A very VERY special visit
- 3 years ago
- 58
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On Sunday morning I packed and said good-bye. Suzanne cried and begged me to stay just a little longer. Her words rang in my ears as I drove to the airport, "Sir, please stay. Don't leave me. I love you, Master. If you stay until this afternoon, I'll do anything you want. I'll do it with anyone you wish. Just please don't leave me."
Even with such a tantalizing offer on the table I felt I had to get away or I would never leave. Besides, I had a life to return to. Even as I loaded my bags into the rental car, Suzanne brazenly unbuttoned her sundress and kneeling on the asphalt street she held the dress open displaying her beautiful body tempting me one last time.
"Suzanne, I must leave. You must return to your husband Jim now. I will email you on the private account that I set up for you. I will be back and we will play again."
With tears in her eyes and her head bowed Suzanne finally gave up, "Goodbye, Sir. Please remember that I love you!"
I decided not to contact Suzanne for three weeks. I knew that this would be sweet torture. I finally called her while I was on the road. I called her at the office just before quitting time.
"Good Afternoon, this is Suzanne. May I help you?"
Her voice was so sweet. I waited before answering. The silence in my ear was so complete that I could hear my heart beat. I found myself very excited to just hear her voice.
"Excuse me, is anyone on this line," she asked.
"Yes, there is someone on this line."
"Oh, Sir. Oh, my god you've finally called." Suzanne broke down and started crying. "I have missed you so much Sir. Please forgive me for crying, I can't help it."
"How has my favorite pet been these past few weeks?
"Oh, Sir, I have been a wreck," she sobbed. "I haven't eaten very well, Jim has noticed that something is wrong and professionally I am all screwed up. Management as asked me twice if there is anything wrong at home. What can I say to them?"
"It sounds to me like you need a little of Jake's Root Oil, baby. How would you like it if I came to town next week?"
Suzanne's only response was, "Please!"
"Is Jim in town?" I wanted to plan my schedule to avoid conflicts.
"Jim will be out touring the oil rig's in the gulf next week so your trip is timed perfectly."
"OK, then I will be flying in on Monday afternoon. I'll email you later with my itinerary. Bye-bye sweetheart."
"Yes Suzanne?"
"I have been a good girl for you. I have not had any sex except with my husband and that was only when he first got home. My pussy was so sore from your visit but I did my very best to please him. But it has been two weeks since I have had any sex at all. My pussy is dripping wet every day now. I need you very much Sir."
"Would you like a little teaser to tide you over?"
"Oh, yes Sir. Please command me to do anything an I will obey."
"Put on a summer dress and read your email tonight, baby. I have to go now."
"Sir..." Her words were cut short as I put the receiver down. I then typed my email and sent it whizzing thru cyberspace. I could hardly wait for the return email that I was sure to receive later that evening.
At seven that evening I heard the words, "You have mail" ring thru my hotel room. I freshened my drink and sat down at the desk to let the fun begin. It was Suzanne's email response and she was beside herself. I popped up my Instant Message service and responded to her pleas.
"What do you mean you can't?"
"Sir, Jim is home and I can't. Please say it is OK to do this some other day. Please Master?"
"Put on a dress without underwear. Put peanut butter on your pussy lips and let Otto enjoy a snack. Now!"
"Yes, Sir."
The screen was blank for about ten minutes but then my heart raced. Suzanne had complied with my request.
"Sir, I can hardly write to you. I am standing over my laptop and Otto has is tongue buried in my juicy cunt. I brought the jar in case he wants more. My legs are turning to rubber and I am shaking all over. I am so afraid Jim will walk in. Oh, it's starting..."
"Oh, Sir. That was such a nice cum. I wish you were here to see it. My juice is running down my legs and Otto is licking it all up."
"Does Otto have a hardon?"
"Yes Sir."
"Otto enjoys you sucking the cum from his balls."
Oh, Master, I can't. Jim might hear me slurping on the doggie cock. He would beat me if he found me sucking on Otto's cock. Please Sir. I'll do it when you are here."
"You'll do it now!"
"Yes, Sir."
The screen was silent for ten minutes as I browsed ESPN's web site. The beep told me it was time to whip my cock out and stroke a good batch of cum from my balls.
