Morning with the Sissy
- 2 years ago
- 25
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Why think you’re a woman when all you have are her moves and her make up? And why think you’re a man when even your balls have gone?
Lucian Gaines inhaled the sweet spring air.
It wafted in through an open window making his nose wrinkle as he closed his eyes. His ears caught birdsong and distant voices.
Opening them again, Lucia Gaines looked around.
Her room was impeccable – from the pale-pink flowery covers on the double bed to the crystal vase she’d filled with white-and-yellow daffodils.
Everything felt warm and welcome.
He ran a light hand over her bed to brush away an invisible wrinkle. Then she sat down with a sigh, stretching his legs and massaging them slowly. Her smooth skin and firm long muscles slid through his fingers.
Running practice had slowed down to three times a week since his graduation. But she’d run all through winter, often ten miles or more.
He picked up a silver scrunchie from her side table. Gathering his long curly hair with an expert twist of her hand, he created an ash-blond ponytail and let it dance on her shoulder blades. Everyone loved his hair, just like they loved Charlie’s.
Lucia looked at the second pillow on the bed.
It still showed the slight dent where Charlie’s sleeping head had been resting. They shared the room – she and he; he and she. It was an unusual settlement at Norton’s Academy of Excellence, but amongst all the unusual things that had happened, this was maybe the least remarkable.
Lucian’s mind refused to go back to those horrible autumn days anymore. It was the only way to stop her reoccurring nightmares.
But sometimes it just didn’t work.
Seeing a drop of blood could make him retch; the mere picture of a male cock in erection sent bile up her throat.
That awful night the girls whisked him away, after mercifully injecting a sedative. Thank God, the limousine never left. Charlie held him all the way home. Nico told him later that she’d cleaned his blood-splattered face and body with her dress soaked in champagne from the car’s bar.
He woke up the next morning, close to noon.
Charlie was still there, sleeping in a chair beside his hospital bed. The bloodstained dress stuck to her pale skin; her hair looked a mess and her make up was in ruins.
Lucian felt dizzy, but he knew where he was and why.
Horrible images returned – even sounds and smells – and the sickening taste of blood; his father’s blood.
His hand crawled from under his blanket until it rested on the girl’s knee. Her eyes flew open.
“Luce,” she croaked. “You’re awake.”
Jumping to her feet she leant over the bed and grabbed his head – kissing him deeply.
“Thank God,” she panted, her violet eyes dancing up and down as she took him in. “How do you feel?”
His heart raced from the sudden attack.
“I’m fine,” he said – or rather tried to say through his parched throat.
“Water!” she cried out and fetched a glass, filling it from the tap.
He drank as she watched with an ever-bigger smile.
“What happened?” he asked after emptying the glass.
“You ... you almost bit his cock off!” she said in awe. “There was so much blood – and screaming.”
He shook his head.
“I know that,” he said. “But what happened after? Are the police here?”
She looked confused.
“I don’t know,” she said. “Should they? I’ve been with you all the time – in the limo and here. I was so afraid.”
He looked at her. She was a child, a lost child with raccoon eyes from her smudged make up.
“How did you get me here?” he went on asking.
“In the limo,” she said. “Thank God it waited for us. Nico gave you a shot and the driver carried you. You looked dead, covered in blood and vomit and things...”
Her voice petered out as her eyes stared into the awful memory. They shone with moisture.
“I was so afraid,” she murmured, covering his hand with hers. Then her awareness returned and she jumped to her feet again.
“I’ll call Dr. Kurtz!” she exclaimed, turning to the door.
“Charlie,” he said. She stopped.
“Thank you.”
Her smile washed away the pale tiredness.
“I love you,” she said.
He held her gaze – the sweet wide-open eyes and the smiling mouth.
“Take a shower and go to bed,” he finally said. “I’m fine. Really.”
She loved him, she’d said.
Lucian recalled Charlie saying she loved him on the way to the embassy – and later, as she walked him across the hallway to the horrible room. She loved him and yet she’d prepared him and led him like a lamb to be slaughtered – leaving him alone with the asshole.
Ah well, love – what did he know about love?
Remembering as she lie on the bed in his room, hearing the sounds of spring through the window, Lucian wondered what really happened during that silly charade they called her graduation. If one ever could be ready for an ordeal like that, she was sure he hadn’t been. Even now, months later, his identity kept shifting. Was he Lucia, or was she Lucian? And did he have to choose? Or was it just social pressure urging her to decide?
How do you decide you’re female or male if you feel you’re both – or none at all?
Charlie loved him – or did she just love the her in him? They’d talked about who she thought he/she was, but the girl hated the topic. She said she didn’t care, it wasn’t important.
Lucia or Lucian, she loved him she said ... or her.
Maybe she was right.
Maybe the whole gender thing only mattered in the outside world, where you were pressured to choose – or rather: where people chose for you. Maybe out there you needed an identity. Here at Norton’s they all knew who they were, whatever they were – and so did he ... she.
He was the tall thin blond creature that knew how to run and jump a gym horse, do a split or make a summersault. Like all the others he knew where to put his feet and how to graciously bend his wrist. Sometimes he wore her war paint and was the one with the decadent eyes and the red, greedy mouth – the one with the silver cascade of hair, the never-ending legs and the albino skin.
They photographed him as her – and he’d learned to love the lights and the fuzz, the dressing up and the pampering hands. Sometimes she posed with Charlie, acting outrageously, just having fun.
He was one half of the famous Ice Queen couple.
Lucia chuckled at the nickname the Bobs and Barbs gave her and Charlie. “We might look like ice, but it’s a smoking hot ice, indeed,” he murmured, feeling a moist heat build in her crotch.
Damn, Charlie, where are you? You’re late today.
Being alone had become awkward after living at the Bobs’ dorm, and after all that had happened later. It felt awkward now. He, once the champion of solitary life, felt lonesome and incomplete when Charlie wasn’t around. Lying in bed alone caused restless nights and repetitive dreams.
They were dreams of hard meat and splattering blood, choking throats and pushing hands. The ones you wake up from bathing in sweat.
Norton’s didn’t believe in shrinks.
