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A day in the life of a sheepdog.

Oh! Fuck this, thought Rambo. Rain was hitting him like miniature scythes, bouncing off of his head and back, running into his eyes, dripping of his black and white coat, matting his fur into sodden strands that looked like a Rastafarian hair do. A cold wind kept blasting him from any direction it felt like and it was as much as he could do to keep from shivering to bits.

The weather wasn’t the worst of his problems though. The flock of belligerent, bastard sheep that were as pissed off with the rain and cold as Rambo was, just would not do anything he tried to lead them into.

A limited vocabulary of understanding, after a fashion, can be established between a sheep dog and his charges. Currently, he was asking them in as nice as possible a manner, to please go through the gate and into the next field. The sheep, or rather one or two of them who always caused trouble, were saying in less than a nice way, fuck off! Leave us alone!

Nothing for it he decided. He rushed in and Rambo bit the worst offender on its foreleg. The Ewe jumped, with all four feet in the air, landing on top of Rambo, flattening him. The rest of the flock meekly walked into the next field, laughing their wool off. The bitten ewe had other ideas it seemed, because without further ado, she righted herself and ran at Rambo with her head down, intent on battering his ribs in with a well aimed forehead. At the last possible moment, Rambo side stepped her and watched as the velocity of her rush took her headlong into the very solid looking gatepost.

Rambo stood over the stricken ewe, wondering what to do about it and thinking, serves her right, the miserable bitch. Gary, Rambo’s master and sometime shepherd, walked over to the scene. Dreamily, Gary looked down on the sheep and the guilty looking Rambo, then, as if nothing were there to be seen, he continued to walk into the next field, oblivious of what his eyes were frantically trying to tell his brain. It was very quickly obvious to Rambo that Gary would be as useful as a chocolate ashtray on a motorbike.

It had been the case for two weeks now. Gary’s thought processes were some place else. All through the sheep dipping, Gary had been half-heartedly yelling cum-bye-ere (God only knows what that actually means,) and whistling sets of orders that would have directed the sheep into the nearest ravine had Rambo taken any notice of the botched commands. Gary’s thoughts were firmly ensconced in Betty and nowhere near the Yorkshire Dales.

Betty lives on a neighbouring farm, is nineteen, smitten with Ronan Keating, most of the current boy-bands, make up, her slippers and Gary… in that order. Gary and Betty had known each other since they were in nappies, but both had been away at college. Their minds had been filled with alternative farming, organic crop rotation and hallucinatory drugs. The drugs were the only thing to really stick. But, it was the filling out of bodies that had been the key factor, namely, Gary now sported a nicely grown eight incher, which proudly made itself known to the world every morning like the alien poking out of an astronaut’s belly. Betty had grown a nice set of thirty sixes in a ‘D’ cup size, coupled with a thirty-four inch hip and a twenty two inch waist. Gary, or more importantly, Todger, his pet name for his pride and constant joy, stood no chance, love or lust or both, hit the neural receptors with a lump hammer. Gary could think of nothing else now, especially as he had actually almost got her horizontal in her dad’s barn. Testosterone ruled all of Gary’s basic functions and many of the higher ones too.

Rambo didn’t like Betty too much. Sure she was okay as far as humans went, but the effect she had had on Gary upset his whole equilibrium. The silly bugger couldn’t tie his shoe laces without a thought or memory of Betty come rushing in and his little brain cells would go into overdrive and blood start to rush to his loins. Coherent thought left through his ear and an empty, lust filled body would be the result for the day. Rambo had had enough of watching his master go down the tubes every morning.

Somehow, with no thanks to Gary, they got through the day. Apart from the one mishap with the ewe that was still concussed and kept calling Rambo love or dear, with a wistful look in her eye, the day went accident free.

Dinner that evening was a desultory affair. Gary sat mooning at the food on his plate. Sometimes he actually picked up a fork, but then he would push the potatoes around and shift a few of his sprouts before dropping the fork, forlornly, back onto the stained tablecloth. Rambo, ever the optimist, thought he might have a chance of nabbing the lust-locked youth’s dinner, but his Mum soon scotched that when she hit Gary around the ear and scolded him into eating the cold, congealed mess.

