Hot Mom An Uber Driving SlutChapter 11
- 2 years ago
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Three Weeks Later - April 6th, 2019
(Several Weeks After The Prologue (Chapter One)
(Savannah has moved in with Melanie and Brock)
It’s been three weeks since Savannah moved in with Brock and Melanie. Savannah and Melanie have been stripping and driving Uber almost every day since then.
The girls had settled into a daily pattern of sex and humiliation at Melanie’s trailer. Savannah only worked the motel when she stubbornly refused to obey her brothers.
Savannah and Melanie worked dayshift five days a week at the Landing Strip. In the evening they usually drove for Uber together driving men crazy as slutty mother and daughter. They made much more money turning tricks than they did actual giving rides. They had collected a number of regular customers and had started inviting them to the trailer for in-call sessions.
Savannah had much more fun with Melanie and Brock. It felt like a home to her there. They cared about her and that was strange at first but Savannah really liked it. Melanie found an ally in Savannah and the two of them dared each other to go further and further in the most provocative of ways. They also bonded over their shared humiliations they received from the guys. The ability to tease one another and laugh about what they were doing made it much easier for them to cope with it.
The only time Savannah ever returned to her parent’s trailer was when her brothers wanted her for themselves. Danny Lee’s trailer was just an empty shell to store motorcycle parts and get high.
The guys came over usually once a day but didn’t come over as often anymore now that they were part of their Father’s motorcycle club. They had been initiated in as prospects and were expected to run errands and handle small jobs for their father. They were learning to ride motorcycles and maintain them at a garage near the strip club downtown.
They left Brock in charge of managing things at the house. At first, they had done that as a joke. They didn’t think Brock could handle any their rambunctious Sister. The guys weren’t sure if it was Melanie’s willingness to obey their orders that influenced Savannah but she was a lot more compliant when she stayed with Brock and his mother. Melanie and Savannah also made a lot of money for them turning tricks.
The guys had made a lot of arbitrary and often conflicting rules over the last six months. Brock knew all of the rules and worked out the ones the guys expected to be enforced. These were rules like the girls had to be naked or in lingerie at home. If the guys came over and the girls were in ordinary street clothes there would be hell to pay. Brock’s solution had been to get rid of anything resembling ordinary clothes for the girls and leave them with only the sluttiest of attire.
Melanie had helped by not challenging her son or second guessing him. The only time she did was when he was too lenient on them and that was for his own good.
As an example, It was 11am on a Saturday and Melanie and Savannah were behind the trailer on old rickety beach chairs. Billy had stolen them an extra one. On sunny days, the guys expected them to tan outside every day just like this.
They were completely naked with their legs spread wide enough that the old man in the trailer behind theirs could see their spread pussy and assholes.
“Is this okay Brock?” Melanie asked her son if her legs were wide enough as she laid back fully exposed to take in an hour of sun.
Brock turned to the window across from their trailer and held up his thumb to see if the stone faced old man agreed the ladies were showing enough pink today. Mr. Eldridge didn’t react at all.
“Don’t forget to handcuff us, Brock” Melanie reminded him that one of the new rules was that their wrists had to be individually cuffed above their heads while they laid out.
Damien created that rule when he wanted to do a particular science experiment on the girls. Damien had broken off a small piece of Alka-Seltzer. He ordered them to lay out naked with their legs. He put one tab in their pussies to see what would happen. The seltzer began to fizz and foam up. It resulted in uncontrollable orgasms for both girls but they both started frigging themselves wildly.
Damien repeated the experiment by cuffing their hands above their heads and then putting a broken piece in their assholes. He wasn’t as impressed with the results but he liked how the girls looked so vulnerable cuffed to the beach chairs.
“Brock, I want them like this every day! That way they can’t play with their pussies!” he got off on keeping his sister powerless and humiliated even more than Billy.
Savannah wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of hearing her complain about the new rule. She pretended to like it because it meant her arms got tan.
The only reason their legs weren’t cuffed was because Damien hadn’t ordered them to be.
“Put your hands above your heads,” Brock told both girls with a sigh. They obliged him by obediently spreading their arms above their heads. He handcuffed their wrists individually to the back of their sun-chairs so that they were helpless.
“How are we ever going to get our asses tanned laying on our backs every day?” Savannah complained. She could complain to Brock and frequently did but she almost always reluctantly obeyed him. She enjoyed provoking him into putting his foot down with her.
“I’d imagine you’d get it tanned with a paddle applied directly to your ass,” Brock teased her. He had grown in confidence being able to boss the girl’s around. He wasn’t devious and cruel like the other boys. Brock got off on the attention they gave him and willingness to humiliate themselves though. Brock felt like if he didn’t enforce the rules then someone else would be chosen to enforce them. They would not do it as fairly and evenly as he would. He felt his mom would suffer and so would Savannah. It also helped him cope with any guilt because he was enjoying this situation. He didn’t feel like he was the one forcing them into it. He also knew that whether they admitted it or not Melanie and Savannah often reveled in this strange erotic adventure.
He didn’t understand why but he liked it! It made it easier to be their caretaker.
Even if he thought the rule was pretty excessive he would dutifully carry it out. He didn’t feel leaving his mother and girlfriend handcuffed outside to a beach chair was because even though Savannah complained, she secretly seemed to enjoy it. No harm came to the girls. They had to endure a little sunburn, be gawked at our even groped by strangers.
