Track Star Sissy free porn video

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Track Star Sissy Author's Note - I actually ran track and cross country while I was in college. While I was never good enough to receive a scholarship like the protagonist in this story, the story is interspersed with tidbits from my time in college plus fantasies of mine. Some of the fantasies are somewhat dark and involve forced feminization or humiliation. I realize these aren't for everyone but I hope you enjoy reading as much as I did writing it. Chapter 1 - Tanner Tanner grew up in Southern California, and was a typical California boy with a slight build, long blonde hair, blue eyes, and a perpetual smile on his face. He was a pretty good distance runner in high school and received many scholarship offers from division two schools across the country. When choosing a college, he focused on schools in the Southeast. He was well aware of the stereotype of how sweet and kind southern girls were, and was drawn to the colleges in that region. He picked a school in Georgia that was slightly outside Athens. While he didn't admit this to his parents, he wanted out from under their watchful gaze. They were wonderful parents, but tended to keep a bit too tight of a leash on Tanner. He wanted the opportunity to be out on his own. That August he left for college in his old Honda Civic driving across the country for the first time. It was a great sight taking in the country. Arriving at college, he found the food, atmosphere, and focus on football to be a bit of a culture shock, but he quickly adapted. The fact that he was the best long distance runner on the cross-country team and medaled in the regional tournament helped him assimilate and be accepted by his fellow students. He was even dating a girl named Melissa, who was sweet like all southern girls that he had met, but was also waiting until marriage to have sex. This left him with a serious case of blue balls that he often relieved by jerking off to internet porn in his dorm room. Chapter 2 - Track Season Come the spring semester, the schedule shifted from cross-country meets to track meets. Cross-country meets were over quickly, with one race for the women quickly followed by a race for the men. In track, there were a multitude of events where athletes of various skill sets competed. Tanner always competed in the 10k, which was at the beginning of the meet, or the 5k, which was near the very end. The day was long and the athletes often passed the time by cheering on their teammates, socializing with members of other colleges, or doing their studies. Tanner was a bookworm and liked to take the extra time to read. During one meet in early April, Tanner was scheduled to run the 5k, and had holed up behind the bleachers to read a novel until he needed to warm up for his face. He was wearing a track suit over his singlet (jersey) and shorts. Like most distance runners, Tanner was slight at 135 pounds over his 5'7" frame. His running shorts were extremely short showing off his toned legs, and he had his long blonde hair pulled up into a ponytail. He had always kept his legs shaved, as they looked better that way he thought, and made it easier for the athletic trainers to tape ice bags to his legs when necessary. Feeling the need to use the restroom, Tanner made his way toward the locker room. Reaching the locker room he walked up to a urinal, and pulled down his pants and started emptying his bladder. Suddenly, and without warning, he felt someone grab him from behind and press a damp cloth containing chloroform over his mouth and nose. He quickly passed out. Chapter 3 - Darryl and Tyrone Tanner awoke not ever 15 minutes later, on the bathroom floor. He struggled to gain his bearings at first as his vision was somewhat blurry and his hair was blocking his face. After brushing his hair away and blinking his eyes a few times, he was able to focus. Looking up he saw Darryl and Tyrone, who were both sprinters on the track team. They were both on football scholarships as wide receivers, but the football coach made them run track in the spring to both keep in shape as well as keep out of trouble. They both stood about 6'2" and weighed 200 pounds of pure muscle. Tanner was relieved to see them at first as his few encounters with them had been pleasant enough. He was about to have a rude awakening. "It looks like the little sissy has awoken from her beauty sleep," joked Tyrone. "She's cute first thing in the morning," offered Darryl. Tanner wondered why they were referring to him with female pronouns. Looking down, he saw his tracksuit replaced with that of a cheerleader shell and skirt. Tits protruded out from his chest and 6-inch mary jane heels were strapped onto his feet. He didn't know how this happened but he figured the football players misplaced him as a girl lost in the men's locker room. "Guys, it's not what you think," he offered. "I'm not some chick. I'm actually Tanner." "Oh, we know that," Darryl retorted. "You really are an airhead. But that's okay, you don't need to be smart." "I don't understand," stammered Tanner, unsure at what was going on. "You see Tanner," Tyrone offered. "Coach makes us come to these meets which take all day, to keep our scholarships, and it prevents us from partying, chasing ass, or doing whatever we want to do." "So from now on," interjected Darryl. "You're going to be our pretty little sissy and get us off during track meets. You always have extra time, and a cute girl like you should have no difficulty taking care of us." Tanner was aghast at their implication. "I can't do that," he muttered. "I'm not gay. It's okay if you are, but I have no desire to suck your dicks." "It's not gay to get our dick sucked by a sweet girl like you," Tyrone astutely noted. "And we don't care much if you enjoy it. But you will do it. Or else." "Why don't you just get a real girl to do it?" Tanner stammered. "You're football players, you always get ass." Tanner hung his head in realization that these players had probably bedded dozens of women while he was still fucking his hand while Melissa continued to give him a severe case of blue balls. "Normally we would," Darryl noted. "But these track girls, they are all the uppity type and are on scholarship, and aren't going to do anything so slutty as to suck off us during the track meet. After they've had a few beers at a party, they might. But not now. That's where you come in." "This is hazing," Tanner whined. "There are rules against this!" "In high school, maybe," Tyrone noted. "But this is college, people will just assume everything was consensual. From now on, you're going to be our slut to use every Saturday afternoon at track meets. Now get to it." With that, both men dropped their pants revealing the largest penises Tanner