Dee Does High SchoolChapter 16 free porn video

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At breakfast the next morning Mom was not happy and, after all I'd put her through, I felt terrible about it, but I was adamant.

Good word, "adamant." It has all those short "A" sounds, including the "dam" in the middle, coming to a full stop with that nice, hard, "T" at the end. It sounds like what it means -- stubborn, obstinate, unyielding. Thank you, Mr. Turner.

Unfortunately, Mom could be just as adamant as I was -- the irresistible force meeting the immovable object. Take your pick as to who was which.

Last night, after my nice, long, hot shower, my skin still damp, Mom and Elaine held me in their arms, keeping me "under observation," -- very, very close observation -- their bodies warm and comforting on either side of mine, skin to skin while I slept the sleep of the dead, safe in their embrace.

And now, here I was, fighting with my mom.

I tried to tell myself this wasn't really a fight, or even an argument, more of a discussion.

But I had to admit it was an argument. Not a heated one, we rarely had those, but both of us could be stubborn. We butted heads. I wanted to go to today's time trials, Mom didn't want me to, because, well, just because. She came up with one lame reason after another. It was like I was facing one of those machines that fires tennis balls. I was swatting those excuses back over the net as fast as they came at me.

Not being the biological parent, Elaine was a spectator, her eyes flicking back and forth between me and Mom like she really was watching a tennis match. She sat there, uncomfortable, finishing off her bacon, saying nothing.

I would not budge. Aside from the fact that my place on the team depended on the time trials, I was also desperate to keep my mind off what the future held for me. Tomorrow morning, Sunday, I was scheduled to give Sergeant Kelly my statement. I was not looking forward to revisiting my encounter with the Worm.

Then Monday morning I'd have to face my schoolmates. That threatened to be worse than facing them after my romp in the park. Shit. I just knew the rumors would be flying, probably already were. I bet every damn cell tower in town was lit up like a Christmas tree. "Did you hear what Dee Walker did?" And by Monday the tell-a-student grapevine would be seething with the news that Worthington had been hauled off in handcuffs, and that I was to blame. And can you imagine what they'll be saying about what I did to accomplish that?

I shuddered to think.

And as if that weren't enough, there was the first meeting of the "Save the Program Committee," as I'd come to think of it. Postpone it 'cause the Worm was unavailable? Fat chance. Mrs. Devers knew the iron was hot and she was going to strike. At least Heather Mac, as I had come to think of her, would take the point on that. Chair of that important committee would be the final jewel in the crown of her college application. At least I'd be able to sit in the background and doodle in my notebook while she ran the meetings.

The thought of moping around home all day today with those things looming over me was almost enough to spoil my breakfast.

But only almost. It was Mom's whole wheat waffles, after all.

"I am going to the time trials and I am going to swim! I am sorry, Mother, but this is something I have got to do!"

She knows when I drop all contractions, speaking slowly and distinctly, and call her Mother, I am dead serious. It is the closest thing I have to a nuclear option. In the mother/daughter arms race it ranks up there with when she calls me "Diane" or even "Diane Elizabeth," which she knows I hate. "Diane Elizabeth Walker" from her is thermonuclear. Should I ever contest any edict that follows it, vaporization would follow.

Obviously I've never tested it. I guess I'm too young to be trusted with the equivalent.

Fortunately she hadn't reached that stage yet. Before she did Elaine stepped in as peacemaker, putting a calming hand on each of us. I don't know what she whispered in Mom's ear, but I saw my mother begin to soften. Still toying with my brunch -- we'd slept really late -- I was pushing the last cold bite of waffle around to sop up drops of maple syrup and butter. I eyed Mom as she first shook her head, listened, sighed, and finally slumped as my hopes rose.

"Alright," she agreed. "You can go to the time trials..."

My heart started beating again and I almost felt dizzy. I hadn't realized I'd been holding my breath.

"With two conditions," Mom went on, eyeing me very seriously.

"What are they?" I asked warily.

She held up one finger -- no, not THAT one! -- she is a lady, after all. "First, I go with you. I take you there, I wait and I watch -- I promise not to cheer too loudly -- and I bring you home as soon as they are over. I absolutely refuse to let you out of my sight today!"

I hesitated, Elaine patted my arm, and I nodded, actually feeling relief that Mom would be there. The idea that she'd be watching over me was like a warm, fuzzy blanket. I'd been so alone in Worthington's lair the thought of it still gave me cold chills.

"Don't you have a showing or something today?" I asked fearfully.

"I'm canceling it -- family emergency. I'll make it official when we're done here. Someone else can take it. This is more important than the commission for some damn suburban split-level."

That made me feel guilty, but good, too, that she'd do that for me. "Thank you," I barely whispered. "What's the other condition?"

"You and I sit down together with Ms. Andrews for a nice long talk as soon as she can fit us in. After Friday you have got to have some help, and I need to figure out what makes you tick."

