Devlin's StoryChapter 18 free porn video

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On Tuesday morning Devlin made a point of seeing Sue. The wind was just as bad as the day before, but most of the sidewalks on campus had been plowed the night before. She felt half-frozen and took several minutes to warm up in the hospital's cafeteria before presenting herself at the front desk.

Sue was sitting up in her bed, staring at her toes. From time to time one of them would move, and when that happened she'd grin.

"Look," she said when she saw Devlin. "Watch what I can do." She flexed her toes again and again.

Devlin gave her a quick hug. "I didn't think that was supposed to happen for several days."

"I didn't either; the doctors are ecstatic."

"And you aren't?"

Sue laughed. "So what are you up to on this beautiful morning?"

"Classes are on again today."

"You didn't expect a little snow to stop them, did you? This isn't grade school."

"Sue, the snow out there comes up past my knee. In some places it's past my waist. That isn't "a little snow"."

"And this time next year I'll be worrying about walking in it."

"I know. Marvelous, isn't it. Aren't you glad I talked you into this?"

"It's still experimental. We have a long way to go before I'm chasing the kids." Sue studied Devlin's face. "What's bothering you? I can see something in your eyes."

"I've been wondering if Jeff and I are breaking up."

"I hope so."

"What?" Devlin looked at Sue in surprise. "You hope we're breaking up?"

"I've never been comfortable with the idea of you two together. I haven't mentioned it before, but he's a Momma's Boy, and his Momma is a big wheel in that church of hers. I always thought you could do better."


"But what?" Sue asked softly. "I know you've said you two were good together. Were you? Really? Or was it just something you told yourself."

"I, uh, I don't know. I thought we had a lot in common, but lately..." Her voice trailed off and she stared at Sue's flexing toes. "We really haven't been seeing much of each other. I mean, we get together most every week for lunch, but..."

"Are you confusing what goes on in the bedroom with having other things in common with him, Devlin?" Sue finally said with a shake of her head. "I'm surprised that you, of all people, made that mistake.

"Does he like anything that you like? And vice versa?"

"He likes my cooking."

"He's a man, and if I remember, he's an engineer. That means he'll eat anything heated and edible and not notice or say much about it." She studied Devlin's face. "There's more, isn't there? He hurt you recently, didn't he?"

"Maybe." Devlin scowled. "I found out his Social Studies tutor is a woman."

"Social Studies tutor?" Sue shook her head. "Unbelievable. Devlin, maybe things have changed, but when I was in college it was next to impossible for an engineering student to flunk Engineering Social Studies. Just showing up gets them a 2.5, and if they so much as crack a book and ask a question in class they're guaranteed a 3.0. ESS isn't for weeding the good engineers from the bad ones, its there as a sop to the liberal arts majors. And he has a tutor for it? Something's wrong there."

"I kind of wondered about it," Devlin said. "I could understand a tutor for his math and chemistry classes. His GPA rose a full grade point after the tutor started helping him.

"Devlin, seriously, something funny is going on there. I'd get out while you can."

"I'm almost there," Devlin said. "We're going to have lunch on Thursday."

Sue glanced at a nurse standing in the door. "I'd like to talk more about this, but breakfast is here." She grinned at the nurse as she set the tray on the bed. "Something must be wrong, Carolyn, dinner last night actually tasted pretty good."

"We've had a lot of complaints about that," the nurse said. "The Board of Directors is looking into it. We have standards to maintain."

"Come visit on Friday," Sue said after the nurse had left. "I want to hear more about Jeff."

"Okay," Devlin said, getting up. "Uh, Danny and I were..."

"He's another one you can talk this over with," Sue said, "though I expect you two will have something else on your mind."

"I, uh, I was meaning to ask you about that."

"It's going to be some time before I can keep up with Danny in bed. You're welcome to keep doing this, if you want."

"Thank you," Devlin said, smiling appreciatively. "At least something in my life is constant."

