Ozark LifeChapter 3 free porn video

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I woke up at five after six to have a good outlook on what the day should be. I showered, shaved my few whiskers, brushed my teeth, and made sure that my hair was standing up the way it should. Most of the kids had long hair, but that would be a pain to wash and brush all the time. I liked a flat top that my sis was the best at cutting.

I loaded the books for yesterday’s and today’s classes into my backpack, grabbed my coat, and left my room to go to the cafeteria. There were a few guys in gym clothes or what they were referring to as workout clothes. I didn’t understand working out, but I was sure I’d learn all the jargon as time passed.

I finished breakfast and was camped at the first professor’s door by ten to eight. A man walked up to the door and used a key to unlock it and go in. He said, “I’m Jonathan Morgan. Are you waiting to see me?”

“Yes, Sir,” I said as I followed him in. He turned lights on and put his backpack down on his desk and took out what looked like a calendar. “Can I see your student ID card?”

The man looked at it and checked his calendar before handing it back to me. He said as he used his keyboard to make a few key strokes, “Your predicament precedes you, Mr. Beck. You have all the professors’ sympathy for being the butt of Scott McKendry’s prima donna status. You were a discussion topic at last night’s freshman advisory meeting. You’re going to make some of what we want to do more difficult by taking a part time job, but it fits you. Mrs. Harrison, the bookstore manager called us last night and again this morning to let us know that you would be going to work there.”

I was stunned my problems had been discussed on such a wide basis.

Dr. Morgan began, “Here’s what I’m going to do with and for you. This class is supposed to be a way to teach students to study and to make priorities. Your application shows that you had to wait for the right time to apply and what you expect from us. I want you to read the class guide, which is an overpriced very small book about college life. I’ll give you the exam sheets for you to fill out and return to me. You can use my class time to study for other classes. I also have you for a poli-sci class that I really enjoy and will try to make interesting to everyone. You’ll be there with me at one this afternoon. It should be an easy grade if you will read the course material and the book. Now, let’s go see Grunderson. He’s such an old grouch, but he likes industrious students.”

We walked down the hallway and up a double flight of stairs. Dr. Morgan knocked on the door while turning the doorknob at the same time. An older gentleman was sitting at his desk that had small stacks of paper neatly arranged. He looked up and grimaced, “It figures it would be you.”

Jonathan laughed and said, “I’ve brought someone you’ll enjoy helping.”

The man at the desk looked me up and down, and asked, “Is he your new boyfriend or someone you’re trying to seduce.”

“Can it for a minute, you old perv. This is Bernard, Barney, Beck, the student who had the run in with the city police night before last and damaged poor Scott’s facial features. He’s come to apologize for missing your first class that you use to scare the bejesus out of kids. He’s courteous and polite as you can see, and comes to us with great recommendations from his past teachers.”

The man, Dr. Grunderson, gave me a lopsided smile and said, “I should blindly pass you now for giving that kid a broken nose. What do you want of me?”

Jonathan said, “Do what I’m going to suggest for all his Monday classes, and let him work at his own pace and see if you might get him through this semester as well as the second semester. Scale back to just this one if he isn’t up to it. Barney wants to catch up a year and a half so he is at least level with the others who graduated high school with him.”

The man adjusted his glasses so that he could look over the frames at me, and said, “I can do that, but I can’t spend an inordinate amount of time teaching what his high school teachers didn’t.”

The man took a deep breath, and said, “Do this for me, Kid. Use the book and complete the first two chapters, along with the problems they present. Bring that in by Friday and we’ll see what else we can do.”

I had already paged through the first few chapters and the questions, and they were all problems that were given to us during our grade school math classes down in the country. They called a few things by different names, but math is cut and dried. You’re missing part of the puzzle if the problem doesn’t solve.

The professor said, “Now get out of here so that I can gloat over having a student in my classes who whipped up on the horrible Scott McKendry.”

Jonathan Morgan led me back downstairs and out the front, where we walked to the entrance of the next building. He said, “You’re about to meet one of the sweetest professors on campus. Dr. Frieda Campbell, the senior professor and chair of the Department of English. She’s strict and demands a lot from her students, but you’ll learn a lot of interesting information from her. You’ll have at least four semesters of classes in her department.”

