Mother-In-Law Sex Pt 5, Ex Aunty-in-Law free porn video

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About 2 weeks later, with a further month on my contract still remaining, I received a surprising phone call from Kim, the younger sister of my ex-mother-in-law, Mae. She asked if I’d like to go to dinner with her; I agreed and we fixed a time and restaurant for that evening.
Remembering her almost-violently passionate greeting a few weeks ago, a public meeting seemed innocent and safe enough.

I arrived first, and when I mentioned Kim’s reservation was shown to a far corner of the garden courtyard, where I was seated facing the main area and entrance-way; I ordered a beer, lit a smoke and wondered if maybe Kim had word of Mae and wanted to tell me. The waitress returned with my beer, some beer nuts, and as she placed a linen napkin across my lap, her hand grazed across the soft lump in my pants; she smiled at me. Cute I said to myself as she gave a backward glance.

Half-way through my second beer, the glass held to my lips, I almost choked at the sight of Kim swaying her way towards me! I had about 20m to watch her, to ogle her, before she reached our table. She was, as I remarked before, slim and petite, but with breasts over-sized compared to the rest of her. Tonight she was wearing a body-hugging light wool white dress; I think its wool, it clings to curves and hips and in no way hides whatever body is within. She must have had a bra on, but it too must have been pasted to her body, with no telltale wrinkles or straps and buckles evident – just those tits within. The dress came to mid-way down her thighs, allowing her slim, shapely legs to perform a catwalk model’s graceful promenade across the courtyard to me, her red high heeled shoes adding 5-8cms to her height, accentuating the whole sensuous package.

I somehow swallowed my beer and began to breathe again, as I finally stopped perving at her (no other word for it, and I wasn’t the only one!) body and looked at her face, smiling at me knowingly, lightly made-up, glossy, bright red lipstick matching her shoes colour, in sharp contrast to the white dress. She looked high-class, fashionable, beautiful and so-so breathlessly sexy!
I leaned across the table as our waitress, the same cute girl who had seated me earlier, held the chair out for Kim, as I touched her lightly on her right shoulder and kissed each check; in response, Kim raised her left hand, long manicured nails freshly painted in further matching red, and lightly scraped from my earlobe down the side of my neck to rest on my own shoulder.
I shuddered, and covered my obvious fluster at last by blurting “Wow, you must be going to some fancy hi-so event after dinner with me; you look fabulous Kim! Beautiful!”
Luckily, when I stood, I had held my napkin across my lap, where the waitress had previously laid it; had I not, the prominent bulge in my pants would probably have been visible to not only Kim and the hovering waitress opposite, but to the dozen or so other diners who had turned or were following Kim’s progress to our table.

Thankfully, we now sat and I adjusted my crotch to try and ease the discomfort, as Kim gave me precious moments ordering a fresh lemon juice. But I noticed that under the quite narrow table our knees had touched when we both sat together, perhaps accidentally as we naturally both shrugged off our shoes under the table – the Asian style - but an electric feeling sizzled at that touch, which I interrupted by quickly moving to the side.
I took a deep breath, took a mouthful of beer, and urged myself to calm down. “No, not going anywhere else”, said Kim when I looked across at her again “tonight is just for you… and me”. We clinked glasses and made the local good health toast to each other, finally somewhat relaxed - in my case at least. I stared at her again, and perhaps because she was aware, she breathed in deeply, lifting those magnificent, huge boobs up and out for a few brief seconds. What a sight.

“I have wanted to do this for a long time” Kim began – do what I wondered? My mind drifted momentarily: overwhelm my senses, turn me into a drooling schoolboy, is that it; or give me a vision of picking you up, sweeping everything off the table and ravishing you here and now? – Kim had continued “….really we all have wanted to try and make it up to you, show you others in the ex-family are really nice people, and appreciate all the help you gave so many of us. The whole family was upset at the way you were treated, she having a lot of men behind your back, stealing your money – some of us did tried to warn you, but you loved her so much, you never listened when we tried to tell you the truth. Then to divorce you and steal it almost all again! I want to say ‘sorry’, and that’s from me with all my heart.” She placed her small right hand on her left breast, emphasizing the sincerity of her words, and ignorantly or not, emphasizing the size under her hands.
“Don’t worry Kim. I did it to myself, I loved her and truly was happy for 6 years, so I am not bitter; the money I don’t care about, it helped her and you and the family, so I did feel appreciated. That’s enough. Let’s talk about something else now. First, I have to ask if you are here to talk about Mae, and if she is ok?”
“No, I am not here to talk about Mae, but she is fine; she has gone to our mother’s house in the country – you have been there, remember – and all she has told me since then is she felt it better not to become more involved with you, as she had been feeling really emotional about you every minute after you met at the market. I understand her, and don’t worry; she always really liked you – perhaps more than a mother-in-law should! But she knows you are married again now, and feels she can’t control herself. Now we talk about something else, and you don’t need have those concerns about me – I take the enjoyment which is offered to me in my life, give back the same 100%, and hope I smile all the way!”
Kim finally paused, took another of those mesmerizing deep breaths, and raised her glass to clink with mine again, just the smile enough to add extra meaning to those final words.

To ease the tension, I passed her a menu and we agreed on some dishes and ordered from the waitress who always seemed to be hovering, ready for our order, or maybe just eavesdropping on this odd couple: a beautiful and sexy younger local woman, clearly dressed and made-up to show her class, having a fairly secluded and intimate dinner outing with an older foreign man, dressed nicely but casually, who was friendly and polite to the staff, could speak the local language well, and unlike many foreigners who seemed to feel they were a class above everybody – just because they were foreign, and never even tried to learn the local language. ‘He is nice’ the waitress had been thinking since he arrived. She sighed and headed for the kitchen to place the order, which included another bottle of beer for me.

The waitress quickly returned with my beer, more ice, and stood close to, in fact against, my outside leg while she slowly spooned ice into my glass, then as slowly poured the beer, all the while lightly caressing me with the casual movement of her own leg. She smiled at me when she had done as much as she could, topped up the ice in Kim’s drink so as not to fall afoul of her, and retreated a few steps, hovering again.

