CagedChapter 2 Oral Exams free porn video

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After about two hours of sleep, the girl was woken by someone poking her with a stick. "Hey! Wake up."

"Huh? Wha?" she mumbled groggily.

"What's your name?"

"Sharon," she said, and put her head back down to sleep.

"Wrong answer," said her master.

Before she knew it, she was being dragged out of the cage, and thrown on the bed. By the time she was fully awake, she was tied down, on her back, spread eagle on the full-size bed. A loop of rope, from under each corner, held down an arm or leg.

Master Thomas was standing at the foot, between her legs, naked. His cock was fully erect. Held in his hands an inch wide black leather belt. "Now, tell me again: What is your name?"

The slave realized her mistake. "Oh, Master! I'm so sorry. I wasn't awake. I have no name. I'm just a slave."

He nodded. "It is clear that your mouth knows this, but your mind doesn't. I need to train you, so you'll remember."

Her still groggy mind looked down at the belt with fear. "I'll remember, Master. I swear I will."

"That's right. You will." He tapped the folded up belt in his hands. "Since this is your first time, we'll only do ten lashes. With each hit, I want you to say your phrase. What's the phrase?"

The terrified girl was weeping. Tears rolled down her cheeks and sides of her face. "I-I have no name. I'm just a slave."

"Very good. We won't go to the next lash until you say it. Understand?"

Still crying, she nodded. "Yes, Master."

"Very good. Let's get started." Thomas lashed out with his belt.

The slave screamed in pain, as the belt landed directly on her newly shaved pussy. "Please, Master," she wept. "Please stop."

He lashed out again, hitting the same spot.

She screamed again.

He shook his head. "We're still on number one. I told you, we won't go on until you say the phrase."

With tear-blurred eyes, she looked at him. If anything, his erection was even harder and higher. "I ... I have no name." She paused to get a breath. "I'm just a slave."

"Good. Here comes number two." It struck the same spot again.

She screamed and wept some more.

Thomas prepared to strike again. "If you don't say it quick, it won't count."

"IhavenonameI'mjustaslave," she blurted out.

"Very good." He whipped her pussy again.

With each hit, she thought she was going to pass out. But she didn't.

By the time they got to number ten, she was weeping so badly, her words were barely intelligible.

Thomas dropped the belt and shook his head. "That was horrible. It is obvious you need a lot more training."

With no warning, he leapt in the air, and landed on the bed, shoving his cock into his slave's tight pussy.

She screamed as her bruised labia were forced apart.

"You're so wet!" he whispered in her ear. "Getting beat must really turn you on."

She was in too much agony to reply.

"Tell me again: What's your name?"

She fought through the pain, and answered. "I have no name. I'm just a slave."

"That's my girl." He raised his pelvis, pulling his cock completely out, then slammed it back in again.

She cried out.

"Tell me again," he whispered in her ear.

She moaned, as the pleasure she felt inside, competed with the pain outside. "Ooo, I have no name, Master. I am only your slave."

"Very good." He proceeded to pump her hard and fast, taking no consideration for her pleasure.

"Please," she begged. "Not so hard."

He ignored her pleas.

She groaned under his merciless pounding.

As he came, he shoved his dick in deep, as his cock pumped load after load of sperm into her. That set off an orgasm in her.

She moaned as he pulled his wilting penis out.

He rose and unbound her arms and legs. "Now, do you think you can remember?"

Still crying, she sniffed. "Yes, Master."

"Because, next time, I'll have to be rough on you." He pinched her bruised clit.

She cried out, in either pain or pleasure, or both.

He shoved her off the bed. She landed on her ass, with a boom.

With no leash at hand, Thomas hooked two fingers under her collar, and pulled her back to her cage.

"Get in," he ordered, "and get some more sleep."

She crawled in, and he closed and locked the gate.

He walked out of the lit room, leaving her alone and caged.

As her adrenaline wore off, the full pain from the beating took hold. Her whole crotch felt like it was on fire, and in the cramped cage, she could not spread her legs. So she couldn't try to soothe the hurt. All she could do was lay there; and feel her pussy throb and burn. Even though she was bone tired, the pain kept her awake for hours.

When she did sleep, her dreams were even more graphic. She was on her hands and knees before Master Thomas, licking his black leather sneakers. As he was sitting there, he was whipping her ass and back with a long tree branch, just like her father used to. All the time, he chanted, "You have no name. You have no name."

She woke up with a rock hard clit and a sopping wet and swollen pussy, neither of which she could touch; and both of which burned from the torture before.

