Enter The DarknessChapter 5: My Real Education Begins free porn video

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January, 1985

Contrary to my growing fears, my new teacher didn't think there was anything wrong with my brain. I started school that Monday. I was happy to learn that Joel, Janet's little brother, was in my class. He smiled at me when I walked in with the secretary that showed me where my class was when I got there early that morning. My teacher was a tall, handsome man with wavy brown hair and bright blue eyes named Mr. Braun (pronounced "brown" with a light German accent). He gave the class an assignment while he got my books out of a cabinet and tried to see where I was academically. During that first week he seemed shocked at how far behind I was compared to the rest of the class. Given that I had to take more than a month off school for the move and the trial and that the school I came from was in Misery and was not very challenging, I was not surprised and neither was daddy when I told him how much trouble I was having in school.

I think I managed to surprise Mr. Braun, however, and by the end of April I was caught up with the smartest kids in the class. With a little extra help from Mr. Braun and a lot of help from daddy, I was able to fly through my reading books and by the end of May I was almost back to snoozing my way through school and able to concentrate most of my energy on soccer.

My arm had not healed enough to start karate, but soccer season was on and I was loving it. My team was one of the best for miles around and it looked as if we were going to win the league that year. I was finally having fun for the first time in a long while. When school ended in June, I was forced to revise my opinion of moving to Ft. Belvoir. I had good friends in Janet and Joel and they in turn introduced me to several other kids that they hung around. I was soon inserted with their clique in school, though I was still stubbornly independent of thought and peer pressure rarely affected me.

When soccer season ended that July, daddy got a letter from Aunt Sabrine inviting him and me to vacation with them in England for two weeks before school started up again as a late birthday present. Daddy couldn't get any more leave that year but he talked to Aunt Sabrine for a while on the phone and then sat me down to talk after dinner one night.

"Listen, pumpkin," he said, sitting down in his recliner, as I sat down on the end of the couch, "I have been talking to your aunt about her offer to go with them on vacation to England. I told her that I couldn't get leave until the end of the year. So ... she has invited you to go along with them by yourself. What do you think?"

He seemed to be having a hard time telling me this and I was having a hard time seeing how my answer could be anything other than, "I would love to go, daddy!"

His worried look sprang into being as the words left my mouth. "I thought that was what you would say so I told your aunt you could go. You should call her tomorrow and thank her for inviting you," he said with a strained smile. He got up and squatted in front of me, holding my tiny hands in his large, slender hands. "Since I can't be with you, I am going to show you how to defend yourself between now and August 15. Karate is something you have to study over time and you are too young to get a gun permit, even if they allowed guns on airplanes and in England. Starting tomorrow, I will teach you how to use a knife." I am sure my eyes glowed at the thought because he sort of frowned down at me. "And I want you to promise that you will not carry a knife unless I tell you it is all right. Do you hear me? Promise me that you will follow my orders on this, Alexandra."

"I promise," was my sullen reply, visions of walking around with a knife like Rambo floating away in the harsh glare of my dad's eyes.

For the next three weeks, for three hours every weekday and five hours on the weekend days, daddy showed me how to hold, throw, thrust, parry, slice, and quick-draw knives of various description. I worked very hard and he seemed surprised at how fast I learned the things he was trying to teach me. By the time August 14 arrived, he had gotten to showing me how to use a knife that looked like a small sword when he put it in my hands.

That night he came to my room as I was packing and handed me a large box wrapped in fancy red and gold paper. "These are for you," he said, handing me the heavy box and sitting on my bed to watch me open it. I tore through the wrapping like a hurricane to find a beautifully carved wooden box inside. I put it on the bed and opened it. Inside were eight shiny knives strapped into spongy material, each with a comfortable and simply carven hilt. Two were obviously dueling knives like he taught me to use, four were well-balanced throwing knives (more like handleless blades), and the last two were complete opposites of each other. One was small, thin, and light, easy to conceal and more a last resort weapon than anything else. The other was a long dagger that looked threatening even in daddy's large hands.

Daddy took the box and lifted the smallest and largest knives out. "This one I want you to keep in this," he said holding up the smallest one and taking a tiny sheath out of the box that was hidden under the largest knife, "until you are through the airport security in London. It is lined with a kind of lead and the man I went to for these assures me that it will conceal its true nature as it goes through the x-ray machine in your bag. It is small enough that the screeners will overlook it.

