Daughter s Slut Trainign 12 Daughter s Slutty Fun
- 3 years ago
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Kelly was full of excitement as the stagehands began to prepare for the final round. She was oblivious as to what the final round held in store for her, but she didn't care. She was having far too much fun. It was so obvious she was going to win, whatever it took. Watching the stage hands set up the stage for the last round, she couldn't imagine what she had been so worried about before.
The rainbows in her head were so soothing, and much better than nasty things like thoughts and worries that were there before. Kelly was beginning to realize that she didn't like to think. Thinking wasn't fun, being sexy and making men shout and cheer for you, that was fun. She knew it was going to be hard to overtake the over girls in the final round, but she knew she could do it. She had to win, not just for her, but for Jenny too. She was going to enjoy winning too.
Still buzzing from the orgasmic success of the last round, Kelly was positively dripping with anticipation as Greg Steel returned to the stage:
"Welcome back to the final round of, 'Who Wants To Be A Slutty Whore?' I'm happy to say we've got something very special lined up for you all today." He turned to the direction of a large curtain hanging behind him. "Assistants! Please reveal the final round."
A couple of scantily clad blondes slowly opened the curtains to reveal a giant four-poster bed that would make King size look positively tiny. The seasoned audience cheered and whooped in approval. Greg Steel waited for the hollering to cease before confirming their excited cheers:
"That's right folks. Today's final round will be: Last Slut Moaning!" The audience once again cheered in approval before Greg continued. "Now for those of you unfamiliar with this round, the rules are simple. The last slut to come wins. At the start of the round all three girls will have their wrists and ankles handcuffed to the bed. When the round begins our assistants will free Crystal from her bonds and she will be free to do whatever she pleases to try and get the other two girls to come."
"Now this is where the previous rounds points come into play. Crystal has a 50-point lead over Precious who in turn is a further 12 points ahead of Kelly. These points will be converted into time, with each point being worth two seconds. Therefore Crystal will have one hundred seconds of unrestricted access to the other two girls before Precious is set free. There will then be a further twenty four seconds until Kelly will be able to defend herself. So Crystal really is in the driving seat here tonight, whilst Kelly has it all to do if she wants to win."
"So without further a due. Girls, please take your places for... Last... Slut... Moaning!"
The nature of the final round simultaneously thrilled and troubled Kelly. She was excited at the prospect of an orgy with her fellow contestants but at the same time she couldn't see how she would be able to win. Not only was her head still up in the clouds from the glorious sensations of the previous round, but also she would be tied and helpless for the first two minutes. She could only hope that she could keep a hold of her senses long enough to stand a chance.
It was going to be a great challenge though. Just the thought of Precious or Crystal teasing and caressing her body while she squirms helplessly was beginning to turn her on. Two sex-crazed bimbos making her their own personal plaything with only one thought on their minds. To ignore her protests and her exactly what her body wants, orgasm upon orgasm until only a drooling pool of desire remained. Kelly shook her head sharply, as much as she wanted to lie prostrate at the whim of her opponents' desires, she had to win. She could no longer remember why winning was so important, but nonetheless she had to try. Not just for herself, but for Jenny too.
As one of the scantily clad assistants relieved Kelly of her clothes, she tried to think of a plan but it was just too hard. Even at this level of peril, thinking was still an unwelcome interruption to the bubbles and rainbows in her head. The site of the three naked contestants by the giant bed had reinvigorated the audience's whooping, immediately dashing the Kelly's hopes of even the most basically thought out course of action. She would just have to rely on her instincts.
One by one the girls were secured to the bed in preparation for the final round. Kelly found herself in the middle, with Precious to her left and Crystal to the right. Testing her bonds slightly she knew she was going nowhere fast and it was time to play the game.
Upon being given the ready signal by the assistants Greg Steel turned to the audience:
"The sluts are bound in place, the timer is set, audience please give your support to our contestants as the final round begins in... 3... 2... 1... Now!!!"
There was a snapping of cuffs as Crystal was set free and the game began. The blonde bimbo wasted no time in making a B-line for the defenseless Kelly. Starting at the neck, Crystal kissed her way down to Kelly's mountainous breasts whilst her fingers probed even further south.