It's amazing how you can hurt and feel good at the same time, mused the girl, as she tried to get back to sleep.

She was dreaming about being gang raped by a dozen men, all of whom looked like Master Thomas, when she was woken by a loud voice. "Wake up. Wake up!"

It was the real Master Thomas, standing before her naked. "What's your name?"

"I don't have a name. I'm just a slave," she answered automatically. She didn't know how long she'd been asleep, but it wasn't long enough. She was still tired, and having trouble thinking straight.

"Very good," he said, sticking the clasp of the leash through a hole in the bars, close to her face. "Attach this to your collar."

When she did, he pulled on the leash, so her face was next to the bars. He got on his knees, and stuck his flaccid cock through the bars in front of her face.

"You have some experience with this. Let's see how good a cocksucker you are."

"But ... but it's not hard."

"You're supposed to get it hard."

Tears formed in her eyes. "How?"

Thomas sighed, let go of the leash, and stepped back. "You've go a lot to learn..."

Suddenly, this man's opinion of her meant a great deal to her. "I-I'm sorry," she said mournfully.

"It's okay. It just means that you have more to learn than I thought. You'll learn it today." He walked around and unlocked the padlock on the gate.

She crawled out of her confinement. "I want to learn, Master." And to her amazement, she really did. She just wasn't saying that to make him happy.

"I know."

She started to stand.

"Be careful." He stood by to catch her.

This time, there was no cramping. Just a head rush and dizziness for a few seconds.

"Today, we're starting your training schedule. Before you eat each day, I'll teach you a new position or technique. Today, there's two lessons, to keep you on schedule. After breakfast, you'll have physical training. After that you'll be ready for another meal. Then, I will use you however I see fit. It will teach you what it really means to submit."

The word, and what this might entail, made her shiver, in the overly cold room.

"Finally, a shower, and off to bed.

"Any questions?"

She hesitated, but so far, she hadn't been punished for any question. "When will I get a name?"

"That will be up to your final owner."

This confused her. "Final owner?"

Thomas retrieved the dangling leash, and lead her to the bed. "I implied it yesterday, but never said it. Right now, I am your master, but I am just a trainer.

"Get on the bed, Slave."

"A trainer?" she asked, as she crawled on.

"That's right. I'll train you to be a good obedient slave then sell you to one of my customers."

He pulled a device out from under the bed. "Arch your back, please."

"Who-who's my final owner?" she asked, as she tried to do as he instructed

Thomas shoved the butt plug up her ass, and immediately inflated it.

She cried out in pain. "Not again!"

"I told you that this is part of your training. Until I am convinced you will obey and behave, unquestioningly, you will be wearing it every day.

She started to weep. "But it hurts so much!"

"That's the idea.

"Now, you were asking who your final owner will be. I have no idea. You were not a commission. I will put you up for auction, and you will go to the highest bidder."

She shivered and nodded.

"Today, we are going to practice doggie-style sex. Do you know what that is?"

She rolled her eyes. "I'm not stupid."

He pushed the button, and she shrieked in pain, writhing on the bed.

"Slaves do not give attitude. Even if she thinks a question is dumb, she answers it 'Yes, Master, ' or 'No, Master.' Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master," she said, getting shakily back on her hands and knees.

"Do you know what doggie-style sex is?"

"Yes, Master."

"Rear-entry, or doggie-style sex is almost as easy as the classic missionary we did yesterday. While the woman can just stay motionless, and let the man do all the work, as a slave, you will show your gratitude to your master, for allowing you access to his cock, by pushing back against him. It is fairly intuitive. You'll get the rhythm quickly.

"We'll start with you putting your head and tits on the bed, and your ass in the air. Just like when we removed the plug last night."

The girl held up her hand. "Before we start, do you have any more of that magic ointment you used last time?"

He smiled. "That 'magic ointment' was just regular K-Y Jelly. It didn't do anything."

She scratched her head. "Then why did you rub it on me?"

"Do you know what a placebo is?"

The slave looked puzzled. "Is that a card game?"

Thomas took a minute to think of another tact. "Because you thought the ointment would make you horny, you became horny on your own. Thinking the ointment was 'magic' allowed you to release the slut in you that might not have come out."

She pondered this for a few seconds. "Wow. That's really tricky."

The trainer got up off the bed, and headed toward the door. "And speaking of ointments, I almost forgot..." He returned with what looked like a jar of cold cream.

