Futa Fallout Fic free porn video

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War. War never changes.

Since the dawn of humankind, when our ancestors first discovered the killing power of rock and bone, blood has been spilled in the name of everything: from God to justice to profits, and plenty of times over women.

Maybe that was why when the bombs began to fall, a few of them banded together in one of the many Vaults, determined to ensure through the power of science that if a new world was born from the ashes, it would not be a world ruled by patriarchy. The patriarchy had already had its chance, and the devastation proved that it had been unworthy of its privilege.

Music plays from a gramophone on a metal table, spotted with corrosion in a bright, metal room.

You wake up to bright lights and a smiling face.

It takes several moments for you to recognize the familiar ceiling of the infirmary. Your body feels strange. As you blink and shake your head, the woman peering down at you looks relieved. She’s an older brunette with some gray in her hair, but a youthful figure and a pretty smile. She is… Dr. Clemens. Right? Right.

“Dr. Clemens,” you say.

“You remember me? Good,” she says, sitting down on her squeaky stool beside the examination table.

“What happened?” you ask, sitting up. Beside the examination table is a mirror. You look over and see yourself reflected in it, dressed only in your simple, Vault underwear. Your short, blonde hair is a sweaty mess right now. Your body is thick, but strong. Your chest is modest, but the bulge in your panties indicates a serious endowment down there.

“You bumped your head,” Clemens says.

“Hmm.” You reach back and touch your head, finding something cool and unexpected at the base of your skull. It feels like metal.

“It was bad. I was worried,” Clemens says, watching you carefully.

“I feel OK,” you say.

“You should now. And it’s a good thing. I know the Overseer wants to see you, and she’s not one to let a little concussion get in the way. Can you stand up?”

“I think so,” you say, swinging your legs off the table and preparing to try.

The metal door clangs open and two women rush through, carrying a third. She’s a petite blonde, and her face is bright red. She’s gasping.

“Whoa! What’s going on here?” Clemens asks, getting to her feet.

“She’s having another episode,” one of the women reports.

“Damn. Already?” Clemens, helps you get up and pushes you aside to make room for the blonde. The women lift her onto the table, unzipping her blue jumpsuit and peeling it off her, then sliding her white, cotton panties down her legs. Her penis isn’t very big, but it’s rock hard. It pops free and slaps against her belly. She whimpers, and it spurts a small, but thick string of cum onto her stomach. She wiggles and tears run down her face.

“It’s real bad. Watch,” one of the women says, placing her hand on the blonde’s soft breast and dragging her fingertips across the smaller woman’s skin. The blonde moans, and a second load bursts from her erection, pooling in her belly button.

“OK, stop doing that! Hold her,” Clemens orders.

“What’s wrong with her?” you ask, equal parts aroused and puzzled.

“It’s some kind of spontaneous mutation,” the doctor replies distractedly. “I can’t cure it, but I can fool her body into thinking that it’s got what it wants. That should calm her down for a while.”

“How?” you ask.

“Don’t worry about it,” Clemens replies, hiking up the skirt that she wears under her white coat and sliding her underwear down her legs. “You’re fine now, Jane. Go clean up and get dressed, then see the Overseer.”

“OK,” you say dazedly as Clemens tosses her underwear aside and climbs onto the table.

You leave the infirmary, only then realizing that got half a chubby from seeing that. A woman in a blue suit passes you in the rusty hallway. She glances down.

“Feeling OK, Jane? You look funny,” she says worriedly.

“I’m OK. Just fuzzy,” you reply. You can’t remember her name, but you know it’ll come to you. Which way to your room? This way. You make your way through the Vault, the corridors becoming more familiar as you go. You find your way to the showers, which are mostly empty. You aren’t even sure what time it is.

As you strip down and get under the cold water, you do your best to ignore the two women in the corner. One has her back to the wall and one leg up to make it easier for her partner to reach her clit with her tongue. The kneeling one masturbates enthusiastically as she licks.

You rinse off the cold, slick sweat that was covering you when you woke up. As you dry off, you listen to the woman pleading with her partner.

“Right there. That’s the spot,” she gasps.

You wrap yourself in your towel and go to your quarters, standing at the end of the hall for a long time to remember which door is yours. Steam hisses in the pipes, and you hear swing music from one of the dormitory rooms.

