Living Next Door to Heaven 124 No Ma am
- 2 years ago
- 45
- 0
Day Fifty-four - Friday
My face was resting on its favorite pillow, Sue's big beautiful boobies. There was a difference though; there was a body against my back with a hand holding my dick. My arm was around Sue but was resting on the hip of even another person whose hand was cupping one of Sue's wonderful breasts.
What the fuck! ... Oh yeah, Sandy and Mandy. Now what? Do we wake up and fuck or do we send them home. Today is, ah, oh yeah, Friday. If it were tomorrow, I'd say fuck 'em but today is a workday so...
Sue's eyes opened smiling at me. We kissed lovingly many times until the hand holding my dick squeezed it and a voice said, "Get a room."
The other three of us cracked up considering our current condition. I raised up and said, "It's five thirty, let's shower and get ready for work." Sandy and Mandy slid out of bed, gave both Sue and me sweet kisses, pulled on their robes, and left for their house.
Sue gave me some kisses while fondling me. "Did you enjoy taking care of my two little girlfriends?"
"What was that all about anyway?" I asked, still wondering how that all got started.
"Those two think you walk on water. They told me they were in love with me because I was married to you, but were in love with you because you are who you are, the way you are. They told me they would be my slaves if I let them have you every once in a while. So they got loved and I got slaves. I just have to figure out what to do with a couple of mechanical slaves."
Sue laughed, getting out of bed and tugging me toward the shower. We played and loved in the shower, with me donating another juicy load into her clutching pussy.
We didn't even run out of hot water, and were dressed, ready to go by six. I made coffee and turned on the patio lights, giving those who may have been waiting, the welcome sign. They were welcome anyway; they really didn't need me to turn the light on. The TV weather lady said it was going to be dry today and tomorrow, but rain Sunday. The news people were still showing the video of the courthouse thing. Kind of amazing, as there was no one hurt, no major damage, just a poorly constructed metal stairway repaired yesterday morning. This morning though, they named our company and named Bob, Tim, and me, telling the world that my company was a thriving small business in the northwest Hillsborough county area.
Folks poured in, ready to work this morning. Phil arrived with his donation of breakfast sandwiches from Ronald McDonalds. Everyone seemed anxious to start the day. That was really exciting to be a part of.
The previous night's participants of the tub party were all happy and content, without showing any hint that we had all been fucking like bunnies a few hours ago. The really cool ones were Sandy and Mandy. They were just as they always were, not standoffish to us, but they had the demeanor that they could be really cold with a flip of the switch.
Phil asked Sue if she were ready to be a movie star. She said she was ready anytime. He said the video guy would be at the shop no later than eight thirty, so we should be able to get this done quickly. Phil showed me what he wanted to see on the video.
I asked him if the video guy could shoot us from the time we got out of the truck until we were completely set up with tools laid out on the table. That way he could do one of those time lapse things where we would be shown speeding up getting something out of the truck. It would slow to a stop with each feature we pulled out. Then he could concentrate on all of the various features of the truck and the toys on it.
Phil liked that idea as an opener.
At the shop we pulled the truck into the frame welding bay and parked it so the S&S logo on the floor was near the rear of the truck. We put the cover back over the truck, as I wanted to sell a cover with each truck to emphasize taking care of a valuable item.
The video guy had three cameramen to tape everything from multiple angles. Sue and I put on our orange jumpsuits that had been well pressed and had the embroidered logo on the sleeve. Sue's jumpsuit had been altered to show off her butt and bust. She didn't need any help with the bust part at all. She came out with her hair in a ponytail and enough cleavage to daydream over. Phil even told her to zip up a little.
We went through taking the cover off, pulling the table out and setting up the legs, displaying the big vise that was on the end of the table. Next, we set up the big sunscreen over the end of the table. From there, Sue and I pulled out welding tools, clamps, ground straps, and grinders with files lying next to them. I laid out the coiled block and tackle while Sue pulled the safety harness and ropes out. Next, she pulled out the portable backpack, while I uncoiled the lines to one of the wire feed arc welders. We laid out as much as we could, before we cranked the gas generator and compressor.
I brought two pieces of scrap over and handed them to Sue. She knew the drill and began cleaning them up and shaping them to weld them. She used the compressor air hose to clean off any debris around the cleaned area. Next she set the pieces at an exact right angle using a square to check and picked up the wire feed, pulled down her hood, and hit the piece twice, tacking it. She re-measured with the square, just like I taught her and with a perfect touch drew a very slick, low, bead around the piece of pipe.