"We need to talk more," Sue said. "I think you just need someone to talk to. Now go, I know you have classes."

Devlin glanced at her watch and made a hasty good-bye. If she wanted to get to her first class on time she would have to skip breakfast. It was a small price to pay. She'd make up for it with a good lunch. Then she remembered Danny. Oh well, she'd try to grab something during the day.

At 11:40, as she was crossing the lobby of the Athletic Club, the clerk behind the counter called her over. "Your packages just arrived, Miss McCabe."

"Packages... ? Oh, yes, where are they?"

"In back. If you'd like I can have them sent up to your room."

"That'll be fine." She gave him a smile. Normally she headed into the Women's Locker Room and then went up the back stairs, but not today. The clerk was watching, so she rang for the elevator.

She could hear Danny in the next room. She debated opening the door and telling him she was going to be a few minutes, but she knew that if she did the porter would pick that time to show up with her packages. So she sat down to wait, spending the time going through her receipts.

After half an hour the porter finally showed up with her packages. As she signed for them she reflected that she could have told the clerk she was going for a swim or a sauna and spent the time with Danny instead. Ah well, she'd plan a little better the next time.

She opened the door between the rooms. Danny was sitting at the desk in the room going through a stack of papers.

"I was beginning to wonder," he said, looking up. "I could hear you next door but didn't want to interrupt."

"It's a good thing you didn't, I was having stuff delivered."

She pulled off her sweatshirt and shook her hair back over her shoulder. Danny was standing up and starting to unbutton his shirt. This was the point she'd been wondering about all morning. Would she still feel the same thing she had before, pre-Krissi, or would it somehow be different?

She took her time undressing, spending more time watching Danny and his body. He had nice shoulders, strong, but without being overpowering. She loved his back, trim and muscular but without the layer after layer of muscles she saw on the weightlifters. He turned back to face her after removing his tee-shirt: his chest hair was dark, but wasn't the thick matt she saw on some men. It was enough for her to run her fingers through, enough that it deliciously scratched her nipples, but it wasn't like sprawling out on a bearskin rug.

She took off her own tee-shirt and bra--it was only fair that she keep pace with him. She couldn't help but notice how his eyes lit up when her breasts swung free; she'd seen his eyes light up exactly that way for more than five years and still enjoyed seeing that reaction.

The muscles on his chest were solid, and she couldn't see his ribs. Men who watched their health actually tried to weigh what they supposed to; they didn't feel the compulsion to go through life 10-20 pounds under her proper weight like Krissi probably was.

Danny's hips and butt were narrow and tight; she'd once kidded him that if his butt was any tighter she could bounce quarters off of it. He'd jokingly rolled over and asked her to try. She'd declined, but after seeing other men she had come to appreciate how Danny kept himself in shape. She knew he worked out, but the only exercise she'd ever caught him doing involved the two of them and a muscle that at the moment was hidden by his shorts.

"What's that you've got on?" Danny asked as she removed her jeans.

"It's some Gore-Tex thing that Eddie Bauer developed," she said, turning and modeling her tights. "These are breathable tights that are supposed to keep mountain climbers warm."

"Do they work?"

"I should have gotten the shirt that goes with them. This morning my legs were warm, it was the rest of me that was freezing."

She could see the lump in the front of his shorts. She wasn't entirely undressed and he was already getting aroused; no, that wasn't fair, guys got aroused at the sight of bare or nearly bare breasts--how else could you explain all of the topless bars that seemed to be everywhere.

She had to sit at the desk to remove her tights. As she did so she closed the door to her room. This room was warmer than hers and she could feel a trickle of cold air on the floor. She'd have to do something about it, but without telling the Athletic Club's management how she'd found out.

She was down to her panties, the tiniest pair she had bought Saturday afternoon. Danny's eyes had zeroed in right between her legs even though she still had her panties on. She'd asked him about that once: what was there to see down there?

"It's the thought that I might see something," he said.