I ran my fingers through my hair, still damp from a morning shower. I wasn't eager to give in on that one, afraid of letting people in on my secrets, especially my mom, the few that I had from her. But then I remembered Ms. Andrews and her warmth and patience and the support she'd given me during the whole Sex Ed thing last year, and it felt like a spring was being unwound inside me. What could it hurt? I heaved a sigh of relief. "Okay."

"May I come along? To the swimming, I mean," Elaine asked.

My gloom was lifting. Swimming is so totally distracting. "Okay. Yeah! Sure! But I wanna get there early."

I ate the last bite of my breakfast, relieved to see some of the worry lines fade from Mom's face.

"Then you'd better get moving," Elaine said, getting up to clear the table. "If I remember right, they start at one, and warm-ups before that. I'll take care of the kitchen, you go. I'll get there later. I have to take my own car. I'm on call."

We all got up and I was hugging Mom. "It's okay for her to come, isn't it?"

"Of course," Mom agreed, letting me go with a fond smile.

"Great!" I turned to my alternate Mom, as I thought of Elaine, and she had her arms open, too, and I clutched at her, just as tight, before dashing upstairs to grab my swimming bag, my heart singing. If it hadn't been for the safety belt I would have been bouncing around Mom's car like a demented jack rabbit. I felt like a kid again, for the first time in a week, maybe more. This being in high school was tough. She pulled into the school parking lot and before she'd locked the car I was dashing ahead, swinging my bag wildly.

Yanking the school doors open, then the doors to the locker room, I was engulfed in the smell of sweat and mildew, liniment, and shampoo, with a faint hint of chlorine. It was the scent of the gates to paradise.

Of course it was total bedlam -- girls from 5 to 18 dashing around in all different states of dress and undress, bare butts and boobies twinkling under the harsh fluorescent lights, a few moms trying to maintain order, the older kids generally more quietly trying to get changed. There was the chatter, the laughter, the screams, the excitement, the bragging, the worrying, lockers banging, towels snapping, toilets flushing, showers hissing, voices echoing off the tile as shrieking kids made their token dash through the spray before entering the pool area.

Here, with kids from a half-dozen different schools totally excited about the trials, I was just one of the crowd. I high-fived Gail Devers as I went for my locker before I remembered these trials were for the high school team, even though Coach opened them to everyone. It was a school function! Since I was still in The Program I was supposed to use the boy's locker room. I darted from the girls' locker room past Coach's office and into the boys', where the scent included a hint of testosterone. I was welcomed by a wave of whistles and shouts of "Dee, Dee, Dee!"

My mom's arrival via the same route was greeted by a sudden hush, a flutter of towels concealing groins. She'd tracked me down -- in the BOYS' locker room, much to the guys' surprise. She had definitely meant what she'd said about not letting me out of her sight! Suddenly self-conscious with her there, I found an empty locker and was out of my clothes in about a minute flat. Then I found myself holding my suit -- my brand new high school racing suit -- up in front of me, very much aware of all the boys and Mom watching me. The thought of putting on that suit, with its gussets and panels and what not that tried to turn me into a torpedo, made me stop in my tracks.

Of course, I couldn't wear it. The Program, remember?

In my mind, I flashed back to my time with Worthington, and for a moment I froze.

Shit! Get a grip on yourself, The Stick scolded me. Focus on the time trials!

I focused. Steeling myself, I stuffed everything in the locker and slammed it shut. The combination lock out of my bag took care of security.

Then I remembered and had to unlock it and get my towel out before I shut and locked it again, blushing the whole time, from head to toe. No, not because of my nudity! With embarrassment because, with everyone watching, I'd forgotten my towel. Go figure.

When I turned toward the showers I walked right into Greg, and I was so happy to see him I just leaped into his arms, wrapping my legs around him for a long, warm hug, never mind that Mom was watching my every move and the other guys whistling and teasing.

We didn't care. Greg cupped my ass and we were body to body, though he was wearing his racing suit. No more the skimpy Speedo, this was one of those skin-tight things, waist to knees on guys, all contoured to reduce drag, but he still felt good against me.

Finally I had to break the hug. "I need to shower."

"Would you like some help?"

"I'd love it," I admitted, shooting my mom an embarrassed look. She smiled, nodded, this didn't bother her. I think she understood what I was feeling, the warm, soothing sensation of Greg's loving embrace, the first little flicker of desire springing to life in me. His suit was visibly strained by his arousal.

No token shower this, not the usual quick rinse. We walked into the shower room with our arms around each other, and while Mom watched fondly from the doorway he lavished me with soap, starting with my hair and working his way down. Oh, it felt so good, his soapy hands slithering all over my naked skin. All I had to do was stand there and let him do the work.

I could have stood there all day, especially while his soapy fingers enjoyed my playground, but time was flying, so we couldn't really play. His equipment wasn't readily accessible anyway and Mom was right there in the door, holding my towel. So we rinsed off, bumping teasingly against each other under the spray, then with my hand in his I followed him out to the pool.

Mom trailed in our wake until Greg and I headed for the water, missiles on a mission and she peeled off for the bleachers, already filling with moms and dads, there to watch their kids compete for spots on the team.