“Why do we have to be handcuffed, Brock?” Savannah stretched her toes. “You trust us to keep our legs spread without tying them. Why don’t you trust us to keep our hands away from our pussies?” Savannah pouted.
“Damien didn’t make a rule about your legs being tied up but if he catches you with them closed I am sure you’ll have your ankles tied to the end of the chair as well,” Brock chuckled. He knew Savannah pouting for sympathy was an act.
“The guys are at some Harley weekend with Dad. They won’t be back! Can you just make an exception this one time?” Savannah pleaded as she twisted her hands in the cuff to test her ability to wriggle out of them.
Brock squeezed the cuffs around her wrists to make them tighter. Brock knew that If Savannah really didn’t want to do this she could have always refused to be handcuffed in the first place. She enjoyed being a stubborn smart ass with him. Her brothers would have smacked the shit out of her by now for playing with them.
“They may come home early or the guys may send over a neighbor to check on you. This is for your own good,” Brock told her.
“Thank you Brock! You are right!” Melanie smiled proudly at her son for standing his ground.
“Oh, you are such a kiss-ass,” Savannah said to Melanie with a lemony expression.
“Yep, I’ve kissed Brock’s ass, your ass, the neighbor’s ass, if there is an ass that needs kissing I’ll pucker up and put on a fresh coat of lipstick,” Melanie smiled and roleplayed her dimwitted bimbo persona.
“Fine, for our own good,” Savannah shrugged that she’d accept the handcuffs for now. She asked “How are we supposed to apply suntan lotion like this?”
Savannah had been under the same discipline as Brock Mother’s since she arrived but the two women approached it much differently. Savannah didn’t always act like a smart ass masochist and Melanie wasn’t always a bubble-headed nymphomaniac, but it made things interesting for Brock when they were.
Brock set a bottle of lotion on a plastic table between the women and told them they could beg whoever happens to walk by to apply it to them just like they had every day since the rule became a rule. Savannah’s smart-assed humor had rubbed off on him since he started bossing them around.
Savannah sighed and begged him to be the one to rub them down. Brock assured them he’d come back and check on them and apply lotion if no one took the bait. Savannah signed again because she’d rather Brock touches her body.
Brock would have liked to as well but he was following his interpretation of one of the rules the boy’s made a few weeks ago about who should rub lotion on them. Billy had originally thought if he set the girls out like bait they could make a little money sucking cocks in the backyard when strangers came over to talk to them. Most of the people in the trailer park were too shy to take the offer but it never stopped the girls from asking to give one of them a blowjob in exchange for a twenty dollar tip.
Brock was expected to defer to Billy, Damien and Elbert when they were around. Danny didn’t care what they did with Savannah or Melanie as long as the girls produced for him and they had.
The guys were pleasantly surprised Brock had grown a spine. They teased him a lot less now. He wasn’t one of them but he was definitely a step above Melanie and Savannah in the hierarchy.
The guys enjoyed watching him punish the girls. They felt it added additional humiliation to Savannah and Melanie to be punished by such a wimpy push-over of a kid.
It was during those times Brock would hide the goofy grin on his face and pretend he wasn’t roleplaying the wicked bully that held all the cards.
Right now it was just the three of them so he was a little more jovial with the girls.
“Oh great, so our choices are the spunkmaster general hiding in the bush over there,” Savannah indicated a dirty old pervert who was watching behind a bush before nodding to Mr. Eldridge “Or the old man who might have had a heart attack and died for all we know in the window over there?”
“Mr. Jenkins, do you want to come out and rub lotion on my mom and girlfriend?” Brock called out the masturbator in the bushes by name.
Jenkins was one of three regulars who knew the girls were now sunbathing naked and regularly watched them.
“What kind of lotion?” Jenkins asked reluctantly as he hid in the bush.
“The kind in your dick or the kind in this bottle as long as I don’t burn my fucking vagina off!” Savannah demanded rudely.
Mr. Jenkins stood up. He was tall, grubby and looked like a total pervert. He had on long shorts and a tank top. He looked like the kind of guy that would be arrested on the TV show COPS for doing something stupid in Florida. His dick was hanging out of his shorts.
“You don’t mind?” he asked as he picked up the lotion.
“We told you we don’t mind every time you do this,” Melanie reminded him as he began to apply lotion to her. “Just spread it around all over and not just on my tits, please!” she said.
Brock went inside. He knew Jenkins was relatively harmless. He’d probably put his droopy dick in their mouths while he was rubbing them down but the girls had much worse the night before. They worked a gang bang after their shift at the strip club with some rich guys that were friends of the motorcycle club.
Melanie and Savannah were both considered “Bunnies” now in the Warlocks. They had Warlock tattoos on their left tits just like Savannah’s mom and any of the other girls who had also been initiated into the club. It had been a tradition for decades in this particular chapter of the Warlocks.
Bunnies are passed around and fucked for a few years before they are eligible to become someone’s old lady. Old Ladies will be fucked by every member of the club during an even more grueling and humiliating initiation before they will be accepted as one of the top ranking bitches in the club. Women like that have proven a level of loyalty to the club after that which will never be questioned again.
Billy and Damien were prospects. Elbert was the first black member of the local chapter they had ever had. He had the word “NIGGER” proudly displayed on his prospect patch. They had been able to afford motorcycles with the money that Savannah and Melanie made stripping and turning tricks.
