A Golfer's Dream: Book I - The Dream BeginsChapter 25: One Dream Fulfilled free porn video

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Dave hadn't expected to see Ann but he had thought about what he would say if and when he did. A whole flood of past images and emotions washed over him. In the short time it took her to close the distance between them, he pictured their first time in his bedroom, the times on the hill beside the fifth green, the time with her and Jennifer in the hideout, the time in her bedroom, the time beside her pool, his bent and broken clubs and the final image of Jennifer's family selling their trailer and never coming back to QAI - superimposed itself on all the rest. He could also hear the icy tones of Jennifer's voice and his feelings as he felt his best friend slipping away.

She sat in a chair beside his and looked at him contritely, "I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused, Dave. I was blinded by jealousy and I'm truly sorry. I was devastated when I heard you were shot. I realized I was wrong to do the terrible things I did and I want you back in my life. Can you forgive me?"

Dave could see tears in her eyes and his heart began breaking for her. His heart was remembering the first time they made love and was trying to convince his brain to forgive her - but, for one of the few times in Dave's life, his brain overruled his heart. He held Ann's hand and spoke in measured tones, "Ann, I can understand why you got jealous. I can appreciate your shock and anger. I can forgive you for not giving me a chance to explain my side, I can even forgive you for breaking my clubs, but I can never forgive you for trying to turn Jennifer against me. I will always have that special place in my heart for you - you were, and always will be, my first true love. But you almost destroyed my relationship with my best friend. I will never be able to forget that. I hope you can move on with your life because I have had a lot of time to think the last two weeks and I have decided I have to move on without you in my life."

Ann was in tears, she dropped to her knees in front of Dave. She put her head in his lap as she cried, "Please, Dave, I need you. Please take me back; I promise I will do what ever you want. I won't cause any more trouble."

Dave pulled Ann onto his lap. He ignored the initial pain to his shoulder as she molded her body against him. Dave spoke softly but sternly, "Ann, you are a beautiful young woman. As I have said many times I will always love you but I can no longer trust you. We had something beautiful, but that was shattered beyond repair. I hope you find that special someone but it will not be me." Dave kissed her tenderly on the cheek. "I wish you all the best."

Ann looked in Dave's eyes and saw she had no chance of changing his mind. She sobbed, "I'm sorry, Dave. Goodbye."

Dave replied, "I'm sorry too. Goodbye, Ann."

Ann stood and walked towards Jennifer's trailer with tears still running down her cheeks.

Carol, from the kitchen of the trailer, had seen Ann pull up. She had waited for her to leave then went outside and sat with Dave. She asked, "Are you okay?"

Dave looked into her eyes and, for the first time, several tears ran down his cheek, "Yes, I'm okay. I did love her and that talk was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. I hope she doesn't hate me for breaking up with her but I know it was the only thing I could do."

Carol hugged him briefly, stood, and walked over to Ron's trailer to help with the barbecue.

Dave sat by himself reflecting on his incredible summer. There was only one week of summer left before his family moved back to Edwardton and Jennifer and her family moved back to Charlestown.

Fifteen minutes later Ann ran through his campsite to her car. She was openly crying as she climbed in her car and started it up. Dave was suddenly concerned about her driving while clearly upset; he tried to call her but she backed out and sped up the road.

Jennifer walked around the corner of Dave's trailer and gently sat on his lap. She cried softly in his arms, "Ann asked if she could stay here for the week. She wanted to try and win you back; but I told she couldn't stay and probably would never be welcome to stay here again. I told her I would still be her friend but I needed some time away from her. I told her I was still very angry at her for lying to me about you and trying to tear us apart."

Dave looked at Jennifer with concern, "She isn't driving back to Charlestown, is she? She is too upset to drive that far."

Jennifer shook her head, "No, she convinced her father to rent the cabin down the road, again."

Relieved, Dave hugged Jennifer, "I love you."

Jennifer replied, "I love you, too."

Julie walked out of the trailer and asked, "Was that Ann I saw leaving?"