Dr. Kurtz told him so a long time ago. They believed in going on; in discipline and repetition – and in doing as told, of course.
But Lucia knew it wasn’t true; there were many shrinks at Norton’s: her fellow-students. Their cure was practical and hands-on. His time at the Bobs’ dorm had saved him, just as being with Charlie kept him sane right now.
She was hardly ever late. He hated it when she was.
Being alone made Lucia think; and when she did that, his brain ran in circles, starting from the incredible accident of meeting her father like that, then going on to Parker’s explanation and from there to the question how to go on.
After waking up from his sedation, he told no one whose cock he’d almost tore off – that it was his fucking father’s. He didn’t tell Charlie, nor did he tell Dr. Kurtz when she came by to examine him.
The doctor told him that the man was all right; or at least as all right as could be expected. He might even fuck again.
They hadn’t taken him to a hospital – the embassy ran a small medical facility.
But when Lucian asked her about possible charges and police involvement, she told him nothing – just to rest and trust that everything was fine.
He was save, she said, and gave him a shot before leaving. He sank into a slumber that was like bobbing on a warm water lake – sinking down and rising up.
Memories about that time were vague and spotty; there were people around his bed – Kurtz of course, and the Barb nurses; sometimes Charlie, smiling.
Things were done to him.
They washed and massaged him, and when he was really awake they fed him liquids through a straw.
His crotch was tended to as well.
When he finally woke up, he saw that the metal plate had gone. He wore a tight latex thong now, and when he peeled it aside all he saw was a wide Band-Aid under his penis.
The sight of it made his anger return – but it was a powerless, sedated anger, dripping away when he focused on it.
The next evening he’d been released, but they wouldn’t let him return to the Bobs’ dorm. Instead they took him to a four-bed room where Charlie and Nico welcomed him. All his clothes and things were there, and Charlie fuzzed over him until he was properly installed.
The next morning, he insisted on seeing Parker, but they told him she was away on business.
Charlie took him to the Barbs’ breakfast room instead, where he found six other girls. They welcomed him with hugs and a lot of questions about his health and wellbeing.
It felt as if they meant it.
Next to his plate laid an array of pills in a new spectrum of colors. He picked them up and put them in his small purse, ignoring the surprised looks of the girls.
His next stop was Mamselle.
He learned that she would be his counselor until his next graduation. He’d obviously made his first one.
“You might use me as your tutor as far as your studies go,” she said, sounding much less French than she did in class. “But you should know that my role might be bigger, if needed.”
Her smile had always been subtler than the Smile. And her dark eyes never took part in it. But her small white hand was on his, suggesting a hint of a squeeze.
“I have a question,” Lucian said.
“Of course,” she said, smiling and leaning back. “I hope you have many.”
“I think my graduation has been rushed,” he said. “Compared to other Barbs I’m not nearly ready.”
Mamselle’s smile evaporated.
“Why would you think that?” she asked. “Look in the mirror, chérie. You are the most beautiful second grade girl we had in ages.”
Her answer should disappoint him for its shallowness, but he knew it was more than that. It was a ruse to evade a real answer. Which of course was disappointing by itself.
He rose.
“You’re leaving?” she asked, rising with him. “But we haven’t even started.”
He shrugged.
“If this is your counsel,” he said, “I think we can save us a lot of time this coming year.”
She blinked.
“Je suis désolé,” she murmured, offering her excuses. “You’re right; you deserve more. Please don’t leave yet.”
After they sat down again the petite woman fuzzed for a minute with the perfect hem of her immaculate skirt.
“Lucien,” she finally said, “you must be aware of the battle that is going on over your head – a battle between Ms. Parker and your parents.”
“About my tuition,” he said.
She stared for a bit before going on.
“That too,” she said.
“There is more?” he asked.
She hesitated before going on.
“Much more,” she finally offered. “But it is not for me to tell you, even if I would know all the details – which I don’t. You should talk with the headmistress.”
“She’s out,” he said.
“She’ll be back tomorrow and she’ll see you. But please,” she said, while rising. “Take your pills – no need to risk your health just because of empty principles.”
Next morning, he sat opposite Parker.
Everything was as always – the desk, the white blouse and the severe suit. The owlish glasses were in place too, their dark rims circling abundantly made up eyes. He remembered reading in Beauty class how spectacles make your eyes smaller, and how make up helps.
She certainly compensated, he thought.
“That was quite an adventure, Lucian dear,” Parker started, her Smile in place. “I’m sorry you had to go through that without warning.”
An odd way to put it, he thought, considering he just followed her orders. Why would she be sorry about something she made him do – warning or no warning? She’d never been sorry about that before, had she?
Then the answer clicked.
“You knew he was my father,” he said. “It was no accident. You sent me there because he was there. I didn’t know and he wouldn’t either. But you knew.”
She looked straight at him, her eyes in the middle of her glasses.
“If so,” she said, “why would I do that? Why would I set you up? For what purpose, you suppose?”
As a typically egocentric adolescent it was hard for Lucian to see others as the possible target of her manipulations. It must be about him. So why did she take the risk of maneuvering him into a position to be deflowered by his father? Why his father – any guy with a cock would have sufficed, wouldn’t he?
“I don’t know,” he finally said, feeling on guard. “Because you’re sick?”
Parker grimaced.
“I am quite sane, thank you,” she said, slipping some ice into her voice. She let her words follow by an awkward silence.
“Honey,” she then went on, “would you ever even consider that I might have done it for your benefit?”
She was right of course – he would never consider any of her actions to be to his advantage. Why would he? And, why would she?
From the very first time he met Parker he’d seen her as his enemy, in league with his mother. Everything she did was to her own advantage – or Norton’s, obviously.
“Why would you?” he asked, aware of how flat his voice fell into the silence.
She sighed.
“I hear that often, darling. It must be something in my attitude.” She grimaced ironically. “But please believe me: everything I did this time was for your benefit – and Norton’s. You see: when your parents broke their contract, they duped you, because leaving this school will kill you. Your mother knows that. The outside world will eat you alive, and I can never allow that to happen.”
He watched in silence, his eyes fixed on her moving lips. What she said was true, probably, but why would he believe her?
