Bro and sis sex
- 4 years ago
- 26
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Sunday morning brought some new insight. I was up and sitting in our kitchen when Marilyn came in to give me a hug. She looked up at me and said, "You know Sal, I sometimes think I'm an idiot for being one of five women who are sucking up to you for your love. Then I realize how much you really love all of us and I know I'm doing the right thing. The way Garth looks up to you and calls you 'Dad' makes my heart sing. I thought that I might abandon these other fickle four, but I do love you, Sal, and want to be a part of our love for each other. Forgive me for having second thoughts."
I hugged the very attractive lady to me and kissed her forehead as she wept on my chest. She was able to come out of it and sat up, asking, "How about some coffee at home before we invade the patio."
With my smile, she got busy making coffee. That answered one of my questions from last night.
Janet and Donna came from Donna's room and walked up to me. They both gave me warm hugs, but it was Donna who brought my head down to hers and gave me a passionate kiss. When our lips parted, Janet pulled my head to hers, and kissed me with enthusiasm that I hadn't felt from her before. She said to me, "I love you, Sal. Donna does too, but she knows that you are mine and will remain mine. She knows that you are special and wants some of that specialness. If you ever decide to love my Donna the way you love me, you not only have my permission, you'll also have my help. How could I ever deny my daughter the same pleasure that you give me?"
Donna snuggled into my arms and whispered, "I know I shouldn't tempt you, and I'll try not to. Gin thinks getting you worked up over us is funny, but I don't want to get you worked up; I want you to make love to me even if it's probably wrong. If there's anyone that you need to worry about, it's Niki, because she thinks that you're some kind of God. I love you, Sal, and I love what you've done for my mom. We are happier right now than we have been since I was in kindergarten. Mom and I both love you, Sal, so keep us, love us, and don't let us go. I'm going to be a nurse soon and make you proud one of these days."
"You already make me proud, Donna. I love your mom and I love you, but in different ways, I love you the way of a parent should. You're a precious person to me and I want you to be happy with yourself through every step of your life. Relax, be yourself, and enjoy, Donna."
Janet hugged me to her and whispered, "Thank you, Sal. The way you talk to her is so special. I know she is moved when you do. I know I am."
Life is good. I was holding a mother and daughter whom I loved and cared for, but I was being offered a cup of coffee by a grinning Niki. Donna said, "See, I told you she would be the one to want to influence you."
Niki just grinned at all of us, and reached up and pinched one of Donna's nipples. "Ow, Niki, what was that for?"
"For telling Sal that I was going to get into his pants. Just stay out of it and let me get what I want."'
The way she said what she did was meant to be funny, and I took it that way. I was laughing hard enough for Janet and Donna to get down. Niki was still standing in front of me with her hands on her cocked hips as she looked at me with inviting eyes.
I announced to them all, "Okay, Girls, enough hurting each other. If anyone is going to pinch nipples, it's going to be me."
I shouldn't have said that, because in seconds I had the twins, Grenaline, Donna, and Niki holding their shirts up inviting me to pinch their nipples. "Okay, okay, I meant that I didn't want you guys hurting each other. You're all inviting, but I'm not about to start doing things like that."
"Oh, Sal," I heard from the twins in unison. Gin and Niki giggled, and Donna gave me a smoldering look that meant that I needed to pay attention.
The mothers were now in the kitchen, laughing. Jeff and Garth were observing with their mouths open.
Jeff broke us up with his comment, "Man, this is better than the Saturday nightie show. What do you think, Garth, was that a sight or what?"
Garth blushed bright enough that if we could have preserved the energy, we could have lit the park up for a month.
We went to the patio for Sunday breakfast. While eating, I heard Donny say something about the programmers working nonstop on something, and had not been out of the lab since Thursday.
Uh, oh. They were not following directions, but I also knew that if they thought they were on the edge of something, they would continue until it either proved impossible or it was a reality.
I went for my cart and rode straight to the lab. The security guard rolled his eyes when I asked if they had asked for breakfast.
I observed four men inside the programming room, Sandy and his three programmers sitting, staring at a screen that showed a continuous string of dots. That meant that a program they had run didn't work. It didn't compile correctly and it wasn't going to without some help.
I yelled, "Hey!"
Four startled men looked up at me.
