KennedyChapter 26: Driver's Ed free porn video

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Kennedy straightened out from the curve and set her car in line for the next corner. That another car, drifting along behind her, had to make the choice between hitting her or backing off made no mind to her.

She set up easily for the corner, drifted around it, then accelerated away, now far ahead of the next nearest car. A few seconds later she took the checkered flag.

Only two laps, but hey, a race is a race! Winning wasn't just anything, it was everything! She loved driving these cars!

"My," Harvey, her crew chief, said, "you do like to win, don't you? Fuck the other guy!"

She smiled at him. "You got that part right. The part about them being guys."

"Kennedy, in a real race, two of the three would have hung in there to see if you really had the nerve. Odds are, about then there would be cars rolling down the track, spitting fire and shedding parts."

"And I had the inside, and they would have been at fault, right?"

"Having the right of way isn't going to mean much if you're broken and bleeding in the hospital."

"Let me get this right," she told him. "I have the right of way and they don't. If we crash, that's my fault because I refused to back off. Tell me, what is the point of the rules about right of way if someone challenges you, and you have to give way?"

"Common sense?" he said mildly.

"That's simple idiocy." She waved at the track. "Have you ever seen me break a rule?"

He sighed. "Just the one about how old you are."

"I'm twenty-one," Kennedy said with a laugh. "How many sixteen-year-olds can do this?" She pressed down on the cockpit and assumed what a gymnast would call the "pike" position, her legs parallel with the ground. She went to a handstand, then did a double flip, dismounting to the side of her car.

"I see an Olympic career ahead of you," he told her. "Unless you crash and burn in a qualifier."

"You have to understand, I have real problems when it's me following the rules and others don't and I'm the one considered at fault."

An hour later she was sitting in her trailer, a can of frozen orange juice pressed against her head. New York was never like this! Not a hundred plus degrees! California could easily have been Mars, for all that Kennedy was concerned.

There was a single knock and Emry came in and sat down at the table across from her. Emry was one of the reps from one of the big racing teams. More or less a talent scout.

He grinned at her. "In eight days, the Ontario 500 takes place."


"So, that's a Sunday. Time trials run all week. On Saturday, as a warm-up, we'll do a rookie race. A hundred miles."

Kennedy didn't let any expression show on her face. "My class finished earlier today. I'm scheduled on a jet back to New York tomorrow."

"Like it will hurt your Daddy to have to pay for another ticket! What I don't want, though, is your Daddy on my ass. I'll see you get a ride in the race if you can guarantee me three things."

"You're not getting inside my pants."

He laughed. "No, simple things. First off, I don't want to hear from Daddy about his little girl being entered for a real race."

"You won't."

"Second, I don't want to hear from him, no matter how badly you lose."

"He doesn't give a shit."

"Last, if you're a fried tater-tot in the hospital, alive or dead, I don't want to hear from him then, either."

Kennedy laughed. "You should do your homework better."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, my father had nothing to do with this. This was a gift from a friend."

He raised an eyebrow. "Some gift!"

"A friend of a friend, if you get my drift," Kennedy told him. She could see at once, that he didn't get much of anything. "A mafia capo."

He choked. "Right!"

"No, I'm serious. Check with the school office."

He paled considerably. "And can I get the same deal about them?"

"Sure, no problem."

He nodded. "Kennedy..."

"You're still not getting in my pants."

"No. One thing. I was told to do this. I didn't understand why, because you're a crappy driver. I told them that. But, I'm offering the ride anyway."

"I'm a crappy driver?" Kennedy said, trying to keep the anger out of her voice.

"Yes. Technically, you are beyond compare. But, Kennedy, technique doesn't win races."

"I've won every competition, no matter what the form, in driving school," Kennedy told him.

"So? Like I said, that's not what wins races." He held up a sealed envelope. "Here, take this. Put it someplace safe. Open it after the race."

"What is it?"

"My evaluation of your driving in your first race."

"A race I haven't been in?"


Kennedy sighed. "And you won't explain?"


"And you'll trust me with the letter?"

"Kennedy, you're either good or not. You are either trustworthy or not. I don't think you're a good driver, but if I had a million dollar stake to hold for a race, I'd get you to help me watch it."

"And this makes sense to you?"

"It does. It's hope for you. Reschedule your flight or turn your slot over to someone who might be able to win."

"You don't think I can win?"

"Not a chance in the world," he told her. "Unless every other car in the race craps out."

Came the day, Kennedy was ready. More than ready. The smells of the pits, the racetrack were a heady wine. She loved it!

She ran around in a couple of circles, and qualified second. She smiled to herself, vowing that before the first turn she'd be in front!

She was, too! She held the lead until half way through the second lap, when one car went past her. Grimly, she matched her car's performance with her own. Two laps later two more cars were in front of her.

In a forty lap race, you can't afford to lose a second. She checked her fuel status and she was doing well. She glanced up as she flew past her pit crew: no problems with the tires. She'd skip the pit stop!

At that point, six of the sixteen racers were ahead of her. Cars pulled off for their pit stops, but two of the cars ahead of her didn't. They ran tight lines, not jockeying for position, just content to wait. Since there wasn't a second between them, she was sure it was going to work for them. She, on the other hand, was halfway to being lapped.

Twice she surged forward, only to fall back at the tortured howl of the engine. One of the guys who'd stopped came up behind her, and she was all but frothing in rage. She did everything in her power to block him. And in doing so, let someone else pass them both.

Then came the checkered flag. She'd finished fourth. It was enough to make her chew nails. Still, she had to be back in Scarsdale the next day, or miss the opening of school.

On the airplane, she took the envelope and read what was written there.

"Kennedy is a competent driver, skilled in the basics. She has never blown an engine, she's never had mechanical or brake failure. She routinely finishes her competitions with more fuel than nearly anyone else.

"In light of this, it is my opinion, she should not be given a spot on the team. It is my belief that she will routinely finish from fourth to eighth, depending on the depth and nature of the field.

