Victorian SeductionChapter 2 free porn video

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Alyssa awoke at dawn as was her usual custom. She moved lethargically, wondering why her body ached so. Then the memories flooded back, and with them, mortification. She was ruined! She had allowed Lord Bryson unbelievable liberties with her person. She could never look him in the eye again. What if the others knew? They would tell Aunt Beatrice, and they would throw her into the streets.

Such despairing thoughts raced madly through her brain for several minutes. Finally, she dragged herself out of bed and over to the washbasin to take care of her morning ablutions. Nothing would be gained by hiding from the world, so she might as well face the consequences and get it over with.

Each step reminded her that she had engaged in some unusual exercise the previous evening. Her thighs, arms, back and anus ached. The ache was more pleasurable than painful, though, akin to the feeling that she gained from a long, arduous day of gardening.

She went down the stairs towards the dining room. Despite her worries, Alyssa was hungry. Savory smells greeted her from outside the dining room. Could someone else be awake in the household? Alyssa had quickly realized that getting up at dawn was a very strange custom in the City, but the habits of a lifetime were impossible to break so quickly.

It was a surprise, therefore, to find Genny sitting at the table.

"Genny? Wha ... what a surprise to find you up at this hour..." Alyssa's voice trailed away as Genny got up from the table and came towards her. She was enfolded in a warm hug in the next moment.

"Oh darling, tell me how you are this morning? How was it? Did Bryson treat you well? I want to know all the details, every delicious moment!" The flood of questions overwhelmed Alyssa. Far from being angry, it seemed that Genny was inviting her to share all the particulars of last evening. What mad world had she stumbled into? As though Genny had not noticed Alyssa's lack of response, she led her over to the seat next to hers at the breakfast table and scooped up a plate to fill at the sideboard.

"Let me get some breakfast for you. You must be starved. Oh, I'm so happy that you are one of us now. We shall have such fun! Why, you won't believe what all we get up to, right under the watchful eyes of our dear parents." Genny joined Alyssa at the table, setting the brimming plate in front of the stunned, openmouthed girl.

Finally, Genny's chatter ground to a halt and she took note of Alyssa's reaction. "Oh, dear, you still don't understand, do you? Alyssa, darling, don't worry. What happened last night with Bryson - everyone was in their room doing something similar. It's nothing to be ashamed about. We all have needs and desires, and it is stupid to have to wait until marriage to fulfill our desires. We aren't hurting anyone. Oftentimes the only carnal pleasure we shall ever know is here among our special group of friends. So many noblemen believe that it would be unnatural for their wives to experience pleasure in the marital bed. Tell me that you understand, Alyssa?"

Alyssa unglued her tongue long enough to gasp out, "Everyone knows what I d- d- did with Bryson?"

"Well, not the particulars, but we know that he must have plucked your bottom virginity, as that is what Bryson most loves to do. Also, although the walls are very thick, you did scream quite a few times. I hope with pleasure?" Alyssa felt mortified. They had heard her? Oh, God, how would she ever be able to face these people again?

Genny hurried to reassure her. "Alyssa, had you wandered the halls, you would have heard screams and cries from many rooms last night, including mine. It is noting to be ashamed of. Why, I find it quite erotic to hear people crying out with pleasure."

"But I can see that you are quite uncomfortable with this subject, so why don't we speak of something else? If I am not mistaken, you will be too sore to ride a horse today in the hunt. Shall we find something better to occupy our time? How about painting? The solarium has such wonderful light, we could go in there." At that point, several other guests entered the dining room, and the conversation became much more general. To Alyssa's relief, no one seemed to pay the slightest bit of attention to her. She studiously ignored Bryson when he made his entrance, which piqued him considerable. She refused to be drawn into conversation with him. Finally, he left for the stables with the majority of the party. Only Justina, Alyssa and Genny remained behind.

Justina had sat somewhat gingerly in her chair throughout breakfast, receiving a few smirks from Eleanora and Genny. When Genny again suggested that they paint in the solarium, she got up with some relief and walked ahead of them down the hallway.

"Justina, are you feeling quite well this morning? You seem to be walking with a bit of a limp." Genny called out merrily to her. Justina glared over her shoulder at Genny.

"That damn Buckley! He about stripped the skin off my ass." Justina griped as they entered the brightly-lit solarium.

