Two DiariesChapter 20: Deep Dive free porn video

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Amanda’s diary:

Dear diary,

I woke up confused. In the dark, something soft and warm was pressing on my face. The smell reminded me I was lying head to toe with Fiona.

Sleep hadn’t been easy. Fiona’s soft feet and their pungent stench kept impinging on my awareness. At first it was mostly excitement. Later, the realisation of my humble place set in, and my mind kept going over the arguments. In the end, it was just my body’s awkward position, curled under the sheets, and my head, lying without a pillow at the mercy of Fiona’s unconscious kicks when she tossed and turned.

There had been dreams, but they evaporated from memory almost as soon as I woke up. The only thing I could tell was they hadn’t been pleasant. Still, it wasn’t as bad as my nightmares sometimes got.

I couldn’t tell the time. Fiona’s breath was slow, and she wasn’t moving, other than a slight shift now and then. All I wanted was to call her name and ask her if she was awake, but I was reluctant to bother her if she wasn’t. Battling my impatience, I closed my eyes and tried to wait her out.

“Morning, Mandy,” she said, startling me. I had managed to fall back asleep after all. “Had a pleasant night?”

I groaned a little, and felt her firmly rub her soles against my face as she giggled.

“Hmm? Had a pleasant night at my feet, toy?”

I tried to move, and noticed my neck was sore.

“Not so fast,” she said. “Remember your kisses. Today you can start from below, where you belong, since you’re there anyway.”

A little warmth came to my cheeks from her words. Goodness, she could make me blush so easily. Her feet were still very close, so I barely had to shift to press my lips against each of her soles, as I recited the litany of her service in my head, feeling a small quiver of excitement. I made my way out of the sheets, and gave her hands their kisses. Finally, I reached her forehead.

“Oy, you smell,” she said, chuckling. “Go on then, don’t make me put up with it longer than I have to!”

I sighed, kissed her forehead, and felt her grab me from behind. She flipped me over, pressing my front against the bed, and as my neck turned, I hissed from pain.

“Amanda? Are you alright?”

“My neck hurts some,” I said.

“Silly girl. Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Well, I didn’t want to bother you. I thought--”

“Wrong!” She slapped my cheek. It wasn’t too hard, but it was more than a token tap. “Whose are you?”

“Yours.” I hesitated. “Yours, Miss.” She didn’t correct me this time.

“Ever seen me neglecting my property, failing to take care of my things?”


She sighed.

“Now you belong to me. You can’t treat yourself like you still don’t matter, got it?”

I tried to nod, but my neck made me hiss again.

“Stupid girl.”

She placed my head on her pillow, stretched my body, and spread my arms. I felt her get up and heard her look for something in her drawers.

Her words were making me confused again. It hurt a bit to be called stupid, even if I knew I wasn’t, not really. Still, I was worth something now that I was hers. That was good, right?

I felt her sit on my butt, heard a rubbing noise, and a second later her hands were massaging my neck and shoulders, making me groan as she worked a sharp-smelling substance on my skin.

“Stupid girl,” she said, and this time her tone was soft and gentle, almost bringing tears to my eyes. Her fingers kneaded my sore muscles, giving me goose bumps and getting me to relax.

It took me a few seconds to be able to put words together. Her touch was so entrancing, I forgot to breathe. After a while, my body needed air, and I dared to move a little, fearing her magic hands would stop, putting an end to my rapture.

“Goodness, I’d no idea you could do that,” I said.

“Hush, little one.” She stopped moving her fingers, giving me a chance to breathe again without distracting myself from those wonderful sensations. “All of us on the track team can. There’s always someone who needs it.”

I made a little noise of agreement, too lazy to form words. Behind me, I heard a liquid sound, and then I felt her spread more of that stuff all over my back as she used her palms, leaning her entire weight on them. No-one had ever given me a massage, and it was the best thing in the world. Sex was more intense, but this was the sort of thing that could last forever.

“Better now?” she said. She held my head and turned it around, very slowly, but firmly.

“Much better,” I said. “Only a little twinge of discomfort.”

“Probably will be gone soon. Tell me how your night was.”

That was a hard question. What should I tell her about? The excitement, the confusing thoughts, the acceptance of my place, or just the physical difficulties?

“Hmm, do you like having your back scratched?” she said.

“Uh, I don’t know.”

She dried her hands on a tissue and ran her nails all the way down my spine, from neck to lower back. My goose bumps and moaning were a definite yes.

“Seems you do.”

I sighed, and answered her questions as best I could.

“There you are. Time to move on.” She stood up and patted my naked butt.

I yawned and stretched for a bit, and got off the bed. Slippers in hand, I knelt on the floor as she sat. Her feet stretched towards me, almost touching my face, and I put them on for her, kissing their toes afterwards. I felt the beginning of a blush. It would take me time to get used to doing these little tasks without getting flustered. At the same time, as I looked up to Fiona’s satisfied smile, I felt a twinge of desire, knowing I had pleased her.

“Good girl,” she said, gesturing for me to stand up.

I hesitated.

“Um, I wonder if...” I wasn’t sure how to ask. “I’m yours, right? You want me to ... to ... obey you.” The word didn’t come easy, though that was what I’d been doing since the first day we met.

Fiona nodded, still smiling.

“So, can I ... touch you ... start things with you, or do I have to wait--” I said.

She patted my head. “Just be yourself. Sometimes I’ll want you to stay still, but I’ll tell you so. Trust me to give you the instructions you need, little one.”

I got off the floor, clumsy and self-conscious, walked closer to her, and sat on her lap, hugging her with one arm, while my other played over her skin. Her laughter made me smile, too, as I bowed my head and gave little kisses all over her chest.

“Yes, I like that,” she said. “Of course you’re allowed to be affectionate with me, my little Mandy.”

“I adore you, Miss.” My lips engulfed her nipple and I began to suck.

Fiona hissed and gasped. One of her hands held me close, while the fingers of the other twined in my hair, playing and lightly pulling. She moved her legs a little, finding a more comfortable position, and pressed my face against her breast.

“You do, my sweet treasure, my obedient pet. You adore your mistress.” She moaned, responding to my tongue’s playful licks. “That’s very nice.”

I tried to move my head back, and heard her quietly chuckle as she kept me pinned.

“Not yet,” she said. “Go on.”

A quiver went through my body. It felt so good to be under her control like this. I went on licking and kissing her breast, and she pulled harder and harder on my hair, making me squirm and whine. My other hand found its way to my belly, and she released me for a moment to slap it away.

“No,” she said. “Focus on what you’re doing; on pleasing me.”