"I gave you instructions on how to work, and this isn't part of it. All of you get out of here this instant, go to the patio where you will eat, have some coffee, then go home, take a shower, and go to bed. No one will think of work until tomorrow morning and only then will you tell me what you were working on. After that, you're banished to the beach, bar, or any beauties you can talk into bed. Now get."
I reviewed what they had been working on and saw that they were looking for a way to remotely trigger enemy SAMs and misdirect them. That would be a hell of a tool for an attack fighter bomber. Actually, it would be significant for any aircraft flying within a zone where anti-aircraft weapons might be launched.
I ran the program with tracking three times to see what they had missed. I sensed the problem was with insufficient input variables, so I set the parameters to look at more information and ran it again.
It was closer, but still no cigar. I watched as the program used all of the input, then reacted, but it didn't or wouldn't avoid the SAMs. We needed to have more anticipation that was tied to the SAM and the response attack on the launch site. The constantly changing conditions as the weapon was fired caused the SAM to respond at the same time that the drone fired to neutralize the SAM and SAM launch site. That information had to be computed, locked in, and used to fire within two seconds. That is close.
It could be done, but we would have to make a bunch of assumptions that should be correct, but no one would know right away. War is like that though, as you sometimes knew exactly what the enemy was doing and you sometimes didn't. I rewrote the program to update every millisecond, while gathering continuous information, until the final predetermined firings. As soon as we knew a SAM was going to be launched, we would continuously input data right up to and including the point of firing at the SAM and the emplacement where it was fired from.
I ran the program through about five times and made notes as to what I did. The guys had come upon one hell of a defensive problem, and had solved it except for a couple of minor items. I'll bet they would be pleased that I found the missing link when they came back in the morning.
Since this was Sunday, I washed and polished the cars, carts, and now the motorcycles. I was cleaning my mess up when Sandy Flowers and the three programmers pulled up in his cart.
He walked up to me as if he was ready to pick a fight. "Damn, Sal, don't do all of our work for us. We would have found it, but you walk in, figure out what we're doing, see the problem, and rewrite the code to make it work. If you can do that, what the fuck are we here for?"
I looked at Sandy and the men, and then said, "My job is to keep you men working intelligently. Working nonstop from Thursday thru Sunday morning isn't intelligent. Even I would become inefficient after being awake for that long. My job is to keep you men fresh and productive. You are precious minds for us to use, and we will no longer have you to use if you mistreat those minds and bodies."
Sandy told me, "Okay, I'll agree with you, but we sometimes need to figure things out on our own. Let us do that and finish something, Sal. You're constantly coming in, finding the error, and rewriting a program that works while we're still trying to compile our code. Give us a chance to finish it, okay?"
"I will, if you will work within the hours I set for you. Now, take that program to the next level and figure how to get all of that code inside the minimal memory size that we've been allotted. I'll check on you, but I won't be here for a week or so."
I heard Sandy grumble that I would still have ears and eyes over the entire complex. I might, but I didn't know how to access that. I reminded them, "Do what Steve always tells me. Work your normal hours and don't screw with your intelligence by overdoing it. Work a regular day, then go enjoy some relaxation. You should know that we might start going to lunch and the gym each day to make sure you guys stay in shape."
There were groans from four men. I told them, "Just think how happy your women will be with your renewed vigor. Now go enjoy the rest of your Sunday, and only do what I told you to do tomorrow; no more all-nighters unless I'm there with you."
I told Sandy to hang back for a second. When the others were gone I told him, "Relax, Sandy; you and the guys are worth your weight in gold. Steve is making me take a vacation, and if you guys keep this up, I'll do the same with you. Don't overdo it, because I meant what I said. You and your men are too valuable to mistreat."
"I, uh, we want to be the best, Sal. We want to be like you and be able to see everything at once like you do. This is important to us, Sal, so we're probably trying too hard."
With a smile, I said, "I understand, Sandy. I also always felt inferior, and made sure that I tried harder than anyone else. I'm ecstatic at the way you and the men have produced, and gave you a project that will take all of your expertise to complete, but you guys found or thought you found a solution to the reactive response for SAMs. You were on the right path, but the solution was to gather more information within milliseconds of the SAM launch. Your next task is to shrink the program to fit, or redesign the hardware to make it fit. Enjoy doing that, then get on the project I wanted you guys to work on."
Sandy shook his head, "This is just like in school; you were always teaching even when you were chewing us out. It's tough to stay pissed at you, Sal. I try, but even the guys see your point. We'll shrink this, then do your project."
