I Shall Fuck Your Corpse Tonight! free porn video

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WARNING!! This is an ultra-violent, extremely gory, and very fucked up torture/guro story. Do NOT read if you’ve got weak stomach or if you’re offended by such content!!! To all the others, let’s get this party started! I’ll bring out the meat grinder and the lesbians dressed as sows!! ^_^

“Greetings whomever reads this,

Who I am, does not matter at the moment. I am not going to explain my motives, nor will I tell about myself. I am merely going to tell you what’s happening to my beloved doll after what took nearly months to prepare. You may know me or you may not… and if by a strange twist of fate, you will somehow recognize me… I’ve already put that into consideration, and I’ll be visiting your house very, very soon.” – Direct quote from the letter found in the crime scene.


From my hiding spot, I watch my precious doll of tumbling flesh, Kari Kamiya, as she prepares to leave school. I see her, talking idly with her friends as she leaves the school grounds; whether or not she’s heading home doesn’t matter to me. All that matters is that she’s alone. I can only assume that no one is aware of what’s going on. This is just what I wanted; nothing would get in my way, now.

I wait for what seems like forever, ‘til the crowd at the school would disperse, leaving just me, and her. I would then climb out of my van, chloroform rag in hand, and sneak around behind her. I made sure not to make a single sound; I didn’t even breathe, for fear of startling my precious. Once I was close enough, I would reach out, taking her by the hips and drawing her towards me before my free hand would pull the rag up to her face. She lets out a ruffled scream, before the chemical takes its hold, and she passes out in my arms. Oh, the thrill of it, the rush of adrenaline. The tingling feeling that coursed through every bone of my body. Even though I’ve done this once before, the sensation would never grow old.

She would wake up several hours later, in the safety of my house. I watched her from my chair as she slowly rubs her eyes, taking everything in. I could tell by the look on her face that her senses were still dull from the chloroform.

“Well hello, Miss Kari. How nice of you to finally wake up.” I tell her calmly as I grab the remote control from the coffee table, and stand up. She cries out my name as I walk into her sights, and it made me so glad that she remembered me.

“What’s going on?!” she cries out, pure terror echoing through her voice. “W-where am I? What are you going to do?”

“Don’t worry.” I assure her, a warm smile creeping across my lips as I slowly raise the remote before pointing it over to the nearby TV, finger lowering to press the ‘play’ button. “Just relax, and watch a homemade video with me.”

The gasps and screams that escaped her lips as she watched the short film of my ‘visit’ with Sora was priceless. There was no sound coming from the television, but it was easy to tell when she screamed, because every time Sora would open her blood covered mouth, one could clearly see her mutilated tongue, that I had carefully peeled open with an old potato peeler. She was screaming as loud as she could while I raped her, blood gushing from her freshly popped cherry. The grip I had on her hips was iron-tight, while I pushed her up and down on my long member. Her hands and feet would struggle in a vain attempt to free herself from me, but the thick leather bindings refused to even budge. I could remember the moment perfectly, how I had told her how much of a big, filthy slut she was, and how she always wanted someone to come along, and rape her just like this. With a smirk plastered across my face, I would raise my hands around her scrawny neck, and she would make a final gasp, her limbs flailing about, before she would go still as she fell unconscious.

I stood with Kari in silence for a second, letting it all sink in. I set my hand down on top of her head, fingers carefully darting through her hair, stroking her tenderly. “That was just a few days ago... didn’t you wonder where she went when she just disappeared?”

It was at this point she began to breakdown, tears pouring from her eyes as she lowered her head, unable to look up at me, or the screen, anymore. “Y-yes… b-but… I never expected this…”

I pulled back on her hair roughly, bringing her face back up to the television, forcing her to watch the last of the movie. The screen would flicker just a bit as I pulled out my knife, and would slowly bring it up to the flesh of Sora’s stomach. I began to slowly withdraw my throbbing prick from her hole as the sharp end of the blade pierced through her skin, tearing open a large hole in her gut. I quickly discarded the knife, and went about prying open the wound further with my bare hands, her warm intestines falling into my lap. I would smile broadly for the camera as he began to slowly fuck those beautiful bleeding guts of hers, whispering softly ‘Fucking whore, even your insides beg for dick’, though Kari wouldn’t be able to hear this.