"The fuel numbers are the most damning: she doesn't push her car. The engine failure record repeats that: if you don't push an engine to its max, you can't win. She is overly cautious, more concerned about maintaining her fuel state and the mechanical state of her vehicle than winning. A little of that is okay, but Kennedy is extreme."

It was humbling, because she knew he'd written it before her race.

She sat contemplating things, resisting the urge to pick up the phone on the plane and unload on Emry.

Pipes was there to greet her, along with Mr. Glastonbury.

"Well, Miss Kennedy," Mr. Glastonbury asked, "did you have a lot of fun?"

"Everyone else there was male. I didn't get laid. Ergo, I didn't have that much fun."

"You won races?"

"Not the one that counted," she told him.

Pipes touched her sleeve. "Kennedy..."

"Tell Clarice I appreciate learning how to drive. Everyone can relax; I'll never practice my Formula One skills driving in town."

"Was it a good experience, Kennedy?" Pipes asked her flat out.

"Pipes, up here in the back of my head," she pointed at the spot, "there's a computer that keeps track of the art of the possible. It won't even let me try the art of the impossible. And if it decides that it's more impossible than it looks, I can't do that, either."

She turned to Mr. Glastonbury. "Once upon a time, I dreamed I met the First Slayer; I thought I was to be Chosen that night, but that she decided I was too young. Now I know the truth of it. I'll never be chosen, Mr. Glastonbury. Never. A Slayer fights even if there is no hope. I've never felt like that, so I didn't realize the truth.

"I learned the truth on the race track. I could tell when I was pushing too hard, where the car might break, or where if I went faster the engine would use too much fuel. I didn't push it.

"When the king of the gypsies had Rosalie throw that spell at us, I thought I was ready, and I did what I thought I had to. But when I realized that it was much stronger than I expected, I stood paralyzed, unable to move. I couldn't think of even one more thing to counter it that I hadn't already done.

"The visions I've had of Slayers dying? They died fighting. I never got the message, not until now. If someone had been in my head that day, they'd have seen me die with my head bowed, waiting for the inevitable."

Mr. Glastonbury smiled thinly. "Miss Kennedy, that's what we all do. We put our best effort even if things go awry. A friend of mine had a brother who was a bomber gunner in World War II. One night over Germany his plane was hit. They were on their way to drop incendiaries on a German town, instead those bombs started going off in the plane.

"One second he was in the aircraft, the next second the plane blew up like a skyrocket. It literally blew the man out of his clothes; he was stark naked. Needless to say, his parachute was gone, too.

"He fell and fell, knowing he was dead. He made what peace he could with God, then, seconds before the impact, he closed his eyes.

"He went into a drift of snow that had formed near a hedge. He opened his eyes and realized he was still alive. In fact, he'd never hit the ground at all. He nearly froze getting out of that snow drift and the Germans thought him mad, but when he was finally repatriated the RAF officially recognized that he'd fallen from the bomber. A dozen other pilots had seen his aircraft fireball; the entire crew had been written off as dead.

"Miss Kennedy, you said it yourself. Your brain measures the art of the possible. I'm sure when it comes down to it, if there is any possibility of victory, you'll go for it. A car race? Miss Kennedy, a car race isn't a matter of life and death. Oh, for the drivers, I suppose, but they aren't in it to kill or be killed. Those are the sorts of fights you fight. Where did your 'art of the possible' computer come down on the notion of bearding a clutch of armed kidnappers in their den? Or wading into the heart of a nest of vampires, outnumbered twenty-five to one?"

"I had a plan. I was sure I was as safe as I could be."

"Miss Kennedy, I suspect if you had to race where the losers all died and only the winner survived," Pipes told her, "I have a feeling you'd finish first."

Kennedy smiled slightly. "First, I'd try to change the rules."

That was pretty much that. Once or twice a month, on a Saturday, she'd go into Manhattan and have lunch at the restaurant and play poker. School was a minor distraction. Her teachers knew she was coasting, and most of them took that as a good reason not to challenge her, academically.

Harriet was seeing someone and seemed happy; Amy was happy with her own girlfriend. Kennedy paid attention to a couple of girls at school but there was no magic spark.

Vampires and kidnappers seemed to have gotten the message and avoided Scarsdale and Manhattan.

Towards Christmas Kennedy started tutoring Juan Baptiste and Nita. Nita was well along in her pregnancy and hated going to school where she was getting some rude comments. Kennedy wanted her to name names, but Nita wouldn't reveal them. So Kennedy did some skulking and got a couple of names on her own. Abruptly, the rude comments stopped.

In late April two things happened that changed the routine. Mr. Glastonbury stood one morning, watching her work out. He didn't say a word, not until she finished.

"Miss Kennedy."

She turned to him as she was putting Lady Kennedy back in the case.

"This year May Day is on a Tuesday, and the Faire will be open from the Saturday before to the Sunday after. I have been asked to perform some archery exhibitions on both weekends, and Duke Roger asked me if I'd like to do some on May Day as well."

Kennedy shrugged. "So?"

"So it's not like you need the class time. Would you like to come? Duke Roger was asking about you."

"Is this your way to get back in my good graces?"

He shook his head. "We both know how impossible that will be. You tolerate me; we both know that. This is a simple invitation. You can come up for one or both weekends, or stay the entire time. Or you can stay here."

"Okay, I'll go," she said abruptly, not sure why she'd agreed. Maybe, she thought, just to get out of the house.

The second thing was the advent of Victoria. She knocked on the practice room door and Kennedy had looked up.


"Hah! You remembered who I am! Sometimes I'm not sure. I mean, no Christmas cards, no birthday presents ... none of that."

"I don't do those ... and unless someone is intercepting my mail, I don't get them from you, either."

"Well, hey!" She patted her stomach. "That's a case of the pot belly calling the kettle belly black!"

With a start, Kennedy realized Victoria was pregnant.

"Thanks, Victoria," Kennedy said evenly.

"Thanks for what, Kennedy?"

