Altered Fates Valentines Day or A New Beginning
- 2 years ago
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I went to town and bought the necessary supplies, along with another bottle of wine and some more salad fixings. My main dish was going to be Veal Scaloppini with morel mushrooms and rice. I had not made that for a long while, and it sounded good, not too filling, but always delicious. I bought the veal and beat the hell out of it to make it thin and tender. I was able to make the sauces, as well as the mushrooms, and kept them just barely warm in the oven. I would finish the rest of the meal with a flourish and serve it after a pleasant salad.
Sandy came up my lane about four thirty. I met her in the large gravel parking area and was greeted with an enthusiastic kiss. She kept turning around and around, until she finally said, "This is beautiful. How can Mom and Dad have given up living out here in the country. I can't imagine ever wanting to live anywhere else."
Sandy had a giant purse or shoulder bag. My goodness, but it was large enough to be a suitcase. We took it inside the house where she did the woman thing and investigated everything in view. I gave her the nickel tour of the house, but didn't take her upstairs as it really was finished, but bare. I didn't need the room up there, so I just left it unfurnished.
Sandy liked my office or work room. It had been one of the large downstairs bedrooms that now had my art materials on one side of the room, and my computer with writing materials and reference books, on the other side. The room was nice because it had two big windows that let in a lot of light.
I took her outside to show her the barn and the small machine shed that was now my garage. There was a small chicken house with a few chickens and a couple of turkeys. I always had too many eggs and gave a lot of them to my sister so they didn't go to waste.
I poured Sandy some wine when we came back inside, and asked, "Do you want to eat early or wait a while."
She said, "I'm starved. I was in such a rush this morning that I didn't pack a lunch, and I really don't have time to eat in the cafeteria, as the teaching staff has to wait until all of the kids are served. Let's eat soon, please."
I pulled the bowl of salad from the refrigerator, mixed the dressing into it, and served it on plates with grated parmesan over the top.
Sandy was impressed that we were eating on the small, more formal, table in a dining area off the kitchen, complete with a tablecloth. I thought it would be a nice touch. That's one thing Jeanette taught me. I was becoming more aware of nicer things.
Upon finishing the salad, I told Sandy, "You can watch if you want, but this will all come together very fast. I've done all the prep, so you'll like the result."
Sandy came in and sat at the typical farmer's kitchen table and watched. I heated the skillet to 'hot', and then seared the veal. I had turned the heat up on the sauces and let them get ready to pour over the veal and rice.
I had our meal ready five minutes later.
I carried the two plates to the dining room, and seated Sandy before sitting in the chair across from her. The steamed green beans, with more of the mushroom sauce, were good with the main course.
When I took the dishes away and brought some fresh coffee, Sandy said, "I can't believe you made real veal scaloppini, and where did you find the morel mushrooms?"
"The grocery store has them in their gourmet area. I wondered where they get them this time of year though. They must have some way to store them or they're imports."
"It doesn't make any difference, Chuck, everything was delicious. What else can you make?"
I offered Sandy my hand and said, "Let's have our coffee in the living room. We can watch television or a movie, but we can be more comfortable and talk there."
When Sandy sunk down in the soft sofa and began rising again, I told her, "This is my invention. I love big soft sofas, but I hate sinking down so low my knees are under my chin. It's too difficult to stand from that position, so I came up with a solution. A small air pump fills bags beneath each seat cushion when you sit, it raises you to near the same height as a chair. What do you think? Does that have a market?"
Sandy laughed and said, "I'd bet a lot of guys would love to have a couch or stuffed chair like that. It does give you the comfort of a soft sofa, but it's at the right height to be comfortable at the same time."
Sandy leaned into me, and softly kissed me before saying, "And it keeps us at the same height to be more intimate."
Something in me snapped, and I pulled Sandy to me for a more intense kiss. She did all of the clutching and kissing, pushing me backward until she was on top of me, looking down at me with half-closed eyes. All I could see is the passion being shown with all those beautiful freckles. Her blue eyes were so intensely blue that I was lost in them.
Sandy said, "How about showing me the bedroom. I'll bet it will be comfortable there too."
This was moving really fast, but I wanted it. I wanted whatever we could possibly share. We stood and I led her to the bedroom. She stood in front of me and began unbuttoning my shirt. She wasn't rushed, but seemed to be enjoying slowly getting me out of my clothes.
