A Pretty Teen American Girl Is On Vacation In Japan free porn video

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Tokyo was every bit as exotic and exciting as Stacey
thought it would be. It was the 19-year old blonde
American’s first trip anywhere, let alone to another
country, and she was thrilled with every new shop.
Every neon light that flashed words that she didn’t
understand, it all seemed like a movie to her. Everyone
seemed so polite and a surprising number of people
spoke English, and she was able to get along just fine.

She looked over at Martin and smiled. He smiled back
and gave her a wink. She marveled again at her luck
with him. He was good looking and rich. Though she had
grown into a pretty enough face, her nose had a slight
bulb at the end and she had a slight overbite. She was
never going to be a model. It was usually her body,
which was anything but plain that drew the attention of
men. Her big “DD” breasts drew plenty of stares, as did
her round bottom, but it was never the kind of
attention she wanted.

It embarrassed her and she always tried to wear outfits
that were as concealing as possible. She thought
herself heavy, and was always afraid of looking cheap.
She’d certainly never considered herself the kind of
classy beauty that could land someone like Martin. He
was classy and always looked in her eyes. She’d never
caught him “checking her out” until the fourth or fifth
date when it was okay.

Now she liked it. Now she wanted him to look. She was
not from a family that had any money, and was swept up
by it all. It was such a romantic affair. One minute
she’d been working at the sunglasses stand in the mall,
a great looking man had walked up, and now this.

Martin was the big time, a major player in the computer
business. He wasn’t even 35-years old yet and had
already amassed over $10 million. This was one of his
business trips, though they had only been seeing each
other for a month or so, he spared no expense on her.
He’d already taken her shopping three times, getting
all kinds of gorgeous clothes and some beautiful

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He’d picked out the special outfit she was wearing
tonight, a long, full length, blue satin gown with
spaghetti straps over the shoulders. It was open around
the neck and shoulders, and showed too much cleavage
for her liking, but it wasn’t too bad. A white strap-
less bra kept her big breasts in place. Underneath she
wore white silk panties and white stockings with
beautiful lace around the tops that ran up to mid-thigh
and held themselves there. Elegant high heels finished
the ensemble.

Because this was such an important client dinner,
Martin had sent her to have her hair done in an amazing
salon where they’d even done her make-up for her, which
had surprised her. But this was Martin’s big night, the
big dinner with the Japanese clients, so she’d wanted
to do her best to look good. Stacey herself had been
quite impressed with the result, though her bit boobs
seemed to really be grossly obvious in the low cut
dress. They looked SO big and seemed to stick out
rudely. She tried to focus on the elegance of the total

The dinner was held in a huge suite in one of Tokyo’s
skyscraper hotels. Stacey had marveled at it when they
had arrived. It was like a mansion with the suite had
big plush furniture in very modern, Western style.
There was an elegant dinner table laid out on one side
of the enormous front room, with a den with comfortable
couches on the other side of it. It looked as though it
was from a magazine and she’d been almost afraid to sit
anywhere. But the most amazing feature was the giant
windows that looked out over several other tall
buildings and the lights of the city. It was all so
elegant. She was in heaven.

What Stacey didn’t know, however, was that Martin was
not exactly the romantic figure she imagined, and this
dinner was not exactly what she thought it was. While
the guests were all there to talk about business, it
wasn’t electronics. Stacey herself was the topic, and
Martin had planned this since he first laid eyes on her
in the mall where she worked. He knew his clients and
what they wanted, and her innocent blonde features and
big tits and ass were exactly what they wanted. While
he was a very wealthy and successful man, one of the
reasons for it was that he had established this special
relationship with his clients. In addition to his
electronics business, every time Martin came to do
business he would bring along a young woman- innocent,
blonde, and unspoiled, whom he would “auction off.” He
would deposit her into the clutches of the highest
bidder for four or five days, and then would “rescue”
her and take her back home. It worked like clockwork.
Not only were the dinner guests in the bidding, but in
several rooms in buildings facing the hotel,
binoculars, cameras and video cameras were focused on
the big windows that the unwitting young girl was so
impressed with.

Stacey stared down into the square wooden box that held
her Saki. It was a deceptively strong drink and she
didn’t want to overdue it. She was very nervous and
wanted to calm her nerves. Besides her and Martin, the
dinner had been just Japanese men, and it seemed as
though they were staring at her, particularly at the
deep cleavage between her breasts, almost half of which
were on display. She’d mentioned it to Martin when
she’d had a chance, and he’s just laughed it off. He
explained that it was just cultural, that Japanese men
didn’t take their wives and girlfriends on business
occasions. He also pointed out that Japanese men were
not used to seeing breasts as big as hers. She’d smiled
and suddenly felt very silly. She hated when her lack
of sophistication showed. She was very conscious of
blowing it with him and was desperate not to.

The rest of the dinner had gone well. Martin, who was
fluent in Japanese, was able to communicate with his
clients with ease and for the most part she just sat
there. Every once in a while Martin would talk to her
in English, but for the most part, she did her best not
to seem bored. They all seemed to be getting along
great, laughing and joking, and that what was really
important. Every once in a while they would look her
way and smile. She would smile back, even when she felt
their eyes go down to her ample cleavage.

Finally, in the midst of laughter and excitement, as
though they had just made the deal of the century,
Martin broke up the dinner and suggested that they all
move across the big room to the den side of the big
room. Everyone got to their feet, and Stacey followed
suit. Martin motioned towards her. “Can I speak with
you a moment?” The clients all walked away as he pulled
her gently the other direction and lead her into the
hallway that lead to the bedroom and bathroom.

“Are you having a nice time?” he asked her.