had ever seen in person. They were even larger than most of the ones he saw in his favorite porn videos. Still sitting on the floor, he recoiled at the thought of providing them the pleasure that they expected. "You're not going anywhere sissy until we get what we want," taunted Tyrone. "You can provide it willingly, and we'll give you your clothes back and you'll get to run your little race. Or we'll take what we want, you'll miss the race incurring the wrath of your coach, and we'll take your clothes with us. Have fun going home on the bus dressed as you are." Seeing Tanner hesitate, Tyrone and Darryl started walking toward the door. "Wait!" he cried out with a tear flowing down his cheek. With a deflated tone in his voice, he simply said, "I'll do it." Chapter 4 - Blowjobs Tyrone and Darryl smiled at each other. Darryl, fishing a compact and a tube of lip gloss out of his pocket and threw it toward Tanner. The uncoordinated Tanner fumbled catching it and both football players laughed. "Put on the lip gloss slut," directed Darryl. "Then you can suck a real man's cock." Tanner sighed at his misfortune. Putting on the lip gloss wasn't rocket science, he opened the compact and used the brush of the lip gloss to paint his lips and smacked them when he was complete. The two football players looked down in an approving fashion before they played paper, rock, scissors to see who got to go first. Tyrone won. Approaching Tanner, Tyrone roughly grabbed Tanner's hair and pointed the head of his cock toward Tanner's painted lips. "Open up slut," Tyrone taunted. "Here comes the airplane." Reluctantly, but obediently, Tanner slowly parted his pink painted lips. Tyrone thrust his cock inside of Tanner's mouth who struggled to accommodate it. Tanner felt totally humiliated getting faced fucked like a slut. For the next few minutes, Tyrone roughly forced his cock into Tanner's throat. His lip gloss had made pink stains on Tyrone's black cock, his eyes were watering, and his jaw was sore. Suddenly and without warning Tyrone pulled out of Tanner's mouth and unloaded a large load of cum on Tanner's face. The watering from Tanner's eyes turned to outright tears. Standing above him, Tyrone offered, "Now I know that was humiliating and degrading to you sissy. But if you voluntarily give Darryl a blowjob, to the best of your abilities, we don't need to facefuck you anymore. What do you say?" Desperate to avoid that again, Tanner merely nodded in assent of Tyrone's offer. After reapplying his lip gloss, Tanner crawled over to Darryl and grasped his penis at the base, and parted his pink glossy lips to accommodate the large cock. Doing his best, Tanner took Darryl's cock in his mouth, massaging it with his tongue, while making eye contact with Darryl. Poor Tanner hadn't received a blowjob since starting college and now he was reduced to giving one like a common slut. His mind drifted to his girlfriend Melissa and how she wouldn't provide him this kind of pleasure. A smart smack on his face brought him back to reality. "Focus you slut!" Darryl scolded. Humiliated, Tanner started sucking even more furiously hoping to get it over with. He could see his lip gloss once again leaving pink streaks on Darryl's black shaft. Suddenly, Darryl grasped the back of Tanner's head, forcing his head down on his cock and emptying his balls into Tanner's throat. Fortunately for Tanner, Darryl's cock was so deep in his throat the cum bypassed his tongue and he didn't have to taste any of the nasty stuff. Darryl tossed Tanner aside like a used cum rag, and he collapsed on the floor. "Get dressed sissy," Tyrone ordered. Tanner quickly removed the mary jane heels as they were one sized to long and were killing his feet. After that he quickly peeled off the top of the cheerleader uniform and skirt revealing a pink training bra and pink bikini panties underneath. Tanner could tell there was something foreign in his panties covering his dick. "You like that?" Tyrone commented. "That's a chastity cage. It keeps your pathetic dick from getting hard. You may note that the lock on it is plastic, but there is a serial number on it. We know it, and we'll know if you've removed and replaced it. If you do replace it, we'll release the video I took of you sucking Darryl's cock." Tanner, with tears in his eyes, merely nodded in acknowledgement of Tyrone's order. "Good slut," Darryl noted. "Now put on your singlet and shorts and get out of here. Tanner got dressed and left. A half hour later he ran his race but finished a good half minute behind where he should have. His mind wasn't in the race and was instead focused on the incident from earlier. Chapter 5 - Bridget Tanner and his roommate Greg were watching television Thursday night. Tanner had a severe case of blue balls as he hadn't cum since the prior Thursday. Around 9 pm, there was a knock on the door. Greg answered it, and he heard a girl in a sweet voice ask if Tanner was around. Greg nodded and let her in. Looking up from his bed, Tanner noted it was Bridget, one of the school's cheerleaders. He had no idea what she was doing here, or that she even knew he existed. Looking at Bridget, he noted that she was slightly taller than him at 5'9" and had straight brown hair, and an extremely beautiful face sans any makeup. Greg was just as surprised at Bridget showing up to their door and asking for Tanner, but he didn't want to get in the way of his roommate and Bridget. "Why don't I excuse myself," he offered, before grabbing his sandals and phone before making his way down to the rec center. After Greg left, Bridget simply offered, "You're cute, I see why they picked you," she sweetly noted in a seductive tone. "Who?" Tanner asked. "Why Darryl and Tyrone, of course," Bridget noted. "They told me all about how you asked to be their pretty little cocksucker during those long boring track meets this spring." Tanner sat there dumbfounded. He in no way asked for it but saw it was futile to argue. "Anyway," Bridget noted. "If you're going to be a pretty little cocksucker for them, then I'm going to have to teach you how to do your makeup." From the back pack she carried, Bridget produced a makeup kit, and taught Tanner how to apply makeup including foundation, mascara, eye liner, eye shadow, and lipstick. By the end he seemed to be grasping it sufficiently to make himself pretty. Noting that he was picking up her lessons and hadn't offered any resistance, Bridget decided that Tanner had earned his reward. "Okay sweetie," she noted. "Time for you to get undressed. Completely." Tanner blushed at this pretty girl's directive but slipped out of his clothes as ordered. His face turned a pink hue matching the color of his chastity cage when he slipped off his boxer shorts. "Oh my," Bridget smirked. "They certainly chose a tiny cage for you. How