Dave and Jennifer both nodded as Julie sat in the chair beside them. Dave said, "Yes, I told her I didn't want to see her anymore and Jennifer told her she needed some time away from her as well. I hope she doesn't do anything too rash."

Julie looked at Dave, "I kind of know how she feels. Last week when I got home, I broke up with my boyfriend. I found out he had gone out with another girl while I was away. He admitted it and we agreed it was best if we didn't see each other again. I miss him, but I will get over him."

Dave held Julie's hand, "If I can do anything, just ask."

Jennifer said the same thing before Carol walked around the corner of the trailer calling everyone for supper.

Dave ate a huge supper and was again teased for his large appetite.

After supper, everyone sat around and talked for while. Carol smiled at Roger then looked at Beth, Dave, and Julie, "If you don't mind, your father and I would like a little privacy for an hour or so. Do you mind staying over here for a while?"

Dave, Beth, and Julie all smiled and nodded understandingly. They were all pleased that their mother was ready to treat them like adults.

A smiling Roger returned over an hour later. Nobody said anything but everyone knew what he was smiling about. Dave was tired so he kissed Jennifer goodnight and went to bed. Finally back in his own bed, he slept soundly.

The next morning, Carol removed the bandages on Dave's shoulder. She said the wound was well healed over and he could have a shower if he wanted. Dave asked what the plans were for the day. The weather was starting to get cooler but it was supposed to warm up later in the morning -- she told him the family was planning a last family day at the beach. Dave said he would wait to shower until after they returned from the beach.

The family spent a quiet day at the beach. Dave ventured into the water but would not go beyond waist deep. The wound on his leg was completely healed over but there was still some pain if he moved too quickly. His shoulder wound was still an ugly pink mess. Dave left his tee-shirt on while he was at the beach for protection against the sun.

After returning from the beach, Dave soaked in the shower and let the hot water run over his body. After another large group supper, Dave and Jennifer went to games room. They stopped many times to talk to friends. Dave told his story about BC many many times and, when they finally returned to the trailer, he was extremely tired. Jennifer and Dave discussed when they would get some private time; Dave told her he didn't think he could walk the distance to their hideout until later in the week. He thought it was too far right now but he hoped that, after his parent went to work the next day, they might be able to be alone. Jennifer confirmed that her mother was going on her regular Monday outing and her father was going to work. They kissed tenderly as both thought about the following day. It was just after dark and Dave said he was tired -- he kissed her goodnight and went to bed.

The next morning Dave was awakened by a smiling Jennifer. She whispered, "Mom is gone. Let's go to my trailer for a little fun."

They did not stop for breakfast. Dave and Jennifer spent a wonderful morning making love tenderly. Dave's leg was feeling better everyday and his shoulder was also steadily improving. They were both careful with Dave's injuries and were happily exhausted after their long love-making session. After they finished, they decided to take a shower. Dave was happy to have help washing his hair as he found it difficult to do with just one fully functional arm.

Jennifer kissed him tenderly and whispered, "Do you know what I would love to do?" Dave raised his eyebrows as if to ask "What?" So Jennifer continued, "Now that Julie doesn't have a boyfriend, I'd like us to have a little fun with her. I know you two didn't go all the way yet and I wondered if you would like to fuck your sister?"

Dave's tired dick took a sudden lurch at the thought of making love to Julie. Jennifer saw the reaction and smiled, "I'll take that as a yes."

The two lovers dried each other while they enjoyed the closeness and intimacy.

Beth and Julie were preparing lunch when Dave and Jennifer walked around the corner of the trailer. Julie explained she had cooked hamburgers for everyone while Beth had made a salad. Dave ate as if he had not seen food for a week; all three girls noticed that he did not stop until every crumb had vanished from the table. When Dave took the last sip of his drink, set down the glass, closed his mouth, and blinked like a cat, the girls exploded with group giggles but refused to tell him why.

After lunch the four teens went to the pool for the afternoon.

Tuesday and Wednesday passed by quickly. Dave, Jennifer, Beth, and Julie were together everyday. They spent time at either the pool, the beach, the games room, or just hanging out at the trailer.