Kelly squirmed and wiggled as the expert tongue circled around her hardening nipple. It was impossible to protect herself from the sexual onslaught that had besieged her. Full red lips sucked her, long soft fingers caressed her, scores of testosterone filled men cheered her; only forty seconds had passed and she was already losing her senses. Bolts and shots of pleasure in her body joined the bubbles and sparkles in her head. It was only a matter of time before she succumbed.
Seconds ticked by like hours and Kelly was still powerless against the mastery of Crystal's tongue and fingers. The rainbows in her head destroyed her will to fight whilst the lightning in her crotch strengthened her desire to come. There were still thirty seconds to go before Precious would be able to come to her rescue; Kelly's chances of victory were looking bleak.
"Have to fight, cannot cum." She repeated to herself. "Have to fight, cannot cum. Have to fight, cannot cum, oh God!" she screamed to herself as the electricity in her sex and breasts connected with the sparkles and bubbles in her head, "Cannot fight, have to cum." She screamed out loud; the battle was all but lost.
Kelly was so lost in the spiral towards climax that she didn't even notice the buzzer sound that signaled the imminent release of Precious. All of her will to win had been sapped by the devastating deliciousness of Crystal's assault on her body and mind. Too lost in a sea of butterflies and bunnies the first Kelly knew about Precious's freedom was when the fingers, which had been for so long tantalizing her cunt, were suddenly replaced by a second tongue that began to lightly lap away at Kelly's clit.
This second tongue shocked Kelly's mind back into life. A second wind was taking hold of her and despite the glorious feeling of the saliva-coated muscle caressing her sex, she was steeled into a final attempt at resistance in the hope of surviving the last twenty seconds before she would finally be set free. Kelly soon discovered that Precious was just as effective a sexual tormentor as Crystal but she was determined not to be beaten just yet. Her defenseless, naked body had to resist. She had survived now for one hundred and ten seconds, she was determined to last the final fourteen that were left before freedom.
The crowd seemed to be lifted by her will to survive. Chants of "Kelly Kelly." Echoed around the studio and new and more wondrous rainbows erupted inside her head. The seconds ticked by and now there were just ten seconds to go. Greg orchestrated the audience to count down the clock as Kelly fought to stay in the game.
There was just five seconds to go, if she could just hold on these last few moments she would finally be free. The countdown continued and Kelly was sure she was going to make it.
The buzzer sounded and for a brief moment relief flooded through Kelly's body, overpowering even the bubbles inside her head. She heard the clicking of her cuffs being unlocked and finally she was free... unfortunately she had not counted on the strength of her two opponents. The binds may have been gone but she still could not move. Crystal had held down her arms whilst Precious had done the same with her legs. The onslaught on her senses was continuing and she needed to do something fast.
She could feel the heat building in her pussy and knew she had to act now. It was then Kelly discovered that with Precious's hands now having to hold down her legs she now had some ability to move her hips. She squirmed and wiggled until she managed to escape the chasing tongue. Finally she had some room to breathe. Being a simple-minded bimbo, Precious did not have the ingenuity required to change tactics and so continued to futilely chase Kelly's clit with her tongue.
Managing to always keep her clit tantalizingly out of reach of the hapless air-headed tongue, Kelly now had an opportunity to put up some defense against Crystal. The commotion around Kelly's groin had momentarily distracted Crystal causing her to look up for Kelly's nipple to see what was the matter. Kelly ceased upon this moment to wrestle her arms free from Crystal's grip and finally she could try to properly defend herself. Upon realizing that Kelly's arms were free, Crystal tried to repin them down but to know avail. Crystal knew she had to hold Kelly down and straddled her chest in order to get better leverage. The two girls wrestled with each other trying to gain the upper hand before Crystal in an almighty surge of power pressed Kelly's wrists down above her head against the bed.
However her grip had not been as strong as she had thought and furthermore, in leaning down to try and subdue her opponent, Crystal's cunt now hovered precariously over Kelly's mouth and in one quick movement, Kelly struck. She slid her hands out of the grasp of Crystal before the perplexed bimbo could understand what was happening, Kelly had grabbed her ass with both hands and pulled unsuspecting bimbo's pussy down towards her awaiting mouth. Crystal tried to react but Kelly had clamped her in place and now her sex was at the mercy of her former victim.