Some time later, just after dark, Gary got ready to go and see Betty. It amazed Rambo that this normally scruffy bugger, suddenly started to wash. More amazingly, he scrubbed the area behind his ears, a place that only got wet when it rained under normal circumstances. Toe nails, fingernails and even nasal hair all got trimmed. Clean clothes came out of the closet, smelling of mothballs and being half a size too small, but nevertheless, were wrapped around Gary’s spare frame. Copious amounts of some foul smelling alcohol based liquid was tipped from a bottle and splashed liberally under arms, around his neck and massaged into Gary’s torso. Rambo couldn’t read the bottle, one because the writing was upside down, and two, dogs don’t read too well, but an educated guess lead Rambo to the entirely correct assumption that Old Spice was the flavour of the month.

At last, Gary, having inspected himself from every conceivable angle, spinning and turning to see if his bum was hanging out the back, was ready. He took the bit of string that served as a dog lead and with a cheery wave to his beleaguered mother, standing at the kitchen stoop, set off for Betty’s farm, dragging Rambo by his neck by the string lead that was getting tighter by the second.

Betty’s dad was a better farmer than Gary’s ‘Old man’. The obvious wealth was plain to see in the quality of the farming equipment that littered an otherwise, very tidy yard. The chickens that ranged free had a certain kind of haughtiness in the way they clucked and trotted around. They fetched a better price than those from Gary’s farm, probably because the silly sods strutted their stuff with their chests all puffed out, therefore developing better breast muscle tone and therefore, being plumper, more juicier and easier to stuff with sage and onion bread crumbs. Stands to reason doesn’t it?

Betty answered the door, all breathless and eau d cologne ified. Rambo wasn’t sure whether to throw up or sit and grin at her. He chose the latter and got a pat on the head from her as a reward.

“Give me a sec”. She asked Gary, all husky and sexily. She had been practicing the Marilyn Monroe sound and pout in front of the bathroom mirror for the last hour, then planting lipstick imprints from imagined kisses to Ronan Keating. God! She would drop her drawers in an instant if he was coming round tonight instead of Gary.

The emphasis was on the word give, and sounded like an invitation to bed in the sad youth’s hearing. The desired effect took Gary to a new height of anticipation. With any luck, tonight would be the night they actually had sex without Gary flooding his pants with sticky goo. He felt sure the double scotch he had downed would help in this department. Privately, Rambo had his doubts, knowing his master as he did. He also thought knocking one off the wrist wasn’t such a good idea either, but who could tell with these silly sacks of crap.

The evening went reasonably well. Rambo had only had to nip her infuriating pet poodle once to stop it sniffing his bollocks. The poodle, mollified, had scooted back to the farm with her pom-pom med tail stuck up her arse. Inevitably, Gary and Betty ended up in the barn.

All evening, the tension had been building. Rambo was aware, oh so, painfully aware, that these two were heading towards a sexual encounter. He could pick up the heightened temperature of their bodies. The pheromones the two were giving off buzzed around his nasal cavity like angry wasps in a jam jar. It was the hand holding and occasional clinches that really gave the game away though. Each clinch had her cardigan rise a little higher and one more button undone on her blouse. Rambo couldn’t see the problem, if they wanted to fuck each other’s brains out, why all the prelude? If it had been him and some horny bitch, he would have shafted her there and then; none of this screwing around, just how do you do and wham, straight up the tubes until he was stuck; good and fast. Fuck all this messing around.

Anyway, they ended up in the barn. Rambo, who by now was getting quite interested in the mating habits of humans, was tied to a post. Much to his disgust, he was unceremoniously tied to a fucking great big oak post, totally out of sight, and very likely, totally out of mind. He had been feeling like some thing spare at a wedding for some time, but the ignominy of being left all alone with nothing but three feet of rope and a bloody great big oak beam to look at was a little too much for his delicate senses. He did what any self-respecting dog would do. He lay down and went to sleep. That’ll show the fuckers, he could be as ignorant as they obviously were.

A little while later, Rambo jerked awake. Had he heard a shout? Or was it a moan or what? His ears perked up and his senses became alive. Then the sound came again, it was a sob. Jezzzusss, what the fuck is going on in there, he wondered to himself. Betty sobbed again and then whimpered, quite loudly, and then plaintively, she cried help! A word Rambo recognised.

