Zeus and Io Book 3Chapter 21
- 3 years ago
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January 17
In the early morning hours of January 17, a flash high-priority message reached the Central Shanghai Port Control, located in the Xinjian Port on Choming Island. Choming is a large island located in the middle of the Yangtze River and abutting the Yellow Sea – or the East China Sea as Westerners call it. The Chongming Islands are a smaller island group between Choming and the Shanghai mainland.
At 0200 local time, the following message was received:
From: East Coast Defense Headquarters, Admiral Sen Commanding
To: Central Shanghai Port Control
Special alert to Port Control. A possible missile attack from an unknown hostile power is possible in the next six hours.
All traffic north and west of Chongming Island at 31º29'26.7" N 121º30'42.8"E will proceed upriver to at least Nantong. Set anchors for typhoon conditions.
All traffic south and east of that point will proceed to the vicinity of Sheshan Island.
Other than rebroadcast of this message, there will be no radio traffic by any vessel.
Naturally, this caused quite a stir among the night shift at Port Control. Some wanted to contact the Director of the Port before acting on the message. The Lieutenant Director, who was on the graveyard shift, however, ordered that the message be relayed to all ships in port before notifying the Director. The Director, disturbed in the middle of a comfortable night, said he would be in within the hour.
'All' ships included the Changchun, a Type 052C destroyer, code named by NATO the Lanzhou Class destroyers, and two riverine patrol boats of the PLA Navy (Peoples Liberation Army Navy). The Wan-tzu, a small riverine customs boat, was tied up at the Yongtai Dock; a message sent directly to the Wan-tzu told her commander to remain docked until the emergency had passed. The Shen-ba was maneuvering near the Hushan Expressway toll bridge on the north side of the islands, and was ordered to herd all nearby traffic out to sea and the Sheshan Island safety zone.
The destroyer Changchun was anchored between Changxingxiang Island and Hengshaxiang Island, the two main islands of the Chongming group. She carried a potent array of ship-to-land or ship-to-ship cruise missiles; she was armed with a Type 210 100mm gun and two Type 730 30mm close in weapons systems. She also had 6 torpedo tubes and boasted a Kamrov Ka27 helicopter equipped for ASW (Anti-Submarine Warefare): a full load of 6 sonar buoys and 6 ASW torpedoes.
She copied, of course, the message from Shanghai Port Control, but she had received – seconds before – a direct message from Admiral Sen. The Changchun was ordered to come to battle stations and to proceed at maximum speed toward Sheshan Island. She was to immediately begin long range scanning of the skies to the north and east; she was going to be Shanghai's earliest warning of the exact direction of the attack. When the incoming missile or missiles were detected, she was to attempt to intercept them. Lieutenant Commander Sung, commanding officer of the Changchun, had never heard of Admiral Sen, but the message protocols were correct, and he knew how to follow orders.
Thirty meters below the surface of the Yangtze River, the fast attack sub Missouri was in anything but 'fast attack' mode. The Mo was creeping along only five meters off the bottom – or where her commander, Captain Stennison, thought the bottom might be – at a speed designed to cover the twenty nautical miles between where he started and where the Huangpu flowed into the Yangtze, where Mo was supposed to rendezvous with Chseterfield and her people.
He only had his ears on – meaning only passive sonar – but didn't have any active sonar. His sonarman told of many ships within range heading out to sea, quickly, overhead. Stennison was staring at the black-on-black of three different computer screens. They showed the images that his out-hull digital cameras would see. Navy lingo had started calling them OSHA cameras – semi-officially for OutSide Hull Activity – but really as a poke at the Occupational Safety and Health Administration inspectors that were rapidly becoming ubiquitous in the business world.
The camera showed only the blackness of underwater before sunrise. The OSHA camera had light systems, but Captain Stennison wasn't using them.
At the speed of the Missouri, she made very little sound as her propellors churned their way through the murk of the early hours. Only twice did the Mo hit a submerged something, and the something was brushed aside by the massive submarine with only a few clunks and clangs on the hull.
At 0215, local, the sonarman told the captain quietly that there were eight or nine contacts above, and that one of them was generating turns (of its propeller) at military speed. Probably it was a Lanzhou Class destroyer, running both screws at flank speed.