"But you will. I always pull my panties off right away." It was summer and they were lying together with the windows of the bedroom open, their bodies cooling off from the passion that had consumed them only minutes before. They could hear the television going downstairs and the sound of kids playing outside on the streets.

Danny sighed. "It's a guy thing. Look, clothes cover the body, right?" She nodded. "And yet you flirt a bit with showing your body. You know: leaving that extra button on your blouse open, or the hemline that's just a little higher than is "proper". Right?"

"Well, yeah, but that's just the way things are done."

"You know that pink top you have, the one that barely covers your breasts? You like wearing that."

"Well, I--"

"But you wear a sweater over it so you can control how much people see, right?"

"Of course, but--"

"Do you know how much guys watch?"

"Of course. Guys watch you most of the time. Every girl knows that."

"We watch all of the time. It's like there's some part of our brain that's constantly checking out every girl in sight. We're constantly trying to see what you're hiding, and girls cooperate by trying to catch our attention by showing us just a bit more than some other girl. It doesn't matter, whatever you show, we want to see just a little more."

She digested that for nearly a minute. "Is that why guys wait beside the stairs at school? So they can see up our dresses? I never could understand why guys did that. There's really nothing to see."

"That's one of those things guys can't ever understand about a dress or a skirt. To you, you're wearing a skirt or dress. To a guy you're wearing a pair of panties that inconveniently has a dress or skirt over it. And if there happens to be a gap in your underwear, well that's just better. A guy's always trying to see just a bit more than a girl thinks she's showing him, and you'd be surprised at how much more we can see."

"Really? But--"

"The next time you're at a mall, watch the guys around you. Pay close attention to where all of the guys are looking. And then look at the girl they're watching, but with this difference. Don't look at what she has on. Actively try to see her underwear and body. You see that she's wearing a green blouse and jeans. A guy sees her bra strap and, with any luck, maybe the outline of her panties. That's what guys are looking at."

"You can see all that?"

"You'd be surprised how much actually shows. Now those guys who wait by the stairs, the school should put up a privacy screen or something beneath the railing. Those guys are just being boorish, especially because you can see more in a high school cafeteria or a classroom than you can on the stairs."

"Cafeteria? You mean--?"

"A girl has to stand up sometime, and when you do, do you keep your knees together as you turn to get your feet out from under the table, or do you move a leg and just stand up?"

"I-I guess I didn't think about it."

"That's when guys do the most looking. And it isn't limited to when you wear a skirt or dress. You know those black slacks you like so much?" She nodded. "When you stand up the fabric presses against your pussy so tightly I can see it, and not just the outline, but your sex lips, too."

"You can?" She was shocked. He could see her sex? She didn't think that was possible.

"It's all instinct," Danny said. "Despite what people say I don't see it as anything you can train out of a guy, either. And it's every guy, nerds, geeks, average joes, jocks, everybody who's doing the looking. Look, a girl's hormones might be pretty strong, but most girls don't realize how strong a guy's hormones are. You think you do, but you don't." He chuckled. "Guys don't, either, not until they become fathers of little girls and remember what they were like when they were teenagers. Women laugh at a father's behavior, but guys don't. I think most guys finally mature when they become a father. That's when we start talking about shotguns and things like that."

"But of course you still look. That sounds sick."

"I've noticed I don't look at my daughters, not that way. It's something inside me that puts them in the 'off-limits' category, something to be protected. As for all other females..." He shrugged. "What can I say? I'm a guy."

Now she saw where his eyes were looking. With any other guy she'd close her legs slightly so they couldn't see anything. But that wasn't the way she and Danny played the game. She took off her panties and walked over to the bed, deliberately swaying her hips.

"You're overdressed," she said, pointedly looking at his shorts.

He laughed and pulled her down beside him. "You aren't." He kissed her breasts, going back and forth between them. As he did so his hand slid under the waistband of his shorts, moving them down onto his thighs.