“Y-yes,” she stammered, lying with a smile. He smiled
back. She looked at him quizzically. He reached up and
put his hands on her shoulders and looked deeply into
her eyes.

“You look really lovely,” he said. She smiled in return
to his compliment. “Now I want you to do me a favor,”
he asked. He brushed a few stray hairs from her
forehead. “Would you do that for me?”

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“Y-yeah…sure,” she replied nervously. “What is it?”

“Well, it’s a little awkward but…well you know what
the Japanese are like. They’re on the cutting edge of
media…” he said.

She stared into his eyes following his words. “…and
part of their culture is that they just love to take
pictures.” He smiled down at her gently. “Especially of
beautiful women.”

Stacey’s eyes widened slightly as she stared into his

“Now,” he continued, reaching up and stroking the side
of her face, “they are quite taken with you.” He
stroked her face lightly. She swallowed with some
difficulty. “And they’d really like you to pose for
some pictures.”

Her face showed her uncomfortable surprise. “H-here? N-
now?!” she asked, her voice suddenly quivering with
nerves. “Ah… ah, I’m not a m-model,” she said,
feeling very nervous.

“That’s okay,” he replied. “They know that.” He smiled
“They appreciate natural…amateur beauty.”

She looked to her left down the hallway. She felt
adrenaline rush into her stomach as she thought about
his clients sitting waiting. She looked back at Martin.
“I don’t know, Martin…I’d feel so…”

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“Honey,” he cut in, stroking her face again. “This is a
really big deal here.” His voice was firm. “It’s really
important for me.”

She looked down at the floor for a moment and gathered
her strength. It was the least she could do.
“O…okay…” she said.

“Thank you Honey,” he replied. “It shouldn’t take too

She smiled weakly at him. Her hands fidgeted in front
of her.

“Now there’s only one thing though…” he continued.
She stared up at him. . “And this might be kinda hard,”
he continued, “but, they want to take a few pictures of
you…without your dress on.”

“Wha…” she gasped, her eyes wide, “MARTIN!” She
reached out and grabbed his arm with one hand while the
other covered her mouth in surprise.

“It’s no big thing, Honey, it’s just lingerie” he said,
“I know it will be weird…”

“Martin! MY GOD!”

“It’s just for their private collections,” he assured
her. “They do this all the time here, it’s part of
their culture.”

She just stared at him in disbelief. She was stunned.

“Do it for me,” he asked. “Okay?”

She looked in his eyes to see if this was a question.
She wondered if refusing might be the end of their
relationship. She looked again down the hallway, her
mind was in a whirl. “God Martin,” she said, her eyes
welled up. “I’d be so, so… embarrassed.”

“Even though we’ve only been seeing each other a short
time,” Martin replied, “I really have strong feelings
for you, Stacey.” His words made her look back up into
his eyes. She felt sincerity coming from them. “And I
don’t like the idea any more than you do.” He stroked
her face again. “But strong relationships are all about
give and take.”

She looked again down the hallway. “T-those men…” She
closed her eyes for a moment. She took a deep breath
and then looked back up at him finally, her eyes
brimming with tears. “I-I’ll do it… for you… if you
really want me to…”

“There we go,” he said. He gave her a little hug and
then took her hand. “Come on,” he said starting back
down the hall, “we’ll make it as quick as possible.”

Stacey let herself be pulled along. Martin stopped just
before they re-entered the room and looked at her. “Now
don’t embarrass me in there,” he said in a suddenly
firm voice that made her nerves jangle. “There’s
nothing worse here in Japan than a loss of face, okay?”
He raised his eyebrows to make sure his point made it.
“I’d be ruined without face here.”

“O-okay…” she stammered and began to tremble.

“Just go along with whatever I say, okay?”

She nodded gently. She reached up and brushed a tear
away from her cheek. He smiled at her and leaned in and
gently kissed her forehead, careful not to mess up her
hairdo. “Thank you, Honey.” He took her hand and kissed
it. “I know it will be embarrassing for you, but, well,
this is what love is all about.”

Her heart fluttered. Love? She thought about what love
with him might mean; what all that money meant and what
she could do for her parents as she let him lead her
into the room.

The Japanese clients were all ready and there was an
electric buzz of excitement. They all had cameras out
and one of them had a small video camera in his hand.
Her stomach lurched and for a moment she was afraid she
might be sick. The clients were sitting on two couches
which formed an “L” shape in the middle of the den.

Martin led her by the hand, like an executioner, to one
of the chairs that faced them. He motioned for her to
sit, and she did. She stared at the floor as she could
feel their eyes on her- eyes waiting to see her in
nothing but her lingerie. She fought back tears.

Martin said something in Japanese and the men all
nodded and smiled. He turned to her. “Would you like a

“No,” she replied, barely above a whisper. She looked
up only briefly as Martin went around refilling the
Saki boxes. The Japanese men were all now just staring
at her openly. Two of them were smiling. Martin finally
filled his own and sat down in one of the other plush
chairs. The men now all faced her and she swallowed
awkwardly. Her mouth was suddenly dry.

Two of them began speaking in Japanese and then looked
to Martin. He nodded to them and one of them got up and
began to walk across the room. He went to a vase on a
side table filled with fresh flowers and pulled a big
white one out.

“They love shots of women holding flowers,” said Martin
with a smile. She did not reply, and just watched with
wide eyes as the man approached her with the flower. He
handed it to her. She couldn’t look him in the eye, and
slowly reached up for it.

“Just hold it up to your face,” said Martin, “against
your cheek.”

Stacey raised the flower up to her face.


The light made her blink.


“Smile!” he said.

She could smell the cool, fresh flower against her skin
as she f****d a smile. It seemed as though a thousand
lens were facing her, zoomed in on her face.


