My Summer Boss 6 free porn video

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They didn’t seem to get it right away, their minds clouded with one singular objective. After a few moments of jostling each other, catching a few elbows and knees myself, Eve managed to shoulder Brook off of me.

“What do you mean, bind?” She asked, grunting and catching Brook’s hands as she tried to grab her and throw her off.

“Well, just stop for a second and look at what you’re doing.” They both paused and looked at each other.

“I don’t see a problem here.” Brook said, her arms flexing as she kept pushing on Eve. I couldn’t win here, if I chose one over the other the guilt would totally ruin the moment.

Eve sighed, “Just choose Tom.” Brook looked between us, noting just how this could affect the situation, and leaned down close to my face.

“I tell you what Tommy. I get what I want when I want, within reason, during the next few days and I’ll take the hit today and let Eve have her fun. Sound good?”

“What you want, when you want. What does that mean?” I asked warily.

She kissed me again, harder though and touched my face, “Just what it sounds like baby.” My eyes wandered to Eve who was still miraculously perched atop my stomach. There was no help there, she was in no mood to think over the ramifications of this little deal, or anything else aside from getting what she wanted as soon as possible.

“O-ok Brook.” I stammered. She grinned evilly and gave me a peck on the cheek, before standing up and picking up her clothes.

“Finally!” Eve grinned wolfishly and grabbed my head, kissing me fiercely.

“Easy, easy, Eve calm down!” I cried as she started grabbing me and kissing all over my face.

Brook giggled maniacally as she tossed herself on the couch and turned on the TV, “Have fun Tommy boy. If you survive I’ll tell you what I want first.”

“Shh Brook. And keep it down.” Eve smirked, getting her feet under her and grabbing my arm. “C’mon you lump, we’re going to my room.” Before I could even get up she was practically dragging me towards her room by the arm. She actually managed to pull me to her door before I stood up.

“OK, Jesus, you’re gonna rip my arm off!” I cried as she jerked my arm one final time, making me stumble a few feet into her room.

“If it gets you into my bed faster, so be it. Sit down.” She giggled. She stopped at the door to close it behind her, watching me walk naked, to her bed. I blushed and sat on the edge of her bed, looking back at her.

She strutted up to me and took my cheeks in her hands, “Mmm that’s a good boy, now you’re all mine.” I put my hands on her waist and rocked her hips back and forth.

“Jealous much, Eveline?” I smirked.

She narrowed her eyes but smiled impishly at me, “Is it that obvious?” I chuckled and nodded, pulling her into my lap.

“Well can you blame me for wanting you all to myself?” she asked innocently.

“Never.” I smiled, kissing her neck and cheek, “Now, what can I do for the boss lady?”

She closed her eyes and smiled with a sigh, “I love it when you call me that.” She kissed me hard and shifted herself so she was straddling my waist, my stiff, upturned cock, pinned between us. I put my arms around her waist and fell back pulling her up my body a little so her small breasts were in my face. I cupped them in my hands and gently rolled my thumbs over her hard little nipples. I looked back to her face and found her eyes closed once more, a pleased smile dominating her visage.

I gripped her right breast closer to the base and squeezed, swelling it out. I sucked her nipple into my mouth and swirled my tongue over the sensitive piece of flesh. She sighed and moved her hips over my cock, rolling it between our bodies. Her skin was so soft against me, that I couldn’t understand how I survived a day without touching her. I released the breast I was holding and grazed my fingers along her back, following her spine to her tight bottom. I squeezed the cheek that ‘belonged’ to Brook and failed to restrain the smile that spread my lips as she moaned. Four of my fingers held the bottom of her cheek and I pushed my thumb down and towards them.

“Too bad you’ve been a good girl.” I whispered in her ear.

“Ohh, t-too bad…” she stammered as I switched my attention to her other nipple. The hand I had on her ass roamed down her crack to tease the very bottom of her slit. She bit her lip hard and gave me a desperate, pleading look. Maintaining eye contact with me, she lifted her hips off me and reached under her, grabbing my shaft and guiding it towards her blazing opening.

I cringed as the head of my cock slowly sank into her hot, wet, cunt. As she let her hips down, more and more of my cock disappeared into her, moans escaping from both our throats.

“Oh god Eve, you feel so good.” I groaned with a sigh as she settled her hips, my cock completely buried in her boiling confines.

She giggled quietly, “Mm so do you Tommy, you always…f-fiuuhhh!” she cried out as I put both hands on her ass and pushed myself up into her. From there, coherent words and sentences became very difficult to make. She pushed her hips back, cramming my dick as far as it could go inside of her, sitting still for a moment, reveling in the feeling of the throbbing bar of flesh and blood inside her.

Her breasts were now just out of reach, a tantalizing prize if I could only bend my body in an impossible way. But I was far from lacking in something to play with. She had propped herself up on her elbows and was looking away from me with her lips parted in an inadvertently seductive look. Instead of holding her firm ass with both hands, I put one arm over the curve of her lower back and held her down like that while I pushed up into her. With my other hand I gently took her chin in my hand and turned her head so I could kiss her. She smiled and giggled into my mouth, swirling her hips in a ridiculously sensual movement.

I pumped my hips against her a few more times, to her unintelligible encouragement. And after a few moments she wrapped her arms around my head and held it tightly to her sternum.

“Tom! Aaahhh don’t…uhn…please…I’m!” she moaned loudly, her body stiffening as her cunt contracted around my cock. She squeezed my head hard against her and cried out as she had what must have been a powerful orgasm. I could feel her juices trickling down my shaft onto my crotch and legs. I grinned and pumped my dick into her harder and faster, prolonging her orgasm. The tone of the noises coming out of her changed in pitch, from low to high, until she was almost screaming. I was so into it I didn’t even notice that familiar welling up sensation and barely registered the immense release. Eve squeaked in the middle of a dying scream as she was suddenly and unexpectedly filled with a large amount on hot cum.

I deflated under her as her head dropped down onto my chest with a thud, my cock still pumping inside of her gently twitching pussy. After a minute or two she patted my shoulder and picked her head up, a massive grin on her face.

“How…jeez…how did you know how to do that? I didn’t tell you did I?” she gasped. A wave of warm self-satisfaction washed over me and I put on my best nonchalant look.

“Oh, you know, it just sorta…came, to me.” I winked at her and she burst out laughing.

After calming down she gave me a long hard kiss on the lips and rolled off of me. “You’re so cute.”

“You know you guys keep saying that, and I’m starting to wonder whether it’s actually a good thing, or a bad thing.” I said suspiciously, turning my head to look at her as she lay next to me.

“Haha, I…we, we’re just proud of what we turned you into. From tall, awkward, and suppressed to…to, my tall awkward stud.”

“Hey!” I lightly backhanded her in the stomach and rolled on top of her, getting on my hands and knees. She bit her lips and gazed up at me with an excited look in her brilliant blue eyes.

“I…am…not…awkward.” I stated softly, punctuating each word with a tender kiss on the lips.

She giggled girlishly and pulled me down on top of her, “Yes you are.” I gaped at her in mock shock, “And I wouldn’t have you any other way.” My face burned which just made her laugh harder. “And you still can’t take a compliment from me without doing that.”

“I cant help it.” I said sheepishly.

“Awwww.” That did not help the color of my face one bit. I sat up and looked away, trying to will the red from my cheeks. I could tell she wanted to say it again but thankfully restrained herself. I composed myself after a few moments and looked back down at her. She was still lying back on the bed, her arms folded just under her breasts, looking back at me with a little smirk on her lips.

“Oh! I have an idea.” I said, grinning down at her. She raised a delicate eyebrow in question and propped herself up on her elbows eagerly. I reached out my hand for her to take and pulled her up into a sitting position, leaning in close. “What do you say to giving the beast one last hurrah?” I whispered in a conspiratorial tone, my eyes alight.

Now it was her turn to change colors, she blushed hard and averted her eyes. “O-okay.”

I smiled and turned her head again so I could kiss her, “You don’t have to if you don’t want to.”