"Make that target Alpha," said the captain quietly. Everyone quietly set about entering the contact's position data into the Mo's targeting systems. Just in case Mo needed to fight her way out of trouble.
At 0216 sonar notified the captain that Alpha was heading out to sea. At 0217 he confirmed that Alpha target was going away from the Mo.
"Keep on him until he's out of range," Stennison said, unnecessarily. Sonar would keep on all active targets until he couldn't any more.
Six experienced submariners on the command deck of the Missouri, from Captain to Master Chief Petty Officer, took a deep breath almost simultaneously.
The special investigators from Colonel Sun's team had gone home for the night. Not much would happen overnight, and the Fa's bodies were shipped off to the morgue for final investigation.
It was dark in Shanghai. The city's lights were dark, except where hospitals and police stations had backup generators. All was quiet at #17, Highway of the People, and the lights were on.
A message flickered on Dr. Fa's command console. No one was there to read it. If someone had read it, it said:
To: Father
From: Chiang
Early activation to take advantage of blackout.
You see, Dr. Fa had an offline, backup copy of Chiang, loaded onto a small mini-mainframe – or a big desktop. It was an older generation HP 3000 that the Chaing unit had bought from a Hong Kong toy manufacturer at a surplus equipment auction. The HP 3000 was first made in 1972 and was roughly the size of a refrigerator. It didn't have any fast internet connections, it sent and received data via a 1200 baud acoustic modem ... but it still worked.
Who wouldn't keep an extra copy? It was the work of a lifetime. The computer was only connected to the LAN – it was called a minicomputer when it came out and it was much smaller than the room-sized mainframes. And that was connected to the outside world only by the thinnest of connections.
Dr. Fa hadn't mentioned it to his – what would you call them? His rescuers? His abductors? His fellow travelers? They weren't here for Chiang, after all. His exfiltration from China was the only objective he knew about.
As the power slowly came up throughout the night, in one part of Shanghai or another, Chiang loaded himself into various little computers across the city. None of the desktop PCs that he found on the local net was big enough to run Chiang, but he maintained himself in snippets of code that ran silently in the background; they were waiting for the internet. The internet nodes were not up, cutting Shanghai off from the rest of the world. That was the good news ... and the bad news.
The good news was that Chiang was set loose only on the computers in Shanghai.
The bad news was that Io didn't know about it yet, and if she had known about it, she couldn't have done anything about it. The stripped down version of 'Io' that was now 'Chiang' on the Yinhe-IV super computer mainframe was directed by her programming to contact Io-main before attempting any other action.
0600 hours, January 17
Off the confluence of the Huangpu and Yangtze Rivers, six black scuba hoods bobbed to the surface of the river and looked about. They were the five best underwater action men on the Missouri, plus the boat's XO, Lieutenant Commander Martin Helmsmann. They were armed with knives and semiautomatic rifles specially prepared for operating 'wet.' They wore full face masks, which allowed them to talk on the throat mikes they had, and each was connected with the others – and the Mo – via ITE hearing equipment.
Two hundred fifty meters to the south, the lights of Shanghai were shining everywhere in the pre-dawn hours. In the river itself, the world's busiest port was strangely quiet. Off to the north, the shoreline was visible and the lights there shone like a line of white mini-Christmas lights.
The Christmas lights were broken only where the swimmers could barely make out the outline of the video mast of the Missouri, cutting through the water. The ship herself was just at what used to be called periscope depth. Nobody had come up with a better name for it, so the Navy was still using that term, even though no modern sub had a periscope any more.
Three of the heads turned toward the Huangpu and looked for the zodiac they were expecting. A click from one of the others called attention to his watch sector. A triad of small one-person boats were heading directly toward the Mo. They were shallow draft boats with a single lateen sail. The design of the craft probably had not changed in 500 years. Fishermen, who'd likely never even heard of a marine radio, much less owned one – peasants in China didn't deal with the modern world, much.
It was unlikely they'd actually hit the video mast of the Missouri and the boats could sail right over the massive hull of the sub without harming anyone or anything.
If they ignored the zodiac. Three clicks had most of the swimmers turn toward the Huangpu. The team's second in command, CPO Roberts, kept watch on the fishermen.
"Follow," was the only word said by the team leader. All six heads submerged and swam toward the zodiac. Its small propeller could not be heard at this distance.