By sheer fixation he missed part of her next line.
“ ... not just you they dupe,” she said. “We have eight students who could never afford this Academy, but who would – like you – be without a chance in the outside world. So, we finance part of their tuition from our paying students.”
While talking, Parker rose from her chair.
Walking around her desk she approached Lucian. Her suit was impeccable, he thought – such a pity of her legs.
She stopped in front of him.
“Part of your money, Lucian, has been used for Drew and Harper’s tuition. Of course, they had to work in addition, but without your money it would never have been enough.”
Again, was she telling the truth?
Did she ever tell the truth, and did it matter? He knew what Drew’s own contributions had been, and he was sure they were forced upon her. What about Harper, and who else? Nico, Mac and Honor were working students too.
What chores did they do – just waitressing and hair styling, tending the grounds?
He remembered the amount of his tuition mentioned in this same room – two hundred thousand dollars. There were more paying students like him, and still Drew had to whore herself out. Maybe Mackenzie did too, and Nico? When he thought of little Honor, he couldn’t avoid Charlie coming to mind – and the blowjob she gave on the lawn, at the party.
But her parents paid for her, didn’t they?
“I owe you an explanation,” Parker then said, folding her arms before her chest and looking down on him. “My lawyers assured me we had a good case, but it would take years to make your father pay. Norton’s and all our work would be destroyed by then.”
The woman sounded ... upset, Lucian thought. She sounded angry and passionate. Cool, arrogant Parker had a heart? Or was it just another show?
She turned and walked to the window, looking out over the grounds. Then her gaze turned back to him, lights flashing from her glasses.
“Nobody destroys my work,” she hissed. “Nobody.”
The new Parker scared him even more than the old one had.
“So, I used you to make your father pay,” she said. “I apologize for not informing you or asking your consent; there was no other way.”
She apologized, he thought – she apologized again. Why? She used him without asking, but what was new about that? Why feel sorry now?
“We filmed what he did to you,” she said. “Your father. And what you did to him.”
A quick smile touched her face.
“We never expected you would bite him like that, honey. I guess we keep underestimating you. But it didn’t hurt our plan – to the contrary.”
A plan?
“You blackmailed him with the video,” he said.
She came closer, wanting to cup his face with her pale soft hands, but he withdrew.
“Your daddy, Lucian,” she said, stepping back, “doesn’t deserve your loyalty. He is the sickest version of any sick macho you might ever meet: a frustrated homophobe who really is a closet homosexual himself – a hypocrite caught in the strings of his upbringing, his profession and his social circles. I’d pity him if he weren’t taking it all out on you – and us.”
Lucian recalled how his father took him to a strip joint with his friends, pushing banknotes between fake boobs and cheering as the girls gave him a lap dance. He remembered his blunt flirting with women anywhere. And he remembered the screams from his mother’s bedroom. They’d been from passion, hadn’t they – from making love, for sure?
“But he can’t be a homo, he hated them,” he objected; there was hesitation in his voice. “He bullied me into calling them faggots too, and all kinds of other names. He beat me if I wasn’t enthusiastic enough. And he beat me for not being like him – not being macho enough, cruel and aggressive. And when he was home, he always made love to my mother. I know – I heard them.”
Parker stared at him.
“Love?” she said in a whisper. “Really? Well, whatever; our plan worked: your tuition has been paid in full; even more than full. You’ll never ever have to fear him again.”
‘What about fearing you?’ he asked himself. Then he rose, pleased again to see he was taller than she.
“You got what you wanted by using me, and putting me in harm’s way,” he said, waving away her protest. “I still have nightmares. I want compensation.”
Her eyes narrowed.
“I can’t let you go,” she said. “I told you; it will kill you.”
He laughed and saw it confused her.
“I won’t leave,” he said. “I stay. But I stay on my conditions.”
“You want your old room back?” she asked, producing a careful shadow of the Smile. “And stop doing chores? That’s fine with me. I guess you earned it.”
He mirrored her Smile.
“Didn’t you just say that you keep underestimating me?” he asked, shaking his curls and bending a wrist as he bit a fingernail.
Parker looked puzzled now.
“I’ll make my own schedule,” he said. “No more Grace classes. And no more fucking French.”
Parker shrugged.
“Talk with Ms. Fontaine,” she said.
“And I want Charlie in my room – permanently.” He added. Then he leant into the woman.
“And no chores for her.”
Charlie had moved in and she was like a twirling Tinkerbelle, showering pinkish dust on every niche and crack of the room and its furniture.
They kissed and made love on the bed, on the floor and in the shower. And then they started on the bed again.
The girl was insatiable.
Everywhere she touched and licked and prodded him, he got charged – and every little charge kept adding up until he screamed from overload.
She taught him where he lived – taking him to secret niches that hid new treasures. Of course, he knew that after each glorious come another chip of his ‘him’ would go missing.
But he had no intention to go looking for it.
Part of his deal with Parker was a deal with Kurtz.
Nothing would ever be done to him anymore without asking, and explaining the nature of the planned medication and its effect.
He always had the right to refuse.
Of course, she could betray him whenever she wanted – his medical knowledge was non-existent. But just having the talk gave him the necessary illusion of having a grip on his fate.
It was more than he ever had in his entire life, wasn’t it?
Back at his room, tired of waiting for Charlie, Lucia discarded her shirt and peeled the tight top off his chest. Running a slow finger down her ribcage he savored the softness of her skin. He was still as lean as ever, but the ribs’ contours had softened, as had the flatness of his belly.
Pulling down his shorts, she cupped her shrunken penis, resting manicured nails on the smooth, tight skin below.
All Barbs had what she’d once thought was exclusive to Drew: no visible testicles and a tightened scrotum – smooth and spotless. The seam where they’d stitched his skin could only be seen up close – or felt when you ran your fingertip along it.
It was a feeling that made her shiver.
Becoming a Barb ushered in new triggers of sensuality, it seemed. It also came with a new set of esthetics.
Most Barbs loved their clean, tight underbelly – and to show it off. They might gossip and giggle about giant male penises and huge hairy balls hanging down in wrinkled sacs. But they would recoil in horror at the thought of having those themselves.