After several shots, the men began talking again.
Stacey could hear her heart beating as she looked at
them. She could only imagine what they were saying.
Martin nodded and then turned to Stacey. “That’s great,
they got some nice head shots. Now let’s get a few full
length with the beautiful background of the city

She looked at him, and then looked towards the windows.
She looked back at him with a look of trepidation.

“It’s okay Honey,” he said, motioning to a spot right
in front of the center window. “No one will be able to
see in,” he lied. “It’s mirrored glass.”

She stared at the window again for a moment, and then
scanned the male Japanese faces staring back at her.
She felt cornered and scared. She looked back at
Martin, and he gave her a terse nod. She took a deep
breath and slowly got to her feet.

“Go ahead and leave the flower there, just set it on
the chair,” he said. “You won’t need it.”

Stacey swallowed hard and set the flower down and
turned to face the room again. Her legs felt wobbly as
she began to make her way across the room. The
panoramic view opened up before her as she approached
the windows. She stood right up to the glass and looked
out at the city and could see several nearby buildings-
buildings that also had windows.

“Okay, turn around and face us,” he instructed.

Slowly, she turned and faced the room, standing just a
few feet from the window. All of the Japanese clients
were now standing up and formed a half circle in the
room. They had excited looks on their faces. She had to
fight to stay calm as she heard them converse among
themselves. She looked down at the floor as she felt
their eyes travel up and down her body. She tried not
to think of what they might be saying.

Martin had her strike several typical poses as the
flashes went off. She held her hands in front of her,
did a few with them behind her. She turned her back to
them and looked over her shoulder. Then they did a
series with her holding a book. Finally Martin walked
up to her and reached out for the book. His cock surged
in his pants as she looked up at him with a mixture of
trust and concern. She suddenly looked so young.

If she only knew, he thought to himself. If she only
knew how many telescopes and telephoto lens were
trained on her at that very moment, and how many others
would be drawn by the flashes of light, she would
scream. Her blue eyes showed no sign of comprehension
though. He thought about her big tits, how great they
were, and how his clients might actually pass out once
they saw them.

Martin avoided looking down at her cleavage as his mind
drifted to tomorrow, and how if when he checked his
email tonight the bid he expected was in, how a small
white pill dissolved in her drink would make her feel
sick, and how he would insist she see a doctor. It
would not be just any doctor, however, but a certain
Doctor Matsui, who wasn’t actually a doctor at all.

Nevertheless, Matsui and his colleagues would dutifully
perform a most thorough examination of young Stacey,
and more likely than not, decide that an enema was
called for. Matsui seemed to like that. Martin felt a
thrill at the thought of the three Japanese men in
white coats hovering over her naked body, poking and

He would, of course, get a copy of the video. And then,
on her way back to the hotel, two men whose bids he
anticipated would be waiting in his email inbox, would
be dressed like policemen and would pick her up and
“charge” her with being a prostitute. They would take
her to a mock station, actually an old film set. They
would hold her for a while, long enough to amuse
themselves, before Martin would show up to “bail her

He would then explain to her that regardless of her
innocence, in order to avoid certain prison time they
would have to bribe certain officials- and that they
wouldn’t want money. She would probably have to go to a
few parties.

“You’re doing great,” he said snapping back to reality
and smiling down at the young woman in the elegant blue
satin dress.

“It’ll be over in a few minutes.”


Martin took the book from the nervous girl standing in
front of the window and stepped back. He moved over to
the near couch and sat down on the edge. He took a deep
breath as he gazed at her. What a body, he thought to
himself. He’d really picked a winner this time. She
looked so vulnerable standing with her feet together
like a nervous c***d in front of her class. She was
clearly on the verge of tears and thought she was
making a great sacrifice for love. He tried not to

“Okay, let’s get a couple of nice leg shots,” he said.

Stacey looked down at the floor. She seemed paralyzed.

“Just lift up the front of your dress.”

Slowly her hands moved over to her sides. Her rigid
looking fingers grasped the material. She began to inch
it up. Her long white stocking legs began to come into
view. She raised it up her delicate knees showed, and
then her thighs.


She raised her dress up to the lacy tops of her white


“Bend one knee.”


“Great, now spread your feet apart a bit, raise it

She turned her face away in embarrassment as she moved
her feet apart and raised her dress all the way up to
her panties. She could feel the air on the nude tops of
her thighs.


She had to stifle a little sob as she heard the excited
Japanese voices. She could see them out of the corner
of her eye move around getting different shots. They
took turns moving around the stricken girl.

“Okay,” said Martin after a few moments. “Now turn
around and face out the window.”

She looked up at him for a second with a pleading look
that said she wasn’t sure she could do this. But after
a few seconds, still holding her dress, she slowly
turned her self around. She stared out the window at
the twinkling lights of Tokyo. She looked at the
windows of the nearby buildings and gasped at the
thought that maybe someone might be watching this
degrading spectacle.

“Give us the same shot from the back.” She heard his
voice from behind her. She let go of the dress and
reached around behind her and slowly began raising the
back of her dress. GOD, she thought to herself, Please
let this end soon…

Once again, the men watched her dress rise like a
curtain over her long, shapely legs, over her calves
and the backs of her knees. Again she stopped at the
tops of her stockings.


“Spread your feet again and lean forward.”

She moved her feet a shoulder’s width apart and leaned
forward. She felt her bottom stick out behind her.


“Great,” said Martin. He had to struggle to keep his
own excitement from showing. “Now, gather up the bottom
of your dress and raise it up to your waist.”

She closed her eyes. This was a turning into a
nightmare. She reached down and gathered the material
of her dress and did as he asked. She lifted it all the
way up to her hips, exposing the crotch of her panties.
She held her dress in a knot in front of her.