"Sir, are you there?"
"I have dog cum all over my face. It is dripping from my chin. I didn't remember how good it was to suck Otto's cock and have him explode in my mouth. I would like to fuck Otto when you are here Master. He is such a good dog."
"Yes that sound like fun, Suzy. I'd like to watch my slut suck and fuck her pets again. It is going to be a fun week."
"I am looking forward to it so much Sir. I want very much to please you in every way."
"You will Suzy. You will."
"Sir, my pussy is so hot right know that it hurts. Can I use my fingers to relieve myself, Sir? Please?"
"No, go to the kitchen and find a nasty vegetable that will fit in your hot cunt and fuck yourself with it. Before we sign off go fetch it and describe it for me."
The screen came alive again in a few minutes. "Master, I bought a squash just this morning. The odd thing was, when I bought it I thought to myself that was shaped like a cock. I fantasized about fucking my pussy with it. Do you think me weird? I am slipping it inside of me now. Oh, Sir it is so fat and it stretches me so much."
The screen went blank for a few minutes. "That was close. Jim just walked in to say he is headed out to meet his bowling buddies and not to wait up for him. He stood right next to me talking to me while under my dress I have the gourd pushed up my twat. My juices are dripping out of my twat and the back my dress is soaked. I was surprised he couldn't smell me. I have pussy juice all over my hands and bottom. Master, it was so weird. I know that I have dog cum on my breath and Jim kissed me."
"Did that excite you?"
"My heart is beating so hard that it feels like it is going to jump out of my chest."
"Is Jim gone? And for how long?"
"Yes he just pulled away and he'll be gone for hours."
A moment's pause and then, "I am naked for you now."
"Good girl. Now call Bruno in to the room."
"My darling Bruno is sniffing my ass as I type."
"I am going to call you know."
"Oh yes, that will be perfect Sir. Please hurry."
I dialed the number and Suzanne answered on the first ring, "Oh Sir I have wanted to hear your voice since this afternoon. I am so glad that you are coming to see your slut next week. I will be very good to you I promise."
"Yes, of course you will Suzy. Now lets have some more fun. Put me on speaker phone."
I heard the background noise grow louder as the connection was made.
"Can you hear me OK Sir?"
"Yes fine. Now sit on the edge of the couch and open you legs. Let Bruno enjoy that sweet juice cunt for a few minute."
The slurping sounds of the beasts tongue enflamed my cock and I began stroking it faster as Suzanne's moaning came thru the receiver.
"Is he hard?"
"Oh, yes Sir and so thick."
"Turn him around so that his butt faces your pussy. Then reach between his legs and gently pull his cock between his legs."
"His cock is so slimy with all of his pre-cum oozing from the tip. His knot is already out."
"Grip him just behind the knot and slip his cock into your cunt. Now fuck him."
I heard Suzy moan as she slid the hot animal cock into her wet twat. I could hear the groaning of the sofa as the fucking partners grunted and whined with pleasure. In the background, I could faintly hear the slurping sounds of the bestial coupling.
"Oh, yes... yesssss... yyyeeesss. I... ammmmm cuuummmmiiinnnggg!"
My hand beat a furious tempo toward my release as I heard Bruno whining his release of his pent up load.
"He is squirting his hot goo into my twat," Suzanne panted and my balls released their goo. I covered my hand, belly and chest with cum.
Now all the participants lay a few moments panting and gathering strength. On the other end of the telephone, Suzanne was cooing at her animal lover before she picked up the phone.
"Oh that was fantastic Sir. I have doggie cum running down my thighs. His goo is bubbling out of my cunt. I feel like such a slut. Oh thank you Sir for allowing Bruno to fuck me."
"You are welcome my dear."
"Yes Suzanne."
"Did you play with your cock while I fucked Bruno?"
"Yes I did."
"Did you cum, Sir?"
"Yes I did. I have cum splattered all over my body Suzy."
"I wish that I were there so that I could lick up your cum. I love the taste and smell of your cum, Sir."
"Good night Suzanne."
"Good night Master. I love you."
I hung the phone up. I lay back on the bed. I nodded out in a matter of moments and slept like a log that night.
