- 3 years ago
- 25
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Devlin stood at the rack in the lingerie department looking over the selection of panties. She hadn't planned on doing any shopping, but only minutes before, when she'd been putting gas in her car, a passing truck had splashed through a puddle, soaking her with freezing slush. Her coat was dry, but only because it was still in her car.
At the time she had been wearing her navy blue wool suit. That outfit was headed for the cleaners as soon as she got home. She had a dry pair of jeans and a sweatshirt in her overnight bag so she had clothes to wear, but her under things had been drenched and she didn't have anything left in her bag.
If she was going to stay at Emma's she wanted at least one pair of panties to wear. If she walked around without panties she'd end up on a mattress before she could think. She wanted something attractive and sexy; she was tired of 'granny panties'. She had never really paid attention to her panties - the only one who saw them was Danny, and she was with him she got out of them as quickly as possible. There were so many styles, everything from thongs to a white string bikini that barely covered the essentials. She pulled the bikini off the rack to examine it. The price tag was largest piece of material on the garment.
She selected three pairs: one was a black high-cut brief, one was the white bikini, and the third was a pair of red nylon briefs that were mostly lace. They were sexy and pretty, but without being ostentatious. Jeff would never see them; the two times they'd actually gone to bed together she'd worn her sleep shirt, when she'd finally put something on.
She drove to a Burger King and changed in the bathroom. On the way here she'd planned on driving straight back to Bloomington. She'd had some fun at Emma's, but there was too much temptation there. She wasn't sure she trusted herself. Emma, of course, had insisted that she come back.
"You'll have fun," Emma had said that morning as Devlin was preparing to leave. Emma was wearing a wrap that came down to her hips. Her hair was mussed and she smelled of sex.
"I already had fun," Devlin said, suppressing a yawn. "I had a lot of fun last night."
"So you'll have more fun tonight. We have a different crowd on Saturdays. They're a little more hardcore and a little more adventuresome."
She had looked at the older woman. "Emma, what can be harder than 30 or 40 people sharing sex in every room of your house?"
"It's a different crowd," Emma repeated. "A number of people come down from Chicago and we get a few from the Quad Cities. Last night's party was mostly local people. They've been in the lifestyle two, maybe three years, a lot of them started after you left. But tonight we have people who've been in the lifestyle for 10 years and more. One couple has been swinging since 1965."
"1965? That's more than 30 years ago, nearly 35."
"Yeah. They got started out in Southern California. You ought to hear some of their stories. When they started they met people who'd been swinging for 15 or more years, back when about all they had were condoms. You ought to come just to hear their stories."
She was intrigued in spite of herself. "Maybe. But won't I be the odd girl out?" Emma's parties were for couples.
"I don't think so. We have enough people that an extra woman really isn't noticeable."
"Umm, maybe. We'll see how it goes after my sales presentation. If the weather worsens enough I may not get that far and end up in a motel instead."
"I don't think it'll be that bad tonight," Emma said. "I'll count on seeing you tonight."
As Devlin drove south on US 61 she had a choice to make. If she turned left she'd get on I-80 and end up near Peru; from there it was only a few miles to Emma's. If she turned right she'd go around the Quad Cities and end up on the freeway to Peoria and Bloomington. When she got to the intersection she didn't hesitate. She picked I-80 and Emma's. She didn't try to explore her feelings. There was a storm coming in, the radio announcers repeated that so often she began to tune it out. She could see the snow blowing across the freeway. She wasn't sure heading south towards Peoria would have been a good idea.
What was the worst that could happen tonight? She'd curl up in the tub again, or sit and chat with someone. If the storm was bad enough she'd hang around until noon or 1; the State of Illinois would probably have the freeway plowed by then. She laughed. She'd brought her books; she might even get some studying done.
Did she want to take part in the fun? On one hand she did. It'd been two years, and while Danny was fun she wasn't getting what she wanted, what she needed. Her on-again, off-again relation with Jeff seemed to be mostly 'off-again'. She was getting tired of it. Something had to happen. She had been waiting for Jeff to do or say something. Maybe it was time for her to do something. She'd thought the guy was supposed to initiate things. Maybe she was wrong. This wasn't the 19th Century, she wasn't a wilting wallflower. It was 1999, and she was a woman of (semi-)independent means. Some might even say she was a 'liberated' woman, whatever that meant.
It looked like Danny was right: the only way she and Jeff were going to be together permanently was if she joined his church. They were kind of old-fashioned in a lot of things; she'd have to marry him to go to bed with him. They were probably against birth control, so they'd expect her to get pregnant right away. She wasn't sure she wanted that. Oh, she wanted children, but not now, not until she was out of school, married and somewhat settled down.
Was Danny right? Would they want her to drop out of school? That was an ugly thought. Could she marry Jeff and not do any of those things? His church seemed to be all-encompassing; they'd probably insist on her doing things their way.
She turned south on I-39 and began looking for her exit. It was dark and the snow was coming down heavily. Maybe it's a good thing I'll be spending the night at Emma's, she thought. I know I'll be safe, and if I have any trouble in the morning there'll be plenty of people around who could help me.
There weren't as many cars in the Grange's parking lot as there were on Friday nights. She checked her overnight bag before getting out of the car. It still wasn't too late to go find a motel, but somehow an evening studying and watching television in a cheap motel didn't sound very appealing. She thought of naked bodies, naked male bodies. Even if a motel had cable and racy movies the movies they showed were rather tame. They never showed a guy's butt or cock. Here she'd get to see them, and could indulge in all of her private fantasies.
"I'm glad you made it," Emma said when she opened the front door. "I wasn't sure you'd be here. It started coming down pretty heavily about mid-afternoon and I thought you'd end up in a motel."
"I almost did," Devlin said, shrugging out of her coat.
Emma held her out at arms-length and inspected her. "Not bad, dear. You actually make that sweatshirt look fashionable."