Sandy walked around Steve's house to get to the patio, where I figured his wife, the other Sandy, would be waiting.
Jeff came out of the house and up to me, "Okay, Sal, or will you listen if I call you 'Dad'?"
I had to grin at the tall, good-looking kid.
Jeff continued, "When can we leave for Costa Rica, and what kind of aircraft can we take?"
"Look at who will be going. We have the five women, you six kids, and the two babies, fourteen of us all together. What aircraft is going to work for us?"
"I've been thinking that we could use a Gulfstream. Actually, any that are available would be good."
I told Jeff, "We might want to circulate among the group on the patio to see if anyone else wants to travel with us. We might need a bigger aircraft and I just happen to know that we just recently took in a real nice 737-300C in a luxury configuration on consignment."
Jeff excitedly told me, "Heck, Sal; if you take that, I'll ride and you can get someone else to fly."
"Well, let's see who wants to go down there for a week to ten days, and we'll go from there. You know we can always take a 19 seat King Air. That would handle everyone, plus some extras."
"Oh yeah, Sal, I didn't think of that one because that would be a long slow flight, wouldn't it?"
I had to agree, "Not bad, but I think a little less time in the air would be a bonus."
Jeff headed to the patio and I went inside to use the PC in the office to see if Mom and Dad were home.
It took only a second to log onto Mom's kitchen PC. Sure enough, Grandma and Mom were making something. I softly said, "What are you making, anything good?"
Grandma jumped and grabbed her chest as Mom turned to the computer, laughing. You have to be more careful with your grandmother, Sal. She's not used to you sneaking up on us."
"Sorry, Grandma, sorry, Mom, I wanted to give you a call and see how you guys were."
Grandma said, "You know there are things called telephones that you could use to announce yourself."
"I know, Grandma, but you'll see me if you turn to the computer screen on Mom's counter."
Grandma took in a quick breath, "Can you see us the same way?"
"Yes, Ma'am, I can. I can't smell what you're cooking, but it looks good."
Mom dryly said, "How long before you invent smell-o-vision over the computer."
I laughed, but considered the idea. "Not practical, Mom. It would take too much hardware to define the contents of the air."
Mom laughed and said to Grandma, "See what your grandson says when you ask him a ridiculous question. He's as bad as your son, his dad."
"Hey, you two, I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go down to Costa Rica with me. I'm going to fly down this coming week for seven to ten days. Do you want to go? We can either stay at a fancy resort or a big home on the island. Chuck even has a big condo on the Costa Rican mainland."
"Who will pay for all this, Sal?" Mom was always conscious of what the price tag was.
"It's kind of a reward for the work I've been doing, Mom. Even if Steve wasn't paying for it, the bonus he gave me would cover it multiple times. How about it, do you two want to go to an exotic resort for a visit?"
Mom said, "Let us talk to the men about it, and we'll get back with you. Call back this evening and use the living room PC. I'll make sure it's on and the camera is focused on the couches."
"Okay, Mom. I hope you guys can get away for a while. It should be fun."
When I went to the patio, Charlie was organizing a work weekend out at Duke's for two weeks from this weekend. That would work for the family to go to Costa Rica and be back in time to participate. I told Charlie all about the trip, and he said that it should work out. He said he already had about twenty volunteers, but most importantly, he had Jonah supplying food and Steve supplying cold beer. The cleanup detail should be a good party.
I spoke with each of the ladies to get their wants and desires regarding the upcoming trip. They all seemed to prefer the quiet home on the hill of the main island rather than the resort. Jenny told me, "Brandy showed us pictures of both the main island and home. The way she talks about those people makes me want to stay there. Chuck's lady, Julie, says she's going with us, since she always needs to visit her old homestead. We need to get more info on her and what she meant."
Abe came up to us and said, "Alice and I would like to come if you guys have room. Mark said he had room for us to stay with him while we visited. What do you think; will there be enough room on the plane?"
I told Abe, "We will have enough room even if we have to take a 737. You're welcome to come with us. Make sure we're not leaving anyone behind, Abe."
Steve joined me at the bar while I had a scotch with Jenny, Marilyn, and Janet. He said, "You guys could take a prize winner with you, and they could have an extra day or so for their vacation prize. They'll stay at the resort and you won't see them after you land. I did want you to talk to Chuck's Italian father-in-law, since he might want to go down there for a visit. He has some friends who work for the resort down there. That would mean you would be taking Giovanni and Mesa, his sister or wife, whatever she is."