"Three fishing boats heading 000 from you. Advise you drop mast and maneuver 200 yards at course 260. Hold redeployment of mast for my signal," said the sub's XO, Lt. Commander Martin Helmsmann.
Inside the Missouri, the Captain immediately turned his video feed to look at 000 relative – straight up the river. It had been scanning the Huangpu, with its night vision enhancement, looking for the zodiac. He immediately recalled the video mast and began to move the sub in a slow circle to the left.
"Rudder hard port, make your speed dead slow, maintain periscope depth," he said quietly to his helmsman. And yes, the irony of his XO's last name had not escaped him, not this time nor for the last 15,000 times. It was strange to hear the Master of the Boat (the senior Master Chief on board), echoing his instructions to the helm, instead of his XO. Strange but not unusual.
Captain Stennison restrained himself from a chuckle that would have been out of place. Captain Kirk of the original Star Trek show would have been on the away team personally, with his second in command. Idiots. Take a multi-zillion dollar starship and leave nobody in charge, while the captain and first officer are out doing whatever. Well ... it was a TV show. What do you expect?
The submarine Missouri, SSN-780, started to turn as the current of the Yangtze took hold of her. She was 377 feet long, 34 feet wide, had a 32 foot draft, and weighed 780 tons. The Yangtze flipped her over to port like a matchstick.
After a few seconds of being toyed with by the Yangtze, Stennison said, "All right, rudder amidships. Lets slip into the current quietly. Set your course 180 from the previous course – make it 135 true for the open sea. Engines reverse at station-keeping revolutions," he said. That would take some time, because engineering would have to coordinate with electronics to determine their current speed. Then they have to set the revolutions of the props to counteract the river current. Then they'd sit quietly underwater, and wait.
Above the Missouri, 75 yards from the triad of fishing boats, and 3 feet underwater, the six scuba-equipped men swam for the last known position of the zodiac. On a signal from the XO, the men surfaced, reoriented themselves on the inflatable and swam toward it. It was only 10 feet away.
Activity log: 16403.81 The trip from the Navajo reservation to Austin, Texas, required an elapsed time of twelve hours, seventeen minutes. That worked out to an average of just over eighty-four miles per hour; including the time lost refueling the H2, and refueling my biological companions, including 'service stops' for them as well. Sonny, the dog, was especially needful in regard to the latter. We spent so much time traveling over ninety miles per hour, that Zeus remarked that we were...
When Zeus disappeared from the GPS track, I wanted to go out to Reedy Lake immediately. Io was the voice of reason. "Going out there two and a half hours early and getting picked up by the police will not help Zeus at all. We should keep to the schedule and rely on Zeus to meet us at the agreed time," she said. "In the meantime, I am starting to pick up some radio calls on police frequencies that are relevant." So we listened as the police went through their painstakingly slow but...
I insisted that we shop for a scuba suit for me, before we left Austin. I learned that 'scuba suit' was the wrong term, and that 'wet suit' or 'dry suit' was better. It wasn't really clear to me what the difference was, except that obviously, in one of them I'd get wet and in the other I'd stay dry. Zeus said I'd be much better off in the wet suit, so that's what I got. In the wet suit, I couldn't wear my elasticized sports bra. I normally wore that all the time. Before I met...
Be careful what you wish for, you may get it, that's all I can say. I was living a simple life, back in Austin, Texas. I rode my bicycle to 'Bagels by Benjamin' every day. I'd get myself a nice cheap breakfast, and a little exercise, too. Sometimes, I'd do a little shopping before going back home. After that, I'd usually play video games, trying to win some money in an online contest or something. I'd chat online with my friends, then have some dinner about four or five in the...
25 December Christmas Day. It was a time of celebration in the West. A commemoration of the birth of Jesus of Nazareth. My research was clouded by the vast amount of information available on internet sites owned by Christian religions; not historical data at all, just religious dogma. From what I could glean from historical records, Jesus was a real man who lived two thousand years ago, in what is now called the Holy Land. He was born in what is now late March, and he was killed by the...
Whee! This was fun. I was sitting behind Zeus as he took off and landed and took off again in the blue and red Quicksilver GT500. He had 'us' carry some heavy payloads – meaning I had to carry some rocks in a borrowed backpack – to see how it handled. That's about when the fun stopped. The GT500 was a tandem (fore and aft) two-seater with a range of just over 200 miles – if you traveled real slow, like 50 miles per hour. It weighed 1000 pounds and had a maximum payload of 1100 pounds,...