Jonathan knocked on a door with one of those glass panels you can’t see through that had the name ‘Frieda Campbell, Ph.D.’ painted on it.

A voice said, “Come.”

“Oh, it’s so nice to see you this morning, Jon. I’m guessing this is the young man we discussed last evening. Bernard Beck, correct?”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

Jonathan said, “I briefly gave the group what I’d like to do with Barney to see if he can handle the extraordinary heavy load he’s registered for. What can you do with your course requirements to get him through at least the first semester classes?”

Dr. Campbell picked up what looked to be part of the application I had made to the school, and said, “Well, Mr. Beck. You’re way ahead of the curve if you can write more like this in the future. No misspelling, your sentence structure and grammar are all correct, as is your punctuation. A note on the bottom here says that you did this in the Registrar’s office instead of taking it home to do. This is impressive.”

The woman stood, pulled a stack of papers from her credenza, and handed them to me. “Your high school obviously taught you well, so let’s see how well. These are all the class assignments for this semester and the second semester that is being taught to those who began the school year last Labor Day. Please come and speak with me if you don’t understand what I’m asking of you. I’ll introduce you to one of my graduate staff associate professors who can also assist you. I’m interested in seeing how you perform without supervision.”

Just thinking of two semesters of assignments had me sweating, but this would definitely help me achieve my goal of making up the time I lost.

The stately woman asked, “Can you type?”

“Yes, Ma’am, I’ve had experience on manual and electric typewriters, and a computer keyboard most recently. I use the computers at our Library in town.”

“Good, good, get a laptop and printer if you can afford one. I think you can get one for a reasonable price at Walmart. You’ll need some software, but the most important will be a word processor. Put that on your priority list to purchase using the income from your new job at the bookstore. Mrs. Harrison seems excited that you will be coming to work there. Good luck, Barney, and bring me a steady stream of assignments.”

Jonathan and I walked back to his office where he said to me, “Your last class for Monday would be your Intro to Poli-Sci, my other class with you. Read the book cover to cover. Attend class when you can and I will not register a cut if you’re studying or working. I think you can expect that from all your professors. The freshman year is often all the professors seeing what you learned in the twelve years before you came to us. Go to the bookstore to get your work schedule. Come to see me next Monday or Tuesday early like this morning. I’ll register as your academic advisor.”

I walked out with enough work to keep me busy night and day for a couple of months. The weather had been mild so far this winter, but the rest of January and February are always the killer months. Going into the dorm during the late morning is different as it’s very quiet. I arranged my books on the small study table and put my suit in my backpack to take to the cleaners.

The bookstore was just outside the gate where student parking was, so I went there first. Mrs. Harrison was at a front register and smiled at me as I walked in. “Good morning, Mr. Beck. I’ve heard your professors are going to work with you to try to get you caught up for the year. You might be pushing it to try and catch up a year and a half in one semester. Here’s your work schedule, so show up at four this afternoon and you’ll work until nine. You have an admirer who has insisted that I try to schedule you during the same hours she has. I’m speaking of Juliet, as you can guess. I think she’s been impressed that you’re courteous and soft-spoken.”

“I have a question, Mrs. Harrison; I’m a growing boy and need a lot of food. When do your people who work that four to nine shift eat dinner?”

“Good question. The bookstore provides some hoagies that should satisfy your hunger. I always have more than enough, so you can eat two or three of them. I’ll let two at a time go to the cafeteria if we’re real slow.”

“Thank you, Ma’am, I was going to see if the cafeteria could make something up that I would bring. This is better because I won’t take long to eat and be back working.”

With my schedule in hand, I told the manager, “I need to run a couple of errands real quick before lunch and attend my Poli-Sci lecture. Dr. Morgan said I didn’t have to attend, but I want to experience one of his lectures. I’ll see you before four.”

That meeting made me smile as I headed to the dry cleaners next door. I asked the clerk if they did alterations and she pointed to an Oriental woman sitting at a sewing machine. “I need the pants on this suit shortened about an inch to an inch and a half.”

The woman said, “If you can step over to the curtained dressing room and put the pants with your shoes on, the seamstress will mark your pants for you.”