It takes muscle to open the heavy door to your room, and you walk face-first into heavy, rapid, desperate moaning and a thick stench of sweat and sex. Cramped little slots in the walls are where you and the others sleep, and the bunk directly below yours is packed by the bodies of two wiry brunettes. The one on the bottom has her legs wrapped around her partner, who fucks her like the world is ending.

They stop and look up as you enter, wearing identical looks of surprise on their flushed faces.

“Jane,” the one on the bottom says.

“Are you feeling better?” her partner asks, resuming her thrusting, but more slowly. The other woman’s nails dig into her pale, damp back and she hisses in pleasure.

“I think so,” you say. “I’m waking up. I just need to get dressed.”

“We were just finishing up,” the one on top assures you.

“Like hell we were,” her partner protests.

Their furious boning is anything but quiet as you go to your locker and pull out a jumpsuit. You climb into it and zip it up, stretching. How long were you unconscious? Your mind is so fuzzy, but every second you are becoming more aware and feeling more like yourself. Enough that you steal a glance when the brunette grunts and empties her load into her partner.

You stop in the doorway and look back sharply at your bunk.

You have a sudden vision so vivid that you can feel it: you in your bunk on your back, a lithe, pale body on top of yours. You see beautiful, bright red hair and feel the molten depths of a tight, slick pussy.

What a weird feeling. You shake your head and go back out into the hallway. You now remember exactly where the Overseer’s office is, and you go straight there. Like everything in the Vault, the office is cramped and dim. The Overseer sits at her desk with her computer terminal. She looks tense, but she still smiles and beckons you in. She’s about forty, always put together, and wearing bright, ruby-red lipstick and round glasses. Her hair is up, held there with a red comb.

“Jane,” she says. “You look like you’re doing better after your fall.”

You rub at the back of your neck where you feel the metal thing. You’re starting to remember more. “I think I was pushed,” you say. “Or hit.”

“That’s possible,” the Overseer replies with a nod. “I wouldn’t put it past her.”

“Past who?”

“Trixie, I would assume,” the Overseer says. “You don’t remember her? That’s not good.”

“No, I do.” Trixie, right. You’ve always hated each other, and there was a… bit of a catfight between you once. Maybe over a girl? But would she seriously attack you like this?

“But you’re OK now?” The Overseer asks, inviting you to sit.

You seat yourself in the worn, vinyl-covered chair in front of the desk. It squeaks quietly. The Overseer watches you, absently toying with the little bobblehead beside her coffee mug.

“I think so,” you say.

“Good. I have an important job for you. It’s probably the reason Trixie cold-cocked you; she wanted a head start. I sent her out today.”

“Out of the Vault?” you reply, shocked. It’s extremely rare for anyone to leave. You never have, although you’ve heard stories.

“We don’t have a choice.” The Overseer shrugs. “Jane, you know how we’ve done so well down here. It’s because of the genetic modifications that we’ve made to ourselves to adapt to living in the Vault instead of on the surface, but our gene pool down here is too small. We’re starting to see the consequences. We’re mutating faster, and not in the ways that we want. It’s not just the F.E.V. It’s our own DNA.”

You remember that girl who was brought into the infirmary.

“You think we need new blood,” you say.

“No. I wish it was that simple. We need something better than that. We need to take our modifications further. We have to correct this weakness,” the Overseer says, leaning forward intently. She points up. “Everything up there has adapted. We have to adapt too. My lab girls need more genetic material to work with. Something they don’t already have.”

“Do you mean… not human?”

“I mean that they aren’t picky. We’re going to take the strengths and leave the weaknesses behind,” the Overseer says confidently. “Trixie is collecting samples. I need you to do the same.”

“Sounds dangerous,” you say.

“You have a good head on your shoulders most of the time,” the Overseer tells you. “I chose you and Trixie for a reason. You’re resourceful. Scrappy. Most of us wouldn’t last five minutes out there, but I think you have a chance.” She watches you for your reaction. “Are you thinking about… Daisy?”

You remember that vision you had, or that memory of you in your bunk with another girl. The redhead.

“I think so,” you admit.

“You aren’t over her, are you?”