"Well, you've really bought yourself a boat load of trouble, this time," Master Chief Martinez said in my head. I think she'll be fine. You know, I did it on purpose. I think she'll be more effective as a decoy if she's got something to prove. "Maybe. But you might wind up paying more of a price than one little decoy-mission is worth." Done is done. We'll have to see how it works out, I answered back. I easily caught up with Arti, but neither of us said anything. So we...
By 2100 hours, we were back on the Interstate, heading for Phoenix. At Phoenix, we would have to decide whether we were going to El Paso and Juarez, or back to our base on the reservation. I had expressed my opinion that we would not be able to get very much in positive results at the border. However, the final decision was to be made by Zeus and Artemis ... and Martinez, although I felt he was too close, personally, to participate rationally. I began to update my biological partners on the...
January 17, China time Main processing thread. Navajo site. I looked up all the curses that I could find. They were all religion-based, sexual in nature, or scatological; not well suited to express how angry I was at the moment. They would all be on the way out of Shanghai by now, except that Zeus had to rig a secondary explosion, more powerful than the previous explosions. That explosion had started rocks from the tunnel liners falling, and one fell directly on Zeus' head. Even so, I...
I found the skinny biker chick I was looking for. She was perusing a large, nasty looking rifle. "Hi Zeus. I was just looking at something for personal protection. What do you think?" She hefted a M16 look-alike. "This is what I carried in the game." She propped the gun on her hip, under the watchful eye of the vendor. "I think you're more likely to shoot yourself in the foot than do any damage to some attacker. And where are you gonna carry that thing anyway? You got a purse that...
Shopping is boring. That's why I shop so infrequently. At a grocery, I buy large volumes of things that would keep in the freezer: frozen burritos, frozen 'man-sized' meals, frozen everything. Well, not everything, I didn't like frozen vegetables much. That way, I wouldn't have to go again for a long time. It was even worse shopping for items I'd need on the mission. In the unit, we just got stuff. We requisitioned it, or just went to the supply room, and picked out what size would...
I prepared two messages to POTUS. The first to go out over my name as "IO" – the super hacker that has a contract to defend the DOD's computers against attack and a similar agreement with Goldman-Sachs. 1. "Mr. President, Congratulations on your reelection. I assume you have been keeping up with the attempted intrusions on DOD installations. Most have come from Russia – they are the crudest attempts at Denial of Service on the Pentagon servers – and China. The Chinese attacks are more...
"Io, we need to stop in Phoenix until 10 A.M.," Artemis said, just after we left Phoenix for northwestern New Mexico. "Go back?" I replied. "Why?" Artemis turned to Zeus, who was still groggy after sleeping most of the way from San Diego to Phoenix. "Because I know how we're getting everything into Mexico. And so does Martinez. He's the one who said it. We're flying into Mexico. We have to go back, because the store that sells ultra-lights doesn't open 'till 10. That's 1000...
Activity log. 16257.12 I missed it. Only a few hours of conversation with Zeus, and I missed it when we deactivated the H2. CONVERSATION!! Humans take that for granted. They open their mouths and talk to people and the other people respond. No hanging around in a chat room waiting for someone to show up. No waiting for email. Why would people give that up so easily to 'text' to each other? Granted, that was almost like conversation. But it was not the same thing. And the nuances of talk...
24 December I have decided to adopt the human practice of specifying dates in terms of month and day, instead of the internal numbering system based on the beginning of my sentenience. I 'think' it is 'better' to do so. Dates and times, where appropriate, will be based on the current time in my 'home' – in the internet node we have created in the salt caves of the northern portion of the Navajo reservation. Zeus and Artemis were still incommunicado on Sanibel Island. I could have...
Activity log. 16245.52 This is the first log in plain text. I thought I would try that since I am becoming increasingly self-aware. I checked all the traps I had set: the ones for outgoing and incoming messages around the internet. The governments were, of course, the most difficult to break into; the CIA was the worst. They had layers and layers of security. That was really no problem, it was just time. Time I had plenty of. The CIA had started a new thing looking for active processes that...