She kissed me back harder and grinned, “No, I want to. Lemme go get it.” She hopped off the bed and scampered into the bathroom. She reappeared a moment later, throwing the little white vibrator at me. I snatched it out of the air without even realizing it, my old baseball reflexes kicking in. But it was merely a distraction, because the next thing I knew she tossed her naked body at me, driving me back onto the bed.

“Mmm, so what are you gonna do with me Tommy?” She purred, clambering atop my waist once more. I looked at the small device in my hands and turned it on, smiling as it buzzed to life between my fingers. For a moment my mind filled with where it had been, my heart rate picking up a notch.

“Well, I was wondering what this might do to you.” I palmed the buzzing machine and held it to the center of her right breast.

“O-ohh.” She looked down at my hand, concealing the vibrator between my hand and the supple flesh of her breast. “Ohh that feels good.”

“Not weird?” I asked curiously.

“We-whell, kinda. But it still feels good.” She looked me in the eye and smiled, amused by my curiosity. I switched to her other breast, this time running it directly around her nipple. She squeaked and giggled when I did that, pushing my hand in adjustment.


“Mmhmm.” She closed her eyes with a little sigh. I kept that up for a couple minutes before taking it away from her skin. I had to hold back a chuckle as her hand jerked, inadvertently trying to stop my hand’s retreat.

“Aww, now who’s cute?” I teased. She blushed again and then gasped as she felt the vibrator’s touch on the sensitive area just above her clit. I slowly touched the tip to her skin and moved it in long slow circles around the little nub.

“No explanation needed here I see.” I quipped happily. She looked down at me with eyes that could barely focus; before she squeezed them shut again as I drew the tip slowly over her clit. She was straddling my waist on her knees and they began squeezing me spasmodically, the rest of her body tensing along with them.

After a few long minutes she scrunched up her face and gritted her teeth, a strained noise filtering through her clenched jaw. A little more moisture seeped onto my skin from her glistening slit.

“Do all girls react like this to one of these things?” I asked, turning it off and lightly running my fingertips over her outer area. They came away wet and I rubbed my fingers together.

She sat there for a moment, looking up at the ceiling and panting, before responding, “I don’t know, probably.” She let herself fall to the side and lay on her back with a sigh.


“God yes! I’m not a teenager anymore.”

“Eve, I swear to god if you keep calling yourself old…”

She picked her head up and smirked at me, “You’ll what?” I grinned evilly and raised my hand, spreading my fingers wide apart.

“Oh I see. Well maybe I want to save that for another time.” She giggled before yawning unexpectedly.

“Aww, want to close your eyes for a bit?” She nodded and yawned again as I leaned over and kissed her tenderly on the lips. I rolled off the bed and shut off the lights before stepping out into the main room, closing the door behind me. The TV was on and I could see the back of Brook’s head over the back of the couch. I tiptoed into the room and quietly pulled on my clothes.

“Took your sweet time Tommy.” Her voice made me look back up at the couch. She was resting her chin on her folded arms and looking at me over the back of the couch.

Smiling I said, “So what would you know about how long this stuff takes?” She blushed and gave me a dirty look. I came around the side of the couch and sat down next to her.

“So.” I started, kissing her cheek, “You mentioned telling me about wanting something if I survived? Well, I survived.”

She giggled sadistically and tented her fingers, eyeing me with her beautiful grey eyes, “Keep your pants on Thomas, you’ll find out what I want eventually.”

“Evil! Evil girl you are!” I gasped in mock horror.

She lifted her chin and smirked, “Maybe, but at least I know what I want and I know
you’re gonna give it to me.”

“Oh you think so?” I replied, jabbing her in the ribs with a finger. Though, one thing she said nagged at my mind. I know she wasn’t being serious and she was talking about something completely unrelated, but did I…did I actually know what I wanted? In any case, that was a question to be answered another time..

“I know so, baby.” She purred, pushing me over and positioning herself on top of me. She kissed me passionately, barely able to restrain the huge smile pulling at her lips.

She pulled away for a second, allowing me to suck in a much needed lungful of air; “This is your idea of eventually?”

“Mmm, no, this isn’t what I meant.” She sat up and waved her hand in the air thoughtfully, “Merely a…side dish.”

“Oh, now you’re comparing me to food?”

“Maybe.” She squeaked in an incredibly girly tone.

“Adorable.” I smiled, sitting back up and kissing her again. “Whatcha watching?” There were just commercials on right now.

“Scrubs.” She looked at me sidelong, another smirk on her lips.

I grinned broadly, putting my arm around her and pulling her close, “I knew I loved you for a reason.” She turned bright red and her lips parted in something akin to surprise. I didn’t realize why. After a second or two, I could have sworn tears began to well up in her eyes.

“Are you all right?” Concern prevalent in my voice.

She sniffed, wiping her eyes on the back of her hand. “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.” She sighed contentedly and wiggled as close to me as possible. I smiled to myself, totally pleased with this situation. We stayed like that for a long time it seemed, until I heard Eve’s bedroom door open and close.

“Make me jealous why don’t you?” Eve said, sounding like she was yawning again.

“Says the one who fucked him.” Brook snickered. Eve sagged into her chair and shrugged. She had put on a light blue halter top and a pair of small shorts.

“Your idea.”

“Ladies, be nice.” I said, before anything else could happen. I winced as Brook pinched my thigh, hard.

“Ow, what?” I asked. She gave me a hard look, but said nothing.

“She wants to leave, I think.” Eve said, smiling tightly.

“Do you?” I asked, looking down at her. Brook nodded almost imperceptibly. I sighed, “I guess so.” I stood up, Brook doing the same. “So I’ll see you bright and early tomorrow morning boss lady?” I knew that would get a real smile out of Eve.

She chuckled and gave me what I wanted, a heartfelt smile. “Right you are boy toy, right you are.” She stood up as well, giving me a tight hug and a kiss. I grinned and followed Brook to the door. She seemed to be in a rush to leave. She hurried out into the hall while I threw a pained smile back at Eve as I closed the door. I was confused to see a knowing smirk on her face.

I caught up to Brook at the stairs and took her elbow, turning her so I could see her face.

“Are you gonna tell me what’s wrong?”

I was actually startled to get a full fledged, toothy white smile right in the face. She laughed and took my arm, pulling me close. “All part of my little scheme Tomsky.”

“Couldn’t you have been…I dunno, more polite about it?” I asked weakly. I really didn’t want to throw off her mood but I wanted to make sure there wasn’t any bad blood between the two.

She giggled, walking me arm in arm to my car. “I told her about wanting to do this, don’t worry about it.”

“You did?”

“Mhm.” We got into my car and I turned to look at her.

“So you just want to go home?”

“For now.” She cooed. As I drove her home I couldn’t help but notice the furtive glances she cast my way. When I pulled up in front of her house, I put it in park but kept the engine running, expecting her to just get out, (yeah I hadn’t gotten the whole romantic kiss goodnight thing down yet).

Instead, she grinned and reached over, turning off the car and taking the key. I made a halfhearted grab for it, which she easily avoided, tucking it into her jeans pocket. Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t have gotten it out of there.

“So, I’m going in with you then?” I’d been into her house, oh maybe two times, and seen her family all of never.

“Yes…you are.” She said smugly, she loved when I didn’t have a choice in things like this. We got out of the car and made our way to the front door. I hesitated as she held the door open for me.

“Aww come on big boy, you’re not scared are you?”

“N-no.” Fuck! Her grin threatened to split her face in twain. She took my hand and pulled me inside. I could hear her family throughout the house. Her parents in the kitchen and her brother blasting music upstairs. Still leading me by the hand, we passed the kitchen not stopping, and heading for the stairs.

“Brook? Sweetie, is that you?” Her mother called, poking her head around the kitchen entrance frame.

“Yeah mom! Hi mom! This is Tom! Bye mom!” Brook responded at light speed, not stopping for a second as she dragged me upstairs. I only got in a partial wave before we were out of sight. Up in the hall we didn’t slow down either, her brother’s music was much louder up here, maybe why she didn’t like hanging around at home a lot. We busted through her door and she nearly threw me across her room and onto her bed.

