LucianChapter 8 free porn video

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Why think you’re a woman when all you have are her moves and her make up? And why think you’re a man when even your balls have gone?

Lucian Gaines inhaled the sweet spring air.

It wafted in through an open window making his nose wrinkle as he closed his eyes. His ears caught birdsong and distant voices.

Opening them again, Lucia Gaines looked around.

Her room was impeccable – from the pale-pink flowery covers on the double bed to the crystal vase she’d filled with white-and-yellow daffodils.

Everything felt warm and welcome.

He ran a light hand over her bed to brush away an invisible wrinkle. Then she sat down with a sigh, stretching his legs and massaging them slowly. Her smooth skin and firm long muscles slid through his fingers.

Running practice had slowed down to three times a week since his graduation. But she’d run all through winter, often ten miles or more.

He picked up a silver scrunchie from her side table. Gathering his long curly hair with an expert twist of her hand, he created an ash-blond ponytail and let it dance on her shoulder blades. Everyone loved his hair, just like they loved Charlie’s.

Lucia looked at the second pillow on the bed.

It still showed the slight dent where Charlie’s sleeping head had been resting. They shared the room – she and he; he and she. It was an unusual settlement at Norton’s Academy of Excellence, but amongst all the unusual things that had happened, this was maybe the least remarkable.

Lucian’s mind refused to go back to those horrible autumn days anymore. It was the only way to stop her reoccurring nightmares.

But sometimes it just didn’t work.

Seeing a drop of blood could make him retch; the mere picture of a male cock in erection sent bile up her throat.

That awful night the girls whisked him away, after mercifully injecting a sedative. Thank God, the limousine never left. Charlie held him all the way home. Nico told him later that she’d cleaned his blood-splattered face and body with her dress soaked in champagne from the car’s bar.

He woke up the next morning, close to noon.

Charlie was still there, sleeping in a chair beside his hospital bed. The bloodstained dress stuck to her pale skin; her hair looked a mess and her make up was in ruins.

Lucian felt dizzy, but he knew where he was and why.

Horrible images returned – even sounds and smells – and the sickening taste of blood; his father’s blood.

His hand crawled from under his blanket until it rested on the girl’s knee. Her eyes flew open.

“Luce,” she croaked. “You’re awake.”

Jumping to her feet she leant over the bed and grabbed his head – kissing him deeply.

“Thank God,” she panted, her violet eyes dancing up and down as she took him in. “How do you feel?”

His heart raced from the sudden attack.

“I’m fine,” he said – or rather tried to say through his parched throat.

“Water!” she cried out and fetched a glass, filling it from the tap.

He drank as she watched with an ever-bigger smile.

“What happened?” he asked after emptying the glass.

“You ... you almost bit his cock off!” she said in awe. “There was so much blood – and screaming.”

He shook his head.

“I know that,” he said. “But what happened after? Are the police here?”

She looked confused.

“I don’t know,” she said. “Should they? I’ve been with you all the time – in the limo and here. I was so afraid.”

He looked at her. She was a child, a lost child with raccoon eyes from her smudged make up.

“How did you get me here?” he went on asking.

“In the limo,” she said. “Thank God it waited for us. Nico gave you a shot and the driver carried you. You looked dead, covered in blood and vomit and things...”

Her voice petered out as her eyes stared into the awful memory. They shone with moisture.

“I was so afraid,” she murmured, covering his hand with hers. Then her awareness returned and she jumped to her feet again.

“I’ll call Dr. Kurtz!” she exclaimed, turning to the door.

“Charlie,” he said. She stopped.

“Thank you.”

Her smile washed away the pale tiredness.

“I love you,” she said.

He held her gaze – the sweet wide-open eyes and the smiling mouth.

“Take a shower and go to bed,” he finally said. “I’m fine. Really.”

She loved him, she’d said.

Lucian recalled Charlie saying she loved him on the way to the embassy – and later, as she walked him across the hallway to the horrible room. She loved him and yet she’d prepared him and led him like a lamb to be slaughtered – leaving him alone with the asshole.

Ah well, love – what did he know about love?

Remembering as she lie on the bed in his room, hearing the sounds of spring through the window, Lucian wondered what really happened during that silly charade they called her graduation. If one ever could be ready for an ordeal like that, she was sure he hadn’t been. Even now, months later, his identity kept shifting. Was he Lucia, or was she Lucian? And did he have to choose? Or was it just social pressure urging her to decide?

How do you decide you’re female or male if you feel you’re both – or none at all?

Charlie loved him – or did she just love the her in him? They’d talked about who she thought he/she was, but the girl hated the topic. She said she didn’t care, it wasn’t important.

Lucia or Lucian, she loved him she said ... or her.

Maybe she was right.

Maybe the whole gender thing only mattered in the outside world, where you were pressured to choose – or rather: where people chose for you. Maybe out there you needed an identity. Here at Norton’s they all knew who they were, whatever they were – and so did he ... she.

He was the tall thin blond creature that knew how to run and jump a gym horse, do a split or make a summersault. Like all the others he knew where to put his feet and how to graciously bend his wrist. Sometimes he wore her war paint and was the one with the decadent eyes and the red, greedy mouth – the one with the silver cascade of hair, the never-ending legs and the albino skin.

They photographed him as her – and he’d learned to love the lights and the fuzz, the dressing up and the pampering hands. Sometimes she posed with Charlie, acting outrageously, just having fun.

He was one half of the famous Ice Queen couple.

Lucia chuckled at the nickname the Bobs and Barbs gave her and Charlie. “We might look like ice, but it’s a smoking hot ice, indeed,” he murmured, feeling a moist heat build in her crotch.

Damn, Charlie, where are you? You’re late today.

Being alone had become awkward after living at the Bobs’ dorm, and after all that had happened later. It felt awkward now. He, once the champion of solitary life, felt lonesome and incomplete when Charlie wasn’t around. Lying in bed alone caused restless nights and repetitive dreams.

They were dreams of hard meat and splattering blood, choking throats and pushing hands. The ones you wake up from bathing in sweat.

Norton’s didn’t believe in shrinks.