does it feel?" In reality, it wasn't that small, as far as chastity cages went. She was just tormenting Tanner. "Tight," Tanner muttered. "I'm very frustrated, sexually." "Well, I have just the thing for a girl like you Tanya," Bridget gleefully exclaimed while purposely feminizing his name, producing a wand vibrator from her backpack. Turning it on, it made a distinct buzzing noise. Tanner felt his dick strain in the cage in anticipation. Lowering the wand toward Tanner's cage dick, Bridget lightly pressed it against the base of the cage before lowering it to the tip. Tanner gasped as his caged dick tried to engorge in the tight cage. Bridget tweaked his nipples and kissed Tanner, her tongue invading his mouth, as she continued her application of the wand vibrator to his private parts. Removing her tongue from his mouth, she smirked at the small male who was nearly moaning at this point. "Come on, cum for me Tanya. Come like a good little slut," she taunted, firmly pressing the vibrator against the pink plastic cage. Tanner felt something explode inside of him and cum spasmed out of the tight cage, as he grunted with sexual release as a week's worth of cum emptied from his balls and prostate. The orgasm partially satiated Tanner, but he still felt horny as his body craved a proper erection and orgasm. "You were great Tanya," Bridget said. "I wish I had a camera to record your cum face. With your makeup and long hair you looked just like a girl when you came." With that, she removed a set of clothes from the backpack and placed them in Tanner's dresser. "Wear these, do your makeup like I taught you, and wear that pretty hair of yours down, when you service Darryl and Tyrone on Saturday. I wish I could do it myself, but I'm sure you'll do a great job. I'll be back next Thursday with your outfit for the following week, and another reward if you're good." Tanner merely nodded at Bridget and she left the room. 15 minutes later Greg returned. By that time, Tanner had washed the makeup off his face and redressed. Greg asked him what happened, but Tanner merely gave him a smirk, not wanting to either tell the truth or lie, but the scent of his emission still lingered in the room providing Greg a good idea of what may have happened even if he couldn't believe it. Chapter 6 - Saturday's Track Meet On Saturday, Tanner had run the 10k, the first race of the day. He was able to get himself in the right state of mind, and as a result, he won the race, and was congratulated by his coach and teammates. After the race he made his way off to the locker room where he showered, and got dressed in preparation for a visit from Darryl and Tyrone. His outfit for the day was that of a slutty schoolgirl. And not just any schoolgirl, an extremely slutty one. The top was extremely short and tied in the front showing off his flat belly, a large amount of cleavage (not that he had any) and was fire engine red with black and red plaid on the collars and edge of the sleeves. The skirt was scandalously short, barely covering his ass and chastity cage and was pleated with red and black plaid pattern, and was frilly at the bottom. Underneath his outfit, was a red water bra, and red thong, both from Victoria's Secret. The thong was uncomfortably wedged in his ass. On his leg were white thigh high stockings, and red 5 inch stiletto heels were on his feet. Tanner had done his makeup just as Bridget had instructed. He chose red lipstick as he figured it would match his outfit. Looking in the mirror, he saw nothing remotely masculine staring back at him. Instead he saw a slutty girl. His long blonde hair, when let down and brushed out, and parted in the center, neatly framed his made up face. He had been out for halloween the prior year and hadn't seen any of the college girls dressed this slutty. Tyrone and Darryl walked in the locker room as Tanner was looking at himself in the mirror. "Admiring your pretty clothes sissy?" Tyrone laughed. Tanner blushed as he realized what it must have looked like. Instead he merely shrugged. "Anyway, come over here and get to work. I'm going first this time," Darryl directed. Tanner merely nodded. He figured he may as well get this over with. Tottering on his heels over to Darryl, he noted they brought his height to eye level with him. That wouldn't last for long as he sank to his knees and fished out Darryl's large cock. Taking it in his mouth, Tanner started to suck like he had the prior week. Darryl actually noted that his form had improved as he used his right hand to guide his partner. After about 5 minutes of sucking, Darryl decided that he wanted a different kind of pleasure. Pulling Tanner off his dick, he smirked at the feminized male kneeling before him, "Over there on that bench sissy. Lay face down on it." Tanner's eyes widened in horror at the implication of Darryl's order. "Please no, he muttered." His pleas were rewarded with a backhanded slap across his cheek. The humiliation of being slapped stung more than the pain of it. With tears welling in his eyes, Tanner minced over to the bench and laid down on it as directed. Darryl lubed up his cock, and flipped up Tanner's pretty skirt and worked his meaty fingers past the thong into Tanner's tight hole to lube it. Darryl mounted his sexual partner bringing the head of his large dick to Tanner's soon to be used hole. Poor Tanner felt the entire weight of Darryl on him as Darryl pressed inside of him. Before long Darryl was fully penetrated and started thrusting. Tanner was squealing and moaning at the surreal experience. It felt like he was being poked in the stomach. He could hear the panting from Darryl behind him. Looking up, he saw that he was once again being filmed. He felt like a cheap used slut, a feeling that only intensified when Darryl pulled out of his hole and shot a cum load on his back. Darryl climbed off of Tanner, and before he had a chance to recuperate, he felt Tyrone manipulating him off his stomach and onto all fours. "My turn," he smirked, as Tanner felt another cock at his gaped hole and a firm grasp on his hair. Tyrone easily entered Tanner and started thrusting into Tanner pulling his hair for leverage, and slapping his ass to exert dominance over him. Tanner could feel his dick twitching in its cage, betraying and humiliating him. Had he not cum on Thursday the pressure of Tyrone's dick on his prostate would have caused him to cum. After approximately 10 minutes of thrusting, he heard Tyrone grunting behind him, and his cock twitching in his ass as he spurted a large cum load into his gaped hole. After Tyrone withdrew from Tanner, Tanner collapsed off the bench and onto the concrete floor exhausted at today's encounter with the football players. The football players got dressed and left without a word leaving Tanner on the floor still in