. The submissive role is a gift for the user susi-devot, a very special person, visit her profil: le! [user][/user] The alien spacecraft had been observing the planet earth for over five years now. It had been...

2 years ago
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A Fantasy

Let me explain about myself, I have often heard guys calling me a sex bomb, I have big boobs of 38D and chubby body! I love to show off my big boobs and sexy cleavage by wearing tight t-shirts and shirts. And my boobs have been fondled by men of different ages! From naughty school going boys to 60 year old men and i have enjoyed the soft touches and hard pressings. But, I never had a lesbian encounter until that day! I was returning to my home from Banglore and I booked a sleeper bus, there was...

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Do the Math

I am 32 years old. Jonathan is 18. You don't need to be an accountant to do the math. For the record, I am starting this account Sunday evening, March 1, 2015. The date the account actually begins is May 27, 2014, a Tuesday. The time was just after 11 p.m. It was the day between Jonathan's birthday, and my own. Jonathan's father is long out of the picture. I haven't seen him in almost four years. For Jonathan, it's been nearly three years. His father lives in Laramie, Wyoming, with his...

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Coming of Age in Lingerie

Coming Of Age in Lingerie By Missy Satinpanties By the time I was 17, I was on my way to becoming a pretty accomplished little panty thief. I say little, because my '"growth spurt" only took me from 5'1" to a lofty 5'4" tall. My family always joked that they could save money on vacations by mailing me First Class for a buck or two. Thanks Mom, thanks Dad, great joke. I always said I was skinny, but when I was 15, I once heard my older sister, Melanie tell her friend that I looked...

4 years ago
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Assam Sex In Guwahati 8211 Part 1

Part 1 Horthate room or calling bell tu bajil, ritu boue uthi goi darza khan khuli dile. Hotel or waiter etai kiba kibi khua bastu alop loi ahil aru table t thoi gol. Ritu boue khua bastu khini plate ot serve karibo dharile. Ritu boue khana serve karute maje maje hari khanar asol tu pari gaisil, aru Ritu bour piha gitar adhat ke besi ankha dekha gaisil. Endore khana serve kari thakutei Kapoor namor officer tu uthi Ritu bouk haboti dharile. Ritu boue prothomote alop appoti karisiljadiu pasole...

1 year ago
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Be Careful What You Wish For

Alex was a good-looking Rugby player from London. He was in his 20's and had just been given his dream job in the states and moved there. He was a little unusual in that he lusted after older women ... like women in their 40's. Their maturity and experience really turned him on. He had not had much success in his search in his hometown, London. Maybe America would be different, he hoped. And it would be an added bonus if she was married. He fantasized about fucking someone else's wife."Alex,...

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WebYoung Jillian Janson Scarlett Mae Teen Sleuth

Scarlett Mae is at school, hurrying through the empty hallway, worried about being late for class. Suddenly, Scarlett stops when she sees a piece of paper on the floor. She picks it up and is shocked that it’s a photocopy of someone’s pussy. She tries to laugh it off, saying SOMEONE’S going to be embarrassed that they dropped that. Scarlett continues to her locker but slows down when she sees another photocopy of the same pussy taped pointedly on a wall.’Hey, THIS was no...

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Severely tortured for flashing

Severely punished for flashing Part 1- the beginning That morning, after a hot shower, I had severely whipped my buttocks and thighs, back and front, until they were covered in black and blue raised welts. With my cock and balls freshly shaved, I drove out to the forest naked, my 12 inch cock rock hard. I parked the car, tied up my balls tightly with a shoelace and walked along the winding path, my cock swinging from side to side.After a few minutes, I rounded a bend in the path and came face...

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Out for a run parts 46

Part 4Well, it has been a busy week since the last time I wrote. Last week – Thursday when I went for my jog, I stopped at my usual stopping area “my place” to relax and get some sun. I have a distinct look – 51 years old, 5 feet 5 inches tall, 145 pounds, Hispanic with darker skin, brunet hair – shoulder length, mouth that loves to suck cock and has acquired the taste for cum, breast size 36D with mouthful size nipples that love attention and are extremely sensitive, abdomen not fat, but ...