“All the way.”

She slowly raised it further, up until the full, round
cheeks of her white panty covered bottom slowly came
into their view. She raised it all the way above her
hips to her waist and let out a little gasp of shame as
she heard a Japanese chorus of approval behind her.
Though her closed eyes she heard the clicking of the
cameras. She hoped against hope that Martin was right,
and that no one from outside could see in. She
shuttered at the thought of the embarrassing spectacle
she was presenting holding her dress up like this,
showing off her panties and stockings. What was she
doing? she asked herself. Her mind spun in confusion.

“Okay, your doing great,” said Martin. “It’s almost

She could here the voices pick up again. There was
laughter in their discussion, and it made her cringe.
She was humiliated at the thought of them laughing at

“Okay, let’s have you turn and face us,” said Martin.

She let her dress fall back down and ran her hands over
it, smoothing it down. Slowly, she turned herself back
around. She looked over at her boyfriend. She couldn’t
face looking at the Japanese. “W-why are they l-
laughing?” she stammered softly. She didn’t want to
make a scene. She was so embarrassed she could hardly

Martin stared at her for a second. “Because… because
one of these gentlemen, ah… one of these guys had his
thumb over his camera lens and just realized it,” lied
Martin. He couldn’t even imagine telling her what they
were really saying.

She glanced over towards the Japanese and then down at
the floor in an obvious state of distress and
confusion. The Japanese bristled with anticipation.

“Okay,” Martin continued, “now let’s let them get a few
with the dress off.”

She didn’t move for a moment, and tried to fight off
panicking. She didn’t know if she could do it. She
tried to tune out the voices before her. Slowly, she
reached down again and grabbed the bottom of her dress.
Her hands clutched around the material. She took a deep
breath and began to raise it again.


Once again it came up over her long shapely legs, up
her thighs to her panties.


She choked back a gasp as it came up over her stomach.
She maneuvered it carefully over her big strapless bra,
careful not to upset its generous contents.

“AHHHHHHHHH!!” came the chorus of Japanese voices as
her bra was exposed. The sound shocked her, causing her
to stop for a second. The dress was up around her face,
though, and she pulled it up over her head. She quickly
held it up in front of her. Her hand went up to cover
her face in embarrassment.

CLICK! CLICK! CLICK! The cameras started to thunder in
her ears.

She heard them laugh again and closed her eyes in
shame. She didn’t think it was a finger over the lens
this time.


She stood there, paralyzed, holding her dress as the
eager Japanese clicked away. She could see the one with
the video camera moving around. She started to feel

“Almost done,” said Martin. “Now, just let the dress

Stacey hesitated — and then finally released her grip
on the dress, allowing it to fall to the floor.


She crossed her arms in front of her, covering her big
breasts bulging from strapless bra.


Flashes seemed to be going off in all directions.

“Take your arms down honey,” said Martin. “Let them
see. C’mon baby.”

She stood there for a moment and then slowly lowered
her arms.

“AAAHHHHHHH!!” another murmur of Japanese men’s

Martin himself had to keep from groaning at the sight
of the innocent young woman standing on embarrassed
display in front of the window. Her shape was
incredible, a perfect hourglass. Her breasts looked
oversized in the strapless bra that pushed them up on
her chest. Her long legs were accentuated by the flare
of her hips and the white stockings with the delicate
band of lace around the middle of her thighs. It was an
incredible sight.

The Japanese began moving around flashing away
frantically. The one with the video stood right in
front of her and panned his camera up and down the
humiliated girl’s body. Martin could see she on the
verge of tears as she was trying to ignore him, as well
as the flashes that kept popping off. She looked over
at him suddenly tearfully. He let her stand there for a
few moments.

“Okay,” he said finally. “Let’s have you turn around

She looked at though she might argue, but didn’t. She
slowly turned herself around so that she was once again
facing out of the window. She looked out at the
twinkling lights and tried to let her mind drift away
from the humiliation she was experiencing. She scanned
the windows on the buildings that were facing her and
shuttered again at the thought that someone might be
able to see.

“Lean forward and put your hands up on the glass,” she
heard Martin say behind her. “And spread your feet
apart, like you were being searched.”

Martin watched as she slowly leaned herself forward and
reached up to the glass. He took another sip of his
drink and wondered how far he could push her. She was
young, and thousands of miles away from home, and he
knew she really was into him. How far would he go? He
smiled as he watched her spread eagle against the
window and thought about how good the video from across
the street was going to look. From his vantage point,
however, her full, round, panty-covered ass stuck out
from atop her long legs.

The Japanese men clicked away madly, they were almost
in a frenzy. Martin wondered how far she would go. He
let the Japanese snap away until they began to look
over at him expectantly. He could see the animal lust
on their faces. He felt a rush of lust himself as he
looked back at the girl standing so vulnerably in front
of them, and thought about what would happen when the
blonde beauty with the big tits was in their clutches
without him there- how they would humiliate her by
making her strip in public places or sit through a
dinner party totally nude.

“You’re doing great,” said Martin.

“A-are… we done?” she asked softly, still holding her
position. “Please…” Her voice betrayed her fear that
there was more to come.

If she only knew.

“Just about,” said Martin. He got up off of the couch
and took a few steps toward her. “You see these guys
are really impressed with how beautiful you are.” He
walked right up to her and adopted a conspiratorial
tone. “And, well… their putting a lot of pressure on
me here.”

“Please, Martin,” she said, obviously trying to keep
her voice calm. “My God, this is SO embarrassing…”

“I know, Honey,” he said reassuringly. “We’re not going
to do what they want, I mean… we’re not going to have
you take off EVERYTHING!”