Just like a good tech, she took the hood off and put away the arc line, shutting everything off and began grinding and filing, finally sanding her weld. She spun the clamp loose and held up the pipe to a camera for a close-up to show an absolutely perfect weld.
Phil asked us to put everything away the same as we did on a job, so Sue and I cleaned off the table after coiling the arc lines. We shut down the compressor and released the air, as well as shutting down the generator and locking the cover down. When all the equipment was put back in the exact positions, I swept up around where we had worked, before Sue and I covered the truck. It was exactly as we had found it.
The video guy said he had great stuff and could make a really good fifteen to thirty minute video.
We pulled the truck out and parked it in its place so the frame guys could go to work. They were all commenting how good Sue was. Tim was telling everyone that, between the two of us, he thought we were probably the best he had ever seen.
That was a nice compliment.
Debbie said she had a surprise for me. She handed me a faxed S&S order form for a hundred and four thousand dollars. This was an order for a custom truck. I whooped, grabbed Debbie, and gave her a hug. I bounded upstairs to show Tiny and Phil that we actually already had an order. The field guy apparently received the homemade brochure and showed it to a major contractor. He took one look at it and the list of accessories and said he wanted one bad enough that he gave us a purchase order with a fifty- percent deposit.
Phil said, "See, I told you it would sell. Maybe it is too cheap."
This would be easy; I called the Ford dealer to order the truck. I asked for the guy from the day before and he was not there so I asked for a sales manager. When I began to get stonewalled by the guy I was talking to I asked his name then told him to hang up, as I would not be doing business with him.
I went up to ask Tiny about his Ford contact. He called the same dealer but asked for the dealer himself. They chatted a couple of minutes before Tiny told the guy that our company was going to be buying quite a few F550 or F650 diesels. Tiny said he didn't want to have to shop, he wanted to be able to call and have the truck delivered to the utility body shop so it could be processed.
The dealer gave Tiny a price for the F650 that was several thousand less than the F550 I was quoted on yesterday. Tiny also got a price for the F550 but the dealer said right now, he had several 650s and would really work with us on them. Tiny gave him a P.O. and asked for his bank's transfer numbers so we could get the truck to the utility body shop today.
I called the various manufacturers for all of the equipment that went into the truck. I would have everything by next Wednesday. We could deliver the truck to the customer Thursday or fly them in to drive it home Thursday or Friday. I liked the fly them in idea, as we wouldn't lose any manpower days driving around the country.
Because all of my figures had been based on estimates that I had made, along with the gouging the salesman was going to do on the truck, our profit margin on the package was going to be obscene. The salesman was going to get a bonus for selling the first one.
Tiny said he had to apply for a motor vehicle dealership license as we would be selling the truck and delivering it with a certificate of origin. He said he had done the application online so it should only be a matter of rubber stamping everything.
He advised me that the attorney decided to incorporate S&S Enterprises and probably sell all of Steve Sharp, Inc. to S&S closing Steve Sharp out. The idea was that we were growing so fast, some anonymity might be good on my part. He said he had already had multiple BBB (Better Business Bureau) inquiries.
I told him that I knew nothing about how to handle business and I was in his and the lawyer's hands, so be nice to me.
Sue had visited everyone in the shop and was at her desk. She said this was the first time she actually was able to sit at her new desk. I asked her if she wanted to call some of the customers back about their orders, but she declined. When the phone rang, she grabbed it before Debbie could and began a long conversation. I couldn't tell who she was talking to until she finally said, "Did you tell them that a couple women built your motor and then a girl built your trike?"
She was taking to Gene. She finally hung up smiling. She said Gene was ecstatic as he had the pole on Sunday's race, plus his Busch car was blowing the doors off everything on the track. The NASCAR guys were already talking teardown again. If they did, they had to pay to get it put back together, and he said that it would be my two ladies who would be doing the putting back together.
He had said that Shawna could possibly be very busy building motorcycles for the egomaniac drivers. He wanted her to know she was supposed to charge through the nose to build for anyone else. Sue said she was going to tell the girls and Shawna what Gene had said and that perhaps I could take her home for lunch.
Sue and I went home for lunch and to the gym. Afterward, we lazed by the pool, getting some sun for almost forty-five minutes. I said that this was the vacation that I had in mind when I landed in Tampa a couple of months ago.