I began to undo her clothes when I was down to my boxers, and found her with just the minimum. We were lying on the clean sheets within a few seconds, holding each other, with me only wearing my boxers, and her only in panties. Sandy didn't have a large chest, but enough to have fun playing with, but my interest was more kissing to see what might happen.
Well, a lot happened. We made love over and over again until it was very late. I asked Sandy, "Do I need to get you home?"
She replied with some kisses, "I'm home and I can go to work from here. Neither one of us is experienced at what we just did, Chuck, but I think we did a very nice job of enjoying each other. I didn't know all of that could feel so good, but I now think it has to do with whom you are doing the loving."
We kissed some more, and then she said, "Let me get my toothbrush, and then I want to snuggle up and spend the rest of the night with you."
My heart was pounding from the emotions I was having, but I got up with her and we brushed our teeth side by side while still naked. I couldn't get over how comfortable I felt with her in such a strange situation.
When we were snuggled in bed again, I made the comment, "So much for taking it slowly."
Sandy kissed my neck, and said, "I don't want slowly; I've wasted my life waiting for you, and I want it all now that I've found you. I want all of you and all life has to offer with you. I know this is crazy talk so soon in our relationship, but I just know this is the one chance I have for this kind of happiness,"
I pulled Sandy to me and held on to her as we drifted off to sleep.
The next morning wasn't strained or embarrassing, but happy, exciting, and ready for a new day. Sandy was getting ready to leave for school when she said, "I'm going to stop by my apartment after school to feed my fish and get some more clothes. What are you going to feed me tonight? Can I stop at the store to get anything?"
"I'll take care of it if I need something. I'm looking forward to you coming back this evening."
Sandy smiled and said, "What do you mean coming back, I'll be coming home. I've claimed you and this place, so live with it, Chuck. I'll be home before six. Probably by five thirty."
Wow, this is really amazing. Do I want this? You betcha. Do we know enough of each other? Not a chance. Do I care? Not really. I suppose Sandy and I will just have to spend a lot of time getting to know and finding out about each other.
I whipped through my chores and came back inside to clean the kitchen up from the night before, change sheets, and do some laundry. My goodness, those sheets smell good. I put the pillow Sandy had used up to my face and breathed her scent in. That is strangely exciting.
Since I had a lot of beef, I thought I could make some Braciole. I had some round steak and all of the rest of the ingredients, but it does take a long time to prepare. I thawed and thinly sliced the round steak, and then pounded it until it was even thinner. I put slices of mozzarella on top of the steak after browning it, along with some Italian breading, and sprinkled some parmesan on before rolling them tight and tying them with a string. Using a big jar of spicy Italian pasta sauce, I submerged the rolled up pieces of steak in the sauce and just let them set. I would begin simmering them about four so they would be ready by six or six thirty. I checked to make sure I had broccoli, as that would be the perfect veggie to go with this.
I needed to get back to work on my story for the rest of the day. I worked at it until three, then took a shower, shaved, pulled the laundry, then folded the sheets. My domestic duties complete, I now had to wait for Sandy while the Braciole was beginning to simmer. It did give me time to think about how nuts this is.
I was sipping a cup of coffee when my much unused telephone rang. When I said hello, a voice almost yelled, "What the fuck are you doing to my daughter? What the hell do you think you're doing? What have you done? She's saying she's moving in with you and you are what she's been waiting for all her life. You old bastard, you're old enough to be her father."
"Well, how are you too, Janet? So Sandy has told you we have met and become friends."
"Friends, my ass, you son-of-a-bitch. You romanced her into your bed and screwed her silly. She's telling me you two went at it for a couple of hours. Hell, I didn't even know she knew much about sex except that she said she had been curious in college. You need to break this off right now so she doesn't get hurt. That's what you want, isn't it? You want to get back at me. Well, let me tell you, I was already pregnant when you left for the Marines. Joe got me while you were still trying to figure out how to kiss. Now you break it off with Sandra, or I'll sic Joe on you."
"You have no right to tell me who I can or cannot be friends with, Janet. I'm glad you told me when you got pregnant. I kept trying to figure out how she could already be 36. You were obviously already married, and Sandy was over a year old, when you wrote me. Look, you sowed your wild oats, or at least Joe did, so you live your life and I'll live mine. I still hurt from the letter you sent me after all of these years. Now I hurt even more knowing you lied to me even then. So just forget that I exist, and just ignore it if your daughter tells you about some guy. Goodbye, Janet, don't call again."