"You look hot," Devlin said. Emma was wearing a very short leather miniskirt with a slit that went just a touch too far, black nylons, knee-high black leather boots with a 4" heel, and a sheer black nylon top without a bra.
"Like it?" Emma turned, showing it off. "I found it in Las Vegas last year at the Lifestyles Convention."
"Panties? Or not?"
"That's for me to know and people to find out," Emma said, smiling.
"They might spoil the effect."
"Not if they're crotchless."
Devlin laughed. "Oh, you naughty woman."
"I know. God, isn't it fun? Now, dear, you're kind of over-dressed for this party. You should do something about that."
"Sure. Anything special I should be aware of?"
"Um, a couple of things I didn't cover last night. First, pretty much nobody uses a condom on Saturday nights. We mostly do on Friday nights, but..."
"Isn't that a little dangerous?"
Emma shook her head. "Not as much as you might think. The people here are all dedicated swingers, so they don't wander and try something or go with someone new unless it's here. They're a lot more careful with their health than anyone else." She smiled. "This makes Saturday nights a lot freer than Fridays, and a lot kinkier."
"This crowd will give you a chance to try things you haven't done before."
"There aren't many things I haven't tried," Devlin said. "I tend to like my sex straight-forward."
"You don't like experimenting?" Emma asked as they walked into the Ladies Changing Room. "That's not the Devlin I remember."
"Quality is for my private life." Devlin pulled off her sweatshirt and shook her hair back into place. "In my social life I prefer the good old-fashioned sales approach: volume, volume, volume."
"Well, you'll find that, too. But like I said, feel free to try out new things tonight."
"Maybe." Devlin peeled out of her jeans and heavy wool socks. "God, that feels good." She wiggled her feet. "I love radiant heat."
"Every house we've had has had radiant heat," Emma said. "Tim didn't see the need for it, but then men don't have cold feet."
Devlin unfastened her bra and let it drop on the bed. She massaged her breasts gently; this bra was pinching, it was time to order a new one. As she brushed her hair back, shaking it so it hung down her back, she checked it in the mirror. Almost time to get a trim, especially her bangs. Maybe if she tried it without the bangs and the hair pulled back from her face... She'd have to think about that.
"All set to socialize?" Emma asked.
"I'll probably just circulate and end up in the hot tub like last night."
"You'll be missing out on a lot of fun." Emma saw someone coming down the stairs. "Well, I'll see you later. There's someone I said I'd spend some time with." She winked back at Devlin. "Have fun tonight, I'll see you in the morning."
"You, too." Devlin watched the older woman walk away. Do something different, eh? What could she do that she hadn't tried, at least once? That was the trouble with years of partying like this. She'd tried just about everything that interested her. What she really wanted was a dip in the hot tub and a good night's sleep.
"Huh, some party girl I am," she muttered. The movie room was down the hall; she had never seen an x-rated movie, maybe she could try that. She wasn't sure what the appeal of movies like that were, the R-rated movies always showed the girl in exquisite detail, though they stopped short of showing her sex. Instead they'd linger on her breasts. Quite frankly she saw enough breasts every day during bra fittings to lose any interest in them. She knew there was a fireplace in the movie room, and someone had told her they had a popcorn popper in there, too, the gift of someone from several years back. Popcorn and a movie. She laughed softly to herself. That sounded pretty good.
There were a half dozen people in the movie room. The lights were off, the fire was going, and the popcorn maker was popping away in the background. The people on the screen were going at it like crazy, and a couple on the couch were busy masturbating each other as they watched. Everyone else was sitting on the floor, watching the movie and eating popcorn from several large bowls.
The woman on the screen began moaning and thrashing. Then the guy screwing her pulled out and came all over the woman's tits and tummy. The couple on the couch made several interesting noises, followed by several sharp grunts from the guy as the credits rolled on the movie.
"What's next?" a woman asked.
"A European movie," a woman said, looking at the play list. "It's a German porno movie that's been dubbed."
"Is it one of those full of deep meaning?" a man asked. "I hate those."
"I don't think so," the woman replied. "It's supposed to be a historical drama set during the Middle Ages."
"At least it isn't one of those ghastly Italian ones with artistic merit," the man said. "Last month somebody brought a Fellini film that was so boring half the people left."
The movie opened with a close-up of a woman's pussy. "That looks interesting," someone said.
"Wait, it gets better," the woman replied. The camera pulled back slightly and a man's cock entered her. It soon became apparent this was some sort of meeting. The girl went from man to man during the meeting. After that it got confusing. Devlin lost track of the plot fairly early on. But the woman kept reappearing, and she kept taking every man who got within arms reach of her. Especially...
"I liked how she went from guy to guy while on horseback," a woman said as the credits rolled. "Her feet never touched the ground. That took ability."
"Yeah," another woman said, "acrobatic ability."
"Do you think she came?" the first woman asked. "For real, I mean."
"Maybe by the third or fourth guy, definitely by the fifth or sixth. They weren't lasting very long when she got on them."
The next movie started, and Devlin quickly lost interest and wandered out. A gal with blonde hair well past her shoulders joined her in the hall. "Had enough?" she asked with a glance at Devlin.
"It was boring," Devlin said. "I don't see what people see in them."
"Well, yeah. The producers are hoping that what you see on the screen covers the poor dialogue and crummy plot."
"There was a plot?"
The gal laughed. "Well, aside from girl meets boy after boy after boy, no."
"I've always wondered why you would want to watch something you could be doing yourself," Devlin said. She got a good look at the gal. She was an inch or so taller than Devlin, with straight blonde hair and a firm looking body with a small and well-rounded bottom and pretty good sized breasts topped with pink areola. Her skin was pale with just the faintest hint of a tan line at the base of her tummy. Her face was cute and her nose small and pert. She was wearing a pair of slippers and a slitted short skirt that showed off far more than it covered.