I'd had three long, hot showers since nailing Worthington's worthless ass, but I didn't finally begin to start feeling clean until I slipped into the pool for a couple of warm-up laps. Greg was in the next lane, matching me stroke for stroke, a slow, easy pace. We were doing butterfly, our favorite and I still flowed through the water, but I felt heavy, sluggish, and I knew Greg was taking it easy. I didn't care, it felt so good to be back in the sweet water, feeling the chlorine neutralizing the last of the filth the Worm had left on me.

At the turn I went to my backstroke to stretch different muscles. At the start I'd felt like I could go on forever, but after two laps I was breathing hard, my muscles burning, so I stopped and slogged over to the ladder, and hauled myself out, sloshing on surprisingly weary legs to where Mom waited with my towel, Elaine beside her.

"Are you all right?" Elaine asked.

"Out of shape," I admitted panting a little. "Coach says the three elements of training --technique, strength and conditioning -- are like the three legs of a stool. I guess a couple of my legs are a bit short."

"Are you comfortable naked?" Elaine asked.

"Why wouldn't I be? I'm still in The Program, after all."

"I just thought..." She let her voice trail off.

I wasn't about to admit that I wasn't totally comfortable. I felt vulnerable in a way I never had before, which was stupid. I tried to tell myself nothing had changed, but I wrapped myself in my towel before I sat. With Mom and Elaine on one side, Greg on the other I felt safe and protected.

Coach always started with the little kids, 6 and under. Together we watched them splash their way down the pool on their 25-meter races, cheering them on. The youngest were not long out of the "tuber" class, and it showed. One five-year-old stopped halfway to hang onto the lane rope for a minute before pushing gamely on using a mix of dogpaddle and freestyle, arms barely breaking the surface, holding his face up out of the water. His mom was there at the finish to lift him out of the water -- his baggy suit showing half his pale butt before she wrapped him in a towel and gave him a big hug.

I always enjoyed watching the kids. Greg and I analyzed their strokes, tried to pick the winners and losers over the season. Even though the trials would take all afternoon this was home to me and I was determined to stick it out through the whole grind, subsisting on granola bars, right through Greg's and my races and beyond.

As before, when our turn came Coach put us in neighboring lanes. He cocked an eyebrow at my lack of a suit, but didn't say anything, just went through the starting routine. I was naked on the starting blocks again. Jeez, what a tangle of feelings. I was scared and horny all at the same time, wondering what I thought I was doing. I was incredibly aware of my nakedness, even after all the time I'd spent naked in public.

"Take your mark!"

I coiled myself for the start, unleashed my body with the sound of the starting horn, only just then remembering the first time I'd gone off the blocks naked, how it had hurt, and I clenched up defensively, botching my racing dive.

It made my nipples burn, but not as much as I remembered and the pain quickly faded as I did my usual underwater dolphin kicks before breaking the surface, my arms sweeping over in my butterfly stroke. The water swept over my flesh, swirling around my now hyper-sensitive nipples, teasing my pussy. I flowed sinuously through the cool liquid with dolphin-like grace, so the technique was still there. Unfortunately the strength sure wasn't. My arms began to tire fast, and the stamina evaporated during the second lap.

Shit, it had only been -- what? -- three weeks or a month since I'd won the county championships? Could a month with no training make that much difference? I watched Greg sail off into the sunset as I struggled to finish.

I was humiliated, and the less said about any of my other performances the better. Coach was shaking his head dolefully. Between races I took to leaning against Greg, depressed but comforted by his strength. To distract myself a plan for the rest of the day was gestating in my head. I finally screwed my courage up and asked him if he'd like to come home with me, at least for some supper.

He lit up. "I'd love to, but..." he pointed to his sister, up in the back row of the bleachers where I hadn't seen her. She was totally engrossed with some electronic gadget, virtually oblivious to the swimming. The locks of hair in her twin ponytails had gone from blue to day-glow orange since I'd last seen her. She'd filled out a bit, too, titty-bumps poking out her T shirt.

"I'm watching her over the weekend while mom and dad are out of town."

"Oh." I thought it over. I liked Drindy a lot, probably because she reminded me of me when I was her age. Well, she might put a crimp into my probably unrealistic hopes -- I wasn't sure how I felt about actually making love, after what the Worm had done to me -- but still, I'd be with Greg, which was what I really wanted. "She could come, too. Do you have to be at home with her? Can't you watch her at my place?"

He thought it over. The idea obviously appealed to him, especially given the reaction from his groin. "Is it okay with your mom?" he asked.

I leaned the other way. "Mom, can Greg and Drindy come home with me after, and spend the night? His parents are out of town and he's stuck watching her all weekend. He can watch her just as easy with us, can't he?"

Don't oversell it, The Stick cautioned me before I added something dumb like "it'd be safer than at their house just the two of them."

"I'll have to hear that from their parents," Mom insisted after a moment's thought, "and how does Drindy feel about it?"