On Thursday, Dave woke late and went outside to find Julie reading a book under the canopy of the trailer. It was raining and looked as if it were going to continue all day. Dave got a bowl of cereal and sat with Julie as he ate. He asked where Beth was and Julie replied, "I think she finally knows you're going to be okay. She wouldn't leave the trailer all week because she missed you while you were gone and was so relieved to finally have you home that she told her friends you needed her here. I think she also needed to reassure herself you were truly well. Today, when her friend Cindy called, she asked me to drive her to town, so she is back to normal and gone for the day."

Dave finished his breakfast before he went to have a shower.

Dave was enjoying the hot water running over his body when he felt a breeze and heard the door close behind him. He turned to see a smiling Julie. She explained, "Jennifer told me I should help you shower because you were finding it difficult with your sore shoulder."

Julie melted into Dave's arms as he kissed her passionately. He slid his left hand to her slippery bald snatch and was pleased to find it wet with anticipation. Jennifer had already given him the okay to make love to his sister and he was ready to fulfill his long time fantasy.

Julie moaned into his mouth as he slid a finger deep into her slippery canal. Dave felt Julie grasp his now raging hard-on and stroke him tenderly. He whispered, "I told you a month ago I would make our first time special; I always make good on my promises."

Dave lowered his head to Julie's large round breasts and sucked a soft pink nipple into his mouth. His finger flicked and teased her clit as he latched first onto one nipple, then the other. Dave wished he had better use of his other hand but had to settle for a one-armed attack at this point. He dropped to his knees to trace his tongue down her wet but firm stomach. The water was pouring down Julie's stomach and into his face, so she moved slightly to the side and pointed the shower head away from her front.

Dave lifted her leg up, and directed her foot to the soap tray. With Julie in a perfect position, he began tracing his tongue around her slippery slit. He moved his hand around her thigh and began squeezing and massaging her ass as he slowly ran his tongue up the full length of her slit. After more circling and gentle teasing, he slid his tongue between the folds of her soft puffy lips to get the first taste of his sister's juices. The tangy flavour invigorated him as he drove his tongue deep into the nether regions of her tunnel. The taste was even better than he had dreamed.

Julie moaned loudly and her hands grabbed her brother's hair trying to force his tongue even deeper. He moved his mouth up and began to suck her clit while he moved his hand between her legs and plunged two fingers deep inside her wet hole. Julie moaned, "Lick me, little brother! Suck my clit! OOOhhhhhhh! EEEEEEhhhhhhh! Gooodddddd thhhhhatttttt feeeeellllsssss ggggggoooooooooooooooooooooooodddd!" Julie's orgasm flooded her senses and Dave's face as he lapped at the extricated juices. Julie had moved her hands from his head to the shower walls to help maintain her balance.

He continued to lick and suck her pussy as she slowly regained her composure. After finally catching her breath, she reached down and gently pulled him to his feet. She kissed him tenderly tasting her own juices on his mouth. She began stroking his still hard shaft and whispered, "God, that felt incredible. Now, I want to taste that sausage you've been teasing me with for over a month now."

Julie dropped to her knees as the water splashed off Dave's back. She cradled his balls in one hand as she licked and kissed his purple crown. He looked into her wanton eye's looking up at him for reassurance. He gasped, "Suck it! Suck my juicy sausage, big sister."

That was all the encouragement she needed as she sucked his big fat cock into her mouth. She licked and sucked his tender meat as she stroked it with her hand. Dave was enjoying Julie's lips on his dick but he quickly realized she was not nearly as good at giving head as Jennifer. Julie tried hard but she didn't synchronize any of her motions. Her tongue felt nice and soft but she would often scrape her teeth across his shaft. Each time Dave would gently warn her about the teeth.