"You mean you can do it on a horse like that actress did?" the gal said, mischief twinkling in her blue eyes. "My hat's off to you."
Devlin laughed. "I don't think I'm that athletic. She was talented. And how could you pay attention to plot and the characters and things like that with all that screwing going on?"
"You just proved my point," the gal said. She held out her hand. "I'm Kristal," she said. "I prefer Kris or Krissi."
"I'm Devlin. So how did you end up paying attention to characters and stuff like that? Are you a film critic or something?"
"I'm a writer," Krissi said. "It's my job."
"Oh, really? What do you write?"
"Young Adult Romances," Krissi said with a slight twitch of her mouth. "My First Love, Teen Love and other genre stuff like that. I also write children's books. "The Big Kite" is one, and stuff like that. "Actually," she added, "I'm a college student as well as a writer."
"Oh? Where are you going to school?"
"Illinois State."
"Really? So am I."
They walked into the kitchen where Krissi stopped to get a glass of water. "I blew a guy a few minutes ago," she said. "And cum always makes me thirsty."
"It must be the salty taste that does that," Devlin said. "If I've swallowed a lot I'll get thirsty, too." She poured herself a glass of water and picked at some of the food in the buffet spread out on the kitchen counter. "I didn't have anything to eat since early afternoon."
"Looks good." Krissi took a slice of melon and a small sandwich. "So what are you majoring in?" she asked as she headed into the living room.
"I'm a Business major," Devlin said. She settled in a chair while Krissi folded her legs beneath her on the couch. "I'm a sophomore. I do a lot of in-home sales sessions and I want to move up in the company. A business degree will help me do that."
Krissi looked thoughtful. "A sophomore. That would make you, what, 19? 20?"
Devlin looked around. "19," she said in a low voice.
"So you're new at this," Krissi said, waving her hand to indicate the house, the party, and the lifestyle.
"Oh, no, I'm a veteran. I've been swinging since I was 15."
"You've been... what? 15?" Krissi looked startled. "But that would mean... I mean you were... isn't that illegal?"
"Yeah," Devlin said. "It's very illegal. But I never told anyone my age, and I knew what I was doing. I wasn't forced into it; I came into this out of curiosity and stayed because I enjoyed it."
"But... but..." Krissi shook her head. "And I thought I was pushing it because I've been involved since I was 19." She shook her head. "You know, the whole thing about a teenage swinger, it kind of makes me uncomfortable."
"The moment Emma found out she banned me from coming here."
"So, did she invite you back?"
Devlin nodded. "I'm 19, now, and that's old enough in this state."
Krissi thought about that. "How did you work it out?" she asked after a bit. "I thought the rule here was couples only, though I guess I'm an exception."
"An older man and I posed as a couple," Devlin said. "We're still sex partners, but Emma won't let him come back here."
"Is he married?"
"He's married, and his wife not only knows, she approves. She thought it was better that he was getting it from the girl next door rather than chasing hookers or hanging out in bars." She smiled. "He's as over-sexed as I am."
"You consider yourself over-sexed?" Krissi smiled. "Forgive the questions. I'm doing interviews for a paper I'm writing on the Lifestyle for a Anthro class I'm taking. What makes you think you're over-sexed?"
Devlin pursed her lips. "By the standards of the average woman in Western Culture I am definitely over-sexed. I enjoy sex and I do it as often as I can." She thought of the way she and Danny had discussed their schedules. "I even put it into my weekly planner so I make sure I have it."
"That doesn't make you over-sexed, Devlin, it just means you have a more active sex life than the average woman."
"Isn't that pretty much the same thing?"
Krissi looked surprised. "Maybe yes, and maybe no."
"That's hair-splitting. It is, or it isn't. I am, or I'm not. I'm not too open about it. I have a boyfriend, and the other girls in the dorm know I sleep with him from time to time. But I also have sex three times a week with the guy I shared sex with every day when I was in high school, and they don't know about that.
"You made love every day when you were in high school?"
Devlin shook her head. "No, it wasn't love. I like him, I'm even fond of him. No, we shared sex. I'd come home from school and, after my mother left for work, I'd go over to his place. I'd help his wife, help clean up around their house, things like that. And then after dinner we'd go up to their bedroom and screw like bunnies. Sometimes we'd only do it once or twice, but sometimes we'd do it until it was almost time for my mother to get home. And some nights I'd go back to my room and masturbate afterwards."
"Wow," Krissi said, "I'll agree that in your case your libido is in high gear." She shook her head. "Every day? And then twice a month here? Didn't you ever get tired of it? I've met some women who have."
"Not really," Devlin said, shaking her head. "I love the way it makes me feel, I love the way I feel when I'm doing it, and I love the way I feel afterwards." She looked at Krissi, suddenly thinking of what the girl had said. "Do you ever get tired of it?"
"Not on your life," Krissi said with a laugh. "There's too much variety for me to ever get bored with sex. I suppose, if I was a guy, I might, get bored. They only have a couple of ways to do it, though that never seems to stop them. It's not like it is with a gal."
"Only a couple of ways? Are you bi or something?"
"Sort of, well, slightly. Are you? A number of women in the lifestyle are, at least a little bit. It's not as common as guys think."
"No, I didn't know that. I thought most of us were straight, like me. How did you end up discovering your were bi?"
Krissi's laugh was soft. "I tried it," she said simply. "I was curious, so I thought I'd try it. When I did I found out I liked it. Have you ever tried it with a woman?"
"Once. I really didn't care for it."
"I take it you're orgasmic with men?" Devlin nodded. "Silly question, you wouldn't have had sex so often if you weren't. Let me ask it this way. Do you cum from intercourse?"
"Most of the time," Devlin said. "I guess I'm one of the lucky ones."
"Yeah, I read that about 1 woman in 3 cums from intercourse. The rest don't, and nobody's figured out why."
"So why are you in the lifestyle?" Devlin asked.