"Oh, you poor darling!" Genny instantly gushed with sympathy. "Let me see it. I may have a salve that will help."

Justina was quite aware what salve Genny meant. Genny was quite adept at soothing sore muscles and skin with long licks of her talented tongue. She looked sharply at Alyssa, wondering how this fresh-faced girl would react to a little girl-loving. Only one way to find out!

"Oh Genny you are such a dear. I would love some of your special salve." Justina began to unbutton her dress. Genny quickly turned to Alyssa. "Can you please get the painting supplies while I help Justina? They are in that cabinet over there." She pointed to the far corner of the room. Alyssa obediently went to fetch the supplies. By the time she returned, Justina had removed her clothing and draped herself face down over the back of a couch. Genny knelt behind her, her hands running all over the welted skin of Justina's buttocks.

"That dreadful man! Why, I believe he may have drawn blood right here," her hand went in between Justina's legs, sliding into the wet and welcoming warmth of her cunny. Justina gasped in pleasure. "Yes, I feel some moisture, spread your legs further and let me see what this is." Genny continued to play the game.

Justina spread her legs further apart, feeling deliciously exposed in the bright sunshine that streamed in through the windows. Her eyes closed as Genny's finger explored deeply into the wet lips between her legs. Alyssa, having finally moved the various easels and supplies over to where Genny and Justina were, looked up and fully took in the scene. She gasped to see Genny's hand between Justina's legs, and gasped again when she saw all the red marks of the cane across her naked buttocks. "Genny, what are you doing?" came out without thought.

"Why, darling, I am soothing Justina. She has been through a terrible ordeal with Lord Buckley. Do you see how red her bottom is? When I touch her sweet little cunny, she can forget about the pain for a moment. Why don't you come and try it?" Alyssa was shocked at the suggestion. She had never thought to touch another woman in such a manner. But Genny acted as though it were completely natural! She unconsciously crept a little closer to see in more detail what the two women were doing.

Genny leaned forward without waiting for a response and began to sensuously, slowly lick the red marks on Justina's ass. Her tongue left trails of wetness behind which gleamed in the sunlight. Her hand continued to stimulate Justina's hot cunny. By now, Justina was pantingly beyond speech.

Within moments, Justina cried out her pleasure and came against Genny's hand. "There, darling, don't you feel better now?" she breathed with satisfaction. Genny gave one last rub to the reddened cheek in front of her, then stood up and turned to face Alyssa. At first she thought Alyssa had fled the room, but then she saw her, seated in one of the chairs with her skirts bunched around her waist, one hand rubbing her cunny through the gossamer material of her knickers. Alyssa was so caught up in her own passion that she failed to realize Genny and Justina were both watching her as she spent in a wild flurry of tremors that shook her small frame.

"Umm, that looked delicious, Alyssa." Alyssa opened her eyes to see Genny and Justina both standing in front of her, Justina still naked and Genny fully clothed. Both sets of eyes were locked hotly on the apex of her legs, where her hand still rested. With a shamed cry, Alyssa wrested her hand away and tried to jump up from the chair, only to subside in defeat as her skirts tangled around her thighs.

Genny knelt next to the chair and put one hand out to Alyssa's face. "You are so passionate, sweeting, I love it! Would you like me to touch you as I did Justina?" Alyssa was tongue-tied with crippling shyness. "Just nod if you would like me to touch your sweet cunny, rub all over your clitty and lick your beautiful buttocks." Genny suggested.

Alyssa nodded once, her cheeks suffused with fiery red. What had she gotten herself into? Though she had just spent, the fires in her blood refused to subside. Even her bottom mouth ached for some form of penetration, despite how it stung from the previous night's unaccustomed use.

At her agreement, both Genny and Justina immediately tugged her to her feet and divested Alyssa of her clothes. She was naked in moments, trembling from head to toe. They noted the red marks around her nipples where Bryson's whiskers had rubbed the skin raw. Genny led an unprotesting Alyssa over to the couch where Justina had recently knelt and bent her forward over the back of the couch. "Spread your legs open, darling. Let's see what damage my amorous stepbrother has inflicted," Genny told her.

Alyssa obediently parted her legs, feeling droplets of moisture already beginning to slide out of her cunny and down her thighs.