After at least fifteen minutes Dave could see her getting tired and a little frustrated. He knew if he didn't cum, she would feel like she failed so he focused on her face licking his cock and he visualized the many fantasies about her sucking him. He remembered the taste of her juices as he dropped his hand to her head and moaned, "That's it sis, suck it! Suck my cock." The added visualizations increased his excitement and he felt his orgasm building. An image of his sister and mother on the couch flashed through his mind and sent him over the top as he whispered, "I'm cumming!" Julie pulled her mouth off his dick as the first spew of white goo shot out of his dick and onto her chest. The second shot followed close behind and she stroked the remaining seed from his shaft.

The water was still beating on his back. He had his eyes closed enjoying the wonderful feeling when he suddenly felt another cool breeze. At first he thought Julie left but he could still feel her hand on his shaft so he opened his eyes to a smiling and naked Jennifer.

Jennifer asked, "Is there room in here for one more?"

Julie looked up just as Dave looked down at her. Her smile confirmed she liked the additional company so Dave replied, "There is always room for another beautiful girl."

Julie stood up and quickly became the meat in a Jennifer and Dave sandwich. She smiled at Dave before she turned to face Jennifer. Dave immediately pulled her snug against his body, slid his good hand between her legs, and rubbed her hot wet slit. Julie could feel his re-energized dick press between the cheeks of her ass. Jennifer leaned into Julie and kissed her tenderly. Dave could see their tongues dueling as he kissed and sucked Julie's ear. Julie loved being the centre of attention.

Jennifer finally pushed her back slightly and looked at her wonderful body. Julie spotted the trail of cum running down her chest and whispered, "I love your body. I see you don't like to eat cum. I never used to like it either until I fell in love with the taste of Dave's cum. Now I hate to see it wasted." Jennifer lowered her head and began licking the cum off Julie's body. Julie dropped her head onto Dave's shoulder as Jennifer fondled her large breasts and sucked each nipple into her mouth. Dave's fingers made a gentle rubbing motion on her clit and she could feel another orgasm quickly building.

Jennifer's hot exciting tongue combined with Dave's teasing fingers sent Julie over the edge to a wonderful orgasm. She leaned against Dave for balance before eventually pulling Jennifer into a tight embrace and kissing her sensually. She whispered, "Jennifer, your tongue felt wonderful. Let's change places so I can get better access to your hot blonde box."

Julie spun Jennifer into Dave and immediately dropped to her knees. She slid a finger into Jennifer's wet slit as she immediately began licking and sucking her clit. Jennifer had barely fallen into Dave's arms when she felt the fingers and tongue of Julie go into action. Dave kissed Jennifer's neck and whispered he loved her into her ear. Both his arms were around her body with his good hand fondling and massaging her large breasts while his sore arm held her gently. Jennifer's hands quickly went to Julie's head as her excitement increased quickly. Jennifer could feel her orgasm coming quickly when Julie plunged two fingers deep inside her wet love hole.

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Chapter 25: One Dream Fulfilled Videos

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DreamweaverChapter 48 When it All Hits the Fan

My phone ringing before six AM is almost never a good thing. Yesterday when it happened, it was Jimmy calling to check up on me and see what measures Rod and I had come up with to try and prepare for the Sandman's reaction. At first I thought it might be him calling again, but then I realized it was the wrong side ringing. One problem with having to be available twenty-four-seven is where to keep your phone. Most of the time it's not a problem, cell phones are so common no one thinks twice...

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DreamweaverChapter 72 The Lions Den

Originally posted on: Sun Jul 12, 2009 6:01 pm "My Lord, please?" Walter begged. "It's okay, Walter." I reached out my hand and touched Amy on the shoulder and suddenly she was whole again and she sat up and wrapped her arms around my neck and wept. "It's okay, Amy," I whispered softly, cradling her against my chest and stroking her hair and back. "It's all gone now. That was a long, long time ago and the pain is long gone." Walter had gone back to his wolf shape and tears...

4 years ago
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DreamweaverChapter 32 The Long Moments

Now that I had done what I could to keep Phoebe safe, the only thing I wanted to do was go see Shannon. I called my parents to see if they had heard anything yet, but I got voice mail so I figured they were either still with the lawyers or already at the hospital and had turned off mom's cell phone. Dad doesn't carry one; mom didn't either until I got mine, but then she figured it made sense that I have a way to reach them if something came up so they wouldn't worry. They still couldn't...