I scrambled up the bleachers and when Greg's sister heard the plan she let out a squeal that triggered a mass false-start of the next race. Then she tried to squeeze the life out of me. When I looked down from the back row to give a thumbs up my mom was already on her cell. Greg must have pre-dialed the number for her. A few minutes later it was all cleared and we were on our way out of there.

So much for my vow to stay to the end of the time trials. The only things more boring than the 400 meter freestyle are the 800 and 1500, which, except for the start and finish, are like watching paint dry. Mom, Elaine and Drindy created minor consternation by following Greg and me into the almost empty boys' locker room, where Greg and I self consciously stripped, showered, and dressed, while Drindy giggled and played with someone's forgotten jock strap. Some of the older boys popped in, saw who was there, and the more modest popped out again, while others just took it in stride.

Then Greg and I cuddled in the back seat of Mom's car while Drindy rode shotgun and Elaine trailed along in her car. We had all no sooner made our way in the side door to the kitchen than Drindy, as irrepressible as ever, turned to Mom.

"Mrs. Walker, can we all get naked now?" she asked, her orange-streaked pony tails flipping mischievously.

I thought Mom's eyebrows were going to disappear into her hairline and reappear on the back of her neck.

"Drindy!" Greg gasped.

I gulped.

After a moment of stunned silence Elaine burst out laughing.

"Dee was just swimming naked in front of everybody," Drindy plowed on, oblivious to the glares she got from Greg and me, "and she's told me you're naked all the time at home, Mrs. Walker, and Dee and I and Greg got naked under the bushes one day, in the park by the library. So why can't we all go naked?"

Mom looked at me, her eyebrows having recovered from their disappearing act so she could cock one ominously.

"I -- uh -- guess I forgot to tell you about that," I confessed.

She regained control of her jaw. "Did you now."

It did not come out like a question.

"Uh -- it was sorta like an outreach thing from when I was doing the Sex Ed program, you know, with Carl and Beth, last year? We -- the three of us, Drindy and Greg and me -- had come out of the library after I returned my overdue book -- remember? -- and Drindy was complaining that she didn't know anything, so I thought maybe I should -- uh -- show her some stuff... ?"

I let my voice fade out before I said too much. I decided this would not be a good time to go into details about what I'd shown the girl, or to mention that Drindy and her brother had also witnessed my bitch-chasing-the-Frisbee performance in the park not all that long ago.

For a minute I thought I might have lit the "Diane Elizabeth Walker" fuse and braced myself for oblivion.

Elaine had choked her laughter down to snorts.

I'll grant you, Mom is made of stern stuff. Instead of blowing up she drew a deep breath, shot me a look that should have melted me right down into my shoes -- but I'm made of stern stuff, too -- then looked at Drindy more kindly, only her jumping jaw muscle betraying her tension. "Well, if that's what she said -- and I can't deny that we often do go naked here at home -- then if Greg thinks it is okay, I guess we could. What do you think, Greg?"

That was quick thinking on her part, but if she thought Greg was going to bail her out of this she should have known better. I'd corrupted him a long time ago, and after all, she'd seen me jump his bones at my last birthday party, where everyone had been naked, so it wasn't like everyone in the room didn't already know what was going on.

He cleared his throat and tried to look as if he were seriously contemplating the issue like a mature person, rather than the horny 15-year old he was. Finally he nodded with all the solemnity of Solomon deciding a case. "I -- uh -- don't see any harm in it," he concluded. "After all, it's not like its something we haven't all seen before, is it?"

Drindy didn't wait for second thoughts. She was out of her clothes in an instant, right there in the kitchen, and I had to admit I did appreciate her budding figure. She was an athlete, not tall and wiry, but very fit, with the legs of a soccer player and a maturing body. Her boobs were beginning to swell, already rivaling mine, softly rounded, tipped with small brown nipples. Her body, where her swim suit covered it, was very pale, compared to the coppery tone of the rest of her. A few wisps of black hair graced her pubes with its tantalizing crevice.

Without much success I sternly tried to tell myself that she did NOT look good enough to eat, and busied myself with more practical issues. "Gather up your clothes, Drindy, and bring them upstairs. Come on, Greg, let's get naked."

I closed the door of my room behind us, cutting off the laughter from downstairs, relieved that Mom was laughing almost as hard as Elaine. Drindy was holding her clothes, looking around my room. I was stifling my own giggles. I liked this girl!

"Drindy, what the hell do you think you're doing?" Greg asked.

She gave us that wide eyed innocent look I'd used so often myself at that age. Well, okay, I still use it. "You coulda said 'no' ya know," she pointed out. "And besides, how'm I gonna learn anything without your help?"

"Wasn't under the bushes in the park enough?" I asked.

"No! Now, are you guys gonna get naked or not?" she challenged.

Greg sighed. "We might as well give in now," he told me, stripping off his shirt.

"I wanna watch you fuck. I couldn't see good at the party. It was dark, and I was clear down at the wrong end of the pool."