"Justina, hold her cheeks open. Thank you. Ah, yes, I see he was a little rough. Some redness, and your rosebud is still slightly relaxed from his use. Why don't I lick it better, darling?" Genny didn't wait for a response. She placed one hand on Alyssa's cunny and began to comb through the damp curls, while the other hand anchored Alyssa to the couch. She bent forward and Alyssa suddenly felt something soft and wet touch her rosebud. Genny's tongue! Oh sweet Jesus, Genny was licking her where she went to the bathroom. Surely that could not be right. Alyssa jerked convulsively, but was easily controlled by the two girls.

"Don't move, there's a good girl," Justina cooed.

"But ... you can't ... it's dirty there." Alyssa moaned somewhat incoherently. Despite her shock, she couldn't stop the waves of pleasure as Genny's tongue intruded delicately into her sore rear passage. Indeed, all pain was miraculously gone!

Genny ignored the protests and continued to tongue and lick her delightful asshole. She sucked gently, knowing from her own experience that it would cause a lovely turmoil in her intestines. Alyssa cried out immediately, all thought of protest forgotten. Justina continued to hold her buttocks open, to help Genny's tongue attain maximum depths in her rectum. Her cunny wept at the erotic tableau.

Amazingly quickly, Alyssa cried out and spent in a rush of juices against Genny's teasing fingers. She knelt there, head drooping off her slender neck, while Genny slowly withdrew her tongue from the tightly clasping rosebud.

"Mmmm, delicious, darling. Let's get you dressed, wouldn't want you to catch a chill. Oh, what pretty stockings. You must tell me who your modiste is. Perhaps I shall buy a few pair. Now, what shall we paint?"

Genny assisted Justina to dress while Alyssa lay recovering her breath. Genny judged that Alyssa was not ready for anything more of a sexual nature that morning, and the abrupt return to a "normal" topic was calculated to reduce what had happened into a bizarre, perhaps even imaginary event in Alyssa's mind. Thus, Genny could keep her from thinking too much about what had just happened. She was right. After a dazed look at both of them, Alyssa took up a palette and brush without further comment.

The morning was spent in desultory conversation and idle painting of still life. By lunchtime, Alyssa had almost convinced herself that none of it had happened, so removed did it seem from the current behavior of Genny and Justina. They ate lunch together and then took a walk about the grounds. Alyssa was feeling decidedly tired and retired for a nap until the hunting party returned.

That evening, the men again joined the women in the drawing room after cigars and brandy.

Bryson had been looking forward to cornering Alyssa all day. He was quite frustrated to arrive in the drawing room and find no sign of her. Upon questioning, a smirking Justina told him that Genny had taken Alyssa up to her room to "show her something." Bryson felt quite sure he knew exactly what the minx would show her. He remembered his words to her in the theater - she was to leave her alone until he had bedded her. Now that the deed was done, Genny would consider Alyssa fair game. He cursed and went bounding up the stairs.

He paused outside Alyssa's door, then peeked inside. They weren't there. He followed the corridor to Genny's room. Before he even reached for the handle, he could hear Alyssa's throaty cries of pleasure. His guts clenched in jealousy. By damn, he'd beat Genny to within an inch of her life! Alyssa was his bedmate for the weekend, not Genny's, the greedy little bitch.

He thrust open the door with no thought but to wrench Alyssa away from Genny's embrace. The two lovers inside were oblivious to his presence, wrapped in a hot embrace. In an instant, he took in the scene.

Genny was wearing a harness of some kind. A short but stout dildo swept up in a curve from her pelvis. She knelt over Alyssa, who lay on her back, legs raised in the air. Both were naked. Genny's hands were massaging Alyssa's breasts, tweaking and pinching her nipples. Her dildo rubbed up and down in the valley between her thighs, nudging against Alyssa's clitoris on each stroke. The dildo gleamed with her juices. Bryson hadn't seen Genny naked before, and was shocked at what a luscious body his little stepsister possessed. And reluctantly, he felt himself become aroused as he took in the Sapphic embrace. He quietly closed the door and stepped over to the bedside.

"What are you two sluts up to?" he asked in a menacing growl. Alyssa shrieked in surprise, but Genny just turned her head and smiled lazily at him. "Hello brother dear. Come to join the fun?" She spread open Alyssa's legs suddenly and pushed against her rosebud with the stout dildo, watching her stepbrother's reaction. Alyssa cried out, her legs jerking in Genny's hands.