You sigh, annoyed that you can’t remember more clearly. “I guess not.”

“I have to tell you the truth, Jane. I know where Daisy went.”

Where she went? Right. Daisy left the Vault a year ago. You were devastated. She was your best friend.

“You know?” you ask, startled.

“Yes. If you need extra incentive to perform this task, I’m willing to offer you that information in exchange. If you can get us what we need to ensure that we continue to survive and thrive here in Vault F, I will give you the truth. I don’t expect you to like it. But I need your help on this one, Jane. Do you understand?”

“I guess so,” you say.

“You may need this.” She reaches into her desk and takes out a heavy, metal object. It’s like a gauntlet with a screen on it and a suspiciously smooth, padded interior. “It’s broken. I had one that worked, but Trixie has it now. You might be able to fix it or find someone who can fix it for you. It’ll come in handy out there. Not just for V.A.T.S., but for… you know.”

“OK,” you say, taking the Pip-Girl and putting it on. You try to turn it on, but nothing happens. It’s definitely broken.

“It’s dangerous up there,” the Overseer cautions you. “You already know that. You’ve heard the stories. But there’s one more thing that you have to watch out for.” She takes a bullet out of the drawer. The bullet has a bright, green, glowing tip. “We didn’t make this. Someone in some other Vault did. There are mutations up there that are extremely dangerous. This is meant to be used against them. It has about a ten percent chance of mutating a normal person, but we aren’t normal people. Our DNA has been altered by F.E.V. and by our own tinkering, and we’re all mutants. So I’m guessing there’s a one hundred percent chance that this bullet will mutate your body if it hits you. It should be reversible, but it’s still something to watch out for. You might gain a body part, lose one, or have changes to the ones that you have. If somebody shoots at you with this, you have to be extra careful.”

Great. You swallow as she puts the bullet away and hands you a small object full of tiny, plastic vials.

“That’s the DNA Intensity Cartridge Keeper Device. Or D.I.C.K. Device. Use that to check and store what you find. If you lose it, you’ll have to find another one. That thing has to be full if you want us to open the door for you when you come back,” she warns. “And you’ll want this,” she says, placing another heavy object on the desk with a clunk. It’s a long pistol with a slender barrel and a wooden grip. “It’s loaded,” she adds. “Any questions?”

“You just want me to bring back some DNA.”

“The stronger the organism, the better. The device will tell you if it’s useful or not. I have a feeling that the mutants that they designed those mutagen bullets for would be a good source of highly-evolved DNA, for example,” the Overseer explains. “It can be hair or skin or anything, although you know—classic DNA would be ideal.”

“Right,” you say.

“I know you miss Daisy.”

You ignore that. You’re offended that the Overseer has withheld information from you, but Vault F is in danger. This isn’t the time to fight.

“What happens if I run into Trixie out there?” you ask.

“I don’t want to know,” the Overseer replies with a smile.

You reach back and touch the metal object in your neck. You feel like you’re at about 95% back to normal now. Your emotions are returning. You’re pissed and Trixie, and the Overseer is right. You miss Daisy.

You aren’t thrilled about being kicked out of the Vault, but there’s a part of you that doesn’t mind. It might be safe down here, but the tight, rusty corridors never change. You enjoyed listening to stories about the surface. You’re ready to see it for yourself. Besides, this shouldn’t take very long.

“You can go whenever you’re ready,” the Overseer says.

“I’ll leave now.” You get the impression that most everyone else knows about this. The quicker you get out of here, the less time you have to spend telling people goodbye and seeing the looks of pity that they’ll give you for drawing the short straw with this mission.

You remember that vision of your bunk and the sensations of it. You can’t quite see Daisy’s face, but you feel her. You want the truth. The sooner you do this job, the sooner you can have it.

“Thank you, Jane,” the Overseer calls after you as you leave the office.

Back in your room, the smell of sex lingers, but your roommates have left.

You open your locker. You only have two outfits to choose from: your Vault Suit and your work coveralls. The Vault Suit is blue and tight, hugging your body and providing minimal protection. It looks good on you, though. The work coveralls are more rugged but less flattering.

The VAULT SUIT assigns the TALKER class, which has advantages to charisma and intelligence, granting the LOCKPICKER perk.

