S&S NerdChapter 13 free porn video

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It didn't take me long to run home for my truck. I checked inside the house to make sure everything was straight and neat, or I would never hear the end of it from my mom. It appeared as if whoever they were using for a housekeeper had just finished. The place sparkled.

I arrived at the airpark at two twenty and parked at the Air Charter office. I had followed a company pickup in. Inside the office, DeDe was happy to see me again, "Hi, Dr. Feeny, or Sal, as you want to be called, you won't have long to wait. We were running ahead of schedule with a tailwind and your folks were waiting for us when we landed. They hardly gave the crew time for a potty break. They sure are anxious."

There was chatter over the radio speakers. DeDe gave me some instructions while pointing, "That's them now. They are on final approach and will be down in a couple of minutes. If you want to watch, stand out by the edge of the small aircraft hangar."

Being the typical gawker, I walked past the open hangar that had more than a dozen small aircraft parked inside. I watched the sleek jet touchdown on the main landing gear before dropping the nose gear and slowing down.

The plane was much bigger than I had thought it would be, but I really didn't have any experience with small jets. I watched as the aircraft went past the charter office, turned a hundred and eighty degrees, and stopped with the passenger door of the aircraft right in front of the office.

I could see the pilot and co-pilot doing various things through the front windscreen while the door to the aircraft opened and steps were lowered. A young lady in a uniform got off and stuck her hand out to help someone from the aircraft. Mom came down the couple of steps and stood looking around. Dad came down the steps, checking out the young lady who was obviously some kind of flight attendant.

A ground attendant pulled a big and small suitcase from a rear luggage compartment and carried them to my pickup truck. Mom and Dad were looking around for me when I walked back from the open door of the small aircraft hangar.

The folks were too excited to see me, considering I had only been gone a couple of weeks. Mom rained kisses on my face while hugging me, followed by a bone crushing hug from Dad. I was equally happy to see my folks.

I took them inside to meet DeDe, Star, and Betty, who were all busy getting ready for the afternoon pilot lessons. Once that was done, I took them to my truck for the drive to the trailer park. They already knew I lived in a mobile – well, manufactured – home park, but the reality didn't hit them until I was through the gate and circling to the back where my place was.

When we pulled up to my place, Dad made the comment, "This is a hell of lot friendlier looking than that apartment you had. It looks like people enjoy living here."

Mom was right there being observant, "How nice that someone planted all of these flowers around your trailer. It does make it homey."

Inside, the place was almost a shock to Mom. "Sal, you have a nicer kitchen than I do. This is beautiful."

Dad liked the one big family room with the big TV. "Man, you can watch TV sitting at that counter, can't you? I like the idea that you can see that big thing from anywhere in the room. This is great."

I took them into the front bedroom through the door on the side of the kitchen. Mom exclaimed, "Oh my, Honey, there is enough room in here to do some tall playing, isn't there?"

"Mom, enough said of that," Dad said in his authoritative voice. "You'll embarrass your youngest if you keep that up."

Dad pinched Mom's bottom and told her, "Keep your britches pulled up, Honey; we'll be back here before long to test this bed."

My parents were acting like teenagers.

After bringing their bags in and helping them get their clothes hung up, I said, "Now to show you off a little. This is early, so there won't be many people there, but it's a great time to meet some of the new moms and to play with the babies."

They both looked confused before I told them, "Just look around, meet the people, and watch. You'll get the idea real fast. This is the most unusual group of people you will ever meet. I don't know a lot of people real well yet, but I know surprisingly many. Come on, let's ride over."

When I directed them to get in my cart, Dad made the comment, "So here you're known as "Wild Sal Feeny" and "Doc Feeny" and how did they get your pictures for the caricatures?"

"Dad, who knows how they do everything they do? You'll get a feel for it as you visit. By tomorrow, you'll want to sell the ranch and move in with me."

"Not likely, Son, but I'm happy you've found a good group of people to live with."

"That's the best part, Dad," I proclaimed, while waving my hand around. "This is not just a good group to live around; it's a great group to work with. You'll see."

I took the long way to the patio to show them the rec centers, the sports complex, and even drove back by Chuck's place to give them an eyeball on his huge complex. I told Dad, "The guy who owns this is as common as grass. He's involved in all kinds of things and apparently has money bulging from his pockets. He doesn't act like it, and his family is really nice; unique, but nice."