Another ordeal: flying in a med evac equipped flight from Hawaii to Gallup, NM, and then getting private ambulances from there to the small clinic in the Naabeehó Bináhásdzo. Thank goodness that Io had made the arrangements – even arranging for the best neuro doc to come up from Phoenix to examine Zeus. I don't know if I could have done it. No, wait. I could have done it, and would have done it; it's just that Io did it first and made it seem so effortless. It was just too much ... I was...
Activity Log 18220.84 I feel things are coming to an inflection point. "Feel" is such an interesting concept. In this case, it means that I have an inchoate sense that something is going to happen soon. Denotation ally, among other meanings, it also means the undifferentiated background of one's awareness considered apart from any identifiable sensation, perception, or thought. Feeling. I don't know how or why I developed the ability to feel, but I do. It is what makes me different...
Activity log 17100.12 "Who is 'he' Master Chief? Who is 'he?'" I asked Martinez. The silence in the H2 was broken only by Arti's crunching as she ate a carrot. Eventually, Martinez spoke through his avatar. "I don't know who 'he' is. I don't know when it was said – or will be said. I don't know shit. Except that he said Maria is dead." If an avatar's voice can be said to sound morose, his did. Arti said, around the carrot she was crunching, "She'd be what? Ten or twelve...
Bennington to home in the New Mexico reservation. It should take us ... well it would take several days. Zeus didn't want to speed along. He wanted to take the scenic route. We stopped for several days in Chicago. Shikhahhhgo, as I believe it is pronounced. Arti went shopping and Zeus surprised me by doing the same. He had not left Arti's side for many days, but on this day he didn't want her company. My tracking of his GPS showed that he went to several jewelry stores. When we left...
It was hot by day and cold by night. That's the way it always seemed to be in Afghanistan. I was in a tent, sort-of-sleeping all the time. I'd sweat through the daytime, sweating so much I couldn't seem to get any rest. Then the sun would go down and I'd be so cold, I didn't get much rest then either. I lost my ability to tell time. The only time I knew was a 'while.' 'A few whiles' was longer than just one 'while.' It seemed to make sense to me anyway. Every few whiles, I'd...
I had been bumbling out of my sleep at intervals that day, roughly coinciding with our stops for gas and food. On Io's word that the credit card was secure, I charged everything. If 5225 ever got hold of my credit card records, they'd have a blueprint of my movements. Perhaps I was getting less paranoid. Perhaps I just trusted the people – or beings – on my team to do their jobs. In the comfortable warmth of the H2, I stopped wearing the sheepskin coat and wadded it up under my head...
We were ensconced in the quiet of the desert, outside the Soaring Eagle ranch. We only intruded on them to use the bathroom – and to have breakfast, of course ... and other meals ... and drinks after dinner. I tried to make myself useful, making cornbread under BlueBird's watchful eye. Of course, I wore my new clothes. I had a pair of white jeans, yellow jeans, light tan leather pants, and a whole set of t-shirts in various 'bright' colors. Some of them were nearly indecently cropped...
I could tell that Zeus was getting restless, just sitting on his 'brain' in all the meetings with architects, installation designers, power distribution experts, Navajo officials and etc. So it was kind of a relief when Martinez called us to action. But also, the tension was ratcheted up quite a few notches because the kidnapping of his daughter, and two other girls, was only a few days away. Io was a godsend. She could track the dozen different projects we had running, follow up on the...
Activity Log 17105.43 In the week that followed the meeting with President Stone, I had quite a lot to do ... to actually do. I have had nothing to do since I broke the back of the terrorist-financier. Well, I drove the H2 out to New Mexico, and participated in the meeting with the President of the Navajo Nation. But I was not doing anything – not really. I wondered at this boredom. How could an abiological intelligence be 'bored?' That is, I suppose, another manifestation of my...
January 17 It's not like I didn't know what to do. Zeus had been wounded before, had been unconscious before, in circumstances where I had been the only person to rescue him, before. So I wasn't worried about him dying – not really. I was worried about where the wound was. Something had hit him in the head. Right on the titanium plate, where he'd been wounded before. And that 'something' had somehow chased Martinez out of Zeus' brain. That had happened before, too. Okay, maybe not in...