That slut Sora was gurgling at this point, her eyes glazing over as she stared at ceiling. Blood poured from her mouth, and down her chin, mixed with saliva. She was already pissing herself, her body barely able to cling onto the few strands of life I had left her. It wasn’t long before I would start to cum, my warm fluid filling her insides, staining them a bright white. I began to pull myself away from her, as my hands moved down to feel her pulse; her heart was still beating, but just barely. She didn’t have much longer to go.

The movie ended as I rose from her near dead body, her flesh stained with saliva, blood, and semen. My mind would wonder which one of my tortures was the final straw that broke her will to live, but I didn’t care. She wasn’t the one I had my eyes on. She was merely a tool used to shock my sweet Kari… The one I had always wanted to hold.

Kari began to scream hysterically, tears streaming down her face as she shook her head, arms moving about to try to escape my grasp. She actually put up a bit of a fight, so I had to withdraw my knife from me belt, and held it up against her throat, the sharp blade breaking her skin, causing a few drops of blood to spill out. It calmed her down greatly, for the time being.

“P-please… Don’t kill me...” she begged, teary eyes looking up at me, “Please... I-I’ll do whatever you want...”

With a satisfied smirk on my face, I took her hand and walked her over to my drawer of ‘toys’, knife still positioned carefully against her throat. I opened one of the drawers with my knee, and looked over my available options. After a brief second, I saw something that was just perfect for this occasion.

“Remove your shirt.” I instructed, letting go of her hand as I turned to face her shivering body. “And your bra.”

My precious did exactly as I told her, and slowly lifted her shirt up over her head. I pointed for her to throw it down behind her, and she did before unhooking the clamps to her bra, it falling onto the ground, bringing her small, cute tits into view. She was really crying hard, at this point… poor girl must have really thought I was going to kill her now. She was wrong… I wasn’t going to kill her anytime soon…

Slowly, I lifted up a simple fishing hook from the drawer, and before she could react, I quickly drove it into her left breast, near the nipple area. She screamed, and tried to stop me, driving the knife against her neck in just a bit more. She quickly realized that her struggling only made the hook, and knife, hurt more. Once the hook was completely through her breast, I began to do the same with the mound, while she screamed and quivered in sheer agony.

“You’re the first girl I was able to give a tit piercing. Isn’t that something to be proud of?” I taunt, and she’s only able to whimper and mumble out of fear.

With a quick push, I knocked her onto the floor, reaching into the drawer to pull out a pair of leather belts. She groaned, as she slowly tried to rise, and I went down on my haunches, taking hold of her arms and legs, carefully tying her up. All the while, my free hand would start to gently caress her feet, slowly pulling off the shoes, then the socks. Once her legs were tied, I began to tickle her feet just a bit; her feet were always one of her more sensitive spots, and I wanted to see which part of her feet were the most ticklish. It wasn’t long before her fits of uncontrollable laughter told me I found it. I got up from my spot, and went back to the drawer, digging around in it till I found a bag of thumbtacks. These were just perfect! I went back down to her feet, and began to pull out the tacks, before slowly driving them into the soft flesh, one by one. She struggled, crying out in pain, a few laughs still escaping her throat. With feet like this, she wouldn’t be able to run away from me.

I then withdrew my knife once more, and walked over towards her hands. I slowly drove the knife underneath her pinky nail, and began to pry it off, taking my sweet time to make sure she felt it. I moved from nail to nail, pulling them off, Kari’s sweet howls of excruciation. Once her nails were removed, I reached into the drawer a final time, taking out a metal tong. I brought it down to her fingers, wrapping it around her pinky finger, before snapping, her bone cracking completely. After repeating the process on each finger, she passed out, from a mix of pain, and fear.

Oh, but the fun was just about to begin.


After opening the unconscious Kari’s restraints, and using them to tie her arms more firmly behind her neck, I carried her towards a large hook, hanging from the ceiling. I lifted her up, and ran the hook through the one of the notches of the belt, so that her arms were pointing all the way up. I them dress up my precious doll, by putting on spiked ankle clamps, the spikes piercing her ankles easily. Her eyebrows flinched, but she didn’t wake up. Pity. After taking another moment to bind her more securely with a few bits of rope, I took hold of a long, metallic cane, which I had glued several razor blades to the tip.