Melanie often took Savannah with her when she drove Uber. She pretended Savannah was her horny slut of a daughter.
“Is my daughter showing you her tits? Savannah! I told you not to flirt with the customers! I am so sorry about that, Sir” she’d say.
Savannah would insist that it was her mother who was the slut and mention that she sucked the last guy she picked up’s cock.
“Don’t tell this guy that! He may think we are total whores!” Melanie would tease Savannah.
It was about that point that Savannah would say that they were and ask the guy which one of them had prettier knockers. If showing their tits to him and asking him to judge didn’t peak his interest they would drop him off and move on to the next guy. Usually, they’d end up double teaming the guy and making more money than if Melanie worked the shift by herself.
They had a lot of regulars down by the Denny’s next to the airport who waited for them every day. Melanie’s regulars would request a ride to the other side the street and tip them fifty bucks to a hundred dollars in cash for their personal services.
That would be later today. Right now they were handcuffed naked to beach chairs with their legs spread while a pervert drooled over them in a trailer park.
“I wanted to thank you for being my son’s girlfriend,” Melanie said. She didn’t care if Jenkins overheard her.
“Is that what I am? I thought I was his bitch,” Savannah joked back.
“You are both! I am his mom and his bitch,” Melanie agreed. She said that she appreciated Savannah going along with following Brock’s orders. “It has really given him a lot of confidence, and he has matured so much!” she said.
“Technically, I have to do what he tells me,” Savannah stared ahead in the sun while the dirty old man touched Melanie’s tits and diddled her clit.
“Yeah, but if you were disobedient then the guys would take that power away from him. You know it is a game to him, right? Brock Isn’t cruel.
“You could have fooled me. Brock twisted my nipples and pulled them so hard I thought they would fall off! Then he stuck his foot up my ass! His entire foot!” Savannah complained with her eyes almost as wide as her asshole had been.
“You know he is just following the guy’s rules literally. They told him to snap a foot off in our ass,” Melanie was an apologist for her son’s often rigid interpretation of the Damien and Billy’s instructions.
“Trust me, he got off on it!” Savannah assured her that Brock had enjoyed Savannah’s lemony reaction to getting her nipples twisted and her asshole stretched out.
“I would rather Brock enjoy what he has to make us do then cry and feel guilty about it. If he gets off on kicking your ass then let him have his fun. You are going to get it kicked anyway. If he didn’t do it then they’d probably just kick his ass the same way,” Melanie reminded her.
“How do we know Brock wouldn’t get off on having his ass kicked?” Savannah offered with a wry grin.
Jenkins liked eavesdropping on their wicked conversations. The women often commiserated about their shared experiences. His dick was getting hard and dripping cum on the girl’s bellies.
“Oh, pish-tosh. You protest a little too much! You loved every minute of what he did to you last night! I saw the look on your face!” Melanie playfully accused Savannah of getting off on this rough treatment and especially when it was delivered by Brock.
The guys originally had been trying to enhance their humiliation by having them whipped into obedience by an unassuming, boyish nerd. Melanie and Savannah had grown to like it when Brock punished them and perhaps it was because of the extra degradation and humiliation they craved or perhaps because they just like Brock. It really didn’t matter the reasons they liked it. Savannah was just blowing off steam and complaining to be complaining and Melanie knew that.
They had both been through so much in the last weeks that they both had a healthy respect for each other’s ability to absorb pain, consume cum and ride dick. They both got off on being made to do the most degrading and humiliating things.
“What did you tell me the first night you met me? Pretend you love it because they’ll just make you do it anyway?” Savannah chuckled.
“Oh you were PRETENDING to love getting pissed on last night in behind the Dumpster at the motel?” Melanie reminded her about how the men at last night’s gang bang washed their cunts and asses after they were done using them.
“I don’t love ALL the bruises and all the cruel shit they put me through but yeah, sometimes I don’t know if I am pretending to love it or I really get off some of the rough stuff,” Savannah admitted.
“As long as you get off on it,” Melanie agreed with the sentiment.
“I dunno, some days I would like to just put on baggy pajamas, close my legs, and not have to be tied up and touched by weirdos,” Savannah said as she looked up at Jenkins and added “No offense Jenkins!”
She meant to offend Jenkins but he didn’t care. He was jabbing his stubby lotioned fingers up her butthole.
Savannah didn’t unclench to make it easy for him but she didn’t close her legs either.
“I think my stanky butthole has enough lotion. How about my legs now?” she asked him nicely.
“You would be bored if you had a day off from this,” Melanie was thrilled by the constant humiliation. It was like a new adventure every day.
“True,” Savannah agreed with Melanie. “Do you think Brock would let us have a day off if we asked him nicely though?” she asked.
“It really isn’t up to Brock. He just babysits us. I doubt your Dad would let us get a rest day. unless it was in jail or the hospital”
“Yeah, Dad would probably be pissed that we are letting Jenkins cop a feel as a freebie! You got any money, Jenkins?” Savannah asked him as she squinted. She couldn’t use her hands to shield her eyes as she looked up at him.
“Nope,” the creepy older man said.
“Then stop dangling your dick on my face,” Savannah smirked sourly.
“She is just being mean,” Melanie smiled at Jenkins and told him he could drag his hanging penis across her face if he wanted. Jenkins gladly obliged.