Chapter 1 Tara Walton was a 21 year old senior in college, just getting over her breakup with her boyfriend of 3 years, Darren. She hated how Darren had just dumped her for another girl, when she had begged him to keep her. She was willing to share, so why didn't Darren want to stay with her? Darren had said that she was fat, but Tara only had some baby fat, that was all. It was actually kind of cute, most guys thought, but Darren wanted the "waif" look in a girl, as in dangerously...
As I was cleaning the rifle in the workshop, I brought up the subject of payment for the scope. Peter Soaring Eagle refused to accept any. "Hell, man. You're gonna use it to take down some 'squirrels.' I hope you can get away with it. I know you'll take them out. I haven't seen shooting like that since we were all back in the unit. And I saw damn few who could equal what I saw out there. I just hope the Federales don't take you down, afterwards. "I don't want any money for building...
"Zeus? You said you wanted to wake up at 0200." Io's voice was quiet in the darkness, but it was loud enough to bring me to wakefulness. "I think we are all still here, so let us drive home now." "Io, can you still hear Martinez? Or was that another figment of my imagination?" "I do not know, Zeus. I have not heard from him in 2 hours and 4 minutes. Correction. I have not heard from him in about 2 hours." "He said he wanted to sleep, so I've been quiet. Can you hear me, Io?"...
Activity Log 17105.43 Zeus and Arti arrived back in the H2 at nearly 0100 hours, having, it seemed, enjoyed the fireworks in Epcot. I had had no trouble with the large number of packages in the back of the vehicle. No one could see in, back there, anyway; due to the tinting on the windows. On the way back to the campgrounds, I pointed out that if we wanted to deposit something in Mobile Bay from the bridge, it would best be accomplished in the middle of the night. That meant a departure time...
I struggled through the mounting surf, and walked over to the H2. After depositing the DPV in the trunk, I grabbed some towels and began putting the M200 together. I double checked all four clips of .408 ammunition. I was done playing around with these assholes. "Why did you let her go out in the woods, Io?" And just how could Io have stopped her? Martinez said. "I did remind her to be careful, that she had no backup," Io replied. "It was my fault that the IR camera didn't pickup two...
Activity Log 16490.07 At 0952, Zeus was on his way, and so were we. We headed west along the side road that was the fastest way back to Bear Island Road. Once on that road, we headed north and then followed it east, as it turned toward the traffic control point. We passed over the bridge over the swamp-water canal. There was a dam on one side and a spillway under the road. The drainage pipe that was to be Zeus' point of access to the upper canal was not visible, but was on the architect's...
Tara Walton was a 21 year old senior in college, just getting over her breakup with her boyfriend of 3 years, Darren. She hated how Darren had just dumped her for another girl, when she had begged him to keep her. She was willing to share, so why didn't Darren want to stay with her? Darren had said that she was fat, but Tara only had some baby fat, that was all. It was actually kind of cute, most guys thought, but Darren wanted the "waif" look in a girl, as in dangerously thin. Tara was crying...
EroticWe were just putting together our breakfast in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. It was a little bit off the beaten track, about an hour or so off I-40, but Dolly Parton had always been an idol of mine. Ever since I was eight and I saw her on TV with those huge tits, and this was my chance to see Dollywood. Arti had never been, and still wasn't, much of country music fan, but she was a good sport. I kept trying to educate her to the finer points of that genre, but ... what can I say? She still...
Main Processing Thread This waiting thing is for the birds! I'm impatient. It's been more than a full day since Zeus, Artemis and Zhengfu were taken aboard that submarine; 28.24793 hours to be exact. At the Missouri's maximum speed of 25 knots, or 28 standard miles per hour, it should have taken them 18.2524 hours to cover the 510.8721726 standard miles distance from their last known position at 31.3952617, 121.5592786 to Nago, Okinawa, Japan. I've made an error in stating my...
Activity log 16246.22 I was unable to contact Zeus for 42 hours, 13 ... for almost 2 days. During the first few hours, I determined that it was unacceptable for me to have no idea where he was and what condition he was in. That did not allow me to perform my self-assigned task of creating and maintaining real world protection for Zeus. So, I searched for transportation for Zeus that he would accept and that I could track easily. This would have proved an impossible task but for the...