I put the pants on and the Oriental lady came over to slide the pants up and down on my waist. She said, “We take up some here. You new student, so will probably gain weight. You still grow so you need have material at bottom to let out later. I mark for you to look good.”

The lady did her thing, and I changed back into my jeans that I had obviously pressed the night before. The lady who had measured me passed her hand over the crease and said, “You good man to press pants to look good. You will have lots of ladies who like man to look neat.”

The clerk made a comment as I was putting my coat on, “I have a coat that was brought in last year and has never been picked up. I’ll bet the coat would fit you perfectly. Do you want to try it on?”

I smiled and said, “Yes, if it’s in better shape than what I have. I need a new coat but haven’t found one that I like yet.”

The lady brought the coat out and I tried the very nice leather coat with a heavy zip out lining on. This thing would have cost a fortune at the fancy department store it came from. The clerk said, “Fits perfectly, pay for the cleaning and it’s yours.”

How do you thank someone who doesn’t know you but makes your life better? I profusely thanked her and told the clerk that I would do a chore for them when I came to pick up the suit. She said, “You can do a favor for me right now. Use this pole and release those dresses stuck at the roller stop. Someone put the price tag too high and it caught on the stop.”

I lifted the dresses down where she could relocate the price tags and then put them back. She used her conveyor buttons to move the dresses forward and backward. She was so happy that she hugged me.

My goodness, I received a hug from a woman, and I didn’t even know her name. That’s pretty heady stuff. I left the cleaners walking on air, proud of myself for having helped someone. The woman came running out the door with the leather coat, hollering that I had forgotten it. She knew that she had flustered me and kissed my cheek while showing me the ring finger on her left hand to tell me that she was taken.

I drove to the mall that wasn’t that far and parked near the Sears entrance. They usually have their shoe department just on the other side of outdoor equipment and tools. It was where it should be and I went through the shoes and found a pair that looked nice, while not flashy. I also bought a pair of loafers that I would wear with jeans. I bought a can of black shoe polish and a brush set when I was paying for the two pair of shoes so that I would be ahead of the game shining the shoes.

I had to fill up with gas and waited until I got to the Walmart store. Their gas prices are always a few cents less than other stations. I was able to park fairly close to the door because it was still early in the day. I locked the truck and went in to look for a laptop.

I really searched through the laptops they had, and finally decided on one that made me feel like it might last a while. They had a deal on the laptop, an inkjet printer with a scanner/copier/fax, and Microsoft Home and Student Office, for just under a thousand dollars. This thing will hopefully last more than a year. I bought two PCMCIA memory cards to go with it so that I could back up what was on the hard drive. They had another type of memory they called a ‘memory stick’ but they didn’t have any of them. I bought a small pack of CDs that you could only write on once. There was a new style coming that you could rewrite on the CD, but the CD inventory hadn’t caught up with the equipment.

There were too many temptations in that department, so I pushed my cart to the front to pay and go back to the dorm with my purchases. I mentally calculated that I was now down to a little over twenty-five hundred of the thirty-eight hundred dollars that I had been given by Scott McKendry Sr.

I didn’t succumb to the temptation to play with the new purchase, so I arranged things on the desk and took the boxes out to the dumpster. My study table and computer desk looked like I was ready. I hoped that I was.

Lunch was good with some beef hash that had carrots and potatoes in it. I had that and some green beans, along with an apple before going to my political science introduction lecture. The lecture hall was like a movie theater, with the speaker lower than the audience. I was sitting low in the middle, and Jonathan Morgan smiled and nodded at me as I sat with my notebook ready to take notes. The textbook was open to the area he should be covering, but he said that he used the textbook for a guide and enjoyed giving us the side notes of the history of political science. He said everything he would lecture on would be in the text, but he hoped that he could enthuse us more by giving us some insights rather than just dull facts.

The hour rocketed by and you knew that the professor enjoyed the subject. My two o’clock class was a requirement. ‘Student Financial Management’ was taught by a stiff, shriveled-up looking woman who must be drowning in people who can’t count or manage a checkbook. There’s no way I should be forced to take a class like this. I waited for the class to clear and went to stand in line to speak to her.