"For the variety. Every time I come here I'm with a different guy. I like that."
"So, how did you get into it? Danny and Sue told me stories - they were in it before she was injured in an auto accident. I read stories, I looked at the pictures, and I got interested."
"I was curious," Krissi said. "I read about it and wanted to find out." She laughed softly, looking down. "I was so pure in high school. I couldn't wait to start having sex."
"Why didn't you? A lot of girls do when they're in high school."
"I wanted to, but my parents monitored me rather closely. I was a virgin until I was 18."
"That long?" Devlin blinked in surprise.
"I waited until I started college. Two days after my 18th birthday was the day." Krissi smiled at the memory. "I have to say, my first time didn't live up to all the advanced billing. I thought there was something wrong with me. Fortunately my roommate suggested I try a different guy, one who was a lot more experienced. That made all the difference in the world. And it taught me to separate physical attraction from love.
"Of course since I spent most of my high school years in Europe I had already learned that. My father was in the Foreign Service and I went to high school in the Netherlands."
"I take it you're not married."
"No. I guess that makes two of us."
"Sort of, but not really. I think that's one of the reasons I tried bi, but women can be as clinging as any guy, and twice as bitchy. How about you, when did you start?"
"I was 13," Devlin said. "I saw the boy who lived next door. He was naked and jerking off, and I was fascinated. One thing led to another, we started mutually masturbating each other, and eventually we tried it. It hurt, but after a couple of times it felt a lot better. And, oh, about the third or fourth time, I came. I'd about worn him out, and he lasted and lasted, and I thought that was the key. The guy had to last long enough for the gal to get off."
"That could be," Krissi nodded. "My own opinion is that most women would cum from intercourse, but the guy cums while they're still getting worked up, and then he's done, and that's that. And after a couple of tries she expects it to happen that way, and so it does. It's sort of a revolving cycle that feeds on itself."
"And then there are the poor girls who've never cum at all," Devlin said.
"Yeah. Their mothers, or aunts or somebody has some serious answering to do." She shook her head. "Those poor girls."
A couple came into the living room and headed for the couch. He was an older man with a shock of unruly white hair and skin that was almost bright pink. She was small and slender with dusty skin and long black hair. But for her breasts and hips Devlin would have thought her a just a girl.
"Who's that?" Devlin asked quietly as the gal bent over and began sucking the guy's cock.
"That's Amnita. She and her husband have been coming here since before I started. She's Filipino, or half-Filipino."
Amnita quickly got the man hard. She sat in his lap, letting him play with her breasts while her hand kept playing with him. Devlin got a look at his erection when Amnita rose up and guided him to her entrance. His cock seemed to dwarf Amnita's hand. With much squirming and bouncing she got him all the way in her. And then she began moving up and down on him.
"She's so small I didn't think she could take him," Devlin said quietly. She could feel a stirring deep beneath her tummy, and her nipples were suddenly itchy.
"There are a couple of guys even bigger than Clint," Krissi said, watching Amnita bounce and twist. "And I've seen her take them. She's got to have the most elastic insides of any gal here."
They watched them in silence. Eventually Amnita began to speed up. Then she leaned against Clint, burying her face in his shoulder, breathing hard. He held her until her breathing steadied, then picked her up effortlessly, and lay her on the chair with her legs clinging to his hips. He put it to her vigorously, her little breasts bouncing and jerking with each thrust. She stared up into his face, her hands clinging to his arms, and her hips rising to meet his every thrust.
Amnita closed her eyes and bit her lip. Clint moved faster, finally cumming with almost a bellow. Her legs slipped to the floor as he slumped over her. The two lay there enmeshed in each other and breathing hard.
"Ummm, that was interesting," Krissi said, fondling her breast.
"Arousing is more like it," Devlin said.
"Yeah, I can tell," Krissi said with a glance at Devlin's breasts.
Devlin looked down. Her nipples were sticking out, not quite tight, but certainly aroused. "Well, yeah," Devlin laughed. "A performance like that certainly can get you worked up."
"We should go find someone," Krissi said. "I had a guy just after I got here, and I blew a guy an hour or so ago, but I've been awfully tame tonight."
Devlin glanced at the clock. "It's almost 9 o'clock. I've been here more than an hour and I haven't been with a guy yet."
"Are you feeling sick?" Krissi cast a glance at her. "You've been at a sex party for over an hour and you haven't gotten laid yet?"
"Well, I've been trying to stay true to my boyfriend and-"
"What?" Krissi stepped back, searching Devlin's face. "Let me get this right: you're having sex with a guy three times a week, a guy, I might add, who's not your boyfriend. And yet you're not going to get laid at a sex party because you want to stay true to your boyfriend? Am I hearing that right?"
"When you put it that way it does sound stupid."
"It sounds more than stupid. It sounds kind of two-faced."
"Well..." Krissi mimicked, "if you're getting it three times a week your boyfriend must not be taking care of you."
"He's not," Devlin said in a low voice.
"Ah-ha! When was the last time you were with him... in bed I mean."
"Um, a month ago, maybe a little longer."
Krissi laughed. "Girl, you're going to dry up and blow away from neglect." She grabbed Devlin's arm. "At the very least get some finger action. I'm sure there are guys here who would be more than willing to play a bit with you. You don't have to do it with them, either. After all, the President himself has said that masturbating someone, or even sucking them off, isn't sex."
"Well..." Devlin stared at a couple in the dining room. The woman had sucked the guy hard, and now was leaning back on the dining room table as he entered her. That looked so hot, and she loved the way his balls seemed to swing back and forth as he put it to her.
Amnita and the guy, Clint, were doing it again. Amnita was on her hands and knees and the guy was pounding into her. The semen from his earlier climax was slipping down the girl's legs. She was resting her head on the cushions and giving a soft "oh!" every time he thrust into her. As they watched she caught her breath, her face tense and her eyes closed. Then she let out a soft wail.