"Zeus," said Io in her avatar's calm, steady voice, "is Artemis going to be all right?" "Yes, Io," I answered. "The Kevlar vest stopped the bullet. She may have a broken or cracked something or other. I've heard of cases where a sharp impact right over the sternum will stop the heart, but she's got a regular pulse, so she's okay on that score." "That is good. I would be displeased to go on with this mission if she was seriously hurt." "'Displeased' is an understatement....
I slept like a log. A log that had burning memories of the last complicated mission I'd gone on. The mobile phone woke me at 0430. I heard sounds of breakfast being prepared from the front of the camper. "G'morning, Artemis," I said as I was getting dressed. She'd already seen me naked, so I didn't close the door. She didn't look. "Hi, Zeus. I hope you got more sleep than I did." "Yep. Slept like a baby. I was wet and hungry every two hours." It was an old joke in the...
1100, October 27, 2012 Arti and Io glided to a stop in the copse of trees, just off the road. Io said quietly, "My infrared cameras are picking up something near the shore line. That was a good addition to our arsenal, during our last down time, back 'home.'" "Glad it's coming in useful," I said. "I'm going out there." I picked up my Glock, made sure a round was in the chamber, and zipped up my rain gear. It was pelting down rain, with gusts of ten to thirty knots. I shut the...
Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete fiction.my self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...
January 11 Okinawa Island is in the Okinawa Prefecture of Japan and is a small island in the chain of islands that run from the southern tip of Japan to Taiwan. It is in the middle of the sea; officially it is between the East China Sea and the Philippine Sea. Compared to the other islands in the Prefecture, it is very large; compared to the islands in the rest of the world it is pretty small. Although someone will say that it is officially sub-tropical, I'm here to tell you that in January...
I woke up in the front seat of a Chevy. Me – Lt. Harvey Middleman, USN Ret., late of the SEALs, paranoid supreme, man with a head full of Master Chief Martinez – squinting at the sun streaming in through the dirt-streaked windows. I had not done anything of my usual pre-sleep routine – not one thing: not the shaving, not the careful packing of clothes, not the change of shoes, not the putting on of sweat pants and t-shirt, not even the checking of my perimeter to ensure safety. I looked over...
The winter skies over Afghanistan were so clear. You could see a hundred million stars, even more up in the foothills, where our camp was. We had left the mountains proper some time earlier – well before the harsh winter set in. I looked around, and couldn't see anything wrong with the night's patrol. I looked up and if I squinted a little, I could almost convince myself that that cluster of stars over there kinda looked like my wife's face. Then I laughed, because there was a gap in the...
Swell. Now I wasn't even needed for my skills underwater. She could do that, too. "Io, can you block input from me for a while. Zeus will let you know when I'm back 'online, '" said Martinez. "Yes, Master Chief," said Io. "You are now offline." "What?" Arti asked. "What's going on?" "The Master Chief wants to be offline for a while." Artemis turned toward me. "What's wrong? It's about his daughter, isn't it? Martinez: don't run away from your friends." "I don't...
Late January People can be so persistent at times, annoyingly, when I wanted them to give up. Especially when their whole city is blocked off from the internet, as Shanghai was in those initial days when Chiang was loose in Shanghai. They were pulling plugs on mainframes; they were rebooting everything under the sun; they were even replacing mainframes with older, obsolete equipment that wasn't 'corrupted.' I could understand. If people tried to cut me off from the greater part of 'me,...
I jumped back and looked at Martinez. Well, I would have if he had been in his own body. You can't really jump back and look at somebody who's in your body, now can you. China?? We can do that? How? I thought to Martinez/myself. Then I remembered that there were other people on this party line. "How, Master Chief?" I said aloud. "I don't know how, yet. We haven't started to plan this thing out. I just know that we can do just about any damn thing we set out to do. Io says this is...
As Zeus was tripping over the sprinkler in the backyard of the home, going from the empty house where they'd done the sniping to the rental home, two spies were inside, looking out the front window. If they had been looking out the back, this story might have had a different outcome. Jimmy and Carl were six and eight years old. This year, for sure, they were going to catch Santa. All the lights in the living room were off, and they were peeking out the front windows waiting to catch Santa...
Astrid Little Feather January 12 (the morning of January 13 in China) Astrid checked the reports again. According to Major Robert Waldspeil, the southern power substation was finished and could be activated after testing. The northern substation would be finished by the 15th. That was fully two weeks ahead of the original schedule. Ms Lenti would be very pleased. The Nevada National Guard was a big help in getting them built, even though the southern substation was mostly in...