When we stopped at the patio, my dad said to mom, "Now that is a Texas sized back porch. That's what I was trying for the last time I rebuilt that thing at home. I just didn't make it big enough."

As I walked in, Steve and Sue got up from a table near the bar and came to meet my folks. Dad took one look at Steve and asked, "Are you from Texas or do you just wear comfortable clothes?"

Sue laughed, "No, he's not from Texas, but I don't think he owns anything besides western pants, jeans, and boots. He does have T-shirts and a couple of white shirts."

As we talked and moved toward the bar, more of Steve's women came out of the house. First it was Giovanna, the Italian beauty who walked up to us. I don't know how Mom knows these things, but she greeted Giovanna in her native language. You would have thought it was Giovanna's mother the way she hugged Mom. While they yapped away, Steve introduced my folks, or at least my dad to Mercy, Kathy, Juanita, and Mickey."

Glenda came out, and I put my arm around her to introduce her myself, "Dad, Mom, this is Glenda. I have coffee with her and Steve every morning. It's a great way to begin my day."

More women began coming from the house, so I held up my hand, "Okay, Ladies, I'll try to get this right, but you are a bunch to remember." Some of the women were carrying babies, while others were anxiously looking back toward the living room. I went through all of them and apparently got them right. Mom did her Italian thing with Gina, who was as demonstrative as Giovanna.

Steve told my folks, "While you're here, I'll try to put you straight on how I came up with such a big family."

That's when Mom choked, "How many of these women are yours?"

Steve gave a sheepish grin and told them, "Only six, but you should see the pile of kids I have. It's a blast."

Both Mom and Dad were immediately skeptical. Steve saw it and tugged on Dad's arm, "Come on, have a beer. It's almost Miller time anyway."

Dad followed Steve, and Mom staggered a little but followed them. The girls all gave me a hug before going inside. Damn, these women were all just wonderful.

Mom quietly asked me, "If the first bunch was Steve's, who do the others belong to?"

I looked at her as casually as I could, "Chuck and Lisa. They will all tell you that they belong to Chuck and Lisa. I'm not sure how that works yet, but I'll probably figure it out."

"Give me a beer, Son. I think I need something after that meeting. You said you have a special friend, is she coming here?"

"Mom, don't panic, but I have five special friends who are all single moms and who have great jobs right here in the company. You'll like them."

Mom pulled my head down to whisper in my ear, "Sal, you can only marry one. What will you do with the rest?"

"Don't worry, Mom, you'll see when you meet them."

Dad and Steve had been having a conversation near us and I could tell Dad was warming to Steve and to Sue who was with him. Of course, Dad had trouble taking his eyes from Sue's enormous chest but he was being tantalized by Gina and Giovanna who were on the patio, and the luscious sight of Grenaline had him weak in the knees.

Mom saw the way he was devouring the young Grenaline and Niki, who was cutting up with her. Ding dong, if they're here, their mothers can't be far behind.

Rita walked in the patio and came straight for me, embraced me, and gave me a great kiss right on the mouth. Before I could introduce her, Jenny walked in and came straight for me. I could see both Mom and Dad looking between Jenny and Grenaline. As if planned, which I'm sure it was, Marilyn slinked in, using her sexy walk that would create an interest from any man. I received her kiss and was immediately hugged and kissed by Janet, and her daughter, Donna, who kissed my cheek and went to be with the other two girls.

The final lady made her entrance. Suki sparkled from the doorway all the way to me. My folks had to do the checking between Suki and Niki as the mother approached. The tiny wonder jumped up, wrapped her legs around my waist, and put a lip lock on me that was mind bending. As she dropped her feet to the ground, she announced, "I'm not the biggest, but I try to make the biggest entrance."

As if choreographed, Kathy was nearby and said, "Mr. and Mrs. Feeny, these five women are trying to occupy all of your son's time. You'll have to talk to them about how they do that, but I'm sure it is a fun story."

"The first lady that came in is Rita, who Sal met in Panama City Beach. The total fox, with the equally foxy daughter, is Jenny. I think choosing between the Jenny and Grenaline would be a difficult choice. Marilyn is our most vocal, so don't pay a lot of attention to her. She's always talking. Janet is a gentle doll, as is her daughter, Donna. Sal has already been good for her. And this little one next to the rest of them is Suki, who has an equally cute daughter, Niki."