The two women stuck their tongues out at one another. They had developed a strong relationship by bonding through their shared humiliations.
“I wish you were my mom, sometimes” Savannah smiled at Melanie.
Melanie was extremely flattered. She didn’t want to denigrate Tanya even though every time she saw Savannah’s biological mother Tanya made fun of her. Tanya was too used up and worn out to work at the strip club. She worked full time at the motel now.
“Thank you Savannah! That means a lot! Maybe one day you will be my real life daughter in law,” Melanie said enthusiastically. It would have seemed sweet if Jenkins hadn’t just drug the tip of his dick across her upper lip while she said it.
“Me? Get married? Not fucking likely,” Savannah vowed.
“You never know,” Melanie said that Brock might get patched into the club.
“Melanie I love you like a mother but sometimes you really are a dumb blonde bimbo,” Savannah laughed hysterically at the notion that Brock would ever meet the qualifications to be a prospect in her family’s motorcycle club.
“They’d let him ride a moped or something, wouldn’t they?” Melanie joked.
“I’m just happy to be a pass-around bunny! I’d always dreamed of being accepted into the club when I was little. My mom used to bring over all the cute new bunnies after their initiation. They practically raised me while she and my father were out raising hell,” she said gratefully.
Melanie and her were both considered Bunnies within the Warlock’s chapter. It was a position usually designated for single women in their twenties but they made an exception for Melanie.
“I didn’t think I’d pass the initiation but after a week living with you it was a piece of cake,” Melanie said.
The club had a humiliating hazing ritual to initiate a bunny that included fucking every member of the club. Savannah passed with flying colors and asked for more when it was over.
“You are a tough cunt. You could have done it without me,” Melanie complimented her.
Savannah didn’t take compliments well. It triggered an instinct deep and dark inside of her psyche that told her the person didn’t really mean it. They just wanted something for her. She had to accept that Brock and Melanie were different and they both liked her. They both loved her very much but Savannah wasn’t ready to even consider that possibility. She would first need to come to grips with being worthy enough to be liked.
“I’ll end up the old lady of whoever my dad decides to give me to when I’ve earned the right,” Savannah said. Once a Bunny does her time serving the club she goes through another initiation involving fucking every member of the club. It is far more grueling and brutal. A worthy member of the club picks her as his old lady and she belongs to him. She still serves the club but it is a far more respected station than a bunny.
“Yeah, I guess I will be someone’s old lady too?” Melanie didn’t like that aspect of things. She liked being owned by Billy, Damien, Elbert and now her son. “Do you think they will let me have more than one old man?” she chuckled.
“If you get the right to serve the club as someone’s old lady you better not joke with my dad about that. You are their property now. You will belong to whoever he decides. You don’t have any say in it, Melanie,” Savannah said seriously. She wanted to smack Jenkin’s dick because he kept bopping it into the side of her face while he put lotion on her. She couldn’t do anything about it because she was handcuffed to the beach chair.
“Yeah, trust me. I’ve got the tattoo to remind me every day of whose bread I need to butter from now on,” Melanie looked down at the Phoenix with a buzzard head tattoo displayed on her breast.
“Mmm, bread and butter! Wouldn’t’ that be nice?” Savannah asked as she let the man rub her tits down. She was hungry.
“With or without a wad of cum on it?” Melanie smirked.
“It doesn’t matter to me. I am hungry,” Savannah said fearlessly that she’d eat whatever was sitting out on the top of it.
Melanie would have ate a big wad of cum on bread too. Melanie thought about begging Jenkins to hang his floppy dick in her mouth. She knew he was going to do a piss-poor job of lotioning them up as he always did anyway. She could at least have a little suck while she waited for her son to uncuff her.
Hey y’all,I’m loving living in California and am certainly glad I’m not up in Kirkland, WA right now. Although I do have a lot of friends up there and am thinking of them. I know it’s only a matter of time before I likely need to stop Ubering for a bit. One thing I’ve not shared is that my husband’s mom, who is in her 80s, is living with us now and I certainly need to be more precautious of spreading any germs around that I may pick up bouncing on stranger’s cocks.So with that I decided today...
It had been three long, grueling months since Nicole visited Melanie. Today just like almost every day since Nicole’s arrival, the three women were naked on beach chairs positioned behind the trailer. The only thing they wore were black leather dog collars emblazoned with the Warlock emblem and the names Dimbo, Savannah, and Nic-Hole. The beach chairs were new. They could afford them because between the three women, they were earning quite a bit more now stripping and turning...
Hi Y’all,Well I guess you can only go so long without being recognized as the Uber driving slut mom. I live outside of Joint Base Lewis McChord in Washington state. Just yesterday when after dropping the k**s off at school I decided to turn on my Uber app and see if I could make some money before needing to complete some errands and clean the house some. Within seconds of turning on the app there was a request just down the street. It was a young guy who turned out to be late for high school...
The Next Day- March 17th, 2019 (The Day Melanie met Savannah) Melanie was excited the next day to start turning tricks as an Uber Driving Slut. She knew her parents would be disgusted if they knew what she was doing. She assumed her ex-husband Dave would probably use it as a reason to avoid paying child support. He was such a scumbag that he’d probably have tried to arrange a ride in the hopes she’d suck his dick. She had sucked three cocks for money the day earlier. Once she had accepted...