Kim had been observing me, I thought, when I turned my eyes to her. Smiling, but a look in her eyes –calculating? – as we clinked glasses. I had straightened in my chair to face her, careful to widen my legs so my knees were outside hers, but this prepared me for what I wasn’t prepared for: a raised foot gliding up my leg, straightening and coming to rest bare toes in my crotch!
Kim was sitting there smiling as I almost choked on a peanut, causing the waitress to run over, grab my napkin off my lap in case I needed to be violently ill, and to stop suddenly when she found a foot under the napkin! Helping myself, I swallowed some beer to wash the peanut down, yet feeling Kim’s foot glide up and down my groin, as the waitress stared at the growing bulge in my pants. She panted “are you ok, sir?” without even lifting her gaze; Kim answered for me “He will be fine, young sister; I will take care of him now, but we might need to ask for your help again later – if he needs more help - so don’t go too far away.” She reached to stroke the girl’s hand, and finishing my coughing, I watched the shiver of the waitress at the touch, and the seductive way Kim was stroking her hand, not letting go, yet maintaining a foot movement on the full-grown cock in my pants. Kim was a nymph.

The waitress, whose name tag I had read earlier but forgotten at the appearance of Kim, turned to me- ah yes, name Phung - laid a soft hand fleetingly on my shoulder and, looking between the two of us, said “ Eat everything slowly sir, that’s best, slowly and enjoy. I will be here if either of you need me/need anything at all.” She stepped back to resume surveillance from a discreet distance, but I noticed her cross her arms over her small breasts and seemed to rub herself over her nipples.
“She’s cute, isn’t she?” said Kim. Concentrate, I told myself, devoting my attention back to Kim, and her foot of course, now again covered by the napkin I had grabbed back from Phung. “Oh, oh Phung, yes, she is. But I wish she would bring our dinner now, I need to eat soon, I am really hungry for something special”.

“We didn’t order ‘the special’ nephew” responded Kim, perhaps deliberately exaggerating that, while I am some 10 years older than her, she has the authority within the hierarchy of an Asian family structure. “Maybe we will get ‘the special’ later; if we are still hungry”. She was driving me wild with her foot and her words, and she knew it; I suspect Phung did also, watching me squirm in my seat, and knowing exactly why, but thankfully a waiter appeared with our dishes. Kim eased her foot back along my stretched cock and demurely sat up straight as Phung took the plates from the tray and laid them on our table. When the waiter departed, Phung was arranging plates and cutlery and serving Kim first, standing close to the table near Kim when I saw her eyes widen and she almost staggered. I glanced at Kim, who had swiveled somewhat towards Phung, and I could see her arm moving under the tablecloth; it did not take a genius to picture Kim’s hand under Phung’s skirt doing something stimulating.

Phung could not delay any further, as I also was ready to be served, so she reluctantly withdrew from Kim, crossed to my side and began serving items on to my plate. I too turned to face her more directly, as one would to watch the food, whereupon I followed Kim’s example by reaching my right hand under the tablecloth, and under Phung’s skirt, up to her panty-clad pussy, smiling as she stifled a moan. She was so wet already, so I delved straight up, pushing her panties inside her cunt with one finger, and finding her clit with my thumb. I gave her only a few touches and a few strokes, and withdrew, leaving her panting so tantalizingly close to cumming; I felt sympathy for her, so quickly reached back and stuck two fingers inside and worked them for the extra few seconds she needed to spray her juices over my fingers, to shudder and groan, rattle the cutlery on the plate she was desperately trying not to drop, and bite her lip to stop crying out. I mouthed “ssshhh” and withdrew, patting her legs on the way out, and taking the plate from her trembling hands as she slowly, very slowly, calmed.

“Did you enjoy the entrée?” Kim asked, smiling. “Yes, very smooth and quite succulent” I responded, finding Kim’s foot again reaching for my now pre-cum wet crotch. “Thank you, Phung; time you had a break while we eat the main course” I smiled at Phung, giving her the chance for a five minute breather.
I gently removed Kim’s foot, massaging it for a few moments, and then pushed it downwards, towards the ground, or at least to rest on the rung of the table below, where my own feet lay. “Kim” I spoke quietly, “we have to calm down; this is a restaurant, and Phung is rather over-excited thanks to you, as am I: also thanks to you! You have done this to 2 others, yet can’t receive anything yourself. Sorry”.

“Let’s eat” said Kim, “Looks delicious; I can’t wait for dessert!” as she spooned some food into her mouth. I never got the chance to eat, needed a beer, as she hooked her leg under mine and guided my bare foot up, up under her dress to rest on the edge of her chair, and use one hand to push my toes down and straight to her bare very wet pussy. “Oh, Kim!” I groaned, “What are you doing to me?” “Enjoying the dinner I wanted” she calmly replied between mouthfuls, as she squirmed her hips just a little to wriggle my toes closer between her pussy lips, which were dripping and protruding and inviting.
With the table so narrow, and Kim perched virtually on the edge of her chair it was not terribly difficult to plant my big toe square into her cunt, my other toes above and able to squirm on her clit. She moaned, just as Phung returned to stand at my corner of the table facing Kim, a Kim now writhing rather agitatedly and moaning. There was no-one behind me in this corner of the courtyard, so with Phung standing there writing on a menu pad as if taking another order from us, I couldn’t resist sliding my left hand under her skirt, feeling silky smooth thighs as I leisurely meandered upwards. She had removed her panties! Now it was an open pussy my fingers reached as she spread her stance a little wider, allowing me to feel wisps of wet hair and a sopping slit. With a toe going in and out of Kim’s cunt, a small prick to be sure, but it seemed to be pleasuring the recipient, I now put two fingers together and moistened them in Phung’s juices as I pushed them up and into her tight but ready cunt. She yelped!
Some close diners glanced at the noise, but only saw a smiling man using one hand to eat with his fork, his companion with her back to them moving around a little as if uncomfortable on the wooden seat, and a waitress taking an order. A perfectly normal scene.

Phung wobbled and, proving how horny she was, gushed juices down my fingers and arm as she clearly climaxed. Kim watching Phung did likewise on my toe as I pushed it in to its limit and my other toes pressed hard against her clit. My cock ached to do the same, but a wet patch under girl’s skits is more easily hidden than one glaringly obvious on the front of a guy’s pants, so I begged my cock to be patient, to wait for another time.

Releasing hands and toes and slowly sitting back up straight, I looked at Phung and asked “what do you recommend for dessert?” and to Kim lounging back in her chair “what more would you like to eat?”
Both girls somewhat vaguely glared at me interrupting their languid come-down from their peaks, but I grinned, looked at Phung and sweetly asked “another beer as my dessert please”. Kim said she would have ‘the special’, to which Phung replied “that would be me then”, handing Kim a page from her order pad, no doubt with her phone no. and possibly address written on it. She handed one also to me, but I did take note that it was to Kim she had handed the info first, and at Kim she was now looking.