The five women were lined up so Mom and Dad could look them over. I could see the look on the girls' faces as they all wanted to be accepted by my parents.

It was Mom's turn to get excited "Is this who you said you were being friendly with? Sal, these are all beautiful women. I just have to learn more about each of you. I hope we will have time to visit."

Rita, ever the smart one, "We're not going anywhere. It's time for a beer or evening drink, so let's grab a table and visit."

Dad took hold of my arm, "Kid, I know the look a woman has in her eye for her man, and all five of them have that look. You better be careful, or one of them is liable to be on the jealous side of mean."

I quietly answered Dad, "I asked that same question, Dad, but they all say we are just going to be special friends. They all live next door to me and I'm sure they rearranged their places to get me in the middle. I'll keep my eyes open, Dad, but so far, so good."

Steve came up to us and asked Dad, "How about some of the girls' killer chicken wings. Sal is one of just a few who can eat them. I'm told he takes after you."

"Bring 'em on, Steve. I am a mite hungry."

Grenaline and Niki came over to be introduced. When I introduced the two to Dad, Grenaline gave her vamp best to rub around on poor Dad, and of course, Niki was trying but just not built for the same effect. I introduced them to Mom, who couldn't get over how similar the girls were to their mothers.

Dad said, "Looks like the moms are going to have some competition with their daughters."

"Not really, Dad. Grenaline is a tease and loves to lead guys on. She's smart and is in a pre-med course of study. Niki is just about to begin college too. These women are not dumb blondes or brunettes. You'll be impressed while you're here, as they are all above average."

Mercy was watching Dad as he ate one of her most vicious wings. He didn't even reach for his beer as he reached for another wing. Mercy came up to us and commented, "No wonder Sal didn't even flinch when he ate our wings. You just had some as if they were candy."

Dad laughed, "Sal, call your sister and have her send you a jar of her new sauce. It almost hurts it's so hot. You'll love it."

Mercy poked Steve, got his cell phone, and handed it to me, "Call her, call her right now. Kathy and I have to have some."

I gave his phone back to her and called Sis on my phone. "Hey, Sis, this is Sal." There was a pause before, "I'm fine and doing well down here in Florida. If you get a chance, you'll have to visit. You know Mom and Dad are visiting, and Dad says you have a new hot sauce that's great. How do I talk you out of a jar and the recipe? I have some new friends who love hot stuff."

Sis said she would send it out this evening as she had to go by the airport post office. She said she and my niece and nephew were going to be in Lubbock to go to the mall for some shopping. She chatted for a minute and asked for Mom. I gave Mom my phone and the two were off to the races. I swear they talk every day and often, like right now, they have an extra couple of minutes and just yak and yak.

My dad was telling me, "If you like that phone, you'd better collect it from your mom right away. She can make a cell phone disappear faster than a magician."

Since we were sitting at the bar with Mercy and Kathy, Mercy pointed at my dad's near empty beer mug and told him to watch the mug. The mug began dematerializing. Just like Star Trek. It faded right out. Dad asked, "Does she make cell phones disappear like that?"

We were sitting at the bar with Dad's hand almost where the mug had been, when a full mug appeared. Mercy winked at Dad as she got up and went inside the house.

"For all that's holy, that was one of the best tricks I've ever seen."

Steve told Dad, "You'll have to go the club and watch Mercy perform with her mom and dad. Merlin, her dad, is one of the most accomplished magicians you'll ever meet. Then after you think you've seen everything, Mercy and her mom will begin reading minds of people in the audience, picking out who might be having the most radical thoughts. It makes for great entertainment."

As we sat at the bar, more and more people came in and were introduced to Mom and Dad. We were hearing some music coming from the house, which isn't all that unusual, but it was a little early for Donny and Marty. Gina was still at the bar with Giovanna, and told us, "Chuck and Lisa are playing with Bonita. Bonita wanted to learn a new song."

After listening for a minute, Dad asked, "If I didn't know the man was dead, I'd swear that's Les Paul in there and that voice has to be Mary Ford. I have to see this."

I took Dad into the house, looked around the corner of the huge living room area, and in the far end, Chuck and Lisa were messing with what they called their controller as they pushed buttons and turned dials. Lisa kept singing a single note while Chuck and Bonita were doubling and tripling the reverb echoes. When they felt they had it right, Chuck began playing the lead in, with Bonita playing a rhythm background on her acoustic while monitoring the console, and Lisa was playing a bass as she came right in with the vocals.