“Oh god no… please… don’t…”

He realized how far she was out of her element, in
another land, another culture, and that she was unsure
what to do. She was vulnerable. He let his eyes drift
down around her front and saw her heavy breasts against
the strapless bra. Their weight seemed to beg to be set

“But, well… we need to compromise here,” he
continued. He leaned his head back and his eyes moved
over her slim back down to her full hips and luscious
bottom which was positioned so provocatively.

“Let’s let them see your bottom.”

She let out a gasp. “MARTIN!”

“You don’t have to take your panties off,” he said, his
eyes on the round cheeks. “Just take them down a bit.”
He reached out and put his hands on her shoulders. He
gently pulled backward, pulling her away from the
window so that she was no longer leaning on it. He
pulled her so she stood back upright, still facing out
the window. She reached up and covered his hand with
hers. She gripped it tightly. “Please, Martin… please
stop this.”

Martin leaned forward and spoke into her ear. “Come on,
Honey,” he said. “They’re not going to see anything
‘important’ just your bottom.” He gripped her shoulders
more tightly and spoke more forcefully. “These are
really important clients,” he continued. “So don’t
argue with me here in front of them.” He suddenly moved
away and backed up to his seat on the couch leaving her
standing uncertainly.

The men all stared at the shapely girl with the blonde
hair standing with her back to them in just her
panties, bra and stockings. They all knew what was
coming next and their mouths were dry with
anticipation. The Japanese began speaking among
themselves. For them, this was an exciting preview of
what was going to become a toy for them. One began
talking about his time with her, and how he was
planning to have her work out in his yard on her hands
and knees in the dirt- naked- while he watched from a

The other men laughed and turned to look at her again.
Another Japanese said that his son had just turned
sixteen, and that he thought he would have her over
when his son and his friends were there and make her
take her clothes off and be inspected by the curious

More laughter.

The sound made her look up at the men’s reflection in
the window and she cringed as she realized that they
were laughing at her — laughing at her standing there
in her underwear. She felt a rush of adrenaline and
wanted to run. But to where? She suddenly felt like an

Her mind raced. Why would Martin make her do this? She
asked herself. He was such a nice guy, so unspoiled
despite all of his money. She began to wonder what was
going on and realized that she was many thousands of
miles away from home. She didn’t even have a return
ticket, Martin had it. She started to feel scared, and
it mixed with her humiliation.

“Come on, Honey,” she heard his voice. “We’re almost
done. Just slip your panties down.”

Oh my God, she thought. She was trapped. She suddenly
realized she had no choice but to go along. She had to
pull her panties down in front of these men. She had to
let them take pictures of her nude bottom. She tried to
calm herself.

Martin could see it all in her face in the reflection
in the window. He’d seen it many times before- the
moment of submission- and his prick surged. This would
just be the first of many such moments for her, and he
almost came in his pants at the thought of her having
to undress in front of a group of Japanese boys. His
mind wandered to some of scenes in her future- some of
the pictures she was going to pose for.

He watched as her timid hands slowly reached up to her
panties. She slid her thumbs into the sides of her
waistband. She hesitated and then slowly began to push
them down. She eased the over her hips showing them the
tops of her bottom cheeks.

The Japanese were on the verge of hysteria, and their
voices started chattering as their cameras started
clicking away as though they were all talking at once.

Martin heard a little sob escape from her as she pushed
her panties all the way down, exposing the full
roundness of her whole bottom and the dark cleft
between her cheeks. The material bunched up at the top
of her thighs.


The Japanese men moved around getting different angles
as she buried her face in her hands. Martin drank in
the sight of the humiliated girl standing in front of
the window with her panties down. He could tell that
she was on the verge of breaking down. He didn’t want
to lose her now as the show was tremendous, but fair
was fair, and the men watching from across the street-
the ones who would be doing the bidding on the
distraught girl- deserved to see the merchandise. They
deserved to see pussy hair.

“A little farther down, Honey,” he said. “Take them
right down your thighs, so they can see your whole

His heart pounded as he watched and waited. He stared
at her luscious nude ass as she hesitated and then
slowly once again, her hands came up to her sides. Her
shoulders seemed slumped as she leaned forward and slid
her thumbs into her panties and pushed them farther
down her legs. Her nude bottom stuck out with the

The Japanese men behind the cameras went wild.

Martin leaned forward and to the side to look at her
reflection in the window as she stood back upright.
Yes, the delicate blonde triangle was clearly visible.
He imagined the commotion the sight was causing in the
anonymous looking windows that faced the girl. She
instinctively moved her hands in front of it.

“Just let your hands hang at your sides,” he said.

She slowly moved her hands away, and then her right
flew up to cover her mouth in shame.

He let her stand there for a few moments. The Japanese
moved around taking pictures, and kept looking back at
him to see what was next. They wanted her naked, on the
floor with her legs wide open so they could get pussy
shots. One of them had also brought several dildos and
asked if Martin could get her to get up on the table on
her hands and knees and put one in her pussy and one in
her ass.

The men all stared back and forth at her as they made
their suggestions, pausing periodically to snap yet
another photo. They were clearly excited out of their
minds. The stunning blonde had them totally rabid.

Martin let them all get their excited requests out and
then explained to them that the show was over, and that
the bidding process would now begin. He reiterated his
email address and the code they were to use.

The clients went suddenly quiet and shared expressions
as though someone had barged into their dinner had
taken the food from their mouths. They all turned and
looked at the humiliated girl still standing in the
window with her bottom exposed while Martin went back
over the ground rules. The bidding was for a 24-hour
period and no permanent marks were to be left.