his slutty clothes. Chapter 7 - Next Thursday's Visit from Bridget After the encounter with Tyrone and Darryl at Saturday's track meet, he had endured spotting in his underwear from them roughly using his hole. It was humiliating for Tanner to have little specks of blood show up in his underwear from his used hole. By Thursday, Tanner once again was desperate for an orgasm. His girlfriend Melissa had offered him a hand job during the week, as it was something she did semi-regularly, but Tanner of course turned her down. She looked at him curiously as she couldn't understand why any man would turn down the opportunity for sexual release from a woman. She worried that he was either getting sexual release elsewhere or didn't find her pretty anymore. The dorm hall on Thursday was abuzz as Greg had spread word about Bridget, the pretty cheerleader all the guys had a crush on, showing up to their dorm room and specifically asking for Tanner. The fact that Greg was spreading this story as opposed to Tanner, who remained tight- lipped on the topic, provided credibility to the story. There was more activity in the hallways than usual around 9 pm, which was the time they expected Bridget to arrive again. Sure enough, Bridget showed up promptly at 9 pm, dressed in a tight pink tank top that showed off the curves of her C-cup tits, and tight acid wash jeans shorts that showed off her toned legs. Her light brown hair was pulled back and tied in a tight high ponytail. Every guy wished she was coming to their dorm room with the notable exception of Tanner, who knew she'd be bringing him another pretty outfit to wear for the football players on Saturday. Sure enough, she had another pretty outfit in her backpack once again. Still though his dick twitched in anticipation when Bridget knocked on their door. Greg rushed to answer, taking any excuse to be face to face with Bridget. She smiled sweetly at his greeting, before he kindly excused himself, with Bridget saying that Tanner would text him after she had left. Greg walked down the hall with his dick hard in his shorts, thinking about how some guys get all the luck. He would have been horrified had he known the real reason for Bridget's visit. After Greg had left, Bridget found Tanner, once again, sitting on his bed in silence. "So how's my favorite track star doing this week?" she queried. "Fine, I guess," muttered Tanner. "Frustrated." "Well I have just the thing for that," noted Bridget, once again producing her vibrating wand from her backpage. "Up for another go around with it?" Feeling his dick strain in his cage in anticipation of Bridget providing him at least some sexual release, he eagerly nodded in response. "That's a good girl, Tanya" cooed Bridget. "First let your hair down, brush it out, and do your makeup like you do for the men. Your girl face is so hot." Obediently, Tanner went to work brushing out his hair and applying makeup. He was getting used to applying it at this point, and was ready within 20 minutes. Bridget sat and watched how feminine her slutty creation looked as he diligently applied his makeup. It was actually a turn on for her. When Tanner was done, he followed Bridgt's directive to get naked and sit down on his bed. Producing a condom, she unrolled it over his cage. "This will keep you from making a huge mess like last time, but will also provide your nosy friends evidence that we had sex," she winked. Tanner felt his dick twitch in anticipation as Bridget grasped her vibrating wand. "We're going to try something different this week," Bridget noted. "But I promise you're going to like it just as much as last week. Maybe even more so. Now get on all fours like you did with Tyrone." Tanner hesitated. He had been sore for a couple days after losing his anal virginity. Bridget saw him hesitate, and whispered seductively in his ear, nothing is going in your bottom sweetie, but let me give you a little motivation. Bridget peeled off her shirt revealing her satin red bra containing her perky tits. Tanner smiled at the sight of Bridget's tits, and gladly assumed the position. Bridget positioned him toward the mirror hanging on the back of the dorm room's door. Grabbing her vibrating wand, Bridget turned it on, and brought it toward the back side of Tanner. Spreading his legs and grasping his shoulder for leverage, she pressed the wand against the area between his caged male bits and his anus. Tanner felt the vibrations inside of him. He pushed back into the wand noting how good it felt. His dick throbbed in the tight cage. Looking at the mirror, he saw his pretty made up in the throes of ecstasy. He could feel Bridget massaging his bottom, kneading her fingers in his hairless supple bottom. She continued pressing the vibrating wand into the tender area between his testicles and anus. Within a few minutes cum spurt out of his dick and into the condom. Bridget looking in the mirror at the look on Tanner's face felt her vaginal canal moisten at the look of pleasure on his face. Still pressing the wand into Tanner, even more cum leaked out of his penis. By the time that Bridget had finished with him, he was spent, satisfied, empty of cum, and still horny. It was a feeling that Tanner had never even contemplated. He never had realized how much pleasure a male could receive without the use of his penis. Bridget deftly removed the condom from Tanner's chastity cage and marveled at the size of the cum load that Tanner had left inside of it. Tanner was amazed as well. He had never produced a cum load that big before. Dipping her pinky finger in the condom, she scooped out a glob of semen. Offering it to Tanner, she asked "Care to taste your seed Tanya?" Tanner shook his head no. "Wimp," Bridget smiled, before licking it off her finger. "It tastes good," she said before tossing the condom in the trash. After they got dressed, Bridget had left his outfit for Saturday in the dresser, and Tanner had removed his makeup, they said their goodbyes for the day. In the open doorway, Bridget pulled Tanner close and french kissed him. Looking seductively in his eyes, she offered, "This was good. We'll do it again soon," before walking off leaving Tanner's dick twitching in his cage and he thought a faint taste of his own cum on his lips from the kiss, although he thought he might have just been imagining that. Chapter 8 - One Month Later Over the ensuing month, a predictable pattern ensued. Tanner would dress up and act slutty for Tyrone and Darryl, who simply used Tanner to get off and pass the time during the long track meets, Tanner would get sexually frustrated during the week, and Bridget would relieve it in some unconventional way every Thursday night. Tanner's slutty outfits for the last month had predictably included typical favorites including a French Maid dress, slutty