Classy ConversionsChapter 15: Chop. Plop. Flop. Sunday Morning Coming Down free porn video

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Well, it had been an evening of legendary bacchanalia. Jennifer had been fucked by a half-dozen different men, licked by the same number of women, and watched a whole host of people fuck and get fucked.

If I got to go, this is the way, she thought. I wonder if I could get breakfast first before the final performance?

Looking around, she saw the woman named Helen passed out over Jack’s dick. She was like the den mother for everyone here. And she was stirring over Jack.

Looking around, Helen saw Jennifer sitting watching her. “Good morning?” Helen said with a question in her voice.

“Great morning,” Jennifer answered. “But I’m HUNGRY.”

“Let’s see if I can stir up something to eat. Onions, mushrooms, peppers and cheese over synth pork? And maybe Belgian waffles?

Jennifer’s stomach growled at that idea. “Shit. Where do I sign up? And do we have time?”

“It’s six-thirty. Guests won’t be admitted until after nine. We won’t start the festivities until nine-thirty or ten. No reason not to have a great last meal.”

Following Helen, Jennifer went to the break-room. While breakfast was cooking, they were joined by several of the men who had been upstairs in the Hen House section. Jennifer teased and flirted with Marty and Chris, who she knew were going to decapitate her soon. “Hope the stomach popping won’t make too much mess,” she giggled.”

“Not enough to worry about,” Chris rejoined. “You will clean up very nicely once you are dressed. Or undressed, as the case may be.”

“When will I be graded for sale?” Jennifer asked.

“That’s Carl’s job. We don’t do grading here. He does it after you are dead and cleaned in compliance with USDA regulations. We never final-grade meat on the hoof,” Chris said, shoveling a mouthful of eggs into his mouth. “Bad practice and you don’t want any complaints about grading.”

“Damn. That doesn’t seem fair. A girl should know what she is worth. That’s what diamond rings are all about,” Jennifer retorted.

“So, Helen. How many do you think will follow me?” Jennifer asked, shoveling in a waffle piece.

“Janet, definitely. Susan, definitely. Carla, definitely. Jessica and Katie, I’m not sure,” Helen responded with her analysis.

“Well, Katie has the best talent and I don’t really want her up there. The others are sycophants who should go. They don’t have enough independence to make it themselves. Besides they are second or third daughters. No big loss. With Jessica, I am divided. You could either watch her pale skin jerk and jump or not. You guys decide.”

“Actually, Jessica has to decide. Right up to the last moment. Even if we have to back her off the bed,” Helen said.

“You paid for all of them. Don’t you care?” Chris asked.

“After I get chopped, I won’t really care, will I? If three follow me, that is enough. The idea is to have repetition of the event to set the events into the minds of the audience. To get them to see the real elements of the terror.”

“Well, we’ll sure do that. Finish your breakfast, child. Don’t let it get cold. Preparation for showtime starts in an hour.”

Jennifer finished with some lively conversation about effects. No one had done a real execution like this in some time, and no one did pageants anymore. Jennifer was having a lot of fun directing her own act with a lot of flourish. Chris and Marty and were to be the stage handlers and executioners. They were going to be bringing Jennifer down for her beheading. They agreed that she was going to do be struggling and jerking around the entire way to the stage. Then they would rip her dress down to her waist front and back and force her down onto the munnion and secure her in place.

“Wrists tied or not tied?” Chris asked.

“I don’t know. I’d like to be able to struggle but the helplessness of being tied is neat too. But I want the audience to see my hands and feet while I am there, so I don’t want to be immobilized,” Jennifer continued.

“How about arms tied at the elbows behind the back? Stand up a second,” Marty said.

Standing behind Jennifer, Marty brought her elbows back behind her and almost got the points touching. Jennifer’s hands were free to move within a limit of movement but clearly visible. And it would limit the length that could be covered on the back when the dress was ripped.

“We can do that upstairs and that way I can be bound when you bring me down. The other girls will not be because they are bringing their own baskets,” Jennifer said. “Now I expect you to handle me a little roughly. After all, I am not being too compliant here. Weeping, crying, struggling. Realistic.”

“We can do that. But if it’s too overwhelming, remember that we need a safe word to stop and give you time to adjust. What word would you like to use?” Marty said.

“Oh my. You have been in scenes before, haven’t you?” Jennifer asked.

“At U of Illinois, I was in the Thespian society for four years. Can’t make much money with that, so I wound up working here.”