Any and all photos and videos were for private use only
and not to be published. They could use her pussy and
her asshole, but would have to take care with the
latter and not cause any damage. And, of course, they
had to use condoms. They began to negotiate on the
spot. They wanted her naked.

Stacey’s heart pounded as she listened to the
discussion in Japanese. What were they saying? Her mind
raced as she wondered. She imagined for a moment what
her nude bottom must look like. Martin wouldn’t do
anything terrible, she told herself. He would just let
them get their dirty pictures.

She wanted desperately to reach back and pull her
panties up and had to fight the urge. She looked out
the window again at the building facing her and gasped
as she saw the curtains open in one of the windows. She
looked around and realized that it looked like a lot
more curtains were open then when she first looked out.
She wondered if she was imagining it. ‘GOD,’ she
thought. ‘What if Martin really was wrong? What if
people ‘could’ see?’

“Stacey,” Her thoughts were interrupted by Martin’s
voice. Her heart raced.

“They want to get their last pictures, so we need you
to turn around again, just as you are.”

She closed her eyes for a moment. This was horrible. If
she left her panties where they were and turned to face
them… they’d be able to see…

“One last thing, though…”

Her throat tightened up as she heard his voice.

“Before you turn around, could you just take your bra

She was stunned for a moment. It took a second for her
to realize what he’d said. “W-what?!” she asked in

“We have to negotiate here, Honey,” he said. “Now
they’d like you to take off everything… to go totally

“God, please,” she said in a little voice.

“They’d like you to lie on the couch nude and really do
some poses.”

What was happening? Her mind flooded with confusion.
She was on a dream vacation… and then…

“They just love girls with big boobs here,” Martin
continued. “So let’s compromise and you just slip your
bra off…turn around and let them get a few pictures
and it will be all done. I promise.”

Tears welled up in her eyes. Men were always staring at
her big breasts, always making rude comments, making
her feel cheap. And now…now she was being asked to
take off her bra and stand there while they stared and
took pictures…

“C’mon Honey,” he said, sensing her indecision. “It
will just take a minute.” He stared at her smooth, nude
back and the white band of material and the little
eyelets that held her bra together. His eyes drifted
down again to her naked ass with the panties rudely
bunched up around her thighs. He had to fight the
impulse to walk over there and put his hands on that
ass, to give her a sound spanking, to making the cheeks
turn bright red, and then pulling them apart and
fucking her against the window.

“You promise… promise that no one’s going to see
these pictures?” Her little voice brought him back to
reality. It was so weak, so unsure. She was resigned,
he could tell. Jesus, if she had any idea what was

“I promise,” he replied. God, she was so innocent- so
clueless. “These are my clients, Honey. I know them,
I’ve worked with them a long time,” he lied, “this is
only for their personal collections.”

The room went quite for a moment. Martin wondered about
the stress level in the rooms that faced the window. He
imagined prostitutes sucking away on the cocks of men
feverishly grasping binoculars.

All eyes, far more than she realized, were riveted on
Stacey as she slowly reached up behind her and grasped
the bra strap. She tried to clear her mind, to think of
anything else, as her fingers fidgeted with it and one
by one, the eyelets popped free.

Martin looked over at his clients. It looked as though
they had been suspended in time. All watched with their
mouths open. His attention went back to Stacey as the
two halves of her bra strap separated. He watched her
now nude back as she pulled the bra around and held it
in front of her. Her shoulders slumped forward in

“Just let it drop, Honey,” said Martin.

She let out a little sob as she stood for a moment
holding her bra. Finally, she let go, and it fell down
around her feet. She held her arms in front of her.

“Put your hands behind your back.” He had to give the
audience outside a shot he thought as she slowly
lowered her arms and moved her hands back over her
naked bottom. He let her stand there for a moment in
her naked splendor. His heart pounded with excitement
as he imagined the commotion behind the windows facing

“Okay, now turn around.”

She hesitated a moment and then reached back around for
her panties to pull them back up.

“NO,” said Martin sharply. “Leave them.”

She stopped and stood still for a moment. And then,
slowly, she pulled her hand back into place and turned
around bringing her big nude tits into their view. They
were gorgeous, perfectly big and round. Her oversized
nipples stuck out from her large areolas. All eyes went
down to her exposed pussy and the delicate blonde “V,”
which looked obscene with her panties at half mast.

Excited Japanese voices filled the room as they sprang
into action. The cameras began clicking wildly and the
guy with video paced back and forth across her exposed
body. They stared at her.

Stacey was suddenly overwhelmed with shame and
embarrassment. Her hands flew up to her face and she
began to cry into them. Her arms mashed her breasts
together. It had an animal effect on the men. Their
voices raised excitedly as they vied to capture the
moment of her total humiliation.

Martin couldn’t move. One inch and he was sure he’d
come in his pants. He watched the men who were
certainly getting their money’s worth. He looked back
at Stacey standing there exposed. It was the most
horrible moment of her young life he was sure. He
thought about later when he would hold her as she
cried. He’d stroke her long blonde hair as he told her
how sorry he was, but how great and brave she’d been
and how much he appreciated her.

Then he’d gently roll her over on her back and take
whatever she was still wearing off and run his hands
over her smooth, soft skin. She would whimper quietly
in confusion as he touched her big breasts and teased
her fat nipples. Then he’d look into her eyes as he ran
his hand down between her thighs and grazed his fingers
over her pussy lips.

She wouldn’t want him to. She might even ask him not
to. But he would. It was the best one, fucking her
knowing that tomorrow he was turning her over to the
highest bidders from this evening’s audience. He might
even check his email first to know how much it would
be, and who. He knew the “doctor” would bid whatever
was necessary.