"Turn over and spread your legs," he ordered. "I whipped you pretty hard with my belt last night, especially for a first time. I want to make sure you are in good working order."

He showed her the jar. "This is not a placebo. This will help relieve any aches or pains you got from last night."

She talked softly to herself. "I'd almost convinced myself that it had been a dream." She reached in and scooped out some to the white substance. "Feels like cold cream."

Thomas nodded. "That's its base. It contains several other medicines to relieve muscle aches and bruises.

She rubbed it over her clit, labia, and where her bush used to be. Instantly the fiery ache went away. "That feels good. Cool!" she said with a smile.

"Good. Now, get back in position. I'm about to fuck you from behind."

"Wait, Master," she cried, as she stuck her ass in the air. "I'm not ready."

"Not wet enough?"

"That's right," she said in a small voice.

"That's okay," he said, as he drove his cock deep into her pussy.

"Oh God!" she cried out.

"When you're a slave, it's all about what your master wants, not what you want. He'll fuck you, whether you are ready or not."

He pulled his cock out. "No, you're plenty wet."

He slammed his dick all the way in, his balls hitting her clit. "Though not as wet as last night, when I beat you."

"You're so deep!" she cried. "Deeper than before."

"Now, when I push in, you push back. Got it?"

"Yes, Master," she said as he pulled out.

As he thrust forward, she pushed back. Hard.

"Yes! That's it. That's a good slave."

Thomas set up a steady rate, and his slave matched it thrust for thrust.

As he got close to coming, he stopped moving all together, and had his slave do all the work. She vigorously slammed herself into his hard cock. "So close!" she cried. "Almost there!"

With a cry she slammed her pussy one last time, and came. Thomas came too, spraying her womb with his cum.

She pulled out, and collapsed on the bed. "God! That was hot!" she exclaimed.

Her master laid down beside her. "Wasn't this better than the first time?"

She nodded, "Just as you said, Master."

After they had caught their breath, Thomas laid on his side, looking at the girl. "The second lesson today, I think you'll like also. Yesterday, you learned about your sex organs. Today you'll learn about mine."

He propped himself up on his elbows, and spread his legs, so she could crawl between. "First of all, explore for yourself. Touch, stroke, and feel all you want. You can squeeze, but not too hard." He waved the remote in front of her. "I hurt, you hurt. Understand, Slave?"

She paled. "Yes, Master."

Tentatively, at first, she examined Thomas' genitals.

"So, tell me about Kyle."

"Not much to tell. He was a jerk."

"How so?"

"After I gave him my first blowjob, he bragged about it to his friends. It spread around the school."

"I see."

"He then showed a picture of me topless, which he took with his phone. He said he'd send it to the whole school if I didn't give him another blowjob."

"So you did."

"Yeah. And the jerk sent the picture anyway."

He shook his head. "That's a shame. Tell me about the two oral sessions."

"Not much to tell. He spurted about ten seconds after I started."

"And when he came in your mouth?"

"I spat into the trash, of course."

"With me, and whoever your final master is, that won't happen. Every drop of a master's cum is precious. You will swallow every bit."

Part of her expected this, but wasn't too thrilled. She nodded her head in agreement.

The slave twisted and turned the shaft of her master's penis; seeing how flexible it was. This got him hard. The girl shook her head in amazement. "I can't get over how something so small, soft, can get so big, hard."

"I will give you some instructions on giving head. I do not claim to be an expert, as I have never performed fellatio. But I do know what I like.

"The whole penis is sensitive, especially when erect. But some areas are super sensitive, and feel real good. The underside of the shaft, the rim of the head, and the tip, also called the glans, are main ones. As you practice, find out what works. You will develop your own style. No two women do it the same.

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Phoebes Oral Sex Guide The Pleasure of Fellatio

Men like a woman to play with their penis. To them it is their most important appendage and needs lots of attention by their lover. If you've never just taken the time to look at the male member, I suggest asking your man to get naked and lay on the bed while you inspect it. Feel free to ask him questions about it. I've never met a man who doesn't like to show himself off, and when you do it for the first time, this type of foreplay can lead to very satisfying sex for both of you. It is my...

4 years ago
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Olympia Washington ORAL ALLSTAR

My visit to the capital of the State of Washington, Olympia, was not disappointing as your very own LESLIE LANCASTER made me feel extremely welcumed!Leslie is a bartender in downtown Olympia and after a few hours of serving me (and herself) some drinks, her shift ended and she came over to sit with me. We talked and drank for a few hours as she told me about her boyfriend and how big of an asshole he was being lately. This is the obvious sign to pick up on that a girl is open to play ball so...