“Great. Okay. The word is ‘blueberry’. If I’m getting panicked, I’ll say something about blueberries,” Jennifer said.

“Okay. Now remember one last thing,” Chris continued, “when we have you locked in the stocks, and the blade is up, you still have the ability to talk. Until you say ‘goodbye’, we won’t drop the blade. Once you say that, I pull the cord and down it comes. So you can act out all you want and say anything you want up until then. The microphone you saw will pick that up whatever you say and we will hear it over the speakers. If you say blueberry, we stop and give you time to either calm down or ask we process you normally.”

“Darling man with the big dick, after paying all my daddy’s money for this party, you can be sure I won’t be doing some secret processing. He would kill me.”

Conversation continued in this vein for the next hour with the gallows humor overcome by fine food and a bottle of last night’s wine for Jennifer and a couple of the other girls who had followed the sounds of conversation and the smell of food downstairs.

Checking the clock and seeing that it was almost eight-thirty, Helen broke into the conversation and said, “Okay, lady. Time to get this show on the road.”

Returning with Helen to the rumpus loft, Jennifer selected a peasant dress with a full skirt and scoop blouse that had a lot of open chest area. Easily opened down the front and back to expose her breasts, it would make a great sight. Sitting there while the rest of the girls were down in the showers at either end of the loft area, Jennifer looked around.
She saw that the six different baskets had been put at the foot of the beds of the ladies in waiting. David had a very organized way of deciding what to do if a woman didn’t want to go through with it. Six wicker baskets, each with separate names on the bottom and separate scents inside. The last thing you ever smell. There was one for each girl, sitting at the foot of their beds. If they decided to bring them downstairs, then they would be standing at the bottom of the stairs watching the ceremony and waiting to be next in line. To give the girls an out when they were on the platform, they had a choice of carrying their baskets open-side up or open-side down. If they were open-side up, then they were in the queue. If the basket was open-side down, or sideways, then they were to be passed over.

If they didn’t bring them down, then they would be sitting in the bleachers watching the entire show. This much was in keeping with the historical behavior of the reign of terror in France. You carried your own head basket and rode to the execution on top of your own coffin. For those too poor, a common basket was re-used.

Jennifer knew that her basket with a combination of maple and cinnamon was already down next to the blade. She had placed it there herself yesterday before the party started. Candy had gone with her to place it and to throw a cloth over the opening to keep the scents from fading overnight. She also noticed a small microphone and camera along the bottom of the munnion block that held her head in place. Candy told her that was so she could give any last minute comments right up to the end.

“I’ve got to give David his due. He has added some nice touches here,” Jennifer said.

“You wanted something different, you got it. People are starting to stir next door. We have an hour to get you ready,” Helen said. “Anything you can think of that we left out?”

“No. We went over the questionnaire again yesterday. Boy, that thing was thorough. And the contract specified all of the things that were going on. I do have a question though. You guys don’t seem to have any human meat here. Why is that?”

“Well, that’s a good question. Really, I think it is because we sell it and we get used to seeing it going away. And I kind of lost the taste for it myself since I became a goat.”

“So you really are supposed to be killed too?” Jennifer asked.

“Yes. All of us with collars are past due. That’s why we can’t leave. If we are caught on the street, we are subject to being picked up and publicly termed.”

“Ugh. That doesn’t seem like it would be fun. So you guys do all this work to help little old sheep like me to get slaughtered nicely?” Jennifer teased.

“You have read blogs about us. We do a lot of careful screening first. Especially with substitutions and inadvertent volunteers. We don’t want anyone here who is not supposed to be here. David is a real stickler about that. The reason we have so many goats is because we do all the intake and processing preparation. Like with the blood tests and urine tests. We’ve got to protect the food supply.”

“Well, I would think it an honor if you kept part of me here for dinner tonight. Fuck me last night, eat me tonight. That sort of thing appeals to my sense of humor.”

“The last night before I came here I told David to fuck his dinner. When he was doing oral on me, I got a kick out of telling him “Eat me now and you can eat me for real later,” Helen said.

“That’s how I feel. David wasn’t in on our rumpus last night, but he can still eat me.”

“Well, I will put that under the heading of last requests, or is it a bequest?”

“Whatever. Just don’t let me go to waste,” Jennifer said. “Should I have my hair up or down?”