The WORK COVERALLS assigns the FIGHTER class, which has advantages to athletics and combat, granting the BADASS perk.

And… in addition to choosing what to wear, you should take something with you. No one in the Vault has very many possessions, but you love the two comic books that you own. You should take one of them with you for luck, but only one… there aren’t many comics in the Vault, so you should leave one in case you don’t come back. Someone else can enjoy it someday.

You have a copy of DIAGRA THE AMAZON #4 and SUSIE THE SULTRY MINX #5. On the cover of Diagra, a muscled woman with a huge cock holds a naked, blushing beauty high over her head while fighting off monsters with a sword. On the cover of Susie, the title character is on all fours wearing nothing but an apron and a sly smile. There’s a big, red handprint on her buttock and drops of moisture on her inner thighs.

DIAGRA THE AMAZON grants the following perks:

TOP (You prefer to be the one giving a pounding, but receive a combat debuff after big ejaculations)

DOM (You prefer to be in charge, but receive various debuffs when you are humiliated)

INTENSE GAZE (You are more attractive to submissive characters but less effective at seduction distractions)

HORNDOG (You receive a debuff against and are more easily deceived by sultry characters)

SUSIE THE SULTRY MINX grants the following perks:

BOTTOM (You gain a buff from receiving a pounding, but receive a penalty to stealth)

EXHIBITIONIST (you get a buff from being seen, but receive additional environmental effects)

TEASE (Makes you more attractive to dominant characters, but less authoritative)

THIRST (You receive a focus debuff against strong, assertive characters)

_You will need to choose an OUTFIT and a COMIC BOOK to leave the Vault. Vote in the comments to choose each, stating which comic and which outfit you think Jane should take with her. For more on how all this works, check out the GAME INFO PAGE, but put simply, FFF plays the same as SSS.

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Futa Naked In School 01 Futas Naked Temptation Chapter 1 Ginny Bares It All

Chapter One: Ginny Bares All By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Ginny Reynolds's Week, Monday “They have to be announcing the start of the Program,” my futa-girlfriend, Samantha, said, her arm around my shoulder. “Try not to sound so excited,” I muttered, my stomach churning as the students of Joanna Rogers College flowed across the open grounds towards the gymnasium. “I bet you want to see one of those busty girls like Claire Nowell or Janice Simms I saw you drooling over.” “Ginny,...

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Futa Naked In School 12 Futa Changes the Program 2 Birdies Hot Reward

Chapter Two: Birdie's Hot Reward By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 President Birdie McTaggart, Monday I stood poised to enter my student's twat. Twenty-year-old Lola Lovell, President of the Purity Society, whimpered as I rubbed my futa-cock up and down the hot folds of her pussy. The pleasure shot down my dick to my own cunt. I wasn't allowed to do this. It went against the Naked in School Program's rules. I was the president of Rogers College. Though the new sexual freed laws allowed...

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Futa Naked In School 04 Teachers Taboo Futa Pet Chapter 3 Johanas Taboo Punishment

Chapter Three: Johana's Taboo Punishment By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Johana Jordan's Week, Friday Since Tuesday—when I had witnessed my mother masturbate as Samantha Herbert took my cherry and fucked me with her futa-cock—my life had been in turmoil. My mother taught at my college where I was selected to attend the week naked. This was my last day of being in the Program, then I could go back to being clothed and put this disorienting week behind me. I could forget about my...

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Futa Naked In School 11 Futa Bullys Naughty Week 3 Shelenas Futa Passions Grow

Chapter Three: Shelena's Futa Passions Grow By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Shelena Lowell's Week, Thursday Guanting Chan... I couldn't get the nerdy futa out of my mind. She was what lingered in my thoughts after my gangbang by the A/V Club. That had been a wild afternoon. Not only had they filmed it, but they streamed live on the internet on the college's Twitch account. Soon, it would be edited and uploaded to YouTube with links for people to buy the DVDs of a futa-bully's first...