I thought I heard a sob before the connection was broken. Well, too bad, because I really enjoy Sandy and want to get to know her better. If it requires us to fraternize in the bedroom to get to know each other, so be it. I'm all for fraternization.
Sandy arrived right at five thirty, almost bouncing inside, to give me a lot of kisses. She stopped in the kitchen and said, "Whatever you're cooking smells delicious. I'm starved, so can we eat early again?"
Sandy asked, "Can I bring in a few things and put them in your closet? I noticed you didn't use a lot of room in it, so could I?"
I smiled and said, "Moving in, huh? Sure, mix your stuff in there with mine and let them have fun. How about some wine before supper? I have some great Merlot that will be perfect with what we're going to have."
Sandy brought in three armloads of hanging clothes, and two laundry baskets of clothes that would normally be in drawers, while I poured the wine. As she sat to sip her wine, she asked, "Do you have any empty drawers? I have a few things that I could leave in the baskets, but would be nice in drawers."
"Sure, the whole right side of the double chest is empty. Use any or all of them, and if that isn't enough, I have some stuff in the top drawer that could go to the Salvation Army."
"That'll be perfect. Let me do that while you put the salads on the table."
True to her word, she was back with the two empty baskets in a flash. She put them out on the porch and came in to sit at the table where I had just set the salad plates.
'We ate silently, as Sandy seemed very hungry. She groaned when she cut a piece of the sauce smothered Braciole, "This is heavenly, what is it?"
I explained it was thin pieces of round steak prepared with cheese and breading. "You know I learned how to cook a lot of things while I was assigned to the embassy in Italy. The cooks there spent a lot of time teaching me special recipes."
"Wow, there are advantages to being in the military and going to other countries, Chuck."
"Yes there are, but you aren't supposed to date the girls in the country when you have duty like that, so that there are no hard feelings. A lot of guys do it anyway, but most of them bring the women back to the States. I guess I was too straight, as I followed orders, but I did learn to cook."
While we were doing the dishes, Sandy said, "I may have done something stupid. I was so happy that I called Mom at lunch and told her how much we enjoyed each other last night. She really blew up at me and told me that I had better break it off with you as you're probably trying to get back at her through me. I don't get that feeling from you Chuck, and you wouldn't let me move my clothes in like this if you intended to hurt me. The next thing I want to move is my fish tank. Could I put it and the stand in the living room between the windows? You don't have anything on that wall and there is an electrical outlet there."
I smiled and said, "Sure, bring it. If you want to completely move everything, how much is there?"
"Not much. I have a few pieces of furniture but yours is nicer. If you'll keep me, I'll just give mine to the Salvation Army. They will even come and get it. What do you think, can I be a live in? If this doesn't work out between us, maybe I could just rent the upstairs here. I'm really easy to get along with and I think I'm low maintenance."
I laughed and told her, "You're amazing to just push ahead to come and live me with me. You don't know me well enough to trust me like that yet. I have to agree that there would be no sense in paying rent on an apartment if you were to live out here but it still is scary or should be scary to you."
"There's something about us that doesn't scare me, Chuck, but it fascinates me and makes me want to be with you every minute I can. Heck, I might even quit teaching and help you around here. I'll bet we could both do some writing and make a small living. I love to make tiny jewelry and sell it at the fair every year and on EBay. I made almost ten thousand from jewelry I made last year. I don't think that's chump change. See, we could just about exist without even your retirement money. We could save that for some sightseeing and trips."
"You have it all planned, don't you? Let's try it out and see if it works."
I had to ruin the mood telling Sandy, "Ah, you should know your mom called this afternoon to tell me to get out of your life. We must have had the same conversation you had with her, except that she said your dad might come to enforce what they want."
"Damn, I hate this because who knows what they'll do if he gets drunk or if they both start drinking. Neither one of them have any reason butting into my business and my life. Well, I hope they don't show up out here but if they do just dial 911 and let the Sheriff deal with them. I'm not going to let them hurt the man I've just found, or our new relationship, not now, not ever."
The conversation was unsettling, so I poured us some more wine and suggested sitting out on the porch to enjoy the evening. Sandy said, "Sorry, but I have to grade papers. I didn't do it last night so I have two days' worth. Want to help? It's really not bad, but you'll get upset that the kids are not smarter than they are. I'm trying my best with them but sometimes you just can't get across to them that geography and history are important."