Tomorrow she would definitely be getting a thorough
“examination.” So would the man with the 16 year-old
son and he smiled as he imagined her lying naked on a
table as a group of boys inspected her. And, of course,
there was the “subway” guy.

He would want to dress her up in a revealing outfit and
take video as he made her stand in the crowded subway
trains with her back to the passengers and endure
whatever groping came along. The man had a few partners
that would get on and off and would initiate action
along the way. Martin had seen some of his videos.
Sometimes the girls were even partially stripped, or
made to wear their panties around their knees.

He let her stand there a while sobbing as the men took
pictures and video. She’d better get used to it, he
thought, because it a position she was going to find
herself in a lot in the coming days.

This was just the beginning.

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The Adventures of Americanman Dreamworld

The Adventures of American-man: Dreamworld By Paul G Jutras Chapter One: Doorway of Doom October 31, 3086, a historical team uncovered a weird chest with pictures carved all over the outside. Each was dressed in hiking boots, knee-high socks, too tight shorts, sleeveless shirts and pit helmets. As one of them broke open the chest a mist rose out and formed into a skull headed demon. Rays shot from it's eye socks, transforming the girls' skin to plastic. As they fell over, the...

3 years ago
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Black Teen Girl Dominates Mature White Men Part 1

I had a happy childhood growing up in Gulfport, Mississippi, living with my parents and older brother in a modest home in a poor part of town. We are a black family, and my father was on partial disability from an industrial accident. He still worked part-time at the Navy base, when he was sobered up from his alcohol addiction. My mother, Liana, worked two jobs, and with both working we subsisted, but couldn’t afford any luxuries.My name is Kayla and growing up there in the late 1990s I didn’t...

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South American Cock Torment

South American Cock TormentAndy Douglas was eighteen even though he only looked much younger. Five seven, he had a nice balance of slim waist, good shoulders and a neat, tight butt. Plenty of sport and exercise in the open air had given him a great tan and a body with good muscular definition including a modest six-pack. The sun had also bleached his shock of naturally blonde hair. Coupled with pale blue eyes and a ready smile he looked good and attractive?and he knew it.He liked girls, but...

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American Stream Girl

“So it just switches on at midnight, and then it just starts? They see you do everything?” Nicole asked. Then her voice dropped. “Everything…”“That’s the deal,” I said. “One year, but with what they are paying... No more slow nights or stripping. It’s enough money that we’ll be set. Of course, I think I’ll still keep going, but…”“But, Rachel…”She cupped her voice into a whisper, leaning closer in bed.“Like, they see you going-”“I’m just not gonna think about that,” I said, putting up the mental...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Fucking A Hot Teen Girl With A Daddy Fantasy

I came back from office and parked my car in the basement and went to the elevator lobby. It was around 5:30 pm. I reach my apartment every evening around that time and get into the elevator in the basement. Sometimes, school kids get into the elevator from the ground floor. School girls these days, they can easily pass off as 22 or 24 years old girls. Their hairstyles, their makeup – all look like grown ups. Most of these school girls wear a bra and the best thing are their skirts. Their...

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Swapping Wives and Fucking Teen Girls at the Beach Cottage

Carolina Beach, North Carolina is a small town and a beautiful place for our retirement. We’re only twelve miles south of Wilmington if we want to take advantage of the amenities and health services of a larger city. My name is Dan, and my wife, Jenny, and I were recently able to retire after working our whole lives in Wilmington and raising our daughter, Ashley, there.We bought our modest, one-bedroom, beachfront cottage on Carolina Beach when I had just turned thirty, at a time before the...

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Vacation with Teens 6 The Afterparty

“Well, I guess I’ll be getting into my own bed.” Leah whispered. By the uproar in the hallway, they heard Lily had returned from the party. The loudness of the noises made her assume that Lily was slightly drunk. “Yeah… you should.” As much as he wanted to keep his little teen close to him, Robert knew his wife must never find out about this. “Remember. You’re not telling anyone right?” He added to make sure she understood. Leah nodded as she got up from the bed. Robert had replaced the...

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Breed Beach 5 All American1 3 videos

America hosts dozens of agents, who work secretly exclusively for me. Although all-American applicants think they are for porn.America's agencies are in all major cities, which house hot tasty teen or twen beautiful brides to be. We will mention all towns.Professor Poet-PETER erotic experiments interestingly include his agencies world wide. Together a dozen of dozens capitals.Professor Poet-PETER prayed his dear great granddaughter Princess Petra to go the other side of the 'big drink', to...

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Breed Beach 5 All American1 3 videos

America hosts dozens of agents, who work secretly exclusively for me. Although all-American applicants think they are for porn.America's agencies are in all major cities, which house hot tasty teen or twen beautiful brides to be. We will mention all towns.Professor Poet-PETER erotic experiments interestingly include his agencies world wide. Together a dozen of dozens capitals.Professor Poet-PETER prayed his dear great granddaughter Princess Petra to go the other side of the 'big drink', to...

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Daddys Girl pt4 Teen Sluts

I woke up the next morning thoroughly drained. My two little girls had drained their daddy for every last drop of my cum that they could squeeze from my cock. Heather, my daughter, and her friend Alexis had left for school already this morning. I got up and took a shower reliving the night before in my mind.The next few weeks went by very happily for all of us. Both Heather and Alexis had moved most of their clothes into my room. Suddenly I had stuffed teddy bears on my bed and frilly panties...

4 years ago
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Vacation with Teens 11 The Meeting

Lily felt the first rays of sunshine stroke her face. She had been awake for quite a while, still trying to get back to her dream. When she first opened her eyes this morning it was still dark, she knew she had been having a nice dream tonight. But now, she couldn’t even remember what it had been about. Unwillingly she raised herself from her bed, knowing her dream was now lost forever. She tried to open her eyes fully, but the gleams of sunlight quickly restrained her from doing so. Lily sat...