Dr. Kurtz told him so a long time ago. They believed in going on; in discipline and repetition – and in doing as told, of course.

But Lucia knew it wasn’t true; there were many shrinks at Norton’s: her fellow-students. Their cure was practical and hands-on. His time at the Bobs’ dorm had saved him, just as being with Charlie kept him sane right now.

She was hardly ever late. He hated it when she was.

Being alone made Lucia think; and when she did that, his brain ran in circles, starting from the incredible accident of meeting her father like that, then going on to Parker’s explanation and from there to the question how to go on.

After waking up from his sedation, he told no one whose cock he’d almost tore off – that it was his fucking father’s. He didn’t tell Charlie, nor did he tell Dr. Kurtz when she came by to examine him.

The doctor told him that the man was all right; or at least as all right as could be expected. He might even fuck again.

They hadn’t taken him to a hospital – the embassy ran a small medical facility.

But when Lucian asked her about possible charges and police involvement, she told him nothing ­– just to rest and trust that everything was fine.

He was save, she said, and gave him a shot before leaving. He sank into a slumber that was like bobbing on a warm water lake – sinking down and rising up.

Memories about that time were vague and spotty; there were people around his bed – Kurtz of course, and the Barb nurses; sometimes Charlie, smiling.

Things were done to him.

They washed and massaged him, and when he was really awake they fed him liquids through a straw.

His crotch was tended to as well.

When he finally woke up, he saw that the metal plate had gone. He wore a tight latex thong now, and when he peeled it aside all he saw was a wide Band-Aid under his penis.

The sight of it made his anger return – but it was a powerless, sedated anger, dripping away when he focused on it.

The next evening he’d been released, but they wouldn’t let him return to the Bobs’ dorm. Instead they took him to a four-bed room where Charlie and Nico welcomed him. All his clothes and things were there, and Charlie fuzzed over him until he was properly installed.

The next morning, he insisted on seeing Parker, but they told him she was away on business.

Charlie took him to the Barbs’ breakfast room instead, where he found six other girls. They welcomed him with hugs and a lot of questions about his health and wellbeing.

It felt as if they meant it.

Next to his plate laid an array of pills in a new spectrum of colors. He picked them up and put them in his small purse, ignoring the surprised looks of the girls.

His next stop was Mamselle.

He learned that she would be his counselor until his next graduation. He’d obviously made his first one.

“You might use me as your tutor as far as your studies go,” she said, sounding much less French than she did in class. “But you should know that my role might be bigger, if needed.”

Her smile had always been subtler than the Smile. And her dark eyes never took part in it. But her small white hand was on his, suggesting a hint of a squeeze.

“I have a question,” Lucian said.

“Of course,” she said, smiling and leaning back. “I hope you have many.”

“I think my graduation has been rushed,” he said. “Compared to other Barbs I’m not nearly ready.”

Mamselle’s smile evaporated.

“Why would you think that?” she asked. “Look in the mirror, chérie. You are the most beautiful second grade girl we had in ages.”

Her answer should disappoint him for its shallowness, but he knew it was more than that. It was a ruse to evade a real answer. Which of course was disappointing by itself.

He rose.

“You’re leaving?” she asked, rising with him. “But we haven’t even started.”

He shrugged.

“If this is your counsel,” he said, “I think we can save us a lot of time this coming year.”

She blinked.

“Je suis désolé,” she murmured, offering her excuses. “You’re right; you deserve more. Please don’t leave yet.”

After they sat down again the petite woman fuzzed for a minute with the perfect hem of her immaculate skirt.

“Lucien,” she finally said, “you must be aware of the battle that is going on over your head – a battle between Ms. Parker and your parents.”

“About my tuition,” he said.

She stared for a bit before going on.

“That too,” she said.

“There is more?” he asked.

She hesitated before going on.

“Much more,” she finally offered. “But it is not for me to tell you, even if I would know all the details – which I don’t. You should talk with the headmistress.”

“She’s out,” he said.

“She’ll be back tomorrow and she’ll see you. But please,” she said, while rising. “Take your pills – no need to risk your health just because of empty principles.”

Next morning, he sat opposite Parker.

Everything was as always – the desk, the white blouse and the severe suit. The owlish glasses were in place too, their dark rims circling abundantly made up eyes. He remembered reading in Beauty class how spectacles make your eyes smaller, and how make up helps.

She certainly compensated, he thought.

“That was quite an adventure, Lucian dear,” Parker started, her Smile in place. “I’m sorry you had to go through that without warning.”

An odd way to put it, he thought, considering he just followed her orders. Why would she be sorry about something she made him do – warning or no warning? She’d never been sorry about that before, had she?

Then the answer clicked.

“You knew he was my father,” he said. “It was no accident. You sent me there because he was there. I didn’t know and he wouldn’t either. But you knew.”

She looked straight at him, her eyes in the middle of her glasses.

“If so,” she said, “why would I do that? Why would I set you up? For what purpose, you suppose?”

As a typically egocentric adolescent it was hard for Lucian to see others as the possible target of her manipulations. It must be about him. So why did she take the risk of maneuvering him into a position to be deflowered by his father? Why his father – any guy with a cock would have sufficed, wouldn’t he?

“I don’t know,” he finally said, feeling on guard. “Because you’re sick?”

Parker grimaced.

“I am quite sane, thank you,” she said, slipping some ice into her voice. She let her words follow by an awkward silence.

“Honey,” she then went on, “would you ever even consider that I might have done it for your benefit?”

She was right of course – he would never consider any of her actions to be to his advantage. Why would he? And, why would she?

From the very first time he met Parker he’d seen her as his enemy, in league with his mother. Everything she did was to her own advantage – or Norton’s, obviously.

“Why would you?” he asked, aware of how flat his voice fell into the silence.

She sighed.

“I hear that often, darling. It must be something in my attitude.” She grimaced ironically. “But please believe me: everything I did this time was for your benefit – and Norton’s. You see: when your parents broke their contract, they duped you, because leaving this school will kill you. Your mother knows that. The outside world will eat you alive, and I can never allow that to happen.”