Clint suddenly pulled out. Amnita rolled over, sucking him briefly before spreading her legs. He slid back into her. She rose to meet him, their bodies slapping together repeatedly. Finally Clint arched back, grimacing as he came. They slowed to a halt, both grinning and breathing hard.
"If that doesn't get you in the mood, nothing will," Krissi said. Clint had pulled back and they could see his jism oozing from Amnita's sex.
"I don't know..."
"Do you know the next time you're going to get any?"
Devlin thought about that. Danny was going to be too busy with Sue, and as for Jeff, who could tell?
"Well... no."
"Women weren't meant to be nuns, at least involuntarily. You should get some while you can. At least here you know it'll be just for fun, and it'll be good for you, too. Nothing fixes the problems in a girl's life like a good climax."
"You make it sound like a prescription. Have two orgasms and call me in the morning."
"A lot of women might be better off if they followed that prescription. What's stopped them in the past has been the very real chance they'd make a baby. Now that that's a lot less likely, more women should engage in sex. They'd be a lot happier and healthier if they did."
"Sounds like you're up on your soap-box again," Amnita said. She'd disentangled herself from Clint and was wiping her thighs with a tissue. "Some nights she gets quite militant."
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Anthony is a big boy. He's on the defensive line on the varsity football team and can just plow through anyone to get to whoever has the ball. He weighs in at close to two and a half times my 115 pounds. He was watching me as a fly might watch a spider. A fly that was stuck in that spider's web. I went over to the nightstand next to him and got a wash dish. A wash dish is a plastic container that holds about a half gallon of water. Kind of like a meat loaf pan with some curves. I guess he...
Hiii dosto mera naam Arush hai aur main Pune ka rehne wala hu yeh meri pehli story hai kisi bhi site par aur main iss ka pichle do saal se reader hu. So apko jyada bor na karte hue story pe aata hu.Baat us time ki hai jab main 2nd year engg mein tha aj se char saal pehle main jaha meri tuitions ke liye jata tha waha pass 12th ke students ke bhi tuitions hote the woh ladki waha aati thi us waqt wo 18 ki thi uska naam Ishika tha maal thi dosto fig 32-28-32 tha bas mujhe bha gayi main bas uske...
"Mmmm..." I purred with pleasure, like a sleek black panther drowsing in the sunset. "Just think Rodney, after were married we'll get to do this all the time." "Yeah, Kylie ... Fuck yeah..." His rich voice was soft and I smiled at the sound of it. "Shhh ... Don't talk, Rodney ... Keep licking..." I nodded happily as my big black stud went back to his happy task. Big black stud, yeah right. I had to stifle a giggle as I mentally corrected myself. Rodney had seemed imposing at...
I wake up, I can only assume it is Saturday morning. I am still laying on the mattress in the dungeon. I look over at the clock on the side wall, it shows the time to be just past 11AM. Last think I remember is going to sleep on a mattress down here in the dungeon just a few hours ago. I can only turn my head from side to side, but I don't see anyone, or hear anyone. All my muscles are sore from the pounding I took the night before. Darren comes down the stairs and walks over to...
I’ve already told the story of how I met my girlfriend and love of my life (well, female love of my life, anyway), of the past seven years, Brianna. And I’ve told the story of how I met my boyfriend of the past three years, Rod.I have even talked about how I love Brianna do much that I happily share my boyfriend with her. To watch her face light up joyously and to hear her happy purring as my man slowly slides his wonderful cock deep into her, well it does my heart good is all.Besides me and...
Group SexMF/f Modification BDSM Mc HumiliationTaming of the Shrew By BrabazonPart 1It was 10 o’clock on Saturday morning in the north London suburbs. The front door of the house slammed shut and, from his study, Bill watched his second wife, Maria, jogging down the drive in her tennis kit and jumping into her silver convertible Merc before speeding off to her tennis club. Cute bum, nice body, athletic, half Italian, beautiful, age 32, looked a bit like Eva Longoria, and independently wealthy as well...
It was the recording she had made last week when she had arranged for a few of the boys from the football team to rape Sarah Walker. Sarah was a goody two-shoes who had gotten Laney suspended, but Laney had gotten her revenge. And now, as she watched Sarah's virgin body being abused and tortured, Laney's pussy exploded in orgasm. She cried out as an eruption of pleasure crashed through her, grabbing the boy's curly hair and shoving him against her cunt. She moaned as her juices flooded the...
As much as he didn't want to ... Billy caved. First they went to the bank. Deposits in the special account didn't need both signatures so Wili took both checks to the teller. Billy was suddenly more interested in the teen in the next chair. "Waiting for a teller?" he asked, giving her a blast of those pearly whites and a direct eye to eye connection. 'Wow ... he's not looking at my boobs.' "Nope, waiting on dad ... mom works here." She threw her shoulders back and thrust out the...
Dear Doreen,You've always looked so beautiful on your knees, smiling up at me, my cock in your mouth, my balls gently cupped in your hand, your lips glistening with my precum as I stoke your blonde hair and looking lovingly down at you wishing it was me wearing that sexy black thong and bra that you are wearing and sucking cock, lovingly looking up at my man.Everytime you let me cum on your face, over your lips and i cannot wait kiss you and feel my own cum all over your face and wish I was...
Two men sit in a darkened room filled with computers. A few of the screens illuminate their faces. One of them sips a soda which the other stares intently at his computer screen. The guy holding the soda walks off to through the empty soda can into the trash can. On his way back he trips and hits a switch on a table. He gets up and notices what happened. "Ah fuck...." He quietly whispers to himself. You see, The building which they're sitting in is in fact a top secret research facility....