Well that was enough for Rambo. He jumped up and started to run toward the sorry sound of distress. Three feet of rope runs out very quickly. It ran out and Rambo’s feet left the floor as it jerked him over backwards. His eyes bugged for a second as the noose like quality of the rope tightened and almost choked him out of this life. Rambo finally found his feet and trotted back to the post where he was tied. Rescue formed largely on his mind. A good sheep dog is trained to respond to the plaintive cries such as lost lambs and stuck ewes often give out, especially in winter, especially when they have put a foot in a frozen puddle, but being the stupid buggers they are, have left the foot in the puddle too long and got frozen in.

He worried at the knot. It was one of Gary’s specials, a badly tied slipknot. It only took him a second or so to undo it. Then, once free, he took up the rescue mission again and ran headlong into the next byre where they were.

The scene that confronted Rambo took a little while to come to terms with, it also defied explanation. It was like one of those, ‘What happened next’ episodes where the most outrageous sequence of events led to some of the most unlikely results. Rambo stood and took it all in.

Gary was laying, face up and clearly unconscious, a little way away. His trousers were around his ankles and his cock stood rigidly to attention like a guard outside Buckingham Palace, complete with helmet, all shiny and unused in battle. To Rambo’s relief, he was alive. At least he was breathing and was still nicely warm, so a logical assumption was that he would most likely survive.

Betty on the other hand, was in some distress. Well, actually, she was out of her dress and everything else, but her head had gone through two of the wooden struts that formed the open division between two stalls. She was stuck, by the neck and ears, totally naked on all fours with her pink arse up in the air. Her mewling was beginning to grate on Rambo’s nerves.

What was he to do? Gary was not going to be of any use in this situation, when was he ever? And she was completely screwed. It needed some thinking and her constant caterwauling was not helping the situation. Besides, the pheromones hadn’t gone. If anything, the level had reached saturation proportions. Gary was completely oblivious to them it seemed, but Rambo was being driven nuts by the olfactory assault on his sinuses. Betty was in a state of high arousal, probably brought on by her situation in part, but more because she was a woman and these little pheromone buggers affect woman greatly.

Rambo did what a self respecting sheep dog should do. Had he been Lassie, he would have barked once at the girl, letting her know that he was going for help and that his barking at anyone around would instantly tell them there was something wrong in the barn and people needed help. Not Rambo, he stuck his nose straight up her twat and took a good long sniff of her heightened arousal. The effect was electric.

Betty would have screamed, but just at that moment, a bridle that had become partially dislodged when she had her head thrust between the struts fell, landing on her head and somehow, wrapped its self around her and successfully, gagged her.

Touch; thought Rambo who by now, had taken to giving the pink pussy a right good old tonguing.

Betty quivered, she shook and she screamed in a muffled sort of way. Rightly or wrongly, Rambo took this to mean, carry on, that’s really nice. He did just that and gave her a really good long lick that started at her little bush and stopped just past her anus.

But even dogs are not immune to fatigue, after many long minutes of lapping her up, his tongue became tired. So without further ado, he jumped her and, after a few abortive attempts, managed to stick his already stiffened cock straight into her well-juiced sex. BINGO!!!

Rambo shagged her, stuck as she was; he shagged her until he thought his balls would drop off. But with control, showing Gary, had he been awake, just how a master should hold on to the point of orgasm until the right moment and then and only then, fill the bitch up with puppy making seed.

Rambo kept up the pace, pushing himself into her at an even rate. His knot was nudging the walls of her pussy, but not quite getting there. This was a little frustrating and Rambo, if he was to really get off, needed to be fixed. He pulled out of her and gave the slick lips of her sex, the benefit of some good old dog saliva, distributed with care and attention by his now revived tongue.

Lubricated to the point of positively dripping, Rambo went at it again, only this time; he was well off aim and shoved it hard and fast into her pooper. All the same to him and off he went pumping away like a porn star on crack cocaine.

All of a sudden, his fist sized knot slipped into her and that, as they say, was that. Rambo shot all of the saved up seed he had, plus some that was hanging around and a good deal on account into her guts. Ahhh!!! He thought; that’s fucking better. Then he thought, Oh Fuck! And then OH FUCK! In capitol letters.