Sue said to me, "I don't want anyone but you for a while. It's a lot of fun to play with everyone, but I'm going to have your baby and I don't want even a sliver of a chance that anyone else might contribute to helping make that baby. You have a lot of women to take care of, with Sandy and Mandy crazy for you. Those two have become very close to me for some unknown reason. I want them as part of our lives, but separate too. They're going to be aunts when I'm a mom. Are you going to be able to handle being a dad, or are you going to be like Uncle Ben and dodge your responsibilities?"
"You are mine, Sue. That I'll be a dad someday is a really good feeling. You'll have to kick me out because I'm sticking with you. You're all I need in life."
We kissed softly then wandered home. I went back to the shop to be surrounded by Debbie, Phil, Judy, Ruth, and Tiny. They were going nuts.
Debbie said, "We have three more truck orders. Believe it not, we have three more truck orders, one boom and two standards. Three more, can you believe it?
Tiny said, "How does it feel to come up with a half a million dollar idea yesterday and see it gel today."
"It's only a little over four hundred grand, Tiny," I corrected.
"No it isn't," Debbie broke in, "the customer ordering the boom ordered another hundred thousand of welding equipment, saying we were giving better discounts than the manufacturer's rep."
Phil said, "See Tiny, I know where the price point should be."
"This is really exciting. But this means a ton of work to get all this done," I said shaking my head is disbelief.
Debbie said, "I've already ordered all of the equipment to put on the trucks, and the other equipment is being drop-shipped to the customer. Tiny ordered the trucks so all you need is a human to put everything together. The utility body company has everything in stock, so we will have the trucks Monday and should be able to ship Thursday."
Phil said, "Go think up something else for the guys to get rich on."
"We need a man to build out these trucks. The equipment has to be mounted and a few brackets made and welded in place. It will need to be painted where we weld it."
"You already have who you need," Debbie said, "Hank can do all of that. He went to body shop school and learned how to do everything with sheet metal and bodies. He became a painter because that was the job that was open. Unless you really start to sell a lot of these, he should be able to handle the painting and the trucks. I'll just give him the list of equipment, he can see how you stocked your truck, and make the new ones exactly like it. See, it's easy."
"If you say so, Debbie. Great idea."
I followed Ruth, Tiny, Judy, and Phil upstairs to get a cup of coffee. I asked, "So how has our week been this week? Did we do about half of last week?"
Phil said quickly, "You have to be kidding, not with new people in the field. We've done at least twenty percent more than last week."
Tiny said, "I don't have all the numbers in yet, but it looks like we did collectively more than thirty percent over last week with your truck stuff and Abe's rebuilds. The race car support orders are no drop in the bucket either. That group is doing near two hundred grand a week."
That got my attention. "Did the motors put us over?"
"That and the total productivity. The whole crew is putting out a ton of product. I know it's good product because we have yet to get a complaint, just compliments."
"So what do we do next week?"
"Easy, Steve," Phil was excited again, "I have a whole new market for the fixed generator business. I have two major government groups that are meeting with us Monday. The orders from those folks should beat this week. And our good friend with the welding supply house is due to give us the orders that he was talking about. The first orders have been received and accepted so he knows we are on the up and up."
Tiny was smiling broadly, "No where to go but up."
"You guys are bad. You have your head in the clouds. I need to get grounded. I gotta go down to the shop."
The mood in the motor shop was party time. They had produced four motors today and they all tested within a range too close to declare a winner. I told them that with their efforts, many owners and drivers were going to be singing their praises. They all had a fresh engine in front of them, but none of them wanted to lift another wrench for the day.
"Let's button up the shop and make it sparkle for Monday morning. When you're done, there seems to be a keg out on my patio that doesn't ever get emptied. I think you guys need to try."
The sheet metal guys were already cleaning up. I gave them the same speech and invited them to have a beer at the house if they wanted.
The frame area was spotless. All the tools had been put away and all of the frames that had been in progress were complete and either on paint racks or in a row at the back of the area. Tom was going over his inspections as I came up. He made a comment that he had only found one sort of bad weld all week and only one angle off by almost a full degree. He had cut it, cleaned it and re-welded it to get the correct angle. The first error was easier to correct and was corrected on the spot. He said he felt they were putting out perfect work and looked forward to not finding any errors all next week.
