The Perils of Pubescent PornChapter 21
- 3 years ago
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“Right let’s see what we’ve got,” Christina was heading for the computer. We transferred the files and played them, by which time Angie and Natalie had joined us. Natalie squeezed in between me and Christina, bringing my cock back to attention. The footage was incredibly sexy and the situation made me desperate to grab Christina or Angie and fuck them.
“That’s great,” Christina was pleased with the film too.
“We ought to have a plot,” suggested Angie, “roughly anyway.”
“Oooh yes,” her fellow Year 10 student agreed, “to be a movie. What can it be? Well Nat’s nice and young and we’ve got her being seduced into lez...”
“We can bring Teacher into it, like the homework punishment.”
“I don’t like the idea of sex as punishment,” I said. “It was a bit of fun yesterday but it’s not really a good theme.”
“Will you fit in her?” asked Christina, just assuming I was going to try.
“I don’t know,” I said. I wasn’t going to actually argue. “Are you on the pill?” I asked Natalie, who was rubbing her naked body up against mine as though she’d been doing sex movies all her life.
“Injection, got to be ready,” she grinned. “If you do fit I bet I’ll cum like crazy.” Christ.
“We could be bullies,” suggested Angie, “and after I seduce Nat she tells someone and gets me into trouble, so we drug Teacher and turn him into a ravening sex beast, so he fucks Nat over and over again, but she loves it and outlasts him so she beats the bullies and wins.”
“And the bullies are wowed by how she does it and forgive her and so they all fuck happily ever after,” agreed Christina. “Cool.”
“Okay,” said Natalie, “I think.”
“Yes well we just stop if it’s not working,” Angie gave her a stroke, “if you get sore or aren’t liking it, or it doesn’t fit in you or whatever.”
I tried to work out if being drugged made being a ravening sex beast okay, or not. It wasn’t the greatest storyline either in my opinion, but Natalie took matters into her own hands, literally, by grabbing my cock.
“So we can film the bullying scenes and the drugging and everything afterwards can’t we,” Christina looked at me while I stood holding my breath, so I nodded, “and slot them in later. Let’s get the ravening in the can while we’ve got the light.” She grinned with using the industry words.
“Okay so Carl you’re all growling with that deep voice and crazed, like your amazing eyes staring, and moving slowly,” she directed me effortlessly, “advancing on little Nat with your huge cock.”
“Then we’ll fix the cameras for a bit to do us holding our victim,” Angie took it up, “while you impale her.”
“After that we do some of her face all anguished and aghast,” added Christina, “separately but while the light’s the same.”
“Then once she’s helpless in your big muscley arms we let go and watch, and get it on a bit ourselves, in the background, and we can do some hand filming too, while you fuck her all day.”
“And you keep cumming Nat, and so do you Carl, and it’ll be good that the light’ll change to show the time passing, and we do an exhausted scene at the end where Nat is okay but hunky teacher is totally wiped out.”
“We could help that along, off camera,” suggested Angie. “I need some and I bet you do too.”
“Good idea.”
So the big, gorgeous five-ten blonde and substantial, gorgeous five-seven brunette held lissom little Natalie’s ankles and wrists, splaying her out on the bed, while I growled and stared and stomped slowly towards her defenceless pussy with its thin dark-blonde bush.
“Oh no,” she cried, overacting happily, “you’re too big! I didn’t mean to tell! Help!” and so on as I lumbered up and menaced her labia with my cockhead, which did look much too big. However her plump, damp lips parted easily for the dark-red, bulbous intruder, and when I withdrew the first inch it came back generously coated in pussy juice. Hopefully the camera mounted on the wardrobe was capturing it in glorious shiny detail.
“You haven’t wet yourself yet?” Evelyn greeted Janice the next morning, down in the gym. “You can have a percentage,” Janice took the initiative away from her tiny teen foe. I fell for it: “There’s the building, the fees, and the porn, which are you talking about?” “Take this chain off then we can talk. Let me get home and shower and change then we can discuss things in a civilised manner.” “So you’ve got a backup at home!” Paige worked it out. We’d gone down mob handed. “And you could...
By midnight, finally, all the girls who wanted some cock had been satisfied, and they were drifting off to their dorms, along with the few who hadn’t. Frances had gone home with Christina, and taken Angie, Natalie and Hailey to drop off. I’d had a doze and woken still with an erection, which was only slightly sore and achey. “Hey!” cried the miniature reason I’d woken up, “we’ve got it!” She was waving a phone. “Oh?” I grumbled. “Yes!” She was with Sofia, Jenna and Paige. “We got into her...
The Common Room is the old hotel lounge and the place for the students to hang out. It’s quite a good size. It has a couple of tables for if they want to work, and a collection of old sofas in all different colours and styles, that Janice had had me collect from ebay and gumtree, with some plum-coloured original side-seating round the walls. It’s a bohemian effect, finished off by the various different coffee tables, the stained dark-red carpet, a small TV and bluetooth speakers which were...
