Wendy the Bored Wife
- 2 years ago
- 29
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Father Al picked me up at Lovett County Field and asked me how it went.
All that I could think of to reply was, "Better than I had expected, but not as good as I had hoped." He asked me no further questions, for which I was very profoundly grateful.
The next three months went fairly quickly. It had been a mild winter, and the town had a very good crop of snowbirds for the season. The spring showed signs of having equally nice and pleasant weather, and the local businesses seemed to perk up just a little bit. The local software company was now growing by leaps and bounds, and Alice even received a small grant from a private foundation to help keep the local paper afloat for yet another few months.
Once again, I began to fall back into my regular routine of weekly life, but thoughts of Wendy and Victor were still with me constantly.
One day I returned home late one evening to find a small box from Wendy sitting on my doorstep. Inside there was a short letter on top and the contents were twenty VHS home recording tapes labeled #1 to #20. I didn't have a good feeling about this at all and her note confirmed it.
"Dearest Claude,
It would do absolutely no good whatsoever to apologize now for things that happened between us those many years ago. However, I do wish now to apologize specifically for not treating your concerns and worries on that last plane flight with the seriousness that I should have. I was very wrong indeed to belittle your quite valid concerns, but frankly, as we both observed in the end, no warning would have been sufficient enough to have prevented or even delayed what occurred.
You were right, we never should have gone in the first place - that would have at least delayed our fate and given us a little more time together.
While we both seem to clearly understand the reason behind some of the increasing 'extreme actions' I have found myself engaged in these recent years, and while you suggest that this is just 'water under the bridge' to you, I would prefer that you get a closer and hopefully better understanding about the exact nature of the water. I doubt you can.
I have selected these few tapes (less than 1% of your brother's exhaustive library) to provide a few specific examples of the vast sewer your loved one has waded and even willingly swam into. I assure you, these are not even remotely the most extreme items in his vast collection starring me as it featured performer. Watch these please in sequence, as they are more or less chronological, and I'm certain your observant eye can distinguish certain facts that will help you more easily make your future decisions...
There is another note inside Tape #20's case, but do not read it until you have finished with #1 through #19 first, please.
This seems cruel, but like your warning on the plane to me, this is now my warning to you - please treat it with the respect that I should have given yours."
Love, Wendy"
I had been afraid of this and she had hinted something about his video collection after the funeral. Before we could even attempt to pick back up where we had left off, she wanted me to know - really know, just what life with my insane mind-controlling brother had been like, and just what he had forced her to do ... and even enjoy.
I had been prepared to 'forgive her' - for everything. Could I still do it after seeing exactly what I had intended to forgive her for doing?
I put in Tape #1, and it was a plain boring amateur film of my brother fucking Wendy, not particularly well in my opinion. His only concern seemed to be exactly how fast he could cum himself. Wendy was young, just as I last remembered her from college. Her actions seemed nearly robotic as she eagerly did everything that Dragos asked of her. No problem - it was just about what I had expected.
Tapes #2 & #3 were a bit more interesting visually to watch as Dragos sought to expand all of Wendy's boundaries and she willingly participated in threesomes with another woman (Dragos's pool friend Annabelle?) and one of Dragos male bully boy friends. Again, about what I had expected.
Tapes #4-10 continued exploring those themes, and more ... with Wendy always in a very submissive role being bound, spanked or whipped and used by multiple partners. This was disturbing to watch, but I hadn't seen anything that I hadn't already imagined being done to her while I was by myself in the dead of night alone in bed.
Tapes #11-15 seemed on the surface to be much like the previous set, albeit with more kinks and fetishes included, but I soon noticed a few subtle differences. Wendy seemed to be more or less 'herself' and less 'controlled' in these scenes. Dragos was also almost never an active participant himself and from the sound on the tapes he seemed to be the main cameraman and was constantly looking for better angles to film his wife's debauchery. Wendy's later performances, if anything, resembled a tired porn star or whore that was just going through the motions, and she seemed to be relieved when everything was over at the end of each video. There may have been a few genuine smiles at a few pleasurable erotic moments with her partners (especially with a particular one lady who was in many of the group scenes with Wendy), but there was little 'love' for what she was doing expressed. I began to feel better about seeing the last few tapes.