“It’s almost long enough to do a French braid,” Helen remarked. “Unless you want the peasant girl looks with pigtails? That would look cute.”

“No. I have the wrong style face for that. I have an angular face, not a round one. I think a braid off one shoulder would work. They can move that up when they lock my head in place, right?”

“Sure. Is all of this costume jewelry?” Helen asked.

“Yes, it’s all junk from the costume shop. You know, I wonder how Marie Antoinette felt when she was waiting for this same sort of thing? You know, if she had talks with her ladies in waiting. Not that you are a servant or anything, but if this is how she felt, thinking about it?”

“Thinking you want to go as a queen instead of a whore?” Helen asked. “And am I your Rosalie?”

“It does fit my flair for the dramatic.”

“Well, we can do that. We can talk to the guys when they come up and we can stage it then.”

Meanwhile, downstairs, the listed guests were coming in. Jennifer had posted the event as part of the drama club’s study of reality-theater, and the history of the 1780s. When David saw that there were over sixty attendees, he knew he would have a crowded bench.

Gus and Max Burke were leading and directing people in from the front door, while David and Margaret were welcoming and checking names against the guest list. David was a bit shocked to see Jennifer’s mother and sister come in with her stepfather. Joe DeFortes was an alderman in Chicago, and one of the most powerful people around. This should be interesting, David thought.

Cindy and Candy were wandering among the seated guests, filling orders for beer and wine and sandwiches. When questioned about drinking at so early an hour, they both responded that it was in keeping with the scene of 1780’s France, where wine was safer than water and coffee was unavailable. Besides, a little drunk was good for the spirit.

At nine-fifteen, David locked the door and took to the shorter stage. Looking toward the audience, he said, “Ladies and Gentlemen, on Jennifer’s behalf, I want to thank you for your attendance today. Jennifer had asked me last week for something out of the ordinary for her termination party and we happily worked with her. This is the culmination of that planning, and as you can see, she has something planned straight out of her history studies. As occasions of that time were often riotous and celebratory, we are encouraging that theme with the serving of wine and food. Please feel free to sample what you see, but do so with respect. Our ladies are to be handled gently.”

“In a few moments, our star will be led down here and will be accompanied by some of her ‘ladies-in-waiting’. For them, this is voluntary and none will be serviced unless they ask. For those of you who are here, I ask that you do not be disrespectful, but treat this occasion kindly and with dignity.”

Circulating within the crowd at the bleachers, David was given a glass of beer and sandwich along with the others. After a few moments, Helen came up to David and said, “We are about to come down. Some small changes in plans, but nothing to worry about.”

Before David could say anything, Chris came around the corner and said, “Could everyone sit down in the bleachers, please?”

As people moved to seats, Chris disappeared back into the hall and shortly re-appeared with Marty. They had a struggling and loud Jennifer between their arms, partially walking and partially carried across the floor to the waiting platform. Following close behind her was five of her friends from the previous evening. Margaret was happy to see that Katie was at the end and not carrying her basket. Margaret pointed her to her mother and aunt’s seats at the end of the bleachers.

Moderately struggling and crying out frequently, Jennifer was obviously in role as a reluctant victim. Chris and Marty were struggling to keep control as well as keep a straight face when she loudly proclaimed that she was a duchess and not some commoner to be dragged to her death. Stopping at the foot of the stairs, she suddenly shifted personality in Chris and Marty’s arms. “Okay,” she was heard to say.

“The previous scene,” Jennifer said, “was how the Countess de Roche acted when she was taken to the block. Others were more dignified. Chris, will you do the honors?”

With that, Chris offered her his arm as though an escort, and they walked up the steps to the waiting guillotine. “Now, whatever do I do?” she asked standing there looking toward the crowd.

“With your permission, my lady,” Chris said, getting into the role. “I will loosen this a bit,” he said as he untied the bow at the back of Jennifer’s neck and another between her breasts. This allowed the blouse to fall down and forward. Removing her arms from the sleeves, the dress now fell to her waist, revealing her beautiful breasts. Kissing her neck along the right side, “If I may have your arms?” Chris continued as he pulled Jennifer’s elbows to the rear of her body, forcing her breasts to jut up and out.

Quickly tying a loose figure-eight knot around the elbows to keep the lower hands free but the arms to the rear, Chris made short work of a moderate tie. Then pressing down from Jennifer’s hips, the peasant dress fell to the floor, leaving her nude body to the view of the entire stage.