I smiled at the romance, and the eroticism of this simple meal in a restaurant with my ex-aunty-in-law; ‘enjoy life’ Kim had said earlier. Well, it was pretty enjoyable at times.
Phung returned with my beer, bringing Kim a small, bobbling caramel tart, which Kim proceeded to sexily slide into her mouth, facing me, rolling it around on her tongue before swallowing each mouthful and with an exaggerated lick of her lips. She was a minx! But so seductive to watch and be with, as I sipped my beer and enjoyed an almost post-coital cigarette.

Kim slipped her feet into her shoes under the table, stood and smoothed her skirt, and went to the bathroom, attracting the admiring glances of men and women alike as she glided past. She was away for quite a while, another beer’s worth, which I ordered from a different waiter in Phung’s absence.
Kim’s return provoked more stares, envy and lust I surmised, not least because she had put her hair into a pony-tail, trailing down her back, but only further accentuating her front, dominated by her breasts, which in turn exaggerated the slimness of her lower body, firmness of her stomach, and I knew from the rear, her trim buttocks – all moulded inside that clinging dress.
She had also touched up her make-up, and her eyes shone with excitement, and she bubbled with suppressed excitement when she sat down, smiling or grinning, with contentment. “What have you been doing all this time? I was getting lonely” I smiled at her. “Well, by coincidence, I bumped into Phung in the bathroom and so I gave her my phone number and then, you know, we were just doing ‘girl-things’” she even blushed, as I raised my eyebrows to Phung returning to stand at our table, equally touched-up and seemingly stimulated. “Uh-huh, I think I get the picture” I nodded, and what a picture it was playing in my mind, of the two of them doing ‘girl-things’ for the past 15-20 minutes.

Phung presented the bill to Kim, clearly pre-arranged as Kim said “my treat; I invited you”. I shrugged acceptance after one pointless attempt to offer to pay. After Phung had taken the money, and a sizeable tip from both Kim and I, Kim asked “what would you like now, my ex-nephew?”
“Very funny, but if you are in a fun mood, and asking for a straight answer: I need one more thing to remember this night absolutely forever.” I paused; “I would like to go to a karaoke cuddle bar room, and have your beautiful tits in my hands and my mouth. You asked, and that’s what I would really like now please Kim.”

She took one of those deep, chest expanding breaths, but this time rubbed her hands up from her lap, over her hips and on to smooth up the side of her tits before cupping them and squeezing them right before my eyes. “Oh, I think I would like that, they can feel it already” she moaned, tweaking her nipples erect, poking out through her bra and woolen dress towards me. “Maybe we could invite Phung to join us when she finishes work…?” I smiled agreement.

A quiet word to Phung as we left, name of a bar given, and we headed for Kim’s motor bike; not having a licence for a bike all these years (against company policy when I lived here), I was used to being a pillion passenger. In truth I loved it as it gave ideal opportunities for closeness: my crotch pushed up against Kim’s arse, and my hands around her waist, sometimes ‘slipping’ over a bump in the road, up to steady against her breasts – just a small feel for the first time touching them, sometimes down to steady against her thighs. It’s another of my erotic likes, only sorry when the ride was only five minutes, and we were at the bar. But five minutes of promise of more.
The bar was small, dark and intimate: normal for this type of establishment; we asked for a private room, the waitress arrived with a tray of beers and glasses and ice within minutes of me requesting them, turned on the machine to play non-stop romantic karaoke songs, then left with a smile and a reminder she would only come back if we pressed the call buzzer.

Hardly had she closed the door, and I had poured a beer for us, when Kim stood, swayed to the music, and had her dress up and over her bare pussy and up and off and thrown it casually on the other end of the big sofa we had to ourselves. She stood, hands on swaying hips an arm’s length in front of me, letting my eyes rove up from her legs, pausing at her pussy which I had so recently had my toe inside, tautness of her abdomen no less without her dress; I closed my eyes momentarily, imagining where next I would gaze, but when I opened them it was even more than my mind had pictured. Kim had unclasped her bra in front, and the second my eyes opened, she let it drop away, revealing the treasures I had asked for in all their bare, smooth, uplifted glory. My breathing stopped, and a pounding heart warned of an imminent attack as she stepped closer, reaching down to grasp my hands, gravity swinging those pendulous boobs hanging down. She raised my hands, lifting them out as she sank to her haunches on my lap, squashing the risen cock in my pants as she gave her breasts to me.

I had to use 2 hands to cover just one, cupping one side, my thumbs in the middle at her nipple, rubbing each side and around, squeezing it to its length as it responded, then lowered my tongue to lick at the protrusion of nipple I left available and open above my squeezing thumbs, using my hands to push up the entire breast closer to my mouth. Kim moaned; so did I, as I slipped my thumbs sideways when my mouth needed to open wide and plunge on to the entire nipple and as much of the surrounding mound as possible. She hissed an intake of breath as I let my tongue play with her swollen nipple while my mouth tried to suck up and in the whole tit; an impossible task.
The thing was they were totally real and natural, a fact she clearly was happy to now point out to me, but without necessity: I knew how they felt and tasted, how smooth they were, how they reacted to my touch, but just to prove it, she gently moved me to the other breast to repeat my actions as if reassuring me both were equally all hers. They sure responded equally.

I swiveled and laid her down on the sofa, letting her be comfortable, while I kneeled in between her legs and leant over to kiss her mouth, her face and neck, nibbling around to my favourite: earlobes, which always seemed to be an erogenous point for the ladies I had been lucky enough to be with. Kim groaned and arched.
I was still fully dressed – no sandals of course in an Asian house/room – and Kim reached for my shirt buttons, undoing them enough to reach her hands inside and fondle my chest and my tiny, pointed nipples, then hug me encircling my back. She unclasped me and reached for my pants clips, but I backed away out of reach, and said “I wanted just this one more pleasure with you; I didn’t ask for more.” And I leant back and kissed her mouth, open to tongues clutching and swallowing, Kim with as much vigour as me, oblivious to my beer and cigarette-tasting mouth thankfully.
Relinquishing her mouth, I traced a saliva trail down her chest, branching off one side then the other: destination boob and nipple right, then left after a suitable time exploring; trying to equalize my attention between them, as no way could I get both to/in my mouth at the same time!