Tapes #16-19 were mostly from a new venue and not filmed in their bedroom or some hotel room. These seemed to feature heavy group activity in a professional or private sex club of some sort. The camera work was of professional quality and very high detail. There was no mistaking that Wendy now loved nearly every moment of her sexual antics and she was a very willing and enthusiastic partner for nearly every sex act imaginable. Dragos was nearly nowhere to be found in the action and he mostly appeared to play the role of the voyeur while in the club. The few scenes I saw of him he was invariably drunk, very overweight and looking pallid and unhealthy in general. He appeared to have great trouble getting or maintaining an erection, and if he could perform he'd blow his load in just three or four strokes. Undoubtedly he had little or no will left to use his powers to control his wife, or probably anyone for that matter.
I had to stop with this tape as I was so disturbed. Wendy, now apparently mostly or totally free from Dragos' control, seemingly now loved every bit of sexual excess that she could obtain. She delighted in double and triple penetrations and pulling train, where as soon as one partner completed their ejaculation into her she would call for another to take his place. Wendy was also now starting to accumulate a complete collection of erotic body piercings and now displayed a distinctive colorful 'tramp stamp' on her lower back. I didn't think that this new version of 'Wendy' could ever again be satisfied with just a single lover, such as me.
The note taped to the top of the final tape #20 just said, "Watch this tape non-stop, repeatedly, until you either have to throw it away into the trash and burn it, or else you can masturbate to it. Then call me and let me know what your decision is.
Tape #20 was an especially long tape that was nearly three and a half hours long that featured one long orgy with Wendy being multiple penetrated and fucked by over 100 different men and women. She never looked happier, and her only cries were for "More!" There was only one very short scene showing Dragos sitting in a chair next to where she was being gang-banged scowling in obvious displeasure, naturally being drunk and abusive in the process. It was apparent that he was now a pathetic fat fool that was obviously the butt of many of the club's jokes as each member would mount and use his wife in turn, to her ecstatic pleasure.
I sat on my front porch holding this tape in my lap for at least an hour after I viewed it, just inches from the trash can. I saw no way that I could possibly 'forgive' this. She didn't want me anyhow, anymore, I reasoned. Undoubtedly now that she had the family wealth and fortune, she could afford to remain at her Club, with all of her gentleman and lady admirers. She didn't need or really want me.
I had nearly made the decision to throw the tape away when Father Al came along and sat on my front steps with me. I could see what was going to happen next all the way down Highway 59, with its bright lights on.
"I can't do it." I told him. "I just don't see how I can accept it and sleep next to her every night for the rest of our lives."
"I never said you would want to make this decision, that's why I said it was going to be very unpleasant. But still the same, you must forgive her, and at least hear what she has to say in her own defense. If she didn't think that she still wanted you after over fifteen years, she would never have bared herself completely to you, leaving no defenses. She knows she is at your utter mercy now, and has much to answer for. Will you at least give her the same respect and let her complete her confession to you? These tapes are the act of a woman who loves you, but knows she cannot start back in the past where you left her."
"She was right..." I muttered. "There has been too much water under the water. I just can't accept that even after he lost his control over her, she remained with him and did as he ordered her to do!"
"You must accept this, and see instead if an entirely new relationship can be built from where you both stand today as adults, and not kids still in college. You can make the honest and right decision now, or you can look back instead to all the events of your terrible past and make new, equally bad mistakes that will haunt you then forever. The choice is yours."
With that the good Father left me. As always, he was right, and I knew what I had to do.
Tape #20 stayed on auto-play for the next six weeks and was my constant companion until one fine summers day I could actually see past the technical acts of penetration and see the sheer happiness in her face, and as more and more men climaxed inside of her orifices I unwillingly found myself wishing that I was there as a participant and it was my semen that she was so lovingly swallowing while begging for more. I had my masturbatory orgasm at long last, but I still waited another week to give Wendy a call at her parent's home near St. Louis.
"Wendy, I still love you, when can I see you so we can talk?"
"Silly, I've been packed for weeks waiting for your call, I will be there to see you the day after tomorrow!" She said - and she was.
The next Tuesday evening, Wendy showed up at the newspaper office while we were trying to put what would probably be our final edition to bed. The printer shop across the Towne Centre finally had a terminal breakdown to their photo-engraving machine (also very obsolete), thus we could no longer print pictures or even add new advertisements easily. Alice seemed ready to throw in the towel.