“I’ve been handling my family’s finances since I was twelve, Ms. Chickering,” when it was my turn to be in front of her. “I’m not saying that your class has no value, but do you really have to teach eighteen, nineteen, and twenty year olds how to balance a checkbook? All these people are in college, upper education. They need to know how to negotiate and how to look for ways to save money.”

The lady’s left eyebrow rose into a distinct arch as she looked at her student roster. “You might be bored with this class, Mr. Beck, but it’s very important to most of the students. I have a packet of tests for you to complete for me. I’ve heard other professors are doing this for you as well. Please attend lectures if you have a question, and you can ask me then.”

Ms. Chickering handed me a dozen sheets of paper, smiled, and closed her briefcase in preparation for leaving. She said, “Come, I’m on my way to the bookstore. I spend a few hours there daily as a part time job. You can get an early start on learning what to do.”

She mentioned Jonathan Morgan several times on the way to the book store. She finally admitted that she was excited that he had asked her out for dinner this evening. She sounded like a high school girl. I told her that I really enjoyed his class, as well as his assistance getting my classes in line.

Mrs. Harrison had Ms. Chickering take over the front and led me to the back. She handed me a smock, showed me a locker to put my backpack in, and took me to a bench where signs were made. She showed me how to make a name tag, and said I would be doing a lot of them because students didn’t stick to a job very long most of the time.

I made the name tag, pinned it on the smock, and then was shown how to make the signs. You put spelled words and the price on the layout, put ink on the roller, imprinted the piece of cardboard, and hung the completed sign up on a clothesline to dry.

She kept checking her watch, and finally said, “Okay, let’s get you punched in to start your day. You were early and able to donate some time to the bookstore, but you’ll now be earning that whopping hourly wage. There are other benefits. I’m sure they will be appreciated.”

I was sent back to finish the long list of signs. This was obviously a planned activity as I finished just about the time a bunch of hoagies were ready to consume. Juliet came up to me, far too close to me, and said, “Come eat with me. There are sodas and iced tea.”

Juliet and I talked about our classes, our day, and told me that we both had Friday evening off. She said, “You know, we could do something together Friday night if you want. The student union always has something going on, or we can drive somewhere and have dinner together. I really want to spend some time with you.”

Juliet could tell that she made me nervous, so I said, “I’ve never been on a date. There was always something to do on the farm. I would go with a bunch of friends to the county fair for rides on the midway and eating all the crazy food there, but there were a lot of us all together. Most of those girls are already married now. I just never did pick one.”

Juliet was laughing, “That’s funny. The way you say pick one is as if the men were always in charge and you selected a mate and they came running.”

“I know that’s not politically correct, but that’s the way it is down in the country. Male/female chemistry is helped along by tradition and custom. Most of the kids in high school had already made that selection by the time we graduated. A few were going off to college, but most of them had already selected a life mate. I didn’t because I’ve always felt there were more to choose from that I hadn’t met, and I wanted to meet as many people as I could before I said I wouldn’t look at another female and get excited.”

Juliet smiled so sweetly, and asked, “Do you get excited looking at me?”

I laughed and said, “Now that’s being forward, Juliet. Of course, I get excited seeing you and will think of you later. How could I resist your piercing eyes and very voluptuous body? Yep, you do a number on me, Juliet. We better go back to work or I’ll be on a knee proposing.” We were both laughing as Juliet is not voluptuous at all but very slim.

She had the decency to continue laughing, and said, “That could be interesting.”

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You think

Hi How are you all? I am Amit from goa It’s a real experience of mine, It’s about me and my mom It’s happen when I was in 11th my dad was a heavy drunker but we never felt any problem because of him he earned a lot for us in our family we are only three me my mom and dad, but suddenly we got one shock my dad expired cause of lever problem it was really very tough for both of us but after some period life came on routine I sgsin joined my collage my mom started to look after our business I also...

2 years ago
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Acts of Infidelity Mary Brian Part 1

Thursday 26 October 2017 - 1.33pm.My wife’s lover Richie arrived nearly an hour ago. I opened the door to let him in. Mary was pleased to see him. So was I.I joined the two of them in the kitchen for the usual coffee and chat. For quite a while, all seemed as it might in any house when a welcome friend came to call until fifteen minutes ago when Mary asked him directly if he wanted to join her in bed.It was a redundant question and we all knew it; bed with my wife was the reason he had come. It...