He watched in silence, his eyes fixed on her moving lips. What she said was true, probably, but why would he believe her?

By sheer fixation he missed part of her next line.

“ ... not just you they dupe,” she said. “We have eight students who could never afford this Academy, but who would – like you – be without a chance in the outside world. So, we finance part of their tuition from our paying students.”

While talking, Parker rose from her chair.

Walking around her desk she approached Lucian. Her suit was impeccable, he thought – such a pity of her legs.

She stopped in front of him.

“Part of your money, Lucian, has been used for Drew and Harper’s tuition. Of course, they had to work in addition, but without your money it would never have been enough.”

Again, was she telling the truth?

Did she ever tell the truth, and did it matter? He knew what Drew’s own contributions had been, and he was sure they were forced upon her. What about Harper, and who else? Nico, Mac and Honor were working students too.

What chores did they do – just waitressing and hair styling, tending the grounds?

He remembered the amount of his tuition mentioned in this same room – two hundred thousand dollars. There were more paying students like him, and still Drew had to whore herself out. Maybe Mackenzie did too, and Nico? When he thought of little Honor, he couldn’t avoid Charlie coming to mind – and the blowjob she gave on the lawn, at the party.

But her parents paid for her, didn’t they?

“I owe you an explanation,” Parker then said, folding her arms before her chest and looking down on him. “My lawyers assured me we had a good case, but it would take years to make your father pay. Norton’s and all our work would be destroyed by then.”

The woman sounded ... upset, Lucian thought. She sounded angry and passionate. Cool, arrogant Parker had a heart? Or was it just another show?

She turned and walked to the window, looking out over the grounds. Then her gaze turned back to him, lights flashing from her glasses.

“Nobody destroys my work,” she hissed. “Nobody.”

The new Parker scared him even more than the old one had.

“So, I used you to make your father pay,” she said. “I apologize for not informing you or asking your consent; there was no other way.”

She apologized, he thought – she apologized again. Why? She used him without asking, but what was new about that? Why feel sorry now?

“We filmed what he did to you,” she said. “Your father. And what you did to him.”

A quick smile touched her face.

“We never expected you would bite him like that, honey. I guess we keep underestimating you. But it didn’t hurt our plan – to the contrary.”

A plan?

“You blackmailed him with the video,” he said.

She came closer, wanting to cup his face with her pale soft hands, but he withdrew.

“Your daddy, Lucian,” she said, stepping back, “doesn’t deserve your loyalty. He is the sickest version of any sick macho you might ever meet: a frustrated homophobe who really is a closet homosexual himself – a hypocrite caught in the strings of his upbringing, his profession and his social circles. I’d pity him if he weren’t taking it all out on you – and us.”

Lucian recalled how his father took him to a strip joint with his friends, pushing banknotes between fake boobs and cheering as the girls gave him a lap dance. He remembered his blunt flirting with women anywhere. And he remembered the screams from his mother’s bedroom. They’d been from passion, hadn’t they – from making love, for sure?

“But he can’t be a homo, he hated them,” he objected; there was hesitation in his voice. “He bullied me into calling them faggots too, and all kinds of other names. He beat me if I wasn’t enthusiastic enough. And he beat me for not being like him – not being macho enough, cruel and aggressive. And when he was home, he always made love to my mother. I know – I heard them.”

Parker stared at him.

“Love?” she said in a whisper. “Really? Well, whatever; our plan worked: your tuition has been paid in full; even more than full. You’ll never ever have to fear him again.”

‘What about fearing you?’ he asked himself. Then he rose, pleased again to see he was taller than she.

“You got what you wanted by using me, and putting me in harm’s way,” he said, waving away her protest. “I still have nightmares. I want compensation.”

Her eyes narrowed.

“I can’t let you go,” she said. “I told you; it will kill you.”

He laughed and saw it confused her.

“I won’t leave,” he said. “I stay. But I stay on my conditions.”

“You want your old room back?” she asked, producing a careful shadow of the Smile. “And stop doing chores? That’s fine with me. I guess you earned it.”

He mirrored her Smile.

“Didn’t you just say that you keep underestimating me?” he asked, shaking his curls and bending a wrist as he bit a fingernail.

Parker looked puzzled now.

“I’ll make my own schedule,” he said. “No more Grace classes. And no more fucking French.”

Parker shrugged.

“Talk with Ms. Fontaine,” she said.

“And I want Charlie in my room – permanently.” He added. Then he leant into the woman.

“And no chores for her.”

Charlie had moved in and she was like a twirling Tinkerbelle, showering pinkish dust on every niche and crack of the room and its furniture.

They kissed and made love on the bed, on the floor and in the shower. And then they started on the bed again.

The girl was insatiable.

Everywhere she touched and licked and prodded him, he got charged – and every little charge kept adding up until he screamed from overload.

She taught him where he lived – taking him to secret niches that hid new treasures. Of course, he knew that after each glorious come another chip of his ‘him’ would go missing.

But he had no intention to go looking for it.

Part of his deal with Parker was a deal with Kurtz.

Nothing would ever be done to him anymore without asking, and explaining the nature of the planned medication and its effect.

He always had the right to refuse.

Of course, she could betray him whenever she wanted – his medical knowledge was non-existent. But just having the talk gave him the necessary illusion of having a grip on his fate.

It was more than he ever had in his entire life, wasn’t it?

Back at his room, tired of waiting for Charlie, Lucia discarded her shirt and peeled the tight top off his chest. Running a slow finger down her ribcage he savored the softness of her skin. He was still as lean as ever, but the ribs’ contours had softened, as had the flatness of his belly.

Pulling down his shorts, she cupped her shrunken penis, resting manicured nails on the smooth, tight skin below.

All Barbs had what she’d once thought was exclusive to Drew: no visible testicles and a tightened scrotum – smooth and spotless. The seam where they’d stitched his skin could only be seen up close – or felt when you ran your fingertip along it.

It was a feeling that made her shiver.

Becoming a Barb ushered in new triggers of sensuality, it seemed. It also came with a new set of esthetics.

