Himura BattousaiChapter 46: Sanosuke And Nishiki-e (the Middle) free porn video

Sanosuke: Katsu... what exactly have you got planned?
Tsukioka: Whatever they say, there was only one vision of the Sekihoutai. The captain dreamed of an age of perfect equality for the four classes. Until the interfering government destroyed his vision.
Sanosuke: While you were painting pictures, didn't you hear anything about the Southwest war? Hayato and his followers under the great hero Saigou didn't last half a year.
Tsukioka: Saigou raised his soldiers in Kagoshima, the tip of Japan. The fighting was just so much wasted effort. My goal is the center of Japan. Namely, Tokyo. Here there is a possibility of bringing the Department of Internal Affairs, that controls all domestic administration, to a complete halt. I'd like to destroy the military offices and the Department of Finance at the same time, but alone it's impossible.
Sanosuke: Alone?
Tsukioka: Can you trust strangers? I went forward with my plans alone. But even though I'm alone, I have this. Come have a look.
(He opens the door to a storeroom filled with homemade bombs.)
Tsukioka: I made the originals with the knowledge of firearms I'd learned in the Sekihoutai. Bombs. It may seem like I don't have my feet on the ground, but I have great faith in the plans I've laid so carefully for ten years. No one would ever suspect a painter of doing all this. As each district office is destroyed one after the other, the power of the center will be cut, the discontented samurai and the peasants will rise; revolts will occur on their own. After the Southwest war, the government is exhausted and weakened as never before. After this, the avalanche has only been waiting. And then, the age of true equality for the four classes will come, and the name of the captain and the Sekihoutai can be cleared. I've already got a rough sketch of the office. I'll do it tomorrow; no one will be there on a Sunday night. Sano, I don't want to force you. As one of the Sekihoutai, I'll do it even alone. Think about it till tomorrow evening, and give me your answer.
(Later, Sanosuke is walking home.)
Sanosuke: This is pointless. (thinking) It's weakened by the Southwest war, but a few bombings and isolated uprisings won't shake the Meiji government. It'll just be another bloodbath like Hagi and Akitsuki's. For ten years, all he's been thinking about is clearing the name of the Sekihoutai and the captain... He can't see the present at all. Ten years... (he stops on the bridge, as the wind blows leaves around him.) Damn. It's spring, but a cold wind is blowing...
The next day.
Kaoru (loudly): You're joking!
Kenshin (likewise): You mean Tsukioka Tsunan is an old friend of yours?!
Sanosuke: You don't sound that surprised.

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