Wendy's arrival changed all of that. She had seen a photo that a private investigator had taken of the inside of our newspaper office but still couldn't believe that we were still making this antique run. No matter.
"The new computers and printers are supposed to be here by this weekend!" She cheerful announced to all after we had embraced and introductions had been made. The Lovett Starry-Beacon was finally going hi-tech and was getting a complete suite of commercial desktop publishing tools and hardware. It was going to cost a fortune though, but as it was all Wendy's money, I didn't care to complain, and it was probably the first good use any of my family fortune had ever been put to. Alice sold the newspaper to Wendy for a token payment of one dollar, but she still stayed with us as our editor-in-chief.
Wendy didn't think much of my old two-room shack, and pointedly mentioned that a growing boy and a 'still fairly young bride very much within her childbearing years' were both going to need some growing room. She had an eye on a suitable house in a nice row of large old semi-Victorian houses just south of Towne Centre, and she wasted little time and was a very motivated buyer indeed. We made Victor a comfortable bed on my tired worn out sofa and promised him something better 'soon'. Before we knew it and without any other preamble, Wendy and I found ourselves in bed together.
Our lovemaking that first night was very gentle and slow, almost like both of us were examining the boundaries of each other, like a gentle test lap of a racecar the day before the big race. It was comfortable, like we were still sleeping with each other years ago back in the dorm at college, and more importantly when I was with her and holding her, I didn't feel the ghosts of the hundreds (or thousands) of men and women who had held her since I last had.
"So," I joked with her while we were snuggled up together, "are you ready for me to make an honest 'one-man' woman out of you yet?"
She wanted that very much, but knew that her past had some very large shadows and she admitted that she had 'certain fondnesses' and sexual desires now that would be very difficult to satisfy within the bounds of a strictly monogamous relationship. She admitted it would be hard, but she would devote all of her effort to making our relationship work, and we would just take things slowly one day at a time, for as long as it took.
I did have one other really burning question to ask. "If Dragos kept gradually losing his power, from drinking, mental weakness or whatever, why did you stay with him as long as you did, especially once you got some sort of control back over your life? That was the hardest thing for me to forgive, that you didn't run away the very first moment that you could!"
"It wasn't quite as simple as that for several reasons." She replied thinking deeply. "First, his control was always very iffy, but if he could concentrate, he could lay down some firm short time instructions that I had no choice but to obey and follow. Especially in those early two years before we were married. I think I had become his absolutely favorite plaything, and just my being around him gave him pleasure at the way he had stolen me from you, and then framed you into a life in prison. When that thrill wore off after the wedding, I began to have more 'independence' but what could I really do? You were now in jail for life, where could I run? Home? He'd find me there too, and maybe cause dreadful things to happen to my parents, or other people I loved. I couldn't take the chance."
"There must have been something that you could have done?" I insisted.
"Murdering him? I certainly considered it, but I think I had been programmed by him not to be able to. I couldn't even hold a knife in my hand and think thoughts of killing him, without my hand going limp and I'd drop the knife every time. Then there was your father. Believe it or not, after your mother died, he and I became quite close (but not in that way!). We would talk together many late evenings if we knew Dragos was safely out of the house. He had made a great many mistakes in his life and he admitted most of them before he died. He was too concerned with money, influence and power and he allowed himself to be seduced by your Aunt's vision of your brother becoming even greater and achieving far higher political office. It would be start of another great American political dynasty, just like the Kennedy's, they had believed, but something never did seem quite right. Even Aunt herself realized not long after our wedding that she had made a tragic miscalculation and that Dragos was not the 'Chosen One', or whatever she had expecting. Father wrote you a very long letter just before he died, but Dragos found it and burned it. He wanted just a little of your forgiveness and he hoped that you and I would be together sometime in the future. With me gone from the house, there would have been no one who could protect your father. Without my presence, I'm certain he would have died a few years earlier than he did, and perhaps not of natural causes. Once you got out from prison and 'disappeared', he knew that something would soon happen, and Dragos days would be numbered."
Wendy has been feeling much more confident of late. The more Wendy focuses on keeping herself fit and looking good the more attention she has been receiving from young men especially. Wendy has settled into a routine where she has a shower each morning, making sure that she is clean shaven and welcoming for any chance encounters that might present themselves. Wendy has developed a wish list on a website where her admirers can send her gifts. It is a thrill for her, being the object of their...