nurse, harem girl, and most recently Harley Quinn. Tanner had grown somewhat accustomed to dressing slutty as well as doing his makeup. Not surprisingly, word had spread around the dorm and elsewhere about Bridget and Tanner. Word had made its way to Melissa who angrily confronted Tanner about it and accused him of cheating on her. While this was true in a sense, Tanner denied it but was unable to come up with a plausible explanation for hanging out with Bridget. He certainly wasn't going to tell her the truth. He tried saying they were studying, but they weren't taking any classes together. Melissa broke up with him, and Tanner felt responsible for it, even bad for Melissa, as she was a sweet girl, and he had hurt her. But he also felt a sense of relief that he wouldn't have to continue hiding his secret from her. Saturday was another track meet. There were three weeks left in the season, and Tanner was counting down the days to when he would be free of Tyrone and Darryl. On Saturday morning, he packed the clothes in his duffel bag that Bridget had left for him on Thursday. They were surprisingly conservative compared to his prior outfits. It consisted of a pink sleeveless crop top, white pleated skirt, and 3-inch strappy wedge sandals. Like always, he had a water bra and thong to wear underneath. They were both black in color today. Arriving at the meet, Tanner knew he was running the 5k, near the end of the day, and knew he had a long day ahead of him. In some perverse way, he was glad he had a way to pass the time. At the agreed upon time, Tanner retired to the locker room and started getting ready. He noted how fortuitous that no one had chanced upon them during his time serving the guys. But in reality, most athletes didn't need to use a locker room during the meet. Getting dressed, Tanner felt more comfortable in these clothes than he had in the slutty outfits and costumes he previously was forced to wear. Looking in the mirror, he saw a pretty young woman staring back at him. There was no side of his male self looking back at him. He had chosen a pink lip gloss for today, it seemed more appropriate for his outfit. He also did his eye makeup less dramatic as it seemed to fit in. Once again, Tyrone and Darryl walked in on Tanner as he was checking himself in the mirror. At this point, they had taken to figuring that Tanner enjoyed dressing and acting like a slut. But in reality they didn't care that much. They had a pretty young thing to fuck while they were bored. Today, they wanted to tag-team Tanner. After mounting their camera, they positioned him on all fours on the floor, with Tyrone kneeling behind him and Darryl kneeling in front of him. Darryl pointed his already hard penis at Tanner's painted lips, looking down at his ocean blue eyes, while Tyrone flipped up his skirt and pointed his hardening cock at Tanner's now well used rosebud. Tyrone pushed into Tanner from behind, while Tanner began sucking on Darryl's dick. This was the first time the two men had taken him at once, and he felt humiliated. He knew full well how slutty it was to submit to a threesome. Even more degrading was that his dick was twitching as Tyrone's cock pressed into his prostate. Tanner's humiliation was enhanced when Darryl ejaculated into his mouth. Tanner's blow job skills had improved over the prior month plus, and he quickly swallowed the fluid invading his mouth. A short time later Tyrone came in his ass. After Tyrone withdrew his cock from Tanner's ass, he sat on the floor a tear in his eye at how slutty he was. "We have an offer for you white boi," taunted Tyrone. Tanner's ears perked up at what they could offer him. "Today is the day you get out of chastity and be free of us, provided you do one thing, you have to go out and seduce a man on your own. Bring him back here, and suck him off. Do that, and we'll leave you be from now on." Tanner looked back at them dumbfounded. He thought that he had several more weeks of servicing them. The thought that he could get out of it today was a boon to him. It also explained why Bridget had given him a more casual pair of clothes to wear. Any of the prior outfits would have stood out like a sore thumb. His current attire was pretty but would blend in well. Looking up at them he nodded in agreement of their offer. Tanner checked his makeup in the mirror and noted that only the lip gloss needed repair. After completing that, he cleaned up his backside best he could before making his way out into the crowd. Walking around he felt the warm air on his legs and running under his skirt and the warm sun on his exposed skin. Walking away from where his teammates would be to avoid being detected, he found a guy standing alone with headphones on. Looking him up and down, Tanner noted he was just under 6 foot, about 210 pounds, had olive skin, and closely cropped brown hair. Tanner figured he specialized in throwing the discus or javelin. Not that it mattered. Walking up to him, he wrapped his petite hands around the much larger man's upper arm and looked him in the eye with a pleading look. The large man was surprised by the pretty blonde girl coming up to him. In a high pitched voice, Tanner pleaded, "Please come with me, there is something I need to show you in the locker room." "Ummm, sure," he stammered, more in shock at apparently being propositioned by this thin pretty girl. Tanner took his hand and led him off to the locker room. Arriving in the locker room, there was no sign of Tyrone and Darryl. Tanner knew they had to be around somewhere. Pushing the larger man down on a bench, he sunk to his knees before him, and started working to pull down his pants, and exposed the man's rapidly growing member. Tanner grasped the man's penis at the base and quickly took it into his mouth working it like a runway with the skills he had honed servicing Darryl and Tyrone. He felt a firm grasp on the back of his head pushing him down on the cock. Fortunately he was able to deep throat, and the guy's 6 inch dick was easy for him to accommodate. Also, fortunate for Tanner, was that the guy was overly excited by this impromptu and unexpected sexual encounter, and was on the verge of blowing his load. Tanner felt the man's body tense and his dick twitch and he prepped for receiving a flood of cum in his mouth. For the second time in less than an hour, Tanner received a warm load of cum in his mouth which he greedily swallowed. Tanner licked the strange man's dick clean before the guy rose, pulled his pants up, and walked off. Tanner was left there on his knees on the floor with the taste of cum in his mouth. From seemingly out of nowhere Tyrone and Darryl appeared with large smiles on their faces. They told Tanner that a deal was a deal and he was free from them and permitted Tanner to cut the lock for his chastity