I whimpered, but continued until she moved my mouth to her other breast, giving it the same attentions. When she’d had enough, she let go of my head, and I tilted it up, trying to kiss her.

To my surprise, she laughed.

“I’m not letting you kiss me in the mouth like that, Mandy,” she said. “Not after you spent your night with my sweaty feet on your lips.”

I blushed, embarrassed and humiliated by her rejection, and looked down.

“Goodness. You’re so easy.” Her laughter made her whole body shake, and I with her. “It’s not the end of the world. Let’s go and wash ourselves.” She patted my head and slowly stood up, giving me time to get off her lap.

She had a point. I’d slept with my face stuck to her smelly soles. Of course she wouldn’t subject herself to that, but that sharp reminder of my place was another step in accepting my inferiority. It seemed unfair at first, but it didn’t take long for my indignation to become excitement as I understood how far beneath Fiona I really was. Oddly, it felt just right. After so much denial and inner conflict, there was something peaceful about coming to terms with my own nature, and the way I yearned for a firm hand.

After I was all clean, I stood on tiptoe and tried kissing her again. This time she had no objections, though she held me up and pressed me against her body as she probed my mouth. My limbs went wobbly from it all, and she gently placed me back on the floor.

“Breakfast now, my sweet,” she said, and gave me a little peck on the top of my head.

I found it hard to keep myself from squealing with pleasure, or skipping, or doing other undignified, childish things. There had been something broken about me for a long time, making me uncomfortable and unsatisfied, but it was as if Fiona had scattered all the pieces I was made of, and put me back together again the right way ‘round. It was a sudden shift, like a click, releasing all that tension, and letting me be who I needed to.

I went to the kitchen and she followed. While I cooked, she played around with the sound system, looking for the right music.

“Should I make something for your parents, too?” I said.

“Not until they show up,” she said. “Can’t tell what they might want. Make a large teapot of Irish Breakfast though. We’re all happy to have that.”

I put the kettle on, and she finally settled on something. I was expecting more of the traditional Celtic music, but it was classical piano.

“What’s that?” I said.


I nodded, though I had only known him for his orchestral works.

“I like looking at you while you do this,” she said.

Her words made me self-conscious, and I dropped a fork on the counter. Fiona laughed.

“Silly girl,” she said.

I blushed. “What’s so interesting about me cooking?”

“Well, first off, you’re a cute, pretty little thing.”

I sighed and tried to glare at Fiona, who of course ignored it.

“Second,” she continued, “it’s obvious you know what you’re doing. You move with grace and confidence, and I enjoy that.”

That was a bit of a surprise, but if she said so...

“Except when certain people make me all flustered!”

She laughed again.

“And third?” I said.

“What makes you think there’s a third?”

“Um, not sure. I just--”

“Third,” she said, “it pleases me to make you do things for me. It’s great to have a little minion to boss about.”

I hesitated a moment. “I ... I like doing things for you. I like ... serving you.”

She nodded, smiling. Seeing her fond expression was enough to give me a little thrill. I was a good girl. An obedient girl. That was what she meant, what she was praising me for. It was both arousing and embarrassing.

“Would you be happy just with this?” she said. “Being my maid, I mean. Cooking, cleaning, picking after me...”

I didn’t know what to say. Would I? For a moment, I imagined what it would be like, and my body quivered at those fantasies. Still, there was more to me than that, or so I thought.

“Uh.” I gulped, my mouth dry. “I don’t think so. I feel there are other things I need to do, you know? I definitely want to please you. Every time you smile at me like that...” I shuddered, feeling vulnerable. “I do want to do all those things for you, but I can’t give up everything else. Especially not the maths.”

“Good, an honest answer, and a reasonable one.” She giggled. “We’ll have to find a way you can fit your proofs around doing my laundry. Maybe the smell of my dirty socks will inspire you.”

I took a heavy breath. All that talk of service was getting me excited, and I knew just how potent Fiona’s scents could be.

Aideen and Oisin came in, and my cheeks turn red.

“Morning, Fiona,” Aideen said. “Morning, Amanda. Were you doing something you shouldn’t?”

“Only having naughty thoughts,” Fiona said, answering for me.

Oisin chuckled. “We’ll have to train you out of that reaction, or you’ll be blushing constantly.”

“Yeah, ok,” I said. “Breakfast anyone?”

They all laughed at my unsubtle attempt to change the topic.

I got busy with Fiona’s parents’ food while they joined her at the table and chatted. It wasn’t easy for me to have hot food for breakfast, though I could get through toast or a croissant every now and then. Today I had cereal, as usual, and it didn’t need to be eaten right away, so it made more sense for me to take care of their cooking; though I knew deep down I would end up doing it no matter what. I didn’t mind.

I was the sort of person who focused on one thing and didn’t pay attention to anything else going on around her, but Aideen’s mention of my name cut through my absorption.

“How’s Amanda doing?” she said. “Got her all she needs? Did you both have fun downstairs yesterday?”

Oh, gods; she knew ... well, she knew everything.

“She’s fine,” Fiona said. “Nothing more she needs for now, other than training, I hope.” Aideen chuckled. “As to yesterday, did we have fun, little one?”

“Please,” I said softly, refusing to look at them.

“Seems like you have her well in hand,” Aideen said. “I can’t complain about her willingness to help around the house, though I didn’t expect to get a maid out of her.”

“She has to learn her place,” Fiona said. “Isn’t that right, Mandy?”

I mumbled a quiet yes.

“Speak up,” Fiona said. “You’re here to serve, aren’t you?”

Goodness. I blushed.

“I am ... if ... if you want me to,” I said.

Food was ready, so I placed it on the table and sat down. Aideen looked at Fiona, and then at me, with a smirk.

“Make another teapot, then,” she said. “This one’s not going to be enough.”

I obeyed and stood up again, my cereal still untouched, wondering why Aideen had decided to mess around with me.

As I was about to sit, Fiona asked me for another egg. I opened my mouth to complain. She could have told me earlier. Her face said it all, though. Her lips curled in amusement and she stared at me, daring me to object, or, perhaps, daring me to submit. It was another of her games, and she was toying with me in front of her parents.

After a moment’s dithering, I complied, and heard Aideen chuckle.

Fiona was in a playful mood. Whenever I was done, she would come up with something to keep me occupied. Aideen only did it that one time, but her amusement at my submission was obvious.

“If she’s a very good girl, she’ll get her collar soon,” Fiona said after demanding a glass of water. “We’ll be using the basement today, too.”

All I could do was follow her orders, and try to hide my signs of shame and excitement as best I could. Judging from Aideen’s little snorts I wasn’t doing much of a job of it, but then Oisin seemed completely out of the loop.