1 year ago
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I was sitting around the kitchen counter the other day with Beth, my sexy, GILF girlfriend, and her best friend, Susan. Both are 61 years old, in terrific shape, both blondes, both with lithe, limber and well preserved bodies, as they both work out religiously. Beth’s about 5-8, weighs a willowy 125 pounds, and Susan’s a bit shorter, 5-5 or so, and a more solid, thicker 130 or so pounds.They both drive me nuts, sexually, Beth of course, because I’m with her, but Susan as well, though I’d never...

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The Food Store Females Only Oral Delights

The Food (Female Only Oral Delights) StoreMarty was surprised to find his girlfriend, Susan, so excited when he came to her apartment for lunch. She told him she would have a big surprise lunch for his birthday. Marty was hoping it would be between her gorgeous legs, because she knew how much he loved to go down on her.She jumped up and down clapping her hands like a little girl. “You’re gonna LOVE this; I could hardly wait to give it to you!”She handed him a small blue gift card for $50 to The...

Oral Sex
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Teen Neighbor Girl Loves Mature Cocks and Oral Sex

My name is Ryan, and my wife, Karen, and I moved to Charleston at the age of forty-four, after having lived in Atlanta since graduating from college. I have a degree in mechanical engineering and, after a long career working as an engineer, I moved to Charleston to begin my career as a manufacturer’s representative. Karen, with her degree in education and years of experience teaching, got a job in a high school here.Our son, Jason, graduated from college and moved to Charleston to begin his...

1 year ago
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Gagged an Oral Surgeon encounter

A month has gone by, time for my appointment. This is just a consult, I'm expecting some paperwork, someone poking around my mouth, and some x-rays to see if I'm a good candidate or not. The check in goes smooth, I fill out a dozen pages of consents and acknowledgment of terms-of-services forms. Then they bring me back and park me in a dental procedure chair for the consult. This is where something went wrong, or right, hard to say, but I ended up being totally into it. A nurse comes...

1 year ago
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Medicine by mouth Part 4 Oral Olympics

Kelly had become the busiest girl at the Oral Olympics... but she was quite accustomed to being kept busy. In her hometown, she worked as a receptionist at a job-seeking agency, provided free blowjobs to all the males in the 5-story office building where she worked, AND worked as both an Escort and street whore. Was this girl addicted to money that she worked so hard? Not at all... what she WAS addicted to, was having countless nice hard cocks in her mouth. Her only reason for working at the...

Group Sex
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Filthy Femdoms Forced Oralpart 8

____________________________________________ After the loathsome degradation from the madam and her well paying friend, my mind went into what could be called a baseline survival mode, in which I gave myself over fully to my extreme craving for the disgusting acts I was forced to perform, and a mindless obedience, and even a simpering, serving loyalty to the countless women who shamed me while I cleaned them of their most intimate toiletry efforts. Women of great...

2 years ago
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A story of a woman who needs oral sex and her husband8217s fixation with women having sex with dogs and how they work it out

Darlene was smiling with anticipation as she unlocked and opened the car door. Her nylons whispered as she sat in the overly sun warmed car, swung her slim legs in and shut the door. She started the car and cranked up the air conditioning as sweat beaded on her upper lip above a wide sensuous mouth. She placed her purse and well worn Bible in the front seat. The lap belt was fine around her small waist but she had a hard time adjusting the shoulder belt over her breasts as usual and had to...

2 years ago
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The Truth About Oral Sex Clubs

The Truth About Oral Sex Clubs By billy69boy Beth and Mary have a half s****r named Katy, who we don’t get to see very much since she moved away. She visited with us last weekend, and I’d forgotten how adorable she was. Her long, light brown hair frames her big brown eyes in a way that melts your heart. She is tall and thin, with a skinny little waist, which accentuates her formidable ass and hips. It’s hard to believe she has a three year old daughter, who stayed at home with her...

4 years ago
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Lansing Michigan ORAL ALLSTAR

My visit to the state capital of Michigan in Lansing was without a doubt, a lesson in the good that can come out of kindness. By good I mean getting to bust a nut in a sexy girls face just for being kind as I'll explain.So I was at a conference full of college juniors and seniors who were there to network and listen to speakers and such. It was a suit/dress type of gathering which gets annoying but regardless it has its advantages. We had all just sat down for dinner (500+ people) as the...