cage. With that they were gone. Tanner washed the makeup off his face and changed back into his track uniform. Near the end of the meet, he ran his best time of the year in the 5k, no doubt buoyed by the relief of not needing to service Tyrone and Darryl like a slut anymore. Chapter 9 - The Following Thursday Tanner had been happy to have access to his dick again after being freed from the chastity cage and had masturbated immediately after arriving home from the track meet just because he could. After that, he hadn't touched his dick and it was now Thursday night. He couldn't quite describe why, but after spending 6 weeks in chastity, the mood to masturbate just didn't strike him. On Thursday night, he was sitting at home in a poor mood. He had grown to look forward to his weekly visits from Bridget and he surmised that since he didn't need to service Tyrone and Darryl anymore, that she wouldn't be over to provide him another slutty outfit to entice the guys. His dresser drawer was still full of all the slutty outfits she brought him, as Bridget never took back the outfits she had brought to him. He figured that a beautiful and classy girl like Bridget wouldn't need to dress in those slutty outfits to entice men. Greg had noted the negative mood that his roommate was in and was perplexed by it. Every Thursday the last several weeks Bridget had been over to visit, and he figured it would continue. He was actually waiting until 9 pm to go out just so he could get another glimpse of her. At 9 pm exactly, just like the prior 6 weeks, there was a knock on the door. It shook Tanner out of the nearly catatonic state he was in. Greg, like always leapt to his feet to answer the door. Sure enough, like always, Bridget stood in the doorway with a smile on her way. Like always, she had a large smile on her face. But her appearance was different this week. She was wearing a dress and heels appropriate for a party, her makeup was done in a manner appropriate for the evening, and her hair was down and styled. After Greg excused himself, Bridget walked in the room and greeted Tanner. His mood had improved greatly in just a few seconds. "I wasn't expecting you tonight," he mumbled. "After all the fun we've had together?" Bridget asked. "How could I not come see you?" She climbed up on the bed and nestled up to Tanner. "Well I'm glad you came by," he said. "I have a bit of a confession to make," Bridget started. "I was the one who was behind Tyrone and Darryl coming on to you." "Wait, you started all this?" Tanner stammered. "Yes," she nodded. "I was also behind them filming you. I have to confess I watched every video they made of you. I get off on watching dominant guys fucking feminine pretty guys. The camera loves you by the way. I've never been more turned on in my life by watching them tag team you at last week's track meet." Tanner just had a blank stare on his face. He didn't know what to think. But the knowledge that Bridget got off on watching him get fucked had him hard. Not only that she enjoyed it, but that it turned her on more than anything else that she had ever experienced. "Now sweetie," Bridget noted. "I know you're probably worried that me or the guys are going to use the videos to blackmail you. That won't happen. I deleted them all before coming over tonight, and the guys did too." Tanner gulped, "Well that's good news at least." "If you want, you can go back to being Tanner without any fear of the past few weeks being brought up," Bridget noted while rubbing his back. "By the way, each of those outfits you wore for them, I previously wore for Tyrone and Darryl. They are yours to keep by the way." "You and them?" Tanner stammered. "Of course. They are studs, as I'm sure you noticed, but not exactly boyfriend material." Bridget noted. "But if you enjoyed the past few weeks and your time as Tanya, we could continue this." "How so?" Tanner asked. Reaching in her backpack, Bridget pulled out a chastity cage, this time it was made of metal and was barely half the size of his prior one. Placing it in his lap Bridget said, "First of all, we get you back in chastity. But this time because you choose to be locked up. With me as your keyholder." With that she pointed to the keys dangling from the necklace around her neck and nestled neatly in her cleavage. "Umm, we could do that," Tanner meekly offered. Getting him back in chastity at that exact moment would prove to be difficult at the current moment as his dick was obviously tenting his shorts, right where Bridget had placed the chastity cage. While caressing his knee, and looking him deep in the eye, "Secondly, I want to watch random men fuck you when you're dressed as Tanya. I would be so turned on by that, and in return, I would provide you with certain sexual releases that I know your former girlfriend denied you." Her tone wasn't subtle and implied that both blowjobs and sex would be part of his life going forward. "I'm not sure Bridget," Tanner mumbled. He had been happy to be rid of being Tyrone's and Darryl's slut and was hoping he could put getting fucked by guys behind him. "I understand sweetie," Bridget noted, while producing from her backpack a dress and heels matching hers but in purple instead of black on Tanner's bed. "I'll tell you what, I'm going to go downstairs. If you want to continue this, come down to the lobby dressed in these clothes and made up to go out for the night. If you don't want to continue with this, just stay at home and Tyrone, Darryl, or myself will never bother you again. I'll wait for an hour while you decide." With that Bridget kissed Tanner tenderly on the lips and made her way toward the door. Before opening it, she commented in a seductive tone, "I hope to see my friend Tanya shortly." And then she disappeared out the door and down the hall. 40 Minutes Later It didn't take Tanner long to decide what to do. He desperately needed to spend more time with Bridget. Using an ice cube he melted down his raging erection and quickly applied the chastity cage. He quickly made up his face heavier than usual as was appropriate for the evening. He chose a cherry red lipstick as he felt that would look best for the evening. Brushing out his hair and parting it in the middle produced his typical pretty face. Putting on the dress, heels, over his typical water bra and thong produced the look of a girl who was ready for a night on the town. Walking down the stairwell and arriving in the lobby, he saw Bridget grin widely in a knowing and approving fashion that her friend Tanya had decided to spend more time with her. The two girls were quickly out the door, their matching heels clacking on the sidewalk, for a memorable evening that neither of them would ever forget. The End. I hope you enjoyed this story. Feedback is always welcome and appreciated.