We graded papers together and sipped some wine. It didn't take long and Sandy packed her papers in her briefcase and stood up. "Well, time for a shower and bed, big fellow. I think you need your beauty rest, so we need to go to bed with the chickens."
I didn't need another shower, so Sandy took a quick one then spent a few minutes letting me comb out her red hair. She put a nice modest gown on and came to kiss me before leading me to bed. We went to bed with the chickens, but didn't go to sleep with them. We did a lot of exploring before we were worn out and sleep slipped up on us.
Sandy was up early enough for a good breakfast the next morning and I made a couple of sandwiches for her lunch. I put an apple and a couple of cookies in it so she would have a decent lunch to eat if she was hungry. As she left, she said, "Remember what I said. If Mom and/or Dad, or both of them show up, just call 911. It will be because they were drinking if they come, and that will get rid of them for a while."
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A friend of me celebrates her birthday at Valentine's Day, soon she shall be twenty-threeLesbian longing for big BOOBs and secretly submissive, I decide to fulfil her dirty dreamExactly at that time my friend Camila from Chile will visit Amsterdam with her mom and s*sSexy surprise in my sex studio above my exclusive erotic shop for only lovely looking ladies Super BOOBs at all three very firm all natural! Six big breasts to suck such a sexy ParadiseAll three only know her from some photos I...
Hello friends, I hope you all are fine , sorry for too much delay , actually I was busy in some personal work. Now I am here to present my valentine’s day experience of this 2016. For those who don’t know me, I would like to give you my intro, I am Tanisha, an open minded, sexy having assets of 36d 32 34, born in 89, fun loving girl. 14 feb ko mujhe pehla surprise mila in morning, mere boy friend ne mujhe ek dress and ek ring gift ki. That made my day, 11 baje tak he already fucked me once and...
Looking down I spy a mosquito. It is, by far and away, a good dozen times larger than any other of its kind I’ve ever seen. More like the size of a House Sparrow than the normal size for such an insect. With wings a-hum it lands and stick its probe into my ink, sucking up the blood. Fascinated that anything could seek sustenance in something as vile as a putrid fluid of mine, I watch it drink its fill. When it flies away, I feel suddenly the echoing emptiness of this place. Never much one...
I have been racking my brain for weeks trying to think of the perfect Valentines Day gift for my husband Rich. He already has just about every toy for just about every hobby you can think of. It’s been a tough year and our relationship has suffered a little. I often think about the closeness we once shared and want so much to feel that once again with him. Rich is a wonderful man and I want to give him the perfect gift, if any man deserved it, it is Rich. Last night was girls...
Valentines day was around the corner and all of my friends would be spending it with their girlfriends. I was going to spend it at home alone again. They decided to set me up on a blind date. I knew that resistance to this idea was futile so I agreed to go on this date. They and their girlfriends knew someone in my exact position and felt she needed a date also. I told them to have her meet me at Bertinelli's at seven. I also told them that I'd be wearing a black tuxedo. I got to the restaurant...
You know I'm going to say what every single person out there is thinking but lack the testicular fortitude to say. I fucking hate Valentines Day. I'm not even sure if I hate it worse when I'm single or when I'm in a relationship. I mean sure when I'm in single I have to look around at all the happy couples, I have to watch girls go crazy as they get flowers delivered to the office. I have to watch guys nervously make last second arrangements and of course I have to face the fact that everybody...
Roger got off the school bus and made his way to the patios outside his school’s buildings. That’s where most of the students hung out before school. But he wasn’t going to join up with his group of friends today. Today was Valentine’s Day. Every year since he had been 8 he had asked girls to be his Valentine on Valentine’s Day. He gave them poems, Valentine cards, flowers, and candy. He had always asked really nicely, but not one girl had ever said yes so far. He was now 18-years-old and a...
Valentine, Be Mine, Ch. 01 By Cherysse St. Claire © This is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters herein described and persons living or dead is purely coincidental. *** "That's it," Joanna gasped. "Right there. Keep doing that. Yeahhhhh, oh yeah. Fuck me, Baby. Fuck me harder!" I have never seen anything more beautiful in my life than the flushed face of my wife in the throes of sexual ecstasy. 'Glow' just doesn't do her aura...