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The Warrior Caught by FlowersChapter 2 Goblins Death

Hiryu and Bells lived in a cottage with their parents near a small village in some hills below a peaceful river. Demons and other troublesome beings did not dare come within a hundred miles of the place. Eigis only did because he hadn’t known (and lucky for him) their parents decided to send Hiryu after him as a test, rather than coming themselves. Or rather their mother did – their father was off on a quest. Eigis was close enough that Hiryu promised to be back by the next day. Fortunately,...

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Summer StormChapter 5

We saw the sights around the RV park. It had swimming at a pool as well as a river, which looked more like a big creek to me. I felt the water in the river and it was very cold. Misty pointed, “Taylor, there’s still snow on the tops of those mountains!” She exclaimed. “Yes, it can get cold up here even in the summer. That’s particularly true in the evenings.” She grinned at me. “You’ll just have to keep me warm.” I grinned back. “I’ll do my best.” Sharon and Dave didn’t hear us. We...

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on my 19th bday i was tookn out to the strip club now my bday is christmas eve but celeabrate it one boxing day bars are closed on boxing day here but got lucky with finding this strip club open they were haven a vip party that night i just said it was my 19th n was lucky to be lett in with my entourage now after a few drinks n tossing money at some sexy strippers n seeing some fine asses n pussies i took a break to walk ard the club checking out the fine females came across a table of 6...

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The Painting

"The Painting" by Vlad Potemkin============================================================== Leslie knew she was going to buy the small painting the instant she sawit. It was strange. It was kinky. And it was absolutely mesmerizing, the waythe scene materialized from the perfectly orchestrated swirl of gray and blackpaint. She could also feel the eyes of the proprietor of this quaint little Sohostore. The tall attractive blonde remained seated behind a curved glass table,staring at Leslie...

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Orgy FamilyStyleChapter 9

"Someone's out there!" Pam hissed as Judy stroked the tips of her nipples. The two women were in bed, enjoying a matinee. Despite Pam's alarm Judy continued fondling her tits. She wasn't concerned about someone being in the hall. If it was one of the kids they wouldn't dare intrude on their mother. And it couldn't possibly be Bob. He was safely out of town on business. "It's probably Penny," she said to her sister-in-law as she pushed a hand under her ass. "Why don't we wait...

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Debbies AdventuresChapter 3

Mr. Groves had stayed until the early hours the night before and they had had a lot of fun, but since Debbie wasn't sure what time her mum would be back this morning she asked him to leave just before three o'clock in the morning. She locked the back door behind him and yawning tiredly she went up to bed. She slept the night through and a good part of the morning too, but she was still up and dressed and looking bright eyed by the time her mum got back. Debbie put the kettle on and sat...

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Transfer Qb Star

After 2 years at Clearwater University as the backup QB, you decided that it was time to transfer schools. You transferred to Lakeside College in order to get a better chance at the starting quarterback job. You had visited a number of schools to try and figure out the best place for you. One of the most appealing features of Lakeside was the girls at this school and the party atmosphere. You had been on the tour and did not seem to find a girl you didn't want to fuck. It was crazy and you...

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Toby and Angienaked in SchoolChapter 6

SATURDAY Angie I awoke entangled in Toby's arms and legs, our nude bodies tied together. God, I could get used to this in a hurry. I had to pee, and I did my best to sneak out without awakening Toby, but it didn't work. "Where are you going?" he asked. "Gotta pee", I told him. "Sounds like a good idea; I'll use the other bath", he said. We reunited in the bedroom, where I got on my hands and knees, and wiggled my ass at him. "The bandage doesn't turn you off, does it?" I asked...