Devlin captured his cock, rescuing it from the fabric of his shorts. She slid them down until he kicked them off. He rolled the two of them onto the bed, still kissing her breasts, only now he was concentrating on her nipples. They tightened up delightfully, and she pressed them forward, wanting him to take more.

She'd wondered about this since Sunday night--how would she react when she was in bed with a guy? Would it be the same? Would she like the way he touched her? Now she knew the answer: Danny didn't touch her the same way Krissi did, even though Danny knew her body better than Krissi did. Krissi, of course, had that special knowledge of her body that only another woman would have.

She felt Danny's cock nudging her thigh--that was something she'd never feel from Krissi, and he was paying attention to her breasts just the way she liked. After all these years he'd better know what she liked. And his hands were nice and warm, and his lips, rougher than Krissi's, but still insistent as he sucked her mounds. His skin was rougher; Krissi's looked like porcelain and felt like silk, Danny's skin had a different texture that she actually found she liked more. It was like his body was caressing hers.

She tried to stop comparing them. They were different. Krissi was a girl, every inch a girl from her beautiful hair and flawless skin to her generous breasts and deep eyes. Danny was a man with a hard body and firm muscles. They looked at her in different ways, and even though Krissi could get inside her head, it still wasn't the way Danny reacted to her.

Danny moved between her legs, his cock briefly rubbing along the top of her thigh. She was very aware of it. She felt open, like she was waiting for his length. She could stare between their bodies and see the dark hole in the end of his cock staring back at her. She wanted to suck him, to taste his cum as he filled her mouth, but that was for later. Right now she wanted that hardness, she wanted that length sliding into her, stretching her open, filling her all the way to her deepest point.

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I was eighteen when I applied for the job, I got it the next day and I've done it every day since then, I think that only a sex mad girl like me could like it but I do, I manage to get myself off at least twice a day and I earn mega bucks for doing it! The company gave me a special phone number, one that all the adverts carry, they gave me several scripts just as guidelines and they told me I had to keep the punter talking for at least three minutes, after that all the money was mine. Some...

2 years ago
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On Golden LakeChapter 6

Two more lazy days passed on the shores of Golden Lake. The summer was drifting by, and Meg was beginning to realize that she had done basically nothing to prepare for the upcoming school year. She loved teaching, but she loved her summer vacations too. Every August, she had to force herself to get ready for the long grind ahead. And every year, it seemed to get harder. Maybe she was getting burned out on teaching. The students certainly weren't making it any easier. The sixth graders...

3 years ago
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Shelly Hugh DriscottChapter 32

"Cash is nice but the books work better with a cheque." "Cash I could give now but the cheque will have to wait for a few days I'm afraid." "You carry almost four million in cash?" "I have more, the reason of this trip was to buy property." "Are all those suitcases filled with money?" "I have quite a bit of cash. Do you have any qualms about carrying it with us?" "If you're into drugs I can't deal with you." "Tom, I work hard to remain ethical. I don't like drug...

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Vento Sobre o Mar in Portuguese

16/12/02 Sucker love is heaven sent You pucker up, our passion's spent My body's broken, yours is spent Still there´s nothing else to do Every me and every you Placebo Sala de aula. Oito horas da manhã. Aula de filosofia. O professor tinhasaído por alguns momentos, e a maioria dos alunos estava escrevendo,alguns estavam conversando e uns poucos estavam dormindo. Virgínia sentavalargada na cadeira, olhando para a janela. Um vento frio soprava lá fora,o dia estava cinzento, talvez chovesse...

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His Hers and OursChapter 2 Julias Story

I walked into the soda fountain with Mr. Burrows. I needed to find work for the summer if I was to go on to college in the fall. I can't believe how scarce jobs are all over town. I hope by coming in March before Easter, I can find something before the rush of students scoffed up all the jobs at the end of the school year. Also I have seen Jake Hanson working here. He is in a few of my classes and I have been a little shy around him. It is only because he is a hunk and I'm only able to get...