Most Barbs loved their clean, tight underbelly – and to show it off. They might gossip and giggle about giant male penises and huge hairy balls hanging down in wrinkled sacs. But they would recoil in horror at the thought of having those themselves.

Lucia remembered Harper’s wailing over his three-inch cock – calling it an elephant’s trunk as he tramped around the Bobs’ dorm waving his arm in front of his crotch as if it were a swaying trunk.

Lucian chuckled.

Then she wondered when the boy would ever graduate. Of course, he saw him often, but she’d love to have him for a real – well – sister.

Shedding her ballet shoes, he stepped into the shower.

The water was hot and sweet, cascading over him as her slow hands kneaded the shampoo into his hair. She loved to shower, letting his hands move over her firm, slick body.

Dr. Kurtz had explained how the right combination of pills and injections, diet and gymnastics gave her this body. Every student had his own schedule, safely stored into her computer.

And, she’d said, touching his arm, there was a turning point in her treatment after which it would be unhealthy to stop – even risky. It came as no surprise to Lucian that he’d passed that moment, and without warning.

“So, you did it again,” he’d said. “Turning me into a girl without asking.”

Kurtz had shaken her head at that.

Most boys, she said, wanted to become girls. But it was her heart-breaking duty to tell them they could never become real women. They should be proud, though, of what they could become: a unique and gracious gender that was often envied by women – and admired by men.

‘And hated, humiliated and ridiculed by most others,’ he thought.

He told Kurtz that he didn’t want to be a woman.

She nodded and said she knew. She apologized for having ignored his wants and needs. His mother had been very clear, and they’d supposed she knew best.

“I guess we followed too eagerly,” she said, smiling her crooked smile.

And I guess the money played a big role too, he thought, reflecting her smile.

Running his slippery hands over puffy nipples Lucia recalled Kurtz’s short lecture on enhanced sexuality.

“You see,” she’d explained while he lie naked on her examination table, “to be a happy human being you need an active and successful sexual life. Most people think black-and-white about sexual gratification. They think men can only be happy having this huge apparatus that fills with blood to get hard and penetrate women’s vagina’s, where they spew as much creamy stuff as they can.”

She smiled while flopping his limp little member with her latex-clad fingers.

“Women, on the other hand,” she went on, “should have a wet, slippery entrance. It should always be tight, but easily accommodate the giant intruder. If they are lucky, they climax before the man does, but in many cultures, he won’t wait for that.”

While talking, her fingers wandered down Lucia’s new absent scrotum, and slipped into his anus where she slowly fucked her sensitive walls.

“We at Norton’s,” she proceeded, never stopping her ministrations, “know that you don’t have to despair when your penis can’t be a hard, pulsing spear.”

She smiled at the word and pressed deeper.

“We also know that you don’t need a woman’s vagina to get well-fucked and come a lot.”

She hit the spot he knew was his enhanced prostate; and he saw her penis jerk and gush a glob of sperm. Closing his eyes Lucian felt a wave shake her body; he gasped, and Kurtz chuckled, slowing down her prodding.

“I could do this for hours, you know,” she said. “And you’d never stop climaxing.”

She chuckled again.

“But I bet you know that by now.”

Her finger once again tickled his prostate, making her penis weep some more.

“In truth, you can be a more perfect pleasure-creature than most women or men could ever be,” she said, pulling her fingers out and cleaning them on a paper towel. “But you have to change mentally and physically to appreciate it.”

Back in the shower Lucian let a curtain of hot water cover her face. He rinsed out her hair and showered the soap off his body.

The intense memories, combined with the way Lucia caressed and fondled his body left her hot and aroused. Drying her skin with a huge fluffy towel brought other, more anxious feelings. Why wasn’t Charlie back yet? She needed her. He longed for her soft lips and expert fingers; her sweet body, her wonderful smile.

Dressed in a satin robe, he blow-dried his hair while she brushed it.

The girl was an hour late now.

Grabbing a thong and slippers he dressed and went out into the hallway. The corridors were empty, she saw; most students would be in their dorms and rooms, or maybe to the dining hall already.

That’s where Lucian went, but all she found were two Barbs dressing the tables. No, they hadn’t seen Chuck. It was a nickname, chosen because it so funnily contrasted with petite, quicksilver Charlie.

Lucia visited the Barbies’ dorm, only to find Nico.

“An hour?” she asked, frowning – then she smiled. “Ah well, where can she go? Maybe she’s back already and you missed each other?”

Nico had become a friend; well, almost.

Her sarcasm seemed to have evaporated, and even though he could never forget what happened that Halloween, now a year and a half ago, the memory had lost its bitter edge. What helped soothing his anger was his own active role as a fresh Barb at this year’s festivities, punishing party-crashing Bobs.

After all, it was just a tradition, wasn’t it – a rough kind of initiation, he guessed.

Walking back to his room Lucia wondered why he worried so much about Charlie being late. Nico was right, where could she go? What could she run into?

And then she heard her.

The vaulted hallways and rooms of the academy’s old building had a peculiar knack to distort sounds, making some voices carry, while muffling others.

Charlie’s voice penetrated it all – clear and silvery.

By now Lucian knew her well enough to understand the exclamations for what they were. She’d heard them too often to be wrong: the girl came – and then she came again.

The effect on him was immediate.

A rush of hot blood flared up her chest, hitting his throat. The air around her seemed to thicken, making his ears buzz.

Charlie was with another lover.

Lucian looked around, trying to fish new sounds out of the humming soup, and distill a direction from it. She turned left into a corridor with quite a few closed doors. Back down the hallway was the library, he knew. Most of the other rooms were empty, or filled with discarded furniture.

Another cry pierced the air, and it seemed to come from a door on the right.

Lucia walked closer and put his ear against the wood.

She knew he was at the right place – realizing everything was wrong, very wrong. The sounds she heard were Charlie’s all right, and they were the exact mixture of his fondest memories – fast, almost breathless gasps, punctured by high-pitched moans that came faster, ever faster until they peaked into a birdlike cry.

He pushed against the door; it creaked, but she didn’t care.