I smiled at Steve and said, "Well, we've gone from the Phenom 300, to the Gulfstream, to the 737. Is there anyone else that wants or needs to go?"
Steve said, "Just check around, you never know. I think we could almost have a shuttle between here and there if we planned it."
The time was right after supper, so I went back to my home office and logged in to the living room computer. I said 'Ding' loud enough for all of them to hear.
Grandma smiled and said, "Much better, Sal. You didn't scare me to death this time."
"Okay, everyone, what's the deal? Who wants to go to Costa Rica with me?"
All four adults raised their hands and simultaneously said, "I do."
I laughed, they laughed, then Mom said, "I already called your charter office to get a ride to Tampa or where you are. We're getting a ride at three tomorrow afternoon on a plane that's coming back from Los Angeles. The girl on the phone said we would have to play chess with the hostess on board, but there would be some food left for us if we wanted it."
"You guys fly first class, don't you?" I was laughing at how fast Mom had picked up on what CS&S would do for them.
Dad said, "Only because we have a genius son who is creating weapons to keep the world safe. Thank you, Sal; I'm excited to go to Central America."
Mom said, "Your grandfather and grandmother have decided that we want to stay at the resort. Would you make reservations for us? We don't have to have a prestigious room, just a regular room close to the water."
"Mom, all the rooms are close to the water, and all of the suites are the same. There are no small rooms and there are no suites that are bigger than the others. The top floors suites are supposed to be able to be connected together when big families like Steve's or Chuck's go, but every suite is the same."
Grandma surprised me when she asked, "Can you find out what movie stars are going to be there while we're there? I'd love to see them up close and casual."
It was Granddad who turned the tables, "Me too, Sal. I want to see those starlets in those tiny bikinis. If I can talk her into it, I'll get Minnie to go to the nudie beach. She would turn some heads, I tell ya. She could be one of those what do you call it, cats, oh yeah, cougars."
Poor Gramps, he was punched very soundly by his wife of nearly sixty years.
Dad was laughing, but received a severe look from Mom. Dad said, "I suppose your mother has forgotten the good times we had at your hot tub. I won't forget the sight of her enjoying herself for many years."
Dad should have kept his mouth shut, as he received a harder punch than Gramps did.
I decided to tell Dad and Mom about the motorcycles. "I had the opportunity to buy a motorcycle to ride the women around on. The deal was so good, that I bought one with a sidecar and one without. I took a safety course and have been riding to make sure I ride correctly. So far so good, and I'm looking forward to giving you a ride on my motorcycle, Grandma."
Grandma was grinning, "I used to ride behind your grandfather when he had one of those. He never had a sidecar, but I could enjoy riding in one of those too. You'll have to take me to one of the motorcycle gangster bars with all of the crazy people if we go for a ride."
That was from my grandmother. What do you say to that?
"I'll do that, Grandma. We'll go drink some beer and be with the great unwashed and crazy bikers."
"Good, Sal. I love new adventures."
Mom told me, "You better hang up on us quick or you're going to be too busy playing with your grandmother to fly us down to Costa Rica."
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The children had been born in early April, but both couples were still separated geographically. Jim and Pat were still in Tampa while Jim finished working on the ground work for the new subdivision. Steve and Beth were in Maryland waiting for the warm weather to return before they went back to the camp. The phone rang in Tampa, “It’s a boy Jim. We named him Christopher.” “That’s great, you must be so proud. We had a girl. Her name is Helen. We named her after Pat’s grandmother.” “We sure do...
TabooA Strange Bed November 8, 1976, Fort Worth Residence I feel like crap. I hardly slept last night. Fighting with Cindy, and leaving our house, left me an emotional husk. The only good thing, that happened yesterday, is that I got to kick her boyfriends’ asses. Too bad I ended it so quickly. I wonder if I can taunt one of them into attacking me in public, so I can really take my frustration out on him. No, that would be a bad idea. I would really hurt the kid. I found Michael in his office....
Only Faps! You have to hand it to platforms like OnlyFans, Patreon, and more. They basically changed the fucking game when it comes to allowing anyone to become a fucking porn star in some way. Nobody has to use a talent agency, be found, or bullshit like that anymore. They can hone their skills on these types of platforms, earn a living working on their own terms, and gain a following in the process.But how the hell do you find the best of the best, specifically on OnlyFans? You get a taste...