Mrs. Jones called Mrs. Smith regarding Julie. ‘Julie has made spectacular progress and I think she is almost ready for her evaluation assessment for promotion to senior year.’ Mrs. Smith asked why ‘almost’. ‘She is academically gifted, having completed her junior courses in Physics ahead of schedule. Julie’s natural beauty and poise are superior to most but not all of her classmates. She is extremely competitive and her confidence will suffer if she doesn’t get the highest scores. She will...
MY FLORIDA VACATION What a bore. This job sucks. For a long time, it has made me depressed and frustrated. Sales were down all over and cutbacks in travel to meet old customers and generate new ones were limited. I was bored and angry, aware that there was no possible improvement in sight... My commissions were almost non-existent. I'd like to open up an artery or something. Business is soooo bad, but even when business is good, the job and the boss suck. I brought a lot of this job...
This incident took place about 3 months ago in one of the best areas of Pune, Camp as we call it, I was waiting with one of my guy friends and we were waiting for another guy to show up so that we could have an eve snacks and catch up with our lives.Suddenly I had a pat on my back, and a woman, in her late thirties i guessed...Rita(name changed ofcourse) held a note in her hand which had a scribbled down address. She was asking me the directions of how to get to this address. Now i knew the...
In the last part, I asked described how my cousin taught me about all things sex and how she cured my foreskin problem. The coming week after my teenage cousin helped me with that insane blowjob, she got her periods. I visited her and she took me to her room. She planted a kiss on my lips and told me, “I want you to break my virginity. You are the most apt person to do it”. I was thrilled to hear that and without any hesitation, I said yes. She continued, “Who else would I call for such an...
IncestThe driver walked them to the back of the vehicle and opened the door extending a hand to the passengers inside to step out. Patsy wanted Laynie to see her gown and how she looked. When Patsy stepped out, she was a dream, draped in mauve, which accented her beautiful red hair. Her gown was daring yet sensible and classy. She was every bit the picture that Laynie was, if not more with her red hair. "Oh my God, you are stunning!" Laynie told her as they hugged. Doomer got out in his fancy...
Hi I am Suraj, 29 year from Kerala, now working in Bangalore. This incident was happened last January with our tenant aunty suma. So I am sharing my experience how it happened. In January, one family function was there in my house, so I went there for a week vacation. Due to that function I couldn’t move out from my house due to arrangements of pgm. Meanwhile I met our tenant suma aunty, before that I didn’t given more attention towards her, she is about middle thirties but sexier in looks with...
By : Shindy All I can say is this is one of the fascinating moment I had in my life and I am very happy to share all with our viewers it is my wildest dream that I should be a submissive slave to multiple partners and if my husband himself satisfied my fantasy should I consider my self lucky. Yes! I am very lucky it has been a rainy evening I and my husband were in a guest house of my husbands company in Ooty. It was our first stay away from our house after marriage couple of months back he...
I was sitting at the computer naked, watching lesbian porn and jacking off. Two teens and an older woman really had me going, and to tell the truth I was this close to losing a load when I heard Andy. ‘Hey, Tom, you awake?’ ‘Yeah upstairs,’ I called back. ‘Grab me a Pepsi on your way up.’ A minute later he appeared. ‘Here you go dude’ he said, placing the can of soda on the table. ‘What’re we watching?’ ‘A little girl on girl activity.’ I said, snapping open the can with my left hand, the...
I remember Mr. J. saying discretion was essential. Well, not like I had much to tell.Except about Evan. But who would I tell, Bevvie? No way. She didn't even know the name of this place, and I was sure going to keep it that way.Besides, if I mentioned his name I would probably blush red from my neckline to the roots of my hair. I would never tell anybody this, but he was entering my thoughts pretty often at random times. And they weren't PG thoughts either. Not that I would have any idea what...
The drive to see my parents is one of my favorite parts of going to see them. I crank the radio and just let my mind wander. I’m looking forward to seeing them and the neighbors. It's two days before the actual event, but it gives me time to catch up with everyone. When I arrive, I see my dad out in the front, mowing the lawn, and he waves as I pull in. He looks great, always adamant about staying fit and looking good. His own father died at a young age, due to a lot of reasons, so it urges my...
NovelsDamn it she thought, managed to leave the training course a day early and she couldn't get hold of her husband to tell him. Never mind it will be a nice surprise for him to see her home a day early.The rain didn't help, nor the delayed train. Getting in at 9pm at the station dampened her spirits a little, but not to worry, a warm fire, a glass of red wine and a nice hot bath beckoned. And with luck, a nice massage and who knows something warm and hard to round off the day.What luck, a taxi was...
VoyeurWhen I was 19, I went in Berlin, in Germany, with a few friends, on a holiday trip.I wasn’t a virgin, I’d had several girlfriends in the past, and although I was young, I knew pretty well what sex was. I always had this fantasy about older woman. Not saggy wrinkled granny, but curvaceous busty mature women, with love and passion to give. I’d never acted on those fantasies, because I’d never had the opportunity, and because I was rather scared. It was just a little secret for me to have. I would...
As much as I think back I still can't believe what happened that night. I had been flirting with David for the longest time. He was my coach when I was in little league of course in the third grade boys still have cooties, but by the time I was in fifth grade I realized boys were cute and I had my eye on the coach. Well, he was married but being only 11 years old I didn't care about that or the fact that he was old enough to be my father. I had a crush and nothing was going to stand in the...
Kelly walked along the shore, listening to sound of the waves as they crashed upon the sand. It was growing late in the afternoon and the beach was now almost completely deserted as the days revelers moved off to prepare for whatever entertainment awaited them on a Friday night during the California summer. The mournful cry of a lone seagull carried over the pulsing waves and the young woman looked up to watch the white bird as it circled gracefully overhead. It, too, felt the shadows creep...
AnalLeia Organa-Solo stepped out of the small air taxi as it arrived home at the Imperial Palace. Her aide Winter and C-3PO followed. "Hi Han," she said with an exhausted smile, greeting her husband. "You look tired," he said, touching her shoulder gently. "Bad day?" Leia sighed, glancing over at Winter. "Just some disagreements with Fey'lya. He's been excessively uncooperative in the Council lately." "Yeah, he doesn't seem like the typical Bothan," Han said. "Feel like...