"I'm sorry, Wendell," the doctor shook her head as she closed the file folder, "I just don't see any reason to continue this course of therapy. I guess we just missed our opportunity by a few years. If you'd been younger, then maybe things would have worked out differently. But as things stand, there is just no point to continuing. There's nothing physically 'wrong' with you, you're just very small. Sometimes we just have to play the hand we're dealt, Wendell, and live the best life that...
When I had my first sexual experience, I fell in love. A love than spanned several years, but finally died a deserved death.I moved off to the gulf coast to start my first carreer. In this job I would spend several months at sea every year. It made for a tough love life. I'd dated a few young women but nothing serieously.I met Nan on a sea cruise. We were both about the same age, 27. I'm a "standard" guy about 5 ft 9 in and about 135 lbs. She worked in my office in a differnt group. She an I...
The next day, Wendy went into one of the empty study lounges in the dorm to read up in her psychology textbook. But she couldn’t stop thinking about Dan’s huge cock, and almost unconsciously slid her hand down inside her sweatpants and started to absentmindedly frig herself. When Jim came into the lounge (for what exact reason Wendy never did find out) she didn’t stop, but kept right on rubbing her pussy. “Here, Wen,” Jim said to her as he sat down on the couch...
### DN-328 ###Wife Gone WildBy Marvin CoxFOREWORD"The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation." So wrote American poet and essayist Henry David Thoreau in the Nineteenth Century. This statement appears to be just as true today as it was then. Perhaps it is even more valid today, considering the pressures and frequent monotony of modern society.The majority of today's men and women live in an overcrowded, competitive, noisy world. Most are put into slots and walk on a treadmill-going to...
Wendy has been wandering around in somewhat of a sexual fueled daze for a few weeks now. She’d had a very liberating experience with a truck driver named Sam. He had offered her a bed in his truck when her car had broken down at the diner where she worked. She had gotten stuck by a snow storm, all by herself in the diner with no heat. To repay Sam, she was going to sleep with him, but instead of simply having sex, her eyes were opened to a new experience. After realizing she was leaking breast...
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Wendy and Clair - The New Gurl Following our memorable night together (see Wendy and Clair, Parts I- III), Wendy and I went back to our usual webchats most evenings. I needed some time to process my feelings about having Wendy force me to reveal and act out my darkest desires before we got together in person again. And I was still sore in many inconvenient places. I couldn't take such vigorous meetings on a frequent basis, that's for sure! Some days it felt that I still squished as I...
"Oh god darling, at little deeper pleasssse.""How's this!" as I thurst all the way into Wendy tight pussy. I was holding out to tease her."OOOOOOh, yessssss, nnnnnninnnng" As Wendy's hips jerk off the sheets with the force of her orgasm. Her pussy is pulsing all over my cock and I can hold back no longer as my cum streams into Wendy's cunt.I roll her legs back so I can get maxiumu penetration into Wendy's hot vagina. My erection is starting to build again as Wendy toys with my ass hole. I'm...
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Wendy has been managing to put in one extra session at the gym each week for some time now. She was beginning to notice how toned that she looked and how well defined her legs were, especially when she wore any kind of heel. The extra sessions had been on different days and times than Wendy's normal routine and deeper had experienced how quiet the gym could be at times, or there were times that she could feel all the eyes on her, undressing her as she revelled in the attention. Wendy had become...
WENDY NIGHTINGALE.???“Wendy's a nice girl.........................” That's what everyone always said. She was the sort of person you liked as soon as you saw her, and so bright and intelligent. Plump, 5'6” and so, so pretty. With the most vivid green eyes, you ever saw. She wore glasses and had the most stunning breasts ever. When she moved to our area on her 50th birthday she always had a smile on her face, and no-one ever saw her husband, so she could be a widow, or divorced...... After all,...
WENDY NIGHTINGALE.???“Wendy's a nice girl.........................” That's what everyone always said. She was the sort of person you liked as soon as you saw her, and so bright and intelligent. Plump, 5'6” and so, so pretty. With the most vivid green eyes you ever saw. She wore glasses and had the most stunning breasts ever. When she moved to our area on her 50th birthday she always had a smile on her face, and no-one ever saw her husband, so she could be a widow, or divorced...... After all...