Free OnlyFans Leak SitesCopyright© 2003, Jack Spratt. ALL Rights Reserved Just the thought of spending a Saturday at Fantasy Island has me in a foul mood. My wife Jane and daughter Celeste haven't given me a moment's peace since the ads for the concert started appearing in our local paper. Being the typical male, I do my best to ignore their rants. However, one of the feature writers starts a daily series, extolling the virtues of the group. Each morning at breakfast there is a continuous drone of babble about why...
Paige’s friend has invited her and her friend to spend some time in LA at her dad’s house but it has been pretty boring. After a night out, the two other girls didn’t even want to attend the after party. Although they all have boyfriends, when Paige is traveling, she always lets her hair down. When the others leave for a day out, Paige decides to stay back and make her own entertainment. She has been texting a hot guy from the club all day, so invites him over for some fun....
xmoviesforyouThis is part 2, you don’t have to read part 1 to understand. I’d suggest though you do. Hope you enjoy it. I desperately tried to calm my wild beating heart. I felt completely boneless, like I was only melting and floating. This little encounter by the pool just showed me where my limits were. I felt like I’ve just lost myself… and at the same time found some new, intense facettes about myself. I felt him sliding behind me in the tub, his arms encircling me. And he held me while he washed my...
It was Thursday afternoon after school and I was laying down on my bed. I was missing Guy like crazy and he was all I could think about. If I kept this up I knew I'd have to whack off just to relieve the pressure but I couldn't think of anything else. I loved our sex together and my feelings for him were intensifying, if that were even possible. My hand went to my hard-on as thoughts of him and me together came into my mind. He was so very, very turned on the last time we made love I...
Lacey was trying to not think about anything except the task at hand. She had a job that was screaming at her to get back, and responsibilities that needed her attention. No, she hadn’t made a final decision as to what she was going to do when she got back to New York, but she had to return. There was no getting around that. Steeling her jaw, she moved to the closet to take down the last of her things, carrying them to the bed and slowly began to take them from the hangers and roll them to...
ISS ke readers ko mera hai, mera naam varsha hai our main bangalore main rahati hoon,meri shadi hue 5 saal ho gaye hai , lekin pata nahi kyun meri suhaagrat se hi mujhe mere pati ke saath sex main maja nahi aata tha, unka lund bahoot chota hai our unhe sex ki adhik jaankari bhi nahi hai, jab meri saheliyan kahati ki aaj unke pati ne unko bahoot thaka dia hai to main bahoot udas ho jaati kyun ki mere pati aaj tak muje charam seema tak nahi le gaye. Mera ek devar hai uska naam amar hai, pata nahi...
Hello to all my readers. Aaj mai devilzbadboy aapke saamne fr se ek kahani haazir karne jaa raha hai. Yeh kahani hai mere aziz dost rocky ki. Rocky ek middle class family se bilong karta hai. Rocky ki ek sagi badi behan hai jiska naam hai gayatri. Gayatri aur rocky dono ek doosre ke bahat kareeb hai unke bachpan se. Gayatri rocky se umar mai 2 saal badi hai. Kahani mai aane se pehle mai aap ko rocky aur gayatri ke bare mai thoda bata doon. Rocky mechanical engineering ka student hai uski height...
I am an educated Tamil lady of Madurai in tamilnadu. We are from poor community and we were living on the mercy of rich families. My husband was a khalasi in south central railway and was posted to Guntur Juntion for employment and I also accompanied him to Guntur in Andhra. We are provided class 4 housing quarters in railway colony. I am a sexy woman and my husband cannot satisfy me in bed. I always need extra sex. One day one telungu lady came to my husband and said that there is a very rich...
LesbianWe have chatted about this fantasy many times and it gets us both very aroused. Our story and my sexual awakening became a reality one long Weekend in Melbourne. Thursday morning around 11am we had a spontaneous moment and decided to drive to Melbourne for the long weekend “to try our luck at picking up a handsome hung businessman. We packed a suitcase full of clothes and our favourite sex toys and drove to a hotel near Melbourne CBD. Thursday was an early night as we wanted to save our energy...