I repeated the offer of some free beer to everyone, but cautioned them that if they did not normally drink, to make arrangements to get home without driving.
Abe had his folks straightening and cleaning. He said he was proud of his men as they had really produced this week. Looking ahead, he thought his group would be very profitable for a long time to come.
I gathered them together and offered some free beer to them with the same cautions. Some were coming, some were not. All knew they were welcome. Abe said he would pick up Alice and be out soon.
Outside, I found the contractor who was presiding over a table with blueprints spread out on it. I told him that we were going to be totally out of his hair, as he had requested, for the entire weekend. He said he was going to surprise me Monday morning, as he had his crew, plus two other major contractors and crews were working this weekend to see if the building could be completed. I wished him luck as it was supposed to rain on Sunday. He said that would be fine as everything would be covered and the work would be inside. He asked me a couple of questions about offices and doors, before turning his attention back to the cranes snatching large pieces of siding and roofing from a huge pile.
I told Debbie to wind up what she was doing and straighten her desk. It was getting to be time to go. She had a long trip to make with Hank, and they needed to get on the road. When she said it was only four thirty, I told her it was Friday after a hell of a week.
My desk was straight, so I went upstairs to clear out the customer service girls and invite them to come to the house if they wanted.
I called Sue to see if she had called our little Greek restaurant friend and she said she had. He was already laying out all kinds of food on the big table. I knew he would put on a good feed for a bunch of hungry workers if he were offered to make a buck.
He was good at what he does, as Sue said he had a bunch of iced tea along with a big fifty-cup pot of coffee that he had not started yet.
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Kara had been crushing on Derek since the first grade and her feelings were inching closer to closer toward sex. She always wore tight clothes to school- noticing derek always popped a boner when she was around. She never wore a bra andymore and pinched her nipples when no one was looking to get them hard for Derek. Kara sat by Derek in every class and he always seemed to be staring at her butt, tits, or the wet spot at her crotch. Kara masterbated in between every class in the bathroom and...
Justin is also six years my elder and he is back on Spring break from his university on the east coast. I had been scratching the days off my calendar to count how long it would be before I saw the perfect 21-year-old again. We'd grown up close – our families were practically always at each others' houses. Being 6 years younger, however, I had started off seeing him as a big brother. In a house full of only women, I clung to any masculinity I could find. I still remember when I ran...
Thank you for the kind words and support. I do tend to finish this one out, I just don’t write at a rapid pace. I also get distracted easily. Comments and feedback are welcome of course. This chapter again features no sex. Anyway, let’s continue where we last left off. ***** Leslie’s tears fell for several moments before either spoke again. ‘Good. That’s step one. Now we’re going to confront that issue.’ He stated flatly. ‘How?’ Leslie was a tad incredulous. Even through her damp eyes...
First time CuckI was at home alone one early afternoon.. I had just purchased some new sexy clothes to try on. A sexy black teddy with silk thongs that ran up my shaved ass. My black lace bra was filled with huge double D titty inserts that felt oh so real. I had on black thigh high stockings that felt so smooth on my shaved legs. I stood in a pair of black leather fuck me pumps with six inch heels. I had a sexy platinum blonde wig that was cut short just below my ears. My eyes were done like a...
viagra problem solvedJayalalitha had finished all her household chores after sending her hubby to the office for his early morning meeting. Rajesh, her elder sister’s son who had come down for the weekend, was still sleeping in his room without taking his bath, so she thought of waking him up to taking bath and to have breakfast so that she can concentrate on her daily chores. When she went into the room he was still sleeping in his t-shirt and shorts and blanket was lying near his feet. Jaya...
Hai friends, niraiay tamil kama kathaigalai padithu indru enathu tamil kama kathaiyai pagiruvathai ninaithaal aananthamaaga irukirathu. Enathu peyar Muthulakshmi, vayathu 38 aagugirathu, en kanavan velaiku sendraal veetil naan thanimaiyil thaan irupen, enaku oru paiyan matum thaan. Thanimaiyil irukum pozhuthu thaan kaama kathaigal padithu kama inbathai adaiven. Enaku kama kathaigal endraal migavum pidikum, athil gudumba kama kathaigalaiyum athigam padipen. Athil magan thaiyai matter seivathu...