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DreamweaverChapter 70 The Big Step

Originally posted on: Sun Jun 28, 2009 6:38 pm It was time. The visit to the church had given me the last piece I needed to finally get serious about cleaning up the problem in Las Vegas. Unfortunately it had also handed me a problem I had not, could not possibly have, anticipated. So now that I had a way to the man himself, I was scared to death of Elliott Bastion. With no idea how to proceed I decided to go back to the basics; time to go see Allison. I got the response I expected. "Holy...

1 year ago
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DreamweaverChapter 68 The Church

Though the offices were located on the 18th floor of a downtown high-rise, the Church of the Inner Circle itself was located on a two acre facility off Highway 582 between Vegas and Henderson. It was average size for a church, I guess. I mean it's not like I'd been to that many. A little bigger than the one where I'd met Phoebe not so very long ago. Thinking of Phoebe created a cold knot in my stomach as I paid the cab for bringing me out. Probably best not to think about it. I didn't...

2 years ago
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The girl of my dreams1

I awoke with a start and sat bolt upright, my heart racing and a lump in my throat. I cussed out loud and lifted my shirt to wipe the dripping sweat from my face. I had been dreaming. Dreaming of a girl I had not yet met but hoped one day I would. The dream had started in a place that I imagined could have been a high school reunion, but dreams are often hazy and people social, work and family groups often cross over resulting in unusual combinations of people in sometimes obscure...

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DreamweaverChapter 43 The Meaning of Fear

Okay, now I'm scared. I know what you're thinking, everybody says that, and you're right. I mean I've been scared before; several times in fact. Like when Brad and his goons ambushed me outside the mall. Skinny little freshman me against three football players, hell yes I was scared. Even before that, when I confronted Brad in the locker room because he was talking shit about Angela. If our star running back, Pat Nesky, hadn't been there I probably would have gotten my ass kicked. Both...

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DreamweaverChapter 71 Into the Fire

When I woke up this morning I had a short list of things to do: see Tony about the corporate filing and Christine's sexual harassment suit; farther down the list was talking to Rod and Rebecca about someone called The Black Queen -- who she was and why she might be interested in me. I had put that conversation off because I knew Rebecca would want to know about what I had learned at the church and why I had needed a background check on Tony on a Sunday. I had confirmed during the...

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DreamweaverChapter 26 On The Case

Rebecca I couldn't believe how fast Jimmy had locked down the whack job that had been raping little girls in and around Palm Springs. It would have been nice to get an ID but in the long run this was actually better. If I'd had his name I might have been tempted to arrest him and take my chances with the physical evidence we had. This way, I wouldn't be tempted. I'd have the girl staked out and catch the bastard in the act. Well not 'in the act, ' but taking her anyway. That would be...

1 year ago
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DreamweaverChapter 8 Do You Want the Good News

Something was wrong. I couldn't put my finger on it, but something just seemed ... I don't know, off. It had been over a week since I had successfully bridged Mikkelson, discovered just how serious the problem had become and then gotten suckered out of the dream. Since then I had not been able to reestablish a connection with him. He had been unavailable before so I wasn't overly concerned about it but somehow this just felt ... different. On the positive side, Lizzy seemed to be making...

3 years ago
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DreamweaverChapter 13 The Road to Normal

Angela woke to soft sheets and sunshine, feeling better than she had in weeks. "It was only a dream," she whispered to herself. "It still is," I whispered back. Startled, she clutched the soft sheet to her chest and started to roll over, only to find that she couldn't because my arms were holding her pinned close to my body. "Shhh. Be still, everything is okay." "Oh my God, Jimmy," she said. I felt her body tense as she realized that she was still in the same dream and that...

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DreamweaverChapter 39 The Challenges of Life

Apparently the teachers had gotten together over the summer and decided that Thursday was going to be test day. Even Bob was in on it. The only classes I didn't have tests in were PE and my TA spot in Bob's beginning class. It was not much of a consolation; Coach Barnes announced that we would be starting the Presidential Fitness Test on Monday and Bob informed me that I was responsible for grading the tests from the beginning psych class. The good news was I aced all my tests, including...