Baat December ke mahine ki he. Main Uttar Pradesh ke Hardoi naam ke station pe baitha Kathgodam jane wali train ka intezar kar raha tha. Is train ka timing raat ke 1 bje tha isliye kafi kam log isse safar karna pasand karte the . Bahut try karne ke baad jab mujhe kisi aur train ne reservation nahi mila to maine is hi train se safar karne ki thaani. Mausam thand ka tha aur December ka Mahine . Bahut thand pad rahi thi. Raat ke 12 bje the. Choonki Hardoi chota station h isliye Platform pe...
Disclaimer; All fiction rough drafts for my upcoming book, Married To The Pole. Adults only! Holy Shit, these erotic stories never end, eh? Me and ole Jed are waiting in the car in some generic office parks parking lot in east Spokane while slutty Bindy is in the investment office fucking the owner! After a sexy but boring few days at home Malika decides she wants to try stripping @ “Deja Vu” in east Spokane. We’ve heard its pretty lame due to Washington’s archaic laws, no smoking, no alcohol,...
Full site rips? Nowadays, anyone can open up a pornographic website on the internet and start digging around for something worthy of fapping to, something that will either visually stimulate them, be relatable for them in a sexual manner, or both. A lot of people who visit porn websites tend to spend a lot of time on them looking for a video worthy of blowing a load to, and they usually spend more time searching than actually fapping, which is admirable from a porn enthusiast’s point of view,...
Free Porn Download SitesThe theater was a little cold, even for me. There was only one other couple in it, but I doubt they were even watching the movie. It was some cheesy romantic with some predictable ending. I guess that was the reason she chose this movie. Megan H. was really going to town with this one. I hardly paid attention to the movie; all that I really cared about right then was Megan's head, bobbing up and down. I took in the feeling. Her lips covering her teeth, applying a little pressure but not too...
If you've been watching porn for as long as I have, then you've watched group sex videos. Have you ever seen videos with lesbians touching each other? What about the videos of hot chicks sucking six dicks? Plus, you can't forget the ladies getting fucked in their ass and pussy by twelve different guys! These are the videos you find on iWank TV's group sex category. If you've seen them, you'd agree that group sex videos are some of the hottest videos online. I've watched a lot of porn over the...
Gangbang Porn SitesBrandi was really getting caught up in our sexual activities. She wanted sex all the time. We watched all the movies that we had made. We talked about Dave and what they did at the movie constantly. After about two months, I noticed a change in Brandi. Brandi was spending a lot of time with her friend Ellen. Now at this point is where I have to explain how Ellen and Brandi became friends. Brandi and Ellen had met in college. I had met Ellen once while Brandi and I where together during that...
InterracialClayton was awoken by a sound, an intense, low frequency rumbling that shook his bones. At first he thought it was some kind of earthquake, but as he came to, he realized that it was coming from an adjacent recess. They were deep enough to hide a prone human from view, and so he sat up to peer over the lip, trying to work out what was going on. In the gloom he could make out the back and shoulders of a Krell, moving slowly, rhythmically. It must be Sleethe, the mating call was coming from...
It was mental agony.The bitch had been trained to edge daily as much as she could save for special days.Her cunt burned to be touched.Used.Yet this.Denied.Exposed.All because she let herself cum on a day that she wasn’t allowed to.It didn’t matter that it was an accident.Her Mistress didn’t accept excuses.A click of the hotel room’s door made the bitch jump.Mistress had promised this was merely the beginning of her punishment.She dreaded.She yearned.Her Mistress always knew ways to light her...
BDSMLooking at Jason after I'd hung up the phone, I thought back to when I was his age. Remembered what it had been like when I’d been a teenager screwing boys in cars on dates and in beds when the parents weren't around. Sex back then wasn't the practiced love making that age and experience brings, but it was always energetic! Looking at Jason's lean, muscular, toned body, I knew that sex with him would be energetic as fuck! Knowing what I know now... What I could teach a boy... I knew it wouldn't...
CheatingOne of our older neighbours had just had his reconciliation with his wife scuppered she didn’t want him anymore, they’d been living apart for ten years but he always thought they would get back together but it seemed this time it was over for good. As he poured out his feelings I suggested we went back to his house and got a beer.Bruce and I were settled in his house when he said “I haven’t had sex for over a decade waiting for that bitch”, I replied “It’s over now you can look for someone...