"Well, I wasn't invited to the wedding. Thus, no reason to send a wedding present nor anniversary presents."

"Hah! Like you would! Besides, I'm not married and I'm not going to be married."

Kennedy smiled thinly. "I could talk to him."

Victoria slapped her thigh. "You would, wouldn't you! Kennedy, please ... lighten up. I'm okay with this. It's my choice. Fuck everyone else."

Kennedy nodded. "My theory, pretty much. Although I don't think our father would approve."

"I thought he was 'Pete?'"

"Not since he grounded me."

"I heard about that. The staff was all aghast. A battle of the titans! I'm surprised no one realized that no one ever wins that kind of battle."

"Maybe ... But if you surrender, you lose by default."

Victoria blinked. "I never thought of it quite like that."

She looked around. "It's April; I'm here until Memorial Day. Any bad guys on the horizon?"

"Not that I know of."

"Good! Let me know if that changes."


"Any cute maids?"

"She left."

"Bummer, Kennedy. Bummer! I sent her some money after she got hurt at your party. She sent it back."

"It's called 'stiff-necked pride, '" Kennedy told her. "It's all the rage among those of us who accept responsibility for the things we do."

"Tit for tat, Kennedy," Victoria told her. "You owe me."

"I owe you for what?"

"One ruined party. I want you to come to my 'Spring Fling' on Memorial Day."

"I don't think so."

"It'll be downstairs, Kennedy. That's assuming you'll let me hold it here."

"It's your house," Kennedy told her.

"Not so far as father is concerned. He says if you say no, it's no."

"Well, yes. But I can't imagine going."

"I went and played poker with your friends. I came to your New Year's Eve Party, Kennedy. You owe me."

"If you insist."

"I insist. You will, for that matter, not spend the time standing around the fringes. You will dance, do you understand?"

"Oh, Victoria!" Kennedy said with sarcasm. "I live to obey your every whim!"

"Kennedy, I had a pleasant chat with a very refined woman that night. Then she died, killed in front of me. Then a girl, maybe a little chunky for my taste, but still, I'm sure she was nice ... she was murdered in front of me too, just like that very nice woman. To be honest, I don't remember much after that, as I was barfing in the corner. I do remember seeing you heading towards the guy, I remember you standing in an empty quarter of the room a second later, no guy to be seen."

"Wow!" Kennedy told her.

"So, you will come to my party and you will dance. At least twice, for the number of people I saw killed that night."

"Then, I will dance eleven times, for those two and all the others. Plus twice more for those who were hurt." Kennedy smiled thinly. "Not counting you, of course."

"You can invite a girlfriend, but only one of the two dances I require will count with her."

"Victoria, you may not have noticed, but I'm neither outgoing nor popular."

"Kennedy, keep talking and I'll start inviting some of your friends."

Kennedy shut up and a few moments later, Victoria was gone.

Kennedy took Lady Kennedy with her to Faire, and once again mustered with the watch. Duke Roger looked her up and down.

"You're looking well, Lady Kennedy."

"Thank you, sir. Do you suppose I might have the petting zoo again?"

He laughed. "Oddly, few volunteer for the duty, and then, never more than once."

"Duke Roger, sir, it is my intention never to pull my blade this weekend. I have no desire to show off, demonstrate, duel or anything else. Just my duty as one of your constables."

"The petting zoo will only be open on the weekends and May Day. Could I interest you in a couple of hours of general patrol on the other days?"

"Okay," she told him, uncertain if this was a step up or down. Well, on reflection, she had to admit that anything different than the petting zoo had to be a step up -- because there was no way to go down from the zoo.

She went over to the shopkeepers' booths and got a hug from Harriet. "Can you imagine it?" Harriet bubbled over. "All these years and here we are! Juniors in high school, next year seniors and then off to college!"

"Well, I'm not sure about college," Kennedy told her, "but yeah, I am looking forward to it."

"I have a stepfather," she said out of the blue.

"Is he nice?"

"Nice enough. He keeps Mom happy, and that's a good thing. She met him here, at Faire; he's a science fiction author."


"Yeah! Except now we go to conventions as well as Faire. It's making for a busy life!"

"And how's Rachael?" Rachael being Harriet's girlfriend.

"She's fine. She's got an orchestra thing this weekend, but she'll be here next weekend."

Harriet's mother appeared, saw Kennedy and did a double-take. "You!"

"Me!" Kennedy agreed.

"Stay away from Harriet!"

"Mother!" Harriet said, outraged.

"I have and I will, but, now and then a hug from an old friend is just what the doctor ordered!" Kennedy hugged Harriet one last time and tried to ignore the press of their bodies.

She tossed a casual hand salute towards Harriet's mother, turned and left.

Friar Geoffrey fell into step next to her. "You understand that with the exception of the current Slayer, most Slayers have no friends. They cut themselves off from their families, too. I understand the Slayer's younger sister has turned into a pesky teenager, living together has become quite a trial..."

Kennedy turned to him, confused. "The Slayer doesn't have a sister. Not unless this is a different Slayer."

"No, it's the same one. She always has had a sister."

"I can remember a half a dozen times where you told me that her parents were divorced and that her mother had worried a great deal about Buffy, until finally, one day, she found out about her being the Slayer. Now she's nervous, but accepting. You also told me the Slayer was living in her college dorm. Her first roommate was a demon, then she paired up with one of her friends, then the friend started rooming with someone else. Never a word about a sister."

"No, she's been at home for months and months. She's always had a sister."

Kennedy nodded. "Whatever."

He paled. "You think I'm lying to you!"

"Of course not, why would I ever think that? What could I possibly base that judgment on? Unless my memory is completely out of whack, that is. Is it?"

"I don't know. I just don't know ... I'm sure I told you she had a sister. I can remember several occasions where I told you. She's something like five or six years younger than the Slayer."

"Mr. Glastonbury, I swear, you told me the opposite. Not just once, but several times."

His laugh was harsh, short and bitter. "You realize I'll have to check this with the Watchers Council?"