Lucia remembered Harper’s wailing over his three-inch cock – calling it an elephant’s trunk as he tramped around the Bobs’ dorm waving his arm in front of his crotch as if it were a swaying trunk.
Lucian chuckled.
Then she wondered when the boy would ever graduate. Of course, he saw him often, but she’d love to have him for a real – well – sister.
Shedding her ballet shoes, he stepped into the shower.
The water was hot and sweet, cascading over him as her slow hands kneaded the shampoo into his hair. She loved to shower, letting his hands move over her firm, slick body.
Dr. Kurtz had explained how the right combination of pills and injections, diet and gymnastics gave her this body. Every student had his own schedule, safely stored into her computer.
And, she’d said, touching his arm, there was a turning point in her treatment after which it would be unhealthy to stop – even risky. It came as no surprise to Lucian that he’d passed that moment, and without warning.
“So, you did it again,” he’d said. “Turning me into a girl without asking.”
Kurtz had shaken her head at that.
Most boys, she said, wanted to become girls. But it was her heart-breaking duty to tell them they could never become real women. They should be proud, though, of what they could become: a unique and gracious gender that was often envied by women – and admired by men.
‘And hated, humiliated and ridiculed by most others,’ he thought.
He told Kurtz that he didn’t want to be a woman.
She nodded and said she knew. She apologized for having ignored his wants and needs. His mother had been very clear, and they’d supposed she knew best.
“I guess we followed too eagerly,” she said, smiling her crooked smile.
And I guess the money played a big role too, he thought, reflecting her smile.
Running his slippery hands over puffy nipples Lucia recalled Kurtz’s short lecture on enhanced sexuality.
“You see,” she’d explained while he lie naked on her examination table, “to be a happy human being you need an active and successful sexual life. Most people think black-and-white about sexual gratification. They think men can only be happy having this huge apparatus that fills with blood to get hard and penetrate women’s vagina’s, where they spew as much creamy stuff as they can.”
She smiled while flopping his limp little member with her latex-clad fingers.
“Women, on the other hand,” she went on, “should have a wet, slippery entrance. It should always be tight, but easily accommodate the giant intruder. If they are lucky, they climax before the man does, but in many cultures, he won’t wait for that.”
While talking, her fingers wandered down Lucia’s new absent scrotum, and slipped into his anus where she slowly fucked her sensitive walls.
“We at Norton’s,” she proceeded, never stopping her ministrations, “know that you don’t have to despair when your penis can’t be a hard, pulsing spear.”
She smiled at the word and pressed deeper.
“We also know that you don’t need a woman’s vagina to get well-fucked and come a lot.”
She hit the spot he knew was his enhanced prostate; and he saw her penis jerk and gush a glob of sperm. Closing his eyes Lucian felt a wave shake her body; he gasped, and Kurtz chuckled, slowing down her prodding.
“I could do this for hours, you know,” she said. “And you’d never stop climaxing.”
She chuckled again.
“But I bet you know that by now.”
Her finger once again tickled his prostate, making her penis weep some more.
“In truth, you can be a more perfect pleasure-creature than most women or men could ever be,” she said, pulling her fingers out and cleaning them on a paper towel. “But you have to change mentally and physically to appreciate it.”
Back in the shower Lucian let a curtain of hot water cover her face. He rinsed out her hair and showered the soap off his body.
The intense memories, combined with the way Lucia caressed and fondled his body left her hot and aroused. Drying her skin with a huge fluffy towel brought other, more anxious feelings. Why wasn’t Charlie back yet? She needed her. He longed for her soft lips and expert fingers; her sweet body, her wonderful smile.
Dressed in a satin robe, he blow-dried his hair while she brushed it.
The girl was an hour late now.
Grabbing a thong and slippers he dressed and went out into the hallway. The corridors were empty, she saw; most students would be in their dorms and rooms, or maybe to the dining hall already.
That’s where Lucian went, but all she found were two Barbs dressing the tables. No, they hadn’t seen Chuck. It was a nickname, chosen because it so funnily contrasted with petite, quicksilver Charlie.
Lucia visited the Barbies’ dorm, only to find Nico.
“An hour?” she asked, frowning – then she smiled. “Ah well, where can she go? Maybe she’s back already and you missed each other?”
Nico had become a friend; well, almost.
Her sarcasm seemed to have evaporated, and even though he could never forget what happened that Halloween, now a year and a half ago, the memory had lost its bitter edge. What helped soothing his anger was his own active role as a fresh Barb at this year’s festivities, punishing party-crashing Bobs.
After all, it was just a tradition, wasn’t it – a rough kind of initiation, he guessed.
Walking back to his room Lucia wondered why he worried so much about Charlie being late. Nico was right, where could she go? What could she run into?
And then she heard her.
The vaulted hallways and rooms of the academy’s old building had a peculiar knack to distort sounds, making some voices carry, while muffling others.
Charlie’s voice penetrated it all – clear and silvery.
By now Lucian knew her well enough to understand the exclamations for what they were. She’d heard them too often to be wrong: the girl came – and then she came again.
The effect on him was immediate.
A rush of hot blood flared up her chest, hitting his throat. The air around her seemed to thicken, making his ears buzz.
Charlie was with another lover.
Lucian looked around, trying to fish new sounds out of the humming soup, and distill a direction from it. She turned left into a corridor with quite a few closed doors. Back down the hallway was the library, he knew. Most of the other rooms were empty, or filled with discarded furniture.
Another cry pierced the air, and it seemed to come from a door on the right.
Lucia walked closer and put his ear against the wood.
She knew he was at the right place – realizing everything was wrong, very wrong. The sounds she heard were Charlie’s all right, and they were the exact mixture of his fondest memories – fast, almost breathless gasps, punctured by high-pitched moans that came faster, ever faster until they peaked into a birdlike cry.
He pushed against the door; it creaked, but she didn’t care.