2 years ago
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DreamweaverChapter 16 The Beast in the Box

I expected that if I were to go into the cabana that I would find the girls, but I was not really ready to see them just yet. Sitting on the beach I stared out at the waves and tried to think about what I had just learned. My killer was schizophrenic, as we had guessed; that he was also the victim of some scheme to exploit his condition was news. What kind of people would take such an illness and exploit it? Who would even conceive of it? How would it be done? The care and effort to treat the...

1 year ago
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The Dream2

I was walking into a hotel for a conference when I passed some attractive shapely women in bikinis, surprisingly this causes an erection. As I adjust my dick in my pants I thought, "wow, I must really be horny". Just then I turn down a secluded hallway and run into someone from work. She is wearing a revealing top and a skirt above her knees. "Hi there" she says as she leans in for a hug. She accidently rubs up against my erection, steps back and states "you must really be happy to...

2 years ago
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The Dreamcatcher

Go to the house at the top of the street. Enter the house.(May 21, 2012 10:03 P.M.)Slowly advancing up the tree-lined hill, she glanced up from her lit phone screen to see the dark house towering over a neat lawn. The sky was a dead blue and every shape cast a black shadow on the dusty path. Beneath her shoes, the gravel path crunched and ground into the earth; every footstep echoed into the dark forest."Is he in the house?" she contemplated. Probably not. There were no visible vehicles parked...

1 year ago
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the wet dream1

Finally, my balls are brushed by the wispiness of her red pussy hair. The tightness of her ass that now clinches my manhood is quickly causing my balls to overfill with cum. With one hand she is stroking my balls and with the other she fingers her pussy and clit.The odor of sexual ardour lingers in the air as she again releases a small spurt of slickened cum from her excited pussy. Repositioning herself, slightly, she increases the speed of steady pumping upon my stifness. Her anal walls are...

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The Dream5

I'm so nervous and scared, and I didn't think I could bring myself to agree, but I do. You tell me to come over Thursday night. I'm so nervous I'm shaking but I can't quit thinking about you and that body, and what it would feel like wrapped around me, and how your lips would feel on mine, and how my mouth would feel around that beautiful cock, or how it would feel inside me. Yep I'll be there alright. I may need to have a few drinks before I get there to work up the courage. I'm...

3 years ago
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The Dream8

About once a month, sometimes twice a month I have a dream. I wake up in a cold sweat from the dream and I have no idea why I keep having the dream. The Dream: For some reason which I can not recall we had been fighting about something. Gary asked me to put on a pair of jeans and a blouse. He tells me that it’s such a beautiful evening were going to go for a ride in the car with the top down and just let things cool off. It’s about 79 degrees as we drive out into the country I can lay...

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Dreamworks Dragons Harem on the Edge

This is Berk. Home to you and other vikings and creatures of all kinds. My name is Stella Horrendous Haddock the 3rd, daughter of Chieftess Stoica the Vast. Usually, life on this cold rock would drive people to the brink of insanity. But thanks to my "mom", the village has thrived over the years with very little exciting events. My mom is technically considered my dad because of the fact that she is a futanari, or a chick with a dick. I know this because I'm one too. But my family isn't exactly...

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The Dreamcatcher

Go to the house at the top of the street. Enter the house. (May 21, 2012 10:03 P.M.) Slowly advancing up the tree-lined hill, she glanced up from her lit phone screen to see the dark house towering over a neat lawn. The sky was a dead blue and every shape cast a black shadow on the dusty path. Beneath her shoes, the gravel path crunched and ground into the earth, every footstep echoed into the dark forest. ‘Is he in the house?’ she contemplated. Probably not. There were no visible vehicles...

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The doors to Dreamworks

You don't know why it happened, or HOW it happened, all you know is that you were watching a marathon of you favorite Dreamworks Animation movies, when you suddendly fell asleep and when you woke up you find yourself in a strange dark room filled with several doors. You notice that all of them have the name of different Dreamworks movies.