The first few whips from the cane drove the blades deep into her young, tender flesh, waking her up as she screamed in agony, body flailing around on the hook, while I whipped at her again. And again. Huge chucks of meat flew everywhere with each blow. She screamed and cried, her voice almost completely gone from all the screaming. I moved around behind her, to strike at her ass, now. Again, and again.

After... I don’t know thirty or so attacks, I stopped to admire my work. Her back was an unrecognizable mass of flesh, blood oozing and dripping down the bones that were sticking out of her disfigured form. I looked down at her but, and sneered at the missing pieces. She was like a pig that had just returned from the butcher, and I thought she was lucky, to have not died already from blood loss.

Not yet, Kari. You deserve better.

Her scared eyes followed my hands while I reached down, and pulled up my electric drill. She was barely able to shake her head, blood pouring down from her mouth. I turned the drill on, and let it hum for a long moment, just to let Kari listen to its gentle music, which she was obviously so afraid of.

I drilled a bolt straight through her foot, then another one, only slightly higher... then another one, just inches below her bloody and weak ankle. I drilled an equal amount of bolts through her other foot, as well. And then, without warning, I took my knife, and cut the belt that she was hanging from.

Kari dropped like a rock, crashing down on her feet, which was too much of a burden for her new, weakened form. Her ankles snapped off from the clamps that bound her, her leaving only bloody stumps. She cried it absolute terror as she glanced down at her mutilated legs.

“Oh, God! Kill me! Kill me please! IT HUUURTS! ” she screamed with a muffled voice, as she tried to weakly kick with the remains of her feet.

I couldn’t help but smile as I took hold of yet another hook; rope tied through its other end, and pushed it through her pussy and clitoris, then yanked up on the rope. She howled in anguish, and found herself forced up, to try to stand on her bloody stumps. Her legs did nothing, of course, and she slipped backwards, only to have her genitals torn to shreds. She whimpered in pain, as her voice grew, gradually, weaker and weaker, her blood starting to flow much slower. She was rapidly becoming pale, and her spasms were starting to weaken.

I took hold of her blood-stained body, carried her to the kitchen, tossing her into a large, iron container of hot, salty brine. She slowly sank into it, where she would boil like a lobster, although much slower, and therefore, more painfully.

Incredibly, her eyes opened and she screamed as she, again, desperately tried to escape. The salty liquid did not give her any mercy, and neither did I. While standing there, I smiled, watching her struggles go weaker. Soon, Kari was finally dead.

Once her tender flesh was fully cooked, I pulled her carcass out. I threw her onto the table, took hold of my fork, and unzipped my pants. I started to slowly eat her warm meat, while my free hand reached down, and I started to masturbate.


I moaned, while eating more of her flesh, enjoying her taste. No steak dinner was like this.

Oh Kari… Kari…

I took a bite on the remains of her tits, and ate through her body.

Kari you’re in me… Kari’s in me…

The images of Kari screaming and twitching in agony came back to my head. How she had begged and pleaded to me to end her misery.

I came.


So who was the killer? Prime suspects are TK and Davis, both of who had a huge crush on Kari. Upon never receiving the same sort of a love back, perhaps either of them could commit such an act? Could denied love have such an effect on people we thought could never be capable of acts of violence?

However, we cannot pass up the possibility of another person, such as Matt, Izzy, or even Tai. What could possibly be their motivation? Why would they want to kill and mutilate both Kari and Sora? Could the motivations be similar to that of TK’s and Davis’ possible motives?

And we can’t ever turn down the possibility that the killer may be just a nameless classmate, just a random person sharing the same class with Kari. Just somebody who no one paid attention to.

We may never truly know who did it. And that’s the true horror behind the story; we may never really know who may be the death to any of us. Could it be someone we trust and care for? Could it be someone we hardly know, someone we only see sometimes? How well do you know your friends and the people around you?

Have a nice day.


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When I paid my bill I got up and got on the elevator to go up to my room. Just before the doors closed a hand shot through the gap to hold the lift. The man from the bar quietly boarded and gave me a polite nod of greeting. He reached for the panel but saw that I'd already pressed the button for his floor. "Fourteen?" he asked in a calm tone. I nodded and waited for the box to jolt to life. We got to our floor without any other stops and we both stepped out and headed in the same...