I feasted non-stop, there was so much breast in front of me to roam over, my hands and my mouth couldn’t seem to get enough; at times, I snuck in a deep mouth kiss, a nibble on Kim’s ears, sucking gently on her neck – but always I soon returned to a nipple or a breast. Kim appeared to be enjoying all this attention, but wanted more, and I knew I had to break part of my promise, if only to be fair; after all, I was getting my emotional rocks off, if not my physical ones, with sublime contentment, and wanted to satisfy her also.
I trailed my tongue away from her breasts, kissing and licking down, sucking into her tiny belly button, obliging my hands to leave her boobs for the moment, to slide under her buttocks and lift her slightly, my thumbs together in the crack, as my mouth reached the mound of her pussy, pausing at the intake of breath Kim made, as if this was now the start of a climax for her. My tongue liked what it found, a gaping cunt, swollen lips and sweet juices lubricating the area copiously. I licked it up with glee, and down also; across and around, down to the sensitive perineum, Kim writhing considerably now as I tickled her rosebud with my tongue, just a flutter of touch to gauge her reaction: she pushed it out at me, reaching her hands down to push my head into her hard! So I did, trying to curl my tongue into a driving force, forcing it inside her, until now she did cum with shudders and squeals, and juices from her pussy oozing down her crack and covering my hands holding her buttocks. I was pleased to have done this for her, and let her relax by transferring my tongue back to her pussy slit, gently slurping and swallowing the juices found there, cleaning her while stimulating her differently. I continued for some minutes, slowly and tenderly, causing small shudders and much moaning, before lifting my soaking face up, removing my hands from under and leaning back up along her body to again engulf breasts, one by one, then to her mouth for a lingering kiss. She sighed.

I eased away, lifting her legs while I sat back on the couch, then laying those slim, shapely legs across my lap; I reached for a now warm beer, added what little ice was left in the bucket, and after drinking and placing the glass down, I used my hands gently to massage from her feet to her thighs – nothing sexual, just a soothing massage; it worked as Kim dozed off under my hands. I was captivated by her sexuality, but purely that; no professed love or emotional linkage to our actions, just as she had said “…take the enjoyment which is offered…”
I used the remote to turn down the volume, lightly stroking Kim’s legs as she slept, more than happy to do so, and happy she seemed happy.

Eventually, we were disturbed by a knock at the door, and a voice announcing it was Phung, and could she come in. I asked her to wait for a moment and draped Kim’s dress over her body as she stirred, then I opened the door. Phung had changed from her uniform, and looked even more beautiful, as she stood smiling, before taking a step and leaning into me, a deep kiss, hand to my groin, while I reveled in the firm points of nipples pushing against my bare chest. Kim stirred a little more, hardly awake, but enough to pout “Now I need a fuck to finish off”. She was open about her need, that’s for sure!
“I think you will be well taken care of without that, Phung is here” I responded, kissing Phung but stepping back from her before I gave in. “Me, I am going home; it’s late and I have to work early. Besides, I asked you for one more taste of heaven, and you gave me two. I mustn’t be greedy, and if I stay here now, I might lose my self-control!”
Phung glided herself across my body as she passed and made her way over to Kim, lifting the dress and leaning down to kiss her deeply on the mouth.

I wasn’t needed for the passion to continue, so I smilingly buttoned my shirt, adjusted my cock in my pants, and felt for tell-tale wetness, but luckily it seemed only to have seeped inside my underwear. I moved over to the girls, kissed Phung nicely, kissed Kim passionately, and said: “good night, girls, I had a wonderful evening.”
“Let’s have dinner again, very soon” Kim breathed. “And let’s start with dessert!” finished Phung as I let myself out.
“When?” I asked myself.


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Chut Ka Bulawa Aunty Se Mila

Hello friends mera naam nitin hai aap logo to sayad mujhe jante hi hai iske pehle wali meri dono story ke liye mujhe bohut mail aaen uske liye thank you to all aise hi mails bhejte rehna mujhe ab story pe aata hu meri age 19 years hai mai ek bohut hi smart or good looking ladka hu,mujhe badi age wali sari aurte acchi lagti hai mere land ka size 6.5 inch hai ye ghatna 3 saal Pehle ki hai jab mere ghar walo ne meri studies ki chinta karte hue mera tuition laga diya tha mai pehle kuch din gaya...

1 year ago
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Warda Aunty Mera Aur Naseem Ka Threesome Sex

Aap sab logon ne meri pichli kahani zaroor padhi hogi, ki kaise aunty Warda ke sath pehli baar sex kiya, aur kaise apni purani nukrani Naseem ka doodh taste karne ke bahane se uske sath sex kiya. Naseem ke sath us raat sex kar raha tha, to aunty Warda ka SMS ka reply nahi kar paya tha. Jab maine apna phone dekha, to aunty Warda ke 6 messages the. Maine wo messages padhe, aur dekha ke aunty baar-baar mera poochti jaa rahi thi, ki kahi so to nahi gaya. Unke SMS ka reply diya maine, lekin unka...

1 year ago
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MotherInLaw Sex Pt 2 Grandmother Love

After our first encounter, that very pleasant sex together in the bathroom, I guess both of us were unsure how to behave in the days after, especially when my wife and sister-in-law were there to again make us into a Family of 4. I decided to try and be as natural as possible, though perhaps my wife wondered why I didn’t attempt love-making as often as previously, her rebuffs so constant these days and nights that I truly did promise myself I would become celibate! Well, celibate with my...

2 years ago
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Unforgettable Sex With My Owner Aunty

Heyy guys I am back with a new story of mine which happened a few months ago when I was studying in delhi I really loved the feedback and your comments on my last story, but sorry I couldn’t respond to some emails and please dont ask me for my nude pics.If you are really intrested in secret relation then I am into it, I am not intrested in time pass chats or sex chats So coming to the story I am going to narrate this in telugu, so here we go Nenu delhi karol bagh daggara oka independent house...