I lay on her bed panting, confused, and more than a little startled as she carefully closed the door and leaned back against it, composing herself. She ran her fingers through her hair, pulling it back behind her head, a band thing magically appearing in her hand as she deftly did it up into a ponytail. Brook took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She had cut her dark brown hair recently, shortening it by a few good inches.

“Sorry about that Tom. I…I um, got a little carried away.”

“No problem. So uh what are we doing here again?”

She looked at me sitting on her bed and bit her lip hard, bending her knees and squeezing her legs together. I couldn’t understand what was wrong with her, what was going on with her today.

“This isn’t fair.” She growled to herself, bringing her eyes back to me, “I uh, I’ll be right back.” With that she opened the door, scooting out and down the hall. I heard another door open and close; I assumed it was the bathroom door. Nothing had changed in her room since that last time I was here. Big walk in closet filled with trendy clothes and the like, desk with computer, big bed, and bookshelves loaded with romance novels, a big mirror on her bureau that had all her make-up and other beauty products on it, posters on the walls featuring her favorite movies and half naked, Abercrombie-esque guys.

I got up off her bed and walked over to her closet, a maroon and silver something had caught my attention. Walking into it I plucked her old cheerleader’s uniform from between some other random outfits. Not for the first time I realized just what a lucky son of a bitch I was, how many guys had fantasies about getting the cheerleader, and I got the captain! I put it back and walked back into her room proper.

“Who are you?” I would be lying if I said her little brother didn’t scare the shit out of me. He was a full blown Goth, a dying breed to be sure, but still. Pale skin, eye liner, all black clothing, chains, black hair, the works. He was a freshman at my old high school, or more accurately he would be when school started up again.

“I’m Tom. You’re Ben right?” I asked, standing up straight, I towered over the kid.

“Oh yeah, she talks about you a lot.” He rasped. His voice was similar to somebody who’s been smoking for years. And I guessed ‘she’, was Brook.

“Only good things I hope.” I joked. He just rolled is eyes and grunted, turning and walking back to his room.

“Creepy little bastard.” I muttered under my breath.

“What were you doing in my room freak?” I heard from the hallway. There wasn’t any answer so I assumed he just ignored Brook. She walked back in and nearly ran into me as she wasn’t paying close attention, looking very distracted.

“And where did you go?” I asked curiously. To my surprise she turned bright red and scurried into her closet.

I leaned against the frame as she pulled out a backpack and started stuffing another set of clothes into it. “Oh, what did you do then? You don’t blush like that for any old thing.”

“None of your business Thomas.” She replied uncomfortably. It was then that it finally sank in that she was packing clothes.

“What are you doing?” She slid past me and pulled out some undergarments from her bureau.

“Did you think this was the last stop?” she asked, a sneaky little smile making me nervous.

“Where then?”

She was grinning now, “Why, your house of course.”

“M-my house?” I stammered.

“Yes, it’s what I want.”

Inside I was thrilled, but I forced that expression from my face, “We have work in the morning remember?”

“Don’t worry, I wont keep you up too late.” She purred, shouldering her backpack and taking my hand again. She led me back down the hall and downstairs.

Both her parents were near the bottom of the stairs as she pulled me towards the door.

“Staying at Tom’s.” Brook stated in a voice that one would be hard pressed to challenge. That didn’t stop Mrs. Landry from trying though.

“You have work in the morning.”

“We work at the same place and he drives me anyways mom.”

“Just don’t break his arm sweetheart.” Mr. Landry chuckled as Brook yanked me through the door and across the lawn to my car. We stopped next to my car and she turned me so my back was up against it.

“Are my parents watching?” I scanned the windows but couldn’t see anybody and I assumed that they had moved back into the kitchen, further into the house.

“No.” I said, looking back into her eyes. Even in the weak light from the street lamps they sparkled with mischief.

“In that case,” she leaned in to kiss me lightly on the lips, “you should get your keys.”

It went over my head for a moment, “But they’re…” I trailed off, letting my finger point at her pocket.

Her teeth flashed in the dark, “Yes. Come on and get ‘em, I want you to take me home with you.”

I couldn’t help but laugh, “Fine, come here.” I put my arm around her and pulled her close to me. She was wearing those typical tight jeans and I had to flatten my hand against her hip, and I still had to force it into her pocket.

She was giggling hysterically as she watched me try to get my keys out of her pants. I managed to get most of my hand into her pocket and I could barely feel the hard edge of a key with the tips of my fingers, but just couldn’t get any farther.

“C’mon Tom, get in there, you can do it.” She breathed, kissing my face and moving her hips.

“Ehr, you’re not…mmff, not helping Brook.” I grunted.

“I know.” She managed to squeak in between fits of giggles and bouts of kissing my face. I almost managed to pin a key against the side of her pocket but it got away.

“Alright that’s it!” I pulled my hand out and spun her around, pulling her back against me. I wrapped my other arm around her middle and shoved my hand back into her pocket. She loved this, and just to make it more difficult she started pushing her ass back against my crotch, rubbing against me. The close contact combined with what she was doing to me, was starting to affect me in a way I was hoping to avoid. However, due to this new position I was able to get my hand deeper into her pocket and managed to pull my keys out with little more effort.

“HA!” I declared triumphantly, brandishing them in the air. Brook sagged back against me and made a loud disappointed noise. I chuckled, the thrill of victory making my blood pump faster, however minor it may be. I put both arms around her middle and gently squeezed her, leaning in and kissing her cheek.

“Aw, smile. So what do we do when we get to my house?” That cheered her up right quick.

“You’ll see.” She said with a sly smile, getting into the passenger seat. I shook my head and got behind the wheel. We spent the short ride in comfortable silence. Walking inside was interesting but not too bad, my parents had the same concern as Brook’s. I gave them the same excuse she did and moved on, leading Brook upstairs to my room. There was an open room at the top of the landing that we used as something like a reading area, and my younger brother Dan was curled up in an overstuffed chair, tapping away on his PSP.

“Hey dude. Kel in her room?” My brother and I had a good relationship, treating each other like best friends rather than siblings.

“Yeah, but she’s being a bitch; I think you pissed her off again. Mentioned something about seeing you at the mall with some whore.” He said all this without looking up, his entire attention focused on the little screen. I looked at Brook with a shocked and appalled expression. She looked pissed for a second before she smiled broadly.

“I hope those are her words.” She said smoothly. Dan actually jumped at the sound of her voice, looking up so fast I was surprised he didn’t break his neck.

He looked from Brook to me, then back to Brook before responding, “Y-yeah, that’s um, that’s what she said…whoa.” Brook was struggling to hold back an even bigger smile as she watched my brother turn red at her attention.

“Do all men in this family react like that in the presence of attractive women?” She giggled girlishly, making my brother turn a darker shade of red. I could feel my own cheeks burning at this. She looked between the two of us and broke into higher pitched giggles.

“Alright that’s it! That’s it, let’s go!” I said, smacking at her supple rear to get her moving.

“Hey!” she squealed, taking off down the hall towards my room, trying to escape my reach. Of course, never having been in my house before she didn’t know where to go. All the doors were closed so there was no indication of which was mine. She stopped at the end and looked at all three doors, doing a little dance of frustration as I sauntered down the hall, cornering her. I looked at my hand, moving my fingers around.

“You know, I haven’t used this yet. It’s actually starting to ache.” I said, giving her an evil smile. Her eyes went wide and she made a decision on which door to choose. Unfortunately, it was the wrong one. She turned and pushed into Kelly’s room. I quickly followed after her; I probably shouldn’t have taken my little act that far, now my sister would never leave us alone.

“What the fuck!” I heard Kelly yell. As I came into the room behind Brook, I could just see Kelly in her bed, pulling her sheets higher up her body. To my surprise and horror, there was way too much skin displayed and as she brought her hand up to give me the finger, I could see it was slick with something. My mind immediately envisioned the worst scenario.

“Are you gonna just stand there or are you getting the fuck out?” she growled. I grabbed Brook’s hand and tugged her back, she seemed rooted to where she stood, a shocked expression on her face. I gave her a little push out the door and turned back to my sister.

“Tsk, tsk, Kelly what have you been up to?”

“None of your fucking business!”

“Well in that case I won’t give you your present early then.”

That changed her expression completely, “Present?”

