ThawChapter 8 Anjolie
- 2 years ago
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Julie sat at her desk at uni, staring at her monitor, not really seeing anything.
Her brain was a whirl of emotions and thoughts.
Physically, that thing last night with Cassie had been astonishing. She'd rubbed herself before, but only as experiments really, and had brought herself to what she had thought were orgasms.
But what had happened last night was different. It had been amazing. That throbbing warmth, the crashing orgasms, the complete loss of control. She hadn't realised that her body was capable of such pleasure.
But, for the first time, she saw how much Cassie really loved her, and it scared her, it really scared her.
She'd felt affection for Cassie, of course, but she could see in Cassie's face that she was devoted to Julie, that she would give her life to Julie, that Julie was the one.
But Julie just didn't feel the same way about Cassie.
She'd love to have those feelings from last night again, it was true.
Last night was the first time in her life that she had ever felt sexy, and it had been wonderful.
But she would never be able to return Cassie's mawkish adoration.
She felt dirty, she felt like a fraud.
Not because of the sex, that was a good feeling, a great feeling.
No, Julie had finally seen the glaring dishonesty at the centre of her life.
Living with Cassie was fun, they had good times together, but Julie had always seen it as a temporary arrangement. Julie still expected that one day she'd fall in love with a man, or at least find one she could tolerate, have kids, buy a house, have a career, and Cassie would always be there, as a friend.
But nothing more.
Julie had always told herself that Cassie could find a real woman to love, a soul-mate, if she only put her mind to it.
But Julie and Cassie had been together for six years now.
Cassie loved Julie, and Julie did not love Cassie.
Cassie would never move on, not unless she was pushed.
I'm a total tool, aren't I? Julie thought to herself.
But these ruminations weren't achieving anything.
She did what she had always done.
She put her emotions aside, took a deep breath, and threw herself back into her work.
Julie worked in her office at Biological Science all the way through lunch, and intended to keep going all day.
She was interrupted by the sound of the door slamming downstairs.
It was obviously a stranger, someone who didn't know how to close it without the vicious spring slamming it shut.
She was about to get up to have a look, when a young woman let herself into Julie's office.
Julie hadn't seen her before.
The building was secure; she must have a security pass.
She was Indian, and introduced herself as Anjolie Lalitha.
Anjolie was beautiful: tall and slender with olive skin, big, brown eyes lined with kohl, a womanly wisp of black hair over each temple, quiet voice, deferential manner, and a slightly goofy smile which showed all of her many teeth.
She was engaging without quite being smug.
She was dressed in a suit, completely inappropriate for a Saturday, and wouldn't have looked out of place in a corporate boardroom.
As they talked, Julie learned a little about her.
She was a doctor over from India to do her Ph.D. at the John Lyons School of Medical Research, another research school on campus. However, she had just moved into an office in the new hospital. Anjolie had obviously been diverted from her Ph.D. into some kind of side project.
Julie kept asking Anjolie what, exactly, she was working on, but she always managed to evade Julie's questions by the simple expedient of responding with another question of her own.
Anjolie began to ask questions, a lot of questions.
Julie quickly worked out that Anjolie wanted to know about the Taubett's operation, and realised that she was the only person left on campus with any kind of detailed knowledge of its operation.
She must be another one of Eve's minions, like me, thought Julie.
Julie then asked her, straight out,
"Anjolie, it's nice talking to you, but I can't really help you if I don't know what you're working on. Are you working for Eve Hunter?"
Anjolie simply shook her head with a smile, more a "not answering" than a "no", and asked her next question.
"Miss Julie, can you please tell me what energy the X-rays are using?"
Julie answered quickly, a little mystified.
"250kEv. Everyone knows that."
"Yes, of course. But what is the exact energy of the rays we are using? It is important to me. Nobody at the hospital seems to know."
Julie hadn't considered that the energy was important.
She browsed into the source-code repository at Physical Sciences., but the firmware for the Taubett machine was missing.
Julie was surprised. She'd only been looking at Stefan's image processing code for the Taubett machine just before the holidays.
Then she remembered.
The firmware for the Taubett machine had been removed from the main server for reasons of information security. It was now kept at the hospital, off the University network. The University wanted to make a lot of money from its commercialisation, and didn't trust their students.
Being a bit cheap, and quite small, the schools didn't actually have any scheduled backup system. Everyone who had any sense would back up their own computers by themselves.
Julie herself had bought a bunch of backup tapes with her own money, and she kept them in the room with the only tape drive, next door at Physical Sciences, where the Taubett machine had once stood.
They'd been there last week, when she'd done her last full backup.
She'd been conscientious, and had backed up the full source code repository, along with her own work.
"All right, Anjolie. Come with me. I know where we can find the information."
Julie hadn't met this woman before, and she was asking extremely detailed questions about the Taubett machine, with answers Julie herself didn't yet know.
This did sound a little suspicious, and Julie made sure that Anjolie followed her out.
Julie took her into the Physical Sciences building, and asked that Anjolie stand in the foyer while she went into the Taubett room.