3 years ago
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I took my daughter to be deflowered by an old man

These were strange feelings, urges really, I wanted to feel pressure down there, so I pushed against the edge of the table, and began to rub along the decorative edge beading, and as I swayed gently, I dont daddy noticed it, but I remember many years ago, walking into the utility room and seeing mommy do something similar with the corner of the spin dryer, she did not see me, but now I know what she was doing. Sarah was nude and running around the room, being chased by daddy with his camera,...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 109

Say thanks to dorsetmike‎ for this one: Police have arrested a man who fell into the workings whilst stealing a combine harvester. They’re expect he’ll to be baled tomorrow. Compliments of Allan B Algebra – what mermaids wear to hold up their breasts. Cannibals serve food at a wake. It saves a lot on the burial costs... Adam was a White man. Did you ever try to take a rib from a Black man? A candidate for the police force was asked, “What would you do if you had to arrest your...

1 year ago
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dirty dog slut

Introduction: Everyone seemed to love our previous story, Margie – Animal lover, however a number of people said that theyd like to read about forced bestiality. This one is for them. Please be aware i am not the original author of this work, i just edited and fixed the mistakes, enjoy! Everyone seemed to love our previous story, Margie – animal lover, however a number of people said that theyd like to read about forced bestiality. This one is for them. Margie had always thought it a joke to...

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Honey In Sex Wonderland 8211 Part 3

When Queen Eva is prepared sex wonderland all the family members of started crying , preying for mercy from both Queen Eva and Honey.They are telling Honey we will be your sex slave until our death please forgive us. But it is not possible to reverse the process so at last Queen Eva gave a suggestion that only the soul has been transferred from one body to another now both the body will remain in one body that is two soul in one body and all agreed to it. Now the elder son of Honey told that...

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Home for Horny Monsters Book OneChapter 6 Memories of Emily

Mike was dead. Well, not all the way. Opening his eyes to the blinding light coming through the curtains, he realized that the sensation of death was no more than the events of the last two days catching up with him. He groaned, sliding out of bed and sitting on the floor. His legs wobbled beneath him, muscles protesting his attempts to stand. His head pounding, he stumbled into the bathroom, leaning against the bathroom sink. “You’re a mess this morning, aren’t you?” Naia’s head and...

4 years ago
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I Was BlindfoldedChapter 10

What did Suki just say? I must have been imagining it. “Bull shit, I can’t take your lies. Not when it comes to this. Get out of my room. Please.” I supposed it would have been better if I hadn’t said please, but at the last second I felt that I had been too mean. Especially if she had been telling the truth. “How would you know that anyways?” Suki looked concerned, “I’m only looking out for my big sister.” She took in a deep breath. “When I told Chris about you accepting him going with you...

3 years ago
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Meet with Jan part 3

'You look much better in the flesh, H. Love that mac! I'll go and get mine now, cos I was too hot before.' She returned shortly, dressed in a really shiny, very soft, black PVC mac, rustling down to her ankles. She swished around, giving me a twirl. 'I want one like your PVC catsuit. Leopard print PVC is soooo tarty, I love it!' She came over and rubbed my big balloon tits, asking mischievously 'Are they false?' 'I'm 100% false, Jan, except for my cock, ha ha!' 'I can see that!' she said,...

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Mackintoshes Dont Chapter 2

Mackintoshes Don't.... Chapter 2 Author:- Pollymeric Copyright: Pollymeric 29.3.98 - 03.10.15 Please read my first Chapter before this submission. All comments gratefully received. I realise that this may be a very niche subject. Chapter 2: "I have the perfect raw material," she said to the recipient of her call. "Excellent," came the reply in a cultured feminine voice. "Will it be ready for our gathering next week?" Judith thought for a moment and then responded, "I will...