Wendy awoke just past 5 a.m. Kenneth lay spooned behind her an arm around her so that a hand cupped one breast. Wendy wore nothing and luxuriated in the warm expanse of Kenneth's body pressed against her. Reluctantly she pulled herself away and padded into the bathroom. She sat and peed. There was slight irritation of the extremely tender walls of her vagina. No surprise. He had made love to her into the night, first visiting each of her erogenous zones including ones she didn't know she had...
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Wendy had been searching for something to fill her spare time and had volunteered to help a charity renovating homes in disadvantaged areas. The people she met at first were mainly organisers for various tradesmen that would be need to complete the projects and she shadowed a lady called Linda for her first couple of projects with Linda being the one to hand over the houses to their new occupants at first. As summer was in full swing Linda had planned to go away for a week or two which...
Wendy After the GymWendy had been cheating on her husband for a long time now. He was away working on oil rigs for weeks if not months at a time and Wendy had needs.Wendy had been working rouge young men for some time and while she always dressed professionally while at work, she often met some guys she knew while out shopping or maybe at the gym. At first, she was flattered by the attention and would role play a situation in her mind as she masturbated on her own. Her first time with a young...
Wendy-Don-TylerWendy had been cheating on her husband for a long time now. He was away working on oil rigs for weeks if not months at a time and Wendy had needs.Wendy had been working rouge young men for some time and while she always dressed professionally while at work, she often met some guys she knew while out shopping or maybe at the gym. At first, she was flattered by the attention and would role play a situation in her mind as she masturbated on her own. Her first time with a young man...
Wendy is English and comes from Edwalton in Nottingham and is 41 years old. She’s been married to Richard for 22 years They met at college and they have just the one boy who is now 21 and living away with his girlfriend in the USA.Her husband Richard (known as Dicko to his pals) is the same age but has, of late, become a real lad going out drinking and her sex-life with him has been virtually non-existent for quite a while except for drunken fumbles when he gets home from the club. To say the...
Wendy is English and comes from Edwalton in Nottingham and is 41 years old. She’s been married to Richard for 22 years They met at college and they have just the one boy who is now 21 and living away with his girlfriend in the USA.Her husband Richard (known as Dicko to his pals) is the same age but has, of late, become a real lad going out drinking and her sex-life with him has been virtually non-existent for quite a while except for drunken fumbles when he gets home from the club. To say the...
Ben is a very good friend of mine. We met in scouts when we were younger and became fast friends. As well as all the normal scouting trips, we also would get together during the summers whenever one of our moms was willing to give us a ride across town. Ben went to a private school so weekends and summers were the only times we really had to hang out. Wendy is Ben’s little sister. Wendy was always the cutest little kid. When I first met her she was maybe six years old, and she was always bubbly...
Wendy not her first rodeo;It seems so normal for Wendy now, her husband is saying goodbye as he leaves for work, three weeks this time. Her ritual begins, a quick clean and tidy of the house, a shower to wash away any thoughts of who she pretended to be. Today she slipped on some heels and a little silkrobe. Wendy tied it tight, it felt great against her skin and came down to just about cover her pussy when she was standing. It was a fine morning and having breakfast in front of the open patio...
Introduction: Wendy did not expect this party This is what happened one night at a party. Wendy my wife is 35 weighs about 135 pounds and is 58 her tits are a D cup. We have been married for 15 years and have two kids but from the way here body looks it is hard to tell. She has always been very conservative about her dress and showing off her body. I had always wanted her to show off more and had even tried to get her to talk about it while we were having sex but she would always say she...
WendyI was walking through the mall and I saw a woman I thought I had seen before, but could not place her. I kept going as I was shopping for stuff for the house. I was furnishing my basement with some furniture and carpeting. I stopped at the food court and she was eating a burger and fries and I normally eat at the same restaurant so I ordered and got my food. I was walking past her and she looked up at me and she said “I think I know you don't I?”I was trying to place her face and then it...
***Nineteen-year-old Wendy wants to give her husband a sexy photo shoot for his Birthday. But things aren't as they appear.***This is the third story about my beautiful wife Wendy. The other two, Bachelor Party and Bachelor Part 2, have her submitting to different type of sexual games. This story precedes the other two and goes back to our early days as honeymooners. Let me first describe my beautiful wife, at the time of this story, she was 19 years old, 5'6", 108lbs, 34C and a natural redhead...
