Spy GamesChapter 3 free porn video

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It was almost two hours after lunch when Becky returned to get her. “Hi, Mistress has instructed me to bring you back to the dungeon,” Becky said

“What? No, please ... please, no more ... Becky, I can’t...” Beverly said, terrified of going back in there so soon. The welts and bruises she had received that morning were still fresh on her body and in her mind, and to repeat that horrific experience was more than the woman could bear.

“I’m sorry ... I wish I didn’t have to. But the Mistress wants you and I will get in trouble if I don’t bring you quickly,” Becky said. Beverly didn’t want this young girl who had been so kind to suffer because of her, so she let Becky unshackle her and she walked slowly and timidly down the hall to the dungeon. She warily stepped into the dungeon with Becky at her side. Beverly sat on the bench to wait for the Mistress. Shortly Mistress Payne entered the room and Beverly’s breath stopped for a moment.

“Ah good you are here. Are you ready to play some more, my pet?” Mistress Payne said with an evil taunt.

“Please Mistress, please don’t do this...” Beverly protested.

“My dear, you know all this can end very quickly. All you have to do is tell me what I want to know,” Mistress said, “Are you ready to tell me?”

“I can’t, Mistress ... I just ... can’t!” she said, near sobbing.

“Well, my dear, then we have a problem. Because you see, I have to get the answers to my questions. If I was to just drop it without getting those answers from you, then it would show you that I can be bested – and that simply won’t do. Worst of all, it would show Becky here that I can be forced to compromise and that would undercut all I have tried to teach her. So you see I will win this. I have to win this. And I will do whatever it takes to win this,” Mistress said.

Mistress walked over to where Beverly was sitting and calmly grabbed a huge handful of her long brown hair and dragged her off the bench and onto the floor. “Now pet, heel! If you don’t, I’ll make your ass match your tits!” She walked over to a large square column with Beverly crawling obediently beside her. She hauled the woman to her feet, pushing her back against the column. Now stay right there!” she said.

Mistress fastened her hands behind her around the column and then put a leather strap around her neck, buckling it snugly in back. She then put a gag in the woman’s mouth fastening it behind her head as well. The gag had a wooden dowel running through a red rubber ball and made it almost impossible to talk. Being gagged like this was a new and terrifying aspect to her captivity, and Beverly was quite uneasy about being this helpless.

“Now then my precious, I know that this morning was difficult for you. And I truly am sorry that we had to go to such extremes. But you can rest easy for now ... we won’t be going back there this afternoon,” Mistress said.

“Mmmph?” Beverly asked though her gag.

“No, you see you have quite an effective advocate here in my Becky ... it was her idea that I try a different tactic this afternoon. She knows that you had a rough morning and convinced me that an afternoon of the same thing would do more harm than good. So she and I came up with an alternative I think you will find more to your liking,” Mistress said.

Beverly looked over at Becky sitting on the bench still. Becky smiled at her and Beverly turned back to Mistress. “Mmmph Phummum Mum Mummnph?” she tried to ask.

“What is that? You want to know what I am going to do?” Mistress asked, “Well, Becky has been your defender, so I think it’s only fitting that she be the one to try things her way this afternoon. Maybe she will have more luck than I have – she can be quite persuasive!”

“Becky, come!” Mistress commanded, and Becky immediately rose and padded quickly to the Mistress side. She stood there waiting, her head lowered and her eyes on the floor in front of her.

“Becky, you may use whatever tools, equipment, or supplies you wish on our guest here. There are only two things – first, our guest cannot leave this room. If she does, you call me first and I will come back to see what is going on. Secondly, you are trying to get information from her. She knows what information I want, and if you don’t get it from her, you will take her place for the next whipping. And you know what that is like! So you had better convince her to talk ... for your sake!” Mistress warned, her eyes narrowed into menacing slits.

Becky gulped. “Yes Mistress,” she said, her voice wavering. Becky knew all too well what happens when you anger the Mistress and she was not anxious to change places with Beverly as much as she may like her!

With that, Mistress turned and walked out of the dungeon to attend to other matters. Becky turned to her charge. “Well you heard the Mistress ... I can use whatever I want to on you to get you to talk,” she said menacingly, glaring at the woman bound securely in front of her.