Same as Lucian
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"Mmmm, it may be a while before I am camera-ready," I moaned. My dick was still flexing and twitching from the cum that roared from it.Jill giggled and grabbed the camera, bringing up the display screen as I leaned in next to her. She riffed through the posed pics, resting her free hand on my cock. She slowed as we got to the blowjob shots."Wow, look at that thing," she cooed as she paused on a shot of her tongue on my shaft. "Oh my God, this is so naughty."Most of the cumshot photos were...

2 years ago
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THE SWEET SMELL OF DAPHNEI’m standing looking down the vee of Daphne’s thighs, all the way to the silky, sky-blue crutch of her wide-legged panties. She is squatting right down on her haunches,picking the last few potatoes out of an almost empty sack, and her knees are level with her chin. My hot young cock is as hard as a gun barrel, and only two or three feet from her face as she looks up and says, ‘Aren’t you going to help me, Jimmy?’ I kneel down in front of her and begin helping to...

1 year ago
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Fucked The Bitch Named Cynthia

Hi to all iss reader……to introduce myself am varun 22 from Chennai doing my mba….am a decent looking guy with good skin tone and 6 feet height I have been reading story for about3 months and decided to post my story and now going to the story. This incident happened when I was doing my final year ug….the sex angels name is Cynthia who also lives in Chennai and 3 years elder than me were she and my friend were going for some class for foreign course . To explain about her she is about 30-24-34...

1 year ago
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2 daddies and a lonely young hitchhiker part 2

Mark reached up to me and gave me a long sloppy kiss, his mouth lined with the slimy residue of my semen. Jeff’s cock still hovered near my face, but as I leaned again towards it, he had other ideas.“Let’s go into the bedroom”, he said.I felt electrified by the first-time lust as I stumbled towards their bedroom, my knees still trembling from the blowjob I’d just received. They laid me on the bed and then each of them lay either side of me, kissing me, nuzzling into my neck, fondling my cock...

1 year ago
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Schoolgirl and College Boy Pt 1

She looked up at me with her big, beautiful brown eyes and I knew there was no way I could say no. Her question was, "Would you mind showing me around the campus?" My old high school business teacher had asked me to come back and say a few things about college to her classes. One girl, Tiffany, came up to after her class ended. When I first laid eyes on her, she was already nearly at her seat. She was wearing a plain gray T-shirt and and khaki shorts that ended just above her knees. Her...

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A WellLived Life Book 7 Kara IIChapter 41 End of the Semester

November/December 1982, Chicago, Illinois Elyse and I made good time and stopped for gas and something to eat in West Lafayette, then got back on the road towards Chicago. “Steve, what’s bothering you?” Elyse asked. “Is it that obvious?” “You haven’t said two words since we left Cincinnati. I mean, you pull off the strong silent type pretty well, but this is a bit much. What’s going on?” “I’m just worried about Kara. And Stephie.” “That does NOT sound good, Steve. Come on, spill...

1 year ago
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Trip With Two Hotties

Hi, guys, this is Dhruv back again with another experience you people will enjoy. Keep your hands free guys and girls as I am sure you all gonna cum a lot reading this story.   So coming to the story, the incident took place a month back when I was in Lonavala with my office colleagues for an office meeting. It was a 3-day trip which turned out to be a hell of a trip. I was accompanied by my other three colleagues of which Riya and Dimple were two of them. Riya is the same girl with whom I had...

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Hnsel and Gretel

H?nsel and Gretel By Missy Crystal Once upon a time, deep in the woods, there lived a poor woodcutter, Hans, and his bitch of a wife, Greta. Much to their dismay, being clueless as to certain key biological concepts of cause and effect, they had twin children, unimaginatively named for themselves, a boy, H?nsel, or little Hans, and a girl, Gretel. You figure it out. Since there was no money for clothes, the children were dressed in left-over burlap sacks. They wore no underclothes and, as ...

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A Mother Son Marriage Story 8211 Part 4

Hi friends thanks for huge replies , I really amazed that I am still receiving e mails I’ll continue this story now and I am looking for your replies at the end . It’s a sunny Sunday , ramegowda is on front of the house rathode washing his car vijaya is in kitchen doing some work , all of sudden the phone started to ring , ramegowda took the call on other side rangamma is there Ramegowda- how are you maa Rangamma- fine son , can u please hand over the phone to my daughter Ramegowda- sure...

3 years ago
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Fishing trip part II

Part IIThe lake is not as secluded as we would have liked, so we hed to put our suits on inorder to jump in the water. It was shallow enough to stand tippy toed, yet deep enough to jump in and not hit bottom. After our cool down in the water. we approach the ladder to climb back in. I reach up for it first with you directly behind me.You wrap your arms around me and tug at the top of my suit, sliding it down to reveal my breasts.I swing around suddenly, faceing you, and you cant resist to...

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A Charmed Life

“Yes, this is Jake speaking,” I said cautiously.This was my “work” phone and it was normally a female voice on the other end of the line.“Um…um…don’t worry,” said the man who had called, detecting my guarded tone. “My wife wanted me to call you on her behalf. She gave me your number.”“Really?”“Yes. I know that sounds strange…but we have…well, a kind of special type of relationship. My wife is much younger than me, and she has very strong needs. I…well, I worship her and am lucky to have her, so...

2 years ago
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A First Meeting

First time at writing, hope you enjoy. We meet at a café for some coffee to break the ice and feel each other out. After some of the online chats we had, we wanted to make sure that the chemistry from our fingers was going to be just as good in person. Within 5 minutes of meeting, we are laughing and carrying on like we were old friends, which added to the electricity between us. We finish our coffees and I suggest that we walk back to my hotel room for some more conversations and some wine or...

2 years ago
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Horny Loving BrotherChapter 5

Kenny didn't want to wake up at first, he was having such a nice dream he wanted to keep sleeping and enjoying the sensation of having his cock kissed and licked by two young horny girls. Then he grinned and opened his eyes when he remembered that it wasn't a dream and he looked down past his chest to see his two sisters leaning over his groin as they took turns playing with his shaft. "What a wonderful way to wake up," Ken groaned as he watched Mary lick the head of his cock as Dannie...