I arrived in Memphis late Monday evening. My heart rate increased as I walked down the gangway into the terminal. As I had expected, Suzanne was waiting for me. She ran into my arms and held me tightly. Her whole body was shaking from excitement.
"Oh, Jake," Suzanne breathed into my ear. "I'm sorry, I meant Master. I am so happy to see you again. I missed you so much." She kissed me passionately. Her body pressed against mine and her hips pushed into my groin. The little grinding movement caused my cock to spring to attention.
"Suzy, you are giving me a hardon," I whispered in a half-scolding manner. "I am not wearing any underwear and everyone will see it."
"Are you embarrassed by your hard cock being seen by everyone Sir," Suzy teased. "I think it is the most beautiful cock in the world. I don't care who sees it Master as long as you fuck me with it." She took my hand and pulled me along. "Come on I want to get you home." So me, and my waving appendage, walked to the baggage claim area to the stares of several people. Suzy took perverse pleasure from the stares of the people along the way. Suzy took every opportunity to openly play with my cock to insure it remained hard until we got to her car. Once we were comfortable in the car, Suzy untied the halter- top of her dress and allowed her beautiful breasts to be available for my play. The parking lot attendant got an eyeful of her succulent titties as we sat at the pay booth.
"I can't seem to be able to find the parking ticket," I lied. "How much will it be if I can't find the ticket?"
The young man, who was obviously Middle Eastern, stood staring at Suzy's tits. I gave him a few more minutes of bliss before interrupting his daydream.
"Excuse me buddy. How much?"
As his mouth opened to speak, Suzy began to toy with her nipples. I thought the guy was going to pop his nuts right there.
"Oh, here it is," I said feigning discovery. The parking paid for I rolled slowly away with Suzanne waving good-bye to her new friend for life.
"How does it feel to be the image in the mind of that young man every time he masturbates now?"
Wordlessly Suzanne spread her legs showing me her freshly shaved pussy. Her labia were swollen and juice ran from her gash. I wiped a finger along her slit and licked the treasured cunt cream from my digit.
"I think that tells you what I thought," Suzy replied. "Am I a bad girl who needs a spanking or maybe a more severe form of punishment Master? Or maybe you think that I've been a good girl who needs a good hard fucking from your nice big cock? Or maybe I need both?"
"I'll think on that Suzy. I promise you that. First though, I would like to know where an adult sex store is. We need to purchase a few 'toys' for this weeks fun."
"The only one I know of Sir is way downtown."
"Tell me how to get there," I asked, and then as an afterthought, "and tell me how you know where one is."
Suzanne's eyes dropped to her lap and her cheek reddened. "I have gone there before Sir."
"Did you buy anything while you were there Suzy?"
"Yes, Sir. I bought myself a butt plug and the other toys you saw on your first visit."
I was deep in thought assimilating this information when Suzanne interrupted my thoughts.
"Sir, are you displeased with me?"
"No, why?"
"I bought those thing before I met you. I did it to please another."
"Another?" Now I was becoming annoyed and I don't know why. "Another what?"
"Oh, Sir please don't be angry. Long before I met you, I spent some time with another Master. We met over the Internet and we used to play these little games. He would command me to do things and I would obey him. It was all very innocent but it opened my eyes to my real self. I knew that I was submissive and needed to be dominated. My husband would never understand this need that drives me so I allowed myself to be used by this man. After awhile though I needed more so I let him know that I needed more. It was his command that sent me to that Hotel the night we met Sir. I have only written him once since then and I told him all about you. He was very pleased for me. Are you mad at me Sir?"
"Well I guess I am a little jealous." And I was jealous and hurt by this news. Stupid I know but still a little disconcerting. "I thought I discovered your dark side. You should have told me sooner. I do not like you keeping a secret from me."
"Sir, I am sorry. I promise I will never withhold anything from you ever again. You are going to punish me tonight aren't you?"
"I think you know the answer to that you little slut!" I could tell that my words stung her. I would be cruel to her for a while tonight and then I would make love to her gently and for a very long time. Suzanne would truly grasp what a submissive is tonight.