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Same Day - April 6th, 2019{br} It wasn’t uncommon for Brock to let the girls know that a regular was at the trailer hoping to fuck them. He usually stayed out of it and let them do whatever it is they were going to do for money with the guy. The only difference was this time he had to retrieve them from the backyard and un-cuff them. Brock hadn’t left the girls to fend for themselves outside. He may have let them think that but he had periodically checked on them through the back window of...
Hi Y’all,I had an interesting experience this past week. One of the advantages of being a military wife is I have access to Joint Base Lewis-McChord. I can easily go in and out of the gates to pick-up Uber riders where other drivers need to have special access and that’s a pain for them. Last week after dropping off my k**s at school and turning on my Uber app I immediately received a request to pick-up a guy from Bronson Hall which I knew was a Army Hotel that is run by the same people who own...
Three Days Later – March 19th, 2019 (Prior to Melanie ever meeting Savannah Several days had passed since that Saturday, and it was now a school day. Melanie had driven her son and the boys to school after giving them a BJ. As long as she kept the boys happy they didn’t pick on Brock. Melanie held the cum in her mouth all the way home. She blew a bubble with it without even thinking about it while she listened to 80’s pop on the radio. The guys had not given her permission to swallow it....
Hi Y’all,A story of a very exciting adventure I had just this morning as I was driving for Uber. I was wearing a sundress that went to just above my knees, had shoulder straps and showing plenty of cleavage from my wonder-bra. I also had on sandals and an anklet on my right leg (with a small BBC charm on it) and no panties. I was ready for some fun if any presented itself or at least some good tips from those who enjoyed such an open display of sexuality. I’d been sitting outside the Denny’s...
Hi Y’all,A quick story of some fun I had today with a rider. I was sitting at the Subway finishing my 6″ turkey on wheat, across from the SeaTac Car Rental Facility, when I got a notification of a rider wanting a ride. I quickly accepted the ride and was about a minute into heading over to SeaTac when I received a text from the rider.It said,”Oh my fucking god, is this Jen Dvorak, the Uber driving slut??!!!!!! I can not wait for this ride!!!!”. My heart started racing because honestly my name...
With the kids in school and my days to myself I decided to look for some work that was flexible given I still have my kids to haul around to Scouts and other activities when they are out of school. A friend recommended I try becoming an Uber driver. I was a bit hesitant but decided to try it out since I have a Honda Odyssey and could make a little more as a Uber XL driver. So after applying, getting my car inspected and passing the background check, I soon had my mini-van equipped to start...
MILFSame Day – June 1st, 2019{br} When they arrived at the Landing Strip, the back parking lot was mostly empty. The only people there were a few dancers and employees. There was a back entrance for them. Just as they did every day, the girls were expected to get out of the car with nothing on but their leather collars, a skimpy pair of white cotton panties, and a pair of high heels. Melanie carried their shared makeup caboodle. Usually, there was something clever and naughty written on the...
Three Weeks Earlier – March 16th, 2019 (Prior to Melanie ever meeting Savannah) “Spread that ass, bitch! Let me see you pop that pussy!” Elbert sneered at the sexy blonde bimbo he and his friends had been fucking all afternoon. Melanie had a delighted expression on her face as she pulled her big ass cheeks apart and obeyed the teenage boy and his friends. They were fucking her in the bedroom of her trailer and her son Brock was in the next room trying to ignore the sounds. They had been...
Hi Y’all,Since the k**s are back in school I decided to spend most of the week driving for Uber during school hours. It was a pretty normal week until Thursday when at Noon I picked up two guys from the 3rd floor parking garage at SeaTac. They were Australian guys who had just finished their long flight but seemed raring to go. From the very moment they got in my Honda they were flirting with me. I suspected they’d been drinking but no matter what they were shocked that a blonde mom was driving...
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Hi Y’all,A quick story of a Uber ride I just gave yesterday and some fun I had with a rider. I was over in Juanita which a part of Kirkland, WA when I accepted a ride from a guy living in Juanita village. It’s a new condo/apartment/shopping center style place. He got in my car and I knew right away he was the exact type of guy I’d love suck the cock of. He was fit, well groomed, handsome and smelled great. He also was very friendly and had me laughing in no time.He was heading to work on the...
My wife had passed away the previous year so I decided to retire at the age of fifty-eight. I quickly found that I was not the kind of guy to just 'retire' so I decided to do some volunteer work and also to become an Uber driver. I would go out a couple of days a week with Uber, starting around 11:00 am and ending around 4:00 pm. I enjoyed it. It got me out of the house, and I met some very interesting people and made, not a lot but little, extra cash.Recently I ran into a very unexpected...
SpankingHi Y’all,Well, I guess you can only go so long without being recognized as the Uber driving slut mom. I live outside of Joint Base Lewis McChord in Washington state. Just yesterday, after dropping the kids off at school, I decided to turn on my Uber app and see if I could make some money before needing to complete some errands and clean the house some. Within seconds of turning on the app, there was a request just down the street. It was a young guy who turned out to be late for high school and...
Group SexI had left Khrystiana’s place around 11:00 after having witnessed a totally unexpected turn of events after the dinner with Khrys and Klara, Khrys’ younger sister. Klara had been very hurt by Khrys’ lack of confidence in her when she arrived at the beginning of the summer. Klara decided, in front of me, to give her sister a very thorough and intense spanking.Some background information would probably be useful. Khrys had moved to the United States a couple of years ago after taking a job...