3 years ago
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Mil MILFChapter 2

It was mid-morning when I awoke to the distant sound of my wife in some form of sexual delight. It soon became clear the sound was emanating from her parent's bedroom. As I entered, I was met with the sight of my wife on the bed with her legs spread wide, both hands gripping the end of the donkey dong as she pumped a good twelve inches in and out of her redden pussy lips. She was focused on the video of her mom and brother playing on the television. On occasion my wife would put on a show...

1 year ago
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NFBusty Lola Bredly Making It All Better

Lola Bredly has always dreamed of an affair with her boss, Willy Regal, and today she’s about to get her wish. The busty secretary has dressed to impress, with a button down shirt that can barely contain her big boobs and a killer pencil skirt. With such a hot getup on his secretary, Willy doesn’t stand a chance. Sure enough, all it takes is one hotblooded look and a sweet little touch for Willy to tilt Lola’s face up for a kiss. One kiss will never do, though; it turns into...

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harry 06

Healing After classes had ended for lunch, and Ron had made a quick trip to grab food from the Great Hall, he, Hermione and Ginny walked into the hospital wing to find Harry sitting up on his bed eating from a half empty plate of food. Seeing Harry turn his head to look at them, and the smile that followed was enough to make them wonder. “Harry, are you…” Ron began. “I’m still blind if that’s what you’re asking,” Harry interrupted as he noticed yet another new connection he had not...

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Sperm Party The Cuckold Finale

"Feel the bump M" Caroline purred at him.M ran his palm over his sister's swollen Tummy with wonderment."Now Claire's" Caroline urged him.Claire's tummy was naked. She had decided to wear only a crop top and cargo pants. M's hand could take in the texture of Claire's stretched skin and traced the dark line of her line nigra that ran from her navel to her cunt. Not that M could see Claire's cunt that is; cunts were sort of off the radar as far as M was concerned.Caroline sensed that M's hand was...

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Princess SaraChapter 12

She continued her travels after leaving the boy Giovanni with his mother to recover from his abduction, stripping and beating. Her white horse continued to lead her towards the region where she was to spend the winter. The further south she went, the more arid and parched the land was becoming and she appreciated more and more how fortunate she was to have her by now beloved steed to carry her provisions for her, even if she did continue to attract amazement not only at her continued...

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The Pagans

"Knock knock, Miss Sleepyhead, time to get up; you’ve got a big day today." Jasmine opened her eyes and saw her mother rolling up her blinds. A harsh ray of sunlight flooded into the room, causing Jasmine to shield her eyes and groan irritably."Come on Jazz," said her mother, tugging the sheets off her daughter’s slim frame. "We need to leave in an hour…You don’t want to be late for your first gathering do you?" Jasmine heard her mother’s footsteps trail away before yawning and sleepily...

First Time
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Kate Free Part 2

It wasn’t long before it dawned upon Kate, as the notion crystallized in her clouded mind, that she really had no decision to make. No, she was under Jack’s spell. If he wanted her to suck his cock, she would suck his cock. If he wanted to fuck her again, she would be his for the taking. Hell, in this lustful intoxication, she’d beg him for it if he wanted.This situation didn’t come from any timidity or insecurity, mind you. To the contrary, Kate was an intelligent, strong and independent...

4 years ago
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Abby Ch 02

Abby slept better than she would have thought with the luxury of an opened window filling the room with the soft country air. She was wakened early, well, early for her, just after six, not by the crow of a Cockerel, as she would have imagined but by the insistent blare of sheep. She looked out the window to the meadows that came close to the wall of the Inn, and then stretched up rising gently at first and then more steeply to a copse on the skyline. The meadow was well populated with sheep,...

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The Trailer Park The Fifth Year Part 1 Words And MusicChapter 27

"Finally," Kelly said with a giggle as I walked into the living room. "Who are you, and what did you do with my brother?" Traci asked. "What?" "You had two sexy girls staying in your house without the benefit of adult supervision, and you practically locked yourself in your bedroom all night. You ain't my brother," Traci said with a grin. "Tami even said you growled at her when she went in to talk to you." I didn't growl at Tami. At least I don't think I did. I didn't...

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A Shopping Affair

She never noticed him at first as she browsed the rows of bra and panty sets on the ladies underwear aisle of a well- known High Street clothing retailer. Her mind was elsewhere, engrossed on what to wear for her twelfth wedding anniversary. Things had gotten stale between her and Steve, her husband, this last while. She needed to put the spark back into their relationship, spice things up, and she thought that maybe a night away in a hotel might do the trick. Sandra moved down the aisle...

Wife Lovers
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WebYoung Maya Kendrick Naomi Swann Lily Larimar A Tight Squeeze

Lily Larimar, Naomi Swann, Maya Kendrick, and Lily Glee are hanging out in the living room. They enjoy each other’s company but look a bit bored. They toss around some ideas for what to do next but can’t seem to agree on anything. They seem restless and full of energy and don’t want to sit around any longer. Finally, Lily sheepishly suggests that they can play sardines! After the others question what that even is, she explains that it’s like hide and seek! One person...

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Fun After Flu

A few weeks ago Wifey came home from work she announced to me that she was feeling as horny as hell!. Due to a being downed with a huge dose of the 'flu from hell' I'd been neglecting her for a couple of weeks or three, consequently she was now feeling pretty much deranged with sexual need. Thinking about sex all day while she was at work she'd decided to run the gauntlet of catching the last dregs of my flu by shamelessly seducing me when she came home . Seemingly unsure of how to proceed she...

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The New Guy Chapter 1

“Adela, where are you? I’m sorry I didn’t realize I was so late.” Jennifer set down her briefcase on the large island in the kitchen, followed by her handbag and keys. She listened for a response, and when she did not hear one, she walked out the sliding glass door to the patio deck. Across the yard, she spotted the old Italian woman tossing a garbage bag into the trash bin. Looking at the sky, she could see the sun was close to setting. Shadows were long across the large lawn.As Adela stepped...