But unlike Mistress Payne, Becky didn’t have it in her to stay “in character” long and Beverly saw the corners of her mouth start to curl up almost immediately. When she realized she couldn’t keep the facade up, Becky broke into a giggle. “Don’t worry ... I’m not like Mistress. I couldn’t be that cruel if I wanted to!”

“Mmumph!” Beverly said, still gagged.

“You know, you really are very pretty ... I thought so the minute Mistress brought you here. I was hoping that we would get some time to play together,” Becky said moving close to Beverly. Becky brushed a stray lock of her hair from in front of her eyes and softly stroked her cheek. Beverly responded by breathing faster and softly moaning behind her gag.

“I think we can get rid of that nasty old gag, don’t you?” Becky said.

“Mmmuph!” Beverly said nodding her head. Becky reached up and unbuckled the gag, gently pulling it from her mouth. Then as she looked into the bound woman’s eyes, Becky’s eyes darted back and forth between Beverly’s. Becky was silently asking permission. She leaned forward and ever so gently touched her lips to Beverly’s, unsure if she should, but wanting to so very much.

Beverly allowed the girl’s lips on her own, and returned her kiss just as passionately. She moaned into Becky’s mouth, letting her know that she wanted this too. Encouraged by Beverly’s response, Becky became more passionate and her kiss deepened, becoming more intense and more urgent. And while Beverly’s hands remained bound behind her, Becky’s hands were free to roam over her intended’s soft form at will.

Becky moved closer to Beverly, pressing her slightly smaller body to Beverly’s, her smallish tits and hard nipples poking into Beverly. Becky moaned as their bodies rubbed together. Beverly could smell the scent of Becky’s arousal and it had the same effect on her. Becky’s musky perfume filled Beverly’s nostrils and the young girls tight, lithe body grinding softly against her was beginning to get Beverly aroused as well.

Becky sensed Beverly’s growing passions and wanted more. She left kissing the bound woman’s mouth and moved down to her tits. Knowing that they had just hours earlier been abused by the Mistress’s whip, Becky was extremely gentle with them, carefully licking and sucking on them. She didn’t want to cause Beverly any further pain, only pleasure now. And she was doing just that. Despite the fact her nipples had been struck several times by the Mistress’s cruel whip, they now responded by the softer touch of Becky’s warm wet tongue, swelling and stiffening and standing up asking for more.

“Mmmm ... Becky, that feels ... wonderful...” Beverly moaned. She arched her back, thrusting her tits out at the welcoming mouth. Becky smiled a little and increased her licking and sucking. She lightly placed her hands on the still red streaked globes, gently cupping them and squeezing them as she suckled from Beverly.

“I love your tits,” Becky moaned between licks, “You have wonderful, delicious tits.”

Beverly couldn’t believe how incredible Becky’s mouth and tongue felt on her sore nipples. She closed her eyes and licked her lips as the sensations got more intense and more arousing. She began to melt as Becky feasted on her full tits. And Becky was enjoying herself just as much. Becky moved one hand from Beverly’s tits down to her own pussy, fingering herself even as she licked and sucked on Beverly. The sound of Becky’s fingers squishing wetly in her sopping pussy only made Beverly wetter as well.

Beverly had some experience with other women. She had her first girl-on-girl experience in high school with her best friend at the time. In college, she played a few times with her roommate. So she knew what pleasures can come from a female lover. Becky was an excellent lover too. Mistress had taught her how she liked to be pleased, and now it was Beverly that was benefiting from her training and expertise.

Becky pulled her fingers from her pussy, wet and sticky with her copious juices. She raised her fingers to Beverly’s mouth and lightly coated her lips with her woman-honey. Beverly licked her lips, savoring the taste as Becky smiled. Then Becky pushed her fingers into Beverly’s mouth and Beverly sucked her fingers clean of the sweet pussy sauce.

“Now that you have tasted me, I want to taste you!” Becky said giggling. She knelt down and slowly peeled Beverly’s panties down. She could see the wet spot forming on the front of her panties and she smelled the wonderful scent as she pulled the soiled garment away from her. Beverly’s pussy glistened with the dampness she had been holding since they began.

“Somebody’s excited!” Becky remarked, “Is all that sweetness for me?”

“Yesss...” Beverly moaned.

“Mmm...” Becky said “You sure look tasty! Open your legs and let me see if you taste as good as you look!” Beverly responded immediately, opening her legs as wide as she could. She couldn’t open them too wide because the strap around her neck kept her from lowering herself without choking. But she could spread her legs enough to allow the young submissive to access her.