1 year ago
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Mera First Sex Experience Aunty K Sath

Hello dosto mera naam happy hai aur mai chennai me rahta hu. Basically mai rajasthan se hu but born and brought up in chennai . Maine bahut si sex stories padha hai par kabhi sex experience nahi kiya. Ab maine experience kiya hai to mere mann ki baat aapko batane k liyea ya meri first story likh raha hu agar koi galti ho to nadan samajh kar maaf kardena. Feedback me zarur batana ki aapko meri sexstory kaisi lagi mera mail id hai Abmai aapko jyada bore na karte hue sidhe story par aata hu. Baat...

1 year ago
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Aunty Tho Na Modati Sex Anubhavam

Hi all ISS readers. Idhi na modati sex anubhavam na bujji aunty tho. Na peru praveen ma aunty peru bujji. Ma aunty lavuga sallu guttalla loose ga untai. Idhi na age 18years unnappudu jarigindi. Nenu na chinnappudu uncle night shift appudu nenu aunty intlo padukunevadini. Kani appudu naku sex ante thelidu. Naku appudu 1st porn video chusa appudu thelisindi sex ela cheyalo. Kani anku oka doubt undedhi nenu ma chinna chelli puku chusa antha chinna puku lo antha pedda sulli ela paduthundi anna...

2 years ago
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MotherInLaw Sex

(Inspired by the sexiness of my mother-in-law and larger-sized women: Be Happy Girls!) Whenever I had any minor aches and pains, it was my mother-in-law, Mae, to whom I, and the whole family, turned to: she was an ex-nurse after all. We all lived in the one house (the one I had bought as part of my wedding payment): me, my wife, Mae and younger sister of my wife. Funny I guess, but I am older than my mother-in-law, though yes: I call her Mae (mother) – only 2 years mind! My wife and...

3 years ago
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Pados Wali Aunty Ke Saath Sex Ka Mazaaa

Hi Dostoon, this is Khan again for you guys returning with a beautiful n sexy incest sex story thanks for all your responses from my pervious story (Old Age 49 Years Aunty Ke Saath Sex) okie coming to my stories this is not a fantasy or a imagination story, this is something that i have really experienced and enjoyed but I am putting some extra and masala in this kahaani, hope you guys will like it and will be waiting for your replies. The story begains: Yeh kahaani hai mere Bangalore trip ki...

4 years ago
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Old Age 49 Years Aunty Ke Saath Sex

By: Khanlovesaunty Hi mera naam Khan Hai (name changed) I am from B’lore aur mein ek MNC company mein kamm kartha hun my age is 27 and height 5.7 and 8 inches dick mein recently B’lore ayaa hun aur mujhe indiansexstories itna pasand hai mein aaj appko meri ek real story submit karna chatha hun plz read it and let me know ur feedbacks at The story begains 1 year back I was in Hyd and working in a MNC company and mere parent were use to saty in Mumbai mein hyd mein naya tha aur mujhe ghar ki...

1 year ago
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Sex With Friend8217s Neighbor Aunty

Hello friends, mera naam Rohit hai, mai Mumbai ka rehne wala hoo, Mai merchant navy me kaam kartha hoo,mera ek dost hai jo ki mera school ka friend hai, mera us k ghar ana jana hota hai, us k samne wale ghar me ek aunty rehti hai, wo bhi kabhi kabar un k ghar me uski mummy se milne athi thi, to bus ek normal si pechan thi, unka husband business man tha to mahine me kaie din bahar rehta tha, unka ek ladka tha jo hostle me rehta hai aur study kartha hai. Ab aunty , waise to dekhne me to normal...

1 year ago
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Sex Chat Aur Aunty Ko Seduce Kiya Part 2

Hi mera naam Keshav hai, 6 ft tall handsome ladka hu abhi graduation final year mai hu from Hyderabad , lamba aur exercise yoga ke wajah se mai aur mera lund healthy aur fit hai 6 ft ka mai 7inches ka woh ! Kahaani mai kahi koi spelling mistake ho toh maaf karna English-Hindi phone mai dictionary on karke type karo toh galti ho hi jaati hai , par aapko yeh kahaani zaroor pasand aayegi ! Yeh chudai story mai ! aapko mai bataunga kaise mere uncle ne mujhe unki wife jo meri aunty thi unko seduce...

1 year ago
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Sex With Sexy Aunty

By : Dpjoy My name is Dpjoy from Chandigarh. Mere ghar ke 30 kadam ki duri par ek aunty regti hai, Aunty ka ek ladka hai wo mera bahut acha friend hai. To aksar mai uske ghar jata rehta tha. Aunty 38 sal ki hai aur 38-42-34 aunty ka figure ka figure hai with milky body. Ek din mai aunty ke ghar gaya to aunty naha kar aayi thi. Mene dekha ke aunty ne sari pehani hui hai. But upper body par aunty ne blouse aur bra nhi pehani hue thi. Mene dekha to dekhta hi reh gaya. Jab aunty ne dekha ke mai...

1 year ago
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That Sexiting Trip With Aunty

Hello friends. Hope you guys liked my last episode. If not please go through it for a hint of what and how things happened (). This might feel like a little different than the last story as my views changed after that incident. So after that day whenever Richa was alone at her place she used to call me and we used to fuck our brains out. We have had sex almost everywhere at her place and it was always exciting. But soon I started realizing that she wasn’t hungry for sex its the excitement...

4 years ago
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Sex With Teacher Aunty

Hello friends I am back…..I hope aapko “savita aunty “ k saath meri chudai ki kahani pasand aayi hogi..Anyways aaj main aapko mere 1st time sex experience ki kahani batane jaa raha hu.iss kahini ki shuruaat kuch iss tarah hain. main naya naya naujawaan hua tha.meri umar kuch 18-19 s hogi,main 10th std main padhta tha.maths main thoda weak hone k wajah se mujhe tution lagai gayi thi.hamare yaha par ek rule tha,k school teacher k pass tution lagane se acche marks milte hain,ek level tak ye baat...

2 years ago
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Kiss Foreplay And Finally Sex With Aunty

Hi friends, you would be living happy and joyful life and your penis must have tasting many different kind of pussys and asses. I am pinku here. My age is 25 as already mention in my first story. I am going to narrate my sex experience with my aunty It happened before four year when I was living kanpur. Aunty (landlady) was a modern, beautiful and a sexy lady. She had wonderful figure, sexy pussy and big ass. Her figure was 34-30-36 and her age was around 45 years, but she looks like 30 to 35...