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The Doctor the ExconChapter 7 Ruben

Dad hasn't called back yet. I know he will. It's only been a week since I last talked with him. I would call him but I don't know his number. He didn't give it to me when he called and the caller ID said it was 'blocked'. Whatever that means. But I know he'll call. He said he would and I believe him. I just have to be patient. That's what mom says all the time when I get antsy. Just be patient she says. It will happen when it's supposed to happen. Sure. Just wait. Time goes so slow...

4 years ago
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First time masturbating with another man

I wrote this up a few years ago, and many men and women have told me that they like this story. So I figured I would post it here and see what sort of response I get. So I started getting curious about getting with another guy about 8 years or so ago. I had been doing some erotic story writing and cruising chat rooms to meet ladies to send them to. Hoping I might hear back from them on their own masturbation stories from reading them. I had been approached by some guys to cyber together but...

3 years ago
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Evening In The Bus With The Lady Police

By : Rexyboy Hi to all ISS readers, hope you are all fine! I’m from Chennai, came up with a story here then guys I need your suggestions to post my future writings. This happened very recently when I was travelling in bus, one day I missed my cab in the office and my next cab is after two hours, so I thought to go home by bus, so from my office I walked to a nearby bus stop and was waiting there, thinking that it’s been so long that I went in bus and I was praying that that the bus which I...

2 years ago
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A Sudden Honest Help Helped My Family

Mail id: Hello everyone myself Sohan, from a poor background staying in Bangalore had been in search of a job and the interview was arranged in the next day so I was thinking of the preparation sat in bus stand waiting for the bus then i met a lady near the bus stop and she was sitting beside me so suddenly the bus came she started moving onto the bus but her purse was beside me and She was a gorgeous looking woman, lovely shape 36-28-36 suddenly I ran and caught same bus and gave her the purse...

2 years ago
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Walker Between the WorldsChapter 18

Chris' parents were very gracious, and both of them managed, in the face of our demonstration that a relationship really did exist, to avoid anything embarrassing. Chris had been right. My appearance in a bit of designer dinner wear and snugly tucked under his arm completely disarmed the both of them. Still, the evening wasn't without its potential pitfalls. "Well, my dear," Mrs. Kimble asked over our roast duck and seasoned potatoes. "Where did you disappear to for such a long...

1 year ago
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Breaking the norm revised

Breaking The Norm Ch.1 Workout to Remember It was a Tuesday morning and I was back to the daily hustle and bustle of the everyday grind. Perhaps it sucked that much more after having just returning from the sunny Caribbean, fresh off of my first cruise. (Sighs) I am already missing the fine sand between my toes, yet here I am stuck in traffic 30 minutes into a 75 minute commute to my first call of the day. Here I am 23 years old and had been working as a computer technician for...

3 years ago
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Story Of A Virgin Boy 8211 Part 1

One day I was on my daily route to workshop it’s pretty much made in the outer area of the city so there are not so many vehicles on that road but on that I spotted a two wheeler lying down on the road with a girl sitting alongside with it. When I got a little closer I realised that it was a accident and the girl driving it is pretty injured and clothes are torn off. I stopped and asked her if she is alright she told me that she can’ walk or stand properly and her cellphone is damaged in the...

4 years ago
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My wife knew more people than I at this extravagant party

It was all about her people and those with whom she worked. It would have been forgettable but for the fierce storm raging outside, letting loose cracks of thunder which made women jump and squeal, and especially but for the silver-plated bonus of the electric Diana, who may have been one of my wife’s people but who was also at the peak of an illicit, dangerous and thrilling affair with me. I was at the edge of the big room, leaning my lanky frame indolently against the wall and watching...

3 years ago
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You walk into the great hall of you parents mansion and bow before them. Your mother eyes you with a look of skepticism, but proceeds. "Aro, today is your eighteenth birthday." your mother says. "You are now ready to take the test of manhood. Later tonight, you will choose one of the maids to turn into your first slave. You will try to control your hunger, and if successful, you will be a man. If you fail to control your hunger and kill her, you will fail your test and retake it next month....