Marty, in the meantime had brought the wheelbarrow around to the front of the stage just in line with the bed of the guillotine. Seeing that approach, Jennifer commented, “So I see, all ready to catch me and cart me away. What a utilitarian carriage.”

“You do love to talk,” Chris said.

“Yes, I do. Don’t forget to pull the cover off the basket, please?”

Hearing this, Marty pulled the cover away and set it beside the basket. He then moved back to provide an unobstructed view of the stage.

“Chris, dear, am I wet?” Jennifer asked.

Reaching his hand down and sliding his finger along Jennifer’s vulva, he felt a fresh spurt of female moisture along her lower lips. After playing for a few moments while she was standing there, Jennifer gasped, “Now, dear, you know I am sore. Ladies and gentlemen, I am sorry that I don’t have more time to play, but as you can see, they have worn me out last night.”

Carefully bending Jennifer over onto the bench, Chris raised her legs up and put them onto the narrow bed. “Oh, this is cold. Don’t let me be here too long, dear,” Jennifer said as she was fully straightened out.

Chris then rolled the bed forward and raised the lower munnion and locked it in place. Moving Jennifer’s French braid out of the way, Chris lowered the upper munnion into place, next he secured the locks that would act as a blade stop. Fastening a belt around Jennifer’s waist and knees to prevent lateral movement during the first few moments after separation, Chris made sure that they were firm, but not binding.

“Are you comfortable, darling?” Chris asked, standing away from the machine.

“Wonderful, thank you. Mmm, that smells delicious. Well, everyone, I guess this is goodbye.”

Hearing that word, Chris pulled the cable that released the blade stop. The sound of the blade cutting through Jennifer’s neck was amplified as a hollow “Whock“ sound. Followed by a plop as her head fell into the basket. Jennifer’s hands flexed and flopped nervously as did her legs and feet. The ladies-in-waiting, waiting at the foot of the stairs did not see the blood, but they did see the urine pooling around Jennifer’s hips on the table. The smell was both sickening and arousing. After a few moments all twitching stopped and Chris signaled to the next in line at the bottom of the stairs who was holding her basket open-side up. “Next?”

Janet Carmen ascended the steps lightly and watched as Chris unlatched the two belts holding Jennifer’s body in place. Giving it a roll, it fell off of the table and bounced onto the stage. Reaching up, Marty rolled it off of the stage and into the waiting wheelbarrow. Setting the basket between Jennifer’s legs, he started the trip back to processing, with bodily fluids leaking along the way.

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Its Sunday Morning with My sr

A Sunday Morning With our parents spending weekends at the new vacation home (which they also deemed their retirement property) my s****r and I pretty much had the house to ourselves. It also afforded me the freedom to turn my Saturday night dates into more-memorable events, with me driving home with the sunrise on Sunday. Arriving home, I locked the front door behind me and walked into the living room. It was early enough that my s****r Sandy wasn’t yet awake. I was practically floating...

4 years ago
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sunday morning and the carrot

Introduction: me and my flat mate Me and my flat mate 1- Sunday morning and the carrot. She is really cute. So thin, so blonde. With her athletic body and two little tits, always going around the house wearing just a thong. I am a 36 years old woman, and first days I didnt like this 22 years old waitress, but I need to share my flat bills! She moved here a week ago and this morning she is so happy cause its Sunday and she doesnt work. However, she woke up early as always. I guess she likes I...

3 years ago
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Sunday Morning

Sunday Morning Sunday morning. Didn’t want to get out of bed, but I knew I had to. I worked night shift last night and my head ached. Pretty sure I would have to work my second job today. Night shift at the mill, and part-time at a salon, of all things. But work was work, and I needed the money bad. Owed a lot of money, plus trying to get my little brother through school. Phone rang at 10:30. Caller ID said it John, the salon owner. I answered. John told me come in at 12:30. I have a customer...

4 years ago
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A Lazy Sunday Morning A Short Story

A Lazy Sunday Morning -A Short Story -So after the Poker Game last night we all slept in untilabout 9am and then we didn't jump right out of bed.Oh no, we fooled around some first. John and Kathywere feeling frisky and although I have to admit, I wasa little sore from the night before, I've never said no tosome good sex. I'm a very sexual lady and don't rememberwhen the last time was that I had too much sex.... lol Likethat has ever happened. Nope!So almost as soon as my eyes opened Kathy said,...