The blue lino looked clean and new in the centre of the room, where the Taubett machine had once stood, and around the periphery had faded to pastel. On one bookshelf, a stack of backup tapes was still lined up, with Julie Smith written on six of them red permanent marker.
Julie gave Eve a ring on her mobile, trying to be discreet.
Eve answered immediately.
"Hello? Hello, Julie?"
"Eve, I'm here with Anjolie Lalitha. I'm sorry about bothering you on the weekend, but I need your advice. She's being a bit of a sticky-beak about the Taubett machine, and she won't tell me what she's working on. Do you know her? Should I be giving her this information?"
Eve responded, very business-like, but sounding just the slightest bit irritated.
"Thank you, Julie, you were right to ring. Don't worry about ringing me at any time of the day, or night, what you are doing is too important for any kind of delay.
"Yes, Anjolie is completely trustworthy, please give her any help she requires with learning the operation of the Taubett device. The Indians want to build one too. However, I must remind you again that the nature of Cassie's work is confidential. You're not supposed to know about that yourself, you know. There's no reason to tell Anjolie anything about Cassie. I'm glad you called, Julie, and I'm glad to hear that you can sometimes take your NDA seriously.
Julie flipped the phone closed, irritated by Eve's mild rebuke, and went to let Anjolie into the room.
She inserted the last tape from before the holidays into the reader, and her memory stick into the reader's PC. She copied everything she could: the source code, the documentation, and the last version of the firmware installer from before the move to the hospital.
The two of them went back to Julie's office, and Anjolie sat at Cassie's desk and made a copy of Julie's memory stick to her own.
They both spent the rest of the afternoon poring through the documentation.
The Taubett machine was the first diagnostic machine to use an X-ray laser, using the polymer glass to create the X-ray tube. That's what the windows in my apartment are made out of, thought Julie.
The use of the X-ray laser allowed the energy and direction of the X-ray beam to be controlled precisely, and it was a coherent source, which made the production of phase images much easier than before.
It also made the Taubett machine practical. Previously, the only other source of coherent X-rays of sufficient energy was from a synchrotron, which only worked very well if you had a whole building to put it in, and a lazy ten million dollars to spare. Real Australian dollars.
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As Julie entered the tea-room at Biological Sciences, it seemed like a ghost town. Nearly all of the staff were overseas at Johns Hopkins, or over at Lennox Hospital. Only Gabby was here, seated at the big table, reading one of the newspapers which were always scattered across it. She looked up and smiled as Julie walked in. Julie had always felt quite sorry for Gabby. She was pale, in a delicate kind of a way, and the skin on her face was still spotty, like that of a teenager's. She was...
Stefan's meeting with Eve was after lunch. He was still a little worried about Gabby. She'd started replying to her emails over the last few days, but Stefan was disconcerted by their tone. They seemed overly cheery, especially for Gabby, and Stefan didn't know what Eve could have her doing that required her to work so hard, and to stay at the hospital for so long. As far as he could tell, she hadn't been out of the hospital for a week. Eve was presenting to Stefan on his own, and, as...
With the rest of the staff working over at the hospital to get the Taubett up and running, Cassie and Julie had the department to themselves. Eve spent most days working at her apartment, and only came into the uni for meetings. Stefan began sending Julie data from the scanner in the USA by the end of that first week. This seemed remarkably fast to Julie, but there were many problems with the initial data sets. The first scans were only of small regions of the body. The Taubett could only...
Cassie returned to her office at Biological Sciences on Friday afternoon, looking happier than Julie had seen her for years. She was clutching a portable hard drive. "I've got more survey data back, Jules. This data is not from Americans this time." Julie looked at Cassie with open curiosity, but Cassie carried on regardless. "Don't ask from where, I can't tell you. "We've re-done the survey questions, and do you know what? The cured women have passed every test, and are...
It was late, so Julie suggested that Anjolie share a taxi with her back to the Uni. They travelled in silence. Julie had a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach. Anjolie still had her memory stick, still with her, in her handbag, and she was holding it close, as she had all evening. When Anjolie inevitably discovered Cassie's survey data, Anjolie would know that the cured women had been cheating. That was bad. They could use the same techniques in India, and Julie was sure that the...
On the Monday two weeks after she had entered the hospital, Cassie woke up in the hosts' room to a feeling of sadness. She knew her mistress would leave her soon. Goodbye, Cassie. Your tasks here are complete. It is my time to leave you. Go to visit Lucille. She will set you aright. You will be fine without me. The worm slid around her neck, like a warm, moist, stole, and held Cassie close, as if in a comforting embrace. Then it stiffened, and Cassie felt its flesh ripple, and a rushing...
Cassie and Julie had never felt closer. They talked about everything now, and the reserve which had always separated them was gone. Living was a joy, and every day they felt closer, and Julie knew that she would soon let Cassie know of the commitment she had already made in her heart. But there was no hurry, she was enjoying this gentle time, the sunset of her life as a free woman. Cassie and Julie were enjoying the morning together in their apartment, each quiet in themselves, the spring...