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AmericanMan At War

American-Man At War By Paul G. Jutras "1,2, 3, 4...." Christine said as she stood in gold three inch pumps and a backless evening gown with spaghetti straps. With the clicking of drumsticks the band prepared to join in. Soto began to played the guitar in his usual leather jacket, pants and boots and red tee shirt. Mark played the drums, Luke the keyboard in their yellow and red striped coveralls, and Starshine the tambourine in her purple blouse, leopard print mini skirt...

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Vacation with Teens 4 The Hotel

Gently he put his arm around Sarah’s body. She was still sleeping. He had dreamt about Leah tonight and woke up with the hardest erection. Hoping his wife would give him some way to release, he softly squeezed her breast. That woke her up instantly. “What?” She stammered. Robert answered by pushing his cock against her back. Still playing with his wife’s boob, he went in for a kiss. Sarah pushed him off, she realized what he wanted. “The girls!” She whispered, clearly disturbed by him waking...

2 years ago
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Vacation With Teens Episode 2 Departure

Before you read this story, here are the girls from this episode.EmiliaJoanaAlexandraIvanaEpisode 2 - DepartureShe rotated her slim body, giving Alexandra vision of her rear. "How does my back look?" Ivana worriedly asked, as the three girls left the table."Oh, my." Alexandra stammered. The spanish Ivana had such a pale skin, she always got sunburned so easily. The blistering sun definitely hadn't had any compassion for her back this afternoon. "You lay in the sun for too long Ivana."Emilia had...

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Vacation with Teens 2 Departure

She rotated her slim body, giving Leah vision of her rear. “How does my back look?” Jessica worriedly asked, as the three girls left the table. “Oh, my.” Leah stammered. The redheaded Jessica had such pale skin, she always got sunburned so easily. The blistering sun definitely hadn’t had any compassion for her back this afternoon. “You lay in the sun for too long Jess.” Lily had come to stand next to Leah to get a look. “Gingers shouldn’t lie in the sun” she teasingly said to her friend...

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Kinjo brs look for an American Girlfriend

I have a cool job that allows me to travel, see new places and meet people from all over the world. Each year in April, I get a visit from two Japanese businessmen, Raizo Kinjo and his younger b*****r, Hayato . They leave Japan and travel the world in search of merchandise to purchase for their f****y business. They are very small men and I tower over them like a giant. I am their protector when they are with me. The Kinjo b*****rs love American women. When they visit they expect me to provide...

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Kinjo brothers look for an American Girlfriend

I have a cool job that allows me to travel, see new places and meet people from all over the world. Each year in April, I get a visit from two Japanese businessmen, Raizo Kinjo and his younger brother, Hayato . They leave Japan and travel the world in search of merchandise to purchase for their family business. They are very small men and I tower over them like a giant. I am their protector when they are with me.The Kinjo brothers love American women. When they visit they expect me to provide...

1 year ago
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All American Girl

"What's wrong Jim?" My best friend looked like his world was crashing and burning around him. "You know that show I had planned, the one at the community center?" Jim asked in despair. "Who doesn't? The whole town's talking about it; it's going to be a huge hit." Jim was an aspiring show producer. With a marketing degree under his belt, he set out to pursue his dream of putting together musical shows that would eventually bring the hottest stars in the music world begging to be...

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Miss American Pornstar

Ida Hoe was waiting nervously back stage as her arch rival, Holly Keyhole, performed on stage riding Hoss Bigg cowgirl style on a trampoline. She could hear the audience shouting in delight. The raucous cheers were almost deafening.Ida was horrified that Holly might give an unsurmountable performance. Ida barely trailed her for first place in this grand finale episode of Miss American Pornstar. Winning the title of the first Miss American Pornstar would not only make her the newest rage in the...

Group Sex
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New Job for AmericanMan

New Job for American-Man By Paul G Jutras Since American-Man's appearance the crime rate in Federation city had dropped way down. Too bad the number band of gigs his rock band had were also way down. Needing the extra pay, it was in his American-Man form that he became a bag man at a Federation City super market. The job was easy and American-man changed his costume with the bluish green shirt, black slacks and sneakers of the market. When he eyed a shoplifter trying to head out...

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Why I Love Black American Women

Okay, here goes nothing. African-American guys like myself have a certain image in the eyes of the world. We’re thought of as tougher, meaner and more athletic than the average guy. Also, people seem to think we gravitate toward either athletic pursuits or criminal endeavors, and nothing in between. Neither is exactly true for most Black men living in the United States of America. Just to prove to you how untrue these stereotypes are, take me for example. My name is Arnold Thompson. And I’m a...

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Virtual Vacation Coupon First Recursion

Virtual Vacation Coupon: First Recursion Joe Ingram reflexively rubbed the top of his head with a fingertip, absently feeling the thinning hair, as he read the fancy calligraphy once more: Dear Joe, Please accept this complimentary Virtual Vacation Coupon. With today's time demands, it can be prohibitively expensive or even impossible to get away for the kind of rest and recovery we all need from time to time. That's why we developed the virtual vacation. The virtual vacation...

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Dont Sleep on the Subway Book ThreeChapter 31 Aug 1942 First Massive American Air Attack on Germany

“We knew the world would not be the same. A few people laughed, a few people cried. Most people were silent. I remembered the line from the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad-Gita; Vishnu is trying to persuade the Prince that he should do his duty, and to impress him, takes on his multi-armed form and says, ‘Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.’ I suppose we all thought that, one way or another.” ― J. Robert Oppenheimer It seems sort of strange looking back on the unfolding events of...

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