"This one," he said, holding up the longest blade, "is to stay in its box unless you are going to a concert or some other place where you will be in a large group of people without decent security. It is only a killing weapon and it is well over the legal length of six inches. The throwing knives you can carry in their little sheaths anywhere after you get through airport security and the dueling knives are a little longer than are legal so I want you to wear this."

With that he handed me another wrapped present. I opened it and found what looked like a shoulder holster but instead of holsters there were two sheaths. The whole thing was made of leather and plastic, so it wouldn't set off any alarms. Daddy took the two dueling knives out of the box and slipped them into the sheaths. He then motioned for me to try the harness on. He adjusted the straps until it was snug.

"England is cool enough, even in the summer, that you can wear one of your long- or short-sleeved, button-down shirts over your t-shirts. You are to leave the knives in their box and in your suitcase until you get to your hotel. Don't show the knives to anyone unless you absolutely have to. And don't play with them, they are not toys. I am putting your own life in your own hands, Alexandra. You are only nine and I shouldn't have to do this, but Christmas and the airport have shown me that for whatever reason, you need to know how to take care of yourself in the face of anything. I am trusting you to see how serious this is. Please don't make me regret it," he said, his hands on my shoulders and his blue eyes gazing steadily into mine.

I nodded my head and placed my hands on his cheeks. "I promise to be good, daddy. You won't be sorry," I said in a tone far older than my age, trying to put my whole heart and soul into my gaze. Then I noticed something on the harness that was dangling from the sheaths. "What are those for, daddy?" He smiled and showed me how to slip my belt through the loops to stabilize the harness.

Daddy took me to the airport early the next morning. Dulles, this time. He saw me all the way to the gate and made sure the stewardesses knew I was traveling alone to New York's JFK where someone would be meeting me for my connecting flight. The flight was fairly short, though it seemed much longer to me because I was so anxious to see Anika. She had written me over the spring and summer that Aunt Sabrine was planning to take them on vacation before school, but she never let on that I was going to be invited. She knew lots of stuff about England from Janine and Mickey, especially about London, since Janine's father has a house in London.

As the pilot announced that they were getting ready to land, a stewardess stopped by my seat to tell me to stay in my seat when everybody else got up and she would escort me to the next gate herself. She smiled at me, patted my shoulder, and went to strap herself in. It was a smooth landing and everybody jostled and shuffled up to the front of the plane while I just stood up and hefted my bag waiting for the stewardess.

"Are you waiting for someone, little girl?" a kindly older lady asked. She was dressed in a stewardess uniform but she had extra stuff on her shirt and an i. d. tag that said "Helen Wiesnieski" with "Senior Stewardess" underneath it. She had a large purse and a small suitcase on wheels behind her.

I looked around the plane and shrugged. "I was told by one of the other stewardesses that she would take me to my connecting flight's gate," I told her, still looking around.

Helen frowned, then smiled. "Oh, you are the little girl flying by herself! Well, come with me. I can get you where you are going."

I shrugged again and hefted my bag. As soon as we stepped out into the concourse I heard my name shouted. "Anika?" I whirled trying to find the voice.

"I take it that was somebody you know," the stewardess said looking around with me. "Over there! The girl in the pretty dress with the little boy and the well-dressed woman."

I looked where she was pointing and saw Aunt Sabrine walking towards me with Anika and Jake. Anika was, indeed, in a gorgeous dress of pink silk and red velvet. Her walk was drawing nearly as many eyes as Aunt Sabrine in her sleek business suit and high heels. Jake looked grubby in his faded jeans and t-shirt next to them. I looked down at my outfit, closer to that of Jake's, and frowned. At least Jake and I looked related. Nobody would believe we were with the older girls, however.

Anika swept me up in a hug. "We thought you might have missed your plane when no more people came out of the plane. Our next plane is almost boarding."

Aunt Sabrine was thanking the stewardess when Anika dragged me over to them. "We thought she might have gotten lost," my aunt was saying.

"Oh, no. I think one of my girls promised to take her on to the next plane and forgot about her. She's a good kid. She was waiting by her seat patiently. Have a nice flight. Bye, dear!" The stewardess waved to me, heading in the opposite direction as we were walking.

Aunt Sabrine hugged me. "I am glad your dad let you come, Alexandra. We are going to have a lot of fun," she said, settling her carry-on bag on her shoulder and walking briskly towards our connecting flight's gate. "They are starting boarding already so we need to hurry, dear."