We drove to Beal Street and Suzanne pointed out the store. It was brightly lite and judging by the cars in the parking lot it looked to have customers. This pleased me. I opened the door and she looked up at me with pleading eyes. I smiled and held my hand out. Suzanne stepped out of the car and I pulled her halter-top up and tied it behind her neck. Suzy whirled around and kissed me.
"Thank you Master. I thought you were going to make me go in there with my titties exposed."
"Well Suzanne, I just didn't think about that. Oh well, maybe next time."
The painted windows obscured the street view into the store from the passing pedestrians.
Once we entered the store we were lost in aisle after aisle of waist high bookcases filled with adult magazines and videos. It was the back wall that got my attention. It was filled with the bizarre toys for the S&M crowd. It was here that I focused. I located a spreader bar made of stainless steel and could be secured with the leather straps. Thick stainless rings were sewn into the straps. Next I selected anal and vaginal speculums, then a mouth spreader. I paused in thought.
"Suzanne, go over to the store clerk and ask him for an eight-inch black dildo, make sure it has a suction cup base and also get a five-inch anal vibrator.
She walked up to the counter and with her head down, asked the store clerk for the toys I wanted. He was a burly black man in his late teens. He looked at Suzanne and smiled over at me, "Yeah I have exactly what you need." He took Suzanne by the hand and led her to the display case on the far side of the store. I saw him adjusted his crotch as he walked by me.
The young black returned with a basket with the selections and he stuck his hand out and introduced himself, "My name is James and I'm the manager of this here establishment. If there is anything you don't see ask me for it. I have several items in the back of the store for the more discriminating customer," he said with a wink.
"My name is Jake and this slut is Suzanne. Thank you for helping her find the items I wanted."
James placed a hand on Suzanne's ass and squeezed and massaged her cheeks. Suzy's eyes never left the ground as James felt her up. I took note of that, smiled to myself and turned back to the task of selecting some nice little implements of torture.
"Sir, you might like these cuffs," Suzanne said. "They appear to attach to the rings of the spreader bar. I will be locked in a very open position." Suzy lifted her eyes and smiled at me.
"Yes, I think they are perfect Suzy." I was surprised by her boldness but I was very pleased. "Suzy, you are such a little slut," I whispered in her ear. I tweaked her nipples and asked, "And what is your opinion of these adjustable nipple clamps? Are you interested in them also?"
"If they please you Master then I would love them very much." Suzy eyed James as the lecher licked his lips. Plus the store patrons had positioned themselves to overhear, and maybe catch a glimpse of Suzy's charms. She leaned in close and whispered, "Are we done yet, Sir?"
"Not quite," I replied in a whisper and continued browsing the isle. "Ah, here we go Suzy, the whips." I announced to the world. Suzy's head snapped up and her color in her face drained. I selected a riding crop with a flap of leather attached to the end.
"Show me one of your titties, sweetheart."
She eased one of her breasts from beneath the halter-top. It was a quick easy movement since Suzanne's tits damn near popped out from the sides of her dress as she walked.
"James, could you hold that titty up for me. My slut is a little nervous and it might slip free."
James was quick to grab the exposed breast and give it a good squeeze. A quick snap of my wrist and the tip of the riding crop popped as it made contact with her nipple. Suzy flinched with pain and her eyes widened. Then that coy little smile returned to her face.
"Almost time to go home, sweetie," I said with a knowing smile. "James, do you mind check the fit of her butt plug?"
I thought Suzanne's eyes would pop out of her head.
"Lift you dress up sweetie so that James can slip the plug into place."
Slowly the hem of her dress rose to expose her naked ass. James ripped the packaging apart and took the lubricant included and squirted it on his thick fingers. Suzy opened her legs and bent at the waist. I checked the patrons of the store and observed many of arm pumping furiously up and down. James took a very long time to lube up Suzy's asshole but I understood his motives. Finally he lubed the tip of the plug and slid it securely into place.
"Oooooooo, that is so big!" Suzy exclaimed. Next James popped the batteries into the control unit and turned it on.
"Mmmmm," Suzy moaned her enjoyment. James slipped the controls under her beltline and she dropped her dress.
We walked to the counter and paid for the toys. As we walked to the car, Suzy squirmed to adjust the fit of her butt plug.