2 years ago
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Desperation Led Us To Satisfaction

Hi Friends!!! Hope you all are fine. I am Harman Singh, 31 years of age, businessman by profession. I am a married man not happy with my sexual life as my wife is not interested in sex. She doesn’t like it. Earlier also I have posted about my sexual experiences which I had in various stages of life. They are titled as below: 1) Fucked my cousin sister two days before her marriage 2) Hot sex with a divorcee colleague 3) Amazing sex with a married horny lady I am basically very horny. If I get to...

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How Daddys DevilBoy Became Daddys Little Girl

How Daddy's Devil-Boy Became Daddy's Little Girl - - 1 - - Daddy was a rich stockbroker -- tall, handsome, with short black hair offsetting his bright blue eyes, sort of skinny-but-fit as some nerds are -- but he was a little too nerdy and quiet and not confident enough to pick up women. So when he met Mom, he was grateful just to have a woman who didn't make demands on him, didn't get offended when he accidentally misspoke. Mom was a no-drama kind of gal, and she built up his...

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Nineball999 blows loads while she swallows

hey ther bb i made this account just to say hi. i been watchin your vids for a while now, and gotta say i love you bb. yur body is soooo fuckin sexy i think about u all the time. you make me so hard. i love watchin your huge boobs bounce around and ur sexxy i cant stop thinkin about u bb. even when im fuking other girls! i been seeing this girl at work. she has a nice body and ass like urs but her boobs r smaller. ne way i fixed her car for her th other week and shes ben paying me back w/...

3 years ago
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All Things Come To He Who WaitsChapter 8 March

LUKE'S VOICE Winter was fading and it was beginning to feel as if spring might really arrive. I was leaning out of the classroom window one afternoon, breathing warm air for the first time in months, and admiring the pale blue sky when there was a tap on the door and Frau Fischer came in. 'Luke, we need to talk'. Her voice was worried and I wondered what had happened. 'Sure, Angela. What's the problem?' 'Frau Kurtz has handed in her notice. She says that she needs to look after her...

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Have HandsWill Travel Nicole 2

'Of course', I grinned.. Take off and see if they follow you ..” They wasted no time in getting out,shaking off on me , then tearing ass after Nicole, who had already topped the steps and was trying to whistle,but not getting much out.. I planned to call Matt the second she was out of sight! "Wow”, was all he could say as I laid it down for him..Teresa was a little kinky to say the least.. I explained to him the 'lick it & stick it' move , how to write ABC's on her clitoris,...

3 years ago
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Step by Step 3 Beach Bodies

As late Sunday night became early Monday morning, silence descended throughout the cottage but for a long time I couldn’t sleep. Instead, I lay awake in the darkness with images of every romantic movie I had ever seen rushing through my mind, along with even more memories of all Jake and I had done since we had arrived. I still couldn’t really believe it; all those things I had watched in ‘chick-flicks’ and read about in my silly books and even sillier magazines; all those feelings I had...

1 year ago
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Housewarming Me On A Plate

After a day that seems to drag on forever, Ms. E runs to her car and speeds over to MK’s as soon after quitting time as she can. She parks behind his car and empty trailer. Peering in a front window, Ms. E sees a small table, two chairs and a candle in the middle of what she assumes to be the dining room. MK enters her view from the side, arms filled with plates, silverware, napkins and glasses. He sees Ms. E’s smile framed in the window pane. A similar expression spreads across his face. He...

1 year ago
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Midgets Like to Pork Too

My wife and I went to have a beach vacation. We rented a nice condo right on the beach. My wife's sister and her husband was to join us but they had had a big fight and only my sister inlaw showed up. My wife, Lucy, was 43 when this story happened. She has black hair, big blue eyes, 5ft 6inches tall. She weighs about 130lbs, nice 32c tits. Her sister, Sandy, was 37, 5ft 3inches tall. Blonde hair with the dark roots, big blue eyes and 32c tits. Both women are fairly attractive. The first day...