We were all breathless by the time we reached our gate and started down the tunnel to the plane. It was about eleven in the morning and I was starting to fade. Jake curled up beneath a blanket as soon as he found a stewardess to get him a blanket and pillow. Aunt Sabrine seemed to try to do a little paperwork she had brought with her but was asleep soon after the plane got airborne. Anika and I, however, sat and talked for an hour or so before we both began yawning in each other's face. We ate the lunch they brought us a little after twelve, talked a little as we tried to get comfortable under the blankets we asked for, and were soon asleep.

The flight was seven hours long and it was well after midnight when we touched down at Heathrow Airport in London. As we walked into the terminal I stopped stock still as I saw a huge sign with mine and my aunt's and cousins' names on it being carried by a tall, thin, handsome man with brown eyes and black hair frosted at the temples with white. Next to him, grinning widely, were an unknown woman, Mickey, and Janine. Janine walked forward sedately to kiss Anika on the cheeks. She was wearing a dress even more splendid than Anika's and was acting even more prissy than the last time I saw her. I looked over at Mickey, who was also in a dress, with a raised brow. She blushed and shrugged apologetically. Aunt Sabrine walked forward and kissed cheeks with the man and the woman, who turned out to be Mickey's and Janine's mom dropping her daughters off on her way to a business meeting of her own in France.

Aunt Sabrine ushered me forward to greet the finely dressed English people and introduce me. She muttered to me that it was Janine's dad who had extended the invitation to join his daughter and her half-sister in London for the last two weeks of the summer vacation. We would be staying in his townhouse. When he said it, it was with a somewhat self-deprecatory manner. I was shocked to see a huge stone building that was more like an apartment complex in size than a townhouse.

Mr. Spencer, or Eoin as he told us to call him, was a minor noble and a major diplomat when the right person asked. He was fairly wealthy and he enjoyed Americans immensely. He was single and had a young son, who was living with his ex-wife, but he adored his daughter and spoiled her outrageously when she visited. His mother loved taking Janine out to the shops around the city when she was there. He informed Mickey and me that there was a shopping excursion planned tomorrow afternoon for all of the ladies but that he was planning to take Jake to his fencing club. Mickey's eyes lit up and I smiled eagerly. I did not know this man enough to ask to go with them but apparently he had been warned about our inclinations and he said we could decide what we wanted to do in the morning.

As the two limousines rolled around the drive on the house, servants came out to gather bags and guests and take them up to their rooms. By the standards of American mansions, Eoin's townhouse was modest, but that did not stop me and Mickey from gawking. Mickey had been to England with her sister before, but that had only been to the family's country estate during a couple of winter visits. She told me later while we were trying to get to sleep that the country manor house was a huge, sprawling castle surrounded by wooded hills and a placid lake that was so still it reflected the sky like a mirror. She liked the country estate because she got to ride horses and swim and run around the hills with Eoin's son who was only a year or two older than she.

The room the servant carrying our bags left us in was almost bigger than mine and daddy's quarters back in Virginia. There were two huge canopied, four-poster beds, two antique vanities, four massive wooden wardrobes, and two large desks placed facing each other as if there was a mirror in the center of the room. The only differences between the two halves of the room were the old paintings of people hanging from the walls facing each other. Each painting had a different man or woman or family shown in antique clothing posed like portraits usually are posed. There was one painting, opposite the double doors, of a fox hunt and it covered the wall where the doors would have been had the doors been on that wall.

I stood gaping in awe at the room as Mickey went straight for the bed. The servant placed our bags by the wardrobes and asked if we needed anything. Not being able to think, I shook my head no and Mickey thanked him as he left, closing the doors behind him.

"I can't believe this place!" I whispered. "I feel like I've fallen into a fairy tale. This bed looks like something out of Cinderella or one of those gushy romance books that Anika reads before bed."

A giggle echoed around the room. "Janine reads the same trash. Let's get changed for bed. I am exhausted. We got up at five this morning."

I opened my suitcase and got out two of my knives and a t-shirt and boxers for bed. I stripped and dressed and was in bed before Mickey had undressed. I pulled back the covers slithered under them, slipping the two knives under my pillow. I was trying to think of how I was going to get my knife harness on in the morning when Mickey sighed loudly from the other side of the room.

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“You left school at sixteen, no A levels, no chance of a degree,” said the girl, “yet here you are running your own company, successful, three-hundred-plus employees, plans to expand. There has to be a secret.” She switched on the mini-recorder, pushed it across the desk and sat back. If she meant it as some kind of challenge, I didn’t rise to it. I had been interviewed often enough to know I could provide answers on automatic pilot. That allowed my mind to wonder about a resemblance...