"You realize Sir that I can never go in there again. It's bad enough being a woman in a store like that but now that black man will think that he can do whatever he wants with me."
As Suzy behind the wheel of her car, I got comfortable in the passenger seat.
"You know Suzy, that might make a good little punishment if you ever displease me."
"You wouldn't!" She couldn't believe that I would ever send her in there alone.
I selected some soft jazz on the stereo and as Suzy drove away, I untied her halter-top.
"I love playing with your nipples. You don't mind if I enjoy myself do you Suzy?"
"No, Master not at all. Its just that everyone can see!"
At a stoplight with people crossing the street in front of us, I placed Suzy's beautiful right breast in my hand and waved it at the passerby's. Her tit shook deliciously and a few of the folks waved back. Suzanne's face was bright red and her neck and chest flushed also.
"That pleases me very much. I love to embarrass you. Your skin becomes warm and flushed with a crimson glow and it is very pleasing to my eye."
"Yes Sir." Suzy smiled and as the light changed, she drove away with her tits danced along to the rhythm of the cracks in the street.
I rummaged thru our purchases and retrieved the nipple clamps. At the next stoplight I told Suzy, "Hold your titty for me sweetheart." Suzy held her beautiful globe in her dainty hand and offered it to me. I slipped the barrel over her plump nipple and then I turn the knurled area to tighten. Suzanne inhaled sharply as the sensitive nipple was squeezed. I continued to ratchet the implement of Suzy's torture until flesh of her nipple puffed out of the end of the clamp.
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Jenny Crawford was excited. She had just gotten off the phone with her son and made plans to go up to visit him this weekend. He'd picked a college just out of state and it wasn't easy for him to come home to visit. In fact she hadn't seen him since Christmas and then he'd only stayed for a couple of days before returning.She tried to get her husband, Bill, to go with her, but as usual he was a stick in the mud and would rather sit around reading or watching bowling on TV. That was fine with...
Joe "Jesus, Joe! What on earth were you thinking?" Albert Palliser blurted. "Al, this is not about thinking. I told you," I returned defensively. "Damn it! You're not a teenager. Grown-ups have some control." "Well, then maybe I didn't want to be a grown-up. For once I'm not following the fucking rules. What? You wanna fire me?" Al glowered at me. You see, he's my boss, and I just told him that I'd fallen for one of my parolees. He did not take too kindly to it. He took...
I was glad to be returning home again. Every since the first time I put on a pair of my mom's panties I could not stop wearing panties. During a visit after boot camp, I snuck into my parents room to get several pairs of my mother's panties from her dresser and her hamper to take back with me to my duty station. On another visit I had taken two pair of my mom's panties to bed with me. I used one pair to sleep in and the other pair I would use in the morning to catch the sperm as I masturbated...
We’d loaded up the service car with the presents, trolleys, boxes of food and drink, and spent the empty stock working readying the train for the influx of excited families. The lead steward asked me if I’d pop up to the loco when they’d run round and do drinks for the crew while the rest of the buffet crew helped with settling the passengers. The loco crew would have been on several hours before us lighting up and getting up steam for the day’s trains, so they’d be grateful for a drink. I...
Old Before His Time Revisited By Cheryl Lynn This story was originally posted by Verna Benson, one of my favorite authors. I have no way to contact her for permission to expand on her story. Vera if you object I will have this deleted. I recently became reacquainted with it and had to stop my work on a new joesixpack.com story to do this. It just popped into my head and had to write it down. Not for the squeamish or gentle reader. The usual disclaimers apply and may be downloaded...
When Nicole’s dad, Frank, arrived at the airport, I was in charge of the kids, luggage, and being the driver. Nicole was dressed in a sundress without a bra or panties under it. The morning he was flying in, she took a shower and shaved herself smooth for him. Her stomach was a flutter with anxiety. She was more excited about seeing her father than our four-year old, which is hard to do. The kiss given to her father when she saw him was deeper than I thought a kiss would be between a...