4 years ago
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Silver Pt 09

****************************** *** If you are under the age of 18 or are not of legal age in your jurisdiction, please exit this story immediately *** Author’s note: As I admitted at the end of Silver Pt. 08, I was very much dissatisfied with the Silver series ending, and from many of my reader’s comments, so were a lot of others. I did however, stick with the original story ending when developing the Silver series concept. In an attempt to continue the story of Marlene and Michael’s love, I...

3 years ago
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A Mistressslave Beautiful Relationship Spanish version

Desde edades tempranas de mi adolescencia recuerdo tener fantas?as sobre una mujer ejerciendo poder sobre m? UNA HERMOSA RELACI?N AMA-ESCLAVO CAP?TULO 1 ? La primera sesi?nDesde edades tempranas de mi adolescencia recuerdo tener fantas?as sobre una mujer ejerciendo poder sobre m?. Tanto psicol?gicamente como f?sicamente, que me atara e inmovilizara para tenerme a su completa merced, sin que yo pudiera hacer nada para evitar lo que estuviera por hacerme, que me usara a su antojo y para su placer, que me humi...

3 years ago
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Jackson Hole

The wind whipped around me as I rode my buckskin stallion, Rookie, over the hills of my land. We were riding towards the border of my family’s ranch and that of our neighbor’s. Jackson, the owner of our neighboring ranch, the Double J, had called my cell phone ten minutes ago telling me that the fence was down between our properties. He and his hands were working to keep our cattle separated since neither ranch branded its stock. I had immediately saddled up Rookie, and, along with my own ranch...

4 years ago
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Dear John Part 15 of 15

CHAPTER 43Déjà vu all over again. Randell was a big guy but today he was a pussy. He didn’t faint like Mort almost did, but he was nervous. Oh my, he was nervous! I had to allow that in his case he had reason to be. Both his mother and his sister had had miscarriages in what were supposed to be routine hospital deliveries. He was mortally afraid that he might have inherited some terrible gene or something.Just as was usual, a white clad man with a stethoscope around his neck came out, and he...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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Prince and Prentiss Part 1

© Copyright 2012, by Leslie P. Lowe. All rights reserved. [email protected] Synopsis: On the day of his father's funeral, a young man is enslaved as a sissy by his cruel stepmother and her daughter, until he meets a rock star who changes his life. This story is dedicated to Sandy Brown, who has so generously tried to help me grow as a writer, not that she can be blamed for any of this story, which she has not yet seen and for which I am solely responsible. Princess and...

3 years ago
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Sushma8217s Sobhanam 8211 Part I Telugu

(మీ అభిప్రాయాలు పంపాలనుకుంటే నా మైల్ ) రాత్రి పదయింది. రిక్షా దిగి తలుపు కొట్టాను. నిద్ర కళ్ళ తో అత్త తలుపు తీసింది. “ఎవరు?” అంటూ. నన్ను, సుష్మని చూసి ఆశ్చర్య పోయింది. ” రండి,రండి, ఏమిటి ఇలా ఊడిపడ్డారు,జాబు లేకుండా?” అంటూ ఆహ్వానించింది. సుష్మ కళ్ళప్పగించి అత్త వంకేచూస్తోంది. ఎందుకంటే, అత్త పైట స్తానభ్రంశం చెంది, బలమైన,పొగరుగా బలిసిన స్తనాలు, మధ్య అందమైన లోయ కనువిందు చేస్తున్నాయి. “కూర్చో అమ్మాయి,అలా నిలబడ్డావేమిటి?” అంటూ సుష్మ చెయ్యి పట్టుకుని కుర్చీలో కూల వేసి, పైట సర్దుకుంది. అత్త ఎత్తులు...

2 years ago
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Introducing David

My name is David and life has just begun in the sense that I have just turned 40. I am single through choice not for any other reason and I live in a little 2-bedroom house on the outskirts of town.I am openly bisexual preferring to keep my options open and I do have a high sex drive, I am 5’10” tall quite fit as I still work out when I can and can turn my hand to most things and what I can’t do I learn.Since about 2 weeks ago my younger sister Florence split with her husband and out the...