“Are you sure you want to go that way with her?” he said. “All your previous ... pets have been temporary. How long do you mean to keep her?”

His words hit me hard. I placed Fiona’s glass in front of her and quickly turned away so she wouldn’t see my distress. Was I just a momentary amusement? Of course, it was too much to hope that I meant anything to her; but then she’d spent so much time and care on me. Money, too, though maybe that didn’t make any difference to her at all.

With nothing left to do, I started clearing the kitchen counter and loading the dishwasher. Anything to keep my hands busy, and my mind from fretting.

“Don’t ever say that about Amanda,” Aideen said.

“Why?” he said.

“Because it’s unkind,” Fiona said. “Come here, Mandy.”

She didn’t say it wasn’t true. I laid down the bowl I was holding, and trudged back to her, avoiding her gaze.

She patted her lap. “Sit.”

While I hesitated, she grabbed me and firmly sat me down sideways on her lap. She held me with one arm, and placed my bowl of soggy cereal close to us with the other.

“Open your mouth,” she said. I did, and she used my spoon to feed me. When I finished chewing, I opened my mouth to object. “Quiet.” She put another spoonful in, and I went on eating.

It was quite an awkward thing to be treated like a dependent child, but I was too afraid to contradict her after Oisin’s words.

“Amanda’s very insecure,” she said, looking at her father. Her hand kept scooping cereal for me while she talked. “I love her, but it’s going to take time for her to rely on it: to trust me to be true to her, and herself to deserve it.”

“I see,” he said.

“No, you don’t. It’s upsetting for her to have her standing questioned like that. She is absolutely not temporary.”

“I’m sorry. It was just an observation for you to consider.”

“You will not upset my girl.” Her tone went harsh, and she held me tighter.

If she made such a fuss about me to her father, I had to matter, at least a little bit.

“It’s fine,” I said. “I feel a lot better now.”

The cereal was gone, and I tried to wriggle out of her lap, but she didn’t let me. In truth, it was comforting to be held that way.

“How long will it take you to make dinner tonight?” she said. Now both her hands were stroking me, getting dangerously close to my breasts.

“Um, about, maybe an hour and a half?” I said.

“Nice,” she said with a smirk. “That leaves us plenty of time to play, or should I say, for me to play, and you to be my toy?”

I turned my blushing face towards her and she pressed her mouth on mine, kissing me roughly.

“Seeing these two, I’m getting urges,” Aideen said.

“Shall we act on them?” Oisin said.

“You, too?”

Both stood up and walked away hand-in-hand.

“Have fun, kids,” Aideen said. “I know we will.”

“Smell my feet.”

I lay down naked, on my back, with my arms and legs stretched, tied to the corners of a hard, wooden pallet. Fiona sat on my belly, and her bare toes brushed over my chin and lips, until they cupped my nose, the balls of their feet pressing against my cheeks.

Even before Aideen had finished closing the kitchen door, Fiona had grabbed me by the hair and waist and whispered in my ear. “Play time.”

I’d made a few noises about finishing the washing up, but I was quivering and melting at her rough handling, and she only laughed.

That was how I ended up here, helplessly bound and naked, just how she wanted me. How she ended up sitting atop me, using her feet to play with my face.

“Come on, Mandy.” She giggled. “Are you getting shy all of a sudden? Give us a nice, big sniff.”

I took in air through my nose as she tweaked it and rubbed it with her toes. The smell was familiar by now, but there was always something intriguing about it.

“Another,” she said, patting my cheek with one of her soles. Her bare skin was soft and sticky against my face.

She held my gaze as I let another breath in. The scent of her toes kept me enthralled, and I couldn’t help moaning as I released the air through my mouth. The shame of it brought a blush to my face, and made me shiver beneath her weight.

“Good girl,” she said. “Aww, are you embarrassed about how much you want this?” She laughed. “Ask me for more.”

She moved her feet back, sliding her toes over my lips and resting them over my chin. I took a deep breath, hoping to get more of her smell, but there was only a faint trace of it from that distance. She chortled at my eagerness.

I whined, shy and anxious.

“Do it,” she said.

“May I ... May I, please, have more of your feet, Miss?” I said.

“Kiss.” Her toes tapped my lips.

I pressed my mouth against them and heard inside me: I serve Fiona’s will. Every time I did it, the words came unbidden to my head. I squirmed, as a drop leaked out of my pussy, uselessly trying to close my legs.

“Really, Mandy, is that how we kiss?” She tapped my lips again.

Her eyes were fixed on mine. I opened my mouth, let out my tongue, and let it touch her toe pads. My breath was short and fast. My heart pumped, afraid of disgusting her. Her smirk became a relaxed, pleased smile, and I shuddered as she pushed her toes into my mouth, placing them on my tongue, wordlessly commanding me to suck them.

My desire was too strong for my silly worries, and I started slobbering on her feet like a dog, sucking and swallowing a mixture of her sweat and my saliva, feeling my mouth fil with her sharp, salty flavour. It was noisy and messy. She kept toying with me, making me stretch out my tongue to seek her, or shoving her foot deep in, to the point of gagging.

At first she chuckled as she observed my abasement, but it didn’t take her long to begin to moan, rubbing herself on my belly, leaking on me.

“Lick between my toes, slave,” she said, panting. Her hands began to play on her breasts and pussy.

Slave was not like pet. Not warm. It was degrading, and delicious.

She shoved her foot a little further in, and I felt her spread her toes against my tongue. I began to lap up in between them, tasting the sharpness of her concentrated sweat, slurping her foot dirt. With her other foot, she stroked my cheek. I felt hot flushes of arousal go through my body, and couldn’t stop blushing as I saw the pleasure on her face.

“Eat my foot filth, toy. You’re nothing but my pathetic toe sucker. Only a piece of property for me to use.” Every sentence her voice got louder, coming out in between deeper breaths and restrained moans as she shivered. “Submit to your mistress!”

Her humiliating words turned my whole body on fire. My entire mouth was devoted to her service, with my lips, teeth and tongue scrubbing and sucking the slimy gunge off her foot, and swallowing it all. My belly quivered, and my pussy ached to be touched.

“Please, Miss ... t-touch me?” I said, with a mouth full of foot, slurring my request.

“You want that, little one?” she said, gritting her teeth as she kept playing with herself. “You think you deserve it?” She moved her foot back a little.

I whimpered. “Please, please, Miss.”

“You think your pleasure matters? You expect me to care about your silly whims?” She tapped my cheek with her big toe as she spoke.