Introduction: Visit to the Doctor **This is the first story Ive written&hellip, I have more in my head if it is enjoyed** Chapter 1 The young girl sat nervously in the office chair. Her long, brown hair falling down past her shoulders as she crosses and uncrosses her legs nervously while she waits for her name to be called. Her hands fumble with a magazine as she tries to calm her nerves. This was not the first visit the nineteen year old had made to this doctor. But after each visit, she...
Today is a very special day, my son is coming to visit me after not seeing him in sixteen years he is now twenty two years old, his mother and I divorced and she got custody of him when he was younger due the fact that I was in the military and traveling all over the world and not staying put too long in one place, My son Eric wants to get to know his father and I wanted to get to know my son, he is planning on staying the entire summer with me and we were going to bond as father and son, and...
A Vist from o?s Mom o?s Sister?s Visit ?Master, may I ask a favor of You?? I was unsure how exactly to address slave?s request. ?Of course, o, what is it?? ?Well, Master, your slave?s little sister is going to study, for a couple of years, in Europe, and she asked if she could visit U/us and may? maybe? um, well, maybe stay a day or two with U/us. Um, in, uh, Your house, w-w-with U/us.? ?Your sister, Sarah, isn?t it, does know all about O/our relationship, right, o?? Master...
Chapter Four: Bimbo Wife's Special Ass By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Alice Jackman, Chief Research Scientist of BimboTech Chemicals “I think that should cover it,” my husband said as he finished writing out the check. He tore it free and handed it to Mr. Peterson, the nice manager of the Lucky grocery store. His fly was still open, Natasha licking at his half-hard cock. Natasha was a new bimbo. I improvised her today, turning her from a doughty woman into a sexy, hot woman that...
The video image flickered on the core’s largest screen television. Suddenly, a nice-looking couple appeared sitting side-by-side on a sofa twelve hundred miles to the north. The style of dress to accommodate the cooler northern weather was quite noticeable. A small box in the lower corner of the screen showed the local view and what they saw. Aaron spoke first, “Hi Martin and Sasha. We can see you fine. Thanks for the call. I have a cast of thousands here to meet you for the first time...
0049 Special Bench – Bee and LuluIt was a typical scene in the park. Birds and trees and flowers were all about. A man and his daughter came strolling down the path. The girl and her dad were talking and smiling. However, this was not as typical as it seemed.Charlie and Bee were not related; they were neighbors… and lovers.The beautiful Beatrice, or Bee as she was called, was laughing because she was so happy to be out with her special boyfriend. The fact that Charlie was forty and she...
Savita and Ashok were having dinner at home. Ashok was telling Savita about his new promotion at the office when suddenly he was interrupted by a phone call. Ashok took the call and was surprised to receive a call from his favorite uncle, Kunal. “Hello this is Ashok Patel. Who’s this? Oh Uncleji! How are you?… Yes… Yes… No it’s fine! We’ll be happy to have you here.” Ashok put back the receiver and told Savita that Kunal uncle would be visiting them tomorrow and she would have to go to the...
Alice Jackman, Chief Research Scientist of BimboTech Chemicals “I think that should cover it,” my husband said as he finished writing out the check. He tore it free and handed it to Mr. Peterson, the nice manager of the Lucky grocery store. His fly was still open, Natasha licking at his half-hard cock. Natasha was a new bimbo. I improvised her today, turning her from a doughty woman into a sexy, hot woman that understood just how yummy and wonderful sex was, like hot fudge drizzled all over...
In Part 2 of "Linda Gets Acquainted with the Sarge," I hinted at the third time she was gang banged. Here are a few more details.We had been living together for a few weeks, and I came home to find a young Vietnamese man at the house. She had told me that she had a brother that was a year, and a bit, younger than she was, so I thought it was probably HIM.We greeted each other, and Linda gave me her usual kiss, as I entered. SHE was only wearing her shift, and nothing under it. When she would...
My sister in law recently came to visit my wife and me to visit my father in law who is in a nursing home close to where we live. I am white American and my wife and her sister are from the Philippines. They have lived in the US for many years but still have accents. My wife has gotten a little chubby while my sister in law has an amazing body that she keeps in shape by working out and her job is a nurse which keeps her on feet a lot. She is a natural flirt and likes to wear clothes that are...