First Time
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Mom Sex Education

Note : This story is completely fictional! It was a Friday night, my dad just left for work at 11:00pm and my mom was supposedly going to Atlantic City with her girlfriends from work. So I invited Jan my Chinese friend over to hang out. Me and him are like the only minorities in the neighborhood. Me and my family are of Indian decent and the rest of the neighborhood is white Americans. Lately Jan has been hanging out with this white kid named Eric. This kid Eric acts arrogant and thinks he...

2 years ago
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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 02

My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...

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A New Style of Education Part 6

A New Style of Education by Karen Page Drew Bond character has been used with kind permission of Maddy Bell Part 6 I awoke, held close in Helen's warm comforting arms. Her heart was gently beating, as she slept through the alarm. I tried to move out of her strong arms without disturbing her but I failed. "Hi," she said, releasing her grip. I turned round and saw her radiant face. Her smile lit up my heart and I started to get the same problem as yesterday. "Hi, to you...

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Author: slaveboyusa                                 e-mail: [email protected] date: 2/20/2010   Title: The Re-education. Part 1 Description: The year is 2100 and the world economy is in bad shape, so much so that its time for a serious economic reshaping. The government of an unnamed country has decided to strip all the wealth from the elite and redistribute it among everyone else. It was decided that the entertainment industry is the least practical of all sectors and therefore should be...

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Amys Education

AMY?SEDUCATION --PART ONE THE AWAKENING Clay Wright was the sole surviving and youngest son of Jack and Sarah Wright. He was just about to turn 29 when his parents were tragically killedin an airplane crash off the coast of Italy where they had been vacationing. Together with the inheritance and insurance money which Clay received after his parents estate had been settled and all debts and taxes were paid, he had almost six hundred million dollars in his own name. He started a foundation...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Education from mother

Mother was a wonderful woman of 34 years of age that summer of enlightenment. She stood 5 foot 1 inch in height and weighed 115 pounds with red hair. Her body was normal and hot, she had measurements of 34-24-34. After going through her drawers I learned she had a B cup for the rest of her bra sizes. Modesty in the home was nothing, we walked around in underwear all of the time. All someone had to do was to ask to have their back washed and helping hands were there to wash the back. In Goa I...

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The cost of an education

‘Hurry up,’ her mother snapped. Sayuri Watanabe may have been taller than her mother, but she’d never been able to keep up with her when she was in a hurry. Sayuri had never been to this part of Matsudo – she’d never had a reason. Not that it really mattered. It looked like any suburb in practically every other city in Kanto, the vast sprawl of cities that made Tokyo the biggest metropolis on Earth. She’d never been to Kansai, but guessed things were the same there. This far from the rail...

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The cost of an education

"Hurry up," her mother snapped. Sayuri Watanabe may have been taller than her mother, but she'd never been able to keep up with her when she was in a hurry. Sayuri had never been to this part of Matsudo – she'd never had a reason. Not that it really mattered. It looked like any suburb in practically every other city in Kanto, the vast sprawl of cities that made Tokyo the biggest metropolis on Earth. She'd never been to Kansai, but guessed things were the same there. This far from the rail...

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A Golfers Dream Book III The Real Education BeginsChapter 2 Graduation

The day after the party with Rebecca's friends, was warmer and dryer and, as Dave had hoped, the local driving range opened. Dave spent four hours hitting balls and was pleasantly sore when he eventually drove home. His swing felt good after the long winter break and, in general, he had struck the ball well. He still decided to call the golf academy and arrange a lesson with the pro that had helped him the two previous summers. Dave spent the rest of Sunday doing homework and studying. The...

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My Education Brother

Recap from "Band Trip" gay high school Feb 18Still gasping to get his breath back, Rob withdrew his slightly deflatedcock from Tim's dripping hole. Tim braced himself on my shoulders andallowed his still half-hard wet cock to pull away from my mouth. I forcedmyself from the ground and sat on a nearby bench. I still had a hardthrobbing hardon. Tim, being the good host, and also still horny, wentbetween my legs and took my cock in one swift motion. It only took a fewmoments before I rewarded...

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Fallen Angel Chapter 11 Althea the School Girl

Chapter 11: Althea, the School Girl The infernal screeching of the alarm clock awoke Cal from his reverie. He had been up for about a half-hour, but he had only been lying in bed next to the love of his life. Althea's arms were still clutched about him as he stealthily clicked the snooze button, assuming that it was six o' five in the morning, his usual waking time during the school week. He had been thinking long and hard about the previous two nights. Evan... what have you become? He...