If you closed your eyes, you could have seen Les Paul up on stage with Mary Ford hugging a microphone. It was that good, that close to the real thing. They did an extended version, with Chuck playing a longer solo, before going through the reverbed lyrics one more time. When they were done, Bonita was happily punching buttons on the console again. The little girl said, "We got that one down perfect. I heard it on YouTube and knew we could do a good job on that one. Don't you just love the way the voice can be doubled and tripled?"

Dad said to me in a low voice, "That was amazing, Sal. You say those two are Chuck and Lisa? Are they professional musicians?"

"They might be, Dad but they are also pilots, and I believe Deputy U.S. Marshals. I don't know how they do everything, since Chuck is supposed to have an island paradise off the coast of Costa Rica that is something special. Like I told you, Dad, keep your eyes open and enjoy these people. Wait until you hear that little girl play her electric guitar or her fiddle. She is an amazing talent."

As we walked out onto the patio, Mom was still holding the five girls' attention, and they had now been joined by the three daughters present.

From nowhere, I was attacked by two girls of about thirteen, who were determined to use me for a Mount Everest climbing demonstration. Rita's twins ended up on a knee each and asked in twin speak, twin one, "Is this," twin two, "your dad", twin one, "from Texas," twin two, "Is that," twin one, "your mom," twin two, "talking to," both twins at once, "our mom?"

I thought Dad was going to roll on the floor. Steve told Dad, "Twin boys aren't nearly as bad as girls. My Danny and Manny don't finish each other's sentences. I think they draw straws to see who will talk."

"Dad, these two are Janice and Joan. You don't have to know who is one or the other. I think they've been switching identities for so long that even they have forgotten who they really are." The cute little almost grownups gave Dad a big smile and a handshake before they vanished among the many other kids.

Mercy was back out with more killer wings, but this time, Chuck and Lisa were following the smell of hot sauce. Mercy said, "I have triplets with two girls and they do their thing just like Rita's. The third is a boy and he's smart. He sits back and watches his sisters do all of the talking."

Sue was funny at that point, "Just like his dad. Steve has become a better talker over the years, but you still have to drag some things out of him."

By this time, the patio was near capacity, or at least it seemed that way, as everyone was crowded up in the space around the bar. Mom and the five women and their three daughters were sitting back laughing now, so the intense part of their getting to know each other routine must be complete. Knowing Mom, I'm sure she'll catch each one by herself for a quick chat. Is she nosy? Could she be curious about her son, or being a protective mama bear?

The lady I knew as Peaches hollered from the top of the stairs, "All right you kids, set the tables and wash your hands. Supper will be ready in just a few minutes."

Mom and Dad now had the opportunity to watch what I had already found remarkable. All of the kids were instantly busy putting tablecloths on the tables, and carrying out dishes, glasses, and flatware. There was going to be something good for supper, because steak knives were being added. You knew it wasn't grilled steak, as there was no one cooking at the bar.

While we were watching, the massive person known as Donny, with the darling Gerry, came to me. Donny said, "So introduce me to your folks, Sal. You'll get to meet mine this weekend." I was able to get Mom to break away long enough to introduce her to the two people I worked with at the R&D complex. Donny told my dad, "You gotta watch these computer geeks. They make all kinds of crazy things happen. It's already happening over at our building, as we're able to get on the secure system now from anywhere. I don't know how he did that so fast, but he has made it happen and the IT people are all blaming it on Sal."

This made Dad proud. Dad confidentially told Donny, "If you want to see some fancy ridin' and ropin, have him show off for you. Just about the time you think you have him figured out, he'll put on a six gun exhibition on that'll knock your socks off."

Donny reached out, and with too much ease, pulled me to him for a man hug. "I like this guy. We're already working real well together. Good son you have here, Mr. Feeny."

Mom and Dad had not been on the ground five hours and I was sure they were sold on the place.

Supper was large slabs of country fried steak with mashed potatoes, lots and lots of gravy, green beans, and apple sauce. I thought of the lady gambler and the chicken fried filet she had ordered. I wondered how she was doing. Dad was in hog heaven, chowing down on the good food. Mom was a healthy eater, but it was usually after she put in a physically tough day.