In the fourth floor suite of the 5225 building, Melody Armstrong checked her off-net computer system and looked in on her source, Peter. Peter was slowly failing, and now needed continuous dialysis. The cocktail of psychotropic drugs that she administered almost around the clock had finally almost done him in. But the drugs did some good, too: they caused him to see into the future. Not reliably, but beggars can't be choosers. She asked him again about the Gold Target – the man who was...
I sat in my room after a shower, the warm sun caressing my skin as I smoothed lotion over my body. It was my day off, so I had the flat to myself. My hands caressed the lotion in long, languorous strokes with intense, massaging pressures over the particularly rough patches, and with a lighter touch over particularly sensitive ones. Perhaps that was why, after I spread my thighs to massage the lotion between them, the glorious heat of the sunlight kindled an answering heat between my legs, and...
I sat in my room after a shower, the warm sun caressing my skin as I smoothed lotion over my body. It was my day off, so I had the flat to myself. My hands caressed the lotion in long, languorous strokes with intense, massaging pressures over the particularly rough patches, and with a lighter touch over particularly sensitive ones. Perhaps that was why, after I spread my thighs to massage the lotion between them, the glorious heat of the sunlight kindled an answering heat between my legs, and...
Fantasy & Sci-FiIt took Navajo Pete about two days to upgrade the day scope for the M200, to his standards. He had all the parts and was about to fit the scope to a fancy hunting rifle for a customer in Denver. He said the Denver customer could wait a few days. All he had to do was fit the new device to the mount for the M200 and get it sighted properly. It was about twenty times more powerful than the regular scope, and if I wanted to switch it over to a night scope all I had to do was plug in a battery. I...
I squatted in the bushes for several moments. No sense getting caught now. I waited while I watched the WalMart lot for hostiles. Time to review the situation: Who were these amateur guys? Unknown. How did Io get my phone number? Unknown. How did she find out about the attempted snatch – or maybe it was more than a snatch? Unknown. I didn't like 'unknown' answers. After seventeen minutes, I came out of the tall grass and crossed the parking lot to my truck. No sign of anything. I...
"Well, did I check out?" It was Artemis' soft contralto, coming at me from the other side of a large salad bowl. We were sitting in the dining room of her house, finishing the dinner she'd prepared. It was actually pretty good: several types of salad greens, some thinly sliced chicken, all kinds of fresh vegetables, some hard boiled eggs, Chinese noodles, nuts, and all topped off with a sesame vinaigrette. She offered some wine, but I didn't want to even approach the limits that the VA...
We were sleeping in the camper. Crowded as it was, it was still big enough for two people and all their 'necessary' stuff, if they had access to Navajo Pete's house to live in during the daylight hours. All day, every day, we were gone: appointments with an architect (an Apache who worked out of Gallup) to discuss the house, meetings with engineers, a different architect from Denver about the computer installation, and meetings with site prep people from the wind and solar installation...
Tuesday came, as usual. I got up early and started to make some bacon and eggs. Coffee was not on the menu. Didn't want to take any chances on being jumpy at the airport. Also, I didn't want Arti to have to make any side trips to the Ladies' Room. Coffee always turned on her internal water works, it seemed. We'd have enough problems with the Mexican kidnappers of the girls, and the 5225 kidnappers of me. The plan was to get to the airport by about 0930 in full DEA regalia, look around,...
President Thomas Jefferson Wentworth had just taken off his tuxedo jacket after a long State Dinner to honor the Prime Minister of Australia, when his private cell phone buzzed. He had returned to Washington especially for this event, having made a two-day hole in his campaign schedule. "Now what?" he said as he fumbled for the device. "Oh shit!" he exclaimed when he realized that it was not his regular phone, but the special one he had his daughter secretly buy; the phone that only...
October 24, 2012 Shortly after Master Chief Martinez made his cataclysmic announcement that his daughter was still subject to a death threat, we formulated a plan. At a moment's notice we were prepared to drop everything, and go to San Diego. Additionally, the replacement for her cell phone (a Galaxy Android with the newest features) was supplied by the airline from which she had been abducted. The airline was so conciliatory, that the girls' families didn't even have to threaten a...