“Yes. Something you might actually enjoy,” I couldn’t hold back a chuckle, “and it looks like you might have wanted it before we busted in on you.”

She frowned, anger flaring up again, “Just give it to me, and I’ll leave you two alone tonight.”

“Deal.” I chirped happily, digging into my pocket and pulling out the beast enclosed in my hand. Without looking at what might blind me, I lifted up the sheets and tossed it towards her feet.

“You dick!” I heard as I ran from her room. Back in the hall, I closed my sister’s door and found my own open. Entering, I closed the door and found Brook sitting on my bed with her legs dangling over the edge, looking around my room.

“So what did you see?”

“You know what I saw.” She said quietly. I walked between her legs and took her hands, playing with her delicate fingers as I looked down at her. Her cheeks were red but I chalked that up to seeing what she did. Without warning she threw off my hands and looped her arms around my neck, pulling me down on top of her.

“Can we…can we…” she trailed off, turning dark red, her mouth working to get out what she was trying to say.

“Can we what?” I asked, lightly pushing my hips against her. She sighed and pushed her hips back in response.

“Can we…Christ, can we…do it now? Please?” she asked in a tiny voice.

I smiled and kissed her, “Baby you know I’d love to but, I think we need to wait until later ok?”

“Why?” she whined, putting her hands on my shoulders and shaking me.

“Because,” I lowered my voice and shifted my eyes sneakily, “we don’t want my family disturbing us do we?”

“No, uh…but why?” she just didn’t want to accept it.

“Were you that turned on by what you saw?” I teased.


I pulled myself off of her and sat down next to her, taking her hand in both of mine. She was pouting and avoiding looking me in the eye.

“What’s the matter huh? You can wait a few hours can’t you?”

“I can’t Tom, I want to now.” She actually sounded like she was going to cry.

“Aw, come here sweetheart.” I cooed, pulling her into my lap. She put her head on my shoulder and her arms around me. I had one arm around her middle, and the hand from my other was on her knee.

“What would you rather have, a short, probably interrupted bout now, or a long hot and heavy session later tonight?” I asked reasonably, letting my hand wander up and down her thigh.

“I…I, uh…oh god.” She whispered in my ear as my fingers began playing over the junction of her jeans. She buried her face in my neck and made little whimpering noises when I unsnapped the clasp of her jeans and slipped my hand into her pants. Her panties were totally soaked and her slit was so wet that my hand stayed dry for less than a second.

“What about…waiting?”

“Well who says I can’t just use my little digits to…take care of your problem?”

“Ohh…ohhk.” She breathed as I slowly pushed my middle finger into her tight cunt. She made a high pitched little noise as I pushed my long finger in as far as I could.

With a tiny strained giggle she said, “Nhh-not little.”

I curled it up and lightly ran my thumb over her clit, “Pfft, you’re just obscenely tight.” I chuckled. She turned an even darker shade of red and took one of her arms from around me, using her hand to push my hand harder against her soft skin. My finger went deeper and the rest of my hand put more pressure on her clit.

“Yehaaea Tom.” She gasped in a long low moan. She pushed her chest out against me, her big tits squashing against me. With my free arm I snaked my hand up under her shirt, closing over the voluptuous mound and gently squeezing.

“Ahh!” she cried out loudly, before pushing her face back against my neck, her lips working like she was trying to bite me.

“Shh baby, gotta keep it down ok.” I soothed, managing to get a few fingers under her bra to tease her nipple. I pushed harder against her pussy, managing to cram another finger into her hot tightness. That was too much for her, her breathing suddenly became very fast and very heavy. She couldn’t stop the loud moan that escaped her, thinking quickly, I kissed her full on the lips. She let it die to a faltering whimper in my mouth as her orgasm slowly subsided. She took her hand away from mine and used it to grip my shirt as her juices flooded over my fingers. She broke away gasping and slumped against me, both of her hands grabbing fistfuls of my shirt.

“All better?” I asked, holding her after pulling my hand out of her pants and out from under her shirt. She didn’t answer for a long time, trying to compose herself.

“More?” she asked innocently, looking up at me with her big grey eyes, trying to look as cute as possible.

“Aw, no baby,” I said apologetically, reaching down and refastening the clasp of her jeans with a bit of effort. “I want to save a little of this for later.” I said, holding up my fingers, still slick with her cum.

“But…but I have more! I’m not gonna run out.” She said urgently, like if she said it fast it would change my mind. I took a quick glance at the clock and turned back to her, squeezing her tight.

“Dinner’s going to be ready in a few minutes.” Again she looked like she was going to cry. I had to remind myself I was supposed to say no to her.

“Come on,” I said, patting her back, “let’s go get washed up.” I wiggled my moist fingers as proof.

“But,” her eyes lit up with an idea, “it’s what I want.”

I laughed, getting up, forcing her to do the same, “Ah but you said within reason sneaky girl. Getting caught isn’t within reason.”

She looked like she was going to protest again but I turned her and gave her a little push towards the door. She gave me a dirty look but didn’t complain any further as we washed up and headed back downstairs. Dinner was interesting, my parents grilled us about the normal things one gets asked when they bring home a girlfriend. It was particularly rough when Brook revealed she’d had her eye on me for most of high school.

“I told you Thomas! I told you but you didn’t believe me!” My mother crowed triumphantly.

“Mom, you’ve never even seen us together.” I countered as Brook struggled to keep from laughing.

“Oh yes I have. Whenever we went to one of those meeting things that everyone had to go to, she tried to sit as close to you as possible. Hell, she talked to you all the time at those things!”

“Mrs. Morrison, he never paid any attention to me, it was horrible.” Brook put in. I glared at the side of her head as she connected with my mom.

“Aw I apologize for that sweetheart; he can be a little dense sometimes.”


“Kidding Tommy.” She laughed, elbowing my father. Kelly rolled her eyes and focused back on her food, she hadn’t said more than two words since she sat down. Ben kept looking between Brook and I, an incredulous look in his eyes every now and again.

As the conversation died down later on, I leaned over and whispered in Brook’s ear, “I’ll get you for that.”

“I know you will.” She breathed, her hand slipping down to squeeze my thigh. From that point on, I could not wait until my family went to bed and left us alone. Alas, it just went on forever, Brook and I ended up watching a movie downstairs, waiting for them to hit the sack. My parents went first, with work in the morning and a sensible train of thought, it made sense.

As night came on, the temperature dropped and Brook and I found ourselves cuddled up under a big blanket. Ben was next and he stumbled off to bed after casting one last look at Brook. I couldn’t decide if he was just fascinated with her or if he had never seen a girl as gorgeous as she was, but found it funny nonetheless.

Kelly was the only one left, pissing me off to no end by sitting in the chair opposite us. She didn’t seem tired at all; her eyes were still bright and aware, glancing from the TV to us and back every so often. And at this rate I wasn’t going to make it, I was yawning so much my jaw ached. Brook too, was having a hard time, fidgeting around under the blanket.

“When is she gonna leave?” she whispered in my ear.

“Tired yet Kelly?” I called across the room.

“Nope.” She replied smugly.

“Fuck this.” Brook muttered under her breath. When I turned to look at her, my breath caught in my throat as Brook’s small hand grabbed my crotch.

My eyes bugged out. “Shh baby, relax. Let me handle this.” She undid my shorts and slipped a hand inside, delicate fingers fondling my semi-hard cock.

“What’s with you?” Kelly asked suspiciously, noticing the expression on my face.

“N-nothing, cramp.” I grunted, as if in pain. Brook’s grin was probably the most savage one I’ve seen yet. Kelly kept staring at me, the embarrassment was competing with the sheer pleasure of what Brook’s hand was doing to me, to keep me semi-hard for far too long.

Brook leaned up and kissed my neck, lightly nipping at the skin, “Don’t pay attention to her. Pay attention to me.” I sighed, closing my eyes and leaning against her. “Good boy.” Because of the blanket, my sister was oblivious to what was going on, but by my face she must have determined something was up.

“Tired already Tom?” she asked sarcastically.