"Hello! This isn't the surprise for me you think it is."

She looked at him coldly. "Trustworthy isn't something you can be one day and not the next. You are or you aren't."

"Miss Kennedy, I know we'll never be friends; I'm equally sure we'll never be teacher and student again. All I can say is that I'm not sure what I could have done differently, even had I been able to see the future."

"And that, Mr. Glastonbury, is why I treat you with all the contempt you deserve. I screwed up when I led the others to meet the king of the gypsies. Had I to do it over, there are any number of things I'd have done differently. You seem incapable of learning from your mistakes."

She spun on her heel and stalked off.

The petting zoo hadn't changed. She took great care not to pound a few of the two-legged visitors into the ground. At the end of her shift, Duke Roger met her.

"Sir?" she asked.

"There are people, Lady Kennedy, who have no guts and no honor. They do what they do from behind your back, and never let on that they were the one. Someone has told Sixteenth Cousin you're here this weekend. The fool has been practicing with a sword and now thinks he's as good as any girl, so he's going to show up tonight and challenge you to another duel."

"And I told you I won't draw my blade. Someone better tell Sixteenth Cousin just how bad it will look if I take him on barehanded, pull down his britches and spank his bare butt."

Duke Roger grimaced. "Lady Kennedy, I'm sure you could do just that -- but do you understand that one of my jobs is to make sure things never get that far? Sixteenth Cousin is upsetting my apple cart, but under our rules, he's got the right to challenge you. It's just that I'm as sure as I can be, he has no intention of abiding by the rules."

"So, if you're willing to let him break the rules, why not let me?"

"Two wrongs don't make it right."

"I suppose. How about if we simply go out behind the village and duke it out?"

"Lady Kennedy ... you know I can't let him fight against such odds."

"Even if that's what he wants?"

"Particularly if that's what he wants."

Kennedy sighed. "I'll think on it. I promise you, I won't draw a weapon against him. If he wants a fight, I'll do it bare-handed. If he draws a blade against me when I'm unarmed, I will make him wish he was never born, even though I won't leave so much as a bruise."

"I suppose that's the best I can expect. Lord knows, if I was in your position, I'd deck the bastard myself."

A short while later, Kennedy was sitting in the Inn, eating dinner. Someone nudged her shoulder. Unsure, she turned, wary.

Ferinc grinned. "Lady Kennedy, I presume?"

"Ferinc!" she said with genuine pleasure.

"I have brought you a present." He stepped aside and Kennedy could see Rosalie, Marcie and Harriet.

Kennedy whooped for joy, stood and grabbed Rosalie about the waist and twirled her in a circle.

"You never used my charms," Rosalie said with a good-natured grin.

"I thought of something better. Can I talk to you in a bit?"

"I swore off magic for Lent," she told Kennedy.

Kennedy laughed. "And how long has Lent been over?"

"Drat! You're not supposed to know those things!"

They all shared a laugh.

A few minutes later Kennedy explained what she wanted. Rosalie put her hand on Kennedy's. "No."


"Okay, I didn't swear off magic for Lent. I did swear off magic that hurts people or changes people. You want me to leave him in the dust."

"Okay, that's no problem," Kennedy told her, then whispered her next plan.

Rosalie smiled. "Just a swirl of air?"

"And a little dust, even if there is otherwise none."

"No problem."

"And I swear to you, not so much as a physical bruise."

"Leaving out the great huge hole you're going to poke in his psyche?"

"Rosalie, this is Ren Faire! Slaying dragons is the stuff of legend! He'll have his shot! To win, all he has to do is stand his ground!"

Ferinc insisted on hearing what Kennedy proposed and when he heard it, he could only shake his head. "Your mind is diabolical, Lady Kennedy. Terrible and diabolical."

A while later they were in front of campfire. Kennedy was burning marshmallows, while the others were singing lustily about wenches and knaves.

Sixteenth Cousin appeared walked up to Kennedy and slapped her face. Kennedy laughed at him.

"Don't you dare mock me!" he demanded.

"You challenged me. Bare-handed then, my champion against yours."

"Your champion?" the boy exclaimed. "What a crock! You, girl! You and me!"

It appeared then. Thirty feet tall, scarlet red, fanged, clawed, wings perhaps sixty feet long when unfurled.

The dragon leaned down and roared in Sixteenth Cousin's face.

Sixteenth Cousin wasn't the only person to fall on his ass in the next second.

As quickly as the dragon appeared, it was gone. Kennedy bowed her head. "Sorry, my champion got a little ahead of himself. I've told him to stand down, until you decide if you'll fight yourself or name a champion."

Kennedy could see the spreading stain down Sixteenth Cousin's front, the smell of fresh diaper was wafting in the evening air. "Perhaps after you clean up," Kennedy said, twisting the barb.

She turned to the duke. "Sir, while what I drew wasn't blood, my honor is satisfied."

"How did you do that?" someone demanded.

Kennedy faced the crowd, a small smile on her face. "I probably broke the fire regulations. That was a firework, it goes up twenty or thirty feet and leaves pretty sparkles in a swirl."

There was a lot of talk, turning ribald, mostly, and for Sixteenth Cousin, serious aspersions on his manhood.

Kennedy spent the time talking quietly with her friends, catching up on the gossip from her other friends from camp.

When it was time for sleep, Kennedy slid into her tent, and has she had done several times, lay on top of her sleeping fur, her chin pillowed on her hands as she watched the goings on.

Not much later, Friar Geoffrey appeared and sat down just outside her tent.

"I've never told you, but I keep a diary."

Kennedy looked at him without saying anything. It's was impossible to do a good "who cares?" shrug while lying down.

"A long time ago, a friend of mine put a spell on it, making it look like book on ancient Aramaic. I spent a while reading back entries and you're right, there's nothing there about the Slayer having a sister. I write down information like that, so it should have been there.

"My first thought was to call the Watchers Council and ask for them to check themselves."

Kennedy couldn't suppress a snort of derision.