“Miss, you ... you decide. It’s for you to say if I deserve it. I know I’m ... n-nothing, Miss; but please, I’ll be a good girl...”

She stopped playing with herself and smiled deviously.

“I’ll touch you, if you do just as you’re told first. Precisely, mind. A single refusal, and you get nothing.”

“I’ll do anything, Miss.” I nodded, and she laughed as my head movements pushed my face against her toes.

“We’ll see about that.”

She shifted up, and shove her fingers, sticky from her pussy, into my mouth.

“Like that?” she said. “You better, because you’re going to get it from the source.”

She moved further up, until she was kneeling on my face. Her hands grabbed my hair and she pulled my head up, shoving me against her pussy. A little giggle came from her as my nose nudged her, followed by a moan.

“Amanda,” she said, looking down on me, “I want to ride your face, use you like a sex toy, and have you suck me until I come all over you.” Her whole body trembled above me with impatience. “Tell me you want it.”

“I want it, Miss. Fuck your little toy’s face. Use me. Let your ... your little Mandy please you.” I spoke between gasps, unable to contain my excitement.

With a hard tug on my hair, she placed herself so my mouth fit under her entrance, and my nose rubbed against her clit. I gave a muffled yell as she kept pulling rhythmically, forcing the tip of my nose between her lips. Her scent made me so aroused, but I could only wriggle under her, trapped by my bonds. Her thighs pressed on my ears, dimming her moans to nothing.

Drops from her juices kept falling on my face, some covering my chin and lips, and some going into my mouth.

I dared to stick out my tongue, and began to taste her entrance. The flavour drove me crazy, and I did my best to push it in. she clenched, making it hard for me to go inside her. She was strong even there.

Through my own shivers and the overload of my senses as I smelled, licked, and rubbed against her under her firm control, I could feel and hear her move and shout indistinct words I couldn’t understand.

I went on sucking. Her juices increased, making it hard to breathe sometimes. She kept pushing against my nose, and I could only take air when she would let me.

Her movements slowed, though she kept dripping come on my face. My sculp hurt from her rough use. I whimpered, but all I could look at was her slim, toned belly.

At last she let go of my hair and opened her legs a bit, letting sound in.

“Clean me,” she said. “Suck all my juices.”

Her tone felt cold, with no gratitude in it, but I could hear the faintest tremor in her voice. Of course, I didn’t hesitate to obey, and I licked her all around. She even let my head down and shifted a little to let me reach her lips.

“Don’t.” She hissed as my tongue touched her clit. “Too sensitive.”


She slapped my face.

“Stupid girl.”

“S-so sorry, Miss.”

“Better learn fast.”

She lay on top of me, and, to my surprise, kissed me deeply, in spite of my whole face being covered in her own secretions.

“Well done,” she said as she broke the kiss. “You’re naive and clueless, but you’re obedient and willing to please.”

I whined, ashamed, even more because she was right, and a part of me liked hearing it.

Her hands stroked me everywhere, and she pressed her body against me.

“So, yesterday,” she said, “I wanted to show you what I like doing with my girlfriend. Today, if you like,” there was a slight hesitance in her voice, “I could go a bit further.”

“Hmm? Further how?”

After what she’d done to me in public, I wasn’t sure I was ready for more.

She lay her head on my shoulder and lightly blew in my ear, making me giggle. “Stop it!” I said.

“You remember Syl’s drawings?” Her lips brushed my earlobe as she spoke.

The image of Fiona lounging as I licked her feet on all fours came back to me, making me quiver.

“You do, my sweet little one.” Though I couldn’t see her face, I knew from her tone she was smiling.

“Uh, I don’t think I’ll be forgetting those any time soon.”

She giggled, and nibbled on my earlobe, staying so close to the edge between pleasure and pain I couldn’t tell them apart.

“Gods ... Fiona...”

“Do you want to be trained?” She bit, hard, and I gasped. “Want to be my pet? My obedient, submissive puppy? My devoted little foot girl?”


Her tongue went inside my ear, making me squirm. She stroked my cheek, holding me possessively.

“You do, don’t you, toy? You’ve been dreaming of it ever since. Such a pathetic, docile plaything...”

Every demeaning word she said to me made me feel small and helpless, and yet, she had a knack for making me feel insignificant, and still cherished.

“I’m n-not sure, Miss. I don’t know how ... how it would change things.”

I knew she wanted me to beg. I would have, aroused as I was, but I couldn’t avoid answering a direct question like that.

She cuddled me, kissed my cheek, and caressed my belly.

“You’re a gem, Mandy.” She played with my pubic hair, and run her fingers in a circle, making it hard not to react. “So desperate to please me.” She tugged, drawing a moan out of me, and giggled. “And yet ... you can’t help being honest. You won’t just say the words I want to hear, will you?” Her finger laid on my pussy lips, pressing ever so lightly.

Her teasing was making it hard to think straight.

“You t-told me ... you said ... n-never ... lie to you--”

She threw herself on top of me. Her mouth pressed against mine, and her tongue probed me, demanding and urgent. I lost my breath, feeling her weight atop my body, revelling on my own captivity. I was hers, for whatever she desired.

Her finger went inside me and her thumb brushed against my clit. Her breasts rubbed against me as she undulated above me.

“Darling girl, my beloved...” Her words were cut by gasping and panting. “I want to possess you ... to hold your bright soul between my hands ... to tread you down, like dirt beneath my feet...”

After all she had done to me, I was so close...

“Miss ... m-make me yours...” I shut my eyes, trying to hold myself from climax. “Going to c-come--”

“Come for me, slave! Surrender to your mistress!”

I writhed, reduced to mindless little whines. My body was a puddle of quivering flesh. My limbs uselessly fought against the bonds that tied them, and I shivered under Fiona’s comforting embrace, delighted to feel owned and loved in equal measure.

Same as Two Diaries
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The Curious Case Of Cunning Uncle Pt 1 Deepti Arrives

My wife hung up the mobile after a 1-hour long talk with her sister. My heart skipped several beats as I was able to hear and understand some parts of the conversation that took place in the above-mentioned call. I pretended to be busy playing with my 4-year-old daughter. My wife came to me and told me that her sister’s daughter will be visiting us for some days as she had to apply for admissions in 2-3 colleges in our city. I gave a casual nod and got back to playing with my kid. Actually, my...

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Arjun Weds Deepti 8211 Part 2

Contact : Hi friends we Arjun and Deepti are back with second experience. First I will thank all the friends who complement through mail. Tis part is about our engagement night. Since engagement was held in my hometown, Deepti’s family stayed with us, Even though we received lot of gifts, my mind sticked to the one my close friend Sanjay sent from US. Unfortunatly he could not come for our engagement but he said me to do a video call as soon as we reach home post engagement. So I sat in front...