Mondli used to visit Kajsa 3 or 4 times in a week and everyone knew for what reason he is there. Actually Mondli told it to his closest friends the next day after they did it first time. Ayize also realized this weird relationship between his teenager son and Kajsa. He asked Mondli what they are doing and Mondli told him that she believes in stupid things that if she let him know white people, he won't have misjudges about whites anymore but he only fucks her till his balls get dry and stupid...
I made sure I had packed my black bag well. A home visit might necessitate any type of examination or medication, so it was best to be prepared. I looked down at the home visit sheet I had been given by reception. Female, 37, pelvic pains. Fairly standard details so hopefully the visit shouldn’t take too long. I ensured I had a speculum and swabs with me along with pain relief as I set off in my car.After a short drive I arrived at the address on my sheet and, parking outside, went to...
AUNT VANNA'S VISIT by Throne Meryl had been increasingly frustrated with her husband Lane. He was irresponsible with money, ate too much snack food, watched too much TV, and generally irritated her. She had tried talking to him but he always justified his behavior with the argument that he was the man of the house. Not that he was very manly. Lane was short and slightly built, with smooth features and so little facial hair that he could go for days without shaving. Meryl was at...
Don't stress out...its fantasy...mostly.6. My Special Uncles.I arrived a little ahead of time with a wet pussy and a racing heart. I had to admit, I was beginning to like my sessions. I loved confessing all of my naughty experiences and actually telling Dr. Heard who I am and why. I stepped off the elevator to see Nancy, Dr. Heard’s receptionist in her usual straight-laced appearance and impeccably neat office ensemble. I winked a private secret wink letting her know I knew what she had...
Harvest Blend: A Special Brew! By Keri R. Synopsis: Nothing like a good cup of coffee to start the day-and finish it for good. Stacy has aspirations to move up the corporate ladder in a hurry. Unfortunately for her boss, a regular guy named Michael, he's the next rung for her to climb! Coffee anyone? ************************** Twenty-nine year old Michael Beck had been with the company for nearly 7 years. Carrying a slim build and barely reaching 5 foot nine, he could...
Recently I found out that Kay and Don had broken up after three years together, and that she was coming down for a visit with her folks and would like to come and visit me at the same time.I talked with James about her visit and having spent time with her on our own in the past, masturbating together and knowing she would be sad at breaking up with Don, I suggested to James that I would be happy for him to do whatever he wanted, to make her visit a memorable one for her.“Does that mean what I...
First TimeChapter 1 The young girl sat nervously in the office chair. Her long, brown hair falling down past her shoulders as she crosses and uncrosses her legs nervously while she waits for her name to be called. Her hands fumble with a magazine as she tries to calm her nerves. This was not the first visit the nineteen year old had made to this doctor. But after each visit, she realized that she was more and more attracted to Dr. Connolly. He looked so distinguished in his crisp, white lab coat....
It was a warm summer day and I was sitting at home bored, so I put in a porn video to watch. After about ten minutes, I hear a knock at my screen door. Suddenly realising that I had left my door open, I scrambled for the remote to turn it off. I stood to answer the door and saw that it was my next door neighbors daughter Ashley. I had known her for years and she often did odd chores around my yard for a little extra cash. I invited her inside and offered her a soda to drink. "No thanks, I'm...
Prologue Anne was on her way home from a trip to the grocery store. She had told her son Jake that she would be home in a few hours but it had only been thirty minutes. He won't mind, she thought. It was hard for her to believe that her son was 18. It made her feel even older. She had gotten pregnant with him at 16 so she was only 34 now. She hadn't been real close with her son lately. He liked his father the best, and it was obvious. She had tried to spend time with him but it never...
Richard's Second Visit If you read "Not just another day dressing up as Gemma" you'll know I've recently made contact with a very nice gentleman called Richard and that I met him for the first time last week. I did a number of things for the first time culminating with me giving my first blowjob. I'd enjoyed it very much and couldn't wait for his next visit which was to be a week later. When you're looking forward to a special day, time can appear to pass all too slowly, but today...
This incident took place over a decade ago. I received a letter from my friend Raju insisting that I visit him. He further added that I would not be disappointed. I did not understand what he meant. Raju was my fellow student while we were studying for our undergraduate degree. We had come to know each other well but our association was cut short as Raju left college to join the armed forces. Raju was handsome and intelligent. He did well in the forces and reached a high rank at a young age....