We didn’t reach a decision, just to go the school to start with, but everybody wanted to come. I called Candace and she came over and, inevitably, took the three smaller, younger girls in her impoverished little hatchback, while I took Christina and Angie in mine. Evelyn would fill Candace in on the way. “I might’ve known you’d end up in a girls’ boarding school,” teased Angie from my back seat, stroking my neck. “You have no idea,” I smiled ruefully. “So have you missed us?” grinned...
The day passed in stress and semi-chaos: a mix of teaching disruptive kids, editing illicit video, and tending to Janice and Frances’ carnal demands. But at least now I had help from Bob and Candace on that front, so by bedtime I wasn’t too drained and was looking forward to some time with Candace. However when she came up, after doing the late rounds, it was with a complication. “Evelyn and Sofia asked if you were doing a round too,” she smiled as she came into my room. “Not interested in...
“Excellent.” First thing next morning Janice was looking over my shoulder while we took a look at the footage. “Isn’t she lovely? Still fifteen too, that’s premium. Well, worth more than sixteen anyway. Such a vigorous orgasm, and that bit of reluctance is pure gold, especially with her getting into it so thoroughly afterwards. Okay let me have me the five-minute edit this evening, then see what we’ve got from later on. They’re still at it, aren’t they?” “Yes,” I switched back to the live...
Before anything could develop I got up, that woke the girls up, and we went out onto the landing, just as Candace’s door opened next to us and she emerged with a girl - Rose. “Oh!” everyone said. Rose went bright pink. “Hello,” said Evelyn to her, “I’m Evelyn.” “Hello,” said Rose, and fled down the stairs. “It’s alright,” Evelyn called after her, “we’re cool with girls and girls.” “Hello Evelyn,” smiled Candace. We were still learning girls’ names too of course. “Hello Sofia.” “Hello...
“Filming?” “You don’t imagine we’re going to leave the dormitories unmonitored do you?” “But the age range is thirteen to eighteen?” Surely... “I’ve found an outlet,” she smiled conspiratorially. “They guarantee they can only be seen in the Middle East and you would not believe what they’ll pay!” “But the girls will be being exploited then,” I had to object, “underage, and they won’t even know...” “Oh they have to know, if they’re sexy.” “Blackmail?” I gasped. “Exactly Carl, I knew...
“You’re going to bend over the desk Rose,” growled Janice “your decision is about whether you do it with your panties on or off.” “It’d be sexual assault if you took my panties off!” Rose objected. “It was sexual assault that you were perpetrating on my teacher,” Janice advanced menacingly. Rose still wasn’t moving. “And now you’re being quite properly admonished,” Janice leaned down to speak into her ear, “in front of witnesses. Understood?” She looked round so we all nodded...
“How big is it anyway?” asked Christina, moving her fingers to it, “it looks more than eight and a bit or whatever you said.” “We ought to know really,” Angie agreed, “have you got a tape? Or a ruler?” I hadn’t, but they immediately found ruler apps for their phones, so not much later I was slouched in the middle of the sofa, trying to keep still while they played with my cock and had fun measuring it with two mobile phones. “Eight point eight,” pronounced Christina in the end, “that’s...
So the following evening I was at Christina’s house, which is bigger than Angie’s, meeting the parents of all three of the underage girls I was having sex and making porn movies with. Christina’s father, it’s fair to say, was regarding me with a hint of suspicion, perhaps knowing his daughter too well. Natalie’s father was faintly dubious too, but they had nothing concrete to go on of course, and they weren’t getting support from the others. Angie’s father was agreeable but seemed to think...
We all ‘dressed’ for dinner, during which Paige and Jenna told us that LastPass is a password manager, protected by a complex password plus a second type of verification, that would contain all of Janice’s passwords to her encrypted online storage. They’d found her Microsoft login on the underside of her keyboard, written in not-really invisible ink that dust hadn’t stuck to. There was a TOR browser and LastPass app on the pc, and now they were going through the computer hunting for that...
I wondered vaguely how it had taken so long since the first delicious time, till I worked out that in fact it was only the day before yesterday. Was it? It was hard to keep track. “Your place or mine?” I asked, thinking of her fragrantly scented bedroom. “Yeeees...” she looked around pensively. “Bob can keep an eye on things can’t he?” We looked across the room to Bob talking with three girls in the corner; or more accurately perhaps, being pressed into the corner by three girls. Then we...
“No, I won’t always be ahead of you.” I stroked fingers into the soft, glossy hair on her head then through it down onto her back. “You are special to me anyway.” She thrilled, but also was interested in sinking further onto my cock. I could feel she was lubricated, as she twisted and writhed and thrust her agile little body, and her pretty face gradually receded away from mine, down my body, while the sensation in my cock grew more and more amazing. She was tight, but in an elastic...
Janice arrived at nine. She’s not bad still, I suppose, in the right lighting. She was more relaxed than at school, too. “Ah so this is your sex movie studio,” she looked around with a gleam in her eye, “it looks quite familiar. I think we might watch one while I enjoy your hot young body. Let’s start with those big girls talking the small one into being lezzed. I love how she cums so hard, so many times, while they completely work her delectable little body over. “It’s such a pity being...