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Footjob By Deepti

It was Sunday afternoon. Deepti walked out of the bathroom. “Will you do my toe nails now?” She asked me , carrying all needed materials in a dainty basket. I looked up from my book and saw the glint in her eye. Yes, I wanted to. Deepti sat in the plush chair across me. I put down my book and Deepti put her right foot between my legs, resting it on my chair, and handed me the basket containing her pedicure materials. I was wearing boxer shorts and a tee shirt. I put the basket on the...

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Batwoman meets Catwoman Part Two

Introduction: Batwoman returning back to Hollys loft from patrol beliving trhe woman is asleep is in for a rude awakening. It had been a long night and an even longer patrol, and Kate was drained. Slipping into the window quietly to find her Holly fast asleep, Batwoman moved quietly for the chair and started to get undressed. Removing the belt with practiced ease, she then took off the cape before she removed the gloves and boots…, only then placing her hands on the dresser and lowering her...

2 years ago
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My Best Fuck Deepthi

Hi All, I am a regular reader of ISS and I want to share my real experience with all of you. I work for an MNC company in Houston for last 2 years. In May this year Deepthi joined the onsite team as a local recruit. She is 27, wheatish complexion, 5’5 tall a little bit on the bulkier side and with 36 C boobs, 34 waist and 38 ass ( I measured her). For me, I am tall 6’0. Fair and with muscline body as part of my daily work, Deepthi and I used to work very closely, she always dressed in some...

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Me And My Friend Pradeep

Hello friends, I am Revati. I am 21 years old. I have good figure 36-24-34. I Have light brown color pointed nipples. I am sharing a incident with you. That was my final year in collage. Due to short of my attendance I was not getting my admit card. One of my friends advice me to meet Pradeep Kumar. He is a very good looking guy. He is also a member of collage union. My friend introduce me to Pradeep. He told me that he will try his best to solve my problem. He take required information about...

1 year ago
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Arjun Weds Deepti 8211 Part 1

Contact: Hi friends tis Arjun with Deepti we are recently engaged couple looking forward our wedding date. Our’s is a arranged marriage but we started exchanging all our feelings more closely since the day we met. When we go out if i see any good looking girl i will hint her and whisper in her ear that ‘what a woman’ and she will poke me naughtily. In response she will wink at me whenever she see a man of her kind and we blush at each other. I like the attention deepti gets and all passing by...

2 years ago
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Deepika does a Different Shoot

Deepika Padukone stared at her naked reflect into the mirror in her bedroom as she put down a script that she had received from a leading Bollywood producer. She ran her hand through her long dark hair, which ended below her pert 34B breasts. At 5'9'', she was tall for an Indian actress, with long never ending legs and a toned ass that her fans loved. The 30 year old athletic beauty had a dream run in Bollywood – billed as one of the top actresses in the country, she had won awards, accolades...

4 years ago
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Target Achieved 8211 Deepthi

Hi friends,my name is SAM. This is my 3rd story in ISS, I got a lot of emails for my previous 2 stories, but after that I lost access to my ISS account and was not able to submit any stories. After a long time I’m back with my new story which happened in my New company where I fucked a lady named Deepthi. She was a little dusky and chubby. Her stats are 34-30-36. This is the story how I fucked her in her flat. Deepthi was my mentor when I joined newly in the company. At first, I had no sexual...

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My First Muff Dive

I have been working in the hotel for the season; it is a way to gain experience. I am an apprentice chef in the kitchen. As the season is within a few weeks of ending, there is a party laid on for the staff. The manageress is thirty-three and the daughter of the owner of the hotel. I had just turned eighteen at the beginning of the season, and I am looking forward to the night, as I know I can have a drink.A few weeks previously, I had been teased by some of the guys about “muff diving.” It was...

First Time
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Meeting Pradeep At The Airport

Hello and this is my first story and I am Rajesh from Bangalore. I’m a bisexual 32 years old 5 feet 10 inch tall, decent looking man if not handsome. This is an incident which happens to me when I was travelling from airport to my residence as airport in Bangalore has changed and it takes almost 1.5 hour to 2hours. I was returning from Delhi and I was supposed to land in Bangalore at 10.45pm but due to some problem flight was delayed and landed around 12.40 in Bangalore as my wife was in her...

Gay Male
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Deeptis Submission

This is one of my favorite stories. It is not written by me but by an extremely talented Indian writer. I wish he had continued writing this or some other stories. Alas... I am posting this here (with certain modifications) so that readers get to know how wonderful a writer he is. The essence of humiliation is well captured and makes this a...

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Dream Of Deepti Part 8211 3

Hi friends, I am back with third part of my experience with lovely deepti. First, I want to say thanks for all the compliments which I got from readers. Thanks a lot for encouraging me. Infact I had thought not to write further but some good readers really requested me to write further. So friends, I am sharing my experience further with you. So after cumming in her mouth after that wonderful blowjob of my life from deepti, I got little afraid thinking that she will get angry. I have always...

3 years ago
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Hindi Wali Deepika Madam Ki Chudai 8211 Part 2

Us din ke baad main aur Deepika madam roj ek sath school jate aur ek sath hi meri bike par apne quarter wapis aate. Aisr hum dono me apas me bahot achi baat chit hone lag gyi. Main ab Deepika madam roj kisi na kisi bahane se apne office me bulane lag gya. Aur bato hi bato main unki roj bahot tarif karta tha. Unhe mujhse baat karna acha lagta tha. Aur mujhe ache se pata tha, ki Deepika bahot ache se samjh rhi hai. Ki main use roj kisi na kisi bahane se kyo usse apne office me bulata hoon. Main...

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Fucking Deepika Mam

Hi friends, how are you this is nitin from Ahmadabad and i had been reading all the post in iss since last 3 years and i liked it very much. Any girl or lady want to have discreet relationship or have one night fun can contact me on my email id and this is my first post here so sorry for the mistakes in the story and without wasting your time in going to tell u how i fucked my deepika mam This incident happened to me some 8 years ago when I was studying in my 12th STD. I never wanted to go for...

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Dream Of Deepti 8211 Part 1

Hello, friends. Hope you all are enjoying your love life to full. About me, I am a 40-year gentleman. I am from Chandigarh. After a lot of thinking, I thought to share the best experience of my life. This is a true experience & not a sex story. I am a normal looking man. 6 feet in height. I am not too handsome or playboy type person. I am married, having a kid also. I have a beautiful wife. So never thought of getting someone other in life. My sex life was also good. But as you know, as the...