SpankingSaturday, August 24, 2019... Around 3 in the morningLOLA: Daddy, daddy... oh daddy... Yes yes yes, fuck me daddy.DADDY: Fuck, you filthy whore. I am going to breed you.LOLA: ohhhhh.. hmmm mmhmm hmmmm.DADDY: Fuck.. I'm cumming whoreLOLA: Daddy, daddy, daddy, daddyyyy!!!DADDY: Fuckkkkkkkkk!!!! Fuckkkkkkkkk!!!!* Daddy CUMS. Daddy pushes me off him *DADDY: Damn, your pussy is damn good. So much better than my girlfriends.LOLA: Thank you daddy. I love making daddy feel good.DADDY: Good. Now leave...
Khrystiana called me a couple of days after my birthday and told me that she wanted to get together. She told me that she had loved our birthday celebration but did want to talk. She told me that she had the feeling that I had enjoyed it as much as she had. But she told me also that her concerns were about how I was handling the aftermath. She wanted us to get together to simply talk, so we did.She very bluntly asked if I was thinking that we had gone too far, that we had stretched our...
SpankingHey Y’all,Thanks for all the encouragement to finish the story of the guy I met while driving for Uber and blew outside the old Candlestick Park in San Francisco. After that dominant fun, he asked if I’d like to join him back at his place for even more fun. I was so horned up that I wasn’t about to resist.He had a nice walk up condo close by and he didn’t waste any time once I walked into his place to get back to business. He was ordering me to lean over a desk with my boobs pressed flat...
It had been about a week ago since I had my conversation with Klara. She had called me primarily to thank me for giving her the punishment spanking due to her bad money decisions at the casino. However, a secondary reason was to have a conversation about the revelations her sister had made to her about her sister’s and my relationship. She had been aware that her older sister had asked me to be willing to hold her accountable for her actions. Her sister and I had met soon after Khrystiana...
SpankingDriving for Uber, An Unexpected Benefit, Chapter 6Khrystiana had called me the night of her return from Sweden and she was just bubbling with excitement about her visit. We must have been on the phone for over an hour as she told me about the things that she had done. She confessed that she knew that over the next few weeks she was going to be homesick but so be it. We talked about the fact that we had dinner plans for the next Saturday and rang off. I was still intrigued in the friendship...
SpankingMarch 17th, 2019 (After Meeting Danny Lee) “Hah, that bitch is wearing my panties!” Savannah crowed loudly as Melanie, and the boys left her father’s motel room. “He told you she belongs to the Warlocks now, didn’t he?” she pointed with a cruel and delighted expression on her face. “No, he said you and mom answer to us and you are supposed to get in the car,” Billy sneered back at her. Savannah huffed and harrumphed in disbelief. Her mother’s calm demeanor suggested that were...
Hey Y’all,It’s been too long. It’s not that I haven’t been having naughty fun. It’s just that I haven’t been sharing it with you except maybe on my Twitter. But today I had some fun I just had to share. It was the nasty, naughty type of fun that I love!Since moving up to Kirkland, WA I’ve started to pick up people from Paine Field a bit, as a way to get longer Uber rides. Most people are going to places like Kirkland and Bellevue so it makes for nice long rides as well as great tips.Today was...
As an Uber driver, I meet alot of interesting people, especially on Friday and Saturday nights, but this story is by far the most amazing experience I’ve ever encountered.It was early on a Friday night in Seattle, just beginning my shift with a request I received from a woman named Shannon, as I arrived at the hotel for the pick up, a beautiful woman about 23 years old dressed in an outfit resembling a fantasy secretaries outfit walked up to my car and entered into my front seat. I couldn’t...
Khrys and I had “demonstrated” what a playful, reminder spanking was like to her sister, Klara on Saturday night. It had been very obvious that Klara was surprised with the reaction that her sister had to that spanking. Klara was amazed that a spanking could lead to her sister getting sexually aroused to the point of orgasm. I had known Klara only for the summer. Khrys had introduced us when Klara came to the States from their native Sweden for an internship at a Milwaukee firm. Khrystiana...
SpankingIt had been two weeks plus a day or two since Khrystiana had received her last punishment spanking from me. We had talked on the phone a couple of times and had lunch one day. We had also taken in a Cubs game that I had been given pretty good tickets for. Khrys was learning the sport of baseball and enjoying it very much.I had gotten a call from Khrys on Tuesday and we talked a little while. Khrys and I had become very good friends despite the difference in our ages. Khrys had moved to the...
SpankingIt had been about three months since I had given Khrystiana that first (and last) spanking. It was now the first week end of August. As we had done the previous three months, Khrys and I were getting together at her place to see how her finances were going. We had also had a number of ‘dates’ in which we had dinner, had gone to a concert, had a picnic at the lake or just spent some time together. The time we had spent together was 100% platonic. Both of us just simply enjoyed our...
Spanking"Chris?" the Uber driver asked me after driving up and rolling down his window."Yes," I replied and then I got into the passenger seat next to him. I usually ride upfront in Uber rides because I get car sick easily in the back.After fastening my seat belt we were off. The guy was older, maybe mid-50s, white or Hispanic, and had a beard and mustache. I could tell he was gay from his voice and mannerisms, and from all the gay paraphernalia in his car, like the rainbow color and even the rainbow...