1 year ago
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Im Drinking Doubles

I would like to thank GW66 for the kindness shown to a new writer. The suggestions and the alternative thoughts were of great help. Thanks again. I also want to thank my wife. Her insight made this a better story. This story has no sex in it. It is story of lines being crossed, but the question is how far? Please share your likes and dislikes about this story. It will help me to become a better writer. As usual all comments are appreciated. Someone must think my head is a drum; they keep...

4 years ago
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A Striking Resemblance

>,>, Inspired once more by the art of DeTomasso … This time, bouncing off from the fact he and others have done some many different versions of the character. 1. It was never established as an official thing, and it hadn’t ended on very good terms, but for a few months Margie Bannon had been a sort of apprentice of Lara Croft, assisting her on a couple of expeditions. And during that period she had got very good at mimicking Lara’s style. At first it was just a silly joke between them. A...

3 years ago
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Hotel Sex

Not long ago my wife, Donna, and I went to a large city not far from where we live and got a nice room in a swanky downtown hotel. We’ve been married a long time, and sometimes we get away for hotel sex just to keep things interesting. After a hot, soapy shower we put on the hotel’s matching bathrobes and I led her into the room. We sat in the little couch facing the window and I opened a bottle of champagne. The curtains were open but it was a chilly fall day and the windows were steamed...

1 year ago
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The dinner

As I sit here eating beautifully creamy Brie with some oatcakes I can feel the remains of cum soaking into my silky knickers. I feel surprise at myself, yet have just had one of the best fucks I have ever had, with perfect strangers.When I arrived I was introduced to Greg, along with another very couple couple, the wife grabbing her guy very territorially, as if she knew I had just been through a split with my plank of a partner. I looked at the hubby, thinking in your dreams, as I would eat...

3 years ago
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Stepson FantasyChapter 3 A team effort

Peggy was now in full MILF Slut mode. A week or so back she broke all norms by seducing and then fucking her stepson, Steve. It happened innocently enough, she thought to herself, but it would never have happened if she had been more careful. If she had just made sure her bedroom door was closed during her morning ritual of masturbating on her bed then Steve would not have innocently seen her playing with herself. Events then took a new course and she ended up with his lovely young erection...

3 years ago
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My Little Buddy My Lover Chap 4 Shannon

The song is from the mid-80s. The video for it showed a medieval village doing a stupid dance while the long hair sang. It is dorky but somehow sexy. That pretty much described Shannon: dorky but somehow sexy. She’s a grad student in bio-chemistry and spends all her time in a lab off campus. She has no time for a social life, but that’s just fine with her. The lab is where her passion is. That’s about all I know of Shannon, really. And we’ve worked hard to keep it that way. We...

4 years ago
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The Horny Neighbor 8211 Part 1

Hi, my name is Aman. This is my encounter with a sexy milf next to my building. I live in Mumbai in Bandra in a 2BHK with my one roommate. So going by my daily routine I like to work out on my balcony in the fresh air. Past few days I’ve been noticing that in the flat just in front of my balcony a lady in her mid-thirties comes out to water plants at the time when I am working out. Now I must tell you that I am 6ft tall with a muscular body and I work out regularly. So at first, I thought that...

1 year ago
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HardX Piper Perri 4 Feet 10 Inch Super Cute Spinner

Piper Perri is back and this time she goes all out in this spectacular display of non-stop spinning hijinks. Watch as this pint sized 20 year old participates in a fun game of ‘mouth vagina roulette’ before embarking on a gravity defying sexcapade you won’t want to miss. Including multiple standing positions, the inverted 69, as well as multiple rotations from reverse cowgirl to cowgirl with continuous penetration, this is one fun filled spinning adventure that only the...

4 years ago
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NTR Quest

The receptionist smiles at you gently. “Please touch the orb to determine your rank within the guild, sir.” The orb she is referring to is a milky-white glass ball that is about three times larger than any human palm that would be placed on it. The ball sits in an indent within the receptionists desk at chest level. Despite the fact that the attractive brunette receptionist behind the counter called you sir, the crowd gathered around the desk snickers. You are younger and more slight than most...