Same as Track Star Sissy Videos

1 year ago
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Milking Sissy

The bondage wasn't necessary. The straps are there really as more of a ritual and now something I took comfort in due to its familiarity. My make up wasn't necessary either. Well, not really. But I no longer face the day without having at least some lipstick on. Thanks to what my Master had tattooed, I usually don't need much more than that. When it's time for my milking however, I like to make sure I'm as pretty as I can be. Especially if my Master decides to make use of me while...

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I Now Own You Sissy

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A Submissive Sissy

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Saturday Morning Sissy

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Saturday Morning Sissy

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Revenge of The Sissy

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I Sissy

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The Farm School Sissy

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Becoming a Sissy

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What is a Sissy

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I would be the Young Sissy

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Rules for sissy

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The Making of a Sissy

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Andrew the Unsuspecting Sissy

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Degraded Sissy

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Trucker Daddy Gets A Sissy

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Saturday Night Sissy

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The Blushing Sissy

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Home Alone Sissy

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Be a Sissy

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Sissy On Sissy

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Mrs Grant and her new Sissy

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New Little Sissy

"I'm done planting the flowers Mrs. Grant," I said."Justin honey, I swear I have no idea why you keep coming over to dochores around here.""I am rich you know just like your Mother, I do have a gardener.""There's no need for you to do these things.""Not that I mind paying you, but you certainly can't need the moneyeither.""I just like coming over here Mrs. Grant."She appraised him slowly now, was this a little slip, or was she justimagining things? Was he actually saying he was attracted to...

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Its Hard For This Sissy

IT'S HARD FOR THIS SISSY by Throne Pete had just gotten home from work and he immediately noticed a look of mischief in his wife Andi's pale blue eyes. He seen that all too often in the past. She must have spotted the concern on his face because she wanted to know, "Is something the matter, Petey?" She was calling him by the diminutive of his name. The switch from Pete to Petey was another bad sign. "It's just..." he extemporized, "that you seem... distracted." "Well,...

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stepson becomes moms sissy

Mark Peters let out a low moan that couldn’t be heard above the organ as it played "Here Comes the Bride." Although every other head in the church turned to glimpse the tall, dark-haired beauty imperiously making her way down the aisle, Mark kept his eyes fixed on his feet. Had anyone been paying attention, they would have seen a small tear escape Mark’s eye.It seemed like only yesterday that Mark’s mother and father had split up. Mark’s dad, Mark Senior, was a partner in one of the city’s...

1 year ago
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My Sisters Sissy

My Sister's Sissy By: Missy Satinpanties Note: This isn't one of my usual stories of sexual degradation, but what I think of as "my autobiography that should-have-been." The make- up of my family is the same as it was, my sister's names are the same, but that's about it. This is how I wish things would have gone when my little secret got "out of the bag." I guess I've always been a sissy. I remember playing dress-up with my sister when I was very young, and can vividly remember...

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A Nasty Daddy gets a Naughty Sissy

I came out of the bedroom dressed in my too-short pantyshowing Pink Shorty dress, pretty anklets, black MJ's, pink panties, red lipsticked lips and with my cute cuff and collar set on, awaiting Daddy's padlock, which would begin the playtime for real. This Daddy I had run across on a website was one who loved forcing sissies to literally mess their panties while they were in bondage so he could then go on to the diapering and teasing them for being such bad baby girlie sissies. Me,...

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Sissy Stepson 10 Stepmothers Sissy

Part 10 - Stepmother's Sissy Mrs. Monet put another knee high on the exhausted sissy and got an open toed spike heel with a very small opening in the toe of the shoe. Mrs. Monet forced the shoe on the sissy's limp dick, which started to harden within the shoe. "Come on sissy, just three more milkings, I know your balls ache and your sissy stick is red and sore, but you promised to hump my shoes!" his stepmother cooed. Finally, Caroline's sissy stick got hard enough for the just the tip...

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What does it mean to be a sissy

Sissies are a distinct breed of transvestites. A sissy is a transvestite who’s primary sexual interest lies not just in wearing feminine clothing, but in becoming an exaggerated version of femininity. Femininity as seen through the lens of traditional hetero male sexual desire. Sissies are not seeking to become women in a normal sense, but are instead seeking to become the object of their desires. Their ultimate fantasy woman if they were normal, rather than being a sissy. Sissies are...

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What does it mean to be a sissy

Sissies are a distinct breed of transvestites. A sissy is a transvestite who’s primary sexual interest lies not just in wearing feminine clothing, but in becoming an exaggerated version of femininity. Femininity as seen through the lens of traditional hetero male sexual desire. Sissies are not seeking to become women in a normal sense, but are instead seeking to become the object of their desires. Their ultimate fantasy woman if they were normal, rather than being a sissy. Sissies are...

2 years ago
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What does it mean to be a sissy

Sissies are a distinct breed of transvestites. A sissy is a transvestite who’s primary sexual interest lies not just in wearing feminine clothing, but in becoming an exaggerated version of femininity. Femininity as seen through the lens of traditional hetero male sexual desire. Sissies are not seeking to become women in a normal sense, but are instead seeking to become the object of their desires. Their ultimate fantasy woman if they were normal, rather than being a sissy.Sissies are...