Eve called a meeting the next morning in the seminar room at Biological Sciences. All the staff were there, and the students, including Gabby, Stefan, Cassie and Julie, and Anjolie, Jane and Doctor Kelly from the hospital. Some of the cured women were there too, the Landers twins Sophie and Jessica amongst them, and their father John. The door was closed, and locked, and the blinds were drawn. The excitement in the room was palpable. Eve would be telling them something momentous, and...
The next two weeks were busy, but uneventful. Stefan did not seem to have noticed the change in his lover, or perhaps he simply did not comment upon it. Everyone worked hard, the papers began to emerge, and, every evening, they socialised and ate together, paired up and went to bed. Every night, before they were taken into sleep, the reward was the same, and it never paled. Julie alternated between writing her own paper, and reviewing the papers of others. Some of the programmers with...
After Julie left that morning, Cassie couldn't muster the motivation to do any shopping, let alone by herself. She was still feeling weepy. Instead, she had spent the day on the couch, trying to read through all of her survey results and getting them together in her head. The results were clear-cut. The women had been cheating. She wished that she could be more like Julie, and bury herself in work. It was hopeless. She'd never been through a real break-up. Not that this was a real...
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Thursday, July 4th, 1996, Sanford Maine “This is going to be super fun tonight, Bro! Too bad we couldn’t sneak in some beers, or some vodka, I feel like getting a little buzz on,” Amber smirked at me from where she was comfortably semi-reclined in my trucks passenger seat. “Yeah,” I absent-mindedly replied as I switched lanes to pass a slow-moving delivery truck. “Davey ... I’ve been thinking...” “Yeah?” I asked as she caught more of my attention. “I’m worried about the camping trip on...
I have been in a relationship with Billy for almost 2 years now. The last time I had sex with anybody else was just before we met. It was with a man called Jimmy and we did it in the back of his car in the night club car park after it closed. At odd times, I would remember that experience, but I was blissfully happy with Billy and we had bought a home together and had settled down to 'married' life. However, things were about to change. I was 27 years old with normal build, Billy a little older...
After the first time we began to turn up she would help me fuck her friends I mean literally for example she would have her friend come sleep over we would be in the room smoking and she would start sucking my dick in front her friend her friend would be in shock but watching at the same time she then would put her friend and in my dick and make her suck it then I ate the friend out I can’t say the friend name so we gone stick to calling her friend but yea so am in there treating them both...
"I'm really sorry, Hunter. You're a beautiful girl, you really are. And you'll find someone much better - and younger - than me. You shouldn't be with a man in his mid-forties; you should be hanging out with the other young 20-somethings." "What if I don't want to?" I looked at her for a moment. It was difficult to deny this girl. "Well. In any case, I can't risk my job." She used the handkerchief again and stood up to leave. Her bared, flat white tummy - and a delicate belly...
As a professional escort, Aruri doesn’t get much free time. He spends most of his time working out or keeping up with the latest trends of women’s fantasies. When he does get free time, he likes to spend it soaking in a hot bath.With his head barely above the water, his phone begins to ring. He hears the business ringtone and weighs whether to answer. His massive, throbbing erection very quickly tips the scale in favor of answering the phone.He shakes excess water off his hand before swiping...
Straight SexI saw Amber every day at the bus stop that week, but frustratingly, we were never alone. A serious-looking woman spoiled our fun by wandering around the shelter, talking endlessly into her mobile phone while waiting for a car to pick her up. She seemed indifferent to the obvious hatred and frustration rolling off me. Didn’t she know this was my special time with Amber? She could wait for a car anywhere. This bus stop was ours. Despite the company, Amber conspired to show me her knickers every...
Hi Dosto ……..Kaku Kumar Hi dosto,my name is kaku sharma , i m working in a MNC as DM. I m 5’8″ in hight and having athletic shape body. My mail id is I m 37 yr old married man.I m much interesed in friendship and fun with married ledies. Ab main apko apani ek sachi sex stories batata huin.Mujhe net per chat karne ka bahut shouk hai. Chatting karte karte meri pehan ek 30 yr ki married ledy se hue. Uska naam Kiranjeet Kaur, jo ki Dehradoon main apane parir ke sath rehati hai.Jab Kiran 25 yr old...
Earth Mother – The Ritual My name is Perl, and I belong to a community of Pagan’s. Even at my tender age of nearly sixteen and a half I have come into contact with other communities that do not follow our ways or join in with our rituals. We are a small community that live on the western isles of our mainland. We are true to our Pagan beliefs and celebrate them with vigour. Mabon is the Pagan ritual of thanksgiving for the fruits of the Earth and is a recognition of our need to share them....
Chase + Tiffany lesbian scene One of the many sexual encounters of Chase and Tiffany Tiffany Andrews and Chase Walker first met in an orphanage at a very young age. Even though Chase was three year older than the other girl they both looked the same age. The parents of Tiffany were killed in a ski accident in Colorado, and the parents of Chase were murdered in New York; so they had something in common from the start. Because the girls didn?t have any other relatives there were put for...