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Futa Naked in School 03 Futa Mvps RewardChapter 2 Futarsquos Taboo Decision

Charisma Lacy’s Week, Tuesday I felt numb as I sat naked in Coach Musil’s office. My little sister was beside me, equally as nude as me. We were both chosen to attend classes sans clothing thanks to the Program. Being naked wasn’t why I was numb. After two months of the Program running at our high school, I’d grown used to seeing naked girls and wild sex around campus. I’d even made love to my sister before our mythology class the day before. No, I was numb because of Principal McTaggart’s...

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Futa Daughters Naughty Temptation 5 FutaMommy Shares a Virgin

Chapter Five: Futa-Mommy Shares a Virgin By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Sky Marlow Are you going to let your mother control you? I thought with such disdain. Are you going to be her bitch or are you going to fuck MILFs? I glanced at the mirror on the back of Georgia Matthews's closet door. There was the naughty futa-demon. She had her big cock in her hand. She stroked it while she had this wicked gleam in her eyes. She fluttered her...

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Futa Naked In School 02 Winning the Futa Vote Chapter 3 Denices Wild Futa Delight

Chapter Three: Denice's Wild Futa Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Denice Jenning's Week, Friday My week had been crazy at Rogers College. I was chosen for the Program because was I was in the running to be my school's homecoming queen. The naughty futa-president, Ms. McTaggart, thought it would cute to have my rival, that slut Umeko Himura, and me go naked for the entire week. That was the point of the Program, to encourage young people to embrace their bodies and sexuality. To...

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Futa Naked in School 06 Futas Taboo Naked PerformanceChapter 2 Julietrsquos Naughty Futa Practice

Xochitl Estevez’s Week, Monday A nervous trepidation rippled through me as I approached my house. I could see my futa-sister’s car was in the driveway. She was already home. I swallowed, not wanting to see her. I was just glad I was clothed now. This week, I was chosen for the Program. I was thrilled when my name was called. I was eager to have fun going to classes naked for a week. I had as much sex as I could at my high school. I used all opportunities to ask for relief—a ten minute...

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Futa MILFs and Their Hot Daughters Chapter 6 FutaMommies Love Their Daughters

Chapter Six: Futa-Mommies Love Their Daughters By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Jolene Harland had a great time with her new futa-dick, but she was eager to see what her sexy mother had gotten up to. She wanted to compare notes with mommy dearest. Humming to herself, she left eighteen-year-old Ingrid Morales to scamper upstairs with a tummy full of cum. That girl was eager to see what her futa-mother was up to. Dressing quickly, Jolene Harland...

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Futa Naked in School 06 Futas Taboo Naked PerformanceChapter 3 Julietrsquos Futa Taboo Passion

Xochitl Estevez’s Week, Tuesday I was so confused. What was wrong with me? Why did that look in my futa-sister’s eyes scare me? It was so intense. I felt like if I let her kiss me, if I let her make love to me before the rest of the cast and crew for the play, I would be lost. Lost in what? I shook my head. It was so much easier when I just hated my older futa-sister. When I fumed at her for ripping off my style of tight jeans and belly shirts. When I moaned in annoyance as she fucked...

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Futa Daughters Naughty Temptation 9 Daughters Naughty Futa Scheme

Chapter Nine: Daughter's Naughty Futa Scheme By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Sky Marlow I panted, my cock buried in Mrs. Reyes's pussy. The pantyhose I'd torn through ripped a little farther across her right butt-cheek, exposing more of the golden-brown flesh beneath. It looked so hot peeking through. I grinned at that. She had a great ass. So perky and bubbly. She was perfect for my plans, but I wanted to have more fun with her. I...

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Futa Naked In School 09 Innocent Girls Futa Awakening 3 Lolas Futa Epiphany

Chapter Three: Lola's Futa Epiphany By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Lola Lovell's Week, Thursday The sharp scent jolted me awake. Smelling salts. I stared up into Nurse Luann's face. Her hazel eyes studied me. I shuddered, trembling, this embarrassed heat rushing through me. I struggled together myself. I was lying on a bed in the nurse's office. I was here because... “Oh, no,” I groaned. “I'm sorry,” she said. “I didn't mean to spring that news on you so abruptly.” “A sugar...