3 years ago
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Sophies Feet

I've known her since she was 13 and from day one I always wanted to see the soles of her feet, but I'd never ever come close really. Anyway her parents were away on holiday/vaction and she invited me around for a few days as she was bored and I swiftly accepted. I was looking forward to hang out as friends, but obviously I couldnt stop thinking about her feet. I knew I would finally get to see them for the first time ever. I will skip the boringness... It was late we were both pretty tired and...

3 years ago
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Tesoros Special Welcome

Standing and stare across the room seeing old and young all waiting, forever waiting. The time comes closer, as more people pass through the doors we all focus on, but not you. I search around the cold white walls for the time, finding you should be here by now. The simple joy of our child shouting ‘Daddy!’ alerts me to your arrival. I turn brushing back the curls from my face, in time to see you spinning her around and showing her, how you have missed our little drama queen. Even as ours eye...

1 year ago
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Fucked by hubby8217s cousin

Hey everyone….i am a regular reader of ISS but today is the first time i am writing my true story…. I am married but my marriage is on the rocks as my hubby and me were pressurized by family to get married… He was in love with a class fellow i was also in love but my boyfriend died due to cancer….however my sex life has never been the best…. We have been married three years and had rarely any sex… To fulfill my pleasure i have a vibrator which i insert in my pussy… It gives me a great orgasm…...

3 years ago
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Modern Pirates

At least it was over quickly, he wasn’t exactly a spring chicken. Carol was 24, the oldest of the three friends who had jumped at the chance for a free holiday in the sun. She was about 5’ 9”, and was the proud owner of a really nice pair of tits. They were 100% natural as far as Peter could tell, yet despite being at least 36D there was no hint of sagging. As Peter watched her, she sat up, shook her long blond hair, and turned onto her front, loosening her bikini top to prevent tan lines,...

2 years ago
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A Roll In The Hay

Your heart raced wildly as you rode your impressive steed for all he was worth. Cantering up and down, you urged him on between ragged, gasping breaths. Faster. Harder. Your thighs tensed with every rise and fall of your body as the wind billowed through your hair, loose strands fluttering across your face. You galloped hard, across the green meadows that gradually rose in elevation, until finally coming to a halt at the old oak tree that sat proudly and so prominently at the top of the valley....

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Ryans SummerChapter 19

Jigs caught Ryan as soon as he walked into the kitchen. "Ryan, can you get us another case of wine from the wine cellar?" he asked. "Sure. What kind?" "Everyone seems to like the Chateau Rothchild. I think there's another case down there, or at least a few bottles." "Sure Jigs. By the way, where's the wine cellar." Jigs smiled indulgently and said, "Make a left at the lobby and two doors down on the right." "Okay," Ryan said and hurried off, his head still spinning. He made...

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Two intruder's cause mayhem in a young woman's lifeA stylish house in North Hudson Avenue, Hancock Park, South Hollywood, late May, 2012. Gina Cohen’s Saturday morning started out like most other Saturday mornings did...the ordinary things of daily life, cleaning her ground floor apartment, washing bed linen, vacuuming floors, putting stuff away from the night before; the usual stuff people do at weekends. She had her I-Pad on speaker, in the background, playing tracks from classic Doors album,...

4 years ago
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Party of Four Part 1

When Timmy said he was having a party at his house on Saturday, I assumed it would be the usual high school party. Everyone stops by, there is beer, people get too loud, a neighbor calls the cops, and we all have to go home. The school year had just finished and it was party season for sure."Oh, that's great, Timmy. You'll have beer?"Timmy looked at me. "Not that kind of party. Not this time. This one will be a very small party, by invitation only, and please don't tell anyone else about it."I...

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Actions Moan Louder Than Words

He thought he would try his hand at writing some erotica. He wasn't getting it at home like he wanted, so he thought this to be a safe way to express his desires and fantasies through the written word. He was new to the world of domination. It was the rage, right? Everyone was talking about it, and the more he heard, the more intrigued he became. What exactly did that look like? How does one dominate another? Where does one find someone willing?The writing began, and his character was bold and...