It all started a few months ago when we went to the doctor’s office and my wife met Dr Miller. One look at Dr Miller and you knew she preferred women. She had very short and neatly trimmed blonde hair. She stood about 5’5” and 110 pounds. She carried herself like a man but had just enough feminism to know she was a woman. The cute Dr made my wife stop and notice, as I soon found out why. My wife asked me when we left if I thought Dr Miller was cute? I told her yes and she replied, “ I thought...
LesbianIntroduction: A present for a special Valentine GIFT FOR VALENTINES DAY It all started a few months ago when we went to the doctors office and my wife met Dr Miller. One look at Dr Miller and you knew she preferred women. She had very short and neatly trimmed blonde hair. She stood about 55 and 110 pounds. She carried herself like a man but had just enough feminism to know she was a woman. The cute Dr made my wife stop and notice, as I soon found out why. My wife asked me when we left if I...
Hi friends, I am Vignesh from hosur working in Bangalore. Pls, read my last story to know more about Radhika and what we did in the movie hall. Radhika mailed me after reading my three stories in ISS and we became close to each other.Radhika is from Vizag, AP she is working in MNC in Bangalore.As we both planned our Valentine day celebration in Radhika flat. Coming back to the incident. On Feb 12, I got a call from Radhika. She told me that her roommate sowmiya’s BF had met an accident, so her...
449 [Cb36] Stacey....your valentines story! My mate who I`ve known on here for a while , he tells me he has a wife with a lovely nature and a nice enough figure, me I have never met her, but I`ve offered to write this story for him as a valentines gift. Only for them, I and they know who they really are, though now we thousands can share it! All I really know of the lady is she`s a 5ft 9 inch, brunette, and that they have been married 30 years, and she met him (or he her dependent on your...
Heather quietly opened my office door, put her finger to her lips and shut the door behind her cautiously. She was wearing her long trench coat and carrying her handbag. She rushed across to my desk. ‘Log off! Now!’ she hissed at me. I didn’t know why but I did as she ordered. ‘Get your things. Turn your answer phone on. Now!’ She seemed agitated but Heather is my girlfriend. She had never been this peremptory. I obeyed. ‘Come on. We are going down the fire stairs.’ My office is at the...
Lindsay's Valentine's Day Surprise Party : Sequel to Lindsay's New Year's Surprise.My girlfriend Lindsay is a sexy little thing. She's 5'4" with jet black hair (though she sometimes tints it with blonde highlights), full 34D breasts, an olive complexion, sparkling green eyes and a tight little ass. Everyone I know wants to fuck her, but I'd always managed to keep her for myself. Then everything changed. Last New Year's Eve we found ourselves at a party in Compton where dozens of big black guys...
EROTIC ESSAY #6 EMERGING: CONSISTS COMPLETELY OF OUR COMMENTS @ EROTIC ESSAY #5Erotic Essay hopefully comes back to this Valentine sequels of our series soon. After less as a week?Erotic Essay hopefully be read soon by both nice neighbours of Professor Peter Poet at Tasmanstreet.Erotic Essay hopefully be getting all attention all those involved. But both lovely ladies should know!Erotic Essay hopefully he gets chance soon: To hand them the link to their lovely little story for three! EROTIC...
“If you like them so much you wear them,” Sara quipped, flinging the red silk panties across the bed.I should explain that in my hurry to buy her some Valentines lingerie, I had overlooked her size requirements. Sara was always fussy about her underwear, everything had to match and fit perfectly. Not only that, but she valued comfort over style. In an attempt to appeal to her more slutty side, I had been seduced by the usual man-made red silk set, complete with suspenders and stockings.“You...
CrossdressingYou watched the oven intently as the chocolate hardened in the metal shells and you waited for them to be ready for the sweet caramel filling you had prepared. Once that was done they were to be topped with white chocolate. As always the smell was mouth-watering as I waited for your sweet Valentines Kisses to be ready. I looked at you and noticed the stains of sugar and chocolate on your apron. As you eased the heavy tray into the cold room and stood up I came up behind you and circled your...
It has been a tough time since He was laid off the day after thanksgiving. We were fighting like cats and dogs lately, and I was beginning to wonder if we would make it to Valentines day. It seemed every piece of mail or phone call caused Him to want to run away from the world, and Me to end up in tears. At night we dreamed of an island paradise where it stayed a balmy 70 degrees, surrounded by water, like a Jimmy Buffet song. I knew something had to be done soon. Valentines day was fast...