"Yes, I know. It was just a thought. So, instead, I called the Slayer's former Watcher. Guess what, he's Watching again, but this time more or less as a freelance. I asked him about the sister and he said he couldn't tell me anything about that, but did I know of an ancient enemy, a nameless enemy from before there were men on the planet, and who was now going by the name Glory?"

"And your answer?"

"No, I've never heard of anyone like that. Then he asked me why I was curious about the Slayer's sister and I told him my Potential was immune to any but the strongest magic, hurled directly at her, and she doesn't remember his Slayer having a sister. He told me to tell you to belt up, that you don't know what you're talking about."

"Belt up? That's your English version of hush my mouth?"

"Yes. Miss Kennedy, I hope you won't tell anyone else about your suspicions. I won't either, not even the Watchers Council."

"Particularly the Watchers Council," Kennedy replied.

"I don't know if I mentioned that the Watchers Council has used their chemical cocktail on her twice now. The first time it worked adequately, this last time it barely worked at all."

Same as Kennedy
Chapter 26: Driver's Ed Videos

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Road side show for the truck drivers

Story 3- , All my stories are true experiences.. My girlfriend and I were traveling around Australia and had some fun along the way, If you have checked out my other stories you’ll know Amy and I love to be watched among other things. So on second morning driving across the Nullarbor we have fun cheering up every truck driver that goes past and by lunch time we had it worked out, as a truck comes towards us I flash my lights which gets his attention and Amy wearing only this sexy Playboy bra...

3 years ago
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Road side show for the truck drivers

Story 3- ,All my stories are true experiences..My girlfriend and I were traveling around Australia and had some fun along the way, If you have checked out my other stories you’ll know Amy and I love to be watched among other things. So on second morning driving across the Nullarbor we have fun cheering up every truck driver that goes past and by lunch time we had it worked out, as a truck comes towards us I flash my lights which gets his attention and Amy wearing only this sexy Playboy bra she...

3 years ago
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My wife Rose and the Van Driver

My wife and I have foursomes on and off for quite a while. One night that comes to mind was recently when we meet up with a couple off the Internet. It went well, and on are way home the next day, we were high after the sex we had just had. You see she enjoys showing off and getting into some exciting situations and I enjoy watching her show off and meeting new guys. This particular morning Rose was wearing a black mini skirt white blouse, a Lacey black bra, a pair of Lacey black panties, and a...

2 years ago
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Nauka Vihar 8211 The Erotic Boat Sex Ride 8211 Part 5 The Driver

She kissed Babu on his lips and went near the door and said, “Gajol dobar lock gate khule dilam” (I am opening the lock-gates of the dam of Gajol Doba) and she opened the door which separated the verandah and the room. She knew there was only 1 Viagra left. Mimi: “Notun rules: 6 nombor: Tomader 9 jon e chudte parbe, kintu r Viagra khawa cholbe na.” (New Rules: The 6th one: All 9 of you can fuck me, but you guys are not allowed to have Viagra now.) I hurriedly approached her, “What the fuck are...

3 years ago
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Durga Puja Celebration 8211 Part 1 Rimi8217s Encounter With The Driver

It was approximately 3:00 am. Rimi was on her way to Ani’s place. The Uber cab halted outside the designated destination a few minutes ago. Anybody peeping inside or passing by would be able to see Rimi in her birthday suit. In the backseat and moaning, while being fucked by the cab driver. Her completely wet one-piece dress was drying on the front seat with the help of the car heater. She was savoring the moment being naked and fucked. The driver was enjoying her huge melons and already...

2 years ago
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Changed Neighbour To Lesbian And Did Threesome With Cab Driver

This incident happened with me some 9 months back. 3 years before we came to Mumbai from Kanpur because of my husband’s job and we came and settled here only. From first only we stayed at rented home my husband is in late 35 and he is a sr. Marketing manager. His sex stamina is ok. But I am bisexual I prefer female more than male. From first sight only sapna has attracted me towards her that why I made love to sapna. About ourself  I am 5. 5 ft tall,  skin color light brown, age 32, mere boob...

2 years ago
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Mommy Fucked The Driver

Hello friends I am Smruti from some state and I am 19 years old and doing +3 some University and we live at 3BHK flat in a push locality and my father was no more so now I live with my hot mom and with our driver because we are very rich in our locality so we have a luxurious car so we have a driver and if someone want my mom picture and then friends you can email me my mail id is Now let’s describe about my mom she was so beautiful lady in our apartment and she was 37 years old and she was...

3 years ago
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My wife Rose and the Van Driver

My wife and I have foursomes on and off for quite a while. One night that comes to mind was recently when we meet up with a couple off the Internet. It went well, and on are way home the next day, we were high after the sex we had just had. You see she enjoys showing off and getting into some exciting situations and I enjoy watching her show off and meeting new guys. This particular morning Rose was wearing a black mini skirt white blouse, a Lacey black bra, a pair of Lacey black panties, and...

3 years ago
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My Hot Sexy Bhabhi With The Driver

My cousin stays out of the station. He is busy with business and they have a boy who is studying in class 8. Bhabhi arrived a few days before the marriage with the kid. My cousin will join later before marriage as he cannot leave the business. Everyone is happy and busy with something during the marriage and bhabhi too. We have a car but no driver as we only drive. But in marriage, everyone wants to go somewhere. Especially females of the house to shop, mehendi, makeup, and bla bla. So, we...

4 years ago
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Mom Seduces Driver

Hello, Dosto mai fir se hajir hoo Iss story ka 8th part ke sath…Jinhone meri agli story nahi padi wo pahele padh lijiye. Jesa ki aap sab jante hai ki Meri randi maa ko chudvana pasand hai aur wo pure din chudvane ke liye taiyar rehti hai apne aashiq se. Aaj aap sab ko bataunga meri randi maa ke naye aashique ke bare mai… Hussain jo ki mere papa ki company ka driver hai wo aksar hi mere papa ko pick-up karne ghar pe aata tha aur drop bhi karne aata tha. pi6li story mai aap logo ne padha ki jab...