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Sunday Morning

Sunday Morning Sunday morning. Didn't want to get out of bed, but I knew I had to. I worked night shift last night and my head ached. Pretty sure I would have to work my second job today. Night shift at the mill, and part-time at a salon, of all things. But work was work, and I needed the money bad. Owed a lot of money, plus trying to get my little brother through school. Phone rang at 10:30. Caller ID said it John, the salon owner. I answered. John told me come in at 12:30. I have a customer...

4 years ago
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Sunny Sunday Morning

It was a sunny Sunday morning as I walked into the local Adult Book Store, with the usual flashy books and magazines along all the walls, I walked up to the counter and gave the attendant a 10 for change, then turned and walked into the dark arcade in the rear of the store. Having been there several times before I headed for the end booth one which I knew had a comfortable glory hole. As I walked by I noticed the red light lit next door indicating it was occupied. As I entered the booth I...

2 years ago
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Its Sunday Morning with My sister

A Sunday Morning With our parents spending weekends at the new vacation home (which they also deemed their retirement property) my sister and I pretty much had the house to ourselves. It also afforded me the freedom to turn my Saturday night dates into more-memorable events, with me driving home with the sunrise on Sunday. Arriving home, I locked the front door behind me and walked into the living room. It was early enough that my sister Sandy wasn't yet awake. I was practically floating...

4 years ago
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Tim And Abbie 28 Sunday Morning

Sunday morning shines brightly again. In Phoebe’s big bed, she and Les wake together, smiling stupidly at each other.  How two people act when first with someone new.  There is just this inner happiness that can’t be contained. A real tell that something extraordinary happened. This morning, there is all the time in the world and a perfect time to explore each other more and see where things lead.Phoebe has Les on her back as she is straddling her hips.  Their cunts are rubbing against each...

3 years ago
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Sweet Torturer of Delight or Sunday Morning

I awoke next to hubby alone in our bed—a rare occurrence lately . He was laying there, naked, totally uncovered, so calm, so beautiful. He manliness was perfect, like a piece of art in chiseled perfection. His flaccid limb lay across his leg, with those thick purple veins encompassing that manly flesh. His heavy pouch hanging down resting on the mattress. I enjoyed taking in this lovely sight while he peaceful slept beside me. I knew that at the slightest touch from my fingertips, it...

3 years ago
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Sunday Morning Pt 01

This is part one of at least a two part submission. In this episode, the first person perspective is that of Mr Adams. The plan is part two will be from the perspective of the young David as his romance with Abbie continues. ***** Early Sunday morning. I sit naked watching the sun rise over the small lake. Next to me lies someone who only recently entered my life. At my ancient age compared to her youth, I wonder over the splendor of the night just spent. Only 19, only two years out of high...

3 years ago
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"Mmph..." Jamie moaned as she forced her tired eyes open. A quick glance at the clock made her sigh- it was 5:45am, a time that up until recently, the 26 year old woman would have balked at, especially on a cold, wet Sunday morning in December. However, Jamie didn't hesitate to swing her smooth, slender legs out of her bed, wrap a warm dressing gown around her shivering body and pad the short distance down the landing towards the reason for her being awake so early. "Hey, hey cutie..."...

4 years ago
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A Sunday Morning

I woke up early Sunday morning and walked from the cabin to the general store just down the road. I purchased a copy of the Sunday New York Times, some fresh Bagels, a container of freshly squeezed orange juice and some tea for my angel. She was asleep when I left her, so when I came back I quietly closed the door and went into the kitchen to prepare our breakfast. She startled me when she came up behind me and asked what I was doing. ‘Making a light breakfast for you, my honey,’ I said. ...

4 years ago
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Sunday Morning

Sunday Morning By Julia Phillips I heard the key enter the top lock in the front door and checked my watch. 48 minutes since she'd woken me up by locking the door on her way out. I jumped out of bed, swung my shorty wrap around me and tied the sash as I skipped to the entrance hall. Monique opened the door and stepped in. She looked wonderful. A glow of excitement shone in her eyes and her long walk in the woods in the cool of the autumn weather had brought a flush to her...

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Honey Im HomeSunday Morning

For the next hour, I watched Kyra and Ally touch, fondle and kiss each other in every way possible.  I had always liked watching two women in porn movies but, in real life, it was even better than I could have imagined. I seriously lost count of how many orgasms each of them had. I was hoping they wouldn’t wear themselves out before I could possibly get another turn.  If, I did get a turn at them both.  This was supposed to be Ally’s night.  I was only along for the ride and what a ride it was...