Raven haired beauty Alex Coal is very excited to be shooting a special cocksucking scene today. She has wanted to prove that she belongs in the hog slobbering hall of fame, and now she finally is getting her chance. She likes to start slow, running her tongue along our studs shaft sensually. She lets the spit drip from her lips onto his cock and then shoves the thing as far down her throat as she can. But this girl does not stop there. She goes the extra mile, giving our stud a raunchy rimjob...
xmoviesforyouI am seventeen years old and out of school for the summer. Dad helped me get a good paying job on a construction crew. I wanted a car but dad wanted me to earn it myself. I had to save enough money to pay for my own insurance too. Dad said that if he gave me a car that I wouldn’t appreciate it, but that if I bought it myself that I would. I had the car already picked out too. That’s why I was so depressed when the boss sent me home early today. Sure I had screwed up today but not as bad as...
"Hair Curler Punishment" This story is written in the first person perspective. Me and my older brother Doug began letting our hair grow at the time all teen and pre teen boys were starting to do it. It was the times. Our mother had no problems at all with it either. It was "hip" at the time and she neither encouraged or discourage us. She did how ever have one strict rule. We had to keep our hair clean and it wasn't allowed to hang in our face. Well of course from time to...
I sat in the break room at work, messing with a frustrating button on my tightly fitted white blouse. I soon gave up and was smoothing my skirt down where it constantly rode up, when my phone rang. I pick it up, saying “hello?” into the receiver. I smile when I hear my brother’s angelic voice. “When are you coming home sis?” He says with a laugh. “5:00, remember?” “Oh yeah, sorry, I just can’t wait to see your face when you get home.” I smile to myself and cross my legs. With a sigh, I reply,...
IncestWhen I turned 18 years old, I began to venture on my own, going to movies and walking downtown on Broadway. One day I decide to try Hollywood, and rode the bus to get there. I walked the boulevard, and enjoyed sights along with the tourist that flourished about. I visited a barbershop, and got a haircut. I requested my hair cut short on the sides, faded, to appear neat. The barber cut my hair to look like a marine haircut, which made me look cute, and brought my manly facial features out...
As soon as the door was closed, we were naked and in each other's arms, kissing, rubbing each others cunnies, and were soon in bed, Lucy over me, my legs wide apart, her on top, humping me, our clits and pussies rubbing in our wetness. "What are we going to do tonight, Lucy? I can't wait," I asked. "Oh, you'll love it. I've got some cording and a blindfold. I'm going to tie you to the bed and blindfold you and you'll be my sex slave." "Really? Your sex slave? I have to do...
ANOTHER SWEET SORORITY STORY PART TWO PART 2 Recap: Our college freshman boy accepted a part time job offering as a house keeper in a local Sorority named "Phi Omega". The sisters seemed to like our boy especially his capability to clean the sorority house, act sweet, gentle and give great Pedicures. They also noticed his love to cross-dress and how wonderful he looks as a girl when wearing his skirt, blouse and sandals for his uniform. They sensed his inner feminine side as well and...
Hi, this is Niki, Neo’s sister. I am sure you must be looking for me after my brother posted stories about me and him, and me and my boyfriend. This one is another with my boyfriend. Let me introduce myself in physical sense. I am 17 now, slim, 5 feet 4 inch, fair, step cut hairs and….30-26-30 figure. Generally like to wear skirts, jeans, tshirt and traditional indian wear. Just entered in college few months back and enoying the college life and its freedom to fullest. This story is at the time...
Lindi set an unrelenting pace through the passage under the mountain, even Lori who knew first-hand what would happen if the Elves caught them, desired some time to rest. Finally Tamarilla gave an exasperated sigh and sat down. "I refuse to go any farther until I rest! My legs are very tired, I'm not used to the frantic pace you set Lindi. I'm thirsty too." The look on Tammi's face was stern and Belinda knew that stopping for a short time would be alright if it kept the group happy. I...
I was born into this cult and had been raised in this cult. It was all I knew and that was that. We were an incredibly welcoming and upbeat environment, and that's how we got people to join. However, our coming of age ceremony was the most out of the ordinary. Other than the ceremony, the cult appeared to be simply a tight knit community and nothing more. We'd bring each other food, hold large gatherings with food and bonfires and all the sorts. But upon reaching the age of eighteen and...
TabooMystic Falls High School, Virginia The Ultimatum The ultimatum to Elana was clear. However, still it was destined to be unpleasant for a girl who was used to getting her own way. Stefen was seeing red, because Elana, his pretty long brown haired girlfriend with a cute ass had disobeyed his strongest wishes and needlessly endangered herself, throwing caution out the window like a fart in the wind. She had acted impetuous and willful against his wishes. Stefen found himself stuck in a tomb in...
I let out a long, loud sigh of relief as the bell rings to signify the end of yet another school day. Two years ago, I'd have given anything to be able to sit in a classroom dressed the way I am right now, but today I am almost desperate to get home and strip off the stiff grey skirt and black tights that are covering my lower body. And for three very, very good reasons- first, when I get home, I'm going to be pulling on a much more comfortable and stylish skirt; second, the longer I'm in...
My mom is so old school that she didn’t talk about it, we went to the store and she bought me some big super absorbent sanitary napkins. And I was told to change them when they got soaked. So I went to my dad to ask him about my period. He was actually very helpful with all the details and told me about sex and all its glory. I had to admit it scared me and decided then and there that I would remain a virgin until after high school. But in the meantime, I wanted to learn all that I could...