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Fucken Hmong Bitch from Milwakee

I know what you guys are saying. Oh it the same thing every single time. You know the saying "This is 100% Real." As much as I want to say that. It is you to judge if it is real or not. But I'm going to say. This is 100% Real.So back in the day around 2007, I got my heart broken by a bitch and I decided "Fuck it, I going to just go around fucking bitches." During that time I got a boy that lived in Milwaukee, WI. He and I were tight because we use to kick when we were k**s. Any whores, He...

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his fuckmeat

he says....being having some nasty thoughts involving you. nothing much nice. just you, as a non-willing participant. for example, right now, i could see you fastened in some way....hands in like stocks....feet trapped too in some way. i come up behind you. while there might be buttons and clasps, i just want to use you. so i tear or cut-off relevant pieces of clothing. you can turn your head, maybe, but with hands and feet trapped behind these boards of wood. you cannot...

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PAMELA I THE WEEKEND She was nervous. And, yes, frightened. But the fright only added to thelittle worm of excitement that was wriggling inside her, making her nipples hardand keeping her pussy damp. She was dressed, according to his instructions, in atight blouse and a very short miniskirt. That was all she had on, except for hershoes. No underwear, he had stipulated. Nothing else on her body. No jewelry, norings, no wristwatch. Just...

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Three Fuckings In A Row With Raman

We had to shift from the village while my father was transferred from the block office to join at Bhubaneswar on a promotion.My transfer certificate was taken from the village school and admitted in the Govt. school. I was excited to see the huge school building and large number of students reading in the school.The premises was wide spread.My village school was very small with thatched school rooms with very few teachers and students. At the tiffin break I could notice that a group of boys are...

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Livein With Fuckbuddy

Hello friends! How are you all? This is Daksh Kashyap (engineer-IIT Bombay) once again to share my new story. Please read to know about my sexual experiences. This story is of last year. In May, I have shared my sex experiences on ISS. I got lots of messages, mostly from married girls. But some wanted just sex chat, and those who wanted sex were from other cities. Finally, one day I got a message from Surabhi, who was from Mumbai and wanted real sex. We started talking on hangout. She was from...

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The motherfuckers Part 4

Part 3 : https://xhamster.com/stories/the-motherfuckers-part-3-898260Mom and son step out of the shower and dry each other off. Carole has picked out the light blue g-string and matching light blue heels, not bothering with a top. Hell, everyone will probably be naked anyway! Ricky is wearing a pair of the sexy striped jockeys that Jojolove had recommended."Mom, look, we look different, don't we?""Yes...we are now...Mr and Mrs...Motherfucker!"Holding hands they walk down the hall and into the...

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A Clusterfuck weekend

“If you want us to do it, you must first suck off Andy,” came the challenge from my wife Marianne. Our friends, Andy en Lynette, were visiting us for the weekend in Cape Town. We were sunbathing on the sundeck of our beautiful home next to Table Mountain. We could see the city and the ocean in the background. The women, Marianne and Lynette, took off the bikini tops a while ago. Their itsy-bitsy string bikini bottoms barely covered their aroused pussies. Andy’s and my erect cocks in our...

2 years ago
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Little Humiliation Fucktoy

Introduction: Life of a secret humiliation fucktoy. This is the longest erotic story Ive written thus far, and so Im really excited to post it. Im sorry about any spelling/grammatical errors, though I did give it a quick edit. I love writing stories about humiliation and bdsm, so if you all like this, Ill be sure to write up some more. Be sure to leave a comment if you liked it or have any suggestions. Enjoy! ________________ Little Humiliation Fucktoy Hed told me hed call me whenever, so I...

3 years ago
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Shall Wwe Begin

Shall W/we Begin?As if in a dream I enter the dimly lit room, looking about as the glow from the candles reflect off the shiny metal objects adorning the surrounding walls. I shiver imagining what these sharped toothed, jagged edged devices are used for as I look from one to the next.  Remembering Your words describing this "special" room as Your torture chamber I bite my lip finally fully understanding the meaning to that statement. Walking further into the chamber I move through the play of...