"You should have been locked in a closet," Greg growled.

"How did you let her live so long?" I asked, down to my skin, and appreciating the view of Greg's similar attire. My reaction quashed the worry I'd had that Worthington's disgusting performance had turned me off guys forever. Sure, I still wanted Drindy, and Missy, and Kathy, of course, but I really lusted after Greg, and judging by his beautiful hard on he felt the same way toward me.

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Dee interviews Mr Beach

“Hello Mr Beach, please come in. Sarah, would like to get Mr Beach a cup and us a cup of coffee please?” Sarah left the office and Dee showed him to a seat at the table. Mr Beach sat down and looked around him.“Oh Mr Beach, or should I say Freddie, this is my husband Ben, he will be participating in our interview.” We shook hands and he sat down again.Sarah came back into the office with a tray of coffees and placed each one in front of us. She then turned to leave. “Oh Sarah, we might need to...

2 years ago
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Dee models for Amateur Photography Club again Part

I left for work on Monday morning. Dee had got up early saying she couldn’t sleep and gone to shower and get ready for the photo session to follow. I asked her to send me a photo of what she was wearing before she left.I got into work and set things up for our team meeting. It was hard to concentrate and thoughts went through my head thinking about calling a sicky. Just before the meeting started my phone bleeped and anxiously I went to my text messages. It was from Dee and the photo blew me...

3 years ago
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Dee cuckolds Ben

“What would you think if I invited a guy round to have sex with me? I’d let you watch.”I was astounded; I didn’t know what to say. Why an earth should Dee suddenly come out with something like that. OK, we had been watching Poldark and Dee certain has a thing about HIM. But, we have such a good sex life and neither of us has ever suggested anything like that.I sat for a minute to let it sink in. I must admit that I have enjoyed watching Dee with other men, but that has always been on equal...

3 years ago
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Dees revenge

We had gone out for lunch for my birthday, a special treat and I knew she was feeling horny. We were going to go on to a local footpath where Dee had promised to do a bit of posing. But first we sat at this small restaurant, there was only us and another couple at a table fairly close by.“You see that guy over there Ben? He’s sitting with a woman that isn’t his wife. I know him through work. When he comes into my office he always has a grope with my bum. He’s a dirty sod, I think I’m going to...

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Dee abused in public

We had finished our lunch, paid and tipped the young waiter, we left, leaving the woman’s boyfriend, he sat on his own. He was on the phone, arguing, probably trying to make it up with his girlfriend. We took the short walk to The George. A nice little town pub with panelled walls and the doors at the rear open and a delicious breeze ran through the rooms. Dee sat down in the corner and I went to the bar to get the drinks. As I stood waiting, the front door opened and the woman’s head peered...

3 years ago
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Dee and Ben fuck Polly with Woody and friends

So the afternoon arrived and we turned up at Woody’s front door and rang the bell. A man opened the door and introduced himself as Woody.“Come on in, most of the guys have turned up already, there are a couple more to come and we can get started. Glad to see that you have come along too Dee. Are you going to join in?”“I hope so, I thought you guys might need me to fluff, keep you all entertained whilst Polly gets her abuse.” Dee smiled as she grabbed Woody’s crotch and squeezed him gently.We...

4 years ago
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This is an original work by Zeb_Carter and is protected under copyright by U.S. copyright law.[center]---- Dee ----[/center]Her name was Darlene, but I called her Dee. For our whole life she was Dee to me, except for the time she was married to that guy whose last name was Davis, then she was Dee Dee, until the divorce when she took her maiden name back. Dee was my cousin. First cousin. We were close. Very close. Dee was six months older than me. We did everything together when we were...

4 years ago
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Dees first dogging experience

So this guy Pete had set it all up for us. We arrive in our metallic yellow Fiat 500, park underneath the country park sign, flash our lights twice, wait for the light of the other cars to be turned on, then open the passenger door window and wait for the crowd to turn up. Pete would be waiting for us to film everything and although it wouldn’t be too dark at around eight there would be a good audience between 15 and 20 people.He said the videos and photos would be for his own private...

3 years ago
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Dees first dogging experience

So this guy Pete had set it all up for us. We arrive in our metallic yellow Fiat 500, park underneath the country park sign, flash our lights twice, wait for the light of the other cars to be turned on, then open the passenger door window and wait for the crowd to turn up. Pete would be waiting for us to film everything and although it wouldn’t be too dark at around eight there would be a good audience between 15 and 20 people.He said the videos and photos would be for his own private...

2 years ago
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Dee lets Ben choose a special partner

So tonight things were going to change. Rather than Dee calling all the shots, I had done a little research for myself and searched through my hamster friends to find someone to join me for the night. Dee was happy to go along with it all, I had thought about another couple but we’d done that. I fancied a sissy, but they had to be fairly convincing and I thought that Alicia fitted the bill. We had talked on hamster for a while, sharing pictures and had once had a c2c with me coming very quickly...