2 years ago
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The Oral Only Affair

“WTF??? Your boyfriend won’t give you oral sex? Why?”  The little black box popped up with a reply a few seconds later saying, “I tried to get him to without being pushy but it is not his thing,” she replied. “Get rid of him! Life is too short to waste on a guy that will not eat pussy,” I typed via IM. “I really like him. He is cute and so nice,” she answered. The IM’s continued over the next few weeks, both of us having fun talking dirty and both of us knowing it will not progress any further....

Oral Sex
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The Truth About Oral Sex Clubs

The Truth About Oral Sex ClubsBy billy69boyBeth and Mary have a half sister named Katy, who we don’t get to see very much since she moved away. She visited with us last weekend, and I’d forgotten how adorable she was. Her long, light brown hair frames her big brown eyes in a way that melts your heart. She is tall and thin, with a skinny little waist, which accentuates her formidable ass and hips. It’s hard to believe she has a three year old daughter, who stayed at home with her...

4 years ago
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Dear Steven A Fans Oral Fixation

Dear Steven, I know you list your stories as PETTYBOX, but always think of you as Steven in my fantasies, so I will keep it that way. I first read your Steven "Sig" Grayson stories when I was away from my home. I work in sales and spend 2 or 3 nights a week away and I began getting horny almost the first night I spent in a hotel away and alone. I love your perspective and style of erotic writing only because you don't get off the path of reality. Everything is feasible, where so many other...

1 year ago
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Oral Heat

We walked up the stairs with our clothes in one hand and a drink in the other. When we got to her bedroom, the door was closed and I hard the shower running. I asked: "So who's here?" She smiled and told me: "I invited a friend over and I know you are going to love her. Literally!" We walked into the room and there were clothes in a trail going from the bed to the bathroom. The water stopped running, and we saw an Collegel woman's head looked out from the shower and said: "Oh hi! I didn't hear...

4 years ago
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Phoebes Oral Sex Guide The Pleasure of Cunnilingus

Dedicated to Ted, the best face I ever had I have been asked to write this tutorial about what a woman wants from a man as it pertains to oral sex. I am actually going to address both women and men because even though it's the man who usually performs the act on the woman; there are plenty of women who don't really know what they want or how to ask for it. Introduction: Most women want oral sex from their men, even the ones who protest that they don't. I feel that any woman who won't...

3 years ago
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Oral sex with wife and sister in law

Introduction: On a normal Friday-evening having oral sex with my wife and her sister Oral sex with wife and sister in law It was Friday-evening and my sister in law, Aisha, was planning to stay the weekend with me and my wife Layla. I love my wife and we have a good sex-life, but every time I see Aisha, I got excited. I cannot resist myself jerking off now and then while having a fantasy about my sister in law. It is half past eight that Friday and we are sitting in the living room and watch...

1 year ago
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Unexpected Oral Sex With My Friend8217s Sister

Hi everyone.. I’m Rahul mane the young engineer with passionate to make love make up with new story this story is for Indian sex stories reader.Keep reading and please feedback me because I’m new here. So I’m 19 year with 5.8 inch rode.But not use in this story. In sex there is most important thing is oral sex the first step towards making love and pleasure. In this story I will tell you how I involved in oral sex expectedly with my friend’s sister. So I’m fair and tall with gym body and the...

2 years ago
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Olympia Washington ORAL ALLSTAR

My visit to the capital of the State of Washington, Olympia, was not disappointing as your very own LESLIE LANCASTER made me feel extremely welcumed!Leslie is a bartender in downtown Olympia and after a few hours of serving me (and herself) some drinks, her shift ended and she came over to sit with me. We talked and drank for a few hours as she told me about her boyfriend and how big of an asshole he was being lately. This is the obvious sign to pick up on that a girl is open to play ball so...

2 years ago
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Jaq Needs Oral Badly

One evening last week, Jaq turned to me and said that she really misses oral sex with more than just the two of us. Paul and Kathy are regular playmates of ours, one phone call and all is arranged.I told Jaq that Paul and Kathy would be coming over on Saturday evening, I had informed Paul that Jaq just wanted an evening of oral sex. Paul said he would advise Kathy of the plan and would see us on Saturday.Saturday arrived and Jaq was really feeling horny, after a wonderful shagging session, we...