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Shall We Dance

Shall We Dance? Fresh from the shower, I pad out of the bathroom naked, trailing wisps ofsteam. I head toward the bedroom to see what you've selected for me this evening.The garter belt and stockings are no surprise. The dress you've selected is.It's a slinky cocktail dress with an off-the-shoulder black lycra top thatclings to my curves and then flares into a short, flouncy, skirt that barelyfalls to mid-thigh. I haven't worn that since New Years. The shoes next tothe bed are the Brazilian...

1 year ago
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Pure Frat Fuckmeat

This is the pure fuckmeat of our story, as she arrived at a "work" place. The red? Well, you can imagine bright blue, pink, jet black, etc, for she had those colors in similar ultra-short styles.Not just for work, she walked all over campus in this type of dress.Outfits like the above? Fairly common on campuses of the late sixties and early seventies.When your wife does real prostitute duties, it is rare or impossible for the husband to watch those duties being done. All those other guys are...

2 years ago
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This is what happens if you are brave enough to meet a man from an internet chat room ;-)Its 2 am in the morning.You follow the careful instructions and park your car in private car park. You are in the parking space you have been told to park in. You are next to a nice set of modern 2 story flats in a nice part of Ealing.. Your phone rings and I give you your next set of instructions.I tell you I can see you sitting in your car. You must remove all your clothes immediately.Reluctantly you do...

3 years ago
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Little Humiliation Fucktoy

________________ Little Humiliation Fucktoy He'd told me he'd call me whenever, so I expected him even when I went out. Today was one such day, I was out with my family, shopping at a mall when I got the call. I picked it up, lagging behind a bit. 'Hello?' 'Hey fuck toy, meet me in the largest stall in the men's bathroom in 2 minutes, pronto. I've left a bag in there, put all your clothes into it and be on all fours when I get there.' With that, he hung up, leaving me...

3 years ago
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FaceFuck CuckSucker Gay

Ever since I became interested in guys, I've wanted their cock in my mouth. And I've fantasized about not just sucking a cock, but letting a guy use my mouth. A completely submissive facefuck. Since my divorce, I'd sucked three guys and I found two things: letting a guy suck me was a turn off and having a guy work my face, moving his cock back and forth in my mouth, was a major turn on.So for guy number four, I hit up a guy on a male hook-up site who was a total top who only wanted oral with no...

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My First Facefuck

Ever since i have became interested in guys, all I've wanted for as long as i can remember is it to know what it feels like to have a cock sliding down my throat. i fantasised about sucking a cock for such a long time, but not just thoughts about sucking a cock i have wanted to be facefucked hard , and i mean really hard, i was dreaming about getting put on a desk upside down and getting my skull fucked so hard and sloppy that my face is covered in so much sperm and saliva that a can't open my...

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How i met Mariela my titfuck fwb

So back in December 2019 i was on this adult dating site called fling.com when i found her. On her profile she was looking for a "sugar daddy" or someone to help her with her financial problems. On her proflie she wrote "Latina woman with 44hhh breast looking for help". So i wrote her a message offering her $100 to sent me more pictures of her breast in different bras and colors. She liked the offer and accepted we exchanged numbers and i got 15 pictures of her breast for $100.So we text and...

2 years ago
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How Michelle Became A Fucktoy Chapter 1

Michelle Barton had been secretly seeing Dave for several months. They had to keep their relationship private for several reasons. First off, Dave was her father's best friend and was forty-one years old - twenty-four years older than she was. Secondly, Dave was married, and his wife and her mother were also very close friends. And thirdly, Michelle's parents had something of a standing in their quiet, conservative neighborhood of Pinellas Park, Florida. Members of Sacred Heart Catholic Church,...

3 years ago
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The motherfuckers Part 3

Part 1 : https://xhamster.com/stories/the-motherfuckers-part-1-897362Part 2 : https://xhamster.com/stories/the-motherfuckers-part-2-897364Friday afternoon after school couldn't come soon enough! Mother and son each packed a large suitcase for the long and hopefully sex filled weekend ahead. Carole had packed all of her new outfits, each with her new matching 5 inch fuck me stilettos. She brought all of the new sexy boy briefs for Ricky. She couldn't wait to see the other mothers' eyes light up...