That’s just what Becky did. Pushing Beverly back against the column she was tied to, Becky used her fingers to pull apart the bound woman’s wet, slippery pussy lips. Becky gave the spread pussy a long, slow lick from bottom to top with the flat of her tongue, ending with a playful flick across the little bud at the top.

“Ohhhhh fuck!” Beverly cried out as she felt the warm wet tongue glide across her sensitive pink pussy. Automatically her hips pressed up and out wanting more, wanting that teasing tongue to crawl inside and make a home there. Becky took three or four more quick laps the same way in rapid succession, each one tearing a gasp from the woman’s throat. Beverly rose up on her toes, lifted by Becky’s talented, teasing tongue.

Becky sat back on her haunches, watching Beverly’s reactions. Beverly, wondering why she stopped suddenly protested. “W-why did you stop, Becky? Please! Please lick my pussy some more!”

“Oh you like that do you?” Becky teased, “You want more of that?”

“God yes! Please! Please Becky, eat my pussy! You feel so wonderful down there!” Beverly whimpered.

Becky smiled at the compliment then got serious about her pussy eating. She fastened her hot mouth over Beverly’s dripping pussy and sucked on her fat swollen lips. Her tongue snaked its way into her warm, wet depths and burrowed deep into her slick tunnel. Beverly’s mouth dropped open and her eyes got wide as dinner plates as she felt Becky’s tongue squirming and wriggling deep in her pussy.

“Ohhh fuck meee! Yes! Oh my God, yes!” she squealed happily. She began writhing and twisting her hips, trying to guide the young girl to all the spots she wanted her to touch. But there was no need to steer Becky – she knew just where she needed to be, and hit all Beverly’s most sensitive spots. Beverly had never been orally pleasured so thoroughly and completely. She never wanted this to stop!

“Ohh GAWD Becky! Ohh honey, that is incredible! Ohhh, right there baby, right there!” she encouraged.

Becky ate the woman with relish ... licking and lapping up all of the sweet nectar Beverly offered up, and savoring the taste of her sweet juicy peach.

Beverly was in near hysterics as Becky made a meal of her pussy. Her moans and whimpers had turned into incomprehensible babbling, as if she had suddenly began speaking in tongues. She thrashed around on the column, pulling at her bonds and throwing her head back and forth, whipping her long brown hair into a chocolate tornado.

Beverly’s body trembled and shook as she neared an enormous, earth-shattering orgasm. “Ohhh fuck, Becky! Ohhh I’m going to cum! Please make me cum, baby, please! I need to cum so badly! Please make me cum!” she cried desperately.

“You want to cum? You want me to make you cum?” Becky asked, drawing out her anguish further.

“YES! Oh fuck Becky, Pleeeease! Pleeeease!” Beverly begged.

“Give me your name then and I will make you cum!” Becky said. For emphasis, she shoved two fingers up inside Beverly’s drooling pussy to keep the pressure on her.

“Becky! I can’t! Oh please don’t do this! Please ... make me cum...” Beverly cried. She was almost in tears. She had been through so much since coming here ... brought to the very edge so many times, whipped and beaten nearly unconscious, it was more than she could bear. Now the girl she thought was her friend was turning out to be just another tormentor, set on badgering and molesting her.

“All I want it your name ... I need to know what to call you ... I need your name or the Mistress will beat me. Now what is your name?” she said, stabbing her fingers in and out rapidly and keeping Beverly dancing on the very edge of her orgasm without letting her tumble over. Becky knew just how to do this because Mistress had done it to her so many times, she had become an expert at riding that dangerous edge.

“Beckeee...” Beverly cried haplessly.

Becky pulled away, leaving Beverly stomping her feet in frustration. Becky went to the closet and brought back another of Mistress’s toys. She plugged the device in and then showed it to Beverly. “This is a Hitachi Magic Wand. I don’t know if you have seen one of these in action on porn movies, but it is a common tool that Master’s and Mistress’s use on their submissives to get their cooperation. It is one of the most powerful vibrators out there and as you will see, VERY hard to resist!” she said.

Becky flicked the device on and Beverly heard the vibrator begin its humming. It was louder than the “realistic” vibrator she kept in her nightstand for those late night “urges” and when Becky touched the ball-shaped head to her nipple, Beverly felt the incredible power of its vibration for herself.