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Futa Daughters Naughty Temptation 14 FutaDaughter Enjoys the Reverends Wife

Chapter Fourteen: Futa-Daughter Enjoys the Reverend's Wife By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Madeline Marlow “You're like Sky?” Helena Matthews said, this look of lust flashing over her face. “The Lord sent you a futa-cock to please married women. To give them the pleasure their husbands do not provide.” One of Spice's favorite lies, Grace the Futa-Angel whispered in my mind. You need to correct her. “That's right,” I said. “A futa-angel...

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Futa Naked In School 07 The Naked Futa Problem 1 Randis Naked Futa Dilemma

Chapter One: Randi's Naked Futa Dilemma By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Randi Bjork Week, Monday Everyone was staring at me. Groping me. I trembled as I moved through the halls, resisting the urges to cover my naked tits. I was selected for the Program. Me. I knew the odds. Two girls a week, and only a fifty-fifty chance they'd select a junior as one of them made me hope I'd get through this year and next without getting selected. But I was. “Wow, I did not realize how big your tits...

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Futa Naked In School 12 Futa Changes the Program 3 Birdies Naughty Coeds

Chapter Three: Birdie's Naughty Coeds By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 President Birdie McTaggart, Tuesday Shock rippled through me to see Florinda Matos. It cut through the orgasmic bliss the titty fuck Kalena Apikalia had just delivered to me. My cum dripped down her golden-brown face and across her large breasts piled around my futa-cock. My body buzzed from my orgasmic pleasure. “How long have you been abusing your post as president to take advantage of the students?” demanded the...

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Futa Naked In School 05 Futas Naked Passion Chapter 2 Stacies Naughty Teacher Passion

Chapter Two: Stacie's Naughty Teacher Passion By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Stacie Ward's Week, Thursday Miss Castellano was the only thing making my week attending Rogers College naked bearable. It wasn't going naked in the Program that was the problem. In fact, I should have been up to my eyeballs in pussy thanks to the Program. Hell, I didn't even mind avoiding that for my girlfriend if Meaghan wasn't so clingy to me. If she wasn't around, she had one of her host of friends to...

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Futa Naked in School 12 Futa Changes the ProgramChapter 2 Birdiersquos Hot Reward

Principal Birdie McTaggart, Monday I stood poised to enter my student’s twat. Seventeen-year-old Lola Lovell, President of the Purity Society, whimpered as I rubbed my futa-cock up and down the hot folds of her pussy. The pleasure shot down my dick to my own cunt. I wasn’t allowed to do this. It went against the Naked in School Program’s rules. I was the principal of Rogers High. Though the new laws had lowered the age of consent to fourteen, the school board didn’t want staff to take...

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Futa Daughters Naughty Temptation 6 FutaDaughters MILF Rebellion

Chapter Six: Futa-Daughter's MILF Rebellion By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Sky Marlow I stood frozen at the sight of Natalie. Water spilled down my bestest friend's big tits. More gleamed on her wrist and ran down the outside of the glass she held. She had almost run into me at the base of the stairs. Her question hung in the air. “What are you doing?” she'd asked. Going to fuck that MILF across the street, I thought. But it was really...

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Futa Naked In School 01 Futas Naked Temptation Chapter 3 Ginnys Naughty Futa Revelation

Chapter Three: Ginny's Naughty Futa Revelation By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Ginny Reynolds's Week, Wednesday I huddled in my house's upstairs bathroom as the shower's spray grew colder and colder. Despite washing off all the futas' cum that had splattered my body from the gangbang, I still felt so dirty. Candice's blue eyes, peering behind her glasses, haunted me. My friend had witnessed me enjoying being fucked by all those futas. In my college's bathroom, I was taken again...

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Futa Naked In School 09 Innocent Girls Futa Awakening 2 Lolas Accepts Her Passions

Chapter Two: Lola's Accepts Her Passions By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Lola Lovell's Week, Wednesday Sandra and Asuka supported my best friend. I wiped the cum on my finger off onto my belly as Macie lay slumped in Sandra and Asuka's arms. They stood in the doorway of the class while the rest of my escort for the Purity Society gasped in the background. “Lola had sex?” “But she's supposed to be pure!” “If she couldn't do it...” “It's that pill President McTaggart made her...