1 year ago
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Dee plays pool with the lads at the Working Men0

We were down the local working men’s club, where we were taking part in a game of pool. Dee was useless, but enjoyed the banter from the lads around her. The games were being played for drinks, the loser’s would buy the them so as you can imagine I was paying out every time we went on the table. Dee meanwhile was having drinks bought her at almost every game. I guess it was her little mini that she was wearing and she would make a point of leaning over the table to make shots. She would bend...

3 years ago
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Dee and Frank Just This Once

Back in the day my wife and I moved out to the country during the hippy back to the land movement. We built a house and raised our k**s. We had a large pond on our land and several of our neighbors were also hippies. We would have skinny dipping parties several times a year at our place. It was all good clean fun. Nice to look at other cunts and tits, but my wife and I were very committed and we never fucked around. The other couples weren't into fucking around either.One of the neighbors...

3 years ago
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Dee My friends slut wife

Dee…My friends slut wife.This is a true story, with many more to follow, for the purpose of writing, my name is Micky. This all started in the 80’s I was 23, playing in a house band and loving all the pussy I was getting. “Chicks dig singers” I had a friend from high school, Jay, who was a long distance truck driver, gone for two weeks at a time. He had very boldly hinted that he wanted to have a 3 sum with me and his wife Dee. I was very straight back then and was a little worried about...

2 years ago
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Dee Does High SchoolChapter 23

Thank God Ms. Andrews accompanied us into Heather's house or I don't know what might have happened. We let the trained professional open the conversation, as in, like "Now, try to remain calm. Heather has something very important she needs to tell you," which, of course, turned her parents pasty white right from the "now try to remain calm." As it was, after the initial shock, anger, and tears had been dealt with I was relieved to be shoved out the door so Heather and her family could...

3 years ago
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Dee Does High SchoolChapter 22

With a good bit of giggling and tickling and poking and pushing all three of us crammed in the front of Kathy's beloved old minivan, better known for its exotic paint job as the Art Mobile. I hiked up my dress and crawled to the center, mooning everyone in the parking lot in the process, and planted my naked butt on the center console, straddling the stick-shift. Greg took shotgun, thoughtfully draping his left arm around my shoulders so his hand could keep my tit warm. Then he got all...

3 years ago
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DeehellipMy friends slut wife

This is a true story, with many more to follow, for the purpose of writing, my name is Micky. This all started in the 80’s I was 23, playing in a house band and loving all the pussy I was getting. “Chicks dig singers” I had a friend from high school, Jay, who was a long distance truck driver, gone for two weeks at a time. He had very boldly hinted that he wanted to have a 3 sum with me and his wife Dee. I was very straight back then and was a little worried about “Crossing swords” and kept...

4 years ago
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Dees first BBC and cuckolds Ben

Dee had told me to come home now, but before I came in I should look through the bedroom window. I made my excuses to leave early, got in the car and headed home. I arrived home and parked on the road outside the house. I stepped out of the car and looked up to the bedroom window. Dee had recognised the sound of my car and was now standing at the window, naked. She cupped her tits at me and tweaked her nipples between her fingers, she then rab her hands down across her tummy and down to her...

2 years ago
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Dee and Claire have more fun by the river

Claire and Dee finished off the photo shoot sitting on a bench near to where all the action had taken place earlier. Traces of cum had dried across their bodies as they now posed naked in front of me. Their back’s to the bridge behind them was in clear view and people were walking over it. Occasionally someone would spy that they might be naked and stop to look over the pa****t. If I saw them I would indicate to the girls that someone was watching and they would turn and wave, giving them a...

4 years ago
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Dee Does High SchoolChapter 10

I ducked out of sight and leaned back, my backpack a lumpy camel's hump between me and the wall. What should I do? This was a refuge, my safest place, except maybe for the pool, but what if Greg and Kathy hated me after my display? Where could I go but home? Right now that held its own troubled memories. Mom wouldn't be home, I'd be alone with my worries and I was still wrestling with what I'd done over the weekend. Stop it! The Stick snapped. Just stop it! What's done is done! These...

3 years ago
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Dee came to visit chapter1

It was Saturday morning when I was sitting at the table sipping my coffee when the doorbell rang. I wasn’t really up for company but after whoever continued to ring it I went and answered it. I was ready to give whoever it was hell until I opened the door, being greeted by a cheerful voice. The arms of my younger sister (Dee)quickly wrapped around my waist and held me tight. A little bit about Dee, she is really my step sister . She is 31;,5’ 1 ,has brown hair and eyes ,She has a thin...

2 years ago
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Dee and I had some fun

After a sex filled evening Greg left us naked and used , thankfully he covered us up before taking his camera and left the room.I slightly remember some time in the night he returned urging Dee to come with him.But as Gina moved closer to me I paid little attention to Dee leaving .Some how some time later she ended up back in bed with us. Gina woke up first stretching and woke me up with her movements as I was snuggled against her breasts.As we stared at each other with glassy eyes she rolled...