4 years ago
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My Daughter Amber Sprung a Surprise on Me

'See that guy over there, watch him'.We were in the cafeteria sipping a cappuccino, and a coke. Amber my daughter, watched him through her fringe of shock blond hair, with her straw in her mouth, sucking some coke occasionally, as her blue eyes followed him.I was wondering what was going through her mind as her eyes followed him, she was on the cusp of a sexual revolution, whereas I, was in my MILF stage of life, at 38.'What exactly am I looking at', she asked me nonchalantly, still staying...

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Strangers in the NightChapter 15

"What?" "The second son is everything the asshole isn't." "Explain?" "The kid is kindhearted, honest, doesn't waste his money, I like him ... even if he is just 14." Dal muttered a few words. "That's Russian," I said. "You and Wendy are not the only transferees in this household," he said. Imagine my shock. He opened his luggage. The longest case held an interesting rifle. It was long, with camo paint and there was a long bag of camouflage cloth and assorted streamers...

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Loosening Up Book 3 GrowthChapter 10 Fostering Friendships

Monday at work, Dave had a surprise visitor right before lunch. Nancy escorted Donna into his office with a grin. She said, “This woman from executive row told me she just had to see you today. Of course, she has no appointment, but she is kind of pretty, and I know how you like gorgeous sexy women...” Donna did a curtsey to both Dave and Nancy, who laughed. “I just had to come and tell you once more how much I enjoyed your party and EVERYTHING that happened around it. I’m especially...

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The First Book of the Merciful NunChapter 3 Admired

Marie Donovan was an unusual Novice, in that she had never been to the Convent School. She came from a rich family, and had been educated by a tutor who visited her family home three times a week to teach her, and her siblings, such things as it was deemed appropriate for a well-to-do young woman to learn in preparation for a 'good' marriage. Marie had, of course, fallen in love with this young man, and they had progressed as far as stolen kisses when her father discovered the...

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One Day in September

‘It was getting on toward Christmas,’ Clancy bowed his head as he gripped the glass of beer in his trembling, work-calloused hands — a tear dropped with a heavy plop into it as he spoke again. ‘It snows up where I’m from, you know,’ he wiped his face and looked up at me with a tremulous smile. I don’t remember how I got started talking to him. I guess it’s just my writer’s curiosity and my newsman’s nose. It looked like there was a story in there. My editor turned it down saying that 9/11...

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I Licked It So Its Mine

I was busy getting things out of my locker at work when I noticed one of the teachers, Helen Katz, bending over to find something in her own, which was at a rather lower level than mine. Admittedly, as principal of John Paul Jones High School, I really shouldn’t have stared at the exposed butt-crack, even the top part that Helen flashed me, but it was hard to look away. After all, if I had that much self-control, I wouldn’t be divorced, pointedly for my own infidelity (though I sometimes...

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Gaon Janewali Bus Ke Safar Mein Samuhik Chudai

Abhi story ki oor aa jate hai. Ye tab ki baat hai jab main gaon jaa rahi thi apne mamaji se milne. Morning mein late uthne ki wajah se maine jo ac bus book ki thi woh miss ho gayi. Isi wajah se mujhe ST bus mein travel karne ke sivay koi choice nahi thi. Is ST mein bohot se gaon vaale buddhe the. Ye buddhe bade hi tharki the aur gandi nazro se mujhe ghur rahe the. Aur mere baare mein toh aap jante hi honge ki main kitni naughty aur slutty ladki hu. Maine ek yellow t-shirt pehna that aur niche...

1 year ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 547

???????????????? ???????? Say thanks to OldGreyDuck for this one: Part of my job entails being on the phone with people who live all over the country. I was talking with a woman who lives in a rural area in Washington state. During the conversation, she mentioned that her young grandchildren were visiting and were fascinated by the fact that her next-door neighbors had a small petting farm. In fact, the kids were watching a demonstration on shearing. The 4-year-old granddaughter came running in screaming:...

4 years ago
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Welcome to the family

I had been fired from my last job for consistently being late. I had only recently moved to this town and had found a place with a roommate. Unless I wanted to go back home I would have to hold down a job and be more responsible. Truth be told, homelessness interested me more than returning to my rural roots. Opportunity knocked however in the form of my roommate. Paul had arranged for me to work for his parents. I would resolve myself to be the best cardboard salesman in the land. First...

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I became slave

I think this has happened about 20 years ago, when I was 18 years age. I was watching palnati SIMHAM movie in a theatre. One youth sat beside me. Whenever heroine Sarada appeared on the screen,he was taking out his dick and masturbating. I astonished to see his dick. It was 12 inches. He was murmering “Sarada, what a nose is yours, you are queen of noses, your nose provocating, nose, nose, nose, nose, your nose, your nose, nose, queen of noses” like that. Seeing his dick, my cock also erected....

4 years ago
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Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris Series 2 Part 1

Introduction: This is the second series involving Jen and Chris. It takes place a few months after the conclusion of the first series. As always with my writing, I take some time to give at least some background to minor characters. I feel it adds more authenticity to the story. Again, I welcome comments and suggestions. Also because of all the comments regarding involvement of Jessie, it unfortunately cant happen because of rules of the site. Mom have you seen my sandals? Chris shouted from...

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Sheriff PorterChapter 27

I half expected her to jump up and put her clothes, leaving me to fend for myself. It sure as hell wouldn't have been the first time. To my surprised she started to tease my nipples then she rolled toward me and began to suck on them. I immediately began to move my body to some unknown music only I heard. Wendy began to move down my body planting wet kissed every few inches. She kiss my fine Pubic hair. It was the same too thin hair I had on my head. She looked up when she reached it and...

2 years ago
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Sympathy for Humanity

Please allow me to introduce myself; it's not enough to know that I'm a man of wealth and taste. The money comes because I've been around for a long, long year; and the taste is more of the same. I stole many a man's soul and faith; those words are the only introduction you need to know my name. And I was around when Jesus Christ I stood naked before the windows that looked over a new Sodom smiling at the night sky. No star shone to welcome my triumphant return, but then again... no...