“Mm, yeah.” I replied quietly. Brook had circled her thumb and forefinger around my shaft, slowly working them up and down. Now, normally when I…’took care of business’, I didn’t pay much attention to the head, don’t ask me why, it just felt strange. But, when I had someone else’s hands, amazingly soft hands by the way, touching the head of my cock it just felt awesome. I wanted to make some kind of noise, it just felt appropriate for the situation, some kind of recognition of the fine job she was doing. But I knew better, one moan, one hint of pleasure coming my way and Kelly would squash it.

Brook began making longer stokes, capping it by lightly playing with the tip. I still had my eyes closed but I could still feel my sister’s eyes on me. But by now I could care less if I was laid out naked and Brook was performing something more involved than a hand job. That particular realization caused a shiver of ecstatic delight to run through my veins and straight to my dick, which gave a satisfying jerk of movement in response.

Brook giggled and gripped my shaft tightly in her fist, squeezing and pumping at the same time. This time I couldn’t contain a tiny squeak of emotion. That did it for me.

“Kelly, I recall a certain deal between us,” I began, opening my eyes and glaring at my older sibling, she held her hands palms up in question, “you know, about you leaving us alone tonight.” Mind you, Brook didn’t stop what she was doing throughout this.

“Why, are you doing something you shouldn’t?”

I sighed, “Go play with your present. I went through all the trouble of getting it for you.”

She narrowed her eyes and sneered at me, “Why don’t you go fuck yourself?”

“Oh my god,” Brook sighed in frustration, releasing my throbbing cock and quickly stuffing it back into my shorts to my sheer disappointment, as you can imagine. “Kelly, can I talk to you for a sec?” Her voice had a dangerously subtle edge to it that made my sister take notice.

However, she just raised an eyebrow as if to say ‘go right ahead’. “Alone. Upstairs.” She got out from under the blanket without exposing my tented shorts and started for the stairs. Kelly shot me a questioning glance before getting up and following Brook. For a second, I considered going after them, but figured it was probably not in my best interests to do so.

Unfortunately, after five, then ten minutes, I became rather concerned when no sign of either presented itself. So, I shut off the TV and went upstairs after them. Just as I reached the landing and turned towards my door to see if she was waiting for me there, Kelly’s door opened and Brook stumbled out. One look at her appearance told me all I needed to know. She was panting, her hair was a mess, and as she came closer I could smell my sister’s perfume stuff on her.

“You…” she growled, pushing me backwards into my room and locking the door behind her, “you owe me so much; you might as well get on your knees right now.”

“My knees?” I asked incredulously, putting my arms low around her waist and slipping my hands into her back pockets.

She pushed out her elbows, forcing my hands away and pushing me down to my knees, “Yeah, your knees. So get to work, I don’t just want to go all the way right away.”

I undid her jeans for the second time tonight, but did nothing else, sitting back on my toes looking up at her. “Yes, and?”

“And, I want the whole deal, like Eve gets all the time!” she said, clearly annoyed with the balance of attention in our little three way relationship.

“Oooh, I see.” I smirked. I tugged on the legs of her jeans until the topmost part of her panties was exposed. I stood up quickly and kissed her hard, surprising her I think. Still kissing her, I gripped the hem of her shirt and lifted it up over her head. I pushed her against my bed and she fell back, her legs dangling over the edge. I had to brace myself and pull hard to relieve her of her jeans, leaving her in just her black bra and panties. I tossed her pants over my shoulder and reached for her tight black panties.

As much as I loved seeing her in such skimpy garments, I liked it so much more when she was out of them. The light piece of fabric was still soaking wet, making me wonder how she could stand to be in them for the amount of time she did. All the while she was struggling mightily to get out of her bra, her fingers unable to work the little clasp thingy behind her back. On this close inspection I realized just how much more thick and muscled her calves and thighs were compared to Eve. You could really appreciate the differences that close up. I tossed her panties next to her pants and looked back at her now bare slit.

I sighed, “My, my, aren’t you just a pretty little thing.”

She giggled lightly, “Are you talking to me or to my…”

“Hmm maybe both.” I replied, taking one leg in both hands and turning to face her other limb, beginning to lightly kiss her inner thigh. Already she was beginning to wiggle around under my touch.

“You’re gonna have to relax.” I said, giving her leg a squeeze and trying to inject some calm into her through eye contact.

“I can’t! It feels funny.” She whined, her legs flexing and her toes curling. I smiled, shaking my head and rested my elbows on her knees, creating a bridge between her legs to rest my chin on.

“Then I should stop?” I asked, “Because this is what Eve gets.”

“Well no but…uh but.” She sat up, looking at me with a frustrated expression in her eyes.

I smiled, letting out an overdramatic sigh, “Well if you must…” I pulled her legs, moving her closer to my face. She suppressed a cry of surprise as I lightly kissed the area above her clit. However, I had to stop as she clamped her thighs around my head, hard. I grabbed her knees and pulled her legs apart with a supreme effort.

“What did I say? You have to relax, otherwise we’re just going to have to skip all this and go right to the last step.”

“Okay, okay! I’m sorry.” She squeaked, relaxing her legs and putting her hands on my head, lightly pulling me back towards her pussy. I resisted, forcing her to pull harder. She was so much fun.

“Tom!” she whined. I let up and began kissing around her outer area once more. She kept her hands on my head, pulling me harder against her or backing me off if it was too much. I was shocked to say the least when, after I ran my tongue over her clit, she carefully pushed my head back and took a deep breath.

“I’m sorry, I just can’t.”

“Doesn’t feel good to you?” I asked curiously. It intrigued me to discover the little differences like this, between Brook and Eve.

“I don’t know, it just feels too weird.” I couldn’t help but chuckle as I stood and sat down on the bed next to her. I honestly did not expect this to happen. Sure I was a little disappointed, but if she didn’t like it then I wasn’t going to force it on her. I took her hand in mine and kissed the back of it.

“So now what?” I asked, trying not to sound too disappointed.

She sighed and sagged in on herself, her shoulders slumping. “I’m sorry. I ruined it didn’t I?” she said in a tiny voice, sounding like she was on the brink of tears.

I pulled her to me, cradling her naked body against me, running my fingers through her loose hair. “You’re gonna have to stop saying you’re sorry. And I wouldn’t say you ruined it, I’d say you made it more…interesting.” She looked me in the eye, tears forming and her lip quivering, “Which means we’ll have to figure out something to do tomorrow.” I said with a wry little grin.

“Really?” she sniffed, eyes brightening.

“If it’s what you want.” She giggled and hugged me.

“Hey!” She said all of a sudden, pulling away to look at me.

“What?” I was a little startled, thinking that I had accidentally touched her wrong or moved a certain way.

“You still have all your clothes on!” She frowned as if disappointed in me and plucked my shirt away from my chest. “This is just garbage, you get me all butt naked and you haven’t even taken off your socks!”

“Well neither have you.” I pointed out, fighting a losing battle to keep a straight face. She looked down at her little pink athletic socks and looked back at me with narrowed eyes.

“I can’t believe you’re just noticing.” I laughed.

“Shut up!” also struggling to hold back her smile. She grabbed the hem of my shirt and pulled it up over my head before pushing me back. The back of my head hit the wall and bounced off of it with a loud thud. I grabbed the back of my head and rolled over, cursing.

“Oh my god! I’m so sorry, are you okay?” she called, latching onto my back and cradling my head in her arms.

“Ow, I’m fine.” I grunted, rubbing the back of my head.

“Aww let me kiss it.” She giggled, tenderly kissing the back of my head.

“All better.” I laughed, turning over underneath her.

“It had better be, my kisses are magical.” She giggled, kissing my lips. She was of course, absolutely correct. She sighed, nestling her nakedness against me before surprising herself with a yawn.

“It might be the concussion speaking here but,” she grinned and smacked my shoulder, “I for one am exhausted. How about you?”

“Yeah.” She replied quietly, pushing up off of me and clambering off the bed for her backpack. After digging into it for a moment she pulled out a fresh set of underwear and struggled into it.

“Those are cute.” I commented, getting up to pull out my sleeping stuff from my dresser. She looked down at herself, blushing a little bit. She had on a relatively tight, or at least it seemed that way to me, pink bra and panties.