4 years ago
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Dee Does High SchoolChapter 8

The next morning found me down on my knees, scrubbing the kitchen floor. It was eight o'clock on a Saturday, no less, and I'd already been down there for an hour, scrubbing! Normally I would still have been snuggled in bed, dreaming wonderful dreams. Unless I was at the town pool, of course, which (checking the time) would have just been opening, were it summer. God I wish the school pool would open! But back to my situation this morning. I was getting what Mom and Elaine -- I mean...

3 years ago
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Dee Does High SchoolChapter 7

So much for Mrs. Devers having some information for me that day. I spent the rest of the week -- still naked, of course, not that I minded -- waiting for some word from her, while avoiding my lunchtime friends. I knew eating with them would be like being pecked to death by ducks. They knew me too well. They'd be coming at me from every direction, trying to find out what I knew, what was going on, and I was afraid I couldn't stand up to their assault. Oh, sure, I'd see them during classes...

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Dee Does High SchoolChapter 5

I'm not going to bore you with endless tales of the requests we fielded after emerging from Worthington's office -- stand up straight, stick your chest out, spread your legs, arms behind your head, behind your back, above your head, bend over and show me your ass, spread the cheeks -- other than to say that what some people regard as reasonable I don't. Put a pencil up my butt? Eraser end first, please. A pickle? Sure, why not. Better that than a banana, they break too easily. I'm told...

2 years ago
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Dee Does High SchoolChapter 12

"Is Peggy home?" I asked when Mrs. Hughes came to the door, trying to assess the situation. She didn't look good. She looked tired -- an older, slightly plumper version of Peggy. There were dark circles under her eyes, and she had a vaguely rumpled look that was totally unlike the woman I remembered. It'd been a while since I'd actually visited at Peggy's house, but her mom shouldn't have aged that much. God only knew what she'd been going through since last Friday, what she knew....

2 years ago
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Dees Big Boobed Mom the prelude

One Friday night Dee and I partied with her sister Paula and her boyfriend, Tom. We played strip poker and Dee took Tom into her bedroom and Paula and I stayed in the living room. 4 hours later Tom and Dee came back in the living room, Paula and I had smiles on our faces, and we were all totally satisfied. Tom had to leave early the next day, Dee and Paula went shopping, and I hung around for a while before heading back to my place. I was ready to jump in the shower when I heard a knock at the...

3 years ago
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Ever since Google released their Atlantis smartphone, my 18-year-old daughter has been pestering me to buy her one. This particular phone has a feature where a hologram of the person you're chatting with pops up just above the display. Normally, I'd get her whatever she wanted so long as it was reasonably priced but this phone way too expensive, especially for a teen. Anyway, when I flat out refused, I expected Dee to stomp her foot or pout but surprisingly, she did neither. My daughter...

3 years ago
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Dee 4

I'm now called Dee Ch. 04 Work wise nothing really changed, although I identified and talked more with the other women. One day as I headed to the toilets, I was so engrossed in talking with Pamela and Christine and it wasn't till we were all in the Ladies that we realised my mistake. I started to splutter an apology and the two of them giggling playfully pushing me back, Pamela's hand landing on my 'breast'. She faltered, the look on her face changing just briefly, then carried on as...

1 year ago
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Dee Saves the ProgramChapter 3

"I am so going to miss you guys so much. I wish we'd had more time together, but this year's been so crazy," I murmured softly. Even snuggled close, side-by-side, my queen-size bed was cozy for the three of us. The only illumination was the rippling glow of the pool lights on my ceiling. Usually hypnotic, tonight they were sensuous. We were all naked, of course, and I was squirming inside. When I'd originally invited them I'd been thinking of nothing more than dinner, a swim and a...

3 years ago
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Dee Maple The Principal Daughter A

“Principle Jerroti will receive you know” looking sternly at me Rebecca the secretary pointed to the mahogany door with a opaque square window in the center, the initials G.M.Jerroti where inscribed on top. Gordon Mathew Jerroti was our dear principal and for some reason he arrange a meeting with me. I was curious and scared, in 6 months we will graduate from and move on and this meeting was unexpected. I slowly opened the door “close it behind you” said Rebecca - Ok bitch i will i thought,...

2 years ago
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Dee 6

I'm now called Dee Ch. 06 In work on the Monday after our night out clubbing, I could barely look at Craig, especially when he started bragging about giving 'some lesbo an orgasm.' I wanted to say something and defend a person's sexual choices, but didn't have the courage and didn't want his attention drawn to me. I sought Pamela out, asking if she would go to lunch with me as I had something I wished to discuss in private. Pamela realising it had to be important, suggested picking...

3 years ago
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Dees Big Boobed Mom

I knew fucking my girlfriend’s Mom may not have been the best thing to do, but I couldn’t resist those big freaking tits of Maryann’s when she came on to me in the bathroom like she did. Dee caught us. She told me to get the fuck out of her apartment and never come back. Paula, Dee’s sister, gave her Mom the nth degree. Something must have happened in the past that I didn’t know about. I was so full of remorse that I had just lost Dee over a moment of weakness to lust. I went back to my place...