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Lost Virginity To My Aunt Deepthi

Hii guys this is Akhil from Hyderabad. I am a regular reader of Indian sex stories.The story is about how I fucked and lost my virginity to my neighbour and my aunt deepthi.   Coming to the heroine of the story her name is deepthi she is so hot that every one would love to fuck her at the first site itself…Her assets are 34-26-36 any one would die for them.   All this happened was a month back I am studying my b.Tech in Tamil Nadu I went to a home for Holi holidays then I met my lady who is...

1 year ago
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Fucking Deepika And Priyanka

Hi This Is Amit in front of you with another story. First of all, I am sorry to my readers to posting a story after a long gap. But I am sure you all have not forgotten me. So, this story of mine is a fantasy, truly speaking. But I expect good remark when you will completely read it. In this story I am not handicap. This story or fantasy is with me and my favorite actresses Deepika Padukone and Priyanka Chopra. I enjoyed them completely in this fantasy. In this story as I will assume it in the...

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Omegle Chat Leads To Sex 8211 Part 3 8211 Deepika8217s Erotic Tease And Hotel Sex

Hello everyone. I hope you’ve liked the first two parts of the story and this is the third part and second day of Deepika’s stay in Hyderabad. Thanks for your feedback and your messages on Kik. I did have sex with a couple of women after this incident and I will surely write about those incidents too. Coming back to the story. After reaching the hotel, we slept properly and I woke up only to her blowjob. It was late in the morning by then, around 11 am and Deepika was giving me a sexy morning...

2 years ago
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My Sexy Team Leader Deepika

Hello readers, this is my first story here and in fact a true on which happened just a week back. I work for an MNC and my team is a 3 member team. Me the project head, a new trainee who just joined our company a month back and my team leader Deepika. This is a new team and we were looking after a new project. Since the 3rd member is a trainee for official client meetings, me and Deepika had to attend. Every time the client discussion will be through video conferencing and this time the client...

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Deepika8217s First Time

Hello everyone, I am Shravan,23 year old guy, a student, living in Mangalore and Bangalore, Karnataka….I am a great fan of ISS. Thank you guys for sharing your awesome experiences. It really turns me on. I would like to know u all out here. I am open to friendship and any relationship with ladies. Please do mail me at my Email id. secrecy and Good relationship is promised. Waiting to hear from u all. Please mail me your response to my mail id, don’t forget—> I can remember the day about six...

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Deepa a Darling Sis

Hello deston ye meri real story hai mera naam manish hai main 26 saal ka hun meri sis ka naam deepa hai wo 25 saal ki hai deepa dekhne main bhut mast lagti hai usse dekh ke har kisi ke maan main usse bas chodne ka khyal hi ataa hoga.Deepa ki bra ka size 32 hai uski navel bahut suckable hai uske boobs uski chut sab bhut mast hai uske nange jism dekh ke aisa lagta hai jaise koi gadrai barson ki payasi jawani hai jo machal rahi hai, aur ye sab main kaise janta hun ye hi batana chahhta hun.Main aur...

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Kartik And Deepa 8211 Part 4 Family Foursome Porn Sessions

This is a fictional story about family foursome porn sessions. It is based on my fantasies about a show I watch in my language. All the characters are fictional and strictly above 19. I prefer stories with a plot that gets us involved in the story and leads to sex rather than stories with just wild sex. My stories are a bit lengthy and usually have everything like gay sex, lesbianism, threesomes, group sex, and mainly incest. Enjoy the story. You can give me feedback at . If you haven’t read...

1 year ago
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Deepa Aunty From Prostitute House

Hello everybody. I am Sujith, want to pen down my experience with Deepa aunt. I am using simple Indian spoken language so as to reach maximum number of readers you can mail me your opinions on my experience to I am 5.8 height handsome, well maintained going regularly to Gym. I am fetish about voluptuous women especially aunties in the mid age with massive ass, because most of them will be neglected at this age. I believe that for love or lust age has no bar. I like women wearing sari and...

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Deeper In Deepa 8211 Sex Encounter With Neighbour

Hi friends, I am Alvin from Mumbai. I am 21 years old, studying in engineering college. Please mail me on I would really like to hear from you. Thank you for your responses on previous stories, which encouraged me to write another story. This is my sex third story. Ye story meri aur mere baju wali bhabhi k bich ki hain. Unka naam hain dipti. Log unhe pyaar se deepa bhabhi bulaate the. Unke umar hain 33 saal. Unka rang gora hain and figure 38-34-36 hain. Unke 2 baache hain, fir bhi vo bohot...

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Dream Of Deepti Part 8211 2

Hi, indian sex stories dot net friends. Hope you all will be enjoying your life to fullest. First of all, I want to say thanks to all the readers for their wonderful compliments. This really has encouraged me to write my experience further. For all those who have not read my previous experience they can read it This is infact continuation of that part only. So dear friends, I am again going to cherish my memory of life. So after I released my cum shot in her hands, we both became silent for...

3 years ago
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My First Experience With Deepa

Na peru surya age 23 height 5.4 average boy.Nenu iss telugu sex stories stories ki pedda fan.Indulo maa pakkintlo unde deepatho naa first sex experience chebuthanu. Madi oka marumula gramam . Ma inti pakkane oka family undedi , andulo husband naku varusaku thatha avuthadu, wife rajitha and oka ammayi deepa. Inka kathaloki velithe naaku 8th class nundi sex mida interest perigindi.Nenu inter 2nd year lo unnapudu okaroju nenu college nundi madhyahnam (afternoon) intiki vaccha. Maa intiki kontha...

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Sex With Deepika For Revenge

Hi ISS readers, it’s a pleasure reading the real life experiences posted here. Am here to post my real life experience where I had sex with my fiancée before our wedding. My name is Veera name changed and my native is Andhra, but currently residing at Chennai. This is the incident that happened during my college days. I was in a relationship with a cute petite girl Deepika during college. I found that she was cheating on me. Like double dating another guy from the next department initially I...

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Kartik And Deepa 8211 Part 3 Lust For His Brother8217s Wife

This is a fictional story about a man’s lust for his brother’s wife. It is based on my fantasies about a show I watch in my language. All the characters are fictional and strictly above 19. I prefer stories with a plot that gets us involved in the story and leads to sex rather than stories with just wild sex. My stories are a bit lengthy and usually have everything like gay sex, lesbianism, threesomes, group sex, and mainly incest. Enjoy the story. You can give me feedback at . If you haven’t...