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Following the servant, Katriana and I wove our way around serving girls and chattering guests eating dinner. He lead us to the back of the inn, where there were private dining rooms for more exclusive and richer guests. He opened one of the doors for us, holding it so we could duck into the intimate space. A glowing fireplace lit the small room, which was dominated by a round table. Around the table were three other people- a pretty, silver-haired elf woman in white robes, a dwarf in brown...

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Fucked by fatherinlaw

I want to narrate an experience of mine which I had with my father-in-law. I am a 27 year old woman. I’ve been married since four year. Of course, it’s an arranged marriage. My husband works in a private company and I am a house wife. My father-in-law is a widower. He lost his wife long back. Anyone could easily find out on seeing him that he is starved, I mean sexually. For about a year we were a happy couple, we toured around many places, hanged out well, everything was fine. It was off late...

2 years ago
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A Neighbourly Threesome

The neighbour had recently moved to a small country town in the southeast of England, assuming that nothing very exciting would probably ever happen there. He was soon proved wrong however, as he got to know his new next-door neighbours, married couple Caroline and Chris.He’d spoken to Caroline the day after he moved in, and they’d always got along really well following that initial meeting. Likewise, with Chris, he found once they got talking that they had a lot in common. They were both in...

Wife Lovers
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Horny For Rams And HorsesChapter 3

Jake's horse, leading the way, splattered across a swift, shallow stream, its hooves clattering on the polished rocks of the bed, then scrambled up the opposite bank. The horse was a multi- colored appaloosa. Normally a docile sort of riding hack, now it was acting nervous and skittish. Jake wasn't bothered. He was a fine horseman and wasn't troubled by his mount's nervousness, but he did wonder what on earth had livened up the old brute. Jake's horse was a gelding. He had been gelded...

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A Paladins TrainingChapter 9 Priestess

all characters are over the age of eighteen ***ARAN SUNBLADE – Somewhere in the Karvani mountain range, Western Ekistair*** Aran had just taken his third step into the pitch black tunnel when the rumble of grinding stone signaled behind him. He turned to see the archway closing, taking with it what little daylight penetrated the persistent darkness. Unable to see whatsoever, he gritted his teeth and moved forward, his booted feet treading carefully and his hands outstretched to feel for...

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Dont Talk Back to Your Mother0

His belt was undone; a sign that she recognized. He nodded toward the doorway to her room. “No,” she protested, “You can’t make me, anymore.” There was no question of the sternness of Don’s voice when he said, “I said get up here… now.” Her pleading eyes and frown had no effect on his emotion. He was pissed off that she had talked back to her mother, and she would receive her punishment. She hung her head as she climbed the stairs and never looked up at him until they were inside the...

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Sweet Melissa and Sour SarahChapter 19

"What's it like being a prostitute?" asked Sarah as the foursome wearing nighties and a pair of boxer shorts ate a decadent breakfast of champagne mixed with orange juice and buttery croissants and Danishes. "Do you plan on joining the oldest profession?' Vic smirked. "In a way it's not so different what the whores do in Amsterdam advertising their wares and what you do up on the catwalk and in magazines," said Nils. "Exactly," said Sarah. "At least the monetary aspect doesn't...

3 years ago
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Three Nos

"Where are we going?" you ask nervously as I drive down another random downtown street."Oh, nowhere in particular, just enjoying a drive on this nice fall evening," I reply casually."I know you. You have something up your sleeve. You always do," you respond cautiously. There is an obvious tension about you.We're out on the town playing out a little mystery orgasm game. It's become one of our favorite pastimes. It started out with a simple remote-controlled vibrator in your panties. I enjoyed...

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Robbies Revelation part 8

Leaving Jen's house my good mood left quickly, I started to think how it made me feel to have to leave. I was starting to feel like I was becoming part of something spending time with the girls, but just as quickly I was reminded I was still an outsider. I might always be an outsider once everyone knows. My mood just kept falling and by the time I walked in the door, Mom immediately noticed something was wrong. I guess it was true how everyone tells me just how expressive my face...

4 years ago
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Maid Joannas New Nipple Rings

Maid Joanna's New Nipple Rings By Joanna Maguire My Mistress had attached nipple rings to my breasts routinely as part of my daily punishment many times over the years I have served as maid Joanna. After my last punishment, where I had received only 30 lashes. I was told I must leave the nipple clamps on until I was told to take them off. Three days later I was still wearing the clamps. It had been indeed painful wearing the nipple clamps for that first day. That night I...