2 years ago
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Mommy Fucked The Driver

Now let’s describe about my mom she was so beautiful lady in our apartment and she was 37 years old and she was fair skinned with well nose and lips eyes are very attractively and she was graced with long brown hair which free state it external down from her butts her was 36 D-26-38 so all the people of our apartment look towards my mom with lusty intension towards my mom.Our driver`s name is Rakesh so was so handsome guy with near about 30 age and single and so he always stay in our home and...

1 year ago
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Jess and the driver

Introduction: Jess pushes her fantasy to the limits The night had been a good one. Jack, in his late twenties, and his wife Jessica had gone out clubbing. She was the same age, 28. Half Indian, half Caucasian. She was a rare beauty, caramel skin, perfectly sized DD breasts and a face that turned most heads. Jack was no slouch, dark hair and handsome, the two had met in their last year of collage, and had married a few years later. Tonight Jess had a tight dress on, it was short, it barely...

2 years ago
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I already have a raging hard on, and it is only 9pm. I have my clothes for the evening laid out on the bed before me, and my cock, balls and ass are newly shaved. I have decided to wear all black tonight: black lacy panties, bra and suspender belt, sheer black stockings, and a tight black dress that hugs my thighs and ass nicely. On my feet I will wear a pair of black, thin strapped three inch heels.I shake with excitement as I pull on the panties. The tight fitting underwear protrudes like an...

4 years ago
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My Sister Seduced The Driver

Hi instead of introducing you to myself I would like directly to come to the story because I know your here to read the stories. So coming to the point my sister Anju is 19 and going on with her studies. She is studying science with biology as the main subject. Anju is a beautiful girl and 90 out of 100 guys would like to fuck her because of her sexy body and she is 5′ 2” with nice boobs talking about her boobs I don’t really know the size of her boobs but according to my guess it must be 32...

3 years ago
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My Wife and the Truck Driver

I am a fortunate man who married his childhood sweetheart. She was the only girl I had a crush on. She is the only woman I have ever loved, and the only woman I have ever made love to. We dated through high school. Our wedding night was the first time for both of us. Nevertheless, after ten years of marriage sex between us had become routine. Then I had an idea. I was almost afraid to suggest it to my wife. Finally, I broached the subject. "I have been thinking that it might be sexy for us to...

2 years ago
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Virgin School Girl Fucked By Dirty Driver

Hi, this is Sanjuktha. Hope you have read my previous stories. This story is about how I lost my virginity during my school days. So, I am Sanjuktha and this happened 6 years ago when I was in 12th std. My age was 18 and my figure was 32-21-20 at that time. I studied in a girls higher secondary school. I used to talk bad and dirty with my female friends. They insisted me to do masturbation. But I didn’t like to do that. One day, while we were going to our swimming class in our school, the...

4 years ago
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Wife And An Old Truck Driver

Hi, We’re back after a long hiatus…Good to be back with a new story…Hope you guys enjoy it and send your comments, suggestions, and pics….This story is about my wife being used by an old truck driver As you already know we’re very kinky about sex and we enjoy trying new things…We had two real encounters and we fantasize about other things that we would wanna try like a beggar, homeless, auto driver, rickshaw puller or any other dirty looking fellow…The though of a dirty homeless man enjoying my...

3 years ago
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mom And Driver

I have never thought that would happen to me. Though my mom is very sexy, but I have never fantasized of her until that crazy turning point happened in my life. My mom, Mona, has a full figured average body, not fat but voluptuous and curvy, a little bet tall with big breasts and soft round butt. At home she usually wears a t-shirt with no bra and jeans. She is a very strong person that we all don’t dare to say no to her, even my father is submissive in front of her. The crazy year happened...

2 years ago
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Jungle Love With My Servant And Driver

Hi, I am Neha. I live in Noida. Some part of this story is true. My husband is from a small town who runs a large business in Noida. I will not mention the exact location. I got married in 2014. Every year we visit my husband’s home two times. I don’t wear Indian saree, blouse in Noida. But in his home, I have to adjust to traditional Indian housewife dress. His family is the richest family in the area. The incident happened this year when we visited his home. I was getting bored. I told the...

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Step Mother fucked by Father His boss and Driver

Today I will tell you the story of how I saw my step mother being forced to have sex with my fathers' boss by my father and my driver itself. I always refer to her as mother only.My mothers' name is Rajani and she is 39 years old and she is actually extremely beautiful for her age. I am studying Engineering and my father is a high ranking official in one of the best companies of the world.I always stay up at night and study and my mother also sleeps late after watching television for a few...

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The taxi driver

María was a Latin girl 21 yo., 1.70 mts. tall, slim,  short, golden-haired, brown eyes. Her skin bristled each time she remembered those facts that had taken place barely weeks ago in her town.  Here is her story: She used to go out and drink beer with friends, but loved to do this frequently. One of those days she dated buddies, she drank too much. She was a girl who accepted and confessed that drinking too many beers made her horny a lot, and wished to fuck like a cheap slut the first male...

Quickie Sex
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The Cab Driver

The Cab Driver The following experience did nothing for me except it made me get off. I thought you gay guys might like it.It all started the other night when I met this chick at the local bar near where I live. She was there celebrating Christmas with her work colleagues having drinks. Things were going pretty good, when I asked her if I could buy her a drink. She immediately agreed. She already looked like she had had enough to drink, but I decided, “What the heck”. It was Christmas, and it...

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Felicity Fucks Old Taxi Driver

I was at uni on a night out with my housemates... heres what happened.We all went out on the Saturday night for a few drinks and then decided to head to the club. At this point we were all quite drunk except one girl Felicity who was wasted ! Felicity was 19 and dressed like a complete slut wearing a tiny white vest top with no bra and the shortest red kilt/skirt youve ever seen. She topped it off with a pair of red high heels to match the skirt and as she stumbled her way to the club you could...