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The Devils Pact Sidestory Miss Blythe Is Hot for Her Students

edited by Master Ken Wednesday, September 4th, 2013 "Hi, I am Miss Blythe," I said to my class, writing my name on the whiteboard with a red dry-erase marker. "I will be your World History teacher." It was the first day of the new school year and, as I launched into the course syllabus, my thoughts kept drifting to that day in June at the end of the last term, when my Living God, the Holy Mark Glassner, walked into this very classroom and changed my very outlook on life. I didn't know...

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Home Education

Introduction: Family love Home Education by Lamia Fangs I return barely two weeks ago from my high school third grade English course exchange trip. This year, we organized a trip to the state of West Virginia in the United States. I must confess that I was not excited at all about the idea of spending two months on a farm in the middle of nowhere on the American prairies, surrounded by cows and horses, even if it was the U.S. of A. Finally, it came the holidays, I took my plane and after eight...

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An Education in Cuckoldry

CHAPTER 1: THE APPOINTMENT"Mark, I'm glad you could arrange to meet me here this evening. I know the lateness of the hour may be inconvenient, but I think I have something that will help us both.""Dr. Richards, I was rather surprised at your call for this meeting, and especially for you wanting it to be confidential, a-and not for me to tell anyone, especially my wife about it.""The reason I did so Mark is because I've recently learned you've been concerned about your wife's activities since...

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Alternative Education

Alternative Education by Gingerfred Man Chapter One -- Johnson, Johnson's Johnson, Johnson Junior Mark Johnson, PhD, lay naked on his bed. His chest was heaving as the result of a stupefying orgasm that had spewed a large amount of hot sperm in a semen sauce along the length of his flat belly and hairy, buff chest. His considerable cock was softening as the exhausted educator considered the fact that he had cum three times in the past 45 minutes. The cause of his sexual agony...

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The Education Game Chapter 1

Megan had always been somewhat of a nerdy girl, interested in academics and doing well in school. In some ways Megan was your typical nerdy girl, she was overly timid and always avoided confrontation. Mostly due to her shyness and timidness she had only ever had one relationship, that hadn’t exactly panned out. As time went on it became clear her previous boyfriend was only interested in her for one reason. Although she had given her virginity to him they had only had sex a few times, once...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Athena Corp Chronicles A Mothers Love

As he approached one of the hall's long mirrors he stopped to inspect himself. It was a familiar sight, the flowing, billowy French maid outfit surrounding his body. His arms and legs were outlined in silky, white stockings and arm-gloves. He wore pearl earrings and the lacy white collar around his neck was adorned with a beautiful pendant. It was a gift from mother that he wore every day, without fail. Jon's painted red lips and neatly applied eyeliner and blush were evidence that he was...

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Sex Therapy 2 The Thert

PREFACE:There are no sex acts in the story but the patient does have an orgasm as a result of the Ther****t’s physical examination. Part 1 is the Sex Therapy appointment from the patient’s point of view and part 2 is the same examination seen through the eyes of the Ther****t. I don’t think it matters which one you read first.I hope you enjoy it and will let me know what you think in any...

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The ReEducation of Jesse

Having read and enjoyed a few of the popular "girls' school for boys" stories posted here and elsewhere, I decided to try my hand at it, to see if I could come up with something that was, if not "better," at least "different"... The Re-Education of Jesse - Part One Chapter One - The Academy The big Mercedes sedan rolled steadily northward under leaden skies, past farm fields long since harvested, yellow-grey stubble poking through the parched soil. It had been a dry autumn. As...

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Aunt Katherin and Her SlavesChapter 2 Katherine

Katherine stepped into her elegant living room and took a book from the shelf. She sat in a plush lounge chair, specifically selecting a chair in the back corner of the room next to an old dumbwaiter that was once used to ferry delicious meals from the downstairs kitchen to the dining room table. She planned to read the book for a short while, but she already knew her attention would soon be diverted. Tonight the dumbwaiter would once again be placed into service, except this time it would be...

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Anna Bellas Education Ch 02

Note: This is continues Anna Bella’s Education so it’s probably best to read part 1 first but whatever way you want to do it is fine with the author. My father fucked myself and his personal assistant all afternoon. In the evening we boarded a flight back to the States. I kept my mobile off, as instructed. It was strange, back in the world of the repressed, watching all the passengers and the flight attendants with their hidden smiles and secret desires. It was frustrating too, knowing that,...

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