“ooooh!” Beverly said as she felt the tingle on her nipple. Becky moved the device around on her nipple and her areola, letting her feel how wonderful it felt and how it could make her nipple so hard it almost hurt. Becky moved around behind the woman reaching around both the column and Beverly’s body to cup one tit and rub the Wand on the other.

Beverly’s hands, cuffed behind the column, could feel Becky’s body pressed up against them and the column and she moved them down to where she could just get at the young girls pussy. She slid her fingers between the soft puffy lips and began fingering the girl, trying to tease and play with Becky as she had to her.

Both girls began moaning now, each trying to get the better of the other. Becky used the Wand to stimulate Beverly’s hard nipples, knowing that they were a weakness of her, and Beverly doing what she could with bound hands to give Becky as good as she got.

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Spying on my Neighbor 02

I now know that I am the luckiest person on the earth. Some would say that a gift like mine should be used for good and not abused etc... Blah blah blah... We are only human and are on this earth for a short time so why not enjoy it... It has been a month now since I realized that I have this new gift of being able to become invisible with just a sneeze, and I have put my gift to good work. I can't even explain the fun I have had. I have been doing anything from sneaking around the girl's...

2 years ago
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Spying on neighbor grandma pissing in her garden

Today something great and very special happen to me. I saw my old lady neighbor pissing in her garden. About 5m far from me. I didn't seen her cunt, but saw her naked ass, and pussy over panties. There is a high grass, so she had to be in some middle standing pose. Her ass was in height of my cock. As she pose for fuck behind. I wank on her for about 15 years. I love her ass when she is bent down working in garden. It is most beautiful ass I ever seen. She never wear pants. Only skirts.I was in...

2 years ago
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spying on them

As I have written before, I grew up in a big family with many females and was exposed to nudity during my formative years. Once you see a real woman naked and with so many options, it is almost impossible to not want to see more. So I spent most of my teenage years spying on them. I cut a hole in the towel closet in the bathroom so I could watch from an adjoining closet and at one point I replaced the bathroom mirror with a two way mirror so I could watch them from my bedroom closet. Eventually...

1 year ago
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Spying on my girlfriends sister

Spying on my girlfriends sisterSharon was my first girlfriend. We were both 19 and fell for each other straight away. We lost our virginity together and fucked like rabbits as much and as often as we could. The little problem in the mix was Sharon’s hot younger sister Katie. Katie was sixteen and much sexier than my girlfriend and she knew it. She was tiny only about 5”2, small perky tits but a really firm tight arse. The first time I really noticed was one day when I was just sitting on the...

3 years ago
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Spying and Dad and sister

My mom had walked out on my sister, dad and I about four years ago and it was very hard, My mom decided she didn't want to be held down by a family and wanted to live her life so one day she decided to leave. Now here I am 15 my sister is 18 and my dad is going on 45, Since mom left dad has done as much as he could to give us as normal life as we could get. My sister and I started getting along better when mom left and she always told me that she would never leave me. The only thing that...

2 years ago
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Spying MombyMuttGuy©Ever since I was about twelve I had wanted to have sex with my mother. Growing up I would jerk off thinking about her. I would try to find magazines that had pictures of what I thought she looked like naked. I grew up with four brothers and had no sisters. My mom never gave any hint that she was sexual at all. She never wore anything revealing and I remember that when she went to bed that her nightgowns covered her body completely. In short, my mom never gave me a glimpse of...

4 years ago
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Spying on Mother

Spying on MotherI had slept in my mothers bed ever since my dad had gone, and now as I got older it was just habit I would often wake to find myself there and not remember coming into her room. Except on Saturdays, Saturday I didn’t have to get up for school and mum would let me sleep in, I loved Saturdays I would wake as I felt my mother slip out of bed, the mattress would spring as her weight lifted fee then I would hear the bedroom door open and close as she went in to the bathroom.As soon...

3 years ago
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“DADDY!!!”. I shot out of bed like I had been blasted from a cannon. “DADDY!!!”. Something was wrong. Very wrong. I grabbed my shorts and in mind jump had them covering my ass while I ran towards my daughter screams. “WHERE ARE YOU JESSICA!”, I yelled as I frantically scrambled around the house. “Out side. Under the deck! Hurry!”. I didn’t even think as I sprung towards the back door. It looked open, but the screen was shut. Not much was left as I broke through it. Tearing a big hole in the...