1 year ago
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Dee 5

I'm now called Dee Ch. 05 Saturday night came at last, we were going out clubbing to a gay bar. We'd both showered, shaved, moisturised and generally pampered and preened ourselves. Put on our sexiest lingerie and our new glam dresses, hiding my Adam's apple with a choker. I also had sling back shoes, new matching clutch bag, into which I'd put certain feminine items including some feminine wipes. We were both hoping to hook up with a partner. Kate and I wanted to live our...

3 years ago
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Dee Maple My hot coach training session

It was my last year in high school, the magical summer was over, I still spend some time at casper house and especially enjoying my anal romance with ram who kept delivering amazing orgasms, feeling me up with his greasy cum and humping me day in day out when the family was out, he was doing my biding and i liked it, but still i needed someone to dominate me and make me feel like a true whore, an anal slut, a dirty cum filled bitch. As it happened a new coach was hired and we saw him during...

4 years ago
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Dee Ko Whtsapp Par Seduce Kiya Or Choda

Hello frnds my name is Lucky from new Delhi, i love to do sex regularly ..My age is 25 yrs .So seeda story par aate hai …Mai Delhi mei rehta hoo or meri cousin sister hai jo ki Punjab mei rehti hai uska naam Neeta hai jo ki married hai, mujhe wo shuru se pasand thi pichle dino unke bacho ki holidays par vo ghar aayi iss bar mera attraction unki taraf jaada tha mai bas unke touch karta rehta or unki pix apne saath lene ke bhaane chipkta vo samajh gyi thi ki mai unse mje le rha hoo ek din hum pix...

3 years ago
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Dee 7

I'm Now Called Dee Ch. 07 Coming out to Kate's parents had been easier than either of us thought, I wasn't so sure about my parents. I knew the days, weeks and months ahead were going to be difficult. They would turn out to be a rollercoaster of ups and downs and of emotions. As expected my parents weren't over the moon when I introduced them to Dee. My father stormed out saying, "Don't speak to me until you get this nonsense out of your head. MAN UP!" Mum, looking crushed and...

2 years ago
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Dee Saves the ProgramChapter 9

As I pedaled home from my time coaching Judy for some reason I found myself thinking of how depressed I'd been after my accident. Maybe coaching Judy today reminded how unwillingly I had passed the torch. God how I'd loved diving. Depressed? Me? You bet, and I never do things by halves. Face it, a broken neck had been a hell of a way to start to my Junior year. I'd cried. I'd cried buckets. I cried enough tears to fill our home swimming pool, a pool that I couldn't even use with my neck...

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Dee Saves the ProgramChapter 15

"Should I tie you to the chair and gag you?" "I'll be good," I assured Mrs. Devers. I knew she wasn't serious, and besides, much as I might have enjoyed being dommed by her this was definitely not the time or the place. Friday's archery followed by a lusty weekend with Missy and Maria had cooled me down, and I'd come to the conclusion that ripping someone's throat out was not a way to get to know them. As to getting closer to my enemies than I was to my friends, I'd decided that...

4 years ago
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Dee Does High SchoolChapter 15

I arrived at the meet'n'greet to discover everybody else, of course, was dressed -- oh, except for Mike, who'd gotten to the meet'n'greet before me and was standing off to one side, looking lost. He and I were in our program uniforms. Ah well, I should be used this by now. "Oh, look! It's the Truffula tree!" That was loud enough to draw everyone's attention to my entrance. Being tall I was accustomed to being gawked at. I tried to tell myself it didn't bother me. Much. As the...

1 year ago
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Dee joins Me and JohnA triangle

John stayed the night and we shared a bed for the second time,we didn’t sleep a lot I blew him, he blew Me ,once again before we dozed I found myself balls deep in that tight ,dark tunnel of Johns arse filling it with spunk that dribbled out down his downy haired crack to soak the dark hairs round his balls. It was around 10am when we awoke,the bedside phone forming our alarm,I dozily rolled over and picked up the handset. “ Hello,its Dee Im on my way home .I should be there in about Twenty...

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Dee models for Amateur Photography Club Part 2

We were in the kitchen eating supper.“Steve called today, I’ve agreed to go to his next photo session on Monday. It’s in the morning. Can you get the time off?”“Monday morning? You know I can’t get off a morning off that soon. If you had called me after you got the call I could have perhaps made arrangements.”I think she knew that would be my answer. It was Friday evening and on Monday mornings we had a team meeting and as I was a major part of it there in no chance of getting out of it. “What...

2 years ago
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Dee Maple Mr Bob the dirty Handyman

Once in about two weeks i had a special private training in coach Mato offices, he praise me as a superb athlete - but you all know what he praised - my naked body and godlike ass. And he butchered my ass every time, we had about 2 hours and he kept me trained like a bitch and i obeyed every command, but after couple of times he became soft on me, my guess he started to fall for me, he craved me more and more and his power appeal started to diminish, i didn’t want him to kiss me and make sweet...

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