Hello dosto to hajir hu mai apni agli kahani lekar……ye kahani tab ki hai jab hum honeymoon jane wale the. Uske 1 din pahle humne shopping ki aur hum ghar jaldi dinner karke bedroom me aa gaye, Hum apne bedroom me aaye aur thodi si thakaan feel kar rahe the. Main boli – Hum jaldi so jaaten hai taki subah samay par uth kar samaan bandh saken. Wo bole – Theek hai darling! Jaisa tum kaho. Ab jaldi se, bina kapdon ke mujhe good night kiss do taki main jaldi so sakun. Maine mushkarate huye apne kapde...
Juliana loved to be fucked in her ass. Especially by big black cocks. Well, she had only learned that love two days ago on her trip to East Cleveland. On that trip the petite white widow received her first anal sex of her life when she wandered into what turned into a BBC five-man gangbang. She went looking for black cock and bingo she had found it. The 31-year-old tiny 5’1” 126-pound recent doctor’s widow with the 34b-25-32 measurements handled it all like a champ. The contrast of her...
I stopped by last night again to check on things at the ranch. Wednesday night I was only there for a minute and Randy was busy feeding the cattle so I just waved to him. He looked so much like a boy I wasn't sure if he was worth looking at. Last night when I got there, he was in the bunkhouse just resting in his shorts and no shirt. I was right. Even though he's 19, he does look like a boy. I knocked before entering and he stood to greet me. I took off my coat once I got inside because he had...
WEDNESDAY, May 18, 2016 In the morning Rachael spent a full hour packing boxes, and she had several full. The family was uncertain as to when they would move. There seemed to be no rush. Since the letter from the landlord had arrived in mid month, technically they would be able to stay until July 31, based on two months notice. But with Grandpa willing to have them move in as soon as possible, Maria was hoping to move by the end of June, if not the end of May. She had written back to...
“You good back there?” Julian asked, glancing back at Frank who sat in the backseat of his sedan, playing a game on his Nintendo Switch. “He’s fine, trust me.” Anthony assured him, leaning out the window to look back at the girls car behind them. Julian turned forward to focus on Connor’s car ahead of them. They were on their way down to Connor’s family’s beach house for spring break. Julian Pella was just happy to be invited, as he was a bit more on the periphery of the friend group. The guy...
TeenForced to Slavery By Heather2837 It was our honeymoon. My new bride and I were traveling to many sites in the world prior to my joining my new law firm and beginning my career. My new wife, Beth, had been my long time girl friend throughout college and when I finally graduated from law school, we took the big plunge and became engaged. She had always been the love of my life and this was just a natural continuation of our relationship. Beth was 22 years old and was a naturally...
This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them. This is an interracial story. This is a story around a mother, Irene, and her daughter, Jade. Irene is 47 and Jade is 22. Both women are dark brunette hair that falls to the shoulders. ...
Episode 1 Is this the end? Or how it begins? “Dear Diary, AHHH!! What do you even write in this anyway? She did say this was a good way for me to get over my emotions…. Ahhhh…. what the hell…. Dear Diary, name’s Alex, Alex Walker, Hah!? The irony of it right? Don’t you think so? I find it funny myself… I’m 18, currently finishing community high school, 18 years old, no girlfriend and… Ahhh! This damned pen.. *Alex looks to the right, at a cabinet near his bed, he throws the pen he was currently...
IncestRicky was really excited about attending college to study computer programming. He was lanky and skanky and to be honest, unattractive. To begin with, his feet could raise the living dead and his body odour rated up there with the most pungent of men. Truthfully, he didn’t give a fuck about personal hygiene. Ricky showered when he absolutely had to and brushing his teeth was an often forgotten ritual. Ricky’s family was white trash, and his dad owned a successful plumbing business where Ricky’s...
Gay MaleI remember the first time I slept with a girl, it was the most amazing sexual experience of my life. It was the first week of my freshman year at an all girl college. I was just getting settled into my dorm room, and I was going to take a shower before I went out. I took my clothes off, put on a towel, and went to the showers. There were about 10 other girls there, and I had met a couple of them before. They were all good looking, bang-able as my boyfriend would say. It was a huge shower, and...
Hello John. Welcome to the realm of your deepest darkest fantasies. This is where you will play out your secret heart's desire. Your forbidden desire for someone very male and also very related to you. You've been lusting over Mick for years now and it is finally time to fulfill your dreams. But before all that! Let us know something about yourself, dearest John. The first and most important bit we need to know, is what role in sex do you like best? Are you a Top; dominating your partners in...