“What, these?” she asked, disguising a tiny smile.

“Yeah, I like them.” I said while getting into a lighter pair of shorts.

“Thanks.” She said quietly, blushing harder and looking down at her feet.

“Wow, could you be any more adorable?” I laughed, getting back onto my bed and pushing the heavy sheets off the end.

“Maybe.” She drew out the word as she climbed onto my bed and crawled under the light cover I left on the bed. I followed suit and soon she had her arm over my chest and her head close enough to my shoulder so she might as well be on it. My bed wasn’t large by any standard, not even close to Eve’s, but it was comfortable enough for two who didn’t mind being close to each other. And soon enough we were both fast asleep, and at least I for one didn’t care that I had missed out on good time, she wasn’t going anywhere and neither was I.

However, the next morning was probably the most ego boosting, if not slightly amusing, thing I may have ever experienced.

“Son of a…” was the first thing I heard when I cracked my eye’s open, squinting at the dawn light that squeezed itself underneath my shades.

“What? What’s the matter?” I croaked groggily, rubbing the last vestiges of sleep from my eyes. Brook was standing next to the bed by her backpack with her back to me. At the sound of my voice she made to turn around but apparently forced herself not to, instead turning her head to look at me out of the corner of her eye.

“Oh! Um nothing, nothing. Nothing to worry about.” She responded quickly. I think she hadn’t meant to wake me with her curse and didn’t want to tell me why she was up and out of bed in the first place. I sat up and looked at her with narrowed eyes.

“Did you do something?” I asked wryly.


“Really?” When I moved something caught my attention. I felt down the side of my shorts until I found what it was. A little patch of my shorts was damp, not terribly so, but noticeable. I checked myself and found no reason for there to be anything like that, especially that far down my leg. I stood up and stepped towards her, surprised when she shied away from me.

“Oh come on, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing I said!” she turned as I tried to see what she was hiding.

“Please. What do you think I’m going to do?” I urged, lightly grabbing her shoulder and turning her around. Her hands shot to her crotch, hiding the front of her panties from sight. Now this could mean one of two things. One, she had an ‘accident’ in the traditional sense of the term, which, I highly doubted due to the lack of ‘evidence’. The second, and more likely reason, was an incredibly interesting theory that I would love to hear from her own mouth.

I pulled her hands away and took a peak at what she had been hiding, confirming my latter suspicions.

“Well?” I asked, holding her hands and looking into her eyes with all the reassurance and non-threatening intentions I could muster.

She looked around like she was making sure no one was listening in before looking
back into my eyes. “But, it’s embarrassing.”

“When has that stopped you from doing anything? And plus, it’s just me for crying out loud.”

She shuffled her feet and squeezed my hands, before pulling away and picking out her work clothes from her backpack. And just when I thought she wasn’t going to say anything after all she spoke.

“I dreamed about you.”

“You dreamed about me?” I asked, feigning confusion.


“How so?” I figured this innocent, unassuming; line of questioning would lead her to open up on her own accord so I didn’t have to dig it out of her. I also pulled her close to me, another comforting gesture to aid in her recollection. She folded her arms vertically in front of her and laid her head against my chest, staring off into dreamland. She was just the perfect height so I could rest my chin on the top of her head as she talked.

“Well I, I don’t know…what we almost did…and then sleeping with you…and then it was just wow, such a nice dream,” she sighed, “you did all kinds of things to me…and we did all that o-oral stuff. And the next thing I knew I was…I was, r-rubbing myself on your leg.” She sighed again.

I gave her a little squeeze, “Aww poor horny little thing.”

“It’s really not funny.” She said, trying her best not to giggle.

“Yes it is and you know it. Now come on and get dressed we gotta go soon.”

Half an hour later we were in the car and headed for work, still in a good mood for the most part. Though I may have gone overboard in teasing her about various little things from this morning. When we got to our cubes we found that Eve was already hard at it and had given us plenty of work to do. I saw little of Brook that morning but Eve would stop by to give me something else to do when I finished. She spent a few extra minutes with me right before lunch.

“So how was last night stud muffin?” she snickered, totally full of herself.

“Fine.” Her face changed in a way that I couldn’t quite grasp, but I ran with it anyways, “Why, jealous again?”

“Ha, you wish!” she lowered her voice so it couldn’t be heard past the cubicle walls,”I am well aware that I can have you whenever I want you. I’m merely being generous, sharing you with Brook so SHE doesn’t become jealous.” She said with a triumphant expression.

“Really?” I drawled slyly. “Then I guess you’ve got some making up to do, after what Brook and I did all night long.” Something flashed through her eyes, something I may have wanted to avoid causing.

She stared at me for the longest time, not saying anything, not moving a muscle, before turning on her heel and marching back to her office.

“Shit.” I breathed. After a moment I shot out of my chair and rushed over to Brook’s cube.

“Hi Tom!” she chirped brightly.

“Ok if Eve asks, we fucked all night long alright.” I said quietly but forcefully.

“B-but, What?”

“Please.” I said before rushing back to my cube. Not five seconds after sitting down I caught Eve striding past out of the corner of my eye, purpose in her step and determination in her eye, heading in the direction I just came from.

“Shit.” I cursed again.

I had just turned around in my chair when I heard, “Tom, would you meet me in my office please.” I turned and saw Eve standing with hands on hips, tapping her foot and looking royally pissed off.


“You heard me.” Her voice was raised enough so that she could be heard fairly well. I stood up and walked past her, actually scared that I had done something wrong and was about to get chewed out for it. It didn’t cross my mind that it had anything to do with what I had told Brook to say or the little lie I had give Eve. I stepped into her office and turned around as she closed the door behind her.

“What did I do?” I asked nervously.

She paused for a long, nerve-wracking moment, before reaching behind her and flicking off the lights. In the dark her voice floated across the void to my terrified mind, “Nothing…yet.” Her bright white teeth flashed in the gloom.


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Office Lesbian Boss

Hi this is Neha with a new story. It is a must read story on lesbian love. I must request my readers not to come ip with fuck proposals. I am a 100% lesbian and don’t need any male invitation. Please email me at [email protected] was working late on a Saturday. Mithali, her beautiful boss had a huge project that had to be completed by night. Sushmita loved working for her boss, Mithali, a strikingly beautiful woman, in her mid-forties. Mithali is almost 5 feet 6 inches, nice legs,...

2 years ago
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Office Lesbian Boss

Hi this is Neha with a new story. It is a must read story on lesbian love. I must request my readers not to come ip with fuck proposals. I am a 100% lesbian and don’t need any male invitation. Please email me at Sushmita was working late on a Saturday. Mithali, her beautiful boss had a huge project that had to be completed by night. Sushmita loved working for her boss, Mithali, a strikingly beautiful woman, in her mid-forties. Mithali is almost 5 feet 6 inches, nice legs, firm thighs, slim...

4 years ago
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Treating My Boss

Disclaimer: This story involves cuckold, interracial, and old vs young themes. If you dislike these genres, please don’t continue to read. Being a new home owner can be stressful. It can be even more stressful if your job was on the line. That was the case for me as my workplace was downsizing and changing into new management. They were already firing people and I didn't know my standing in the company. My wife Lisa was worried that I may lose my job and wanted me to inquire with my...

3 years ago
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Slutting Out To The Boss

She sat on the bed, her rump still stinging from the discipline John had meted out to her. She was still aghast that he had brought his boss to observe. From the kitchen, she heard John and his boss chatting. Some muted discussion, some laughter, then silence. The sound of footsteps began echoing down the hallway. The volume rose until the light was blocked out by the boss. In the doorway stood a tall silhouette of a man in a suit. "One thing I always look for is a person who knows how to take...

3 years ago
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Sex With My Lusty Old Boss

Hello guys. I am Maya. I am from Mumbai. I am a happily married woman. I am 36 years old and my hubby is 37 years. I have a voluptuous body and my figure is 40c-30-41. I am 5’9 in height, fair looking with long hair. My hubby is also a smart guy. He works as an IT manager in a MNC. I am a secretary in a production house which is into movies and modeling. I myself do a little bit of modeling sometimes. I have been working here for the past 5 years and its fun. Let me share with you a little more...