1 year ago
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GoStuckYourself Codey Steele Can You Reach It

Erin Everheart and Codey Steele are getting ready for an evening out together. Erin is confused as she goes in search of something she’s misplaced… only to discover that it fell behind their bed. She groans with exasperation as she reaches down behind the bed but then realizes that her arms are stuck! When Codey peeks into the room and finds Erin stuck, he thinks she’s joking at first. Erin laments that she isn’t but then rolls her eyes when Codey is unable to resist...

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Greg and Shelbys new sexlife0

One day I was talking to my friend, Ethan, about my sex life with Shelby. Ethan understood my struggle having been with his girlfriend for 5 years. He offered me some advice and told me about sex toys. Now I was always skeptical whether toys would really make sex better but I had to do something for my relationship. The following night as Shelby was getting ready for bed I started to kiss her neck. Usually at this time if she starts to slightly moan she's up for sex and luckily she did....

4 years ago
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Mind Over MatterChapter 4

Peter was relaxing naked on the floor of an apartment he had never been in before this afternoon. He had one hand behind his head as a cussion and the other was gently fondling the firm ass of one of the naked girls lying next to him. He was wondering what was next now. He had found out how powerful and direct his abilities to control peoples minds could be and that the results could be very entertaining. However, apperently his subjects were aware that something was going on. While they...

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My Friends Mom

I was a little nervous when my friend Chet asked me to come to his house for spring break. You see when you are black you never know how white people will react to you. Most of the time it is not an issue but there are still some racists around.Chet had always been a standup guy around me so I was not too worried about him but I had never met his mom and dad. He told me it would be cool and that we could all go to the family beach house together. Finally I said yes and hoped that his parents...

3 years ago
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A Weekend of Pleasure and Pain ndash Part 4

Sir:I’m enjoying watching you bend at the waist, getting the first real feeling of the crotch rope crushing your clit, that I almost forget one last thing. “Stop, stand back up.” I have your full attention as I pull out another 4 meters of black rope. “I almost forgot your bra” I say with a chuckle to myself as I go to work expertly binding your breasts. It’s lose enough to be safe and not push them out too much, but also provide perfect support while the wraps make them feel twice as full as...

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Broke Fat Black and UglyChapter 7

Terry had arrived before Stace returned from school, waiting for her at the front door. “Don’t run, slut spawn.” He cautioned in a mild voice when Stace spied him. “And if you call the police, I’ll say you’re just a racist white girl hating on a poor black man down on his luck.” “Get - out of here!” She stammered. “I will. As soon as I get my due.” “Mamma’s at work.” “I can wait until then.” He grinned and pulled a worn, faded Rubik’s cube from his pocket. “Get away from our door.”...

3 years ago
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Master of home

Hi friend…..its Rahul here This is my first story….. This is the story of when i was 20 years old….. I just to me a slave of home …. When my father was away….my step mom and her daughter would trouble me a lot….. My father was a good business man ….. Our family was rich and poch family… My mom age is 38 and my elder sister age is 25 small sister age is 19 and me of 22 and my father age is 43 all of women of my home too sexy …….. Every person like to fuck all of them. The story is like that … My...

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Dr Pepper

When I was f******n years old, my neighbor hired me to cut her lawn. Mrs. Breckenridge was a slightly plump 55 year old, divorced now ten years but still employed at his construction company. Her home sat on an acre lot at the end of Oak Tree Lane in a farm and ranch subdivision on the outskirts of town. For years she had selected a teenage boy from the neighborhood to cut her lawn. For five dollars pay, the poor bastard slaved like a dog in midsummer heat, but there were other intangible...

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Mom Ki Khushi Ke Liye

Hello friends mera name arav hai aur ye meri phli story hai. May be app sbhi ko biswas na ho but ye ek dum real story hai. Is story main apko btayunga ki kese meri shadi meri hi behan se hui. So main apko starting se btata hun ki kese start hua ye sab. Main phle banglore main rhta tha meri mom and behan ke sath. Mere father expire ho gye the. Hamara ek chota sa business tha n koi relative hmari help ke liye age nei aya so mom dad ke baad use handle krti thi. Jb meri study complete hui then meri...

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