4 years ago
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Sex Chat Aur Aunty Ko Seduce Kiya

Hi mera naam Keshav hai, 6 ft tall handsome ladka hu abhi graduation final year mai hu from Hyderabad , lamba aur exercise yoga ke wajah se mai aur mera lund healthy aur fit hai 6 ft ka mai 7inches ka woh ! Kahaani mai kahi koi spelling mistake ho toh maaf karna English-Hindi phone mai dictionary on karke type karo toh galti ho hi jaati hai , par aapko yeh kahaani zaroor pasand aayegi ! Yeh chudai story mai aapko mai bataunga kaise mere uncle ne mujhe unki wife jo meri aunty thi unko seduce...

3 years ago
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27 Saal Ki Nurse Training Wali Aunty Ke Sath Pehla Sex

Hello dosto, ye meri pehli desi kahani hai. Mera naam Haris hai, aur main Faisalabad ka hu. Ye kahani 2011 ki hai, jab main college se faariq hua tha. Meri umar us waqt koi 19 saal ki thi. Main aksar sex stories padhta tha websites pe har kisam ki, aur movies bhi dekhta tha. Stories hoti to thi maze ki, lekin mujhe lagta tha sab fake hai. Aur asal mein aisa kabhi nahi hota. Mujhe lagta tha, ki sex ka mauka sirf shaadi mein milta hai. Lekin 2011 ka wo saal main kabhi nahi bhool sakta, jab mujhe...

2 years ago
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Spandana Aunty Nenu Sex Chesam

I am an engineering student from Hyderabad, the city of love. I am writing in Telugu language for more effectiveness and because of the respect for my language . Peru: Viki Stats:5.9 ft., white clour, fair body but hot fantasized Any interested, educated virgin girl or real aunties who are genuine contact my mail Ika Telugu sex story Loki veldam. Recent ga oka sari shopping ki vellanu in madhapur adi saturday evening so full rush. Naku girlfriend evaru leru but friends vunnaru vallaku lovers...

3 years ago
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Sex With Aunty

Hello to all ISS readers i m jack age 21 ye story jo main aap logo k saath share karne ja raha hu bilkul sachi story hain Aaj se kareeb 3 saal pehle ki baat hain. Mere ek uncle jo mere friend k chacha hain vo village main rehte hain ek aunty hain aur ek un ka chota bacha hain. Main gaon holidays me chala gaya meri aunty ki age 35 ki hogee gora bhara badan badi gand chutad jab wo chalti hain tu uss k chutad ider uder hotay hain.Main jab gaon pauncha apne uncle k ghar,to dekha k chacha ghar par...

2 years ago
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Taboo sex with aunty2

Taboo sex with aunty-2If you already read the first chapter you know that my Sharmila Aunty, and I have already had sex in the kitchen. After that day, outwardly, things looked the same between us but at least 3 nights a week we would spend the night in her bed fucking like rabbits and finding new ways to love each other. She taught me a lot and I was an eager student. Sharmila Aunty seemed happier than ever with more energy and always a smile on her face. After about a month and after a...

2 years ago
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MotherInLaw Sex Pt 4 Ex MotherinLaw

I was offered a 3 month consulting position in another Asian country where I had worked before, and in fact where I had been married before for 6 years, before my then-wife ran off with another man and demanded a divorce, which I didn’t want and fought to keep her, win her back, but after 2 years reluctantly agreed. Into my third week, I was in the local market, around the corner from the small house which had been provided me, and I literally ran into my ex-mother-in-law. Ironically, the...

2 years ago
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1st Sex With Syamala Aunty Part 2

Hi readers, This is Rajesh from vijayawada. I’m a regular reader of Indian Sex Stories from past 5years but never posted a story, this is my first narration so please excuse me for any mistakes and encourage me with your feedback on   Nenu telugu vala koasam ee story Telugu rastana…This my 1st sex of my life … Story starts now.. this story is very long so I decided to divided into parts …This is 2nd part of my the story…   Na Peru Rajesh memu vijayawada unade valam ma family lo 3 member...

3 years ago
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Sexting Meghna Aunty

This is a series of text messages, between my Aunt Meghna and myself, Arnav.Happy Reading!Meghna: Arnav, was that on purpose?Arnav: Hello Meghna Aunty. What was on purpose? I did not get that.Meghna: Stop messing around now. Did you do that purposefully, or was it seriously a mistake?Arnav: Do what Meghna Aunty?Meghna: Ok, now do not make me angry. Did you just grab my ass at the wedding? I am pretty sure I felt your firm grip on my body.Arnav: What nonsense! I would never do such a thing....

2 years ago
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Sexting Meghna Aunty

This is a series of text messages, between my Aunt Meghna and myself, Arnav. Happy Reading! Meghna: Arnav, was that on purpose? Arnav: Hello Meghna Aunty. What was on purpose? I did not get that. Meghna: Stop messing around now. Did you do that purposefully, or was it seriously a mistake? Arnav: Do what Meghna Aunty? Meghna: Ok, now do not make me angry. Did you just grab my ass at the wedding? I am pretty sure I felt your firm grip on my body. Arnav: What nonsense! I would never do such a...

2 years ago
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My First Sex With A Mature Aunty

Hello people.. My name is ****** from Hyderabad.. I am 6 ft tall and well built.. Basically I am from vijayawada…But for some purpose I am in hyderabad from past 2 months So coming to the sex story I want to narrate to you in my mother language telugu..Here it goes Naa age 23 recent ga b.Tech complete aindhi inka further coaching kosam hyderabad lo join ayyanu..Naku teen age girls kanna yekkuva aunties antee chalaa ishtam coz nenu btech vere state lo chadiva and I got bored of teen...

1 year ago
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Sex With Aunty

Mera name Varun hai me patiala me rahta hu Punjabi University me pdta hu jab se mujhe sex ke bare me pta chala me sex karne ki koshish karta rahta mujhe aunty or bhabhi buhut acchi lagti h kyuki unhe experience buhut hota h me pados me ek aunty rahti men unhe pahle baar dekha toh me pagal ho gya tha or unhe chodne ke bare me sochne laga me buhut hi sundar dikhne wala ladka hu. Meri age 23 years h mere lund ka size 8 inch h or un aunty ka size 32 30 34 h unhe dekh kar kisi ka b lund khada ho...

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Sexting Meghna Aunty 8211 Part 2

Hello, my dear Readers. Thank you so much for the very positive feedback on the first part of the story. I was not sure if I should write a second part of the story, because I wasn’t confident it would be as good as the first one. I have tried my best to make this as exciting as possible, and hope you all like it. The following is the conversation between Arnav and his aunt, Meghna. This is after they met each other, for the first time, since they started sexting. Reading the first part of the...