2 years ago
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Sex With My Moms Friends Chapter 2

We walked into Jeri's bedroom, the three of us holding hands. I could barely believe that the two women who provided me with adolescent fantasies were about to make them come true. Brenda and Jeri led me into the bedroom and immediatelystripped me down to my birthday suit. Brenda let out a gasp when she saw my semi-erect cock. “Good Jesus, Brandon, it’s even bigger than Jeri said it was. You’ll kill me with that monster!” She may have feigned shock, but that didn’t stop her from giving me an...

Group Sex
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Suzies New Life Chapter 5

Chapter 5 A Night on the Town Before I knew it, it was Friday afternoon. I rushed home from school, took a quick shower and changed clothes just in time for Jennifer to pick me up. We arrived at the Total Look salon a few minutes early. As we walked in, I felt my stomach tie itself in knots. I had been there dozens of times for haircuts, but this was the first time as a girl. I remembered watching the women getting their hair and being jealous of them. I loved...

3 years ago
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Ad Surfing

I was browsing the services in ths Ad's when I saw erotic services, of course being a horny man. This peek my interest, women for men or (w4m) as it's listed under erotic services. The women are lovely, various shapes, size, color, prices and services. I spent about forty minutes just looking at the women and services.My mouth was watering with all the possibilities and combinations, when I came across a goddess. This woman has long flowing dark hair, caramel silky skin, luscious lips, firm...

2 years ago
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Barely Legal Teen Neighbor Comes Round to get Laid

The family hadn't long moved into next door. They consisted of a mum, dad and two siblings a son who was training to join the Army and a daughter. The whole family was very nice. I was stopping at my parents for a weekend break away, I had already met the family next door the last time I visited. I had spoken to the daughter a couple of times. Mainly just to exchange a few words as we happened to see each other when going in and out. This weekend was going to be a lot different.... It was in...

4 years ago
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It wouldnt quite fit so here are the final words

Next day was almost a repeat. Farthing answered to her new name and did such light work as we set her without complaint or murmur but we were still worried over the worsening state of the deep whip cuts. Still she tried to do the things we set even though they were painful. Only a few times did she have to ask how to do a task which puzzled me still more as all servants and c***dren of working class parents would have learned these from a young age.Alice started her curse that day and I decided...

4 years ago
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High Stakes Pool

“Go on, man,” said Eric, giving Vance a light shove towards the bar and the girl standing there. “Go on, what?” “Make a move.” Vance drained the last of his beer and took a deep breath. He’d been watching her for the best part of twenty minutes. She stood out in this place in her long black skirt and corset. She wore her hair up so little strands framed her face. He waited for her to finish checking a text on her phone and then slid into the space beside her. His mind went blank. Shit.

3 years ago
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the merging of the three great gods

Introduction: hello. im sorry to say there is no sex in this chapter. but there will be sex in the next chapter. i do give you my word. just stick with me here. David was about to climax while watching a nice tight young teen get pounded by a giant mknster cock in the throat. The girl was a small dirty blonde girl wity blue an B cup tits. She was tan without any tanlines an had a slim figure but a big tight ass. Her,pussy was shaved an her nipples were dark pink. Basically the perfect girl in...

4 years ago
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Thin Lizzie

They say that inside of every fat person there's a thin person trying to get out. For Elizabeth that person is Lizzie. Now I can imagine a few confused looks at this point. Is Lizzie like the xenomorph from Alien, ready to burst for Elizabeth's guts? Is Lizzie someone growing inside of Elizabeth? Does Elizabeth transform into Lizzie when she eats a stick of celery? The answer to all three is no, nothing so strange. Although the truth is also strange. Elizabeth has a strange gift - when she...

Mind Control
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Meat Grinder

It all started with an ad on Craig's List. My usual ad "BBW 4 BBC"! It was my most successful ad headline and I knew I would get great results, but I had no idea I was about to meet the "meat grinder".He responded to my ad and we flirted back and forth for a little while before making a date. He said it was his birthday and I was to be his present. The thought of this excited me because his chocolate bar looked enormous and those puffy luscious lips were begging to be sucked on.For a few days...

2 years ago
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Sheriff PorterChapter 138

"So Wilson how you like the restaurant business?" I asked. "You know it really is okay. I was surprised that I could do the shaking hands and talking to the people, but I am doing just fine at it. At least Mel tells me I am." he said. "Good for you, how are you doing with the TV people," I asked. "Oh they really don't want me. They want Mel. They also want her to run around half dressed, even in the winter months," he said. "I guess that means you aren't the only one who finds...