2 years ago
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Spying On My Slut Wife

She was so brazen I just couldn’t believe it. She was laying out at the hotel pool surrounded by men she had never met before talking about her pussy. I knew my wife was a slut, after all, that was the reason I had set up this little sting operation. Well, to be honest, it was really more of a surveillance operation. I just wanted to know how much of a slut she really is. I didn’t want a divorce, not at all. But if that ever did happen, all this video footage and information I was gathering...

1 year ago
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Spying on my sister

I recently lost my job and was struggling to pay the rent and bills. My sister Rickie and called me and i told her my situation and she said i could come live with her till i got back on my feet, i was happy to oblige. Rickie was 5'4 dirty blonde hair, firm tits, sculpted abs, firm round ass, Hot!!!. She is a fittness instructor at one of the local gyms so looking good was a part of her job. Anyway i told her i would think about it and get back to her. It didn't take me long to decide, i loved...

3 years ago
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Spying On My Step Mom and Cousin

When I was 10 years old my father remarried. He was 35 and my step mom was only 20. Ten year old boys don't get along with twenty year old women that well. They are like older bossy sisters and I hated her. However, I entered puberty a couple of years later and started to look at grown women a little differently, including my step mom. I started looking forward to our good nights kisses so I could taste her lipstick, smell her perfume, and feel her soft tits press into my chest when I hugged...

4 years ago
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Spying on Cathy

My friend Cathy came to visit for a few days, and I was so excited to see her after almost a year. Truth be told, I was also excited by the chance to sniff and play with her panties again too! She wears very high-end lingerie, mostly thongs and her bras are thinner material, so I’m always looking to see if a nipple is showing. Cathy is a slim, mature woman who stays in really great shape. After 3 c***dren, she still has the same figure as 30 years ago, even if her breasts are not as shapely as...

3 years ago
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spying on my girlfriends mom

so last weekend i went to my girlfriends cabin. so on friday night her parents picked me up at work and we left from there but when i got in the truck her mom was in the front seat and i guess she just got off work to because she works at the bank and always wears sexy pincil skirts and blouses, very professional and very sexy. so anyways the whole way out i was in the back seat and i could do was stare at her sexy legs in in a pair of stockings and that tight pencil skirt. she also had a baby...

3 years ago
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Spying turned into

Hey guys, I thought I would share an experience I had with my mom. It’s been on my mind for a bout 2 months now (when it happened) so I thought I might as well get it all out. I’m 19, going on 20 this November, and my mom just turned 45 last month. To be honest, my mom doesn’t look anything like she is 45. 30 is more accurate for her, and almost anyone would agree with me if they saw my mom. She has a perfect body in my opinion. Her breasts nicely fit her body, since it’s nice a round, but not...

2 years ago
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Spying On Mother

Ever since I was little, Mother raised me by herself and she had always sheltered me as much as she could. Now at the age of 18 I have these out of control hormones that Mother never really told me about but I have been looking around on my computer and I was amazed at how many other boys were also strongly attracted to their own mothers, just like I am. I read stories after stories about mother and son incest and I am now masturbating everyday and multiple times a day and my fantasy is ALWAYS...

4 years ago
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Spying On My Naked Teen Daughter

She then rolled over in our bed, looking right at me and scaring me half to death in the process. Jesus, Kate sometimes had such an uncanny timing, it was surreal. Paired now with the way her eyes were gleaming in the dim moonlight, it could make one wonder if the supernatural truly existed or not. Luckily, I had it on good authority that my wife was just a flawed human woman. “I was thirsty,” I lied and made my way to her. “I went to grab a glass of cold orange juice.” “I see.” My mouth...

3 years ago
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Spying On My Sissy Slut Husband Part Two

After my last story of how my husband and I became lesbian lovers with him dressed as a female, both of us thought a lot about what was next for us.  I did tell him that I wanted to see him with a man.  Then that got me to thinking about a bisexual couple to play with.  A bi woman for me and a bi guy willing to fuck a crossdresser.  That would be perfect but so hard to find.My husband and I set a date for our attempt to find him a one-night stand playmate to fuck him.  The rules were set.  We...