My name is Jake Grey. I'm thirty five. I was married to my beautiful wife for six years. She's thirty one. She looks like she's twenty five. We didn't have any children. I was ready. She wasn't. She kept telling me, "Soon, honey soon." Our sex life was great. More than that, it was the kisses and hugs that I loved more than anything. I tried to make love every chance I got, just to be close to her. When I held her in my arms I felt peaceful and loved. She was always responsive and...
Hello ISS Lovers! Please mail your comments about the story to Samyukta was to leave to Dubai in the next two days and the house brimmed with obscurity. She knew that life is going to be difficult without her parents and loving siblings, more so in a country about which she knew very little. The last fifteen days have been very memorable with roars of laughter ripping through every now and then. Being a woman with an enviable sense of humor, she had kept her parents, brother and sister in very...
IncestHi, am Maneesha again! I was just overwhelmed with the kind of responses & comments that i received after publishing my first ever true story. A lot of people asked me whether it was the first and last time i cheated on my hubby or whether there were any more such incidents and that i should publish them as well. This encouraged me to write this story which again is a true story.I carried on my discreet relationship with my brother-in-law for almost an year without getting caught and we...
We were going away for a weekend with the sole purpose of hooking up with another guy for a threesome. We posted on Craigslist assuming we would get a lot of requests to join us. We settled on an older gentleman in his early 50's because he not only was the most intriguing but he offered us the use of his place which had a jacuzzi and multiple fireplace and big screen tv's. Now it was only supposed to be the three of us but Rich was part of a swingers group and wanted us to join him at a...
Jack looked at the departing school bus, half way down the wet street, and mumbled "shit" several times. Not only had he missed the bus, but it was raining hard and he was getting soaked. He was about to return to the school when a Ford Taurus pulled up to the curb, the passenger window came down and the woman driver leaned over and called to him. "Hi, Jack. Get in before you're drenched." The fifteen year old boy immediately recognized not only the voice but the face of the woman, Miss...
JonnyB and Rico are two young men in their early twenties. They are on a wild ride cross-country and are looking to do and hoping to find in no particular order mischief, trouble, danger and excitement. The next town was maybe an hour away and the one after close to three so it looked like they would be calling it a night sooner than later. Thundering down the highway they caught up to another vehicle displaying out of state plates so the cruised along side and check out the...
Lazily, I rise from the comfort of my bed to get into the shower. I turn the water on as hot as I can stand it and gingerly step in. Leaning my head back, I let the water caress my scalp and run down my face. I reach down for the shampoo and methodically massage the liquid into my hair. Rinsing the shampoo out of my hair, I reach for the conditioner. It’s amazing how incredibly sensuous washing your hair can be. My senses tingling, I rinse the conditioner out. Dispensing body wash onto the...
Farm Charm By Gingerfred Man It was a dark and stormy night. The kind in which travelling salesmen's cars break down outside remote farm houses. Which was exactly what travelling salesman Fuller Brushman was thinking as he stood in the incessant rain that miserable evening, trying in vain to start his car's engine. Such breakdowns were an occupational hazard for the travelling salesman. And most unpleasant. Though, in Fuller's experience, they inevitably occurred outside a...
I never got to take off my top. As soon as both our shorts hit the floor, Steve pushed me down on a wooden bench on top of a pile of towels and pulled my legs apart. As soon as it was accessible, Steve speared his cock into my pussy, driving it all the way in with one shove of his hips. I cried out sharply in surprise. He had never been this rough with me before, even when I asked him to. Now, he was out of control. He put all his weight behind his hips as he ground into me, forcing his cock...
Leanna is my best friend. Ever since that embarrassing moment in first grade, the one where I tried to admit my love for Johnny Smith, she has always been there for me. We share everything.… Leanna is my best friend. Ever since that embarrassing moment in first grade, the one where I tried to admit my love for Johnny Smith, she has always been there for me. We share everything. Classes, lunches, and even secrets, but I've never seen her fall in love. It's like impossible, she's immune,...
FemaleEmerging from the Cocoon, Chapter 6 "First position, ladies and gentleman," Madame Ruth said at the beginning of the ballet class. Nicole's boys' dancewear had not come in. She was still wearing a pair of Amber's tights and a leotard. The class was bliss for her. She wasn't wearing the earrings. For all everyone knew in the class, except Amber, he was still Nicholas. "Demi-plie, releve, demi plie, grande plie," Madame Ruth said as the music played. The words were foreign to...
Hi incest Lovers, This is David again, I am 24 years old from Hyderabad. This is continuation of my previous story “A Lovely Sister Relationship Changed into Incest.” I got a good response from the readers of my previous story. Thanks a lot and am grateful for having your valuable feedback. Please note that my mail id was wrongly spelt in previous story. Even though I got response from people who has seen my profile. My mail id was Coming to the story, My Mom and Younger sister went out for...
IncestHello dear ISS readers, its me Shakeel again with another great experience of mine. I am really very thankful to all of you who have liked my pervious story, and are continuously sending me very appreciative feedback. It gave me lot of courage to write down my new experience which happened a month before. For new readers, let me give you a brief introduction, I m 27 years old guy, 5feet 9” in height with chubby body. I am from Karachi. Last month I went to Peshawar for my holidays. One day I...
The Education of Heather Part 5 Heathers back door is opened That was one of the hottest fuck scenes I have ever seen, said Jason, rising up from behind the camera. I hope the lens didnt fog up! Mike why dont you go shower, but Heather, I want you to stay on the bed for a few more minutes. Mike rose from the bed and padded off in the direction of the bathroom. Heather stretched out on her back, one arm reaching up behind her head, shaping her wondrous breasts into perfect globes. Her other...
Parts 1 and 2 are in my profile!!So after I had been exposed to Andrea as a sissy I knew I had to just give in to my urges and finally try going out in public as a girl. It was made even more clear when Andrea started to text me pictures. She was sending pictures of her text conversations with her friends where she was telling them what a small dick I had and was showing themthis picture she took of me naked. At the time she had told me to pose naked for her and cover my dick with a sticky...