4 years ago
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Sex With Hostel Maid Deepa 8211 Part II

As I had said in part 1,my hostel maid had become my fuckbuddy and my sex life was very satisfactory,as I was fucking deepa during weekdays and then for the weekends would go home to pune to have sex with my mom and sister.i would come from college by 3 after bunking my last lecture and would have sex with her from 3 to 5.well I wouldn’t have sex everyday but at least 3-4 time in 5 had been 4 months to our relation and there was more 3 months left for my first year to get over.i had...

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Kartik And Deepa 8211 Part 2 An Erotic Threesome Relationship

This is a fictional story about a threesome relationship. It is based on my fantasies about a show I watch in my language. All the characters are fictional and strictly above 19. I prefer stories with a plot that gets us involved in the story and leads to sex rather than stories with just wild sex. My stories are a bit lengthy and usually have everything like gay sex, lesbianism, threesomes, group sex, and mainly incest. Enjoy the story. You can give me feedback at . If you haven’t read the...

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Deepika Perfect Milf 8211 Part 1

Hello, readers, my name is Rustamjaani () As I mentioned briefly in my first Submission ( titled cuckolding my beautiful wife), and a huge response, lots of emails urging me on to write about my affair with the wife of my colleague namely Deepika while I was stationed in Mumbai India by my company. I am 35 years and work in London for a big British MNC as a manager. I am told I am very good looking, 5.11ft tall , fit as well as sporty. My company had taken over medium size Indian company with...

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Unforgettable Sex With Sanjana And Deepa

Hi guys, I am MGR here, I am very happy from your feedbacks about my previous encounter. So I came here with my new encounter. Friends this one little lengthy so please forgive me and if any mistake in my narration please don’t scold me. As I said in my last encounter “Memorable sex with beautiful sanjana”, deepa found us (I and sanjana) in the hugging position with naked body. At that time she didn’t speak any words and went silent to hall. After some time we both get dressed and went to hall,...

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Fine Dive

Rick swam slowly along about ten feet above the bottom. His eyes swept back and forth, searching for a tell-tale shape or gleam. He saw nothing. He looked at the gage on his wrist, he had plenty of air left. He had ten more kicks left before he made a right turn to a due south heading. Then he stopped. He heard the whine and thump of a boat approaching. Sounded like a large fast boat. He saw it pass just to the east of him. As it went by he saw something hit the water and plunge for the bottom....

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Hindi Wali Deepika Madam Ki Chudai 8211 Part 1

Sabhi pyare dosto ko mera dono hath jod kar namshkar. Mera naam Yogesh Kumar hai. Meri umar 55 saal ho gyi hai, meri height 5’7 inch hai. Mera weight 121 kg hai. Main kafi acha hatta katta ek mard hoon. Main ek mast mola mard hoon. Jo aaj bhi apni wife ko roj chodta hai. Meri wife ki umar 52 saal hai. Hum dono ke do bache hai, ek ladka aur ek ladki. Mere bete ki umar 27 saal hai aur meri beti ki umar 24 saal hai. Un dono ki shadi ho chuki hai. Main apne ghar ke pass ek govt. school me ek...

4 years ago
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Deepa Ki Mast Chudai

By : Vijay Hello friends I am a Vijay and main dehradun ka rahne wala hoon aur mba karke Chandigarh main job kar raha hoon meri age 24 saal hai aur average body hai meri dick ki length 5,”6″ hai. Aur ye sari baat real hai is site par maine bahut si kahania paddhi hai to socha ki ek ghatna jo meri real life hui hai use v ap logon se sayer karun main is site ka bahut bara fain hoon jo sabhi ko apni bat kahne ka mauka deta hai ab main apni stori par aa jata hoon agar apko (mainly girls) pasand aa...

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Batwoman meets Catwoman Part Two

Holly crept up behind Kate with instinctive ease, then like some guard dog she bit on Kate's cunt then chewed playfully on her flesh through her latex while her hands shot forward, and grabbed Kate's tits. She let out a deep, long moan that resonated through the latex into Kate's cunt as latex covered flesh muffled it. She couldn't resist Kate's succulent position one moment, and she wanted some of that sweet pussy so badly! "Ahhhhhhhhhhh...., uuuhhhhh....,...

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Cousin Sister Deepika

Hi! Dosto mera naam Raj hai, aur mai 24 saal ka ek gabru jawan ladka hoo aur main Delhi se belong karta hoo. Mai ISS ko pichle 4 saal se pad raha hoo, aur mujhe iske sare stories pasand aate hai, khaskar incest stories jisme bhai-behan ke pyaar/choodne ke bare me bataya gaya hai. Meri ye story meri cousin sister Deepika ke bare me hai, aur ye koi story nahi hai balki meri life ka ek real insident hai jo ki mai share karne ja raha hu. Khair mai apna insident batatahu jo ki mai story ke taur pe...

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Loosing Virginity To College Babe Deepika 8211 Part II

Hello readers and this is the second part of my story. That night after the first round of love making, we slept hugging each other for some 2 hours. I woke up to a sweet kiss of Deepika on my lips. Our room had a French window type on one side and a balcony on the other sides. Deepika was standing near the window looking outside and our room was on the top floor so the view outside was so romantic. I went and stood behind her and hugged her from behind. My face was on her right shoulder and...

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Deepika Perfect Milf Part 8211 2

Hi, readers, this is Rustamjaani () with the second part of the story about me and my colleague’s wife Deepika. Please read part 1 to familiarize your self with the story. I took a taxi to Deepika house, as I didn’t want any one to get suspicious about me being there. I got dropped off a bit early before her house and rang her on her cell. I told her if it was ok for me to come over, She said yes as she had sent the maid home early and she was alone at home but be careful. I asked what she was...

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Raat Ki Baat Deepa Ke Saath

Hi friends, this is Zoonaid (name changed). I am 23 yrs old graduate. I am 5’10” tall with 6” tool. I did my graduation from a reputed college in a metro city. Last year in June, I shifted to Pune for job. Here I live alone in one room kitchen. I don’t have much stuff at my room not even a bed I put ‘gadda’ on floor to sleep. One of my friends from my grad college, Deepa, got job in that metro city only. She lived in hostel during graduation, now was living in apartment on rent. Her parents...

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When Me And My Cousin Deepti Got Close 8211 Part 3

Hello all, this is Danish again with another story about a hot fuck with my cousin. I must first thank all of you for the overwhelming response to my earlier story. Many readers have been mailing me for the next part of the story. But I could not complete the story earlier due to lack of time. For those who do not have the background of the story, please read the earlier parts to enjoy this one. When I woke the next morning, Deepti was not in the room. She had already gone out to take care of...