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I Love to Lick a Womans Big Butthole

I am obsessed with women's buttholes. I love looking at a woman's butthole, inhaling the musty and sensuous scent combined with the aroma of her pussy, and most of all I love eating out a woman who's spreading her butt cheeks for me and opening up and flexing her loose, wide-open asshole. For me, it performing my nasty brand of analingus is even more intimate and exciting than anal intercourse, which I also enjoy when it happens. when it happens, but licking, sucking, and tongue fucking a...

1 year ago
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The Escape Chapter 3 Consequences

Kimberly drove Kath to a motel and paid the attendant. The attendant was not at all surprised to see two women with no luggage take a room. He was more surprised when she left alone a few minutes later. Kath would be a liability. There would be endless complications. But they could all wait till morning. The reckoning with Frank could wait for the morning as well. He would not listen, he would shut her out of the argument with his. But It would have to be done. Kimberly did not want to...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 4 ElyseChapter 32 Changes at Home and at Work

October 11, 1990, Chicago, Illinois “Your Penguins are 2-1 so far this season,” Dave said. “Yes, but I’m not thrilled because Lemieux is out at least until January. The new kid, Jágr, is supposed to be tremendous, but he’s a rookie.” “You should both be happy about the Reds!” Julia said. “We are!” I chuckled. “And so are Elyse, Kathy, Jennifer, and our other friends from Cincinnati! The Reds are up 3 games to 2 and they play at Riverfront tomorrow. Danny Jackson is on the mound, so I feel...

4 years ago
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a quick fuck on the beach

‘I want to fuck you now ‘, he whispered in her ear as he pressed her into the wall with his body. ‘Here?’ she giggled as she ran her nails up the sides of his stomach. Instead of answering her he spun her around and pressed her up against the wall, holding both her hands above her head with one of his. He pressed his straining bulge against her ass cheeks, which were covered with a thin silky skirt. They were on the beach, it was dusk and not as crowded as usual but every couple minutes...

1 year ago
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My Fairy TaleChapter 2

All four of them pulled long knives from their belts and advanced on Verine and I. "I am warning you now, don't press this or you will be hurt or killed," I told them. They continued to advance and spread out. I raised the Uzi and shot the leader in the forehead. The others rushed me and I began shooting them. I got the second one closest to me and Verine shot the last two at the same time. The Tik girl came up to me and said, "Thank you, sir." I said, "You are welcome, Miss. Thank...

2 years ago
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Sissy rules

SISSIFICATION RULES OF OUR HOUSEYou will NEVER NEVER use the word NO.You will be trained to dress properly in a french maid’s outfit, dressed, latex or Lingerie and monitored by phone and email, if not in our presence.You will be forced to wear make up at all times: foundation, blush, lipstick, lipliner, mascara, eyeliner, loose face powder, and body and face glitter.You will be taught to stand correctly at attention, bosom thrust out, belly in, …You will be trained in walking on high heels.You...

1 year ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 89

This one is compliments of Chaon‎ A man walks out of court after his divorce is finalized and sees his ex-wife standing there. He walks up to her and asks ‘Helen, I was the only one while we were married, right?’ She looks at him and replies ‘Yes. All the others were eights and nines.’ Here is the situation: You are on a horse, galloping at a constant speed. On your right side is a sharp drop-off. On your left side is an elephant traveling at the same speed as you. Directly in front of...

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When in Rome or a Greek Toga Party

In a university town far, far away and in a time long, long ago, a 15 year old freshman co-ed named Ashley was away from home and all on her own for the first time in her life. But the young girl was as brave and daring as she was smart, so she was not afraid. She had managed to enroll in college at such an early age because she had skipped two grades, grade one in elementary school and again a year in high school which she managed by scoring so high on her PSAT exam (239 points) and by taking...

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Anal with Annabelle

It started early on Saturday when I had a nice hot bath and shaved myself nice smooth. I followed that by dressing up and taking some very sexy photos of myself and then emailing them to the Tgirl i was going to have sex with later in the day. I left my holdups and leather and lace leotard on under my street clothes and got a train to London. It felt so nice to feel the tightness of the holdups around my thighs and the leotard chaffing my cock and balls. I arrived at my lover's house in north...

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A Train Ride To Remember Pt3 Meet the wife

The dream scared me so bad I couldn’t get back to sleep. Jay had no problems though. He was laying on top of me asleep, his naked body covering mine, his dick still nestled in my pussy. His breathing was slow and steady, he hadn’t been disturbed at all by my startled awakening. I looked down at him and I couldn’t help it. I cried. I had never been more scared in my life. What would happen when I returned, if I ever did. Would they find Jay and put him away? Would they somehow know that I...

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Private Selvaggia Flies High With Private Airlines

In Private Specials, Flight Attendants Fuck Better the sexy blonde Selvaggia has just gotten her first job and it’s time to try on the uniform for the very first time! Whilst she slips into her kinky new outfit, her boss Potro can’t help resist and soon its coming straight back off again. Watch Selvaggia get on her knees keen to impress with a deepthroat blowjob before she offers up that big ass and takes a hard pounding, fucking and riding until she finishes her lucky boss off and takes a hot...

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BrownBunnies Nia Nacci Taking Naughty Pics Led To Hot Sex

Nia Nacci wants to take some naughty pictures for her boyfriend. She changes into sexy lingerie before she realizes she needs help taking these pictures. She calls her stepbrother over so he can take the pictures but he’s uncomfortable since they’re step siblings. She convinces him that everything is okay and that there is nothing wrong with this. He takes the pictures and caught with hard-on. She’s intrigued and asks to see his cock before she puts it in her mouth. She takes his bare cock...

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One Lust Filled NightPart5

I was sitting on the side of the bed. Becky was naked in front of me, with her back to me. She was bent over grasping her ankles. When she bent her knees, her pussy and ass came into full view. She asked me to spank her and, never doing this to a woman before, I was a little gentle at first. When she did not move away, I started to spank her ass harder. I watched her cheeks bounce with each slap. I heard her moan and realized I was making her moan. Then before I realized what I was doing, I...

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