Her sphincter had closed around him and he was more locked than Hannibal Lecter had ever been. It was going to take a super-canine effort to get him self out of this one. Instinctively, he placed his back feet down and pulled, but to no avail. Then Rambo noticed two conveniently positioned posts. Bracing his forepaws one on each side of the stricken girl and digging in his hind feet, Rambo gave an almighty shove/pull. The result wasn’t quite what he had in mind, but all the same, it had the desired effect.

Her head popped out from between the struts with such force, that she and the dog, still locked in carnal knowledge, flew backwards at a rate, in a parabolic arc. Gary, who had all this time, remained unconscious and in a state of erectness, just happened to be in their flight path.

Betty’s father came into the barn at about that time, or a split second after their unfortunate landing. His eyes wouldn’t believe what they were trying telling him. His brain went on a very long holiday to somewhere foreign, warm and safe. His daughter, his beautiful daughter, had a bloody sheepdog, wedged up her ass and she was laughing manically. The dog was in some obvious distress; his cock was bent double and still stuck into his beautiful daughter. But worse, the dog had some ugly looking farm oaf stuck up the dog’s back passage; all of the eight inches was rammed into the dogs bum. It was obvious to Betty’s father that the oaf had obviously had too much of this carnal depravity and had passed out. His daughter on the other hand, had obviously been tricked into this situation and her mental condition had deteriorated as a result of it.

Betty’s dad got the hose out and showered them with freezing cold water. He didn’t listen when his former daughter screamed at the now wide-awake oaf. He didn’t listen as the oaf tried to explain, but he was totally shocked when his daughter picked up the dog and walked out of the barn, never to be seen again.

Word has it, that she is raising sheepdogs over the other side of the hill and has never married. Purely conjecture though.

Garry became a monk; father Gary no less, but the title was honorific in reality. He seems happy enough and talks these days, in an elevated voice, somewhere near falsetto. Scythes can be wickedly sharp implements, but even a blunt one in the practised hands of an enraged Farmer and Dad; will remove certain previous objects of pride called Todger (now lost,) quite nicely.

Rambo; Well, he is in heaven, on a regular basis, about twice a week, again, purely conjecture.


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Hi friends, i am a lover of sex stories and visiting this site since last two-three years, i have read every kind of stories here, love them all but stories about aunties are my fav. This is my first story, please forgive for mistakes, without wasting much of time, let me come to story. I am Gautam, 23 from Mumbai, i might not have an eye catching physique, but i can still steal your hearts with my talks, this story is about my experience with a girl named Meera whom i met on we chat. It was...

2 years ago
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The Closer

Terry Lane is the 51 year old Senior Vice President for New Business Development and Sales for Tri-Care Healthcare. She has been with Tri-Care for over 21 years, starting out as a Marketing Director and Salesman and then was promoted a Regional Marketing Director and then on to a Vice President for New Business Development. She was finally promoted to her current position eleven years ago. She is attractive, smart and very good at what she does. The CEO of Tri-Care has the fullest confidence in...

3 years ago
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ConanChapter 12

The only thing that happened on our way to the palace was that we met a group of young men out on the town, but they took one look at the force of bodyguards and made themselves scarce. Everything was fine at the palace, and we were escorted into a private dining room. Along the way, I had been assured that the bodyguards would be ushered into the quarters reserved for the praetorian guards and would be fed and entertained. I could imagine what form the entertainment would take! As promised,...

4 years ago
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The Bastard king Beyond the Wall Pt 2

The council of the people had met in another session that day. From what he had been told, a certain former lord, Tywin Lannister, had almost had the meeting come to blows when he suggested that Jon Snow be replaced with a more capable and older leader. Mainly himself. Jon was content to leave him be for now, but watch the situation closely. He wouldn't cause unrest by killing him outright until challenged. A Good wench between the sheets would do right now. Something to take his mind off...

4 years ago
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My Present to You

“I have a present for you,” I say, pushing you down gently onto the bed.  Normally I do whatever you want in bed, but this time I’m in control.  It’s my turn.  I crawl across to you and straddle your hips.  I can feel our naked bodies brushing against each other and I can feel your desire for me throbbing against the inside of my thigh.  Looking you straight in the eye I lean down and kiss you, sliding my lips along yours, darting my tongue in and out of your mouth, biting on your bottom lip. ...