2 years ago
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Ana surrendered to my Boss

Just in time, the doorbell announced the arrival of my Boss and his wife.I rushed to open and, to my surprise, I found just Nathan standing there alone. No traces of his sexy redhead wife Suzanne.My Boss said he was sorry about his wife; but Suzanne had one of her headaches so he hoped we would not mind him just coming alone to our invitation for dinner.I just said we were fine, hoping his wife would be better…Nathan and I sat down to have some drinks.Then my gorgeous Ana walked in to greet...

1 year ago
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Seduced and Laid by Boss

Hello friends… this is rajesh, thanks for your feedback on ‘feelings of my cousin’, am now posting my cousin sisters experience here as she has no time and posting in her own words. My name is Haritha and is 26 years old. I am married for 6 months and happy. The story that I am going to tell you happened 1 week ago. I am a very happily married woman with a very good husband who cares me and satisfies me all the time. Coming to about I am 5’3″ height with a structure of 32 28 34. Though I am so...

1 year ago
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Humiliation by My Boss

PART 1 I met M at the work place, he was the CEO of a major corporation that I was working for. I was in my mid 20s then, and was at middle level management in the company. I enjoyed working for M and was learning lots from him about organizations and business under his tutelage. Little did I know then, that I would also be learning many other things from him. M was a boss with outstanding leadership skills and almost everyone in the organization both men and women held him in very high...

3 years ago
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Wife Strips for My Boss

Introduction: My wife strips for my sleaze of a boss and gets coerced into fucking him like a whore. I found this story somewhere on this site and just did a second draft of it. Enjoyed the premise, so all props to the original author, just wanted to try something different. Amateur Night It was one of those nights where my wife and me went for happy hour in the afternoon. We got pretty buzzed by 8 pm. We were on the way back home and took a detour to avoid traffic. In the path of the detour...

3 years ago
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Threesome with my girlfriends female boss

My girlfriend was working as a receptionist and a special vet clinic for just over a year and she wasn't overly happy there, she enjoyed the people and the job but wasn't quite what she wanted to do. So I decided that on my day off I will go and surprise her. I took her flowers and a box of chocolate all her work friends said how cute it was I askd if she could take a break so I could talk to her, she did and we went into what seem to be a a storage room of some sort. I was able to lock it so...

3 years ago
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The Boss

Kate was the only female at an all male construction site. She was not there to build homes. Kate was sexy and nasty. She loved sex and she especially loved cock and cum. Every day the boss would take her to the supply room and strip her naked and first he would suck her tits and finger fuck her and then drop his pants to his knees and fuck her ass hard. Then he would fill her ass with his warm cream and then let her lick his cock clean. He would finish by sucking her nipples and fingering that...

1 year ago
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My StressedOut Boss

My Stressed-Out Boss By FLA527 Another in the Shooting Stars series A TG - RS story Gerald Simpson sighed heavily, it had been another long day. Made even worse because my unit had to work late due to a project upper management assigned our team. Anyway, finally all seemed to have finished their assignments and were heading out. Going around, checking in to make sure all had turned in their work and thanking them for pitching in by staying late. And as I moved through the area,...

2 years ago
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Letting Loose With The Boss

I love my job and I love the work I do. I think that's helped by the fact that I have one of the biggest crushes on my boss. I feel the need to please him in everything I do and so in the last couple of months, I've really delved into my work and became insanely focused on that. I often work late at night and all weekend, just so I had could give my boss some positive news.My boss could see how hard I was working and would often comment, saying that whilst it's always great for progress in the...

Office Sex
3 years ago
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New Boss

My company recently brought in a new boss to take over our branch since the former retired the previous month. He is a black man. Tall, broad-shouldered with a chocolate complexion; he's got the build of a quarterback, and he's married. I am his secretary; my name is Alicia.I have been with the boss going on six and a half months now and I could tell that he's got a thing for the ladies. He certainly enjoys flirting with them and sometimes I've noticed how often he tends to keep late hours...

4 years ago
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My wife and my boss

This is my hubby's very first story!! I loved it so I decided to share, hope you enjoy!The following is a story that is not true but one that I hope soon comes to pass…My wife and I have been in a very fun hotwife/cuckold relationship for several years now. I am not a traditional cuckold, no cage for me, no humiliation. I do like it when she says she likes another guys cock more than mine or that their cock was a lot bigger. When we have sex we love telling each other out fantasies. Its been...

1 year ago
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Wife Getting Fucked By Her Boss

I was a middle class man not so rich ,i was studious and got admission for engineering .While in college i noticed a girl who was having big ass and boobs,but was not so beautiful but her looks were average .I didnt like her for her beauty but was so impressed by her ass.Till then i havent seen any girl having that big curvy ass.I used to masturbate thinking about her ass.At that point of time i didnt know wat exactly was fucking but i knew some things.As time passed i became close to her .We...

4 years ago
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The cum Boss

So I went to school, got bullied like always, the same 3 big guys, they are one year over my grade, one escorted me in the bathroom, they told me to get undress, I told them, come on guys, do we have to do this every time? They said, Yes, we have too, in till you understand that your ass belong to us, I said, but I do everything you guys ask me too, they said very mad, stop winning and get ready for your Boss unless you want to get a beating again, I said, OK, Ok, ok, no beating again, just do...

1 year ago
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Whos The Boss

For the past twelve years, I have worked at a small manufacturing plant in my town. After five years of dedicated, loyal service I was promoted to foreman and just a few months ago after my boss retired, the owner chose me to be the new plant manager. I'm proud that I achieved this before I hit 40 (I'm 38). I've been married for 10 years and have two young k**s. Life has been pretty good to me so far. It's been an easy job so far; we only employ around 40 people and many of them have been here...

2 years ago
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In a car with my boss

I was home alone that night, relaxing inside a hot bath tub after a long day at the office, when my cell phone rang. It was my boss…"Hi Ana…could you work late tonight and help me entertain a client?”He added he needed to take the new client to dinner outside. And when I accepted the proposal, he begged me to wear something sexy…My boss picked me up later. I was wearing a tight short red dress. It was low cut showing off my huge tits. A pair of red stiletto shoes completed my sexy outfit. My...

1 year ago
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Big booty big breasted black boss

Richard's fingers fumbled as he folded the paper in his hands. The origami swan was not turning out as expected and he soon realized there was no hope for the creation. He threw the paper wad at his cubicle wall in defeat. The work day couldn't end soon enough.A glance at his computer monitor revealed only three minutes had passed since he last checked the time. He sighed and leaned back in his swivel chair. Just before he was about to close his exhausted eyes, he heard the office door open. He...

2 years ago
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Sex With Divorcee Sister Of Boss

Though I have started writing, but I am still in dilemma that I should write my sexual experience or not, because in my perspective changing name can never be enough to hide the identity especially from the person with whom I got involved sexually and certainly if that person will read this, it will be disaster for me because this is about my sexual encounter with a sister of my boss, and worst impact of this will be, I will lose my job. Still with changed names I am starting to write down with...

1 year ago
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Displeasing the Boss

She sits on the leather chair fidgeting. Her boss has called her into his office clearly upset about something. "Diane," his boss started. "I heard that you were doing something of the questionable nature during office hours." "Sir?" "Have you been sending personal emails during office hours instead of doing your work?" "I-I'm not, sir." "I heard otherwise," his boss said raising a brow. "I'm sorry. It won't happen again." "Oh it's not. You're fired." "Sir, please. I promise it won't happen...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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The perfect night with my boss

The perfect night with my boss Two days ago, I had the perfect night with my new boss. I changed jobs in April after a few weeks of personal turmoil (more on that in another story?). I t wasn’t the first time that my boss and I spend the night together, but it was the greatest one up to now. Call me a slut for sleeping with my boss, but I can’t help being attracted to older men. They are so gentle, careful and experienced. They treat me like a princess, so I can’t help treating them like a...

3 years ago
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Paula First job for my boss

I received the first assignment from my Boss about two weeks later. His contractor from Istanbul was coming. Ibn Mustafa Halid. I remembered this name because it was also a test for me if I would meet the expectations of my boss. At the beginning I had to get him accommodation in Victoria. I went this morning before noon. The receptionist, who remembered me as a whore in tight sweaters, miniskirts and stilts, looked at me in surprise. This time I was dressed in a light blouse, gray skirt over...