IncestChristy went over to her duffle bag that was full of surprises and pulled out something that I wasn’t familiar with but it looked like a man’s jock strap.“Now stand up so that I can put this on you.” Christy said to Pam. “and you hold her steady Leslee so I can put this on your friend.” Reluctantly Pam let her put the jockstrap on her but as Christy pulled the support tight against Pam let out a screeching sound. I quickly put my hand over Pam’s mouth and told to be quiet or Christy would...
Hi I’m John ( name changed)I am from the Southern part of India. My job is to offer consultations to people starting new businesses. I give them more ideas on their projects, do research for them and also help them with funding. Let’s get to business. About two months back there was a lady who wanted to start and business and came to me referred by another person. Her name is Shalini (changed). She called me on my mobile and wanted an appointment. She referred me friend’s name and I asked her...
Kathy by Tiffany Scott Kathy Easton had never felt like this before. The power and feeling of total control that surged through her each time she thrust her hips forward. Now she truely understood what was ment when men said that a woman couldn't "Fuck", that she could only be fucked. She watched, with eye's that were twice thier normal size, her husband of four years squirm, pulling helplessly at the cords securing his wrists and ankles to the four posts...
this is the follow up to my previous blog entry:" it's something that looks so hot..and i want to try it so much..i bet it's an amazing experience..i haven't touched my tiny dick for 3 days now and i'm planning on try to achieve a sissygasm(anal orgasm) tonight..any good advice?"it did happen.i took my time and it wasn't biggest turn on in porn are big black cocks so i've put on some long bbc hypno videos,a chastity device and new batteries in my vibrator.after like the first 45...
Story: #22 Copyright ©2005 Written: January 29 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** Part 8 - Meet The Spartan 5000 After leaving Jerry for the night Jessica entered her room it was time to have a talk with her new slave, walking into the room Jessica could see the new slave chained down to her bed the same bed Lina had used,...
I stayed away from the Pussy Train for the six weeks. Robin went a few times, but we played more poker than usual; did pretty well, too. I won twice and finished 4th once and Robin finished in the money twice. We skated a few times, went out drinking a bit; anything to keep my mind off Amy. Finally the six weeks were over. When the night came, I skipped poker altogether. I didn’t want to risk anything. I made sure to be at the crossing by the Millers’ farm on time. It was just me...
Bob had a rough night. In his opinion, he'd acted like a cave man, and ruined all possibility that there could ever be anything good between them in the future. That it had happened at all was suggestion there could have been that tantalizingly sweet future. How it had happened had taken it all away from him. He could have blamed it on a lot of things, but he didn't. He took responsibility for it himself. Had Bob known what was going on in Cecelia's mind, he might have been a bit less...
We were just playing around. I was over at my best bud's place and we were messing around rough housing. He had taken off his shirt claiming it was hot and since I was warm from the beers I stripped mine off too. His hands kept rubbing my chest and his touch on my nipples felt so good. Laughing loudly he wrapped what I thought was his belt around my chest and locked it. A body harness. Flicking my nips he grabbed my arms and attached them to the straps. I didn't understand his plan. Suddenly...
"What's for breakfast, honey?" Sharon Fleming smiled to herself as her husband's voice came to her from their bedroom, relaxed and loving. "Omelets, darling," she called back. "My, my, aren't we fancy!" Sharon laughed, and bent over the frying pan to give the golden puffy eggs another look. They were popping in the melted butter, and the edges were just beginning to turn a perfect brown. Sharon listened to her husband getting out of bed, heard him yawn broadly, and imagined him...
I had finally left before Tim got home and my dick was raw and ravaged from his wife. Buffy had fucked me in just about every room of there house. She was one hot MILF that needed some cock. I am sure Tim will thank me for turning her back into a sex demon. If he gets mad I'll have Buffy deny his attempts and hold out on him. I made sure Buffy got my note and she delivered it to Summer, Tim wife and I watched her from my car as she went down the sidewalk to Summer house. Buffy had on a sundress...
As Dave arrived home, Kim met him at the door, opening it wide as she stood nude in the doorway. Dave opened the screen door as Kim embraced him, pressing her large breasts against his chest, and pulling his hips against hers, grinding against him. Dave went on in as Kim turned and paused briefly in the doorway, looking out, almost defiantly as if to say to any neighbors who saw her, "Get a good look, yes, I'm nude and this is the way I choose to live my life." She then shut the door and...