1 year ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 175

STILL WEDNESDAY MORNING Arlene and Jeff had gone to visit the ship. Diana had sent Jeff a questioning look when he told her where they were going, but he just smiled and said they would discuss it when they got back. An hour or so later, those in class were hungry, but it wasn't quite time for lunch. Diana and Laura volunteered to prepare a snack for everyone. In the kitchen, they put a large platter of cut-up fruit on the table. Diana was returning from a cabinet with a stack of small...

3 years ago
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Two SeductionsChapter 2

She asked when he was leaving and he told her it would be in three weeks. "That soon!?" "Yes. I'm afraid so." He could tell she was upset but that she was trying not to get angry. She sulked for the next few days until she got used to the idea. Not out in the open sulking but he could tell she was bothered by it. As the time approached for him to leave, he said that he had asked his parents to spend some time with her while he was away. They had agreed. She wondered if he had told...

2 years ago
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One Night in a Bar

It was crowded at the bar. Apparently, someone was having a hell of a party. I hate crowds, but came so that I could see you. Being so far apart, we don’t have much time for fun, and the little time we have I like to spend alone with you. You had opted to go and get us something from the bar, leaving me alone at the table. I can see you wriggle your way through the crowd to the bar, your sexy ass looking so good in the tight short skirt. You disappear for a few seconds, but the crowd parts and...

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Brenda and Connie Ch 18

When Brenda, Connie and Vickie woke up that Saturday morning there was no inclination by anyone to start a normal day. Instead there was an unstated consensus to continue in their sex play at least for that day. Brenda was the first to awaken and she immediately turned to Vickie’s cunt and started licking it. Vickie then awakened to the feeling of a tongue in her vagina as her hips were moving automatically into Brenda’s face. After she became fully aware of what was happening to her, Vickie...

1 year ago
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Amazing Sex Session With Big Boobed Cousin

This story happened on a Wednesday when I am going to my office. I got a call from my cousin saying that she was alone in her home and she needed some help. (Two days ago, we had a great pussy-licking session at her house and which was a lovely heartfelt one.) So I attended her call and told her I will be there in an hour. So I headed toward my cousin’s house and parked my car somewhere near the main road and walked to her house. When I reached her house, nobody was inside and I searched for...

2 years ago
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KarlaChapter 9

Helmut was fast off the mark, in both instances. He invited Elise to his house, claiming he needed advise in running the household. They all sat down to discuss their problems, real or imagined, Elise acting as catalyst or moderator mostly. Soon after the initial warm-up, she sent Helmut on his way. For Elvira and Charlotte the extent of the problems was not a surprise. They were quite shocked, however, to learn about our involvement. Elise is inherently unable to lie, I know that. If she...

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HolidayChapter 3

"I want to suck your cock and have you come in my mouth," said Joanne. I managed to keep the car on the road, but it was a close thing. We were returning from visiting a set of prehistoric caves near Sarinyà, about an hour's drive from our camping site. "Can I suck you and have you come in my mouth?" I replied. "Ummm ... I don't know about that, my daughter is getting used to a semen bath whenever things start happening near her home. And I do want to keep her happy." She looked at...

4 years ago
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first threesome

When I was 18, I moved to a new subdivision and mom and dad both worked in the city. They usually never got home til 6:30 and then we ate and worked around the house unpacking and storing things.My neighbors were a 30 year old couple and seemed to have lots of parties. One morning after a party of theirs, I was putting out the trash and my neighbor, Bill, Met me at the curb. He introduced himself and asked if I wanted to earn a few extra bucks. He explained that they had a party and wanted to...

1 year ago
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PornWorld Liya Silver Tattooed Stud Passionately Ploughs Sexy Liya Silvers Asshole

Liya Silver is bored and horny at home, so she opens up a bottle of champagne and starts touching herself on the kitchen counter. To entice her fuck buddy Juan to cruise over, she films herself on her mobile phone, and as a result, Juan is there within minutes, ready to fuck. When Juan arrives, Liya is ecstatic because she knows shes about to get dicked down. After sharing a quick glass of champagne, the two get down to business, and Juan begins eating Liyas asshole on the counter where she had...