Ingrid ist eine lebenslustige Frau Mitte 50. Wie ist immer auf Achse und hat viele Freundinnen in der Stadt. Durch ihre unruhige Art, gepaart mit ihrem Interesse für Mode und Kosmetik, geht sie doch vielen ihrer Bekannten auf die Nerven und eine dauerhafte Beziehung entweder zu einem Mann oder einer Frau konnte sich so nicht aufbauen. Ingrid achtet sehr auf sich, geht regelmäßig ins Nagelstudio und zum Friseur, und das alles noch mit der Erbschaft ihre Eltern. Denn ernsthaft hat sie nie...
BDSMI was laying on my bed, naked and with a lovely hard on wanking to the pictures of naked women on my computer, I didn’t realise till mum said, “Ooops, sorry” did I know she was there, how long I didn’t have any idea but it didn’t matter, she had seen me with my cock in my hand and no mistake, Mum made a hasty retreat from my room as I made a pathetic attempt to cover up my cock from her view, she called sorry once more as the door closed, I lay there wondering what mum had thought of her son...
Author's Forward: Hello everybody! I'm back with more. I think this section is probably the smuttiest thing I've ever written, so I really hope you enjoy it! This posting represents the second of what was initially three parts, but is now four. If you don't want to wait 6-8 weeks to find out what happens next, part three is already available at! If you want to vote for what I write next, the current poll (which will continue until part 3a of Other Duties gets...
I have never done this before. Byt in this hot wife swapping story, I will narrate the step by step incident of the hot group sex I had with my friend and his wife. I, Shantanu and Riya had joined our company 5 years back. Actually, there were more but we are the ones left now. Shantanu and Riya were in a live-in relationship for the first two years and then they got married. I was one of the witnesses to their court marriage.Shantanu is very handsome and very good at talking to girls, unlike...
Authors note. First, I would like to thank all those who left feedback about the first and to be honest what was going to be the only, part of this tale. There were lots of people who said that there was no retribution for Jeremy and the others in the close, and many said that the MC waited far too long to pull the trigger and that the police should have been involved after the drugging etc. I will say this. In my mind, the MC’s prime and indeed only consideration was extracting himself and...
Wearing a super tight spandex red bodysuit with knee high matching boots in a four inch heels got her a standing ovation when she started out with Ernie by singing Amigos. It had become her theme song. Her hair was done up held in place by dozens of bobby pins. They were nose to nose singing one of her favorite songs. If there was any tension between them due to her insistence of moving down to Longview, it didn't show. As she left, she even gave Ernie a nice kiss on the tip of his nose...
Thanks dear readers for good response to my previous story “ Dost ne Mom ko Jungle Mein Chodha” Bahut daer baad ab mere ko ek chance mila mom ki chudayee dekhne ka wohi mein aap sab se share karna chahata hoon Meri mom jaise aap sab ko pata hai ki ek sexy raand hai Uske size is tarah hain: Mummae : 40 Kamar : 36 Gaand : 38 Baat tab ki hai mere papa tour pe bahar gaye hue the mom to hamesha issi moukae pe rehti hai ki kab papa jayeen to kissi shikari ko bulaye Mom mere ko boli tumahar dost hupi...
I had been having a pretty good day up until the point when my car blew up. Lets back up though because my car didn't just decided to blow up, it was blown up, by a witch, who I was hunting, well tracking down, she had unpaid traffic fines. Listen adventuring isn't what it used to be. Let me explain a bit though, my name is Alex, I am an independent contract adventure working for the local DMV in this case. I was supposed to deliver these tickets to a witch who lived out in the forest, pretty...
FantasyI excitedly grilled Vicky for information about her ability to squirt. She said it didn’t happen all the time; it seemed to happen when she was really excited and worked up. She confessed her last boyfriend thought squirting was disgusting and contributed to their break up. She said he didn’t like her body and told her to lose weight. He must have been a complete fool. We laid on her bed and caressed each other and I assured her most men would love that she squirted and simply adore her...
La prima settimana di transizione pass? con questa sensazione indescrivibile e meravigliosa di contatto diretto con un flusso di energia cosmica che d? vita a tutte le donne del mondo. Poi accadde la prima magia. I miei seni si arrotondarono visibilmente e cominciarono a sporgere. I capezzoli divennero incredibilmente, quasi dolorosamente sensibili. Il pi? leggero sfioramento causava qualcosa di simile ad uno shock elettrico. Una sera, mentre camminavo per casa indossando solo un neglig?, la car...
"Pink?" Amanda asked. "Yes, I have this stunning latex outfit with blouse and short shorts that I think will look great on camera. Of course with you filling it out," he said with a twinkle in his eye. "I want you to continue in the full sheer pantyhose that you have one, but change into this pink outfit. Your makeup has to be adjusted. Let me see what you decide. I like how my baby girl is growing up!" This last remark made Amanda feel so good. She skipped off to change. Carl went...
Alana, one of my coworkers, lives in a city in the NE and we don’t see each other often unless we are on a short assignment with the same customer (I live in Texas). We first hooked up while visiting a customer in Central America about seven years ago and had developed a CWB (co-workers with benefits) relationship that fit perfectly with our wild sexuality and being away from prying eyes and significant others. Alana is not pretty, but she qualifies as cute. She is also 16 years younger than me...
INTRODUCTIONThis isn't a story but what I really experienced in the year 1977 while Iwas enjoying my summer vacation in Spain. The magic, enchanting andfascinating places of the warm Costa Blanca enclose, as if in a beautifulframe, my true and secret experience. I've always talked about this journeyof mine with many people but never about what happened to me because ofobvious reasons even with peculiar people, I got to know, because theycertainly wouldn't believe me. Today I feel the need to...
My Khala (mums sister) is 34 years old with a figure of 36, 30, 38 she is one gorgeous, warm heart, kind, open minded and dam hot. She’s the favourite person out of the family; everybody loves to be around her, particularly me as she is my favourite aunt. My Khala has two daughters however she’s been having issues with her jackass of a husband for a while and seeks to speak to me about anything and everything that bothers her as she feels most comfortable with me. Khala’s been in the search for...
IncestGrace turned off the Trackimo, after another five-minute burst, that Mia would see. She’d be in Florida perhaps, looking for a boat. Time to make breakfast. While she ate she went back to watching the TV, with its nice people out there in the ordinary world, who didn’t know what was happening in this secret world, that might change everybody’s lives forever. What could she do? What should she be focusing on? There wasn’t any point focusing on Xenia and Boris, just because they were...