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When Me And My Cousin Deepti Got Close 8211 Part 3

Hello all, this is Danish again with another story about a hot fuck with my cousin. I must first thank all of you for the overwhelming response to my earlier story. Many readers have been mailing me for the next part of the story. But I could not complete the story earlier due to lack of time. For those who do not have the background of the story, please read the earlier parts to enjoy this one. When I woke the next morning, Deepti was not in the room. She had already gone out to take care of...

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Sex With My Virgin Classmate Deepika In Vizag

Hello friends, I am Varun and I am from Hyderabad. I am currently pursuing my UG from a local college. I am in my final year so I made a good amount of friends who were really cool but unfortunately, I couldn’t make a girlfriend. But there were hot friends who were very close to me. This incident is the only sex experience in my life to date. It was also the first sexual interaction in her life too. So, let’s start. We were going on a trip to Vizag. We were a group of 5 and we were really...

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Forbidden Cunt of Deepa Didi

My cock did not rest till I was able to complete my story which and i am sure wont let your cocks and cunts rest in peace during and after reading it. I dedicate this story to all my brothers who want to fuck their sisters and my sisters who love their brothers’ cocks.Let all my sisters email me their comments and so should my horny brothers at Deepa, my elder sister had come back to my house when her husband Ravi had gone to UAE for a month. My Jijju’s friends were saying that Ravi goes to...

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Deepa Aunty

Dear reader of My name is Dev. I am a young boy age of 26. I live in Bangalore. This story began at 3 year back. When I finished my higher education and I went to stay in Bangalore. The day is very nice and I have a really enjoying my daily life here in Bangalore. I just enjoying watching movies and chatting on Internet.  One day when I was alone in home the phone bell” rings”. When I pick the phone it was my Aunt from the place. She told me that she is coming to Bangalore to meet her...

2 years ago
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First Time With Deepthi

Hi all, this is Karthik from the city of destiny. As this is my first story I am sorry for any grammatical mistakes.Any girl from vizag want to hang up kindly contact my mail and discretion is absolutely guaranteed. Guys this is a romantic and a soft-core story so dont expect big things at the initial story itself and I am sure this story will make u cum. Now coming back to the story this is about Deepthi whom I met on facebook.I was a regular use of facebook I saw her on db fb and I gave her...

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Cousin Deepthi8217s Dream Come True

Guys n girls please do mail me if u find any mistakes in my story, my email id is-rambo.star18 so that I can improve myself in the next one. Any girls or ladies from Hyderabad can also mail me to experience unforgettable sex of your life. Well it all started in my summer vacation when my cousin Deepthi who was 21 came to our place to enjoy the vacation n as well to search a job for her, I forgot to tell u about her she is 5’3 height, 34 32 34 which any man would die for and her...

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Awesome Time With Deepthi

Hi, i am john from b’lore. This story is about how i fucked deepthi.. She is 5.7h and a fig of 34.28.34 and age 21.. Im 5.8h and age 19 with a 6 inch.. Deepthi used to come to our house every weekends as she was staying in hostel.. I dint have any sexual desire on her as i thought tat she was good and was not interested in such things.. One Friday as usual she had come to our house.. We chatted for some time and later i went to my room and closed the door.. My mother at that time went top to...

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Catwoman and BatmanThe Wager

This story uses characters owned by Warner Bros./DC Comics. They are used here strictly in a not for profit fan story meant for readers enjoyment. It is free to be archived on any site wishing to do so, provided the authors are given credit. CATWOMAN AND BATMAN - THE WAGER by Eric and Steve Zink Part 1 Catwoman walked in to her meeting with Batman. It was hardly surprising that she moved with such a feline grace. Selina enjoyed Batman's admiration, and she smiled...

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Another story inspired by a song... This one's based on the Hed(pe) track of the same name, and it's a very happy one. Honest. It's also written just for children and easily offended right-wingers. Honest. Oh, and if it's illegal for you to read it, then go right ahead. That was all lies. If you believed it, go find a copy of the Sun and enjoy! Well, it was inspired by the song... Love y'all! Sushi R xxx Swan-dive By Sushi Radical "I climb, hand over hand, putting...

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Deepa Seduced 8211 Part I

By : Jamesh8080 Hi friend’s what can I do? I get half filled story which excites me I think it will be completed but its doesnt get completed by the real author. Anyway this too I am sending is not mine, It Belongs to one Deepa Patil as per what she chatted with me. I like it as it’s a first insect story that I liked, I hope you too will like the same. Next morning, my cunt was sore. I felt a little discomfort while walking. However, as the day progressed the pain was replaced by a gentle...

1 year ago
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My Junior Deepika Is A Sex Goddess 8211 Part 1

Hey, it’s Vishwajeet (not my real name). I am 5’8″ tall with a dark complexion. I am always seen with a beard. Adding to the sexiness, I have an average built body and motherfucking veins on my arms, chest and forehead. This is about the time when I was in 12th standard. I had a crush on my junior, her name was Deepika. She had big eyes, a wide smile, the best lips and brown skin. Her body was a sight to see; 34-24-36, I guess. A nicely shaped butt is my weakness. I can’t keep my eyes of a...

3 years ago
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Slave Of Deepika Padukone Pee

Hi, this is Abhilash from Kolkata and this story is based on real true events that happened to me last week. This story contains female domination, humiliation, spit, toilet slavery. If this isn’t your cup of tea, then please leave immediately. I completed my college and after receiving the fashion design degree I wanted to visit my bua ji, who stayed with her husband and her son in Mumbai. My train was scheduled at 08:15 pm from Howrah station to Mumbai terminal. I reached Mumbai the next day...

2 years ago
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Deepa Aunty In Blue Saree Part 1

Hi readers this is Ashok writing my first story. I am an aunty fan and the most tempting thing for me is aunty navel, especially when aunty removes pallu. Our family moved to an apartment when I was on ninth standard. I am the only son of my parents; father is a businessman, and my mother a housewife. Our neighbours were Telugu people a widow and her son named Suresh. After some time Suresh married Deepa, a Telugu native from Chennai. Deepa is my crush and heroine of the story and myself...

2 years ago
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Kartik And Deepa 8211 Part 6 Erotic Family Affairs

This is a fictional story about family affairs. It is based on my fantasies about a show I watch in my language. All the characters are fictional and strictly above 19. I prefer stories with a plot that gets us involved in the story and leads to sex rather than stories with just wild sex. My stories are a bit lengthy and usually have everything like gay sex, lesbianism, threesomes, group sex, and mainly incest. Enjoy the story. You can give me feedback at . If you haven’t read the previous...


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