Oral Sex
3 years ago
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Late Arrival to a Party All Ready Started

Though I do like a drink, sometimes I abstain totally and act as the good samaritan to drive my friends from the town where we live into the city. One night I went with my then girlfriend and some of her mates. The night started on a pretty strange footing. I met up with them at her house. Her parents were away so I just walked straight in expecting to find them all sitting in the living room, drinking vodka and giggling. As per usual on nights like these. They weren't in the living room...

4 years ago
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Fuck Buddy Match In Local Train

Its great to have to meet strangers and convert them to fuck buddies. Meeting such people on train journeys is really a wish come true. however this happened after a long wish. This was the best day of my life. I had sex with an attractive guy for the first time recently. And i am sharing this story to encourage people to share such incidences online. I have always been fascinated by men traveling in trains. I have hit on a few of them indirectly as well but it is risky obviously. Of course it...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Sister and teacher show me how

A little bit about me first. I’m Raj and I’m the only son in a family of five, with an elder sister older to me and a younger sister. We were a middle class family living in a 2-bedroom apartment with my parents using one of them and the 3 of us using the other one. From quite a young age I was up to steam on everything to do with sex. The usual sources of information were books and magazines smuggled into school by the more adventurous guys and a number of lectures from the experienced guys in...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Britney Amber Keeps Us Begging For More

Britney Amber can make any room hot looking like she does! She looks magnificent in red and has the bubbly personality to make you just sit and listen! She loves getting that cock hard knowing how much you love when she puts her big tits in your face or maybe you want those cute toes in your mouth. She’ll gladly do whatever it takes to make you cum for her. She runs her hands through her bush and already has Alex Jones big cock rock hard and ready to suck! Britney licks all around and all...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Veronica Leal September 2020 Fantasy Of The Month

Veronica Leal has agreed to be interviewed about her fantasy. First she describes her normal sexual needs, which are a little bit rough and rowdy. Then she shares that her fantasy is to be taken slow and sweet in a romantic setting by an Italian man. Raul Costa is happy to help Veronica live that fantasy out. Sharing a bubble bath, the two exchange deep kisses as Raul pus on his most smoldering looks. He pops some Champaign for Veronica and then urges her to lay back and relax as he rubs her...

1 year ago
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Shoplyfter Percy Sires Blake Blossom Busty Blonde Thieves

Busty blonde friends Blake Blossom and Percy Sires get taken to the backroom to be interrogated by security officer Tommy Gunn after suspecting them of stealing merchandise. Percy is super nervous so Blake tells her to let her do all the talking. Officer Gunn says that he must submit them to a cavity search to make sure they aren’t hiding anything else. Once the girls are fully naked Officer Gunn tells them that the only way he can bypass calling the authorities is if they bend over the table...

4 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 82

The Pillsbury Doughboy died yesterday in Minneapolis of a yeast infection and traumatic complications from repeated pokes in the belly. He was 71. Doughboy was buried in a lightly greased coffin. Dozens of celebrities turned out to pay their respects, including Mrs. Butterworth, Hungry Jack, the California Raisins, Betty Crocker, the Hostess Twinkies, and Captain Crunch. The gravesite was piled high with flours. Aunt Jemima delivered the eulogy and lovingly described Doughboy as a man who...

2 years ago
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Tara 5 BoasChapter 13

The ball finally wound down near midnight. Trae got to go home, being able to teleport has its advantages. He told Justine he would drop some more personal affects off for her in a couple of days, after they checked out the Guild Hall and she had somewhere to store them. In the meantime, she was to stay at the Palace. Duchess Melody informed Ayden that Ryne would be staying with her for the foreseeable future since he wished to attend the University. Ayden was fine with this, as he hadn’t...

1 year ago
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Ellyria The Land of Many Kingdoms 2

A soft murmuring of agreement rose from the small council of Dukes, seated at their seats at the grand table of Xeca. At the head of the table sat King Dresden, the young and newly appointed King who had taken the place of his slain cousin. “Doing so would be a waste of perfectly good castles and innocent lives.” King Dresden replied. A frown was etched into his brow, as it has been since he was named king. “Many of those who would suffer from a wrathful response are commoners, lowly people...