In our last episode, Aarushi couldn’t help but to give in to her professor’s demands. A gamble she had taken consciously to own his favours during the exams. But soon she had realised how, by doing so she had become a mere sex toy for him. Not only he fucked her well and thoroughly that day, but also made sure that she was bound to come back until the exams were over. Aarushi had no other choice but to agree. While in the meantime, Anita too was having her share of the fun. With Kiran out of...
There’s a faint buzzing sound, Ellie strains to hear it, but after a few seconds, it goes away. Then it’s there again, it sounds like vibrations, a cell phone. She gets out of bed and walks around trying to hear the noise to see where it’s coming from. Next to the front door is Clark’s cell phone. She picks it up, and it starts to buzz again, “Julia”, is the name on the screen. Oh fuck…. His wife. Ellie hurriedly puts the phone down and runs to the bed, shaking Clark awake. “Clark,...
You saw on the news today that the new world wide disease with no official name has been spreading dramatically. Like, very dramatically. The reporter on the news had described the epidemic by saying that it spread nearly 10 times as fast as AIDS did. But you have your doubts that it's spreading that fast, since news channels always love to stretch the truth. You are also well aware of what happens to infected victims. The irises of their eyes turn a light shade of gray, as do their skin tone,...
I am silver and exact. I have no preconceptions. What ever you see I swallow immediately Just as it is, unmisted by love or dislike. I am not cruel, only truthful — The eye of a little god, four-cornered. Most of the time I meditate on the opposite wall. It is pink, with speckles. I have looked at it so long I think it is a part of my heart. But it flickers. Faces and darkness separate us over and over. Now I am a lake. A woman bends over me, Searching my reaches for what she really is. Then...
The next week, I had to travel to a nearby town for work. Since it was just a short flight away and the ticket probably wouldn't cost too much, I asked Becky if she wanted to get off work and come with me. The truth was that I didn't want to be away from her for two nights. It would drive me crazy wondering if I might miss out on her new sexuality while I was gone. And just to be clear, Becky would never cheat. Not in a million years. But if she was feeling especially kinky one night, I'd...
Wife LoversI called Hector, and we went out before dark to set up our spying equipment around the water tank and Hubbard Lake 5; where the LSAs were landing and off loading the drugs. I had been told by Alan that the DEA and DPS labs confirmed the sample I obtained from the truck on that first night was the same basic formula that was showing up in San Antonio, Austin, Waco, and Dallas. So we found a major source of the drugs being distributed along the I-35 corridor. They also thought that I was right...
This is the story of the second incident in Mum's cuckolding and whoredom, and her adventures into S/M. This was what made me realise her secret rude side existed for sure, because at this time I'd only suspected about her having made a sex video [Described in my story "Teresa's Torture"], but not having seen it myself at this point, I could only go on my instincts and hints from the incident with Kabul. [It was ten years after this that I eventually saw the film itself.] I only suspected she...
Would my spouse of 15 years succumb to temptation? This is a true story of what happened with my spouse, Susan who I have been married to for over 15 years. Susan and I met in college and married when I was 25 and she was 22. Susan was, and still is a very attractive blonde. Actually I should say, dirty blonde. She has big brown eyes and can look innocent as hell. She is 5’4†and 121 lb, so she has managed to stay in pretty decent shape. Last year, after 14 years of marriage, things were...
Cheating WifeDING!!! "Crono......" DONG!!!! "Crono......" DING!!!! "Crono!" Crono groaned as he awoke to another day. He shook his head slowly and looked around a bit. Marle and Lucca were standing by his bed, apparently very pleased about something. Crono pushed himself up and sat on the side of his bed. "Good morning, Crono!" Crono grunted an acknowledgement at Marle. "Good morning, Crono." Same for Lucca. DONG!!!! Marle giggles, causing her practically unrestrained tits to jiggle. Crono couldn't help...
The box was to be my punishment, but I could already feel my pussy becoming damp in anticipation of whatever my mistress had planned. ‘There you are, slave,’ my mistress growled, that evil look in her eyes telling me what I already knew. This was to be an event for her pleasure, not mine. As I reached her chair, I stood unflinching as the bull whip struck her hand. My fingers tightly grasping each wrist behind my back, legs shoulder width apart, eyes to the floor, I awaited my orders....
It’s a Spring Saturday Night in Chicago. April means a renewal of many facets of life. Baseball season starts and so the Bundy men decided to go with Jefferson and some of the other guys in the neighborhood to see the North Siders play. Peggy was visiting her relatives in Wisconsin this weekend, leaving Kelly home. Normally, this would not be a problem as Kelly was always very popular… and she did have a date. However, the guy backed out with a call a few minutes before taking her out. Some...
"Huh?" I said, looking up from my plate at my daughter Sarah. "What's wrong, you haven't said anything in a while." She was right. We were having dinner together, which was usually the time we caught up and talked about our days, how work and school were, and so on. But tonight I was totally in my head. "Oh nothing sweetie. Just work stuff." This was sort of true. I was dreading going to work tomorrow as I knew what was coming. I knew they would be pushing the issue. I tried to...
I stay in hotels a lot and love some of the fringe benefits. I have even been given a sexy stud for my room. I love a nine inch cock and an ass you can bounce a coin off. Muscle firm asses are my passion as is a big cock. I checked in late on this visit and called down for room service. It was closed but they said they would send me a bottle of wine and a sandwich. I got naked and put on the hotel robe and waited for my meal. At the knock on the door I opened and there was the handsome very...
We finally got the gorgeous Minnie on bed. Minnie is my close and best friend’s wife. But he has affair with my husband and with Juss’s wife too. We decided to take revenge on him by fucking his gorgeous, glamorous wife. Minnie looks a bit short in height but has a perfect figure. Minnie’s voice was really sweet, every man wants to listen when Minnie mourns and screams. We decided to fuck Minnie and i know Minnie well but she never used to talk to me lot. I called Minnie to some hotel and me...