June 1st, 2019 It had been a week since Kirk first visited. Kirk had been reluctant at first to use the girls for anything other than cum dumps. Once he realized the girls weren’t kidding when they said they would do anything he wanted, Kirk became one of their best and most devious customers. Sometimes he tried them out one a time, but he usually played with all three of them. Kirk’s favorite thing was stretching the girl’s tits and cunts in strange ways. This morning Kirk had tightly...
Melanie patiently scratched at her son’s bedroom door like a Dog begging to piss outside. She knew puppies weren’t supposed to speak, but since Brock hadn’t officially made any rules or even accepted the moniker of head of the household, she felt it appropriate to shout when he didn’t answer “Brock? Sir? May I come in? I need to ask your guidance!” Nicole was sitting in stunned silence watching from the kitchen table as her sister begged entrance into her nephew’s bedroom. It was so...
This happened today and it shouldn't have but I’ve been feeling free and feisty recently. I was at work when my boss — the lesbian that isn't interested in me, or so she says — asked me to run an errand and I instantly thought it was a way to get out of the office. So I said yes, even though it was beneath my work status. I had to go into Boston to pick up some piece for a machine they use to work on teeth. Salem is chaos this time of year so I took an Uber. The driver was silent the whole...
CheatingHi Y’all,Sorry it’s been so long since I’ve written. The move to Fairfield, CA, my husband’s new job at Travis AFB, getting the k**s back in school and figuring out how to drive for Uber again in California took much longer than expected.With the k**s back in school last week I was free at 9AM and didn’t have to pick them up until 3PM so I turned on my Uber app to see who needed a ride. It turned out having a pass to get in and out of Travis was beneficial as I was soon inside the gates and...
This past weekend was a very interesting one in that it turned out that Klara had come to me and asked that I provide her a punishment spanking as I had given her sister previously. I could tell that it was a tough decision for her to make and I am almost certain that part of it was driven by her sister’s coaxing. After Klara’s spanking I had put her to bed and she had quickly fallen asleep. I had joined Khrys on her balcony and we had a couple of drinks together. I was very pleasantly...
SpankingThe day came for our meeting, and I showed up at Panera’s about fifteen minutes early. I grabbed a cup of coffee and sat down to wait. I had be there about that twenty minutes when I noticed Khrystiana coming in the back door. She looked a bit flustered as she scanned the crowd and then, upon noticing me sitting at one of the booths, looked a bit relaxed and came over to my table. I thought that her accent was adorable as she told me that she was sorry for being late, and I told her it was...
SpankingHi Y’all,From time to time I meet a guy that while I didn’t suck or fuck them initially, I stay in touch and eventually have fun with them. That’s exactly what happened with a guy I met named Tom. He is probably in his late 50s or early 60s but in great shape and very handsome, in a refined way. He told me he use to be in the Navy and flew F-14s and he looks exactly like that kinda guy. I met him while Ubering and didn’t admit any of my slutty ways to him until we started to exchange emails and...
Hi Y’all,My Uber driving nautiness into 2018 continues. This week was particularly naughty and I’ll summarize it quickly as a handjob, a blowjob and a down right pounding of a fuck against a hotel window overlooking Elliot Bay in downtown Seattle. Two of the guys were repeat customers who’d I’d given my email to after some rousing fun last year, those were the handjob and blowjob riders. The hard pounding fuck friend was someone I’d given a ride to this week, told him about my profile of videos...
Jackie was a little unsteady on her feet as we walked up the sidewalk. She plopped down in one of the rustic rocking chairs on our front porch as I fished in my pocket for the keys. My drunk wife playfully spread her legs and pulled her skirt up to show me her panties. She was grinning wickedly. It was a good thing the porch light was out. Her behavior was not at all like the middle-aged Jackie but reminded me a great deal of her younger self. I think the combination of the alcohol she had...
Hey y’all,Sometimes I have an Uber driving adventure that makes want to rush home and tell everybody about it. That’s exactly what happened this afternoon. My k**s were away with my husband at a Boy Scout outing and I decided to get a few hours of driving in to save up for Christmas. I was in my regular routine of getting a coffee at Denny’s near SeaTac because it’s within the zone of where you can wait for Uber notifications. I received a notification that man named Isaac was waiting for me in...
My wife had gone out for a girls night to celebrate a friends birthday. She was dressed well and looking hot. Now this is my side of the story what my wife and her friends got up to leading up to this is anyone’s guess. I had gone to bed early and I had woken up during the night. I felt the bed beside me and noticed she wasn’t home yet. I checked the time and seen it was 3.45am. I sent her a text message and asked how her night was going and if they all needed a lift home. I sat my phone on the...
“Hey, dude, want to go get drunk and pick up chicks?” Danny asked his buddy, Chase.Chase shook his head, “I can’t, man. I’m doing my Uber gig tonight.”“Dude, can’t you just blow that off? I mean if money is an issue, I’m happy to buy your drinks tonight,” Danny offered.“Thanks, I appreciate it, but I really don’t mind my job. I meet a lot of interesting people. Besides, tips have been really good lately. But maybe we can go out this weekend,” Chase replied.Danny shrugged, “Sure man, that’s...
Quickie SexJackie had blown me in the back of our SUV until I couldn’t take it anymore. Then, I went down on her to return the favor. The SUV quickly proved too uncomfortable, so we moved back inside. Reliving the little tryst from the night before had been hot. However, we needed more space. We made it as far as the sectional sofa in the family room. Two hours later, we were curled up, cuddling, both of us satiated, for the time being. “Did she suck your cock better than I do?” Jackie asked as she...