3 years ago
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The Weekend Chapter 11

Please read previous chapters to get the whole story. Hope you enjoy. Let me know your thoughts.Chapter 11As we moved to the bedroom, Carrie and Laura were giggling together like school girls.Laura laid on the bed, I could see Carrie looking at Laura's breasts and hard nipples. I asked Carrie if she wanted to see what a woman felt like. Carrie said she had always wondered.I encouraged Carrie explore Lauras body, Carrie didn’t need asking twice. Carrie started by tweaking Laura's nipples. then...

4 years ago
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BLAKE'S ADVENTURESChapter 13Dan was busy with another call so it was Blake who received the messagefrom the tailor that his bondage gear was ready for collection. "Thank you,sir. I will inform my master," he said to James, automatically falling intohis slave role when speaking to him. As soon as Dan was free, he told himthe news and asked, "Shall we pick it up later today?"Dan smiled. "Eager to begin playing bondage games?"Blake blushed slightly. "Yes, I enjoy learning new things with...

3 years ago
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Be Ready

Sir texted me before he left work 'be ready' it said. I was just home from work myself, so I had about half an hour to get ready. It was a week day, so I knew the minimum standard was heels. I had a shower. Put on some black lacy underwear with black heels to match. I put my hair in a plait. On the coffee table by the couch I lay my collar with the lead attached and wrist the cuffs, butt plug, nipple clamps, my double O-ring gag and finally Mr Lelo, cheekily hoping for an easy orgasm. I knew...

1 year ago
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Like Brothers Like Sisters Part 2

Like Brothers, Like Sisters -- Part 2 By Amy Lynn "Jeff? Can I ask you a question?" Timmy said as if he was testing the waters of a cool, but inviting lake. "Sure, I suppose," Jeff answered slowly. Timmy held out his hand. "Would you do my fingernails too? I kinda like that pink nail-polish." Jeff smiled and took Timmy's hand. "Well, sure, I guess I can do that," Jeff said as he turned and retrieved the bottle of the nail polish. In silence he began painting his...

4 years ago
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Aunty Ko Choda Uske Pati Ke Samne

Hi all this is Rohan back again with yet another story. First of all I would like to thank all those who have liked my previous stories and had mailed me regarding the same. Thanks a lot because of your support I’m writing this story. Age ke kahani Hindi mein kyuki mujhe lagta hai ke asli maza hindi mein hi ata hai. Jo log meri story pehli baar padh rahe he unke liye thoda sa introduction deta hu. Mera naam Rohan hai. Pune mein rehta hu, height 6 feet athletic body hai aur private firm mein job...

1 year ago
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Les Bob Part 3

Not to be read by persons under 18 years of age. ** WARNING ** You are about to read the third chapter in a story that will contain graphic sexual activity between boys a man, woman and a young girl. You need to be over 18 years old to continue reading this story. A fictional story based on facts that have been embellished. Copyright: 2011 EnglishBoy no copying or changing without owner’s permission Written by EnglishBoy Contact me by sending a message via this site or by email...

2 years ago
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Lightning in a BottleChapter 65 A Jewel in the Sand

December 22, 1985 Puerto Rico "Warm weather during the holidays is becoming an annual tradition," I said to Inez, a content smile on my face. The midday tropical sun was beating down on us as we made our way through the San Juan airport parking lot, toting our luggage. "That's one more amazing change in my life since I met you." She favored me with a sweet smile, before replying, "This kind of weather around Christmas is pretty much all I've ever known." "That goes for me, too,...

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Camping Trip

Normally I don't like camping. I was a boy scout for about two years, and in that time I'd had quite enough of that. However, when I was asked to go on this particular trip, well, I really couldn't say no. Partly because my best friend was going away on this weekend adventure and I didn't want him to be left alone without a good friend, but mostly because Jessica asked me. Jessica was a hot, hot babe whom I had been chasing after for some time now, and a weekend alone with her would be perfect....

2 years ago
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Crazy Family Wedding 8211 Part 2 Horny As Fuck

Hey guys, hope you all are doing well. I’m back with the next part of this series. For those of you who haven’t read the previous one, I request you to give it a look to understand what’s happening. Recap: Mom and I reached Canada for Shanaya’s wedding. Selena and Sam, my aunt and uncle, welcomed us into their home. I enjoyed a hot session with mom in the shower. We got caught by aunt Selena on the way out, completely naked and kissing each other. After seeing us, aunt Selena stormed out of the...