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Hide and sex

Charlie and Steve were house sitting for their wealthy friends while they were on a cruise round the Caribbean. They had been there nearly a week and were enjoying the facilities that their own lifestyle could not provide. They had already swum naked together in the pool and had enjoyed bringing each other to climax in the adjoining Jacuzzi. Another evening Steve had been working out in the well-equipped home gym, whilst working on the bench press Charlie had slipped in and straddled him...

Straight Sex
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Suhasini 8211 The Sex Worker Discovers Her Art

This is Swankyess. I’ve earlier written some stories that are posted on ISS. I’m about to share some experiences of Suhasini, a sexy 20 year old [her true age] sex worker from Aurangabad district. Although, not very literate, she shares about one stranger who teaches her about her own biological body, and how she is on an immaculate journey of pleasing her customers. The story in her own words, only edited by me: I’m Suhasini, and I stay in Aurangabad District. This is very close to historical...

3 years ago
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2nd Jerk Session

Hello all, and thanks for reading. This is a continuation of my first true story, “1st Mutual Jerk”. It is a bit longer than the first, but that is because I wanted to try to capture everything.Again, respectful comments are appreciated.As I lay in bed that night I couldn’t help but think back to what had happened earlier that day, to Steve & I jerking off to the porno mag. In just moments I was hard and started stroking myself as I re-lived it again. I kept thinking about how much I...

2 years ago
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Friendly Licks

We had been friends just over a month and although I saw her watching me sometimes I didn't think anything of it. One night we had put the k**s to sleep and were sitting on the couch together just watching a movie. My husband was out at work and hers was on a business trip for the next two weeks so we decided to keep each other company. She would stay in my spare bedroom one night and we would stay at her house one night also. Out of the corner of my eye I watched as her hand slipped inside...

4 years ago
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Tina VasquezChapter 2

"I gotta tell you guys." Roy was swaying in the moonlight, taking a piss in the low scrub a few yards from the bonfire. Mike felt pretty loose himself as he sucked down his eighth beer of the night and threw the empty across the fire to Miguel, who dropped it. "Butter fingers!" Larry laughed at the running back. "I gotta tell you guys," Roy repeated. "That's why I don't pull on the screens," one of the other linemen said, burping loudly. "He ain't gonna catch it...

2 years ago
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A Moms Sexuality Awaken Chapter Thirteen

CHAPTER Thirteen That was when Sally realized the man inside her ass had just shot his load inside her and she had finished sucking all the cum out of Beth’s mouth. She missed Tom, but the man now inside her pussy was making it hard to go back to her memories. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Kate talking to Josh and she wondered what that was all about. A feeling of jealousy at first swept over her as she didn’t want anyone getting her Josh. But, then she remember, that there really...

3 years ago
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Submission Pt1

It was ten years ago when I first noticed the welts on my mother. Being so young it didn't mean anything to me at the time but I was worried about the obvious injury on her legs, high up on her thighs. So I asked her, "What happened to your legs?"She just smiled and said, "Oh Timmy, don't be concerned, they are just love marks from Daddy."Mom handled the incident so deftly that I forgot about it, until a few months later, when I saw them on her again. She reassured me that I need not be worried...

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Princess and the Pauper 2

The Princess and the Pauper: Chapter 2 It had been less than two hours in the castle from being a street beggar and I have had to dress as a fancy boy, then next as a lady messenger. In addition, I still have not been feed anything. I followed the ladies like a good servant. They lead me back toward Princess Katherine's apartments. Once there I stopped at her door. I knew that it was not correct etiquette for a male to enter a female's apartment. My father had taught me...