© copyright 2002 by Stormbringer "There goes the neighborhood," said Wendy looking out the window. Stan looked up from his dinner. His six foot tall, buxom blonde wife was framed in the sunlight staring out the window. She could have joined the Swedish bikini team she was so beautiful and stacked, everyday he was reminded of how lucky he was and today with the sunlight shining on her was no exception. "What do you mean?" he asked. "It looks like the new neighbor's a black...
Wendy is a married college guidance counselor. This is the story of how Wendy gives extra care and guidance to special students. Based on real events.Wendy was thinking about sex as she held a pen between her lips and nibbled on the end. Her marital sex life had become infrequent and passionless. She was in her mid 40’s, 5'6" 129 lbs, 34c-29-35, brown eyes, auburn hair cut short and took good care of herself. Wendy worked out hard for her body. She kept her pussy trimmed and does kegel...
"So, sweet Clair, how bad do you want to come? Hmmm? Not only will you do anything I ask, you'll beg me to tell you to do it. I could send you home now but you want to stay no matter what, isn't that so, Clair?" Wendy was lying on her back on the bed, stretching lazily after having cum all over my face. I had finished cleaning her cock and balls with my tongue and was panting like a puppy, waiting for her next order, eager to please her no matter what she might ask. "Oh yes Wendy,...
From top to bottom, Wendy was sexuality. Her long brown hair, deep brown eyes, luscious red lips, pert breasts, slim waist, tight ass, and long legs all added up to a body that was to die for. And she knew how to use it. Simply walking across a room was all that was usually needed for Wendy to excite the baser desires of every man in it (and, truth be known, not a few women as well). Since the age of fifteen, her unofficial motto had been “A day without an orgasm is a day...
Something is strange here. I'm not in my bed. I open my eyes and I'm definitely not in my bed! Then it all comes back. I'm in Wendy's bed! and last night was NOT a DREAM. I fucked Wendy last night! and Wendy fucked me several times! In fact my nipples and cock are a bit sore from all the attention that sexy Wendy paid them last night. (start series with Wendy Part 1)I hear noises from the bathroom, must be Wendy."There you are." as Wendy comes over to kiss me."After what you did to me last...
"Don't touch that!" I shouted, running toward her as fast as I could. Thankfully, it's a very tiny room, and I was beside her in a second or two. She immediately put her hands at her sides and turned to face me wearing a very guilty expression. "I wasn't going to touch anything. Matt," she lied brazenly. I simply shook my head. Wendy was a clever woman. When it came to mathematics, no one could touch her. But the woman couldn't lie to save her life. "Well, the vial you weren't...
Wendy secretly developed a liking for young men. She initially expressed her desire with “innocent†flirting. Next, she intentionally began wearing low-cut blouses and short skirts during her counseling sessions The new semester was just underway and Wendy felt like being naughty. Wendy K is an attractive, married white female in her Mid-50s. She’s 5’6”, 129 lbs., with brown eyes and short auburn hair. She’s a retired college guidance counselor. She and her husband live...
InterracialOur sweet little adopted daughter was only 6 years-old so she couldn't possibly have a devious plan to reshape our entire family, could she? WENDY by BobH (c) 2012 -1- "Oh, honey that was just what I needed!" said Mel, as she rolled off me to lay panting at my side. "Glad to be of service," I said, giving a thin smile and thinking that 'service' was exactly the right word for what I'd just done for Melissa. I was really low on...
*** The sequel to " Wendy's night of lust " please read that first ***It's now been a couple of years since Wendy started her own business venture as a strippagram. Although that business now booming especially given her one customer guarantee which she set from the beginning, FULL STRIP GUARANTEED!!!! Meaning no matter what gear she started in like a slinky evening dress, sexy pvc outfit basically any outfit requested by her clients, she always ended up COMPLETELY NAKED everytime! She felt...
Had someone send me a message and ask me if I could write up a story for them. After talked for a bit know what she wanted to write about decided give it a shot. I was in my fully furnished basement that has every a man and teenager would want. 75' flat screen tv, all current video game systems, fridge full of pop and snack, etc. Why would a 60 year old man have stuff for teenagers in his basement. It's nothing to do for me fully. You see my wife had this fantasy that she wanted to live out but...