Chloe got home from work over an hour later than usual. “Oh, I called in at the tattoo shop. Look.”she said, lifting up her red leather mini-skirt. “Max took out my old cunt rings and put in these bignew 6 gauge silver titanium rings. Don't they look so fucking slutty, Dave?”The four new rings through her labia, two on either side, were at least three times the size of her oldones. They were, indeed, incredibly slutty!“Max told me not to change the ring in my pierced clit hood because it would...
"Your references are excellent Miss. As you know my previous housekeeper of thirty years recently passed away; that dear lady was a paragon of efficiency. My life has been in total disarray without her. I have been taking my meals at the university cafeteria; a depressing experience to say the least and my house is in absolute shambles." "Well sir, I know I can't replace that dear lady but I can clean and cook and many other things you should want." "You were employed lately at the cotton mill...
EroticKinky couple Anna Claire Clouds and Ryan Mclane want to spice up their sex life and invite well-endowed stud Van Wylde over to fuck the blonde bombshell wife while the voyeur husband watches. The all-natural hottie answers the door in beautiful lace lingerie ready to get the private sex show going as soon as possible. The salacious Penthouse stunner is eager to spread her legs to have her shaved pussy eaten out and can’t wait to suck and fuck another man’s cock until a creampie...
xmoviesforyouSo Wednesday was yet another manic day. Disconnect the phone in the bedroom and shut the door to let Ann sleep. Get kids up for breakfast and schools. Answer the phone. A reporter. Put phone down. Check everyone had everything they needed. Answer the phone, the BBC, put phone down. See children off after checking we were not once again besieged by reporters at the gate. Answer the phone, assure Geoff we were still ok, but that I would not be in. Answer the phone, ask the police to call...
Aiko is a woman of japenese origen, that settled itself in Spain when she knew in the French polinesia a spanish man. They got married right there. And they moved to Lorenzo's native country, wich is his name. She separated from him after several infidelities that bittered his life a little, although she always had an excellent relationship with his host country.The fruit of that relationship was a precious daughter whose custody shares with his father. She knew how to earn a living as a...
Note : This story is completely fictional! My name is Phil and this is a made of story of what I would like to happen. I am in a wheelchair and 19 years old but in this story I am not. To this day I have never had sex but I have a plan in mind. I have had nurses throughtout my years of school and some of them are fucking hot. One has huge fucking tits, she is kinda big and her daughter is hot as well. Her name is Susan and her daughter names is Jackie. I remember when susan has taken care of me...
IncestHi friends, aap sab ka swagat hai indian sex story ki is story me. Mera naam yashasvi hai or mai 18 saal ki hu. Mai ek sexy ladki hu. Jab mai chalti hu toh meri gand apne aap upar neeche hoti hai. Mohalle ke sabhi ladke mujhe ghoorte rehte hai. Ye kahani aaj se 3 saal purani hai jab me school me thi class 11 me. Meri ek best friend hai jiska naam stuti hai vo dikhne me mujhse bhi jyada hot hai. Ab mai seedhe sex story pe aati hu. Hamri 11 ki classes khatam hui or summer vacations chalu ho gayi...
I saw Mary the very next chance I got and told her about my - that is - our dilemma. Mary smiled, a soft bemused smile, like she was about to lift an enormously troublesome burden from my shoulders, and she did! She said, "Based on what you've just told me, we can count on Ginny to be our ally and confidante; so let's let her into our inner circle and dangle a juicy carrot for Ray." The way Mary laid it all out, I could tell she took psychology classes in college, but ofcourse, that...
Thank you all for so many emails. Appreciated.. I’ll continue without wasting any time. Have fun. She must have felt my penis. I wasn’t wearing any underwear. She let her self-loose and then squeezed and hugged my arms in front of her. As soon as she was relaxed my next move was to grab her boob from over her saree. She sucked hard and shrieked. Vidhya: Raaaajaaaa betaaaa!!! What is wring with you, my child? Saying so she forced herself out of my arms and ran down. I stayed back. Lit up...
IncestAubrey Sinclair just wants her man Chad White to Come Home from the army. As Aubrey goes about her daily routine she finds that even the simplest things have lost all meaning. As she heads out to the water and swims to the other end Aubrey comes out of the water to find Chad standing at the end of the water in his uniform. Aubrey can’t believe her eyes and within moments Chad and Aubrey and having passionate sex, the kind that only happens when you thought you may never see your partner...
xmoviesforyouThe sun is barely coming up and I am already in the barn. I notice an extra horse in the barn and wonder discover that it is Biscuit – Ella’s horse. Why is Biscuit here, I wonder to myself, but the concerns of Biscuit’s presence are quickly replaced with thoughts of Ella. Recently, I have seen a lot of her…in the barn down on her farm, in the woods…always with a boy, but I dream at night of her with me. I wonder how she tastes, how she feels. Before I know it…the discovery of Biscuit has me...
My drunken fun.......It was at a party when i really got drunk and met 2 really hot american guys who introduced themselves as Alex and Peter. They were really hot and on top of that i was drunk and really horny. While dancing i could feel Alex running his warm hands up my thighs and i could feel an enormous bulge in his jeans. I knew then that i was going to end up having sex with him. but what i did not realise was that i was so horny and drunk that when alex and peter took me to a room in...
“Happy Birthday Ellen, I knew he was perfect as soon as I saw him.” Ellen formally introduced her new roommate to all of her roommates, “Allie, this is everybody, everybody, this is Allie the Alien.” She found him a spot between Dweeb the Bear and Smokey her Guardian Dragon. The three occupied a shelf over the dresser at the end of her bed. Ellen felt safe in her room with the trio gazing down on her while she slept. Justin sat at his laptop watching the girl as she slumbered. He was...
Daniel pulled back and with a powerful lunge, he pushed his penile glans through my restraining anal muscle ring. I screamed out in agonizing pain '...YEEEAAAOOOOHHHHHMMMMMYYYYGGGGGAAAAWWWWDDDDDYOU"VEBUSTMYASSHOLETAKEITOUT...' I swear I heard an audible pop when his enormously huge penile glans enter my anal canal. Daniel grunted '...shut the fuck up bitch. I've been wanting to hit this ass just right. Damn, it's tight...' I clawed at the bedsheets and tossed my head violently from side to side...