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Another dangerous taxi driver

Another dangerous taxi driverVictor and I had attended a very nice joyful party that summer night.We have danced for hours, chatted to some friends and had really had a good time.But as I danced with some of my girlfriends, my lovely Victor had visited the bar; more times than I had waited.Then later that night I found my sweet husband was “out of order”…When it was time for me to leave I hunted him up, easy enough, because he was at the bar still and suggested that it was time to go. No way...

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Debbie Crane driver

Debbie, Crane driver Debbie, Crane DriverSynopsisDebbie finds that getting to the top in a man's profession can be a difficult and painful experience. Debbie, Crane Driverby obohobo WarningsPlease take note!The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF NC. SpankingIf you are underage or offended by such material, or if viewing this file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story now. This is a work of fiction,...

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Sue and the Truck Driver

Introduction: Sue tells about doing a truck driver Hi This is the second story I have put here with my husbands account. I have added one story before about the first time someone other than my husband fucked me. That was a long time before this story. What you can expect in my tales is an accounting of the incident, the best I can recall, and this incident I can remember rather well. I do like sex. In fact I love sex. From reading some of the entries here that seems to be the main thing. My...

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RIDING THE BUS…DRIVER CHRISTY I have always prided myself on being a very resourceful person, but like most people now days I cannot live without my wheels. So when my car broke down about two weeks ago I was not a happy campier. The thought of having to take the bus everywhere did not appeal to me at all. The thought of sitting around for twenty minutes for a bus to come was not my idea of fun. All that changed one day when I had to catch a bus to get across town for a very important...

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RIDING THE BUS…DRIVERCHRISTYI have always prided myself on being a very resourceful person, but like most people now days I cannot live without my wheels. So when my car broke down about two weeks ago I was not a happy campier.The thought of having to take the bus everywhere did not appeal to me at all. The thought of sitting around for twenty minutes for a bus to come was not my idea of fun.All that changed one day when I had to catch a bus to get across town for a very important meeting. When...

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RIDING THE BUS…DRIVER CHRISTY I have always prided myself on being a very resourceful person, but like most people now days I cannot live without my wheels. So when my car broke down about two weeks ago I was not a happy campier. The thought of having to take the bus everywhere did not appeal to me at all. The thought of sitting around for twenty minutes for a bus to come was not my idea of fun. All that changed one day when I had to catch a bus to get across town for a very important meeting....

Straight Sex
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Riding with a wild taxi driver

Hubby and I had attended a very nice joyful party that evening.We danced for hours, chatted to some friends and had a good time.But as I danced with some of my girlfriends, my lovely Victor visited the bar; more times than I had expected. After a while, I found my beloved sweet man was completely “out of order”…When it was time for me to leave I found him still at the bar; so I suggested him it was time to go back home.No way was he driving us home. We had to leave our car overnight, because I...

1 year ago
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Lonely Delivery Driver

The driver came to my door to deliver the package of some things I had ordered earlier. As I signed for the package he reached down and put his hand on my crotch. "I know John," he said. "Do you? Do you also know that those who enter this door become my slave to be done with as I please? John and Ed are both here at this time. I was just about to give them a whipping. Are you sure you want part of that?" He replied, "I am so lonely. I have no one to care for me. I am up for almost anything." I...

Group Sex
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Banging The Bus Driver

Pamela had been riding the school bus from her home, about fifteen miles outside of Sweetwater, Tennessee for several years. She had lived in the area since she was born and while it was great as a young child - she was a bit of a tomboy back then and could keep up with any other kid, boy or girl - now that she was getting older, she was finding the small town life a bit of a bore.Although she only lived about twenty-five minutes from the school, by the time the route had taken her home, with...

2 years ago
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The Limo Driver

This is my first story and it is all true.At age 21I was like any sex craved young man. Good looking, thin, tan with short hair and not much body hair I got my fair share of pussy but most of the girls my age were just not very fun in the sack. I had a couple big breakups and a few one nighters. It was during one of those dry spells that a friend I have known since grade school was turning 21. His birthday just so happens to fall on St Paddy's day, now is there any more reasons to go drinking...

1 year ago
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Night With The Truck Driver

Hey every1, I am back with another 1 of my stories After missing out on the last bus out of this desolate town called Bhavnagar, no public vehicle in sight and pain in my legs and arms cause of carrying a huge bag of samples all day from 1 place to the other, I sit down on the milestone on the entrance of town hoping to catch something to my home town. Minutes turned into hours, it was now deserted and the time in my watch said 10 pm, I had lost all hope of catching any public transport out of...

Gay Male
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The Truck Driver

My name is Bill and I am married the most beautiful, desirable, sexual woman in the world, you don't to take my word for it, but you can ask any of the hundreds of men she fucked over the years and you would receive the same answer. Katie was one of the lucky women, after 2 children, she retained her hourglass figure. Before children she was a perfect 36-34-36 and after children she turned into a 38-24-36. She has shinny natural blond hair and has always kept her pussy shaved except for a...

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My CrazyTaxi Driver

Pinky sat at home daydreaming about the last few days. All she thought about was cocks and cum. She knew men were real turned on at the idea of sticking their cocks in an asshole, especially in a beautiful girls' like her. It made her feel good that she gave so much pleasure to them. Now, she was planning how to continue getting what she wanted, desired and craved. Pinky decided to head downtown tonight and go after what she wanted. she just wanted a to satisfy her lust.Pinky dressed herself in...

Erotic Fiction
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Donny London Courier Driver

CHAPTER 1 Donny London couldn’t understand the fuss some people made about sex, proclaiming its social popularity would end civilization prematurely, killing off millions through STDs. Of course there were the optimistic diehards who proclaimed it as the elixir of life. Well, being a courier guy with a vehicle too small in which to fuck comfortably, Donny could take or leave sex. He often bypassed opportunities because he was not over-fussed. He didn’t like sweating or having to tell a babe...