Strap-On Sex
4 years ago
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Lazy Sunday Morning

A cool breeze floats through the open window on this early March morning, and with it come the glorious sounds of birds, the neighbor’s dog and the distant laughter of a child. Sundays are infinitely slower when we play hooky and lie in bed together. The wind lifts the window curtain, and your fingers brush the hair from my cheek with a feather-like touch. I slowly drift into consciousness and realize that as I lie here with my eyes still closed, you’ve been watching me sleep. A smile teases...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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The Lust of a Sunday School Teacher and a Churchgoing Boy

Introduction: Mrs Maggie Henderson is the pastors wife who out of growing sexual frustration seduces a fellow church member Clay Nicholas who use to attend her Sunday School group, but will an unexpected house visit later in the day threaten to turn the small Christian community upside down. (told from the boys perspective) Mrs Maggie Henderson The Pastors Wife and Sunday School Teacher The Pastors Wife I was brought up to go to church and believe that there is a God who will send me to hell...

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The DilemmaChapter 19 Jennifer Chancelor Sunday Morning

I woke up on Sunday morning feeling wonderfully refreshed. I felt better now that I’d told Dad that I’d changed my mind about the sex. I hadn’t known it was worrying me until I told him but suddenly I felt enormous relief. I should find a way to thank Bonnie for showing me what I really needed, not that she knew she was doing that. She was looking after herself as well as looking for some fun. Dad and Bonnie had a wonderful time yesterday evening but I had nearly as much fun watching them...

4 years ago
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Another Sunday Morning

Once again, thanks to brian34After a particularly rousing session the night before, we both awake lazily on Sunday morning. I make breakfast and take it out to the screened in patio, while you’re still stretching out in the bed. When you finally come outside, wrapped in a spare robe of mine and boxers, you see me in one of the chairs, feet propped up on the ottoman, reading a book and sipping coffee. You join in the chair next to me, separated by the small table. After a bit, you see my empty...

3 years ago
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SleeneChapter 9 Sunday Morning

I awoke curled under Master's arm. My head resting on his shoulder, one arm and leg draped over him. I felt his hand softly cupping and stroking my bottom. I could feel his morning hard-on pressing against my thigh. "Good morning, Master," I murmured. "Good morning my little love slave. Did you sleep well?" "Mm-Hmm," I said, stretching. I then settled back comfortably against him. We kissed and cuddled for a bit and then he untangled himself from me. I followed him into the...

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Sunday Lunch

“He’s asleep, come with me,” whispered Jackie in Dave’s ear. Dave stood carefully, looked at the slumbering George and tip-toed out of the conservatory. Jackie eased the door shut, being careful not to let the latch click. They moved more quickly into the hallway where Jackie turned, put her arms around Dave’s neck and kisses him greedily.“Don’t worry he’ll sleep for hours.” She led him upstairs.About a year before, Dave had been sitting at the bar of ‘The Winner’ just coming up to eleven...

2 years ago
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Sunday Morning Makes Our Clothes Fall Off

Damn it has been a long weekend. I have been in this house since Friday night without really talking to anyone. I woke up this Sunday morning, lonely, horny and a little depressed. I felt like just staying in bed but knew the dog would be leaving little surprises for me if I didn’t take him out. I got up, went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and threw on a sweatshirt, warm up pants and a jacket. I stepped out of the room and called for snoopy. As I walked out I was shocked. You were...

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Miss Robins Sunday Morning

Jackie woke me up by licking on my penis through the pink panty material. I love getting woken this way. We were both wearing baby dolls with matching panties and Miss Robins and Mother both insist we are to wear coordinating bras. We both need breast enhancers anyway so that goes without saying. We were lying on the bed in a 69 position and his wonderfully engorged penis was popping out of his cute little panties. Oh, what is a girl to do? Like Duh? I started lapping away and he...

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Sunday Morning Chapter 2 Part 1

We decided to split this chapter up into two parts to make things more enjoyable. I like how this one came out. Characters are showing their true colors now. Part one centers on Allison and Tyler while part two will concentrate on Alison and Camilla as well as bring more of this world into the light. Anyway, like always, thanks and comments are always welcomed. Ideas and suggestions too :3 Chapter was proofread by Luvbuster. Sunday Morning - Chapter 1.5 By: Fire Fly and Rin Ariel...