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Ken Sissy

Ken sat there, staring blankly at the movie screen, showing a big black cockplowing into a white beauty. His wife was far from a beauty, as she was now inher early fifties and had put on a few too many pounds for his taste.... butevidently it didn't seem to have bothered the two black men.Ken looked over his shoulder at the entrance to the adult theater, hoping thathis wife would be walking back in, but he knew better. It had all happened sofast, that he tried to remember how he ended up...

3 years ago
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Mistress Sabines Sissy

My phone vibrated softly signaling a text. I almost didn't look at it. I was at a meeting of the board of the corporation I work for, trying to steel my nerves for a presentation I was scheduled to make. This was my first time and instead of running through my presentation in my head I was focused on what I was wearing under my suit.I glanced at the phone."Someone in the room knows exactly what you're wearing..."It was from Mistress Sabine, a woman I'd only met a few weeks ago. She was also the...

1 year ago
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Miss Lindas sissy

My finger was shaking bad as I went to push the doorbell. Miss Linda had told me how my slave training was going to change. She told me she was going to turn me into her sissy slave. Oh My God! What was I doing here? Why did I even come back here? I was afraid of what my heart said in response. The truth was, I really wanted to be a sissy. Even the thought of the intense humiliations that were to follow excited me. I rang the doorbell and felt my doom consume me. Ms. Linda answered the door...

2 years ago
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The Misadventures of the Worlds Worst Sissy

The Misadventures of the World's Worst Sissy By Cassandra Morgan This stuff isn't easy, okay? The world that looks down upon us think that it is. They think that any wimp can be a sissy, that even the frailest of us can scrape and bow and curtsy. They think that anyone can cook or clean are do the so-called mindless tasks that the rest of us are assigned. They think this is a soft life for soft people. They think we are so concerned with being pretty and smelling pretty that...

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First time Sissy

I was born a "boy" but it was mother nature mistake as I am very petite, 5'2" 110LBS. with a sexy round ass and dick sucking lips. For this site purpose I will start at 18 my journey as a sissy cum loving size queen SLUT. In my senior year with a couple of months to go before graduation I turned "legal age" but was no virgin by any stretch of the imagination but cannot talk about it because of "rules". I had become a "male cheerleader" but was finer than some of the bitches there and had the...

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Im Not A Sissy

I'M NOT A SISSY by Throne My name is Joe and not Jodie. I'm an adult and not a kid. And I'm a man and not a simpering sissy. I keep telling myself that. But my wife Arianna thinks differently. I mean, ever since we got married two years ago she had been running my life more and more. Talking down to me. Turning me into her sex slave in the bedroom, demanding oral attentions and giving almost nothing in return. She mocked my small penis and made me masturbate while she watched....

1 year ago
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Richard the Sissy

Richard the Sissy by Joney Cunningham Hi, my name is Richard, or should I say Regina now. I am a sissy. It all started when I was 15 and my parents had taken my 13-year-old sister out of town for the weekend. I had a part-time job, so I couldn't go. My parents told me that the paid Gina, the high school senior across the street to decorate my mom's sewing room. Gina was into interior decorating and had gained a reputation of doing great work. They told me she would have a...

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The Lingerie Salesman Sissy

I had a career change a few years ago. Admittedly a door to door salesman did not sound good but the money was OK as long as I made plenty of commission but the fringe benefits were amazing. For me it was not household cleaners or insurance but sexy lingerie. Not only did the ladies on my round like to try on the lingerie but as soon as they felt super sexy I would get my “extra” commission. Yes I had all shapes, sizes and ages, even a mother and her daughter were regular customers and I had...

4 years ago
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son turned into moms sissy

My name is Barbie. Everyone calls me Barbie because I am small and I have long blond hair. I am the smallest in my class. My real name is Ashley. Before you ask, I do not like Barbie's. I never played with them. I suppose when you have hair down to your shoulders, then people think you look like a girl and call you Barbie. I am eleven years old.I got this diary today. So I might as well write in it. It is a purple one with a bear and heart on the cover. It has a lock on it. I might as well use...

3 years ago
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Cum Craved Sissy

Taking a quick look at the clock, I noticed that the delivery had run late, and I was immediately stressed at the fact that Mistress would be home shortly. I knew I didn't have time to shower, and there was certainly no time for much cleanup either. I just pealed the skin-tight jeans down, crumpled them up and buried them at the bottom of the hamper.I carefully pulled the bright yellow panties down my legs, trying not to make any more mess. I washed the creamy jism away in the sink, squeezed...

2 years ago
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Born a Sissy

Born a Sissy This is the story told by me "grandmother" and my grandson Timmy. Most of it is true and only some parts have been modified. It all started back in 1979 when Timmy was only 9 years old. He was a beautiful child that I loved dearly. Timmy's mother, my daughter, had him at the young age of 17. Being so young she was not quite ready to be a full time mother. She was just like any other teenage girl who had social obligations to meet. She was a good mother but I understood...

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Thanks Megan for the courage to comment. I like constructive criticism, and in addition, would love to be your toy! This chapter is dedicated to you!After returning to my house, I realized that our shopping trip did not accomplish what we set out to do, which was to get more panties for me to wear. So as not to disappoint Elaine, I dressed, the panties in place of course, and returned to the store. Not sure what to expect I walked slowly through the door.The salesladies smiled and said, "Look...

2 years ago
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From manager to sub sissy

Cindy was a co-worker; well actually I was Her manager. Even though I was Her manger, W/we were very close friends. As a matter of fact I still consider Her my best friend. Everyone in the office was sure that we were having an affair, but we were just friends. I must admit that I would have loved to have an ongoing affair with Her. I know that I am not near man enough for Her and I have always know that from the first time I saw Her. Eventually after being friends for many years, I...

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