Wendy's FantasyHad someone send me a message and ask me if I could write up a story for them. After talked for a bit know what she wanted to write about decided give it a shot.I was in my fully furnished basement that has every a man and teenager would want. 75' flat screen tv, all current video game systems, fridge full of pop and snack, etc. Why would a 60 year old man have stuff for teenagers in his basement. It's nothing to do for me fully. You see my wife had this fantasy that she wanted...
Wendy's FantasyI was in my fully furnished basement that has every a man and teenager would want. 75' flat screen tv, all current video game systems, fridge full of pop and snack, etc. Why would a 60 year old man have stuff for teenagers in his basement. It's nothing to do for me fully. You see my wife had this fantasy that she wanted to live out but due to medical problems she wasn’t able to. Now it took me a bit to get into the idea but she told me that after the fantasy was done that we...
The cell door opened and I looked up to see a Hispanic looking man being ushered into the holding cell. The cell door clanked behind him and he took a seat on the bench along the opposite wall. We eyed each other for a bit and then he said: "Hey man, what you in for?" "Beating the shit out of a cop. You?" "Back child support. No shit? You stomped a cop?" "Afraid so." "Wow man, that's heavy shit. Why ain't you all busted up and bruised? Cops don't like it when one of them gets...
Chapter 8 – All in the familyMr. Ross sent Toni to Mr. Beasley's office again for being late to class. Toni refused tell him why she was late, but when he brushed his hand across a tuft of her hair and showed her the wet gooey stuff on his fingers she figured that he knew. Toni thought she had cleaned herself better.She hadn't meant for it to happen that way. Richard had grabbed her arm before class and told her to come with him because he had something important to show her. Toni should have...
Wendy & Kevin have been married ten years where they have a five year old son Robin. Kevin works as an admin worker for the local council. Before her pregnancy carrying Robin, Wendy was a fitness trainer & dance teacher. When Robin became two years old she decided to return to work. It was during a catch up chat with her old school friend Laura that prompted Wendy's change of career. Laura was working as a strippagram, working for herself where Laura said the money was good as she set...
Wendy and Clair, Part II I tried to take a few deep breaths and relax, sipping my wine. I felt a bit dizzy and disoriented but Wendy's determination for us to keep strictly in character helped to relax me. I had put my bra and breast forms back on along with my sheer outerwear so felt at least partially dressed. Wendy was similarly dressed and sat with her legs crossed, chatting as if the two of us were girlfriends catching up on our lives. She discussed fashion, perfume, shoes and...
As it happened, my son's wife Wendy had just completed her university education, graduating from a Mid-Western University with an MA in Geography. This was a fortuitous coincidence because I was planning a business trip to India. Our company was following the trend and was going to open a phone-bank in India to answer questions concerning our business.The company wasn't proud of out-sourcing, but it was good business. So I was being sent to travel to major cities to survey the situation and I...
ThreesomesI hadn't planned this at all. I hadn't planned to fall in love with a twelve-year old girl, let alone my daughter's best friend. I hadn't planned to be the first one to give her an orgasm, the first to penetrate her, the first to introduce her to all the mysteries of love. But it happened. The day after I deflowered Wendy, I bought three dozen condoms, and we'd used them all by the time she announced that her mom had put her on birth control and we no longer needed them. Dispensing with...
It was their morning fuck, and Wendy was getting close to orgasm. Her cunt felt wet and hot and her tummy was feeling that once familiar tightening sensation. Her body was rocking to a rhythm, her nostrils flared slightly, while her uneven, almost ragged breathing racked her chest. Another day had dawned in the leafy outer suburbs of Surrey, England. Wendy was on her back, naked in her marital bed, legs spread wide, her long dark hair spread out on a pillow and her two nipples bullet hard,...
Wendy had been cheating on her husband for a long time now. He was away working on oil rigs for weeks if not months at a time and Wendy had needs. Wendy had been working rouge young men for some time and while she always dressed professionally while at work, she often met some guys she knew while out shopping or maybe at the gym. At first, she was flattered by the attention and would role play a situation in her mind as she masturbated on her own. Her first time with a young man was...
None of the guys held back with Wendy K – they fucked her hard and she fucked them back. Wendy K Wendy K worked as a guidance counselor at the local college. This meant lots of interactions with horny, young people. Some of these interactions had developed into sexual encounters. She was in her early 50s, with brown eyes and short auburn hair. She stood at 5’6”, worked out regularly and remained fit (34c-29-35, 129 lbs.). She was more than capable of still attracting the attention...