1 year ago
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Finally Fucked My High School Dreamgirl Part 3 Kims Mom and I

Be warned this story starts out slow but I think it builds up pretty nicely. If you’ll recall from my last story my name is Nick. I’m 18, 6’ 1” 190lbs, black and about to be senior at my school. I had finally gotten to have sex with my high school dream girl, Kim. She’s 18, 5’4” 140lbs and Hawaiian. She’s absolutely beautiful with raven black hair, gorgeous blue eyes, D-cup boobs, and big round scrumptious ass. Not to mention a smile that makes my day. So anyway it’s been a few months since...

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Gareths Adventures Lucys Dream

Author’s note: This is my first ever work of erotic literature, so if it’s so abysmal that you run screaming into the night at least I let you know beforehand. The first section is a message from Gareth while the rest is from Lucy’s view. Any section you see marked with a * indicates a lapse in time or a general break in the story. It will depend on how well this story is received for me to continue on with it or start on something different. With that said, I hope you enjoy. My name is...

2 years ago
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Lauras Dream0

I got rid of the problem fairly easily, but when I started browsing through her files to see what might have been the cause for the infection, I found some pictures and videos which I couldn’t have imagined Laura had been looking at. The thing was, I knew all her important essays and such were saved here, so she certainly didn’t let her friends and such use this specific computer… This should not have entirely come as a surprise, of course. I had to remember my daughter was already a young...

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A guy and his 60 Dreamscape0

Gen - Jakes first Jinn                                                                Tina - Rita's daughter Jinn - What the genies are called                                             Trully -  second Jinn doc Rasmir's little sister Tommy Sinclair - Friend of Jake's and fellow worker            Nyrae - Juno's powerful Jinn   Mary - Boss's daughter                                                              Nuha - Leader of Deadly Trio     Juno - Jakes big Boss and Mary's...

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I decided to walk out to the camp spot from a near by parking area just enjoying the sun and sounds of nature. In my backpack, I have a few things I knew were needed for the camp spot I left for you but didn’t think you would be there yet. I come around the tent to see you stretched out in the sun sleeping like a goddess, your golden hair fanned out, your lithe body free for all to adore, your female charms slightly exposed and a hint of moisture on those smooth supple lips just waiting for me...

1 year ago
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A Dream1

The house was quite for the first time in months the kids had left to go to grandmas for the week leaving him and his wife alone in their large house with no one to bother them. He had it all planned, every aspect needed to make this the most romantic week ever had been planned and set in stone. As evening fell he finished his preperations putting the finishing touches on dinner, setting the table, and placing the candles around the house and lighting them. He had just finished...

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Wet Dreams0

I search the place thoroughly, but I can't find anything obviously wrong with it -- no rats, no roaches, no bloodstains, and the plumbing and electricity both work. I go to bed feeling extremely lucky. When I wake up, though, it's a different story. My asshole is sore, like I've been ridden hard, but I broke up with my boyfriend months ago and haven't been laid since. There's also this...slime on my skin, almost like snot, but thicker and slicker. It's on my sheets, too. I take a...

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nightmares and dreams1

I sucked it , it was hard oh so hard and hot while throbbing like nothing i had ever felt before .... michael got closer to me and then started to feel my body with his hands before going to my penis which went hard , i reached round with my hand and started to play with michael .............after a while barry said hes going to make it up to me now but he made me promise not to tell anyone , i promised . He said lay down on my back , i did , he parted my legs and then started to feel my...

2 years ago
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nightmares and dreams0

I NEVER WANTED TO BE GAY THE IDEA OF IT MADE ME SICK BUT FATE HAD OTHER PLANS > PART ONE - MICHAEL AND BARRY For me all i ever wanted was to meet someone and fall in love get married and have children. So i guess before i get to that i should start at the very begining. As a small kid i was top of my class and liked by all , i did what most kids did but when i reached the age of 8 one of my friends insisted on both of us getting naked even though i never knew why , i did not...

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