Oral Sex
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Neighbour Passes Oral Exam

Hi Readers, Have you ever had a hot neighbor who seduces you and lets you fuck her brains out? Well, it happened to me. I was living in Hyderabad. We had a neighbor Mumtaz, who lived on the same floor, she was studying and she too lived with her parents, this happened when her parents were out of town and she was alone. Now about Mumtaz, she was a sweet, good-looking girl, inspire of being a Muslim, they were not conservative and she wore all kind of modern dresses like skirts, jeans, tops that...

3 years ago
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Studying for an oral exam

Three days until the deadline and four thousand words to write. That's two thousand today and the rest tomorrow, then a quick re-read and edit on the last day. Although you don't want to over do it otherwise you'll never pass – so say just four hours of writing a day, then relax and watch telly for the rest – and maybe have a couple of drinks for all the hard work. Five hundred words an hour then: piece of cake! Oh yeah, and those books first... Of course, if Carman didn't spend so much time...

4 years ago
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grade 9 exams

A few really caught my i have jerked off thinking about them many many times...the first one was tracy she was 18 in grade 12 5ft10 black hair beautiful face pouty lips.108lbs 32 c breast long legs and the tightest most round little ass ...the next was katie she was only 14 she honestly looked like a barbie doll..the face of a model..she kinda had britney spears face when she was 16.. katie was very petite maybee 98lbs had small 32 b tits but her too had one hell of a sweet ass on...

1 year ago
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Daves Oral Exam

“So you’ll do anything, David.” Said Professor James, smiling at me evily from the other side of the desk. “Yes. Anything” I gulped hesitantly. “I really need to pass these exams.” He got up and walked round the desk. Then he slowly walked round me, inspecting my slim form from all sides. I was wearing a tight fitting shirt and tight fitting trouser. I had been reliably informed in the University canteen that James would go wild for that. He walked over to the door and shut it, putting the lock...

3 years ago
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The Orals

The Oral’s You know there is a lot of talk about the sexes and this has been going on for years. Men fuck women, and vise a versa, and that is that. We have men, women and nothing else. I really feel that there should be a third accepted category. The Oral’s. The Oral’s are pretty normal people, they work and pay taxes, they have families they love and they take care of. But there is something special about the Oral’s that just regular men and women are missing. You see the orals are so in...

4 years ago
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Spending Oral Time with Sis and Her Boyfriend

Anyway, sometime during the summer months we were in the bedroom together, naked as usual. We had smoked a couple of joints and she was sucking my long cock when the phone rang. She hesitated, then decided to answer it . . . but continued to stroke my shaft. "Oh, hi Mom. What's up?" She gave me a puzzled look and a shrug of her shoulders. "Emma? Come here? Two weeks? Aw, I don't know Mom. I..." Mollie stopped playing with my rod and now looked concerned. "Of course I miss her. I miss...

3 years ago
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Oral Love To Blow

This was the beginning of the episode on oral stimulation, but obviously, some issues had to be ironed out as it started to become routine in loveplay. The greatest one of all to me was having to transform oral stimulation into oral sex proper, and that mean't "going all the way". We discussed semen, taste, etc and finally agreed that experiment was the way to go, and will come soon. We still enjoyed normal sex tremendously. The crunch came when a few months down the line, we were bogged...

3 years ago
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Expanding my oral horizons

After my extensive practice with G. I considered myself already a fellatio virtuoso… however I had done that with only one guy…and I wanted to see if I could apply my techniques to other guys as well….but it wasn’t easy…I was propositioned loads of time….but I didn’t want to become a girlfriend to someone…I didn’t want to deal with the drama, the possessive attitude...the jealousy that seemed to be the norm with guys of the same age as me… The concept of friends with benefits was not common in...

1 year ago
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Wingate Chronicles Oral Quickie Class

In the future, sexual repression will be considered especially heinous. Enlightened parents will enroll their 16 year olds in sexual schools, which include rigorous college preparation. In the United States, female graduates of the Wingate school are members of an elite squad known as the Wingate Girls. These are their stories. One of the most important classes for Wingate First Year girls was Basic Oral, commonly called BJ 101. The prerequisite for enrollment? Each 16 year old was to have...

Oral Sex
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Lansing Michigan ORAL ALLSTAR

My visit to the state capital of Michigan in Lansing was without a doubt, a lesson in the good that can come out of kindness. By good I mean getting to bust a nut in a sexy girls face just for being kind as I'll explain.So I was at a conference full of college juniors and seniors who were there to network and listen to speakers and such. It was a suit/dress type of gathering which gets annoying but regardless it has its advantages. We had all just sat down for dinner (500+ people) as the...

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