Hello dear readers,ye story meri nahi hay or na meri kisi gf ki hay ye mainay ek sexy book main padhi thi or ob aap logon ki maze k liye share kar raha hun kiuoun k is story ko padhnay k baad mujhay itna maza aya too aap loog meray dost hain aap ko bhi aye isliye main ye story yahan likh raha hun meri us kitaab main kafi sari sexy story likhi hay agar aap logon ko ye pasand aye or mujh ko positive reply mila to main ek ek kar k sari story aap logon say share kaurnga waisay mera naam vicky hay...
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1991 Seven days of kisses and bliss. Jen got her kiss every day for a seventh day. Every time I saw her or thought about her, the butterflies were there. We held hands in the hallways and word around school was that we were the hot couple. The upperclassmen had accepted and welcomed me with open arms. If I’d been placed on the varsity team at the start of the season, I’d have likely faced some hazing. As it was, saving the big game and showing them I belonged put...
Jen was your everyday 45 year old housewife. She had been married for 20 years to a wonderful man who gave her everything she ever needed. There was only one problem in Jen’s life and that everything had become very routine. Her life seemed to be the same everyday. The excitement she had once experience was now gone. She desperately wanted to find some new adventures in her life. She just never had envisioned what those new adventures would end up being. Jen’s excitement was working out at the...
MILFRiley Reid gets ready for a spa day at Jules’ house that quickly turns into something more. Cute little Riley is ready for a relaxing day after shooting a bunch of scenes for Jules. He’s scheduled a massage for her and helps Riley get our of her clothes then covers her with a towel as she waits for her masseuse. Chris shows up with a bottle of oil in hand, ready to lube up Riley’s tight, young body and gets right to work. The towel she’s wearing starts to impede his hands so Riley takes it off...
xmoviesforyouWorking away from home can have it’s advantages, situations arise that would never do so at home. I had been working out east for several months, working a two week rotation where I got to travel home every second weekend. For the last week or two, the hotel where I was staying was advertising an up coming fancy dress dance night. It happened to be on the Saturday night that I would be staying over so I decided to go to it and have some fun. The weekend before, I was at home and packed a few...
I finally made it back home to my proper time, after resting for another couple of days. The headache I had suffered had been a bad one. It went away the next day, but I had felt wiped out, still. I waited another day before coming back. When I returned, I set my new computer to resolving a problem for me. What would be the probable outcome of my changing the future, of something that had already happened. The AI had responded it had already done extensive research into this very subject,...
The intruders were huddled on the floor, their masks askew. None of them had been able to defend themselves in any way because they couldn't see her attacks, and their hands were too busy trying to fend off blows. Those hands had been reduced to bloody lumps. While Jack and Nigel stopped, staring at the astonishing scene before them, she whacked each one an additional time. She could have stabbed them, but did not. "Bastards," she panted. "You think you can violate my privacy, and do...
I haven't written poetry in a long time and these are a bit older. I would like your comments and advice if you would be so kind as to give them. I'm working on a story so be patient and I'll have what you all really love back until then here is something to wet your..... tastebuds. Do you want to fuck I would make you buck I would cause a pleasure that you couldn't measure I would make you scream while I lick your special cream I'll massage, lick, and tease and anything else to please All you...
Erotic PoetryNext morning, Poppy’s on breakfast duty. She’s torn between wanting to see Don and Julie again, and feeling nervous about how she’d deal with it. She wonders if, in the cold light of day, they’ll regret being so forward with her the evening before, and will want to return to a more formal relationship, as appropriate between guests and staff.After she’s spent the whole of breakfast looking up nervously each time someone comes into the dining room, they don’t turn up at all. Poppy wonders if...
Mature"No mom! You can not do this to me!" I could not believe it. Mom just told me that I will be spending most of my summer babysitting granpa Jones. Here I am in my middle teen years, middle of puberty and discovering boys and wondering about sex and now I am going to spend most of my summer on a farm in the middle of no where with a man who can not take care of his self nor hardly talk for that matter. We got out there and mom and my aunt stayed several days showing me the ropes of everything...
Hi, my name is Paul, the story I am about to relate began 20 years ago, when I was 15. I was an only child, and living at home with my mother, just the two of us since the divorce. Dad was a wealthy business man and had left Mom with a good settlement, she had the home, and a reasonable alimony, so......we were quite comfortable. Mom looked after herself, kept herself fit, she had a good figure...blonde hair. My friends often remarked about how “hot” she was. Not that I had not noticed...
French Dressing Chapter One: Mr Fox Everything I am I owe to Mr Fox. That is such a strange statement that I suppose I will have to explain it. See, when I went to secondary school I went to a single-sex school. That's slightly odd in its self, I know, but that's how things were organised where I lived. And for the first two years Mr Fox was both our form master and our English teacher. And for most of that time nothing out of the ordinary happened. And as for me, well I was...
"What do you mean you don't know where O'Donnell is?" Max yelled into the satellite phone. He was halfway back to town, bouncing along an old mining trail, when Jamal, the guard driving the white Chevy 4 X 4, called him with the bad news. "Look man, I made it all the way to the roadblock. They haven't been there," responded the guard with frustration and fear in his voice. "They was in front of me the whole time, but I just couldn't catch em. They was too fast. After I got to the...
I woke up this morning so fucking horny I couldn't stand it. I got out of bed and put my dog out to do his business and returned to the bedroom. I opened the door and there laid my beautiful wife buck naked and legs spread wide open and the sun was shining in and glaring off her body. All I could think about was sinking my cock as deep in her as I could go. I didn't even notice but she was staring right at me and said told me she loved me. I return with I loved her more. We had a couple of...
Bill’s turn: By the time we got left on the apron back at our home airport, a lot of life had changed. First, I was now an engineer with 3Sigma Engineering. My first tasking was to locate suitable facilities for a branch office. Second, I was in possession of a pair of ‘almost’ college students. Possession? One daughter. One wife. Third, I was issued instructions to obtain my medical certificate preparatory to becoming a student pilot. That whole college thing for Haley and Deena,...