3 years ago
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Spying on my sissy slut husband

Part oneI am married to a very sweet guy. We are both twenty-two years old and have been married for two years.  Our sex life is great; he is very horny and affectionate.  I never have to ask for sex as he is always willing and able.He is a Social worker and I am a nurse.  We met while he was in the hospital where I work.  He was working on a child abuse case.  He isn’t a hunk by any means, in fact, quite the opposite; he is very feminine.  Maybe him being this way attracted me to him as I had...

1 year ago
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Spying On Samantha Hallie

"So, they're just friends from college?" I asked, dousing my hands in shampoo."Yes, we were like a trio; only I was the third wheel after a while. I don't know how long I was exactly, but just one Saturday night, I came back to our dorm to find Samantha eating out Hallie. I didn't even know either of them were into girls, but there they were," she explained as I got it in her hair. "And judging by your dick touching my butt, you like that. Well, at least we're in the shower.""Well,...

3 years ago
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Spying on Hubby

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you...

3 years ago
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Spying on Riley 3 Rileys best orgasm ever

For starters, she liked to be naked. She walked around the house wearing nothing but socks, or not even those. She watched tv naked, she studied naked, and she had lunch naked. Sometimes she even left the apartment that way, quickly grabbing something from the kitchen. I could have easily walked out of my place to not-so-accidentally run into her, but I was too afraid she would get startled and stop doing it. So I just watched her through the cameras, one hidden in her bedroom, the other in...

1 year ago
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Spying on Riley 2

On two occasions since that first time, I had seen the adorable tiny redhead turn into a vixen of lust, when she upgraded an ordinary shower to a moment of self-pleasure. Those moments were beautiful, but they also made me realize there was so much of Riley that I didn't know yet. If she could get this freaky in the bathroom, could she be equally freaky - or even more! - in the comfort of her own bedroom? I had to find out. The chance came in early August, when Riley knocked on my door....

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Spying on Riley 1

Riley had a lot of free time, and she spent a significant part of that time on the small balcony we shared. The first time I saw her enjoying the early spring sun, I was amazed by the shape of her body - it was perfect in every imaginable way. She wasn't tall, and she must have weighed just over a hundred pounds, if not less. The countours followed a tight, hourglass-like figure, starting at her upper legs, towards her hips, getting thinner at her waist, before spreading out again as her...

2 years ago
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Spying on my cheating wife

My name is Tim. I worked the second shift at the plant. One day when I arrived for work I had a few minutes to talk with Ron, one of the day shift workers that I knew. Ron was thirty, about 6’2” and slim. He told me that he had a real hot date for that night. There was this real knock out blond that he had just happened to get hooked up with. He said that he had been getting together with her about once a week to ten days for a couple of months. He told me what a wild slut she was in...

2 years ago
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Spying on Hubby

Newlywed Janine Delvittio had a problem. It wasn’t much of a problem for her, but it was a giant problem for her mother who kept bugging her about it. “How could a wife not know where her husband works?” her mother would practically yell at her every time they talked.Back when they were dating, Bruce had told her that he was in a combination of sales and management at a small, family-owned business. When she asked what the business was, he replied, “I’m absolutely sure you have never heard of...

1 year ago
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Spying on the Boss Daughter Part 2

As I push her back on to her desk, I take off my boxers completely. Kate softly moans in my ear as I gently circle her mound with my hand. I push her soaking wet panties to the side of her pussy, coating my fingers with her glorious pussy juice. I slowly circle her engorged clitoris, as we start kissing passionately, tongues tangling, messy kisses, the lot. She gasps into my mouth with pleasure as I continue to rub her clitoris, she gasps for deep release ‘Oh god, that feels so good!! DON’T...

1 year ago
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Spying on the Boss Daughter Part 1

It started in the office. My name is John and I’ve always fancied my boss David’s daughter. Kate is always hooking up with men on line which is not surprising when she is smoking hot. She always comes into work with a skimpy top on, where most of the buttons are undone and her gorgeous DD Breasts are so delicious that you can’t help but stare. She also wears really high skirts that don’t even cover that perfectly shaped ass that is completely perfect for any guy. On our lunch break, I noticed...

3 years ago
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Spying on my new neighbor

I had just moved into my very own first apartment across town from the neighborhood that I grew up in. As I was carrying my stuff in my new apartment, I saw some of my neighbors, across the street was a family just arriving home and as I watched, a boy about my age gets out of the car followed by his young brother, his mother and father walk ahead of the boys as they enter their house, I noticed that both boys looked over at me and waved to me before they walked into their house and closed the...


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