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I remember a slight breeze gently brushed past me my long black hair moving slightly and quickly. My skirt fluttered against my bare legs just briefly having the fabric touch my skin. I looked up at the sky as day was quickly saying goodbye to us here in Tokyo and a mild night sky was quickly enveloping now. I stood outside my apartment block just for a moment longer just as the first twinkle of the nightsky seemed to wink at me. A little smile broke across my face. " Good evening beautiful...

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Curiosity Killed the CatChapter 4 Passion

Monday, May 06th, 1996, Sanford Maine BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! “Ugh,” I grunted, trying to reach over and smack off my alarm. At first, I was super confused; why couldn’t I roll over and get to my nightstand? I was perplexed for a few seconds. I will admit, I am not a morning person at all. That doesn’t mean that I am grumpy because I’m really not; my brain just doesn’t have any higher function capabilities before coffee. Okay, my sister and my parents would probably say that I had zero brain...

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Elementary My Dear WatsonChapter 12 Epilogue

The students of Sir Alexander Graham Bell Elementary returned from spring break in various stages of eagerness to resume their studies. They swiftly discovered the third term of this school year was promising to be different than any experienced in the entire nation's pedagogic history. Just after 7:00 on that bright, sunny Monday morning, the Bell El assembly room was rapidly filling up with teachers from Edison Elementary, a school located in the other end of town. Bleary-eyed individuals...

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A Birthday To Remember

Hello everyone, I am Shravan,23 year old guy living in Bangalore, Karnataka…. I would like to know u all out here. I am open to friendship and any relationship with ladies. Please do mail me at my Email id. secrecy and Good relationship is promised. Waiting to hear from you all. Please mail me your response to my mail id, don’t forget—> I have known Suprith since we were seven years old. We are completely different people but we have stayed best friends. Suprith is smart and ambitious. He is...

1 year ago
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His Infernal Majestys ServiceChapter 17

We opened the door and stepped into a ... hotel? We were in a corridor with carpeting, chandelier lights, nondescript wallpaper and white doors every 15 feet or so apart on both sides. No room numbers though. Trefual motioned towards the open door we had just come through, I shut and locked it returning my hands into my sleeves when I had finished. "Welcome to HIMS Headquarters or as we call it "The City of Life". This is what's called a 'public' corridor. 'Public' in that any member...

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Tom and Jennifer part 1

Introduction: this is the beginning of another story… hope you like it. please feel free to write comments and please wote!! Like every Friday afternoon I sat at my favorite bar drinking my deserved beer when I noticed a young woman entering. She must have been new here because I did not know her. Looking at her I realized how sexy she was wearing a tight black two piece business suit. Her skirt just ended some inches above her knees and her blazer tightened around her firm breasts. From the...

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Chennai Aunty8217s Virgin Ass 8211 Part I

This is a story of me in capacity of a gigolo had deflowered a longing aunty’s ass. I have a strict clientele with mainly mail id as contact point and only act on references. I am quite happy with my small clientele, when one of my clients referred this lady and said she would mail me. After a couple of days I received a mail from say lets call her Shiela and she told about the reference and said she wanted to be fucked in the ass. As my policy is no personal questions I did not ask her about...

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Lottery Winner part 3 new feelings

Go have your privacy. Don't worry tonight we only sleep." While ominous I understood the implication and stood up, then bent over put my hands on his face "Thank you for this adventure," I said and kissed him on the lips. A few months ago I won a significant lottery that was now giving me the chance to live out my fantasy of becoming a woman and a wife overnight. As I woke up I became aware of his body pressed up against mine in the bed. Reflecting on the night prior I was amazed at...

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Mrs SwansonChapter 5

Tension! She could feel the tension; there were times when she just wasn’t sure that she was going to do this but there was no time, she admitted to herself, when she didn’t want to do this. She was alone and didn’t expect Ned any time soon, maybe hours. She paced as she waited for him. Causing herself problems and asking herself questions. Only now the focus was different; she was hoping that he was pleased, that she did please him. It had changed with her admissions at the theater. The...

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