1 year ago
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AnalMom Alex Chance Stretch It Out

Alex Chance has been dying to discover a new pleasure sensation, and the MILF won’t stop until she gets what she’s looking for. The mature woman has tried it all, but there’s one frontier she wants to explore deeper. She wants our stud to stretch her sphincter with his big dick, and she will do anything to make it happen. She sucks his dick, drenching it in spit as he gets harder and harder. Finally, he penetrates her perky butt, giving Alex the anal pleasure she’s been craving. Then, he covers...

4 years ago
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Plump Pass

About the time our youngest let for State College, our lives improved considerably. My business allowed me to take Wednesdays off, Mary quit most of her community projects, and we finally had some time together. A candlelight dinner led to a reawakening of sexual activity that had laid dormant for almost 20 years. Instead of the hurried, quiet sex in the dark, it was now open, noisy, rambunctious and took place in every room of the house. We discovered a mutual interest in oral sex and were...

2 years ago
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Bye Bi Viginity

It amazed me what could happen when you didn't expect it. Hell, I didn't even think it was a possibility for it to occur. I have been going out with my girlfriend for over a year now, and we are both very happy with each other, but there are just some things I thought she could never do. After all, she didn't have a cock, and that was what I wanted. I had these thoughts for a long time, but never had acted on them.I was an avid chatroom watcher, sometimes interjecting a comment here or there...

2 years ago
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The Wards of Harwell TuskerChapter 9 Reviewing Investments

Two days later, confident that the girls could be left without fears for their chastity, I found myself once more at the portals of Whitworth House, visiting the Institute of Practicing Engineers. Standing at the foot of the staircase that led up through the Institute's splendid cast bronze doors, I had a few moments to consider the conversation that I was about to have with Sir Bristow Merriweather. I was met in reception by Sir Bristow's Bantu — as I had discovered — assistant, Ngoya...

3 years ago
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CHAPTER ONE: BEGINNINGSThis story contains SLUT, EXHIBITIONISM, BIG BLACK COCK, GROUP, and OFFICE* * * *I opened the arriving email after hearing the signal its arrival. I received very few emails from outside the office so assumed it was from one of the company officers. It was from Mr. Nolan, President of BlackLand Enterprises. I scanned the email and the attachment it contained, then stood, smoothed my short skirt and nearly sheer blouse, left my desk at the front of the offices, and made my...

2 years ago
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Turn That Frown Upside Down Child

She was in a dark mood.Her mother had said, "Better turn that frown upside down child or, it will freeze on your face." She'd guessed her mother's prophecy had come true, and wondered if mom knew what else her pouty lips could do. Moving to the window peaking out at the cloudy morning, she felt the gloom. The day had started with a tropical storm warning. As she reached to open the blinds, the sky turned a dark gray as if a switch had been thrown. Softly, the wind began to move in gentle waves...

3 years ago
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James and SonChapter 13

The day of the full moon was an absolute frenzy; we were all in the grip of the moon’s influence, at the mercy of our animal natures. Without each other, we would all have become slobbering, mindless beasts. It was barely contained, and we could see it in each other’s eyes as we all touched each other, stroked each other, sucked and fucked each other. We all stank like animals in rut, a wonderful heady smell of pheromones, sweat, cum, and piss. Without the other men of our family to steady us...

1 year ago
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BigTitsRoundAsses Marilyn Mansion Busty Marilyn Gets Fucked Poolside

Marilyn Mansion goes by the pool to get some sun and listen to music. Everything got interrupted as a worker was there making noise as he fixes the pool slide. Marilyn asks if he can tone down the noise but he continues and gets caught starring as she oiled up her big tits. She gets upset and makes him give her a massage. She gets oil rubbed on her ass and great big tits. She goes down on his hard cock before finally taking it deep into her pussy. She gets fucked from various tit bouncing...

3 years ago
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Sex EducationChapter 3

Several days had passed when I opened my front door and stepped into the hall. Mary was fidgeting with the key in her lock, a bag of groceries sitting on the floor. She looked at me and gasped, and then quickly disappeared behind her slammed door. I stood motionless just staring at where she had been. Then I heard the door open. I waited, but all I saw was her arm snatching the bag of groceries and whisking it into her apartment. Again the door slammed shut. Later that night I sat at my...

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