2 years ago
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My Weekend With Dawn Sunday Morning

Please read the first chapter "My Weekend With Dawn - Friday and Saturday" Since we had the room darkening shades pulled on the windows, it is difficult to figure out what time it is as I wake up, but I can see sunlight coming through the sides of the shades and it gives a dim orange glow to the room. I feel like I had slept for hours, but when I finally look at the time, it is only 9am. I get up to go to the bathroom and noticed that Autumn is not in the bed. I am a little disappointed...

3 years ago
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The Utterly Exhausting Beguiling CassieChapter 14 One Beautiful Sunday Morning

Awareness arrived on a wave of peaceful pleasure. Conscious thought arrived shortly thereafter. Sunday morning. Nothing to do. Golden morning sun lit the bedroom. I could feel it warming the bedcovers over me. Scent filled the air, light and delicate, floral; Cassie's perfume still lingering from last night. I held her. She was curled up like a child, asleep, her breathing only detectable by the movement of her back. I was spooning her, my knees curled up, my groin nestled against her firm...

4 years ago
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Sunday School Piano Player

This story begins in 2006. I was coming up on a move from Anchorage, Alaska to Columbia, South Carolina. I decided to use some online dating sites to maybe lay some groundwork to hook up with some women in SC. I had started talking to this (as I saw in photos) extremely cute, busty 18 year old girl. We shall call her Diane for the sake of anonymity. We talked casually for a few months via Yahoo messenger and grew to know quite a bit about each other. She was a big fan of my favorite band...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 119 Sunday Morning Comin Down

"Geese Max, it's the cops," Mike said. "It's not the real cops. It's the cop in Atwood's pocket. I can't go out with this," I said putting the shotgun down. "But you stay close to it. Video it all and if he shoots me, kill his ass, If he roughs me up, just get it on film and hide it." "Got it," Mike said. I walked onto the porch and spoke to the middle aged balding man who stepped from the Ford Crown Victoria with police written on the side. "Hello officer what can I do for...

2 years ago
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Another Sunday Morning

‘I missed you this week. Glad you’re back home with me.’ ‘Yeah, travel is a bitch and I miss my beautiful, and I must say, very sexy, wife. I live for these Sunday mornings.’ ‘Mmm, it’s fun catching up on the weekend but I miss you when you’re away. You must have missed me a lot, you usually don’t wake me up in the middle of the night, like last night, to make love. We already did it twice on Saturday. But I guess it’s better than not wanting me, right?’ ‘Oh, I could never not want you. I did...

2 years ago
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Another Sunday Morning

"I missed you this week. Glad you're back home with me." "Yeah, travel is a bitch and I miss my beautiful, and I must say, very sexy, wife. I live for these Sunday mornings." "Mmm, it's fun catching up on the weekend but I miss you when you're away. You must have missed me a lot, you usually don't wake me up in the middle of the night, like last night, to make love. We already did it twice on Saturday. But I guess it's better than not wanting me, right?" "Oh, I could never not want you. I did...

First Time
4 years ago
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Chantelle Sunday Morning

Chapter One I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off at 6 AM, feeling refreshed, after a deep and dreamless sleep and ready for the day. I had decided to join my buddies for our regular Sunday morning round of golf after all. Neither girl stirred from their sleep; they were obviously exhausted from all of our sexcapades from the day before. They looked so cute, lying cuddled up together in my bed. Chantelle was spooning Kaylee and had her arm draped over Kaylee’s hip; I pulled the...

3 years ago
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Sunday Morning Workout

The sun was shinning down, it was a warm summers morning. Walking through the park in the early hours of a Sunday morning was just what Kimmie needed. Birds singing and the faint smell of the dew.Finding that nice quiet area she loved Kimmie settled down on the bench. It was a little damp but she was not worried, adjusting her skirt and hold ups to get comfy she undid a button on her blouse to let in just a little cool air. She opened the bottle of water she had in her bag and took a mouthful...

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Saturday Night Sunday Morning

I’m Doug the husband. I coach division one college baseball for a University located on the west coast of Florida, I’m not saying which one but you’ll probably know after reading my story. I’m married to my beautiful wife Sandy. Both she and I turned thirty last summer. I never thought I could fall in love at first sight but with Sandy that was the case. She had a body that most women would die for. At five foot four her tiny waist and hip’s only accentuated her luscious 34c breasts. Her long...


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