MatureIt was the end of season, and my cheerleading squad asked if they could have a BBQ party at mine. They explained the football jocks had refused to allow them to their unless they allowed them all to fuck them. The slutty girls had said yes and made their arrangements, but the good little girls had said no and were now looking to me for help to have their own little celebration.I knew my husband would be away for a long golfing weekend with my best friend Wendy's husband so I thought hell the...
Wendy is 28 years old married with a 7 year old boy and 5 year old girl her husband was a big shot in an office till he got himself fired for stealing money the boss was a good friend so no charges were filed but it went on the record, this didn't matter much cause he did not try to find another job so Wendy had to go back to work. The work didn't bother her as much as him not trying at all to help not with money not with the k**s not with the housework nothing. So here she was up at six...
Wendy, seducer of youth First a brief description of the lady, she is a white American, five feet six tall, auburn hair, brown sparkling eyes, she weighs an attractive 129lb`s has 34c tits a slim 29inch waist and a delectably smack able 36inch arse, though the odd spank is all that she allows as anal turns her completely off, however she keeps her Jack and Danny waxed and trimmed, Her hubby is Trevor and he works away a fair bit, and though a good man at home and in bed, he`s never quite been...
"Oh god darling, at little deeper pleasssse."Doug has been holding back, teasing my pussy! Then he thrusts deeper into me, the feeling of his stiff shaft penetrating my very wet vagina is overwhelming and I cum and so does he. I feel his hot ejaculations into my pussy.Doug pushes my legs back towards my ears to fully expose my cunt to his attentions. I want max penetration this time. he thrusts deep, deep into me! I feel the tip of his cock brushing against my cervix, and it again is too much....
I've been retired for several years now, even though I'm barely 47. I was lucky, both in business and in the market. Like a lot of guys, one of the sacrifices I made (without realizing it at the time because I was so busy 'making a good life for us') was my marriage. From the start I'd told Mary that I didn't want kids. She agreed at the time, wholeheartedly. When we wed I was twenty five and she was twenty one. About three years later she started talking about kids. But I held my...
Hi. I'm Bill telling this part of the story. I was worried and I wanted some time alone with Wendy to talk about what was worrying me. I invited Wendy to walk down to the nearby surf beach. She put on very short shorts and a skimpy top, and was ready to go. In those days, all of Wendy's tops were skimpy; they still are, today. I pulled on running shorts and was ready too. Suzie was out by the pool, breast feeding her new baby. They were a beautiful sight, both naked. We called out that...
I knew it was going to be an awkward day the moment I stepped in my lab. Okay, calling it a lab is a bit of a stretch. I have a small chemical set on a shelf beside my bed. That and a desk. Yeah, it isn't much, but thanks to college tuition, my ass is on the ramen noodle diet. Anyway, when I walked into my "lab", I saw my friend Wendy there waiting for me. In classic Wendy fashion, she was making a beeline for the single most dangerous thing I posessed. "For the love of God, don't touch that!"...
Was this the perfect wedding for both bride and groom? It has now been 10 years since Wendy and I were married. Our sex life has always been good but as with most marriages that initial "lust fest" has worn off, with c***dren also doing their best to dampen any ardour.This tale relates to the time just before we were married, right up to our wedding day. This was a time when we were still very spontaneous and regularly exhausted each other wherever and whenever the moment took us.This was a...
I see Doug at our morning break."Can you give me Sara's phone number and when can I reach her at home today?""Sure, her shift starts at noon. She has Tuesday off.""Thanks I plan to call her."At noon Doug and I go to our secluded spot."Doug I had intended to have you suckle my breasts again but we need to talk. I called Sara and asked to see her Tuesday night at her place. I wanted to see her alone, but she asked if it would be OK it you were there. Is that OK with you.""Sure, I don't see why I...
Wendy ch.10: The Wedding Wendy drove the first five miles before making an excuse about being sore from the day before. She pulled off the road just outside the city limits. I opened my door, preparing to go around to the driver’s side when she spoke. “I’ll slide over,” she said, motioning for us to changes places by me passing under her. It would have been faster if she let me go around the car. First, she slid her copious butt to the center section of the seat, then rolled onto me, meeting...