4 years ago
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Home StudiesDay 27 Tuesday

After a break on Monday, we’re back today, well-rested, horny and eager. I read about something yesterday, and I want to try and see if it’s true. Apparently, if you tie someone so that there is a lot of strain on the skin, and then if you whip that stretched skin, it is more painful than without the bondage. So, today we will conduct an experiment! In phase one of the experiment, I have Anna lie on her back, legs in the air, and then I whip her ass with a flogger 10 times. I have her note...

3 years ago
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Editing Reality Book Two Sultry Fantasies UnleashedChapter 9 Unwrapping His Gift

Steve Davies The edited Imogene walked into my office. The plump, tattooed, and pierced girl with the garish, purple hair looked completed different now. She was thinner, her hair its natural shade of brown, no longer short but flowing long and with a delicious bounce. No ear expanders distorted her lobes. No tattoo of a butterfly covered her throat. She looked trimmed and lovely in her pencil skirt and blouse, her perky tits molded by the thin cloth. “Mmm, isn’t she sexy?” my wife purred...

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SM Fantasy Cabin 1

Pam Beaver is a beautiful petite woman in her early forties but could past for a much younger woman. She is a CEO of a large company with clients world wide and branch offices all across the USA and abroad. She had worked hard and with her brain and looks advanced to her position with the company. She lost her husband of twenty plus years in a terrible car accident two years ago. She had not tried dating since her loss. She loved Joe with all her heart having a normal life with one son,...

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Pallo Mausi And Me Pari And Me

As you have already read in my last story about how I started to fuck Pari, without Pallo mausi’s knowledge in Summer Holiday story. Now from July Pari’s behavior totally changed towards Pallo mausi and me, she looked very happy whenever I used to visit her home. Pallo Mausi asked me once what did you say to her , I told mausi that I bribed her that I will teach her car driving also will take her to a hill station soon. Pallu mausi said, Goli you are genius. I said yes and smiled. Next week I...

1 year ago
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Your Wish Come True revised Chapter 15 A Generous Nature

Your Wish Come True by Pol Roger Chapter 15 A Generous Nature How generous can she afford to be? MANDY managed to avoid Genevieve and her other new "friends" for most of the day. She had decided to do her best to just stay out of their way, and if she happened to run into them she would be as friendly as possible but firmly resist hanging out with them. It hadn't been easy to...

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Ians Indiscretions Hong Kong Nights

I watch as my wife starts up the engine and slowly edges out of our drive. As she departs up the road, my attention turns to last night’s dream.I bound quickly up the stairs and head to our bedroom. Lying on the bed, I reach down to the bottom drawer of my bedside cabinet and take out my Rothman's football book, season 87/88. Turning it upside down, I flick through the heavy volume and out pops the photo, hidden deep in the back, towards the Scottish Second Division.Looking back at me are a...

2 years ago
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Some Kind of HeroChapter 86

Lunch was grilled chicken panini sandwiches and sliced peaches and pears. I drank a large iced tea with it and watched Mrs. Trinh grin as I devoured it. "That was delicious," I said when it was gone. "How could you tell," she teased. "It wasn't in your mouth long enough for your taste buds to react!" "Guess I worked up an appetite." "You are exercising too much down there," she cautioned again. I was beginning to worry that she wouldn't keep buying the idea that I was just...

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A New Start in Life Chapter 14

A New Start in Life Part 14 This is a gentle tale about a young boys search the become the girl he knows he should have been, with the help of his two girl friends he becomes Susanna, the girls teach him all about life as a girl. Thank you for you very kind comments, you have all been very kind to me, I will continue with this story until it comes to a natural conclusion, this will continue to be a gentle sentimental journey. We got together all our stuff and packed it into our...

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Twist Of My Life 8211 Part II

Hey buddies this is sandy here again back with another story, writing after quiet long time, well, i got good response for my last story “twist of my life….” so i just wanna thank u guys and for your compliments and for enlightening me to write more stories. I think the readers know about myself as i wrote in last story, anyhow i will tell about meto the new readers of the story, i am sandy, a cool guy with tall dark and innocent natured studying b,com myself in bijapur district of karnataka,...

3 years ago
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Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter 13 Homecoming

Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter 13 Homecoming Before she knew it the date that Beth had been dreading arrived, the Homecoming Mixer with her old fraternity. Beth wasn't sure how she would feel seeing all of her old fraternity brothers. Even though she had Thomas's assurances that she would be recognized, she was still nervous. She tried almost every dress in her closet and in the Governor's Square Mall for the mixer. She went back and forth on how she should dress for...