Tuesday, February 10th 2009, Chicago, Illinois 1 Chez Paris Lingerie Emporium 2:30 pm "Can I help you?" There's a friendly, almost sweet, teenage lilt in the voice that wafts over my shoulder. "I'm browsing," I answer as turning, I look up from the frilly panties in my hands into the eyes of one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen. An almost overpowering erotic innocence seems to be emanating from her. "Brrrr ... ooow ... zing," I stutter as my eyes finally break contact with...
I have been racking my brain for weeks trying to think of the perfect Valentines Day gift for my husband Rich. He already has just about every toy for just about every hobby you can think of. It’s been a tough year and our relationship has suffered a little. I often think about the closeness we once shared and want so much to feel that once again with him. Rich is a wonderful man and I want to give him the perfect gift, if any man deserved it, it is Rich. Last night was girls night out and I...
Group SexLissa sat next to Paul and Ahmeed sat next to me, when he turned to speak to me I was fascinated by his neck muscles dancing as he spoke. But I really was annoyed and was ready to dump Paul and leave there and then, he could see that I was about to explode and he leaned across, touched my hand with his fingers and whispered, "Please Sam, this is my Valentine present to you, just feel how big he is and he’s all yours for the evening". I was still pissed but looked at Ahmeed and put my hand...
Saint Valentine’s Day has many misconceptions and murky history. V day is an age-old event where people express their love for those who loved, romanced and were turning point in life. This is a popular event in the western world. I appreciate those who loved and admired. V day is an event that reminds me of those who want to be loved, and have the desire to enjoy. Those who have a dream to have a love of their life and romance follows it, unfortunately, missed it. I have empathy for them.It...
Hey guys I am back with my valentine special. Firstly a very happy valentine’s day to all. After the rest the other day, I was directly picked by raj and we flew to Shimla where he booked a nice hotel on hill top. The scenery was too good from the window and we were facing the mountains. We reached early morning on 13th and visited few of the locations nearby and enjoyed with snow, it was snowing all the day and very good weather. It was all fun as few more couples were with us and we were...
DISCLAIMER: There's not a lot of erotica this time around. This chapter is meant more to flesh out the characters, but there's a small bit in there, don't worry. There will be more to the story, I assure you, so for those of you who enjoy my stories, there is definitely more to come.*Writing is hard. Living, while tough in itself, is nothing compared to writing, especially something as difficult as this. It's been two months since my sister, the love of my life, the only woman who I could ever...
IncestIf you spend all your workdays in a cubicle in the center of a hundred thousand square foot room filled with cubicles, you tend to lose your identity over a period of time. I started this job three years ago, thinking I was on my way to the top of a large conglomerate. A year after starting, something went wrong in their accounting department and the SEC began auditing and auditing and auditing. The stock fell and fell. Cubicles were continuously abandoned, with me thinking I would be next any...
I took another look at the instant message from Mark. ‘Bastard!’ I muttered to myself under my breath. The queue for the wine bar shuffled forward as a middle aged couple were shown to a table. At this rate it would be half an hour before I could get a drink. Not that I particularly wanted to start drinking at two o’clock in the afternoon. But the choices in Terminal C were limited, McDonalds, Starbucks or the Wine Bar. I had already consumed two espressos. The wine bar was the only acceptable...
I took another look at the instant message from Mark. "Bastard!" I muttered to myself under my breath. The queue for the wine bar shuffled forward as a middle aged couple were shown to a table. At this rate it would be half an hour before I could get a drink. Not that I particularly wanted to start drinking at two o'clock in the afternoon. But the choices in Terminal C were limited; McDonalds, Starbucks or the Wine Bar. I had already consumed two espressos. The wine bar was the only acceptable...
AnalFebruary 14th 2008, Valentines Day I watched her through hooded eyes as she slipped into the bedroom, and then tried to control the grin I felt growing on my lips when I saw what she was wearing. Fuck, she's still capable of giving me a hard-on I thought as I watched her full, round breasts moving under the diaphanous, ivory colored, silk babydoll she was wearing. To her husband of fourteen years her already hard, dark pink, half dollar sized nipples indicated her excitement, the wetness I...
I had found a new girlfriend called Nancy, and now we had gone out on many dates. I have grown to really enjoy her company and being with her, and we have many of the same likes and dislikes. I like her so much that I don’t mind her wanting to spank me and having me wear this cock and ball harness. The harness tends to keep me in an erect state and is somewhat embarrassing at times, but since I have grown to really love Nancy, I put up with it. Also, now Nancy and I have exchanged house...