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Futa Naked in School 10 Loving Her Futa GirlfriendChapter 3 Salomersquos Futa Passions Displayed

Salome Cardozo’s Week, Wednesday I hit the back button, closing my phone book app and stopping myself from calling Shelena. I threw my smartphone onto my bed. I wouldn’t give in to my lust for the bullying, Black futa and her massive girl-dick. I didn’t need her fucking my asshole any longer. I had Paloma and the kinky changes to our relationship. I flopped onto my bed and shuddered, rolling over in my covers. I just wanted to have sex with her, to try out this new delight she had for...

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Futa Daughters Naughty Temptation 4 Futa Mommys Naughty Plan

Chapter Four: Futa Mommy's Naughty Plan By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Sky Marlow I am so bored waiting for Mrs. Matthews to get here so I can fuck her brains out! I texted to my bestest best friend, Natalie. I'm going to explode. You're going for a reverend's wife and I'm going for your mom, Natalie typed back. This is one messed up day. I can't believe you and your mom had sex. That's so fucking hot. I know. I added a winky face...

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Futa Naked In School 05 Futas Naked Passion Chapter 1 Stacie Breaks the Rules

Chapter One: Stacie Breaks the Rules By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Stacie Ward's Week, Monday Winter break was over and it was back to Rogers College for the start of the next semester. The fall one had been wild. The Program had come to my school. Every week, four new students—two females and two futas—were chosen to participate. They had to attend classes naked, their flesh on display for the student body's enjoyment. You could grope them. Stroke them. Get them to pose in pictures....

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Futa Fairies Naughty GameChapter 5 Mrs Fatima Cassiersquos Surprising Delight

Mrs. Fatima Samara Water dripped off my body as I stretched my back, my large, dusky breasts thrusting before me. My toes flexed in the soft sand of the riverbank on the autumn side of the Year’s Divide. I smiled as Cassie, my teenage ally, swam the last few feet and reached the bank, crawling out on her knees. She breathed heavily, her red hair plastered to her face and shoulders, her round, underage breasts swaying. My futa-dick throbbed at the sight of her. I had a harem of teenage...

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Futa MILFs and Their Hot Daughters Chapter 5 Latina MILFs Futa Delight

Chapter Five: Latina MILF's Futa Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! At the same time, Kayleen Harland was finishing up with the next batch of her miracle substance, her daughter, Jolene, was hurriedly dressing in Mrs. Morales's living room. Jolene pulled her baggy skirt over her big futa-dick, still wet with MILF juices. She left Mrs. Morales swimming in jizz. As she rushed to the front door, she pulled on her top. Kayleen hummed away as...

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Futa Daughters Naughty Temptation 8 FutaDaughters Naughty Pics

Chapter Eight: Futa-Daughter's Naughty Pics By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Sky Marlow I sat in Mr. Tate's boring class thinking. Pondering. Plotting. I had to figure out a way to fuck Mrs. Reyes, my math teacher, before my lunch break. That was when I had thought I would do it. But, of course, my mother had to find and seduce a virgin for me to fuck. She was obsessed with keeping me from having any fun with married MILFs. So what if they...

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Futa Doctors Hot WishChapter 2 Dr Ritarsquos Futa Medicine

I rolled off my sleeping beauty, both of us breathing so heavily. Already, Nurse Pita was dressing, a big smile on the Hispanic nurse’s face. Carly Wright, my sleeping princess, had an equally large smile on her face, though hers was adorned with Pita’s tart pussy juices. The hospital room reeked of sex. It was the second time the three of us had sex tonight. The first time was right after I healed my delicious, sleeping beauty with my new, magical futa-cum. Thanks to a wish I made, Leanan...

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Futa Daughters Naughty TemptationChapter 15 Futa Mommy Saves Her Daughter

Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Sky Marlow “She’s mine!” Spice hissed. Her voice was that same melodic one I remembered from the video I’d watched in the church’s bathroom a few days ago. The futa-demon held me tight, her futa-cock buried in my ass. “I won’t let you have her.” “What the fuck is going on here?” I asked, standing in a dark void. Just moments ago, Mrs. Matthews, the reverend’s wife, had fucked me with her futa-cock and cum in me. She shouldn’t have had one, and...