I watched a Naija Tape a little while ago, and now I’ve got quite the mess to clean up here at my desk. It’s just that I have this condition where I get very aroused seeing sexy, naked Nigerian women with their big tits out, so I couldn’t really help myself. Honestly, I get the impression you know exactly where I’m coming from. Tell the truth: did you come here today looking for some high-quality amateur African porno movies? If not, well, perhaps you’d find something more suitable for your...
Black Porn SitesWarning: The language of this story may be harmful for your health. I had to do something about it. I just overheard the conversation between my Wife India and her best friend Natasha. The simple conclusion of the call was that my wife was going to ask me for a trial separation to jolt me out of my taken-for-granted attitude towards her. The plan was for me to stay alone at the house so as to understand how much work it entrails and for her to move into a motel nearby. The plan was despicable...
Tossing and turning on the bed; she found that sleep would not come to her, as her mind was full of vivid memories of the days fun they had just enjoyed. A smile came across her face as she remembered each detail of their Anniversary dinner. Choosing a more private affair than most they had decided to go to the local park with a blanket. Once there she realised there was no food. Arching an eyebrow questioning at him he had laughed, pulled her down onto the blanket, lifted her skirt and started...
Chapter 21: Jordan's Revenge Dee Dee and Cleo raced back through the corridors of the Island. They arrived back in the quarters where the four girls had spent the night together, just after Rhiannon had finished 'gifting' Jordan. What Dee Dee and Cleo saw was a sight they were totally unprepared for. Barocca was lying on the bed, with a terrified look on her face. Surrounding Barocca were five identical copies of Jordan. Each girl was naked, with a raging, two-foot hard-on. Dee Dee...
Introduction: I basically need to set the rules and contracts terms. I requested that contrary to the Mayors announcement, I would like to see the Owner of the Lazy Inn first. After this meeting, we would follow the auction list. Leah left and the girls came and sat with me. When Leah returned, I instructed her that Tina, Missy and she could leave. This is going to get boring and I didnt think that they should have to stay. Leah tried to convince me that they wouldnt mind staying, but I...
For those following the series, I have been using and fucking my friends wife Laura. She confided to her sister Rachelle, who is a HOT MILF mommy as well.When they went to pick Rachelle up at the airport, I stayed at their house. I stayed to set up my hidden cams and some more that Ray had gotten. I would catch any action at the sofa, kitchen table, guestroom for Rachelle, and shower area, as well as Rays bedroom, garage and laundry room.When Laura went to get her sister, she had went down...
The foot rub never got off the ground. There was just too much excitement when we got home and our casa crashed in my room. Rhonda wore socks, even though she was otherwise naked like the rest of us. We sat around talking about the new company, how she'd arrived at the name Hearthstone Entertainment, and millions of questions that didn't have answers yet, but Rhonda had a clipboard and was jotting down notes. Eventually, we just sort of collapsed in a pile. There was a fair amount of...
It felt so… naughty. Does this make me a pervert? Does it mean I’m depraved? The muscles of my belly were tense and I barely breathed. My family moved into a new house, about six months ago. After I had settled into my new room, I had discovered that from my window I can see straight into the bedroom of the neighboring house. The sole occupant of the residence was a man, about thirty, thirty five or so. And, well, he’s my subject of perversion. I diligently observed the...
The alarm buzzer invaded my head and I slapped at it until it stopped. Opening one eye, I saw the bright Red numbers: 5:00 a.m. Time to get up, and more important, time to get my wife Melanie up. I reached across the bed, snuggling up behind her, my morning wood poking her in the back. "Hey sleepyhead. " I whispered, "Time to get up. You have a long day ahead."She mumbled, "Don' wanna get up. I jus' got back to sleep.""I know, the girls were a bit too enthusiastic last night" I cupped...
Oral SexChapter three in less than two years. This has a lot of story and not too much sex. Now once again I think that I have to point out: I know nothing about the Benedictine Order. All of the rituals or traditions are just figments of my demented imagination. I made it all up. So if you know about the Benedictines…that’s nice, but I don’t want to know where I got it wrong. Once again this little tale is dedicated to Catheath, who lives on the other side of the pond. Please enjoy. Chapter 3 The...
Bridgette is exactly what you’d picture a hot cougar to be: curvy, confident and craving sex. This brunette gets caught watching IR porn by an IT guy over the phone. She didn’t realize they were able to tap into her computer and see what she saw or able to see her through her computer screen’s video camera. Could she really help herself though? Listening to customer service telling her how she can sync her phone in that velvety-smooth voice was too much. Her hands were running all over her...