The Uber driver pulled up in front of the bus shelter. He saw his client was a middle-aged White woman. She sat very unlike a lady with her plump legs extended in front of her. She wore red patterned stockings and a red above the knee dress, the type usually worn for a party. Her shoes were red-soled Christian Louboutin 5” heels, the open-toed strappy kind typically referred to as CFMH, ‘Come Fuck Me Heels.’ She dabbed at her red, puffy eyes with a tattered Kleenex. She appeared to be in her...
Hi Y’all,Last night I had some fun seeing the fireworks show in Kirkland with my family and then went home and thought I’d go to bed. As I lay in bed with my husband, who was a bit drunk, I told him all the details of my exciting fun with the guy I blew by the water tower. My husband jerked his little dick to my story as I rubbed his chest and in under a minute had cum all over himself and was asleep in the next minute. I on the other hand was now very horny and honestly frustrated. I decided...
At 55 and still fit and active it was a blow to lose my job owing to downsizing in the company where I had worked. I did get a reasonable severance pay but had used a lot of that chasing women to replace the sex I was missing when my wife left to live with one of my so-called friends. At least she was happy and getting enough from her new man to leave me alone. So now I found myself driving for Uber. My first week was a huge learning curve, how to operate as a driver, talking appropriately...
I was working in Boston yesterday until 5:00 so I decided to go out to have a few drinks afterward with my co-workers, since we hardly ever hung out together in the city. My husband knew I wasn’t coming home right away, so I wasn't worried. I was soon bored silly, however, since my co- workers who I see almost every day, are neither all that cool nor that much fun. I wasn't dressed all that sexy either, but only had on a work dress. After a while, my mind started to wonder and I was thinking...
SeductionAlice made up her mind to stop the driver and tell her husband to come and get her. Then Ann Marie’s face appeared behind Kevin. “Come on, baby! She’s gone! Let’s finish what we started.” Kevin’s phone abruptly shut off. “That bastard! He and that tramp are still going at it!” Alice pushed the driver away. She lay back in the car seat. Tears welled in her eyes. The driver was right. They were laughing at her. They all knew. They had always known. They were laughing at her behind her...
Alice collapsed in the driver’s lap with his cock on her cheek. It continued to pump his hot jizz on her face. Her nostrils filled with the musky sexiness of his aroma. She inhaled deeply. It was a narcotic, freeing her mind and lowering her inhibitions. She had come a long way since running from her humiliation at the party. She wiped the cum from her face with her open palm. The iPhone buzzed. Lost in the enormity of what she had done, she lay back in the passenger seat and pressed the...
So this occured a few weeks ago.I had been at a house party and called an uber to go home as I had been drinking that evening. I wasn't drunk but I was certainly in that nice buzz phase. At the time I was wearing a black lace top with a blazer over it and a leather mini skirt with a slit on my right side. I was somewhat horny as I had fooled around at the party but hadn't really done anything.So anyways my Uber comes and I proceed to sit in the front passenger seat. We make small talk and I...
Hi Y’all,A quick story of a quickie I had with a Uber rider last night. I don’t normally work Friday nights but we’re trying to save up to take the k**s to Disney this summer and see the Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge opening. So I decided to work the evening and see if I could get some good tips from the happy hour crew.Around 7PM I got lucky enough and picked up a very cute guy in his 20s from Bellevue Brewing which looks more like it should be a dentist office then a brewery but I guess you serve...
Hi guys im a cd from Orange County and i had the sex ever last night with someone I never expected. So it was around 1 and i had just soent the night with my “friend” well I had just blew him and watched a movie and he got me an uber so i kissed him and left when tge uber came and I went on my night. He told me it was a white truck and espanic i went in and told me my “friends” name and we drove off. It wasnt even 10 seconds and he said what was my name i told him i was “. “ and he said nice to...
So, I don’t know where to start. It was a Friday night and I was on a date with a guy I met earlier that week. We went out to dinner (where I had too many drinks) and then we decided to go to a bar afterwards. I didn’t really like my date too much, maybe it was because I had so much to drink and he was just boring. Either way, around 1am I decided to call an Uber to go home. My date didn’t like that too much. I was waiting in the parking lot and of course my date was trying to get me to stay...
Oh, it's a lesbian couple, how sexy? A hot light brunette with a pretty dirty blonde," I muttered, pulling up to them."Thank you for coming," the blonde said, getting in the back first."You're welcome. I'm Cynthia," I introduced myself as the brunette got in as well."Cool," the brunette added, before kissing the blonde. "Why are you staring? Do you not like lesbians?""Oh, no, of course not," I made clear, putting my hands up a bit. "You're both just stunning if that's okay to say," I...
Voyeur"Oh, it's a lesbian couple, how sexy? A hot light brunette with a pretty dirty blonde," I muttered, pulling up to them. "Thank you for coming," the blonde said, getting in the back first. "You're welcome. I'm Cynthia," I introduced myself as the brunette got in as well. "Cool," the brunette added, before kissing the blonde. "Why are you staring? Do you not like lesbians?" "Oh, no, of course not," I made clear, putting my hands up a bit. "You're both just stunning if that's okay to say," I...