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Marshalls Story

Marshall's Story By Margaret Jeanette Mandy Tower was frustrated. She and her husband Marshall had just made love and she was unfulfilled. He just didn't please her. He hadn't even once during the fifteen months they were married. She remembered Scott Hill from high school. Now he could satisfy you. She wondered where he was now. Marshall was five foot five and slim. He knew he didn't have the biggest equipment down below but he never thought he wasn't...

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JessiKa and Serana Part IV Two Gangbangs One Fuckhole

At this point in the sex story, I have done quite a few things that involved me getting fucked in the ass by women with huge strapons and transwomen with huge cocks. I have gotten my ass double penetrated by two women with two huge strapons and by two transwomen with huge cocks. I've always wanted to try having double anal sex and I'm glad that I did because its now one of my favorite things to do. I have gotten anally fisted by JessiKa who shoved her entire arm all the way up inside of...

2 years ago
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Pure Frat Fuckmeat

This is the meat that was provided on that late summer day...When your wife does real prostitute duties, it is rare or impossible for the husband to watch those duties being done. All those other guys are working on their own fantasies. Directly or indirectly, they are paying for the services. And entertaining the boyfriend, fiancee or spouse is not on their list.That is why I could only hear of most encounters, or get the rare extra photo that was given to my wife. I became used to dropping...

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Used as FUCKMEAT Part2

You see a large collection of toys on the bed. There are leather cuffs, chains, dildos, but plugs, vibrators, and a plug-in massager. In the corner is a wooden chair with rope on it. I stand behind you and uncuff your hands. I cup and squeeze your tits and slowing kiss your neck and whisper 'You are my lil FUCKMEAT slut for the rest of the night' You can feel my hardness pressing against your arse. I push you forwards towards the bed, when your legs hit the edge of the bed I shove you forwards...

1 year ago
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Fucky Friday

--- Fucky Friday (F-solo, MF, mf, Mf, mF, con, impreg) by Krosis of the Collective --- Prologue -------- Lindsay moaned, slipping two fingers into the folds of her pussy. Umm! She arched her back off the bed to get greater penetration from her wet digits. Her other hand massaged her teenage breasts, squeezing the medium-size mounds and tweaking the nipples. She was so close... Jamie moaned, slipping two fingers into the folds of her vagina. Hmm! She arched her back off...

4 years ago
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How Michelle Became A Fucktoy Chapter 2

Michelle and Dave began to see each other fairly regularly after that. However, they still had to keep their affair secret. Dave stood to lose a lot if the word got out about his fucking his employee's barely-legal daughter. His marriage, his job, his family would all be gone. Being in the advertising business, he knew what this would do to any chance of finding another job as well. Even moving wouldn't make it less painful... this was something that would follow him no matter how far he moved...

3 years ago
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Good Girl Gone Bad Part 13 Fucktoy Frenzy

After my boyfriend left me I decided that I was would be an unapologetic slut and let go of my inhibitions. I had all of these desires, and decided to no longer suppress them. The first few months were a whirlwind, having sex with my older married neighbor, my ex-boss, being gang banged more than once, fucking complete strangers, being a sub for my boyfriend's old boss and loving it, and so many more. I went from having sex with three men in my entire life to having sex with dozens of men in...

Group Sex
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Becoming Daddys Perfect Fucktoy 2

Chapter 1 Bad Dreams AAAAHHHHHHH! The ear piercing scream woke me suddenly from my sleep, bolting upright in bed and after just milliseconds while I wondered where I was, I shot up and bolted from the bedroom and out into the hall heading straight to Sophie’s room. I quickly got to her bedroom to find her standing next to her bed in tears and shaking, I was there in an instant hugging her petite body tight to myself, kissing the top of her head. “There, there darling, it was just a bad...

1 year ago
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The motherfuckers Part 1

It had taken Carole Baker quite a bit of mental gymnastics to get to this step. It seemed that lately a lot of things were happening in her life since the divorce. The blonde mother of a teenage boy had finally jettisoned her abusive husband and had decided that the best way to get totally away from him was to sell the house and move out of town. She was starting over in a new city, as far away from that fucking bastard as possible. Thinking back she wasn't quite sure how she and her 18 year...

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