1 year ago
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Sex With Neighbor Flower Seller Aunty In Bangalore

I am Arun Kumar currently working in Bangalore in an MNC , now i am going to narrate how i had sex with neighbor aunty mala in Bangalore which happened one year back . i got job in 2012 then i searched for room in Bangalore, but i didn’t get single room, then i adjusted in my friend room for 6 months, then after six months i got room in Kengeri, that room is small in that room 2 members we use to stay, then after getting room i shifted to new room, as usual i went to office in morning, while...

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First Sex With Syamala Aunty Part 8211 1

Hi readers, This is rajesh from vijayawada. I’m a regular reader of indian sex stories from past 5years but never posted a story, this is my first narration so please excuse me for any mistakes and encourage me with your feedback on Nenu telugu vala koasam ee story telugu rastana…This my 1st sex of my life … Story starts now.. This story very long so I decide to divided into parts …This is 1st part of the story… Na peru rajesh memu vijayawada unade valam ma family lo 3 member untam me and my...

3 years ago
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Aunty K Sath Shillong Mai Full Sex Kiya

Mera nam sandy (name change), mai guwahati se belong karta hu, parhai k karon mai yaha pe rahta hu..Mera age 22.. Degree final sem mai hu,, ye mera pehla story hai. Mai yaha rent house pe rehta hu akele.. 2 room aur 1 kitchen hai.. Mere chote chacha k wife matlab mere chachi hai jo bohot sexy hai, name- mainu , uski age 29-30 k bich hoga, size- 36/30/34 hai,aunty ko dekhne se he sex karne ka man karta hai,uski ek beta hai wo 6 saal k hai, chacha bahar mai job karte hai, kam k silsile wo bahar...

2 years ago
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Mai Our Mari Aunty Our Sex

Hi Iss reader i am big fan of this side i am new in this side so please forgive me on my mistakes so if u want to tell me any suggestion so mail me on my is so all guys and girls i tell u about me i have 8 inches lund and 3 inches fat and my name is Mansoor so please tell me about my story lets come to story Baat un dino ki hai jub mai england sa holidays par sa wpis aya to ghur par muja mar releative mila aya our us din mari aunty (mariam) muja milna aie our mai apni aunty ko daikha to mara...

1 year ago
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First Sex With My Aunty

I was not much in talk with my aunty. But, ones my mom and dad went to out of country for sometime for some business work. I had to stay back due to my studies. I had to stay to my aunty house. My aunty is super hot woman. Her boobs are so big and sexy that everyone love to have sex with her. I also want to have sex with her. My dick was always erected seeing her sexy boobs. She wear loose sleeve blouse and also deep neck and almost backless. Due to deep neck blouse, her boobs be visible to...

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Taboo sex with widow aunty1

Taboo sex with aunty-1This story happened when I was 18 when my parents moved to US for work, I ended up living with Sharmila Aunty who was my mom’s younger sister. Her husband had died a few years ago with no k**s . Sharmila aunty was all alone and she needed company. Of course, I had the normal teen fantasies about her but never really acted on them, I had a new friend Arun who lived downstairs in our apartment complex with his Dad Rajesh, also a widower. His Dad, Rajesh, had a reputation for...

3 years ago
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Romantic Sex With Aunty

Nenu e telugu lo describe chest unnanu .My name is ravi.Nenu btech chaduvutunnanu nenu maa pakkinti aunty ni ela dengano cheptanu .Madi hyd. Maa intlo nenu nanna amma mugguram vuntamu If any aunties girls ladies if you want to contact my Gmail E story recent ga one month ago jarigindi . Maa inti pakkalo aunty vallu valla family tho vundevallu.Aunty gurinchi cheppalantey aunty peru jyothi(name changed) tana figure 34 28 36 aunty age 33 aunty vuntundi white colour aunty ass pichi ekkistundi...

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Pados Mein Rehne Waali Aunty Ke Sath Sex Kiya

Hello dost mera naam vanraj sharma hai ,mein bhopal ka rehne waala hu. Yeh story mere or meri pados mein rehne waali aunty ke bich ki hai. Mein dikhne mein fair hu,mere lund ka itna hai ki kisi bhi female ko shant ker de .Meri aunty dikhne mein ek dum maal hai figure se thodi moti hai but unke boobs or unki gaand dekh ker koi bhi unhe chodne ke sapne dekhne lagtha hai. Yahi hua mere sath bhi. Unke lambhe ghaane baal or unka saari pahne ke andaaz se tho koi bhi bach nhi paaya hai .Humari colony...

1 year ago
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Aunty Maid Aur Unka Sex Slave 8211 Part II

I was scared to death …. But Kusum for some reason did not seem to have got so scared. However, I took off my cock and went straight to the bathroom. Cleaned up my dick and threw the condom into the bin rolled in a paper. Kusum went to the other washroom and started cleaning up. I was sitting in the bedroom with just my undies put on, when Kusum came out drssed up in her saree and came up to me. She said – “Are daro mat raja. Hum kuch to sochke us Jaya bhabi ko samjha denge …. I was scared....

4 years ago
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Sexually Starved Aunty In My Life

I am living in Coimbatore for last 36 years. I respect womanhood and I vouch on the fact that a woman needs to enjoy sex more than a man and I have practically realized it whenever I loved a lady in bed. This happens when women don’t get fucked the way they want to be by their husbands. I like ladies with good looks, figure and good sense of humor. These qualities help me to bring out more out of me to offer services to the lady I am sexually playing with.I have always wished to meet a lady who...

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My First Sex With My Aunty

Hi friends maine ISS ki boht sari stories parhi hai but aj maine socha k ap logo ka b muj pe haq banta hai k mai b ap logo ko apni stories sunao or muje umeed hai k ap logo ko meri story boht pasand ayegi. Hi mera naam Sandeep hain main karnataka main me rehne wala hoon aur ek employ hoon mera age 23 hain aur mera hight hain 5.9″ aur mera lund 8″ ka hain main app logon ko mera ek sachi kahani batana chatahoon agar app logon ko mera story acchi lagi to plz mail kijiye Ab main story pe ata hoon...