Then at the end of the month, after classes on the last Friday, Janice called me into her office. I knocked, and went in to find Christina’s mother sitting in the other visitor’s chair. “Hello,” I smiled, hoping that might help. “Carl,” Mrs Nering smiled back, “our favourite porn star.” She and Janice grinned tauntingly at me while I glanced from one to the other, trying to find a way to play it. Why were they smiling? What did they know? I saw Janice had her laptop open... “Mrs Nering...
I had to change something, I knew, as I started a wank, my imagination flitting between Angie and Christina. I couldn’t bring them back here, because the other guys knew I was a teacher and they’d talk. I needed a flat, with its own entrance. The obvious option wasn’t an option, considering how my willpower had done so far. In the morning I started looking for a place, and luckily found one pretty quickly, on the top floor of a converted house, with a landlord who’d been holding out trying...
At the end of that we paused for a break. “Wow that was great!” Christina was delighted with progress, giving Angie an extra naked hug and heading for the computer to see what the footage looked like. It did look pretty sexy, I had to admit, and things all felt pretty sexy too, clustered round with the three nude girls, all touching me and each other. “Wish we had those lights,” Angie commented, “the bits that aren’t in the sun are so dark you can hardly see anything.” “We can do some...
“That was awesome,” Angie finally stopped recording. “So mine next, then can you show us how you edit them? It’s so cool how you do the titles and add music and make a movie.” “I’ll show you now,” I offered. My student was looking dissatisfied with this idea, so I carried on: “It’ll give me a few minutes to recover. I’ll be harder, and more likely to cum properly when you do, with some good big spurts, deep inside.” “Okay,” she smiled, “cool.” She squirmed a little in anticipation, in her...
I wondered if she counted as my first virgin, while I wound down and slowed to a halt. She was so sexual, perhaps she didn’t. I felt pretty sure another girl would have needed more time, and just generally more looking after, and perhaps eating or something, to be ready for my size. “OOooh that was so right,” she beamed up at me. “It was,” I smiled back. I worked my arms under her and rolled us over so she was on top, still impaled, legs astraddle, feeling gorgeous. She lay her head on my...
I just looked at them. Christina moved behind Angie and eased the jacket off her shoulders. Angie stood there in the middle of the floor while her friend started on her trainers, then socks, then jeans, and tee, until she was in bra and panties, looking fantastic. They were grinning at me, seeing me riveted, as they swapped and Angie slowly stripped Christina down to bra and panties too. Small, soft bras, and small, thin panties. Then they moved together, face to face, and kissed lightly....
Evelyn was in her pyjamas and robe; needing something? I beckoned her and she followed me into my room. “I ... I...” she mumbled. “You’re homesick,” I realised. They’d mentioned that in teacher training. “I think Sofia is,” she claimed. “That’s, you know...” “ ... part of it,” I smiled. Probably they both were. “That’s natural. Go and get her and we can talk about it. Are the others okay?” “I think so, they’ve gone to sleep anyway.” A couple of minutes later the two of them were in my...
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Straight SexHi my name is Robert Shephard...yeah I see you scratching your head. Don't worry I get that a lot. Needless to say I'm a nobody, however you've probably heard about my Girlfriend people call her Supergirl. Wait don't go, I'm serious. You see six months ago I met an amazing girl named Linda Lang. She was Smart, Funny and very very passionate about....things. We started going out almost every night but every once in a while she'd leave for one reason or another. It got to the point where I was...
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Hi there!My Name is Robert Shephard, but most people call me Bobby. I was living an average life, I had a good job teaching High School Chemistry, and was dating an absolute knock out named Linda. Then everything changed when I (through a complete fluke) discovered she was in reality Supergirl. Messed up huh?A Day after I discovered the truth I found myself Orbiting the Earth in a Massive Space Station called "Watchtower". "This is the Coolest.....thing....ever!" I said pressing my face against...
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College: A place of higher learning, where young adults come to broaden their horizons and ready themselves for the real world... At least in theory. For many, college is a place to go wild and enjoy yourself before having to face the responsibilities of adulthood. Unfortunately for an unlucky pair of coeds, they're about to go a bit too wild. Soon finding themselves stark naked in the worst of places, will they manage to make it through this ordeal with their dignity intact? Let's take a...
Kimberly stepped gingerly off the small transport boat. It had been over 15 hours of plane flights followed by this latest 3 hour boat ride to her final destination. She smiled as she felt the warm sun bathe her soft pale skin. Her husband quickly followed her off the boat carrying their two large suitcases. "Thank you dear." She said with a smile as her hand brushed his strong arm. He returned the smile and passed the two bags off to some dark skinned native boys who were working the docks...
Due to some requests, a picture file has been added here additional pictures will be added over time. Your name is Lisa Carter. You're an extremely attractive young woman, twenty-three years old, working your way through college. You're about 5' 5", very curvy, with full ripe breasts and firm shapely thighs. Your pretty face is framed by long dark hair, and you've been told your smile lights up the room. Your body gets you a lot of attention from men...