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Sue and the Truck Driver

This is the second story I have put here with my husbands account. I have added one story before about the first time someone other than my husband fucked me. That was a long time before this story. What you can expect in my tales is an accounting of the incident, the best I can recall, and this incident I can remember rather well. I do like sex. In fact I love sex. From reading some of the entries here that seems to be the main thing. My husband and I have been married for many years...

1 year ago
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The Limo Driver

The Limo Driver &hellip,.* Limo drivers have many stories they tell in secret between them. The people in the back having wild partys, love and sex in a semi-private place when they just have satisfy the hunger immediately. Their rear view mirrors see many things we will never see. They dont tell&hellip, as that would be against their code of&hellip,.silence. My friend uncle one evening broke the code of silence and told me this one story&hellip,.later I found out about tiny hidden video...

3 years ago
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Fucked By Car Driver

I am jenny an Orthodox woman from a conservative Hindu family. My husband’s name is Roshan who is also a very conservative man from a rich family. I was married to him when I was 24, but he was already 32.He had a company of his own which had many branches in different towns and I was made to quit my low paying job as my husband’s family was rich enough. He lived in Bangalore, so I shifted there from Hyderabad.Coming to the point where it all started, I and my husband were trying hard to...

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Fucked By Car Driver

Hello, sex story readers! I am Keerthi an Orthodox woman from a conservative Hindu family. My husband’s name is Roshan who is also a very conservative man from a rich family. I was married to him when I was 24, but he was already 32. He had a company of his own which had many branches in different towns and I was made to quit my low paying job as my husband’s family was rich enough. He lived in Bangalore, so I shifted there from Hyderabad. Coming to the point where it all started, I and my...

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The Company Presidents Driver

CHAPTER 1 For five years chief accountant Radford Hart had been on call as the president’s driver when the president met VIPs at the airport and returned them there. Occasionally the president and driver would take the VIPs to the Kempthorne Alpine Resort and stay overnight. The president Luke King was a self-drive guy so the company didn’t employ a chauffer for Luke although he was entitled to one. Radford didn’t find the task onerous. It got him out of the office and he often learned...

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Susans taxi driver

Just into the new year Garry and Susan arranged to see some friends in the city. They had booked a meal and later went dancing with their friends. They also had arranged to get a taxi home from the city. It was going to cost them but it would be worth it just to get home. At the appointed time the taxi arrived at the pick up point. Susan and Garry were pretty sloshed after their night out. But they scrambled into the back seat of the car and bade their friends good night. They were hardly...

Straight Sex
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Showing off My Desi Wife to Driver

I am M 38yrs ,married, a content person, happy with life and wife. We had an arranged marriage .I am married for 13 years and have 2 c***dren. I do a job away from my home & have to remain away for quite a few months. When I am away from home and on phone if I tell my wife that today I am on an outing with friend’s .After the general conversation, she adds, it’s ok to think and talk about ladies with your friends, but do it only for fun sake and don’t join them & go to any females. She...

1 year ago
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Me And The Lady Auto Driver

This is my first attempt at lesbian erotica. Constructive feedback is welcomed. My name is Vanaja Menon. I’m a 28 year old woman from the Malabar region of Kerala. I am married to a handsome young businessman and we have a beautiful one year old baby girl. One night, i got into a ladies auto from the railway station after getting back from a boring training in Mumbai. It was raining and almost close to midnight. I had phoned home and told my husband that i would be reaching in the morning as...

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Lucky Cab Driver

She was always ready, a kiss or a tender touch was all she ever needed to get things started. After a show and a late dinner we grabbed a cab for the ride home. A few minutes into the ride I leaned over, kissed her and nuzzled her neck. When she was ready, Sally had a way of just melting into a submissive, do as you wish, eager to please slut. She was forty-one and still had the slender, in-shape body of a teenager. Shoulder length red hair, pretty, wholesome looks and a confident air made her...

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Exhibitionist True Stories Taxi Driver

[A new, potential erotic friend asked what my experiences in exhibitionism were. I realized my experiences could fill a book. So I begin with the first!]I was around 19 or 20 still living with my parents in suburban South Jersey.I worked at a mall, and because I didn’t drive, I relied mostly on rides from my mall co-employees (I don’t call them co-workers because we all worked at different stores in mall. And now I’m having a flashback to the cheese fries and Chik Fil A sandwiches and yummy,...

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Indian Wife Fucks A Auto Driver

HI we’re back with another story….not real but our fantasy…..hope you guys like it and send comments……. This is a fantasy which arose from us liking dirty or old men having sex with my wife while I watch them do it….About my wife she is 34 years old with a voluptuous figure….. 42DD-34-40……and i know for a fact that even if she walks slowly her boobs move because of the size… me i have seen men getting turned on….one time i saw a sabjiwala in the shop putting his hand inside his lungi and...

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The Generals Driver

Copyright©2000 Returning to camp from a trip to the town on a Saturday evening late. I took a short cut through back lanes and came across this big black Austin Princess car with its front wheels in a ditch. The driver slumped over the driving wheel and out for the count. Oh! I knew the car well, for I used to drive this particular car and the new driver was Sergeant Murphy; the bastard who had dropped me in the shit for taking a gallon of petrol. He envied me driving the general's car and I...

3 years ago
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Track Bus Replacement Driver

My phone never rings. Never. Since I moved to this small Iowa town, that I picked for the very fact that was small, remote, and I didn't know anyone who lived there. I only knew a few people in town by first name, and almost never told anyone my number. But there was my phone, ringing away. "Hello?" I answered it unsurely. "Scott, thank God!" said a familiar female voice, "I need your help." It was my older sister, Stephanie. She still lived in Idaho where...

4 years ago
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Teenage Pleasure Experience With Driver

Hello. This is my first story on ISS and is a true incident that happened to me. I shall continue writing my true incidents here. To tell you the background this happened around 5 years ago when I was an adolescent. Like every other girl, I was very beautiful and charming as a child and as I grew up it just multiplied. At the age of 19, I was 5’3”, curly long hair, blue eyes, mesmerizing curves at right places and boob size of 26. The best lifetime appearance. I’ve never known about anything...

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