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Samne Wale Aunty K Sath Sex Kia Raat Bhar

Hiii….Guys mera naam chetan hai, me mumbai me rehta hu, me 21 saal ka hu, average body average color not much fair, but smart hu, aur mera saman 7` inch long n 2.5`broad h, aaj tak jis jis k sath sex kia hai sab ko bhot kush kia hai, Dosto ye mera pehla story hai jo me share kar ra hu aap k sath n muje feedback jarur dena please mera email id hai- Abi me story pe ata hu friends mere ghar k samne ek aunty ayi thi rehne jo bhot gori thi n wo bhot slim thi unka body full sexy lagta tha muje,unka...

2 years ago
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Punjabi Aunty Ko Seduce Karke Perfect Sex 8211 Mumbai

Hi mera nam Rahul he. Me mumbai ka rehnewala hu. Aaj me aapke sath mera real life incident share karne ja raha hu.Me 6 ft tall aur meri gun 6.5” ki he. Mumbai ki koi aunty aur ladki muzse contact krna chahe to mail me on I am sure u will enjoy my company & fun. Love fat and milfs. To chudai story ko suruwat krte he. Ye incident 3 mahine pehle ka he. Isliye sabhi yade taza hai aur yad aaye to mera lund khada ho jata he uuuuufff ye lund bhi na. Me dadar ka rehnewala hu. Mere ghar me meri ma,...

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Sex Nerpina Aunty

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net Nenu 12th class chaduvutunnappudu oka frnd unnadu. Nenu daily vadi intiki velli vastha. Vadiki oka akka undhi but married, and oka anna unnadu job chestunnadu. Veedu chala gap taravatha puttadu. Nenu daily casual ga vadi intiki veltanu. Valla mother nannu baga recieve chesukuntundi. Oka Sunday, alavatuga intloki vellipoya but aunty dress change chesukuntundi, ameku 50 years untay, chala bodhuga white ga untundi. Breast kindaki...

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First Time Sex With Neighbor Aunty Sudha

My name is Abhishek, I am a shy bachelor, the incident I am narrating here is a real affair with my neighbor. It started when I was in final year of my degree. I am the only son for my parents. We reside in Bangalore. We have rented a house to a family in our building. The women in that family is Sudha aunty, they are mangaloreans. She is around 37 and her husband is more aged than her. She was married at an younger age of 22 to a elder guy who was 35 by then. They have a school going son...

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Pakathu Veetu Aunty Udan Semayana Sex

Hi friends, indru kama kathaiyil en pakathu veetirku puthithaaga kudi vantha aunty udan eppadi ellam sex seithen endra kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar vishal vayathu 26 aagugirathu. Naan oru kama veri piditha paiyan eppozhuthu entha pen kidaikum antha pennai nandraaga ookalam endru kathukondu irunthen. Naan salem gramathil vasithu varugiren, thinamum kama kathai padipen. En sunniayi adithu adithu athai 8” varai perithaaga valarthu vaithu...

3 years ago
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Fulfilled My Desire Of Having Sex With Aunty After 15 Years

Hi stories readers! I am follower of this site from last 2 years and now I am narrating my story which was fulfilled after my 15 years. I am 27 with 5.8 height; fit personality and from Hyderabad. Heroine of this story is my aunty who is my mom’s 4th sister. This is my first story so please bear with me for slow narration, sorry for any mistakes and correct me if I am wrong. Any women and friends can reach me on my mail lovingdynu(at) for improvements or for any physical help. I like...

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Sex Life With Aunty

Hi to all ISS readers this is Samer from Chennai and I am very much attracted by this website and read lot of stories and now I am narrating my own and real one and this story is about how I seduced my horny aunty and first let me tell about my aunty and she is fat and very fair women and her size is 38 32 and may be above 40 her but is very big. She stopped wearing panties because of not available of such big size and I am a not so fair and I regularly go to gym and maintain my body well and...

1 year ago
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Kirayedaar Aunty K Sath Kia Sex

Dosto yeh me pehli story hai, jesi ki mai 1 final year ka student hu meri height bhi 5’10 hai, aur physique bhi acha hai mujhe bhut shonk h thodi aged ladies k sath sex karne ka. Hmara ghar double story hai to niche hum rehte hai aur upar humne kirayedaar rakhe hue hai, jo vo aunty bhut hi jada sexy h, jab bhi vo log upar nhi hote to mai aunty ki bra or panty smell krta hu or usme se bhut hi achi khusboo aati h. Jese ki aunty niche aate rehte h or mere parents ki baat bhi thik h unse to jab bhi...

2 years ago
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MotherInLaw Sex Pt 3 Neighbour Lady Love

After that first week making love with my wife’s wonderful grandmother, followed 6 months later by that very pleasant sex with my mother-in-law, I no longer bothered my wife; she seemed to have lost all desire for any sex – in fact, I wondered if she had a boyfriend somewhere, or a girlfriend, as I knew she had previously had a lesbian relationship for several years before me. She seemed contented enough, so I was fine with whatever. Mae, my mother-in-law, now lived around the corner, in a...

3 years ago
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Hot Sex With Neighbourhood Aunty

Hello friends I’m Jeet from Bangalore. I’m 26 years old 6 ft tall with a good body having 5.5 inch sized penis. After reading so many stories i thought of publishing my sex story which I had encountered with my neighbourhood aunt. My neighbourhood aunt name is Tara who was around 28 yrs of age. She was having average height of 5 ft 4 inches normally every woman will be and has very good assets both boobs and her ass. If you guys want direct action you can skip first four paragraphs. My mail id...

4 years ago
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Sex With Rented Aunty Sister

Hi I’am abc(name changed), self employed, owner of two rented house. Teh story is about how started to get relationship with rented aunty,s sister. Her name is xyz(aunty’s sister,name changed). Our native is gulbarga, karnataka, I came here bangalore looking after uncle’s house which is rented for two families.Adralli one family old age family, and the second family is middle age family with four people . The second family auny is sex bomb who always wanetd sex at any cost and some of her...

3 years ago
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Sex With Lovely Hema Aunty In Bangalore

Hello to all ISS friends,this is my first story in ISS and its my true story I dedicate my story to all girls and aunties who are out there for desperate sex, hope while readying my true story your pussy gets wet, enjoy reading my true incident. I’m Rahul from Bangalore age 27 and i’m an engineer good looking athletic guy. This incident happened 4 months back,my office is off in weekends so one Saturday I went to my friend’s place as I was getting bored but I left my friend’s place bit early as...


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