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Futa Naked in School 02 Winning the Futa VoteChapter 2 Denicersquos Naughty Favors

Denice Jenning’s Week, Tuesday “Yes, yes, yes!” I moaned as Tanisha rammed her futa-dick in and out of my pussy. The African-American futa had me pinned against the lockers. She was fucking her big, Black girl-cock in and out of my cunt. My naked body pressed against her clothed flesh. She’d only hiked her skirt and shoved down her panties to fuck me. I felt her round breasts through her top, her nipples hard. “Damn, you got a hot, tight cunt!” she moaned, thrusting into me harder,...

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Futa Naked in School 08 Naughty Futa Bake SaleChapter 3 Leannrsquos Taboo Futa Understanding

Ji-Min’s Week, Saturday “And three hundred,” the brunette futa said, counting out the last twenty dollar bill to Reina, who was still manning the cash register and the only member of the student council not naked. It wasn’t just Leann, Priscilla, and myself who were naked, but our mothers, too. Before the crowds coming to our high school’s bake sale, I had not only sex with Leann, the only futa on the student council, but with my mother. Incestuous sex had abounded. Leann had fucked us all,...

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Futa Naked in School 11 Futa Bullys Naughty WeekChapter 2 Shelenarsquos Naughty Offer

Shelena Lowell’s Week, Tuesday I couldn’t believe I was crying. Me! I leaned against the wall in the second-floor corridor, Guanting Chan’s futa-cum leaking out of my pussy. Tears spilled down my cheeks as I struggled to get my emotions under control. Anger boiled through me at the mocking laughter that had surrounded me in the cafeteria. All my life, I had been in charge. The tallest and fastest futa on the team. The one with the biggest cock. Girls were all sluts for my dick even when...

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Futa MILFs and Their Hot Daughters Chapter 3 Futa the Latina Daughter

Chapter Three: Futa & the Latina Daughter By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Jolene Harland shuddered as she injected herself with the solution she and her mother had been working on. Pheromones. Lesbian pheromones. To Jolene, those were the greatest type of pheromones. A heady aroma that would arouse and entice other females. Awaken them to all sorts of possibilities that existed. All sorts of heady delights that Jolene could share with...

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Futa Naked in School 11 Futa Bullys Naughty WeekChapter 3 Shelenarsquos Futa Passions Grow

Shelena Lowell’s Week, Thursday Guanting Chan... I couldn’t get the nerdy futa out of my mind. She was what lingered in my thoughts after my gangbang by the A/V Club. That had been a wild afternoon. Not only had they filmed it, but they streamed live on the internet on the school’s Twitch account. Soon, it would be edited and uploaded to YouTube with links for people to buy the DVDs of a futa-bully’s first gangbang. And all I could think about was Guanting Chan. There was no denying that...

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Futa Naked in School 04 Teachers Taboo Futa PetChapter 2 Johanarsquos Naughty Futa Demonstration

Johana Jordan’s Week, Monday I splashed the cold water on my face, wiping away the tangy pussy juices from my mother. My naked body quivered, my small breasts jiggling, my futa-cock softening, soaked in Genevieve’s cream. My mind was reeling from what just happened. I was in the Program this week at Rogers High School. My body trembled as that thought alone had me shivering. I wasn’t the most popular futa, and going naked had been a day of teasing after I had accidentally ejaculated...

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Futa Fairies Naughty GameChapter 7 Becca Keilys Futa Fun

Becca Brittany Even knowing there was someone behind the rock, responsible for that explosion of golden light I witness, I still almost jumped out of my skin when the slender, auburn-haired teenager bounded out from behind it. I jumped, my big tits, soaked by my swim across the river, heaved before me while my futa-cock smacked into my wet belly. The girl gave me a mischievous grin, pushing up her glasses as she said, “Thank god you’re not with Summer!” My heart fluttered a mile a minute....

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Futa Daughters Naughty Temptation 10 FutaMommy and the Hot MILF

Chapter Ten: Futa-Mommy and the Hot MILF By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Madeline Marlow I stared in shock at Lupita Reyes, the math professor, staring with horror and disgust at us. She had caught me getting ass-fucked by my futa-daughter while I licked out Aoi's pussy, making the student cum on my face. Her cream dripped down my chin. “Madeline Marlow!” Lupita gasped in shock. “You're fucking the students. What is wrong with you? And one of...

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