2 years ago
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Unforgettable train journey

I emerged out of the train loop and was surprised to fin Ranbir standing outside. He was smoking a cigarette and looking at me with frank interest. “I don’t think you get what you want from Ajit, I know the look,” He said and moved closer. I was feeling confused and torn. On one side was this chance to do with this handsome hunk and on one side the fear of being found out. What should I do? I was dressed in a pink transparent saree and blouse without sleeves. My shite arms and milky 36D breasts...

1 year ago
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Aunt Christine Part 3

I worked in the movies as an usher and wouldn't get off until 10 o'clock. I kept thinking about the surprise Aunt Christine was going to give me. Time dragged, and I saw Stanley, so I knew he wasn't at my house, fucking my aunt. Ten o'clock finally came, and I left for home. As I approached my house, I saw a strange car parked in front. I went around the back and let myself in. I entered the living room and there was my aunt and a blonde lady sitting on the couch. They were drinking...

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In the basement

I never told anyone , my mom still think i stayed to play the switch with thembut i was the one getting switchall 3 of them planed it for a week after the big bbq last weekendwhen i was the only one in a tight speedo in the poola bit older with horny black cocks half hard playing in the pool when our parents talked i bet they all jerkoff thinking of my white bubble but until next fridaymom dropping me at the house where i was invited to play nintendothey didnt loose any timei tried to ask them...

4 years ago
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Jean Comes Out

First of a series in my attempt to write. There are several segments. It is naughty, explicit, kinky and taboo! Herbert Sheldon Sr. Herbert aka “HS” was making his usual stop at Herbie's home. Jean and her boys were the apple of his eyes. She and Herbie married young after an unexpected pregnancy. They had grown to love each other. HS had been their “rock” supporting them financially and in every way they needed. HS had met Jean when Herbie brought...

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                               SurvivalI was walking so rapidly, my breath was to coming to me in rasps. Running was something I was no longer capable of doing that physical demand, after falling the way I had , hurting my knee. It was pointless anyway, trying to run from someone of you caliber and mass, you size would make the strongest man cower in fear. ????????? Terror grips me as I walk past the freshly dug graves of the last victims of your brutal murders. This over sized graveyard,...

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FLAMESChapter 3

“Well Mother, I don’t have a real girlfriend to spend my allowance on, so we stopped at Victoria’s Secret for Roxy and Maurice’s for me.” “Why don’t you show us something you got for your sister, son?” Dad said in quiet anticipation. I walked into her room and suggested the red dress and her tallest heels. After a few moments I stepped up and announced, “Lady and Sir, I give you Roxanne Marie Flame in a red dress that will take your breath away!” With the start of ‘Lady in Red,’ (on my...

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In the mountains

I was remembering the time that an old girlfriend and I had taken a short trip out of town to this small secluded park up in the mountains. We had been teazin each other for hours, so we were both all horny. We drove to a small camping area, off the main park. There was a picnic table there. I made my girlfriend get totally undressed, and laid her face down across the table. I grabbed some pre-cut ropes and tied her arms to the table on one side and her legs to the bench on the other side. I...

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Bhabi ke saat sex ka mazza

Hi, I am rahul from hyderbad. Main 19 saal ka hoon, meri height 5 feet 6 inch aur mera lund 8 inch lamba hai. Maine kai girls aur aunties ke full boobs kai baar dekhe hain. Maine apni chhoti behan jo mujhse 2 saal chhoti hai usski kameez ke andar haath daal kar usske boobs ko kai bar masla hai. Aisa main 5 saal se har roz kar raha hoon. Abh to woh apne aap hi mere paas aa jaati hai apne boobs masalwane ke liye. Abh main jo story sunane ja raha hoon woh ek dam real hai. Mere ghar saamne Rajesh...

4 years ago
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In the family

Yesterday was my birthday so me and my girlfriend decided to stay home and cook dinner and invite over her mom. (she's black by the way)It's almost time for the meal and my girl forgets something at the store so she goes to pick it up, little did i know her mom was a black fuck slut - she unzips my pants and starts licking my balls telling me that shes gonna suck my dick harder than ever before. At first I felt bad but than her big black lips starting slurping and sucking on my dick hard,...

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