3 years ago
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My Sister8217s Horny Friend Shalini

Hi guys, it’s been a long time since my last incident but I am back again. I have had many sexual encounters in 2018 and it has been the best year of my life so far. My life changed from being a virgin to a man who has fucked 10 girls or women in a year. Anyways, I am Rahul from Mumbai. I am 19 years old, 6 feet tall, athletic body nicely built and with an 8″ cock that made the 10 girls mentioned go crazy for me! Guys, I have got 3-4 incidents to share with you. Hopefully, soon I will. This...

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The Diary of a NIPgirl 1999 2000Chapter 6

Since we had done that elaborated thing in the center and Illiana had confessed to me that she had feelings for me, we hadn't done any public nudity anymore. Illiana and I, we had just too much fun making love to each other. Nobody knew about us, and even if we didn't say that we were girlfriends, we sure acted like it. And that fact would become more clearly to us than ever, before the end of that evening. My mother was away for the long weekend ahead. My sister and I, we had invited some...

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2222 11 Familie 3

2222 (11) Familie 3 Donnerstag Wie ?blich war Carmen bereits wach und wirtschaftete in der K?che als ich schlaftrunken aus dem Zimmer kam. Ich bat ihn um einen Kaffee und ging ins Bad. Frisch geduscht kehrten meine Lebensgeister allm?hlich zur?ck. Nach dem Kaffee und einer Zigarette f?hlte ich mich fit f?r den Tag. Inzwischen waren auch die anderen ins Wohnzimmer gekommen. June und July standen in makellosen Kleidern im Wohnzimmer, April krabbelte umher und die M?dchen sa?en auf der...

2 years ago
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Getting Over Rachel StoneChapter 3

I did pretty well on the Science test, getting a 93%, which was an A-. Carla got a C and Mandy got a D-. Rachel got a B-, and was thrilled at how well she had done. Mandy was very upset about how low her grade had been, telling anyone who would listen to her about how hard she had studied for that test. Carla and Mandy both got mad when Rachel told them about the two of us studying together in her basement on Thursday afternoon. It seemed to me that Rachel was deliberately rubbing it in by...

1 year ago
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Surviving the IslandChapter 7

Neither of them heard her approach, but they both blinked out of their post-orgasmic dozing when they felt her shadow cross them. "I can't believe you did this!" Natalie cried. Then before either of them could even think of a possible response, she took off running down the beach. Stacy pulled away from him, his soft cock finally plopping loose of her tight little orifice with a sad wet sound. James grinned inwardly at the sound, but Stacy simply said, "I'll take care of her," and...

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A Modest FairytaleChapter 13

"What's the plan?" Adray asked as they packed for their journey. "Are we going to collapse the walls of the castle with a tremendous blast of magic, leaving me a clear path to the fiend's throne so that I can fell him with one swing of my axe?" "Close, but not quite," Pardin said. He was listening to the trolls pack up the wagon with great exhortations of anticipation. The trolls were the first of their kind to see the human lands in centuries. They wanted to remember...

3 years ago
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Tawnis Story

Chapter 1 – A Pleasant Morning ‘I’m awake. ‘ ‘Where am I? ‘ ‘What happened last night? ‘ ‘Why do I smell like sex and alcohol?’ ‘Oh, no. Did I go home with someone last night? ‘ This room doesn’t look familiar. I’d never have drapes like that and this bed feels way too expensive for a college student like me to have. So, it must be someone rich. Ah, damnit Tanya! Think girl, think. Okay, what was the last thing that I remember from last night. Okay, Suzie… Who’s Suzi- oh, my...

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Smurfettes Absolution part2

Disclaimer: I do not own any characters that were created by someone elseClaimer: Go to my profile to view my charactersI didn't went outside for anything for the entire day, I stayed indoors and shut myself awayfrom the outside world. I was so hurt that I couldn't thinkstraight, I couldn't listen, nor do I wanna speakto anybody. It felt like the worldhad ended for me and my life is over. Luckily Rachael stayed by my side during the entire day, she only leaves if she needs to use the bathroom,...

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