Whilst continuing to keep her own clit out of the reach of Precious, Kelly began to suck and lick at the hapless Crystal's mound. Crystal was an experienced slut and so was already dripping wet from the thrill of playing with Kelly earlier, so this assault on her sex, especially from such a new and eager tongue did not take long to send her wild with desire. Lacking Kelly's will to win, Crystal was soon grinding herself against Kelly's mouth, begging to cum and Kelly was more than happy to grant this request.
Kelly's nostrils were filled with the scent of Crystal's arousal as she furiously worked away at the exposed clit. Sucking and licking, Kelly could feel that her opponent was on the cusp of climax, spurring her on. Crystal began to emit sporadic spasms as mini-orgasms erupted inside her. The climactic twitches were becoming more and more frequent as Crystal spiraled into euphoria. Then, in an immense scream of ecstasy, Crystal buckled and thrashed as an orgasm ripped through her. Despite her one hundred second head start, Crystal had become the first contestant to be eliminated.
Once the assistants had managed to untangle Crystal's lust ridden frame out of her grasp, Kelly looked down at Precious whose tongue was still unsuccessfully chasing after her.
"My Precious." She said, smiling wickedly.
Kelly then sat up and wrestled herself free of Precious's hold. Both girls were now staring at each other from opposing ends of the bed, trying to think about what they would do next. Then, without warning, both girls leapt at the other. The audience roared their approval as the two beauties wrestled for superiority. Asses were grabbed, breasts were fondled, but still neither could manage to obtain the upper hand. Then, in a moment everything clicked into place; the two girls simultaneously made a grab for the other's rear, pulling themselves towards it and as such setting up a classic sixty-nine position. Despite realizing that their own private area was at the mercy of the other, both girls were resigned to accepting that this game now boiled down to a sexual race to the finish.
Kelly knew that this meant she was behind and so madly dove her head into Precious's cunt in a frantic attempt to make up ground. Barely a split second later though Precious launched a similar assault on Kelly. Precious though was more delicate in her actions, lightly lapping away at Kelly's clit in a subtle but effective way. Both girls were quickly getting turned on and the crowd was going ballistic. Cheers for both Kelly and Precious rang through the studio in unison as the girls fought to send each other hurtling into the abyss.
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We I finally got to spend some time with my friend. I agreed to let him pick me up after he had gotten a hotel room for 2 nights. He picked me up at my house and my father let him in and told him I was down the hall in my room. My friend came into my room as I was finishing my make-up. He started to close the door I told him not to as my father would walk in on us. I told him I wanted to see what he was wearing. And I told him to strip as he stood behind the door. He did as I told him and...
The only response I heard from Jerome after I posted the video of myself online was a simple text message that said, "Good job slut." I replied thanking him for his approval, but then got no further reply. In fact I didn't hear from him for the rest of the day. I was left somewhat dangling on my in my wonder as too what I was to do next to please him. It was agony not getting immediate feedback, or further instructions. We hadn't even planned our next meeting.However I couldn't stress the issue...
Slut Collars by Imperator Mentus Jeremy had a problem, and that problem was himself. He really, really liked slut collars. Now on its own, this wasn't such a big deal. Most guys were fond of them, didn't even count as a fetish these days. The difference between Jeremy and those other guys is that they imagined collars clasped around some hot babe's neck. Jeremy preferred them around his own. The collars had been around for just about fifteen years, and nobody had the slightest...
One time I got her to fuck me in my ass with a strap-on and I LOVED it! I moaned like a bitch in heat. She finally left me and told me that she thought I was gay and she couldn’t stay with a “man” like that. This caused something to snap in my mind. That has been 11 years ago now. I have never gotten into another relationship with a woman since. I have done a lot of jacking off, (almost every night), over the last 11 years and I have fucked my ass with a dildo a few times since then, after...
Part 6: The Shopping TripWhen I woke the next morning my body hurt from the punishment of the night before. My husband had already left for the office. I took a bath and waited for the phone to ring. I expected another summons to the office. It never came.I done some housework trying to forget all that had happened. But it was difficult. My arse and breasts hurt. I made sure I was dressed appropriately when he came home that evening. I wore a black short skirt, white blouse and black heels.When...
Part 1: From Mother To SlutI'm Pauline. I was a good wife and mother until the c***dren left home. Then when I was 55 my husband came into the kitchen and told me I had a new job as his Slut. I was shocked. He'd never spoke to me like that before. " Why are you acting like this , are you drunk" I shouted. "I've spent the last 30 years acting, having sex only when you felt like it, which was never" he replied "and always with me on top. If you want to keep living in this house you will be my...