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I had a really bad week. Actually, bad would be an understatement, shitty would be more appropriate. Problems after problems had punctuated my Days. I managed to get a new job as an assistant executive at an accountant firm. For some reason, I was the only man working in this office, and since I was the new guy they were bullying me. I thought that I might just need to pass the week and it would stop.I decided to change my mind by going to my favorite bar. It was a really popular one, it seems...

2 years ago
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The perfect night with my boss

The perfect night with my boss Two days ago, I had the perfect night with my new boss. I changed jobs in April after a few weeks of personal turmoil (more on that in another story?). I t wasn’t the first time that my boss and I spend the night together, but it was the greatest one up to now. Call me a slut for sleeping with my boss, but I can’t help being attracted to older men. They are so gentle, careful and experienced. They treat me like a princess, so I can’t help treating them like a...

Straight Sex
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New Girl In City First Time With Married Boss

Hi everyone! My name is Neha and I’m 28 yrs. old. I wish to narrate my first experience few years ago when i came to Mumbai to join my first job after college. I come from a small town, so moving to Mumbai alone just after college when i was just 20 yrs. old was a big decision for me. I had a boyfriend in my college and he had got job in another city. My new job was very difficult and exciting at the same time. I found new roomies and i was staying with another 3 girls in a 2bhk flat. I had got...

2 years ago
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Shes the BOSS

  Working for a multinational company, my new role as the training manager allows me to travel abroad quite frequently. This is a great job and particularly at my age, 26, is considered a very remarkable achievement. I have been in this company for about a year now. From the time i joined about a year ago, up till today, i conduct several training sessions within the company and and abroad and almost every day i have a female student (colleague of course) approach me in private after class for...

4 years ago
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My female boss

Hi my name is Gina, I'm 26 with black hair, I have B-cup boobs and I'm 5'4. Sometimes you feel a certain way about your superiors. Usually you love them or hate them, but my female boss was something special I think. She was nice, but not too nice. She is 5'9 with brown hair and eyes. She had a very nice body too, with nice C-cups boobs, so she is very sexy for being 37. I've had her for a boss for about 3 years, and I've masturbated thinking about us having sex. The biggest thing is that I...

Office Sex
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Ninas New Boss

Things had certainly changed for Nina since being demoted at the office and then being sacked from her last job. Initially, she had floundered, but when looking at job adverts realised she didn’t really fancy going back into an office scenario where she had to make so many decisions and lead a team. So, she started to apply for jobs as an assistant, and eventually got one as an assistant in the accounts department of quite a large firm. So, even though Nina was now forty-one-years-old, she had...

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Caught with the boss

I’m 32 and have been married to Greg for 11 years now. As far as I know, Greg has always been a faithful husband and I have no reason to believe that he has ever cheated on me. I, on the other hand, cannot say the same about myself. I’ve been fucked by many other men since I’ve been married and Greg never knew anything. That is until he caught me last month. My husband has always been a great lover, but I could never resist the advances of strange men. I have to tell you...

2 years ago
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I was selected for the senior executive post in a MNC. I was very happy to get good package. After training phase, I got my location. When I reached my office, I was some late. I had to report Ms Suhani. She was my manager. She was young and filled with lot of energy. She said to me, “Amit, this is your first day, so I manage but remember your time.” I replied, “Ok Boss, I am being on time.” I saw her figure, she was totally gorgeous. She was in saree, her cleavage was attracting me. My dick...

1 year ago
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My New Boss

I moved to a new organisation and my new boss happened to be a lady which I know quite well but I haven't met before. she is 'gaddam' gorgeous and sexy and my 'innocent' self had a crush on her heavenly figure.HOW I KNEW HER:I met her on one adult forum, we kept in touch for a while exchanged emails and we got talking frequently but after a while, I was super busy with work and trying to change my job reduced our communication.One bored Saturday in my new place of work, I decided to send a mail...

2 years ago
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Boss Lady 20 The Big Boss

So as we head to the shower I am walkin behind you and grab u and pull u in with ur back to me with a tight grip around the front of ur neck I pull you close and say "now its time to show u who da Big Big Boss is!!!" U moan out "mmmmm daddy dats right show me who da real Big Boss is" so we go into the bathroom and I turn on da shower and we get in. As we get in u grab the bottle of bodywash and clean me up and I return the fav washin ur front sensually teasing you as I carress ya nipples and ur...

4 years ago
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Sexy Wife of My Boss

I have been reading stories for the past few years. So this is my 1st experience which I want to share with you and I would love to receive your comments mail me about me 25 years Single from Chandigarh. I am going to tell you how I made love with my boss wife. If any aunt or women from Chandigarh, Panchkula or Mohali (I love aunties from 30 to 45 the most) want to have sex with me can mail me on I stay alone, after completed my studies I start in a private company. My boss is in a nice man....

3 years ago
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My sisters joy with her Boss

Hi this is my first story in ISS. The story had been a real life one in my life when we were staying in Pune and had a farm house in Satara near Pune. We were staying in Pune since my birth and we were 4 people before my dad left to abroad for his extra work. We didn’t went due to our school engagements and other property dealing over here. So we stayed here only. After an year of papa’s departure we were all having our self jobs. Mom was having here job in one of the office near our house....

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The Boss

Mae had worked for Mr. Sen for 3 years. She was a very good assistant and did her job well. Today Mr. Sen asked her if she could stay tonight and work for a few hours on a special project. Mae replied "Yes, Mr. Sen., you are the boss." As they were working that night Mae leaned over the desk to reach for a report and Mr. Sen could see down her blouse. He noticed she was not wearing a bra and she had great full breasts. He replied "Mae, are you not wearing a bra tonight?" She answered "NO sir, I...

2 years ago
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The Boss

"Hey Sally, can you work late and help me entertain a client? I need to take him to dinner." She replied "Sure, I would love to." The boss then said "Great, wear something sexy. He does like women." She laughed and left to change her clothes.When her boss picked her up she was wearing a tight short red dress. It was low cut showing off her huge tits. The boss stared and said "Wow baby, you will thrill our client tonight. He can't say no to our contract with tits like that for him to see." She...

1 year ago
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Sharing My Wife With My Boss

When I went into my employer's office for my next assignment I was startled to learn that it consisted of having him over for dinner so he could have sex with my wife while I watched. "Mr. Bouton," I "stammered," I have learned that the single most important aspect of a job is a good relationship with one's boss, but I'm not sure how to respond to this." "Steve, your efforts to build a good rapport with me have not gone unnoticed, or unappreciated," my boss told me in a friendly tone...

4 years ago
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My female boss

“Mrs. Taylor, can I talk to you?” I asked. “Sure, take a seat Gina. And after office hours you can call me Erica,” Erica replied. I sat down and took a deep breath, I had been living with this for years,so I was nervous. “So what's on your mind Gina?” Erica asked. “Well Erica, I've been talking to my girlfriend and she has a problem,” I replied. “And what problem is that?” Erica asked. I took in another deep breath and she could tell I was nervous. “Well over the past...

3 years ago
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A calling from my Boss

That afternoon I was surrounded by piles of papers and dossiers, when I received a call from my Boss’ secretary, saying the big guy wanted to see me, as soon as possible…So I jumped from my desk and climbed up the three floors to his office. His nice secretary Rhonda received me with a very serious grin in her natural smiling face; so I thought it was a bad signal.But she said my Boss wanted to see me for any routine matter.So Rhonda knocked on his door and the Boss made me come in.As he saw me...

3 years ago
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My Moms Affair With Her Boss

Hello ISS readers, This is Varun, 23 years old back with a new story. So let’s begin. I used to live in Chennai for studying and my parents lived in Hyderabad. Both my parents worked in a reputed MNC and had well-paid jobs. My life was all happy until I came to know a bitter truth about my mom. I went home as I got holidays for ten days. This time I found my mom more excited and tensed for little things. I never saw her so happy or excited before. She also changed a lot in terms of her...

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