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The ProfessorChapter 24 Delayed gratification Halloween party

There had been a modest effort to put away the leftover pizza and side dishes, and square away the kitchen after the impromptu meal. The four girls – Lisa, Marcia, Ashley, and Christy – had tempered their nudity by putting on aprons for the meal. None of their feminine parts were frontally displayed, but there was a lot of skin, ass, cleavage, and occasionally a breast, pussy, or bare leg that kept Myron and I hard as rocks for the entire meal. I had a hundred questions for him about what his...

1 year ago
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I love reading and writing dialogue, from Jack London and Ernest Hemmingway, to William Faulkner, Elmore Leonard and Eudora Welty. To me, dialogue places one IN the scene. Often times, when dialogue is extremely well written, I can HEAR the characters talking to me. And so, I've tried to emulate these writers by attempting a special piece consisting of almost all dialogue about a black pimp being interviewed by a young lady from the local newspaper. I wuz hangin' out over at Silvey's Pool...

4 years ago
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The Back Of The Bus

You're sat alone at the back of the school bus again, being the first to get on in the morning. Naturally, as an adolescent male, you start thinking about sex. You have just obtained a rock hard 9 inch boner when the bus door opens to let the next students on. You try as hard as you can to will your erection down, but the realisation that two of the hottest girls in school have just got onto the bus isn't helping any. "Hi Paul" The girls say merrily in unison as they sit either side of you on...

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The Boss The Office Boy

I'm Fabian. As in Fabian Copeland. Yes.That Fabian Copeland. He of the countless divorces, bottomless bank balances and endless romping. But despite what's splashed across what are jokingly referred to as 'the society pages', there's a few things that nobody sees. Yes, I'm on wife number four … well, okay, here's a scoop for you – I'm actually on divorce number four. And I have a mistress – can one have a mistress without a wife? But as much as I love women – and I really do love women – their...

Gay Male
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Sexy aunt

Hi this is ram here.I wan’t share my experince with you.this when i was in mysore and studing in puc1st year.We were living in rented house in rent house.Upstaaris we were living and down stairs owner and his wife.The owner was a doctor he always go to village in weekends for check up. I never had any bad feeling towards till diwali .i was palying with my pen axidently it fell to grond floor of i went domn where i saw aunty changing clothes.FI|irst she removed her sari then her blouse...

3 years ago
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a planet far from home 2

People who’s wives and daughters had gone missing wanted to go and hunt down the sheepnies. The leaders were invoking galactic law that prevented harm or exploitation of local inhabitants. The doctors gave us some food and water but it passed straight through us. We were connected up to glucose drips while we were scanned. It looks like you are being terraformed for want of a better word. most of your internal organs have changed or gone. You have hardly any stomach, no liver , kidneys...

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Big Tits TheoryChapter 2

Tuesday: “Oh my god!” I said, for the second time that morning. “This milkshake is amazing!” “Thanks,” Marty replied with a grin. “I’m trying some new stuff. Can you taste the cinnamon?” I nodded, even though I couldn’t. It all blended together in a perfect combination of tastes - there could have been cinnamon in there, but I’d never have picked it out from the blend of everything else. My nod caused an unfamiliar sensation on my chest, but I tried not to focus on it as I sipped Marty’s...

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Bait and Switch Ch 14

"Remember to open the door for her, and do everything you can to treat her like a lady," she told me, as though I didn't already know. I was getting ready for my date with mom, and for some reason, Gina had gotten it into her head that I didn't know how to treat a woman, properly. "You may be tempted to use your switches on her, but avoid it if you can." There was only one switch in my mother right then, and I couldn't move it, unless I was in physical contact with my sister, as that...

2 years ago
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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 49

I left Sygor to watch Winslow’s headquarters, while the rest of us packed up and headed out to sweep the rest of the buildings about us. I wanted to make certain none of the bad guys were hiding in them, before doing anything else. I figured that securing our back would give me time to come up with a plan to take Winslow down without getting half my men killed. As we left, I ordered Tonko and his men to take the prisoners we had over to the mess hall and leave them there, for now. It would be...

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