Of course I was expecting the doorbell to ring, after all I knew she was coming and I'd even heard the car pull into the drive, but it made me jump anyway. I suppose I must have been day dreaming again; whether I like to admit it or not, old wistful memories of the good times kind-a creep up on me unexpectedly, and sometimes, nostalgia for what once was, can be a real pain in the arse as well. I really had wanted to play it cool, as if her visit was nothing special. Because to me, it wasn't,...
Dear Readers my name is Sahebji. This incident took place over a decade ago. I received a letter from my friend Raju insisting that I visit him. He further added that I would not be disappointed. I did not understand what he meant. Raju was my fellow student while we were studying for our undergraduate degree. We had come to know each other well but our association was cut short as Raju left college to join the armed forces. Raju was handsome and intelligent. He did well in the forces and...
While waiting for Marcie's flight to arrive, I had time to reflect on the current state of my existence on this earth. Even separate, the issues were complex; combined they were insurmountable. At the top of the list was Megan. I knew that she was disappointed with the way Mel had dismissed her appeal to spend time with me. I wasn't there and I don't know what was said, but I do know that he had flatly refused to listen to her. Mel probably wasn't a bad guy. I couldn't blame him for...
Proposed special pain and humiliation training for My slaveDear Goddess: Please do not think of this as a script. You are now aware of his particular vulnerabilities. I realize how skilled and creative you are and will leave the details to You. I only wish to suggest certain aspects, as I know him intimately and have spent a vast amount of time thinking about how to achieve the maximum impact upon him. My current work and school schedule still make it impossible for me to provide the...
Introduction: RJ and Candy Make New Discoveries A SPECIAL BOND Long Weekend at the Lake ___________________________________ No institution or agency may use this work for other than the intended purpose to provide personal entertainment. All characters are fictional. This is a work of fiction. Of fantasy. Its called My Right of Free Speech. If you do not approve of youngsters engaged in various sexual acts . . . or if you live in one of the God-forsaken States that bans possessing/reading...
Please do not think of this as a script. You are now aware of his particular vulnerabilities. I realize how skilled and creative you are and will leave the details to you. I write only to suggest certain aspects, as I know him intimately and have spent a vast amount of time thinking about how to achieve the maximum impact upon him.My current work and school schedule still make it impossible for me to provide the necessary training to My slave (and I like him too much to provide this level of...
A Very Special Birthday Present - by: Jennifer Allison My Birthday - Part 1 Today is my thirteenth birthday. My Aunt Ida and cousin John came over to help me celebrate. "Hey Dean," my mom yelled upstairs. "Your Aunt Ida and your cousin John have been here for ten minutes and you still haven't come down to say, Hi." "I'll be down in a minute. I have to finish this chess game I am playing on the Internet." If I hadn't been on a twelve game winning streak I would have...
12th FebruaryI bought James the most amazing present today. Had to nip out at 11.00 to Bond Street to get it. It wasn’t worth wasting a lunch break on, and James might have got suspicious if I made an excuse to miss our ‘fun time’ together. Thank god I can come and go as I please at work. It’s not as if the boss is going to tell me off lol, and nobody else dares. They are perfect for him. Ivory cufflinks, with a small, subtle ‘£’ etched into the pearly square. He’s going to love them....
Office SexI am NOT the author.am simply sharing Husband dresses up for his wife so that they can have a little fun during the weekendMy wife knew of my enjoyment to wear women’s lingerie when we married and over the months that followed our honeymoon she had often wanted to see more of me dressed up. I always enjoyed these times although they were not as frequent as I would have liked them to be. One Friday, after a rather long and difficult week at work, I returned home and was greeted by a tender hug...
My wife knew of my enjoyment to wear women’s lingerie when we married and over the months that followed our honeymoon she had often wanted to see more of me dressed up. I always enjoyed these times although they were not as frequent as I would have liked them to be. One Friday, after a rather long and difficult week at work, I returned home and was greeted by a tender hug and a loving kiss, as was the usual in our house. We settled into our normal routine and I thought that the weekend...