Slut: Born to Tease (part one). Reworked.I’ve just completed my chosen ensemble for this evening and I'm now standing in my bedroom, looking at my reflection in my full length wardrobe mirrors. I was just about to twirl around to view the full reflection of my pink PVC lingerie clad curvaceous body, when my husband walked into the bedroom, stopped at the doorway and sighed."Are you really wearing that lot tonight?" He said almost despondently."Of course I am!" I replied triumphantly.I was...
Freewill 504: Part 8 Campus Slut (By Chris A)Disclaimer: If you are u******e and/or easily offended by stories of an adult nature, then you should probably go away. This story and characters are purely fictitious, and any similarity to persons living or dead is purely coincedental. Any one who believes they should try and recreate these situations and events in a real life situation needs to get serious help. With that said: enjoy!It was a warm spring evening as I walked across the center of...
Part Two.Click, click, click. “Ok Mum, now look back over your shoulder at me, and lean slightly forward,” Jack called. I did as my son asked, looking back directly into the lens of his camera. I leant forward, just a little. Click, click, click.“That’s great, now move your legs further apart, so you knickers are stretched tight between your ankles.”I did as my son had told me. I was naked, my last remaining item of clothing stretched between my ankles, my legs apart, my cunt visible from...
(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Two: Daughter's Wicked Education By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Leyla Umayyah I...wanted to be a slut. To please Mom. She was so right about me. I had all these whorish desires bursting through me, inspired by Clint's antics with his girlfriends, his cousins. The way he strutted around college. The way he enjoyed his cousins and other girls. I wanted to be one of those girls. I masturbated my...
Please read the previous episodes for this to make sense.Sarah's car ride home was a blur for her as she kept going over her day of being fucked, groped and sucking so many cocks. She could feel a mixture of her own juices and cum leaking from her pussy and due to her short skirt it was leaking onto the car seat. As her husband sometimes uses the car Sarah coundl'nt let this happen so every few minutes she had to reach down and scoop up the sticky dribble and then lick her fingers clean. This...
After my last performance for Jerome on Monday, I was eager to set up the next one. Partially because I enjoyed being a willing slut for him, and partially because he said he would have a friend that was going to be incorporated in our fun as well. However, on top of the desires and fantasies of what our next meeting would bring, I had news to tell him that I hoped would lead to an extended amount of fun for all. Tuesday morning as both my husband and daughter were getting ready for their days,...
(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Fourteen: Mommy's Naughty Punishment By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Mrs. Umayyah I used to be a good Muslim woman. A faithful wife. A loving mother. And then this young man, Clint, awakened the slut in me. I shuddered as I stared up at him as my mouth engulfed his dick fresh out of my asshole. It tasted so sour. I whimpered, sucking on his dirty shaft, cleaning him the way a whore would. I didn't...
Tom came out in the morning to find most of the fraternity brothers alreadyplaying with the Cumbag. Laughter and yelling greeted him as he walked to thecrowd of boys around Cumbag. As he pushed through the crowd he began to laughtoo.Cumbag was a mess! Her face was coated in a thick sheen of dried cum, human anddog. The hard, crusty coating made her look as if she was wearing a clearHalloween mask. Her hair was plastered to her head and sticky with cum. Littledrops of cum dripped from the bench...
“Help me Slut Girl” Slut Girl heard with her super hearing. “Oh no, someone is in need of my help” Slut Girl said. She span around like a whirlwind and seconds later was in her superhero costume. Black leather thigh high boots, a tiny black leather mini skirt with no panties, and a black leather basque with a big S on the front and SLUT on the back, and to finish the outfit the Slut Girl utility belt, with an array of dildos, handcuffs, lubes and other sex paraphernalia. She ran out of her...
Hi! My name is Mollie and I'd like to tell you all about the Halloween party at my brother Jake's house.Wait...Let me back up a step or two.Picture a gorgeous 19 year old with huge 36D melons and a perfect bubbly ass and gorgeous green eyes and the whitest blonde hair that naturally curls all the way down to the top of my butt.At least, that was what I was going for. The original costume. Before I lost the blonde wig that would have covered by straight brown hair that comes about half way down...